Desi Trucking - September October 2021 (National Edition)

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Vol.12 - Issue 4 Sept/Oct 2021

How Has Truck Tire Technology Changed?




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08 iks qrHW bdlI tr`k twierW dI qknIk? 1847 dI imAwrI twier dy pihly pytYNt dI qknIk Kws kr krky ieh...

16 g`fI clwauNdy smyN Awpxy tr`k iv`c Awrwmdwiek rihxw


sVk 'qy hox dOrwn lMby GMitAW dy inrMqr PYsly lYx dy dbwA nUM sihx krn...

26 20 ies dw kI mqlb ik quhwnUM ie`k swl dI aufIk krnI pvygI mYnUM kuAYf PlYt fỲk KRIdx leI hr roz Pon AwauNdy hn[...


36 AwE ilbrtI twierz dI SwKw vYstrn rbV pRofkts... jdoN AsIN Awpxy vhIkl clwauNdy hW qW ies g`l ‘qy ^ws iDAwn idMdy hW....

42 quhwfy tr`k dI qyl dI b`cq krn dy FMg qyl dI b`cq, b`cq dw ie`k auh FMg hY ijhVI ik frweIvr dy pYr nwL sbMiDq hY[...



ADVERTISERS Ace Truck Repairs ............................. 35

Howes Lubricators .............................. 19

Safety Driven ......................................... 37

CBS Parts Ltd. ........................................ 46

Inland Kenworth ...................... 02 & 33

Swank Studios Ltd ............................ 39

Champion Towing ............................... 33

JD Factors ............................................... 23

Titan Truck & Trailer Parts Ltd ..... 34

Cummins .................................................. 41

JGK Media Inc. ............................... 24-25

Total Lubricants .................................. 09

Eko Stinger ............................................. 03

Ocean Trailer ............................... 33 & 45

Transam Carriers Inc. ....................... 07

First Truck Centre .............................. 15

Peterbilt .................................................... 48

Truckers Together .............................. 32

G & G Trucking Solutions ............... 34

Pike Enterprises Ltd ........................ 35

Volvo Trucks ........................................... 05

Glasvan Great Dane ......................... 37

Premier Truck Body ............... 35 & 47

Hello Trucking ........................................ 30

Shift Into Winter .................................. 21




Volvo Trucks. Driving Progress.

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WHAT ABOUT OUR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES? One thing that the last year and a half has made people aware of is a very important part of the Canadian Charter: specifically, our rights and freedoms. Under our Constitution, every Canadian citizen has the right to life, liberty, and security; as well, we enjoy our Fundamental Freedoms. During the pandemic, which is still present today, some people use these rights as an excuse to avoid such things as wearing a face mask or getting a vaccine; they claim it violates their rights and freedoms. Well, I’m here to say that sometimes, our responsibilities should supersede our rights. We, civilized humans, aren’t an island; we are a village, and, in any village, the community takes care of one another; sometimes by even giving up personal rights. And thus, the same logic and common sense would apply here. If you don’t want to get vaccinated, then yes, it’s your right. If you don’t

want to wear a mask, yes, again, it’s your right. But, by not complying with government directives, don’t get upset if you are denied access or entry to restaurants, stores, or public events because you gave up your rights while you exercised them. This takes me back to social responsibility. The Canadian trucking community also had two options; exercise their rights and stop freight from moving; or be socially responsible, get vaccinated and wear face masks in order to keep our economy moving. Thankfully, they chose the latter. We, at Desi Trucking Magazine, want to send a heart-felt thank you to the truckers and entire North American trucking industry. They have not only thought of the village but have become socially responsible citizens to both their local and global community. Thank you!

