Vol.12 - Issue 4 July/August 2021
Check out our used truck line-up. 500+ new & used trucks in stock to choose from! Warranty and in-house financing options available.
Brandon 204-728-6681 Estevan 306-637-2121
Burnaby 604-291-6431 Fort St. John 250-785-6105
Regina Quesnel 250-992-7256 306-569-9021
Campbell River 250-287-8878 Kamloops 250-374-4406
Saskatoon 306-931-1911
Start with the most highly evolved aerodynamic long-haul tractor Kenworth has ever engineered. Optimize the powertrain with an efficient, fullyintegrated solution from PACCAR. Incorporate easier-to-service, longer-lived components for maximum uptime. Add smart technology that makes driving more intuitive, safer, less fatiguing. And include a world-class cabin reminiscent of the finest automobiles. Welcome to the Kenworth T680 Next Gen.
Castlegar 250-365-2807
Kelowna 250-769-2933
Cranbrook 250-426-6205
Langley 604-607-0300
Dawson Creek (Parts) 250-784-0934
Nanaimo 250-758-5288
Penticton 250-492-3939
Delta (Parts) 604-952-1280 Prince George 250-562-8171
Swift Current Terrace Vernon Whitehorse Williams Lake 306-778-2390 250-635-2292 250-545-4424 867-668-2127 250-392-7101
Winnipeg 204-694-3874
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Our Innovation Built In™ iPLwsPI kùJ sB qoN au~qm, nvInqm, hMfxswr, Bwr ‘c hlky Aqy G`t lwZq vwly sspYNSn isstmz Aqy ies dy ih`sy purzy pUrI dunIAW dI trWsport ieMfstrI leI bxwauNdI hY[ mukMml rweIf dy h`l leI hYNfrYksn nUM sMprk kro[
08 sspYNSn kI tr`k/tRylr ‘c l`gy sspYNSn nUM vI rolz roies ikhw jw skdw hY?
16 hwrt hwaUs rYstorYNt
mYN hwrt hwaUs rYstorYNt bwry keI swl pihlW suixAw sI[
krzw lYx leI ArzI koeI krzw, lIz, kRYift lweIn, kRYift kwrf jW mOrgyj lYx smyN sB qoN zrUrI g`l...
36 bI sI tI ey Aqy hYlQ Pryzr dy sihXog nwL rofsweIf... ipCly idnIN bI sI tr`ikMg AYsosIeySn Aqy Pryzr hYlQ v`loN rL ky hweIvyA-91 dy...
42 mYk fIPYNs v`loN mYk AYkspIrIAYNs sYNtr ‘qy SurU kIqw mYk fIPYNs vwiLAW ny hux mYk AYkspIrIAYNs sYNtr ‘c hYvI fMp tr`k nUM bxwauxw SurU kr...
ADVERTISERS Ace Truck Repairs ............................. 35
Hello Trucking ........................................ 43
Pike Enterprises Ltd ........................ 35
Big Rig Power ........................................ 26
Hendrickson ........................................... 03
Premier Truck Body ............... 35 & 47
CBS Parts Ltd. ........................................ 46
Howes Lubricators .............................. 15
Safety Driven .......................................... 19
Champion Towing ............................... 33
Inland Kenworth ...................... 02 & 33
Titan Truck & Trailer Parts Ltd ..... 34
Cone Zone BC ........................................ 37
JD Factors ............................................... 23
Total Lubricants ................................... 21
Cummins .................................................. 41
JGK Media Inc. ............................... 24-25
Transam Carriers Inc. ....................... 07
First Truck Centre .............................. 13
Michel's UltraLift Technologies .. 17
Truckers Together .............................. 32
G & G Trucking Solutions ............... 34
Ocean Trailer ............................... 33 & 45
Ultrack Systems Inc ......................... 27
Glasvan Great Dane ......................... 37
Peterbilt .................................................... 48
Volvo Trucks ........................................... 05
Volvo Trucks. Driving Progress.
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THE POST-COVID WORLD Maybe not to others, but for me, going back to the old ways prior to Covid-19 seems almost surreal. Today, for the first time, I walked into a store without a mask on and in all honesty, it felt odd. When I looked around, I’d say more than 70% of people still were wearing masks, and I wondered if they looked at me differently? We do know that our country, and North America as a whole, is opening up and things should return to “normalcy” very soon. It will, I’m almost certain, still take time for society to get used to the way things were before. As the country opens up, it means that we should recognize the efforts of those in the transport industry because for the past almost two years, they were responsible for keeping our economy going.
From transporting basic needs to resupplying our mall shelves, truckers were instrumental for our continent. In this issue, we feature a lot of interesting articles, ranging from the best suspensions to credit applications to how to choose the best engine for your truck’s configuration. In addition, we also have two great reviews of vehicles: the 2021 Hyundai Palisade and the 2021 Lincoln Aviator. As we move ahead to the rest of 2021, let us be reminded that our society, as a whole, has persevered through one of the most difficult times in our lives. Let’s continue to work together and make the rest of this year amazing, and look forward to a rejuvenated 2022.
Jag Dhatt Editor-In-Chief
Publisher JGK Media Inc. 1-877-598-3374 (Desi) Advertising & Sales Jag Dhatt (National / Western Canada) Stephen Alford (Eastern Canada) Art Director Ranjit Singh IT Manager Ranj Bhamra Cover Design Ranjit Singh
kooivf qoN bwAd dw sMswr horW nUM qW BwvyN nw lgdw hovy pr mYnUM l`g irhw hY ik koivf-19 qoN bwAd pihly Anuswr kMm ‘qy jwxw AslI ijhw nhIN l`g irhw[ keI smyN qoN bwAd mYN A`j stor nUM ibnw mwsk igAw[ pr mwsk pihnx dI Awdq peI hox kwrn ieh QoVHw Eprw ijhw l`gw[ pr jdoN mYN Awpxy AwLy duAwly v`l vyiKAw qW lg Bg 70% lok Ajy vI mwskW vwLy sn[mYN ieh socx l`g ipAw ik auh ikDry mYnUM hor qrHW dw qW nhIN smJ rhy (kwnUMn dIAW D`jIAW aufwaux vwLw)[ ijvyN ik AsIN swry jwxdy hI hW ik swfw mulk Aqy smu`cw au`qrI AmrIkw dw iK`qw CyqI hI Awm vrgw ho irhw hY[ Aqy jIvn pihlW vrgw Awm hI ho jwvygw[ pr iPr vI lokW nUM kronw dOrwn peIAW AwdqW ‘coN inklx leI Ajy smW l`gygw[ hux jdoN hwlwq Awm vrgy ho rhy hn ies dOrwn swnUM tRWsport dIAW id`qIAW syvwvW nUM vI Xwd r`Kxw cwhIdw hY[ ikauN ik ieh tRWsport ieMfstrI dIAW syvwvW hI sn, ijs 6
kwrn sB lokW nUM storW qoN jIvn ijaux leI Kwx pIx dw smwn vI Awm vWg imldw irhw[ ies ieMfstrI dIAW syvwvW Aqy tr`kW vwiLAW dy hOsly Aqy ihMmq kwrn hI AwriQkqw dw phIAw vI Awm vWg cldw irhw[ ies AMk ‘c AsIN vDIAw sspYNSn qoN lY ky kRYift ArzIAW vrgy bhuq idlcspI vwLy lyK Swml kIqy hn[ ie`k lyK ‘c ieh vI d`isAw igAw hY ik Awpxy tr`k dI kniPgrySn vwsqy ikhVw vDIAw ieMjx cuxnw hY[ ies dy nwL hI 2021 Hyundai Palisade 2021 Aqy 2021 Lincoln Aviator dw irivaU vI kIqw igAw hY[ hux AsIN 2021 swl dy bwkI rihMdy ih`sy v`l vD rhy hW[ ieh g`l Xwd r`KIey ik swfw smwijk jIvn Aiq muSikl dy smyN ‘coN lMiGAw hY[ AwE iek`Ty kMm krnw jwrI r`KIey Aqy rihMdy swL nUM KUSIAW BrpUr bxweIey[ ies dy nwL hI Awaux vwly 2022 swl nUM KuSI BrpUr swl vjoN hI vyKIey!
Contributing Writers Jag Dhatt; Michael Howe; Pash Brar; Ray Gompf; Ron Dhaliwal; Sanjana Karthik; Staff Reporters Translator Tirath S. Khabra
JAG DHATT Corporate VP, Marketing National Accounts
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Cell: 604-767-4433 E: jag@jgkmedia.ca
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kI tr`k/tRylr ‘c l`gy sspYNSn nUM vI rolz roies ikhw jw skdw hY?
