Become a Mor Become a Mor Become a Mor Morn In This Stage of Your Life…. We’re Here For You! In This Stage of Your Life…. In This Stage of Your Life…. In This Stage of Your Life…. Become a Mor Become a Mor In This Here Stage of For Your Life…. We’re Here For You! We’re Here For You! We’re You! In This Stage of Your Life…. In This Stage of Your Life…. In This Stage of Your Life…. We’re Here For You! We’re Here For You! ome a Morningstar!
Morningstar is is a family Morningstar a family and mos als als totolo als to provides acompetitive competitive Morni provides a competitive Mornin and benefit package, provides aand Mornin always lo always always owned operated Mornin Mornin Morning owned and operated owned and operated rehabilitation center that owned and operated owned and operated O S W E G O • WAT E RV I L L E Oand W E G O • WAT E RV I L L E O SSMorningstar W E G O • WAT E RV I L E and comprehensive wage and comprehensive wage comfortable and comprehensive wage skilled nursing and Morning and mo Morningstar is a family Morningstar a family family isis a LPN or always always als to skilled nursing and always Whethe Whether skilled and skilled nursing and provides anursing competitive Whether skilled nursing and and mo Morningstar is a family Morningstar is a family and mos Morningstar is a family and most rehabilitation center that and benefit package, and benefit package, supportive atmosphere and benefit package, always always owned and operated owned and operated always l owned and operated Mornin Morningstar is a family rehabilitation center that Orehabilitation S W E G O • WAT E RV I L L E rehabilitation center that rehabilitation center that and comprehensive wage owned and operated owned and operated center that always l owned and operated als to provides a competitive comfortable and comfortable and and highand quality care comfortable and skilled nursing andand service. skilled nursing and skilled nursing and Mornin Morning Morning andmos m and mo and mos Aide, PT owned operated als to Whether provides a competitive LPN LPN oro LPN or als to skilled nursing and als to skilled Morningstar iscenter aand family als to skilled nursing and O S W G O • WAT E RV I L L E provides acompetitive competitive provides aEcompetitive and benefit package, and mo and mo provides anursing and and comprehensive wage always rehabilitation center that rehabilitation center that rehabilitation that supportive atmosphere supportive atmosphere supportive atmosphere skilled nursing and O S W E G O • WAT E RV I L L E and comprehensive wage and mos Mornin Mornin Morning Whethe Morningstar is a Morningstar a family family Morningstar isisO a UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center working center that rehabilitation center that operated center that O Srehabilitation W E G •and WAT RVIILL IaLLclinician LEEE Oand Sowned W G O •family WAT RV O Srehabilitation W EEand G O •wage WAT EEisERV and benefit package, comprehensive wage and comprehensive wage comfortable and always always comprehensive always als PT tll als to als to provides a competitive provides competitive provides aaquality competitive Whethe and high care and service. and high quality care and service. or if you are not and would lik and high quality care service. rehabilitation center that LPN or and benefit package, Aide, PT Aide, PT Aide, owned and operated owned and operated als to als to owned and operated als to Whethe Whether to open its community outpatient therapy service provides a competitive provides a competitive skilled nursing and Whether provides a competitive and mo comfortable and Morningstar is a family Morningstar is a family Morningstar is a family O S W E G O • WAT E RV I L L E O S W E G O • WAT E RV I L L E O S W E G O • WAT E RV I L E and benefit package, and benefit package, supportive atmosphere and benefit package, and comprehensive wage comprehensive wage and comprehensive als too always always always LPN ol provides anursing competitive comfortable and skilled and skilled nursing and O SW W E G O •Care WAT E RV I LLL O Sowned E G O •wage WAT RV skilled nursing and S W E G O •wage WAT E RV IILLL EEE Morningstar CareO Center is and comprehensive wage and comprehensive wage rehabilitation center that and mo and mos and comprehensive and mos in early 2017! Stay tuned! Wheth Whethe Whethe UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center isRV working supportive atmosphere UPDATE: Morningstar Center isE working and operated owned and operated LPN owned and operated and benefit package, and benefit package, and benefit package, comfortable and comfortable and and high quality care and service. comfortable and O S W E G O • WAT E I L E keeping, laundry, activities or dietary. Plea and comprehensive Wheth Whethe Whethe Aide, PT supportive atmosphere or ifthat you are not clinicianand andwould would lik or ifwage you are not clinician and would like or if you are not aaaclinician like rehabilitation center that rehabilitation center that als to rehabilitation center LPN LPN or and benefit package, and benefit package, provides competitive LPN or and benefit package, high quality care and service. to open its community outpatient therapy service to open itsanursing community outpatient therapy service skilled and skilled nursing and always looking forsupportive the best to open its community outpatient therapy service skilled nursing and and mo Whether and mo comfortable and comfortable and and mos Aide, Poo comfortable and supportive atmosphere supportive atmosphere atmosphere and benefit package, and high quality care and service. als to als to als to LPN LPN o provides a competitive provides a competitive O S W E G O • WAT E RV I L L E LPN provides a competitive comfortable and comfortable and and comprehensive wage Aide, PT comfortable and UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working Morningstar CareCenter Center is Morningstar Care Center is Morningstar Care is rehabilitation center that rehabilitation center that rehabilitation center that in early 2017! Stay tuned! in early 2017! Stay tuned! in early 2017! Stay tuned! supportive atmosphere supportive atmosphere supportive atmosphere LPN LPN o LPN o and most qualified individuwould love to you! UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center ismeet working comfortable and and high quality care and service. and high quality care and service. Whethe or if you are not a clinician and would lik and high quality care and service. O S W E G O • WAT E RV I L L E O S W E G O • WAT E RV I L L E keeping, laundry, activities or dietary. Ple keeping, laundry, activities or dietary. Plea O S W E G O • WAT E RV I L E keeping, laundry, activities or dietary. Pleas and comprehensive wage and comprehensive wage and comprehensive wage Aide, PT Aide, PT Aide, PT supportive atmosphere supportive atmosphere and benefit package, supportive atmosphere toprovides open its community therapy service als to LPN o als to als to orcare ifoutpatient you are not a clinician clinician and and would would lik UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working a competitive provides competitive provides aaquality competitive wned and operated Assisted Living and high quality care and service. and high quality care and service. and high and service. always looking for the best always looking for the best always for the best tobenefit open its community outpatient therapy service Whethe Whether Whether Aide, P Aide, P supportive atmosphere Aide, PT or if you are not a lik als tolooking joinCare our team. and benefit package, and benefit package, and package, and high quality care and service. and high quality care and service. comfortable and and high quality care and service. Morningstar Center is O S W E G O • WAT E RV I L L E O S W E G O • WAT E RV I L L E O S W E G O • WAT E RV I L E to open its community outpatient therapy service in early 2017! Stay tuned! and comprehensive wage and comprehensive wage Aide, P Aide, PT and comprehensive wage Aide, PT UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working Morningstar Care Center is w York. Our mission is to provide LPN o in early 2017! Stay tuned! and high quality care and service. keeping, laundry, or dietary. Plea and most qualified individuand most qualified individuand most qualified individuwould love to meet you! would love to meet you! UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working would love to meet you! UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working comfortable and comfortable and Aide, PT Wheth Whethe comfortable and or you are not aaactivities clinician and would lik or you are not clinician and would like Whether keeping, laundry, activities or dietary. Ple or ifififif you are not aaactivities clinician and would like supportive atmosphere Morningstar Care Center in early 2017! Stay tuned! Whether you are an RN, and benefit package, and benefit package, and benefit package, to open its community outpatient therapy service to open itsis community outpatient therapy service LPN LPN ollo always looking forfor the best to open its community outpatient therapy service LPN or or if you are not a clinician and would or if you are not clinician and would lik UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working or you are not a clinician and would lik UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working ytive owned and operated Assisted Living owned and operated Assisted Living wned and operated Assisted Living always looking the best keeping, laundry, or dietary. Plea and comfortable environment to open its community outpatient therapy service to open its community outpatient therapy service to open its community outpatient therapy service supportive atmosphere supportive atmosphere supportive atmosphere and high quality care and service. or if you are not a clinician and would or if you are not a clinician and would lik als to join our team. als to join our team. or if you are not a clinician and would lik als to join our team. UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working always looking for the best comfortable and comfortable and Aide, PT comfortable and Morningstar is a family owned and Morningstar Care Center is Morningstar Care Center is Morningstar Care Center is to open its community outpatient therapy service to open its community outpatient therapy service LPN or Certified Nurse in early 2017! Stay tuned! in early 2017! Stay tuned! to open its community outpatient therapy service in early 2017! Stay tuned! Morningstar Care Center is Morningstar Care Center is and most individuMorningstar Care Center is New York. Our mission is to provide ew York. Our mission toqualified provide or if you are aactivities clinician and would lik LPN LPN o would love to meet you! and most qualified individuin early 2017! Stay tuned! w Our mission isisIn to provide in early 2017! Stay tuned! LPN o would love tonot meet you! or in early 2017! Stay tuned! ty York. and independence. addition and high quality care and service. and high quality care and service. and high quality care and service. keeping, laundry, activities or dietary. Ple keeping, laundry, or dietary. Plea keeping, laundry, activities dietary. Pleas to open its community outpatient therapy service Aide, P Aide, PT Aide, PT keeping, laundry, activities or dietary. Pl keeping, laundry, activities or dietary. Ple supportive atmosphere supportive atmosphere keeping, laundry, activities or dietary. Plea Morningstar Care Center is Morningstar Care Center is supportive atmosphere Morningstar Care Center is and most qualified individuin early 2017! Stay tuned! in early 2017! Stay tuned! Whether you are an RN, Whether you are an RN, would love to meet you! in early 2017! Stay tuned! Whether you are an RN, owned and operated Assisted Living wned and operated Assisted Living UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working always looking for the best always looking for the best always looking for the best Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA –is always looking for the best always looking for the best keeping, laundry, activities ordietary. dietary. Ple keeping, laundry, activities or dietary. Plea always looking for the best keeping, laundry, activities or dietary. Plea active and comfortable environment tive and comfortable environment als to join our team. tive and comfortable environment Morningstar Care Center als to join our team. rvices general support to help in early 2017! Stay tuned! owned and operated Assisted Living or if and you are not a clinician would lik operated skilled nursing and and high quality care and service. and high quality care and service. and high quality care service. UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center working UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center isisworking to open its community outpatient therapy service always looking for the best always looking for the best New York. Our mission is to provide always looking for the best Aide, P keeping, laundry, activities or Plea Aide, PT als to join our team. Morningstar is a family owned and Morningstar is a family owned and Aide, PT Morningstar is a family owned and w York. Our mission is to provide LPN or Certified Nurse LPN or Certified Nurse LPN or Certified Nurse and most qualified individuand most qualified individuor if you are not a clinician and would li or if you are not a clinician and would lik and most qualified individuwould love to meet you! would love to meet you! and most qualified individuContact: Paula Whitehouse or if you are not a clinician and would lik would love to meet you! would love to meet you! and most qualified individulinician and would like to work in houseality and independence. In addition ity and independence. In addition would love to meet you! Whether you are an RN, New York. Our mission is provide ty and independence. In addition always looking for the best pt to their physical and cognitive Whether you are an RN, Morningstar Care Center is to open its community outpatient therapy service to open its community outpatient therapy service to open its community outpatient therapy service in early 2017! Stay tuned! and comfortable environment and most qualified individuand most qualified individuwould love to meet you! would love to meet you! and most qualified individuily owned and operated Assisted Living would love to meet you! Whether you are an RN, yactive owned and operated Assisted Living owned and operated Assisted Living owned and operated Assisted Living UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center working wned and operated Assisted Living UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center isis working tive and comfortable environment keeping, laundry, activities or dietary. Plea Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA –is Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA –– Morningstar is a family owned and rehabilitation center that provides als to join our team. and comfortable environment Morningstar Care Center als to join our team. Morningstar Care Center is Morningstar Care Center is als to join our team. services and general support to help als to join our team. ervices and general support to help LPN or Certified Nurse and most qualified individuin early 2017! Stay tuned! als to join our team. in early 2017! Stay tuned! rvices and general support to help at (315) 343-0880 or ily owned and operated Assisted Living yactive owned and operated Assisted Living or if you are not a clinician and would l would love to meet you! or if you are not clinician and would lik in early 2017! Stay tuned! owned and operated Assisted Living tivities or dietary. Please give us a call. We e their individual best quality of life. or if you are not a clinician and would lik operated skilled nursing operated skilled nursing always looking for the best Morningstar is a family owned and operated skilled nursing ality and independence. In addition LPN or Certified Nurse to open its community outpatient therapy service to open its community outpatient therapy service to open its community outpatient therapy service , New York. Our mission is to provide New York. Our mission is to provide Morningstar is a family owned and keeping, laundry, activities or dietary. Ple keeping, laundry, activities or dietary. Plea als to join our team. New York. Our mission is to provide als to join our team. keeping, laundry, activities or dietary. Plea als to join our team. LPN or Certified Nurse New York. Our mission is to provide ew York. Our mission is provide w York. Our mission is to provide owned and operated Assisted Living ty and independence. In addition ality and independence. In addition Contact: Paula Whitehouse Contact: Paula Whitehouse a clinician and would like to work in houseclinician and would like to work in houseContact: Paula Whitehouse linician and would like to work in houseWhether you are an RN, Whether you are an RN, New York. Our mission is provide New York. Our mission is provide always looking for the best Whether you are an RN, always looking for the best New Our mission is provide always looking for the best Aide, PT, PTA, OT,an COTA –is dapt totheir their physical cognitive pt toYork. their physical and cognitive als toand join our team. pt to physical and cognitive idents to our fourth floor! We have Whether you are an RN, Whether you are an RN, Morningstar Care Center Morningstar Care Center is Whether you are RN, Morningstar Care Center is and most qualified individuin early 2017! Stay tuned! ou! in early 2017! Stay tuned! services and general support to help would love to meet you! in early 2017! Stay tuned! n active comfortable environment active and comfortable environment active and comfortable environment operated skilled nursing and Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA –RN, Whether you are an Whether you are an RN, Whether you are an RN, ew York. Our mission is to provide Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA – competitive and comprehensive wage active and comfortable environment tive and comfortable environment The Gardens islaundry, alaundry, family owned and operated Assisted Living tive and comfortable environment keeping, activities or dietary. Ple keeping, activities or dietary. Plea keeping, laundry, activities or dietary. rvices general support to help services and general support to help owned and operated Assisted Living Morningstar is a family owned and Plea Morningstar is a family owned and rehabilitation center that provides operated skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that provides n active comfortable environment active and comfortable environment Morningstar is a family owned and rehabilitation center that provides active and comfortable environment operated skilled nursing and LPN or Certified Nurse LPN or Certified Nurse and most qualified individuand most qualified individuat (315) 343-0880 or at (315) 343-0880 or LPN or Certified Nurse Contact: Paula Whitehouse would love to meet you! would love to meet you! and most qualified individuat (315) 343-0880 or clinician and would like to work in houseactivities or dietary. Please give us a call. We tivities or dietary. Please give us a call. We eve their individual best quality of life. would love to meet you! e their individual best quality of life. Whether you are an RN, tivities or dietary. Please give us a call. We eality their individual best quality of life. apt to their physical and cognitive six months and greatly appreciate always looking for the best always looking for the best Morningstar is a family owned and Morningstar is a family owned and always looking for the best Morningstar is a family owned and als to join our team. duality and independence. In addition ality and independence. In addition LPN or Certified Nurse LPN or Certified Nurse and independence. In addition LPN or Certified Nurse Morningstar is a family owned and Morningstar is a family owned and Morningstar is a family owned and ctive and comfortable environment LPN or Certified Nurse LPN or Certified Nurse LPN or Certified Nurse Contact: Paula Whitehouse Contact: Paula Whitehouse clinician and would like to work in housey owned and operated Assisted Living linician and would like to work in houseowned and operated Assisted Living ality and independence. In addition ity and independence. In addition owned and operated Assisted Living ty and independence. In addition apt to their physical and cognitive Residence in Oswego, NY. Our missionthat is to provide ourand residents pt to their physical and cognitive New York. Our mission is to provide uality and independence. In addition and independence. In addition ality and independence. In addition Morningstar is aAide, family owned and operated rehabilitation center provides Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA –at PT, PTA, OT, COTA Morningstar is a family owned als to join our team. als to join our team. Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA –– (315) 343-0880 or als to join our team. activities or dietary. Please give us aindividucall. We eve their individual best quality ofto life. esidents to our fourth floor! We have LPN or Certified Nurse idents to our fourth floor! We have to our fourth floor! We have and most qualified individuand most qualified tality you! you! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or aThe loved one isaisaconsidering edents services and general support help services and general support to help would love to meet you! would love to meet you! and most qualified individuou! services and general support to help would love to meet you! Whether you are an RN, and benefit package, comfortable and amily owned and operated skilled nursing and operated skilled nursing and ity and independence. In addition operated skilled nursing and Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA – Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA – Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA – rehabilitation center that provides New York. Our mission is to provide ew York. Our mission is to provide Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA – Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA – competitive and comprehensive wage ew York. Our mission is to provide competitive and comprehensive wage Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA – at (315) 343-0880 or rehabilitation center that provides Gardens a family owned and operated Assisted Living The Gardens is family owned and operated Assisted Living competitive and comprehensive wage activities or dietary. Please give us a call. We The Gardens is family owned and operated Assisted Living ve their individual best quality of life. services and general support to help ervices and general support to help active and comfortable environment rvices and general support to help at (315) 343-0880 or comfortable eadapt services and general support to help and general support to help tivities or dietary. Please give us a in call. We eservices individual best quality of life. general support to help ly owned and operated Assisted Living owned and operated Assisted Living with an active and environment thatand promotes owned and operated Assisted Living operated skilled nursing and operated skilled nursing operated skilled nursing and operated skilled nursing and operated skilled nursing and skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that Contact: Paula Whitehouse Contact: Paula Whitehouse esidents to our fourth floor! We have atheir clinician and would like to work in houseadapt clinician and would like to work in housePaula Whitehouse Whether you are an RN, Whether you are an RN, clinician and would like to work houseWhether you are an RN, you! Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA –Contact: to their physical and cognitive to their physical and cognitive rst six months and greatly appreciate tservices six months and greatly appreciate apt to their physical and cognitive six months and greatly appreciate Morningstar is acomprehensive family owned and als to join our team. als to join our team. nce we would love to meet you. als to join our team. LPN or Certified Nurse ervices general support to help competitive and wage The Gardens is a family owned and operated Assisted Living d nursing and active and comfortable environment ctive and comfortable environment ctive and comfortable environment operated skilled nursing and Contact: Paula Whitehouse Contact: Paula Whitehouse Contact: Paula Whitehouse esidents to our fourth floor! We have a clinician and would like to work in houseclinician and would like to work in houseContact: Paula Whitehouse adapt clinician and would like to work in houseContact: Paula Whitehouse clinician and would like to work in houseality and independence. In addition linician and would like to work in houseyou! adapt to their physical and cognitive to their physical and cognitive Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission is to provide our residents Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission is to provide our residents pt to their physical and cognitive apt to their physical and cognitive New York. Our mission is to provide Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission is to provide our residents New York. Our mission is to provide pt to their physical and cognitive New York. Our mission is to provide idents to our fourth floor! We have Morningstar is a family owned and operated Morningstar is a family owned and operated Morningstar is a family owned and operated rehabilitation center that provides ou! rehabilitation center that provides individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services rehabilitation center that provides rst six months and greatly appreciate supportive team atmosphere and high competitive and comprehensive wage Morningstar is a family owned and Morningstar is a family owned and The Gardens is a family owned and operated Assisted Living at (315) 343-0880 or at (315) 343-0880 or Morningstar is a family owned and Morningstar OUTPATIENT PHYSICAL AND OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY! PLEASE CALL FOR INFORMATION at (315) 343-0880 or , activities or dietary. Please give us a call. We activities or dietary. Please give us a call. We hieve their individual best quality life. eve their individual best quality ofof life. provides aOswego competitive and comprehensive wage LPN or Certified Nurse LPN or Certified Nurse activities or dietary. Please give us a an call. We ve their individual best quality of life. LPN or Certified Nurse Contact: Paula Whitehouse clinician and would like to work in house!hieve Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one is considering Thank you and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one is considering Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one is considering Whether you are an RN, Whether you are an RN, and benefit package, comfortable and and benefit package, comfortable and competitive and comprehensive wage pt to their physical and cognitive Whether you are RN, and benefit package, comfortable and The Gardens is a family owned and operated Assisted Living Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA – family owned and amily owned and amily owned and uality and independence. In addition lity and independence. In addition ity and independence. In addition Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission is to provide our residents rehabilitation center that provides rehabilitation center that provides rehabilitation center that provides rst six months and greatly appreciate services and general support to help at (315) 343-0880 or at (315) 343-0880 or er that provides rehabilitation center that provides Morningstar is a family owned and operated at (315) 343-0880 or , activities or dietary. Please give us a call. We activities or dietary. Please give us a call. We rehabilitation center that provides their individual best quality of life. eve their individual best quality of life. ctivities or dietary. Please give us aCounty! call. We ve their individual best quality of life. active comfortable environment active and comfortable environment at (315) 343-0880 or ctive and comfortable environment skilled nursing and at (315) 343-0880 or activities or dietary. Please give us aCOTA call. We tivities or dietary. Please give us call. We eve their individual best quality of life. eesidents their individual best quality of life. tivities or dietary. Please give us aaacenter call. We eesidents their individual best quality of life. with an active and comfortable environment that promotes with anoperated active and comfortable environment that promotes with an active and comfortable environment that promotes six months and greatly appreciate ed living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting Thank you Oswego and Onondaga If you or aMorningstar loved one isor considering and benefit package, comfortable and skilled nursing and rehabilitation that skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission isowned to provide our residents skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that residents to our fourth floor! We have to our fourth floor! We have family owned and and general support to help people overcome or adapt to their to our fourth floor! We have rehabilitation center that provides eet you! t you! Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA – Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA – you! Morningstar is a family owned and operated Aide, PT, PTA, OT, – at (315) 343-0880 and benefit package, comfort and supportive team is a family owned and Morningstar is a family owned and ctivities or dietary. Please give us call. We e their individual best quality of life. Morningstar is a family and ence we would love to meet you. nce we would love to meet you. ce we would love to meet you. LPN or Certified Nurse LPN or Certified Nurse LPN or Certified Nurse services and general support to help ervices and general support to help Contact: Paula Whitehouse clinician and would like to work in houseervices and general support to help Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission is to provide our residents competitive and comprehensive wage competitive and comprehensive wage Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one is considering with an activeisand comfortable environment that promotes The Gardens apackage, family owned and operated Assisted Living The Gardens a family family owned and operated Assisted Living ed nursing and nursing and competitive and comprehensive wage The Gardens ais owned and operated Assisted Living dyou! nursing and apt to their physical and cognitive and benefit comfortable and operated skilled nursing and operated skilled nursing and operated skilled nursing and residents to our fourth floor! We have esidents to our fourth floor! We have Morningstar is a family owned and operated family owned and skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that sidents to our fourth floor! We have uality and independence. In addition ality and independence. In addition et you! lity and independence. In addition td you! mprehensive wage you! quality care and service. esidents to our fourth floor! We have idents to our fourth floor! We have ence we would love to meet you. dents to our fourth floor! We have tyou! you! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or aPaula loved one isisais considering individuality and We provide healthcare services individuality and We provide healthcare services ou! first six months and greatly appreciate rst six months and greatly appreciate individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services supportive team atmosphere and high competitive and comprehensive wage supportive atmosphere and high competitive and comprehensive wage and benefit package, comfortable and rst six months and greatly appreciate with anGardens active and comfortable environment that promotes The is aindependence. family owned and operated Assisted Living The Gardens aaindependence. family owned and operated Assisted Living supportive team atmosphere and high competitive and comprehensive wage ed nursing ed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. The Gardens ateam family owned and operated Assisted Living amily owned and provides afourth competitive and comprehensive wage provides aand competitive and comprehensive wage provides a competitive and comprehensive wage skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that Contact: Paula Whitehouse Contact: Paula Whitehouse physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual sidents to our floor! We have a clinician would like to work in houseclinician and would like to work in houseContact: Whitehouse clinician and would like to work in houserehabilitation center that provides competitive and comprehensive wage dapt to their physical and cognitive competitive and comprehensive wage apt to their physical and cognitive The Gardens is family owned and operated Assisted Living The Gardens is a family owned and operated Assisted Living atmosphere and high care service. competitive and comprehensive wage pt to their physical and cognitive Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA – Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA – The Gardens is family owned and operated Assisted Living Aide, PT, PTA, OT, COTA – at (315) 343-0880 or ence we would love to meet you. ctivities or dietary. Please give us a call. We ve their individual best quality of life. individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission is to provide our residents Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission is to provide our residents Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission is to provide our residents supportive team atmosphere and high first six months and greatly appreciate rst six months and greatly appreciate with an active and comfortable environment that promotes st six months and greatly appreciate eter services and general support to help services and general support to help nter that provides ed nursing and that provides competitive and comprehensive wage provides alove competitive and comprehensive wage Morningstar arehabilitation family owned and operated ervices and general support to help Morningstar is ameet family owned and operated The Gardens isare aaccepting family owned andnursing operated Assisted Living er that provides Morningstar is ais family owned and operated skilled nursing and center that operated skilled nursing and operated skilled nursing operated skilled and ,family comfortable and rst six months and greatly appreciate tnter six months and greatly appreciate sted living community being developed in Oswego NY. We accepting ed living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting rt! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one is considering !ed Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or loved one isor considering six months and greatly appreciate living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or aarehabilitation loved one isor considering and benefit package, comfortable and and benefit package, comfortable and nce we would to you. individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services and benefit package, comfortable and Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission is to provide our residents Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission is to provide our residents that provides a family owned and Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission is to provide our residents family owned and and general support to help people overcome or adapt to their and general support to help people overcome or adapt to their supportive team atmosphere and high center that provides rehabilitation center that provides owned and and general support to help people overcome or adapt to their rehabilitation center that provides st six months and greatly appreciate provides a competitive and comprehensive wage Morningstar is a family owned and operated Morningstar is a family owned and operated at (315) 343-0880 or at (315) 343-0880 Morningstar is a family owned and operated d nursing and and benefit package, comfort and supportive team and benefit package, comfort and supportive team at (315) 343-0880 activities or dietary. Please give us a call. We ctivities or dietary. Please give us a call. We eve their individual best quality of life. ve their individual best quality of life. and benefit package, comfort and supportive team ctivities or dietary. Please give us a call. We e their individual best quality of life. sted living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting best quality of life. Contact: Paula Whitehouse Contact: Paula Whitehouse sidents to our fourth floor! We have aclinician clinician and like to work in houseand would like to work in houseContact: Paula Whitehouse clinician and would like to work in houseResidence in Oswego, NY. Our mission istototo provide our residents Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission provide our residents and general support to help people overcome or adapt to their rt! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one is considering Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or awith loved one isand considering an and comfortable environment that promotes with anquality active and comfortable environment that promotes Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission isisservice. provide our residents you! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one is considering with an active comfortable environment that promotes adapt to their physical and cognitive apt to their physical and cognitive benefit package, comfortable and and benefit package, comfortable and apt to their physical and cognitive and benefit package, comfortable and nter that provides Morningstar is aand family owned and operated Morningstar is awould family owned and operated and benefit package, comfort supportive team a family owned and skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that family owned and skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that inactive Oswego, NY. Our mission isto provide our residents Morningstar is owned and operated family owned and skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services omprehensive wage mprehensive wage quality care and quality care and service. supportive team atmosphere and high mprehensive wage care and service. Morningstar isalove afamily family owned and operated competitive and comprehensive wage provides anursing competitive and comprehensive wage The Gardens is acare family owned and operated Assisted Living UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center iscenter working idence we would to meet you. ence we would love to meet you. sted living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting ence we would love to meet you. mosphere and high !residents Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or aloved loved one is considering Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! IfIf you or aand one is considering Thank you Oswego Onondaga County! If you or aResidence loved one is considering and benefit package, comfortable and and benefit package, comfortable and and general support to help people overcome or adapt to their with an active and comfortable environment that promotes with an active and comfortable environment that promotes omprehensive wage quality care and service. illed nursing and benefit package, comfortable and ed nursing and with an active and comfortable environment that promotes nsed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal aides. ed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! you or a loved one is considering ed nursing and dfamily Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. owned and amily owned and and benefit package, comfortable and amily owned and and benefit package, comfort and supportive team skilled nursing and rehabilitation that skilled and rehabilitation center that physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual to our fourth floor! We have sidents to our fourth floor! We have skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that amily owned and physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual idents to our fourth floor! We have et you! you! rehabilitation center that provides rehabilitation center that provides you! er that provides rehabilitation center that provides atmosphere and high care service. atmosphere and high care service. st six months and greatly appreciate sed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. atmosphere and high care service. at (315) 343-0880 or at (315) 343-0880 or idence we would love to meet you. ence we would love to meet you. at (315) 343-0880 or ,omprehensive activities or dietary. Please give us a call. We activities or dietary. Please give us a call. We ence we would love to meet you. ieve their individual best quality of life. ve their individual best quality of life. physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services ctivities or dietary. Please give us a call. We ve their individual best quality of life. individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services supportive team atmosphere and high supportive team atmosphere and high with an active comfortable environment that promotes supportive team atmosphere and high with an active and comfortable environment that promotes wage quality care and service. with an active and environment that promotes illed nursing and nursing and atmosphere and high quality care service. competitive and comprehensive wage provides alove competitive and comprehensive wage competitive and comprehensive wage provides alove competitive and comprehensive wage with an active comfortable environment that promotes The Gardens acomfortable family owned and operated Assisted Living The Gardens is aand family owned and operated Assisted Living ed nursing and ed living community being developed inwage Oswego NY. We are accepting competitive and comprehensive wage provides acommunity competitive and comprehensive The Gardens is ais family owned and operated Assisted Living skilled nursing rehabilitation center that skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that The Gardens issupport now accepting residents to our fourth floor! We have had skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that and general to help people overcome or adapt to their ge, comfortable and e, comfortable Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission is achieve to provide our residents ,ed comfortable and sed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. and benefit package, comfort and supportive team to open its outpatient therapy service Morningstar is aand family owned and operated ence we would to meet you. nce we would to meet you. nce we would love to meet you. physical and cognitive limitations so as to their individual individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services ge, comfortable and and service. ce we would to meet you. center that provides nter that provides individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services supportive team atmosphere and high supportive team atmosphere and high nter that provides supportive team atmosphere and high six months and greatly appreciate st six months and greatly appreciate atmosphere and high quality care service. provides aand competitive and comprehensive wage provides aand competitive and comprehensive wage ted six months greatly appreciate provides alove competitive and comprehensive wage d nursing and nursing and dsted nursing and dfirst nursing and Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one is considering sisted living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting sted living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting and benefit package, comfortable and living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting best quality of life. best quality of life. residents to our fourth floor! We have esidents to our fourth floor! We have best quality of life. family owned and mprehensive wage quality care and service. sidents to our fourth floor! We have and general support to help people overcome or adapt to their and general support to help people overcome or adapt to their et you! you! and general support to help people overcome or adapt to their you! best quality of life. ge, comfortable and center that provides nter that provides and benefit package, comfort and supportive team and benefit package, comfort and supportive team individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission is to provide our residents Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission is to provide our residents nter that provides and benefit package, comfort and supportive team Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission is to provide our residents supportive team atmosphere and high individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services a very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services supportive team atmosphere and high supportive team atmosphere and high provides a competitive and comprehensive wage Morningstar is a family owned and operated Morningstar is a family owned and operated supportive team atmosphere and high ed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. Morningstar is a family owned and operated competitive and comprehensive wage competitive and comprehensive wage provides a competitive and comprehensive wage with an active and comfortable environment that promotes provides a competitive and comprehensive wage The Gardens is a family owned and operated Assisted Living The Gardens is a family owned and operated Assisted Living UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working competitive and comprehensive wage provides a competitive and comprehensive wage Gardens is aconsidering family owned and operated Assisted Living sisted living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting sted living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting Waterville Resdiential Care Center isand aaThe 92 bed, family owned UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center isCounty! working and cognitive limitations so as toservice. achieve their individual sted living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting Life in Balance tmosphere and high mosphere and high UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working mosphere and high skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that and general support to help people overcome adapt to their and general support to help people overcome oror adapt to their tmosphere and high comprehensive wage omprehensive wage quality care and service. quality care and service. and general support to help people overcome or adapt to their atmosphere and high quality care service. !ter Thank you Oswego and Onondaga If you or a loved one is considering Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! Ifteam you orphysical abest loved one is omprehensive wage in early 2017! Stay tuned! quality of life. quality care and Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or loved one is considering and benefit package, comfortable and and benefit package, comfortable and and benefit package, comfort and supportive team and benefit package, comfort and supportive team benefit package, comfortable and and benefit package, comfort and supportive that provides a family owned and family owned and ence we would love to meet you. amily owned and nter that provides ter that provides first six months and greatly appreciate rst six months and greatly appreciate ensed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. er that provides nsed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. st six months and greatly appreciate sed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. ed nursing and physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve individual physical and cognitive limitations so asfourth to achieve their individual ted living community being developed inin Oswego NY. We are accepting physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is that working ,sed comfortable and tmosphere and high comprehensive wage omprehensive wage quality care and service. quality care and service. atmosphere and high quality care service. atmosphere and high quality care service. and general support to help people overcome or adapt toto their with an active and comfortable environment that promotes with an active and comfortable environment that promotes omprehensive wage quality care and service. support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! Ifto you or atheir loved one sted living community being developed Oswego NY. We are accepting ed living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting atmosphere and high quality care service. with an active and comfortable environment that promotes ed living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting is now accepting residents to our fourth floor! We have had The Gardens now accepting residents to our fourth floor! We have had The Gardens and benefit package, comfort and supportive team skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that The Gardens isis now accepting residents to our floor! We have had skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that and general support to help people overcome or adapt their and general support to help people overcome or adapt to their skilled nursing and rehabilitation center and general support to help people overcome or adapt to their individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission is provide our residents Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission to provide our residents Residence in Oswego, NY. Our mission isis to provide our residents supportive team atmosphere and high ensed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located and benefit package, comfort and supportive team sed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. and benefit package, comfort and supportive team to open its community outpatient therapy service to open its community outpatient therapy service provides aand competitive and comprehensive wage Morningstar ameet family owned and operated Morningstar is ahigh family owned and operated and benefit package, comfort and supportive team to open its community outpatient therapy service dence we would love to meet you. Morningstar is ais family owned and operated nce we would love to meet you. eand and service. physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual kage, comfortable and ge, comfortable and service. nce we would love to you. physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual ge, comfortable and and service. best quality of life. atmosphere and high quality care service. atmosphere and high quality care service. mprehensive wage atmosphere and quality care service. quality care and service. led nursing d nursing and d nursing and t! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one is considering Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one is considering The Gardens is now accepting residents to our fourth floor! We have had Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one is considering and benefit package, comfortable and and benefit package, comfortable and and benefit package, comfortable and nter that provides a family owned and family owned and omprehensive wage mprehensive wage quality care and service. quality care and service. family owned and mprehensive wage quality care and service. to open its community outpatient therapy service ed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. best quality of life. best quality of life. 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 e and service. best quality of life. UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working age, comfortable and ge, comfortable and is considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please a very successful physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual ge, comfortable and individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services mosphere and high individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services supportive team atmosphere and high supportive team atmosphere and high first six months and greatly appreciate the community a very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community sted living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting supportive team atmosphere and high a very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community atmosphere and high quality care service. provides a competitive and comprehensive wage provides a competitive and comprehensive wage Waterville Resdiential Care Center is a 92 bed, family owned nsed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. ed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. provides a competitive and comprehensive wage Life in Balance datmosphere Practical Nurses, qualified home health personal aides. and general support to help people overcome orthat adapt toindividual their with an active and comfortable promotes with an active and comfortable environment that promotes romprehensive Residential Care Center. .service. .Care . working an active and comfortable environment that promotes Waterville Resdiential Care Center bed, family owned physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their physical and cognitive limitations soenvironment as to achieve their individual Life in Balance Waterville Resdiential Care Center isisand aawith 92 bed, family owned physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual in early 2017! Stay tuned! UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working Life in Balance UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center working and benefit package, comfort and supportive team skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that in Waterville NY. The facility isaides part of a92 health care provider UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center isis skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that and high tmosphere and high atmosphere and quality care atmosphere and high quality care service. tmosphere and high in early 2017! Stay tuned! best quality of life. quality ofcare life. atmosphere and high quality care service. in early 2017! Stay tuned! best quality of life. abest very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community e, comfortable and enter that provides nter that provides idence we would love to meet you. ence we would love tohigh meet you. ter that provides ence we would love to meet you. Waterville Resdiential Center is aNY. 92 bed, family owned Life in Balance wage quality care and service. illed nursing and ed nursing and ed nursing and The Gardens issupport now accepting residents toovercome our fourth floor! We have had support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! Iffloor! you or a loved loved one isted living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting ted living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting in early 2017! Stay tuned! UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center ishealth working ted living community being developed in Oswego We are accepting ge, comfortable and e, comfortable and UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working ,mosphere comfortable and atmosphere and high tmosphere and high and high and general support to help people overcome or adapt to their and general support to help people overcome or adapt to their support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a one support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one and general to help people or adapt to their support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one best quality of life. to open its community outpatient therapy service contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or sed Practical Nurses, qualified home aides and personal care aides. and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located The Gardens is now accepting residents to our fourth floor! We have had The Gardens is now accepting residents to our fourth We have had and service. and benefit package, comfort and supportive team and benefit package, comfort and supportive team The Gardens is now accepting residents to our fourth floor! We have had and benefit package, comfort and supportive team physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services individuality and independence. We provide healthcare services supportive team atmosphere and high supportive team atmosphere and high supportive team atmosphere and and operated skilled nursing andrehabiltation rehabiltation facility located and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located to open its community outpatient service to open community outpatient therapy service atmosphere and high quality care service. provides acommunity competitive and comprehensive wage provides awage competitive and comprehensive wage and operated skilled nursing and facility located to open its outpatient therapy service support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! Iffloor! you or a high loved one provides aits competitive and comprehensive wage are and service. emprehensive and service. continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito ecomprehensive and service. best quality of life. best quality of life. UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center istherapy working best quality of life. mosphere and high wage wage quality care and service. quality care and service. mprehensive quality care and service. 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located The Gardens is now accepting residents to our fourth floor! We have had The Gardens is now accepting residents to our fourth We have had is considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please The Gardens is now accepting residents to our fourth floor! We have had ge, comfortable and a very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community center that provides nter that provides nter that provides to open its community outpatient therapy service to open its community outpatient therapy service nsed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. ed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. ar Residential Care Center. . . . to open its community outpatient therapy service ed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 re and service. e and service. UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 is considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please is considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please a very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community a very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community and service. Waterville Resdiential Care Center is a 92 bed, family owned UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual is considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please a very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community Life in Balance tmosphere and high mosphere and high physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual in Waterville NY. The facility is part of a health care provider mosphere and high sisted living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting sted living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting ted living community being developed in Oswego NY. We are accepting atmosphere and high quality care service. atmosphere and high quality care service. Waterville Resdiential Care Center is a92 92 bed, family owned Waterville Resdiential Care Center aavery 92 bed, family owned atmosphere and high quality care service. in early 2017! Stay tuned! Life in Life in Balance Waterville Resdiential Center isis avery bed, family owned 17 Sunrise -Care Oswego, NY 13126 •..facility 315.342.4790 general support to help people overcome or adapt to their and general support to help people overcome orthe adapt to their ar Residential Care Center. Life in Balance romprehensive Residential Care Center. .Balance .Care .Care is considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please and general to help people overcome or adapt to their rar Residential Care Center. .Balance .facility quality of life. The Gardens issupport now accepting residents to our fourth floor! We have had in early 2017! Stay tuned! in early 2017! Stay tuned! and benefit package, comfort and supportive team and benefit package, comfort and supportive team in Waterville NY. The ispart part of ahealth health care provider inDrive Waterville NY. The part of aand health care provider in early 2017! Stay tuned! and benefit package, comfort and supportive team in Waterville NY. The facility isis of care provider (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 Residential Center. .Central ..service to open its community outpatient therapy service aare very successful first six months and greatly appreciate aof successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community and service. age, comfortable and e, comfortable and abest successful first six months and greatly appreciate community in Waterville NY. The facility is part a92 health care provider e, comfortable and We accepting applications for Licensed Practical Nursed, contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working Waterville Resdiential Center is a92 92 family owned Waterville Resdiential Care Center abest bed, family owned support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! Iffloor! or acommunity one Life in Life in Balance Waterville Resdiential Care Center isis a bed, family owned mosphere and high comprehensive wage wage Life in Balance quality care and service. quality care and service. mprehensive wage quality care and service. The Gardens isfacility now accepting residents to our fourth floor! We have had The Gardens isThank now accepting residents to our fourth We have had support! you Oswego and Onondaga County! Ifthe you or a had loved one support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or aloved loved one The Gardens isbed, now accepting residents to our fourth floor! We have support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! Ifyou you or aloved one in early 2017! Stay tuned! in early 2017! Stay tuned! in early 2017! Stay tuned! continuum based here in NY. Please contact Joe Murabito and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located quality of life. best quality of life. to open its community outpatient therapy service to open its community outpatient therapy contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or ensed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. sed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. best quality of life. and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located to open its community outpatient therapy service contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or a very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community e and service. and service. sed Practical Nurses, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation located and service. physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual contact Paula Whitehouse at and (315) 343-0880 or physical and cognitive limitations so as toCounty! achieve their individual Waterville Resdiential Care Center is aThe 92 bed, family owned Life in Balance atmosphere and high quality care service. atmosphere and high quality care service. atmosphere and high quality care service. support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga Ifto you or a loved one support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or aloved loved one continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito support! Thank you Oswego Onondaga County! Iflove you or ayou. one continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito Gardens is now accepting residents to our fourth floor! We have had in early 2017! Stay tuned! UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working a better professional experience. continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito atmosphere and high mosphere and high mosphere and high 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located is considering an assisted living residence we would to meet you. Please 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located is considering an assisted living residence we would love meet you. Please to open its community outpatient therapy service is considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet Please qualified home health aides and personal care aides. is considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please and service. comfortable and ge, comfortable and aof very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community very first six months and greatly appreciate the community ge, comfortable and aaof very first six months and greatly appreciate the community eage, - in Oswego, NY 13126 tuned! 