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YOUR BODY & YOUR BUSINESS Self-Care & Success go hand in hand

“Self-care is the practice of taking actions to protect or improve your physical and mental health, self-awareness, social & spiritual wellbeing and emotional balance”. You have been gifted a human body. A magnificent, ever-changing, selfcorrecting natural wonder that makes your life possible. When all elements of your body and mind work together in harmony, that’s when you are in flow, performing at your peak and are the most productive, focused, creative and successful you can be. As a recreational competitive athlete and business owner, I have consistently prioritised my physical and mental performance since my 20’s. It’s a way of life that embraces my business too. Cycling is my passion and I compete in cyclocross races, time trials and closed-circuit road races. At 48, I race alongside younger athletes yet I still perform well, am fitter and feel amazing for it. But it’s the active and consistent self-care which allows me to combine hours of training, run my business , maintain my mental acuity - and preserve my sanity! There is a direct correlation between your health and your profit line.


The functioning of your body at a cellular level affects your performance, behaviours and responses.

Your body produces hormones and brain chemicals which

help you focus, elevate your mood, enhance your thought processes, heighten your memory and concentration, boost your confidence and build mental resilience. When these chemicals are at peak, you make better, sharper decisions, build stronger relationships, break through mental and emotional blocks, develop new skills, respond calmly and swiftly to problems and move forwards to grow your business with confidence.

Yet if stress and exhaustion builds, peak performance reduces and problems arise so maintaining the balance is key.

‘Your body doesn’t care about your bottom line, it cares about your survival’.

Stress and overwhelm will always be your body’s priority at the expense of everything else including reproduction, mental health, cognitive function, digestion and energy. When we do not implement self-care routines or take active steps to choose stress-lowering lifestyle choices, the body literally robs Peter to pay Paul. It “steals” chemicals from your brain, organs and nervous system to produce stress hormones. So suddenly your mood plummets, thought processes are skewed, memory is impaired and concentration is lost. The impact on your business can be huge. in protein, they also sustain your appetite and help to reduce dips in concentration and energy. Green juices and smoothies are rich in chlorophyll which helps to oxygenate the blood and keep the mind alert. If you are a sugar and/or carb addict and often suffer brain fog, energy dips and have difficulty concentrating then I would encourage you to commit to reducing your intake. You will be surprised at the difference it makes to cut out refined sugar altogether but it’s not easy. Try ditching your evening carbohydrates and avoiding sugar after dinner and see if that helps with your sleep and energy levels the following morning. Your body is a complex, perfectly engineered machine. One tiny malfunction affects the whole machine. It may be self-correcting, but it still needs your support. Your body will respond accordingly and thank you for it. So will your business.

The Self-Care Solution

Regular, structured and consistent self-care is imperative to combat imbalance and sometimes requires vulnerability and courage especially when it comes to your emotional wellbeing. It’s not just massages, weekend breaks and spa days. It is essential to consider practices which respect and recognise that your body is a gift that needs constant attention for it to continue to make success possible. Practices such as weekly food prep when you’re

time poor in the evenings, or restricting caffeine and alcohol during busy working weeks so you don’t burn out, or a daily sleep hygiene routine that eliminates blue light and screen time for example. Start with just one thing that feels manageable and stick to it. If you start with too many practices at once you will find it impossible to create new habits. When I first started my self-care journey, I started with water. I went from drinking no water at all, to at least 2 litres of water every day. It became a habit and it changed my life. Try it for yourself - every day. And see how much more productive you can be in your business as a result of that one simple change alone. Certain foods eaten daily can enhance the production of an army of magical stress-busting, memory enhancing, energyreleasing, confidence-boosting and brain-sharpening powerhouse chemicals that will allow you to live your best life and run a successful business. Eggs and nuts for example contain nutrients and fats which support memory and cognitive function. Rich

21 Gwen is a qualified Nutritionist and Fitness Instructor and founder of Biting Fit - a nutrition, fitness and wellbeing business. With over a decade of leadership experience she coaches Nutritionists and wellbeing coaches to grow their businesses online. She is a recreational athlete and British Cycling competitive cyclist.


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