vr tryn bdlW vWg OEM dI Gwt dy huMdy hor keI bdl hn ijhVy lof dy ivklpW dw pRdwn krdy hn[ tr`k/tRylr vrqoN krn vwly/ mwihrW dI cwl hI hY ik Kws sMBwvnwvW nUM pUrw krn leI OEM splweI hI vrqo[ ies qrHW dy h`l ku`J dw myl vI ho skdy hn ijs nUM iksy lof dI loV hovy[ ieh aunHW dI cwl vI ho skdI hY ik OEM nwl kMm kIqw jwvy[ Aksr hI trylr vwly tr`k nUM iksy Kws trylr nwL hI kMm krn nUM inrDwirq nhIN kIqw jw skdw[ Bwv ieh nhIN ikhw jw skdw ik ies tr`k nwL ieh hI tRylr hI cwhIdw hY[ koeI tmwtrW dy lof leI 70 tn dy Plot trylr dI vrqoN nhIN krygw[ nw hI lOgW dy Bwr Fox leI rYPrIjIeytf tRylr dI[ sspYNSn iksy ivSyS lof nhIN sgoN lof dI shwieqw leI hY[
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ik aunHW kol bhuqw smwn nw ivkx krky ipAw rhy[ies leI auh Awpxy kol pey hr smwn nUM vDIAw d`sdy hn[ aunHW fIlrW dy bcwA iv`c jo "SYlP ‘qy ipAw" stwk hI vycdy hn, auhnW nUM Awm qOr 'qy Awpxy gwhk dIAwN loVW Aqy loVW bwry bhuq vDIAw ivcwr huMdw hY Aqy auhnW kol bhuq vDIAw spYktIPwier huMdy hn jo KRIddwr dI loV muqwibk Fu`kvyN swzoswmwn dw ie`k Swndwr pYkyj bxw ky idMdy hn[ fIlr auhnW auqpwdW nUM stwk nhIN krnw cwhuMdy ijMnHW nUM auh AswnI nwl vycx dy Xog nw hox, ies leI fIlr stwk qoN swzo-swmwn dw vDIAw Awm vrqoN vwlw smwn sOKw hI iml jWdw hY[ Awm qOr ‘qy jy ie`k tRylr dI KRId ho rhI hovy qW vycx vwLw aus dI qulnw iblku`l nvyN tRylr nwL krdw hY[ jy aus dI ieh NATIONAL MAGAZINE
mnSw sPl ho jWdI hY qW quhwfI zuMmyvwrI bxdI hY ik ijs qrHW sylz prsn v`loN aus dy guxW bwry d`isAw jw irhw hY qW qusIN cMgI qrHW Awp vI cY`k kr lE ik kI sB ku`J asy qrHW hI hY qy EvyN hI sB ku`J kMm vI krdw hY jW nhIN[ jy qusIN swrI slwhkwrI prikirAw rwhIN smwn dw Awrfr idMdy ho qW sB ku`J quhwfI loV Aqy mrzI muqwbk hovygw Aqy smwn quhwfIAW swrIAW qrjIhW Anuswr smwn hovygw[ imswl vjoN swl ‘c p`qJV Aqy bhwr ‘c mYN do vwr tr`k dy ic`kV PlYp dy inrIKx leI hPqy dI Cu`tI lYNdw sI[ ies smyN swrIAW qwrW hozW Aqy bYlt nUM ie`k isry qoN dUjy isry q`k cMgI qrHW cY`k krdw sI[ies smyN mYN ieh zkInI bxwaudw sW ik iksy Gsy hoey ih`sy kwrn koeI v`fw nuks nw pY jwvy[ieh vyKdw sI ik swrIAW qwrW TIk hn, swry puAwieMt TIk hn[ ij`Qy vI mwVw motw vI nuks sI auh TIk krdw sI[ bRyikMg isstm Aqy sspYNSn isstm nUM mweIkroskop nwL bhuq cMgI qrHW cY`k krdw sI[ jy qusIN ie`k DOT p`Dr dI Aws krdy ho qW myrw kMm 10 ijMnw sI[ jdoN hr roz mYN koeI mwVw ijhw nuks vI vyKdw qW aus nUM qurMq TIk krdw jW krw lYNdw sI[ zkInn qOr ‘qy AsYNblI lweIn qoN 5 swl Cu`tI vwlw tr`k nivAW vrgw sI[jdoN vI jWc krvweI jWdI aus qoN bwAd koeI KrwbI rih hI nhIN jWdI sI[ mYN pRYskot, EntwrIE, AwgfYnsbrg, inaU XOrk nUM jWdw huMdw sI[ AmrIkw v`l ie`k DOT APsr sI ijhVw kstm vwLI QW ieMspYkSn krdw huMdw sI[jy mYN vyKdw ik auh ku`J nhIN kr irhw qW mYN aus dy QoVHw nyVy ho ky lYvl vMn leI AwKdw[ mYN aus nUM kihMdw kI auh myrw tr`k cY`k krnw cwhuMdy hn[ bhuq vwr auh myry tr`k dw nMbr not krky jwx dw ieSwrw kr idMdw sI[ pr ie`k vwr mYN vyiKAw ik ie`k hor tr``k NATIONAL MAGAZINE
dI cYikMg kr irhw hY Aqy jdoN mYN aus nUM ru`Jw hoieAw vyKy c`l ipAw qW auh dOV ky myry kol AwieAw[ aus ny mYnUM d`isAw ik myry tr`k ‘qy eyArlweIn frOipMg hY[ jdoN mYN TIk krn leI au`qrn l`gw qW aus ny ikhw, koeI g`l nhIN mYN Awp hI TIk kr idMdw hW[ ieh isrP ies krky hI hoieAw ik myry Aqy tr`k sbMDI pihlW hI jwxdw sI, jy ies qrHW nw huMdw qW auh rok ky mYnUM E E AYs pkVw idMdw[ aus ny ku`J sikMtW ‘c hI TIk kr id`qw[mYN aus dw DMnvwd kIqw Aqy c`l ipAw[ g`l ieh nhIN ik smwn iks iksm dw hY pr ieh inrBr krdw hY ik qusIN ies dI
g`l ieh nhIN ik smwn iks iksm dw hY pr ieh inrBr krdw hY ik qusIN ies dI sWB sMBwl iks qrHW kr rhy ho[ieh sB quhwfy h`Q ‘c hY[ie`k sm`isAw ijs dw koeI h`l nhIN auh hY qyz qrwr XMqrW nUM A`KoN proKy krnw[
sWB sMBwl iks qrHW kr rhy ho[ieh sB quhwfy h`Q ‘c hY[ie`k sm`isAw ijs dw koeI h`l nhIN auh hY qyz qrwr XMqrW nUM A`KoN proKy krnw[ies qrHW dy swry XMqrW ‘qy aunHW dI SkqI sbMDI iliKAw huMdw hY[mukwmI ZMqr qkrIbn iblku`l shI huMdy hn[pr smuMdrI kMFy nyVy l`gIAW ies qrHW nhIN huMdIAW[imswl vjoN ies qrHW dIAW PwstinMg ifvweIsW hn ijnHW nwl SwPt nUM clwaux leI kwPI SkqI dI loV huMdI hY[ jy ieh G`t hovy qW ies nwl musIbq Aw skdI hY[ qyz rPqwr smyN ie`k frOpf
fRweIvSwPt l`dy hoey tr`k nUM plt skdI hY[ qyz fIvweIsW nwzk hn[ mYnUM AwpxI fRweIv lweIn dI jWc kevwauxI peI sI[ Aqy ies nUM sMquilq krvw ky iPr lwauxw ipAw[ mYN ienHW dI muV vrqoN krn dy iKlwP hW[ ieh BwvyN vHIl Pwstnr hovy fRweIv SwPt hovy jW sspYNSn pwrt hovy[ OEM dw bxwieAw hoieAw ih`sw jW purzw hI hY jo insicq smyN krdw rihMdw hY[pr ienHW dI muV vrqoN leI nhIN ikhw jw skdw[ ie`QoN q`k ik ienHW dy nt bolt vI[ jdoN myry tr`k dI fRweIvSwPt muV lweI geI qW ies dy swry nt bolt nvyN hI lwey gey[ pr auh vI 500 mIl q`k hI kMm kr sky[ jdoN mYN ijnHW qoN ieh kMm krvwieAw sI aunHW nUM ieh d`isAw qW aunHW dw kihxw sI ik aunHW ny qW TIk qy vDIAw nt bolt hI lwey sn[ pr aunHW ny bwAd ‘c jWc krky ieh g`l mMnI ik aunHW ny iksy bwhr dI kMpnI qoN auh mMgvwey sn ikauN ik auh ssqy sn[ aunHW ny mYnUM iksy nyVy dI murMmq krn vwLI Swp ‘qy jwx leI ikhw Aqy ieh XkInI bxwieAw ik auh AslI hI sn[ pr pihlI Swp vwiLAW ny ies dw swrw Krcw Awp id`qw[ jy qusIN nYskwr jW PwrmUlw ie`k hYNfkrwPtf kwrW v`l nzr mwro qW, jdoN kdy ienHW ‘c ieh nuks pYNdw hY qW Awm qOr ‘qy mihMgy ih`sy purzy nhIN Krwb huMdy sgoN kyvl 50 sYNt ssqIAw cIzW ‘c nuks pY jWdy hn[ svwl ieh hY ik kI rOlz rOies sspYNSn vI hY? hW , jdoN loV pYNdI hY qW auh sB qoN vDIAw hn[ g`l ieh hY ik hr ie`k ih`sy dy kMm dI Aqy nqIijAW bwry vyiKAw jwvy[ g`l ieh hY ik ieh kyvl ‘qy kyvl OEM dw pwrt nhIN jo quhwfy leI musIbq bxdw hY, keI vwr 50 sYNt dw nt bolt vI sm`isAw KVHI kr idMdw hY[ ies leI jdoN ik Asl ‘c BwvyN hr ie`k isstm leI rolz rOies nhIN vI hY pr ies dIAW qyz qrwr ifvweIsW hn[ JULY - AUGUST 2021
s with power train options, there are a myriad of suspensions options available, from a dearth of OEM suppliers, that can in combination provide enough options to answer the needs of any load. The trick for the truck/trailer, user/specifier is to work with the OEM to achieve the correct
specifications to support the widest number of loads expected to be carried by that particular piece equipment over the specific terrain required. Very often, the truck pulling the trailer will not be specifically specified to work in conjunction with a specific trailer. One would not use a 70-ton float trailer to haul a refrigerated load of tomatoes,
is there a Rolls Royce of truck/ trailer suspension?
nor a refrigerated trailer to haul a load of logs. Suspension, while not exactly load specific, is built to support the load to be carried. For the most part, too few consider the suspension as important as the engine they may choose. Mostly, when buying equipment, the buyer may never be using the equipment purchased. Specifying NATIONAL MAGAZINE
equipment is a skill that should be a consultative process amongst those who must use the equipment, the OEM and those explaining the requirements and signing the orders. For those who just purchase whatever the dealer has or buys used from a dealer, “off the shelf”, where there is a lot of “make do” with what was built in by the OEM or stock ordered by the dealer. In defence of those dealers who sell “off the shelf” from stock, they usually have a pretty good idea of their client’s wants and needs and have very good specifiers that can put an excellent wellrounded piece of equipment together that helps those generalists that can buy “off the shelf”. Dealers don’t want to stock products they are not going to be able to sell, so from dealers, stock will be good, generalized piece of equipment. Often if the trailer being purchased, it’s been replaced by a trailer with very similar or exact specifications as the new one. If those specifications worked well for someone else basically using it as you will be using it, then your responsibility in doing your due diligence is to ensure through the dealer that everything is working well as it’s supposed to work. If you, through this consultative process, order precisely specified equipment, then everything, all the parts and pieces, can be to your specifications up to and including each and every nut and bolt. So, all your personal preferences can be part of the equipment. As an example, every year twice a year, Spring and Fall, I would take a week off to give my truck a bumper to mud flap personal inspection where I would check every wire, hose and belt from end to end, make sure no rub points were causing unnecessary wear, and that no electrical corrosion was happening and fixing that which needed to be fixed, all hoses were crack free without rub points and fixing that which may fail me before the next intense inspection. The braking system and suspension system were examined thoroughly virtually under a microscope. If you can envision a level one DOT inspection, mine was times ten that of the DOT. Of course, during NATIONAL MAGAZINE
the daily inspections, if I happened to notice issues, they were fixed as they were noticed. Essentially, my truck, even five years off the assembly line,
The question is there a Rolls Royce of suspension? Frankly, they’re all the best when it comes to the task they’re asked to do. It boils down to personal preference and past experiences that can and do enter the picture, especially when more than one combination of parts and pieces from different sources is available and will work well.