315.342.4790 star Residential Care Center. .315.342.4790 .Center .Center ar Residential Care Center. .Harding (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) rar Care Center. .The Residential Care Center. .•.Care .facility support! Thank Oswego and Onondaga County! Iffloor! you or a loved one Waterville Resdiential Care Center is aThe 92 bed, family owned Waterville Resdiential Care Center ispart aThe bed, family owned 17 Sunrise Drive -toLicensed Oswego, NY 13126 Life in Balance Life in Balance Waterville Resdiential Care isrehabiltation a525-4473 92 bed, family owned We are accepting applications for Licensed Practical Nursed, in Waterville NY. The is of a health care provider inWaterville Waterville NY. The part asuccessful health care provider Life in Balance aResidential better professional experience. in Waterville NY. The facility isis part of asuccessful health care provider in NY. The is part a92 health care provider in early 2017! Stay in early 2017! Stay 17 Sunrise Drive -tuned! Oswego, NY 13126 •.facility 17 Sunrise Drive -Care Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.4790 early 2017! Stay tuned! isGardens considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please 17 Sunrise Drive -Waterville Oswego, NY 13126 •.facility 315.342.4790 is considering an assisted living residence we would love tomeet meet you. Please and operated skilled nursing and located best quality of life. Gardens isyou now accepting residents to our fourth floor! We have had is considering an assisted living residence we would love to you. Please quality of life. Gardens now accepting residents our fourth We have had best quality of life. The isisfacility now accepting residents to our fourth floor! We have had abest very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 tar Residential Care Center. . . . (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 ar Residential Care Center. (845)-750-4566 or Judy (315) 525-4473 to open its community outpatient therapy service to open its community outpatient therapy service (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 ar Residential Center. . . Waterville Resdiential is a 92 bed, family owned to open its community outpatient therapy service re and service. and service. Life in Balance and service. We are accepting applications for Practical Nursed, in NY. facility is part of a health care provider in Waterville NY. The facility is part of a health care provider We We are accepting applications for Licensed Practical Nursed, in Waterville NY. The facility is part of a health care provider We are accepting applications for Licensed Practical Nursed, contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or in early 2017! Stay tuned! UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or UPDATE: Morningstar Care Center is working support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one atmosphere and high tmosphere and high support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 mosphere and high contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or is considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito Community Outpatient Therapy Service Open continuum based here Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito qualified home health aides and personal care aides. and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located rive Residential Care Center. .in .in .Central and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located aacontact very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community -inOswego, NY 13126 Life 315.342.4790 continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito aaof very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community in Waterville NY. The facility is part a92 health care provider support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! Iffloor! or a loved one 132 Ellen Street -Whitehouse Oswego, NY 13126 •to 315.342.0880 •you Fax-315.342.5365 Paula at (315) 343-0880 or contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or 17 Sunrise Drive -would Oswego, NY 13126 Waterville Resdiential Care Center is 92 bed, family owned Waterville Resdiential Care Center is aThe bed, family owned in Balance Life in Balance Waterville Resdiential Care Center is aThe 92 bed, family owned Life in Balance and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located The Gardens is now accepting residents to our fourth floor! We have had in early 2017! Stay tuned! Gardens is now accepting residents to our fourth We have had early 2017! Stay tuned! Gardens is now accepting residents our fourth floor! We have had in early 2017! Stay tuned! m, a better professional experience. , a better professional experience. continuum based here NY. Please contact Joe Murabito continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito a better professional experience. continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito qualified home health aides and personal care aides. www.morningstarcares.c 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 ive Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.4790 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 to open its community outpatient therapy service is considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please to open its community outpatient therapy service is considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please qualified qualified home health aides and personal care aides. to open its community outpatient therapy service is considering an assisted living residence we love to meet you. Please qualified home health aides and personal care aides. re and service. e and service. to the Public. Call for an Appointment and service. ive Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.4790 e Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.4790 contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 e Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.4790 (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 ar Residential Care Center. . . . r Residential Care Center. . (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one rar Residential Care Center. . 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! If you or a loved one 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 We are accepting applications for Licensed Practical Nursed, We are accepting applications for Licensed Practical Nursed, is considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please We are accepting applications for Licensed Practical Nursed, m, a better professional experience. a better professional experience. in Waterville NY. The facility is part of a health care provider in Waterville NY. The facility is part of a health care provider a better professional experience. in Waterville NY. The facility is part of a health care provider continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located Residential Care Center. . . . and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located We are accepting applications for Licensed Practical Nursed, a very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community a very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community a very successful first six months and greatly appreciate the community 132 Ellen Street Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.0880 • Fax-315.342.5365 in Waterville NY. The facility is part of a health care provider (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315)isis 525-4473 Waterville Resdiential CareCenter Center is aconsidering 92 bed, family owned Waterville Resdiential Care Center aconsidering 92 bed, family owned Life in Balance Life in Balance Waterville Resdiential Care acontact 92 bed, family owned We are accepting applications Licensed Practical Nursed, Life in Balance We are accepting applications forfor Licensed Practical Nursed, We are accepting applications for Licensed Practical Nursed, a better professional experience. in early 2017! Stay tuned! in early 2017! Stay tuned! in early 2017! Stay tuned! www.morningstarcares 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or is an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 is an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or is considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please 132 Ellen Street Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.0880 • Fax-315.342.5365 qualified home health aides and personal care aides. qualified home health aides and personal care aides. contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or tar Care Center. .nursing . . NY. rive-Residential Residential Care Center. .in (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 qualified home health aides and personal care rive Care Center. .facility .facility Drive - Oswego, NY 13126 NY. 315.342.4790 continuum based here Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.4790 continuum based here Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito --Residential Oswego, NY 13126 based 315.342.4790 continuum here in Central Please contact Joe Murabito We accepting applications for Licensed Practical Nursed, in Waterville NY. The is part of a health care provider support! Thank you Oswego and Onondaga County! IfFax-315.342.5365 or a loved one in Waterville NY. The is part of aare health care provider support! Thank Oswego and Onondaga County! If••you you or loved one 132 Ellen Street -health Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.0880 •you Fax-315.342.5365 132 Street -you Oswego, NY 13126 •315.342.0880 315.342.0880 in Waterville The facility is part of aEllen health care provider support! Thank Oswego and Onondaga County! Ifaides. or aaloved one 132 Ellen Street -you Oswego, NY 13126 •personal Fax-315.342.5365 17 Sunrise Drive -Oswego, Oswego, NY 13126 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 www.morningstarcares 17 Sunrise Drive -•--Oswego, Oswego, NY 13126 continuum here Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito qualified home health aides and personal care aides. and operated skilled and rehabiltation facility located and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located and operated skilled nursing and rehabiltation facility located eive Oswego, NY 13126 based qualified home health aides and personal care aides. qualified home aides and care aides. qualified home health aides and personal care aides. www.morningstarcares www.morningstarcares.c www.morningstarcares.c Drive - 17 Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.4790 315.342.4790 -17 Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.4790 17 Sunrise Drive NY 13126 ve -better Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.4790 contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 17 Sunrise Drive NY 13126 contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 a professional experience. Morningstar Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 is considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.4790 is considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please is considering an assisted living residence we would love to meet you. Please continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito continuum here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito qualified home health aides and personal care aides. (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding 525-4473 Residential Care Center. . .facility . . (315) ar Residential Care Center. (845)-750-4566 or Judy (315) 525-4473 ve Oswego, NY 13126 based 315.342.4790 ar Residential Care Center. ..Harding .facility We are accepting for Licensed Practical Nursed, We are accepting applications for Licensed Practical Nursed, We are accepting for Licensed Practical Nursed, 132 Ellen Street -applications Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.0880 •NY Fax-315.342.5365 132 Ellen Street -care Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.0880 Fax-315.342.5365 We accepting applications for Licensed Practical Nursed, in Waterville NY. The is part of a health provider in Waterville NY. The part of health care provider 132 Ellen Street -applications Oswego, NY 13126 ••315.342.0880 ••Fax-315.342.5365 17 Sunrise Drive -•315.342.0880 Oswego, 13126 in Waterville NY. The facility isis part of aaare health care provider ,tar better professional experience. aa-better better professional experience. professional experience. www.morningstarcare www.morningstarcares www.morningstarcares. Morningstar 132 Ellen Street - applications Oswego, NY 13126 • or 315.342.0880 •Nursed, Fax-315.342.5365 132 Ellen Street Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.0880 • Fax-315.342.5365 132 Ellen Street Oswego, NY 13126 • • Fax-315.342.5365 132 Ellen Street --applications Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.0880 • Fax-315.342.5365 contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 or (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 contact Paula Whitehouse at (315) 343-0880 (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 We are accepting for Licensed Practical Nursed, Residetial Care Center We are accepting applications for Licensed Practical Nursed, We are accepting for Licensed Practical www.morningstarcares www.morningstarcares www.morningstarcares. continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito Morningstar www.morningstarcares.c continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito qualified home health aides and personal care aides. qualified home health aides and personal care aides. qualified home health aides and personal care aides. Waterville Residential Care Center is a 92 bed, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. ve Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.4790 132 Ellen Street - Oswego,Drive NY 13126--• 315.342.0880 • Fax-315.342.5365 -better Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.4790 315.342.4790 ea NY 13126 315.342.4790 eive NY 13126 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 17 Sunrise Drive 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 17 Sunrise Oswego, NY 13126 m, aOswego, better professional experience. a----Oswego, professional experience. www.morningstarcares. Morningstar Morningstar better professional experience. Residetial Care Center Morningstar Waterville Residential Care Center is aHarding 92 bed, qualified home health aides and personal care aides. qualified home health aides and personal care aides. qualified home health aides and personal care aides. (845)-750-4566 or Judy (315) 525-4473 (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 rive Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.4790 ve Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.4790 (845)-750-4566 or Judy Harding (315) 525-4473 ve Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.4790 We are accepting applications for Licensed Practical Nursed, We are accepting applications for Licensed Practical Nursed, We are accepting applications for Licensed Practical Nursed, 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 17 Sunrise Drive Oswego, NY 13126 Residetial Care Center family owned and operated skilled nursing Waterville Residential Care Center is a 92 bed, 132 Ellen Street -- Oswego, NY 13126 •• 315.342.0880 •• Fax-315.342.5365 Morningstar Morningstar Morningstar 132 Ellen Street Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.0880 Fax-315.342.5365 132 Ellen Street Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.0880 Fax-315.342.5365 132 Ellen Street --Oswego, NY 13126 ••Residetial 315.342.0880 ••Fax-315.342.5365 www.morningstarcares family owned and operated skilled nursing Care Center Residetial Care Center Residetial Care Center Morningstar www.morningstarcares Morningstar www.morningstarcares.c Morningstar www.morningstarcares.c qualified home health aides and personal care aides. qualified home health aides and personal care aides. qualified home health aides and personal care aides. Residential Center a 92 bed, Residential Care Center 92 bed, Drive -Waterville Oswego, NY 13126 located 315.342.4790 Residential Care Center aisa92 bed, ive -Waterville Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.4790 ve -Waterville Oswego, NY 13126 Care 315.342.4790 132 Ellen Street - Oswego, NY 13126 •Oswego, • Fax-315.342.5365 132 Ellen Street Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.0880 Fax-315.342.5365 132 Ellen Street --Oswego, NY 13126 ••-315.342.0880 ••Fax-315.342.5365 Morningstar 17 Sunrise Drive -315.342.0880 Oswego, NY 13126 17 Sunrise Drive -Residetial Oswego, NY 13126 Waterville 17 Sunrise Drive NY 13126 and rehabilitation facility inisisWaterville family owned and operated skilled nursing www.morningstarcares www.morningstarcares. www.morningstarcares.c Care Center Residetial Care Center Morningstar Residetial Care Center Waterville and rehabilitation facility located inisisWaterville Waterville Residential Care Center is a 92 bed, Waterville Residential Care Center a 92 92 bed, Waterville Residential Care Center a bed, Residetial Care Center Residetial Care Center Residetial Care Center family owned and operated skilled nursing family owned and operated skilled nursing family owned and nursing Waterville and rehabilitation facility located inis Waterville Residential Care Center is a 92 bed, Waterville Residential Care Center isWaterville aprovider 92 bed, 132 Ellen Street - Oswego, NY 13126 • 315.342.0880 • Fax-315.342.5365 132 Ellen Street Oswego, NY 13126 315.342.0880 Fax-315.342.5365 Waterville Residential Care Center 92 bed, 132 Ellen Street --Oswego, NY 13126 ••315.342.0880 ••Fax-315.342.5365 NY. The facility isoperated part of askilled health care Residetial Care Center Residential Care Center Residetial Care Center www.morningstarcares www.morningstarcares. www.morningstarcares. Morningstar NY. The facility is part of aCenter health care provider family owned and operated skilled family owned and operated skilled nursing Waterville Residential Care Center isisnursing aaanursing 92 bed, family owned and operated skilled Residential Care Center Waterville Residential Care 92 bed, Morningstar Morningstar Waterville Morningstar Waterville and rehabilitation facility located Waterville and rehabilitation facility located inin Waterville Waterville NY. The facility isoperated part of askilled health care provider family owned and operated skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility located in Waterville family owned and operated skilled nursing family owned and nursing Residential Care Center continuum based here in Central NY. Please Morningstar Morningstar Morningstar Waterville Waterville continuum based here in Central NY. Please and rehabilitation facility located in Waterville and rehabilitation facility located in Waterville Waterville and rehabilitation facility located in Waterville Residetial Care Center family owned and skilled family owned andoperated operated skillednursing nursing Waterville Residential Care aprovider 92 bed, Waterville Waterville continuum based here inof NY. Please and rehabilitation facility located in Waterville and rehabilitation facility located inis Waterville Waterville and rehabilitation facility located in Waterville NY. The facility is part aaCenter health care provider NY. The facility part of health care provider NY. The facility isisis part of aaCentral health care Residetial Care Center Residetial Care Center Residential Care Center Residetial Care Center Residential Care Center Residential contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy Residetial Care Center Residetial Care Center Residetial Care Center Morningstar Morningstar contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy NY. The facility is part of a health care provider NY. The facility is part of health care provider Waterville Residential Care Center is a 92 bed, Waterville Residential Care Center is a 92 bed, Morningstar NY. The facility part of a health care provider Waterville Residential Care Center is a 92 bed, Residential Care Center Residential Care Center Waterville and rehabilitation facility located Waterville Waterville Residential Care Center aor92 bed, Waterville Residential Care Center is acare 92 bed, Residential Care Center Waterville Residential Care Center ais 92 bed, Waterville and rehabilitation facility located ininisWaterville The Gardens The Gardens family owned and operated skilled nursing contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 Judy NY. The facility is part of a health provider NY. The facility is part of a health care provider NY. The facility is part of a health care provider Residential Care Center Residential Care Center Residential Care Center continuum based here in Central NY. Please continuum based here in Central NY. Please continuum based here in Central NY. Please The Gardens Harding (315) 525-4473 Harding (315) 525-4473 continuum based here Central NY. Please continuum based here inain Central NY. Please continuum based here in Central NY. Please Residetial CareCenter Center Residetial Care Center family owned and operated skilled family owned and operated skilled nursing NY. The facility isoperated part of alocated health care provider family owned and operated skilled nursing family owned and operated skilled nursing Residetial Care Center family owned and skilled nursing Residential Waterville NY. The facility is part of health care and rehabilitation facility in Waterville Waterville Residential Center aPlease 92 bed, Waterville Residential Care Center isNY. aprovider 92 bed, Waterville Residential Care Center isnursing ais 92 bed, byMorningstar Morningstar Residential Care byby Harding (315) 525-4473 continuum based here in Central Please continuum based here inCare Central NY. continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy Morningstar Waterville Waterville continuum based here inCentral Central NY. Please and rehabilitation facility in Waterville and rehabilitation facility located inin Waterville Waterville Waterville and rehabilitation facility located Waterville and rehabilitation facility located in Waterville The Gardens Waterville The Gardens and rehabilitation facility located in Waterville The Gardens The Gardens NY. The facility is part of alocated health care provider family owned and operated skilled nursing family owned and operated skilled nursing The Gardens family owned and operated skilled nursing continuum based here in NY. Please Residential Care Center contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy The Gardens The Gardens The Gardens Harding (315) 525-4473 Harding (315) 525-4473 Harding (315) 525-4473 Harding (315) 525-4473 Harding (315) 525-4473 contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy NY. The facility is part of a health care provider NY. The facility is part of a health care provider NY. The facility is part of a health care provider Residential Care Center Residential Care Center Residential Care Center Waterville Waterville continuum based here in Central NY. Please NY. The facility is part of a health care provider NY. The facility is part of a health care provider and rehabilitation facility located in Waterville and rehabilitation facility located in Waterville Waterville NY. The facility is part of a health care provider and rehabilitation facility located in Waterville by Morningstar Residential CareCenter Center The Gardens Residential Care Center by Morningstar by Morningstar Residential Care by Morningstar Harding (315) 525-4473 Harding (315) 525-4473 by Morningstar Harding 525-4473 contact Joe(315) Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy The Gardens by Morningstar by Morningstar by Morningstar Harding (315) 525-4473 continuum based here in Central NY. Please continuum based here in Central NY. Please continuum based here in Central NY. Please contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy NY.The The facility is part of a health care provider NY. The facility part ofCentral health care provider NY. facility isishere part of aa health care provider continuum based in NY. Please continuum based here in Central NY. Please Residential CareCenter Center Residential Care Center continuum based here in Central NY. Please Residential Care byThe Morningstar Harding (315) 525-4473 Gardens contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy by Morningstar Harding (315) 525-4473 continuum based here in Central NY. Please continuum based here in Central NY. Please continuum based here in Central NY.or The Gardens The Gardens The Gardens contact Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy contact JoeJoe Murabito (845)-750-4566 orPlease Judy contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 Judy by Morningstar The Gardens The Gardens The Gardens Harding (315) 525-4473 Harding (315) 525-4473 Harding (315) 525-4473 contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy contact Joe Murabito (845)-750-4566 or Judy by Morningstar byThe Morningstar by Morningstar Harding (315) 525-4473 Harding (315) 525-4473 The Gardens The Gardens Harding (315) 525-4473 Gardens
We’re Here For You! We’re Here For You! We’re Here For You! We’re Here For You! We’re Here Here For For You! You! We’re
ThisStage Stageofof Your YourLife…. Life…. InInThis Morningstar! comeaaMorningstar! Morningstar! ome aMorningstar! Morningstar! ome a Morningstar! come a Morningstar! come a Morningstar! Morningstar! Morningstar! come a Morningstar! ome a Morningstar! aacome Morningstar! ecome a Morningstar! come a Morningstar! ecome a Morningstar! a Morningstar! aacome Morningstar! Morningstar! a Morningstar! aMorningstar! Morningstar! Morningstar! aMorningstar! Morningstar! acome aaMorningstar! Morningstar! ecome Morningstar! come a Morningstar! ecome Morningstar! aMorningstar! Morningstar! come aaMorningstar!
Morningstar! aaMorningstar!
a better professional experience. betterprofessional professionalexperience. experience. better professional experience. aaabetter a better professional experience. betterprofessional professionalexperience. experience. better professional experience. aaabetter
L L LL Li L Morningstar Residential Care LLL L L Morningstar Car Residential Care Morningstar Care Morningstar Residential Care L LLL better team, a Residential better professiona Li
a Morningstar Residential Care Morningstar Residential Car Car Morningstar Residential Care a better team, a better profession LL L Morningstar Residential Car Morningstar Residential Care aabetter team, a better professiona better team, a better profession Morningstar Residential Care L L Morningstar Residential Care Morningstar Residential Care Morningstar Residential Care a better team, a better professio a better team, a better profession aaaabetter team, better better team,aaaaResidential betterprofessiona professio better team, better profession Morningstar Residential Car Morningstar Care better team, better profession Morningstar Residential Car Morningstar Residential Care better team, a better profession aaaabetter team, a better professiona betterteam, team,aabetter betterprofession profession better
betterteam, team,aabetter betterprofession profession aabetter
a r Residential Care Center ar Residential Care Center ar Residential Care Center ar Residential Care Center rar Residential Care Center Residential Care Center tar Residential Care Center ar Residential Care Center Residential Care Center Residential Care Center ar Residential Care Center ar Residential Care Center ar Residential Care Center Residential Care Center rrResidential Residential Care Center Residential Care Center ear Care Center Residential Care Center The Gardens Residential CareCenter Center eeeResidential Residential Care Center Residential Care Center The GardensCare Residential Care Center Residential Care Center The Gardens ar Residential Care Center rResidential Residential Care Center ar Residential Care Center rThe Residential Care Center rResidential Residential Care Center Care Center Care Center Gardens The Gardens The Gardens The Gardens The Gardens yar Morningstar by Morningstar Residential Care Center ar Residential Care Center ar Residential Care Center Residential Care Center The Gardens The Gardens The Gardens by Morningstar e Residential Care Center Residential Care Center Residential Care Center eResidential Residential CareCenter Center The Gardens Care The Gardens by Morningstar by Morningstar y Morningstar by Morningstar eResidential Residential CareCenter Center Residential Care Center Care The Gardens by Morningstar by Morningstar by Morningstar The Gardens The Gardens The Gardens y Morningstar The Gardens Gardens yThe Morningstar The Gardens The Gardens The Gardens by Morningstar by Morningstar by Morningstar y Morningstar Morningstar by Morningstar y Harding (315) 525-4473 Harding (315) 525-4473 byMorningstar Morningstar by Morningstar Harding (315) 525-4473 by
byMorningstar Morningstar byby Morningstar by Morningstar Morningstar bybyMorningstar
ONLY$20 Business Guide 2019 is published by Local News Inc., dba Oswego County Business Magazine
This guide is co-sponsored by Operation Oswego County, Inc.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 276 Oswego, NY 13126 315-342-8020
Oswego County’s designated economic development agency
L. Michael Treadwell, CEcD Executive Director | 315-343-1545
All contents copyright © 2018. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without the express written consent of the publisher.
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
Operation Oswego County____________________ 8 CEO Profiles / Charts____________________ 10 / 30 Oswego County – Top 100 Private Employers____ Oswego County – Companies to Watch_________ Oswego County – Top Public Employers________ Onondaga County – Top 20 Employers_________ Cayuga County – Top 10 Employers___________ Jefferson County – Top 10 Employers__________
38 72 82 88 93 95
Index to Advertisers________________________ 97 4
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
It Starts Here
Novelis is the world leader in rolled
It Starts Starts Here It Here Discover the rewards aluminum products, delivering unique solutions for the most demanding
global applications, such as beverage
your talent deserves.
Discover the rewards Discover consumer electronics. the rewards your talent deserves. cans, automobiles, architecture and
Novelis is the world leader in rolled
your talent deserves. aluminum products, delivering unique
Our business is expanding in Oswego
solutions for the most demanding
and we are seekingglobal talented mechanics, applications, Novelis is the world leader in rolled such as beverage electricians and operations leadersarchitecture to join and automobiles, aluminum products, cans, delivering unique Novelis is the world leader in rolled consumer electronics. our team. Sound like you? Apply solutions for the most demanding now!
aluminum products, delivering unique
global applications, such as beverage Our business is expanding in Oswego and we are seeking solutions for the most demanding cans, automobiles, architecture and talented mechanics, Phone: (315) 349-0121 electricians and operations leaders to join consumer electronics. global applications, such as beverage Email: our team. Sound like you? Apply now!
cans, automobiles, architecture and Our business is expanding in Oswego TM Not just aluminum, Novelis Aluminum. Phone: (315) 349-0121
and we are seeking talented mechanics, consumer electronics.
electricians and operations leaders to join
our team. Sound like you? Apply now!
Our business is expanding in Oswego Not just aluminum, Novelis Aluminum.TM
and we are seeking talented mechanics, Phone: (315) and 349-0121 electricians operations
leaders to join
our team. Sound like you? Apply now! Not just aluminum, Novelis Aluminum.TM Phone: (315) 349-0121 Email: Not just aluminum, Novelis Aluminum.TM
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
LOC ATO R I N DE X of Oswego County, Northern and Central New York Businesses in this Guide
Oswego County Private Acro-Fab, Ltd........................................ 74 Adecco Employment Services.............. 44 Advance Auto Parts.............................. 62 ALPS Professional Services/Janitorial Services/Carpet & Upholstery.......... 60 Arby’s Restaurant Group...................... 66 ARISE................................................... 46 B&Q Distribution Service Inc................ 77 Babcock and Glider Oil Co................... 62 Behling Orchards.................................. 49 BioSpherix, Ltd..................................... 60 Bosco’s ................................................ 69 Brookfield Renewable Energy Group... 67 Buckingham Market; Buckingham’s Home Center.................................... 58 Builders FirstSource............................. 76 Burdick Ford, Inc.................................. 72 Burke’s Do It Best Home Center.......... 70 Burritt Chevrolet/Buick; Burritt Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram.............................. 61 Butler Disposal Systems....................... 64 Canfield Machine & Tool LLC............... 63 Carrols Corp. ....................................... 54 Catholic Charities of Oswego County... 56 Central Square Ready Mix Concrete-Hanson Aggregates.......... 81 Centro of Oswego................................. 65 Champlain Valley Specialty.................. 45 Community Bank, N.A.......................... 70 Compass Federal Credit Union............ 77 ConnextCare........................................ 46 Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oswego County................................ 74 CST Brands/Nice N Easy Grocery Shoppes.............................. 52 D-K Manufacturing Corp. ..................... 77 Davis Bros., Inc.................................... 77 Davis Cleaning..................................... 77 Davis-Standard, LLC............................ 49 Deaton’s Building and Home Center.... 68 Design Concepts and ENT. LLC.......... 65 Dr. Padma Ram Medical Serv., LLC.... 66 Eagle Beverage Co., Inc....................... 56 Eastern Shore Associates.................... 57 Empower Federal Credit Union............ 62 Exelon Generation................................ 38 F.X. Caprara Chevrolet Buick............... 46 Felix Schoeller North America.............. 45 Fulton Family YMCA............................. 57 Fulton Savings Bank............................. 58 Fulton Tool Co...................................... 72 Grandma Brown’s Beans Inc................ 80 Harbor Lights Chemical Dependency Service........................ 75 Hardwood Transformations/Designer
Hardwood Flooring............................... 78 Healthway Home Products................... 66 Holiday Inn Express & Suites............... 74 Home Center by Furdi.......................... 80 Home2 Suites by Hilton........................ 75 Huhtamaki............................................ 42 Industrial Precision Products................ 78 International Wire Group...................... 52 J&A Mechanical Contractors................ 67 JCPenney Co. Inc................................. 63 K&N’s Foods USA, LLC........................ 64 Kenwell Corp........................................ 61 KeyBank NA......................................... 76 Kindred at Home................................... 59 Kinney Drugs........................................ 52 Lakeview Lanes.................................... 70 Lakewood Products.............................. 68 Laser Transit, Ltd.................................. 68 LeRoi, Inc............................................. 64 Linde of North America......................... 81 Little Lukes........................................... 48 Longley Brothers Dodge....................... 68 Lowe’s Home Improvement.................. 50 Luminant – Independence Power Plant...................................... 68 Lydall, Inc............................................. 56 Majestic Mold & Tool............................ 77 McDonald's........................................... 48 McDonald’s Corp.................................. 53 McIntosh Box & Pallet ......................... 60 Mirabito Energy Products/ Mirabito Convenience Stores........... 58 Morningstar Residential Care Center; The Gardens by Morningstar............ 44 Multi-Color Corporation Fulton Operation............................... 61 N.E.T. & Die, Inc................................... 70 National Grid......................................... 53 NBT Bank............................................. 76 North Shore Oil Co............................... 78 Northern Ace Home Center.................. 78 Northland Filter International................ 74 Novelis Corporation.............................. 38 NRG Oswego Generating Station........ 61 Ontario Orchards.................................. 62 Oswego County Federal Credit Union.. 69 Oswego County OB-GYN, P.C............. 67 Oswego County Opportunities.............. 41 Oswego County Weeklies.................... 80 Oswego Health, Inc.............................. 40 Oswego Industries................................ 49 Oswego YMCA..................................... 56 Otis Technology.................................... 80 OVIA Insurance Agencies.................... 74 Par-K Enterprises................................. 72 Pathfinder Bancorp............................... 50
Pathfinder Industries............................. 75 Paul’s Big M Supermarket.................... 60 Pontiac Care and Rehab Center.......... 55 Price Chopper....................................... 44 Raby’s Ace Home Center..................... 69 Reymore Chevrolet............................... 63 Riccelli Enterprises, Inc........................ 52 Rite Aid................................................. 54 Rowlee Construction............................ 78 SAM North America LLC...................... 80 Save-A-Lot............................................ 72 Sonbyrne Sales Inc.............................. 54 Sorbello and Sons................................ 62 St. Luke Health Services...................... 44 Stafkings Healthcare/Personnel Systems, Inc..................................... 57 Stewart's Shops.................................... 70 Suburban Propane............................... 69 Subway................................................. 52 Sunoco................................................. 55 Tailwater Lodge.................................... 64 Teti Bakery USA, Inc............................ 67 The Broadwell Hospitality Group.......... 54 The Eis House...................................... 75 The Fulton Companies......................... 42 The Great Outdoors RV Superstore..... 58 The Palladium-Times............................ 63 The Wolak Group................................. 50 Timberline Hardwood Flooring............. 76 Time Buyer Auto Sales......................... 75 TJ Maxx................................................ 60 Tops Friendly Markets.......................... 46 Tractor Supply...................................... 64 Travel Resorts of America.................... 58 United Wire Technologies.................... 78 Universal Metal Works.......................... 74 W.D. Malone Trucking & Excavating.... 59 Walmart................................................ 41 Wayne Pharmacy................................. 60 Wiltsie Construction Company, Inc....... 65 Windstream.......................................... 75 Wood-Mizer Northeast.......................... 81
Oswego County Public Altmar-Parish-Williamstown Central School District............................................... 85 Cayuga Community College-Fulton Campus............................................ 86 Center for Instruction, Technology & Innovation ........................................ 84 Central Square School District............. 83 City of Fulton........................................ 86 City of Oswego..................................... 84 Fulton City School District.................... 83 Hannibal Central School District........... 85 Mexico Academy & Central
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
School District................................... 84 Oswego City School District................. 83 Oswego County government................ 83 Phoenix Central School District............ 84 Pulaski Academy & Central School District................................... 85 Sandy Creek Central School District.... 86 SUNY Oswego..................................... 82
Onondaga County AXA Advisors — The Empire............... 92 BNY Mellon........................................... 92 Charter Communications...................... 90 Crouse Health....................................... 89 Excellus BlueCross BlueShield............ 92 L. & J. G. Stickley, Inc.......................... 91 Lockheed Martin Corp.......................... 90 Loretto.................................................. 89 National Grid......................................... 90 Raymour & Flanigan............................. 92 Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse.. 91 St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center..... 88 SUNY Upstate Medical University........ 88 Syracuse University.............................. 89 Syracuse Veterans Administration Medical Center................................. 90 United Parcel Service........................... 91 United Technologies Carrier................. 91 Verizon................................................. 91 Wegmans Food Markets, Inc................ 89 Welch Allyn........................................... 91
Cayuga County Auburn Community Hospital................. 93 Auburn Enlarged City School District... 93 Cayuga County Government................ 93 Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES.................. 93 Department of Corrections................... 93 Nucor Steel Auburn.............................. 94 TRW Automotive Electronics................ 94 Wal-Mart Stores Inc.............................. 94 Wegmans............................................. 94 Xylem, Inc. ........................................... 94
Jefferson County Carthage Central School District.......... 96 Convergys............................................ 95 Fort Drum............................................. 95 Indian River Central School District...... 96 Jefferson County Government.............. 95 Jefferson Rehabilitation Center............ 96 Jefferson-Lewis BOCES....................... 96 New York Air Brake.............................. 96 New York State .................................... 95 Samaritan Medical Center ................... 95 Watertown City School District............. 96
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 CORPORATEad2CCCE8x10.75.indd 1
10/30/18 5:29 PM
Operation Oswego County: Operation Oswego County: An Economic and Job Development Corporation Serving Oswego County By L. Michael Treadwell, CEcD, executive director, Operation Oswego County
peration Oswego County (OOC) is a private, nonprofit organization that works to enhance and sustain the business and industrial climate of Oswego County. To achieve that goal, we provide comprehensive assistance to existing businesses and those seeking to locate here. OOC is a full-service economic development organization ready to serve businesses, whether they are developing a business plan, looking for the best site, or searching for financing or other assistance. OOC’s primary objectives are to help create new job opportunities, retain employment, build a broader real property tax base, diversify the economy and improve the area’s quality of life all through a planned, organized and environmentally friendly economic development process. Since 1953, we have helped deliver over $4.5 billion in investments and more than 27,000 new and retained jobs to Oswego County. We have grown from a local, voluntary, community-spirited development organization to becoming a county-wide comprehensive and proactive economic development arm. We are guided by a board of directors made up of community-minded people from business, industry, labor, education, agriculture and government throughout Oswego County. We are primarily supported by a combination of voluntary contributions, local, state and federal governmental funding, and through administrative services contracts for economic development. As a county-wide, comprehensive economic development organization, we can provide, among other things: n Site Selection Assistance. An inventory of industrial sites and available buildings enables us to find homes
for new businesses quickly. n Financial Packaging. We help businesses access appropriate financing from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Empire State Development Corporation, the County of Oswego Industrial Development Agency (IDA) and other state, local and federal financing sources. We also help companies secure bank financing which is always the primary source of funds for most projects. n Planning and Coordination. We can help businesses with permitting, zoning and coordinating activities with state and local agencies.
OOC coordinates and implements special economic development initiatives to enhance the potential to create and retain jobs in Oswego County. Some of these initiatives include: n Industrial Parks. OOC operates five industrial/business parks in Oswego County — the Oswego County Industrial Park in Schroeppel, the Airport Industrial Park in Volney, the Lake Ontario Industrial Park in the city of Oswego, the Columbia Mills Business Park in Minetto and the Peck Road Industrial Site in the town of Richland. Other sites around the county are currently being studied for potential business parks.
n Industry/Government Liaison. OOC serves as a liaison between companies and governmental agencies. n Assistance in Accessing Special Incentive Programs. We can help eligible businesses receive real property tax abatements, sales tax exemptions, job training, low interest financing, state grants and tax credits, utility incentives and more.
n Business Incubators. The Business Expansion Center in the city of Oswego is designed to help non-retail, industrial and service businesses achieve significant growth and development during their early stage start-up with the intention of eventually relocating into private commercial space. Plans are being formulated on establishing potential flexible spec buildings and finding a location for a new small business incubator.
n Retention/Expansion Outreach Programs. OOC is focused on helping
n Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Program. OOC
existing employers with expansion initiatives as well as in overcoming barriers that may be impeding business success. n Specialized Research and Technical Assistance. We provide business-
es with information and data to assist in decision making. This can be during the attraction process or with existing employers looking to grow and expand their business in Oswego County.
can help new and expanding businesses obtain Minority and Women Business Enterprises state designation, as well as other necessary development support. n SBA Certified Development Company. OOC is authorized to
finance projects using the SBA 504 loan program which can fund up to 40 percent of fixed asset financing for eligible businesses at below market rates. n USDA IRP Program. The IDA
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
in cooperation with USDA has established a short term financing program for working capital and/or machinery and equipment. Plans are in process to expand the capacity of this program. n IDA Administration. OOC provides, under contract, the administrative support for the IDA and helps to package and provide underwriting for all IDA economic development assistance utilizing IDA programs. n Domestic and International Marketing Program. OOC aggressively
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promotes and markets Oswego County for purposes of attracting new businesses and for enhancing the business climate image of the county. n Micro-Enterprise Training Program. OOC works cooperatively with the City of Fulton Community Development Agency, City of Oswego Community Development Office and the SUNY Oswego Business Resource Center to provide guidance and support to people interested in starting or expanding a small business. n Next Great Idea Program. OOC helps to encourage entrepreneurial development in Oswego County by coordinating a business plan competition that also features a grant to the winner to assist in implementing a business project. n Women’s Network for Entrepreneurial Training. OOC coordinates meetings for women business owners to foster professional and personal growth through networking, presentations and round-table discussions. n Regional Collaboration. OOC is very active with the Central New York Regional Economic Development Council, the Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board, CenterState Center for Economic Opportunity, Empire State Development, and National Grid on efforts and initiatives to spur economic development and to expand and enhance the regional economy. For more information on these programs and other economic development services in Oswego County, call OOC at 343-1545 or visit www.
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Community Leaders
PROFILES Barry Trimble Company: The Eis House Position: Managing member With the company since: March 2014 In your position since: March 2014. Education: High school and technical training. Career highlights: Executive, construction-related businesses; commercial property owner; own/manage taverns and restaurant; town of Palermo councilman for eight years Current affiliations: Greater Oswego-Fulton Chamber of Commerce; Oswego County Industrial Development Agency. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “Set stretch goals, hire competent people and give them the tools they need to succeed. Be there when they need me and stay out of their way when they don’t.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “I have spent several years studying leadership and great leaders. Understanding leadership is essential to leading. Developing simple dashboards for key indicators allows the entire team to see what areas we are doing well in, and the areas that need attention. It’s important to be comfortable with change and try new things.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “We need to find a way to retain and attract the best and brightest 20- and 30-somethings to the area. A robust private sector is important to stability, job growth and providing challenging opportunities for the up and comers. Health care, private education, tourism and other service industries are areas that could provide these opportunities.” What do you do for fun? Read non-fiction, golf and take walks in Oswego. For Updated Business News, Go To
Bram Palm Company: The Fulton Companies Position: President/CEO Since what year with company: 1982 In your position since: 1991 Education: Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Current affiliations: American Society of Mechanical Engineers; The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating an Air-Conditioning Engineers; American Welding Society. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “Choose talented people with strong independent desires and develop strategy to maximize their effectiveness.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “Knowledge of products, respectful of people.” What do you do for fun? “Watch and play basketball.”
Charles W. Scharf Company: BNY Mellon Position: Chairman, CEO Since what year with company: 2017 In your current position since: 2017 Education: Bachelor of Arts degree from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore and a Master of Business Administration degree from New York University. Career highlights: Scharf was most recently CEO and served as a director of Visa Inc. from October 2012 through December 2016, where he was recognized for transforming the firm into a technology-driven digital commerce company. Before joining Visa, Scharf was a managing director of One Equity Partners, the private invest-
ment arm of JPMorgan Chase & Co. Previously, he served as CEO of Retail Financial Services, one of JP Morgan Chase’s six lines of business, from 2004 to 2011, and as CEO of the retail division of Bank One Corp. from 2002 to 2004. Scharf also served as chief financial officer of Bank One Corp. from 2000 to 2002, CFO of the global corporate and investment bank division at Citigroup from 1999 to 2000, and CFO of Salomon Smith Barney and its predecessor company from 1995 to 1999. Current affiliations: Board member, Microsoft Corp.; member, The Business Council of New York state; board of trustees’ member, Johns Hopkins University; chairman, New York City Ballet.
Daniel Dey Company: President and chief executive officer, ConnextCare Position: President/CEO With the company since: 2007 In your current position since: 2007 Education: Bachelor of Science in management science at Nazareth College, Rochester; Master of Business Administration with a health care systems management concentration, SUNY Buffalo. Career highlights: Thirty-three years as an administrator in the community health center program leading the provision of primary and preventive care services to medically uninsured and underinsured rural and urban patient populations. Current affiliations: Director, Community Health Care Association of New York State; president, Upstate Community Health Collaborative Independent Provider Association, Inc. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “Hire excellent people, provide them with guidance and support, and let them achieve.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “Strong inter-
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
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personal and leadership skills.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “Promote its many positive lifestyle aspects to recruit and retain qualified individuals.” What do you do for fun? “Fitness, reading and game activities.”
Dean F. Goewey
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Organization: Oswego City School District Position: Superintendent of schools Since what year with organization: 1991 In your current position since: 2015 Education: Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education, SUNY Oswego, 1984; Master of Science in literacy, SUNY Oswego, 1987; Master of Science degree in educational administration, SUNY Oswego, 1994; Doctor of Education, executive leadership, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, 2012. Career highlights: “It’s an incredible honor to become the superintendent of the district that I not only attended, but have spent my career as a teacher, principal and assistant superintendent prior to my current position. I also truly valued my time as the principal of Riley and Minetto elementary schools. Being an elementary school principal is the best job in the world because it’s a good balance of leadership and still maintaining a connection to students, teachers and families. The superintendency has given me the opportunity to work collaboratively with groups of teachers and support staff as we navigated some tough financial times. We have made tremendous progress right-sizing our district while working to develop comprehensive instructional improvement plans.” Current affiliations: President, Port City Educational Foundation, Inc.; member, School Administrators Association of New York State; member, New York State Council of School Superintendents; member, United University Professionals. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “I’m a collaborative leader. My leadership profile is based on the Kouzes and Posner “Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership” model, which I used as the foundation for my doctoral dissertation. We are data-driven but really more people-driven. Education is a people business and you have to be dynamic, even as a teacher. I interview all the finalists for teaching positions because I want to see if I would want to sit in their class. I didn’t come here from another district — everyone knows who I am and I would treat all staff members with respect and collegiality. I treat our building and grounds staff members the same as I would a member of my executive cabinet.” What type of skill sets do you possess which
make you an effective leader? “Communication and experience. I followed a traditional path to the superintendency — I spent many years as a teacher and principal, building my credibility and took that with me to the central offices when I was named assistant superintendent. I very methodically built my ladder and it’s worked out. I make every decision, whether it be for the budget, or hiring a teacher, or programming at the high school, as if all our students were my own children and how it will affect them.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “Support and enhance the education in our community and continue to enhance partnerships with organizations like SUNY Oswego, Oswego Health and other component school districts in our county. If we produce more fully prepared and lifeready graduates, they can come back and make their own successful lives in Oswego. I tell our graduates — go out and get a great education and hopefully many of you will come back because Oswego is a great place to live and raise a family.” What do you do for fun? “I love to cook and spend time with my family, including my wife, children and most recently, my grandson. I also teach in the doctoral program in executive leadership at St. John Fisher College in Rochester. I spend quite a bit of time on weekends in the Lake George/Saratoga Region, where my wife is a superintendent of schools as well.
Deborah F. Stanley Organization: SUNY Oswego Position: President In your current position since: 1997 (interim president 1995-1997) Education: Juris Doctor, Syracuse University College of Law, Syracuse (admitted to practice in New York state); Bachelor of Arts in English, cum laude, Syracuse University. Career highlights: SUNY Oswego President Deborah Stanley’s tenure has been driven by bold and inclusive leadership and a broad vision resulting in increased academic excellence, campus renewal and the creation of a learner-centered environment. She established the Presidential Scholarship Program for outstanding academic achievers, the Possibility Scholarship Program, and the pioneering Oswego Guarantee that promises the necessary classes will be available for students to complete a degree within four consecutive years and, during those years, there will be no increase in the cost of room or meal plans. She enhanced the Oswego Guarantee with the Graduation ROI in 2013 — a $300 return on investment awarded to all first-time students who complete their baccalaureate degree in four years
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
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Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
or less. Stanley initiated successful national accreditation for the School of Education and national and international accreditation for the School of Business. She led the creation of the School of Communication, Media and the Arts, and recently established the college’s Syracuse campus, located in the Clinton Square area of downtown Syracuse. Under her leadership, new programs such as electrical and computer engineering, human-computer interaction, human development, biomedical and health informatics, cinema and screen studies and the online Master of Business Administration programs were established. Her ambitious campus-wide renewal plan, now in its second decade, encompasses hundreds of millions of dollars in renovations and construction, including $118 million for the environmentally designated LEED Gold Shineman Center for Science, Engineering and Innovation; the revitalization and modernization of the college’s arts building, Tyler Hall; The Village — a new townhouse residential complex on campus; and in the fall of 2018, the renovated Wilber Hall, marking the centralization of all School of Education departments under one contiguous roof. She launched Oswego’s first comprehensive fundraising campaign garnering almost $24 million, spearheaded a massive upgrade of campus technology, internet and laboratory equipment and guided the college to its most culturally diverse student body in SUNY Oswego’s history — 29 percent of the total undergraduate and graduate population, including a record-setting 35 percent of the first-year class self-identified as culturally diverse at the start of the fall 2018 semester. In 2011, Stanley launched “With Passion and Purpose: The Campaign for SUNY Oswego.” The campaign engaged and inspired the Oswego family, including more than 16,000 donors representing alumni, employees, students, parents and friends and raised $43.48 million by 2016. Stanley was named a New York State Woman of Distinction in 2006 by the state Senate and, in 2010, received the Post-Standard’s Person of Achievement Award. Current affiliations: Speaker and panelist at regional, national and international venues on topics such as sexual assault on campus, experiential learning practices and leadership; board member, American Council on Education; immediate past chairwoman of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities board of directors; board member of the American Academic Leadership Institute; member, The Presidents’ Trust; charter signatory, American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment; served a three-year term as board chairwoman of CenterState Corporation for Economic Opportunity, a major association in regional economic development; member, Central New York Regional Economic Development Council.
How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “As leaders, we are all here to serve our stakeholders and foster a climate where there is genuine shared input to establish compelling goals and achieve successful outcomes. Gathering individuals, framing discussions and listening carefully are essential elements to leading in this way.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “I believe in the collective insight gained from accepting and seeking information from all constituents on and off campus to make the best use of our resources as we collaborate to build on our institutional strengths — focused on today but with a keen eye on an even brighter tomorrow.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “The business climate in Oswego County is enhanced by all the generous and committed people who work together to target and support the most competitive and emerging industry sectors and continue to enact pro-growth legislation. Also, there are many individuals and organizations that are leading the way in embracing, investing in, and empowering a diverse workforce to help revitalize and sustain our local and regional economies for years to come. These approaches genuinely support the retention and expansion of existing business, as well as the growth of innovation in our regional economy.” What do you do for fun? “I enjoy golfing and traveling, especially when it involves visiting with family.”
Diane Cooper-Currier Company: Oswego County Opportunities, Inc. Position: Executive director With the organization since: 1984 In your current position since: 2007 Education: Bachelor of Arts in criminology from the University of Maryland; Master of Social Work degree from Syracuse University. Career highlights: Began work at OCO in 1984 and became executive in 2007. Current affiliations: Advisory board, Greater Oswego-Fulton Chamber of Commerce; board of trustees, H. Lee White Marine Museum; board of directors, Oswego County Workforce Development; SUNY Oswego School of Business Advisory Board; board of directors, CNY Care Collaborative. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “My approach to leading is collaborative, team focused and strength based. I strive for a leadership style that has a positive influence and changes those I work with, myself, the organization, and community for the better.” What type of skill sets do you possess which
make you an effective leader? “A combination of my ability to build relationships, listen and communicate effectively, as well as my ability to objectively analyze situations and use data.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “Through creative, entrepreneurial, and collaborative efforts.” What do you do for fun? “Laugh, walk my dog, travel and spend time with family and friends”.
Eric Pahl Company: Vistra Energy Position: Plant manager Since what year with current company: 32 years In your current position since: Nearly two years Education: Bachelor of Science degree in marine engineering, California Maritime Academy; Master of Business Administration, SUNY Oswego. Career highlights: Operations, maintenance and management of both biomass and large combined-cycle power plants. Current affiliations: Oswego County Humane Society. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “Democratic approach with collaboration.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “Experience in the industry, education and ability to form good teams.” What do you do for fun? Boating on Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River, golf and traveling.
