Parent June 2011

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June 2011 free


DAD his


From Dad: Five years of autism and love


3 7

Gifts for the camper in your life

Business profile

One mom’s work is child’s play

2 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011

On the cover Editor Jennifer Wing 434-8889 ext. 340 Ad Sales Colleen Farley 434-8889 ext. 315

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Syracuse Parent and CNY Family is a unit of Community Media Group LLC. Published monthly. Deadline for advertising and calendar events is the 15th day of the month preceding publication. Display advertising rates available upon request. Syracuse Parent reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason. We do not guarantee any of the information, services, or products published in this or any issue. The opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this paper. Copyright © 2008 by Syracuse Parent and CNY Family. No portion of Syracuse Parent may be reproduced without permission from the editor.

Cyndi Farrare

Todd Gloo of Manlius gives his daughter Mara a lift.

About the photographer: Cyndi Farrare is owner of Cyndi FarRare Images. For more information visit

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Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011 • 3

From Dad: Five years of autism and love He turned five last month. David It’s been five years since that strange, sleepless night where I nervously made a From the wrong turn on the Publisher way to the hospital. Five years since I learned how to hold a baby, change a diaper, fall asleep in a rocking chair. Five years of so many firsts. And it’s now been more than four years since we saw the 60 Minutes special on autism. The one that made us wonder why he didn’t look up when we called his name; why he didn’t clap; why he studied his little


plastic toys so intently, so close to his face that we feared he would go cross eyed. It’s nearly four years since we stood in the parking lot outside the specialist’s office, after being told that John is probably somewhere on the autism spectrum but a little too young to know for sure. Although the doctor didn’t know, we did. The world of autism is full of surprises, but the diagnosis, when it finally came, didn’t raise an eyebrow. About the same time, John uttered his first word. After tickling him so much I was afraid he’d lose his dinner, he pulled my hand to his belly and mimicked me – “ticko, ticko, ticko.” In a few months, it will have been four years since his sister, Abby, was born. When we brought her home John studied her for a moment and hugged his mom.

Tic(k) toc... parental concern number 11,896 Is time running out on our young heroine’s sanity? Maybe...

You always want to See related article on how to protect make sure your kids are safe - you put them in yourself from lyme disease on page 6 car seats, make sure they hold your hand as they cross the street, get them Jennifer office. vaccinated and warn them As a parent, I find of the many dangers of the myself to no longer have world. a heart on the inside. My I have always been now skips alongMomsense heart very overprotective of my side me on the way to the children - almost to a fault. store, waits patiently (or not so patiently) Always vigilant about where they are and in line for the school bus, wears school what they are doing, I read up on the colors proudly while cheering at sporting many hazards that are out there. events or giggles about Spongebob’s most And there are plenty of cautionary recent trials and tribulations in Bikini tales to be found, for sure. From tragic, Bottom. impossible-seeming accidents such as a I have never felt such love or joy as toddler drowning in a bucket to harwhen one of my children snuggles into rowing stories of abductions and dog my side while watching a movie, proudly maulings. These stories seem much more achieves something new or chatters excitcommonplace due to the nature of the edly about their day. internet - allowing people to broadcast That joy is coupled with the knowledge worldwide news of the dangers lurking that my happiness lives with them; that everywhere, just waiting to happen to their happiness is more important than your family. mine. Suddenly, I am much more vulnerSo it certainly should come as no able, as a parent, than I was before I had surprise that, one day last month, when I children. When they hurt, I hurt for heard that my son, Jacob, had a tick stuck them. When they are happy, I am happy. in his back, my initial reaction was one Now, I don’t want to seem that I am of dread - everyone has heard of lyme living life through them. I have friends, disease and its terrible toll on the life of hobbies and spend plenty of time pursusomeone who has contracted it (thanks to ing my own goals. I work, I play and live the web). I felt somewhat helpless, as my my own life. knowledge of ticks and the dreaded disBut living is much sweeter knowing ease was limited to “doomsday” stories of that it is a life shared with my family. We people who became very ill with a disease enjoy our time together, and therefore that could, at times, be deadly. have had our lives enriched because our I called our pediatrician’s office and time on earth is shared with the ones had my fears put to rest. The nurse who we love - something that one certainly answered informed me that they don’t doesn’t have to have children to feel. Time even worry about lyme disease unless the is short, so I try to make each day count tick has been on a person for at least 48 - to live each day to its fullest potential. hours, and even not then. I think, by doing so, I am setting an “It’s going to be fine,” she assured me. example for my children, one they will “You don’t have anything to worry about.” bring with them as they go through their Easier said than done, and I didn’t feel education and form their own families. better until he had the tick removed at the


We had wondered what he would do, how he would react. He reacted like he does with so many things – a brief period of interest followed by a preoccupation with the toys and books and things he cares so much about. About the same time, the therapists and service coordinators entered our lives, so many I can’t remember all their names, but all with a seemingly genuine adoration for our little blue-eyed boy. And it’s nearly three years since he started school – first at Bernice Wright and then at Jowonio - where he’s worked intensively with therapists and been exposed to other children, developing ever-so-slowly the social skills See From Dad on page 14

What we’re thinking

Fathers are the backbone of the family In an age where women are in the news more than ever - achieving and earning more, both monetarily and in recognition for all they do - it is easy to forget the other important base to the foundation of family - good old dad. He is there in good times and bad. He’s the one the kids run to for comfort, strength and, at times, advice in matters that mom can’t fathom. The days of the father who simply went to work, came home to dinner on the table and settled down for the night with the paper and a ballgame on TV are over. Today’s dad is involved in raising the kids. Today’s dad isn’t afraid to cook, help with homework, bring the kids to soccer and even - egads - change a diaper! He’s proven he can be the one to bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan. As today’s woman has shown her ability to also be a breadwinner, she has called on

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today’s man to help pick up the slack in the household - a call that has been met with resounding success and a deeper understanding of what makes a family work. So, thanks, fathers everywhere, for moving with the times. For your love, support and your wisdom. For being there, always, when needed. Happy Father’s Day!


Business profile:

Successful business is child’s play page 4

Health & Nutrition: You’re so vain: Survey shows teens use tanning beds page 5 A weighty issue

page 5

Pet health

page 6

What is lyme disease?

page 6

Family fun: Make your camping trip a success page 7 Kids just wanna have fun! page 9

From the stacks: Bookworm sez

page 13

Things 2 Do: Calendar of events

pages 15-18

4 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011


Business profile

Sex, drugs, and stocks n’ tolls

Successful business is child’s play

By Arkardi Kuhlmann

from 3 to 15, Ross said she understands that “with the economy today, everyone is looking to save money. My products allow them to do just that.” Along with clothing, My 18 Inch Doll Inc. also offers accessories and furniture. “Before we started, I had bought a table and chair set for my daughter’s doll,” Ross said. “It fell apart, and I realized this was something else we could do – and again offer quality that is affordable.” She is also in the process of adding made-to-order doll houses to the lineup of

Parents are often more comfortable talking with their kids about sex and drugs than basic finance. As astonishing as that sounds, it’s exactly what a brand new survey from my company, ING DIRECT, found after examining the financial education habits of hundreds of moms and dads across the country. Nearly a third (32 percent) said they were prepared to talk with their kids about drugs and alcohol. Roughly three in ten (28 percent) were prepared to discuss sex and dating. Yet just 26 percent reported being able to talk money and finances with their children. This doesn’t bode well for America’s financial future. Parents are a key source of information about personal finances for children. Establishing good habits early in life is critical to healthy money management in adulthood. Parents appreciate this. Our survey found that a full 95 percent believe they’re primarily responsible for their child’s financial education. Yet less than a third -- 29 percent -- actually consider themselves “excellent” financial role models. Combine these findings and a desperate picture emerges -- many children are being deprived of the knowledge needed to develop basic financial literacy skills. This must change. Fortunately, there are a number of easy ways for parents to impart the basic tenets of good money management. C ons i d e r a l l ow anc e s . C h i l d re n shouldn’t receive cash each week for simply mowing the yard or walking the dog. Instead, allowances should be used to introduce your child to saving -- starting with a piggy bank and eventually graduating to a proper savings account. Along the way, explain how and why you personally save -- and teach your child about the magic of compound interest. Financial education can also be tied into traditional school. Once a child starts learning basic arithmetic, use personal finance examples to familiarize him or her with important concepts. Of course, finance isn’t just about mathematics - it’s also about language. A credit card agreement, for instance, can be chock-full of opaque provisions that require a close reading to fully understand. So once your son or daughter moves up to critical reading classes in school, teach them how to translate those skills to documents typical of financial life, like checking account terms, credit card agreements, and mortgage

See My 18 Inch Doll on page 8

See Finances on page 14

Start-up allows mom to stay at home

Ruth Ross displays some of her creations. For more information about her company visit By Jennifer Wing When Ruth Ross first started her business, she did it in response to a need. “My daughter had an American Girl doll, and wanted to dress her up in different outfits, which was getting expensive,” Ross said. “But when I went to buy other, less expensive outfits for the doll, the quality wasn’t there.” Ross, 35, of Kirkville, had made a lot of her daughter’s clothes herself, so it seemed a natural progression to put on a thimble and, needle in hand, craft smaller versions

for her daughter’s doll. “My daughter’s friends loved it, and moms started commenting on the clothes, and it just kind of grew from there,” Ross said. And so My 18 Inch Doll Inc. was born. Ross first began sewing clothes for her daughter’s doll in 2005, then started her company in 2008. Each year, she saw a bit more success and, with gross sales of $200,000 last year, business is booming. “I concentrate on functionality and affordable quality in my designs,” Ross said. As mother to four girls ranging in age

Jennifer Wing

Health & Nutrition

Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011 • 5

A weighty issue

Things parents and grandparents say that can cause eating problems

The use of tanning bads can result in an increased risk of skin cancer and premature aging of the skin.