swfy Prz Aqy zuMmyvwrIAW ipCly fyyF ku swl qoN clI Aw rhI hwlq ny lokW nUM knyfIAn cwrtr pRqI ie`k g`l dw zrUr igAwn krvw id`qw hY:Kws krky swfy PrzW Aqy h`kW sbMDI[swfy sMivDwn Anuswr hryk knyfIAn nUM ijaux, AzwdI Aqy sur`iKAw dw AiDkwr hY[ies qoN ibnw AsIN hor AzwdI dw h`k vI mwx rhy hW[ ieh mhWmwrI jo Ajy vI rukx dw nWA nhIN lY rhI dOrwn, kùJ lok h`k jW AzwdI dw bhwnw lw ky mwsk lYx Aqy ies ibmwrI dw tIkw lgvwaux qoN kMnI kqrwA rhy hn[ aunHW dw kihxw hY ik ieh aunHW dI mrzI Aqy AiDkwr hY, ijs dI aulMGxw kIqI jw rhI hY[pr myrw iKAwl hY ik swfIAW zuMmyvwrIAW AiDkwrW qoN aùpr hoxIAW cwhIdIAW hn[ AsIN mnùKI jIv iksy twpU ‘c nhIN rih rhy; AsIN qW ie`k ipMf jW Sihr ‘c rhy hW ij`Qy hor mnùK vI hn[ ienHW QwvW ‘qy lok ie`k dUjy dw iKAwl r`Kdy hn[ keI vwr qW ies qrHW dy smyN auh Awpxy h`k C`f zuMmyvwrI nUM pihl idMdy hn[ ij`Qy AsIN rih rhy hW aùQy vI ieh sB lwgU huMdw hY[ mMn lE ik qusIN tIkw lgvwaux jW nw lgvwaux, mwsk nwl mUMh Fkx jW nw Fkx nUM Awpxw h`k smJdy ho, qW jdoN 6


srkwr dy hukm Anuswr quhwnUM ies qrHW dI hwlq ‘c rYstorYNt jW hor pbilk QW qoN roikAw jwxw vI Tik hI hY[ ikauN ik qusIN ie`k h`k lY ky nwL lgdy Prz dI aulMGxw kr rhy ho[ g`L muV ky Pyr AwpxI zuMmyvwrI v`l Aw jWdI hY[ knyfIAn tr`ikMg vwiLAW kol vI do bdl hn; Awpxy h`kW dI vrqoN krky Bwr Fox qoN ienkwr krnw jW AwpxI smwijk zuMmyvwrI smJ ky ies ibmwrI dw tIkw lgvwauxw, mwsk pihnxw Aqy srkwr dIAW d`sIAW hdwieqW Anuswr ivcrnw qW ik AwriQkqw cldI rhy[ ieh bhuq cMgI g`l hY ik tr`kW vwLy srkwr dy hukm dI pwlxw kr rhy hn Aqy AwriQkqw dw phIAw roVHI jw rhy hn[ AsIN dysI tr`ikMg vwLy tr`k clwaux vwiLAW Aqy smùcI nwrQ AmrIkn tr`ikMg ieMfstrI dw qih idloN DMnvwd krdy hW, ijnHW ny ies AOKy smyN ‘c AwriQkqw dw phIAw roVHI r`iKAw hY[ auh kyvl ie`k QW jW Sihr bwry nhIN soc rhy sgoN Awpxy Sihr Aqy smùcy sMswr dy BweIcwry dI ies AOKI GVI ‘c syvw kr rhy hn[ tr`kW vwilE quhwfw DMnvwd!

Jag Dhatt Editor-In-Chief

Publisher JGK Media Inc. 1-877-598-3374 (Desi) Advertising & Sales Jag Dhatt (National / Western Canada) Stephen Alford (Eastern Canada) Art Director Ranjit Singh IT Manager Ranj Bhamra Cover Design Ranjit Singh Contributing Writers Jag Dhatt; Michael Howe; Pash Brar; Ray Gompf; Ron Dhaliwal; Sanjana Karthik; Staff Reporters Translator Tirath S. Khabra

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@TransamCarriers @Transam_Carriers NATIONAL MAGAZINE