was even better than fresh off the line and post pre-delivery inspection and when those level one inspections occurred, there were never any issues. I had one instance that points to the value of being known for running well maintained equipment. I used to cross the border between Prescott, Ontario and Ogdensburg, New York. On the US side there was a DOT officer that made the customs yard his inspection place. If I’d see him doing nothing and I’d be close to needing and had a bit of time for a level one, I’d ask him if he wanted to check my truck. Most often he’d just note my truck had passed inspection, but one time I was crossing, didn’t have a lot of time, he was tied up with another truck when I saw him urgently getting off his crawler and running toward me. I stopped, rolled the window down and he told me I had an airline drooping on my trailer. I was about to get out of the truck, but he said, “don’t worry about it, I’ll fix it for you”. If he hadn’t known me for running well maintained equipment and a cooperative attitude, I’m sure he’d have just handed me an OOS until I did the fix. It took him seconds to solve the pending problem and yes, I said thank you. It’s really not about how the equipment is specified, it’s how its inspected and maintained once it’s in your stable. One problem that is very difficult to avoid is fastening devices. All fastening devices come with markings to show
their tensile strength. Locally sourced fastening devices are almost 100% sound according to their marks. Offshore fastening devices not so much. For example, there are fastening devices that require a very specific tensile strength for the drive shaft. Anything less could leave the driveshaft digging in the dirt. At speed, a dropped driveshaft can and has flipped fully loaded trucks over. I had had to have my drive line examined, balanced and reinstalled. I refuse to reuse fastening devices, not on wheel fasteners, not on drive shafts, not on suspension parts. It’s rarely the OEM manufactured piece or part fails before it’s expected life, but the fastening devices are under extreme pressure and it’s not wise to reuse simple nuts or bolts. When the driveshaft on my truck was reinstalled, new fastening devices were used. Those devices failed within 500 miles. I called the shop that had done the work for me and they confirmed they had used the correctly marked fastening devices. But what they discovered is they had just purchased an offshore supply of fastening devices because they were cheaper. They had me go to a local shop close to where the failure had occurred, and the second shop made sure the fastening devices were correct and the markings accurately demonstrated the correct tensile strength. The first shop covered my costs at the second shop so all I was out was my time. If you take a look at the handcrafted cars used in NASCAR or Formula One, when there’s a failure, it’s not usually the expensive parts that fail; it’s the $.50 items that cause thousands in grief. The question is there a Rolls Royce of suspension? Frankly, they’re all the best when it comes to the task they’re asked to do. It boils down to personal preference and past experiences that can and do enter the picture, especially when more than one combination of parts and pieces from different sources is available and will work well. The trick is to learn the capabilities of each and the results you need to achieve. The other point is it’s not usually the OEM part that’s going to let you down, it’s the $.50 bolt or nut that’s most likely to fail. So, while the Rolls Royce of any system may not truly exist, the Rolls Royce of fastening devices does. JULY - AUGUST 2021
Why Trucking is a Good Career Choice
Professional Trucker he trucking industry has seen many changes, not just in terms of being a driver, but also various other careers in the industry. However, in most people’s minds, a trucker is the face of the industry. And there are many benefits of getting behind the wheel of a big rig and making sure the economy keeps moving. Being a trucker provides numerous benefits to people in integral aspectsfinancial support, job security, job availability, and a sense of satisfaction with their role in the economy. In simple terms, being a professional trucker makes good financial sense. Being a driver is acquainted with the idea of making $45,000-$55,000 or more within the first year, very respectable earnings. With a route of 960 km in a five-day journey, Caroline Blais, who is a recruiter with Kriska Transport, states that truckers can earn around this amount of money. Local drivers can earn about $28/hour depending on the type of work they are addressing as well. And with the driver shortage happening
now, many many companies are offering higher wages and some pretty impressive signing bonuses. The career brings with it other prospects such as Job security. With an AZ license from an accredited school, it is possible to receive employment across different places in Canada. According to https:// www.jobbank.gc.ca/marketreport/ outlook-occupation/10552/ca the job outlook across North America is considered quite abundant as well. Additionally, the job provides with it a diverse amount of roles and opportunities. Experienced truck drivers can engage with flatbed trucks that carry airplanes, and military equipment, they can also drive tanker trucks that carry airplane fuel and explosives, along with reefer trailers, bull haulers, auto haulers, hoppers and more. Vans, reefers and flat decks are the top three types of units available for operation in the trucking industry as well. To further add, the career can bring with it family benefits in the form of insurance, and a career that doesn’t need
SANJANA KARTHIK Entrepreneur, mental health advocate, and poet
to be overly strenuous on the body. It brings with it the freedom and liberty to schedule your breaks, and drive at your own pace, as long as the deadlines are met. Additionally, being a trucker allows for variety. New routes and opportunities can often be explored, with new scenery, and tourist sites and attractions to capture your attention. Healthy challenges in the form of new weathers and routes are things to be considered as well. Being a trucker instills values and skills of being a good communicator, and learning to adapt to changes and cope with stressful scenarios as well. It also is a chance to feel fulfilled by the contribution you as a truck driver would be giving to the economy, as a means of supplying things from food to weapons for the military. It is easy to commence your journey as a truck driver as the AZ license can often simply take 8 weeks to complete, with 9/10 graduates being hired just 2 weeks out of completing the course. Hence embarking on the option of being a truck driver is one that everyone should heavily consider. NATIONAL MAGAZINE
Hart House Restaurant
had heard of the Hart House Restaurant for many years. I was glad to finally get to dine there because I had seen photos of beautiful weddings at the lakeside setting. I worried as the date of my reservation got closer for fear of rain. At the time, there was patio dining only allowed per the provincial Covid-19 rules, and the restaurant patio didn’t offer much cover if it rained. Luckily it was not raining but it was bit chilly. As we were driving to the restaurant, we encountered a disturbance. A man was lying on the sidewalk in some kind of medical distress and people were gathered around. No one was helping him medically. I assumed he was overdosing on drugs and was about to get out of the car to start CPR, but just then police, ambulance and fire trucks began arriving. The speed of the police was actually very frightening. We pulled over to let the medical professionals handle to situation and went on our way to the restaurant. We were able to park the car in front
and admire some of the blooming flowers and garden. Parking is free. We entered the building and noticed a wood burning fireplace. We didn’t get to admire much else as we were taken outdoors right away to comply with health orders. The building is heritage and looks of German influence from what I could see. We got a table near a heat lamp which was nice as it was a bit cold. We noticed the lake the background and a few Canadian Geese families foraging for food in the distance. It was a beautiful setting and I can see why people enjoy having a wedding at the venue. For appetizers we ordered the house made focaccia bread served with aged balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil, and also some meatballs. The bread was warm and delicious and the meatballs were good. The bread would make great panini sandwiches. I would definitely order the bread again and used some to soak up my meatball sauce. For main dishes I ordered the Hart House Burger with rosemary parmesan fries and my friend ordered the roast
chicken with wild mushroom and barley risotto with asparagus. I hate to say it, but the roast chicken was way better than my burger. I wish I had ordered that instead after I tasted his. The chicken and risotto were so good! Honestly my burger was so salty I had to deconstruct it just to get some of it down. The prosciutto just didn’t belong and normally I love prosciutto. The cheese was out of place too. Heard of cheddar people? There was just too much going on and it didn’t work well. I will never order it again because this burger was a lot of things, and good just wasn’t one of them. If there was a pet dog, I would have slipped the burger to the dog under the table. For dessert we got the house made ricotta donuts with chocolate hazelnut sauce. They came out warm but were a bit doughy and heavy, and the sauce was watery. It tasted like Nutella mixed with water. The sauce didn’t really cling to the donut. I wouldn’t order this ever again either. Would I go back to Hart House? Yes I would because it has a great atmosphere and a gorgeous lakeside
setting. They have a happy hour and do weekend brunch and stunning weddings. Deer Lake is a stone’s throw away and there’s a walking path along the lake. The menu rotates, so there is lots of variety; just avoid the burgers. This is an elegant restaurant so order an elegant dish and you will be rewarded with a great tasting meal. On the way home we tried to drive the same way we came, but it was all closed off and police were everywhere. The police were in the same spot where a few hours prior we had seen the man lying on the sidewalk. It turned out the man we saw died of gunshot wounds in a targeted gang hit. So our eye witness report made for exciting news for our friends and family. We came dangerously close to being in the cross fire and an innocent bystander did get shot. If we arrived a few seconds sooner and it would have been a different situation. It made for a very interesting night indeed!
