Excellence Week 3 Auto

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Excellence A


Along February 16, 2011 Week Three 12 Pages

business and economic forecast.

Petrol prices ‘pumped’ up New York has fifth highest gas prices in nation Need a fill-up? Some gas stations around Syracuse right now are charging consumers as much as $3.35 per gallon. Depending on your type of vehicle and the amount you drive, a full tank could empty your wallet quickly. According to syracusegasprices.com, New York state’s gas prices average the fifth highest in the country. Only California, Washington, D.C., Alaska and Hawaii outdo our state when it comes to cost. The majority of other states, too, charge more than $3 per gallon except a baker’s dozen out west and down south – their prices dangle just below the triple dollar mark to as low as $2.86 per gallon. Anyway you look at it, these prices are the highest we’ve seen in a long time and perhaps the lowest we’ll ever see again. If you have time to research the best prices in town, go to syracusegasprices. com. Every 48 hours, this handy tool lists the lowest and highest regular, midgrade and premium gas prices along with the location of their corresponding gas stations.

U.S. gas price average by state As of 11 a.m. Feb. 9, 2011 on syracusegasprices.com

Average price $3.80 in Syracuse 1. Hawaii 2. Alaska



4. California

3. Washington, $3.39 D.C. 5.New York



If you’re planning a day trip, weekend getaway or long distance stay outside the state, take advantage of the website’s trip cost calculator. Enter your planned driving route and vehicle information, and learn your approximate total trip cost, how many times you should expect to tank up – and where. Maps recommend locaPlease see Gas prices, page 2

Get moo-vin’! Let your car’s decor reflect your personality By Jennifer Wing

highlight your style...add neon to your look

Neon license plate frame, $24.99; streetglow.com westcoastsheepskin.com

Many people on the road make their vehicles into personal statements of likes – such as sporting teams – political views and personal beliefs. The bumper sticker certainly is nothing new – there was probably signage on the backs of horsedrawn carriages in the days of homesteaders. Please But today,

have a seat - with a bit of humor

see Decor, page 9

Cow print seat cover, $69/pair; westcoastsheepskin.

Get pre-qualified before you start shopping at


The right


Choosing a car for your teen requires research

By Ami Olson editor@theeaglecny.com

For a young driver, getting behind the wheel of their first car is an exciting time. But for their parents, this milestone can be terrifying. Deciding that your child is ready to hit the road solo is huge, and choosing a vehicle that will keep them safe is critical. While it’s up to the new driver to pass the required tests and learn the rules of the road, the burden of selecting the right car falls on their parents. “As a parent, you need to do research on safety ratings,” said Mike Grimshaw, who owns Sons and Daughters Driving School in Liverpool. “A young driver is going to want something that’s good for their image. Not good for their health.” Parents should also consider the “image” a car portrays before deciding it’s


Tips for parents of the teen driver Money saving insurance tips

the right ride for their child, Grimshaw said. “There’s a correlation, I believe, between the image of the car and the way the driver will drive the car,” he said. That is, most drivers won’t treat a passenger sedan like a racecar. Grimshaw has been a driving instructor for more than a decade. He also advises having a mechanic check over any car you’re thinking seriously about



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Please see Teen driver, page 2

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By Tami S. Zimmerman editor@eaglebulletin.com



Excellence Moving Along February 16, 2011

Teen driver


from page 1

Tips for parents of teen drivers A

rguably no parent in the history of the world has looked forward to the day their teenager gets his or her driver’s license. Though getting a driver’s license is a milestone for kids, it’s also the cause of heartache for parents who understandably worry about their teenager hitting the open road all by their lonesome. While there’s no way to keep kids from growing up, there are steps parents can take to make a teen’s transition to fully licensed driver a little easier. Don’t wait until the car is in the driveway to set boundaries with your child. buying for you new driver. Parents should take the lead on having a car looked over by a mechanic, as the process can be intimidating for a young driver, Grimshaw said. And if the seller won’t allow you to have the car checked at a garage, you don’t want to buy from that seller, he added. There are countless resources for checking the safety ratings for different makes and models, including the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. In general, Consumer Reports suggests choosing a 2- to 3-year-old model that will have up-to-date safety features and may have some factory warranties, but will be available at a much lower price than a new car. The advanced safety technology could be a lifesaver. Motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death for teens ages 16 to 19, according to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. And if your teen is lucky enough to avoid a collision, a newer car could be an investment that might last them through college. But even the car with the highest safety ratings can be a dangerous weapon in the hands of a reckless

driver. Grimshaw recommends parents create a contract with their child detailing the rules of using the car. Selecting a car to purchase should be left up to parents, Grimshaw said, but establishing the rules surrounding the use of the car can be an important decision-making process involving the teen driver. The contract could include how many passengers the new driver is allowed to have in the car, where and when he or she is allowed to drive it, and what will happen in the case of a ticket or collision. And don’t wait until the car is in the driveway to set these boundaries with your child, Grimshaw said. At that point, “a teenager will agree to anything to get behind the wheel,” he said. But their commitment to that contract may not be as strong. Sons and Daughters Dr iv ing School is based out of Liverpool and offers a range of services including private driving lessons, defensive driving classes and pre-licensing classes. Call 295-0042 or visit sonsanddaughtersdriving.com for more information.