You’re so vain Survey shows teens use tanning

beds despite knowing health risks For many teens and young adults, living in the moment is all about having fun, looking good and not worrying about what tomorrow brings. But for young people who use tanning beds in their quest for that popular bronze look, this unhealthy behavior can result in an inMore than 3,800 white, noncreased risk of skin cancer and premature aging, Hispanic females ages 14 to 22 such as wrinkles. A new survey by the American responded to a nationwide survey Academy of Dermatology (Academy) found online to determine their tanning that Caucasian teen girls and young women who knowledge, attitudes and behavtan indoors do so for the sake of vanity despite ior. The survey was conducted by knowing the health risks. Relevant Research, Inc (formerly A vast majority (86 percent) of respondents RH Research) of Chicago from Dec. who tan indoors knew that using tanning beds 28, 2010, to Jan. 11, 2011. Data can cause skin cancer – yet they still reported uswas weighted by age and region ing an indoor tanning bed in the last year. When based on the US Census Current asked if they think people look more attractive Population Survey (released in with a tan, a large percentage of respondents (66 2010). percent) answered yes, especially indoor tanners (87 percent). “It’s absurd that many people who indoor tan are doing it for cosmetic reasons because that tan can actually accelerate the aging process and can lead to melanoma – the deadliest form of skin cancer,” said dermatologist Ronald L. Moy, MD, FAAD, president of the Academy. “Teens often report feeling a sense of invincibility, which explains why their actions often do not mirror their knowledge of certain behaviors – like tanning.” Ironically, despite the fact that ultraviolet radiation from tanning beds can lead to developing wrinkles sooner in life, indoor tanners were more concerned about wrinkles than their non-indoor tanning peers (42 percent vs. 28 percent, respectively). Alarmingly, nearly one-half of respondents who have indoor tanned in the past year (48 percent) knew someone who has or has had skin cancer. “Our survey confirms that teens are more concerned with their current looks than their future health, even though they realize that skin cancer is a risk factor of their behavior,” said Dr. Moy. “If this behavior trend continues and young women’s attitudes toward tanning do not change, future generations will develop more skin cancers earlier in life and the consequences can be fatal.” Visit to find “31 Days 31 Ways to prevent and detect melanoma,” download a body mole map or look for free skin cancer screenings in your area. Headquartered in Schaumburg, Ill., the American Academy of Dermatology (Academy), founded in 1938, is the largest, most influential, and most representative of all dermatologic associations. With a membership of more than 17,000 physicians worldwide, the Academy is committed to: advancing the diagnosis and medical, surgical and cosmetic treatment of the skin, hair and nails; advocating high standards in clinical practice, education, and research in dermatology; and supporting and enhancing patient care for a lifetime of healthier skin, hair and nails. For more information, contact the Academy at 1-888-462-DERM (3376) or

About the 2011 Indoor Tanning: Teen and Young Adult Women Survey

Parents can sometimes forget that they are raising adults, not children. The goal is to equip kids with the skills and increasing responsibility for managing their lives without constant vigilance, according to Michelle May, M.D., author, board-certified family physician, and expert for TOPS Club, Inc. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), the nonprofit weight-loss support organization. One key life skill is the ability to navigate an abundant food environment while maintaining optimal health. Here are seven things that well-meaning parents commonly say that may have unintended consequences - and what to say instead: 1. You are such a good eater! - Children want nothing more than to please their parents. While mealtime should be a pleasant time to connect with your children, eating should remain intrinsically driven to meet your child’s fuel needs, NOT to earn your praise. See Weight on page 14

Guest column

Combating childhood obesity By Dr. Tamara Sheffield Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States – with about one in three children or teens overweight or obese, according to the American Heart Association. Fortunately, much of it is preventable, and a free national campaign – called the LiVe Campaign – is working to make prevention a reality of its own. It’s crucial to prevent childhood obesity, because obese children have a 70 to 80 percent chance of being overweight for their entire life. Those who are overweight and obese face such other health risks as increased chance of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. More than 85 percent of people with Type 2 Diabetes are overweight. Additionally, there is an increased rate of certain types of cancer. The LiVe Campaign has been created by Intermountain Healthcare, the Utah-based healthcare system frequently cited as one of the leading healthcare systems in the nation. The Campaign uses an interactive website – with games and videos, tips and advice – to engage children and teens with a funny, irreverent, but always positive, message that encourages them to eat healthier and be more active. Intermountain Healthcare has also launched a free LiVe Campaign app for mobile devices, now available at the iTunes Store and Android Market. The website and app are both designed for kids and teens to learn important nutrition information while having fun. Here are just some of the tips from Intermountain Healthcare and the LiVe campaign: · When children are not in school (during spring and summer vacations, for instance), parents should help keep their children active by limiting screen time. Time spent in front of a television or computer should be scheduled and regulated. When the scheduled time is over, screen time should end with no exceptions.

Dr. Tamara Sheffield develops guidelines, tools, and programs focused on preventive medicine as the medical director of community health and prevention for Intermountain Healthcare. · The whole family should get involved in staying active. A family hike, for instance, can replace dinner out at a restaurant. · Sugary drinking can be just as dangerous to health as sugary eating. Drinks high in sugar content, including those marketed as sport beverages, should be limited. · Walking is crucial to keeping weight down. The LiVe Campaign, therefore, developed the “Park Further” initiative, encouraging people to park in the furthest spot available in public parking lots. Steady compliance with simple initiatives like that can have a meaningful impact on weight. · Families should make the effort to eat together at night. Doing so promotes healthier eating choices and provides valuable time together. · When and how you shop matters. Avoid shopping when you’re already hungry, you’ll be drawn to the unhealthy foods. While grocery shopping, stick to the perimeter of the store, that’s where the healthiest freshest foods are. Try to buy enough food to last until your next trip to the grocery store. If you have healthy food at home, you’ll be less likely to order in or snack unhealthily. · Children should never be put on diets without the advice and counsel of a healthcare professional. Consult a physician, if you think a diet is needed. For more information on healthy eating habits and fun ways to exercise, visit the LiVe Campaign

Health & Nutrition

6 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011

Pet health

Summer brings increased activity, hazards for dogs Keep an eye out for possible pitfalls By Dr. Jennifer Goetz As the days grow longer and the weather (finally!) gets warmer, everyone wants to get outside and get moving, and no one is more enthusiastic about getting out and about than the dog! Unfortunately, this increase in activity can also lead to an increase in injuries that may sideline both you and Rover unless spotted quickly and managed correctly. As spring snows clear, lots of common hazards present themselves. Winter debris with sharp edges, broken glass, garbage, even carcasses can spell problems for curious and active dogs. To prevent accidental ingestion of inappropriate items, it is important to keep your dog on a non-retractable leash when exercising outside. While popular, retractable leashes Dr. Jennifer Goetz of Manlius Veterinary Hospital tends to one of her four-legged patients. allow dogs to get far ahead of their owner. By the time you notice your dog is eating My pet is having a seizure. What do I do? something, it may be gone Stay calm! Make sure they are in a safe location. by the time you catch up to Using thick blanket, move them away from stairs if the dog to find out what it necessary. It is not necessary to ever stick anything in is! Common signs that your the mouth as it is impossible for your dog to swallow dog may have eaten somehis tongue. The most important thing to remember thing inappropriate include is to time the seizure on the clock. While it may seem a foul smell to their breath, like forever, most seizures only last a minute or two. decreased appetite, vomiting, If the seizure lasts longer than five minutes on the diarrhea, or lethargy. If these clock (you’re timing them, remember?) or another one occur, call your veterinarian. occurs very shortly thereafter, call your veterinarian imWhen calling, be prepared mediately and be prepared to bring your dog in. to tell him or her how long it My pet is choking! has been since your dog ate Stay calm! Are they really choking? If your animal is the offending item as well as vocalizing or panting, they are not choking. Take a look how quickly signs came on. at the color of their tongue. Is it pink? Blue? Grey? Can Multiple episodes of vomiting you see an object stuck in their mouth or the back of with or without blood and the throat? If so, try sweeping your finger towards the collapsing are an immediate object to dislodge it. Do not get bitten. If you can’t see emergency and cannot wait to anything, but your animal is in distress, go directly to be seen. your veterinarian. Tender foot pads from My pet has an open wound! Stay calm! (Are you getting the picture yet? Panicka winter spent indoors can ing increases the anxiety level of your pet and can also be a problem when dogs make assessing the situation difficult to impossible. hit the pavement for some Panic later, after the emergency is over.) Find where exercise. Cuts, abrasions, to bleeding is coming from, and apply direct pressure and tenderness are all comwith a clean cloth or towel. Call your veterinarian. mon complaints. If blood is Some wounds bleed a lot depending on location. present, apply direct pressure Cuts on the head or feet, as well as torn toenails often with a clean cloth or towel look worse than they are. Cuts on tails or ear tips to stop bleeding then look often result in blood spray and look downright horat the area. If the cut should rifying, but often aren’t life-threatening. appear to need stitches, often My pet just ate poison! this can be accomplished with Repeat after me: I will bring the package it came minimal problems if brought in to the veterinarian. This is the best way you can to your veterinarian’s attenhelp your animal. If it occurred less than one hour tion within the first 12 hours. ago, call your veterinarian and induce vomiting by Remember though: as much giving hydrogen peroxide by mouth and checking as we love them dogs aren’t to see how much of the offending substance came people! Many will not tolerup. Your vet may want to see the animal in order to ate a lidocaine local anesthetic give another substance to soak up any poison left block around the cut and may behind. If the poisoning occurred over an hour ago or it was a caustic substance (drain cleaner, bleach) require sedation for suturing do not induce vomiting and see your veterinarian depending on the location

First Aid Q&A

See Pet on page 13


What is lyme disease? Across the globe, many towns grow synonymous with one thing or a particular event. For some, the distinction can be somewhat dubious, while others proudly pay homage to a particular aspect or historical event of their past. For Lyme, in Connecticut, the claim to fame is likely a combination of the two. For it was Lyme, Conn., a small town in the southeastern portion of the state, that is the namesake of Lyme disease. In the mid-1970s, researchers began investigating why an unusually large percentage of Lyme’s children were being diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Research eventually led to the discovery of Lyme disease, a bacterial infection transmitted by ticks that remains a concern for adults and children alike to this very day.