6664 Deer Lake Ave, Burnaby, BC V5E 4H3
Nothing protects your engine like Howes DIESEL DEFENDER NOT EVEN A TEAM OF NINJAS
hwrt hwaUs rYstorYNt pYS brwV 6664 fIAr lyk AYvyinaU, brnbI, bI.sI V5E 4H3 hwrt hwaUs rYstorYNt bwry keI swl pihlW suixAw sI[ mYN bhuq KUS sI ik AwKr mYN aùQy Kwxy dw AnMd mwxn jw rhI sW[ lyksweIf dy ies QW dIAW PotoAW mYN ivAwhW dIAW pwrtIAW dIAW ‘c bhuq vwr vyK cùkI sW [ ijvyN hI myrI aùQy jwx dI imQI hoeI qwrIK nyVy Aw rhI sI qW mYnUM ie`k hI iPkr frw irhw sI, auh sI ik ikqyy aus idn mINh nw pYx l`g pvy[ aus smyN koivf kwrn imQy inXmW kwrn pYtIE fweIinMg dI Cot koivf inXmW Anuswr hI sI[ pr mINh pYx dI hwlq ‘c aùQy mINh qoN bcx leI isr lukwaux leI vI bhuqw QW nhIN sI[ cMgI g`l ieh hoeI ik aus idn mOsm KUSk qW sI pr TMF QoVI ijhI izAwdw sI[ jdoN AsIN rYstorYNt nUM kwr ‘c jw rhy sI qW rwh ‘c sVk ‘qy ipAw ie`k AwdmI vyK ky AsIN hYrwn rih gey[ kùJ ibmwrI kwrn ie`k ivAkqI sVk ‘qy ifigAw ipAw sI Aqy kùJ lok aus dy duAwly KVHy sn[ pr aus nUM duAw dwrU jW hor mdd dyx dw koeI vI auprwlw nhIN kr irhw sI[ mYnUM S`k peI ik ieh ivAkqI iksI fr`g dI Evrfoz kwrn hI lyitAw hoieAw sI[ mYN kwr qoN auqrI Aqy ausnUM sI pI Awr dyx dI soc hI rhI sW ik ieMnI dyr nUM puils Aqy AYNbUlYNs phuMc geI[ ijMnI qyzI nwL puils AweI auh vI bhuq frwauxI sI[ AsIN jo
AwLy duAwLy KVHy sW ip`Cy ht gey[ fwktrI shwieqw dyx vwiLAW ny AwpxI kwrvweI SurU kr id`qI Aqy AsIN aùQoN rYstorYNt leI c`l pey[ AsIN AwpxI kwr swhmxy hI pwrk krn ‘c kwmXwb ho gey[ Aqy aùQy iKVy PùlW nUM vyK ky KuS hoey[ pwrikMg PRI sI[jdoN iblifMg ‘c dwKl hoey qW AsIN aùQy ie`k vùf brinMg Pwierplys vyKI[ AsIN bhuq icr nw KVH sky ikauN ik bxwey inXmW Anuswr AsIN bhuqw smW KVH nhIN sW skdy[ ieh ie`k XwdgwrI iemwrq hY Aqy myrI jwcy ieh jrmn iblifMg AwrkItYkcr qoN pRBwivq jwpdI hY[ AsIN hIt lYNp dy kol ie`k myz ‘qy bYT gey[ ieh QW ies leI cMgI lgdI sI ikauNk mOsm kùJ TMFw sI[ AsIN aùQoN bYiTAW ny kYnyfIAn hMs vyKy jo Bojn dI qlwS kr rhy sn[ ieh Swndwr itkwxw hY qW hI lok ie`Qy ivAwh krvwauxw izAwdw psMd krdy hn qy hor KuSIAW dy mOky mnwaux leI vI iesy krky ie`Qy AwauNdy hn[ AYpItweIzr leI AsIN Gr dw bxI PokySIAw bRỲf dw Awrfr id`qw Aqy ies dy nwL hI AYkstrw vrijn AOilv Aqy mItbwlz[ mItbwl vI vDIAw sn Aqy bRỲf vI grm Aqy suAwdlI sI[ ies bRỲf nwl bxweI pnInI sYNfivc bhuq hI svwidSt bxygI[ mYN dwAvy nwL kih skdI hW ik mYN ieh bRỲf iPr Awrfr krWgI Aqy ies ‘coN kùJ Awpxy mIt bwl sOs nUM ies ‘c sok
krn leI vrqWgI[ mùK Kwxy leI mYN hwrt hwaUs brgr Aqy pwrmwzwn PRweIz dw Awrfr id`qw[ pr myry im`qr ny vweIlf mSrUm Aqy (jON) bwrlI irsoto rost ickn ivd AYspYrwgs Awrfr kIqw[ mYN ieh kihxw nhIN cwhuMdI pr ieh rost ickn myry Awrfr kIqy brgr nwLoN ikqy vDIAw sI[ pr jd mYN suAwd vyiKAw qW mYN pCqweI ik mYN ies dw Awrfr ikauN nhIN id`qw[ ickn qy irsoto bhuq vDIAw sn[ pr myry brgr ‘c ieMnw lUx sI ik mYnUM kùJ ku sùtxw ipAw[ ieh hYm auho ijhw nhIN sI ijMnw mYN ies nUM cMgw smJdI hW[ cIz bwhr iPrdI sI[ kI qusIN cYYfr vwilAW sbMDI suixAw hY? ies brgr ‘c bhuq swrIAW cIzW hox kwrn mYN A`gy qoN iesdw Awrfr nhIN dyvWgI[ jy ikqy aùQy koeI kùqw huMdw qW mYN ieh sB myz hyToN aus A`gy sùt idMdI pr aùQy kùqw nhIN sI[ mUMh im`Tw krn leI AsIN cOklyt hYzlnt sOs nwl bxy hwaUs myf irkotw fonts dw Awrfr id`qw[ auh sI qW grm pr kùJ moty qy Bwry sn[ ies dI sOs pwxI vrgI pqlI sI[ ies dw svwd ies qrW AwauNdw sI ijvyN pwxI ‘c nUtYlw GoiLAw hovy[ pwxI vWg pqlI hox krky sOs font nwl lgdI hI nhIN sI[ ies nUM vI mYN kdy dubwrw Awrfr nhIN krWgI[ kI mYN muV hwrt hwaUs nUM jwvWgI? hW, zrUr jwvWgI ikauN ik aùQy lyksweIf sỲitMg qoN NATIONAL MAGAZINE
ibnw vwqwvrx vI bhuq vDIAw hY[ aùQy hYpI Awvr qoN ibnw vIkAYNf brMc vI prosy jWdy hn qy ivAwhW dy bhuq vDIAw jSn huMdy hn[ QoVHI dUr hI fIAr lyk hY Aqy JIl dy nwL nwL qurn dw rsqw vI hY[ mInU bdldw rihMdw hY Aqy aùQy iBMn iBMn pRkwr dy Bojn hn[ brgr nhIN lYxw qW nw lE[ ieh bhuq Swndwr rYstorYNt hY[ ies leI ijs qrHW dy vDIAw Bojn dw Awrfr dyvogy aus qrHW dw iml jwvygw[ vwps muVn smyN AsIN aus aus hI rsqy ‘qy c`lx dw PYslw kIqw ijs rsqy rwhIN AsIN Awey sI[ pr ieh qW swry dw swrw bMd kIqw hoieAw sI Aqy aùQy puils hI puils sI[ puils aus QW vI sI ij`Qy AsIN ie`k ivAkqI sVk ‘qy ifigAw vyiKAw sI[ pqw l`gw ik auh ivAkqI golIAW dy zKmW dI qwb nw J`ldw hoieAw mr igAw hY[ ieh igx im`Q kIqw igAw gYNg nwL sbMDq kql d`isAw igAw[ swfy v`loN A`KIN dyKI ieh durGtnw nUM AsIN Awpxy pirvwrW Aqy im`qr dosqW nUM d`s skdy sI[ swfy jwx qoN QoVHI pihlW ieh Gtnw ‘c AsIN qW aùQoN bc ky cly gey sW pr kihMdy hn ik ie`k kol KVHw mwsUm ivAkqI vI ies golIbwrI ‘c zKmI ho igAw sI[ pr ies ie`k mwVI Gtnw qoN ibnw swfw ieh bhuq vDIAw tirp sI, ijs dw AsIN BrpUr AnMd vI mwixAw[
The Credit Application hen applying for a loan, lease, credit line, credit card or mortgage etc., one of the most important components of the process is the credit application. The credit application is like your resume. It provides a snap shot of you to the credit approving institution. In a few seconds it allows a loan grantor to see if you are worthy of the funds they have available to loan out. Because of this, a credit application should not be filled out hastily or left with any blank spots. It is important to fill the credit application completely, truthfully and with care, or you can end up in a rejection pile.
When resumes are reviewed for a potential hire, it can be a matter of seconds each is glanced at. It is put in the potential pile or rejection pile. The same is true with a credit application. It is glanced at, and if there is potential, then other information provided by the applicant will be reviewed as well, such as income, job stability, credit etc. If it is not filled out, it might end up being rejected for lack of information. So if you only have a few seconds to make an impression, wouldn’t you want to make a good one? If you are asked to fill in a credit application it is because you are asking to borrow money. It’s just an
Application 18
unavoidable part of getting a loan. The basic information needed is your full name, current address, previous address, date of birth, social insurance number, current and previous employment, a list of assets, a list of liabilities, net worth and sometimes references. After providing the information you are asked to sign off to verify the information is correct and to allow a credit check. An application can be in paper or electronic form. When I receive applications for credit from potential clients, I would say 9.5 out of ten applications have missing information. Sometimes I get only a name on it; No employment information is provided, sometimes no social insurance number, not even a birthdate. If I send the application in to a bank as is, the outcome will be a decline. I end up calling the clients and asking for the proper information to fill in their applications completely. It’s ok if you don’t understand how to fill it out, simply ask. I often fill in an application line by line with a client over the phone to get it done correctly. I would much rather have a phone call asking for help then an incomplete application. Before Covid-19 my solution to difficulty in completing applications was to fill it out with the clients in person. It was great. I would ask all the questions and all the client did was verify the information we filled in together was correct and sign at the bottom. Now the in person meeting is more difficult, so a friendly phone call is strongly encouraged. Life is full of challenges, and if we ask questions, it’s much easier to navigate through any obstacles. NATIONAL MAGAZINE
The most confusing area for many, are the asset and liability sections of a credit application. These are almost always left blank. The way I explain it to clients is; Assets are what you own. Liabilities are what you owe. The difference between the two is what you’re worth. Assets are items such as cars, homes, trucks, trailers, term deposits, registered retirement funds, stocks, bonds, gold and cash. Liability examples are mortgages, car loans, truck loans, trailer loans, lines of credit, credit cards. Taking the total assets and subtracting your total liabilities gives you a net worth. A credit grantor is always going to look at this section of an application very carefully, so make sure to ask questions if you are unsure on how to fill it out. Owning a home is viewed on applications as a positive thing. Home ownership shows the ability to save to put down a payment. It shows responsibility because you have already borrowed a large sum and it shows stability because you are living in one location, usually for many years, and invested to this location. You’re unlikely to default on a future loan when you own property, and it’s considered a safer investment to loan you more funds. If you are renting, stay at one rental and don’t move constantly. Moving frequently could appear instable. If you don’t currently own a home, don’t despair, because with hard work and savings, you may one day in the future. Non home ownership can make borrowing funds more difficult and you may pay a higher interest rate, but we