21 Grand Final Edition

Page 33

Unpacking baggage is removing hurdles for clients May I Check Your Bag?

You might be asking, what is this unpacking baggage, I am not traveling! Let’s have a real discussion about baggage. Yep, we all have it. We have good and bad ways of managing ourselves. We have our natural programming that guides us throughout our day. Most of the time, we are not even aware of the “why” of what we are doing. Over time, our bags can get heavier and large enough that we may not be able to see over them. It weighs us down and does not allow us to move freely and effortlessly.

Unbeknownst to ourselves, we can give our baggage to others to carry and weigh them down as well, especially when we are leaders of a team. Our goal is not to get rid of all of our baggage, well, maybe the ones that no longer serve us. We need to live with our baggage and not be controlled by it. We need to be able to use our bags to help us travel to new places, learn about others and ourselves. We need to be able to unpack our bags and know what is in them. And, this is where we can help our

clients. We are their valet who works with them to unpack their bags, see what they contain and help them to understand what works for them and what needs to be put in storage! This idea of uncovering (or unpacking) the baggage is a Grand Final moment. The a-ha moment of clients understanding themselves and examining the baggage they carry around. By understanding this baggage, we, as coaches, can remove those bags or hurdles that are impeding them from achieving their full potential.

By Dr Keri Ohlrich

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