Excellence A

business and economic forecast.

is a supplement to:

Eagle Newspapers 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, N.Y. 13206 Phone: (315) 434-8889

▼ Publisher: David B. Tyler ▼ Associate Publisher: Colleen Farley ▼ Executive editor: Gary Catt ▼ Managing Editor: Jennifer Wing ▼ Circulation Manager: Lori Newcomb ▼ Cover Design: Jennifer Wing

Fax: (315) 434-8883

Baldwinsville Messenger

Cazenovia Republican

The Eagle

Eagle Bulletin


Skaneateles Press



Institute a no cell phone policy when driving.

This is a relatively new, yet major concern for parents of teen drivers. Most of today’s teens have their own cell phones, and parents could very well be helpless when it comes to keeping kids from talking or texting on their cell phones while driving. That said, a no-cell-phone-while-driving policy should be instituted and thoughtfully discussed with teenagers. Make it known that should an accident occur because of cell phone use while driving, both the car privileges and the phone will be taken away.

When applying for colleges, consider the school’s freshman driving policy.

A child’s first year away at college is enough to make any parent lose sleep, but sending kids off to college with a car for their first year only adds to the sleepless nights. When kids are applying to colleges, look for schools that don’t allow freshmen to have cars. Many schools don’t, so this should not be a problem. If a child chooses a school that does allow freshmen to have a car, let kids know you would be more comfortable if the car stayed home, at least for the first semester while kids learn to adjust to their new surroundings.

If possible, wait an extra year.

If your teenager is the rare breed who isn’t especially excited about getting a driver’s license, let it slide. Studies show 16-year-old drivers are far more likely to get in accidents than their 17-year-old counterparts.

Limit passengers.

Teenage drivers are more likely to get in an accident with each passenger who comes along for the ride. One study indicates teen drivers with one fellow teenager in the car are 40 percent more likely to get in an accident than they would be if they were driving alone. Those percentages increase with each additional teenage passenger, so parents should institute a reasonable policy that limits the number of passengers that a teen can take on when driving.

Make sure teens are driving safe vehicles.

While it might be nice to give your teen the flashy sports car for his or her birthday, doing so is a big mistake. A teenager’s first car should be the kind of vehicle that discourages irresponsible driving. The vehicle should also be fully equipped with all the necessary safety features, including airbags and anti-lock brakes.

Stress the importance of seatbelts.

A significant percentage of teenagers killed in auto accidents weren’t wearing their seatbelts at the time of death. All drivers should wear seatbelts, and parents should set a positive example by wearing their seatbelts whenever riding in a car. To encourage teens wear their seatbelts when driving, institute a policy wherein they lose their vehicle privileges should they be caught driving without a seatbelt.

Money saving insurance tips for young drivers Typically, young adults pay more for car insurance than anyone else under age 70 because they are considered the riskiest drivers on the road. While there is no way for young adults to speed up the aging process, that doesn’t mean they’re helpless in the face of high insurance premiums. Among the more popular ways for young and even seasoned drivers to lower their rates include the following: 3 take a defensive driver course 3raise comprehensive and collision coverage deductibles 3commute using public transportation and let the insurance company know Please see Insurance, page 7

Younger drivers are often on the hook for higher insurance premiums than their older counterparts. However, there are numerous ways for young adults to save money on their vehicle insurance.



Longley Dodge is still going strong

Gas prices

From left, Jack Montague, Dennis Longley and Doug Longley. with the factory. Longley will service any Chrysler, Dodge or Jeep vehicle regardless of where it was purchased. Longley says that as a Chrysler dealer, Longley Dodge is better equipped to ser vice a Chrysler, Dodge or Jeep vehicle than an ordinary shop. As for the future, Dennis Longley said he hopes to see the dealership continue to develop. “The last three months we’ve seen a steady increase in sales,” he said. “I’m hoping to see our numbers go back up to where they were within the next couple of years. From there, hopefully, we can keep growing.” Longley Dodge is located at 1698 Route 57, just south of Fulton. They can be reached at 5982135 or at longleydodge. com.

tions along your t r avels w he re y ou c an stop and refuel for best cost savings. Regardless of your driving distance, here you wi l l f ind 10 fuel-saving tips, courtesy of gasbuddy.com, that may serve as reminders or come as a surprise. But if you work the advice into your routine driving, it’s probable you’ll find enough spare change to spend elsewhere than the pump. Avoid hig h speeds: As your speed increas- The majority of gas stations in the United States are now charging more than es, your aero- $3 per gallon. dynamic drag 10 percent. increases in an Service your vehicle regularly: exponential fashion. Driving 62 Proper maintenance avoids poor mph versus 75 mph will reduce fuel fuel economy related to dirty air consumption by about 15 percent. filters, old spark plugs or low fluid Do not accelerate or brake hard: levels. By anticipating traffic and applying Use cruise control: Maintaining slow steady acceleration and braka constant speed over long dising, fuel economy may increase by tances often saves gas. as much as 20 percent. Avoid heavy loads: Remove the Keep tires properly inflated with sand bags from your trunk in the air pressure at the level recomspring and pack lightly for long mended by your car manufacturer. trips. A single tire under inflated by 2 Avoid long idles: If you anticiPSI increases fuel consumption by pate being stopped for more than 1 percent. one minute, turn off the car. ReUse A/C sparingly: When the air starting the car uses less fuel than conditioner is on it puts extra load letting it idle for this time. on the engine forcing more fuel to Purchase a fuel efficient vehicle: be used, by about 20 percent. The When buying a new vehicle examdefrost position on most vehicles ine the vehicle’s rated fuel efficienalso uses the air conditioner. cy. Usually choosing a small vehicle Keep windows closed: Winwith a manual transmission will dows open, especially at highway provide you with great mileage. speeds, increase drag and result in decreased fuel economy of up to

