Desi Trucking - November December 2020 (National Edition)

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Vol.11 - Issue 6 Nov/Dec 2020

Preparing for Winter




The Kenworth W990 and the T680 make the perfect pairing to get the job done. Combine the T680’s aerodynamic efficiency with the W990’s power and class to get the most out of your load. Both sleeper options have a luxurious and comfortable interior giving drivers a home-away-from-home feel.

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We keep you moving,

because you can’t stop. vDIAw qknIk nUM cldw r`Kx leI Aqy murMmq dw kMm smyN isr mukwaux leI, quhwnUM loV hY vDIAw tYknISnW dI[ swfy Cummins dy PYktrI srtIPweIf tYknISIAn dIAW syvwvW, pUry au`qrI AmrIkw ‘c s`qy idn 24 GMty auplbD hn Aqy auh sdw hI quhwnUM bhuq hI vDIAw syvwvW Aqy shwieqw dyx leI vcnb`D hn[ sPr c`ldw r`Ko[ swfI vY`bsweIt ‘qy jwE jW swnMU 1-800-CUMMINS™ ‘qy &on kro[ NATIONAL MAGAZINE







Ace Truck Repairs ............................ 35 ASL Global Logistics ......................... 27 CBS Parts Ltd ...................................13 Champion Towing .............................. 33 Cummins ..........................................03 First Truck Centre ............................... 17 G & G Trucking Solutions ................... 34 Glasvan Great Dane ........................ 19 Hello Trucking ............................ 11, 37 Hendrickson .................................... 47 Howes Lubricators ........................... 21 Inland Kenworth ...................... 02 & 33 JD Factors ........................................46 JGK Media Inc ............................ 24-25 New Malwa Express .......................... 26 Ocean Trailer ............................. 33 & 45 Pacific Inland Powertrain...................35

08 15 16 18 22 36 40 42

iqAwrI srdIAW leI TOTAL LUBRIFIANTS UNVEILS ITS NEW CAN idnwkIz mYfItYrynIAn gir`l ARE THE REPAIRS WORTH IT? TRUCKERS AND RULES OF THE ROAD REDEFINING AN INDUSTRY audXog dI ie`k nvIN pRIBwSw klIn bI sI hYvI ifaUtI vwhn suXogqw pRogrwm nwL hr swl pRqI tr`k $15,000 q`k dI b`cq kro

Peterbilt .......................................... 48 Pike Enterprises Ltd .......................... 35 Safety Driven .................................. 07





Titan Truck & Trailer Parts Ltd. ............ 34 Total Lubricants .............................. 43 Transam Carriers Inc. ....................... 39 Transcore ......................................... 05 vHub App ......................................... 32 Work Safe BC .................................. 41 XTCC (Kool Dudes) ............................. 15 4



Editor’s Note / sMpwdkI 2020 – A YEAR TO FORGET; A YEAR TO REMEMBER The Covid-19 pandemic surely made 2020 a year that will be etched in most people’s memories. It began as something the world didn’t take seriously; and then, it became something the world had to take seriously. During the initial months of uncertainty, there were many things that we would like to forget. Remember the hoarding of toilet paper? The hand sanitizers? And even paper towels and wet wipes? People not only began to hoard such items, but sell them for a profit during such difficult times. As the months passed, there are other instances that we’d rather Jag Dhatt forget: the businesses that had to close their doors, some which had been open for decades; the unfortunate individuals who lost their jobs, whether short term or long. At the same time, 2020 was also memorable for a number of reasons. The Covid-19 pandemic forced individuals and companies to think outside the box. Zoom, which was rarely used by many became the medium for virtual communication. People were also forced to try different methods to complete tasks and jobs. Working from home became an option, and continues to be for some still. Even more memorable is how communities came together to help one another. People ordered from local businesses so they wouldn’t be forced to close their doors. Those who were fortunate went out of their way to help others in need during these desperate times. These efforts were appreciated. And let’s not forget the truckers who put their safety at stake to keep goods and the economy going. As we close out 2020 and look forward to 2021, it’s important to remember that society will weather this storm of Covid-19 because even after the darkest of nights, there is light on the horizon.

Publisher JGK Media Inc. | 1-877-598-3374 (Desi)

Editor-In-Chief Jag Dhatt

Advertising & Sales Jag Dhatt (National / Western Canada) Stephen Alford (Eastern Canada)

Art Director Ranjit Singh

Creative Head Ranjit Singh

IT Manager Ranj Bhamra

Cover Design Ranjit Singh

Contributing Writers Candy Chung; Jag Dhatt; Jimmy Gill;

swl 2020 ijs nUM Bùl jwE; kyvl Awx vwLy swl dw hI iKAwl kro koivf 2019 ny 2020 dy swl Aijhw bxw id`qw ijhVw swfy iv`coN bhuiqAW dIAw XwdW ‘c aùkirAw igAw hY[jd ieh mhWmwrI SurU heI sI qW ies nUM bhuqI gMBIrqw nwL nhIN ilAw igAw sI; pr bwAd ‘c ies ny Aijhy rMg ivKwey ik smùcy sMswr nUM hI, ies nUM gMBIrqw nwL lYxw ipAw[ ies dy pihly SurUAwqI gYr gMBIrqw nwl lYx vwLy smyN ‘c, ies qrHW dIAW bhuq swrIAW g`lW hn ,ijhVIAW AsIN Bùl jwxIAW cwhWgy[ Xwd hY jdoN toielt pypr iek`Ty krn leI BwjVW peIAW hoeIAW sn? hYNf sYnytweIzr iek`Ty kIqy jw rhy sn? ie`QoN q`k ik pypr twvl Aqy vỲt vweIps lYx leI vI A`coAweI l`gI rhI[ies qrHW dy lok vI sn jo ieh smwn Awpxy leI hI iek`Tw nhIN kr rhy sn, sgoN keI qW ies AOKI GVI ‘c ies qrHW dIAW cIzW vyc ky munwPw vI kmwauNdy rhy[ ijvyN ijvyN idn qy mhIny bIqy ies qrHW dw smW vI AwieAw ijhVw swnUM Bulw dyxw hI TIk rhygw:dhwikAW q`k c`l rhy ibznsW dy mwlkW nUM mzbUrI kwrn Awpxy kwrobwr bMd krny pey[ Awpxy pirvwr nUM pwlx leI bhuiqAW nOkrI krn vwiLAW dIAW nOkrIAW vI jWdIAW l`gIAW[ ies qoN ielwvw kùJ hor kwrn vI hn ijnHW krky 2020 sMn Xwd rhygw[ ieh koivf -19 dI mhWmwrI hI sI ijs ny Awm Aqy kMpnIAW vwiLAW nUM Awpxy dPqr dy kMm vwLy myz qoN aùT ky bwhr Jwq mwrn leI vI mzbUr kIqw[ bhuq swirAW v`loN ijs zUm dI kdy vrqoN hI nhIN kIqI sI, aus dI vrqoN Awhmxy swhmxy bYTx dI QW dUroN g`l bwq krn leI Awm hI ho geI[ lokW v`loN Awpxy kMm DMdy krn leI v`Ko v`Kry FMg Apxwey jwx l`g pey hn[ ienHW ‘c Gr qoN bYT ky kMm krn dI loV qy Awdq vI SurU ho geI[ ijhVI g`l bhuq Xwd r`KI jwvygI auh ieh hY ik BweIcwirAW dy lok ie`k dUjy dI mdd A`gy nwLoN ikqy v`D krn l`g pey hn[ lokW v`loN lokl ibznsW qoN KRIdo PRokq SurU ho geI ijs kwrn ieh ibzns c`ldy rhy[ kùJ ibzns vwiLAW ny ies mhWmwrI dOrwn AOKy ho ky vI loVvMd lokW dI mdd kIqI[ies qrHW dI mdd krn vwiLAW lokW dy aùdm dI SlwGw vI kIqI geI[ pr swnUM tr`kW vwiLAW v`loN AwpxI jwn Kqry ‘c pw ky lokW leI loVINdIAW vsqW dI kIqI FoAw FuAweI nUM vI nhIN Bulwauxw cwhIdw[ aunHW ny lokW nUM zrurI vsqW phuMcwaux’c hI mdd nhIN kIqI, sgoN dyS dI AwriQkqw dy phIey nUM vI c`ldw r`iKAw[ hux jdoN 2020 jw irhw hY Aqy swfI nzr 2021 v`l hY, ieh Xwd r`Kxw cwhIdw hY ik BwvyN koivf 19 vrgI mhWmwrI jW iksy hor musIbq dy kwly b`dl hox, rwq bwAd, idn dw cwnx qW psrnw hI psrnw hY[ 6


Kelly Taylor; Pash Brar; Ray Gompf; Ron Dhaliwal; Staff Reporters

Translator Tirath S. Khabra


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CONDITIONS CHANGE. BE PREPARED AND PLAN AHEAD. The safety of your employees is your responsibility, including when they’re behind the wheel. Take steps to reduce the increased risks they face during winter conditions. Download our free winter driving safety tool kit at

Know before you go | |




iqAwrI srdIAW leI

hr swl lgdw hY ik ies ivSy nUM do kwrnW krky ivcwirAw jwvygw; mOsm Anuswr AiDkwr Kyqr dy inXm vI bdl jWdy hn[ jdoN loV cynW dI huMdI hY qW iKAwl r`Ko ik ieh quhwfy kol vrqx leI mOjUd pihlw qW ieh ik lokW nUM ieh Xwd krwauxw ik srdIAW dy mOsm ‘c v`KrI iksm dIAW cuxOqIAW hn[ dUjw ieh ik ijnHW ny pihlW hn Aqy jdoN vI loV peI qusIN ieh vrq skdy ho[ ijnHW KyqrW ienHW hwlwq dw swhmxw nhIN kIqw aunHW nUM ienHW leI ‘c cynW dI loV hY, ies dw ieh mqlb nhIN ik cynW hoxIAW cwhIdIAW hn sgoN ies dI vrqoN krnI iqAwr krn dw[ij`QoN q`k g`l tr`kW dI hY do qrHW dIAW iqAwrIAW ijnHW sbMDI zrUr socxw cwhIdw hY[ AwauxI cwhIdI hoxI vI zrUrI hY[ ies leI ieh iKAwl r`Ko ik ijhVIAW cynW quhwfy kol hn, aunHW dI ie`k hY smwn dI iqAwrI Aqy dUjI hY AwpxIAW loVW sbMDI iqAwrI[ bhuq swry hwlwq ‘c fRweIvr dw tr`k hwlq TIk hY Aqy auh tu`tIAW B`jIAW nhIN[ ieh vI dI pUrI sWB sMBwl ‘qy pUrw kMtrol nhIN huMdw[ie`k hI XkInI bxwE ik loV pYx ‘qy quhwnUM aunHW nUM lwauxw vI AwauNdw hovy[ ieh iKAwl r`Ko ik jdoN aunHW dI loV g`l hY ik fRweIvr isrP ies sbMDI irpoort kr skdw hY Aqy pu`C skdw hY[ hovy qW aunHW nUM twierW ‘qy cVHwauxw vI AwauNdw hovy Aqy mOsm dy hwlwq shI ho jwx qW quhwnUM ienHW cynW bhuq swry kMm DMidAW ‘c smwn ie`k QW hI huMdw hY[ ies leI kMm krn vwLw hr roz Gr jw skdw hY[ nUM lwhuxw vI AwauNdw hovy[ ieh vI nw Bu`lxw ik aunHW tr`ikMg ‘c bhuq idnW q`k smwn Aqy kMm krn vwLy nUM lwhux jW cVHwaux smyN mOsm vI TIk nhIN ho skdw[ aus smyN TMF kwPI ho skdI hY, ies sB leI quhwfI nUM ie`k QW ‘qy hI rihxw pYNdw hY[ jy iqAwrI pUrI hovygI qW kMm vI vDIAw hovygw[ pUrI iqAwrI hoxI cwhIdI hY[ G. Ray Gompf AwE hryk dI v`KrI iqAwrI leI g`l krIey[ Awpxy swfy ‘coN bhuq swry hn jo loV pYx ‘qy ieh cynW cVHw 8



