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ALL STRATEGY AND NO SOUL? Energy mastery for business growth.


Kirtsy Kianifard runs a multiple awardwinning EcoSpa in her home town of Brighton and Hove, a training school for wellness practitioners and an international coaching practice in which she coaches other wellness entrepreneurs to thrive and grow their own businesses. She has mastered her energy to build her success but it wasn’t always this way... “In the early days, I was a slave to my passion, I was last on every list and so overwhelmed by the desperation to ‘make it’ that my exhaustion was like my irritating sidekick. I compared myself to everyone, doubted everything and this led to procrastination, excuses, low energy and going nowhere fast. I sacrificed everything for the needs of my clients. I was dedicated to them. But there was nothing left in me and my spark was fading fast. How could I serve them well when I was so depleted? My clients all told me they loved my therapy work, but I wasn’t really sure what ‘my work’ actually was as it didn’t seem to ‘fit’ any boxes. When I was with my clients, I was totally in the zone; tapped into something very different - full alignment. No doubting, no second guessing. But when I was out of the room and it came to my business, I realised I was all strategy and no soul! The penny dropped! I wasn’t aligning my energy work with my business strategy. I made a 360 and applied everything I knew about energy mastery to reprogram the beliefs that were keeping me stuck; meditation, journaling, future scripting and mindful visualisation and BOOM, it all started to change. It’s an easy mistake to separate business growth from personal growth, thinking if you do the ‘right’ things (ie strategy) it will produce the right results. But growing a business is personal growth and when you work on your energetic bandwidth, it all changes. Everything is energy and, like transmission capacity of a computer, we need a strong bandwidth in order to hold greater success, money, responsibility and creativity. Without working on this, we find ourselves reaching a certain level of success, then burning out or heading into self-sabotage as we lack the capacity needed to sustain a steady trajectory of growth. “Business growth is personal growth and when you work on your energetic bandwidth, it all changes”

I created the seven energetic principles of business success to help wellness entrepreneurs to focus on their energy mastery. 1. Living on Purpose - Your business must be in alignment with your bigger mission. What are your core values and how do these fuel your why? Not knowing your big why can lead to a disconnect between you and your offer. If you don’t love what you are selling, how can you expect anyone else to? 2. Position of Guidance - Are you trying to steal the light from your client? Do you want to be the one they are indebted to for their transformation? Make sure that hero is your client, not you. Positioning yourself as the guide in your clients story builds the know, like and trust factor that fuels the longevity of your business and the sustained empowerment of your client. 3. Limitless Mindset - The only limit to your potential is YOU. The creative opportunities that lies before you in your business are infinite so investing in your mindset will maximise your greatest asset (which is also you btw). 4. Commitment to Highest Service - Where does your unique skill set and your passion collide? How can you harness these to be of the highest service to your clients? Mediocre practice leads to a mediocre business (at best), so dare to dream and let your clients see you at your most potent. 5. Balanced Energetic Exchange - Your prices should be in alignment with the transformation you offer. We all know that sustained change takes time and commitment from both sides. Focusing on the transformation you offer (born from step one) rather than the modalities you use to achieve these, allows you to fully step into your power and own your worth. 6. Willingness to Receive - Being able to close the loop and continue to give back to yourself will increase your energetic bandwidth and therefore enable you to hold much success. Missing this piece of the puzzle is a surefire way to reach burnout, fatigue or worse still, total stagnation. Lead by example and double down on your devotion to self. 7. Detachment to Outcome - Attachment and neediness repel. Taking the aligned action necessary to reach your desired outcome and then releasing attachment to the result allows for space for new opportunities and sparks of creativity to flow. These principles can be applied to all aspects of life and business to bridge the gap between your personal development and business growth.


Kirsty Kianifard is a multi-award winning Business owner and growth Coach with a mission to scale the impact of the wellness world. Founder of an Organic Spa and Wellbeing Training School, Kirsty coaches other wellness entrepreneurs to master their message, uplevel their income and create freedom in their life and business.

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