Gary Dake Company: Stewart’s Shops Position: President With the company since: 1984 In your current position since: 2003 Education: Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from St. Lawrence University. Career highlights: TimesUnion Leadership Award (2017); Times-Union Capital Region Top Work Places (2017). Current affiliations: St. Peter’s Health Partners board; Arrow Financial Corp. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “Grow and work with employees; manage and teach more; operate less.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? Big picture,
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
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Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
long-term outlook. What do you do for fun? Golf, read and bike.
George Joyce Company: Laser Transit, Ltd. Position: Chief executive officer Since what year with company: Since inception in 1995 In your current position since: 1995 Education: Bachelor’s degree from SUNY Oswego. Career highlights: “Employee to entrepreneur; logistics expertise; financial, sales and information systems skills; community involvement.” Current affiliations: Board of directors, Operation Oswego County; board of directors, Pathfinder Bank; member investor, CenterState CEO; Trucking Association of New York; American Trucking Association. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “I like to foster initiative and consensus where it benefits both customers and company. I don’t think collaboration and competition within the organization are mutually exclusive; rather, they can complement one another. Managers should also be mentors. Company growth is tied to your ability to adapt and to motivate at all levels within the organization.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “The ability to articulate the right message, set the right example, and focus the best efforts and resources toward organization objectives.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “Increasing key utility infrastructure throughout the county and continued improvement in workforce skills and education.” What do you do for fun? “Grandchildren, plus hiking, camping and kayaking.”
Jack Beckwith Jr. Company: Wood-Mizer, LLC Position: Regional sales manager—U.S. Northeast Since what year with company: 2016 In your current position since: 2016 Education: Associate in Applied Science degree in criminal justice, Cayuga Community College; Hannibal High School. Career highlights: Served as Hannibal town councilor (2011-2013); serving as Hannibal town justice since 2014; promoted to regional sales manager with Wood-Mizer LLC in 2016. Affiliations: New York State Magistrates Association; Oswego County Magistrates
Association; trustee and elder, Sterling Valley Community Church. How would you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “Practicing the teachings of scripture. Matthew 7:12: ‘Therefore whatever you desire for men to do to you, you shall also do to them; for this is the law and the prophets.’” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “I was raised in a family of entrepreneurs and small business owners. This was extremely invaluable as I was taught the value of hard work and persistence. This type of upbringing has helped me immensely in my career. I manage my branch and sales area like it was my own business, and I take personal responsibility for its success.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “I believe the business climate can be improved by focusing on industry and private-sector growth. This can be achieved by creating a business-friendly environment. Big business and industry growth is a win-win for everyone in our community. Jobs are created, small businesses thrive, and the local tax base is increased, lessening the burden on our residents.” What do you do for fun? “I enjoy anything in the outdoors — hunting, shooting, fishing, and kayaking. I also enjoy riding my motorcycle with my wife, Katie.”
that of a coach. I believe one of the most important roles of a manager is to make sure the right people are on the team, each team member has a clearly defined role, and everyone understands how he or she contributes to the organization’s overall success.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “Communication and relationship skills are the most important tools that I utilize to be an effective leader. I believe it is so important for a leader to be able to articulate a vision and have the relationship skills and credibility to inspire others to follow.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “I believe that the business climate in the region can be improved with private-sector job growth. In a business climate where many employment opportunities come from government entities, school systems and health care facilities, greater economic growth will follow investments in the private sector.” What do you do for fun? “Having three children — aged 19, 17 and 13 — provides me with the opportunity to have all the fun I want! On most weeknights and weekends, you can typically find me either coaching or watching one of my kids’ sporting events — which I consider fun.”
James Reed
Company: Universal Metal Works Position: Vice president With the organization since: September 2010 In your current position since: September 2010 Education: Bachelor of Science in math and economics, minor in statistics, St. Lawrence University; Master of Business Administration in finance and entrepreneurship, Rochester Institute of Technology. Career highlights: “Growing the company to 25 employees with a variety of skill sets.” Current affiliations: Operation Oswego County; Oswego Yacht Club; Vernon National Shooting Preserve; CenterStateCEO; Manufacturing Association of Central New York. How would you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “I try to treat my employees the way I would like to be treated and work hard to lead by example.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “Listening and truly hearing what my employees have to say.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “I believe the business climate in Oswego County could be improved with a marketing campaign focused on the extremely talented and mechanical workforce that exists in Oswego County. Larger manufacturing companies need the support of
Company: Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Position: Regional president, Central New York region; executive vice president, marketing and sales With the company since: 1996 In your current position since: 2009: Executive vice president, marketing and sales; 2015: Regional president, Central New York region. Education: Bachelor of Science in business administration from Le Moyne College, Syracuse; Master of Business Administration from Le Moyne College. Career highlights: “I have been fortunate to work for a great company based in Upstate New York for the past 20 years. Excellus BlueCross BlueShield is an organization that has provided an opportunity for me to learn and grow both personally and professionally. Working for a company that shares my core value structure has been terrific.” Current affiliations: Board member, HealtheConnections; board member, CenterState CEO; advisory board, Le Moyne College Madden School of Business How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “Having grown up participating in team sports and athletics, I would say that my managerial approach follows
John F. Sharkey IV
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
SUNY Oswego offers education, services and solutions to empower entrepreneurs and business professionals throughout the Central New York region.
SUNY Oswego’s Division of Graduate Studies offers more than 30 programs, such as the Strategic Communication, MA and Graphic Design and Digital Media, MA that tackle how to create and send the right messages to improve an organization’s bottom line. Recognized for excellence in our flexible MBA programs Oswego offers online, part-time, full-time study options at SUNY Oswego’s campuses in Oswego or Syracuse.
SUNY Oswego’s Office of Business and Community Relations offers diverse programs to enrich campus and community. The Small Business Development Center provides business counseling to new and existing businesses. The Workforce Development Board partners with local businesses, community leaders and educational entities to strengthen Oswego County’s workforce to meet in-demand occupations.
SUNY Oswego’s Division of Extended Learning offers programs and services to adult and non-traditional students to open gateways to new careers, enhance skills, or pursue lifelong learning. Courses and professional development opportunities are available online, at SUNY Oswego’s campuses in Oswego or Syracuse, and in the community.
Leadership Oswego County prepares residents to become engaged community stewards.
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 Business Guide Ad 10.29.18_11.indd 1
10/31/18 9:03 AM
fabricators and there is a lot of great support in the county with all the different machine shops and fabricators. It is important that we continue to grow, train and market the skilled workforce that we have.” What do you do for fun? “I enjoy a variety of water activities; duck hunting; playing Gaelic football as well as hockey and skiing in the winter.”
Kerrie Ann Webb Company: Oswego YMCA Position: Executive director Since what year with organization: 2011 In your current position since: June 2014 Education: Oswego High School; bachelor’s degree, SUNY Oswego. Career highlights: Worked for five years with the Oswego City School District as an elementary classroom teacher; respite director, Oswego YMCA, 2011-2014; executive director, Oswego YMCA, 2014-current. Current affiliations: Association of YMCA Professionals; advisory council chairwoman, Greater Oswego-Fulton Chamber of Commerce; board member, Safe Haven Museum and Education Center. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “I am someone who strives to get results through team efforts and mentoring other people. When we help our employees and volunteers build their confidence and skill set through training and invested conversation, not only is there a stronger commitment to the strategic goal, but a vested interest in the organization. I set high expectations and lead by example. I have established an environment of self-management by supporting staff through a mandate to act and a set of mutually agreed-upon goals.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “My strengths lie in my deep connection to our community and a profound inner drive to build relationships and communicate with others. Due to the mountain of change the Oswego YMCA has had over my tenure, I have mastered the ability to handle change continuously and delegate as needed. I use humor when appropriate and problem-solving to build real relationships with staff, members and volunteers.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “I think that we are currently working with the best approach by not functioning as independent silos, and instead working together as a strong region. The resources needed to improve our business climate have already changed. With the Greater Oswego-Fulton Chamber of Commerce working with CenterState CEO, we have
seen an increase in networking and positive change. I believe as we continue to educate ourselves and embrace the positive impact of regionalization, Oswego will flourish and thrive like we know it has the ability to.” What do you do for fun? “Spending time with my family and friends. I like getting out and enjoying time in the woods and nature around our beautiful lake, fishing with my boys, and I also enjoy photography.”
Kevin Shutt Company: Novelis Position: Plant manager Since what year with company: 2012 In your current position since: 2016 Education: Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Ky. Career highlights: Thirty-year career in aluminum rolling and finishing, covering quality, process, reliability and operations roles. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “Leadership by example and servitude” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “Communicating to build engagement and influence, structured improvement methodologies and a sincere desire to work together with all my Novelis family for all of us to be successful. This ultimately makes the company successful.” What do you do for fun? “Spend time with my family, which is now spread across the country, and when possible, woodworking.”
Laurlyn Bush Company: Adecco Staffing Group Position: Senior branch manager Since what year with company: 2002 In your current position since: 2006 Education: Bachelor’s degree, SUNY Cortland. Career highlights: “I began my career with Adecco Staffing Group as a recruiter in 2002 and was quickly promoted to regional staffing recruiter and regional trainer. In 2006, I was promoted to Syracuse branch manager. In 2013-2014, the consolidation of the Fulton Adecco branch occurred and I was promoted to senior branch manager. In 2014 to present, I have managed branches in Liverpool and Auburn. In 2015, the Syracuse Adecco Team also consolidated with Utica. Currently, our territory is nearing 5,000 square miles
and we are serving multiple counties in Central New York, including Oswego County.” How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “Do the right thing every time! Be collaborative, be a good listener, reward and recognize, develop a strong teamwork environment and be a true team player. It is critically important today to be a trusted and respected role model. Together, we can do anything!” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “My top 5 strength finders are: No. 1, Relater; No. 2, Maximizer; No. 3, Strategic; No. 4, Responsibility; and No. 5, Deliberative. The most important skill set to possess in the staffing industry is to continuously strengthen relationships and nurture true partnerships with all internal and external clients and colleagues.” What do you do for fun? “I enjoy hunting, 5K running, traveling and interior design.”
Mark Southwick Company: Huhtamaki Position: Plant manager Since what year with company: 2007 In your current position since: 2016 Education: Bachelor of Science degree, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, May 2003 (magna cum laude), majored in paper science and engineering/engineering option, minor in management at the Syracuse University Whitman School of Management. Career highlights: Engineer, NewPage Luke Mill Power Plant, Luke, Md.; process engineer, production maintenance manager, operations manager and plant manager, Huhtamaki, Fulton. Affiliations: Advisory board, Cayuga Community College Business Program; Cayuga Community Foundation; CNY Workforce Development Talent Taskforce; supportive of the Oswego County P-TECH Program; coach, RC Rage Soccer Association. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “Detail-oriented, supportive leader who provides employees the necessary space and support to be successful.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “Listening and having the ability to use information gained to create a positive, supportive environment that challenges employees in a way that they find rewarding.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “Continue the revitalization in the region around advanced manufacturing as well as industrial-electrical and mechanical maintenance. Advanced manufacturing is a springboard for economic prosperity and we have a significant opportunity for residents
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
in our region to gain the skill, knowledge and ability. Our region’s advanced manufacturing companies are good employers and community partners that we all benefit from.” What do you do for fun? “Playing and coaching soccer, hiking, fishing, snow and water skiing and camping.”
Mark E. Tryniski Company: Community Bank Systems, Inc. Position: President/CEO Since what year with company: 2003 In your current position since: 2006 Education: Associate in Applied Science degree, Onondaga Community College; Bachelor of Science degree, SUNY Oswego. Career highlights: “The growth and success of Community Bank has provided improved opportunities for our employees and their families.” Current affiliations: ConMed Corporation; New York Bankers Association; New York Business Development Corporation; SUNY Oswego Foundation; Onondaga Community College. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “We’re not in the banking business; we’re in the people business.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “Humility.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “Property taxes and regulatory burdens are crushing, particularly for small businesses.” What do you do for fun? Ride motorcycles.
Leading Business and economic growth in Oswego County 121 East 1 Street, Oswego, NY 13126
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Michael Harlovic Company: Oswego Health Position: President/chief executive officer Since what year with company: 2017 In your current position since: 2017 Education: Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in nursing from the University of Pittsburgh; professional certificate in executive leadership from The Wharton School, Philadelphia, Pa. Career highlights: “Introducing new programs and services to Oswego Health. Since I arrived a year ago, the health system has opened the Center for Wound Healing at Oswego Health and the Center for Weight Loss and Surgery, which have both been very successful. We have also welcomed more than nine knowledgeable and well-regarded physicians to Oswego Health that are delivering exceptional care, right here in our
With offices in Syracuse, Oneida and Oswego, Upstate offers a significant benefit to patients at a challenging time — cancer care close to home. As the region’s only medical university, Upstate provides advanced knowledge, leading technology, and greater access to cancer research and clinical trials. Our specialists unite their knowledge to create precise treatment plans for each patient.
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community.” — Starting my health care career as a registered nurse and steadily advancing through the years to the position of president and CEO of Allegheny General Hospital, located in Pittsburgh. As CEO, I developed successful patient experience initiatives, oversaw some $2.3 billion in gross revenues and developed innovative programs that recruited and retained physicians and staff. — Most of my career, 21 years, was spent at Allegheny Valley Hospital, which is part of the same health care network as Allegheny General, where I worked to improve the operating margin, expand the multi-specialty outpatient practices and achieve the network’s No. 1 ranking for service and patient experience. Under my tenure, Allegheny Valley Hospital earned several awards from Healthgrades, the leading online resource for comprehensive information about physicians and hospitals. The facility was presented the Distinction in Clinical Excellence Award for five years, leading to the hospital being named as one of Healthgrades top-50 community hospitals. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “Servant leadership best describes my approach as I have worked from entry-level positions in the health care field — nurse aide, registered nurse, manager, etc.) all the way to chief executive officer. Working in those positions has had a positive impact on my management decisions because I always take into account how they will impact the employees and patients we serve. That being said, I also am a metric-driven, results-oriented executive who holds individuals accountable for their performance. I also spend a great deal of time building relationships internal and external to the organization.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “I have excellent vision for the organization coupled with a plan and an excellent history of execution to achieve identified goals. Relationship building, public speaking and business acumen are integral parts of my tool belt.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “By buying locally to support business in the community. I generally refer to this as a ‘keep it at home strategy.’ Provide feedback whether good or bad to the local business that you utilize. I recently took a group of people out for a business dinner. The food was fantastic, the service was excellent and the facility was clean. I personally reached out to the owners to tell them how impressed I was. Feedback from your customers will lead you on a path of continuous improvement.” What do you do for fun? “Fishing, exercising, walks with my dog, and I enjoy my family as often as I can.”
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
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Michael Szidat Company: Felix Schoeller North America Position: President and CEO Since what year with company: 1999 In your current position since: 2010 Education: Industrial engineering degree from Germany’s Wilhelmshaven University. Career highlights: “Besides the expansion of our Pulaski facility to its current size, the recent acquisition of a California-based company. This is the first time for Felix Schoeller to physically expand its U.S. operations footprint outside of the main Pulaski facility. Although small in size compared to our Pulaski plant (about 10 percent in size and sales), this new operation is an important milestone to attract businesses with national customers and lay the basis for growth in both facilities.” Current affiliations: Member, Central New York Regional Economic Development Council. How can the business climate in the region be improved? “I have always believed that the region has all the ingredients for a growing economy. This includes a great infrastructure, low cost of living (Believe me: We just bought a company in Southern California!), access to capital, a good education system and great institutions of higher education around us. Some local leaders are doing a great job in changing the ‘vibe’ and attractiveness of the area. And we as business leaders also carry a responsibility to reach out to industry peers and attract businesses to relocate to our area or use growth opportunities in Central New York.”
Morris Sorbello Company: Sorbello and Sons Position: Treasurer With company since: 1988 In your current position since: 1988 Education: High school, Fulton Career highlights: Served as president of the Oswego County Vegetable Growers Association from 19711994; served four years as president and two years as director of the New York State Vegetable Growers Association. Affiliations: Oswego County legislator for the 23rd district, which includes Granby and Hannibal; served three years as chairman of the legislature (2001-2003); County of Oswego Industrial Development Agency; Central New York Regional Planning and Development
Board. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “Listen to people in the same business or organization, and work to improve with this information to have a better organization.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “I work hard and listen to others; create jobs as a member of the County of Oswego Industrial Development Agency and Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “We need infrastructure in many areas of our county to expand homes and industry. Sewer and public water access is a must.” What do you do for fun? Enjoy family, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, friends and fellow legislators; fly when possible with a private pilot’s license.
Patricia LaBarr Organization: Watertown City School District Position: Superintendent of Schools Since what year with company: 1987 In your current position since: 2017 Education: SUNY Oswego, superintendent development program (2015); SUNY Oswego, Certificate of Advanced Study, educational administration with distinction (2005); SUNY Potsdam, Master of Science degree in elementary education, summa cum laude (1990); Syracuse University, Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education (1986) Certifications: New York State Permanent School District Administrator (2005); New York State Permanent Nursery, Kindergarten, 1-6, (1990). Career highlights: Fostered a team concept with the offices of the superintendent, assistant superintendent for instruction, and the assistant superintendent for personnel — Monitored all instructional programs for 4,000 students and analyzed data to align best practices; — Chaired a team of staff, parents, and community members to develop a professional development plan that includes a three-year curriculum cycle as well as an extensive mentoring program; — Planned professional development for 387 instructional staff and 239 non-instructional staff with a focus on team building and collaboration to cultivate a culture and climate of innovation and change to further our mission to improve instructional strategies that impact student learning; — Partnered with pre-K-12 administrators, academic coaches, and lead teachers to develop consistency across all instructional and non-instructional areas of the district;
— Managed pre-K-12 federal grants with a budget of $2-plus million that includes Title I, II, III; — Supervised and assisted writing competitive grant applications such as Department of Defense educational activity grant, school improvement grants for Watertown High School and Case Middle School, 21st Century learning grant, multiple pre-K 4-year-old grants, and the pre-K 3-year-old grant providing an additional $5-plus million to support district initiatives; — Facilitated the writing of local assistance plans for Watertown High School and Case Middle School; — Boosted district-wide initiatives such as Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, and One District One Book; — Completed the technology plan with the committee and increased the use and integration of technology in the school district, including the use of Canvas and i-Ready — Improved communication with the community by including them in various district-wide committees; — Assisted with budget development and instrumental in recommendations for budget cuts in the instructional programs throughout the school district; — Increased connections with local legislators to learn more about the Drive for 25 Farm-to-School Project; — Communicated regularly with all stakeholders to support positivity/proactive solutions and alleviate potential problems — Collaborated with the superintendent, assistant superintendent of personnel, and lawyer regarding personnel issues; — Provided academic/non-academic reports and stressed the importance of data analysis to drive instruction; — Strengthened Academic Intervention Services by revising the AIS plan and incorporating new strategies; — Developed a shared decision-making policy; — Advocated for the Community Eligibility Program allowing all students to have free breakfast and lunch; Affiliations: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development: Professional Learning & Community for Educators; BOCES district superintendent’s representative for the New York State Education Department’s Title I Committee of Practitioners; Bridges 4-H Program with Cornell Cooperative Extension; Backpack Committee; Drive for 25 Farm to School Committee; Empire State Poverty Reduction Initiative Steering Committee; Fort Drum Educational Liaison Committee; New York State Council of School Superintendents; North Country Family Health School-Based Advisory Committee; Pre-K Transition Team. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “I believe in the team approach — it takes everyone working together to make a difference!” What type of skill sets do you possess which
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
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make you an effective leader? Communication and listening skills are two of the most important attributes of an effective leader. How can the business climate in the region be improved?” I live in Jefferson County, but the best way to improve the climate is to forge relationships that support the mission of the community. Notice the “we” in the word awesome!” What do you do for fun? “Work! Attend concerts, and spend time with family”.
Richard D. Pastor Company: Davis-Standard Position: Vice president operations Since what year with company: Initially from 1987-2006; most recently, 2016-present. In your current position since: 2016 Education: Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering, SUNY Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome; Master of Business Administration, Martin J. Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University. Career highlights: “Senior level technology leader in two Fortune 100 companies with diversified experience in equipment, manufacturing, materials and product development; 30 years with market-leading companies in positions of increasing responsibility and accountability; proven track record in new product development, project management, and innovation.” Current affiliations: United Way. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach: “My background is a mixture of custom equipment design, project management, materials, product development, people management, strategic technology leadership, and executive management. I trust leaders to do the job they were hired to do and fully support individuals while making every effort not to micro-manage. I take great pride in helping others achieve their career goals.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader: “I have always worked in a technology-focused organization, but have been drawn to positions that enable me to stay on the border of technical and commercial-manufacturing activities. I am always looking to create a culture of innovation, establish a technology roadmap to drive better than gross domestic product growth and identify adjacencies that can leverage core competencies. Having direct first-hand experience with the equipment we build, as a customer and user, provides a level of credibility to help create and execute a strategic vision, obtain support from the team, improve current systems-products, and ultimately take the organization on a new or improved path.”
How can the business climate in Oswego County be improved: “Increase the number of programs providing non-degreed manufacturing-technical skills, such as mechanical assembly, machine tools, electrical wiring, etc. This will help drive an environment where potential employees can learn a trade and be connected to potential employers. We are always looking for ways to take advantage of apprentice programs, internships, etc. What do you do for fun?: play golf, photography, travel.
Richard J. Shirtz Company: NBT Bank Position: Regional president Since what year with company: Joined NBT Bank in 2013 through acquisition of Alliance Bank; joined Alliance Bank in 2009. In your current position since: 2013 Education: Bachelor’s degree in industrial relations from Le Moyne College, Syracuse; Master of Business Administration in organizational management-finance from the Martin J. Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University; completed graduate studies in bank management at the Stonier Graduate School of Banking, Rutgers University, N.J. Career highlights: Shirtz has more than 35 years of banking experience. Prior to joining Alliance Bank in 2009, he served as district president and senior vice president of commercial banking for Citizens Bank. Prior to that, he was senior vice president and relationship team manager for KeyBank. Current affiliations: Vice chairman, Syracuse Stage; board of directors’ member, Syracuse-area Salvation Army and The First Tee of Syracuse; member, Syracuse Roman Catholic Diocese investment committee; member, and CenterState CEO partners advisory committee. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “I focus on facilitation and collaboration, with a clearly defined goal in mind. I try to put myself in the position of the individuals with whom I work, then identify and utilize their strengths to best accomplish our overall organizational goals.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “Primarily, I listen and make sure to understand why we need to do certain tasks, prior to having others participate. I believe communication, starting with good listening skills, is the most vital ingredient of both personal and organizational success.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “We know the value that a university provides for the surrounding business community, and there is still plenty of opportunity for growth and partnership with
our local university. That’s why NBT Bank has invested in developers that recognize the need for quality, affordable student housing.” What do you do for fun? Golf, travel and watch Syracuse University football and basketball.
Rick Lee Company: Centro Position: CEO
Since what year with current company: 2000 In your current position since: 2016 Education: Master of Arts in public administration, Maxwell School at Syracuse University. Career highlights: “I’ve built a career working in three primary employment sectors — for-profit companies, large nonprofit hospital, and government. During my time within these sectors, I’ve built administrative programs focused on enlarging and improving the functional operations of each company while creating improved work environments for the employees. These programs are then transformed to improve customer contact and service.” Current affiliations: Board member, New York Public Transit Association; executive committee member, Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Committee; member, American Public Transportation Association. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “It is very important to keep in constant contact with supervisory, managerial and line employees. I take the time to listen to those who have ideas to share. It is also important to be honest and clear in communication at all times”. What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “The ability to view the broad impact of the service we provide to our community; being progressive and involving myself with our customers and community; being available to work with community leaders, customers and employees and making informed decisions based on input from those groups”. How can the business climate in the region be improved? Strengthening the entire transportation system, including the rural areas of Oswego County. A strong transportation system allows citizens to get to work, retail centers, medical appointments, and to see family and friends. Transportation to work is often one of the most frequent reasons employers have trouble in recruiting employees. Improvement of the system would help economic development”. What do you do for fun? “Landscaping, biking, snowshoeing, and spending time with family and grandchildren”.
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
Ronald L. Woodward Municipality: City of Fulton Position: Mayor With the municipality since: 1982 In your current position since: 2008 Education: Fulton High School and trade school (machinist). Affiliations: New York Conference of Mayors. Career highlights: Served on the City of Fulton Common Council for six two-year terms in the 1980s and from 1999 forward, has served in the capacity of councilor, executive assistant to the mayor, and has served as mayor since 2008 . How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “Conservative but people oriented”. What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “Many years of managerial experience in both the private and public sectors.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “Find ways to reduce taxes.” What do you do for fun? “I am a history buff and collect and enjoy antiques.”
Ryan Malone Company: W.D. Malone Trucking & Excavating, Inc. Position: President Since what year with company: 1986 In your current position since: 2002 Education: High school Career highlights: “When we meet with organization leaders and engineers who say they hope that we win the project, that tells me that we’re doing well and they’ve been happy in the past with our work.” Current affiliations: National Federation of Independent Business; Syracuse Builders Exchange; American Traffic Safety Services Association. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “Just to keep our employees always working and give support to our project supervisors and foremen as much as I can.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “Organization and communication skills are what I feel would be most important, both of which I’ll always be working on perfecting myself. Trying to be proactive and to plan well for each day seems to alleviate any confusion or inefficiency.” How can the business climate in the region be Speedway Press P.O. Box 815 1 Burkle Street Oswego, Ny 13126 Phone: (315) 343-3531 Fax: (315)343-3577
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Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
improved? “It seems to be improving these past few years. We’ve been able to bid more locally which is great for our company and employees. It makes it easier for them to get home and spend time with their families at night when they’re not traveling too far for projects.” What do you do for fun? “Snowmobiling, Jet Skiing, and hanging out with friends and family.”
Shonna Sargent Company: Fulton Family YMCA Position: CEO With the company since: 2009 In your current position since: July 2018 Education: Bachelor of Science degree in physical education, SUNY Cortland; Master of Science degree in elementary education, SUNY Oswego. Career highlights: “Grew and maintained programming for at-risk kids; created successful youth partnerships including Louisville City FC, a professional soccer team; raised over $18,000 with Project 308, a program to help offset the costs for children to play sports who could not otherwise afford it. Affiliations: Fulton Noon Rotary; advocate, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “I’m a servant leader at heart. Servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world. I love being part of the Y and am very committed to improving the community.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “Extensive program and finance experience and expertise; strong work ethic and desire to succeed; time management and organization.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “For us, we just need to promote ourselves and let the community know everything that we offer.” What do you do for fun? “Hang out with family and friends; attend Syracuse University games; ride utility terrain vehicles.
Tania Anderson Company: ARISE Position: Chief executive officer With the company since: 1998 In your current position since: 2016 Education: Juris doctorate, master’s degree in media administration, bachelor’s degree in English and journalism, Syracuse University. Career highlights: “I worked as a newspaper reporter for several years before going to law school. I served on the board of directors of ARISE for 17 years while also working as a
lawyer for state and federal courts. I decided to follow my passion for advocating for people with disabilities, and I became ARISE’s chief executive officer in 2016. This easily has been the most meaningful job of my career. Current affiliations: New York Association for Independent Living; Central New York Care Collaborative; Community Services Board; Central New York Behavioral Health Care Collaborative; Inclusive Alliance Independent Practice Association; LIFEPlan Care Coordination Organization, LLC. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “I respect the talent, perspective and dedication of our staff. By listening to them as well as paying attention to the market in which we operate, it’s my job to assemble a vision for ARISE. It’s also my job to communicate that vision both within and outside the agency so we can work together to accomplish our goals, deliver the best service possible, and ultimately change the world.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? Like many of our staff members, I live the mission of ARISE because my daughter happens to have a disability. I am able to combine my formal background and training with my passion for creating a more inclusive world that recognizes the power and value of people with disabilities.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “We are learning to partner and work together in new and creative ways to promote the quality of life in Oswego County and Central New York. Our region has tremendous resources and potential, and we need continued investment in our education systems and infrastructure.” What do you do for fun? “I enjoy any time spent with my daughter; gardening, and running.”
Thomas Schneider Company: Pathfinder Bank Position: President and CEO With the company since: 1988 In your current position since: 2000 Education: Master of Business Administration, Fairfield University, Fairfield, Conn., May 2003; Bachelor of Arts in economics, SUNY Cortland, June 1983. Career highlights: Merrill Lynch & Co., New York, N.Y., 1983-1987 (final position, section manager, financial control); Pathfinder Bank, Oswego, 1988 to
present (controller, 1988-1994; chief financial officer, 1994 -2000; chief executive officer, 2000-present). Current affiliations: Board member, The Richard S. Shineman Foundation; board member; Port of Oswego Authority; past chairman and current executive committee member, New York Bankers Association; past chairman and current board member, Oswego Health; board member, WCNY; advisory board member, Stonier Graduate School of Banking; adjunct professor, SUNY Oswego. What do you do for fun? “I enjoy golfing, reading and spending time with friends and family”.
Thomas J. Colabufo Organization: Central Square School District Position: Interim superintendent Since what year with organization: September 2015. In your current position since: September 2016. Education: Bachelor of Science degree in social studies education, Le Moyne College, 1997; master’s degree, Le Moyne College, 2001; certificate of advanced study in education administration, SUNY Oswego, 2008. Career highlights: “I have had the honor and privilege of teaching for 10 years and I am currently in my 10th year as an administrator. I have amassed a tremendous amount of experience as I have worked with outstanding teachers, support staff, administrators, parents, community members, and most importantly, excellent students that are dedicated to succeed in the 21st century.” Current affiliations: New York State Association of School Personnel Administrators; Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development; New York State Association for Computers and Technologies in Education. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “I would say that my approach to leadership is a shared decision-making approach that empowers teacher-leaders and building level administrators to play an active role in researching best practices and using data to drive decisions throughout the district. We are continuing to make solid connections between data, effective instructional practices, and how we provide professional development to all staff as we shift from a focus on teaching to a focus on student learning. Our overarching goal is to accommodate all students’ learning needs in a welcoming environment where both students and staff feel empowered and invested on a daily basis.” What type of skill sets do you possess that make you an effective leader? “In my 20 years in education, I have worn many hats, as I was a teacher at the elementary, middle and
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
high school levels. I have been very fortunate to have also been an administrator at the elementary and secondary levels. This has provided me with valuable insight regarding all educational matters as I have been directly connected to instruction at every level in a Pre-K-12 setting. This has helped me work with staff members at every level and has provided me with a level of credibility that all staff deserves. I like to think of myself as a listener first as I always seek first to understand and then be understood. I would never ask anyone to do something that I myself would not do. I absolutely love working with district level administrators, building principals and assistant principals, teachers and support staff, and our many wonderful students that expect to come to school everyday and be both challenged and supported.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “I feel that the business climate in Oswego County has really stepped up in its support for education with its participation in P-TECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High School), which has been an amazing opportunity for several of our students that attend the grades 9-14 model and will receive their associate’s degrees upon graduation. I commend the Oswego County businesses that have stepped up and played a key role in this program, and I know many more Oswego County businesses will join as we all want to keep jobs in this great community and play a role in supporting students beyond graduation.” What do you do for fun? “Family is extremely important to my wife and I. On weekends, you can find me fishing with an amazingly supportive wife and two wonderful sons, aged 5 and 3. I also enjoy bringing my family to the many school-related evening activities, such as band competitions, sporting events, concerts and theatrical shows. It is truly a win-win for me because I get to spend quality time with my family doing things that they seem to enjoy, while supporting our school community.”
Tim Buckingham Companies: Buckingham Market/Buckingham Home Center Position: Co-owner Since what year with company: Purchased these businesses in January 2018. In your current position since: January 2018. Education: Bachelor of Science degree from Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Mich. Career highlights: “Happily left the corporate world behind when deciding to become a business owner.” How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “I believe in empowering
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412 West 1st Street Oswego, NY 13126 Central New York’s local source for custom paper and specialty products
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
employees so each person will feel they are a valuable part of the operation.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “Extensive managerial experience — I have spent a considerable portion of my corporate career operating large manufacturing and distribution facilities for a well-known corporation and I bring that managerial and financial experience to the table.” What do you do for fun? Hunting, snowmobiling.
Timothy Hardy Company: Sunoco Fulton Ethanol Plant Position: General manager With the company since: 1995 In your current position since: 2013 Education: Bachelor of Science, Central Michigan University; undergraduate fellowship, University of Cambridge; master’s degree in strategic studies, U.S. Army War College Career highlights: Sunoco Award of Excellence on two occasions. Current affiliations: CenterState CEO; Manufacturers Association of Central New York; Central New York International Business Alliance. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “Trust those who support you.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “Patience, inquisitive.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “Instead of chasing the ‘new, bright and shiny,’ support those already in the community.” What do you do for fun? Bike, kayak, hike.
employee to feel valued and appreciated each day.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “I began my retail career more than 20 years ago when I purchased my first hardware/outdoor store. Since then, I have added a second hardware/ outdoor store. I have extensive knowledge of retail operations as well as many years of financial and managerial experience. What do you do for fun? Hunting, snowmobiling.
Tracy Bender Company: Kindred at Home Position: Executive director With the company since: 2008 In your current position since: 2014 Education: Bachelor of Science degree in physical therapy; Master of Arts degree in negotiation and conflict management. Career highlights: Eighteen years providing home care services. How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “I like to lead by example and generally I proceed with a collaborative approach. I would never ask an employee to do something that I myself would not be willing to do. The needs of our patients always come first and are at the center of everything we do.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “Experience and good problem-solving skills. I have an ability to fully assess and educate myself on any situation to make an appropriate decision. I also have the ability to listen to
what our employees have to say to create a positive work environment.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “By collaborating to support each other, and by using each other’s strengths to enhance each other for the community.” What do you do for fun? Boating, camping, hiking, reading.
William J. Barlow, Jr. Organization: City of Oswego Position: Mayor In your current position since: January 2014-December 2015 as city councilor (one term). Since what year in the current position: Jan. 1, 2016. Education: Graduated from Oswego High School in 2008; Bachelor of Science degree in environmental technology, Arizona State University, 2012. Career highlights: In 2016, the 25-year-old Barlow was elected the youngest mayor in New York state and the youngest ever in Oswego County. How would you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “Have a good vision and work every day to inch closer to that vision.” What type of skill sets do you possess which make you an effective leader? “When participating in government, you need to be 100 percent results-oriented.” How can the business climate in the region be improved? “Encourage support for small, family owned businesses.” What do you do for fun? “Run my business, Barlow’s Concessions.”
Todd Buckingham Companies: Buckingham Market/Buckingham Home Center Position: Co-owner With the company since: Purchased these businesses in January 2018. In your current position since: January 2018. Education: Bachelor of Science degree from Syracuse University. Career highlights: “I’ve been in retail operations for more than 20 years and own two other hardware and outdoor stores.” How do you describe your managerial philosophy or approach? “We strive for every
It’s All About Business
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
One of the largest, most advanced ethanol producers in the United States and a company committed to driving the local, state and national economies by: ï -NWNSL QTHFQ JRUQT^JJX FSI XZUUTWYNSL XYFYJ\NIJ HTWS UWTIZHJWX ï 5WTIZHNSL F WJSJ\FGQJ KZJQ \MNHM MJQUX QT\JW LFXTQNSJ prices, QT\JW LWJJSMTZXJ LFX JRNXXNTSX FSI WJIZHJ TZW SFYNTSèX dependency on foreign oil
Out of every bushel of corn (56 pounds), the Sunoco Ethanol Fulton Manufacturing Plant produces ...
For employment inquiries and corn sales, or DDGs and ethanol purchasing, visit +ZQYTS 2FSZKFHYZWNSL 5QFSY ï 4\JSX 7TFI +ZQYTS 3>
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
RRank ank -- E Employer mployer
N Number umber of of E Employees mployees
Largest Private Employers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Exelon Generation Novelis Corp. Oswego Health, Inc. Walmart Oswego County Opportunities Huhtamaki The Fulton Companies Morningstar Residential Care Ctr St. Luke Health Services Adecco Employment Services Price Chopper Champlain Valley Specialty Felix Schoeller North America Tops Friendly Markets F.X. Caprara Chevrolet Buick Arise ConnextCare McDonald’s Little Lukes Oswego Industries Behling Orchards Davis-Standard, LLC The Wolak Group Pathfinder Bancorp Lowe’s Home Improvement Riccelli Enterises, Inc. Kinney Drugs Subway CST Brands/Nice N Easy International Wire Group McDonald’s Corp. National Grid The Broadwell Hospitality Group Carrols Corp. Sonbyrne Sales Inc. Rite Aid Pontiac Care and Rehabilitation Ctr Sunoco Lydall, Inc. Oswego YMCA Catholic Charities of Oswego Co. Eagle Beverage Co., Inc. Eastern Shore Associates Fulton Family YMCA Stafkings Heathcare/Personnel Syst. The Great Outdoors RV Superstore Fulton Savings Bank Mirabito Energy Products Travel Resorts of America Buckingham Market/Home Center
385 350 335 300 260 250 250 249 240 236 218 200 188 187 165 163 160 159 125 121 116 116 114 110 110 110 110 107 107 101 97 96 84 For 83 82 80 80 76 75 68 66 64 64 60 250 500
Updated Business News, Go To
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
RRank ank -- E Employer mployer
N Number umber of of E Employees mployees
Largest Private Employers
in Oswego County
Number of employees has been provided by individual employers. It includes full-time and part-time employees.
Figures are based on October 2018 employment.
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
Based on Numbers of Employees
Top Manufacturing Employers Novelis Corporation
Huhtamaki, Inc.
1500 1,458
The Fulton Companies
Champlain Valley Specialty
Felix Schoeller North America
250 163
Davis-Standard, LLC International Wire Group
Lydall, Inc.
McIntosh Box & Pallet 52 BioSpherix, Ltd. 49 Kenwell Corp. 49 Multi-Color Corp. (Fulton) 46 Canfield Machine & Tool, LLC 42 K&N’s Foods USA, LLC 40
Top Public Employers SUNY Oswego
Oswego Co. Government
Central Square School District
701 660
Oswego City School District Fulton City School District
Mexico Acad. School District
Ctr. for Instruc., Tech. & Innovation
Phoenix Central School District
City of Oswego
Hannibal School District
APW School Districtl
Pulaski Acad. and School District
Sandy Creek School District City of Fulton Cayuga CC (Fulton Campus)
205 140 95
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
Based on Numbers of Employees
Oswego area - Largest Private Employers 0
Exelon Generation
1,500 1,525
Novelis Corp.
Oswego Health, Inc.
Morningstar Residential Care
St. Luke Health Services
Price Chopper
Champlain Valley Specialty
Little Lukes
188* *Figures include employees in other locations within Oswego County.
Fulton area - Largest Private Employers 0
Oswego Co. Opportunities
Price Chopper
Oswego Industries
Davis-Standard, LLC National Grid
163 110
Lydall, Inc.
Catholic Charities Oswego Co.
*Figures include employees in other locations within Oswego County.
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
Based on Numbers of Employees
Central Square area - Largest Private Employers 0
800 894*
890 *
Walmart Buckingham Market / Home Center60 Reymore Chevrolet 41 Design Concepts 38 Burdick Ford, Inc.
United Wire Technologies 14 *Figures include employees in other locations within Oswego County.
Pulaski area - Largest Private Employers 0
The Fulton Companies
Felix Schoeller North America
Tops Friendly Market
249* 240
F.X. Caprara Chevrolet Buick 218*
*Figures include employees in other locations within Oswego County.
Mexico area - Largest Private Employers 0
Tops Friendly Markets
Behling Orchards
The Eis House
300 249*
23 23 23
Cornell Coop. Ext. of Oswego Co.
Harbor Lights Chem. Dependency 21 21 *Figures include employees in other locations within Oswego County. **Figures include seasonal workers.
Phoenix - Largest Private Employers 0
CST Brands/Nice N Easy Sonbyrne Sales Inc. Suburban Propane Products
107* 31
Majestic Mold & Tool 18 B & Q Distribution Service Inc. 17 *Figures include employees in other locations within Oswego County.
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
Based on Numbers of Employees
Top Energy Producers 01
1,500 1,525
Exelon Generation Sunoco 96 NRG Oswego Generating Station
Brookfield Renewable Energy 34 Luminant - Independence Power Plant
Top Healthcare Providers 01
Oswego Health, Inc.
1,025 350
Morningstar Residential Care
St. Luke Health Services ConnextCare
Pontiac Care and Rehabilitation Ctr
Kindred at Home 58 Dr. Padma Ram Medical Services, LLC 35 Oswego Co. OB-GYN, P.C. 34
Top School Districts 0
Central Square School District
Oswego City School District
Fulton City School District
Mexico Acad. Central School District
Ctr for Instruction, Tech. & Innovation
Phoenix Central School District
Hannibal School District
APW School District Pulaski Acad. and School District Sandy Creek School District
246 217 205
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
Based on Numbers of Employees
Top Nonprofit 0
Oswego Co. Opportunities
Oswego Industries
Catholic Charities of Oswego Co.
Top Grocery Stores 0
Price Chopper
Tops Friendly Markets
Buckingham Market/Home Center
Paul’s Big M Supermarket
Save-A-Lot 25 *Includes figures from home center.
Top Pharmacies 0
Kinney Drugs, Inc.
Rite Aid
Wayne Pharmacy
Top Auto Dealers 0
F.X. Caprara Chervolet Buick
Burritt Chevrolet/Buick Reymore Chevrolet
49 41
Longley Brothers Dodge
Par-K Enterprises
Burdick Ford, Inc. 24 Time Buyer Auto Sales 23 *Figures include employees in other locations.
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
Based on Numbers of Employees
Onondaga County - Largest Employers SUNY Upstate Medical University
St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Ctr
Syracuse University
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.
Crouse Health
National Grid
Charter Communications
1,800 1,700
Syracuse VA Medical Ctr
Lockheed Martin Corp. United Technologies Carrier
United Parcel Service
Verizon 1,100 Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse 1,000 L. & J.G. Stickley, Inc.
Welch Allyn 900 Excellus BlueCross BlueShield of CNY 800 The Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 780
Detailed information on page 88
AXA Advisors - The Empire 660 Raymour & Flanigan
Jefferson County - Largest Employers 0
Fort Drum Samaritan Medical Center
18,000 19,044
NYS Department of Corrections 1,900 Jefferson Co. Government
Indian River Central School
Watertown City School
Carthage Central School
Jefferson Rehabilitation Ctr.
Jefferson-Lewis BOCES
Detailed information on page 95
Cayuga County - Largest Employers Department of Corrections
Auburn Community Hospital
Cayuga County Government
Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES
Walmart Stores Inc.
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. TRW Automotive Electronics
Nucor Steel Auburn
1,200 1,275
Auburn Enlarged City School
Xylem, Inc.
370 338 300 290
Detailed information on page 93
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
The Largest Private
Employers 1
Exelon Generation Principal Executive: • Peter Orphanos Site vice president, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station; • Joseph Pacher Site vice president, James. A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant
Nine Mile Point P.O. Box 63, Lycoming, NY 13093 James. A. FitzPatrick P.O. Box 110 , Lycoming, NY 13093 Phone: 315-343-2110 Website: In Oswego County since: 1969 Total employment: 1,525 nnWhat’s new: At Nine Mile Point, station personnel, joined by 1,700 supplemental workers, conducted the 16th refueling and maintenance outage at Unit 2 in the spring of 2018. The outage featured a number of significant equipment upgrades and modifications, including new motors for both reactor recirculation pumps, a new motor and impeller for circulating water pump “F”, new reactor water cleanup pump and a new digital electro-hydraulic control system. All of the work completed supports continued safe, reliable, carbon emission-free operations. FitzPatrick’s 23rd refueling and maintenance outage was executed early fall of 2018. Station personnel, joined by 1,350 supplemental workers, performed more than 10,000 activities that can only be accomplished when the plant is off-line. Major work performed during the outage included inspecting the reactor vessel and high-pressure turbine, installing a new circulating water pump motor and replacing about one-third of the fuel assemblies in the reactor core. The work performed helps ensure the plant runs safely and provides consistent, reliable power to the region for another two-year operating cycle. In addition, the employees of Exelon Generation at both stations continue to power their local communities through volunteer
work and financial contributions. In 2018, employees supported a number of events and organizations, including Harborfest, the Oswego YMCA and Oswego County Soil & Water’s “Plant a Tree” and Environthon programs. nnOperations: Exelon Generation, a subsidiary of Exelon Corporation (NYSE: EXC), is one of the largest, most efficient clean energy producers in the U.S., with a generating capacity of more than 32,000 megawatts. Exelon Generation operates the largest U.S. fleet of carbon-free nuclear plants with more than 19,600 megawatts of capacity from 22 reactors at 13 facilities in Illinois, Maryland, New York and Pennsylvania. Exelon Generation also operates a diverse mix of wind, solar, landfill gas, hydroelectric, natural gas and oil facilities in 19 states with more than 12,400 megawatts. Exelon Generation has an industry-leading safety record and is an active partner and economic engine in the communities it serves by providing jobs, charitable contributions and tax payments that help towns and regions grow. Units 1 and 2 of the Nine Mile Point Nuclear Generating Station are General Electric boiling water reactors. Unit 1 went online in 1969 and is one of the two oldest nuclear reactors still in service in the United States; New Jersey’s Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station is the other. Unit 2 has been in operation since 1988. Construction of both units, along with the neighboring James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant, was commissioned by Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation. Fitzpatrick was sold immediately upon completion, while Niagara Mohawk retained its share of the Nine Mile Point units until 2001, when it sold them to Constellation. In 2006, Constellation announced that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission had granted 20-year license extensions to both units. Unit 1, which generates 613 megawatts of power, is licensed to operate until 2029 while Unit 2, which generates 1,277 megawatts of power, is licensed until 2046. The FitzPatrick plant is also a boiling water reactor and generates 813 megawatts of power. FitzPatrick and half of the Nine Mile Point site were transferred to the Power Authority of the State of New York, now called the New York Power Au-
thority. It was named after PASNY Chairman James A. FitzPatrick. In 2015, Entergy Corp. announced its plans to shut down FitzPatrick. To avoid closure, Exelon Generation agreed to purchase the plant from Entergy at the price of $110 million. On April 1, 2017, Exelon assumed ownership and operation of the plant.
