3 minute read


MONEY, MONEY, MONEY… How we do money is how we do everything.

Are you an emotional spender who buys things when you ‘feel’ like it, in order to quell those feelings in some way, even if it’s short term? You shop, spend and buy - all with the sole purpose of improving your mood? Is money to be enjoyed in the present or do you save diligently for the future, often at the expense of enjoying the here and now? Saving but not spending, shopping for the cheapest things (even though you could afford more) and struggling to outsource financially in your business or at home? Do you update a financial plan regularly or does the thought of one make you shudder… How we react to money is a result of the messages we absorbed from family, friends and the media whilst growing up. This conditioning can result in taboos around money and how we operate around it. So, most of our adult attitudes towards money aren’t actually our own and it’s these attitudes and beliefs that create our ‘money story.’ Were you told ‘Working hard is the only way to earn money?’ Ever told yourself ‘I love what I do but it’s not about the money?’ Does your inner voice whisper ‘You can’t make more than you did at your job?’ These dangerous mindsets create a glass money ceiling that will stop you from earning, being financially successful and having a healthy relationship with money. Our life experiences play a key part in the development of our automatic habits (reactions) and attitudes (feelings and thoughts) towards money and dictate how our inner voice (subconscious) talks to us about money. Uncovering your unique money personality empowers you to transform how you think and feel about money, about yourself, your business or career and even your relationships. There are two symbiotic components to address in order to have a healthy relationship with money – the practical and the emotional. Writing educational money and finance content at The Money Whisperer, I believed that providing clear, practical financial advice and education would help people become better at managing their money. Growing from educator to mentor and now to


coach, I understand that the emotional issues run much deeper and need to be addressed first before the practical tools can have any meaningful impact. What is your money personality? Accumulator, Alchemist, Celebrity, Connector, Maverick, Nurturer or Romantic Your money personality is a combination of different money archetypes, some more dominant than others. No one trait is good or bad. However, over or underuse of any particular trait may indicate a need for more balance, deeper self-awareness and a new level of personal understanding.

Money Mindset

Every opportunity we have with money is filtered or seen through the lens of our unique money personality. We can operate successfully with money when we draw on the strengths and reduce the self-sabotaging elements. With money mindset work grounded in a powerful understanding of these personality elements, you can break these limiting beliefs and transform the way you view money. The ripple effect of that transformation will impact on all areas of your life and business.

“Deep rooted money blocks will prevent you from taking logical steps to improve your finances”.

Emma Maslin is a Sacred Money Archetypes® certified money coach, personal finance mentor, bestselling author and founder of multi-award winning personal finance education website The Money Whisperer. She is also a qualified Chartered Accountant with a background in corporate finance. Emma has written for HuffPost, This is Money and Metro and has featured in The Guardian, The Times, The Independent, Stylist and Red.

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