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Longley Dodge has seen a number of changes over the years, but that hasn’t stopped the dealership, located on Route 57 in Fulton, from continuing to grow and thrive. Longley Dodge started out a body shop in 1947, then started selling GMC trucks in 1956; the dealership sold the brand until the early 1960s. They took on Studebakers in 1959 and sold the iconic models until the brand folded in 1966. In 1963, the shop started selling Dodge vehicles, and they’ve been doing business that way ever since. So what accounts for their longevity? “We’re a family organization,” said owner D e n n is L ong l e y, w ho runs the business with his cousin Gene and son Doug. “I think that has a lot to do with it, especially since we’re in a small community. People like to come here and know they’re going to get good service.” And that service isn’t ov e r b e ar i n g , L on g l e y said. “Our sales staff doesn’t pressure you,” he said. “They’re not pushy. We don’t like to operate that way, because it doesn’t really serve the customer as well.” That’s why people keep coming back. “A lot of our business is repeat business,” Longley said. “People come back to us.” And if there is a problem, people know they can go to the top to find a solution. “ The buck stops at my desk,” Longley said. “People can come to me and I’ll give them what

they need.” In a d d it i on t o t h e great service, Longley’s customers come back to buy quality vehicles. The 2011 Dodge Charger and Dodge Durango are all new and include the new 3.6 Pentastar V-6 engine that has more horsepower and gives better gas mileage than the previous V-6 engine. The Pentastar engine is also available in the Challenger, Avenger, Journey and Grand Caravan. You’ll find new, more luxurious interiors in the Dodge Avenger, Journey and Grand Caravan. Stop by and see the changes for yourself. Several models have exterior changes as well. In addition, the dealership has service and parts departments with expert technicians who communicate dire c t ly

from page 1

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By Sarah Hall

Excellence Moving Along February 16, 2011


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Excellence Moving Along February 16, 2011


Profiles of Excellence

Seneca Federal an important part of the CNY community

Mike’s Auto Service Center celebrates 28th anniversary

Seneca Federal Savi ng s an d L o an Ass o ciation, founded in 1928, has been supporting the Central New York community in many ways since it was founded. “We’re fortunate to have the resources to provide not only financial support, but also the human resources required by charitable and civic organizations to carr y out their most necessary work,� said Katrina Russo, president – CEO. “Whether it’s scholarship funds, ‘Celebrate Baldwinsville,’ replacement of holiday decorations destroyed by vandals, financial support of such organizations as the volunteer fire departments, youth sports, the Baldwinsville 100-year-old Lock celebration, Syracuse Home, or YMCA, our communities have always been able to count on Seneca Federal,� said Anna Custer, senior vice president. Seneca Federal is cur-

that sets the standard for automotive professionalism. They are dedicated to technical training and quality workmanship in an honest, friendly environment. As a certified NAPA Auto Care Center, Mike’s is able to provide the benefits of an established national See Mike’s Auto, page 6

207 South Bay Rd North Syracuse, NY 13212 315-458-1740 mikesauto@cnymail.com



Mike's Auto Service Center


If your car needs servicing, look no further than Mike’s Auto Service Center, located at 207 South Bay Rd in North Syracuse. Owners Mike and Karen Cretaro are celebrating their 28th year of excellent auto repairs and service. Mike’s Auto Service Center proudly stands in the community as a repair facility

rently a member of the Baldwinsville Chamber of C ommerce. Custer is a past president of the chamber, as well as a board member of the Baldwinsville Community Scholarship Foundation, Inc. and head of the student loan nursing f u nd for T he Fe ma l e Charitable Society. There are several other employees who similarly serve the CNY community in similar capaci-

ties. Lisa Hetko, branch manager, has recently joined the North Syracuse Chamber of Commerce and coordinates events such as the Making Strides against Breast Cancer walk, which Seneca Federal employees took part in again this year. She also spearheads the Costume for a Cause fundraiser at the Association. See Seneca Federal, page 7

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Mike and Karen Cretaro are celebrating their 28th year of excellent auto repairs and service.

Lisa Hetko, branch manager at Seneca Federal, presents donations collected at this year’s Costume for a Cause to Chris Benton of Vera House.







Excellence Moving Along February 16, 2011


From the editor

Ode to the mighty mini-van When I had my children, my world changed. Suddenly, I was responsible for someone beside myself, someone whose safety and well-being was more important to me than anything else in the world. So it seemed a natural decision to purchase a mini-van for my travels with the kids. Not only are mini-vans practical when it comes to cargo space and extra seating, they are roomy and, well, big. I understand that bigger isn’t necessarily better, but when you have two little ones in your vehicle, you want to be visible and you want the strength and stability associated with size in order to withstand a collision, should one happen. So, knowing that I wanted a mini-van, I was then faced with the decision of which van to choose. There are many models out there, each one of them a great choice for any family, so the decision was not easy. In the end, I went with one that has stow-and-go seating, and have been happy with my choice. The first year we had the van, we drove it to