lYNdy hn Aqy mOsm Anuswr ienHW nUM lwh lYNdy hn[ ieh smW bhuq B`dw qy bhuq mwVw vI ho skdw[ jy qusIN smyN isr cynW nhIN pwauNdy qW v`fw zurmwnw vI ho skdw hY[ ieh vI iKAwl r`Ko, jdoN ienHW dI loV nhIN, ieh cynW TIk QW ‘qy r`KIAW ‘qy sMBwlIAW jWdIAW hn[ ieh vI nw Bu`lo ik cynW pkV Bwv tRYkSn hI pRdwn krdIAW hn, auh fRweIv AYksl leI nhIN huMdIAW[ tRylr vIHlz ‘qy peIAW cynW bhuq izAwdw siQrqw vI pRdwn krdIAW hn[ Awpxy kMtrol Aqy mwVIAW sVkW nUM sdw iDAwn ‘c r`Ko[ BYVIAW Bwv DoKw dyx vwLIAW sVkW ‘qy cldy smyN ienHW nUM nzrAMdwz nw kro Aqy nw hI ienHW nUM mwmUlI ‘c lE[ ieh nw Bu`lxw ik quhwfy kol loVINdIAW cynW hn jo inXm Anuswr TIk hn, sgoN ieh sur`iKAw pRdwn krn leI vI TIk hn[ g`l kyvl qy kyvl kwnUMn dI nhIN sgoN ieh sB ku`J sur`iKAw leI vI zrurI hn[ bcwA qoN ibnw swry AMgW, auNglIAW, h`QW Aqy pYrW smyq shI slwmq Gr q`k phuMcx dI zrurq vI hY[ mMn lE ik quhwfw mwlk sur`iKAw leI zrUrI Aqy loVINdIAW ieh cIzW quhwnUM nhIN idMdw, qW ies qrHW dy smyN quhwfy kol do hI rsqy hn: ieh smwn Awp lY lE[ ies qrHW ies dI mwlkI quhwfI AwpxI hovygI[ jdoN qusIN ies kMpnI qoN kMm C`fogy qW ieh smwn qusIN Awpxy nwL iljw skogy[ AglI g`l jo AsIN krWgy auh hY bwkI smwn bwry[ ieh inscq kr lE ik quhwfy tr`k dy twier bhuq TMF smyN mzbUq pkV vwLy hn[ ienHW dI tRY`f dI fUMGweI vI bhuq zrUrI hY[ ieh XkInI bxw lE ik sB hozW, bYltW Aqy kunYkSn TIk Twk kMm kr rhy hn[ Aqy ienHW ‘c iksy cIz dy vwDU rgVn jW Gsx dy sMkyq nhIN hn[ jy koeI ies qrHW dy sMkyq hn qW ies sm`isAw nUM h`l kr lE[ hor nukswn qoN bcx leI jW aus ih`sy nUM bMnH lE Aqy jy loV smJo qW aus ih`sy nUM bdl lE[ ieh inscq kr lE ik ivMfSIlf dy vweIpr srdIAW vwLy hI hn[ nhIN qW ieh ivMfSIlf nUM pUrI qrHW swP nhIN kr skxgy[ ijs kwrn quhwfI id`K spSt nhIN hovygI[ ieh g`lW quhwfy leI inq idn leI zrUrI hn[ ies leI iksy sm`isAw qoN bcx leI ieh sB g`lW XkInI bxw lE[ ies qrHW krn nwL G`to G`t quhwnUM mOsm dI iksy sm`isAw dw swhmxw nhIN krnw pvygw[ AglI iqAwrI dw sbMD quhwfy Awpxy nwL sbMiDq hY[ ijs qrHW mOsm bdlxw hI hY, ies leI srdIAW dw mOsm auh sm`isAwvW vI ilAwvygw ijnHW ‘qy quhwfw koeI kMtrol nhIN[ jy qusIN pUry iqAwr nhIN qW srdI dw mOsm quhwfy leI v`fI qoN v`fI sm`isAw KVHI kr skdw hY , ijs ‘c iksy dI AixAweI mOq vI Swml hY[ srdIAW dw mOsm ie`k ieho ijhI iksm dw Por vIHlr fRweIvr hY jo Acwnk hI AxikAwsI kwrvweI krn dw kwrn bxdw hY jo ik hwdsy dw kwrn bx skdw hY[ hor mOsm ‘c qW QoVHI iF`l m`T ho skdI hY Aqy sVk swP Aqy KuSk hox kwrn ieho ijhI lgdI hY ik qusIN NATIONAL MAGAZINE

iek`ly hI jw rhy ho[ pr srdIAW dw mOsm fRweIvr leI ieho ijhw hY ijhVw fRweIvr qoN bhuq iDAwn dI Aws r`Kdw hY[ pihlI g`l k`piVAW dI Awm hwlwq ‘c quhwfw kYibn dy AMdrly qwpmwn ‘qy kwbU hovygw qusIN mrzI muqwibk GtwA vDwA skdy ho[ pr keI vwr ies qrHW dIAW siQqIAW dw swhmxw krnw pYNdw hY jo kdy vwprIAW hI nhIN huMdIAW[ pr quhwnUM hr hwlq leI iqAwr rihxw cwhIdw hY[ Awpxy kol ies qrHW dy k`pVy r`Ko ik hr qrHW dy mOsm dw twkrw kIqw jw sky[ k`pVy ies qrHW dy hox ijhVy hIt qoN ibnw vI TMF qoN bcw kr skx[ ies qrHW dy k`pVy sMBwlx leI ie`k v`Krw bYg r`Ko[ ies bYg ‘c vwDU k`pVy pw lE[ ies ‘c grm zurwbW, lMbw kot, snoA pYNt, trYk sUt Aqy svYtr, do jW iqMn joVy grm dsqwny Aqy TMF qoN bcx leI ptkw Awid hor smwn r`Kxw cwhIdw hY[ ijMnw izAwdw au`n dw smwn r`Kogy au`nw hI v`D bcwA hovygw[ ies qoN ibnw qusIN ku`J sMkt smyN leI iqAwr kIqw jwx vwlw Kwxw vI r`K skdy ho[ ieh ies qrHW dI koeI cIz hovy ijs nUM sMkt smyN ‘c Kw ky qusIN AwpxI Bu`K dUr kr skdy hovo[ ies qrHW dI ibpqw pY skdI hY ies leI ies sB leI iqAwr rho[ ho skdw hY ik ies qrHW dI musIbq hor jwx vwLy tr`k fRweIvr nUM vI pY jwvy, ijhVy ies leI iqAwr nhIN sn[ Bwv ijnHW kol Kwx leI nhIN smwn nhIN sI, qW qusIN aunHW dI vI mdd kr sko[ mu`kdI g`l ik srdIAW dy idn grmIAW dy idnW vWg vDIAw idn nhIN huMdy hn[ Aqy jykr qusIN ies g`l dI iqAwrI nw kIqI hovy ik qusIN AijhI siQqI ‘c Ps jwx ‘qy quhwfw bcwA krn leI quhwnUM bcwA tIm ku`J smyN q`k nw l`B sky qW, Awpxy Awp nUM ikvyN ijauNdy r`Kogo, qW qusIN kwPI musIbq ‘c Ps skdy ho[ knyfw dIAW srdIAW bhuq hI ^qrnwk huMdIAW hn[ ies dy KqirAW nUM Gtwaux leI ArbW fwlr Krc kIqy jWdy hn, iPr vI, swrIAW siQqIAW dI Biv`KbwxI nhIN kIqI jw skdI[ srdIAW Awpxy Awp nUM sur`iKAq r`Kx bwry hn[ BwvyN ik quhwnUM AwpxIAW bcx vwLIAW kIqIAW hoeIAW iqAwrIAW ‘qoN iksy dI vI vrqoN nw vI krnI pvy, qW Awpxy Awp nUM KuSiksmq smJo, pr G`to G`t qusIN ieh qW jwxdy sI ik qusIN ies sB qoN bcx dy Xog sI[ sB qoN BYVI siQqI ‘qy ivcwr kro, ies vwsqy iqAwrI kro[ jykr quhwnUM p`kw XkIn nw hovy ik quhwfI iqAwrI shI qrIky nwL ho rhI hY qW iksy hor qzrbykwr swQI nUM pu`Co[ iPr quhwnUM XkIn ho jwvygw ik qusIN BYVy mOsm dw iSkwr nhIN hovogy[ jy qusIN Awpxy Awp nUM AijhI siQqI ‘c vyKdy ho ij`Qy quhwfw tr`k ruk jWdw hY, Aqy kYb ‘c TMF vD rhI hY, qW k`piVAW qy Bojn dy ies bYg nUM KolH lE[ hux Awpxy pihny hoey k`pVy auqwr idE Aqy ies ivSyS bYg ‘c pey ivSyS k`pVy pihn lE[ Awpxy Awp dI lgwqwr cMgI qrW ingrwnI krdy rho ik ikqy quhwfy ichry, h`QW jW pYrW nUM hweIpoQrmIAW pBwivq qW nhIN kr irhw? jykr qusIN hweIpoQrmIAw dI QoVHI ijhI h`d vDdI lgdI hY qW qusIN k`piVAW dI ie`k hor hlkI prq pihn lE[ ieh moty k`piVAW bwry nhIN hY, ieh k`piVAW dIAW bhuqIAW prqW bwry hY[ jykr quhwfy srIr dy iksy vI ih`sy nUM TMF mihsUs ho rhI hovy qW aus bwry sucyq rho[ TMF nwL lVn leI ksrq vI mdd krdI hY[ ijvyN ik ikhw igAw hY ik srdIAW bhuq hI iBAMkr ho skdIAW hn, ies nwl keI vwr quhwfy tr`k dy purzy ibnw iksy cyqwvnI dy t`ut skdy hn[jdoN mOsm bhuq hI izAwdw TMFw hovy qW gRIs vI gRIs dw kMm nhIN krdI [ pr jykr qusIN cMgI qrHW iqAwr ho qW srdIAW ‘c imLx vwLIAW swrIAW sMBwvnwvW ‘qy ivcwr kro[ b`s sucyq rho[ kI vwpr skdw hY, Aqy kI vwpr irhw hY, ies sB qoN sucyq rho[ AKIr ‘c sB qoN mh`qvpUrn slwh ieh hY ik jykr quhwnUM ieh sB Asihj mihsUs ho irhw hovy qW ruk jwE Aqy ies dy guzr jwx dI aufIk kro[ koeI lof phuMcwxw quhwfI izMdgI qoN izAwdw mh`qvpUrn nhIN hY[ ieh nw soco ik quhwfI kwblIAq G`t hY, auh iblkul vI G`t nhIN hY[ NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2020


Preparing for Winter

G. Ray Gompf


t seems every year this subject must be covered for two reasons: to remind people that winter has its challenges different from the other seasons; and, to prepare those who haven’t experienced those winter challenges previously. In trucking, there are two preparations that must be considered: the preparation of equipment and the preparation of the personal needs. In most cases, the driver has little control over the proper maintenance of the equipment other than to be able to spot and diagnose problems as they appear. The driver can only report and ask. In most industries, the equipment is stationary, and employees go home every night. In trucking, both equipment and personnel are left to their own devices for days or weeks at a time. “Proper preparation prevents poor performance”. Put that alliterative phrase into your mind and never forget it, repeat as many times a day as required. Let’s deal with each preparation separately. The jurisdictional rules also change for the season. When the jurisdiction requires chains, make sure you carry chains and use them as and when required. Jurisdictions that demand chains aren’t just 10

recommending, they’re demanding, use. So, make sure the chains you carry are in good shape and not suffering a lot of wear. Make sure you know how to install these chains when required. Put them one and take them off where it’s dry and relatively warm to make sure they work, that they’re in good shape and that you can install them in changing weather conditions. Then, when you will have to install them and the conditions will be less than ideal and it will be cold, you are well prepared. Most of all, when the jurisdiction requires chain use, immediately install those chains until the chain removal is allowed. These jurisdictions can get really ugly when you fail to use the required chains resulting in costly fines. Further, make sure your chains are properly stored and secured when not required. Don’t forget that chains provide traction, but they’re not just for drive axles. Chains on the trailer wheels can also provide a great deal of stability. Don’t ever underestimate or overestimate the control you need on treacherous roads. The point is, make sure you have the chains required for legal requirements but also for safety requirements. It’s not just about legality, it’s always about safety and getting back


home with all your fingers, toes, legs, arms and the rest of your body in tact. If your employer will not provide you with the safety equipment you need, then you have two choices: acquire the equipment yourself and it’s yours, so if you slip seat, that equipment goes with you; or, find a new employer. Then next issue with which we’ll discuss is the rest of your equipment. Make sure tires are going to provide sufficient traction on the roads at the low temperatures of winter. Tread depth is important. Make sure all the hoses, belts and connections are functioning properly. That there are no indications of anything rubbing or wearing unnecessarily. If there is indication of rubbing or wearing, then solve the problem by either having the affected part replaced or tie strap it in place so no further damage can occur. Make sure windshield wipers are winter grade and can actually clear the windshield so your vision isn’t impeded in anyway. These items are part of your daily inspection anyway but use this time to ensure everything is as perfect as possible so you may not have issues for the season. This next part of the preparation is for you personally. As sure as the seasons, winter NATIONAL MAGAZINE

