Home of the Theobald family
Superintendents talk Village to hold dance for tax cap ... Page 4 dads, daughers ... Page 3 eaglebulletin.com Volume 125, No. 3 Jan. 19 to 25, 2011
Intergenerational event attracts more than 100 seniors. ...See page 6
F-M, CBA figures ‘Believe to Achieve’ winners Above, Bill Aris is one of two F-M coaches to win awards. ...See page 9
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School districts take on tax cap By Erin Wisneski and Tami S. Zimmerman Governor Andrew Cuomo’s property tax cap proposal could mean trouble for many school districts. In the coming weeks, the governor plans to enter into legislation a cap that would apply to all school districts, as well as local governments. Designed to protect property owners
ESM takes seniors on ‘Walk Through Time’
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from skyrocketing property taxes, the cap prevents an increase in any district’s tax levy (amount raised through property taxes) above 2 percent or the rate of inflation, whichever is less. However, with a 60 percent majority, residents have the ability to override the cap during budget elections. While this is good news to property owners, district administrators find the solution shortsighted.
Making lemonade Ed Theobald joins Lemon Run for childhood cancer research
See Tax cap page 5
Fayetteville lists 2011 projects By John Zych After completing a busy year, Fayetteville officials are not about to slow down. Mayor Mark Olson outlined several ambitious goals for 2011 at the Jan. 10 village board meeting, including maintaining a stable tax rate as the village copes with 10 percent revenue loss as a result of the recent county sales tax sharing agreement. Olson told
By Tami S. Zimmerman editor@eaglebulletin.com Ed Theobald had a short but successful run in track as a teen at Cazenovia High School. He joined the track team his senior year after a serendipitous find during a football tryout – he was fast on foot. His track coach, Fred Vero, wondered why he hadn’t tried out for track sooner. “I didn’t know I could run,” said Theobald, with a laugh. His years pounding pavement, however, eventually became all but a memory – he attended college, was drafted in the Army, married and had children – until recently. Last fall, the Manlius town supervisor laced up his running shoes again, this time for a cause. He had discovered his brother Fred and wife Cindy, along with the rest of the family, were participating in a race that focused on childhood cancer, particularly neuroblastoma, the disease that killed his 8-year-old nephew, David Theobald, in 1982. The Lemon Run took place in Philadelphia, Penn. on Nov. 14; Theobald began training in September. His goal was to join Team Dave-O, 22 people strong with nine runners and 13 walkers. “David was born in 1974,” said Theobald, who was then stationed at Fort Stewart in Georgia. He met his first-born nephew that
“We understand the need for fiscal responsibility in the present economic climate. The proposal was not surprising,” said FayettevilleManlius Superintendent Dr. Corliss Kaiser. “We continue to develop budgets which are both responsible and preserve the quality of education our students receive; however, with a cap, that will be very difficult to continue to achieve.”
the board the budget “cycle” would begin immediately and the trustees would be presented with strict budget guidelines. The board will present the final spending plan at an April public hearing before adoption. The fiscal year begins June 1. Olson also said it is vital that ongoing projects, including the Canal Landing Park, Safe Routes-to-School and See Projects, page 7
Town attorney breaks down 2010 legal costs By Tami S. Zimmerman editor@eaglebulletin.com PHOTO COURTESY OF ALEXSLEMONADE.ORG
David Theobald, 3 1/2, smiles as he splashes through water on a family vacation at Virginia Beach. This photo was taken nine months before he was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. same year, when he drove straight to Binghamton, where Fred, his sister-inlaw and newborn nephew lived at the time. See Lemon Run, page 3
Four main categories comprise the legal services that Syracuse law firm Harris Beach provides the town of Manlius each year. Supervisor Ed Theobald said because the cost of legal services is a common question among taxpayers, the Manlius Town Board asked its attorney
Tim Frateschi to supply a general break down to the public at its Jan. 12 meeting. The details are a result of a complete internal review. “We are reporting to taxpayers tonight,” Theobald said at the meeting. “This is how we should approach [professional services] until there’s a time when there is a cost See Attorney, page 7
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