were all there once, so with time, many obstacles can be overcome. Filling in your liabilities, or what you owe truthfully on an application is important. Your credit will be checked and your liabilities should match to your actual credit. If they do not match, it may look like you didn’t tell the truth. This can compromise your whole application. If it looks like you lied about your existing loans or were trying to hide something, you may be declined. Employment, or more importantly stable employment is a crucial factor on a loan application. Holding a steady job for years is viewed positively. Staying in the same field is also positive. Changing employers every few months or changing occupations shows you may have difficulty paying back a loan because your employment is not steady and that if you cannot commit to work, how will you commit to loan payments for several years. If you know you will be applying for a loan in the future, try to stay with the same employer for a few years, or at least within the same field, such as trucking. Filling in a credit application may seem mundane, time consuming or complicated, but it is a crucial part of applying for credit. Do not rush through an application and leave blanks hoping no one will notice. It will be noticed. If you present an incomplete application, it has careless errors, or is not truthful, why would anyone care to loan you the money you asked for? If you don’t care about your application, neither will the bank you applied for the loan from. Always try your best to fill in an application completely and if you have questions, please ask. A bank makes money charging fees and loaning money, so of course someone will help you with your application if you just ask. NATIONAL MAGAZINE
pYS brwV
krzw lYx leI ArzI
eI krzw, lIz, kRYift lweIn, kRYift kwrf jW mOrgyj lYx smyN sB qoN zrUrI g`l huMdI hY ik aus dI ArzI ikvyN BrnI hY[ krYift ArzI ie`k rYzmy vWg hI huMdI hY[ ies ‘c krzy dyx vwLy nUM quhwfy sbMDI sMKyp jwxkwrI dw pqw l`g jWdw hY[ krzw dyx vwLw ies nUM vyK ky ku`J sikMtW ‘c hI krzw dyx sbMDI PYslw kr lYNdw hY[ ies leI krzy sbMDI ArzI kwhlI ‘c nhIN BrnI cwhIdI Aqy nw hI koeI KwLI QW C`fxy cwhIdy hn[ zrUrI g`l ieh hY ik swry Kwny soc smJ ky Bry jwx[ jy iemwndwrI Aqy soc smJ ky ArzI nw BrI jwvy qW ies dy r`d hox dI pUrI sMBwvnw hY[ nOkrI dyx vwLy v`loN rYzmy cMgI qrHW vyKy jWdy hn Aqy ku`J smyN ‘c hI r`Kx jW nw r`Kx dw PYslw kr ilAw jWdw hY[ iblku`l ies qrHW hI krzw dyx vwLI pwrtI v`loN kIqw jWdw hY[ ijvyN ik iksy
20 JULY - AUGUST 2021
dI Awmdn, kMm dI grMtI, Aqy kRYift ihstrI Awid[ ies leI jy ArzI cMgI qrHW nw BrI hovy qW ies dy r`d hox dI pUrI sMBwvnw hY[ ies leI jykr quhwnUM iksy nUM pRNwivq krn leI isrP ku`J sikMt hI imldy hn, qW kI qusIN ieh nhIN cwhogy ik quhwfw pRBwv bhuq vDIAw pvy? jy quhwnUM kRYift dI ArzI Brn leI ikhw jWdw hY qW auh ies leI ikauN ik qusIN auDwr lYxw cwhuMdy ho[ ikauN ik krzw lYxw ie`k ieho ijhw kMm hY ijs qoN ibnw kMm nhIN cldw[ ieh ArzI krzy dw ie`k Aqu`t AMg hY[ Awm qOr ‘qy mu`FlI jwxkwrI ‘c quhwfw pUrw nWA, hux dw Aqy pihlw pqw, jnm qwrIK, soSl ieMSorYNs nMbr, mOjUdw Aqy pihlw kMm, quhwfI jwiedwd dw vyrvw Aqy dyx vwLy KVHy krzy[ keI vwr auh rYPrYNs vI mMg lYNdy hn[ jdoN qusIN swrI jwxkwrI Br idMdy ho qW quhwnUM swrI jwxkwrI TIk hox sbMDI dsqKq krn leI NATIONAL MAGAZINE
ikhw jWdw hY[ jdoN mYN krzw lYx vwiLAW nUM ArzI jW Pwrm Brn leI kihMdI hW Aqy lYNdI hW qW qkrIbn 90% lokW dIAW ArzIAW ‘c koeI jwxkwrI nhIN huMdI jW mMgI hoeI jwxkwrI ADUrI huMdI hY[ keI vwr kMm sbMDI koeI jwxkwrI nhIN huMdI Aqy keI vwr soSl ieMSorYNs nMbr hI nhIN iliKAw huMdw[ ies qrHW dI jo ADUrI BrI hoeI ArzI ij`Qy ByjxI hovy aunHW v`loN korI nWh hI kIqI jwx dI Aws hY[ keI vwr ieh kMm krn leI muV muV kihxw pYNdw hY[ jy qusIN Awp ^ud ArzI nhIN Br skdy qW iksy dI mdd lY skdy ho[ mYN jdoN vI ArzI BrdI hW qW Pon au`qy ie`k ie`k lweIn nUM d`s ky iPr jvwb dyx ‘qy BrdI hW qW ik ieh TIk qrHW BrI jwvy[ ADUrI ArzI nwloN mYN Pon ‘qy pu`C ky pUrI krdI hW[ ies koivf-19 dI mhWmwrI qoN pihlW mYN krzw lYx vwiLAW dIAW ArzIAW dPqr ‘c kol bhw ky BrdI sW [ ieh sI vI vDIAw[ mYN svwl pu`CdI sW Aqy krzw lYx vwlw aunHW svwlW dy jvwb idMdw sI jo mYN nwLo nwL BrI jWdI sW[ jdoN TIk FMg nwL ArzI BrI jwvy audoN hI klwieMt nUM hyTW dsKq krn leI kihMdI sW[ pr swhmxy ArzI Brnw QoVHw muSikl huMdw hY ies leI vDIAw FMg nwl Pon ‘qy g`l krnw TIk hY[ izMdgI qW cuxOqIAW nwL BrI peI hY[ jy AsIN svwl pu`Cdy hW qW koiSS ieh cwhIdI hY ik aus svwl dw AswnI nwl jvwb id`qw jw sky[ bhuiqAW leI ie`k ArzI ‘c sB qoN v`D BMblBUsy ‘c pwaux vwlw Kyqr hMudw hY lwieibltI sYkSn[ ieh Awm qOr ‘qy A`Dw KwlI hI C`f id`qw jWdw hY[ ijs FMg nwL mYN Awpxy gwhkW nUM smJwauNdI hW auh ieh hY; quhwfI pUMjI Bwv AYsts auh hY jo quhwfy koL hY Aqy dyxdwrIAW Bwv lwieibltIz auh hn jo krzw qusIN moVnw hY[ ies leI ies dw jo AMqr hY Bwv b`cq qusIN aus ihswb nwL lY skdy ho[ quhwfI pUMjI ‘c quhwfI kwr, Gr, tRylr, imAwdI b`cq, rijstrf irtwiermYNt PMf, stwk, bWfz, sonw Aqy nkdI[ dyxdwrIAW ‘c mwrtgyj, kwr lon, tr`k lon, tRylr lon, krYift lweInW Aqy krYift kwrf[ quhwfI krzw imlx dI h`d ienHW dovW dy Prk Anuswr hovygI[ ij`QoN q`k kRYift gRWtr dI g`l hY aus nUM vI Awpxy nwl sbMDq lweInW nUM pVH ky hI dsKq krny cwhIdy hn[ jy ku`J smJ nw Awvy jW ArzI nw BrI jwvy qW ies sbMDI zrUr pu`Co[ ijQoN q`k iksy kol Awpxw Gr hox dI g`l hY qW ieh vI hW p`KI g`l hY[ Gr dI mwlkI d`sdI hY ik qusIN pihlW hI krzw ilAw hox krky ikSqW moVn dI NATIONAL MAGAZINE
zuMmyvwrI nUM smJdy ho[Aqy qusIN ie`k hI QW qy keI icrW qoN rih rhy ho[ jy quhwfy koL Awpxw Gr hY qW quhwnUM hor krzw nw imlx dI Aws iblku`l G`t hY[ jy qusIN ikrwey ‘qy Gr ilAw hooieAw hY Aqy itk ky au`Qy hI rih rhy ho qW ieh vI quhwfw krzw mnzUr krwaux ‘c mdd krygI[ CyqI CyqI Gr bdlxw vI quhwfy imlx vwLy krzy ‘qy Asr pw skdw hY[ jy quhwfy kol Gr nhIN vI qW iPkr krn dI loV nhIN[ ikauN ik sKq imhnq krky Aqy b`cq krky qusIN ie`k idn ieh supnw vI pUrw kr skdy ho[ pr kol Gr nw hoxw QoVHw PMf imlx ‘c rok pw skdw hY[ ho skdw hY ies kwrn quhwnUM G`t ivAwj dr ‘qy krzw nw imLy[ pr ies qrHW dIAW rukwvtW dUr krn leI swfy vrgy quhwfy leI hwzr hn[ AwpxI krzw lYx vwLI ArzI ‘qy AwpxIAW swrIAW dyxdwrIAW ilKxw bhuq zrUrI hY[ lMby smyN ‘qy ie`k hI jOb ‘qy kMm krnw vI ies ‘c PwiedymMd huMdw hY[ iesy qrHW ie`k hI iksm dw kMm krdy rihxw vI hW p`KI g`l hY[ CyqI CyqI jOb Aqy mwlk bdlx vwLy ivAkqI leI vI muSikl hY jdoN ik itk ky kMm krn vwlw krzw dyx vwLy v`loN vDyry TIk smiJAw jWdw hY[ jy qusIN smJdy ho ik qusIN Biv`K ‘c krzw lYxw hY qW itk ky ie`k mwlk nwl hI kMm krdy rihxw cwhIdw hY[ ikauN ik jy qusIN kMm pRqI vcnb`Dqw nhIN idKw skdy qW krzy pRqI ikvy inBw skogy[ ies leI ie`k hI mwlk jW ik`qy ‘c ijvyN tr`ikMg hY, itk ky kMm kro[ ho skdw hY kRYift leI ArzI Brnw ku`J muSikl jwpy, jW vDyry smW lvy jW pycIdw jwpy[ pr krzw lYx leI ieh mh`qvpUrn pVwA hY[ kwhlI kwhlI ‘c krzy dI ArzI nw Bro[ ikauN ik krzw pRwpq krn leI ieh ie`k mh`qvpUrn pVwA hY[ nw qW ies nUM Brn dI kwhlI kro Aqy nw hI ies ‘c KwLI QW C`fo[ KwLI C`fy QwvW ‘qy iDAwn CyqI jWdw hY[ jy qusIN ADUrI ArzI idMdy ho qW krzw dyx vwly vI smJdy hn ik qusIN ies pRqI sMjIdw nhIN[ jy quhwfI ADUrI jW glq BrI ArzI hovygI qW krz dyx vwLy vI ies nUM krzw lYx leI gMBIr nw hoxw hI smJxgy[ jy krzw lYxw hY qW sdw hI ies sbMDI Pwrm jW ArzI bhuq iDAwn nwL Bro[ jy ku`J smJ nw lgdw hovy jW S`k hovy qW ies sbMDI pu`C lE[ koeI bYNk vwLw vI ieh Brn ‘c quhwfI mdd kr skdw hY ikauN ik bYNk vwLy vI ies sB dI PIs Aqy ivAwj ju lYNdy hn[ ies leI quhwfy pu`Cx ‘qy auh quhwfI mdd zrUr krngy[
Safety & Training Volvo Trucks Partners with Bendix to Help Boost Driver Safety and Training olvo Trucks North America is offering the fifth generation of the SafetyDirect® Processor (SDP5™ Full) from Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems as a factory-installed option on Volvo VNL, VNR and VHD models. The SDP5 Full processor – which features a driver-facing camera, added digital video recorder (DVR) storage and internal battery backup to help prevent data loss – enhances the capabilities of the online SafetyDirect platform by Bendix. The SafetyDirect system is fully integrated with Volvo Active Driver Assist (VADA), leveraging the flagship collision mitigation technology on select Volvo Class 8 models. “Customer safety continues to be at the forefront of Volvo Trucks’ core values, and we are committed to offering the latest in-cab safety technology,” said Ashley Murickan, product marketing manager at Volvo Trucks North America. “By leveraging data in near real time, the SafetyDirect system and its family of SDP5 processor technology enables fleet managers to assess driving trends and develop targeted training that addresses the actual issues taking place on the road.” The SDP5 Full’s driver-facing camera produces a highresolution color image, supported by infrared technology for better visibility in low light conditions. Forward-facing and driver-facing cameras record continuously for up to 145 hours. The two camera angles help fleet managers better assess what has happened in front of the vehicle, as well as inside the driver cabin.