What Is lyme disease? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Lyme disease is a bacterial infection transmitted to humans by the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. Ordinary wood ticks and dog ticks do not carry the infection, though animals that often carry blacklegged ticks include mice, deer, raccoons, skunks, and squirrels, among others. And though Lyme, Conn., might be inexorably linked with Lyme disease, additional states, including Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, are also home to the types of ticks that carry lyme disease. What are the symptoms of lyme disease? Lyme disease has many symptoms, often depending on the severity of the infection. In the early stages of Lyme disease, the symptoms can include: l Stiff neck l Chills l Fever l Headaches l Swollen lymph nodes l Fatigue l Muscle aches l Joint pain It’s important to note many of these early-stage symptoms mirror those of the flu. While it’s possible these symptoms are indicative of the flu and not Lyme disease, those with especially persistent flu-like symptoms should seek the advice of a physician. In the more advanced stages of the disease, symptoms can be far more debilitating, often characterized by nerve problems and arthritis. * Arthritis. Those who do not seek treatment for Lyme disease are at a greater risk of developing recurrent attacks of painful and swollen joints. These attacks can last anywhere from a

few days to several months. The knees are the most commonly affected joint, though swelling and pain can shift from one joint to another. Roughly 10 to 20 percent of untreated patients will develop lasting arthritis. * Nervous system problems. The nervous system can also be negatively affected by Lyme disease. Many times, these problems include stiff neck and severe headaches, numbness or pain in the limbs, poor coordination, and even temporary paralysis of the facial muscles, a condition known as Bell’s palsy. These symptoms often take a long period to develop if Lyme disease goes untreated, be it several weeks, months or possibly years. They can also last for weeks at a time and have been recurring in patients. * Heart disease. Though very rare, some people infected with Lyme disease develop heart problems, often indicated by shortness of breath or dizziness. When these symptoms do appear, it’s often several weeks after infection and they can last from a few days to several weeks. Before even visiting a physician, it’s possible Lyme disease will manifest itself in the form of an expanding, reddish skin rash around the area where the tick bite occurred. Can lyme disease be treated? In many cases, lyme disease is entirely treatable. Antibiotics have proven effective at treating the disease, especially when it’s reported early. Doxycycline or Amoxicillin can be taken orally for two to four weeks, not only speeding up the rash’s healing but also, in most cases, preventing subsequent symptoms such as arthritis and the aforementioned neurological problems. While it’s important to consult a physician when any of the above mentioned symptoms occur, those who have already begun to experience neurological symptoms can still be treated, oftentimes with intravenous antibiotics, and many experience full recovery. Are there any lingering post-treatment effects? After being treated for Lyme disease, some patients still experience persistent fatigue and muscle aches. In general, this disappears spontaneously, but in certain instances these symptoms have also taken months to gradually disappear. While research is ongoing, no evidence yet exists to suggest that chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia are results of a Lyme disease infection. To learn more about Lyme disease, visit the American Lyme Disease Foundation at

Family fun Make your camping trip a success

Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011 • 7

Family vacations are a tradition for millions of families across the globe. Such vacations have declined in number over the last several years, when many families were forced to cut expenses in the midst of a struggling economy. Though the economy has gradually begun to rebound, families with fresh memories are still reticent to commit to costly vacations. One of the more affordable and family-friendly vacation options is camping. Families get the chance to experience some of nature’s most idyllic settings at a fraction of the cost of expensive resort vacations. But before venturing out in the great outdoors, a family should consider the following tips to ensure their camping vacation is a swimming success.

Research the weather

Before choosing a campsite, get a firm grasp of what to expect from Mother Nature while you’re there. Research weather patterns and how much the weather

can vary during the time of year when you will be vacationing. Does the weather fluctuate significantly during the daytime and nighttime hours? Is rain likely or unlikely? Weather conditions will dictate which gear is necessary for the trip, and families might want to avoid campgrounds that are frequented by rain. Adults might be able to cope with a rainstorm or two, but such conditions may make everyone miserable.

Find an activity-friendly campground

When looking for a campground, look for one that boasts a lot of activities. Adults might enjoy the simple relaxation of camping, but kids will likely need more to do. Look for a campground that can offer activities the children will like, such as hiking, kayaking, rafting, or even mountain biking. Or why not go to a campground attached to an attraction, such as Darien Lake? (See page 9 for story.) See Camping on page 13

Does Dad camp?

A family-friendly campground with plenty of activities for kids to have fun and make new friends often makes the ideal location for a family camping trip.

REI Travel Sack +55 Sleeping Bag Left: This lightweight travel sack is great for summer camping, RVs or for dad to keep in his trunk for emergencies. Also works great as a sleeping bag liner for added warmth. $49.50;

Check out these Father’s Day gift ideas for the outdoorsman

Cabela’s XTP Xtreme Teepee

Right: This fun-shaped tent is a fast setup with a single-pole, single-wall, octagon design and fully functioning top vent/skylight. Ten feet high with floor measurements of 14 feet, five inches by 15 feet, six inches, It sleeps eight . $449.99;

PerfectFlow InstaStart Propane Camp Grill This powerful 11,000 BTU tube burner has a 180-square-inch cooking surface, a lightweight porcelain coated steel grill grate and features fast, matchless lighting and runs about two hours on high on single propane cylinder. $79.99;

Aitec 6x High brightness LED Light Camping Flashlight With six Super bright Nichia LED bulbs and a heavy duty switch, this waterproof flashlight has an unbreakable lens and is the ideal light for hiking, camping, tenting, hunting, emergencies and year round use. Made of tough, yet lightweight aluminum, it can be hung in a tent or from a tree, sit on a table, or used as a flashlight. It lasts 100 hours on three AAA flashlight batteries. $24.95;

The North Face Men’s Blue Ridge Paclite Jacket Extremely compressible and lightweight, this minimally featured alpine jacket serves as a superior emergency shell. GORE-TEX® Paclite® fabrication provides extreme breathability with waterproof and wind-resistance with minimum weight and pack volume. Designed with a specific GORE-TEX® membrane with a protective internal layer made of an oil-hating/carbon hybrid, no separate lining is required – making this shell lighter, smaller, and easier to pack away. $229;

Explorer Victorinox Swiss Army knife Features a large blade, small blade, can opener with small screwdriver, bottle opener with large screwdriver and wire stripper, scissors, magnifying glass, reamer with sewing eye, phillips screwdriver, corkscrew, hook, toothpick, tweezers and key ring. $49.50;

8 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011

Celebrating moms, children with Down syndrome NDSS creates online book for inspirational stories By Tami S. Zimmerman Mother’s Day has come and gone but the National Down Syndrome Society will continue to honor moms through an online journal called, “My Great Story.” The NDSS created the storybook collection so people could submit inspirational stories celebrating the achievements and accomplishments of those with Down syndrome. A new section invites participants to share stories about the women who have a son or daughter with Down syndrome. Syracuse resident Talina Jones told her story about her son Tajee and all the light he brings to her life. “My son is the love of my life,” she said. “The day he was born, my entire life changed. But this story is not about me, it is about the greatness of what his life can and will be.” Down syndrome occurs when an individual has three, rather than two, copies of the 21st chromosome. According to NDSS, one in every 691 babies is born with Down syndrome. Life expectancy for people with

Down syndrome has increased dramatically in recent decades, from 25 in 1983 to 60 today. People with Down syndrome attend school, work, participate in decisions that affect them and contribute to society in many ways. Shari Bottego, president of the Down Syndrome Association of Central New York, established the local affiliate of NDSS, located in Manlius, about 19 years ago, after her son was born with the disorder. “The main reason I was interested in getting a support group started in this area was to connect with other families who have a child with Down syndrome,” said Bottego, whose son David was already 2 years old at the time. “I was new to the Syracuse area and did not know anyone.” Bottego said she left the hospital with her newborn son without any information on Down syndrome. It was 1989 and the Internet wasn’t what it is today, she said. “The first book I read said that my child would not live beyond the age of 10. I closed the book and got another one,” she said. “One of the most important ‘services’ our support group offers is having new parent packets in the area hospitals so when a child is born with Down syndrome, the parents leave with the most up-to-date information available. I want them to know they are not alone and there are others around who can

Courtesy of NDSS

Talina Jones, of Syracuse, writes about her son, Tajee (above) in the National Down Syndrome Society’s online book collection, “My Great Story.” answer any questions they may have.” About 175 families belong to the local chapter run by volunteers and include residents in Onondaga, Madison, Cayuga, Cortland and Oneida counties. The board consists of five individuals, all of whom

My 18 Inch Doll products. Her husband, Todd, said he is amazed by how well the business has done. “At first, I didn’t think it would do well,” he said. “It’s funny that we used to spend so much money on these things. What used to make me broke years ago is now making me money.” The company outsources to China but, Ross said, she tries to keep most of its business local, with a warehouse in Liverpool. “It’s amazing to see your dreams come true right before your eyes,” Ross said. “The best thing this has allowed me to do is be there for my kids. I am able to homeschool all of them, and they have even helped me with designs for the dolls. They have witnessed their mom being able to be successful in business, which is amazing. I think it has inspired them.” She said she also has given advice to other women who’ve started their own businesses. “The number one thing I tell them to do is start small,” she said. “If it is something they can continue to do while working another job, that is a bonus.” “If you concentrate on your dream, eventually doors will open for you,” she said. “Like they did for me.” For more information visit

have a child or adult with Down syndrome. A monthly newsletter lists meetings, social events, workshop and conference information as well as studies on Down syndrome See Support group on page 14

from page 4

Kirkville mother honored by association

From among contestants across the United States, Kirkville resident Ruth Ross of My 18 Inch Doll Inc has been ranked number seven in’s 2011 Leading Moms in Business competition. Rich Sloan, co-founder of StartupNation, said startup rates are at an all-time high. “These moms are leading the pack in startup rates,” said Sloan. “They’re going after their business opportunities and developing their

innovative products and services with fervor.” “To be named among the Leading Moms in Business is an honor. The award truly belongs to our customers who’s support has made our dream a reality,” said Ross. The full results of the 2011 Leading Moms in Business ranking are available on StartupNation’s website at

Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011 • 9

Kids Just Wanna Have Fun!

Family fun is affordable at Darien Lake New Brown Bear Cabins built in a ‘village style’ setting

to more than 100 rides, shows and attractions. The new Brown Bear Cabins at Darien Lake are built in a “village style� setting with a common play area for children. The play area surrounds the cabin village allowing children another fun way to spend their day, while still being within earshot of the grownups. The cabin additions are perfect for families of all sizes to spend time together in a relaxed environment, and still be steps away from the thrills of the theme park and water park. Once inside the parks, the family can ride the six world-

The coaster capital of New York, Darien Lake Theme Park Resort, is an affordable family vacation that includes a theme park, water park, entertainment and multiple accommodations options all rolled into one.  The best thing about Darien Lake is that it is stress-free and budget-friendly for moms planning family vacations.  Once a family is in, they’re all the way in.  All accommodations packages include tickets

class roller coasters including the Ride of Steel, one of the signature coasters in the northeast. Little ones can head to Adventure Isle and spend the day on the fun kid-sized rides. Moms can relax in the new Flotation Station lazy river inside the SplashTown at Darien Lake water park. After a day of play, LaserBlast is the perfect way to end your day. LaserBlast is a laser light spectacular that combines fireworks, laser animation, lights and music for a show the family won’t forget.