Florida and back, with the kids and my folks along for the ride. The vehicle not only seated the six of us comfortably, but allowed room for all of our luggage/ snacks/toys and other miscellaneous items associated with a trip to our family’s favorite destination, Walt Disney World. The built-in DVD player kept passengers, both young and young-at-heart, entertained, while the roominess and stability kept us safe and secure for the long trip. That roominess has certainly come in handy at other times, as well. My husband, from the start, was against purchasing a mini-van, but has since been forced to eat some crow. With various home improvement projects always underway at our home, he has hauled lumber and equipment in my van on more than one occasion. His SUV, though manly and roomy in its own way, cannot compete with the cavernous cargo bay the mini-van affords when the two back rows of seats are tucked away. Into the hold, garage sale finds have been loaded, groceries have been toted and coolers, luggage and other beach gear have been packed for camp. Children have gone to sports, cheer, dance, the gym and

skiing, pets have been brought to the vet and friends and family have been taken on expeditions. Personal touches have been added to the exterior and interior, such as window decals of my family, including Whiskers, our cat, in Disney mouse ears (see page 1 for more details on auto decor) and other, less planned stickers from cashiers at Wegmans. Many snacks, juice boxes and ice cream cones later, the interior bears battle scars, but has held up well overall, considering the sticky fingers and inevitable spills it has been up against. The exterior may be a bit dinged and dingy, but the “old girl� still has plenty of shine, and life, left to her. Now, as my odometer clicks towards 100,000 miles, I find that my mini-van has served me well. I will keep driving her until she quits on me, which hopefully will not be for a long while. Then, I might have to try out one of those sporty littler four-by-fours. They seem pretty fun, and practical for Central New York’s unpredictable weather. But my mini-van, like a family member, or dear friend, will always hold a place in my heart. Jennifer Wing is Managing Editor at Eagle Newspapers.

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Excellence Moving Along February 16, 2011


Profile of Excellence

Fred Raynor Ford Lincoln Mercury: Locally owned and family operated In its 20th year in Fulton

Fred Raynor Ford Truck Town is locally owned and family operated going into its 20th year in Fulton, and is a big part of Fred Raynor’s 44 year automotive career in the local area. Over those last two decades, Fred Raynor Ford Truck Town has been awarded every customer satisfaction accolade that Ford Motor Company ever offered. In the past few years all of the neighboring Ford Dealerships have been closed, but Raynor’s remains and will continue into the for seeable future. Fred explained that Ford had a meeting with him recently at his dealership at 1849 State Route 3 West, across from Walmart, and asked him if he planned on staying in the Ford business. When he replied that he hadn’t planned on going anywhere, the Ford Motor Company Representatives breathed a sigh of relief and informed him that it was their hope he was going to continue as a dealer. They were elated with our customer satisfaction, the way we do business and like that we are members

of the community, not just investing in a business. We have a vested interest in the people and the city, and we are in the dealership, not miles or states away. Fred continued to explain, when we started almost 20 years ago, Ford, as a manufacturer was gaining strength. The economy, fuel prices, and the like, have made business very tough the last several years. It even put GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy, but Ford made some very smart, and hard choices before that happened. Those moves kept them from taking the bail out. Between that and our products, now rated as good or better than Honda and Toyota, Ford is a very good place to be. I think it will be well worth having struggled through the recent rough years in the car business. Ford now has top ratings in safety, reliability, quality, fuel economy and resale value spread throughout it’s vehicle line up. All the things that made the average consumer think of a Toyota or Honda in years past, unless you were specifically talking trucks. The Ford FSeries has been the best selling vehicle in America for 34 years straight. This year the F-150 gets the EcoBoost, a twin turbo V-6 designed to give V-8 power with

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entity while maintaining the personal touch of a family owned business. ‘We are proud to be known as Central NY’s Premier Automotive Shop’, says Karen. ‘Our shop specializes in electrical, computer and emission repairs. We employ only ASE Certified technicians to diagnose your vehicle’s symptoms and equip them with the latest scan tools to handle all major and minor repairs on foreign and domestic vehicles. All repairs are warranteed for 12 months or 12,000 miles and to be sure that your car looks as good as it runs, we include a complimentary car wash with every service. Mike’s Auto Service has earned AAA’s ‘Top Shop’ Award for Western & Central NY each year since 2001 with customer satisfaction ratings consistently above 98%. In addition, owner Mike Cretaro has been named the Syracuse NAPA/ ASE ‘Technician of the Year’ for nine straight years. ‘The Syracuse award is a stepping stone to NAPA’s prestigious National Technician of the Year award and the competition is tough’, Mike noted. Nominees are rated on their technical ability and shop management skills in addition to their community service participation. Mike currently serves on the Morrisville College Automotive

Seneca Federal

extend a paw . . . and adopt a pet today



V-6 fuel economy and unrelenting reliability. Ford engineers torture tested this new engine like none before. The F-150 EcoBoost engine has endured multiple torture tests that create the equivalent of 160,000 miles and 10 years of rugged use. That’s a distance equal to six times around the earth and three quarters of the way to the moon. See the documentary on youtube.com! Search “Ecoboost torture test” for the six part series. It’s very interesting and entertaining. With the elimination of Mercury, Fred will carry more Ford vehicles to offer a wider variety of new and pre-owned vehicles for you to choose. With the number of dealerships in the area being much fewer, Fred is now cranking up the volume. They will be keeping an even larger selection of late model, low mileage Ford factory vehicles, purchased at Ford Dealer only auctions, with the balance of the manufacturer’s warranty. Fred also has many local tradeins from new car sales. Fred likes that many of these have the service records in house. This allows him to make an educated decision when deciding to offer them for sale, or wholesale them at auction. We take every precau-

“ This annual event takes place around Halloween and raises monetary and other applicable donations for a local cause,” Hetko said. “We’re also proud of the financial services we provide to the Central New York community,” Russo said. “We