Novelis Corporation Principal Executive: Kevin Shutt Plant manager
448 county Route 1A Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-349-0121 Website: In Oswego County since: 1963 Total employment: 1186 Full-time: 1,103 Part-time: 83 nnOperations: Novelis Inc. is the global leader in aluminum rolled products and the world’s largest recycler of aluminum. Novelis is an $11.5 billion company and employs more than 11,000 people across 24 operating locations in 10 countries. Novelis supplies premium aluminum sheet and foil products to transportation, packaging, construction, industrial and consumer electronics markets throughout North America, Europe, Asia and South America. Producing more than 1 billion pounds of high-quality aluminum sheet each year, Oswego represents Novelis’ first U.S. operation and stands today as the company’s largest, wholly owned fabrication facility in North America. Equipped for aluminum scrap re-melting, ingot casting, hot and cold rolling, and aluminum finishing, Oswego generates premium aluminum products used by the automotive, beverage can, building and construction and automotive markets and in multiple industrial product applications. Novelis was spun off from Canadian mining and aluminum manufacturer Alcan Inc. and incorporated in 2005. India’s Hindalco Indus-
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
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Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
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tries acquired the company for $6 billion in 2007. The acquisition made Hindalco one of the world’s top integrated aluminum players and Novelis a member of the Aditya Birla Group. For more information, visit novelis. com, Facebook at and follow on Twitter at
Oswego Health, Inc. Principal Executive: Michael Harlovic President and CEO
110 W. Sixth St. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-349-5511 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1881 Total employment: 1025 Full-time: 882 Part-time: 143 nnWhat’s new: Oswego Health experienced another unprecedented year in terms of welcoming physicians, modernizing local health care services and being recognized for providing high-quality healthcare services. • In 2018, the health system welcomed several physicians aInd physician specialists, ensuring area residents have the best care available. Among these highly knowledgeable physicians is fellowship-trained breast surgeon Lisa Lai. Following her arrival, Oswego Health developed a breast care team that is delivering a wide range of comprehensive services not previously available. Other new physicians include psychiatrist Cecile Matip and family practice physician Jill Peterson, who provides care at the PrimeCare Medical Office in Central Square. • Also joining Oswego Health in 2018 were four surgeons from Colon Rectal Associates of Central New York. These well-known providers include David Nesbitt, Michael Moffa, John Nicholson and J. Alan Ziegler. The board-certified and fellowship-trained physicians are providing colon and rectal cancer screening and care of anorectal disorders in Oswego Hospital’s modern seven-suite surgery center. • Another well-regarded practice joining the health system is Oswego Family Physicians. The practice, one of the largest practices in Oswego County, became part of Oswego Health’s captive professional corporation, Physician Care P.C., which provides physician services in bariatrics, cardiology, general surgery, primary care, orthopedics, and otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat). This new collaboration will allow Oswego Health to recruit additional primary care providers to the community. • To meet the surgery needs of residents, Oswego Health in 2018 welcomed Howard
Simon, an accomplished and well-known surgeon with extensive surgical experience. He is credited with implementing and then leading several cutting-edge medical programs in Syracuse and is bringing his surgical expertise to Oswego Health. Simon implemented and then directed Upstate Medical Center’s trauma center, its bariatric program and the hospital’s minimally invasive program. • Along with providing the community with knowledgeable and caring physicians, the health system announced plans to break ground on two major construction projects that will transform local health care services: – The health system announced plans to develop a new $17 million behavioral health services facility that will be built specifically to provide this specialized care. – Oswego Hospital’s third and fourth floors will be renewed to offer private rooms with their own bathrooms that offer a hotel-like feel. These comfortable and attractive private rooms will lead to safer, quicker healing. Plans include comfortable areas for families and loved ones. • While work on the two projects mentioned above began in late 2018, Oswego Health did complete a project in the fall of 2018 that updated Oswego Hospital’s emergency department. While the entire department underwent a complete renovation less than 10 years ago, this key hospital department now features a more welcoming look, as well as new flooring, new lighting and a fresh coat of paint. • In 2018 Oswego Health was recognized for the high-quality care it provides to area residents. • In collaboration with Novelis, Oswego Health opened an Oswego Health PrimeCare office onsite at the Oswego plant offering convenient care for its employees, their family members and retirees. • A Centers for Medicaid and Medicare report declared that Oswego Hospital ranked third best among 25 Central New York hospitals for its treatment of sepsis infections. In fact, the health care facility ranked better for its sepsis prevention care than all three of the Syracuse hospitals. — The Manor at Seneca Hill, Oswego Health’s skilled nursing facility, experienced its best New York State Department of Health survey, which recognized the outstanding resident care provided at the health care facility. Each year, The Manor undergoes a thorough unannounced DOH survey that evaluates all aspects of patient care. • In addition to these achievements, Oswego Health installed new equipment, including a 4K ultra high-definition system in its surgery center, allowing surgeons to view the entire surgical field in a higher resolution, better light and a wider color gamut. — Oswego Hospital’s medical imaging department installed 3-D mammography equipment. The equipment is an advanced form of mammography that uses a low-dose
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
Short lead time? Supplier at capacity? Try us. We’re good at tight turnarounds and have the talent and experience to help you meet your deadlines. Darco is proud to be Making it in Central New York
315-432-8905 n X-ray system and computer reconstructions to create three-dimensional images of the breasts. The 3-D technology improves the accuracy of mammography and clarifies areas of overlapping tissue. • In an effort to reduce Oswego County’s obesity rate, Oswego Health and the Oswego County Health Department implemented a Healthy Highway program in 2018 in all 24 elementary schools in the county. The program uses traffic themes and metaphors to promote healthy food choices and the importance of being active and fit. For example, children learn that it is important to “fuel” their bodies with “green light” foods and to limit their “red light” food choices. nnOperations: Oswego Health is a nonprofit health care system that includes Oswego Hospital, a 164-bed community hospital providing acute medical, emergency, surgical, maternity and behavioral health care. It also operates outpatient centers located throughout Oswego County, including the Fulton Medical Center, offering urgent care, lab, medical imaging, physical therapy and occupational health services; and the Central Square Medical Center, offering urgent care, lab, medical imaging and physical therapy services. The health system also operates The Manor at Seneca Hill, a skilled nursing facility that provides complete rehabilitation services and an adult day health services program; Springside at Seneca Hill, an independent retirement community, and Oswego Health Home Care, the only hospital-based certified home health care agency in Oswego County. In addition, Oswego Health includes the Oswego Health captive professional corporation, Physician Care P.C., providing physician services in orthopedics, cardiology, otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat), general surgery, bariatrics and primary care.
Walmart Principal Executive:
Ken Cook (Oswego), Geoffrey Raponi (Fulton), Michael Spink (Central Square) Store managers
341 state Route 104 E., Oswego, NY 13126; 1818 state Route 3 Fulton, NY 13069; 3018 East Ave., Central Square, NY 13036 Phone: 315-342-6210 (Oswego) 315-598-1773 (Fulton) 315-668-0400 Central Square) Website: In Oswego County since: 1993 Total employment: 890 Full-time: 336 Part-time: 554 nnOperations: Walmart was founded in 1962, with the opening of the first Walmart discount store in Rogers, Ark. Walmart is now the world’s largest retailer with more than 4,300 stores in the U.S. and 3,859 units internationally. The company employs more than 1.4 million associates in the U.S. and 694,000 internationally. The corporation opened its first store in Oswego County in January 1993. The Walmart store in Oswego expanded into a Supercenter in 2012 with a 54,000-square-foot addition. It features not only general merchandise but also a full-service grocery store. It is the third Supercenter in Oswego County, the others being in Granby outside Fulton and in Central Square. The Fulton store employs the most workers (321), followed by Central Square (297) and Oswego (272).
Oswego County Opportunities Principal Executive:
Diane Cooper-Currier Executive director
239 Oneida St. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-598-4717 Fax: 315-592-7533 Email: Website:; Facebook @didyou knowitsoco In Oswego County since: 1966 Total employment: 596 Full-time: 397 Part-time: 199 nnWhat’s new: Expansion of safe, affordable housing for people with low incomes or facing homelessness was the highlight of Oswego County Opportunities’ achievements in 2018. OCO broke ground for Champlain Commons in October. This 56-unit affordable workforce housing development in Scriba will serve individuals and families with low incomes, and includes 17 apartments for the homeless that will receive support services funded by the Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative. OCO also completed renovation of its Backstreet Permanent Supportive Apartment Building in Fulton, preserving six units that provide homes for 11 individuals. The Developmental Disabilities program was awarded funding from the NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities to develop a three-bed individualized residential alternative in the village of Hannibal. This site will serve developmentally disabled adults who have priority needs for residential supports. The target opening is mid-year 2019. Other highlights include: • Head Start introduced an extended day
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
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program at its Oswego and Williamstown locations for the 2018-2019 school year. After-school programming started at two of Oswego’s elementary schools for students in grades 3–6. • The SCORE Oswego County project was launched in 2018. This is a $760,000 workforce development program that includes case management supports to assist participants in educational and career goals. A collaboration between OCO and the Center for Career and Community Education, the project plans to deliver services throughout Oswego County with the help of a mobile unit to provide services in more rural areas. • The SPOT, a Youth & Young Adult Clubhouse program funded by NYS Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services, opened in 2018 to provide Oswego County youth and young adults with a safe, alternative place to hang out with friends and support each other in long-term health wellness, recovery, and drug-free lifestyles after school and on weekend nights. • OCO’s Reproductive Health division operates six sites throughout the county, and added a day of service at its Mexico location in 2018. The Pulaski office was in the process of relocating, and the Fulton office is now offering walk-in appointments from 8-11 a.m. on Fridays. • OCO’s Cancer Services Partnership regionalized by joining with Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties to become Cancer Services Program of the North Country. • OCO and Oswego County partnered on a 2018 mobility grant that was awarded to enhance rural Oswego County public transportation that is planned for design and implementation for 2018–2019. • The summer food program marked its seventh year of service, providing free breakfast, lunch and snacks for school-aged children at 13 locations throughout the county. Homebound senior citizens received more than 180,000 home delivered meals in the past year. • OCO transitioned its strategic planning from a five-year cycle to three years, with the new plan for 2019-2021 focusing on such critical concerns as meeting basic needs (food, clothing, shelter), increasing access to transportation, attracting more jobs to the area, providing more and better services for mental health and substance abuse needs, increasing services for at-risk youth, and the ongoing efforts to increase availability of safe, affordable housing. nnOperations: Oswego County Opportunities is the county’s community action agency, providing care management services, housing, education, health care, transportation, advocacy and prevention for all ages. OCO provides more than 50 diverse programs and services that help move people along the on-ramp to prosperity. OCO invests in people, empowering them to reach their full potential. That investment means more than 90 cents of every $1 spent by OCO goes
directly into its services. OCO’s mission is accomplished through the combined efforts of nearly 600 professional employees and approximately 1,200 volunteers. This team delivers a needed array of services through 50 different programs and services to nearly 20,000 individuals annually.
Huhtamaki Principal Executive: Mark Southwick Plant manager
100 State St. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-593-5311 Fax: 315-593-5153 Website: In Oswego County since: 1886 Total employment: 450 Full-time: 450 nnOperations: Finland-based Huhtamaki, Inc. acquired the Fulton operation in 1998. Formerly known as Sealright, the plant has been operating for more than 100 years. It specializes in providing shaped paperboard packaging and filling systems focusing on primarily the food industry. Capabilities include both litho and flexo printing which complements a wide array of forming equipment. It also manufactures “bulk” packaging for ice cream, servicing retail “dipping” stores. The Fulton facility is part of a 16-plant manufacturing system in North America. In 2015, Huhtamaki invested $3.5 million to expand and make modifications to its Fulton plant for new business with Häagen-Dazs.
The Fulton Companies Principal Executive: Bram Palm President and CEO
972 Centerville Road Pulaski, NY 13142 Phone: 315-298-5121 Fax: 298-6390 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1949 Total employment: 385 Full-time: 370 Part-time: 15 nnWhat’s new: 2018 was a busy year at the Fulton Companies with multiple new product lines launched along with implementing a new enterprise resource planning system. The Manufacturers Association of Central New York named Keith Waltz of research and BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York 42
Oswego, NY July 25 – 28, 2019
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Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
development as its 2018 Innovator of the Year. nnOperations: Fulton Companies represents a group of companies primarily involved in sales, service and manufacturing of commercial and industrial heat transfer equipment. Fulton Boiler Works, Inc. was founded in 1949 by Lewis Palm to provide steam boilers for dry cleaners. Since then, other companies such as Fulton Thermal Corp. and Fulton Heating Solutions and Fulton Companies have been formed, offering products for food processing, health care and space heating. Company headquarters are in Pulaski.
8 Morningstar Residential
Care Center; The Gardens by Morningstar; Waterville Residential Care Center
financing effort with Lancaster Pollard and as of September 2014, owns both the business operations and the physical plant/property at 17 Sunrise Drive, Oswego. The facility underwent significant improvements with the latest renovation of its short-term care wing completed on Oct. 1, 2014. Outpatient rehabilitation services are operational as of September 2017. Also, with the addition of two facilities in the Central New York region (The Gardens by Morningstar, an assisted living facility in Oswego, and Waterville Residential Care Center in Waterville) there has been extensive internal growth and operational development with three facilities working collaboratively. In total, the organizations employ approximately 350 people and provide services to 318 residents.
St. Luke Health Services
Principal Executive:
Principal Executive:
Joseph Murabito Owner/Administrator
17 Sunrise Drive, Oswego, NY 13126 132 Ellen St. Oswego, NY 13126 220 Tower Road, Waterville, NY 13480 Phone: 315-342-4790 Fax: 315-342-5365 Website: In Oswego County since: 1973 Total employment: 350 Full-time: 250 Part-time: 100 nnWhat’s new: Operation Oswego County presented its 2018 Jobs Award to Morningstar Residential Care Center/The Gardens by Morningstar in recognition and appreciation of the significant contribution and impact that these two health care facilities have had on the Oswego County economy and health care system; for operating a 120-bed skilled nursing facility since 2010 and a 106-bed assisted living facility that opened in 2016, both in the city of Oswego; for employing 190 workers; and for providing people in the community with quality health care to help them achieve their best quality of life. nnOperations: Morningstar Residential Care Center is a family owned and operated 120bed skilled nursing facility. Its mission is to provide people in the community with health care, customer service and support to overcome or adapt to their physical and cognitive limitations so as to achieve their individual best quality of life. Joseph Murabito took over ownership of the facility in February 2012. The 40-plus-year-old organization has undergone extensive renovations and service enhancements, including the most recent implementation of an electronic medical records system. In 2013, it made many building improvements and service improvements. Murabito completed a two-year HUD
Terrence Gorman CEO and administrator
299 E. River Road Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-342-3166 Fax: 315-343-6531 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1975 Total employment: 335 nnOperations: St. Luke Health Services is a non-denominational, nonprofit organization providing a full complement of health care services. To meet the evolving health care needs of its community, the St. Luke health care campus is dedicated to helping the people it serves live to their maximum potential and promote dignity of life throughout all of its stages. St. Luke provides a continuum of services that includes adult day care services, home health services, IV antibiotic therapy, palliative care, short-stay rehab, skilled nursing, wound care and healing program, and wellness/outreach. The St. Luke Family of Caring is an affiliation of community-based, nonprofit health care providers offering a continuum of care to the greater Oswego County area. Affiliates include St. Luke Health Services, Bishop’s Commons Enriched Living Residence and St. Francis Commons Assisted Living Residence in Oswego. Together, they provide care and services to over 300 people each day.
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Adecco Employment Services Principal Executive:
Laurlyn Bush Senior branch manager
225 Greenfield Parkway, suite 111 Liverpool, NY 13088 Phone: 315-461-1270 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1995 Total employment: 300 Full-time: 250 Part-time: 50 nnOperations: Adecco Group is the world’s leading provider of human resource solutions, temporary staffing, permanent placement, outsourcing, consulting and outplacement with over 33,000 full-time employees and over 5,550 branches in over 60 countries and territories around the world. Adecco has over 750,000 temporary employees and well over 100,000 clients everyday. The company specializes in light industrial, clerical/ secretarial, accounting, banking/financial services, construction, engineering, executive search, health care, information technology, outplacement, sales/marketing and telecommunications.
Price Chopper Principal Executive:
John Mongato, Oswego; Jason Patterson, Fulton Store managers
137 state Route 104 East, Oswego, NY 13126; 12 W. First St. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-342-0571 (Oswego); 315-5984000 (Fulton) Website: In Oswego County since: 1976 Total employment: 260 Full-time: 80 Part-time: 180 nnOperations: Golub Corp., a company based in Schenectady, opened its first large self-service supermarket in northern New York in 1932, named Central Markets. After several changes, the company renamed itself as Price Chopper in 1973. In October 1976, it purchased the Loblaws Supermarkets in Fulton and Oswego and started offering services to Oswego and Fulton residents. In 2006, it purchased the former Tops Supermarkets facilities in Oswego and Fulton and moved to new locations in both Fulton and Oswego. In December 2008, it purchased
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
the former P&C location in Oswego. The new Price Chopper SuperCenter in Oswego had its grand opening June 9, 2009.
Champlain Valley Specialty
Serving 7 days a Week - Fast Service Fresh Coffee - Plenty of Parking
Principal Executive: Joe Moser Co-owner
Drive In
8033 state Route 104 West Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-216-4223 Website: In Oswego County since: 2012 Total employment: 250 Full-time: 200 Part-time: 50
Bus. (315) 246-5407
Michael Szidat President and CEO
179 county Route 2A Pulaski, NY 13142 Phone: 315-298-5133 Fax: 315-298-8800 Website: In Oswego County since: 1963 Total employment: 250
OPEN Mon-Thurs 6-9 Fri & Sat 6-9 • Sun 6:30-9
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38 East 2nd St. Oswego 343-6147 | 65 North 2nd St. Fulton 592-2244 Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.; Saturday 7:00 a.m.-4:00 Fulton Store only: Sunday 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Free p.m.; Delivery! TJ
Felix Schoeller North America Principal Executive:
President • Broker • Auctioneer
nnOperations: Champlain Valley Specialty in the town of Oswego acquired the former Empire Fresh Cuts and Oswego Growers & Shippers buildings. CVS produces “Grab Apples” from locally grown apples that are sliced, packaged and shipped to local schools, retail markets, restaurants and their distributors. It has established a multi-million dollar apple processing and packaging plant. Champlain Valley Specialty earned the 2015 Jobs Award presented by Operation Oswego County.
Rt. 481 North, Fulton
Dean D. Cummins
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nnWhat’s new: Felix Schoeller in 2018 finalized the acquisition of a converting and distribution company for digital printing materials in Anaheim, Calif. The expansion to the West Coast allows Felix Schoeller to improve the supply chain across the entire country and become a stronger nationwide player in its core markets. nnOperations: Incorporated in 1961 under the name Lee Schoeller Papers, the company manufactured photographic, digital imaging and specialty papers at the Pulaski site from 1964 until 2005. The Schoeller Group was then restructured to meet the changes in Inc. 38asEast 2nd St. Oswego 343-6147Inc. 65 North 2nd St. Fulton 592-2244 the imaging printing market as well paper 592-2290 • Fax • Fax 592-2287 Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00592-2288 a.m.-6:00 p.m.; Saturday 7:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.; Sunday 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. manufacturing technologies. As a result, paper manufacturing was ceased in Pulaski and 100 Hubbard Street • P.O. Box 239 • Fulton, the operation focused on converting and the
Serving Oswego County Since 1966
Fulton-Oswego Motor Express
Patterson Warehousing 592-2287 NY 13069
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
distribution of imaging and specialty paper products for the North American market. Over the last 10 years, the facility has been transformed into a world-class paper-converting center. The site also houses the North American sales and marketing group and financial and administrative services. With a total of 15 manufacturing lines and around 250 employees, Felix Schoeller North America is the country’s largest converting company for high-quality photographic and digital printing products.
Tops Friendly Markets Principal Executive: Ray Ruszczak District manager
3830 Rome Road, Pulaski, NY 13142; 3385 Main St., Sandy Creek, NY 13145; 6103 N. Main St., Mexico, NY 13114; 409 Fulton St., Hannibal, NY 13074 Phone: 315-298-1081; 315-963-7053; 315-387-5212; 315-564-6318 Fax: 315-298-1083 Website: In Oswego County since: 2010 Total employment: 249 nnWhat’s new: Tops Markets, LLC closed its Fulton location at 909 W. First Street in October of 2018, along with nine other locations in Syracuse, Rochester, Fairport and Lyons. After the company voluntarily filed for bankruptcy earlier in 2018, it decided to close 10 “underperforming locations,” drawing in less than 4 percent of overall sales and employing less than 600 of the 14,262 associates. nnOperations: Tops Markets is headquartered in Williamsville near Buffalo and operates 172 full-service supermarkets with five additional by franchisees under the Tops banner. Tops employs over 16,000 associates and is a leading full-service grocery retailer in New York, northern Pennsylvania, western Vermont, and north-central Massachusetts. In 2012, Tops acquired the former Big M supermarket in Mexico from the Farrugia family. In 2013, Tops acquired a former Big M supermarket in Sandy Creek from the Bonisteel family. Tops acquired the former Struppler’s Shurfine Supermarket in Fulton and opened the 17,000-square-foot facility in August of 2015. In 2016, Tops Friendly Markets acquired the former Village Market, 409 Fulton St., Hannibal. For more information about Tops Markets, visit the company’s website at
F.X. Caprara Chevrolet Buick Principal Executive:
William F. Caprara President
54 Caprara Drive Pulaski, NY 13142 Phone: 315-298-5181 Fax: 315-298-6988 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1975 Total employment: 240 Full-time: 200 Part-time: 40 nnOperations: Charles G. Caprara started the business in 1975 along with his brother William F. Caprara and their father, Francis X. Caprara. F.X. Caprara locations include F.X. Caprara Volkswagen, F.X. Caprara Kia, F.X. Autosales, F.X. Caprara Trailer Sales and Caprara Brothers Honda, all in Watertown; F.X. Caprara Dodge Chrysler Jeep in Alexandria Bay; and F.X. Caprara Chevy/Buick, F.X. Caprara Ford and Caprara Brothers Outdoor Toy Store, all in Pulaski. The business also features the F.X. Caprara Harley-Davidson dealership in Adams and a Honda franchise in Watertown. In 2014, the Capraras purchased over 70 acres of property located adjacent to the Pulaski exit of I-81 in the town of Richland. The business recently constructed a new Chevrolet store as well as a new Ford store, and showcases used cars in between the two facilities. The business features close to 1,000 used cars. Each building is approximately 27,000-square-feet and features 13 drive-in service bays. The facilities also have a child’s play area and conference rooms.
ARISE Principal Executive:
Tania Anderson Chief executive officer
9 Fourth Ave.Oswego, NY 13126; 113 Schuyler St., Suite 2, Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-671-5111; 315-887-5156 Fax: 315-472-9252; 315-887-5163 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1996 Total employment: 236 Full-time: 33 Part-time: 203 nnOperations: Founded in 1979 in Syracuse as one of New York state’s eight original independent living centers, ARISE acts as a catalyst for community change. It provides services that promote the social, educational, economic, and individual interests of people with disabilities. It is guided by the philosophy that people with disabilities have a right to dignity, personal responsibil-
ity, and self-determination. Over the years, ARISE has grown to meet community needs. In 1996, ARISE opened an office in Oswego and also maintains an office in Fulton. ARISE offers more than 30 programs and services in Oswego County that help people access their homes and communities, meet basic needs, build skills, find employment, improve health and wellness, and enjoy social and recreational opportunities. ARISE continues to develop partnerships in creating accessibility to homes in the community. Partners include Oswego County Hospice, G&C Foods, Fastenal, Novelis, Pathfinder Bank, Raby’s Ace Home Center, the Center for Instruction, Technology & Innovation, SUNY Oswego Office of Business & Community Relations, Lighthouse Lanes, Oswego Speedway, Elks Club of Oswego, the Richard S. Shineman Foundation, the First United Methodist churches in Oswego and Fulton and Believer’s Chapel.
ConnextCare Principal Executive: Daniel T. Dey President/CEO
61 Delano St. Pulaski, NY 13142 Phone: 315-298-6564 Fax: 315-298-7488 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1969 Total employment: 218 Full-time: 214 Part-time: 4 nnWhat’s new: With New York state funding through the office of State Senator Patty Ritchie (R-Oswegatchie), ConnextCare is planning to open a new dental practice at its Oswego site in 2019. ConnextCare, with a grant awarded through the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration, is expected to expand behavioral health and substance abuse services and better coordinate those services through renovations at its Pulaski site. nnOperations: ConnextCare is a nonprofit corporation and a federally qualified health center run by a volunteer board of directors. In 2018, the health care network adopted the new name, ConnextCare, to better reflect its growth in staff, services and locations. ConnextCare was founded nearly 50 years ago as Northern Oswego County Health Services, Inc. ConnextCare is a family-oriented primary care practice network with sites in Pulaski, Mexico, Parish, Phoenix, Oswego and Fulton. It services residents of Oswego County, southern Jefferson County, northern Onondaga County and Lake Ontario visitors by providing quality health and wellness services.
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
Applying time-tested principles of capital management to individual investors’ portfolios.
Adam C. Gagas 184 W. First Street Oswego, NY 13126 (315) 236-2050
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
ConnextCare runs seven school-based health centers in the Altmar-Parish-Williamstown, Fulton, Mexico, Sandy Creek and Pulaski school districts. ConnextCare is accredited by the Joint Commission and is certified as a Level 3 patient-centered medical home. ConnextCare employs a medical team of 15 physicians, 21 mid-level providers (nurse practitioners and physician’s assistants), four dentists and five dental hygienists, seven behavioral health specialists, and a contracted psychiatrist. Specialty services are available at the ConnextCare Pulaski site provided by independent providers. Specialties provided include cardiology, physical therapy, nephrology, podiatry, family planning and mental health counseling.
McDonald’s Principal Executive: Paul M. Ross Franchise/owner
117 N. Townsend St. Syracuse, NY 13203 Phone: 315-472-5556 Fax: 315-478-1209 Total employment: 200 Full-time: 40 Part-time: 160
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nnOperations: Paul M. Ross is the owner of four McDonald’s Restaurants in Oswego County. They are located at 701 S. Fourth St., Fulton; 3789 state Route 13, Pulaski; 3362 Main St., Mexico and at 3001 E. Ave., Central Square. Ross operates a total of 10 restaurants in the Central New York area.
Little Lukes Principal Executive: Darci Powers Executive director
10 Burkle St. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-342-4600 Fax: 315-342-9599 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1999
Total employment: 188 Full-time: 124 Part-time: 64
nnOperations: Little Lukes began in Oswego County providing speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy to children in their home or childcare setting. In 2002, the first Little Lukes Preschool and Childcare
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
Center opened on the St. Luke Health campus on Burkle Street in Oswego. Little Lukes offers childcare for infant, toddler, preschool and school-aged children. In addition, SCIS (special class inclusion setting) preschool for youth aged 3-5 offered by Little Lukes boasts a certified special education teacher and in-house physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. Little Lukes Preschool and Childcare Centers have opened in DeWitt, Radisson, Pulaski and Fulton. Little Lukes is a leading provider of early intervention and preschool-related services, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, special education and special instruction in Oswego, Onondaga, Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties. Little Lukes expert preschool teachers are certified in early childhood education or special education. The Little Lukes curriculum is created by a master’s level educator with decades of experience in preschool, and meets or exceeds all New York state common core requirements for pre-kindergarten. The therapists at Little Lukes use iPad technology for paperless signatures and reports on early intervention and preschool-related services visits. The organization is the leading agency in Oswego County for speech therapy and evaluations.
Oswego Industries Principal Executive:
Laurie Davis Oswego Industries, Inc. CEO; Arc of Oswego County executive director
7 Morrill Place Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-598-3108 Fax: 315-598-3306 Email: Website:; In Oswego County since: 1968 Total employment: 187 Full-time: 141 Part-time: 46 nnOperations: Oswego Industries, Inc., a nonprofit organization founded in 1968, is a vocational community rehabilitation program in Upstate New York. OI specializes in the creation of job opportunities that positively impact the lives of people with disabilities or other barriers of employment through training, education and peer learning. With a new logo and recently updated brand, Oswego Industries is looking forward to celebrating 51 years of providing support and services to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. OI has provided the necessary supports to encourage and enhance the abilities of disabled adults through training, career development, and employment to
those who work in its 85,000-square-foot facility or in the local community. They, in turn, have provided customers with high-quality work and efficient production at a competitive cost. OI has developed a reputation for dependable and reliable service to its customers that includes small and global businesses as well as the U.S. government. OI’s capabilities are diverse as it offers services in textiles manufacturing, facilities and grounds maintenance, assembly and sub-assembly work, packaging, and warehousing and logistics services.
Behling Orchards Principal Executive:
Eric, Marion and Stephen Behling Partners
114 Potter Road Mexico, NY 13114 Phone: 315-963-7068 Email: In Oswego County since: 1960 Total employment: 165 Full-time: 23 Part-time: 142 (seasonal) nnOperations: The orchard’s 200 acres of 70 varieties of apples are grown each year and harvested first by the public and then by orchard employees to be sold to private packers of fruit and to juice companies. Behling Orchards — which features 825 total acres — is primarily a U-pick farm. Eric Behling’s great-grandfather opened the orchard with only six acres back in 1947. In the fall, Behling’s features hayrides, pony rides, games, a haunted house and mazes for children, pumpkins, a snack bar, fresh baked pies, and other apple and seasonal favorites, such as popcorn balls and a cider mill. Behling’s Orchards produces an average of 75,000 to 100,000 bushels of apples a year. In the summer, Behling’s offers U-pick strawberries and raspberries. The orchard grows a breed of apples of its own design called the Jennablush. Behling Orchards captured the Business Excellence Award for 2015 presented by Operation Oswego County.
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Davis-Standard, LLC Converting Systems Principal Executive: Jim Murphy President and CEO
46 N. First St. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-598-7121 Fax: 315-593-0396
234 East Albany St, Oswego NY 13126 (315) 343-4456
For Updated Business News, Go To
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1867 Total employment: 163 Full-time: 155 Part-time: 8
nnWhat’s new: Davis-Standard, LLC acquired Brampton Engineering, LLC of Brampton, Ontario, Canada, in June of 2018. Brampton Engineering, LLC is the leading provider of multi-layer AeroFrost air-blown and AquaFrost water-quenched film systems, film winding and many other film production solutions. nnOperations: With locations in the United States, China, Germany, Finland, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, Davis-Standard, LLC supplies a full range of extrusion and converting machinery to the paper, film and foil industries used in a range of consumer products. These include flexible packaging for food and beverages, decorative boxes and packaging, tapes, labels, protective films for construction and agricultural applications, and films used for diapers and other hygienic products. Customers range from large multi-national companies to family-run businesses and are located around the globe. In addition to equipment, Davis-Standard is recognized for excellent customer service and extensive research and development capabilities.
The Wolak Group Principal Executive: Ed Wolak Owner
107 City Crossroads Drive Syracuse, NY 13210 Phone: 315-474-7294 Fax: 315-474-7300 In Oswego County since: 2005 Total employment: 160 Full-time: 110 Part-time: 50 nnOperations: Founded in 1975 by Ed Wolak, The Wolak Group is an independent franchisee network that owns and operates over 85 Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants in Maine, New Hampshire and New York. In Oswego County, the company owns eight Dunkin’ Donuts: two in Oswego, three in Fulton, and one each in Parish, Mexico and Pulaski.
Pathfinder Bancorp Principal Executive:
Thomas W. Schneider President and CEO
214 W. First St. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-343-0057 Fax: 315-324-9403 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1859 Total employment: 159 Full-time: 149 Part-time: 10 nnWhat’s new: 2018 was an busy year at Pathfinder Bank, as evidenced by the following new developments: • Pathfinder Bank purchased a former bank branch building on state Route 31 in the town of Clay in the spring of 2018. After interior renovations were complete, it opened in November of 2018 and stands as the third branch for Pathfinder Bank in Onondaga County. The full-service branch features an array of financial services, including retail, residential mortgage, commercial lending, and wealth management services, as well as teller and ATM drive-thru service. • David Cavallaro was hired as branch manager for Pathfinder Bank’s Clay office. His duties are developing retail and commercial business, while managing the day-to-day operations of the branch. • Calvin L. Corriders was named regional president of Pathfinder Bank’s Syracuse market. He is a lifelong resident of Syracuse and has garnered numerous community, banking and service awards to his volunteer and professional work over the years. • Robert Butkowski was named first vice president of branch administration for Pathfinder Bank in May of 2018. His duties are continuing to monitor and control day-to-day operations, business development and sales activities of the branch system. • Walter F. Rusnak was named first vice president-finance and accounting at Pathfinder Bank in May of 2018. His primary responsibilities include daily management of the accounting and finance department, internal and external financial reporting, management of the bank’s investment portfolio and direct oversight of the asset and liability management functions. • Pathfinder Bank and The Oswego Blueline Club featured “Rockin’ the River’ in the spring of 2018, a community celebration partnering with the SUNY Oswego men’s hockey team. The evening featured performances by local artists, ticket raffles and a fireworks display. Pathfinder Bank enjoyed several awards and recognitions in 2018: • Pathfinder Bank was named CenterState CEO’s Business of the Year in the over-50 employees category. This award recognizes the bank’s commitment to growth, how it improves the community and creates impacts on the economy. • Pathfinder Bank earned the Community
Partner of the Year award at the Upstate Minority Alliance’s Inaugural Minority & Women-owned Business Enterprise Community Engagement Awards. The bank was recognized for its leadership, dedication and impact made within the Central New York community. • The Association of Fundraising Professionals named Pathfinder Bank its 2018 Outstanding Corporation for its philanthropy and impact on surrounding communities. — Pathfinder Bank was recognized as one of Central New York’s Best Places to Work by the CNY Business Journal. The bank was recognized for its commitment to the wellness of employees, both personally and professionally, and for its culture, which is one of togetherness. nnOperations: Pathfinder Bank has continued its strong positive growth trends during 2017. Total assets grew $132.2 million, or 17.7 percent, to $881.3 million as of Dec. 31, 2017. This increase is principally the result of continued loan growth as total loans grew $88.7 million, or 18 percent, reflecting increased activity in the commercial real estate portfolio. Loan growth was achieved primarily through the bank’s increased penetration of the Syracuse and surrounding Onondaga County markets, reflective of the company’s success in executing its strategic initiatives relating to increased brand awareness and operating presence in those markets. Total deposits as of Dec. 31, 2017 were $723.6 million, an increase of $112.6 million, or 18.4 percent, from the prior year. This growth was driven by an increase in non-brokered retail deposits of $107.7 million, partially offset by a small decrease in municipal deposits. The bank looks to continue to leverage its lending activities in Onondaga County to aid in the growth of its deposit base. In connection with this initiative, the bank opened a new branch location on state Route 31 in the town of Clay. This new full-service branch provides Clay and its surrounding communities with a wide array of financial services, including retail, business, and municipal deposit offerings, residential mortgage, commercial lending, and wealth management services. Bank leaders believe that the key driver of the institution’s growth is building trust through their actions in the communities they serve. This trust bond needs to be earned daily, bank officials say, through their leadership and engagement in an effort to strengthen the economic, civic and cultural core of their markets. These efforts are evidenced through the accolades the bank has received over the last 12 months.
Lowe’s Home Improvement Warehouse Principal Executive:
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
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Owner Tailwater Lodge Altmar, NY
Pathfinder Bank is We chose Pathfinder Bank because of the personnel involved. The communication skills. The attention to detail. Pathfinder Bank is a community Bank. It’s not a bank that moves people in and out of the market. It’s a bank that pays attention and understands what we do. Pathfinder Bank is My Bank.
My Bank. Oswego: (Main: 315.343.0057 Plaza: 315.343.4483 Downtown Drive-Thru: 315.343.2577) Mexico: 315.963.7248 • Fulton: 315.592.9545 • Lacona: 315.387.3437 Central Square: 315.676.2265 Cicero: 315.752.0033 • Syracuse: 315.207.8020
Member FDIC
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
Ryan Ruch Store manager
445 state Route 104 Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-326-5030 Fax: 315-326-5033 Website:
In Oswego County since: 2004 Total employment: 125 Full-time: 75 Part-time: 50
nnOperations: Lowe’s Home Improvement, the second largest home improvement retailer in the world, opened its 133,600-squarefoot retail facility in Oswego in 2004. Lowe’s Companies, Inc. is a Fortune 100® company that serves approximately 15 million customers a week at more than 1,850 home improvement stores in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
Riccelli Enterprises, Inc. Principal Executive:
Richard J. Riccelli, Sr. President-COO
6131 E. Taft Road North Syracuse, NY 13212 Phone: 315-433-5115 Fax: 315-433-1920 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 2008 Total employment: 121 nnOperations: Riccelli Enterprises began 45 years ago when Joseph Riccelli bought a dump truck for $600 and landed a contract to work on the construction of Interstate 481. Today, Riccelli Enterprises is the largest hauler of bulk commodities and waste transfer in the Northeast. It operates more than 650 (400 Riccelli-owned) power units on a daily basis. The 650 units are radio dispatched and GPS tracked. Riccelli is equipped to transport light stone fill, limestone run of crush, blacktop, asphalt (hot liquid), sludge, petroleum-contaminated soil, crushed stone, cobbles, municipal solid waste, wood chips, scrap metal and more. In 2014, Riccelli Enterprises and Northern Companies combined operations, now known as Riccelli-Northern, providing transportation, mining and materials-handling services in the Northeast.
Kinney Drugs Principal Executive: Jim Spencer President
29 E. Main St. Gouverneur, NY 13642 Phone: 315-287-3600 Website:
In Oswego County since: Total employment: 116 Full-time: 42 Part-time: 74
nnOperations: Kinney Drugs is the drug store division of KPH Healthcare Services, Inc., a national provider of pharmaceutical and health care services with complementary businesses in the retail and commercial segments of the industry. KPH Healthcare Services is comprised of four divisions, including Kinney Drugs, a chain of 100 full-service drug stores located throughout New York and Vermont. KPH Healthcare Services is an employee-owned company headquartered in Gouverneur and employs more than 3,000 people. In Oswego County, Kinney Drugs operates retail drug stores in Pulaski, Mexico, Oswego and Fulton. For more information, visit
Subway Principal Executive:
Peter Smith; Kevin Murman Co-owners
142 state Route 104;21 E. Bridge St.; 255 W. Seneca St.; and 341 state Route 104 East (inside Walmart), all in Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-342-6111; 315-342-9111; 315342-7827; 315-342-4111 Website: In Oswego County since: 1989 Total employment: 116 Full-time: 28 Part-time: 88 nnOperations: Subway is the world’s largest restaurant chain and has been serving the community of Oswego and surrounding areas for more than 25 years. There are 12 locations in Oswego County, including four in the city of Oswego. There are three locations in Fulton, two in Central Square, and one in Parish, Mexico and Phoenix. Subway offers an alternative to traditional fast food, serving 7 million made-to-order sandwiches a day. Guests choose from 37 million combinations of proteins, fresh vegetables, and bread baked daily. The chain serves subs, soups, and salads at about 44,000 restaurants in
To Reach Key Decision Makers, Advertise in Oswego County Busines
more than 100 countries. The Subway experience is also delivered online at www.Subway. com and through the Subway® App, available in select markets at the Apple App Store and Google Play.
CST Brands/Nice N Easy Grocery Shoppes Principal Executive:
Kim Lubel Chairman, CEO and president
7840 Oxbow Road Canastota, NY 13032 Phone: 315-697-2287 Fax: 315-697-9858 Website: In Oswego County since: 1980 Total employment: 114 Full-time: 45 Part-time: 69 nnOperations: San Antonio-based CST Brands, Inc. acquired Nice N Easy Grocery Shoppes in the fall of 2014. At the time of the deal, Nice N Easy’s operations included 33 company-operated stores along with 44 franchise locations in Central New York. Three years later, Couche-Tard acquired San Antonio-based CST Brands. The deal became official on June 28, 2017. Nearly three months after officially joining the Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. family of companies, Nice N Easy Grocery Shoppes has begun rebranding to the global Circle K banner. The new Circle K at 5829 E. Taft Road in North Syracuse is the first in Nice N Easy’s portfolio to carry the branding. Stores offer fuel, ATM, groceries, beverages, as well as food service selections ranging from subs and wraps to chicken wings, pizza and salads. It has seven locations in Oswego County, those being in Central Square, Constantia, Fulton, Phoenix, Pulaski, Richland and Williamstown.
International Wire Group Principal Executive: Edwin J. Flynn President/CEO
572 state Route 13 Williamstown, NY 13493 Phone: 315-964-2217 Website: In Oswego County since: 1972 Total employment: 110 nnOperations: International Wire’s Williamstown plant, Omega Wire, was established in
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
1972. It makes bare and tinned copper wire for electrical operations. The plant is part of the International Wire Group Inc. of St. Louis, Mo., which also owns Camden Wire and another plant in New York state. Together, the seven plants employ 1,100 people. In 2000, Omega Wire expanded in Central New York by adding new machinery to its Williamstown plant. In addition, International Wire operates plants or offices in Arkansas, California, Indiana, North Carolina, Puerto Rico and Texas. Edwin J. Flynn was appointed as chief executive officer of International Wire Group Holdings, Inc. in 2015.
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McDonald’s Corp.
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Licensed Director: Douglas G. Tappan
*1930 - 2017* Gordon G. Tappan
431 Main St., Phoenix Phone: 315-695-3131 |
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Making a Difference
Principal Executive: Richard Krahling Franchisee
246 state Route 104 East; 230 W. Bridge St.Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-343-6607 (Oswego east); 315-342-1049 (Oswego west) Website:
In Oswego County since: Total employment: 110
nnOperations: The two franchises in Oswego — one on state Route 104 East and the second at 230 W. Bridge St. — were acquired by franchisee Richard Krahling in 2018. They were operated by operated by McDonald’s.
National Grid Principal Executive:
Melanie Littlejohn Vice President of Customer and Community Management
Did you know…
Address: Oswego office: 99 Howard Road; North Syracuse office: 7496 Round Pond Road; Corporate office: 300 Erie Blvd. W.
Oswego County Opportunities is the county’s Community Action Agency, providing direct services, housing, advocacy and prevention for all ages. OCO is in the business of building up the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. Making a difference – it’s what we do!
Fulton, NY 13069; North Syracuse, NY 13212; Syracuse, NY 13202 Phone: 315-592-3612; 315-452-7654 Fax: 315-592-3664; 315-460-9198 Website: Total employment: 110
nnWhat’s new: One of the biggest initiatives National Grid in 2018 has taken on is called the Northeast 80 by 50 Pathway. This is the company’s blueprint for reducing greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. The Pathway is the first of its kind in the Northeast. The Northeast 80 by 50 Pathway includes in-depth modeling and analysis addressing the three most carbon-intensive sectors in the Northeast — heating, power generation, and transportation.
239 Oneida Street, Fulton, NY 13069 315-598-4717
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
nnOperations: National Grid (LSE: NG; NYSE: NGG) is an electricity, natural gas, and clean energy delivery company that supplies the energy for more than 20 million people through its networks in New York, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. It is the largest distributor of natural gas in the Northeast. National Grid also operates systems that deliver gas and electricity across Great Britain. National Grid is transforming its electricity and natural gas networks to support the 21st century digital economy with smarter, cleaner, and more resilient energy solutions. Read more about the innovative projects happening across its footprint in “The Democratization of Energy” ( ebook), an eBook written by National Grid’s U.S. President Dean Seavers.