iks qrHW bdlI tr`k twierW dI qknIk? mUL lyKk: mweIkl hoA


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twier kyvl ie`k gol cIz hI nhIN sgoN ies qoN v`D hn[ ieh sVk ‘qy v`jdw hY Aqy A`gy vI c`ldw hY[ ieh sB sur`iKAw,hMFxswrqw Aqy AwriQkqw dw vDIAw sumyl drswauNdw hY[ twier ‘c hY kI? bIf twier bIf bMfl (qwr dIAW qMdW) jo twier nUM phIey q`k sur`iKAq r`Kdw hY[ bIf iPlr mxikAW dy bMfl au`pr r`iKAw ie`k rbV dw imSrx jo bwfI dIAW plwjW ivckwr vriqAw jWdw hY[ Aqy jo bIf plweIz jo bIf dy duAwly huMdIAW hn nUM kwbU ‘c r`Kx Aqy sVk nwl joVI r`Kx ‘c mdd krdIAW hn[ bwfI plweI bhuq swry twierW ‘c ie`k jW do bwfI plweI huMdIAW hn[ ijhVIAW poilstr,ryAn jW nweIln korf vwLIAW rbV dy lyAr vwLIAW hMudIAW hn[ ieh bwfI plweIz twier dI bxqr Aqy PYlwA nUM rokx dI SkqI pRdwn krdIAW hn[ ienlweInr ieh rbV dw imSrx huMdw hY ijhVw twier dy AMdrly ih`sy nUM PYlx qoN rokx leI vriqAw jWdw hY[ sweIfvwl ieh ie`k rbV dw imSrx huMdw hY jo ijhVw twier dy pwsy vwLIAW plweIz nUM Fkx leI huMdw hY[ ieh Gsx Aqy mOsmI hwlwq qoN bcwA krdw hY[ trY`f trY`f rbV imSrx qy trY`f pYtrn zmInI pkV leI hn Aqy GsweI qoN bcwauNdy hn[ XU AYs tI AYm ey dI vY`bsweIt Anuswr “ AjokI twier qknIk ‘c rswiex ivigAwn, BOiqk ivigAwn qy ieMjnIAirMg dw ie`k sumyl hY[ idlcsp g`l ieh hY ik ieh ie`k hI qrHW dy nhIN huMdy[ ieh vhIkl Aqy bRWf Anuswr hI huMdy hn[keI Kws iksm dy bRWfW leI kstm myf vI huMdy hn[ koeI twier ikMnw smW c`lygw ieh fRweIvr dI clweI Aqy r`K rKwA ‘qy inrBr krdw hY[ jy TIk sMBwl Aqy shI clweI hovy qW ieh 40,000 qoN 80,000 mIl Bwv 64,000 qoN 1,45000 iklomItr q`k c`l skdw hY[ twierW dIAW bhuq iksmW qy bRWf hn[ pr iDAwn r`Kx dI g`l ieh hY ik quhwnUM jW quhwfI kMpnI leI ikhVy twier Xog hn qy PwiedymMd hn[ jy ienHW dI sWB sMBwl Aqy TIk FMg nwl vrqoN huMdI hY qW ieh vDyry smW vI k`F skdy hn Aqy quhwfI b`cq vI huMdI hY[ pr ienHW twierW ‘c hvw TIk r`Kx nwL ienHW dI aumr vDdI hY[ twier AYNf rbV AYsosIeySn AwP kYnyfw NATIONAL MAGAZINE

