Home of Carol Long
2011 Syracuse Invitita- Decathletes gear up tional cancelled for annual competition ... Page 3
Volume 203, No. 3 Jan. 19 to 25, 2011
... Page 6
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Warming up for the Chilly Chili Annual 5K Run/Walk planned for Jan. 23
36 vendors peddled their wares at the Jan. 15 market at the American Legion. ...See page 7
Rotary welcomes new member Mim Hall, of Cazenovia, was inducted at a Brewster Inn meeting. ...See page 11
By Pierce Smith
The seventh annual Cazenovia Jewelry Chilly Chili 5K Run/Walk is rapidly approaching. This year’s race will be held on Sunday Jan. 23. The race will begin at 1 p.m. in front of the Cazenovia Middle School at 31 Emory Ave. Pre-register online or by mail before Jan. 19 and receive a 2011 Chilly Chili 5K Run/Walk T-shirt. Visit chillychili.com or active. com to register. Race day registration will take place See 5K, page 5
were also able to attend. Magee spoke of the importance of change in the future. A longtime supporter of agriculture, he explained it is time to connect residents of New York City with the output of upstate farms. “Governor Cuomo put a lot of emphasis on agriculture and the importance of it.� Magee said. “It’s a message that I’ve tried to carry for a long time. Agriculture is the upstate economy. It’s also the number one industry in the state, and we need to do whatever we can to improve it.� Increasing the trade between the urban and rural areas of New York should be relatively easy and beneficial to both groups, he said. Magee also said that Cuomo will have the support they require, with rising popularity in “green� lifestyles and consumers’ desire to know where
Newly sworn-in Governor Andrew Cuomo supports a cap on property taxes. While this might be welcomed by tax-paying residents, area school districts may suffer significant losses. A cap of 2 percent, or the rate of inflation, whichever is less, is planned. C a z e n ov i a C e nt r a l School District relies heavily on state aid and revenue generated from property tax. In the past year, state aid has been reduced by 18 percent. The district may have to consider reducing staff and removing programs from the curriculum to account for the potential tax cap and state mandates. If no additional state aid is received this year and property taxes are capped at two percent, the district will have to cut $900,000 from the budget. “We are looking at everything that we spend within our budget; everything from staffing, to supplies and equipment, to what BOCES services we purchase,� Assistant Superintendent Bill Furlong said. “Everything is on the table this year, in terms of reviewing whether it is absolutely necessary or not. And unfortunately there are probably some things people view as necessary
See Forum, page 7
See Caps, page 6
POUNDING THE PAVEMENT: Participants make their way through Cazenovia at last year’s Chilly Chili 5k Run/Walk.
Speakers outline coming year at annual forum Magee wishes to connect rural, urban areas through agriculture By Pierce Smith
BUSINESS .....................7 CALENDAR ...................2 CLASSIFIEDS .............. 12 EDITORIAL ....................4 PUBLIC NOTICES ........ 10 SCHOOL NEWS .............6 SPORTS ........................8
Tax caps could hit schools hard Officials weigh in on possible spending caps
Submitted by Cindy Underriner
Farmer’s market draws crowd
Celebrating 203 years
75 cents
editor@cazenoviarepublican.com Local and state representatives spoke at the State of the Area Forum hosted by the Cazenovia Chamber of Commerce on Monday Jan. 11 at
Cazenovia College’s Morgan Center. Eight elected officials outlined the past year for their respective areas, and offered their plans for 2011. Speakers included Cazenovia Mayor Tom Dougherty and Supervisor Ralph Monforte, Nelson Town Supervisor Roger Bradstreet, Fenner Town Supervisor Russ Cary, Cazenovia Central School District Superintendent Bob Dubik, as well as Cazenovia College Director of Communications Wayne Westervelt. Assemblyman Bill Magee and Sate Sen. David Valesky
Local and state officials pose after the Greater Cazenovia Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual state of the area forum held Jan. 11. Guests included Roger Bradstreet, left, Bill Magee, Bob Dubik, David Valesky, Russ Cary, Wayne Westervelt, Ralph Monforte, and Tom Dougherty.
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