22 JULY - AUGUST 2021
“One of the advantages of the newest generation processor, the SDP5 Full, is certainly the driver-facing camera,” said TJ Thomas, director of marketing and customer solutions – controls at Bendix. “The camera’s wide field of view helps capture the adjacent cab environment for a more complete analysis of what happens inside the cab during an event – including driver behavior and decision making or the presence of a passenger – providing critical information that aids in driver coaching.” In 2020, Volvo Trucks made the SafetyDirect SDP5 Base processor with Wi-Fi connectivity and DVR storage available on Volvo VNL, VNR and VHD models, and it remains a factoryinstalled option. The SDP5 Base processor can constantly record up to 83 hours of video. The new SDP5 Full option increases that capacity by 70 percent, provides additional DVR storage and adds the driver-facing camera, all supported by the internal battery backup. Volvo Trucks offers the most advanced safety features on the road today, always taking into consideration the interplay between driver, truck and surrounding traffic. From Volvo Active Driver Assist (VADA) and Volvo Enhanced Stability Technology (VEST) to Lane Departure Warning (LDW) and fatigue-reducing Volvo Dynamic Steering (VDS) technology, Volvo Trucks continues to lead the way in operational safety. Bendix safety technologies complement safe driving practices. No commercial vehicle safety technology replaces a skilled, alert driver exercising safe driving techniques and proactive, comprehensive driver training. Responsibility for the safe operation of the vehicle remains with the driver at all times. NATIONAL MAGAZINE
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JULY - AUGUST 2021 23
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24 JULY - AUGUST 2021
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JULY - AUGUST 2021 25
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26 JULY - AUGUST 2021
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JULY - AUGUST 2021 27
Hyundai Palisade Ultimate ccasionally in the automotive industry things happen that turn the status quo on its head. You expect Mercedes and BMW and Lexus to produce high quality, uber luxury SUV’s and you expect to pay a pretty penny for them. On the flip side you expect the middle of the pack companies like Honda, Nissan, Ford and Toyota, to name but a few, to make good quality, budget conscious, vehicles that won’t break the bank. However, Hyundai decided to throw a wrench into this equation. This year the Korean juggernaut introduced the Palisade to the driving public. A mid size, 7/8 seater SUV, depending on how you configure it, that makes you question why you would want to walk over to the traditional Luxury Brand side of your local auto mall. The engineers at Hyundai spent their efforts on designing a true luxury experience with the Palisade. The inspiration for this luxury was drawn from the boating industry and specifically high-end yacht. This inspiration flows from the outside into the interior and the wide expansive feeling the Palisade exudes. The overall design appears classic with a unique LED headlight design and placement. The headlights actually sit below the upper LED DRL’s where you would expect the actual headlights to be. To urge this people mover, Hyundai, have placed a 3.8L naturally aspirated V6 good for 291 bhp and 262 lb-ft of torque. In practicality, this produces a sufficient amount of thrust but would not be mistaken for sporty. Mated to V6 is a silky 8 speed auto and with all models except the base model that has FWD only, all other trim levels come with a sophisticated terrain and drive select system allowing for adjustment between ECO, Comfort and Sport, along with Snow, Mud and Sand. The result is a smooth unrushed power delivery. The ride is comfortable and never harsh, cloud like with the Palisade soaking up the road noise and bumps. This comfortable cloud like ride does come at a price, when pushed the Palisade tends to roll and sway a bit more than competitors in the segment. To handle essentially all the urban weather can throw at the Palisade, Hyundai’s system modulates power to each wheel with greatest traction using active braking to modulate torque. This will ensure you make it through the local snowstorm with ease. The jewel in the Palisade’s chest is the interior. It is a plush comfortable environment that uses uniquely textured materials and surfaces. The highlight of the interior are two LCD screens. The digital cluster measures in at 12.3” and the center touchscreen at 10.25”. The center screen then flows smoothly into the switch controls and then into the climate controls housed in the top of the center console. The center console houses a configurable storage tray that transforms from storage bin, nearfield charging area and to multi cup holder. Hyundai
28 JULY - AUGUST 2021
"7 Seat Luxury on a Budget" uses a uniquely textured weave pattern that sets it apart from simple matte or gloss plastics for the center console. The seats provide for a supportive yet supple, perfect for long cruises. Rear passengers can enjoy captain seats which come heated and cooled along with second and third row independent USB charging ports. The tech in the Palisade for this price point is a cut above. You have features like in cabin announcement controlled by the driver, rear audio shutoff, blind spot camera system (Blind View Monitor), Safe Exit (alerting exiting passengers to cars driving up beside the Palisade as they are about to exit). The overall experience is one of serenity and is aptly called the “Wellness Center” by Hyundai. NATIONAL MAGAZINE
The 7/8 seat midsize SUV market is ruthless segment of the industry. Every manufacturer is vying for a slice of the pie. With the likes of Toyota redesigning the all-new Highlander, a class leader in this segment, Hyundai has its work cut out. The other elephant in the room is the release of Hyundai’s sister company’s Kia Telluride. Ringing in at an as tested price of $54,525.00 the Hyundai edges out the Toyota by about $1,500 dollars. However, differences are in the details. The Hyundai feels more upscale and refined and its lines appear to flow more smoothly. This is where the Palisade shines; it introduces buyers to level of luxury not usually found at this price point and who doesn’t want luxury. JULY - AUGUST 2021 29
Lincoln 2021
jYg F`t
eyvIeytr ksr qusIN ie`k kwr vyKdy ho Aqy ieh ie`k Kws ikrdwr Aqy Aihsws ivKwauNdI hY[ qusIN lYNbrignI vyKdy ho qW qusIN ies ‘c rPqwr Aqy D`kVSwhI idsdI hY[ jdoN qusIN 1960 ivAW dI bYNtlI Aqy rOiel rOies q`kdy ho qW quhwnUM qwkq Aqy SihnSwhI idsdI hY[ ieh myrI KuSiksmqI sI ik mYN aus smyN inaU XOrk ‘c hI sI, jdoN ilMkn vwilAW ny 2019 ‘c nIaU eyvIeytr ilAWdI ijhVI 1940 Aqy 1950 ivAW dy jhwz mwflW nUM vI mwq pwauNdI sI[ ieh ilMkn vwiLAW dw ifzwien audyS sI[ pRototweIp dI lg Bg shI pwlxw dy nwL nwL eyvIeytr shI SkqI vI pRdwn krdw hY[ auh ieMfstrI ijhVI AYs XU vI Aqy ies qoN vI A`gy Porf Aqy ilMkn dy auqpwdn lY ky AwauNdI hY ‘c hux ies qoN hor v`KrI bxn dI koeI sMBwvnw nhIN pRqIq huMdI[ bhuq swrIAW kMpnIAW hux v`KrI Skl dy ky v`Krw d`sxw cwhUdIAW hn[ ijvyN BMW X5M, Mercedes AMG GLE 63[ jdoN ik eyvIetr v`loN ies dI brwbrI leI nvIN phuMc ApxweI hY[ bhuqIAW AYs XU vI dI iehI AslIAq hY ik Awm SihrIAW nMU ie`k ih`sy qoN dUjy pwsy v`l ilAwxw qy vwips lY ky jwxw[ ies dy nwL hr pRkwr dy mOsm , ieh Bwv snoA stOrm hovy jW sVk dI koeI hor BYVI hwlq, aus sB dw mukwblw kIqw jw skdw hY[ ho skdw hY ieh myrI aumr dw qzrbw d`s irhw hY pr ienHW sB dy ipCokV dI scweI ieh hY ik ieh sB fRweIvr Aqy iv`c bYTy muswPrW nUM Arwm krn dw mwhOl pRdwn krnw cwhuMdy hn[ ieh ies qrHW dw QW hoxw cwhIdw hY jdoN ik ienHW ‘c bYT ky sMswr dy rOly gOly qoN Arwm nwL sPr kIqw jw sky[ eyvIetyr dw qW ie`k hI huMGwrw hY auh hY, “cuxOqI kbUl hY”[ eyvIeytr AYs XU vI dy ie`k v`Ky Kyqr ‘c AwauNdI hY[ ieh Pu`l sweIz lgzrI, iqMn roAW vwLI AYs XU vI sYgmYNt bhuiqAW kol nhIN[ pr ieh bhuq vDIAw kwrj krdI hY[ ijs
30 JULY - AUGUST 2021
qrHW imnIvYnz jWdIAW l`g rhIAW hn Aqy Pu`l sweIz vwLIAW leI lokl mwl jW stirp mwlW ‘c pwrk krn dI muSikl hY, ies leI KRIdx vwiLAW dw bhuq iDAwn hux qIjI kqwr dI AYs XU vI v`l jWdw hY[ ies qoN ibnw A`pr imfl klws vwLy jo pUrw Arwm cwhuMdy hn auh vI ies v`l hI q`kdy hn[ mrsIfz 2020 ny jI AYl bI rwhIN ie`k qIjI iksm ilAWdI hY[ ies AYvIetyr lgzrI QrI roA AYs XU vI dI vMgwr nUUM ikvyN svIkwr krygI? AwE rIAr-vIHl fRweIv dI bxwvt qoN SurU krIey[ ies ‘c trbo cwrjf hweIibRf pwvr tRynz Swml kr lE[ ies qoN bwAd ‘c joV lE vDIAw qknIk (ijvyN iPzIEQyryipst v`loN ifzweIn kIqIAW mswj krn vwLIAW sItW, 30-vyA AYfjstmYNt, Revel® Ultima 3D Audio System) ieh ku`J ku vrnx Xog hn[ pr AMq ikhw jw skdw hY ik mwrikt imlx vwLI ieh sB qoN suMdr id`K vwLI AY XU vI hY[ eyvIeytr dw idl 3.0-liter V6 ieMjx hY, ijs ‘c 10-speed SelectShift® AwtomYitk tRWSimSn hY[ nqIjy vjoN ies dI SkqI 415 lb-ft ho jWdI hY[ ieh bhuq izAwdw SkqI hY[ jy hor vDIAw cwhuMdy ho qW Aviator Grand Touring v`l iDAwn mwro[ ies ‘c vwDU g`l ieh hY ik ies ‘c ielYkitRk hweIibRf isstm hY[ is`ty vjoN ies dI SkqI 494 AYc pI ho jWdI hY[ hweIibRf isstm nwL ilMkn ‘c SWq vwqwvrx imldw hY[ ies nUM hor vDIAw krn leI eyvIeytr ‘c mOsm Anuswr sspYNSn vI lwey gey hn[ ies ‘c AfYpitv sspYNSn vI Swml hn ijhVw g`fI dI rPqwr Anuswr kMm krdw hY[ ieh isstm ie`k sikMt ‘c 500 vwr sVkI inrIKx krdw hY Aqy ie`k sikMt ‘c 100 AYfjstmYNt krn dI suivDw hY[ jdoN vI phIAw fUMGweI ‘c jWdw hY qW ieh srIr nUM aus dw twkrw krn leI AYfjst krdw hY[ ies istm ‘c eyAr glweIf sspYNSn vI hY[ ijhVw loV Anuswr pihlW hI AYfjstmYNt kr idMdw hY[ sB qoN nvIn ‘c Swml hY Co-Pilot Assist360 Plus. ies isstm ‘c t`kr qoN bcwA, rIvrs bRYikMg Aqy AYkitv pwrk Aisst vI hn[ sB ku`J qoN ieh is`tw inkldw hY ik ieh ilMkn vwiLAW dI sB qoN v`D ivAsq vhIkl hY[ Awpxy Akwr Aqy Bwr jo ik 2500 iklo hY, dy bwvjUd vI ies nUM sMBwlxw bhuq sOKw hY[ ivMgIAW tyFIAW sVkW ‘qy vI srIr sMBilAw rihMdw hY[ ieh 0-60 Cy sikMt ‘c jWdI hY[ Aqy hweIibRf mwrk ‘c iehI dUrI 5 sikMtW ‘c[ ieho ijhI vhIkl leI ieh bhuq qyz spIf hY[ Aqy ies ‘c sPr krnw ie`k joSIlI ksrq krn vWg hI hY[ JULY - AUGUST 2021
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BCTA and Fraser Health Partner for Successful Roadside Vaccine Clinic C Trucking Association (BCTA) partnered with Fraser Health to coordinate a COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Highway 91 truck pullout in Delta. From June 16-17, 2021, over 430 people were vaccinated at Fraser Health’s first roadside clinic, specifically designated for commercial drivers. “The well-being of drivers is a priority for the BCTA,” said Dave Earle, BCTA President and CEO. “These essential workers have been critical during the pandemic by delivering vital supplies that we depend on each and every day. Many drivers have been so busy they haven’t had time to book a vaccine appointment and visit a clinic, so we wanted to bring the clinic to them.” The clinic’s location at the Highway 91 truck pullout ensured that commercial drivers had efficient and convenient access to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination.