(TRAC) v`loN twierW ‘c shI hvw BrweI sbMDI jwxkwrI id`qI geI hY[TRAC Anuswr twierW ‘c loVINdI qoN G`t hvw r`Kx nwL twier CyqI jWdy lgdy hn[ twierW ‘c shI hvw r`Kx sbMDI ku`J AMkVy ies qrHW hn: quhwfy vhIkl dy Bwr dw 95% twierW dy eyAr pRYSr dI mdd rwhIN hY; qkrIbn 70% vhIklW ‘c G`t qoN G`t ie`k twier huMdw hY ijs ‘c hvw dy pRYSr dw nuks huMdw hY; 23% vhIklW dy G`to G`t ie`k twier ‘c hvw G`t huMdI hY Aqy 20% ‘c loVINdI qoN v`D[20% ies qrHW dy fRweIvr hn jo swl ‘c do hPiqAW dw vwDU iPaul ies krky hI vrqdy hn[Aqy 17% auh hn jo kyvl ie`k twier ‘c vwDU hvw hox krky vwDU qyl dw Krc krdy hn[ twierW dI shI hvw BrweI qoN ibnw tI Awr ey sI twier dI hMFxswrqw Aqy sur`iKAw leI hor isPwrSW vI krdI hY[ jdoN tirp qoN pihlW tr`k dw fRweIvr tr`k dI ienspYkSn Bwv jWc pVqwl krdw hY qW aus smyN twierW dw inrIKx vI zrUrI hY[ vyly isr twier bdlxy, twier AlweInmYNt qy tr`k dI bYlYNisMg nwL vI twier vDyry c`ldy hn[jdoN twier dw tRY`f Gs jWdw hY aus smyN kmRSl tr`kW dy twier rItRYf vI krvwey jw skdy hn[ ieh mihMgw vI nhIN pYNdw[ pr iDAwn r`Kx vwLI g`l ieh hY ik twierW dw iKAwl hr hwlq ‘c r`Kxw cwhIdw hY[ sMn 1800 qoN lY ky 1900 ivAW q`k BwvyN vDIAw twier bxwey jw rhy hn Aqy ienHW dI BrosyXogqw qy hMFxswrqw ‘c vI vwDw hoieAw hY pr iPr vI ies dI sur`iKAw vDyry krky fRweIvr ‘qy hI inrBr krdI hY[ jy ienHW twierW dI shI dyK Bwl Bwv cY`ikMg kIqI jWdI rhy qW ienHW dI aumr vI vDdI hY Aqy nwL hI sur`iKAw ‘c vwDw huMdw hY[ vhIkl shI FMg nwL clwauxw, twierW dw iKAwl r`Kx nwL vhIkl dI hwlq TIk r`Kx nwl shI pkV, shI Pwslw r`Kx, pYsy qy qyl dI b`cq, twierW dI vDyry hMFxswrqw Aqy G`t grIn hwaUs gYs AimSn vrgy Pwiedy vI huMdy hn[ jy sDwrx SbdW ‘c khIey AsIN cMgI iksmq vwLy hW ik aunHW suDwrW dw Pwiedw lY skdy hW ijnHW nUM bhuq imhnq nwL KoijAw igAw hY[



How Has Truck Tire Technology Changed? MICHAEL HOWE

ires certainly have changed since the first patent of a standard tire in 1847, especially given that patent of a pneumatic tire was never really put into production. Bill Maher, comedian and TV host, was correct when he said, “If you think you have it tough, read history books.” With tires, there may not be an entire history book devoted to this topic, but it certainly doesn’t take long to garner a great appreciation for the advancements of the tire over the years. The first practical tire was made in 1888 by John Boyd Dunlop in Scotland, and although it was made for a bicycles and tricycles, it really paved the way for the future of tires. Through Dunlop’s efforts, he partnered with others to develop an advance that would ultimately take tires to what they are today – that advance is vulcanized rubber. Eventually, synthetic rubbers would come into play along with other advancements. It wasn’t until 1946 that the radial tire was developed by Michelin, though not adopted for wide use in North America until the 1970s. So, from the very earliest days of tires made primarily for bikes, to radial tires in the 1970s, to today where tires are the lifeblood of the economy, advancements




have come a long way. The United States Tire Manufacturing Association (USTMA) says its member companies “have invested billions of dollars and countless hours engineering safe, sustainable tires.” This investment in improving the tire, whether for the commercial truck or passenger car, has undoubtedly saved consumers money, increased profits for the trucking industry, and improved safety. The USTMA website says that “Tire-related fatalities are on the decline, decreasing by over 50% in recent government analyses.” Tires are more than simple round objects one slaps on a truck and begins driving. They are a complex system of safety, durability, and economic features. The USTMA describes it best: What’s In a Tire? Bead Tire bead bundles (usually strands of wire) secure the tire to the wheel. Bead Filler A rubber compound placed above the bead bundle that may be used between the body plies which wrap around the bead to tune ride and handling characteristics. Belts Typically, two belts with steel cords

laid at opposing angles. Belts provide stability to the tread area of the tire, which contributes to wear, handling and traction. Body Ply Most tires have one or two body plies, each typically comprised of polyester, rayon, or nylon cords within a rubber layer. Body plies function as the structure of the tire and provide the strength to contain the inflation pressure. Innerliner A rubber compound used to retain the inflation pressure inside the tire. Sidewall A rubber compound used to cover the body plies on the sides of the tire, which provides abrasion, scuff and weathering resistance. Tread The tread rubber compound and tread pattern provide grip and abrasion resistance contributing to traction and treadwear. “Modern tire technology blends a unique mix of chemistry, physics and engineering to give consumers a high degree of comfort, performance, efficiency, reliability and safety,” states the USTMA website. Interestingly, tires differ by vehicle and brand, with some tires being custom made for more NATIONAL MAGAZINE