will present problems over which you have no control. There will be situations that present themselves that could cause you a great deal of grief, even death, if you are not well prepared. Winter is that four wheeler driver that unexpectedly causes you to take evasive action subsequently causing you to wreck. Winter calls for a heightened awareness of surroundings the other seasons allow you to relax like while you’re all alone with no traffic on a nice dry road. First comes clothing. Under normal conditions, you’ll have control of the in cab temperature, but you have to prepare for those circumstances that may never happen. Nonetheless, you must be prepared. Carry adequate clothing to be able to withstand long periods of time without heat. This is over and above the normal clothing you carry. Consider this extra clothing safety equipment. Use a separate bag for this extra clothing. Into this bag put a suit of long underwear or two piece long underwear, woollen socks, a loose fitting track suit or two, (pants and sweater), snow pants and a parka, one that comes down to midway between your waist and knees with tie strings that can pull the jacket tightly to eliminate draughts,

about four pair of gloves — light ones, a little heavier gloves to wear over the lighter ones, and then a pair of leather mittens in which you can fit both pair of gloves. The more wool you can use for these items that will be next to your skin the better because wool absorbs sweat and wicks it away from your skin keeping you warm. You could also keep some emergency food and some light cooking equipment. Anything that will keep you alive when there is no one coming quickly to rescue you. It happens, be prepared. The fact is, if you get into one of these situations there maybe well be other road users in this same circumstance and you may be rescuing them because they’re unprepared. The whole thing is to consider that winter is not like a nice summer day and could cause you grief if you haven’t considered how you would survive if you found yourself in a situation that might require you to survive a few days at minus forty degrees before rescue. Canada’s winters are brutal. Billions are spent to mitigate that brutality; even so, not all situations can be foreseen. Winter is about survival. Even if you never have to use any of your survival preparations, then consider yourself lucky but at least you know you would be able to have survived. Just consider the worst case scenario,

prepare for it, and if you’re not sure if your preparing properly, then ask a more experienced peer. Then you know you’ll never be a victim. If you find yourself in a situation where your truck is stopped and the cab is getting cooled down, break out this bag of clothing and food. Remove the clothing you are wearing now, and dress yourself in this special clothing you have in this special bag. Monitor yourself closely to ensure your staying warm, that hypothermia is not affecting your hands or feet or face. If you sense the slightest encroachment of hypothermia, add another light layer. It’s not about bulk, it’s about many light layers. Stay alert if any of your extremities start to feel cold. Exercise will also fight off the chills. As stated, winter is brutal. Parts and pieces of your truck can snap without warning due to extreme temperatures, grease isn’t grease when extremely cold, but if you’re well prepared and have considered all of the possibilities, you’ll get through winter easily. Just be aware. Aware of what could happen as well as what is happening. Finally, the most important advice: if you’re uncomfortable, stop, and wait it out. No load is worth your life. Do not think your skills are infallible because they are not.

Jasmine Kang becomes Area VP for BC and Alberta provinces In order to better improve the customer experience across the channel, the Cummins Operations leadership in the western region of Canada has undergone some structural changes. Former General Manager for British Columbia, Jasmine Kang, has recently accepted the position of Area VP for British Columbia and Alberta provinces. As many customers do business in both provinces, this change allows Cummins to deliver a consistent experience across the region in order to support its customers no matter which location they do business with. This change will allow Ms Kang the opportunity to develop deeper relationships with oil and gas customers in the province of Alberta, seek out new business as well as focus on streamlining the customer experience across all branches. Ms Kang has been with Cummins for over 13 years and has worked around the world in India, UK, US and Canada. She has held various positions in many functions including Quality, Supply Chain and most recently, Service Operations. The 5 Cummins branches under Ms Kang’s management include Surrey, Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge and Grande Prairie. To find more information on these and the Cummins location nearest you; please visit




Navistar Close to be Bought by Volkswagen voksvYgn v`loN KRIidAw jw irhw hY nYvIstwr


ast week, a deal in principle was reached in which Volkswagen’s Traton (VW’s truck-making subsidiary) will buy Navistar. Although nothing has been officially signed, the understanding in principle was accepted by Navistar’s major shareholder Carl Icahn and his protégé, Mark Rachesky. In this deal, Volkswagen will pay Navistar $44.50 per share, which would value the company at roughly $3.7 billion. Initially Icahn wanted $50 per share and Traton was offering $35. After weeks of some hard negotiating, the $45.50 per share was finalized. Navistar stocks fell over 20% after Traton announced they would walk away from the deal unless Icahn was willing to come down in his price, which of course he did. Icahn, whose net worth sits at over $16.7 billion, is the controlling shareholder in Icahn Enterprises, a diversified holding company based in New York City. His companies include businesses in real estate, development, pharmaceuticals, and powertrain components and vehicle safety products to name a few. Icahn bought into Navistar in 2011 when the stock prices were roughly $35 per share; Rachesky came in in 2012 when prices were even lower, in the mid-$20s. Icahn’s auto investments took a big hit in 2020, with his Hertz brand filing for bankruptcy due to falling sales because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Icahn had invested nearly $2 billion into Hertz. Navistar’s International line of trucks has about 14% share in the North American truck market, sharing with the likes of Freightliner, Volvo and Peterbilt. Traton hopes that it will increase its market share within a few years. This deal in principle ends almost four years of back-and-forth negotiating between Traton and Navistar. Since VW’s Traton, a global company, doesn’t have any US operations, it was a natural fit for the truck maker to want to buy Navistar. And, by buying out an established brand, Traton doesn’t have to bear the expenses and time to build a company from the ground up. 12


ipCly hPqy ie`k sOdw hoieAw sI ijs ‘c voksvYgn dy trYtn (vI fbilaU dI tr`k bxwaux vwLI shwiek kMpnI) v`loN nYvIstwr nUM KRIdAw jw irhw hY[BwvyN AiDkwirq qOr ‘qy koeI dsqKq nhIN kIqy gey pr nYvIstwr dy muK BweIvwl kwrl iekwhn Aqy ausdyy pRotYg mwrk rwcYskI ny ies nUM isDWqk qOr ‘qy svIkwr kIqw hY[ ies kIqy gey sOdy Anuswr voksvYgn nYvIstwr nUM aus dy hr ih`sy leI 44.50 fwlr dyvygI[ies dI kùl AdwiegI 3.7 iblIAn fwlr bxdI hY[ pihlW iekwhn ny ies dI kImq 50 fwlr pRqI SyAr mMgI sI[pr tRYtn dy irhw sI 35 fwlr[pr AKIr ‘c g`l 45.50 fwlr pRqI ih`sw ‘c mùk geI[ trYtn v`loN ies sOdy qoN ip`Cy htx krn dy AYlwn krn qoN bwAd trYtn dy stwk SyAr dI kImq 20% luVk geI[ iekhwn hI ies dy SyArW ‘qy BwrU hY ikauN ik auh ies dy ies dy 20% SyArW dI mwlkI r`Kdw hY ijs dI kImq 16.7 imlIAn fwlr qoN v`D hY[ ieh kMpnI ijs ‘c v`K v`K kwrobwr hn inaU Xwrk istI ‘c siQ`q hY[ ies dy v`K v`K kwrobwrW ‘c rIAl AYstyt, fIvYlpmYNt, dvweIAW Aqy hor keI kMm Swml hn[ iekhwn ny 2011 ‘c nYvIstwr KRIdI[ aus smyN SyArW dI kImq muSikl nwL 35 fwlr pRqI SyAr sI[ rYcYskI 2012 ‘c AweI audoN SyArW dI kImq ies qoN vI G`t sI[ iekhwn ‘c invyS ‘c 2020 audoN bhuq vwDw hoieAw jdoN hrtz ny ifgdIAW kImqW kwrn dIvwlw GoiSq kr id`qw[ ies dw kwrn sI koivf-`19 mhWmwrI[ iekhwn ny ies smyN hrtz ‘c 2 iblIAn fwlr invyS kIqy[ ij`QoN q`k nYvIstwr dy ieMtrnYSnl tr`kW dI g`l hY, ies dy aùqrI AmrIkw dI tr`k mwrikt dy SyArW ‘c 14% ih`sw hY[ienHW ‘c Swml hn PrytlweInr, Volvo Aqy pItriblt[trytn dw kihxw hY ik auh kùJ swlW ‘c ies mwrikt ‘c Awpxw ih`sw vDw lYxgy[ trYtn Aqy nYvIstwr ‘c cwr swl q`k fIl dI g`lbwq cldI rhI[ pr fbilaU dI trYtn dI globl kMpnI dw AmrIkw ‘c kMm nhIN[ies leI tr`k mykrW leI nYvIstwr nUM KRIdxw zrurI sI[ ies leI sQwipq bRWf nUM KRIdx vyly kMpnI nUM ies dw ADwr bxwaux pYsy Krcx dI loV nhIN sI[ NATIONAL MAGAZINE





Pash Brar


let my friend make the restaurant selection on an evening out. He chose Dinakis. When I asked what I should wear, he said pants. Ok. So I grabbed some pants and a sweater and we headed to Port Coquitlam. We of course had reservations, which is almost mandatory during Covid. There was plenty of free parking and lots of social distancing. I know in some restaurants I haven’t felt safe, but I felt fine going in. We were sat at a booth and it had high barriers blocking us from other patrons. We used the QR code on the table to access the menu, because they didn’t give any menus. We started with calamari and some saganaki. My friend said the saganaki was the best he had ever had. I enjoyed it too, but my only complaint was the portion was half the size of any other Greek type restaurant, yet they charged the full price. The calamari was good too. The best part was no tentacles! I hate tentacles because they repulse me and I actually push them off the plate away from my food, so I loved that I could eat the full plate. It was served with some tzatziki dip that was great. A lot of places do not do calamari well (like the Keg for example), so we really enjoyed it and used the extra pita bread that was 14

served with the saganaki cheese to polish off all the tzatziki. Next we both ordered chicken souvlaki. I tried to convince my friend to get the chicken marsala, (because I wanted to taste it) but he refused and said “get it yourself and stop trying to change my mind!” When our souvlaki arrived, we had 2 skewers of chicken. Some places only serve one skewer, so I appreciate a two skewer restaurant. The chicken was very flavorful. No one had asked prior if I wanted Greek or Ceasar Salad, or other options like garlic bread which most places do, so I was given Greek salad and pita bread which I didn’t mind. The salad dressing was great. The rice and the potato were not great. There were two pieces of potato and I love a two potato place, but it had no flavor. We squeezed on some lemon, but it didn’t help much and the rice was bland. But starches don’t make or break a meal. We ate so much pita with our appetizers prior, that neither of us touched the pita bread that came with our dinner. The dinner portion was large, so we both ended up packing about half to take home. Next I ordered dessert. It was a New York cheesecake slice. It was just a GFS cake (Gordon Food Service). It was not home


made. GFS cakes aren’t too bad, but it’s nice when restaurants make some effort with dessert. But kids do get a free sundae with their meal, so I think that makes up for it! I liked that they offer a Happy hour, a kids menu, a seniors menu, a vegetarian section on the menu and platter options for two. Some of the links on the website didn’t work, so they need to have that corrected especially when not using actual menus. All in all it wasn’t a bad place. I would go back. I like a place that does a steak with lasagna, rib combos and a souvlaki and salad option for those who like to eat healthy. When we got the bill, it was paid and then we noticed it seemed a bit high. We checked it over and we had been charged for an extra chicken souvlaki. We of course requested a refund and got it. So, if you do go to Dinakis or anywhere for that matter, double check your receipt to make sure its totalled correctly. My sister loves a good Happy Hour and she is also vegetarian, so I will definitely suggest it to her and her drinking buddies. #101-2020 Oxford Connector, Port Coquitlam BC


Total Lubrifiants unveils its New Can New colors, new labels and a more ergonomic design: that’s what you’ll find on the new can that Total Lubrifiants has unveiled for its entire range of TOTAL and ELF lubricants. In addition to these design developments, Total Lubrifiants contributes to the Group’s ambition to become the major in responsible energy. A reduction in the weight of cans will prevent the emission of 9,500 tons of CO2 equivalent* each year owing to raw materials savings. A CAN AT THE FOREFRONT OF INNOVATION The new TOTAL and ELF cans are a major step forward! They’re more practical and easier to read, with an attention to detail that aids consumers by showcasing the product’s premium quality. Who hasn’t found himself looking at a row of motor oils on the shelf, unsure of which product to choose? With the new TOTAL cans, consumers can identify the product they need at a glance, thanks to the color coding: Platinum for toptier, Silver for mid-tier and Bronze for entry range products. Buyers can then zoom in on the product they need by checking the new label, which is much clearer and easier to read. A UNIQUE LABEL DESIGNED TO LOOK LIKE A DASHBOARD The essential product information

curves around the brand name, like a car dashboard, displaying the viscosity, manufacturer approvals and a QR code that can be used to confirm the product’s authenticity in a flash. It’s a label unlike any other and a radical advance in relaying information about the lubricants. BETTER ERGONOMICS FOR AN ENHANCED CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE The new can offers a new design with a more ergonomic handle that makes it easier to grasp and carry. The cap has been functionally redesigned as well, to make it easier to fill the oil sump when replacing or topping up. “We have always offered products that are very simple for customers to decipher,” says Jean Parizot, Vice President Automotive at Total Lubrifiants. “But today’s shoppers need different information about products and how to use them, so we decided to redesign our cans by giving them a new shape, color and label. The challenge was to maintain a distinctive design, so consumers find it even easier to identify our TOTAL and ELF products. I think we achieved our goal, and the results are on a par with our lubricant’s performance — in other words, excellent!”



