Talking Business, Talking Change
Be financially self-reliant by expanding the member base, industry association, CNI Proviences and contact offices throughout Nepal and introduce new services to member enterprises and to those who need CNI’s assistance to expand their businesses with high professionalism. Build an affiliation, cooperation and mutual rapport with the international public as well as private institutions with an aim of promotion and development of bilateral, regional and international trade and investment and share experiences and views among international organizations. Work in the field of research and development both at the national and international level in the issues related to industrial development, factor productivity, technological advancement, product innovation, trade facilitation, industrial relation, taxation among many other possible areas of business and investment expansion within and outside the country.
CNI: Objective and Goals
he principal objective of CNI is to encourage positive competition and competent management among the industries while promoting domestic and foreign investment and creating employment opportunities in the country’s industrial and corporate sectors.
Apart from this, CNI has identified the following specific goals and working to achieve the same. To represent the country’s manufacturing and services industries both in central and provincial level. To provide meaningful policy inputs to the government in the area of industrial development, investment and export promotion, trade facilitation, industrial relation, etc. To act as a forerunner of major changes in the global economic and business scenarios and possible impacts on Nepal. To help in creating an industrial environment conducive to domestic and foreign investment. To work closely with the central, provincial and local government on policy formulation and implementation issues. To enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of Nepalese industries. To create opportunities for the country’s industrial growth through specialized services and global linkages. To act as a platform of consensus-building and networking for the Public-Private Partnership in development agendas. To develop CNI as a ‘Think Tank’ institution for the management and development of the economic and industrial sectors of Nepal through the means of research and development (R&D).
CNI CHRonicle 2019-20