specific applications. How long a tire can last will vary depending on use and care, but if properly care for one can get quite a bit of mileage out of the typical tire (40,000-80,000 Miles / 64,000145,000 Kilometers perhaps). There are a number of brands of tires to choose from, and regardless of which the preferred brand is for you or your company, they all need care and maintenance to not only last a long time, but to remain safe and economical. Proper tire inflation on any vehicle is perhaps the most important thing you can do to maintain the tire. The Tire and Rubber Association of Canada (TRAC) provides great

information on the importance of proper tire inflation. According to TRAC, “Under-inflation is the leading cause of tire failure.” Here are some interesting statistics to emphasize the importance of proper tire inflation: 95% of your vehicle’s weight is supported by your tire’s air pressure; 70% of vehicles have at least one tire with an inflation problem; 23% of vehicles have at least one tire underinflated by more than 20%; driving with one tire under-inflated by 20% results in consuming approximately two weeks more of fuel per year; 17% of vehicles have at least one tire over-inflated by more than 20%.

In addition to proper tire inflation, TRAC recommends other steps to ensure the safety and durability of your tire. Every truck driver does a pre-trip inspection and included in that should be an inspection of your tires for damage and wear. Additionally, tire rotations, tire replacements when necessary, and wheel alignment and balancing all can help maintain the integrity of the tire. When the tread of tire becomes worn, commercial truck tires can also be retread, which is an affordable option – note though, tires will still need to be maintained properly. Even with all the advancements in tires since the 1800’s, through the 1900’s, and to today, the reliability, durability, and safety of the tire still comes down to the driver to properly maintain the tire. Properly maintaining any tire can help reduce tire failure, improve vehicle handling, improve stopping distance, improve fuel economy, improve tire life, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Simply put, we are fortunate to have the results of tire advancements over the years, now let’s maintain what we have and profit from it.

volvo tr`kW ny TEC aupkrx PoNtwnw nUM Pst volvo EV pRmwixq fIlr dw nwm id`qw igAw lvo tr`kz dI sB qoN v`fI vYst kost fIlriSp, TEC aupkrx, nUM au~qrI AmrIkw iv`c kMpnI dw pihlw volvo EV srtIPweIf fIlr cuixAw igAw hY[ ieh nvInqwkwrI volvo lweIts pRojYkt iv`c ie`k Ain`KVvW BweIvwl hY Aqy lMby smyN qoN volvo pRmwixq A`ptweIm sYNtr irhw hY[ ies ny ibjleI pRmwxIkrn pRwpq kIqw hY, ijs iv`c iesdI tIm nUM vwqwvrx AnukUl pRxwlIAW rwhIN gwhkW nwl slwh-mSvrw krn Aqy sMcwln iv`c tr`kW leI ielYkitRk tr`k dI sWB-sMBwl Aqy murMmq krn leI iqAwr kIqw igAw hY[ kMpnI sQwnk Aqy KyqrI, Aqy nwl hI Bojn Aqy pIx-pdwrQW dI vMf dw smrQn krky PlIt AwprytrW leI itkwaU AwvwjweI pRdwn kr rhI hY[ sQwnk Aqy KyqrI, Aqy nwl hI Bojn Aqy pIx-pdwrQW dIAwN vMfW dw smrQn krky[ kMpnI gwhkW nUM aunHW dy rUtW leI AwdrS



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g`fI clwauNdy smyN Awpxy tr`k iv`c Awrwmdwiek rihxw

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ksrqW Vk 'qy hox dOrwn lMby GMitAW dy inrMqr PYsly lYx dy dbwA nUM sihx krn leI g`fI clwauNdy smyN Awrwmdwiek hoxw sB qoN v`D lwzmI hY[ hW, frweIivMg srIr nwloN ikqy izAwdw idmwg nUM QkwauNdI hY ies leI hr smyN Awpxy in`jI iDAwn dy p`DrW bwry lgwqwr sucyq rho[ aus Awrwm dw p`Dr Aqy aus Awrwm dy p`Dr iv`c smyN-smyN 'qy AnukUlqw quhwfI qMdrusqI Aqy auhnW sVk aupBogqwvW dI qMdrusqI leI mh`qvpUrn hY, ijnHW nwl qusIN sVk sWJI krdy ho[ sB qoN pihlW, ijvyN ik qusIN AwpxI pihlI rozwnw jWc kr rhy ho, ieh XkInI bxwaux leI kuJ strY`c vwlIAW ksrqW nUM Swml kro qW ik ieh XkInI ho sky ik ij`Qy ij`Qy KUn dw vhwA cMgI qrHW hoxw zrurI hY a`uQy ieh inrivGn vhwA kr irhw hY[ ieh suinSicq kro ik quhwfy