The Broadwell Hospitality Group Principal Executive:
George A. (“Buddy”) Broadwell President
26 E. First St. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-343-1600 Fax: 315-343-1222 Email: Website:; www.; www.lakeontarioecc. com In Oswego County since: 1975 Total employment: 110 Full-time: 40 Part-time: 70 nnWhat’s new: The next venture for The Broadwell Hospitality Group is building a new 15,000 square-foot addition to the Quality Inn & Suites on East First Street in Oswego that will feature a water park. Group partner Shane Broadwell said the water park’s name has yet to be determined and will be incorporated into a new theme for the property. The $5 million project is at the detail and design phase, and has been buoyed by nearly $1 million in state grants through the Upstate Revitalization Initiative and the city of Oswego’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative. The project will result in 21 new full-time and part-time jobs. Broadwell said the project will feature a partial renovation of the Quality Inn & Suites to accommodate space needed by the new facility, which will include a party room, arcade and a health club facility. Existing space at the hotel will be merged into the new facility, and G.S. Steamers Bar & Grill will be accessible from the new space so patrons can take advantage of food and beverage. The merger of the two buildings is expected to being in the spring of 2019, with the grand opening tentatively planned for fall of 2020.
The project is going through a geotechnical phase to determine what is needed underground to support the structures. nnOperations: The Broadwell Hospitality Group is comprised of Best Western Plus Hotel and Conference Center, Quality Inn & Suites Riverfront, Captain’s Club Health & Fitness Spa, G.S. Steamers Bar and Grill, Bayshore Banquet Facility, the Lake Ontario Event and Conference Center, and Alex’s on the Water restaurant. The company was started by George Broadwell in the 1970s with one restaurant, and has grown to be the largest hospitality business in Oswego County, with two hotels on the banks of the Oswego River and a restaurant on the water at each hotel. The Best Western offers 109 guest rooms and suites, the Captain’s Club Health & Fitness Spa, and Alex’s on the Water restaurant featuring a dockside bar. Quality Inn & Suites Riverfront has 86 guest rooms and seven efficiency apartments and GS Steamers Bar & Grill restaurant. Bayshore is located on Lake Ontario and can accommodate several thousand people outside and up to 400 people inside. Bayshore specializes in weddings, parties, corporate picnics, and clambakes. The Lake Ontario Event and Conference Center opened in July 2012, adding 18 additional hotel rooms and a 500seat conference center. Alex’s on the Water opened in October 2013 and has seating for 200 with additional outdoor seating during summer months. In 2017, Quality Inn & Suites Riverfront completed a 92-room renovation project. Also, a new porte cochere entry including new pavers and automatic entry doors was completed at the Quality Inn & Suites Riverfront. Meanwhile, at the Best Western Plus Hotel and Conference Center, a 52-room bathroom renovation was completed in 2017, and a new riverside entry to the hotel was established.
Carrols Corp. Principal Executive: Katrina Wart District manager
968 James St. Syracuse, NY 13203 Phone: 315-424-0513 Fax: 315-479-8018 Website: In Oswego County since: 1988
Total employment: 107 Full-time: 8 Part-time: 99
For Updated Business News, Go To
nnOperations: Carrols Corp. operates 848 restaurants in 18 states and is the largest Burger King franchisee in the world. In Oswego County, the company operates three restaurants in Fulton, Central Square and Oswego.
Sonbyrne Sales Inc. Principal Executive: Mark Byrne President
171 Route 5 Weedsport, NY 13166 Phone: 315-214-6455 Fax: 315-689-5077 Website:
In Oswego County since: Total employment: 107 Full-time: 37 Part-time: 70
nnOperations: Started at the height of the Great Depression in 1933 by Matthew V. Byrne, Byrne Dairy has become one of Central New York’s most enduring businesses. Byrne Dairy produces its own line of dairy products and runs seven retail convenience stores within Oswego County: two in Oswego and Phoenix, and one in Fulton, Central Square and Pulaski.
Rite Aid Principal Executive: John T. Standley Chairman/CEO
30 Hunter Lane Camp Hill, Pa. 17011 Phone: 717-975-3763 Website:
In Oswego County since: Total employment: 101
nnWhat’s new: Walgreens has acquired four Rite Aid stores located in Oswego, Fulton, Hannibal and Pulaski. They are being converted into the Walgreens brand. The Rite Aid locations at 110 E. Broadway, Fulton, 409 Fulton St., Hannibal, 250 state Route 104, Oswego and 4764 Salina St., Pulaski, have transferred ownership and already have a Walgreens pharmacy. The front of the store and Rite Aid signs will remain, but there will be signs on the door indicating that the store is owned by Walgreens along with a sign letting pharmacy customers know that it has a Walgreens pharmacy. Walgreens has acquired 1,932 Rite Aid locations. nnOperations: Rite Aid Corporation is one of
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
United Wire Technologies Inc.
Producers of Copper Alloy Wire
1804 State Route 49, Constantia, NY 315-623-7203 phone • 315-623-7207 fax
Jim Ransom • Mike Ransom • Don Ransom the nation’s leading drugstore chains with more than 4,700 stores in 31 states and the District of Columbia and approximately 97,000 associates. The company is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker RAD. Locations in Oswego County include 250 state Route 104 E., Oswego; 33 E. Bridge St., Oswego; 110 E. Broadway, Fulton; 503 S. Second St., Fulton; 409 Fulton St., Lot A, Hannibal; 4764 Salina St., Pulaski; and 3035 East Ave., Central Square. In 2017, Walgreens acquired 1,932 Rite Aid stores for about $4.38 billion in cash.
Pontiac Care and Rehabilitation Center Principal Executive: John Ognibene Administrator
303 E. River Road Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-343-1800 Email: In Oswego County since: 1971 Total employment: 97 Full-time: 68 Part-time: 29
nnOperations: Formerly known as Pontiac Nursing Home, Pontiac Care and Rehabilitation Center is an 80-bed skilled nursing home. Its professional nursing staff includes RNs, LPNs and certified nursing aides who provide skilled care 24 hours a day. In conjunction with these services, Pontiac Nursing Home provides the full spectrum of rehabilitation services, including physical, occupational and speech therapy. For the last several years, the nursing home has specialized in wound care. The nursing home also offers a personalized leisure time activities program, which includes music therapy and intergenerational activities. An American Diabetes Association dietitian plans therapeutic and modified diets. Social service counseling, dental services and psychological services by professional staff are also available.
Sunoco Principal Executive: Timothy Hardy General manager
376 Owen Road Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-593-0500 Email:
Website:; In Oswego County since: 2009 Total employment: 96 nnOperations: For nearly 25 years, the town of Volney was home to a Miller Brewing plant. The plant sat vacant until 2007 when it was repurposed as an ethanol production facility valued at over $200 million. In 2009, the owners filed for bankruptcy and the facility was sold for $8.5 million to Sunoco. Sunoco immediately invested more than $20 million to improve processes and technologies with the goal of creating one of the most technologically advanced bio-fuel production facilities in the U.S. On June 21, 2010, the facility returned to production and 24/7/365 operation. At full production rate, this advanced production facility is able to produce in excess of 85 million gallons of fuel-grade ethanol per year, 480 million pounds of dried distillers grains and carbon dioxide, and 2 million gallons of corn oil for biodiesel production. The facility purchases over 20 percent of New York’s corn production every year, contributing in excess of $100 million to the state’s economy through corn purchases alone. Startup of the new 1886 Malt House commenced in December 2017. The 1886 Malt House produces a high-quality, consistent supply of New York-grown and malted grains for the craft beverage industry,
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
as required by the 2012 Farm Brewing Law. Annual production is 2,000 tons of malt and the facility employs eight direct new employees. For more on the Fulton plant’s operations, visit or
Lydall, Inc. Principal Executive: Donald R. Fountain Plant manager
2885 state Route 481 Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-592-8161 Website:
In Oswego County since: 1999 Total employment: 84 nnIn 2018, Wind Point Partners — the private equity firm that owns Interface Performance Materials — announced the company would be sold to Manchester, Conn.-based Lydall, Inc. Lydall officials said the $265 million purchase would further advance the company’s offerings in new markets, and the Interface business would become part of the company’s performance materials operation. According to Lydall, there were no looming closures of its facility in Fulton. The plant designs and manufactures fiber-reinforced gasket materials for heavy-duty diesel, small engine, transmission, compressor and automotive applications, in addition to composite materials used in calendar bowl paper, heat shields and electrical barriers. Interface took over the former Armstrong World Industries factory in the town of Volney in 1999, more than 50 years after Armstrong opened the facility.
Oswego YMCA Principal Executive: Kerrie Ann Webb CEO
265 W. First St. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-343-6082 Fax: 315-343-3750 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1855 Total employment: 83 Full-time: 9 Part-time: 74 nnWhat’s new: After a productive summer in Oswego and a successful return of its Dragon Boat Festival in 2018, the Oswego YMCA has
changed gears and fall and winter programming is in full swing. The YMCA prides itself on offering something for everyone, no matter what age or background, ranging from more than 60 group exercise classes weekly, to boxing, YFit, youth afterschool fitness classes that include homework help, family programming, home-school extension classes, respite, the west-side skate park, to the eastside Youth Recreation Center. The YMCA also recently opened its Children’s Learn and Play Center to the public. This was in response to the identified need for quality drop-in care for the community, and was bolstered by the help of the Shineman Foundation. The program offers up to three hours of childcare Monday to Saturday at a cost of $15 for the first child and $9 for each additional child. This allows caregivers the opportunity to go to appointments, interviews, attend a class, or run errands. In March 2018, Empire State Development announced $150,000 in support for a renovation project at the YMCA. The organization is investing close to $750,000 to reinstate access to its swimming pool facilities. The project will construct and equip a connector between the YMCA’S Armory building on West First Street and the pool via the agency’s garage. All told, the project will add eight new jobs to the YMCA’S existing workforce. The project is considered essential for the YMCA as well as the community it serves. nnOperations: The Oswego YMCA was established in 1855. The Y is an association of men, women and children committed to bringing about lasting personal and social change. With a focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, the Y enables youth, adults, families and communities to be healthy, confident, connected and secure. The Y is accessible to all people. Kerrie Ann Webb became executive director of the Oswego YMCA in November of 2014. In May of 2015, the Oswego YMCA relocated the organization into the historic Armory building. All programs, offices and facility usage are housed in the Oswego YMCA Armory. The Oswego YMCA is an independent Y and is governed by a board made up of local community members.
Catholic Charities of Oswego County Principal Executive:
Mary-Margaret Pekow Executive director
808 W. Broadway Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-598-3980 Fax: 315-593-8440 Email: Website:
In Oswego County since: 1923 Total employment: 82 Full-time: 52 Part-time: 30
nnOperations: Originally founded in the late 1920s as an adoption agency, Catholic Charities of Oswego County has evolved into a mid-sized human services agency providing programs and services to children and families throughout Oswego County. Its programs include community services, care management, and youth and family services. Its community services division includes a thrift store, forensic mental health program, and food pantry. Its care management division includes adult and children’s care management, as well as home and community-based services for adults. The youth and family division includes parent education, “Family Connections,” mental health and services transportation, the after school and summer drop-in programs, and its mentoring and independent living skills program for youth. In 2016, Michael J. Falcone, chairman emeritus and founder of The Pioneer Companies, donated the former Cayuga Community College and Center for Instruction, Technology & Innovation site on West Broadway in Fulton to CCOC. In addition to donating the 80,000 square-foot building, Pioneer also donated the cost of asbestos removal, which totaled approximately $70,000. CCOC’s capital campaign is ongoing to cover the costs of upgrades. The organization has set a goal of $1.5 million and will be conducting its capital campaign through the end of March 2020.
Eagle Beverage Co., Inc. Principal Executive:
Daniel Dorsey Jr., Kevin Dorsey, Christian Morgia President, V.P. operations, V.P. sales
1043 county Route 25/P.O. Box 1035 Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-343-5221 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1979 Total employment: 80 Full-time: 75 Part-time: 5 nnOperations: Eagle Beverage Co., named for the Anheuser-Busch corporate symbol, is the result of a merger in 1979 between Dorsey Distributing Co. and Pontiac Beverage Co. Larry Morgia, Dennis Dorsey and Dan Dorsey Sr. guided the company since its merger and saw it through two acquisitions of other distribution companies. In 2013, the company transitioned to the third generation of ownership to Christian Morgia, Kevin
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
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Registered Representative of and offers securities and investment advisory services through MML Investors Services, LLC. Member SIPC. MassMutual Financial Group is a marketing name for Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) and its affiliated companies. 400 Meridian Centre, Ste 101, Rochester, NY 14618. (585) 241-5200. CRN201905-212684
Dorsey and Dan Dorsey Jr. Eagle Beverage is the distributor for more than 30 different beverage suppliers. In 2014, Eagle Beverage Co. purchased Owasco Beverage Co. in Auburn and is servicing Cayuga and Seneca counties with Anheuser-Busch brands. A new 62,000-square-foot distribution facility was recently built to consolidate warehouses in Oswego and Watertown into one distribution center for Oswego, Jefferson and Lewis counties.
315-963-3830 been in its current location since 1994. The Y is an association of men, women and children committed to bringing about lasting personal and social change. With a focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, the Y enables youth, adults, families and communities to be healthy, confident, connected and secure. The Y is accessible to all people. Financial assistance is offered to those who may need some help with services and every year the Y raises money to help those in need. The Fulton Family YMCA offers many popular programs, including swim lessons, tutoring, music and more.
Principal Executive:
businesses, and manufacturers. Regarding personal insurance, ESA has a full array of carriers available to help meet the homeowners, automobile and recreation vehicle needs of its clients. As an employee-owned company that is involved in the communities it serves, ESA attributes its success to a highly trained, experienced and caring staff. Eastern Shore Associates Insurance is headquartered in Fulton and has branches in Pulaski, Syracuse, Camden, Walworth and Waterloo. ESA continues to invest in the future by the purchase of existing agencies and the hiring of additional sales and service professionals. Growth over the past several years has created the need for an additional 2,500 square feet of office space in Fulton.
Stafkings Healthcare/ Personnel Systems, Inc.
Eastern Shore Associates Robert Wallace CEO/chairman of the board
Fulton Family YMCA
101 Cayuga St. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-598-6000 Fax: 315-598-1183 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1986 Total employment: 80 Full-time: 80
Principal Executive:
Principal Executive:
Shonna Sargent CEO
nnWhat’s new: Eastern Shore Associates continues to invest in strategies that enable the company to be a client-focused agency that is recognized as a trusted insurance adviser in its communities. ESA values long-lasting relationships with its clients built on a commitment to excellence, continual improvement and high customer service standards. nnOperations: Eastern Shore Associates Insurance provides a full range of business and institutional insurance, as well as personal insurance. ESA’s commercial specialties include municipalities, schools (both public and private) and nonprofit organizations, as well as contractors, retail and wholesale
715 W. Broadway Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-598-9622 Fax: 315-592-3557 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1960 Total employment: 76 Full-time: 5 Part-time: 71 nnWhat’s new: The Fulton Family YMCA announced the hiring of Oswego County native Shonna Sargent, regional program director of the YMCA of Greater Louisville’s Northeast Family YMCA branch, as its new chief executive officer in 2018. nnOperations: The Fulton Family YMCA has served the community since 1960 and has
Dan King President
104 W. Utica St., Suite 1A Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-342-1390 Fax: 315-342-3810 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1991 Total employment: 75 Full-time: 18 Part-time: 57 nnOperations: The Binghamton-based company was founded in 1962 and grew to be one of the 500 fastest growing privately owned businesses in the U.S., according to Inc. magazine. Specialties include professional recruitment and placement in the banking and medical fields along with high-volume placements in light industrial and the elec-
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
tronics industry.
The Great Outdoors RV Superstore Principal Executive:
Bill Clark; Jerry Fitzpatrick Owners
1122 county Route 57 Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-695-5020 Fax: 315-695-3726 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1988 Total employment: 68 Full-time: 63 Part-time: 5 nnOperations: Bill Clark and Jerry Fitzpatrick have owned The Great Outdoors since 1988 when they purchased the recreational dealership. Clark and Fitzpatrick brought over 20 years of retail recreation experience with them and continue to provide hundreds of Central New Yorkers with a taste of the RV lifestyle. The Great Outdoors expanded its CNY footprint in 2017 by opening its second RV sales location in Brewerton and its third location at the Fingerlakes Mall in Auburn, adjacent to Bass Pro. The Auburn location is totally indoors, with over 50 RVs on display in CNY’s first and only year-round temperature-controlled showroom. The main dealership spans 25 acres on state Route 57 between Fulton and Phoenix and includes a unique “outdoor showroom” where 50 new and used RVs are displayed in a wooded campground setting surrounding a pond. A full selection of parts and accessories is available and a 15-bay RV service center at the Fulton location provides get-ready, warranty-protected collision work and needed repairs to hundreds of RVs each year. A full RV rental fleet of 16 motor homes is also available at the Fulton location. The Great Outdoors is a charter member of the prestigious Route 66 RV Network, comprised of the 120 most innovative and successful dealerships across the U.S. and Canada, and a current member of its dealer council.
Fulton Savings Bank Principal Executive: Michael J. Pollock President and CEO
75 S. First St. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-592-4201
Fax: 315-592-3177 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1871 Total employment: 66 Full-time: 59 Part-time: 7
nnWhat’s new: Fulton Savings Bank now offers debit card controls and alerts. When customers enable card controls and alerts through FSB’s mobile banking app, they control when, where and how their FSB debit card can be used. This new feature allows customers to control their spending while providing additional security. nnOperations: Fulton Savings Bank is the largest locally owned, independent savings institution in Oswego County. The bank operates six full-service branch locations in Central New York, four of which are in Oswego County. FSB is a community savings bank with assets in excess of $375 million and deposits totaling over $248 million. FSB is a member of the ALLPOINT Network. This partnership allows FSB debit cardholders surcharge-free access to over 55,000 ATMs worldwide. In addition, FSB cardholders can access Compass Federal Credit Union ATMs for free. Compass has three locations in Oswego County. Surcharge-free ATM locations for FSB customers can be found on the bank’s website at
Mirabito Energy Products/ Mirabito Convenience Stores Principal Executive: Joe Mirabito President/CEO
650 W. Bear St. Syracuse, NY 13220 Phone: 1-800-934-9480 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 2006 Total employment: 64 Full-time: 26 Part-time: 38 nnOperations: Mirabito Energy Products has provided energy sales, service and distribution throughout Central New York since 1927. Mirabito offers a complete line of energy products including oil, propane, natural gas, coal, gasoline, diesel fuels, kerosene and lubricants. Mirabito also owns and operates more than 100 Mirabito Convenience Stores throughout Central New York. In 2006, the company increased its presence in Oswego County by purchasing Oneida Lake Petroleum Corp. The company now operates five convenience stores in Oswego County. They
are: Mirabito, 2962 state Route 49, Central Square; Mirabito, 682 N. Main St., Central Square; Mirabito, 28 U.S. Route 11, Central Square; Mirabito, 2877 E. Main St., Parish; and Mirabito, state Route 481, 100 N. Second St., Fulton.
Travel Resorts of America Principal Executive: Lizette Bradley Resort manager
132 Crim Road Parish, NY 13131 Phone: 315-728-9437 Fax: 315-625-4604 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1988 Total employment: 64 Full-time: 13 Part-time: 51 nnOperations: Travel Resorts of America acquired the former East Coast Resorts in 2014. First opened in 1988, Travel Resorts of America-Bass Lake Resort is a full-service membership resort. It has 244 acres with 259 campsites, 30 rental units, two swimming pools, a 25-acre lake with docks and boats, and family and adult clubhouses with a restaurant and store. There are also recreation buildings and facilities for basketball, horseshoes, volleyball, and miniature golfing. Although the resort is winterized and campsites are closed for the winter, there are cedar lodges available throughout the year.
Buckingham Market; Buckingham’s Home Center Principal Executive:
Tim and Todd Buckingham Owners
45 Redfield St./P.O. Box 307 Constantia, NY 13044 Phone: 315-623-9472 (market); 623-9786 (home center) Fax: 315-623-9784 Email: Website: www.buckinghamshomecenter. com;
In Oswego County since: Total employment: 60 Full-time: 25 Part-time: 35
nnWhat’s new: Many changes and upgrades were being made to the inventory and services at both Buckingham Market and
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
Greater Impact and Success SUNY Oswego helps solve problems. We provide advisement and training for business, workforce development opportunities, and technical assistance
and training for nonprofit organizations. We build relationships in Central New York.
IBEW THE IBEW LOCAL LOCAL 43 43 THE OFFICERS OFFICERS OF OF IBEW IBEW LOCAL LOCAL 43 43 4568 Pat –– President 4568 Waterhouse Waterhouse Road Road Pat Costello President Alan Marzullo -Costello Bus. Mgr. / Fin. Secretary Clay, Don Morgan –– Bus. Fin. Clay, NY NY 13041-9613 13041-9613 (315)422-0435 (315)422-0435 Don Morgan Bus. Mgr. Mgr. Fin. Secretary Secretary Kevin Crawford - President
Buckingham’s Home Center. The business is featuring new lines of Benjamin Moore paint and Milwaukee Tools in the home center. The grocery store is always creating new, quick meals made and packaged onsite for busy families. It also features subs, soups, salads, paninis, and more. The businesses have a Facebook presence where it offers deals, sales, recipes and announces events. nnOperations: After three generations of ownership by the Vella family, Tim and Todd Buckingham acquired the former Vella’s Market and Vella’s Home Center on Redfield Street (state Route 49) in Constantia in 2018. The businesses have been renamed Buckingham Market and Buckingham’s Home Center. The market and home center are continuing a tradition of business excellence and outstanding customer service established by their former owners. Three generations of Vellas owned and operated the stores. Cousins Joe and Lance were the third generation owners.
Kindred at Home Principal Executive: Tracy Bender
Officeofof Business Business and Office andCommunity CommunityRelations Relations 103 Rich Hall, SUNY Oswego, Oswego, NY 13126 121 E. First St., Oswego, NY, 13126| •315.312.3492 315-312-3492
Executive director
19 Fourth Ave. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-342-0510 Fax: 315-342-2047 Website: In Oswego County since: 1985 Total employment: 58 Full-time: 54 Part-time: 4 nnOperations: Kindred at Home was established in Oswego in 1985 to provide home health care services to Oswego County residents. Kindred at Home provides RNs, LPNs, home health aides, physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapists, social workers and registered dietitians. Kindred at Home is headquartered in Louisville, Ky. and has more than 300 home health and hospice offices throughout the U.S., making it the largest home care agency in the country. Its vast resources assist the local “hometown” staff in each office to provide the best possible home care to each of its clients. The Oswego office is certified, enabling service to be billed to both Medicare and Medicaid and some other health insurances as well. Specialty services include diabetes
education, wound care, orthopedic care and Safe Strides, a fall prevention program. In 2015, Kindred at Home acquired Gentiva Health Services to augment its continuum of care for post-acute services. The former Gentiva Health Services re-branded in 2016 to become Kindred at Home.
W.D. Malone Trucking & Excavating Principal Executive: Ryan Malone President
708 county Route 7 Hannibal, NY 13074 Phone: 315-564-6784 Fax: 315-564-7050 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1986 Total employment: 55 Full-time: 20 Part-time: 35 nnOperations: W.D. Malone Trucking &
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
Excavating, Inc. recently expanded its business with assistance from the County of Oswego Industrial Development Agency. The construction business does excavation, site preparation, demolition, aggregate production and utility main line installation/ rehabilitation.
Principal Executive:
in Mexico and renamed it Wayne Crandall Drugstore. Branshaw then opened a Wayne Drugs in Pulaski in 1987 and purchased the Wayne Drugs in both Fulton and Oswego in 1988. In 1996, Wayne Pharmacy opened a store at the Parish Health Center in Parish. In 2006, Branshaw sold all of his locations to the Kinney Drugs company with the exception of his location in the city of Oswego. In 2014, Wayne Drugs participated in the NY Main Street façade and building renovation program. The City of Oswego Community Development Office coordinates the program.
McIntosh Box & Pallet Mike Millson Plant manager
741 state Route 49 Bernhards Bay, NY 13028 Phone: 315-510-1691 Fax: 315-446-5427 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1971 Total employment: 52 Full-time: 51 Part-time: 1 nnOperations: J. Kenneth McIntosh founded the company in 1961. The company is headquartered in East Syracuse but established branches in Bernhards Bay, Rome, Geneva, Central Square, Buffalo and Martinsburg, W. Va. to service those areas. The company manufactures new and used pallets, skids and boxes with wood as the primary product for the food service, general service, heavy machinery, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and automotive industries. The company’s branch in Bernhards Bay builds and repairs pallets and processes native dense hardwood for the other branches. In 2015, McIntosh Box & Pallet completed a new maintenance shop to service its over-the-road fleet and its internal machinery.
Wayne Pharmacy Principal Executive:
Robert Branshaw, Jamie Branshaw President, Vice president
24 W. Bridge St. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-343-5722 Fax: 315-343-0085 Website: In Oswego County since: 1946 Total employment: 51 Full-time: 24 Part-time: 27 nnOperations: The first Wayne Pharmacy was opened in Newark, N.Y. in 1937. In 1986, Robert Branshaw bought the Crandall Drugstore
ALPS Professional Services/ Janitorial Services/Carpet & Upholstery Principal Executive: Allen Wood President
6101 E. Molloy Road East Syracuse, NY 13057 Phone: 315-449-0480, carpet cleaning; 315446-2290, janitorial Fax: 315-295-3517 Website: In Oswego County since: 1990 Total employment: 50 Full-time: 35 Part-time: 15 nnOperations: Sandy Creek native Allen Wood started his company as a one-man operation and has grown it to service clients in a seven-county area in Central New York. ALPS Professional Services performs commercial janitorial services, floor stripping and waxing, window washing, and other assorted contract cleaning tasks. In addition, ALPS Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning performs residential and commercial carpet cleaning, ultrasonic blind cleaning and upholstery cleaning.
Paul’s Big M Supermarket Principal Executive: Karen Connors President
276 W. First St. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-342-2887 Fax: 315-342-2740 Website: In Oswego County since: 1977 Total employment: 50 Full-time: 12 Part-time: 38
nnOperations: Previously a P&C franchise, Paul Heins started the operation in 1977. In addition to selling groceries, the market has a bakery, meat department, and fresh produce and offers hot foods to go. In May 1999, Paul Heins’ daughter Karen Connors took control of the store. The Big M also has a full-scale ice cream shop, PJ’s Ice Cream. Paul’s Big M is constantly updating its equipment and adding to its selections.
TJ Maxx Principal Executive: Ernie Herrman
137 state Route 104 East, Price Chopper Plaza Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-343-1890 Website: In Oswego County since: 2012 Total employment: 50 nnOperations: T.J.Maxx stores offer designer and brand name fashion for women, men, teens, children and babies. It is owned by The TJX Companies, regarded as one of the leading retailers of apparel and home fashions in the U.S. and worldwide. T.J.Maxx established its location at the Price Chopper Plaza, 137 state Route 104 E., Oswego, in May 2012.
BioSpherix, Ltd. Principal Executive: Randy Yerden President and CEO
25 Union St. Parish, N.Y. 13131 Phone: 800-441-3414 Fax: 315-387-3415 Email: Website:; In Oswego County since: 1982 Total employment: 49 Full-time: 49 nnOperations: BioSpherix, Ltd. is a privately held corporation located in Parish. It is dedicated to the development, manufacture and sale of advanced laboratory and production equipment for optimizing mammalian cell incubation and handling. Since 1982, BioSpherix, Ltd. has been selling this equipment to academic and research institutions as well as pharmaceutical and biotech companies both in the U.S. and around the world. Research scientists and doctors in the fields of cell biology and stem cell research, cell therapy,
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
gene therapy, regenerative medicine, clinical trials and cGMP cell production use the products. BioSpherix’s flagship product, the fully cytocentric Xvivo System, represents the future of how all valuable cells will eventually be incubated and processed. Demand for its innovative products continues to grow. In 2015, BioSpherix purchased and renovated the former Parish Elementary School and consolidated operations there. In 2017, BioSpherix, Ltd. integrated automated cell production into its cytocentric platform.
Burritt Chevrolet/Buick; Burritt Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Principal Executive: Richard Burritt President
340 state Route 104 East; 410 W. First St., Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-343-8948; 343-6194 Fax: 315-343-8146 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1955 Total employment: 49 Full-time: 46 Part-time: 3 nnOperations: Richard Burritt recently took over from his father, Chris Burritt, as the owner and operator of Burritt Chevrolet/ Buick and Burritt Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, Oswego. The dealership has been in business for three generations and was founded in 1955 by Elmer O. Burritt. Originally it was located in Hannibal. Chris Burritt took over the business in 1978. The Chevrolet/ Buick dealership includes a GM full-service department, a parts department and a body shop servicing all makes and models. It is an AAA-approved auto repair facility. In late 2017, Burritt acquired Shapiro Motors at 410 W. First St., Oswego and created Burritt Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram. Within the next two years, Burritt plans to build a new, stateof-the-art superstore next to Burritt Motors, 340 Route 104 East.
Kenwell Corp. Principal Executive:
Robert Flack Jr., Sara Horning Barbera, Doug Horning Principals
871 Hannibal St. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-592-4263 Fax: 315-593-2063
Website: In Oswego County since: 1970 Total employment: 49 Full-time: 49
nnOperations: Roger Horning Sr. and Stan Axtell founded Kenwell Sheet Metal Co. in 1970. In 1986, the company changed its name to Kenwell Corp., and in 1987, Horning became the sole owner. Encompassing 35,000 square feet, it employs 49 highly skilled, quality-certified workers. Kenwell is a cell-oriented, high-precision facility that specializes in time-sensitive machine repair work as well as engineered products. It is highly experienced in machining a variety of materials such as castings, bar stock, hightemp alloys and exotics. Its customer base includes the leading pump and compressor manufacturers, a leading manufacturer of military electronic components and it works extensively in the aerospace, oil and gas energy markets. Kenwell is ISO9001 certified.
NRG Oswego Generating Station Principal Executive:
Robert Marko Senior operations manager
261 Washington Boulevard Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-349-2341 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1939 Total employment: 47 nnOperations: Established in 1989, NRG Energy has a high-quality portfolio of projects in the U.S., Asia-Pacific, Europe and Latin America. NRG Energy entered the Oswego County market in 1999 when it purchased the former Oswego Steam Station at a cost of $91 million. NRG has built a global portfolio of projects using such diverse fuel sources as fossil fuels and “Green Power” renewable fuels, as well as refuse-derived fuels and geothermal energy. Through the use of stateof-the-art technologies, it is able to produce low-cost energy in an environmentally safe manner. NRG Energy is headquartered in Princeton, N.J.
Multi-Color Corporation Fulton Operation Principal Executive: Kevin Miles Plant manager
(315) 509-4281 Website: 4818 Salina St, Pulaski, NY 13142
Lunch and Dinner Service Monday - Saturday 11am - 9pm Business Meetings | Seminars Parties | Receptions Salads, Burgers, Sandwiches, Pastas, Seafood, Beef, Chicken, Pork
CANALE INSURANCE Locally Owned and Operated
157 North Second Fulton
234 E. Albany Oswego
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
6 Morrill Place Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-592-0236 Fax: 315-593-7016
In Oswego County since: 1871 Total employment: 46 Full-time: 40 Part-time: 6
nnWhat’s new: In 2018, the Fulton operation continued supply of labels for its two largest orange juice customers, transitioning nearly 200 items with new graphics. The graphics change was targeted to enhance shelf appeal at the point of purchase in the competitive ready-to-drink beverage market. nnOperations: Established in 1916, Cincinnati, Ohio-based Multi-Color is one of the largest label companies in the world serving some of the most prominent brands in the following market segments: health care, high-performance computing, food and beverage, specialty (automotive and consumer durables), and wine and spirits. Multi-Color is the fifth printing company to occupy the plant that originally opened in 1871 as the Morrill Press. The plant was sold to Sonoco Flexible Packaging during the 1990s and operated under that banner until December of 2003 when the company closed the Fulton plant. Spear inherited Sonoco machinery and the workforce was educated on the latest pressure-sensitive technologies. Constantia Flexibles Group, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, acquired Spear in April of 2013. In November of 2017, Multi-Color completed the purchase of 23 of Constantia’s label operations, including Fulton’s.
Advance Auto Parts Principal Executive: Gordon Schrader District manager
293 state Route 104 E., 168 S. Second St., 3046 East Ave. Oswego, NY 13126; Fulton, NY 13069; Central Square, NY 13036 Phone: 315-343-8230 (Oswego); 315-5984549 (Fulton); 315-68-2414 (Central Square) Website: In Oswego County since: 1998 Total employment: 45 nnOperations: Headquartered in Roanoke, Va., Advance Auto Parts, Inc., the largest automotive after-market parts provider in North America, serves both professional For Updated Business News, Go To
installer and do-it-yourself customers. As of July 18, 2015, Advance operated 5,252 stores and 117 Worldpac branches and served approximately 1,300 independently owned Carquest-branded stores in the U.S., Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Canada. Advance employs approximately 76,000 team members. Additional information about the company, employment opportunities, customer services, and on-line shopping for parts, accessories and other offerings can be found on the company’s website at www.
Babcock and Glider Oil Co. Principal Executive: Gary Shanley
5276 U.S. Route 11, P.O. Box 289 Pulaski, NY 13142 Phone: 315-298-2099 Website:
In Oswego County since: Total employment: 45
21 locations in New York. Besides its offices in Oswego County, the credit union serves members from offices in Auburn, Baldwinsville, Camillus, Canandaigua, Cheektowaga, Chittenango, Cicero, Elmira, Fayetteville, Johnson City, Lakeland, Liverpool, Palatine Bridge, East Syracuse and Utica.
Ontario Orchards Principal Executive: Dennis J. Ouellette President
7735 state Route 104 West Southwest Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-343-6328 Fax: 315-343-5250 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1965 Total employment: 45 Full-time: 25 Part-time: 20
nnOperations: Glider Oil Co. is a petroleum products distributor whose service area reaches from Auburn to the St. Lawrence Seaway. Glider Oil delivers a variety of petroleum products for residential and commercial customers, including heating oil, propane, diesel, gasoline and kerosene. Paul F. Shanley founded Glider Oil is 1942 in Elmira, and later moved operations to Oswego. His son Gary Shanley runs the company today. It has grown through the years and serves customers throughout Oswego, Jefferson, Onondaga and Lewis counties and in parts of Cayuga, Wayne, Oneida and St. Lawrence counties. Glider Oil maintains five bulk fuel storage facilities in New York state, located in Oswego, Carthage, Pulaski, Alexandria Bay and Boonville.
nnOperations: Ontario Orchards is one of New York state’s largest and most complete farm markets. For customers’ convenience, Ontario Orchards operates seven days a week, 12 months a year. Ontario Orchards is recognized throughout Upstate New York for its apple and vegetable production. The cider mill presses all natural cider year round. The in-house bakery provides apple pies along with freshly made and baked muffins, breads, cakes and more. Ontario Orchards features a complete selection of nursery trees, plants, annuals, perennials and more. The business celebrates autumn with its Fall Harvest Jamboree, along with U-Pick apples and pumpkins. Families and children can enjoy hay wagon rides and walk the corn maze. To complete the four seasons, customers can cut their own Christmas trees.
Empower Federal Credit Union
Sorbello and Sons Principal Executive:
Morris, David and Dana Sorbello Partners
Principal Executive: John Wakefield President/CEO
100 George St. Oswego, N.Y. 13126 Phone: 315-477-2200 Website: Total employment: 45 nnOperations: Empower Federal Credit Union is a member-owned, nonprofit financial cooperative. It has two locations in Fulton and a branch in Oswego. Empower FCU has
845 county Route 14 Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-592-9469 Fax: 315-592-2898 Email: In Oswego County since: 1988 Total employment: 45 Full-time: 18 Part-time: 27 nnOperations: Sorbello and Sons is a family agriculture business in Granby. Mariano Sor-
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
Website: In Oswego County since: 1967 Total employment: 42
bello started the farm in 1933, and handed it over to his son Morris in 1971. In 1987, Morris along with his twin sons David and Dana incorporated the business. The twins handle day-to-day operations on the farm today. The business produces cooking onions on 370 acres and grains on another 355 acres. Sorbello and Sons is bulk-handling onions, using 2,500-pound canvas bags instead of 50 50-pound bags on a pallet. New equipment purchased from a German company made the transition possible.
nnOperations: Established in 1967, Canfield Machine & Tool LLC manufactures precision milled, turned and electrical discharge machining parts for the inspection, medical, lighting, measurement and control, microwave filter and fiber optic industries.
The Palladium-Times
JCPenney Co. Inc.
Principal Executive:
Principal Executive:
Jon Spaulding Publisher
Carol Peters General manager
140 W. First St. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-343-3800 Fax: 315-343-0273 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1845 Total employment: 45 Full-time: 23 Part-time: 22 nnOperations: The Palladium-Times can map its history back to pre-Civil War days, when The Palladium’s first issue as a weekly came out in 1819. The other division of the newspaper, The Oswego Times, traces its origins to 1845 when the Commercial Daily Advertiser became Oswego’s first daily newspaper. After a long period of battling one another, the two newspapers that supported opposing political parties merged to become one daily newspaper with an independent political voice. In 2008, Sample News Group acquired The Palladium-Times from Gatehouse Media, moving it to a privately held status, which hadn’t been seen since the ownership days of the Morrison and Leighton families prior to 1966. In August 2014, The Palladium-Times’ parent company, Pennsylvania-based Sample News Group, acquired The Valley News in Fulton from The Scotsman Media Group, a Syracuse-based company that closed in 2014.
Canfield Machine & Tool LLC Principal Executive: Chris Canfield Manager
121 Howard Rd. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-593-8062 Email:
Full-time: 36 Part-time: 6
140 state Route 104 East, Oswego Plaza Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-342-4080; 315-343-8257 (salon) Fax: 315-342-2533 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1976 Total employment: 41 Full-time: 6 Part-time: 35 nnWhat’s new: JCPenney has formed a solid relationship with Shaquille O’Neil, who recently introduced a new big and tall clothing line. nnOperations: JCPenney came to Oswego in 1976 after purchasing a number of stores from WT Grant. At that time, the store had many different departments, such as an automotive center, restaurant, toys, bikes and a full fishing department. Thirty years later and after a major renovation in 2001, the store is focused on clothing for the family. JCPenney also carries fine and fashion jewelry, luggage, family footwear, housewares and small appliances. JCPenney in Oswego uses to expand its offerings and size selections for customers. JCPenney also provides services that include bra fittings, men’s shirt fittings and a hair salon. In 2017, JCPenney added toys and electronics to its in-store assortment. It also offers a boutique for women’s sizes.
Reymore Chevrolet Principal Executive:
Brian House, Nancy House Vice President, President
746 N. Main St./P.O. Box 501 Central Square, NY 13036 Phone: 315-668-2673
Prompt, Courteous Service Business Insurance at Affordable Prices
Oswego County Mutual Insurance Company 2975 West Main St. Parish, NY 13131
For our agent nearest you Policyholder-Owned Since 1878
150 E. 1st St. Oswego, NY 13126 315-343-0440
100 Rochester St. Fulton, NY 13069 315-598-4700
SPRINGBROOK APARTMENTS 4920 N. Jefferson St. Pulaski, NY 13142 315-298-6101
• Trash Collection • New Appliances • Bus for shopping/groceries • Heat, Electricity & Hot Water • Snow Removal & Lawn Care • Planned Activities • All repairs & maintenance Preference given for veterans & spouses of veterans Equal Housing Opportunity Supervised by NYS DHCR
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
Fax: 315-668-3185 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1921 Total employment: 41 Full-time: 38 Part-time: 3
nnOperations: William Reymore started Reymore Chevrolet in 1921. Daughter Barbara and her husband Eddie House were the next proprietors. Jim and his wife Nancy House purchased the business in 1985. Jim and Nancy’s son, Brian, joined the company in 1994 after earning a degree in automobile marketing from Michigan’s Northwood University. Brian’s sister, Cheryl, joined the dealership in 1995. She also graduated from Northwood University in Michigan with a degree in business management. The business includes a body shop, parts and service departments.
K&N’s Foods USA, LLC Principal Executive: Adil K. Sattar CEO
607 Phillips St. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-598-8080 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 2014 Total employment: 40 Full-time: 39 Part-time: 1 nnWhat’s new: In 2018, K&N’s won The Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Achievement Award. K&N’s was awarded a gold medal by the FPCCI in recognition of its outstanding services to the poultry and frozen food industries of Pakistan. The FPCCI awards gold medals to organizations for rendering meritorious services to the business community and for their contribution to the industry and national economy at large. K&N’s has won this award for six consecutive years, since the inception of the award. nnOperations: K&N’s Foods USA, LLC manufactures premium frozen kababs, smoked sausages and coated products. Its products are Halal-certified, and contain no preservatives, antibiotics or nitrates/nitrites. Products do not have mechanically separated meat and have zero trans fat. K&N’s products are available in independent retail stores as well as online. For Updated Business News, Go To
LeRoi, Inc. Principal Executive: Terry Leroy President
21 S. Second St. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-402-2136 Email: Website:
In Oswego County since: 1993 Total employment: 40 nnOperations: Terry Leroy started making jewelry in 1993. He had purchased some used jewelry equipment from an acquaintance and practiced making jewelry while being employed at Domino’s Pizza. As his skills improved, he performed goldsmithing for a local jewelry store, Wholesale Diamond Exchange. Eventually, he branched off into different areas of jewelry manufacturing, including casting and mass production. Incorporated in 1997, and now known as LeRoi, Inc., he seized the opportunity to focus on the trend of body piercing jewelry and started to manufacture out of the basement of his house. Over the past 23 years, LeRoi Inc has created and innovated many new trademarked body jewelry designs, including The Hybrid Line™, Venus Hoop™, Tres Jolie™, SkullDuggery™ and Skull Factory™, Bijoux™, Haute Couture Bijoux™, and Geometric™ lines. The business has been corporate members and sponsors of the Association of Professional Piercers since 2006.
Tailwater Lodge Principal Executive:
Tom Fernandez Chief operating officer, Woodbine Group
52 Pulaski St. Altmar, N.Y. 13302 Phone: 315-298-3434 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 2014 Total employment: 40 nnWhat’s new: Throughout 2018, the owners of Tailwater Lodge, Woodbine Group, invested about $2.5 million for a new 24,000-square-foot, three-story addition adding 46 additional guest rooms, a full-service spa, indoor swimming pool, outdoor hot tub, and exercise facilities. nnOperations: The Tailwater Lodge offers accommodations for fishing on the Salmon River, considered one of the best fishing sites in the world. Tailwater has 42 guest rooms
and a state-of-the-art conference facility. It also features the Tailwater Restaurant. The business recently opened its barn and tasting room. The new conference facility can host social and corporate functions with groups up to 450 people. Its tasting room features New York and regional beers, wine, and artisan meats and cheeses. There are over 20 beers on tap and a wine list designed to please any wine lover. The new facility features timber-framed space that opens to a covered patio. In 2018, the owners of the Tailwater — the Woodbine Group — invested about $2.5 million for a new 24,000-squarefoot, three-story addition adding 46 more rooms, a spa including a swimming pool and exercise facilities.
Tractor Supply Principal Executive:
John Luke Store manager, Oswego
293 state Route 104 #8, Oswego, NY 13126; 806 W. Broadway #1, Fulton, NY 13069; 3779 state Route 13, Pulaski, NY 13142 Phone: 315-342.7100 (Oswego); 315-5932289 (Fulton); 315-298-1189 (Pulaski) Website: In Oswego County since: 2004 Total employment: 40 nn Operations: The company is a retailer of farm and ranch supplies and has been operating in the Empire State since 1986. Tractor Supply Company has three stores in Oswego County: Oswego, Fulton and Pulaski. Tractor Supply Company is the largest operator of retail farm and ranch stores in the U.S. with over 1,500 stores in 49 states focused on supplying the lifestyle needs of recreational farmers and ranchers. The company also serves the maintenance needs of those who enjoy the rural lifestyle, as well as tradesmen and small businesses. Stores are located in towns outlying to major metropolitan markets and in rural communities. The company offers the following comprehensive selection of merchandise: equine, pet and small animal products, including items necessary for their health, care, growth and containment; hardware and seasonal products, including lawn and garden power equipment; truck, towing and tool products; work/recreational clothing and footwear for the entire family; maintenance products for agricultural and rural use; and home décor, candy, snack food and toys.
