2015-2016 President’s ’s Report
WHAT’S INSIDE President’s Message ......................... 3 Campus Updates ............................ 4-5 Student Success ............................. 6-7 Educational Programs ....................... 8 Institutional Recognition ................... 9 Employee Recognition .................... 10 Foundation and Alumni.................... 11 Enrollment ....................................... 12 Community Involvement .................. 13 Financial Stability ............................ 14 Board of Trustees ............................. 15
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This was a great year of recognition for Copiah-Lincoln Community College and the Mississippi Community College System. Our state’s community college system was recognized by WalletHub as the #1 system of two year colleges in the nation. This is a huge accomplishment for our state and puts our colleges in the national spotlight for all the right reasons. Mississippi’s system of two year colleges is also among the oldest in the nation and continues to do important and valuable work in our state.
President’s Message 100 YEAR ANNIVERSARY
I am very happy it was announced last spring that Copiah-Lincoln Community College was chosen as one of the nation’s top 150 community colleges by the Aspen Institute. In a comprehensive review of available data, colleges from 35 states were chosen that have demonstrated strong outcomes considering three areas of student success: • student success in persistence, completion, and transfer; • consistent improvement in outcomes over time; and • equity in outcomes for students of all racial/ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. I am confident that this recognition at Co-Lin is the result of the commitment of our faculty and staff to the success of our students. Our intensified focus on advisement, retention, instruction, and completion of our students is making a difference. We were very pleased this year to officially learn that Co-Lin’s accreditation was reaffirmed by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. The process of reaffirmation was long and involved much preparation and hard work by the Co-Lin staff and faculty. The strategic planning process never ends but we are pleased that Co-Lin has full SACCOC accreditation for the next ten years.
Co-Lin celebrated the 100 Year Anniversary of the establishment of the Agricultural High School. This milestone was kicked off with a convocation including comments from presidential leadership past and present.
Enrollment at all three campuses of Co-Lin stabilized this past fall semester at approximately 3,100 students. Over 75 percent of our students were enrolled full time and over 76 percent of the students enrolled at Co-Lin were from within our seven county district. Co-Lin’s reputation of outstanding instructional programs, dedicated faculty, and supportive staff have made us the first choice for many of the high school students in our district. The Co-Lin Foundation experienced one of its best years ever in collecting donations and gifts from alumni and supporters to benefit the college. Our Foundation assets are now over $8 million and provide a much needed financial resource to the college. It is my hope that all of our Co-Lin friends will continue to aide in our growth and development through their donations to the Co-Lin Foundation. This President’s Report includes wonderful information about the success of our students and faculty at Co-Lin. I am impressed each year with the enthusiasm and desire of our students and staff to help h make Co-Lin The Place To Be. The choir added to the celebration by performing the Alma Mater.
Campus Updates
Former Dean/Vice Presidents, Dr. John Dickerson and Dr. Billy Stewart along with current Vice President Dr. Dewayne Middleton at the Simpson County Center’s 10th Anniversary.
Construction has started on the new Diesel Equipment Technology class and lab area. The area around the greenhouse has been updated. A student lounge area was also completed.
Plum Creek grant provided a new walking trail currently in its final phase before completion.
WESSON CAMPUS Smith Hall elevated classrooms were renovated this past year to provide an updated classroom environment complete with spacious seating and charging capabilities for student instructional devices. A Writing Center was established in the Mutton Building to offer writing services to students in conjunction with the Quality Enhancement Plan (The Write Path).
Phase One of Ellzey Hall’s renovation was completed with the restoration of the outside of the building.
The Early Childhood Education Technology Building & Lab School opened in January of 2015.
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Student Success Leadership and service skills were developed as Co-Lin students participated in a variety of student organizations. The Natchez DECA Chapter won the DECA Chapter of the Year award at the state competition. For the third consecutive year, the Medical Laboratory Technology Bowl Team captured first place in the Tri-State Mississippi, Louisiana, and Tennessee Student Bowl Competition. Twelve members of the college choir performed with other Mississippi groups at Carnegie Hall in New York City in January.
2016 SeaWolves Robotics Team finished eighth in the world in the Marine Advanced Technology Education Competition in Houston, Texas. The team won the Explorer Class Design Elegance Award.
Phi Beta Lambda students Jacob Greer & Javoris Smith won second place in Business Decision Making and seventh place in Small Business Management Plan at the PBL National Conference in Atlanta.
