Treasurer's Tea (August)

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Yours in Service, Ivan Tran | D-Treasurer 22-23

A bit about me, I started my KIWIN’S journey when I was a little baby freshman. After I attended my first district event, Fall Rally South, I knew I was in it for the long run. I became a club Treasurer, then Ruby LT.G, and BAM! District Treasurer! I can’t I hope you guys are having a swell time as school starts up again. Be diligent and do your very best! Our ohana and I Special shoutout to BEN SU from the JADE DIVISION! Thank you so much for creating this newsletter template. Your talent is I can’t wait to meet all of you and see what we What’s up KIWIN’S?!? DISTRICT TREAS.


My name is Ivan Tran and I proudly serve as the District Treasurer for the 2022-23 term! Welcome to our first Treasurer Newsletter of the term!

TABLE OF CONTENTS Treasurer Responsibilities … 1 Treasurer Report Form … 2 What are Dues? … 3 Save the Date! 4 District Projects & Goals … CNH KIWIN’S Map

Information Areyouready?

The Club Treasurer plays an essential role on the club board. They are in charge of initiating fundraisers, accurately recording expenditures and income, managing the club budget, and assisting the Club Secretary with collecting dues eventstheirMembershipandreportingthemintotheUpdateCenter(MUC).ClubTreasurerswillrepresentclubatclubanddivisionalthroughouttheterm. 1 KIWI7 @ International Convention 2022

Weekly Responsibilities ● Attend KIWIN’S Club General Meetings ● Accurately record and present expenditures and income from the week ● Collect membership dues, assist Secretary in recording and reporting them into the MUC ● Send dues to Key Club International ● Pay bills approved by club board and advisor Monthly Responsibilities ● Complete the Treasurer Report Form (TRF) ● Schedule bi-monthly call with District Treasurer ● Coordinate fundraisers which contribute towards District Emphasis and Governor’s Project ● Keep accurate records of fundraiser profits and expenses ● Accurately record and present expenditures from the month ● Keep track of club membership growth General Responsibilities ● Assist club board in finding service events ● Provide fundraiser ideas and inputs ● Attend club service events! ● Receive financial advice from club faculty 2 ● Encourage students to join CNH KIWIN’S and pay their dues! ● Connect with surrounding Kiwanis Family! ● Create an ohana within your community that welcomes everyone! ● Apply for Treasurer!Distinguished

2022-23 TREASURER REPORT FORM (TRF) 3 What does each shaded area mean? PURPLE: Complete this section with your information, such as your name, school, and division. BLUE: Set goals with your club regarding the amount of paid members before Fall Rally, PTP Funds, Governor’s Project Funds, and Club Funds! ORANGE: Use numerical values to input your club balance, amount of dues-paid members, numbers of fundraisers held and amount of money raised, along with how much money your club has submitted to the District Office. Write Yes or No as to if your club has accessed the MUC. GREEN: Elaborate on your experiences! Questions include your MUC lastmonth,additionalwouldseeandhaveofduringfundraising,difficulties/successesexperiences,intopicstoreviewTreasurerCalls,branchesyourlocalK-Famthatyoubeencollaboratingwith,resourcesyouwouldliketoduringtheterm.Ifyouliketoscheduleancallduringthepleaseincludeitinthequestionbox.

WHAT ARE DUES? Key Club International (KCI) is a huge worldwide service organization! To KIWIN’Sthebetweenmustkeepitupandrunning,wepaydues!Duesare$14-$21.HereisbreakdownoftheCNHannualdues! WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF PAYING DUES? 4 Eligible to: ● Run for leadership positions ● Attend district events ○ DCON, Fally Rally, Knotts ● Apply for scholarships! ○ KIWIN’s and Key Club International ● ● Receive a handbook,membershipmembership pin, and member card, membership insurance ● Community service hours are documented and verified ... and so much more! Exec. Board @ DCON! Jet OTC 2022! ICON 2022!

DUES WEBINAR: ZOOM, September 24th, 1:30pm This online workshop will provide you with KIWIN’S knowledge, MUC guidance, and more!Itis MANDATORY forTreasurerstoattend. SEPTEMBER TRF: Due September 30th at 11:59pm Treasurer Report Forms are always due on the last day of the month. TRFs are used to track your club’s progress and address issues. Please submittheminatimelymanner. Treasurer Calls: Zoom, Throughout October MakesuretoscheduleyourOctoberTreasurerCallwithmebyOctober2ndat10pm! 5 SAVE THE DATE!

MINOR EMPHASIS: Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP) PTP aims to create projects and hold fundraisers that contribute towards promoting safe and healthy lives for children. Our fundraising goal for PTP this term is $18,000! MAJOR EMPHASIS: Live 2 Learn (L2L) 5-9literacythistheeducationL2Ladvocatesfortheofchildrenacrossworld.CNHKIWIN’Sassistsemphasisbypromotingskillstostudentsagedandthroughactsofservice! Governor’s Project: Thirst Project The Thirst Project is a non-profit organization which aims to end the global water crisis by adding wells with safe drinking Projectfundraisingwaterforcountriesinneed.OurgoalfortheThirstis $4,000! 6

7 CNH KIWIN’S MAP The CNH KIWIN’S District is composed of 9 divisions. Can you name them all? Northern Divisions Southern Divisions Together, we form a powerful ohana!


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