CNI Chronicle 2020

Page 61

Talking Business, Talking Change

NETWORKING AND ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY Bangladesh willing to Import Yarn from Nepal

15th April, 2019

President, CNI said that both countries

H.E. Mashfee Binte Shams, Ambassador,

could contribute at bilateral, regional and

Bangladesh stated that times and again both

international levels in the promotion of

the governments have been holding formal

trade, tourism and investment. He said that

meetings on a different level to enhance

despite being neighboring countries, trade

bilateral economic and trade relations between

volume between Nepal and Bangladesh has

Nepal and Bangladesh and both the countries

not been up to the expectations. He added

have been interacting on Preferential Trade

that emphasis should be given to fairs and

Agreement as well. She expressed a positive

exhibitions as they have been contributing

view on facilitating smooth entry for Nepalese

to the promotion of trade between the

products into the Bangladeshi market. Since

two countries. H.E. Shams said that Nepal

the draft of the agreement has already been

has much to learn from the success of

submitted to the Government of Nepal, she

microfinance in Bangladesh. Mr. More, CNI

expressed her confidence that the deal will

President said that Nepal and Bangladesh

be decided soon in near future. She stated that

have common issues with organizations like

Bangladesh is especially willing to import yarn

BBIN, WTO, SAARC, BIMSTEC and if there is

from Nepal. Besides, she stated that on behalf

more use of the Fulbari-Bangladesh route, it

of Embassy she would initiate to coordinate the

will ease the access of Nepalese goods in the


market of Bangladesh.

Welcoming the Ambassador from Bangladesh

The meeting was attended by members of the

at the Secretariat, Mr. Satish Kumar More,

Governing Council and National Council.

CNI CHRonicle 2019-20


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