Kids Bowl Free program is back for the summer

NEW-USED 315 446-3020



the conclusion of the program in their community. Most Kids Bowl Free programs kick off by Memorial Day weekend and end in late August or September. Kids Bowl Free began in 2008 with just 75 bowling centers. This summer, hopes

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to serve more than two million children in all 50 states and every province in Canada. For more information and all participating locations and guidelines visit


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which provides kids with two free games of bowling every day all summer. Families must register online at and then will begin receiving emailed vouchers valid for two free bowling games each day for a week every Sunday morning from the starting date at their center until


Now in its fourth year, KidsBowlFree. com serves more than 1.6 million children in all 50 states and Canada each summerallowing them to bowl for free all summer long. More than 850 bowling centers participate in the program from coast to coast


10 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011

Kids Just Wanna... Frogs focus of Baltimore Woods June programs

Baltimore Woods Nature Center is located at 4007 Bishop Hill Road, Marcellus. Hours: Interpretive Center is open 9am-4pm Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. It is closed Sundays. The hiking trails and parking are free and open every day from dawn to dusk. Visit for more information. Frogs, frogs and more frogs will soon be spotted at Baltimore Woods Nature Center. The following are two programs to be featured at the center:

Frog Catching Party 1 to 3 p.m. June 25

Frogs! Where? Down at Phillips Pond of course! Join Baltimore Woods naturalists for a celebration of all things frogs during this classic childhood activity. Space is limited to 30 people, so register early. $5 for members; $15/family; $8 for nonmembers, $25/family.

Nature’s Little Explorers Frog Frenzy 10 to 11:30 a.m. June 27

Come to Baltimore Woods for every child’s favorite nature activity – catching frogs! They will supply the nets and you supply the child. Wear clothes and shoes that will get muddy and meet at the lower parking lot. Children should be accompanied by an adult. Registration deadline is June 26. $5/child (member); $8/child (nonmember); adults free.

Plank Road ICE CREAM 445 S. Main St., N. Syracuse


$ 00


1 per person, Ex. 6-30-11

A Summer of Fun, A Lifetime of Memories

Two parks, four places to stay, and endless ways to save. All accommodation options are affordable and fun ways for families to create treasured memories at one amazing location. Hotel and camping packages available include admission to Darien Lake Theme Park and SplashTown Water Park. Make reservations now at or by calling 585.599.2211. For more information on Darien Lake Theme Park and SplashTown Water Park, visit

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Darien Lake Resort is located between Buffalo and Rochester, NY at exit 48A off the I-90 NYS Thruway, within an hour of Niagara Falls.


Soft Ice Cream

Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011 • 1 1

Have Fun!

Do fathers float? Find out!

Go on a Father’s Day Canoe Tour at Beaver Lake

A Father’s Day Canoe Tour will be offered at 8:30 a.m. Sunday June 19 at Beaver Lake Nature Center. Bring your dad, granddad, favorite uncle or neighbor, and bring Mom too! Old and and young alike will enjoy this early morning salute to a special day. Drift across the still waters looking for great blue herons, painted turtles, and beaver lodges. Pre-registration is required; $15, canoe rental is included. There is a $3 per vehicle nature center admission. Beaver Lake Nature Center is located at 8477 East Mud Lake Road, Baldwinsville. Call 638-2519 for more information.

Play in the 2011 CNY Kidney Golf Tournament

Alliance Bank Stadium, Syracuse, NY

Shenendoah Golf Club at Turning Stone

Check-in 11 AM Walk begins at Noon!

Foursomes & Sponsorships Available

Winning foursome receives an invitation to play in the Liberty Mutual National Championship at Pinehurst in March 2012


6 months same as cash

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Join the 2011 Syracuse/CNY Kidney Walk



Wed., June 22nd

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Sunday, June 12th

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need to beBegin a Ask about our Lessons May 30th swim You do notEVERYONE 5655 Thompson Rd. DEWITT Ask about our EVERYONE Lessons Begin May 30th member to take swim Pool Birthday s are WELCOME And Are Available Ages 6 Months to Adult WELCOME Pool Birthday Discounts do not need are to be a Ages 6Begin Months to Adult ers. a lessons.You And Are Available Parties! You do not need to be a the Summer Ask about our Throughout Lessons May 30th member to take swim Ask about ourabout our givenLessons to members. Begin 30th m Ask Parties! Begin MayAvailable 30th member take swimare MayLessons Throughout the Summer Pool Birthday lessons.toDiscounts And Are Pool Birthday lessons. Discounts are And Are Available Pool Birthday re given toAnd members. Are Available Parties! Throughout the Summer

1 2 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011

From the stacks

Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011 • 1 3

“Cars Galore”

“The Long and Short of It: A Tale About Hair”

by Peter Stein, illustrated by Bob Staake c.2011, Candlewick Press; $15.99; 32 pages

by Barbara Meyers & Lydia Criss Mays, illustrated by Shennen Bersani c.2011, American Cancer Society; $14.95; 43 pages

How many years before you get your driver’s license?


hat would you say if your best friend asked you to give If you don’t know, don’t worry. her something? The chances are that you’ve got You’d probably give it to her, lots of cars in your collection right? You two have been friends anyhow. You’ve probably got The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has forever and you share everything. tiny cars that fit in your pocket been reading since she was 3 years old and she You trade clothes, toys, books, and and bigger trucks that can dump never goes anywhere without a book. She lives secrets. But what if someone you big loads of anything you put in didn’t know needed something on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 11,000 them. You’ve got fast cars, slow cars and some that are just from you? Would you give it to her, books. really cool. too? But in the new book “Cars Galore” by Peter Stein, ilIn the new book “The Long and lustrated by Bob Staake, you’ll see a lot of cars that are nothing like the ones you Short of It” by Barbara Meyers & Lydia Criss Mays, illushave to play with. trated by Shennen Bersani, you’ll see that giving may be the best thing you’ll ever do. Up and down the road, throughout the city and in the country, lots of different Isabel was a little girl who lived in Illinois with her family. She loved to play chess and cars share the road. They come in all colors. They come in all sizes. They come in all cook in the kitchen and her hair was the color of caramel candy. shapes and personalities: some are nice and some are mean. Emma lived in Georgia with her parents and her brother and sister. She had blond hair Got a kid with an ear for gear and a need for speed? “Cars Galore” will make him and when she smiled, you could see a hole made by her first lost tooth. slow down and quietly idle while you read it aloud to him. And beware – because Just before school started, Emma felt sick. The doctor told her family that she had he’ll want that as often as possible. cancer and soon, the medicines made her hair fall out. It made her sad. With a catchy, jaunty little rhyme that’s as enjoyable to read as it is to hear, auOne day in first grade, Isabel’s best friend came to school with short hair! Isabel thor Peter Stein will roar into your little motorhead’s imagination and take him on couldn’t imagine why anybody would cut their long, beautiful hair – but her friend the road to a free-wheeling adventure. explained that she donated it to kids who were sick. That made Isabel think… Stein’s words, though, just wouldn’t be the same without the colorful, silly Back in Georgia, Emma’s family got some good news: Emma’s cancer was gone. That illustrations by Bob Staake. Add words and pictures together, be sure you and she could start growing hair, too, and she could donate it to someone else some day. your child pay attention to each individual car and its occupant, and you’ve got Based on the true experiences of author Barbara Meyers’ granddaughter and Lydia the kind of book that your young car enthusiast will want along for every ride he Criss Mays’ friend, this book is sure to inspire girls on both sides of the wig.. takes. While there’s no reason a boy can’t enjoy this book, I think girls ages 5-13 will get If your 3-to-7-year-old has had enough fairy-tale stuff, then help him switch much more out of it. For them, “The Long and Short of It” is a cut above. gears with this cute book. For him (or her!), “Cars Galore” is a vehicle to fun.

Bookworm sez

Pet and severity of the cut. Just like people, dogs can get out of shape fast! If you’re a runner or walker and you’d like to take your dog, don’t overdo it! Limping and lameness, reluctance to rise and stiffness are all signs that you’ve asked too much of your family pooch. Let him lay low for a few days, then start back at a slower pace. If problems persist, see your veterinarian. Lyme disease, arthritis, neurologic issues, and serious tendon and ligament damage can all look very much alike. Never give your dog any painkillers by mouth before getting approval from your veterinarian. Human drugs are meant for people, not dogs. Tylenol, Aleve, and Motrin can do serious harm to your dog’s liver and kidneys. If your dog refuses to put any weight on one leg, see your veterinarian promptly. This can

from page 6

be a sign of a serious injury. Of all the possible disasters dog owners may think they’re prepared for, nothing compares with having your beloved companion hit by a car or other motorized vehicle. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon occurrence. The number one rule to obey if this happens to is to stay calm. Staying in emotional control will allow you to assess your dog for bleeding and other injuries immediately. If bleeding is present, apply direct pressure. Remove the dog to a safe area and call to others for help. Most people are moved by the sight of an obviously injured animal and will be willing to help you. When moving the dog, realize that they may be frightened and in pain. Do not get bitten! Whether or not they love you, your dog is an animal and will be reacting on instinct when

frightened and confused. If possible, have someone help you slide the dog on to a blanket or towel and, grabbing the corners, gently lift the blanket and injured dog into the back of a car. Leave the dog on the blanket. This will allow the veterinary staff to gently slide the blanket, dog and all, onto a stretcher and will result in less jostling of the injured dog. Being outside is as good for your dog as it is for you! Regular exercise helps them sleep better, decreases anxiety and other behavior issues, aids in controlling weight and helps ward off signs of arthritis and other degenerative conditions. Get moving!

Not all campers enjoy the rustic life of camping. Some need to combine camping with the amenities of modern life, including running water and toilets that flush. Campers should be honest with themselves in regards to their needs in amenities when researching campgrounds. If you and your family will need a shower, consider renting an RV for the trip or choose a campground with accessible showers and restrooms. Veteran campers might scoff at such amenities, but families would likely prefer some combination of roughing it in the wild and modern day living.

Get the right gear

Entry to many campgrounds is free or nearly free. However, camping gear could cost money. The good thing

The Friends of NOPL @ Cicero Library are having their annual Ice Cream Social from 4 to 8 p.m. Thursday June 2 at NOPL @ Cicero Library, 8686 Knowledge Lane, Cicero. The friends will be selling strawberry and chocolate sundaes for $1.50. For more information call 699-2032 or visit

Dr. Jennifer Goetz is a veterinarian at Manlius Veterinary Hospital, 8160 Cazenovia Road, Manlius. The hospital can be reached at 682-2200.