“Great buys from Sarah!,” the TV voice of Fred Raynor Ford Lincoln Mercury/Truck Town. tion before we decide to offer a car to the public Fred says. Fred also asked that he be allowed to take this opportunity to thank “the best crew anywhere”! It’s the people you work with that make the difference and earn the awards. Thank you to all our families that have stuck it out with us and looked to the future of See Fred Raynor, page 7

from page 4

Advisory Board and occasionally guest hosts WSYR’s ‘Car Care Clinic’ radio show on Saturday mornings. He is a past president of the Service Station & Repair Shop Operators Assoc. of Upstate NY and now serves on its Board of Directors. Mike’s wife, Karen Cretaro, is the shop’s office manager. She is an ASE certified Service Consultant and licensed NYS Inspector. Karen has served on the NAPA National Advisory Board and is the current president of the Syracuse NAPA Business Development Group. The Group provides a local, common platform for Independent NAPA AutoCare Center owners to work together regarding training, community events, advertising and more. Karen has also served on the Plank Road Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. If you are looking to buy a used car or wonder if your present car is worth fixing, Mike’s Auto offers a unique Used Car Physical. For those times when auto repairs can’t wait, Mike’s offers a six month /no interest financing solution called NAPA EasyPay, which also doubles your Peace of Mind Warranty to 2 years or 24,000 miles. Stop by and visit the cleanest and most professional shop in Syracuse or call 458-1740.

from page 4

want to actively participate in assisting households who have fallen victim to the sub-prime and adjustable rate mortgage market.” “Concentrating on the needs of Central New Yorkers is what Seneca Federal is all about,” Russo concluded.



Excellence Moving Along February 16, 2011


Profile of Excellence

Hudson & Mowins expands Customer satisfaction continues to be top priority

3buy a home or renter’s policy with the same car insurance company 3 buy a safer car Another way to save money on auto insurance is to purchase a vehicle with front and side airbags, antilock brakes, automatic seatbelts, and daytime running lights. Many insurance companies give discounts for these safety features. If the consumer owns an older vehicle, it may be a good idea to drop the collision and comprehensive coverages from the policy because both coverages require the insured to pay a deductible in the event they file a claim, and in some cases that may be more than the car is worth. Vehicle owners who were recently married or turned 25 years of age will also notice a considerable drop in auto insurance rates because insurance companies view married couples and people 25 and older as more “stable”

Fred Raynor

from page 2

and less of a risk. Young adult drivers who live with their parents but don’t own their own car can save money by staying on their parents’ policy. This saves money because parents are considered lower-risk drivers and will likely have a better auto insurance rate than a young driver with their own policy. Finally, look into what other insurance coverages you already have and see if you’re paying for double coverage. If you have health insurance through your employer, you can waive Personal Injury Protection (PIP), which pays for your medical expenses in the event of an accident. At times, some car insurance companies will allow you to limit medical damages under your uninsured motorist coverage in exchange for a lower premium. For additional information on saving money on car insurance, visit insurance.com.




NAPA GOLD AIR FILTER OR NAPA CABIN AIR FILTER With the purchase of an Oil/Filter Change that uses any NAPA Oil Filter. Offer good January 1 - March 31, 2011. Most cars, light trucks and SUVs.

from page 6

Ford. One of the things that sets Fred apart from other dealer’s is his unrelenting quest to get homeless pets a loving family. Fred Raynor Ford includes an adoption portion in every ad they run. Fred said that it is a necessary evil in his business to advertize and he wanted to attempt to do something good if he had to be in the public eye. His love of animals and the heartbreak of homeless and abused animals came to mind, and the Extend A Paw And Adopt A Pet program was born. Fred told us that the local shelters, the community and his customers say it’s been a great success. Bob Barker, of The Price Is Right fame, and a long time promoter of spay and neuter your pets, even did a guest appearance in one of Fred’s spots when he heard of his program. Fred laughed when he explained that he is in the airport frequently traveling to auctions to get southern, salt free inventory for the dealership, and people come up to him and say, “Hey! You’re the pet guy on TV!” If you are interested in adopting a homeless animal you can visit raynorford.com and look under the news and events tab for more information. If you are interested in award winning customer satisfaction and award winning vehicles, see the folks at Fred Raynor Ford Truck Town, 1849 Route 3 West, where the coffee is always hot, or visit raynorford.com. And as Fred has been reminding you for many years, please extend a paw and adopt a pet today!




OPEN: Mon. - Fri. 7am - 7pm


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however, the father-and-son team had to haul nearly 25 tons of debris out of the building. “They ripped up flooring and tore down walls,” Hudson said. “It was hard to believe how much junk they pulled out. It was a lot of work, but it was more than worth it. The extra space is going to be great.” According to Hudson, the shop’s expansion has allowed for the addition of four new service bays, as well as extra room for the business’ tow truck and loaner car. “The completed renovation now gives us a total of 12 bays,” Hudson said. “That’s exciting because it will allow us to serve our customers much more efficiently. With the extra bays, we have the luxury of getting started on the next vehicle if, for example, we’re waiting on a part for another vehicle. We can handle more ‘walk-in’ emergencies and we will be making more ‘while-you-wait’ appointments.” The Hudsons are planning on a spring grand opening. They are also considering solar panels in the roof that will greatly help with the efficient running of the facility. Hudson and Mowins is located at 62 East Genesee St. in Baldwinsville. Visit them on Emily Dillon the web at hudsonandmowins.com or call Greg and Cathy Hudson stand within Hudson & Mowins newly-expanded facility. The shop’s expansion has allowed 635-5681 for an appointment. for the addition of four new service bays.