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idnwkIz mYfItYrynIAn gir`l mYN AwpxI dosq nUM ipCly hPqy Kwxy leI iksy rystorYNt dI cox krn leI ikhw[ aus ny ifnwkIz dI cox kIqI[ aus nUM a`uQy jwx leI jdoN pwaux leI k`piVAW sbMDI pu`iCAw qW aus ny pYNt pwx leI ikhw[ aus dy khy Anuswr mYN pYNt Aqy svYtr pihn ley Aqy port kuiktlm v`l cwly pwey[ koivf hox kwrn swfI irzrvySn hoeI sI[ ieh ies mhWmwrI kwrn hoxI vI zrUrI sI[ au`Qy pwrikMg vI ibnw iksy pYsy dy sI[ ies leI jgHw vI bhuq sI[ AwpsI Pwslw vI kwPI sI[ mYN vyiKAw hY ik ieh Pwslw bhuq swry rYstorYNtW ‘c nhIN ijs kwrn mYnUM bcwA dI bhuqI Aws nhIN huMdI[ pr ie`Qy jwx smyN mYnUM ieh sB TIk l`igAw[AsIN dovyN ie`k bxwey gey bUQ ‘c bYT gey ijs dy Awsy pwsy swnUM dUsry lokW qoN dUr r`Kx leI bYrIAr lwey hoey sn[ ijnHW kwrn dUjy lokW qoN dUurI bxI hoeI sI[ AsIN mInU vyKx leI myz ‘qy r`Ky QR kof dI vrqoN krdy hoey Kwxy dI cox krdy hoey Awrfr id`qw, ikauNik aunHW ny swnUM koeI vI mInU nhIN id`qw[ Kwxy dI SurUAwq AsIN calamari qy saganaki qoN kIqI[ myry dosq dw kihxw sI aus ny ies qoN pihlW saganaki dw kdy ieMnw AnMd nhIN mwixAw[ mYN vI aus vWg hI AnMd qW mwixAw pr myry ihswb nwL ies dI mwqrw QoVHI G`t sI[ iksy grIk tweIp dy rYstorYNt nwLoN ies dI mwqrw qW A`DI sI pr kImq pUrI sI[ kYlmrI vI bhuq vDIAw sI[ sB qoN vDIAw ieh sI ik ies ‘c tYntYkl nhIN sn[ ikauN ik ieh mYnUM iblku`l psMd nhIN[ jy ieh myry Kwxy ‘c hox vI, qW mYN ienHW nUM k`F ky hI KWdI hW[ ies leI mYN ies Kwxy dI swrI plyt Kw leI[ ies dy nwL ku`J tzatziki dip hox kwrn ieh hor vI suAwdI sI[ bhuq swry rYstorYNt (ijvyN ik kY`g ) ies nUM ieMnw vDIAw nhIN bxwauNdy[ AsIN ies Kwxy dw bhuq AnMd mwixAw[ AsIN ies qoN bwAd ickn sovlkI dw Awrfr id`qw[ mYN suAwd vyKx leI Awpxy dosq nUM ickn mswlw lYx leI mnwaux dw Xqn kIqw pr auh iblku`l nhIN mMinAw[ aus ny mYnUM ikhw ik jy mYN lYxw cwhuMdI hW qW lY skdI hW pr auh nhIN lvygw[ swfy Kwxy ‘c do ickn dy skIaur sn[ bhuq swry rystorYNt qW kyvl ie`k hI idMdy hn, ies leI mYnUM ieh bhuq cMgw l`gw[ ickn 16

- pYS brwV

bhuq hI svwdI sI[ies qoN pihlW kdy vI iksy rYstorYNt ny nhIN pu`iCAw sI ik kI qusIN grIk jW sIzr slwd vI lYxw cwhuMdy ho[ nw hI gwrilk bRY`f sbMDI[ ie`Qy swnUM Kwx leI pItw bRYf Aqy grIk slwd imilAw ijs dw mYnUM koeI Prk nhIN sI[ slwd dI fRY`isMg bhuq vDIAw sI[ pr cwvl Aqy AwlU ieMny vDIAw nhIN sn[ ies ‘c AwlU dy do hI pIs sn ijs dw bhuq Prk nhIN sI[ pr ies dI sugMDI ieMnI vDIAw nhIN sI[ ies leI AsIN ies au`pr QoVHw inMbU ncoiVAw[

krdy[ aunHW nUM TIk krn dI loV hY[ jdoN ilKqI mInU nhIN hn qW ies dI hor vI izAwdw loV hY[ pr smu`cy qOr ‘qy jy vyiKAw jwvy qW ieh mwVI jgHw nhIN sI[ mYN qW Pyr au`Qy hI jwxw cwhvWgI[mYnUM auh rYstorYNt bhuq psMd hn ij`Qy ishqmMd Kwxy pRosy jWdy hn[ AKIr ‘c jdoN swnUM ib`l id`qw igAw Aqy auh ib`l dy vI id`qw[ pr bwAd ‘c swnUM l`igAw ik ieh ku`J izAwdw sI[ jdoN AsIN ies nUM cMgI qrHW vyiKAw qW AsIN vyiKAw ik hor ley gey

cwvl ku`J nrm sn Bwv G`t sMGxy sn[ AsIN pItw bRY`f dw AnMd mwixAw[ ies qoN pihlW AsIN kdy vI ies dw ieMnw AnMd nhIN sI mwixAw[ ifnr ‘c proisAw igAw swfy Kwxy qoN ikqy v`D sI[ AsIN r`j ky KwDw pr iPr vI kwPI bc igAw[ ies leI AsIN bcdw Kwxw pYk krvwky kol lY Awey[ mYN im`TI cIz dw Awrfr id`qw[ ieh sI inaU Xwrk cIz kyk slweIs[ ieh kyvl qy kyvl jI AYP AYs Bwv gwrfn PUf srivs hI sI[ ieh au`Qy nhIN bxwieAw igAw sI[ jI AYP AYs kyk ieMny mwVy vI nhIN huMdy[ pr jdoN rYstorYNt vwLy ies ‘c QoVHw im`Tw pw ky bxwauNdy qW ieh bhuq suAwdI bx jWdw hY[ pr b`icAW nUM Kwxy nwl sMnfyA muPq iml jWdw hY[ ies leI mYnUM lgdw hY ieh ies krky hI bxdw hY[ mYnUM ieh bhuq cMgw l`gw ik auh v`Ko v`Kry mInU iqAwr krdy hn, ijnHW ‘c sInIAr, vYjItyrIAn Aqy b`icAW dy Kwxy Swml hn[ pr ienHW dy ku`J vY`bsweIt dy ilMk kMm nhIN

ickn sovwlkI dy pYsy vI vsUly gey hn[ pr jdoN AsIN ies sbMDI pu`iCAw qW aunHW ny swnUM ies dy pYysy moV id`qy[ ies leI jdoN qusIN vI iksy rYstorYNt ‘c jwE qW Awpxy ib`l nUM Aqy kIqy gey joV nUM zrUr cY`k kro[ myrI BYx jo SwkwhwrI hY mYN aus nUM vI khWgI ik auh vI au`Qy jw ky Kwxy dw AnMd mwxy ikauN ik auh vI ies qrHW dw Bojn bhuq psMd krdI hY






Are The Repairs Worth It?


Pash Brar


have encountered multiple clients receiving huge repair bills for their trucks in the last few months. The invoices from mechanics are so high, that they cost more than what the truck is worth. Truck maintenance and repairs are inevitable and unavoidable. A truck must be kept in good working order and proper inspections must be done to keep it on the road. This ensures everyone is safe and money can be made. But when the repairs cost more than the market value of your truck, do you pay that amount, or get a newer truck instead? One client approached me to finance his previously paid off truck and explained he


needed the money to repair his truck and pay the mechanic. When I looked at the repair invoices, they were triple the value of the truck. An independent appraisal was done on the truck and it confirmed the truck was no where near the value of the repairs, and even after the repairs were completed the value would never reach the invoiced amount. The bank of course only offered the amount of the appraisal and the client was stuck. The only money available was the equity in his home, so the client took out a second mortgage to pay for the truck repairs. I also recently had a mechanic who fitted a brand new motor in to a used truck. A client agreed to buy the truck, but first wanted other cosmetic work done. He requested the mechanic get the body redone, paint it all, add chrome and lights and make it into a show truck. The mechanic did so and added all the extra work done to the sale invoice. The client thought he could finance the whole thing. Unfortunately, all the extra work done put the invoice to almost the price of a brand new truck. The bank of course refused to finance the full amount and would only pay for the market value of the truck. The bank even suggested they buy a new truck with full warranty instead. The client wanted only the used truck and had to give a huge down payment and huge payments for the first year to bring the value of the truck to its market value. The client was warned, if there is an accident or anything happens to the truck in that first year, the loss will be their own because insurance will never cover the full amount he paid for the truck. I spoke to an insurance adjuster who handles heavy equipment accident claims and he confirmed the same. More and more truckers are paying too much into trucks that need to be retired and put to salvage, which are leading to significant financial losses. Trucking is a business and it is up to the trucker whether they want to repair a truck, sell it as is, or salvage it to buy something else. The insurance adjuster confirmed one person he knows only keeps trucks that are under warranty. Once the warranty is running out, the truck is replaced with another truck under warranty. His accountant advised him to do this and I believe it is good advice. He has never experienced any significant losses, so it is sound business advice. NATIONAL MAGAZINE

Is overpaying for a used truck worth it when its near the end of its life expectancy? When insurance companies look at a claim on these trucks, they pull comparable truck values and use formulas to determine the value of the truck. A rebuild does add some value yes, depending on where it was done, like a dealership, and if new parts were used, how many kilometers were on the new motor etc., but the added value will never be anywhere near the actual amount you paid for it. An example of an argument the insurance company hears is “I paid $40,000 for this rebuild and $40,000 for this truck, so give me $80,000 because that is the value.” No; that is not how it works. Unfortunately, its NOT the value. Just because you paid that, it doesn’t mean you will get that same amount from insurance. Insurance company’s will advise you to “prove your loss”. Showing 50+ pages of maintenance bills will not add value to your claim. Those bills just show you maintained your truck like you were supposed to. You can spend literally months arguing, and in the meantime you are not working. So now add your loss of income sitting at home to the equation and any lawyer fees you may have incurred. You will realize that maybe you should have taken that first offer and just gone back to work, because that is all you ended up getting anyways. It all boils down to educating yourself. An average engine lasts about 1.2 million kilometers. It’s not a surprise, but a guarantee that this truck needs a new motor soon. If you want to buy a truck with a million kilometers, you need to first realize the value of a truck in that condition. It should be discounted heavily. Do not overpay. Next, you need a contingency plan. You need to have enough money saved up to repair that truck plus a few months of income to cover downtime while you wait for

the rebuild. That amount can range from $30-50,000 or more. You also need to realize that if something happens to the truck once the work is completed, you will NOT get the amount you just spent on that truck back from insurance. So, the decision is yours. Do you buy this truck in the first place, and do you fix it and possibly take a loss later? It could also take up to a year or more to payoff what you put in. Now you’re in a negative income situation. Is that worth it? You truck to make money and now money isn’t being made. Some get themselves in a situation where they experience a loss and may end up owing that loss amount to a finance company. This can lead to carrying the debt over to another truck. For example, they may have taken a $20,000 loss on a truck and owe that amount to a finance company. They don’t have the cash to pay the loss, so the finance company adds that existing debt to another truck because they want their money back with interest. Now you are once again in the same negative equity situation. You are owing more than what the value of the truck is. This is a vicious cycle and unfortunately a lot of truckers are stuck in exactly this situation. When you work for yourself and get into a tough financial predicament, there is only one person to blame. Going forward, overpaying trucks is not a situation that will disappear anytime soon. There are many who stand to gain from the demise of a misinformed trucker; the seller of the truck, the mechanic doing the repairs, and the finance company. I don’t think a trucker is stupid for getting stuck in these situations, but they may be naïve. As an owner operator you are running your own small business, so your job is to educate yourself on every aspect of your business. If you have not educated yourself, you can only blame yourself.