Camping Determine who you are as campers

NOPL to be site of ice cream social

from page 7

about camping gear is it’s reusable. If this year’s camping trip is a success, then next year’s trip won’t cost nearly as much. Visit a local camping store and explain your situation, including what you hope to get out of the camping trip and where you’ll be heading. An associate should be able to help you find the right gear for your trip, including a tent, lights, a water filter, cooking materials, and inflatable mattresses. The materials needed for a successful camping trip are many, but again these materials are reusable and can last a lifetime if families choose the right gear.

Stock up on the essentials

Once you have purchased the right gear, don’t forget to stock up on the other essentials. Particularly during the warmer months, campgrounds can be very hot and insects

abound. Be sure to bring adequate amounts of sunscreen and bug spray and apply each liberally every day. Even if the sky is overcast, apply sunscreen to avoid painful sunburn. Other essentials include toilet paper (bring more than you expect to use), bottled water, plates and utensils, and garbage bags. Be sure to bring extra garbage bags to avoid littering in the campground. * Don’t forget to have fun. Families should emphasize having fun when visiting the campground. Because camping is not a resort-style vacation, it’s up to Mom and Dad to entertain the kids. Bring along a guitar for a campfire sing-a-long, and pack a few board games the family can enjoy under the stars at night. If a nearby park is known for being especially family-friendly, consider it as a campsite. Kids might meet fellow campers their own age and make some new friends.

1 4 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011

Weight What you could say instead: You must have been really hungry today! Or, I love spending time with you while we have dinner. 2. You are such a picky eater! - All children (and adults) have some foods that they just don’t like. Some children are highly taste and/or texture sensitive, but most will outgrow it. Picky eating becomes an entrenched behavior when we berate, beg, bribe - or worse, feed kids only what they say they’ll eat. What you could say instead: I know you didn’t like it last time; tell me what you think about it today after you have one polite bite. Or, Did you know your taste buds grow up just like you do? I wonder if you like this big kid food yet? 3. Clean your plate; there are starving children in ________. - Avoid teaching children scarcity eating behaviors in our plentiful food environment. What you could say instead: It’s important to not be wasteful, so please only take as much as you think you need. Or, If you’re full, we can save the rest for later. 4. You have to eat all your vegetables or there will be no dessert. - Kids are smart. When you bribe them for eating certain foods, they quickly realize that those foods must be yucky and that dessert is the reward. They also learn to

from page 5

hold out until a reward is offered. What you could say instead: I love all kinds of different foods - some that make me healthy and strong and some that are just for fun. What kinds of foods do you like? Or, Enjoy your dinner. We’ll be having dessert in a couple hours. 5. Eat all your dinner or you don’t get dessert. - This variation on the threat above translates to “you must overeat and I will reward you by giving you more to eat!” Children naturally love sweet foods, so they can learn to override their fullness signals. As an adult, they might be temped to order a 1,200-calorie salad to “earn” a 1,200calorie piece of cheesecake. What you could say instead: Save room for dessert tonight! 6. I was so bad at lunch today! Now I have to spend an extra hour on the treadmill. - Children are born to move. They naturally love exploring their environment, challenging themselves, and playing actively. Unfortunately, the messages they get from adults teach them that exercise is punishment for eating. What you could say instead: I ate more than I needed and now I feel too full and uncomfortable. I think a walk would make me feel better. Want to join me? Or, anybody up for a bike ride? 7. I am so gross and fat! Or, I can’t

Finances paperwork. Help your child create a monthly budget that tracks earnings, spending, and progress toward long-term goals. Ultimately, it’s your responsibility as a parent to enforce the terms of that budget and help them stave off impulses toward short-term thinking and spending sprees. The next step is helping your child establish a checking account and get a debit card. Don’t just pick an account for your child - have them join you in the selection process. And explain what features they should be looking for, like no minimum balance requirement or

TOPS Club Inc. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), the original, nonprofit weight-loss support and wellness education organization, was established more than 63 years ago to champion weight-loss support and success. Founded and headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, TOPS promotes successful, affordable weight management with a philosophy that combines healthy eating, regular exercise, wellness information, and support from others at weekly chapter meetings. TOPS has about 170,000 members in nearly 10,000 chapters throughout the United States and Canada.Visitors are welcome to attend their first TOPS meeting free of charge. To find a local chapter, visit or call (800) 932-8677.

from page 4

monthly fees. Keep your child away from a credit card for as long as possible. Plastic makes it too easy to violate a budget and accrue debt. But once it is time for them to get a card, explain what goes into a credit score, and how a low rating can make it difficult to get a car, apartment, or even a job. Finally, introduce your child to investing, starting at an early age. Avoid the all-too-popular practice of buying them a government bond for Christmas or a birthday, and then immediately filing it away with little explanation. Start by setting them up with a custodial ac-

Support group that members can participate in. The support group meets monthly except in August. There are four annual social events that members can attend. In June, DSA of CNY holds a Family Fun Bowl and in December, members come together for a holiday party. In February, the chapter holds a Valentine’s Day dance and in July a clambake – more than 200 people attend each of these events. In 1995, the NDSS began a public awareness walk, with which the Central New York chapter has been involved for 12 years. DSA of CNY will host its 13th annual Buddy Walk, which is free, on Sunday Sept. 25 at Longbranch Park in

believe _______ has let herself go! - Kids learn from us even when we think they aren’t listening. Statements like this teach kids that it’s okay to put yourself and others down and judge people for their weight or other physical attributes. Perhaps they also secretly wonder what you really think about them. What you could say instead: I’m not perfect, but I do my best to make healthy choices. And whatever else you say, remember to say often… I love you just the way you are.

count. Then purchase your child a handful of stocks, ideally in a company they interact with regularly. Help them track the stock’s progress by following relevant news stories and checking the price regularly in the newspaper or online. There’s no better time than now for parents to start a conversation with their children about money management. Passing along basic tips, tricks, and habits at a young age sets them up for a lifetime of financial flourishing. Arkadi Kuhlmann is President and CEO of ING DIRECT USA.

from page 8

Liverpool. Walkers receive a free picnic lunch afterward, with carnival games, balloons, music and face painting to entertain the kids. Last year, more than 1,700 people participated. Bottego said having her son David, now 21, has made her family appreciate the little things in life. “His laugh can turn a bad day into a happy day,” she said. “My husband always says that every day is a good day for David,” who exercises daily, is active in Special Olympics and socializes regularly with his peers. Her goal for her son, she said, is the same as for her daughter, Nicole, 24.

“I want my children to feel important,” she said. “I want them to give back to the community. David volunteers every day either at the Manlius Library, shopping for cookie supplies, which he and his peers make for a weekly luncheon at St. Lucy’s Church … and volunteers at the East Area YMCA. My ultimate goal is that I want them to have a happy and fulfilling life.” For more information on DSA of CNY, call 682-4289; to learn more about the National Down Syndrome Society, go to To submit or read entries from NDSS’ “My Great Stories,” go to ndss. org/stories.

From Dad

from page 3

that are so hard to come by. It’s also three years since the humming started – loud and anxious and usually accompanied by pacing nervously from room to room. Soon after, he shocked us by spelling his name with letter blocks, leaving the J-O-H-N neatly lined up on the floor and then moving on to other toys. A host of other surprises followed, each a tiny glimpse into his knowledge of shapes, numbers, letters, colors. Little bits of information picked up and locked in his brain, rarely escaping for the world to see. It’s been two years since he fell in love with signs. Stop sign, No Parking sign, Odd-Even Parking sign, Street, Caution, Yield, Deaf Person in Area – any placard on a post. For two years our walks around the neighborhood have been a zig-zag from sign to sign, with a pause to touch each rusty post, look up at the sign, and move on to the next. And it’s been two years since he waded into the ocean for the first time, holding my hand as the gentle but icy waves knocked him over again and again, uncontrollable giggles following each swell. It’s been a year since he’s been able to form the overly loud, one-word commands or brief fragments of language that express his wants and needs. Shouts of “MILK!” or “ALL DONE!” have allowed us to replace our trial-and-error appeasement. It’s been only a few days since he climbed atop his new bike, facing the wrong direction, before I had finished assembling it, repeating over and over “A new biy-ke! A new biy-ke!” And only a few days since he plucked the strings of his new guitar, playing it on the neck and sending it out of key within minutes. Five years of firsts. Five years of diapers, tears, frustrations, embarrassing tantrums, and concerned talks with therapists and doctors. Five years of giggles, funny endearing looks, courageous and joyful trips down the waterslide, and shocking little glimpses into the thoughts trapped in his mind. Five years of loving my little boy. David Tyler is the publisher of Syracuse Parent. He lives in Eastwood with his wife, Carrie, and two children, John and Abby.