By Emily Dillon At Hudson & Mowins Foreign and Domestic Auto Repair in Baldwinsville, customer satisfaction is a top priority. So, when the shop’s owners saw the chance to expand the business and improve efficiency, they jumped on it. “We’re always looking for ways to better serve our customer,” said Cathy Hudson, who co-owns the shop with her husband, Greg. “When the owners of the old Napa Auto Parts store offered us first dibs on the building, we were hesitant; an expansion just wasn’t in our plans. But, after considering the potential benefits, we decided it was an offer we couldn’t pass up.” According to Hudson, Napa Auto Parts vacated their old location on East Genesee Street in late March. Hudson & Mowins took possession of the building on April 15, and began renovations soon thereafter. “There’s about five feet between our garage and the old Napa building,” she said, “so all we had to do was build a small breezeway between the two. That went up rather quickly, but the renovations themselves are taking a bit longer.” Hudson said the renovations to the inside of the building were handled by her husband and his father, John Hudson. Before those renovations could begin,



Excellence Moving Along February 16, 2011


Profiles of Excellence

Driver’s Village Vehicle Exchange offers many options Driver’s Village: A “destination”

Inside Driver’s Village ‘Shoppe’ Talk If you have never ventured inside the auto mall, you will find some new tenants, a new and improved Carnegie Café, and a calendar of upcoming community events most are held inside Center Court around the “Clock.”

March 4

Driver’s Village Quarterly Red Cross Blood Drive in Center Court from noon to 5 p.m. No appointment necessary and walk-ins are welcome.

March 5

MDA MUSCLE WALK - More than 300 walkers and people using wheelchairs or scooters will participate in the first annual Syracuse MDA Muscle Walk inside Driver’s Village. Muscle Walk participants and Muscle Walk teams can register for the event by visiting joinmda.org/syracusemusclewalk; by contacting the local MDA office at 451-8269; or by registering at the event between 9 and 9:30 a.m. before the walk starts on Saturday, March 5 at 10 a.m. This fun event is expected to raise $70,000 to help area residents with muscular dystrophy, ALS and related muscle diseases served by the Muscular Dystrophy Association. It will be fun filled with entertainment performances by Kathy’s Fit Stop, Irish Step Dancers, cheerleaders, and bands.

Center Court at Driver’s Village has been home to many events, including concerts. See calendar at right for upcoming events. The retail shops inside the facility are reminiscent of the days when Driver’s Village was the thriving PennCan Mall and “Meeting at the Clock” was a common cliché to re-connect with your friends. During the time of re-construction the original mall “clock” was located and returned to it’s original place inside

center court. Just a venture inside the mall with the current retail operation makes a customer’s time at Driver’s Village productive and pleasant. It is home to the newlyimproved Carnegie Café and Coffee Lounge located on the first level of center court and Carnegie Conference Center can be found

on the second level a host to many large corporate conferences, events, as well as an extension of classroom space utilized by local community colleges that hold evening classes. Enterprise, Avis and Hertz the three major car rental services are under one roof, two insurance companies Lance See Driver’s Village, page 9

March 5

Boy Scout Pack 709 – Pinewood Derby from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

March 12

Liverpool High School March Mania Cheerleading Competition in Center Court from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

April 1 - 30

Driver’s Village Month Long Indoor Car Sale Event - WATCH FOR DETAILS.

May 7

DOG DAZE / HARDEKO HELPING PAWS PANTRY – PET EXPO in Center Court from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

June 4

CNS High School Senior Ball in Center Court

June 10

Onondaga Civic Symphony Orchestra 3rd Annual POPS Concert in Center Court; 7 – 10 p.m.

August 5, 6 & 7

The Cicero CanTeen - Second Annual GUS MACKER EVENT on the grounds at Driver’s Village.

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(From left) Lou Cannata Jr., Luigi Cannata, Lou Cannata Sr. and Randy Wilson are the go to guys at Lou’s Car Care. If you are looking for a new car or if your vehicle needs servicing, look no further than the 20,000 square foot state-of-theart facility at Lou’s Car Care, located at 7361 State Fair Boulevard in Baldwinsville. Owned by Lou Cannata Sr. since 1976, Lou’s offers its customers complete

automotive service, certified pre-owned vehicles, collision repair, detailing and 24 hour towing. With over 35 years of service in the Baldwinsville and surrounding community’s Lou’s provides its customer with unmatched convenience and cusSee Lou’s Car Care, page 11


Excellence Moving Along February 16, 2011

Driver’s Village

from page 8

Wiltse Nationwide, and NII Brokerage formerly the Fear Agency, with Fred Nobles Tax Service, Shades of Orange Art Studio for Children, Cicero Falcons- Pop Warner all found inside the mall on the first level. The second level of center court is home to; Take Two Visual Media- a full service video production company, Plank Road Chamber of Commerce, Putting on the Ritz Dance Studio - instructing choreographed patterns for Ballroom and Latin styles of dancing, Branch’s Driving School, Universal Cheer Company working with special needs children and adults in exercise and dance, Curtis Tillman Mixed Martial Arts Gym/Academy, Carl T. Putzer Law office, and Live 2 Bounce – The Most Fun Indoor Inflatable Fun Zone. With such a wide array of business and retail inside it compliments the Driver’s Village “experience” which is so much more that just a place to purchase your next vehicle, or have service work performed while you wait. Driver’s Village is truly the most unique driver destination. Driver’s Village also includes it’s Driver’s Expression and Installation Store offering automotive accessories such as remote starters, GPS and heated seats, with it’s own Graphic shop with custom designed auto wrap signage, including state-of-the-art Driver’s Village Collision Center / Body Shop, New York State’s largest and most modern collision facility. “Driver’s Village now has it all” Bregou said. “We are complete. People know we’re here and know our reputation for great vehicles and service”. For more information, visit driversvillage.com, Dvoffers.com or call 1-800-4BURDICK.