Butler Disposal Systems Principal Executive:
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
Todd Butler
Chris Doe, PT Scott Miller, PT
Chris Doe, PT
Chris Doe, PT
3973 Port St. • Pulaski, NY 13142 • 298-7185 Chris Doe, PT Scott Miller, PT 298-7185 Chris Doe, Scott Miller, Quality Hands-On Care Scott Miller, PT PT Chris Doe, PT PT Chris Doe, 3973 PortPTSt. • Pulaski, NY 13142 • 298-7185 Most Insurances Accepted Scott Miller, PT Scott Miller, PT 3973Chris Port Doe, St. •Chris Pulaski, NYPT 13142 PT Doe, Quality Hands-On Care Scott PT • 298-7185 Day St. & Evening Appointments Available 3973 Port • Pulaski, NY 13142 •Miller, 298-7185
Insurances Accepted Quality Hands-On 3973 NY •• 298-7185 Miller, Scott PT Miller,Most PTCare 3973 Port Port St. St. ••• Pulaski, Pulaski,Scott NY 13142 13142 298-7185 3973 Port St. Pulaski, NY 13142 • 298-7185 Day &Accepted Evening Appointments Available Most Insurances Quality Hands-On Care Quality Hands-On Care Quality Hands-On Hands-On CareAppointments Available Quality Care Day Evening 3973 Port3973 St. •Port Pulaski, St. •NY Pulaski, 13142 NY• &298-7185 13142 •298-2936 298-7185 Most Insurances Accepted Most Insurances Accepted Most Insurances Accepted Most Insurances Accepted Automated Payroll Service Quality Hands-On Quality Hands-On Care Care Chris Doe, PT Day & Evening Appointments Available Day EveningAppointments Appointments Available Available 298-2936 3975 Port St. Day &Doe, Evening Available Day &&PTMost Evening Appointments Most Insurances Insurances Accepted Accepted Comprehensive and Inexpensive Chris Scott Miller, PT NY 13142298-2936 3975 Port St. Day & Evening Day & Appointments Evening Appointments AvailablePulaski, Available Scott Miller, PTSt. • Pulaski, NY 13142298-2936 13142 St. Pulaski, NY 3973 Port • 298-7185 3975 PortRomey 298-2936 Phoenix - 695-3376 Caruso, Jason Rinoldo Cardio & Strength Training Equipment 298-2936 298-2936 Pulaski, NY 13142 Quality Hands-On Care 3975 Port St. 3973 Port St. • Pulaski, NY 13142 • 298-7185 and Chad Holbert Cardio & Strength Training Equipment 3975 Port St. Personal Training •Massage Therapy 298-2936 298-2936 298-2936 3975 Port St. Brewerton - 676-2333 Pulaski, NY Insurances Accepted Pulaski, NY 13142 13142 Cardio & Strength Training Equipment Quality Hands-OnSteam Care RoomMost Personal Training •Massage Therapy Enrolled Agents Pulaski, 13142 & Sauna •Swim &NYLessons 3975 Classes Port 3975 St. 3975 Port St.Port St. Day & Evening Appointments Available Most Insurances Accepted Cardio Personal Training •Massage Therapy && Strength Training Equipment Steam Room & Sauna •Swim Classes & Lessons Camillus - 468-0616 Pulaski, NY Pulaski, 13142 NY 13142 Cardio Strength Training Equipment Day & Evening AppointmentsMembership Available Specials & Challenges! Cardio & Strength Training Equipment Pulaski, 13142 Steam Room & Sauna •Swim NY Classes & Lessons364 East Ave. • P.O. Box 2066
& & && &
Personal Training •Massage Therapy Membership Specials & Challenges! Personal Training& •Massage Therapy Cardio &Cardio Strength & Strength Training Training Equipment Equipment Personal •Massage Therapy 298-2936 Oswego, NY 13126 & Steam Room & Sauna •Swim Classes && Lessons Membership Specials & Challenges! Serving All of CNY Since 1932 Personal Steam Room & Sauna •Swim Classes Lessons Training •Massage •Massage Therapy Therapy SteamPersonal &Training Sauna Training •Swim Classes & Lessons Cardio &Room Strength Equipment Phone (315) 342-4900 • Fax: (315) 342-5100 298-2936 3975 Port St. Membership Specials &&&Classes Challenges! Membership Specials Challenges! Room Steam & Room Sauna & •Swim Sauna Classes •Swim Lessons Lessons Pulaski, NY 13142 Membership Specials & Challenges! www.SweetWoodsMem.comSteam Personal 3975 Port St. Training •Massage &Therapy Pulaski, NY 13142 Membership Membership Specials Specials & Challenges! & Challenges! Cardio & Strength Training Equipment
SteamcalRoom & used Sauna •SwimThe Classes & Lessons needles worldwide. company is audited Wiltsie’s quality control and Wiltsie
Personal Training •Massage Therapy Cardio & Strength Trainingunique Equipment among its competitors for providing successfully renewed its national board and Address: Steam Room & Sauna •Swim & Lessons American Society of Mechanical Engineers Membership Specials &Classes Challenges! Personal Training •Massage Therapy full-service operations including developing 864 Hannibal St. concepts into prototypes also manucertifications (S, U and R stamps) extending & Lessons Fulton, NY 13069 Steam Room & Sauna •Swim Classes Membership Specialswhile & Challenges! facturing products and tools. In 2014, Design Phone: 315-342-0832Membership Specials & Challenges! Concepts purchased a new facility in Central Fax: 315-343-0832 Square that includes research and developEmail: ment resources. It also houses another sterilWebsite: ized clean room necessary for the production In Oswego County since: of medical products. In December 2016, the Total employment: 38 company added a specialty wire product nnOperations: Butler Disposal Systems was founded in 1959 and provides waste and recycling solutions for Central New York. Todd Butler is the second generation of his family in the waste disposal industry, following in his father Charles Butler’s footsteps since 1989. Butler Disposal has become the largest refuse hauler in Oswego County and has experienced significant growth throughout Onondaga County. Butler Disposal was selected as the trash and recycling hauler for all eight districts in the town of Clay in 2016.
line to the scope of its current ISO 13485 certification. The business has increased its work force to 36 employees as well as two additional engineers to help develop new machines to make the process highly automated and increase output. Design Concepts and Enterprises, LLC is producing around 4 million needles a year with hopes of increasing to 10 million by the close of 2018. The company was also working with a surgeon out of Austin, Texas on a new needle that could change the way certain surgeries are performed and could add as many as 20 more personnel to the payroll.
Design Concepts and Enterprises LLC
Wiltsie Construction Company, Inc.
Principal Executive:
Ted Vermette and John Renzi; Melissa Ingerham Managing partners; VP of operations
Principal Executive: Peter Wiltsie President
9 Kline Road Central Square, NY 13036 Phone: 315-668-5234 Fax: 315-668-1493 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 2009 Total employment: 38
735 E. Seneca St. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-342-1880 Fax: 315-343-8238 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1970 Total employment: 38
nnOperations: Design Concepts and Enterprises, LLC is manufacturing specialized surgi-
nnWhat’s new: In 2018, the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors
through 2021. These credentials continue to allow Wiltsie to perform American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ repairs and alterations at utility power generation facilities throughout the Northeastern U.S. nnOperations: Founded in 1970, Wiltsie Construction Company, Inc. provides mechanical maintenance, field construction and steel fabrication and erection services to clients across a range of industries. Services include boiler repair and maintenance, process power piping, millwrighting and rigging. In addition, Wiltsie’s stand-alone steel fabricating facility supports field operations and provides customers with a one-source contact for the design, fabrication and installation of structural steel, duct work, tanks, silos and exhaust stacks.
Centro of Oswego Principal Executive: Richard Lee CEO
512 E. Seneca St. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-342-4400 Email: Website:
In Oswego County since: 1972 Total employment: 36 Full-time: 21 Part-time: 15
nnWhat’s new: In 2017-2018, Centro provided nearly 520,000 rides to individuals within Oswego County. Centro began offering adult and reduced fare MAX passes and day passes to customers in Oswego to help meet their transportation needs. Centro also recently
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
Grow Your Business
John E. Dowdle Adrian J. Dowdle
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Dowdle Funeral Home
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Healthway Home Products Principal Executive: Vincent G. Lobdell President/CEO
3420 Maple Ave. Pulaski, NY 13142 Phone: 315-298-2904 Fax: 315-298-6992
Industrial • Commercial • Residential
154 East Fourth St.. Oswego, NY 13126 Ph: (315) 343-9010
For more information, call 593-7166 or visit us online at
launched its SMS text service, giving customers access to next-scheduled bus arrival times at any Centro bus stop via text message. The SMS text service, available on any cell phone, follows Centro’s recent launch of the GoCentroBus mobile app, which displays real-time transit information on smart phones or tablets. Centro also transitioned to its new and improved service alert notification system. The easy-to-use service offers customers the option of receiving real-time email and/ or text alert notifications regarding detours or service delays resulting from inclement weather, traffic, special events, or other uncontrollable circumstances. nnOperations: Centro began fixed route operations in the city of Oswego in 1972, the city of Fulton in 1979 and in 1993, began service to Syracuse, Mexico and the SUNY Oswego campus. Additionally, Centro provides ADA para-transit service for people with disabilities who cannot use regular route service. Centro also provides senior shopping services as well as New York State Fair shuttles from Oswego, Fulton and Phoenix. In 2016-2017, Centro provided nearly 550,000 rides to individuals within Oswego County. Centro also debuted its mobile app, allowing customers to receive bus information on their smart phone devices. The app allows customers to pinpoint real-time bus locations; see estimated bus arrival times; store favorite routes and stops; access “stops-near-me” feature; and create customized travel plans.
315-593-3066 David J. McCann, VP
System Inspections Electrical Contracting
Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 2005 Total employment: 36 Full-time: 29 Part-time: 7
nnOperations: Healthway is a manufacturer of air cleaning equipment and a global leader on indoor air quality solutions. Based in Pulaski, it offers air purification units featuring its medically approved disinfecting filtration system technology. DFS technology is considered the most significant advancement in the indoor air quality industry in years. The company has distribution in 30 countries. Its air purification line encompasses residential, commercial, and industrial-grade equipment. The company’s current focus is providing air quality and environmental products to the emerging green building market in conjunction with allergy friendly rooms for the hospitality market. In 2016, the company introduced a new line of portable air cleaners that will be built in the U.S. at Healthway’s manufacturing operations in Pulaski. Owner Vincent G. Lobdell has been honored for his commitment to helping revitalize the village of Pulaski through the historic renovations of the 1832 Ontario Iron Works into Healthway’s corporate headquarters and manufacturing plant and for the restoration of the 1938 Kallet Theater into a 400-seat capacity conference, event and training center. Healthway recently began marketing a new state-of-the-art portable air-cleaning product that is manufactured in Pulaski and offered directly to consumers under the company’s new Intellipure brand. The product is also being exported to distributors overseas.
Arby’s Restaurant Group Principal Executive:
161 Genesee St., Suite 200 Auburn, NY 13021 Phone: 315-255-1559 Website: In Oswego County since: 1999 Total employment: 35 Full-time: 3 Part-time: 32 nnWhat’s new: Arby’s Restaurant Group, Inc. acquired 40 restaurants from franchisees Dan Soules and Mark Dunn of Grant Avenue Development, Inc. in March of 2018. The restaurants acquired by ARG are located in New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. With this purchase, ARG now operates more than 1,100 company-owned restaurants in the U.S. ARG will own and operate these restaurants and will begin the process of remodeling when appropriate. Remodeled restaurants feature Arby’s Inspire design, which delivers an upgraded guest experience and includes design elements such as wood tones, white brick, subway tiles, stainless steel finishes, chalkboard graphics, and upgraded lighting and landscaping. nnOperations: Arby’s, founded in 1964, is the second-largest sandwich restaurant brand in the world with more than 3,400 restaurants in seven countries. Arby’s is part of the Inspire Brands family of restaurants. For more information, visit and The two Arby’s restaurants in Oswego County are located at 222 S. Second St., Fulton, and 3799 Rome Road, Route 13, Pulaski.
Dr. Padma Ram Medical Services, LLC Principal Executive:
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
Padma Ram, MD Owner
99 Harris St. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 416-798-8777 Website: In Oswego County since: 2013 Total employment: 35 Full-time: 35
300 state Route 104 East Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-342-0030 Fax: 315-216-6669 Email: Website:
In Oswego County since: Total employment: 35
nnWhat’s new: Physician Padma Ram in 2018 received Operation Oswego County’s Dee Heckethorn Entrepreneur Award in recognition of her exceptional entrepreneurial spirit in growing and developing her business. She also earned a Small Business Administration Small Business Excellence Award that recognized the practice’s growth. In 2000, physician Padma Ram opened the business as an internal medicine practice. The practice is composed of a primary care practice and an urgent care facility, Lake Ontario Prompt Medical Care. Ram currently provides medical services to 33 percent of the Oswego population. She has relocated and expanded her facilities over the years in response to an influx of new patients and the overall growth of her burgeoning practice. Ram employs 35 people between the primary care and urgent care practices and saw a combined 17,000 patients in 2017. nn Operations: The health care organization provides both primary care as Dr. Padma Ram Medical Services, LLC and also operates Lake Ontario Prompt Medical Care, PLLC, which offers urgent care in the same 26,000-squarefoot building.
J&A Mechanical Contractors Principal Executive: Address:
5814 state Route 104 East Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-343-9315 Fax: 315-343-3954 In Oswego County since: 1984 Total employment: 35 nnOperations: J&A Mechanical Contractors provides services for commercial and industrial customers in heating and plumbing, air conditioning, sheet metal production and industrial piping.
Teti Bakery USA, Inc. Principal Executive:
Franco Teti; Dino Teti Owners
Brookfield Renewable Energy Group
Got your CDL-A? Drivers wanted. Flexibility. Choices. Freedom.
Principal Executive: Jon Elmer General manager
33 W. First St. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-593-3118 Fax: 315-598-4831 Email: Website:
Call 315-219-4552 today! Full-time. Part-time. Local & over the road.
In Oswego County since: Total employment: 34
Ted Volkomer President
nnWhat’s new: Owner Franco Teti, despite facing workforce challenges, is anticipating adding equipment while looking forward to a successful 2019. nnOperations: Since 1983, Teti Bakery has been supplying restaurants, supermarkets, hotels, entertainment facilities and pizza toppers with its premium pizza crust, focaccia breads and flat breads. The Fulton location is Teti’s first bakery in the U.S. and its first step in expanding operations in the Northeast and along the East Coast. Teti bought the former Smurfit-Stone Container Corp. plant at 99 Harris St. in Fulton in October 2012. Teti’s in Fulton is expected to employ up to 70 workers. Teti Bakery plans on growing incrementally at its Fulton location, building up from one production line to three.
nnOperations: Brookfield Renewable Energy Group owns and operates 108 generating facilities in 10 states, totaling over 2,400 megawatts of capacity. The company’s hydro and wind power portfolio generates enough renewable energy to power over 660,000 average households annually in the U.S. Among these are eight facilities in Oswego County along the Oswego and Salmon South rivers.
Oswego County OB-GYN, P.C.
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Principal Executive:
Daniel Coty; Raj Mahajan; Daniel Mather President; secretary/treasurer; practice manager
42 Montcalm St.; 820 Phillips St. Oswego, NY 13126; Fulton, NY 13069 is a federally registered service mark of KeyCorp. ©2018 KeyCorp. KeyBank is Member FDIC. 171005-170606 -8816673
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
Phone: 315-343-2590 Fax: 315-343.4197 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1960 Total employment: 34 Full-time: 28 Part-time: 6
nnWhat’s new: Oswego County OB-GYN, P.C. has been featuring more evening and early morning appointments. nnOperations: Oswego County OB-GYN, P.C. is a single specialty private group practice that provides 24-hour in-house obstetrical and gynecological coverage at Oswego Hospital and at various locations throughout Oswego County. It has served the women of Oswego County for more than 50 years, providing the full spectrum of women’s health care needs. The practice consists of physicians who are board-certified specialists in obstetrics and gynecology, certified nurse midwives, certified nurse practitioners, a full-time in-office ultrasound technician, licensed practical nurses, medical assistants, and clerical and billing support staff. It offers preventive, diagnostic and acute patient care with a wide range of special services, including obstetrics, family planning, infertility, gynecology, gynecologic surgery and weight management. Dr. Daniel Coty and Dr. Raj Mahajan are also the medical directors for the Oswego County Opportunities’ Reproductive Health Division. The “Smokefree for Baby and Me” and weight loss programs saw continued success in 2018.
Deaton’s Building and Home Center Principal Executive: Brant Deaton President
3970 Port St. Pulaski, NY 13142 Phone: 315-298-2644 Website: In Oswego County since: 1983 Total employment: 33 Full-time: 23 Part-time: 10 nnOperations: The Deaton family entered the hardware business in the 1980s with shops in both Mexico and Pulaski. Later, the family scaled back operations, closing the Mexico location and concentrating on the Pulaski business. Deaton’s has a co-op agreement with the Ace brand, which grants it collective purchasing power. Deaton’s expanded in October 2007 to the abandoned P&C building at 3970 Port St.
Lakewood Products Principal Executive: Steve Rayder President
79 Lakewood Road/PO Box 177 Williamstown, NY 13493 Phone: 315-964-2449 Fax: 315-964-2 In Oswego County since: 1996 Total employment: 33 nnOperations: Lakewood Products, Inc. processes hardwood for the lumber industry.
Longley Brothers Dodge Principal Executive: Dennis E. Longley President
1698 county Route 57 Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-598-2135 Fax: 315-598-2150 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1947 Total employment: 33 Full-time: 29 Part-time: 4 nnOperations: Longley Brothers Dodge has been a family business for a half century. Earl and Harold Longley founded the business in 1947 as an auto body shop. The family dealership was established in 1955 and the Longleys added their Dodge dealership in 1964. The business offers a full line of cars, trucks and leasing. The longtime business also provides complete service and parts as well as bodywork. In 2006, Longley’s opened a second store in Fulton at 203 E. Broadway. The facility sells used cars. In 2014, the dealership took on Dodge Ram’s heavy-duty line of 4500 and 5500 chassis cabs plus ProMaster commercial cargo vans. In 2017, Longley Brothers Dodge remodeled its customer waiting area.
Luminant – Independence Power Plant Principal Executive: Eric Pahl Plant manager
76 Independence Way Oswego, NY 13126
Phone: 315-349-5100 Fax: 315-342-8425 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1994 Total employment: 33 nnWhat’s new: In 2018, Vistra Energy, the parent company for TXU Energy and Luminant, and Dynegy Inc. completed a merger agreement. Dynegy merged with and into Vistra Energy in a tax-free, all-stock transaction, creating the leading integrated power company across the key competitive power markets in the U.S. nnOperations: Luminant’s Independence Power Plant began operations in 1994 in Scriba under the ownership of Sithe Energies, and brings 1,200 megawatts onto the New York state electric grid. In 2005, Dynegy Inc. acquired the facility from Sithe Energies. Independence is a natural gas-fired, combined-cycle generation facility that generates electricity and thermal energy. Luminant owns and operates the only plant in New York state for Vistra Energy (NYSE: VST). The company’s power generation portfolio consists of nearly 41,000 megawatts of base-load, intermediate and peaking power plants in 12 states fueled by a mix of coal, natural gas, nuclear and solar. The company also provides retail electricity to 830,000 residential customers and 2.9 million commercial, industrial and municipal customers in five states. Luminant’s Independence Power Plant is committed to providing safe, reliable, cost-efficient and environmentally responsible electricity and jobs to New York. Its employees and 1,200 megawatts of generation capability provide enough power to keep the lights on for more than 1 million homes.
Laser Transit, Ltd. Principal Executive:
George Joyce Chief executive officer
19 DeMott St., P.O. Box 352 Lacona, NY 13083 Phone: 315-219-4552 Fax: 315-387-2965 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1995 Total employment: 32 Full-time: 28 Part-time: 4 nnOperations: Founded in 1995, Laser Transit, Ltd. packages logistics services including transportation, distribution/warehousing, third-party logistics and outsourcing services to primary industries throughout the region. The company has its main offices and
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
225,000 square feet of rail-served distribution facilities in Lacona, adjacent to I-81. It operates another 100,000 square feet in Oswego. Company fleet operations with both flat bed and dry van divisions annually deliver approximately 10,000 truckload shipments throughout the Northeast as well as Ontario, Canada. Oswego County clients include Novelis, Felix Schoeller, the Port of Oswego Authority, and Patterson Warehousing. Laser has clients throughout Upstate and northern New York, but also works with global companies handling containerized shipments and imported products from China and other Asian producers. The company also performs intermodal, cross-dock and heavy machinery storage and trans-loading applications. Laser continues to expand its distribution and trucking operations for cross-border Canada business and is looking for qualified CDL-A drivers. Applications can be made through its website at
Raby’s Ace Home Center Principal Executive:
Peter Raby, Robert Raby Owners
247 Washington Blvd. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-342-9663 Fax: 315-343.2945 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1916 Total employment: 32
Bosco’s Principal Executive: Theresa Himes Co-owner
343 East Ave. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-343-5421 Fax: 315-343.2753
Full-time: 13 Part-time: 18
nnOperations: Joseph and Barbara Bosco founded the store 1959. It started as a full-service food market that is family owned and operated and it remains that way today. Theresa Himes, CEO/CFO of the business, and her brothers took over the store in 1992 upon their parents’ retirement. Bosco’s specialty is fresh-cut meats and assorted specialty sausages. Joseph Bosco has continued to produce his father’s traditional sausage recipes along with expanding varieties. Over the years, he has added to the list of sausage options, which include an assortment of chicken and turkey sausage along with over 10 varieties of pork sausage. Bosco’s deli has been building a steady following with its popular Friday fish dinners, Sunday turkey dinners, and daily lunch specials. Its produce department offers seasonal locally grown produce along with organic options. The store’s bakery department has a variety of bread, rolls, and assorted pastries and pies baked fresh daily. Bosco’s completed a total renovation of its popular meat department in 2016. The business added an 8-foot self-serve chicken case, an 8-foot self-serve specialty meats case and a new service beef and pork case.
nnOperations: Raby’s Ace Home Center has served the area community for more than 90 years, since 1916, as suppliers of quality building products to the professional builder as well as home remodeling and commercial/ industrial customer. The center has a complete line of Ace hardware, lawn and garden supplies, and also a complete line of lumber, roofing, plumbing and electrical supplies, power tools, paint and sundries, and other building materials. Raby’s also specializes in KraftMaid Cabinetry, the world’s leader in built-to-order kitchen and bath cabinetry, with in-house custom design services.
Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1959 Total employment: 31
Oswego County Federal Credit Union Principal Executive: William Carhart CEO
90 E. Bridge St. Oswego, N.Y. 13126 Phone: 315-343-7822 Fax: 315-343-7826 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1975 Total employment: 31 nnOperations: The Oswego County Federal Credit Union is a member-owned, nonprofit financial cooperative dedicated to providing innovative and high-quality products and services. Founded in 1975, the credit union serves more than 11,000 members throughout Oswego County. OCFCU has four locations to serve its member-owners. Two of these branches are located in Oswego at 90 E. Bridge St. and 300 W. First St. Another in located in Mexico at 5828 Scenic Ave., and its newest branch is in Fulton on state
Route 481. Over its 43 years of serving the residents of Oswego County, the credit union takes pride in reinvesting in the communities it serves. OCFCU offers free “Movies in the Park” events in Oswego, Fulton and Mexico. These movie nights provide an evening of free family entertainment, offering free pizza, face painting, art and crafts, and child ID kits. This year marked the third year OCFCU provided free hats, gloves and scarves to those in need through its “Gloves with Love” program. It also takes pride in offering scholarships to college-bound seniors. OCFCU offers a unique array of financial products and services, including its text concierge product. It allows members to text any questions directly to credit union staff members. In 2017, the credit union for the third consecutive year received recognition as one of the “Best Places to Work” in New York state for companies with less than 250 employees by the New York State Society for Human Resource Management. On the products front, the credit union launched a home equity line of credit program and “Savvy Money,” which allows members to monitor their credit by receiving free monthly credit report updates. In 2017, the credit union became a certified community development financial institution based upon dedication and commitment to serving all facets of the Oswego County population. In 2018, OCFCU is contracted to convert its existing computer system to a new, more member-friendly computer service.
Suburban Propane Principal Executive: Jim Lloyd Manager
56 county Route 57A Phoenix, NY 13135 Phone: 315-656-7215; 1-800-PROPANE Fax: 315-695-2012 Email: Website:
In Oswego County since: Total employment: 31 Full-time: 30 Part-time: 1
nn Operations: Suburban Propane sells and services propane, fuel oil, kerosene and power fuels to Central New York residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural customers. Founded in 1928 in New Jersey by Mark Anton as the Suburban Propane Company, the publicly owned company operates nationwide as a full-service company. Suburban has steadily grown through grassroot efforts as well as acquisitions. In 2003, Suburban purchased the assets of Agway Energy based in Syracuse. In 2012, the retail operations of Inergy were purchased, which
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
effectively doubled the size of the company, including operations in 11 new states. Local operations of Suburban are located in Phoenix. In 2016, the local office — once located in Minoa — combined its retail office staff into the Phoenix location after undergoing major remodeling and upgrades.
Burke’s Do It Best Home Center Principal Executive: Charles J. Handley President/owner
38 E. Second St., Oswego, NY 13126; 65 N. Second St., Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-343-6147 Fax: 315-342-2268 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1926 Total employment: 30 Full-time: 25 Part-time: 5 nnWhat’s new: Burke’s Do It Best Home Center in Oswego has remodeled its kitchen displays to show all the new designs and trends for 2019 and beyond. Kitchen specialist Don Gioia is equipped with new computer software that not only shows layouts, but also displays new kitchens in color 3-D. Also, Milwaukee Tools has awarded Burke’s for being its largest dealer in Central New York. Not only do the stores in Oswego and Fulton feature large inventories, Milwaukee Tools has supplied Burke’s with truckload direct pricing on all of its tools. nnOperations: The Handley family has owned the business since 1926. Timothy J. Burke, great-grandfather of the company’s president, Chuck, and his brother, Tom, vice president, founded the business. He began the business as a lumberyard and it has evolved into one of the largest home centers in Oswego County. It has remained in the family’s hands from the beginning. Burke’s is affiliated with the cooperative “Do It Best” which is involved with 4,000 independent home centers throughout the country whose buying power totals over $3 billion nationwide. One of the store’s features is its new website, which allows customers to shop for their hardware online. Customers can search through a business catalog that features more than 65,000 items and order directly online. Orders can be shipped to the customer’s home or to the For Updated Business News, Go To
store. The website also offers many other features, including home improvement tips and “how-to” ideas. Burke’s is also home to free, guaranteed same-day delivery for all orders called in by 10 a.m. In 2018, Burke’s added and expanded all product lines to service the new housing market. Its new boom truck is geared up to deliver all of its building materials free of charge.
Lakeview Lanes Principal Executive: Mike Tryniski Owner
723 W. Broadway Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-593-8070 Fax: 315-593-2142 Email: Website: Total employment: 30 nnOperations: Lakeview Lanes is a 20-lane bowling alley in Fulton. Lakeview Lanes added 24 32-inch LCD TVs to the bowling alley in 2008. Of the 24 screens, 20 are used for scoring on each lane, while the additional four are free for music and video.
Stewart’s Shops Principal Executive: Gary Dake President
P.O. Box 435 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 518-581-1200 Fax: 518-581-1209 Website: In Oswego County since: 2000 Total employment: 30 Full-time: 7 Part-time: 23 nnOperations: Stewart’s Shops has two locations in Oswego County at 2763 state Route 48, Minetto (343-2673) and 51 W. Utica St., Oswego (343-2740). Founded in 1945, Stewart’s Shops is an employee and family owned convenience store chain based in Saratoga Springs. Stewart’s is known for offering milk, ice cream, coffee, food to go, gasoline and other convenience items. Stewart’s Shops continues to build across its market areas, either in the form of new or replacement shops. Plus, the business is engaged in dozens of remodels and additions.
N.E.T. & Die, Inc. Principal Executive: Richard Shatrau President
24 Foster St./P.O. Box 240 Fulton, NY 13069 315-592-4311 Fax: 315-598-1232 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1966 Total employment: 28 nnOperations: Harry R. Shatrau established N.E.T. & Die, Inc. in 1966, providing manufacturing for maintenance of customers’ machinery as well as direct manufacturing support for many original equipment manufacturers. Beginning in 1981, his three children, Richard, Helena and Bob, continued the business operation and expanded the building and services to its customers.
Community Bank, N.A. Principal Executive: Mark E. Tryniski President/CEO
5790 Widewaters Parkway DeWitt, NY 13214 1-800-388-4679 Website: In Oswego County since: 1992 Total employment: 26 nnWhat’s new: From a smile and friendly hello to an experienced and personal understanding of customers’ financial goals, Community Bank N.A. employees live the bank’s core principle, “Bank Happy,” every day. In 2018, Community Bank N.A. continued its more than 150-year tradition of high-quality customer service and community-focused approach in small markets. JD Power and Associates ranked Community Bank N.A. second on its 2018 U.S. Retail Banking Satisfaction Study in the Mid-Atlantic region. In 2018, Community Bank N.A. donated more than $1,843,045 to charities and organizations in need as of mid-October. Locally, the Oswego branch has donated to the Hannibal Fire Department, the Memorial Day Salute and Fulton Lions Club. The bank’s goal is to support organizations that invest in their communities and help neighbors. nnOperations: Community Bank System, Inc. operates more than 230 customer facilities across Upstate New York, Northeastern Pennsylvania, Vermont and Western Massachusetts through its banking subsidiary, Commu-
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
nity Bank N.A. and has been serving its communities for more than 150 years. With more than $10 billion in assets, the DeWitt-headquartered company is among the country’s 150 largest financial institutions. Community Bank, N.A. has consistently been ranked among the top-15 best banks in America by Forbes magazine for the past seven years running, and was ranked sixth in 2017. In addition to a full range of retail and business banking services, the company offers comprehensive financial planning, insurance and wealth management services. Community Bank System Inc. subsidiaries/business units include OneGroup NY Inc., which provides risk management and commercial insurance, employee benefits and personal lines insurance; Community Bank Wealth Management, which provides investment advisory, personal trust and financial planning services, as well as personal, business and nonprofit portfolio design; and Benefit Plans Administrative Services Inc., which provides actuarial, retirement and VEBA/HRA plan administration, and collective investment fund, employee benefit trust and transfer agency services. Community Bank System Inc. is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the company’s stock trades under the symbol “CBU.” For more information about Community Bank, visit or
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BUSINESS Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
Businesses to Watch
Par-K Enterprises Principal Executive:
Sam Patane Owner / president; GM
825 S. First St. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-598-8118 Fax: 315-598-2886 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1979 Total employment: 26 nn Operations: Par-K Enterprises was incorporated in 1979 and was the first Chrysler Five Star Dealership in Oswego County. Par-K sells Chrysler and Jeep products and a variety of used cars. Affordable leasing programs are available to customers. Par-K has a service department with technicians and modern equipment to take care of customers’ needs. The parts department is fully stocked. Par-K has developed a state-of-the-art collision center with two frame machines, offering uni-body and full-frame services. The dealership’s reconditioning facility restores new life to used cars.
Save-A-Lot Principal Executive:
Jim Mirabito; Whitney Mirabito Owners-operators
364 W. First St. S. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-592-4974 Fax: 315-598-9324 Email: Website:; In Oswego County since: 2001 Total employment: 25 nnOperations: From a single store in 1977, Save-A-Lot has grown into one of the largest grocery chains in the U.S. From day one, its objective has been to deliver high-quality
foods at a great value to customers. Its mission is to build an affordable alternative to traditional grocery stores, where customers, communities and associates are empowered. Save-A-Lot’s expansion into name-brand products — now 120 available — allows the business to accommodate families with a convenient one-stop shop. Jim and Cindy Mirabito, together with their daughter Whitney Mirabito, purchased Save-A-Lot in Fulton on March 31, 2017. The store has been upgraded with new flooring, LED lights, expanded produce and dairy sections, and reorganized grocery merchandising. Local produce has become a focus. Enhanced employee training and education, improved refrigeration temperatures and better inventory control have driven increases in both sales and customer count. Save-A-Lot is not a discount dollar store, but a value-driven supermarket that focuses on fresh produce, in-store cut meats without added solutions, and the most frequently purchased grocery, dairy and frozen products. The store’s pricing is generally up to 40 percent less than traditional markets.
Burdick Ford, Inc. Principal Executive: Kevin Burdick Owner
3004 E. Ave. Central Square, NY 13036 Phone: 315-668-7102 Fax: 315-668-3984 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1989 Total employment: 24 Full-time: 23 Part-time: 1 nnOperations: The Burdick family owns several dealerships throughout Central New York. David and Kevin Burdick purchased Central Square Ford in 1989 and in 1996 invested $1.8 million to build a new facility on Route 49 next to Interstate 81. The dealership specializes in all areas of light and medium duty pickups as well as SUV’s and vans. In 2015, the dealership underwent both interior and
exterior renovations.
Fulton Tool Co. Principal Executive: Bruce Phelps President
802 state Route 3 Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-598-2900 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1959 Total employment: 24 Full-time: 21 Part-time: 3 nnWhat’s new: Fulton Tool achieved ISO90012015 certification in August 2018. The company also plans to develop an apprenticeship program with local educational institutions in 2019. nnOperations: Fulton Tool Co. was started in September of 1959 in the American Woolen Complex in Fulton as a one-man model shop. In 1961, the company moved to Schuyler Street. The company was incorporated in 1962 by its stockholders, Joseph Metivier, Edward McGuane and Bruce Phelps. Currently, the company manufactures parts for the communications industry, for rotary air compressor manufacturers and the automotive industry. The company is a computer-controlled machining facility that uses new micro-machining procedures to develop parts for the microelectronics field. The company rebuilt nearly from scratch when a fire destroyed its previous location in 2003. It moved into its new facility at 802 W. Broadway in Fulton later that year. The plant is fully equipped with computer numerical control equipment that includes 12 milling centers, state-of-the-art inspection equipment, a modern close-tolerance cold saw and new computer systems and related software. In 2011, the company added a Mori Seiki CNC lathe. In 2012, Fulton Tool Co. expanded its customer base to include international customers. In 2013, Fulton Tool Co. installed a new horizontal milling center dedicated
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
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Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
to the commercial pump and compressor industries. In October of 2017, the business expanded its machining capacity with the addition of two new machining centers, one horizontal and one vertical.
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Principal Executive: Chris LaBarge Owner
140 E. 13th St. Oswego, N.Y. 13126 Phone: 315-207-0100 Fax: 315-207-0900 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 2016 Total employment: 24 Full-time: 4 Part-time: 20 nnOperations: The new four-story Holiday Inn Express & Suites opened in the city of Oswego in 2016. It features 81 rooms and 12 suites.
Northland Filter International Principal Executive: Dennis Hollenbeck President
249-A Mitchell St. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-207-1410 Fax: 315-207-1093 Email: customerservice@northlandfilter. com Website: In Oswego County since: 2004 Total employment: 24 nnOperations: Northland Filter produces industrial air filters for an international market. The company is located at the Lake Ontario Industrial Park in the city of Oswego. After 35 years of servicing customers at Northland Filter International, Gill Morin recently retired as president of the company. Morin, who spent 46 years in the filtration industry, remains with the company as a consultant on a part-time basis.
Universal Metal Works Principal Executive:
John F. Sharkey III; John F. Sharkey IV President; vice president
159 Hubbard St. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-598-7607 Fax: 315-598-7613 Email: Website:
In Oswego County since: 1992 Total employment: 24 Full-time: 24
nnWhat’s new: In 2018, Universal Metal Works made a major investment in its 5-axis gantry mill. The investment involved a complete overhaul of all the controls, drives and motors making the machine modern, efficient and reliable. UMW’s 4-kilowatt Mazak laser capable of cutting 1-inch mild steel, ½-inch stainless steel and 3/8-inch aluminum has drastically increased output and accuracy. The laser complements the two existing water-jet tables at UMW. Advantages of the laser include faster cut time, tighter tolerances and shorter lead times. nnOperations: Universal Metal Works is a leading custom metal fabrication facility based in Fulton. UMW specializes in the design, engineering and complete assembly and pre-assembly of a range of custom metal products. The company offers a diverse knowledge base and professional team with more than 300 years of combined fabrication experience. UMW continues to expand its machining capabilities to better service its customer base and to make UMW the onestop shop for metal fabrications. In addition to fabrication, machining and two-dimensional cutting, UMW continues to offer sandblasting and painting services.
Acro-Fab, Ltd. Principal Executive: Mike Combes President
55 Rochester St./P.O. Box 184 Hannibal, NY 13074 Phone: 315-564-6688 Fax: 315-564-5599 Website: In Oswego County since: 1983 Total employment: 23 nnOperations: Acro-Fab is a precision sheet metal fabrication company based in Hannibal, contracting with over 100 commercial customers for cutting, punch pressing, welding, painting and light machining services.
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oswego County Principal Executive:
Paul A. Forestiere II Executive director
3288 Main St. Mexico, NY 13114 Phone: 315-963-7286 Fax: 315-963-0968 Email: Website: www.thatscooperativeextension. org
In Oswego County since: 1913 Total employment: 23 Full-time: 15 Part-time: 8
nnOperations: With the stroke of a pen on July 2, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln ushered in the creation of an educational system specifically designed to provide relevant information directly to the people of the United States. The Land-Grant College Act created the “People’s Colleges” with a responsibility to focus on the teaching of practical agriculture, science, and engineering. In 1914, the Smith-Lever Act formalized the Cooperative Extension Service as a further linkage to the land grant system and established a partnership between the universities and the federal, state and local governments. The Oswego County Legislature was an early supporter of Cooperative Extension and funded the establishment of the Oswego County Cooperative Extension organization in 1914. Since that time, Cooperative Extension has endeavored to improve the quality of life in the community by providing relevant, high-quality educational programs that address priority needs, including agriculture, youth development, nutrition, and parenting. Today, the organization continues to bring objective, evidence-based solutions to issues faced by youth, families, farmers, and communities through education with practical application. Cornell Cooperative Extension’s access to university-based research is critically important to the vitality of the local economy. Residents, families and businesses rely on Cooperative Extension for training and research-based programs to help improve their communities. By partnering with Oswego County government, Cornell University, other county agencies and the communities served, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oswego County continues to provide positive impacts that adapt as the needs in the community change. Additionally, Oswego County 4-H, a program of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oswego County, owns and operates the Amboy 4-H Environmental Education Center near Williamstown. Consisting of 150 acres of mixed woods and wetlands, the center hosts fun, educational activities throughout the year. Three miles of trails are open for public use from dawn to dusk year-round. Several lodges and a large pavilion provide rustic meeting spaces and are available for group activities and other events.
OVIA Insurance Agencies Principal Executive:
James Poindexter, president; Verner M. Drohan, treasurer; Charles H. Harrington, VP; Robert Cantwell, VP; Clark Stanton, VP
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
60 S. First St./P.O. Box 69 Fulton, NY 13069
Phone: 315-598-4278 Fax: 315-592-3319 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1997 Total employment: 23
113-119 E. Bridge St. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-342.1851 Fax: 315-342.3386
In Oswego County since: 2005 Total employment: 23
nnOperations: OVIA Insurance Agencies (Oswego Valley Insurance Agencies) has been providing comprehensive insurance solutions to Central New York for more than 125 years. Today, the company has offices in Oswego, Fulton, Phoenix, Brewerton, Mexico and Clayton. They provide coverage for homes, autos, business, life and health insurance across Upstate New York. Recent changes include a new website and an on-line insurance rater for instant, accurate quotes. In 2016, OVIA Insurance Agencies continued to grow by acquiring business from George Davis in Watertown as well as the Banach Insurance Agency in Pulaski. For more information, visit or call 844-GET-OVIA.
The Eis House Principal Executive:
Barry Trimble Managing member
144 Academy St. Mexico, N.Y. 13114 Phone: 315-963-3830 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1977 Total employment: 23 Full-time: 10 Part-time: 13 nnWhat’s new: The Eis House has seen significant growth in the demand for lodging accommodations, mainly stemming from activities involving the nuclear power plants in Oswego County, events, and local attractions like fishing. The Eis House in 2018 completed construction on its sixth room. Plans are being made to construct three more over the winter to accommodate outage workers in the spring. nnOperations: The Eis House is an event center, restaurant and tavern. Lodging is also available. It hosts weddings, receptions, corporate training and community events. The Eis House is open for lunch and dinner five days a week. In 2018, The Eis House focused on improving its lodging accommodations and overall appearance. The Eis House has built a brand around quality dining and a friendly experience. The business aims to continue this tradition while making changes to accommodate changing market needs.
Time Buyer Auto Sales Principal Executive: Bob Natoli Owner
nnOperations: Time Buyer is based around selling and financing used cars priced between $3,000 and $12,000. Time Buyer acts in the capacity of a finance company while also serving as the vehicle’s dealer.
Windstream Principal Executive:
Robert J. Coleman Jr. Local operations manager
108 S. Second St. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-592-8257 Fax: 315-592-7928 Website: In Oswego County since: 2006 Total employment: 23 Full-time: 23 nnOperations: Windstream Corp. (NASDAQ:WIN), headquartered in Little Rock, Ark., is an S&P 500 communications and technology solutions provider with nearly 15,000 employees operating in 48 states and the District of Columbia with approximately $8 billion in annual revenues. Windstream provides Internet Protocol-based voice and data services, Multiprotocol Label Switching networking, data center and managed hosting services and communication systems to businesses and government agencies. The company also delivers broadband, digital phone and high-definition TV services to residential customers primarily located in rural areas. It also operates a local and long haul fiber network spanning approximately 100,000 route miles.
Pathfinder Industries Principal Executive:
Marcia Ives, Maribeth Myers President, vice president
117 N. Third St. Fulton, NY 13069
Phone: 315-593-2483 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1971 Total employment: 22 nnOperations: In 1971, Ken Welch, William Chilson and Gaylord Sawyer founded Pathfinder Industries in a two-car garage on Beech Street in Fulton. In the mid ‘70s, the business was relocated to its current location
on North Third Street, Fulton. Welch bought out his partners in the ‘70s and Keith Welch bought out his father in 1987 after working in the family business for four years. In 2008, Maribeth Myers and Marcia Ives, Keith’s daughters, assumed ownership. This marked the third generation of a now woman-owned family business. Pathfinder Industries provides large-scale, precision sheet metal and machine work for a wide customer base, including Lockheed Martin, Scientific Tool, the Eraser Co. and many other Central New York businesses. In 2016, Pathfinder received ISO 9001:2015 certification. This assures that it is a qualified manufacturing supplier for the aerospace industry.
Harbor Lights Chemical Dependency Service Principal Executive: Stanley Long Executive director
111 Hamilton St. Mexico, N.Y. 13114 Phone: 315-963-0777 Fax: 315-963-0611 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1993 Total employment: 21 Full-time: 15 Part-time: 6 nnWhat’s new: Harbor Lights Chemical Dependency Service in 2018 opened a satellite location at the Pulaski Health Center. That office is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. nnOperations: Harbor Lights Chemical Dependency Service offers outpatient chemical dependency services and is a state Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse-certified agency. Programs include groups and individual sessions and target populations that include individuals with dual diagnoses, learning disabilities, brain injuries, adolescents, and others.
Home2 Suites by Hilton Principal Executive: Ian Wilson General manager
252 state Route 104 Oswego, N.Y. 13126 Phone: 315-343-2000 Fax: 315-343-2001 Website: In Oswego County since: 2017 Total employment: 21 Full-time: 14 Part-time: 7
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
nnOperations: Home2Suites by Hilton is a new 89-room hotel in Oswego. It was constructed by Oswego Lodging Group, LLC, a subsidiary of Visions Hotels, LLC, based in Corning. The hotel encompasses 52,000 square feet of space on four floors. Home2 Suites is targeting extended-stay guests — five-plus nights — such as individuals requiring a long-term stay due to various reasons that include relocation or home renovations, long-term training and consultation projects, construction projects, and power plant shut downs. In addition, Home2 Suites is looking for transient-stay guests as well — one to four nights— such as the travelers associated with corporate business and government, as well as leisure guests coming in for a weekend event.
KeyBank NA Principal Executive:
Stephen D. Fournier President, Central New York market
201 S. Warren St., Syracuse, NY 13202 138 state Route 104 East, Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-342-2248 (Oswego office) Fax: 315-342-3210 Email:
(Oswego office branch manager) Website: In Oswego County since: 1900 Total employment: 21 Full-time: 13 Part-time: 8
nnWhat’s new: In 2017, the first year of KeyBank’s National Community Benefits Plan, the bank lent $30 million to affordable housing projects and gave out $1.2 million in grants to nonprofit organizations in Central New York. The grants included $200,000 for the Rescue Mission to help pay for the renovation and expansion of its food services center on Gifford Street in Syracuse and $115,000 to Syracuse’s CenterState Corporation for Economic Opportunity to expand its UP Start Syracuse program, which helps grow businesses in low-income areas. As part of its benefits plan, KeyBank has committed to investing $16.5 billion in low- and moderate-income communities over a five-year period. The plan followed KeyCorp’s $4.1 billion acquisition in 2016 of First Niagara Financial Group. nnOperations: KeyBank’s roots in New York state trace back 190 years, when the company was founded in Albany. Today, Key is one of the nation’s largest bank-based financial services companies, with assets of approximately $137.8 billion and approximately 1,200 branches and 1,500 ATMs across 15 states. Products and services offered by Key include investment management, retail and commercial banking, retirement, consumer finance and investment banking. With an
extensive network of branches, ATMs, call centers, mobile banking applications and Internet-based services at, Key provides 24-hour account access to ensure customers have convenience and flexibility to bank where, when and how they want. The Central New York market consists of 74 branches and 95 ATMs throughout a 15-county geographic area, including the cities of Auburn, Binghamton, Cooperstown, Cortland, Oneida, Oswego, Plattsburgh, Syracuse, Utica, and Watertown. Within Oswego County, residents and businesses are served through four locations: 138 state Route 104 East, Oswego; 121 S. First St., Fulton; 3283 Main St., Mexico and 4763 Salina St., Pulaski.