Things Wed June 1 Just for Dads. 5:30-7:30 PM. Parenting workshop for fathers. Children’s Consortium, 2122 Erie Blvd East, Syracuse. $15. Pre-register. 471-8331. Multiple Moms Mingle. 6:30 PM. Club for mothers and expectant mothers of multiples. Ruby Tuesday’s, Dewitt. Free. 308-0277. Pokemon for Beginners. 6:30 PM. Bring plenty of energy and basic cards and learn how to play Pokemon. For ages 7-11. Onondaga Free Library. Pre-register. 492-1727. Thu June 2 Magic Circle Children’s Theatre. 12:30 PM. Interactive children’s theater featuring Snow White. Spaghetti Warehouse, Syracuse. $5/person. Pre-register. 449-3823. Ice Cream Social. 4-8 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of the Northern Onondaga Public Library at Cicero. Community Room of NOPL @ Cicero, 8686 Knowledge Lane, Cicero. $1.50/sundae. 699-2032. Prime Rib Buffet Dinner. 5-8:30 PM. Skyline Lodge, Highland Forest. $14.95/adult, $7.95 ages 5-11, under 5 free. Pre-register. 683-5550. Fri June 3 Taste of Syracuse. Enjoy cooking demonstrations, live entertainment, and food from over 75 area restaurants, plus local artisans and exhibitors. Clinton Square. Free admission. 472-9111. Oz-Stravaganza! Wizard of Oz themed-festival featuring fireworks, parade, food, memorabilia, crafts, and more. Chittenango. 687-6250. Mommy & Me - CNY Open House. 10 AM-noon. Come learn more about Mommy & Me – CNY, a nonprofit organization with families throughout the entire CNY area that gather together regularly for fun and friendship. Treats, crafts, and outdoor playtime for kids. Lonergan Park, North Syracuse. 591-2582. Family Fun Dance Party. 5:30-8 PM. Disco lights, bubbles, and Bob the Bear. KidzClub Indoor Play and Party Place. 219 County Route 57, Phoenix. $8/child, includes popcorn and juice box. 695-2211. Elizabeth Schoonmaker Visit. 7 PM. Storytime and book signing with the author of Square Cat. Barnes & Noble, Dewitt. 449-2948. Sat June 4 Taste of Syracuse. Enjoy cooking demonstrations, live entertainment, and food from over 75 area restaurants, plus local artisans and exhibitors. Clinton Square. Free admission. 472-9111. Oz-Stravaganza! Wizard of Oz themed-festival featuring fireworks, parade, food, memorabilia, crafts, and more. Chittenango. 687-6250. Bookfair. To support Golisano’s Children’s Hospital. Barnes & Noble, Clay. 622-1066. Home Depot Kids Workshops. 9 AM-noon. Children ages 5-12 accompanied by an adult learn about tool safety while building from project kits. Each child also receives an apron and pin. Free. Pre-register at your local Home Depot. Paige’s Butterfly Run. 9 AM. 5K race, 3K fun run/walk, 40 yard Caterpillar Crawl for kids to raise money to fight children’s cancer. Federal Building, Clinton St. 635-0099. Rocket Team Challenge. 9 AM. Middle and high school teams fly rockets they have designed and built. MOST. 425-9068. National Trails Day. 9 AM-1:30 PM. Scavenger hunt, crafts, and guided walk. Beaver Lake Nature Center. $2/car. 638-2519. Habitat Spy Storytime. 10 AM. Interactive storytime and book signing with author Cynthia Kieber-King. Barnes & Noble, Dewitt. 449-2948. Perusing with Pups. 11 AM-noon. Read to a dog from Sunshine Friends. 10 minute sessions for ages 6-10. Onondaga Free Library. Pre-register. 492-1727. Tim Green Signing. Noon. Featuring NFL star and local author. Barnes & Noble, Clay. 622-1066. Magic Circle Children’s Theater. 12:30 PM. Interactive children’s theater featuring Snow White. Spaghetti Warehouse, Syracuse. $5/person. Pre-register. 449-3823. Sun June 5 Oz-Stravaganza! Wizard of Oz themed-festival featuring fireworks, parade, food, memorabilia, crafts, and more. Chittenango. 687-6250. Bookfair. To support Golisano’s Children’s Hospital. Barnes & Noble, Clay. 622-1066. Creature Feature Sunday. 10 AM-3 PM. Rosamond Gifford Zoo. Free with admission. 435-8511. Salamander Saunter. 2 PM. Walk through the woodlands and wetlands to explore the world of salamanders. Amboy 4-H Environmental Education Center. 748 State Route 183, Amboy. $3/person, $12/family, under 3 free. Pre-register. 963-7286. Antique Car Show & Flea Market. 3 PM. Long Branch Park. $3 ages 12 and up. 6995427. Mon June 6 Bedtime Music & Stories. 6:30 PM. For up to age 5. Onondaga Free Library. 492-1727.


Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011 • 1 5


Tue June 7 Sciencenter Math Time. 10:30 AM. Story and math activity for toddlers and preschoolers. Sciencenter, Ithaca. Included with admission. 607-272-0600. Building Self-Esteem. 5:30-7:30 PM. Parenting workshop. Children’s Consortium, 2122 Erie Blvd East, Syracuse. $15. Pre-register. 471-8331. Syracuse Chiefs Baseball. 7 PM. Alliance Bank Stadium. $. 474-7833. Wed June 8 Pokemon for Beginners. 6:30 PM. Bring plenty of energy and basic cards and learn how to play Pokemon. For ages 7-11. Onondaga Free Library. Pre-register. 492-1727. Syracuse Chiefs Baseball. 7 PM. Alliance Bank Stadium. $. 474-7833. Thu June 9 Syracuse Chiefs Baseball. 10:30 AM. Alliance Bank Stadium. $. 474-7833. Magic Circle Children’s Theatre. 12:30 PM. Interactive children’s theater featuring Snow White. Spaghetti Warehouse, Syracuse. $5/person. Pre-register. 449-3823. Trail Tales. 1 PM. Ages 3-5. Stories and walk with a naturalist. Free w/park admission. 638-2519. Fri June 10 Polish Festival. Music, dancing, crafters, and food. Clinton Square. Free. 687-1076. Balloon Fest. Jamesville Beach Park, Jamesville. $5 adults, 10 and under free. 435-5252. Syracuse Chiefs Baseball. 7 PM. Alliance Bank Stadium. $. 474-7833. Star Party. 8:30- 10 PM. Use telescopes to look at planets, stars and more in the night sky. Baltimore Woods. $8/person or $25/family. Pre-register. 673-1350. Sat June 11 Polish Festival. Music, dancing, crafters, and food. Clinton Square. Free. 687-1076. Balloon Fest. Jamesville Beach Park, Jamesville. $5 adults, 10 and under free. 435-5252 Kayak Basics. 9-11 AM. Introductory course reviewing paddle strokes, kayak safety, and etiquette. Beaver Lake Nature Center. $15, includes kayak rental. Pre-register. 6382519. Syracuse Soap Box Derby. 9 AM-5 PM. For ages 8-17. 2100 block of South Geddes St. 382-7269. Continued on next page

1 6 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011

Things Magic Circle Children’s Theater. 12:30 PM. Interactive children’s theater featuring Snow White. Spaghetti Warehouse, Syracuse. $5/person. Pre-register. 449-3823. Campfire Cookout. 5-7 PM. Hot dogs, beverages, marshmallows, songs, and stories, all around the campfire. Montezuma Audubon Center. 2295 State Route 89, Savannah. $5/child, $7.50/adult, $20/family. Pre-register. 365-3588. Syracuse Chiefs Baseball. 7 PM. Alliance Bank Stadium. $. 474-7833. Sun June 12 Polish Festival. Music, dancing, crafters, and food. Clinton Square. Free. 687-1076. Balloon Fest. Jamesville Beach Park, Jamesville. $5 adults, 10 and under free. 435-5252 All Ford Car Show. 9 AM-5 PM. Long Branch Park. $4/person, under 12 free. 598-4679. Gideon’s Gardening Series. 1-3 PM. For gardeners of all experience and ages. Granger Homestead. 295 N Main St, Canandaigua. $5. 585-394-1472 . Syracuse Chiefs Baseball. 2 PM. Alliance Bank Stadium. $. 474-7833. Mon June 13 Maxwell Movie Night. 6 PM. Family friendly films. Maxwell Memorial Library. Free. 6723661. Syracuse Chiefs Baseball. 7 PM. Alliance Bank Stadium. $. 474-7833. Tue June 14 Sciencenter Storytime. 10:30 AM. Story and related science activity for toddlers and preschoolers. Included with admission. Kids under three receive free admission. Sciencenter, Ithaca. 607-272-0600. Positive Discipline. 5:30-7:30 PM. Parenting workshop. Children’s Consortium, 2122 Erie Blvd East, Syracuse. $15. Pre-register. 471-8331. Teen Game Night. 5:30-7:30 PM. Board games and pizza. Maxwell Memorial Library. 6723661. Syracuse Chiefs Baseball. 7 PM. Alliance Bank Stadium. $. 474-7833. Wed June 15 Nature Hike. 9-11 AM. Montezuma Audubon Center. 2295 State Route 89, Savannah. $3/ child, $5/adult, $15/family. Pre-register. 365-3588. Pokemon for Beginners. 6:30 PM. Bring plenty of energy and basic cards and learn how to

Summer registration is now available online at Classes are filling quickly. Don’t wait! Manlius Pebble Hill School 5300 Jamesville Road DeWitt, NY 13214 PH: 315/446-2452 FX: 315/446-2620


play Pokemon. For ages 7-11. Onondaga Free Library. Pre-register. 492-1727. Thu June 16 Magic Circle Children’s Theatre. 12:30 PM. Interactive children’s theater featuring Snow White. Spaghetti Warehouse, Syracuse. $5/person. Pre-register. 449-3823. Th3. 5-8 PM. A common day each month where 17 Syracuse visual art venues are open to recognize and support local artistic achievements. Picnic in the Park. 5-8:30 PM. Buffet dinner in the Skyline Lodge. Highland Forest. $12.95/ adults, $7.95 children. Pre-register. 677-3303. Historic Tram Tours. 6:30 PM. Explore the history around Onondaga Lake. Onondaga Lake Park. Free. 453-6712. Sensory Processing Disorder Support Group. 7 PM. Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) Foundation Parents-Connections Group for parents of children with sensory processing issues. Beecon Baptist Church. 4800 Rt 31, Clay. 247-4195. Sat June 18 Juneteenth Festival. Featuring Freedom Parade, live entertainment, activities, and cultural foods. Clinton Square. Free. 422-9400. Strathmore Historic Homes Tour. Strathmore Neighborhood, Onondaga Park. 478-8057. Civil War Reenactment. 9:30 AM-4 PM. Character actors, battle reenactment, period novelties, tethered hot air balloon rides, and souvenirs, Jamesville Beach Park. $5/vehicle. (716) 934-7605 . Junior Cafe Scientifique. 9:30-11 AM. Interactive science talk for kids in grades 6-12. MOST. Free. Pre-register. 425-9068. Bringing Out Their Wild Side. 10 AM -4:30 PM. A day of animal enrichment and learning featuring demonstrations and discoveries. Rosamond Gifford Zoo. Free with zoo admission. 435-8511. New France Day. 11 AM-4 PM. Travel back in time to enjoy spinners, trading post, Fur Trade, music and more. Sainte Marie Among the Iroquois. $3/adults, $2.50/seniors, $2/children, 5 and under free, $10/family. 453-6768. CNY Pride Festival. Noon-5 PM. Commences with flag raising and parade departing from City Hall followed by festival at the Everson Museum Plaza. Free. 378-8744. Magic Circle Children’s Theater. 12:30 PM. Interactive children’s theater featuring Snow White. Spaghetti Warehouse, Syracuse. $5/person. Pre-register. 449-3823. Almost Summer Canoe Paddle. 1:30-4:30 PM. Guided paddle for all ages with canoes, paddles, binoculars, and life jackets provided. Montezuma Audubon Center. 2295 State Route 89, Savannah. $7.50/child, $12.50/adult, $40/canoe rental. 365-3588. Sun June 19 Father’s Day Scavenger Hunt. Sainte Marie Among the Iroquois. Free with admission. 453-6768. Father’s Day Canoe Tour. 8:30 AM. Canoes available for rental or bring your own. Beaver Lake Nature Center. $15, includes canoe rental. Pre-register. 638-6519. Civil War Reenactment. 9:30 AM-4 PM. Character actors, battle reenactment, period novelties, tethered hot air balloon rides, and souvenirs, Jamesville Beach Park. $5/vehicle. (716) 934-7605. Daddy O Orienteering Event. 11 AM-1 PM. Short, medium, and long course along with instruction for beginners. Pratt’s Falls. $8. 458-6406. Father’s Day Galaxy Golf. Noon-5 PM. Free round of science-themed miniature golf for dads. Sciencenter, Ithaca. $4/other golfers, under 3/free. 607-272-0600.