Decor there are so many other ways to share glimpses of what “drives” a driver when they aren’t behind the wheel. Decals The most obvious – and common – variation on the bumper sticker is the window decal. From the “potty” humor of dueling Ford and Chevy owners (I think we all know to which decals I am referring) to the more wholesome decals that feature a lineup of the family – pets and all - there are many shapes, sizes and colors available. With many causes out there, the ribbon

volkswagon beetle owners favor this decor to bring in a hint of spring Car vase with yellow gerbera daisy, £9.50 (about $13) me-mo.co.uk.

from page 1

magnet has quite an ample showing as well – sporting messages such as “Support Our Troops” and “Fight Breast Cancer” – these magnets convey what is important to the driver. There are also magnets that depict background information about the road warrior. From coats of arms to “Kiss me, I’m Irish,” these are also sentiments that are not new, but have taken different forms in the telling. License plate frames No longer satisfied with simply having Why freeze your fingers vanity plates, many people on the road also sport frames for their plates that gripping a cold steering wheel? communicate a message. For many young Fuzzy steering wheel cover - flame; $7.95, cardecor.com. adults, these frames can impart their alma – from flames to flamingos, leopard print mater, sports team or even fraternity or to lilacs. There are typical nylon coverings sorority association. For those high-tech drivers, neon tub- for the sports-minded or fluffy fur covers for those who like a posh place for their ing is available to liven up their bumper. posterior. Car ‘jewelry’ From items dangling from your rear- Grab the wheel Similar to the seat cover, there are view mirror to vases for floral enhancements, the front seat of any car can be many variations on the theme of having a utilized in making a statement of personal comfortable place to put your hands when gripping the wheel. Sherpa can keep your style. Fuzzy dice and pine tree air freshener fingers toasty; leather can be stylish and notwithstanding, there are many ways to sleek. These are just a few ways drivers can beautify your mirror, such as dangling a crystal or beaded rearview mirror charm. personalize their vehicles, both inside and The next time you see a Volkswagon out, without just resorting to choosing a Beetle, take a glimpse in the front seat. You color for the exterior and interior. might see a flower blooming from the dashboard. The floral vase almost show off your family while you drive seems to come standard on the VW, Stick family sticker, $10; carstickers.com. but can actually be purchased online and in specialty stores. Have a seat The seat cover, again, is nothing new, but now can be found in a rainbow of hues and variety of patterns

Thank you for making us




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Excellence Moving Along February 16, 2011


Profile of Excellence

Bill Rapp Superstore puts customers first, the rest follows By Ned Campbell

Business was up this year for the Bill Rapp Superstore, located at 3446 Burnet Ave., Syracuse. But for brothers Bruce and Jerry Rapp, who own the store, the increased sales take a backseat to something they see as an even greater success. “We’re more proud of the fact that, quite frankly, we’re rated number one for customer satisfaction for Subaru, Nissan and GMC vehicles in our area,� said Bruce Rapp. The increase in sales has a lot to do with the high level of customer service provided at Bill Rapp. They have an expression over at the Superstore, “taking care of business at Bill Rapp really means taking care of our customers,� Rapp said. “The sales department might sell the first car, but the service department might sell the rest.� The quality service keeps customers coming back— in other words, it creates customers for life. “That’s what really drives us and allows us to succeed when the business climate changes,� Rapp said. “If you have a loyal base of customers going through

the tough times ‌ you can count on each other to keep each other going.â€? Business was up in both the service and sales departments. “Buick was the fastest growing manufacturer last year in terms of sales within the United States,â€? Rapp said. “And our sales mirror that.â€? Buick has always offered sophisticated and luxurious vehicles, but has started making cars that are more fun to drive, with more gadgets, and that appeal to a younger demographic. “Buick has changed, and with the change comes the interest,â€? Rapp said. Subaru vehicles have also grown in popularity among buyers. Bill Rapp Superstore had the first Subaru ever sold in Syracuse in 1971, and they’ve been selling them ever since. All you have to do is look outside on most winter days in Syracuse to know why Subaru is one of the best selling cars in the area, Rapp said. Subaru’s all-wheel-drive vehicles have gained a reputation of dependability, reliability and safety. “They go through the anything,â€? Rapp said. But not every brand of vehicle on

Pictured left to right: Bruce Rapp, Kaylea Nixon (Bill Rapp Superstore Spokesperson), Jerry Rapp the lot at Bill Rapp Superstore has been there for decades. The store began selling Nissan vehicles three years ago, and just last year opened a brand new Nissan facility. “The Nissan business has grown very quickly as a result of that,� Rapp said, adding that Nissan is also doing well nationally as a result of an array of new products being offered. The Superstore takes pride in its cars,


but more so, in it’s staff of passionate employees. It’s been family owned and operated for nearly 56 years, which translates to good vibes among its employees. “It is a family business, and being such, it means something not just to the people that work here, but to our families and extended families,� Rapp said. “And we also try to extend the family part of it to the people who work here who we consider part of the Bill Rap family.�


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Excellence Moving Along February 16, 2011



