EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Texas Wesleyan University is a private, Methodist school located in Fort Worth, TX. As a result of its size and location, Texas Wesleyan is currently struggling with awareness of community and campus organizations. This campaign was drafted to help remedy this situation. One way to help aid Wesleyan is by utilizing The Rambler Media Group, comprised of Rambler TV, Rambler print and online publication, and Rambler Integrated Media Group, organizations dedicated to help communicate campus news and events to students on campus. These entities combined will host a Halloween Event titled The Orange and Black Affair, with the intent to build awareness for RMG clientele, as well as themselves (newspaper, TV, and PR Group) while educating the Wesleyan community on ways to help students understand their resources and campus news outlets. Furthermore, the tactics outlined in this campaign will also help the targeted audiences understand the key message of Wesleyan’s current movement: “Smaller. Smarter.”
The mission of Texas Wesleyan is to develop students to their full potential as individuals and as members of the world community. Structure and Identity Texas Wesleyan founded in 1890 in Fort Worth, is a United Methodist institution with a tradition in the liberal arts and sciences and a focus on professional and career preparation. Target Audiences:
Campus Students-Commuters
Campus Students-Traditional
Campus Students-On campus
Campus Students-Non Traditional
Campus Faculty
Campus Staff
Campus Organizations
Ram MG Clients
Current students
Local businesses
Research Plan
Primary Research: Weekly meetings with Associate Professor of Mass Communications Kay Colley. Meetings began August 2013. Every Wednesday morning at 8am. Meetings concluded in December 2013. Secondary Research: Social Media: •
Targeted audience unaware of social media outlets RMG utilizes.
RMG and its Entities (IMG, TV, and Print Publication) •
Student led organizations
Promotes professionalism and provides ‘real world’ practice in dealing with
clients. .
Website Analysis
Campus news events/stories
Lack of commentary
No social media icons
Goal To increase awareness throughout the campus and surrounding Fort Worth community and current/potential clients by January 1, 2014. Impact objectives
To increase awareness by 25% among targeted audience outlined in this campaign by January 1, 2014
Output objectives To increase participation in RMG’s social media according to the following by January 1, 2014:
Facebook likes increase from 50 to 75.
Twitter followers increase to 150.
To increase website visits by April 1, 2014:
Drive visitors to website for information regarding: -Campus News -Entertainment -Sports -Events
Tactic 1: Social Media, Facebook
Facebook Ram IMG does have a Facebook page; however, it is not being utilized as regularly as necessary. The following will help IMG become a more recognized name among the target audiences.
This campaign will implement daily usage of Facebook by: -Current Account Executives (Ryan Ellison, Belma Humic)
Facebook improvements should begin immediately given upcoming events:
-Graduation is December 2013 -Sporting events -Campus Events
Facebook improvements should be continually updated through the summer on a weekly basis.
This campaign will implement ‘liking’ other organizations’ pages: -Current Clientele -Campus Organizations -Prospective Clients
Posting frequent (minimum of once a day) and random (occurring sporadically) status updates: -Photo gallery can be improved by:
Adding photos of campus and surroundings
Utilize student projects to acquire photos
Adding photos of students in a classroom and activities setting
Adding posts of a student “quote of the day”
Campus Organization events
Client promotions/specials/deals
Commenting on other pages
Engaging others in conversation
BUDGET: $0.00 Tactic 2: Social Media, Twitter
IMG currently has a Twitter account. This particular social media outlet is positively trending, making it a more popular form of communicating.
This campaign will implement daily usage of twitter by: -Current Account Executive (Ryan Ellison, Belma Humic)
Account Features: -The school logo on the Twitter account -Announce daily events
Follow local organizations: -Current Clientele -Campus Organizations -Prospective Clients
Obtain followers -Add the Twitter icon to the website ( -Add the Twitter icon to the Facebook page (
Re-tweeting updates from others will help gain recognition and more followers BUDGET: $0.00
Tactic 3: Event Event: Orange and Black Affair Strategies:
Ram Media Group will host an event catered to targeted audience.
This event will be named the Orange and Black Affair and will allow targeted audience to fellowship and gain awareness of the Media Groups.
The event is set to occur October 31, 2013 from 12:15p-1:15p at on the mall area in from of West Library, located on the Texas Wesleyan University main campus.
Admission into the event will have no charge
Campesino’s, a RMG client, will provide food catered from their restaurant food truck (cost of refreshments to be determined by client).
7 bags of candy (approximately $20.00 total) at Walmart (Berry St.)
4 pumpkins and 2 pumpkin carving kits
This event will include the following: Campesino’s Vending Contact Person: Louie (phone number on file with Rambler Staff) Owner of Campesino’s Restaurant. BUDGET: approximately $100.00 (tax not included, Mall reservation is no charge for Texas Wesleyan organizations)
Set Budget: $100.00
Event materials---------------------$100.00