Talking Business, Talking Change
CNI Functions
provides a wide range of services for parties engaged in trade and commerce at the national, regional and international levels. Its operation is guided to contribute
to the higher economic growth and thereby the socio-economic development of the society. As an apex institution country’s industrial and business sectors, CNI’s outlook is to provide efficient, flexible and impartial services including administrative and support, secretarial and other professional assistance for the facilitation along with supervision, arbitration and conciliation proceedings. The major functions of CNI include the following:
1. Help to Create an Investment Friendly Climate in Nepal
what is needed to achieve this objective. The
With the continued low levels of output/
domestically-generated investment to take
income and a low savings rate, expanding
advantage of Nepal’s abundant investment
economic growth requires an expanded level
policy documents thus must be focused to attract greater levels of both foreign and
of investment – there is no other way to grow the economy. This new investment cannot
The investment policy is derived development
take place from domestic sources because
and the objectives it sets for itself in putting
Nepal does not possess the sizeable stock of
in place a series of beliefs or aspirations
accumulated savings that would be needed.
that will be the defining cornerstone of
Neither it is likely to come from foreign
future activity in the investment area. In
remittances, which now play a significant
this connection, one of the major functions
role in offsetting a gradually-increasing trade
of CNI is to work with the government to
deficit, but is habitually used for consumption
provide a clear and authoritative approach
expenditure. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
to development, to assure the private sector
thus assumes a level of importance that will
that its capital as well as the business will be
only increase in future years to bring the level
supported by the legislative policies and acts
of economic growth and development as
for creating employment, raising national
projected by the government.
income, and generating wealth. In this context, CNI organized Pre-Infrastructure
To be successful in attracting investment,
Summit/Workshop in all the seven provinces
Nepal must be competitive and be viewed
where the Chief Ministers, high ranking
as one of the countries with the most open,
officials of provinces and investors were
investor-friendly, and progressive business
present. After that, CNI organized Nepal
environments in the region. To this end, the
Infrastructure Summit 2019 (Third Series)
government must be committed to change
at Hyatt Regency, Kathmandu on September
the mindset of all stakeholders to reflect
11 and 12, 2019 with a theme “Strong
CNI CHRonicle 2019-20