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kI murMmqW dy Krcy jwiez hn?

pYS brwV mYN ipCly mhIinAW ‘c keI ies qrHW dy lokW nUM imlI hW ijnHW dw ipCly mhIinAW ‘c tr`kW dI murMmq ‘qy bhuq Krcw hoieAw hY[ murMmq krn vwiLAW v`loN tr`k murMmq dy Byjy ib`l ieMny izAwdw hn ik keI vwr qW ieh ib`l tr`k dI mOjUdw Asl kImq nwLoN vI v`D huMdy hn[ ij`QoN q`k tr`k dI murMmq jW sWB sMBwl hY nw qW ies nUM twiLAw jw skdw hY Aqy nw hI ies qoN bicAw jw skdw hY[ tr`k nUM sVk ‘qy TIk Twk cldw r`Kx leI ies dI sWB sMBwl bhuq zrUrI hY[ ies qrHW hI AwpxI Aqy horW dI sur`iKAw vI bxI rihMdI hY Aqy ies qoN kmweI vI kIqI jWdI hY[ pr socx vwLI g`l ieh hY ik jdoN tr`k dI bzwrI kImq nwLoN ies dI murMmq dw Krcw vD jwvy qW kI ies dI murMmq krvwauxI TIk rhygI jW ies nUM vyc ky nvW tr`k lYxw TIk hovygw? myry ie`k gwhk v`loN myry koL ies g`l leI phuMc kIqI geI ik auh Awpxy pihly pyf AwP tr`k nUM TIk krwaux leI mkYink nUM dyx leI pYsy lYxw cwhuMdw sI[ pr mYN murMmq dy ib`lW nUM ieh vyK ky hYrwn rih geI ik auh aus tr`k dI mOjUdw kImq nwLoN iqMn guxW izAwdw sn[ jdoN tr`k dI inrp`K ivAkqI qoN kImq luAweI geI qW ies dI kImq qW murMmq dI rkm qoN ikqy G`t sI[ dUjI g`l ieh ik jy aus dI murMmq krvw leI jWdI qW aus tr`k dI kImq iPr vI murMmq ‘qy kIqy gey Krcy qoN ikqy G`t rihxI sI[ jdoN bYNk qoN krzw lYxw sI qW aus v`loN tr`k dI kImq Anuswr hI hoxw sI[ ies qrHW tr`k mwlk duibDw ‘c Ps igAw[ krzw lYx dw bwkI ie`k hI rwh bicAw sI auh sI Gr ‘qy krzw lYxw, ijhVw vI Gr dI mOjUdw kImq Anuswr hI imlxw sI[ hwl ‘c hI mYN ie`k aus mkYink nUM vI imLI hW ijs ny ie`k purwxy tr`k ‘c nvIN motr pweI sI[ aus kol ie`k gwhk sI jo auh tr`k lYxw cwhuMdw sI pr auh cwhuMdw sI ik pihlW ies tr`k dw bwkI hwr iSMgwr ho jwvy[ aus ny mkYink nUM bwfI TIk krn, krom qy lweItW lw ky vDIAw id`K vwlw tr`k bxwaux leI ikhw[ pr dUjy bMny ies sB kùJ hox kwrn vDy Krcy Anuswr bYNk ny krzw dyx qoN nWh kr id`qI[ bYNk vwLy kyvl tr`k dI mwrikt kImq dy Anuswr hI krzw dyx dI g`l kih rhy sn[ bYNk vwiLAW ny ieh vI slwh id`qI ik auh ies dI 20


QW nvW tr`k lY lvy ijs dI pUrI grMtI hovy[ pr tr`k lYx vwlw kyvl purwxw tr`k hI lYxw cwhuMdw sI Aqy ies leI aus nUM BwrIAW Brkm ikSqW dyxIAW pYxIAW sn[ tr`k lYx vwLy nUM ies leI vI swvDwn kIqw igAw ik jy pihly swl tr`k dw koeI hwdsw ho jWdw hY, qW ies nukswn leI ieMSUrYNs vwly koeI pYsw nhIN dyxgy[ kwrn ieh ik auh tr`k dI pUrI Adw kIqI hoeI kImq kvr nhIN krngy[ mYN, hYvI iekuiepmYNt AYksIfYNt klymW nwl kMm krdy ie`k ieMSUrYNs AYfjstr nwl g`l kIqI[ aus v`loN vI ies g`l dI qsdIk kIqI geI[ bhuq swry tr`kW vwiLAW v`loN aunHW tr`kW ijnHW qoN kMm nhIN lYxw cwhIdw Aqy kbwV ‘c sùt dyxy cwhIdy hn, ‘qy loV qoN v`D Krc kIqy jw rhy hn[ ies dw is`tw ieh inkldw hY ik ies qrHW dy mwlkW nUM nukswn hI J`lxw pvygw[ tr`ikMg ie`k ibzns hY, ies leI ieh swrw kùJ mwlk dy h`Q v`s hY, ik auh purwxy tr`k ijs dI murMmq ‘qy loVoN v`D Krc ho irhw hY aus qoN mukqI pw ky nvW tr`k lYxw hY jW aus ‘qy kuv`ly Krcy krI jwxy hn[ ieMSUrYNs AYfjstr ny jwxkwrI idMdy hoey ikhw ik auh ie`k ies qrHW dy tr`k mwlk nUM jwxdw hY ijhVw kyvl tr`k nUM aùnw icr r`Kdw hY ijMnw icr aus dI vwrMtI hY[ jdoN hI vwrMtI Kqm huMdI hY, auh aus nUM vyc ky nvW tr`k lY lYNdw hY[ ies qrHW krn dI slwh, ijhVI myrI jwcy bhuq vDIAw hY, aus dy AkwaUNtYNt ny hI id`qI sI, ijs ‘qy auh Aml krdw Aw irhw hY[ iehI kwrn hY ik aus dw kdy vI h`doN v`D nukswn nhIN hoieAw[ ies leI ieh slwh lgdI vI TIk hY[ kI iksy aumr ivhw cùky tr`k ‘qy vDyry Krc krnw PwiedymMd ho skygw? jdoN ieMSUrYNs kMpnIAW ieho ijhy tr`kW dy klymW v`l vyKdIAW hn, qW auh ies qrHW dy hor tr`k dI kImq nwL mukwblw krdIAW hn Aqy ienHW dI kImq inrDwrq krn dy aus qrHW dy PwrmUly vrqdIAW hn[ hW, ieh TIk hY ik iksy rIiblf tr`k dI kImq QoVHI izAwdw l`g jWdI hY[ pr ieh zrUr vyiKAw jWdw hY ik ieh rIiblf ik`Qy hoieAw[ iksy fIlriSp ‘c jW ies ‘c nvyN purzy vrqy gey, jW nvIN pweI motr nwL ikMnw sPr kIqw hY[ ies qrHW dI hwlq ‘c kImq QoVHI v`D lg jWdI hY[ pr iPr vI kIqy gey Krcy brwbr ieh kdy vI nhIN huMdI[ NATIONAL MAGAZINE

ies dI ie`k imswl vjoN, “iksy ny ies dy rIiblf leI 40,000 fwlr lwey Aqy 40,000 fwlr hI aus dI KRId ‘qy [ ies leI auh 80,000 fwlr dI mMg krygw”[ pr nhIN, ies qrHW nhIN huMdw[ mwVI g`l ieh hY ik ies nUM tr`k dI kImq nhIN smiJAw jWdw[ kyvl ies krky nhIN quhwnUM ieMSUrYNs vwLy ieMny pYsy dy dyxgy ik qusIN ieMny Krcy hoey hn[ ieMSUrYNs kMpnIAW vwLy quhwnUM ieh hI kihxgy ik qusIN Awpxw ‘hoieAw nukswn swbq kro’[ ieh nhIN ik hoey Krcy dy ib`lW dy 50 sPy pyS krn ‘qy quhwfI imlx vwLI ieMSUrYNs dI rkm ‘c vwDw ho jwvygw[ auh ib`l qW ieh hI swbq krngy ik ijs qrHW cwhIdw qusIN aus qrHW hI tr`k TIk krvwieAw hY[ ieh swbq krn leI qusIN kwPI smW brbwd kr skdy ho[ dUjI g`l ieh ik ies smyN dOrwn qusIN kMm vI nhIN krdy huMdy[ ies dy nwL kMm nw krdy hox krky Gr bYTx kwrn hoey nukswn dI rkm joV lE[ ies qoN ibnw kys lVn vwLy vkIl nUM id`qI jwx vwLI rkm vI hY[ qusIN Swied ieh vI socdy hovogy ik ieMSUrYNs vwiLAW v`loN id`qI pihlI pySkS svIkwr kr lYNdy qW Swied TIk rihMdw[ Aqy Gr bYTy rihx dI QW hux kMm krdy hoxw sI[ ieh sB soc ivcwr krn qoN bwAd hI bMdw ieh socdw hY[ ie`k Awm ieMjx AOsqn 1.2 imlIAn iklomItr q`k c`ldw hY[ jy qusIN koeI tr`k KRIddy ho ijhVw ie`k imlIAn iklomItr c`l cùkw hY , ies ‘c koeI hYrwnI vwlI g`l nhIN ik ies tr`k ‘c quhwnUM nvW ieMjx CyqIN hI pwauxw pY skdw hY[ ies ‘coN v`fI mwqrw ‘c ktOqIAW kIqIAW jWdIAW hn[ v`D pYsy nw qwro[ AglI g`l quhwfy kol koeI Biv`KI Xojnw hoxI cwhIdI hY[ aus tr`k dI sMBwvI murMmq krwaux leI quhwfy kol loVINdI rkm vI hoxI cwhIdI hY[ dUjw jdoN q`k auh rIiblf hMdw hY aùny smyN leI kùJ Krcw pwxI vI hoxw cwhIdw hY[ ieh rkm AMdwzn 30 qoN 50,000 fwlr q`k ho skdI hY[ quhwnUM ieh vI iDAwn ‘c r`Kxw pvygw ik jy ieMnw Krcw hox qoN bwAd koeI Gtnw vwpr jWdI hY qW ieMSUrYNs vwiLAW v`loN quhwnUM KrcI hoeI rkm dy pUry pYsy nhIN


imlxgy[ ies leI ieh sB ivcwr krky PYslw qW qusIN hI krnw hY[ jo qusIN KricAw hY aus nUM pUrw hox leI ie`k swl qoN vI v`D dw smW l`g skdw hYy[ pr qusIN Awmdn p`KoN Gwty ‘c hI ho[ kI ieh hwlwq TIk hn? tr`k qW qusIN clwauNdy ho pYsw kmwaux leI pr pYsw koeI kmwieAw nhIN jw irhw[ kùJ ies qrHW dI siQqI ‘c Aw jWdy hn, ik nukswn hox kwrn iksy PeInYNs kMpnI kol jWdy hn[ ies qrHW auh hor tr`k lYx leI krzw lYNdy hn[ imswl vjoN iksy tr`k ‘c aunHW dw 20,000 fwlr dw nukswn hoieAw Aqy auh ies dI pUrqI leI iksy PweInYNs kMpnI qoN krzw lYNdy hn[ aunHW kol nukswn dI BrpweI leI nkd pYsy nhIN huMdy ies leI auh PweInYNs kMpnI ies krzy nUM vI pihly krzy ‘c joV lYNdI hY[ auh ieh swrw pYsw ivAwj smyq vsUlxw cwhuMdI hY[ iPr ies qrHW pihlW hI krzy dw boJ J`l irhw ivAkqI hor krzy dI mwr hyT d`ibAw jWdw hY[ ies qrHW jo vI tr`k dI kImq hY aus qoN vI v`D quhwnUM krzw moVnw pYxw hY[ ieh ies qrHW dw BYVw c`kr hY ik ies ‘c bhuq swry tr`kW vwLy Ps jWdy hn Aqy inklx dw koeI rwh nhIN idsdw huMdw[ jdoN qusIN Awpxy leI hI kMm krdy ho Aqy ies qrHW dy c`kr ’c Ps jwvo qW qusIN hor iksy dI QW Awpxy Awp nUM hI ksUrvwr smJogy[ g`l A`gy qorIey qW tr`kW ‘qy vwDU Krcy ies qrHW dI musIbq nhIN ijhVI CyqIN ip`Cw C`fx vwLI hovy[ ies qrHW dy bhuq lok hn jo ies qrHW dI musIbq vyly, Psy tr`kr dI QW Awpxy hI Pwiedy bwry socdy hn; ienHW ‘c tr`k vycx vwly qoN lY ky murMmq krn vwLy, PweInYNs kMpnI vwLy sB Swml hn[ mYN smJdI hW ik tr`kW vwLy mUrK nhIN jo ies qrHW dy hwlwq ‘c Psdy hn pr auh BoLy zrUr ho skdy hn[ ie`k Enr Awprytr hox krky qusIN ie`k Cotw kwrobwr hY jo Awp clw rhy ho[ jy quhwnUM ies sbMDI jwxkwrI nhIN, qW qusIN hor nUM nhIN sgoN Awpxy Awp nUM hI ksUrvwr TihrwA skdy ho[