Tayla Blount, with daughter, Peyton, (center) is presented with a check by Co-Lin President Dr. Ronnie Nettles, after successfully completing her high school equivalency and enrolling in the MIBEST@Co-Lin program.
PTK All Mississippi Academic Team seated from left Katelyn Roberts, Rebecca Ellzey, First Team; Malia Bynum, Hailey Wilson; standing from left Dr. Ronnie Nettles, Samantha Speeg, (Advisor); Tiffany Perryman, (Advisor); Tori Mott, Deren Konecky, (Advisor); and Dr. Dewayne Middleton. Not pictured is Aaron Uram.
Athletics Co-Lin athletics had another exceptional year on the field and in the classroom. The Wolfpack golf team is the MACJC No. 1 Men’s Academic Team and the NJCAA’s No. 3 Academic Team of the Year. The Wolfpack tennis team finished as the NJCAA’s No. 5 Academic Team of the Year, while women’s soccer, softball and women’s tennis finished in the NJCAA’s Top 20. Co-Lin had 29 student athletes to receive NJCAA Academic Awards. Wolfpack punter Greg Nickles was the only community college player named to the Co-SIDA Academic All-America College Division Team. Co-Lin defensive end Paul James III was named NJCAA First Team All-American. The Auburn University signee was also named the NJCAA Region 23 Defensive Most Valuable Player, MACJC Most Valuable Defensive Lineman and MACJC First Team All-State. The Wolfpack football team finished the season ranked No. 4 in the final NJCAA poll. The Wolfpack doubles team of Braxton Hinton and Drake Nelson capped off an undefeated season by winning the MACJC State Championship at No. 3 doubles. Freshman golfer Philip Heine captured medalist honors in the NJCAA Region 23 Tournament and represented the Wolfpack at the NJCAA Division II National Tournament finishing 29th. Heine was named PING All-American, NJCAA All-Region 23, MACJC First Team All-State, and was a semifinalist for the 2016 Jack Nicklaus Player of the Year Award. The Lady Wolves basketball team were NJCAA Region 23 Runners-Up and finished the season with a 23-5 record.
Educational Programs
Natchez Campus offers EMT classes to meet healthcare needs in the district.
The Welding Program celebrated it first graduate from the Career-Technical Dual Enrollment Program.
The new Early Childhood Education Technology Program at the Simpson County Center offered both part-time and full-time options.
Archery classes were added to the curriculum as a physical education academic elective.
Institutional Recognition This past year the college was proud to be recognized by several different organizations for institutional quality and distinction. The Aspen Institute College Excellence Program named Copiah-Lincoln Community College as one of the nation’s top 150 community colleges eligible to compete for the 2017 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence. Co-Lin was the only community college in the state to be selected to receive the Mississippi Career Preparedness Award for the ACT College and Career Readiness Campaign. The Chronicle of Higher Education announced the college as one of the Great Colleges To Work For. The college received the Mississippi Career Preparedness Award for the ACT College & Career Readiness Campaign.
Co-Lin has received the Mississippi Employer Support of the National Guard and Reserve (ESGR) “Seven Seals Award.” Pictured from left are, Veteran Services Director Dr. Tim Lea, Matthew Rogers, Jessica Rogers holding their son, Matt, Dr. Ronnie Nettles, and James “Jack” Wallace, Colonel, U.S. Army retired and state ESGR chair.
Employee Recognition Co-Lin celebrated the many accomplishments of its outstanding faculty and staff. This year, the instructors selected as William Winter Scholars were Kyle Britt (WC) and Ray Bradford (NC). Blake Oberschmidt received the Wesson Chamber Instructor of the Year. Amy Case (WC) was named the Humanities Instructor of the Year. Eddie Britt (WC) was the Lamplighter recipient. The Faculty Summer Institute 2016 participants were: Melnee Berry, Dr. Rob Channell, Brad Hamilton, and Keith Stovall. Last year’s participants just completed year one of The Write Path data for QEP. Administrators were also recognized for service and leadership. Julia Parker and Brent Duguid participated in the Mississippi Community College Leadership Academy. Dean Jackie Martin recently completed the inaugural Career and Technical Leadership Academy sponsored by the Mississippi Community College Board.
Honored as Copiah-Lincoln Community College’s Outstanding Faculty Advisors are from left, Dr. Praveen Ramaraju, chemistry/physical science instructor Natchez Campus; Keith Stovall, sociology/psychology instructor Wesson Campus; Lane Flynt, program coordinator of practical nursing Simpson County Center; and Rhonda Posey, computer information systems technology instructor Wesson Campus.