“Not only does the pullout accommodate plenty of trucks,” Earle added. “But it’s also located on a popular route so as hoped, drivers just pulled in, got their vaccination, and then continued on their way. “I am pleased with how quickly and seamlessly Fraser Health put this clinic together. With BCTA’s reach and Fraser Health’s knowhow, we were able to vaccinate hundreds of drivers efficiently and effectively. Thank you to everyone who helped make this clinic a success.” The clinic would not have been possible without the help of a number of organizations including the City of Delta and Ceres Terminals Canada. BCTA is grateful for their support. For those people 12 years and older who have not yet received their first dose, visit the Government of BC website at ImmunizeBC.ca for more information on a clinic near you.
bI sI tI ey Aqy hYlQ Pryzr dy sihXog nwL rofsweIf vYksIn kilink kwmXwb irhw Cly idnIN bI sI tr`ikMg AYsosIeySn (BCTA) Aqy Pryzr hYlQ v`loN rL ky hweIvyA-91 dy fYltw sQwn ‘qy koivf-19 dy tIky lwey gey[ jUn 16 qy 17 nUM 430 qoN vI v`D tr`kW vwiLAW dy tIky lwey gey[ sVk ‘qy kmRSIAl vhIkl dy cwlkW nUM tIkw lwaux dw ieh pihlw Xqn sI jo iblku`l kwmXwb irhw[ bI sI tI ey dy pRDwn Aqy mu`K pRbMDk fyv Arl dw kihxw hY ik fRweIvrW dI ishq sur`iKAw dw iKAwl r`Kxw bI sI tI ey dI mu`K zuMmyvwrI hY[ aunHW dw kihxw hY ik ienHW XoiDAW ny mhWmwrI dOrwn lokW dIAW rozwnw vrqoN dIAW cIzW dI splweI ‘c koeI kmI nhIN Awaux id`qI[ aunHW Anuswr keI fRweIvr qW kMm ‘c ieMny ru`Jy hoey sn ik aunHW kol vYksIn dw tIkw lgwax leI smW inscq krn dw vI smW nhIN sI[ iehI kwrn hY ik AsIN kilink hI aunHW kol lY AWdw[ hweI vyA 91 ‘qy sVk dy pwsy ho ky tIkw lgvwaux dw QW vI bhuq TIk sI[ ikauN ik ie`Qy rukxw fRweIvrW leI sOKw sI[ aunHW dw kihxw hY ik ies dy nwL hI ieh QW ieho ijhI sI ij`Qy sOKy FMg nwl ruikAw jw skdw sI Aqy tIkw lgvwaux qoN bwAd AwpxI mMizl v`l viDAw jw skdw sI[ aunHW A`gy c`l ky ikhw aunHW nUM ies g`l
36 JULY - AUGUST 2021
dI vI KuSI hY ik Pryzr hYlQ ishq AiDkwrIAW v`loN ies dw pRbMD vI bhuq CyqI Aqy bhuq vDIAw FMg nwL kIqw igAw sI[ bI sI tI ey dy sihXog Aqy Pryzr hYlQ dy pRbMDW krky sYNkVy fRweIvrW dy suc`jy FMg nwl tIky lgwey gey hn[ ieh tIkwkrn ku`J jQybMdIAW, ijnHW ‘c istI AwP fYltw AYNf sIrIj trmInl kYnyfw Aqy ku`J hor jQybMdIAW Swml hn dy sihXog qoN ibnw vI kwmXwb nhIN sI hoxw[ bI sI tI ey dy fyv Arl v`loN ienHW sB dw sihXog dyx bdly DMnvwd kIqw[ 12 swl jW ies qoN v`D aumr vwLy ijnHW ny Ajy q`k ieh tIkw nhIN lgvwieAw aunHW nUM srkwr dI vY`bsweIt ‘qy jw ky Awpxy nyVy dy kilink ImmunizeBC.ca ‘qy jw ky Awpxy nyVy dy kilink ‘c tIkw lgvwaux dw pRbMD krnw cwhIdw hY[ bI sI tr`ikMg AwrgynweIzySn (BCTA) mYNbrW ‘qy ADwirq ie`k gYr lwBpwqrI inrp`K sMsQw hY[ ieh 1200 tr`k Aqy motr koc PlIts, sUbweI motr kYrIAr ieMfstrI ‘c 250 splwierz dI pRqIinDqw krdI hY[ bI sI dy mYNbr l`g Bg 13,000 vhIkl clwauNdy hn Aqy ies ‘c 26,000 lok kMm krdy hn Aqy ies dI sUbweI slwnw Awmdn 2 iblIAn fwlr hY[ hor jwxkwrI leI BCTrucking.com. ‘qy jwE NATIONAL MAGAZINE
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JULY - AUGUST 2021 37
Exro Announces Strategic Development Agreement with Linamar for Electric Drive Solution to Advance Electric Vehicle Adoption
EXRO LINAMAR xro Technologies Inc., a leading clean technology company that has developed a new class of power electronics for electric motors and batteries, announced a strategic development agreement with Linamar Corporation ("Linamar"), a global powerhouse in automobile parts manufacturing, to develop an advanced electric drive solution for electric vehicles. Linamar has over 26,000 employees in 61 manufacturing locations, 12 R&D centres and 25 sales offices in 17 countries in North and South America, Europe and Asia which generated sales of $7.4 billion in 2019. Customers include top automotive manufacturers, commercial vehicle manufacturers and multinational delivery services companies. Linamar and Exro have agreed to develop an advanced eAxle utilizing Coil Driver™ technology to improve cost and performance of Linamar's eAxle product line. An eAxle is an integrated electric drive solution for battery electric vehicles ("BEV") or fuel cell electric vehicles ("FCEV"). The integrated solution provides better manufacturing cost and more efficient volume usage, without sacrificing key performance capabilities. With growing demand for electric vehicles around the world to reduce carbon emissions, there is still a critical gap in electric vehicle affordability and performance to achieve mass adoption. An advanced eAxle solution can help bridge the gap to costeffective and high-performance battery electric vehicles.