Many offerings for Middle and Upper School students such as computer animation, babysitter's training, glass fusing, website design, college application essay writing, instrumental music, strength & conditioning, and much more.

Mon June 20 Teen Book Discussion Group. 7 PM. For grades 6 and up. Dewitt Community Library. Free. Pre-register. 446-3578. Tue June 21 Sciencenter Animal Time. 10:30 AM. Animal-related story and craft for toddlers and preschoolers. Sciencenter, Ithaca. Included with admission. 607-272-0600. Communicating With Your Child. 5:30-7:30 PM. Parenting workshop. Children’s Consortium, 2122 Erie Blvd East, Syracuse. $15. Pre-register. 471-8331. Corporate Challenge Race. 6:20 PM. Onondaga Lake Park. $30/person. Pre-register. 4466285. Wed June 22 Pokemon for Beginners. 6:30 PM. Bring plenty of energy and basic cards and learn how to play Pokemon. For ages 7-11. Onondaga Free Library. Pre-register. 492-1727.

We're located in DeWitt, just 10 minutes from downtown Syracuse. Call 446-2452, ext. 157 for more information or login to

Thu June 23 Magic Circle Children’s Theatre. 12:30 PM. Interactive children’s theater featuring Snow White. Spaghetti Warehouse, Syracuse. $5/person. Pre-register. 449-3823. 11979


Manlius Pebble Hill Summer Programs


Continued on next page

Things Summer Reading Kickoff Party. 6 PM. Find out how to earn a free book this summer. Activities, games, refreshments, and fun. Barnes & Noble, Dewitt. Free. 449-2947. Fri June 24 Home School Nature Series. 10 AM- noon and 1-3 PM. Hands-on learning about the natural world for home-schooled children ages 6-13. Montezuma Audubon Center. 2295 State Route 89, Savannah. $7/child. Pre-register. 365-3588. Unji Finds a Friend. 6 PM. Storytime and book signing with author Rebecca E.B. King. Barnes & Noble, Dewitt. 449-2948. Syracuse Chiefs Baseball. 7 PM. Alliance Bank Stadium. $. 474-7833. Sat June 25 Kayak Basics. 9-11 AM. Introductory course reviewing paddle strokes, kayak safety, and etiquette. Beaver Lake Nature Center. $15, includes kayak rental. Pre-register. 638-2519. Out of the Cage Pet Mobile. 10:30 AM-noon. Hands-on live animal demonstration. KidzClub Indoor Play and Party Place. 219 County Route 57, Phoenix. Included with admission. 695-2211. Community Day. Noon-3 PM. Learn papermaking, make an accordion book, enjoy music, chalk drawing and more. Everson Museum. Free. 474-6064. Magic Circle Children’s Theater. 12:30 PM. Interactive children’s theater featuring Snow White. Spaghetti Warehouse, Syracuse. $5/person. Pre-register. 449-3823. LEGO Author Visit. 1 PM. Featuring Nevin Martell, author of Standing Small: A Celebration of 30 Years of the LEGO Minifigure. Onondaga Free Library. 492-1727. Frog Catching Party. 1-3 PM. Chase after frogs in Phillips Pond. Baltimore Woods. $8/ nonmembers, $25/family. Pre-register. 673-1350. Syracuse Chiefs Baseball. 7 PM. Alliance Bank Stadium. $. 474-7833. Mon June 27 Nature’s Little Explorers. 10-11:30 AM. Hands-on learning about the natural world for kids age 3-5 and an adult. Baltimore Woods. Pre-register. $8/child. 673-1350. Home School Expeditions. 1-2:30 PM. Discover the wonder of science in the great outdoors. Baltimore Woods. $8/child. Pre-register. 673-1350. American Girl Workshop: Kaya & Felicity. 2 PM. For children ages 8-12. Onondaga Free Library. Pre-register. 492-1727. Summer Reading Kickoff Party. 2 PM. Crafts, face painting, and summer reading registration. Dewitt Community Library. 446-3578.


Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011 • 1 7


Road, Liverpool. 652-3160. Downtown Farmer’s Market. 7 AM-4 PM Tuesdays through October 11. Clinton Square. 422-8284. Farmers Market. 4-8 PM Tuesdays, 10 AM-5 PM Thursdays, 7 AM-2 PM Saturdays. CNY Regional Market. 422-8647. Galaxy Golf. 10 AM-5 PM Tuesday-Sunday. 18-hole science-themed miniature golf course. $4/person. Sciencenter, Ithaca. (607) 272-0600. GriefShare Support Group. 7 PM Mondays. Northside Baptist Church. 7965 Oswego Road, Liverpool. 652-3160. High Point. 6:45-8:15 PM Wednesdays. Faith-based songs, games, and activities for kids in kindergarten through grade 5. Community Wesleyan Church. 112 Downer St, Baldwinsville. Free. 638-2222. Kiddie Café. 10 AM-2 PM Wednesdays. Puzzles, coloring, kids music, snacks, and fun. Fayetteville Free Library. 637-6374. Morning Bird Walks. 7:30 AM Wednesdays & Saturdays. Beaver Lake Nature Center. 638-2519. Music & Movement Class. 10 AM & 6:15 PM Thursdays. For ages 1-4 and a caregiver. KidzClub Indoor Play and Party Place. 219 County Route 57, Phoenix. $50/6 week session. Pre-register. 695-2211. Nature on Wheels. 1:30 Tuesdays in June; 10 AM Tuesdays in July & August. Hop on the NOW mobile to see places you can’t reach by foot. Beaver Lake Nature Center. $2.50. Preregister. 638-2519. Newborn Care Class. 6-8:30 PM Wednesdays and 2nd/3rd Mondays. St. Joseph’s Hospital Room 5313. $20. 448-5515. Onondaga Lake Skatepark. Waivers required. $. 453-6712. Ready, Set, Parent! Workshop Series. 5:30-7:30 PM Thursdays, July 7-August 25. For parents of newborns to three year olds. Children’s Consortium. 2122 Erie Blvd East, Syracuse. 471-8331. Salt Museum. 1-6 PM weekends through October 9. 106 Lake Drive, Liverpool. Free. 453-6715. Sainte Marie Among the Iroquois. Through October 9. Local living history museum. $3/adults, $2/kids 6-17, $2.50/seniors, $10/family. 6680 Onondaga Lake Parkway. 453-6768. Sciencenter Showtime! 2 PM Saturdays. See science in action with an interactive presentation. Sciencenter, Ithaca. Included with admission. 607-272-0600. Small Business & Personal Finance Seminars. Various topics, dates, and locations. Continued on next page

Tue June 28 Sciencenter Tactile Time. 10:30 AM. Toddlers and preschoolers explore their world through touch. Sciencenter, Ithaca. Included with admission. (607) 272-0600. Resolving Conflict. 5:30-7:30 PM. Parenting workshop. Children’s Consortium, 2122 Erie Blvd East, Syracuse. $15. Pre-register. 471-8331. Syracuse Chiefs Baseball. 7 PM. Alliance Bank Stadium. $. 474-7833. Children’s Writers and Illustrators. 7 PM. Meet some of CNY’s own children writers and illustrators. Barnes & Noble Dewitt. 449-2947. Wed June 29 Nature Hike. 9-11 AM. Montezuma Audubon Center. 2295 State Route 89, Savannah. $3/ child, $5/adult, $15/family. Pre-register. 365-3588. Wild Wednesdays. 6 PM. Summer family fun. Maxwell Memorial Library, Camillus. Free. 672-3661. Pokemon for Beginners. 6:30 PM. Bring plenty of energy and basic cards and learn how to play Pokemon. For ages 7-11. Onondaga Free Library. Pre-register. 492-1727. Syracuse Chiefs Baseball . 7 PM. Alliance Bank Stadium. $. 474-7833.

Now Accepting Applications For Fall 2011 Call to schedule a visit.

ONGOING EVENTS Animal Demonstrations. 10:30-3:30 daily through September 5. Rosamond Gifford Zoo. 435-8511. Canoeing & Kayaking. 9 AM-4 PM through September 5. Rentals available. Beaver Lake Nature Center. 638-2519. Childbirth Preparation & Refresher Classes. St. Joseph’s Hospital. $. 448-5515. CNY Triathlon Club Training Series. 5:30 PM Wednesdays. Jamesville Beach Park. $. 727-2538. Creative Arts Academy Auditions. Ongoing for grades 7-12. Community Folk Art Center. 442-2230. DivorceCare Support Group. 7 PM Mondays. Northside Baptist Church. 7965 Oswego


Thu June 30 Drawing Stories from Around the World. 2 PM. For kids ages 6 and up. Dewitt Community Library. Pre-register. 446-3578. Environmental Coffee House. 6:30-9 PM. Coffee, open mic, and environmental presentations. Montezuma Audubon Center. 2295 State Route 89, Savannah. 365-3588. Syracuse Chiefs Baseball. 7 PM. Alliance Bank Stadium. $. 474-7833.