NBT Bank Principal Executive: Richard J. Shirtz Regional president
Madison Street, 18th floor Syracuse, NY 13202 Phone: 1-800-628-2265 Website: In Oswego County since: 2013 Total employment: 21 Full-time: 21 nnWhat’s new: NBT Bank has been a part of the Oswego business community for several years and it shows in NBT’s day-to-day involvement with local businesses and organizations. In 2018, NBT’s Oswego West Branch Manager Barbara Bateman was elected as chairwoman of Operation Oswego County and Oswego Health. Fulton branch manager Melissa Fortier joined the Lake Neatahwanta Reclamation Committee, a group that focuses on reclamation efforts on the lake to remove sediment. NBT was named by Money magazine as one of the best regional banks in the U.S. nnOperations: NBT Bank acquired Alliance Bank in 2013, which had acquired Oswego County National Bank in 2006. Oswego County National Bank was founded in 1870. The independent community bank has four offices in Oswego County — two in Oswego, one in Fulton and one in Pulaski — offering personal banking, asset management and business services. Under the leadership of regional president Richard Shirtz, NBT Bank’s Oswego County team includes branch managers Barbara Bateman (Oswego West), Jodi Crouse (Oswego East), Melissa Fortier (Fulton) and Laura Denny (Pulaski); commercial banking relationship manager Thomas Roman, business banking relationship manager Scott Lacik, cash management representative Margie Gadziala, mortgage originator Jamie Elwyn and managing financial consultant Jonathan Bartholomew. In 2017, Bateman was elected as chair of the Oswego Health Foundation. The 161-year-old bank has more than 150 locations in New
York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine. More information about NBT Bank is available online at The bank is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Timberline Hardwood Flooring Principal Executive: Tom Vavra President
99 Harris St. Fulton, N.Y. 13069 Phone: 585-509-0575 Fax: 315-297-4337 Website:
In Oswego County since: Total employment: 21
nnOperations: Timberline Hardwoods provides hardwood-flooring products.
Builders FirstSource Principal Executive:
Ernie Peters Vice President Upstate NY/ General manager, Mexico store
5818 Scenic Ave. Mexico, NY 13114 Phone: 315-963-7293 Fax: 315-963-7493 Email: Website: www. In Oswego County since: 1956 Total employment: 20 nnWhat’s new: Builders FirstSource, Inc. in the second semester of 2018 opened a second store in Central New York, located at 8011 Brewerton Road, Cicero. nnOperations: Builders FirstSource, Inc. (Nasdaq: BLDR), a leading supplier and manufacturer of structural and related building products for residential new construction in the U.S., acquired ProBuild in July of 2015. The combination of BFS and ProBuild creates a national professional dealer with 2015 combined revenues of approximately $6.1 billion. Builders FirstSource operates more than 400 lumber and building product distribution, manufacturing and assembly centers serving 45 states in the country. From the beginning, the company has worked hard to be the supplier of choice for national builders, local contractors and do-it-yourselfers. Builders FirstSource’s manufacturing activities include trusses, wall panels, millwork, and pre-hung door and window fabrication. The company’s construction services include the installation of framing, millwork, insulation and other products. In the spring of 2017, the business converted to a point-of-sale system that brings simpler and faster service to all customers while making the sales team’s job
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
more efficient.
accounts, free and convenient ATMs, share certificates, loans, VISA credit and debit cards, mortgages, free online banking and bill pay, free notary services, wire transfers, four annual college scholarships (worth $10,000 in all) and more. In addition to its main office location on George Street in Oswego, Compass has locations at 7 Fourth Ave. in Hillside Plaza, 23 Canalview Mall in Fulton, Marano Campus Center at SUNY Oswego, Oswego Hospital (for hospital employees only) and at Novelis (for Novelis employees only). In 2017, Compass Credit Union introduced instant issue debit cards and an improved Visa credit card with rewards that earn double points for every $1 spent on purchases. The credit union also continued annual traditions such as a free community picnic in August, a charity golf outing in May, and the “Bank at School” program in Oswego schools.
Davis Cleaning Principal Executive:
Anne Davis, Julieanne Winklestine, Niki Cowles Partners
57 E. Third St. Oswego, N.Y. 13126 Phone: 315-207-0600; 447-6428 Fax: 315-207-0600 Email: Daviscleaning4U@centralny.twcbc. com In Oswego County since: 2002 Total employment: 20 Full-time: 6 Part-time: 14 nnOperations: Owner Anne Davis began operating Davis Cleaning Service out of her garage in 2002 with one commercial account. By 2005, Davis’ daughters Niki Cowles and Julieanne Winklestine became partners in the business that had grown to include many clients and a need for more space. As a result, the business relocated from the Business Expansion Center in Oswego to Walgate Commons in 2010. Besides providing commercial janitorial services, the business also provides floor care, carpet cleaning and window washing. The business relocated to 57 E. Third St., Oswego in 2016. Davis Cleaning Service staff recently acquired certification by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Compass Federal Credit Union Principal Executive: Thomas O’Toole General manager
131 George St. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-342-5300 Fax: 315-342-5294 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1966 Total employment: 19 Full-time: 12 Part-time: 7 nnWhat’s new: Compass Federal Credit Union recently established a location at 23 Canalview Mall, Fulton. Compass held a Scrabble Fun Night in September 2018 that raised $5,000 for the Literacy Coalition of Oswego County. Sixteen teams and numerous volunteers came together at Oswego Elks Lodge 271 to keep the support for literacy alive in Oswego County. nnOperations: Compass Credit Union offers a full line of financial products and services, including savings accounts, free checking
D-K Manufacturing Corp. Principal Executive: Donald L. Kesterke President
551 W. Third St. Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-592-4327 Fax: 315-593-2252 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1943 Total employment: 19 nnOperations: Donald J. Kesterke founded D-K Machine & Tool Co. in 1943 to provide machined parts for local businesses. In 1951, Kesterke purchased Aluminum Products Corp. and ran it as a sister company. The two companies had six employees and occupied a 12,000-square-foot building that formerly housed the American Tobacco Co. His son, Norman Kesterke, joined the company in 1958. D-K Machine & Tool and Aluminum Products merged in 1975 and became known as D-K Manufacturing Corp. with two divisions. The company has 30,000 square feet of manufacturing space. Norman was president and owner of the business until his death in 2014. His son, Donald L. Kesterke, who formerly served as manufacturing engineer, took over as president. The company’s machine division specializes in computer numerical control milling, CNC turning and grinding a variety of metals, castings and plastics. D-K also produces machined repair parts to local companies for its production machinery.
Davis Bros., Inc. Principal Executive: William Davis President
4521 county Route 4
Oswego, NY 13126
Phone: 315-343-6933 Website: In Oswego County since: 1961 Total employment: 18 nnOperations: Davis Brothers opened for business in 1961 under the guiding hand of Richard Davis. The business began as a slaughterhouse for cows and pigs and remained in that capacity for 20 years. It then began selling boxed beef and also sold large quantities of ice. Davis Brothers today is a wholesale business. It makes sausage and sizzle steaks and still has a processing area, but it no longer handles slaughtering or the selling of ice. The majority of its business today is supplying restaurants.
Majestic Mold & Tool Principal Executive:
Timothy King; Dennis Lyons; Stephen Corsette President; vice presidents
177 Volney St. Phoenix, NY 13135 Phone: 315-695-2079 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1985 Total employment: 18 nnOperations: Majestic Mold & Tool was founded in 1985 and is owned by Timothy King, Stephen Corsette and Dennis Lyons. The company’s capabilities include the design and build of precision plastic and die cast molds, which includes welding and repair, complete electric discharge machining service, electrode fabrication, wire electrical discharge machining and high speed milling. Other services available are prototyping of all types of molds, part models in plastics resins, as well as specialized and general machining. The business also provides pick-up and delivery service for customers in Central New York and surrounding areas. In 2015, Majestic Mold & Tool purchased a new Ram electrical discharge machine and computer numerical control milling machine to increase productivity.
B&Q Distribution Service Inc. Principal Executive: Kevin Hamilton Partner
24 Hoag Road/P.O. Box 49 Phoenix, NY 13135 Phone: 315-695-7271
Website: In Oswego County since: 1975 Total employment: 17
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
nnOperations: B&Q transports perishable and non-perishable goods throughout the Northeast.
Industrial Precision Products Principal Executive:
William J. Gallagher President
350 Mitchell St. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-343-4421 Fax: 315-342-5662 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1951 Total employment: 16 Full-time: 11 Part-time: 5 nnOperations: Industrial Precision is a full-service manufacturing facility with over 65 machine tools. Stephen L. Gallagher founded the company in 1951 as a supplier of replacement parts for commercial laundry equipment and as a government contractor. Under the management of William Gallagher, the founder’s son, Industrial continues to perform a wide range of machining and fabricating services for customers, including Novelis, Exelon Corp., Pall Corp., General Electric and others. Industrial’s customer base extends throughout the state and other parts of the U.S.
North Shore Oil Co. Principal Executive:
Harold Pratt and William Webb III Owners
2634 state Route 49 West Monroe, N.Y. 13167 Phone: 315-676-4431 Fax: 315-668-6844 Website: In Oswego County since: 1972 Total employment: 16 nnOperations: After nearly 40 years of meeting customer expectations, North Shore Oil has continued to build into a total energy company, serving customers throughout New York and parts of northern Pennsylvania. It is servicing the needs of surrounding communities with commercial, residential, agricultural and marine fuels. Its other division provides propane to commercial and residential customers. North Shore Oil is the New York state distributor for Valvtect Petroleum and its full line of petroleum additive products. It also For Updated Business News, Go To
sells coal. In 2016, North Shore Oil upgraded its website so customers can order online.
Rowlee Construction Principal Executive:
Larry Rowlee, Taber Rowlee, Ted Rowlee President, partners
81 Pierce Drive Fulton, NY 13069
Phone: 315-598-5511 Fax: 315-598-5507 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1972 Total employment: 15 Full-time: 15
nnOperations: Rowlee Construction specializes in virtually all types of commercial construction — from fast food restaurants to manufacturing facilities to building retrofitting — working with some of the biggest national and Central New York companies. Rowlee’s experience in commercial construction includes such companies as Birds Eye, Brookfield Power, Fulton Savings Bank, InterFace Solutions, Nucor Steel and Pathfinder Bank. The company and its sister company Kodiac LLC, are also developers of such projects as The Glen and Pine Creek Estates residential communities; the first commercial/ residential development in Oswego County at Watertower Hill; the Thunder Alley Sports Center; and the new plaza site for Kinney Drugs in downtown Fulton. In recent years, the company has added design/build services and project evaluation.
United Wire Technologies Principal Executive: Paul D. Coates President/CEO
1804 state Route 49 Constantia, NY 13044 Phone: 315-623-7203 Fax: 315-623-7207 Email: Website:
In Oswego County since: Total employment: 14 Full-time: 13 Part-time: 1
nnOperations: United Wire Technologies, Inc. is a third-generation company dating back to 1938 when Ellsworth Ransom started Cleveland Textile. Its major business was producing knitting wire for oil bath air cleaners and pot scrubbers. In 1979, James Ransom took over the family company and new products were introduced. The company’s name was changed to In-Tex Products, Inc. Knitting still remained a large part of the business along
with a new emphasis on shielding, CATV and other electronic applications. It was in 1995 when the company was renamed United Wire Technologies, Inc. in order to better identify the company with new product development. In 1999, UWT became a division of Wheeler Industrial Corporation. Both of James Ransom’s son’s, Michael (chief financial officer) and Donald (vice president-manufacturing), are active managers in UWT’s operations. Today, United Wire Technologies, Inc. remains focused on shielding wires, armory wires, electrical-discharge machining wires, brush wires, spring wires, and musical instrument string winding wires. United Wire Technologies recently constructed a 7,800-square-foot addition. The $488,600 project retained 16 jobs and created five new jobs. The County of Oswego Industrial Development Agency provided financial assistance.
Hardwood Transformations / Designer Hardwood Flooring Principal Executive: Joseph Marmon President
259 CC Road Williamstown, N.Y. 13493 Phone: 315-964-0001 In Oswego County since: 2004 Total employment: 13 nnWhat’s new: Buoyed by $100,000 in Oswego County Industrial Development Agency funding, Hardwood Transformations Inc./ Designer Hardwood Flooring moved its headquarters to 259 CC Road, Williamstown. nnOperations: Joe Marmon, who has 30 years of experience in the flooring business, worked for and then bought the former Surelock Industries, which moved from Red Creek to Oswego in 2004. He has been president of Hardwood Transformations since 2011. The business specializes in manufacturing coatings for solid and engineered hardwood flooring. The business launched Designer Hardwood Flooring CNY at its East Seneca Street site in 2014 and is the first Start-Up NY project in Oswego County. It engineers, designs and manufactures panelized flooring that uses a patent-pending, first-to-market system.
Northern Ace Home Center Principal Executive:
Michael Browngardt; Chasity Browngardt Owners
2721 state Route 3 Fulton, N.Y. 13069 Phone: 315-592-2063 Fax: 315-593-8252 Email: Website:
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
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New #1 Exelon Generation, which operates three nuclear power plants in Scriba, has become Oswego County’s largest employer, surpassing SUNY Oswego, Oswego Health and county government. Top managers discuss what’s in store for the company
December 2017 / January 2018
August / September 2017
Tourism Industry Special Inside
How some workers — like Del Allen Scrimger of Sunoco — are taking advantage of a Oswego native and SUNY Oswego grad variety of training programs in Central New Kouthoofd, 21, is moving York toAlexander get higher-paying jobs
✓ Harborfest Turns 30 ✓ Novelis Continues to Roll
August/September 2017
Dec. 2017/Jan. 2018
New project transforming the former Miller Brewery into one of the largest barley operations in the country. Production is about to start
✓ From Boardroom to Small Business
✓ Meet CNY’s ‘Young Entrepreneur of the Year’
west in January to start his first real job after college. His starting salary: $125,000. Find out what recent college graduates are earning nowadays
June / July 2017
1886 Malt House
First Job Out of College. Salary: $125,000
Got a Great Business Idea? You Can Win $50,000 in New Business Competition February / March 2018
New Oswego Health CEO Talks About His Plans From Pittsburgh to Oswego: CEO Michael Harlovic wants to make Oswego Health a destination facility, to improve patient experience and quality, and to create a culture of ownership
✓ Jimmy Koid Plant manager at K & N’s Foods USA has lived in eight countries, visited 40
$4.50 June / July 2017
February / March 2018
Our 150th Issue
To subscribe or advertise, please visit or call 315-342-8020 Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
In Oswego County since: 1960 Total employment: 13 Full-time: 6 Part-time: 7
nnWhat’s new: In 2019, Northern Ace Home center is featuring its new Traeger grill line. The business has also partnered with Fulton Block Builders and is offering discounts to all participants. The owners are also looking forward to some additional new product lines in 2019. nnOperations: Northern Ace Home Center offers services that include lumber, propane fill and key cutting. In-store pickup is available and the business delivers free to Fulton residents. The business also specializes in rentals and offers next-day online ordering.
Grandma Brown’s Beans Inc. Principal Executive: Sandra Brown President
P.O Box 230 Mexico, NY 13114-0230 Phone: 315-963-7221 Fax: 315-963-4072 Email:
Website: In Oswego County since: 1938 Total employment: 11 Full-time: 11
nnWhat’s new: Grandma Brown’s Beans celebrated its 80th year of doing business in Oswego County in 2018. nnOperations: Lulu Brown started Grandma Brown’s Beans as a home business in 1938. She and her son Robert sold open-pan baked beans to local grocers. In 1947, Robert developed a canning process for the baked beans. The company moved to its present processing plant in the early 1950s. Today, the business continues to produce small batches of baked beans in order to ensure product quality. In addition to its baked beans, the company makes saucepan beans, bean soup and split pea soup.
SAM North America LLC Principal Executive: Andrew Christie Managing director
31 county Route 59 Phoenix, NY 13135 Phone: 315-934-4365 Fax: 315-934-4331 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 2010 Total employment: 10 Full-time: 9 Part-time: 1
nnOperations: SAM North America LLC in Fulton is an American subsidiary and supplier of solution coating machines, extrusion coating machines and flexo and gravure printing machines for the converting and flexible packaging market. SAM North America LLC is a member of the Sung An Machinery Group of South Korea. The company operates its Extrusion Technology Center for extrusion coating and laminating product development at its facility in the Oswego County Industrial Park in the town of Schroeppel. SAM’s multimillion-dollar investment included the acquisition of the 10,000-square-foot building, building renovations, and a new extrusion coating-lamination-cast film pilot machine that is designed to bring new employment opportunities to Central New York. In 2017, SAM North America LLC had its second consecutive year of record sales globally with steadily increasing North American sales. The company added flame and ozone treatment capability on the pilot line at the Extrusion Technology Center at the Oswego County Industrial Park. In addition, a winder upgrade supports higher web tension requirements for fabrics and paperboard. The business also installed a 600-meter-per-minute solution coating and laminating pilot line at its research and development center in Seoul, Korea. It includes more than 30 coating application methods, wet bond laminating, flotation drying, roll support drying, ultraviolet curing, and dry bond laminating. This pilot development line was dedicated for customer development trials starting in April 2017.
Oswego County Weeklies Principal Executive: John B. Johnson CEO/Publisher
260 Washington St. Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: 315-782-1000 Fax: 315-661-2520 Website: In Oswego County since: 1861 Total employment: 9 nnOperations: The Northern New York Newspaper Corporation, whose parent company is Johnson Newspapers based in Watertown, acquired The Oswego Weeklies in 2016. The acquisition extends its market reach from Franklin County to Oswego County. The corporation employs a total of 252 people. Mexico Independent Inc. formerly owned the weeklies. Subscription newspapers acquired were the Independent Mirror, established in 1861; the Phoenix Register, established in 1858; the Citizen Outlet, established in 1950, and the Salmon River News, established in 1973. The Oswego Shopper, a free publication established in 1972, was also acquired.
Home Center by Furdi Principal Executive: Patrick Furlong Jr.
2920 state Route 3 East Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-593-2270 (service); 315-5936923 (sales)
Fax: 315-593-3923 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1979 Total employment: 8 Full-time: 8
nnOperations: Established in 1979 by Pat and Lee Furlong, Home Center by Furdi has experienced significant growth. The independently owned and operated company started at a kitchen table with its owners selling reconditioned mobile homes with the parts store in the basement. A few years later, the couple added an office and store to the side of their house. In 1992, Furdi’s moved across the street to a new office and warehouse where it still resides today. This location is mainly used for mobile home parts, supplies and some reconditioned homes. Patrick Furlong Jr. joined the Furdi’s team right out of high school as a service man. After a year at college, Gregory Furlong made the decision to come work with the rest of the family. He operated heavy equipment and transported homes. Today, he works mainly in sales with his father. In 2000, a new sales lot, Home Center by Furdi, was opened in Volney at 2920 state Route 3. This location is where modular homes and doublewides are displayed. In the spring of 2015, Furdi’s moved its office and parts store from the 23 Furlong Drive, Fulton location to 2920 state Route 3, Fulton.
Otis Technology Principal Executive:
Jim Brooker Vice president of engineering, R&D
20 county Route 59 Phoenix, NY 13135 Phone: 1-800-OTISGUN (315-684-7486) Fax: 315-348-4332 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 2010 Total employment: 8 nnOperations: Otis Technology is in its 30th year of business and is headquartered in Lyons Falls. In 2010, Otis opened its Research and Development Center for Excellence in Phoenix to help drive new product innovation in the firearms cleaning and accessories business. Otis Technology is known for manufacturing the most advanced gun cleaning
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
A Labor of Love Oswego Health | 315-349-5500 | Oswego County OB-GYN | Oswego: 315-343-2590 | Fulton: 315-593-8393 | systems and accessories available. The Breech-to-Muzzle® design combined with unmatched quality has positioned Otis as the gun care system of choice with the U.S. military. In addition, Otis Technology is a lean manufacturing facility that is also an AS9100/ ISO9001-registered facility.
Wood-Mizer Northeast Principal Executive:
James Beckwith Jr. Regional sales manager
8604 state Route 104 Hannibal, NY 13074 Phone: 315-564-5722 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1988 Total employment: 7 nnWhat’s new: Wood-Mizer recently acquired the Swedish company, MOReTENs AB, placing a full range of four-sided planers/ moulders, table saws, spindle moulders, and computer numerical controlled routers into Wood-Mizer’s globally available product range. Founded in 1980, MOReTENs designs and manufactures woodworking machinery that includes four-sided planer/moulder combination models, spindle moulders, and a workshop table saw. In addition, MOReTENs also supplies high-end CNC routers and log home building machinery. The founder and owner of MOReTENs, Bo Mårtensson, recently joined Wood-Mizer as the general director of its factory in Ostersund, Sweden. The factory in Sweden marks Wood-Mizer’s fifth manufacturing plant throughout the world, including three facilities in the United States and one in Poland. Beginning in March 2018, Wood-Mizer began offering the new range of planers and moulders through its distribution network. The latest acquisition of MOReTENs builds on Wood-Mizer›s position
as a worldwide manufacturer and supplier of narrow band sawmills, offering a full range of equipment that can seamlessly convert logs into dried lumber and finally into finished wood products — all backed by Wood-Mizer›s expertise and commitment to excellent customer service. nnOperations: Wood-Mizer offers a complete line of portable and industrial sawmills, resaws, edgers, kilns, log splitters, material handling equipment, band saw blades and blade maintenance equipment for forestry and timber professionals all over the world. Wood-Mizer recently acquired the Swedish company, MOReTENs AB, placing a full range of four-sided planers/moulders, table saws, spindle moulders, and computer numerical controlled routers into Wood-Mizer’s globally available product range. Founded in 1980, MOReTENs designs and manufactures woodworking machinery that includes four-sided planer/moulder combination models, spindle moulders, and a workshop table saw. In addition, MOReTENs also supplies high-end CNC routers and log home building machinery.
Linde of North America Principal Executive: Pat Murphy President
370 Owens Road Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 908-771-1491 Website: In Oswego County since: 2010 Total employment: 6 nnOperations: Linde North America is a member of The Linde Group, a world-leading gases and engineering company. Linde’s Volney plant, which produces carbon dioxide for use in food, beverage and chemical manufacturing, captures CO2 emissions from the ethanol plant that would otherwise be emitted into the atmosphere. Linde purifies
and liquefies the CO2 for sale to customers located throughout New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New England.
Central Square Ready Mix Concrete-Hanson Aggregates Principal Executive: John Wehrle
2915 state Route 49 Central Square, NY 13036 Phone: 315-469-3217 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 2009 Total employment: 3 nnOperations: Oneida Lake Ready-Mix is a company located in the town of West Monroe in Oswego County that specializes in the production of concrete for commercial and residential use, as well as heavy equipment repairs and sales. The business was sold to Lehigh Hanson, Jamesville on Aug. 1, 2017.
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Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
Public Employers of OSWEGO The Largest
SUNY Oswego Principal Executive: Deborah F. Stanley President
7060 state Route 104 Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-312-2500 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1861 Total employment: 1,458 Full-time: 1,114 Part-time: 344 nnWhat’s new: For the fifth consecutive year, SUNY Oswego enrolled more than 1,400 new, first-year students and achieved a new record for first-year applications of nearly 13,500. The average number of first-year applications received has grown from 7,700 in 2000-2006 to 13,413 for fall 2018. The college’s curriculum spans the liberal arts, with a core foundation in general education, and also includes industry-minded, high-demand degree programs and credentials that prepare graduates to contribute to the labor market in the region, state and world. The college has understood the importance of the physical campus and its role in Oswego’s ongoing success. The college has invested more than $900 million in academic, residential and infrastructure improvements over the past 20 years to support the mission of the college and improve the experiences of all campus members. • During 2017-2018, the final phase of a comprehensive $49 million renewal of Wilber Hall for the School of Education was completed and provided a substantial upgrade to instructional delivery across the entire school. The final phase successfully reunites the School of Education in one facility for the first time since 1997. • Tyler Hall is near completion in a threeyear, $53 million renovation, which addressed instructional deficiencies for the
art, theater and music programs. This effort resulted in vastly improved facilities in the 100,000-square foot visual and performing arts building, enabling students and faculty access to digital-age instructional tools and program delivery. • SUNY Oswego’s Syracuse campus is also contributing to the college’s strong enrollment and makes a SUNY Oswego education accessible and attractive to Syracuse-area working professionals and residents who want to pursue an affordable and quality public education closer to their work or home. • In 2018, SUNY Oswego celebrated seven decades of providing a motivating environment for ambitious students in their quest for relevant graduate education in established and emerging fields of study. • The School of Education received Teacher Opportunity Corps grants, providing $1.625 million over five years ($325,000 a year from 2016 to 2021) to support up to 50 teacher candidates of color per year to work in highneed schools. • SUNY Oswego assisted students and their families in applying for and maintaining their Excelsior Scholarships. As a result, SUNY Oswego had the highest number of Excelsior Scholarship recipients (673) among all SUNY comprehensive colleges and the fourth highest among all 64 SUNY campuses in the first year of the scholarship program. • SUNY Oswego’s Orientation Express Bus received the SUNY Outstanding Student Affairs Program Award in the fall on 2018. The orientation express bus provides students and their families with direct transportation to and from the New York metro area to SUNY Oswego’s campus for two specifically selected first year student summer orientation programs. • When SUNY announced the NY Stands with Puerto Rico Recovery and Rebuilding Initiative service trips, SUNY Oswego was quick to respond and asked by SUNY to help lead. Of the 100 SUNY and CUNY students who traveled to Puerto Rico in June of 2018 to help rebuild the island devastated by hurricanes Irma and Maria, 15 were from Oswego. An additional 11 Oswego students traveled to Puerto Rico for the second trip later in the
summer, for a total of 26 from the college. • In the fall of 2017, after receiving extensive campus-wide input on project topics, the college announced its first “Grand Challenge Project,” which is focused on “Fresh Water for All.” Together, campus members are delving into one of the world’s most pressing issues — scarcity and the inaccessibility of fresh water. Faculty members across all disciplines have been incorporating the topic into their courses, and/or developing new courses built around the issue, supported by mini-grants. • In September 2018, students joined the campus and greater Oswego community in participating in an Erie Canal Bicentennial discussion of New York’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative program. Participants explored how water and the DRI is transforming waterfront communities such as Oswego, Rome, Geneva and Watkins Glen along the New York State Canal System. • The college has been diligent in its effort to grow the endowment, resulting in additional financial stability and a predictable source of revenue that helps the college plan and build programs. Thanks to the leadership of college Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations Mary Canale, the expertise of the Oswego Foundation board, and the careful stewardship of investments and donors, the endowment has grown 11 percent over the last year and 225 percent in the past seven years from $11.5 million in 2011 to $37.4 million as of June 30, 2018. • President Stanley launched the President’s Advisory Group on Sustainability in Dining Services in 2018 following input received from student leaders. The group was charged with reviewing all items currently procured throughout dining services to determine their environmental impact, recommend changes, and identify best practices to strengthen the college’s commitment to being a leader in sustainability, while providing superior customer service to students. Polystyrene plastic materials will be eliminated from all dining areas. A campus-wide social awareness campaign will be launched to reduce the use of bottled water and other plastics containers. SUNY Oswego continues to be nationally
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
recognized: • U.S. News & World Report Top 50 Ranking (#48) in the Top Regional Universities in the North (2019) • U.S. News Top 15 (#11) Public Colleges in the North (2019) • U.S. News Top 10 Best Value Colleges in the North, #1 among public colleges (2019) U.S. News Best Colleges for Veterans (2019) • Online MBA ranks highest in New York state and 33rd nationally among online master of business administration programs, according to U.S. News & World Report’s 2018 Best Online Degree Programs: MBA • A Best in Northeast College by Princeton Review (2019) nnOperations: A 158-year-old comprehensive public college, SUNY Oswego offers more than 110 academic programs through its College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; School of Education; School of Business; and School of Communication, Media and the Arts. More than 8,000 students (7,100-plus undergraduate students and 900-plus graduate-level students) are enrolled at SUNY Oswego, one of 13 comprehensive colleges in the SUNY system. Oswego annually provides more than $6.5 million in merit-based scholarships and more than $84 million in need-based grants, loans and work-study awards to support undergraduate student success. More than 4,400 students live on the 720-acre campus along the shore of Lake Ontario. The college’s 85,000 alumni include PricewaterhouseCoopers global chairman Robert E. Moritz, NBC’s Al Roker, ESPN’s Steve Levy and Linda Cohn, and best-selling authors Ken Auletta and Alice McDermott.
environmental health management; social services such as public assistance, foster care, child protection, and employment training; services for youths, the elderly, and veterans; tourism promotion and economic development; community development and planning; records management; public information; local legislation; and a court system.
Central Square Central School District Principal Executive:
Thomas J. Colabufo Superintendent
44 School Drive Central Square, NY 13036 Phone: 315-668-4220 Fax: 315-676-4437 Email: In Oswego County since: 1944 Total employment: 701 Full-time: 664 Part-time: 37 nnWhat’s new: The district is in the midst of a $40.8 million capital project that will provide all of its schools with much needed renovations that will continue to enhance the learning environment. The overall goal of the capital project is to address the most critical infrastructure issues found during the 2015 building condition survey, and further aims to address key student centered program/ building needs. nnOperations: The Central Square Central School District has one high school, Paul V. Moore, grades 9-12; one middle school, Central Square Middle School, which houses grades 6-8; and four K-5 elementary buildings — Brewerton, Aura A. Cole, Hastings-Mallory, and Millard Hawk. The district serves approximately 3,790 students.
Oswego County government Principal Executive:
Philip R. Church County administrator
46 E. Bridge St. Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-349-8235 Fax: 315-349-8237 Website: In Oswego County since: 1816 Total employment: 1098 Full-time: 921 Part-time: 166 (+11 seasonal)
Oswego City School District Principal Executive:
Dean F. Goewey Superintendent of schools
nnOperations: Oswego County government provides services to all residents of the county’s 22 towns, nine villages and two cities. Those services include county highway construction, maintenance, and repair; snow removal, solid waste management and recycling; police and fire protection; 911 emergency dispatch system and emergency response planning; public health nursing, mental health, facility health inspections and
1 Buccaneer Boulevard Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 341-2001 Fax: 341-2910 Email: Website: dgoewey@oswego.orgwww. In Oswego County since: 1853 Total employment: 660
Full-time: 600 Part-time: 60 nnOperations: Seven schools comprise the Oswego City School District and these include the Oswego High School (Grades 9-12), Oswego Middle School (grades 7-8) and elementary schools Frederick Leighton and Kingsford Park on Oswego’s west side, Fitzhugh Park and Charles E. Riley on the east side and the Minetto Elementary School. Each elementary school includes universal pre-kindergarten through sixth grade. Oswego serves approximately 3,600 students. In 2017, the district offices were relocated from the Education Center on East First Street to the east wing of Frederick Leighton Elementary School.
Fulton City School District Principal Executive: Brian T. Pulvino Superintendent
167 South Fourth St. Fulton, NY 13069
Phone: 315-593-5511 Fax: 315-598-6351 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1903 Total employment: 625 nnOperations: The Fulton City School District has four elementary schools, one junior high school and one high school. The district serves students of the city as well as those from the surrounding towns of Granby, Volney, Minetto, Oswego, Palermo and Scriba. The district offers universal pre-kindergarten for 4-year-old students and an alternative education program for secondary students. District enrollment is more than 3,700 students. The district offers a comprehensive educational program with high school advanced placement and dual enrollment college courses as well as a continuum of services to support students with disabilities and at-risk learners. The secondary schools offer three languages other than English: German, French and Spanish, a high school business program, and extensive extracurricular, drama, music and athletics programs. The district offers a pre-engineering program through Project Lead the Way at the junior high school and high school. The district has implemented science, mathematics, technology and engineering initiatives over the past several years and works with local business partners on making students ready for the workforce and/or higher education. Brian Pulvino was named the new superintendent of the Fulton City School District in 2016 following the retirement of William Lynch, who
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
served for more than a decade.
Mexico Academy & Central School District Principal Executive:
Sean Bruno Superintendent of Schools
16 Fravor Road Suite A Mexico, NY 13114 Phone: 315-963-8400, ext. 5401 Fax: 315-963-5801 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1826 Total employment: 488 Full-time: 461 Part-time: 27 nnOperations: The district has one high school, one middle school, and three elementary schools, and serves about 2,150 students. Comprehensive curriculum has been approved and accredited by the Board of Regents. The district began offering courses in science, technology, engineering and mathematics through activity-, projectand problem-based curriculum in 2014. This program follows the Project Lead the Way curriculum that gives students in grades 7-12 a chance to apply what they know, identify problems, find unique solutions and lead their own learning.
Center for Instruction, Technology & Innovation Principal Executive:
Christopher J. Todd District superintendent
179 county Route 64 Mexico, NY 13114 Phone: 315-963-4251 Fax: 315-963-7131 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1949 Total employment: 480 Full-time: 418 Part-time: 62 nnWhat’s new: The Center for Instruction, Technology & Innovation’s career and technical education offerings have expanded to include a new industrial electrical technologies program. This program provides hands-on skill development and technical training needed for entry-level employment. Students learn how to install, troubleshoot
and maintain industrial electrical systems using state-of-the-art tools of the trade. This is a two-year CTE program that includes internships and opportunities for industry partnerships. Course content includes OSHA 10 electrical safety, principles of electricity, wiring circuit designs, blueprint reading, electrical installations, electric math, robotics and more. This program could be a jumpstart to a student’s future success in careers as an electrician, lineman, residential wireman, electrical technician or transmission technician. Also offered at CiTi is CTE Advantage, an all-day high school general education program. This is a diploma track program through which students receive instruction for all graduation requirements. Academic scheduling is in a condensed, expedited manner to allow students the maximum exposure to CTE programs and internship opportunities as appropriate. Exploratory vocational courses are offered for students until successful participation in a CTE program has been demonstrated. Students have the opportunity to accrue work-based learning hours to be applied toward a graduation pathway or career development and occupational students exit credential. A Regents diploma and multiple workplace experiences and/or internships are the goals of the program. nnOperations: Established in 1949 as the Oswego County Board of Cooperative Educational Services, the organization adopted a new name in August 2014 to embrace its nature as a cutting-edge educational service provider operating in a new state-of-the-art facility. Now known as the Center for Instruction, Technology & Innovation, it continues to serve as a vehicle for cooperation among school districts in Oswego County and provides a diverse selection of enrichment opportunities and academic programming for students of all ages. Its educational offerings include programs for high schools students, vocational training for adults and learning opportunities for students with exceptional needs. As the premier cooperative educational service provider in Oswego County, CiTi provides instructional, technology and management support services to all nine school districts in the county, influencing classrooms beyond the borders of its main Mexico campus. Thanks to a partnership between the CiTi and Cayuga Community College, adult learners in Oswego County have new options to explore when it comes to pursuing an education. The two entities have united as the Center for Career and Community Education, which offers extensive programs to a variety of learners. Over the past three years, CiTi has expanded to accommodate the needs of Oswego County students. Oswego County Pathways in Technology Early College High School started its second year in the fall of 2017. After gaining acceptance in the P-TECH program, ninth-grade students work toward earning a Regents High School
Diploma and as associate’s degree in applied science from Onondaga Community College, at no cost to the student’s family.
Phoenix Central School District Principal Executive:
Christopher J. Byrne Superintendent
116 Volney St. Phoenix, NY 13135 Phone: 315-695-1555 Fax: 315-695-1201 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1950 Total employment: 365 Full-time: 300 Part-time: 65 nnWhat’s new: Phoenix Central School District residents passed a $38.2 million capital project recently. Both phases of the project have been approved by the New York State Education Department. The district anticipates beginning construction of a high school music addition sometime in the spring of 2019. The district plans to start some interior renovations and roof work on all buildings in the summer of 2019. The district will also begin construction of a multi-purpose field in the summer of 2019. nnOperations: The Phoenix Central School District has a high school, middle school, and elementary school and serves about 1,800 students. The district had a graduation rate of 91 percent for the 2016-2017 school year. It has also been recognized by Standard and Poor for significantly narrowing the achievement gap between economically disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students. John C. Birdlebough High School awarded the first Robert & Roberta Hurd Scholarship in 2015. The scholarship provides two scholarships, one $40,000 and one $10,000, over four years to two students in the top-15 percent of their graduating class.
City of Oswego Principal Executive:
William J. “Billy” Barlow Mayor
13 West Oneida St. (City Hall) Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: 315-342-8136 Email: Website: mayor@oswegony.orgwww.
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
In Oswego County since: 1848 Total employment: 299 Full-time: 239 Part-time: 60
nnWhat’s new: In 2018, the city focused on completing $1.5 million in pavement improvements on state Route 104 along with $80,000 in river walk improvements. nnOperations: The city of Oswego is situated on the southeastern shore of Lake Ontario, boasting astonishing sunsets. It is a progressive, historic community mixing the historic past with the modernism of the 21st century. The city is transforming into a diverse community that is building on its strengths, embracing its current, historic and natural assets, and moving toward becoming a regionally competitive area while maintaining its small town charm. Oswego is known as the Port City of Central New York. Its waterfront is complemented by the maritime theme found throughout the city. Its many parks afford a panoramic view of Lake Ontario, and it offers a well-preserved historic site at Fort Ontario. Oswego was incorporated as a village on March 14, 1828 and the Oswego Canal, a branch of the Erie Canal, reached the area in 1829. The city was incorporated in 1848. William J. Barlow, Jr., the youngest mayor in New York state, and a seven member Common Council govern the city, which has an annual operating budget of approximately $45 million. In 2016, the city of Oswego was successful in acquiring $10 million in Downtown Revitalization Initiative funding from New York state. In 2017, the city of Oswego rewrote the city zoning code and reduced the city’s workforce to mitigate tax increases. The city was also successful in acquiring a $500,000 grant from the New York State Department of Transportation’s Transportation Alternatives Program for a Complete Streets streetscape makeover on West Bridge Street.
• Full service CNC precision machine shop • Specializing in vertical and horizontal machining • Small to large capacity • Production of one to thousands Phone: (315) 598-2900 Fax: (315) 598-4210 underwent realignment in 2003. There is one elementary K-4 school, one middle 5-8 school, and a senior 9-12 high school. Also included in the program is a pre-K school of about 70 pupils, which is housed at the Fairley Elementary School. The Hannibal Central School District recently wrapped up a building renovation project that provides the district with improved educational facilities with special attention to safety, energy efficiency and handicap accessibility. The strategic plan, adopted by the board of education in June 2014, is the catalyst to drive systemic changes in the district. By following the strategic plan, the district will continually and objectively evaluate, benchmark success, monitor the progress of students, and guide all activities over the next several years as the district implements the common core learning standards introduced by New York state in 2013.
Altmar-Parish-Williamstown Central School District Principal Executive:
Eric Knuth Superintendent of schools
Hannibal Central School District
639 county Route 22 / P.O. Box 97 Parish, NY 13131-0097 Phone: 315-625-5251 Fax: 315-625-7952 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1956 Total employment: 246 Full-time: 236 Part-time: 10
Principal Executive: Christopher Staats Superintendent
928 Cayuga St. Hannibal, NY 13074 Phone: 315-564-8100 Fax: 315-564-7263 Email: In Oswego County since: 1949 Total employment: 284 Full-time: 259 Part-time: 25
nnWhat’s new: Eric Knuth is the new superintendent at the Altmar-Parish-Williamstown Central School District. He formerly served as the principal at Cazenovia High School.
nnOperations: Centralized in 1949, the district
nnOperations: Located on the southern side of the Tug Hill Plateau in Oswego County, the Altmar-Parish-Williamstown Central School
District is nestled in the center of some of the most beautiful country Central New York has to offer. The district has served the community since 1956. It serves approximately 1,200 students that reside within a 180-square-mile area. In 2012, the district completed a $34.8 million capital project that consolidated and reconfigured the entire K-12 district into a state-of-the-art two-building learning campus. The APW Junior/Senior High School serves a student population of more than 500 in grades 7-12, while the elementary school, serving grades universal prekindergarten-6, claims the privilege of operating the largest elementary school in the county. The APW Central School District’s Board of Education’s commitment to student success is evident through its support of increased academic programs, such as career and technical offerings; enrichment and advanced placement/college-bearing credit class offerings; Pathways in Technology Early College High School; and dual enrollment with local colleges.
Pulaski Academy & Central School District Principal Executive: Jennings Thomas Superintendent
2 Hinman Road Pulaski, NY 13142 Phone: 315-298-5188 Fax: 315-298-4390 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1949 Total employment: 217 Full-time: 181 Part-time: 36 nnWhat’s new: Thomas Jennings, a graduate of Pulaski High School’s class of 1990, has returned home to lead his alma mater as its next superintendent. Jennings is leading the Pulaski Academy & Central School District
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
after more than 20 years in education, including as superintendent of Schenevus Central School District since 2012. nnOperations: The Pulaski Academy & Central School District serves a student population of over 1,100 students in Pre-K through Grade 12 in two schools, the Lura Sharp Elementary School and the Pulaski Middle-Senior High School. It also has a student-operated downtown storefront, The MakeSense Shop, which is a café, gift shop and used bookstore. An alternative high school program is operated in another building in the community as well. Pulaski is recognized for its excellent student programs in core academics as well as the arts.
Sandy Creek Central School District Principal Executive: Kyle L. Faulkner Superintendent
124 Salisbury St. / P.O. Box 248 Sandy Creek, NY 13145 Phone: 315-387-3445 Fax: 315-387-2196 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1926 Total employment: 205 nnWhat’s new: A capital project was recently completed within the Sandy Creek Central School District consisting of a new elementary school parking lot and loading dock improvements. Meanwhile, continued planning and submission to the New York State Education Department continues after district voters approved a $25 million capital project in March of 2018. The project will focus on building a new bus maintenance facility, renovating the existing bus garage for future use as a bus storage building, creating a second means road into the bus facility through a property purchase and creating a shared services fuel island to meet current code. Also, the district was approved to participate in the Community Eligibility Program thorugh the NYSED for the 2018-2019 school year. Any student that attends school at SCCS elementary, middle and high school receives one full free breakfast and one full free lunch per day during the school year. nnOperations: The Sandy Creek Central School District has one main campus for all grades, pre-K through 12. The site also houses a transportation center and district offices. For Updated Business News, Go To
City of Fulton Principal Executive:
Ronald L. Woodward Sr. Mayor
141 S. First St. (Fulton Municipal Building) Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-592-7330 Fax: 315-598-7051 Email: Website: In Oswego County since: 1902 Total employment: 140 Full-time: 135 Part-time: 5 nnWhat’s new: Many recent developments are injecting energy into the city of Fulton business scene: • Taco Bell is building at the the former Fay’s Drug site on South Second Street is was expected to be open by the end of 2018. • Gateway Liquor & Wine has remodeled and reopened the former Time Warner building on South Secon Street. • Compass Credit Union will demolish the former Yager’s Plumbing & Heating building on South Second Street and replace it with a new building. • The city is working with Zach Menter and Menter Ambulance Service toward constructing a new 16,000-square-foot building. Menter is making a significant investment in the city’s Sixth Ward, tearing down four dilapidated buildings in order to go forward with the project. • The city is continuing to work with the Oswego County Land Bank on the rehab of houses and demolition of multi-family substandard buildings. The city is also rehabbing foreclosed properties and reselling them at market value. — Nu-Cab is building a pole barn on the corner of Phillips Street and Morrill Place to locate its taxi business. • Fulton has also been buoyed by the efforts of several community volunteer groups and individuals to improve neighborhoods and the quality of life for Fulton residents. The Fulton Block Builders, brought to Fulton by Linda Eagan, has vastly improved neighborhoods and has also been instrumental in getting neighbors together in order to form stronger neighborhood bonds and watch out for one another. • The Fulton Footpaths, headed up by Marie Mankiewicz and Brittney Jerred, has received grants for the Pathfinder Trail and canal walkways and are giving countless volunteer hours in order to draw greater attention and give the community a pathway to walk and bike while enjoying the scenic Oswego River. With the help of Assemblyman Will Barclay (R-Pulaski), the city is able to benefit from a grant that will install a stairway from
Veteran’s Park down to the Oswego River along the canal. • Friends of Fulton Parks, headed up by Kelley Weaver, have brought many new additions and improvements to city parks. Most recently, a new teen park was created along Corporal Barrett Drive on the shores of Lake Neatahwanta. • Jan and Tony Rebeor have donated countless hours on Jazz Fest, the city’s Christmas decorations project, Project Bloom and Tunes in June. With the help of several donations from businesses in the downtown area, as well as residents of the city, the Rebeors — with the vision of Dan Carroll — skillfully decorated the downtown gazebo area. • The city has recently adopted new code requirements for non-owner occupied rental units for an additional effort to enhance neighborhood and improve housing stock. nnOperations: The villages of Fulton and Oswego Falls consolidated in 1902 to become the city of Fulton. It has a population of 11,655 and a budget of approximately $15 million. There are seven department administrators under the direction of the mayor. In 2015, the city of Fulton and the town of Granby received $200,000 in special state funding to continue to fund the dredging of Lake Neatahwanta and ultimately make the body of water usable again. In 2018, with annual help from State Sen. Patty Ritchie (R-Oswegatchie), the city now owns its dredge for the Lake Neatahwanta reclamation project. The city has its own trained operators and volunteers to help reach the goal of opening the beach in the future. The former Nestle Co. complex is being redeveloped to accommodate retail and housing to replace its manufacturing status that existed for many years, and Aldi’s is open for business as an anchor at the site.