38 JULY - AUGUST 2021
Initial demonstration of this technology will utilize Linamar's Medium Duty eAxle product. In the initial phase of development, Exro will supply Coil Driver™ development samples and optimized electric motors for integration in eAxle program testing. Linamar will supply and integrate the remaining critical elements of the eAxle system, including the gear box assembly, for lab and on-road testing. Completed testing and validation of prototypes is planned for the second quarter of 2022. Following successful testing of the eAxle program, Exro and Linamar will promote the technology to the market with the intention of commercializing the Coil DriverTM eAxle into series production. "Exro came to us with a unique solution for our electric drive program that we believe is a step in the right direction for accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles," commented Linamar CEO Linda Hasenfratz. "This integrated design can pave the way for cost-effective and high performing electric propulsion systems that are essential to scale the transition to electric mobility." Sue Ozdemir, Exro Chief Executive Officer said, "We are very excited for this development with Linamar, who has been a staple in auto industry manufacturing for decades. This strategic development agreement marks one of our biggest milestones to date and represents a huge opportunity for us to become an integral part of the EV supply chain for major automotive companies." NATIONAL MAGAZINE
Choosing the Right Engine
MICHAEL HOWE aptain Kirk of the Starship Enterprise, from the popular television series and movies, often asked his engineer Scotty for more power – “Scotty, we need more power.” While that may have been true for the fictional space entertainment series, it’s not necessarily needed or true for a quality truck engine. In fact, it may just be the case that efficiency is more important than power, not to mention more profitable in the end. So, how does one go about choosing the best engine, and not necessarily the most powerful? As a truck driver, especially if you are an owner operator, there are several worthwhile items to consider when choosing an engine. For example, most drivers know the types of loads that will be hauled and generally where they will be hauled. With that, trailer types are generally consistent. Additionally, understanding what maintenance costs to expect will be helpful. Information of this type can help identify what size – just how powerful – of an engine is realistically needed. Efficiency is an important aspect to consider too. Profits are often tied to fuel economy, so if you are an owner operator more power may result in less profit. A lighter motor, like a 13 liter small block engine is more than adequate for the typical load an average driver will haul. Again, this type of engine will “pay” off in the end, even if it is slightly less powerful. Given the movement toward more efficient and environmentally friendly transportation, drivers should not be surprised to see many manufacturers are offering options beyond just diesel. Natural gas, LNG, and even electric trucks are becoming more widely available. The industry as a whole isn’t quite ready to widely adopt these, but it likely won’t be too far in the future when mandates drive the industry more in that direction. So, keep that in mind when looking at a new engine. The one firm recommendation coming out of this article is to set the ego aside when deciding which engine to purchase. Are bragging rights about power more important than the potential for additional profits in the wallet? Regardless of your choice on that, it is highly recommended that personal research is conducted before purchasing any engine. To help with that, some of the more popular engines on the road are listed below, with descriptions from the company’s website as well as a URL for additional information:
The PACCAR MX Engine boasts a B10 design life of one million miles in linehaul applications. This means 90 percent of NATIONAL MAGAZINE
PACCAR MX Engines will log up to one million miles without a major overhaul, almost double the life of comparable engines. The PACCAR MX Engine’s B10 design life stands as the pinnacle of our promise to you – a lifetime of unparalleled durability. https://paccarpowertrain.com/engines/mx-13/ DETROIT® ENGINES: SUPERIOR POWER INSIDE SUPERIOR TRUCKS Subjected to the most rigorous testing in the marketplace, Detroit engines are designed and built to be efficient, powerful, versatile, lightweight and reliable. The DD13® Gen 5 engine builds upon Detroit’s industry-leading heavy-duty engine legacy and proven technologies to bring efficiency and performance to the next level. The DD13 Gen 5 has been redesigned to offer new ratings, an all-new aftertreatment system, and numerous innovations to further increase performance, durability and efficiency. Key improvements include new swirl piston design, new turbochargers for rapid torque performance, and more. https://freightliner.com/ demand-detroit/engines/ CUMMINS The X15 Efficiency Series has been able to meet the 2021 EPA and Greenhouse Gas Phase 2 requirements since 2020 and is officially certified to 2021 standards. With over 12 months of product performance in North America – the 2021 X15 Efficiency Series is following the most success 15 liter product launch to date. https://www.cummins.com/engines/x15-efficiency-series-2021 MACK The MP®8 engine is a legend on roads everywhere. With plenty of horsepower and torque across a wide operating range, the MP®8 delivers the muscle to shoulder heavy-duty vocational and highway workloads. https://www.macktrucks.com/powertrain-and-suspensions/ engines/ VOLVO D13TC ENGINE Regardless of whether the trailer is fully or partially loaded, an aerodynamic VNL can provide substantial savings. Now standard, our next generation Turbo Compound is up to 6% more fuel efficient than our current 2020 D13 engine. And it’s up to 11% more efficient when compared to 2015 truck models. https://www.volvotrucks.us/trucks/powertrain/d13tc/ JULY - AUGUST 2021 39
Drive Access Liability Shield
HUB International Introduces HUB Drive Access Liability Shield for the Transport Industry
40 JULY - AUGUST 2021
ub International Limited (HUB), a leading full-service global insurance brokerage, announced the launch of HUB Drive Excess Liability Shield, an exclusive, affordable excess liability/umbrella insurance solution designed for transportation clients – from general freight, moving and storage, and last mile to auto/truck dealers, public auto and rail – to broaden coverage and protect them from potential major losses from nuclear verdicts. “Excess liability/umbrella insurance is critical for our transportation clients who are looking to protect themselves from catastrophic and unpredictable events,” said Lisa Paul, Chief Strategy Officer of HUB’s Transportation Specialty Practice. “HUB Drive Excess Liability Shield will help elevate the scope of protection for our clients, and they also benefit from our continued guidance in managing their risk profile to lower costs.” HUB Drive Excess Liability Shield will provide broad excess liability/umbrella coverage with limits of up to $5 million or a component of a transportation industry excess tower through Trisura Specialty Insurance Co., an A.M. Best’s A- Excellent rated carrier, and will be offered in all states except New York. Nuclear verdicts have changed the face of the trucking industry indefinitely. According to the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI), there have been nearly 300 nuclear verdicts against trucking fleet in the last five years, compared to just 26 between 2006 – 2011. The increase has made excess/umbrella insurers more cautious, increasing the demand for transportation carriers to be more proactive in reducing or eliminating the potential for a nuclear verdict.
We keep you moving,
because you can’t stop. vDIAw qknIk nUM cldw r`Kx leI Aqy murMmq dw kMm smyN isr mukwaux leI, quhwnUM loV hY vDIAw tYknISnW dI[ swfy Cummins dy PYktrI srtIPweIf tYknISIAn dIAW syvwvW, pUry au`qrI AmrIkw ‘c s`qy idn 24 GMty auplbD hn Aqy auh sdw hI quhwnUM bhuq hI vDIAw syvwvW Aqy shwieqw dyx leI vcnb`D hn[ sPr c`ldw r`Ko[ swfI vY`bsweIt salesandservice.cummins.com ‘qy jwE jW swnMU 1-800-CUMMINS™ ‘qy &on kro[ NATIONAL MAGAZINE
mYk fIPYNs v`lNo mYk AYkspIrIAYNs sYNtr ‘qy SurU kIqw M917A3 Heavy Dump Truck nUM bxwauxw
k fIPYNs vwiLAW ny hux mYk AYkspIrIAYNs sYNtr ‘c hYvI fMp tr`k (HDT) nUM bxwauxw SurU kr id`qw hY[ ies qrHW dI iqAwrI leI aunHW ny 6.5 imlIAn fwlr dw invyS kIqw hY[ ies nwl AmrIkI POj nwL kIqw Mack Defense M917A3 dw iekrwr isry cVHygw[ ies dy nwL hI ie`Qy vhIklW dy hor ih`sy purizAW dw inrmwx vI hovygw[ ies sbMD ‘c mYk fIPYNs dy dy muKI fyivf hwrtz`Yl dw kihxw hY ik ies iqAwrI nwL auqpwdn ivSySqwvW ‘c vwDw hovygw[ aunHW ieh vI ikhw ik swnUM ies g`l dw mwx hY ik AsIN Awpxy AmrIkw dI POj nwL kIqy smJOqy nUM isry cVHw rhy hW[ pihlW nwn Awrmf AYc fI tI vhIkl AYl vI E (Lehigh Valley Operations) ‘qy bxweIAW jWdIAW sn ij`Qy swry au`qrI AmrIkw dy mYk tr`k klws 8 vhIkl mukMml kIqy jWdy sn[ ies qoN bwAd ieh vhIkl mYk AYkspIrIAYNs sYNtr nUM ByjIAW jWdIAW sn ij`Qy
42 JULY - AUGUST 2021
ienHW nwL fMp dy nwl-nwL hor ih`sy vI lwey jWdy sn[ mYk sYNtr ivKy AYc fI tI tr`kW dw auqpwdn 2021 dy pihly iqMn mhIinAW ‘c SurU hoieAw hY[ ieh QW pihly kstmr AfYpSn sYNtr dI QW vwly mYk AYkspIrIAYNs sYNtr ‘c hY[ ie`Qy mYk tr`kW dIAW bwfIAW nUM TIk kIqw jWdw sI[ hux auh swrI QW pRofkSn leI hI vrqI jwvygI[kstmr AfYpSn sYNtr hux AYl vI E ‘c cly igAw hY[ AYc fI tI, isvlIAn Mack Granite® ‘qy ADwirq hY, ijhVw ik au`qrI AmrIkw ‘c sB qoN v`D ivkx vwLy vokySnl tr`kW ‘coN ie`k hY[ M917A3 HDT ‘c hYvI ifaUtI rIAr AYkisl, Awl vHIl fRweIv, vDweI hoeI sspYNSn rweIf aucweI Aqy AmrIkn POj dI loV vwLy swry PIcr Swiml hn[ Mack Defense M917A3 HDT dI pihlI filvrI ies swl meI ‘c hovygI[ NATIONAL MAGAZINE
at Waste Expo
eterbilt Motors Company displayed a lineup of five vehicles for the refuse industry at WasteExpo held in the Las Vegas Convention Center, June 28-30. The booth showcased three Model 520s, Peterbilt’s low-cab-forward refuse workhorse, featuring several key updates to the electric architecture as well as a new best-in-class 7” Digital Display found in the center of the instrument cluster with full PTO integration. Peterbilt’s new medium duty Model 548 in a roll-off configuration was also displayed. Launched earlier this year, the new medium duty lineup provides maximum versatility and rugged performance for all Class 5-8 applications. Rounding out the display was the Model 220EV, Peterbilt’s first electric configuration for medium duty applications providing customers a zero emission, Class 6 or 7 vehicle for clean, efficient operation and lower overall maintenance.
Peterbilt Showcases Refuse Lineup
Waste Expo
JULY - AUGUST 2021 43
Mack Defense Starts M917A3 Heavy Dump Truck Production at Mack Experience Center
ack Defense is now producing Heavy Dump Trucks (HDT) at the Mack Experience Center, following an investment of $6.5 million to create a dedicated production line at the facility. The investment will help fulfill the Mack Defense M917A3 contract with the U.S. Army, as well as allow the production of other vehicle variants. “The investment to create a dedicated HDT product line at the Mack Experience Center will increase production efficiencies,” said David Hartzell, president of Mack Defense. “We are proud to continue the fulfillment of our current contract with the U.S. Army and support our armed forces.” Previously, non-armored HDT vehicles started production at Lehigh Valley Operations (LVO), where all Mack Truck Class 8 vehicles for North America and export are assembled. The HDT
44 JULY - AUGUST 2021
Dump Truck
vehicle was then transported to the Mack Experience Center, where final assembly including the dump body was added. Production of the HDT trucks at the Mack Experience Center began in Q1 2021. The production line is located in the Mack Experience Center in the former Customer Adaptation Center, where vehicle modifications for Mack trucks occurred. All of that space will be used for production. The Customer Adaptation Center has since moved to LVO. The HDT is based on the civilian Mack Granite® model, one of the top-selling vocational trucks in North America. The M917A3 HDT was spec’d with heavier-duty rear axles, all-wheel drive, increased suspension ride height and other features to meet the U.S. Army needs. Initial deliveries of the Mack Defense M917A3 HDT began in May 2021. NATIONAL MAGAZINE
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JULY - AUGUST 2021 45
46 JULY - AUGUST 2021
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Large selection of parts on-site We stand behind our parts, service and warranty The most trusted name in truck bodies
1-844-404-LIFT sales@premiertruckbody.com NATIONAL MAGAZINE
www.premiertruckbody.com JULY - AUGUST 2021 47
48 JULY - AUGUST 2021