By Steve Barlow
y first impressions of John were positive. He worked as a business advisor and came across as a self-assured professional. We got talking and he inquired about my line of work. I said I’m a change fitness coach (and then had to explain what that means). “Nope, no need of that over here”, he said, dismissively. Fortunately for both of us, we kept in regular contact over the next year or so. Periodically, he would inquire about my change fitness coaching programs. Was he just curious, or was there more to it? Then one day, out of the blue, John asked to enrol in one of the programs. I was delighted. At the beginning of the program (and again at the end) clients take a change fitness assessment. This helps me understand their needs and how to approach them (and enables us to measure progress). John’s scores revealed something interesting.
At the beginning of the coaching program, John thought he was a confident person who was successful around change. And then we began exploring the 7 psychological elements of change fitness. John thought about each one and considered how each applied to his own life. Gradually, as that happened, the scales began to drop from his eyes. www.coachinglife.
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