18 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011




Sponsored by Cooperative Federal. 473-0223. Story Art Wednesdays. 4:30 PM Wednesdays through June 8. For kids age 5-10. Maxwell Memorial Library, Camillus. Free. 672-3661. Summer Reading Program. Through September 6. For kids in grades 1-6. Barnes & Noble, Dewitt & Clay. Syracuse Charger Fun Runs. 6 PM Thursdays through August 25. Onondaga Lake Park. Teen Art Program. 4-6 PM Wednesdays and Thursdays. Liverpool Art Center. 101 Lake Drive, Liverpool. $60/month. 234-9333. Teen Game Day. 2 PM Wednesdays. DeWitt Community Library. 446-3578. Time Out to Fish. 10 AM-noon and 1-3 PM through July 22. For individuals with disabilities and seniors. Instruction, bait, and equipment provided. Carpenter’s Brook Fish Hatchery. 451-7275. Weekend Walks With A Naturalist. 1:30 PM Saturdays & Sundays. Beaver Lake Nature Center. Free w/admission. 638-2519. Wellness Walking Group. 9 AM Mondays & Wednesdays. Beaver Lake Nature Center. Free w/admission. 638-2519. Weekend Wildflower Walks. 2-3 PM. Baltimore Woods. 673-1350. Child Health Plus from New Wegmans Fit for the Next Fifty. 8:30-10 AM Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays York State and Total Care through September 30. Free senior fitness program. Onondaga Lake Park. 453-6712. provides free or low-cost Wegmans Live Well: Tai Chi, Yoga & Pilates. 9-10 AM and 6-7 PM Tuesdays and health insurance for children Thursdays through August 25. Onondaga Lake Park. 453-6712. who qualify up to age 19. Wegmans Tram. 11 AM-7 PM daily through October 10. Scenic ride along Onondaga Lake. Much More! Child Health Plus coverage includes: Wildlife Walks. 7 PM Fridays through July. Beaver Lake Nature Center. 638-2519. No Co-Pays Well-Child Visits Yoga. 5:30-7 PM Fridays and 1-2 PM Sundays. All levels welcome. $5/class. Zen Center Much More! of Syracuse. 492-6341. Dental Vision, Hearing, Speech Much More! YogaKids. 4:30-5:30 PM Thursdays for ages 4-7; 5:45-6:45 PM Thursdays for ages 8-11; Hospitalization & Surgery Emergency Care 3-4:15 PM Sundays for tweens/teens. CNY Yoga Center. 101 1st St, Liverpool. $. 622-3423. Much More! Much More! Much More! STORYTIMES Barnes & Noble Clay. Preschoolers, 10 AM Thursdays. Grades K-3, 7 PM Friday. 622Much More! 1066. Total Care is the oldest and largest Barnes & Noble Dewitt. Preschoolers 10 AM Thursdays. 449-2947. Much More! Medicaid Managed Care plan in Betts Branch Library. Thursdays 10:30-11 AM, starting September 10. 435-1940. MuchOnondaga, More! Central New York, serving Dewitt Community Library. Baby Bop ages 4-18 months, Thursdays at 10:30. Toddler Oswego, Cortland and Tompkins Time ages 18 months to 3 years, Tuesdays at 10:30. Preschool, Wednesday at 10:30 AM. counties. WithMuch more than 1,000 More! Pre-register. 446-3578. providers, from primary to specialty East Syracuse Free Library. 10:30 AM Tuesdays for birth-age 3, 10:30 AM Wednesdays care, Total Care “has you covered.” for ages 3-4. 437-4841. Fayetteville Free Library. Preschool for ages 2&3, Tuesdays at 10:30 AM. Preschool for ages 4&5, Wednesdays at 10:30 AM. First Steps for up to age 3, Wednesdays at 9:30 AM. Physician Visits Your Own Primary Care Physician Cuddletime for babies, Thursdays at 11:30 AM. 637-6374. More! Hospitalization LabMuch & X-Ray Maxwell Memorial Library. Preschool for ages 3-5, Mondays and Tuesdays at 10:30. Stories with Sally for 3 and under, Wednesdays at 10:30. Toddlers age 1-4, Saturdays at 10:30 Vision Care Much More! AM. 672-3661. Minoa Library. 10:30 AM Wednesdays. 656-7401. NOPL Brewerton. 10:30 AM Mondays for ages 2-4. 11-noon Mondays playgroup for ages 6 months-5 years. 676-7484. Family Health Plus is New York State’s NOPL Cicero. 6:30 PM Mondays (family story hour), 10 & 11 AM Tuesdays, 11 AM health care program for adults who Wednesdays. 699-2032. don’t have insurance but whose income NOPL North Syracuse. 6:30 PM Tuesdays (family story hour), 10 & 11 AM Wednesdays, is too high to get Medicaid. noon Thursdays. 458-6184. Onondaga Free Library. Through June 9. 11 AM Tuesday for ages 6-15 months, 10:15 AM Wednesdays and Thursdays for ages 2-3 years, 11 AM Wednesdays and Thursdays for ages 4-5 years. 492-1727. Family Health Plus benefits* include: Pottery Barn Kids. 11 AM Tuesdays. Carousel Center. 423-5215. Inpatient & outpatient health care Physician services Read & Play Storytime. 11 AM & 1 PM Wednesdays. For ages 2-4. Salina Free Library. Prescription drugs & smoking cessation Dental services 454-4524. products** Toddler Book Club. 10:30, 11:30 AM, and 12:30 PM Mondays. Strong Museum, RochesLab tests & x-rays Vision, speech & hearing services ter. Free with admission. 585-410-6359. ER & emergency Drug, alcohol & mental health treatment ambulance services EXHIBITS & SHOWS Much more! Diabetes supplies Click, Clack Moo, Cows That Type. Through June 18. Gifford Family Theatre, LeMoyne & equipment College. $10/children, $15/adults. 445-4523. *some limits may apply to certain benefits. IMAX Movies. Toy Story 3 and more. MOST. $. 425-9068. **administered by the Medicaid Fee for Service program Museum of Young Art. 10 AM-6 PM Tuesdays-Thursdays and 10 AM-3 PM Saturdays. Syracuse’s first museum dedicated to children’s art. One Lincoln Center. 424-7800. Silverman Planetarium. Zoo in the Sky, 11:15 AM weekends and school holidays. Summer Skies, 3:15 PM weekends and school holidays. MOST. Admission. 425-9068. Sportsology. Opens May 21. Learn the science behind sports. Sciencenter, Ithaca. (607) 272-0600.

Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011 • 1 9

Lead testing clinics coming to your neighborhood

t Water t Musical or SwimmingMusical Entertainment Water PlayPlay or Swimming Entertainment t Cook-Outs t Playgrounds Cook-Outs Playgrounds t Indoor Cream Socials Icet Ice Cream Socials Indoor A/CA/C

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t SyraCruisin’ Travel Camp SyraCruisin’ Travel Camp t

Teen Summer Fitness Programs

The JCC Syracuse 5655 The JCC ofof Syracuse 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt Thompson Rd., DeWitt 315 445-2360 315 445-2360


(315) 445-2360


Do you know that lead paint and lead dust in older homes may poison your children? If your home was built before 1978, has peeling or flaking paint and/or work has recently been done on the home, your family may be at risk for lead poisoning. The Onondaga County Health Department Lead Poisoning Control Program will be offering lead testing for children at Clinic schedule several locations throughout OnonWednesday, June 8, 2011 • 4:00-6:00 p.m. daga County. Northern Onondaga Public Library at The following services will be ofNorth Syracuse fered: 100 Trolley Barn Lane, North Syracuse Lead testing for children in need Friday, June 10, 2011 • 4:00-6:00 p.m. of a lead test. The New York State Boys and Girls Club, 212 Van Buren Department of Health (NYSDOH) Street, Syracuse requires that all children be tested for Tuesday, June 14, 2011 • 4:00-6:00 p.m. lead poisoning at age one and again Onondaga Nation Health Center, Route at age two. 11A, Nedrow Lead testing certificates will be Tuesday, June 21, 2011 • 4:00-6:00 p.m. provided. The NYSDOH requires all DeWitt Community Library, Shoppingchildren enrolled in a day care center town Mall to have proof of a lead test. 3649 Erie Blvd. East, DeWitt Lead Program staff will be available Tuesday, June 28, 2011 • 4:00-6:00 p.m. to provide information about lead Baldwinsville Public Library 33 East Genesee Street, Baldwinsville poisoning prevention, how to apply for Tuesday, July 12, 2011 • 4:00-6:00 p.m. FREE grants to help with home repairs Maxwell Memorial Library, 14 Genesee and free lead safe work practice trainStreet, Camillus ing for do-it-yourself homeowners. Tuesday, July 19, 2011 • 4:00-6:00 p.m. Leo the Lead Lion will be greeting Lafayette Public Library, 2577 Route 11 children with a gift. North, Lafayette Please note: A parent must be with Thursday, July 28, 2011 • 4:00-6:00 p.m. the child in order for the child to be Liverpool Public Library , 310 Tulip lead tested. If the child has medical Street, Liverpool insurance, please bring their insurance Please Note: A parent must be with the card. For more information call the child. If the child has insurance, please Onondaga County Health Department bring their insurance card. Lead Poisoning Control Program at For more information, call 435–3271 or 435-3271.

2 0 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • June 2011

19th Annual Cicero Community Festival planned Hats off to our heroes!

Presented by the Cicero Chamber of Commerce and Driver’s Village, the Cicero Community festival will run 5-11 p.m. Friday June 10 and from noon to 1 p.m. Saturday June 11 at the parking lot and grounds behind Sacred Heart Church, 8229 Brewerton Road (Route 11), Cicero. This year the theme for the 19th Annual Cicero Community Festival is “Hats Off to Our Heroes� - from local heroes to superheroes! You’ll be able to see this theme throughout the festival and parade. This year Jackie Robinson from CNY will be honored. Robinson gradu-

ated from Cicero High School. Robinson will be the Grand Marshall at the parade and a special guest at the festival. Each day there will be entertainment! Friday night Ruby Shooz is scheduled to perform from 6pm to 10 p.m. Saturday night from 6:15 to 10:15 p.m. Letizia and the Z Band will be performing. Highlights will include vendors and the Ninth Annual Cruise Night. The highlight for Friday evening is the Ninth Annual 300 show cars. Admission on Friday is $7 for Cruise Night, hosted by the American Muscle Show Cars and $3 for the general public. Car Club. The car show generally has more than Saturday festivities will kick off at noon with

the AmeriCU “Hats Off to Our Heroes� Community Parade. The schedule includes the Cicero Community Craft & Business Show, Basketball contests hosted by the Friends of the Canteen from 1 to 5 p.m. – Gerry MacNamara (SU Basketball) will be at the festival from 3pm to 4pm and there’s the Star Search competition from 2:15 to 3:30 p.m. There will be a fun zone for the kids & teens, along with martial arts and karate demonstrations. In the evening the movie “Despicable Me� will be featured for the entire family at 8:45pm and The Price Chopper Fireworks at 10:15pm. Festival admission is free on Saturday. At 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday there will be a Dance Contest with cash and prizes for the winning couples! There’ll be prizes for the top three runner-ups, too. Also there’ll be a variety of non-food and food vendors to visit on both days. More details are available Callat cicerofestival. For Our com and at 622-2249.

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July 25-29, 2011

July 25-29, For Kids ages 82011 - 12 For Kids 8 - 12$99 Full-day $199ages or half-day Full-day $199 or half-day $99

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