Cayuga Community CollegeFulton Campus Principal Executive:
Keiko Kimura Associate vice president; dean of Fulton campus
11 River Glen Drive Fulton, NY 13069 Phone: 315-592-4143 Website: In Oswego County since: 1979 Total employment: 95 Full-time: 35 Part-time: 60 nnWhat’s new: Cayuga Community College is focused on expanding its offerings for students and increasing its partnerships in the community. The past year saw a number of
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significant developments, from increased enrollment across Cayuga’s campuses in Auburn and Fulton to new programs for students and growing opportunities to work with school districts across Oswego County. At the Fulton campus, the college launched two new academic programs over the past year that offer different opportunities for students. The new environmental studies program offers students the chance to earn an Associate of Science degree, and opens the door for them to transfer to similar programs across the SUNY system to continue their education. CCC also launched a certificate program in industrial maintenance technology, which was developed with significant input from its industrial partners in Oswego County. This program trains students for a career in manufacturing, including comprehensive troubleshooting and installing mechanical and electrical components and repair work. These are skills in intense demand in the manufacturing industry. • CCC also announced a new agreement with Le Moyne College in Syracuse, creating stronger pathways for CCC graduates to pursue a bachelor’s degree after completing their associate’s degree at Cayuga. Students graduating from certain programs at Cayuga with a sufficient grade-point average will generally be accepted into specific degree programs at Le Moyne. This agreement helps students earn their associate’s degree in two years while earning sufficient transfer credits where they can earn a bachelor’s degree in
two years at Le Moyne College. • Cayuga has worked extensively on increasing its community and education partnerships in Oswego County. It has strong agreements with school districts in Oswego County that allow high school students to earn college credits in its K-12 Advantage program. New in the fall of 2018 is the Early College High School program, which is an agreement with the Fulton City School District creating opportunities for high school students to earn up to 48 credits during their four years in the program. These credits will put the students in a position to earn an associate’s degree in information technology at Cayuga after one year of college. • CCC’s partnerships also include the Center for Career and Community Education, which is a joint effort with the Center for Instruction, Technology & Innovation. CCCE offers trade and technology courses and other programs. The practical nursing program, which is a rigorous non-credit bearing program, has been particularly successful, with the 20172018 graduating class passing the New York Council Licensure Examination at a 95.45 percent rate. Passing the exam puts students in position to find careers as licensed practical nurses in long-term care, physicians’ offices, hospitals, schools and more. • Growing opportunities for students are not limited to the classroom. CCC added a baseball program that begins competing in the spring of 2019, and it will be adding men’s and women’s lacrosse. Making these oppor-
tunities even better, an agreement with the city of Auburn will allow CCC’s athletic teams to use Falcon Park, which will be renovated into a turf facility to allow for greater use. Falcon Park, which will continue to host the Auburn Doubledays, will be Cayuga’s first outdoor athletic facility and represents an opportunity for students to compete at a professional-caliber athletic complex. nnOperations: Founded in 1953, Cayuga Community College is one of 64 accredited institutions that make up the State University of New York system. In the spring of 2011, the college, through its local sponsor Cayuga County, purchased the former P&C property as well as 45 acres of undeveloped land adjacent to the River Glen Plaza in Fulton. In December 2011, the college kicked off construction on the 82,150 square feet of space in the former P&C building, and opened the doors of the fully renovated space to 1,300 students in August 2012. CCC has installed new classrooms, is partnering with several Oswego County manufacturing firms, has expanded its successful nursing program to dedicated classes on campus and created a certified occupational therapy program that opened in the fall of 2017. The college has also expanded its agreements with the Center for Instruction, Technology & Innovation. It is also working with Oswego-area businesses through Oswego County’s Workforce Development system and has doubled its registered nurse program.
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SUNY Upstate Medical University Principal Executive:
Mantosh Dewan, MD Interim president
750 E. Adams St. Syracuse, NY 13210 Phone: 464-5540 Fax: 464-4829 Email: Website: Total employment: 9,849 nnWhat’s new: In November 2018 psychiatrist Mantosh Dewan was named interim president of Upstate Medical University, replacing physician Danielle Laraque-Arena who resigned the position Dec. 22. Dewan has been with the organization since 1979 and previously served as chairman of the psychiatry department, director of undergraduate education, director of residency training and interim medical school dean. He will serve as president until a permanent person is selected for the position. nnOperations/history: The history of SUNY Upstate can be traced back to 1871, when the newly chartered Syracuse University inherited the medical properties of Geneva Medical College with the understanding that it would maintain a medical program consistent with American Medical Association standards. In 1950, Syracuse University sold its medical school to the SUNY system where it was renamed SUNY College of Medicine at Syracuse. In 1999, the university changed its name to SUNY Upstate Medical University. Today, the university is comprised of four colleges: the college of medicine, college of health professions, college of nursing and college of graduate studies. The university also runs the adjacent 366-bed University Hospital. The facility is Central New York’s only academic medical center, which educates 1,560 students in four colleges: med-
icine, graduate studies, health professions and nursing. On average, 140,000 patients are seen each year. In 2009, the hospital opened its Golisano Children’s Hospital. The $50 million hospital occupies the top floors of University Hospital’s East Tower. SUNY Upstate Medical University completed its acquisition of Community General Hospital in 2011. The former Community General campus was renamed Upstate University Hospital’s Community General campus. Upstate conducts around $32 million in medical research annually. In recent years, Upstate opened a $74 million cancer center, with the latest in cancer-fighting technology. Additional opening of new facilities included the $40.5 million academic building and the $5.4 million phase 2 build out of Upstate’s CNY Biotech Accelerator, home to the Upstate Medical Innovation and Novel Discovery Center. In April 2017, Upstate launched its strategic plan, OUR Upstate, also called One University Road Map.
St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center Principal Executive: Leslie Paul Luke President/CEO
301 Prospect Ave. Syracuse, NY 13203 Phone: 448-5111 or 1-888-785-6371 Fax: 448-6161 Email: Website: Total employment: 5,480 nnWhat’s new: St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center opened its Cardiovascular Center of Excellence in late summer of 2018. It also recently launched the 150th anniversary of its capital campaign, “Legacy of Caring,” while continuing to expand its care network throughout Central New York. The center is one of America’s 50 Best Hospitals for Cardi-
ac Surgery, according to a national study in 2018 by Healthgrades, the leading online resource for comprehensive information about physicians and hospitals. It was announced in October of 2018 that after nearly six months of construction, St. Joseph’s Health will feature Care Flight, a medical helipad that provides faster and easier access to St. Joseph’s top-rated cardiovascular emergency care and certified primary stroke center. Care Flight is located on top of its 98-foot-tall building on North State Street. nnOperations/history: Founded as a 15-bed facility by the Sisters of St. Francis in 1869, St. Joseph’s was Syracuse’s first hospital. Today, it treats more than 26,000 inpatients each year, employs over 800 licensed physicians and has 451 beds. St. Joseph’s is designated a magnet hospital for nursing excellence and has been recognized as a “Best Regional Hospital” by U.S. News & World Report. St. Joseph’s opened its Christina M. Nappi Surgical Tower in 2014, featuring all-private, spacious rooms and the latest health care innovations to help advance care and enhance patient outcomes. In addition, the St. Joseph’s system of care is “linked” via one electronic health record following the successful launch of the Epic system in May 2014. Most recently, St. Joseph’s College of Nursing earned the National League for Nursing’s prestigious designation as a Center of Excellence in Nursing Education. St. Joseph’s became a member of Trinity Health in 2015. The health center featured 826 licensed physicians as of Oct. 30, 2017. In 2016, there were 27,052 inpatients and 596,000 outpatients. In 2016, the emergency department treated 65,499 patients, while the hospital performed 11,731 surgeries. In 2017, U.S. News and World Report named St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center as a “Best Regional Hospital.” It also earned a HealthGrades Excellence Award and Five-Star Recipient, and is a 2017 Women’s Choice Award winner. The health center opened its Cardiovascular Center of Excellence in late summer of 2018. It also recently launched the 150th anniversary of its capital campaign, “Legacy of Caring,” while continuing to expand its care network
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throughout Central New York.
P.O. Box 30844 Rochester, NY 14603 Phone: 585-328-2550 Website: Total employment: 3,540
Syracuse University Principal Executive:
nnOperations/history: Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. is a 98-store supermarket chain with stores in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, and Massachusetts. The family owned company, recognized as an industry leader and innovator, celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2016. Wegmans has been named one of the 100 Best Companies to Work For by FORTUNE magazine for 21 consecutive years, ranking #2 in 2018.
Kent Syverud Chancellor
201 Tolley Administration Building Syracuse, NY 13244 Phone: 443-1870 Fax: 443-3503 Email: Website: Total employment: 5,281 (1,757 faculty) nnWhat’s new: A new fixed roof, a vertically hung scoreboard, state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems, improved accessibility and added Wi-Fi capabilities are just a handful of features visitors to Syracuse University’s stadium will experience beginning in fall 2020. The $118 million investment, authorized by the board of trustees, will enable the university to create a new stadium experience for students, faculty, staff, alumni and fans alike. The announcement represents the next step in advancing the $255 million West Campus transformation strategy the University first announced on May 16, 2016. nnOperations/history: Syracuse University was chartered in 1870 as a private coeducational institution. Twenty years later, the university adopted the color orange, after a search of Baird’s College Manual revealed that no other U.S. institution maintained such an official color. Today, the university is composed of 13 academic schools and colleges, in addition to its NCAA Division I sports teams, which are nationally renowned. The university also maintains engagement centers in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles. The main campus has experienced unprecedented growth, as evidenced by openings of the Life Science Complex (2007), the largest capital project in university history; the Institute for Military Veterans and Their Families (2007), in partnership with JPMorgan Chase & Co.; the Newhouse Studio and Innovation Center (2014), part of Newhouse 2’s $18 million renovation; and Dineen Hall (2014), the College of Law’s new $90 million home. In 2016, Syracuse University was ranked the No. 1 college in America for school spirit, according to the Princeton Review.
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. Principal Executive: Colleen Wegman CEO
Crouse Health Principal Executive: Kimberly Boynton CEO
736 Irving Ave. Syracuse, NY 13210 Phone: 470-7111 Fax: 470-7232 Website: Total employment: 3,100 nnWhat’s new? After forming a clinical affiliation with Crouse Health in 2017, three Northern New York hospitals and their Syracuse-based affiliate are making progress on several strategic initiatives to enhance quality care for patients in the North Country. The affiliation agreement with River Hospital, Carthage Area Hospital, and Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center maintains each hospital’s independence in governance, budgeting and labor agreements. Since the agreement was signed, chief executives of the partner organizations said the development of key clinical practices and cost-saving measures are on a steady course for long-term success and sustainability. nnOperations/history: Syracuse Women’s Hospital and Training School for Nurses was founded in 1887 by a group of community-minded women as the only area hospital that would admit only women and children. By 1908 the hospital, renamed Syracuse Hospital for Women and Children, had begun to admit men. By 1918, the hospital’s services had expanded and its name was again changed, this time to Syracuse Memorial Hospital. In 1929, the hospital moved to its current location. Crouse Irving Hospital, which operated across the street from Syracuse Memorial, was founded in 1912 by a group of physicians and investors led by William Wallace. The two facilities merged in 1968 in an effort to consolidate medical services and became Crouse Irving Memorial Hospital. The name was shortened
to Crouse Hospital in 1996. The health care facility continues to stay true to the basic fundamentals that have been the foundation of its success over the last century — quality care delivered by more than 4,000 talented doctors, nurses and support team members in an environment that fosters healing, health and wellness. Key elements of Crouse Health include its affiliation with Community Memorial Hospital in Hamilton and expanded collaboration with employed and community-based physicians across Upstate New York. It has also been developing and strengthening Crouse Medical Practice, adding new providers for primary care, as well as cardiologists for heart care. The Crouse Neuroscience Institute, home to the area’s leading neurosurgeons and neurology specialists, serves patients from Central New York and beyond. In May 2017, Crouse Health announced a clinical affiliation with Northwell Health, an innovative, well regarded health care system based in New Hyde Park. The alignment is not a merger or acquisition, but rather a partnership that provides Crouse Health with opportunities to enhance services, share “best practices” around patient experience and quality, and support Crouse’s ability to expand access to care — locally and regionally. The mission remains the same — to provide the best inpatient care and promote community health.
Loretto Principal Executive:
Kimberly Townsend President and CEO
700 E. Brighton Ave. Syracuse, NY 13205 Phone: 469-5570 Fax: 469-6558 Website: Total employment: 2,500 nnWhat’s new: In October 2018, Loretto announced major renovations and new construction to expand and enhance dementia care at The Nottingham in Jamesville, as well as The Heritage and The Cunningham on Loretto’s main campus in Syracuse. At The Nottingham, Loretto will open a Center for Aging Excellence, including a new living community dedicated to residents living with dementia. An additional 20,000 square feet of space in the Nottingham Center of Aging Excellence will provide classrooms, offices and common spaces to support continuing education for staff and family on the care and treatment of those with dementia, as well as to accommodate partners advancing the latest research studies. The Heritage, the first residential program of its kind in Central New York created to care for those with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias,
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will undergo renovations to incorporate the latest designs and technology to support residents with dementia. Loretto Health & Rehabilitation Skilled Nursing (The Cunningham), which houses a dedicated dementia floor for the most advanced-stage residents, will also undergo renovations to implement the latest designs and technology to meet the needs of those in the late stages of this disease. nnOperations/history: Loretto was founded in 1926 by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse and was the first Diocesan home for seniors in the country. It was then re-established in the early 1970s as a nonprofit, community-based organization. Loretto now provides 21 programs and services throughout Central New York and Cayuga County. Loretto serves nearly 7,000 individuals annually. Loretto has 923 nursing home beds and 926 residential beds offering independent living, assisted living and enriched living options. The annual budget of the corporation is in excess of $140 million. Renovations were completed in 2015 at The Commons on St. Anthony, formerly Mercy Health and Rehabilitation, in Auburn. Its new, freestanding, state-of-the-art 60-bed short-term rehabilitation facility opened its doors in June 2015. In addition, PACE CNY, a program for all-inclusive care of the elderly, opened a new PACE center in East Syracuse that enables it to provide services to double the number of participants served at its former location.
National Grid Principal Executive: Melanie Littlejohn Regional Executive
300 Erie Boulevard West Syracuse, NY 13202 Phone: 1-800-642-4272 Website: Total employment: 2,000 nnWhat’s new: One of the biggest initiatives National Grid has taken on is called the Northeast 80 by 50 Pathway. This is the company’s blueprint for reducing greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. The Pathway is the first of its kind in the Northeast. The Northeast 80 by 50 Pathway includes in-depth modeling and analysis addressing the three most carbon-intensive sectors in the Northeast — heating, power generation, and transportation. nnOperations/history: National Grid (LSE: NG; NYSE: NGG) is an electricity, natural gas, and clean energy delivery company that supplies energy for more than 20 million people through its networks in New York, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. It is the largest distributor of natural gas in the Northeast. National Grid also operates systems that deliver gas and electricity across Great Britain.
National Grid is transforming its electricity and natural gas networks to support the 21st century digital economy with smarter, cleaner, and more resilient energy solutions. Read more about the innovative projects happening across its footprint in “The Democratization of Energy” ( ebook), an eBook written by National Grid’s U.S. president, Dean Seavers. For more information, visit; follow National Grid on Twitter ( nationalgridpr); watch on YouTube (http://; befriend on Facebook ( and find National Grid photos on Instagram (
Charter Communications Principal Executive:
Tom Rutledge, Charter chairman and CEO
6005 Fair Lakes Road Syracuse, NY 13057 Phone: (800) 892-4357 Website: Total employment: 1,800 nnWhat’s new: Spectrum is adding at least 100 customer service jobs at its regional call center in DeWitt. Spectrum’s area expansion comes as the company is returning call center jobs to the U.S. nnOperations/history: Charter Communications is among the largest providers of video, high-speed data and voice services in the United States. Charter, which is based in Stamford, Conn., has 25 million subscribers in 41 states, including western New York and the Rochester area. In 2016, Charter Communications acquired Time Warner Cable Inc., the region’s dominant cable TV and Internet provider, and rebranded in Western New York under a new name — Spectrum. Time Warner’s regional cable news operation has been rebranded as Spectrum News.
Syracuse Veterans Administration Medical Center Principal Executive: Dr. Judy Hayman Director
800 Irving Ave. Syracuse, NY 13210 Phone: 425-4400 Fax: 425-4375 Website: Total employment: 1,700+
nnOperations/history: Syracuse Veterans Administration Medical Center is a 165-bed general medical and surgical referral center including a 16-bed acute care psychiatric unit, a 48-bed community living center and a 20-bed spinal cord injury/disorder center. It is a teaching facility affiliated with SUNY Upstate Medical University and operates community-based outpatient clinics in Massena, Watertown, Auburn, Rome, Oswego, Binghamton, and Tompkins/Cortland in Freeville — serving 13 counties in Central New York. Syracuse VA partners with vet centers located in Syracuse, Binghamton, and Watertown. Watertown is located adjacent to Fort Drum, the home of the 10th Mountain Division. Syracuse VAMC leases space on Fort Drum for physical therapy for rural veterans through a VA/Department of Defense sharing agreement and it leases space for two facilities located in Syracuse — the Veteran Recovery and Wellness Center and the Behavioral Health Outpatient Center. A fourth lease supports the expanded VA Dental Clinic located one mile from the Syracuse VAMC on Erie Boulevard East. In addition to convenient, free parking directly outside the clinic, VA provides round-trip shuttle service to and from the Syracuse VAMC throughout the day. A $90-plus million, six-floor addition which houses VA’s Spinal Cord Disorder Center was formally opened on June 14, 2013. Syracuse VAMC is a Level II poly-trauma center for VISN 2 and an amputee center of care. Other programs of note include a new compensation and pension examination suite, a new women’s wellness center and an expanded and redesigned VA Police Operations and Dispatch Center. The Watertown CBOC opened under a new contractor and in a new and expanded location in May 2015. The Massena CBOC relocated in July 2015, also under a new contract. The new Binghamton 25,000 square-foot CBOC located at 203 Court St. was officially opened in April 2017.
Lockheed Martin Corp. Principal Executive:
Greg Larioni Vice President/General Manager
497 Electronics Parkway Syracuse, NY 13221 Phone: 456-0123 Fax: 456-2178 Website: Total employment: 1,600 nnOperations/history: Employees at the Lockheed campus primarily develop and produce radar, sonar and other electronic warfare technology for the U.S. military, as well as U.S.-approved international sales to more than 40 countries around the world.
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The U.S. Army recently awarded Lockheed Martin’s plant in suburban Syracuse the single-largest contract in its history, a deal worth up to $1.58 billion for radars that track incoming rocket, mortar and artillery fire. The five-year contract is a victory for Lockheed’s campus at Electronics Park in Salina, with the Army giving approval for full-rate production of its workhorse Q-53 radar.
Verizon Principal Executive:
Kevin Zavaglia President, Verizon Wireless, Northeast Market
105 Twin Oaks Drive Syracuse, NY 13206 Phone: 1-800-922-0204 Website: Total employment: 1,100
United Technologies Carrier Principal Executive:
Chris Nelson President, North American HVAC systems and services President
Carrier Parkway, P.O. Box 4808 Syracuse, NY 13221 Phone: 432-6000 Website: Total employment: 1,300 nnWhat’s new: United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX) announced plans in 2018 to hire 35,000 people and make investments of more than $15 billion in research and development and capital expenditures in the U.S. over the next five years (2018-2022). With this announcement, the company also launched a dedicated site to highlight its investments in the U.S. at nnOperations/history: Carrier Corp. began manufacturing refrigeration products in 1922 after the company’s founder invented the centrifugal refrigeration machine. The company also produces units and parts for air conditioning systems. Carrier Corp. is a division of United Technologies Corp. The Dewitt plant has since outsourced many of its manufacturing divisions to Singapore and China although it currently maintains a research and development presence in Onondaga County.
nnOperations/history: Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ), headquartered in New York City, has a diverse workforce of 163,400 and generated nearly $126 billion in 2016 revenues. Verizon operates America’s most reliable wireless network and the nation’s premier all-fiber network, and delivers integrated solutions to businesses worldwide. Its Oath subsidiary houses more than 50 media and technology brands that engage about 1 billion people around the world. Verizon, the wireless partner for Google’s innovative Smartphone family, introduced its new Pixel 2 in October 2017. Powered by the Google Assistant, Pixel 2 can help consumers find answers and get things done. It has a camera that makes it simple to take, store and share pictures and a fast-charging, long-lasting battery that keeps going whether the user is snapping, calling, texting or playing.
Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse Principal Executive:
Robert J. Cunningham Bishop
240 E. Onondaga St. P.O. Box 511 Syracuse, NY 13202 Phone: 422-7203 Fax: 478-4619 Website: Total employment: 1,000
United Parcel Service Principal Executive:
Ivy Brown President, UPS Northeast District
6712 Brooklawn Parkway Syracuse, NY 13211 Phone: 452-1220 Website: Total employment: 1,230 nnOperations/history: UPS is a $55 billion global package delivery service company and a leading provider of specialized transportation and logistics services.
nnOperations/history: The first Roman Catholic Bishop of Syracuse, Patrick Anthony Ludden, was appointed in 1886. Today, the Syracuse Diocese has 131 parishes, nine missions and three devotional chapels. There are three Catholic hospitals in the diocese that assist 650,000 people. Seven Special Centers for Social Services assisting over 100,000 people also exist. The diocese oversees 42 residential facilities that care for the
disabled. It also operates 22 private schools in Onondaga County and numerous others in the Central New York and Southern Tier regions of the state. The diocese is comprised of 264 offices — including schools — each dedicated to a religious, social or logistic aspect of the religious organization. In 2014, William W. Crist was appointed as the new superintendent of Catholic schools for the diocese of Syracuse. The Syracuse Diocese is made up of 237,000 parishioners in 128 parishes in seven counties.
L. & J. G. Stickley, Inc. Principal Executive: Aminy Audi President and CEO
P.O. Box 480 Manlius, NY 13104 Phone: 682-5500 Fax: 682-6306 Website: Total employment: 930 nnOperations/history: Leopold and John George Stickley incorporated their business in 1900 after purchasing a furniture factory in Fayetteville. Operations were moved to Manlius in the 1970s when Alfred and Aminy Audi purchased the company in 1974. The Manlius plant has over 400,000 square feet of production space. Stickley recently invested $3.8 million in an expansion that added 50 jobs to its Manlius site. Aminy Audi was recently elected into the American Furniture Hall of Fame.
Welch Allyn Principal Executive: Steve Meyer President and CEO
4341 State St. Road Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153 Phone: 685-4100 Fax: 685-1769 Email: Website: Total employment: 900 nnWhat’s new: Hill-Rom Holdings Inc. cut the ribbon in May of 2018 on a $12.7 million expansion that creates 100 new jobs at its Welch Allyn medical equipment factory in Skaneateles. The 100,000-square-foot addition to the factory off State Street north of the village of Skaneateles is used as a warehouse and distribution facility. Operations/history: Welch Allyn was founded by Dr. Francis Welch and inventor William
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
Noah Allyn, who in 1915 developed the world’s first hand-held, direct-illuminating ophthalmoscope to peer into patients’ eyes. As a leading global manufacturer of physical examination instruments and accessories and electronic medical record-connected vital signs and cardiac monitoring solutions, the company has a commitment to delivering medical products, services and solutions that help health care professionals provide better care for their patients. Welch Allyn is in the process of adding 100 new jobs to its medical equipment factory in Skaneateles Falls. The jobs are in manufacturing, marketing, and research and development and will be created over the next two years. Chicago-based HillRom Holdings Inc. bought the company for $2.05 billion from the Allyn family and has continued to manufacture medical diagnostic equipment under the Welch Allyn name in Skaneateles Falls.
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Principal Executive: James Reed Regional president
333 Butternut Drive Syracuse, NY 13214 Phone: 671-6400 Website: Total employment: 800 nnOperations/history: Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, a nonprofit independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, is part of a family of companies that finances and delivers health care services to about 1.5 million people across Upstate New York. Excellus BlueCross BlueShield provides access to high-quality, affordable health coverage, including health-related resources members use, such as prescription drug discounts and wellness tracking tools.
BNY Mellon Principal Executive: Charles W. Scharf Chairman and CEO
Headquarters: 240 Greenwich St., New York, N.Y. 10007 Syracuse: 401 S. Salina St., Syracuse, N.Y. 13022; 111 Sanders Creek Parkway, Syracuse, N.Y. 13057 Phone: 1-212-495-1784 Website: Total employment: 780 nnOperations/history: BNY Mellon is a global investments company dedicated to helping clients manage and service their financial assets throughout the investment life cycle. Whether providing financial services for institutions, corporations or individual investors, BNY Mellon delivers informed investment management and investment services in 35 countries. As of Sept. 30, 2018, BNY Mellon had $34.5 trillion in assets under custody and/or administration, and $1.8 trillion in assets under management. BNY Mellon can act as a single point of contact for clients looking to create, trade, hold, manage, service, distribute or restructure investments. BNY Mellon is the corporate brand of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (NYSE: BK).
AXA Advisors — The Empire Joseph DiMora Branch manager
120 Madison St. #1900 Syracuse, N.Y. 13202 Phone: 477-3000 Fax: 477-4401 Website: com Total employment: 660
nnOperations/history: AXA in the US is the primary U.S. subsidiary of the Global AXA Group, a worldwide leader in financial protection strategies and wealth management. AXA companies are premier providers of advice, retirement strategies and life insurance. The Empire Branch of AXA Advisors, with offices in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Vestal, Albany, Poughkeepsie and Erie, Pa., has been helping individuals and businesses in Central New York and Pennsylvania address their financial goals for over 100 years. The Empire has been a top-ranked organization for retention, development, professionalism, and overall performance since the merger with AXA Advisors in 2014.
Raymour & Flanigan Principal Executive: Neil Goldberg President/CEO
7248 Morgan Road Liverpool, NY 13088 Phone: 315-453-2500 Website: Total employment: 500 nnOperations/history: Family owned and operated, Raymour’s Furniture Company, the predecessor of Raymour & Flanigan Furniture, was established by brothers Bernard and Arnold Goldberg in 1947 with a single, modest store in downtown Syracuse. Today, Raymour & Flanigan is a furniture retail chain based out of Liverpool. Raymour & Flanigan currently operates over 110 furniture and mattress showrooms, clearance centers and outlet stores, along with 19 customer service and distribution facilities. It is located in seven states throughout the Northeast: Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. Raymour & Flanigan is the fourth-largest conventional furniture retailer in the U.S., according to Furniture Today.
Making Money on Airbnb More people in CNY are renting their properties through Airbnb. 320 hosts in Onondaga and Oswego counties welcomed more than 15,000 guests in 2017.
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■ Massive shortage of truck drivers about to get worse
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BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
Top Employers CAYUGA of COUNTY Source: Cayuga County Chamber of Commerce and the companies
Department of Corrections Principal Executive:
Anthony J. Annucci Acting Commissioner, NYS Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
1220 Washington Ave. State Office Building Campus, Bldg. 9 Albany, NY 12226 Phone: 518-457-8126 Website: Total employment: 1,275 nnOperations/history: The NYS Department of Corrections runs two prisons in Cayuga County. Auburn Correctional Facility, an all-male, maximum-security facility is the oldest prison in the nation still in use, having opened in 1818. It has a capacity for 1,821 inmates. Cayuga Correctional Facility in Moravia is a medium-security prison for men. It has a capacity for 1,082 prisoners.
and Urgent Medical Care of Skaneateles. Formerly known as Auburn Memorial Hospital, the institution changed its name in 2012. Auburn Community Hospital unveiled a new MRI scanner recently that hospital officials describe as one of the best in the region. The magnetic resonance imaging system has been added to the hospital’s radiology department. In operating the technology, ACH has partnered with radiologists from the University of Rochester Medical Center. The $3.2 million scanner was funded with a grant from the Auburn Community Hospital Foundation. Auburn Community Hospital recently made a significant investment in a new state-of-the-art interventional radiology suite. The hospital also received the “Most Wired” award in 2017 from Hospitals & Health Networks. The People’s Choice Award again chose Finger Lakes Center for Living as “Best in the Region” in 2017.
Auburn Enlarged City School District Principal Executive: Jeffrey Pirozzolo Superintendent
Auburn Community Hospital
Principal Executive:
78 Thornton Ave. Auburn, NY 13021 Phone: 255-8835 Website: Total employment: 1,005 (632 fulltime)
Scott Berlucchi President and CEO
17 Lansing St. Auburn, NY 13021 Phone: 255-7011 Website: Total employment: 1,050 nnOperations/history: In 1875, James S. Seymour — then president of the Bank of Auburn — left $30,000 to be held in trust for a hospital to be constructed in Auburn. Today, the 179-bed Auburn Community Hospital partners with the community to provide patients, community members and employees with programs and services that increase control over personal wellness. The hospital also operates the Finger Lakes Medical Center, Finger Lakes Family Medicine
nnOperations/history: Auburn Enlarged City School District encompasses 37 square miles and is comprised of five elementary schools, one middle school and one high school. Approximately 4,240 students attend district schools. The district’s annual budget is approximately $71.3 million.
Cayuga County Government Principal Executive:
County administrator
160 Genesee St. Auburn, NY 13021 Phone: 253-1525 Fax: 253-1586 Email: Website: Total employment: 716 (570 fulltime) nnOperations/history: Cayuga County is made up of 15 legislative districts representing 24 municipalities, including the city of Auburn.
Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES Principal Executive:
Christopher Todd Interim Superintendent
1879 W. Genesee St. Road Auburn, NY 13021 Phone: 253-0361 Fax: 315-252-6493 Website: Total employment: 400 nnOperations/history: In 2007, the new campus was built on 64 acres of farmland previously owned by the Cayuga County Industrial Development Agency. The $42.1 million, 200,000 square-foot state-of-the-art regional education center became the first LEED-certified public school in New York state in 2009 when it was awarded LEED Silver Certification. Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES serves nine component school districts: Auburn, Cato-Meridian, Jordan-Elbridge, Moravia, Port Byron, Southern Cayuga, Skaneateles, Union Springs and Weedsport. Christopher Todd, district superintendent for the Center for Instruction, Technology & Innovation, has been chosen as the interim superintendent of the Cayuga Onondaga BOCES. Todd is temporarily taking the reins in Cayuga County and will be overseeing both districts for the time being.
J. Justin Woods
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
nized as an industry leader and innovator, celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2016. Wegmans has been named one of the “100 Best Companies to Work For” by FORTUNE magazine for 20 consecutive years, ranking #2 in 2017.
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Principal Executive: Kelly Edinger Site manager
297 Grant Ave. Auburn, NY 13021 Phone: 255-0532 Website: Total employment: 370
Xylem, Inc. Principal Executive:
Sullivan Deraddo Director of operations-Northeast
nnOperations/history: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., created as a single five-and-dime in 1950, is the largest international retailer with 11,562 locations in the world as of Aug. 31, 2016. The company employs more than 1.4 million associates in the U.S. and 2.3 million internationally. For information on the Auburn store, visit Walmart1830/.
Wegmans Principal Executive: Colleen Wegman CEO
P.O. Box 30844 Rochester, NY 14603 Phone: 585-328-2550 Website: Total employment: 370
1 Goulds Drive Auburn, NY 13021 Phone: 258-4848 Website: Total employment: 338 nnOperations/history: Xylem Inc. (NYSE: XYL) is a leading global water technology provider, enabling customers to transport, treat, test and efficiently use water in public utility, residential and commercial building services, industrial and agricultural settings. In late 2011, White Plains-based ITT Corp., owner of Goulds Pumps, Inc. spun off several of its fluid-related businesses to form Xylem Inc. Headquartered in Rye Brook with 2017 revenue of $4.7 billion, Xylem does business in more than 150 countries through a number of market-leading product brands.
nnOperations/history: Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. is a 95-store supermarket chain with stores in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, and Massachusetts. The family owned company, recog-
TRW Automotive Electronics Principal Executive: Mark Ingianni Plant manager
2150 Cranebrook Drive Auburn, NY 13021 Phone: 258-3300 Fax: 253.8747 Website: Total employment: 300 nnOperations/history: One of the top suppliers of automotive electronics in the world, TRW manufactures engine components and safety devices for vehicles. TRW employs 61,000 in its 200 locations in various vehicle-producing regions. Headquartered in Livonia, Mich., the company, through its subsidiaries, operates in 24 countries and employs approximately 65,000 people worldwide. With 2013 sales of $17.4 billion, TRW Automotive ranks among the world’s leading automotive suppliers. TRW Automotive news is available on the Internet at
Nucor Steel Auburn Principal Executive: Drew Wilcox General manager
25 Quarry Road Auburn, NY 13021 Phone: (855) 246-5945 Fax: (315) 253-5377
Email: Website: Total employment: 290 nnOperations/history: Nucor Corporation (NYSE: NUE) is among the largest steel producers in the United States with over $6.2 billion in sales annually. Nucor Steel manufactures steel from both raw and recycled materials.
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BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
Top Employers JEFFERSON of COUNTY Sources: Jefferson County Industrial Development Agency and the companies
Email: Website: Total employment: 2,455
Fort Drum Principal Executive:
Major General Walter E. Piatt 10th Mountain Division and Fort Drum commander
Public Affairs Office S. Riva Ridge Loop Bldg. 10011 Fort Drum, NY 13602 Phone: 315-772-5461 Fax: 315-772-8295 Email: Website: Total employment: 19,044 (14,996 military and 4,048 civilians) nnOperations/history: Home of the 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) and anchor to many associated businesses, the 107,265acre Fort Drum largely dominates the economic landscape of the North Country. It is the largest employer in the North Country. Fort Drum, originally named Pine Camp, has been used as a military training site since 1908. In 1985, the Army activated the 10th Mountain Division after selecting Fort Drum as the division’s new home during the previous year. The 10th Mountain Division is trained for rapid deployment by land, sea or air. Fort Drum’s direct economic impact upon its surrounding communities IS estimated at approximately $1.4 billion a year. Fort Drum has over 37,000 soldiers and family members. In 2015, Diana M. Holland became the first woman to serve as a general officer at Fort Drum, and the first woman to serve as a deputy-commanding general in one of the Army’s light infantry divisions.
Samaritan Medical Center Principal Executive: Thomas H. Carman President/CEO
830 Washington St. Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: 315-785-4000
nnOperations/history: Established in 1881, Samaritan Medical Center is a 294-bed nonprofit community medical center, offering a full spectrum of inpatient and outpatient health care services. From primary and emergency care to highly specialized medical and surgical services, such as cancer treatment, neonatal intensive care, behavioral health, and diagnostic imaging, Samaritan Medical Center serves the medical needs of the civilian and military community. In addition to the main hospital, Samaritan offers a network of family health centers that provide primary care services for patients of all ages. This includes locations in Adams, Cape Vincent, Clayton, Lacona, LeRay, Sackets Harbor and Watertown. Samaritan Medical Center officially opened the Walker Center for Cancer Care at Samaritan Medical Center in Watertown in September 2018. The $16 million, 17,000-square-feet facility houses all of Samaritan’s cancer services. Meanwhile, a groundbreaking celebration in June of 2018 marked the start of a new expansion project and capital campaign, “The Healing Power of Progress.” The event celebrated the several-year transformation of the center, as well as highlighting the next phase. The first three phases consisted of a parking garage, a new patient pavilion, renovations in existing buildings and a connector between the hospital and nursing home. The maternity project is the next and final phase, and will consolidate maternity and pediatrics onto one floor.
NYS (Includes regional state offices and correctional facilities) Principal Executive:
Anthony J. Annucci Acting Commissioner, NYS Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
1220 Washington Avenue
State Office Building Campus, Bldg. 9 Albany, NY 12226 Phone: 518-457-8126 Website: Total employment: 1,900 nnOperations/history: The NYS Department of Corrections runs two prisons in Jefferson County. The Cape Vincent and Watertown correctional facilities are both medium-security and all-male prisons.
Jefferson County Government Principal Executive:
Robert Hagemann III County administrator
175 Arsenal St. Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: 315-785-3075 Website: Total employment: 830 nnOperations/history: Jefferson County was created by enactment of the New York State Legislature on March 28, 1805, named after then-President Thomas Jefferson. There are 15 legislators that govern the county. There are 22 towns, 20 villages, and one city (Watertown) in Jefferson County. The population estimate released for Jefferson County as of July 2012 is 120,262. This represents the ninth largest numerical gain and the No. 1 largest percentage gain for all counties in New York state since 2010.
Convergys Principal Executive: Andrea J. Ayers President/CEO
146 Arsenal St., Watertown, N.Y. 13601 Phone: 315-785-9200 Email:
Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
Website: Total employment: 700 nnOperations/history: The Convergys Watertown service center offers technical, customer care and sales support services. Operational 24-7, the site personnel have experience providing support to clients in the retail and consumer electronics, software and networking, as well as entertainment and media industries. Convergys Watertown works with local education and labor authorities and nearby Fort Drum to recruit and hire quality support. In October of 2018, Concentrix confirmed the previously announced acquisition of Convergys has officially closed and the integration with Concentrix has begun. The transaction makes Concentrix the second-largest global provider of customer engagement services and enhances the company’s ability to deliver even greater transformation services to impact clients. The new combined Concentrix organization will provide services in more than 70 languages from approximately 275 locations in 40-plus countries across six continents.
Indian River Central School District Principal Executive:
Mary Anne Dobmeier District superintendent
32735-B county Route 29, Philadelphia, N.Y. 13673 Phone: 315-642-3441 Fax: 315-642-3738
Email: Website: Total employment: 682
nnOperations/history: The Indian River Central School District includes Indian River High School, Indian River Middle School, Indian River Intermediate School, Antwerp Primary School, Calcium Primary School, Evans Mills Primary School, Philadelphia Primary School and Theresa Primary School.
Watertown City School District Principal Executive:
Patricia LaBarr Superintendent of schools
1351 Washington St., P.O. Box 586, Watertown, N.Y. 13601 Phone: 315-785-3700 Email:
Website: Total employment: 600 nnOperations/history: The district includes Watertown High School, Case Middle School, H.T. Wiley Intermediate School, Knickerbocker Middle School, North Elementary School, Ohio Elementary School, Sherman Elementary, Starbuck Elementary School, and Massey Learning Center. Several district-wide committees address safety, social-emotional needs, early learning, health/wellness, curriculum/instruction, to name a few. Its mission is to build a caring community that fosters lifelong learners and responsible citizens.
Carthage Central School District Principal Executive:
Peter J. Turner Superintendent of schools
25059 Woolworth St., Carthage, N.Y. 13619 Phone: 315-493-5000 Fax: 315-493-5069 Website: Total employment: 600 nnOperations/history: The Carthage Central School District includes Carthage Senior High School, Carthage Middle School, Black River Elementary School, Carthage Elementary School and West Carthage Elementary School.
Jefferson Rehabilitation Center Principal Executive: Howard W. Ganter Executive director
Gaffney Drive/P.O. Box 41 Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: 315-788-2730 Fax: 315-315-788-8557 Email: Website: Total employment: 550 nnOperations/history: Jefferson Rehabilitation Center focuses on the needs of disabled individuals and tries to maximize their potential through education, vocational opportunities, training, residential services, inclusion and advocacy. It was founded in Watertown in 1954. The Greater Watertown-North Country Chamber of Commerce presented Howard W. Ganter with the Israel A. Shapiro Award
in 2018. Along with being the executive director of the Jefferson Rehabilitation Center, Ganter is an active member of the Volunteer Transportation Center board of directors and a Rotarian. JRC recently merged with the ARC in St. Lawrence County and assists people in both counties.
Jefferson-Lewis BOCES Principal executive:
Stephen J. Todd District superintendent
20104 state Route 3 Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: 779-7000 Fax: 779-7009 Email: Website: Total employment: 500 nnOperations/history: A total of 18 school districts are served by Jefferson-Lewis-Hamilton-Herkimer-Oneida BOCES (often times referred to as Jefferson-Lewis BOCES. Services offered to these districts include administrative services, career and technical education, adult education and continuing education, programs for exceptional students and professional and program development. Jefferson-Lewis BOCES has offices and locations throughout Jefferson and Lewis counties.
New York Air Brake Principal Executive: Ulisses Camilo President/CEO
748 Starbuck Ave. Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: 786-5406 Fax: 786-5676 Email: Website: Total employment: 442 nnOperations/history: New York Air Brake produces train brakes and train control systems for the railroad industry. The Watertown facility includes a state-of-the-art engineering research test lab and a testing center for train control products. The railway supplier was founded in 1890 and was among the first companies to manufacture air brake control valves for freight trains. Beginning in 2015, a new and safer air brake control valve is being manufactured in Watertown that ensures there is always air pressure available to activate freight car brakes, regardless of how long the engineer applies the brakes.
BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
Business Guide
ADVERTISERS Listed Alphabetically Acro-Fab Ltd...............................................12 Allanson Glanville Tappan Funeral.............53 Alps Professional Services.........................48 Arise...........................................................48 Bio Spherix.................................................40 Bobcat of Central New York........................51 Bond, Shoeneck & King Attorneys................9 Bosco’s.......................................................49 Breakwall Asset Management....................47 Builders First Choice..................................25 Burke’s Home Centers...............................45 Burritt Motors..............................................39 C & S Companies.......................................73 Canale Accounting......................................49 Canale Insurance.......................................61 Career Guide Placement Service...............40 Cayuga Community College.........................7 Century 21 Galloway..................................49 Century 21-Leah’s Signature......................51 Chase Enterprises......................................23 Community Bank........................................13 ConnextCare..............................................15 Cornell Coop Extension of Os. Co..............25 Crouse Hospital..........................................11 Custom Marketing Solutions.......................40 DARCO Manufacturing...............................41 Davis Cleaning Service..............................57 Dowdle Funeral Home................................66 Dunsmoor Construction..............................23 Eagle Beverage..........................................55 Eastern Shore Associates Insurance..........73 Eis House...................................................57 Exelon.......................................... Inside back
Financial Partners of Upstate NY...............57 Fitzgibbons Agency....................................21 Fulton Community Dev. Agency.................66 Fulton Savings Bank...................................23 Fulton Tool..................................................85 Fulton YMCA..............................................40 Fulton-Oswego Motor Express ..................45 Greater Oswego / Fulton Chamber............19 Harborfest...................................................43 Howard Hanna Real Estate........................43 Healthway Home Products.........................39 Hematology/Oncology Assoc......................73 Johnston’s Gas...........................................48 JTS Remodeling...........................................9 Key Bank....................................................67 Laser Transit...............................................67 Local 43 – IBEW.........................................59 MACNY.......................................................48 Mimi’s Drive In............................................45 Morning Star Residential............. Inside front NBT Bank...................................................21 Northern Ace...............................................71 Novelis..........................................................5 Ontario Health & Fitness............................65 Ontario Orchards........................................27 Operation Oswego County.......... Inside back Oswego County Fed. Credit Union.............20 Oswego County Mutual Insurance.............63 Oswego County OB /GYN..........................81 Oswego County Opportunities....................53 Oswego Health............................ Back Cover Oswego Industries......................................39 Oswego Printing.........................................27
Oswego YMCA...........................................67 Over the Top Roofing..................................42 Ovia Insurance Agency...............................45 Parsons-McKenna......................................71 Pathfinder Bank..........................................51 Patterson Warehousing..............................45 Peter Realty................................................63 Pulaski Eastern Shore Chamber................12 River House Restaurant.............................61 RJ Caruso Automated Payroll Serv............65 Scriba Electric.............................................42 Ship it..........................................................42 Sorbello & Sons..........................................42 Speedway Press / Mitchell Printing............25 Steele Law Firm, The.................................21 Sun Harvest Realty.....................................45 Sunoco.......................................................29 SUNY Oswego Office of Business and Community Relations...........................59 SUNY Oswego...........................................17 Sweet Woods Memorial..............................65 Tailwater Lodge..........................................47 Tully Hill Rehabilitation...............................53 United Wire Technologies...........................55 Universal Metal Works................................27 Upstate Medical University.........................19 Vashaw’s Collision......................................20 Volney Multiplex, Inc...................................66 Watertown Center for Bus. & Industry........43 White’s Lumber...........................................27 Wiltsie Construction....................................25 WRVO......................................................100
Information for the 2019 Business Guide was gathered in October / November 2018. Information on employment figures has been provided by individual companies Business Guide is published every year by Local News, Inc. dba Oswego County Business Magazine. 2019 Business Guide: Editor & Publisher: Wagner Dotto; Research & Interviews: Lou Sorendo Advertising: Peggy Kain, Ashley Slattery, Roxanne Seeber Office Assistant: Kimberley Tyler; Charts & Graphs: Karina Vancini Design and Layout: Dylon Clew-Thomas • Cover Design: Jillian Meisenzahl Oswego County, Northern & Central New York • BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19
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BUSINESS GUIDE 2O19 • Oswego County, Northern & Central New York
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