Truckers and Rules of the Road


he importance of truckers was never more prevalent than for heavy trucks because they pose a threat to other motorists and this year, 2020. With the Covid-19 pandemic hitting at a pedestrians. Burnaby RCMP said on Twitter: “Cariboo Rd and the global level, we relied to the relentless efforts of truckers intersection of 10th Ave were not designed to accommodate such to make sure the store shelves were stocked, medical supplies were large trucks.” In fact, 22 vehicles were stopped and 48 tickets were delivered, and other items reached their destinations. handed out. What’s worse is that 7 out of the 22 vehicles stopped In the same breath, what I’ve also been hearing is that truckers, were taken off the road for being “unsafe”. only a small fraction of them of course, think certain rules don’t Another example of truckers taking a “shortcut” happens frequently apply to them. Is it okay for some rules or bylaws to be on Scott Road and 81st Avenue in Surrey, where such broken? Is ignorance an excuse? We did some digging drivers park their rigs in the middle “turn lanes” to go and Jag Dhatt about recent events and came up with some interesting grab a coffee from Tim Horton’s. I’ve seen this happen findings. with my own eyes and I can say that not only is such parking dangerous because it blocks the view of motorists and pedestrians, it blocks traffic as well for those vehicles that need to turn. A final example of not following the rules of the road happened to me personally. In the Richmond area of BC, one of the two lanes on Highway 99 was closed and traffic was merging into the open lane. I was following the zipper technique where vehicles go one by one; I had given my signal and waited patiently for my turn to merge into the open lane. The trucker, with a full payload, wouldn’t let me in – in fact, the driver was tailgating the vehicle in front of him. Rather than In the Greater Vancouver Regional District, one area where become irritated, I waited for the truck to pass and the vehicle this happens a lot is Cariboo Road, located in the Burnaby/New behind to let me in. Westminster cities. In fact, this road is notorious for truckers to use, Yes, truckers certainly don’t have it easy and they may also even though they are not allowed. experience frustration from regular vehicles. Yes, they work long Last week, the Burnaby RCMP teamed up with New Westminster hours and keep the economy going. But at the end of the day, Police and Burnaby by-law officers in an operation aimed at they are professional drivers and should be operating under the keeping truckers off the Cariboo Road. Why? Simple. Cariboo law and taking extra precautions than the average motorist. It’s in Road, especially at the intersection at 10th Avenue, isn’t designed everybody’s best interest. 22



tr`kr qy sVk dy inXm

jYg F`t ies swl Bwv 2020 ‘c ijMnI tr`k vwiLAW dI mh`qqw sI ieMnI pihlW kdy vI nhIN rhI[ ies koivf 2020 dI mhWmwrI ny smu`cy sMswr ‘c AwpxI pRkopI dy h`Q ivKwey hn[ ies smyN dOrwn swnUM sB nUM Awpxy Kwx pIx Aqy hor zrUurI vsqW leI tr`kW vwiLAW ‘qy hI inrBr krnw ipAw[ tr`k vwiLAW Aqy aunHW dI imhnq dw hI is`tw hY ik swnUM ies mhWmwrI ‘c vI Kwx pIx dIAW cIzW TIk smyN isr imldIAW rhIAW[ ieh hI nhIN jy auh ies musIbq dw swhmxw nw krdy qW swfIAW dvweIAW Aqy hor jIvn dIAW zrUrI vsqW imlxIAW vI muSikl ho jWdIAW[ pr ies dy nwL hI ieh vI suxn nUM imldw hY ik swry qW nhIN, ku`J tr`kW vwly ieh smJdy hn ik aunHW ‘qy ku`J kwnUMn lwgU hI nhIN huMdy[ kI iksy kwnUMn jW aup kwnUMn dIAW D`jIAW aufwxIAW isAwxI g`l hY? kI Anjwxpuxw koeI bhwnw bx skdw hY? ienHW idnW ‘c AsIN ku`J Koj kIqI qW bhuq swrIAW idlcsp g`lW swhmxy AweIAW[ ies qrHW dIAW bhuqyrIAW g`lW vYnkuvr irjnl ifsitRkt dw ie`k ih`sw hY brnbI/ inauvYstimnstr SihrW ‘c lMGdI kYrIbUA rof[ieh g`l Awm jwxI jWdI hY ik BwvyN ies sVk ‘qy tr`k nhIN jw skdy pr bhuq swry tr`kW vwLy ies inXm dIAW D`jIAW aufw rhy hn[ ipCly ku`J idnW ‘c brnbI dI Awr sI AYm pI Aqy inaUvYstimnstr puils v`loN ies nUM cY`k krn leI ie`k muihMm iv`FI[ ies ielwky ‘c Kws krky kYrIbUA rof ‘qy ivSyS qOr ‘qy10 AYvyinaU au`qy hYvI tr`k nhIN jw skdy[ kwrn ieh hY ik ies qrHW au`Qy c`lx vwLy motr sweIkl vwiLAW Aqy pYdl c`lx vwiLAw nUM Kqrw hY[ brnbI Awr sI AYm pI v`loN ies qrHW dI sUcnw tiv`tr NATIONAL MAGAZINE

‘qy pwauNdy hoey ieh iliKAw sI ik ieh sVk, Kws krky kYrIibaU rof vwlw ih`sw Aqy 10 AYvyinaU hYvI tr`kW vwiLAW leI nhIN hY, ikauN ik ies qrHW dy tr`kW kwrn pYdl qurn vwiLAW dI jwn nUM Kqrw ho skdw hY[ aunHW v`loN 22 vhIklW nUM roikAw igAw Aqy ienHW nUM 48 itkt id`qy gey[ieh hI nhIN s`qW nUM qW Asur`iKAq hox kwrn sVk qoN c`lx ‘qy hI rok lw id`qI[ sVk dy inXmW dI aulMGxw krn dI ie`k Gtnw myry Kud nwL vI vwprI[ bI sI dy ircmMf Kyqr ‘c hweIvyA 99 ‘qy do lynW ‘coN ie`k nUM bMd krky trYiPk nUM ie`k lyn ‘coN hI lMGwieAw jw irhw sI[mYN isgnl id`qw Aqy dwKl hox leI AwpxI vwrI dI aufIk bVy sbr nwL kr irhw sI[ie`k tr`k ijhVw pUrI qrHW BirAw hoieAw sI AwieAw[ ieh tr`k AglI kwr dy iblku`l ip`Cy sI pr auh AwpxI vwrI dI aufIk krn dI Qw mYQoN pihlW jwx leI tr`k A`gy ilAw irhw sI[mYn gu`sy hox dI Qw AwpxI AglI vwrI dI aufIk krn l`g ipAw [ pr aus qoN ipClI kwr ‘c jw rhy ivAkqI ny Awpxw Prz smJdy hoieAw mYnUM pihlW jwx id`qw[ hW ieh g`l TIk hY ik tr`kW vwiLAw leI Awm vhIklW qoN ault iek dm rukxw ieMnw sOKw nhIN huMdw[ keI vwr auh hor vhIklW dy frweIvrW v`loN kIqIAW kuqwhIAW krn vI duKI huMdy hn[ieh vI s`c hY ik AwriQkqw nUM cldw r`Kx leI auh idn rwq psInw vhw rhy hn[pr aunHW nUM ieh g`l nhIN Bu`lxI cwhIdI ik auh pROPYSnl fRweIvr hn Awm nhIN[aunHW nUM hr hwlq ‘c inXmW dI pwlxw krnI cwhIdI hY Aqy Awm fRweIvrW nwLoN vDyry swvDwnI qoN kMm lYxw cwhIdw hY[ies ‘c hI sB sVk ‘qy c`lx vwiLAW dw Blw Aqy sur`iKAw hY[ NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2020


"Thanks our truckers who have kept our economies going during Covid-19." "We are grateful to you."








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es, you’re reading the subtitle correctly. Occasionally, a vehicle comes along that defies the characteristics of a segment. Take the Beetle for instance, or Fiat 500 and the Miata. They alter the way we view the segment and what we should expect from this type of vehicle. The A250 does precisely this. Hatchbacks conjure up images of compact, utilitarian workhorses that are truly the Swiss Knives of the automotive world. They act as your runabout during the week, convert to your friend’s moving van on Saturday and will carry you and all your friends to the nightclub on Saturday night. Some are offered in go fast flavours and others in more mundane versions, but, they all pull off the quick change moves with ease. The A250 4Matic Hatch does all that, but does it with panache in an attractive and sporty package with a long hood and forward lean to the grill. How? You may ask. The answer is the interior. The A250’s interior is a place of beauty and technology. The reality is that the majority of hatchback buyers are younger and by nature, more technically savvy, demanding high levels of connectivity. Mercedes obliges with the Mercedes-Benz User eXperience, aka MBUX. The system’s primary interfaces are two 10.25” displays housed in a single flowing enclosure from the driver seat to the center console creating the illusion of a single screen spanning nearly two feet across the vehicle. The system is a cloud-based interface that can learn based on your needs and inquiries. It can nearly control everything via voice interface, from adjusting the temperature to opening the panoramic roof. Speaking of nightclubs, the A250, and for that matter, most modern Mercedes can customize the interior colour to match your mood in 64 different variations or from a set of predetermined multi light patterns that Mercedes has chosen for you. Finally, the system controls can be done through a center console touchpad, wheel-mounted touchpads, voice or a touch interface screen. 28





Combined with this technology is a mix of soft-touch materials, satin touch metallic surfaces on the switchgear to the turbine inspired center vents. The leather seating is comfortable and supportive yet, not too aggressive, but, rather equal parts supple and firm. Leg and headroom in the front and back is more than adequate, and despite my 6’2� frame, the rear cabin was a comfortable place. To ensure all your technology has a means of getting you from place to place, Mercedes uses a 2.0L inline-four good for 221 bhp and 258 lb.-ft. of torque. The result is a mid-6second sprint to 100. Power is delivered thanks to a crisp 7-speed dual-clutch transmission that responds well in comfort mode, but tends to hold revs a bit too long in sport. The engine also has a unique boxer like sound that fills the cabin when in sport mode, being a boxer 4 fan, I loved the noise. The figures and performance levels definitely put the A250 into hot hatch category, however, for true hooligan like fun AMG will be offering the A35 Hatch putting out 302 horsepower as well as 295 pound-feet of torque from 3,000 rpm and will propel the A class to 100 in the mid-4second range. Expect to see the A35 on sale later in 2020. The driving mannerisms are sharp and precise. The wheel feels adequately weighted, and the A250 driving dynamics are predictable and provide an enjoyable experience day to day. The vehicle tends to pamper the driver and hence it is not as aggressive or engaging as say a Golf R, which sells for around the same. To ensure that driving can be enjoyed all year round, Mercedes 4matic system delivers power to all 4 wheels when needed. In default, the system primarily acts like a front-wheeldrive car delivering power to the rear under slippery conditions or under hard acceleration while in sport mode. The A250 Hatch changes what the hatch segment should be seen as. It provides a massive amount of luxury and technology and alters what other manufacturers should be offering. Direct competitors are the BMW 1 series and A3 from Audi, and although both are capable vehicles on their own, they lack the wow factor of the A250 Hatch 4matic. With an as-tested price of $48,500.00 the A250 is not cheap, but it offers a lot of vehicle for the price; it introduces a new set of buyers to the Tristar name with the ultimate goal of making them lifelong buyers. NATIONAL MAGAZINE





he ILX A-Spec holds an unusual place in the Acura lineup. It’s meant to capture the hearts of millennials, providing a more upclass, sportier alternative to the likes of the Honda, Mazda and Toyota. This was a realm Acura dominated for so long. Names like Integra, RSX and TSX were staples. Some of you may remember, if you wanted to standout you didn’t want a Civic, you wanted an Integra, you wanted an Acura. 30