Profile of Excellence

Par-K Chrysler-Jeep offers newest models 2011 lineup features many enhancements, updates By Jennifer Wing The 2011 Jeep and Chrysler vehicles at Par-K Chrysler-Jeep in Fulton have many updates, including new exteriors, interiors and, in some cases, new engines and transmissions. “They have changed 16 models in 16 months,” Par-K General Manager Thomas Gilbo said, crediting new Fiat-Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne for the changes. “I saw him speak in Orlando, and everything he said would happen, has happened.” He said the changes have “definitely been for the better.’ “As the product has been coming in, we’ve been seeing that the interiors are better, the materials used in them are better, and you can feel the difference when you grab the steering wheel, when you touch the door,” Gilbo said. “The fabric of the seats are better, and are stain resistant.” Jeep updates The 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee is all-new, according to Gilbo. “It is a great vehicle and has gotten great write-ups.” What is most exciting for Gilbo, however, is the changes

to Par-K’s best selling Jeeps, the Compass and Patriot. “They’ve refreshed the Compass, so that it looks like a miniGrand Cherokee,” he said. “They also re-did the interior and it gets great gas mileage – 26 miles per gallon highway and about 22 city. It’s a great-looking 4X4 that is affordable, with an MSRP that starts at $22,700.” The Patriot, which Gilbo said has the same engine and transmission as the Compass, also has great gas mileage, but its exterior differs from the Compass. “It is squared off, more like the Jeep Cherokee Sport. Both have all-time all-wheel-drive, and also offer an off-road capability,” he said. “We’re in snow country, so these models are very popular.” Rounding out the new Jeep offerings for 2011 are the Liberty and Wrangler. “The Liberty has had enhancements to its interior, and a special edition Liberty Jet will feature 20-inch chrome alloy wheels and chrome moldings for a sporty and attractive exterior.” The Wrangler, with an all-new interior, will for the first time be

The Jeep Compass is “a great-looking 4X4 that is affordable, with an MSRP that starts at $22,700,” Par-K General Manager Thomas Gilbo said. available with a hard top painted the same color as the body. “It’s a very cool, sharp look,” Gilbo said. Chrysler models also revamped “The Chrysler Town and Country is all brand-new in 2011,” Gilbo said. “With a new engine and transmission, it also features a new interior and exterior. In addition, side detection is standard on all 2011 Town and Country models and there is the option of powered third-row seating, where you push a button and it automatically stows the seats.”

The Chrysler 300 is also all brand-new, with a 3.6-liter V6 Penestar engine standard. In addition, an available eight-speed transmission will also be coming in the near future. “The engine has the most horsepower for a V6 in its class worldwide,” Gilbo said. “With mileage 25 percent better than before, it gets up to 30 miles per gallon.” The Chrysler 200, which replaces the Sebring, has also been redesigned and features the same

engine, as does the Jeep Grand Cherokee and Town and Country. To view and test drive any of the new models, visit Par-K ChryslerJeep, Oswego County’s only 5 Star Chrysler dealer. Par-K is located just 10 minutes north of the Great Northern Mall and is ready to serve you in sales and service. To view Par-K’s entire inventory, go online to par-k.com. Par-K Chrysler Jeep is located on Route 481 in Fulton. Call 598-8118 for more information.

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tomer service. Lou’s has recently received AAA’s prestigious Top Shop Award for 2010. This is Lou’s fourth time winning the award and second year in succession. This award is given to AAA approved repair centers that have achieved a 97 percent or higher score based on overall facility evaluation, customer service, repair time completion, and return for future service. Lou’s achieved a 98 percent satisfaction rating for 2010. The award winning service department lead by Randy Wilson and Lou’s experienced technicians take pride in providing tremendous customer service and automotive care. Lou’s now offers 24 months or 24,000 mile warranty on automotive repairs. Lou’s can handle all your factory scheduled maintenance, engine and electrical diagnostics, brake, suspension and tire needs featuring Michelin, Mastercraft, Pirelli, Hankook, Yokohama, Uniroyal and other top name brands. They provide a free shuttle service to home or work and when your vehicle is in for a large repair, loaner vehicles are available. Lou’s offers a very clean and spacious waiting room with free WIFI and Green Mountain Coffee. Lou’s is also a great place for your businesses vehicle fleet accepting PHH, ARI, GE Fleet, and Wright Express to name a few. So when you hear that rattle in your front end or see your check engine light on your dash let the Service Department at Lou’s handle all your vehicle concerns. Whether at home or on your hand held, Lou’s has redesigned there web site making it easier to schedule appointments, look at certified pre-owned vehicles, or review monthly specials and promotions. You can also find them on Facebook and can view automotive tips, testimonials, and community events. Each customer can also enroll to receive e-mail, text or postcard reminders when oil changes, state inspections, tire rotations, and other maintenance needs are due. “With this software we are able to keep our customers informed and take the burden of remembering when and what service is needed for their vehicle” explains Lou Cannata Sr. Visit louscarcare.com and discover the difference. Furthermore, Lou’s has drastically expanded their pre-owned vehicle department. With over forty vehicles in inventory Lou’s has many southern rust free certified vehicles priced under $11,995. Lou Cannata Jr. can personally hand select your desired vehicle and provide a hassle free no pressure buying experience. You can preview their large inventory of certified pre-owned vehicles at www.louscarcare.com. Lou’s provides competitive financing options, onsite DMV processing and extended service plan contracts to fit your coverage needs. Prior to every sale each vehicle is thoroughly put through a 125 point inspected and professionally detailed. With so many great services in one location, Lou’s is the perfect place for all your all of your automotive needs. To contact Lou’s Car Care Center, please call 638-0281.

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from page 8

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