Monica Morrison (NC) completed the Leadership Natchez program.
Dr. Jane Hulon (WC) received the PTK Distinguished Community College Administrator Award.
Margaret Britt (WC) received the HEADWAE Award for faculty members
The Copiah-Lincoln Community College Alumni Association honored five outstanding faculty and staff members during the annual fall convocation on the Wesson Campus. Those honored were Amy Case of Brookhaven, Blake Oberschmidt of Wesson and Velesta Young of Wesson, all from the Wesson Campus; Amanda Hood of Utica, Natchez Campus; and Bryon Conville of Mendenhall, Simpson County Center.
This past year, the Co-Lin Foundation received gifts of more than $450,000. This includes scholarship support, program support, general contributions, and funds from special events. Approximately $200,000 is awarded annually to support over 150 student scholarships, and more than $22,000 is awarded in faculty grants and scholarships. The current value of the assets of the Foundation is more than $8 million.
Foundation & Alumni
Homecoming is scheduled for October 22, 2016. Alumni and friends are invited to return to campus for reunions and other exciting events. The Co-Lin Alumni Association is planning a trip to the Grand Canyon and other Southwest National Parks in the summer of 2017. For more information, contact the office of Alumni Affairs at 601-643-8498. New Executive Director D. J. Preiss, joined the college.
The Foundation inducted six new members into its Hall of Fame- The American Legion Abner W. Cooper Memorial Post 27 in Monticello, The Co-Lin Band and Colette Alumni Chapter, The Co-Lin Centurions Club, Dr. Roy and Gerry Daughdrill of Wesson, Dolores Hadskey of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Dr. Ronnie and Rosie Nettles of Wesson.
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Community Involvement
Natchez Campus celebrated Veterans Day and received monetary contribution to support the college.
Faculty, staff, and students at the Simpson County Center participated in various events on and off campus that aimed at promoting education, health and safety.
Natchez Campus offered free pictures with Santa, holiday games, and refreshments at the Christmas Open House.
Wolfpack Baseball team read to students at Wesson Elementary School.
Financial Stability
FY 2014-2015 Revenues " ""* "*
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Revenue Funds
Tuition and Fees State Appropriations County Appropriations Federal Grants/Contracts State Grants/Contracts Local Grants/Contracts Sales/Services Transfers Other Revenues Total
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$ 7,706,628.46 $11,611,381.56 $ 4,660,183.48 $ 9,562,960.96 $ 2,323,383.4 $ 981,088.01 $ 5,412,022.53 $ 1,803,269.62 $ 229,463.37 $44,290,381.39
Expenses (by Function) Instructional Instructional Support Student Services Institutional Support Physical Plant Auxiliaries Debt Services Financial Aid Total
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$14,299,526.68 $ 1,204,340.28 $ 3,486,231.48 $ 4,649,312.90 $ 6,545,265.17 $ 4,272,394.6 $ 1,080,539.29 $ 8,752,770.99 $44,290,381.39
Board of Trustees
Steven Ammann Simpson County
Steve Amos Copiah County
Eugene Bates Jefferson Co.-Chairman
Ray Brown, Jr. Copiah County
Jack Case Lincoln County
Mary Cleveland Copiah County
Rickey Clopton Copiah County
Chris Dunn Simpson County
Lynwood Easterling Adams County
Tammy Fairburn Lawrence County
Chuck Gilbert Adams County
Darryl Grennell Adams County
Willie Harrison Lincoln County
Joyce Johnson Adams County
Tommy Jolly Lawrence County
Christopher Kent Franklin County
Melton King Adams County
Randall Lofton Lincoln County
Mickey Myers Lincoln County
Greg Paes Simpson County
Johnny Pyles Copiah County
Roland Ross Lincoln County
Tommy Sasser Lincoln Co.-Secretary
Dr. Troy Stewart, Sr. Copiah County
Vincent Turner Jefferson County
Barry Tyson Franklin County
Roy Winkworth Adams Co.-Vice Chairman
Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID HDP&G
WESSON CAMPUS P.O. Box 649 Wesson, Mississippi 39191 601. 643.5101 NATCHEZ CAMPUS 11 Co-Lin Circle Natchez, Mississippi 39120 601.442.9111 SIMPSON COUNTY CENTER 151 Co-Lin Drive Mendenhall, Mississippi 39114 601.849.5149