by: Sandeep Gill

The ILX A-Spec is meant to capture that nostalgia. To achieve this goal you have a naturally aspirated 2.4-liter inline-four good for a modest 201 bhp @ 6800 rpm and 180 lb.-ft. @ 3600 rpm. The joy comes from letting that engine breath to its fullest and squeezing every last drop of the 201 horses. Mated to a 8 speed dual clutch transmission, shifts are smooth and clean, but, not lightning quick. Switch it to sport mode and you get to enjoy the pleasure of driving with a relatively balanced chassis and with NATIONAL MAGAZINE


shift points that are slightly altered, allowing you to hold each gear a little longer or use the standard paddle shifters if you want to take control to a higher level. Produced in four trim levels the ILX can be had in Base, Premium, Premium A-Spec or Tech A-Spec flavours. The latter two A-Spec sedans give you larger (18-inch) wheels, side skirts and revised front and rear facia and a rear deck spoiler. The most aggressive impact comes from dark Jewel Eye LED headlights flanking a grille finished with black chrome accents as well as matte graphite inserts. However, the sporty elements have no discernible impact on handling or performance and are cosmetic in nature. Safety features include standard features like automatic emergency braking, adaptive cruise control and active lane control and all, but, the base model also have blind-spot monitors. The interior is a comfortable clean setup. The front seats are well bolstered and highlighted by suede inserts with contrast stitching. In A-Spec, trim the seats are deep red, denoting the sporty DNA from which the ILX A-Spec is derived. Leg room up front is ample, but, if you are in excess of 6 feet in height, headroom may be an issue. Rear leg room is at a premium and cramped, but, would work well for a young family of four. The ILX A-Spec has some mighty big shoes to fill. Its forefathers paved a glorious performance path for Acura. This is where the dilemma lies. The ILX A-Spec, however, falls short of that mark. You have other offerings from the Honda Motor Group providing higher levels of performance and thrill. However, they do not shine with the level of refinement that ILX A-Spec offers nor the Acura cache. Pitted against other luxury brand rivals from BMW (2 Series), Mercedes (A Class) or Audi (A3), the ILX’s value cannot be beat. With an as tested price just under $36,000.00 it blows the competition out of the water and ultimately this is what newcomers to the brand will be attracted by. That is the goal of the ILX exercise, to bring the buyers in and keep them there when the family SUV is needed or the executive sedan. NATIONAL MAGAZINE



DESI Marketplace

Smart Trailer Sharing and Repositioning

VHUB IS QUICK, SIMPLE, SECURE AND FREE. Set trailers up for rental and repositioning in less than 5 minutes.


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Redefining An Industry


e are living in unprecedented times with unprecedented challenges for the transport industry. Even under normal operating conditions, it’s something that private truck fleets, for-hire motor carriers. trailer rental companies and manufacturers have to address. What we’re talking about is the need to provide the industry with a way to leverage under-utilized trailers, as well as ways for excess trailer capacity to meet short-term rental needs, therefore, turning unused trailer capacity into revenue. Connecting unused trailers with companies in need of additional equipment, and trailers to be repositioned with companies looking to use trailers for a one-way segment is something the industry has been dreaming about for ages. Trucking companies, in fact, can operate as much as 25% annually with completely empty trailers. Combined with an industry average of a roughly 3:1 trailer-to-tractor ratio, that leaves a significant amount of trailer capacity unused and available at any given time. The key to solving that costly dilemma is exactly what vHub is offering to the North American transportation industry. The trailer repositioning and sharing marketplace connect trailer owners and rental and leasing operations with those needing to rent a trailer on a short-term basis. vHub is a perfect example of a collaborative strategy that is a 36


win-win for all parties, notes Francis Roy, vice president. “The acceptance of community marketplaces is on the rise because users are understanding the true value of collaboration,” he says. “Like online marketplaces for arranging or offering lodging, we are using digital technologies to create a trailer sharing and repositioning community that brings value to all stakeholders on the platform. “We set out to provide the trucking industry with a safe and simple digital platform to fulfill its semi-trailer rental needs,” Roy adds. “The months ahead will be just as unpredictable for the trucking industry as the past few weeks have been. We believe a community of trailer owners and renters that generates revenue while reducing deadhead mileage and repositioning costs will be a huge benefit to the industry. Not just now during these unusual times, but always.” First launched in Canada in April 2019, in the metropolitan Montreal market the growing vHub community of over 100 owners has already registered more than 10,000 trailers and has booked more than 20,000 rental days of trailer usage. The vHub collaborative trailer repositioning and sharing marketplace is now available to U.S. transportation operations. vHub is on a mission to grow its community, to create a strong and diverse offering of trailers for rental and repositioning opportunities. NATIONAL MAGAZINE

The secure and simple-to-use marketplace generates revenue and cost savings by enabling the rental of empty or idle trailers. vHub users can quickly and easily find trailers nearby, often in less than five minutes. By reducing trips with empty trailers, vHub also contributes to lowering greenhouse gas emissions, road congestion, noise pollution, and wear and tear of roads. The online marketplace, which is available anytime and anywhere on a connected device, uses the most advanced security

Drivers use the vHub inspector app to document the current trailer condition, by taking photos of damages prior to departure. This process also securely records pick up and drop off locations and times. The application can also function without an Internet connection, storing data for later retrieval. Although vHub is a young technology company, it brings to bear decades of experience and expertise in the trucking industry, financial services for new and used heavy vehicle equipment, and

Using the power of technology and the strength of a collaborative community to solve a problem protocols. Confidentiality of information and transactions are protected by SSL encryption systems. Matches can be sorted by location, destination, trailer type, model, year, axel count and the number of rental days that a trailer is available. The collaborative marketplace showcases all trailers that are available for one-way and round-trip rentals. Users can offer or rent dry van, refrigerated/heated, flatbed and in future releases will be able to offer specialized equipment. Each trailer owner using vHub sets the trailer rates and manages detail on availability. vHub handles invoicing and revenue transfer payments for trailer owners. vHub can also integrate with telematics solutions to efficiently calculate distances traveled and automate billing.


technological advances in collaborative marketplaces. Finloc 2000 Inc, the parent company of vHub, has been dedicated to the trucking industry for more than 40 years. For more information about vHub, visit



Be Prepared Before Heading Out Onto The Roads This Winter


inter in British Columbia can be beautiful — especially when a fresh layer of snow covers the ground. But winter also means increased safety risks when driving. Black ice, freezing temperatures, rain, snow, fog, and sudden weather changes are all hazards drivers must be prepared for. For those who drive for work, November, December, and January are the most dangerous months of the year. Almost 28 percent of all work-related crashes that result in injury and time-loss claims occur during these three months. Truck drivers are involved in almost one-third of these crashes. Good preparation is key to preventing crashes, injuries, damages, and delays. As a commercial driver, it’s important that you and your vehicle are prepared to face the elements before heading out onto the roads this winter. Prepare yourself • Check weather warnings and road conditions at before you go to help you plan your route. Monitor current and forecasted conditions regularly by downloading weather apps or listening to updates on the radio, and adjust your route and schedule as needed. • If weather or road conditions are poor, decide if you really have to go or if you can cancel or delay the trip until conditions improve. If you must travel in winter weather, educate yourself on how to manage the risks and drive for those conditions. This includes knowing how to install chains and where along your route you can pull over to install them safely. • Leave yourself lots of time to get to your destination. Be prepared for delays. • Dress appropriately for the weather conditions. 38


Prepare your vehicle • Ensure you understand and follow the chain and winter tire requirements for your commercial vehicle. Trucks weighing between 5,000 kg and 11,794 kg LGVW must carry chains or acceptable traction devices, unless the vehicle is equipped with the proper winter-rated tires. Vehicles 11,794 kg LGVW and greater, such as tractor trailers, are required to carry steel chains on most major highways. For more details and information on what’s required for your vehicle, visit • Pay attention to the parts of your truck that are more likely to be affected by weather changes, such as wiper blades, the battery, the cooling system and hose condition, air dryers, fuel filters, and separation systems. Report any concerns to your supervisor. • Carry a winter safety kit. Recommended items for the kit include first aid supplies, non-perishable food, blankets, flares and matches, flashlight, and extra clothing and footwear. While this advice may seem like “Safety 101” for most drivers, keep in mind that injuries can happen to even the most experienced workers. Following proper safety procedures and taking a little extra time will help keep you safe on the road this winter. For more information Find health and safety resources, including three safety videos, for commercial truck drivers at or (Punjabi). Winter driving resources, including toolkits and templates, are also available at









At Transam Carrieres, we believe that success is not achieved without professional human attitudes. We are proud of providing some of the most flexible work options in the industry for an optimum work-life balance. All of these, in conjunction with new equipment, modern technologies, in-house truck shop, and cross-dock facility, make Transam an exceptional workplace that we call here our second home. Contact us today:




James Taylor: 416-907-8101 x5 Toll-Free: 877-907-8101 Address: 205 Doney Crescent, Concord, ON L4K 1P6 Email: NATIONAL MAGAZINE


@Transam_Carriers NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2020


audXog dI ie`k nvIN pRIBwSw

AsIN tr`ikMg ieMfstrI nMU byimswl cuxOqIAW vwLy smyN ‘c jI rhy hW[ ie`QoN q`k ik Awm EpryitMg hwlqW ADIn vI, ieh auh hwlq hY ijs dw pRweIvyt tr`k PlIt, ikrwey ‘qy imLx vwLy motr kYrIAr, tRylr rYNtl kMpnIAW qy inrmwqwvW nMU h`l krnw hI pvygw[ ijs bwry AsIN g`l kr rhy hW, auh ieh hY, ik ieMfstrI nMU G`t-vrqoN vwLy tRylr muh`eIAw krvwey jwx[ ies dy nwL hI g`l kr rhy hW QoVHy smyN leI ikrwey ‘qy imLx vwly tRylrW dI zrUrq Anuswr smr`Qw vDwaux bwry[ ies qrHW krn nwL tRylr dI nw vrqI jwx vwLI QW dI vrqoN krky pYsw kmwieAw jw skdw hY[ nw vrqy tRylrW nMU aunHW kMpnIAW nwL joVnw, ijnHW kMpnIAW nMU hor swzo-smwn dI zrUrq hY, Aqy auh tRylr ijnHW nMU kMpnIAW vwLy ie`k QW qo dUjI QW Byjxw cwhuMdy hn, aunHW nMU ie`k qrPw lof leI vrqxw Aijhw supnw hY ijs nMU ieMfstrI vwLy XùgW qoN vyKdy Aw rhy hn[ tr`ikMg kMpnIAW, drAsl ‘c ib`lkul KwlI tRylrW nwL 25% slwnw q`k dw kwrobwr kr skdIAW hn[ ieMfstrI v`loN tRylr qoN tRYktr dI l`gBg 3:1 AOsq dI dr nwL vrqoN krn dy ADwr ‘qy bhuq swry tRylr Aijhy bc jWdy hn ijnHW dI kdy vI vrqoN kIqI jwx leI ieh auplbD rihMdy hn[ ies mihMgI sm`isAw dw h`l iblkul auh hI hY jo vHub v`loN aùqrI AmrIkw tRWsporySn ieMfstrI leI pyS kIqw jw irhw hY[ ieh hY, tRylrW nMU ie`k QW qoN dUjI QW sQwpqI Aqy mwrkIt plys dI sWJI vrqoN krdy hoey, QoVHy smyN leI ikrwey ‘qy lYx vwiLAW dI zrUrq pUrI krn leI, tRylr mwlkW dw rYNtl qy lIizMg kwrobwrW vwiLAW nwL sMprk krvwauxw[ vweIs pRYzIfYNt PRWiss rOie dw mMnxw hY ik vHub sihXogI nIqI dI ie`k AijhI vDIAw audwhrx hY, ijs nwL hr iksy dw 40


sm`isAw dy h`l leI qknwlOjI dI SkqI qy BweIcwry dy iek`T dI qwkq dI vrqoN Pwiedw hY[ aus dw kihxw hY, “lokW v`loN sihXog dy Asl lwB nMU smJx krky hux kimauntI mwrkItplys dI pRvwngI vD rhI hY[ ijvyN ik AwnlweIn mwrkItplys v`loN irhwieS dw pRbMD kIqw jWdw hY jW irhwieS dI pySkS kIqI jWdI hY, ausy qrHW hI AsIN ifzitl qknwlojI dI vrqoN krdy hoey, tRylr SyAirMg qy plysmYNt kimauintI sQwipq krn dI koiSS kr rhy hW, ijs nwL ies plytPwrm nwL juVy hr ih`sydwr nMU ieh lwB phuMcwvygw[ rOie ny A`gy c`l ky ikhw, “AsIN tr`ikMg audXog nMU AwpxIAW sYmI-tRylr ikrwey ‘qy lYx dIAW loVW pUrIAW krn leI ie`k sur`iKAq qy sDwrx ifzItl plytPwrm pRdwn krn leI iqAwrI kr rhy hW[ Awaux vwLy mhIny tr`ikMg ieMfstrI leI aùny hI Ax-ikAwsy hoxgy, ijMny ik ipCly kùJ hPqy rhy hn[ swfw mMnxw hY ik tRylr mwlkW qy ikrweydwrW dw smUh srmwieAw pYdw krdw hY, jdoN ik fỲfhỲf mweIlyj nMU Gtwaux qy tRylr ie`k QW qoN dUjI QW Byjx ‘qy G`t Krc hox krky ieMfstrI nMU bhuq lwB ho skdw hY[ ies qrHW isrP ies AOkV vwLy smyN dOrwn hI nhIN, sgoN sdw hI Aijhw krnw cwhIdw hY[” ies nMU ApRYl 2019 ‘c pihlW knyfw ‘c SurU kIqw igAw sI[


mhWngr mWtRIAl dI mwrkIt ‘c 100 qoN vI v`D mwlkW dy vD rhy vHub BweIcwry ‘c pihlW hI 10,000 tRylr rijstr krvwey jw cùky hn Aqy ienHW tRylrW dI 20,000 qoN vI v`D idnW q`k vrqoN krn leI buikMg ho cùkI hY[ vHub tRylrW dI smùcI rIpojISinMg qy sWJI mwriktplys hux AmrIkw dy tRWsport EprySnW leI vI auplbD hY[ AwpxI kimauintI nMU vDwaux, ikrwey ‘qy rIpojISinMg mOikAW leI tRylrW dI ie`k mzbUq qy ivl`Kx pySkS krn leI, vHub ny ies nMU Awpxw imSn bxw ilAw hY[ sur`iKAq qy Aswn vrqxXog mwriktplys, KwlI jW ivhly tRylrW dy ikrwey ‘qy dyx nUM smr`Q bxw ky, b`cq krn dy nwL srmwieAw vI pYdw krdw hY[ vHub vrqx vwLy AswnI nwL qy bhuq jldI, Aksr pMj imMtW qoN vI G`t smyN ‘c, Awpxy nyVy hI, auplbD tRylr l`B skdy hn[ KwlI tRylrW dy tir`pW nMU Gtwaux nwL, vHub v`loN gRInhwaUs gYsW dy inkws, sVkI BIV BV`ky, rOLy r`py, Aqy sVkW dI GsweI qy tùt B`j nMU Gtwaux ‘c vI Xogdwn pwieAw jw irhw hY[ AwnlweIn mwrkItplys jo ik, ieMtrnỲt vwLIAW fIvweIsW ‘qy iksy vI smyN iksy vI QW ‘qy auplbD hn, bhuq hI AwDuink sikauirtI pRotokol dI vrqoN krdw hY[ jwxkwrI dI gupqqw qy tRWsAYkSn nMU SSL ienikRpSn isstm rwhIN sur`iKAq r`iKAw jWdw hY[ qusIN auic`q cIz l`Bx leI sQwn, mMizl, tRylr dI iksm, mwfl, swl, AYkslW dI igxqI Aqy ikrwey dy idnW dI igxqI Anuswr BwL kr skdy ho[ mwriktplys dw smUh, ie`k pwsy jW dovW pwisAW leI ikrwey ‘qy lYx leI auplbD swry auplbD tRylrW dI suUcI pRdriSq kr idMdw hY[ vrqoN krn vwLy fRweI vYn, rYPRIjrytf/hItf, PlYtbỲf dI pySkS kr skdy hn jW ikrwey ‘qy dy skdy hn[ ies qoN ibnw Biv`K ‘c Kws aupkrnW bwry vI jwxkwrI auplbD hovygI[ vHub dI vrqoN krn vwLw hr ie`k mwlk tRylr dy ikrwey qy auplBDqw nMU Awp ^ud inScq krdw hY[ vHub tRylr mwlkW leI ib`L krn qy Bugqwn dI rkm tRWsPr krn dw kMm krdI hY[ vHub sPr kIqI

dUrI dI pRBwvI FMg nwL gxnw krn qy AwtomYitk ib`l Byjx dw pRbMD vI kr skdw hY[ fRweIvrW v`loN rvwnw hox qoN pihlW PotoAW iK`c ky tRylr dI mOjUdw hwlq dw irkwrf r`Kx leI vHub ieMspYktr AYp dI vrqoN kIqI jWdI hY[ ieh ivDI lof cùkx qy lwhux dy smyN nMU sur`iKAq qrIky nwL irkwrf krn dw kMm vI krdI hY[ ieh AYp fYtw sWB ky bwAd ‘c Byjx leI, ieMtrnỲt kunYkSn qoN ibnW vI kMMm kr skdI hY[ BwvyN ik vHub ie`k nvIN qknwlojI kMpnI hY, pr ies dy bwvjUud vI ieh dhwikAW v`DI qzrbw qy tr`ikMg ieMfstrI ‘c muhwrq hox dy nwL nwL nvyN Aqy vrqy hoey hYvI ifaUtI aupkrxW leI ivqI syvwvW Aqy sihXogI mwriktplys ‘c qknIkI qr`kI bwry jwxkwrI vI pRdwn krdI hY[ vHub dI SurUAwqI kMpnI, iPnlOk 2000 ieMk, tr`ikMg ieMfstrI nMU ipCly 40 swlW qoN vI v`D smyN qoN smRipq hY[ vHub bwry hor jwxkwrI pRwpq krn leI ‘qy jwE[

New app for

your COVID-19 Safety Plan Develop your required COVID-19 Safety Plan directly on your mobile device with our new app for iOS and Android.

The app includes checklists and links to industry-specific protocols and resources that can help you keep workers healthy and safe. Visit




klIn bI sI hYvI ifaUtI vwhn suXogqw pRogrwm nwL hr swl pRqI tr`k $15,000 q`k dI b`cq kro

bI sI tI ey v`loN klIn bI sI hYvI - ifautI vhIkl AYPISYNsI (HDVE) pRogrwm ieMsYNitv 2021 leI leI jnvrI dy AKIr ‘c ArzIAW leIAW jwxgIAW[ ies dI ie`k Srq hY - ie`k idn dI muPq id`qI tRyinMg nUM sPlqw pUrbk pws krnw[ klIn bI sI AYc fI vI eI pRogrwm (CleanBC HDVE Program) leI bI sI dI sUbweI srkwr v`loN PMifMg kIqI geI hY[ ies ‘c iekuuie`pmYNt dy Xog KricAW leI 30% qoN 50 % q`k rIbyt id`qI jwvygI jo v`D qoN v`D $15,000 pRqI vhIkl hovygI Aqy iksy PlIt leI v`D qoN v`D $100,000 q`k hovygI[ ArzIAW dyx vwLy jnvrI dy mhIny dy smyN dOrwn, auh bI sI kYrIArz ijhVy ies kors nUM pUrw kr lYxgy, auh iPaUl AYPISYnsI iekuiepmYNt ijhVw grInhwaUs gYs dy inkws nUM Gtwaux Aq qyl dI b`cq krn vwly smwn dI vrqoN dy smwn ‘c Cot leI ArzI dy skxgy[ Xog smwn ‘c vweIf bysf isMgl twier (445 AYm AYm jW cOVy), ey pI XU slYktf eyArofYnwimk purzy ieMjx qy iPaUl isstm ‘c lwieAw iPaUl –AYPISYNsI smwn[ ies sbMDI hor jwxkwrI leI CleanBC HDVE Program Guide ‘qy jwE! ies leI bI sI tI ey dI mYNbriSp hoxI zrUrI nhIN[ ies pRogrwm iensYNitv ifstrIibaUuSn dw mùK inSwnw sVk ‘qy c`lx vwlIAW hYvI ifautI kmRSIAl g`fIAW ‘coN inkldy jI AYc jI DUMeyN nUM Gtwauxw hY ies nUM auqSwihq krn leI mMgIAW geIAW ArzIAW, bI sI siQ`q swry tr`kW vwly dy skdy hn[ ies ‘c Enr –Awprytrz vI Swml hn[ bI sI tI ey Xog ArzIAW dyx vwiLAW ‘c pRogrwm 42


ieMsYNitv ies qrHW dyvygI ijs nwL swry sUby dy swry ^yqrW ‘c kYyrIAr tweIp Aqy PlIt sweIz nUM shwieqw imlygI[ swry kYrIArz CleanBC HDVE Program Incentives for 2021 leI jnvrI mhIny ‘c ArzI dy skdy hn[ ies ‘qy hyT ilKIAW SrqW lwgU hoxgIAW: • sbMiDq kMpnI kol ie`k jW ies qoN v`D kmRSIAl vhIkl (jI vI fbilaU 11,794 ik`lo qoN v`D) hoxy cwhIdy hn[bI sI ‘c kMm krn leI ieh lwiesMs Sudw Aqy bImwXukq hoxw cwhIdw hY[ ieh bI sI ‘c hI kMm krdw hovy ies dw trmInl vI bI sI ‘c hoxw cwhIdw hY[ • ieh lwB lYx qoN pihlW kMpnI dy G`to G`t ie`k pRqIinD v`loN ies ie`k idn dy muPq tRyinMg kYNp nUM sPlqw sihq pUrw krnw cwhIdw hY[ • ieh lwB ipClI imqI qoN nhIN imlxy; nw hI PlItW vwLy pihlW KRIdy gey smwn ‘qy ieh lwB pRwpq kr skdy hn[ jykr qusIN Bwg lYxw cwhuMdy ho qW ikrpw krky klIn bI sI HDVE pRogrwm vYbInwr vwsqy huxy hI rijstr ho jwE[ AwnlweIn rijstrySn Aqy hor vyrvy hyTQ auppbD hn[ klIn bI sI bwry hor jwxkwrI pRwpq krn leI ikrpw krky ‘qy jwE[ sRoq: British Columbia Trucking Association











* Of those sold in Canada



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Save up to $15K per Truck on CleanBC Heavy-duty Vehicle Efficiency Program


he BCTA will be accepting applications for CleanBC Heavy-duty Vehicle Efficiency (HDVE) Program Incentives for 2021 in late January. One requirement – successful completion of a free, one-day training. The CleanBC HDVE Program, funded by the Province of British Columbia, offers rebates for up to 30 to 50 percent of eligible costs for equipment, to a maximum of $15,000 per vehicle or $100,000 per fleet. During the January application period, BC carriers who complete this course may apply for rebates on approved fuelefficiency equipment that promises documented savings in fuel usage and decreased greenhouse gas emissions. Eligible equipment includes wide-based single tires (445mm or wider), APUs, selected aerodynamic devices and engine or fuel system modifications. Visit the CleanBC HDVE Program Guide, for an updated list of eligible fuel-efficiency equipment. A BCTA membership is not required. The primary goal of Program Incentive distribution is to reduce GHG emissions from heavy-duty on-road commercial vehicles. Incentive applications are open to all BC-based carriers, including owneroperators. And, BCTA will distribute Program Incentives among eligible applicants in a way that supports diversification across provincial regions as well as motor carrier types and fleet size.



Carriers may apply for CleanBC HDVE Program Incentives for 2021 in January. The following eligibility requirements apply: • Companies must have one or more heavy-duty commercial vehicles (GVW greater than 11,794 kg) that is licensed and insured to operate in BC, conducts business in BC and has a terminal located in BC. • At least one company representative must successfully complete this free, one-day training prior to applying for incentives. • Rebates are not retroactive; fleets cannot apply for incentives for equipment they have already purchased. If you want to take part, please register now for the CleanBC HDVE Program Training Webinar. Details and online registration is available below. For more information on CleanBC, please visit https:// Source: British Columbia Trucking Association


Open now! 9697 190th Street Surrey, BC V4N 3M9 Phone: 604.455.0885

NANAIMO 861 Maughan Road Nanaimo, BC V9X 1J2 Toll Free: 1-877-878-5979 Phone: (250) 722-2073 Fax: (250) 722-2317


PRINCE RUPERT 1600 Prince Rupert Boulevard Prince Rupert, BC V8J 2Z3 Phone: (250) 627-1981 Fax: (250) 627-1982


PRINCE GEORGE 9341 Rock Island Road Prince George, BC V2N 5T4 Phone: (250) 562-7422


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