k`pVy bhuq qMg nhIN hn ij`Qy ieh KUn dy pRvwh dI iekswrqw nMU rokx dw kMm krn l~g pYx qy qusIN Awrwmdwiek mihsUs nw kro[ iPr, jdoN qusIN AwpxI sIt 'qy bYTdy ho, qW aucweI nUM ivvsiQq kro qW jo quhwfy p`tW dw isKr PrS 'qy Awpxy pYrW nUM PlYt krky PrS dy smwnWqr hovy Aqy quhwfIAwN l`qW dw ipClw ih`sw sIt 'qy moV dbwA dw ibMdU nw hovy[ mYN Koj kIqI hY ik sIt dI shI aucweI sY`t krn nwL ieh quhwfy Awrwm iv`c bhuq suDwr kr skdI hY[ stIAirMg vHIl nUM Afjst kro (jy ies qrHW hoxw auplbD hY) qW jo qusIN v`D qoN v`D Awrwmdwiek ho sko[ isr& ies leI ik k`lH ieh sIt sYitMg quhwfy leI Awrwmdwiek sI, pr A`j ie`k nvW idn hY; ies qrHW, ies nvyN idn leI sIt nUM iPr sY`t kro[ qusIN AfjstmYNtW qoN A`gy vDdy hoey hr idn, hr GMty styAirMg 'qy AwpxI puzISn shI r`Kx leI A`gy vDdy

ho qW jo qusIN ijs qrIky nwl bYTy ho, aus iv`c qbdIlI ho sky Aqy AwpxIAwN l`qW iv`c KUn dy shI pRvwh nUM XkInI bxwieAw jw sky[ jy qusIN ieh sDwrx vwD-Gwt nhIN krdy, qW EfImw (srIr dIAW mws pySIAW ‘qy qrl pdwrQ jmW ho jwxy qy soj pYxI) vrgIAW sm`isAwvW aumr dy nwl-nwl ie`k mu`dw bx jwxgIAW[ EfImw auh QW hY ij`Qy srIrk qrl quhwfIAwN hyTlIAwN l`qW Aqy pYrW dy Awly-duAwly iek`qr huMdy hn ijs nwl sojS huMdI hY jo v`D qoN v`D drdnwk huMdI hY Aqy ijhVI sB qoN v`D Kqrnwk huMdI hY[ kMprYSn jurwbW sojS nUM rokx iv`c mdd kr skdIAwN hn Aqy ies sbMDI AfjstmYNtW krn iv`c mdd kr skdIAW hn pr qusIN ikvyN bYTy ho, ieh kMprYSn jurwbW dI loV nUM dUr kr skdw hY[ EfImw nUM roikAw jw skdw hY pr ieh idl dy mu`idAW dw pUrv-sMkyq NATIONAL MAGAZINE

Aqy ie`k sUck ho skdw hY[ ies leI, hr smyN Awrwmdwiek hoxw Aqy bkwiedw bYTx iv`c vwD-Gwt krnw mh`qvpUrn hY[ lgBg hr GMty jW ies qoN v`D, kuJ smyN leI AwpxI sIt dI aucweI nUM QoVHw G`t kro, iPr iesnUM iksy hor imAwd leI QoVHw ijhw vDwE[ qusIN qurMq AwpxIAwN l`qW iv`c Prk mihsUs krogy[ jdoN quhwfy kol sw& KuSk sVkW huMdIAW hn, qW krUz kMtrol dI vrqoN kro, jy Aijhw pRbMD hovy, Aqy g`fI clwauNdy smyN QoVHI ijhI ksrq krn leI Awpxy pYrW nUM PrS 'qy GumwE[ hr mOkw jo quhwnUM rukx nUM imldw hY qW, ruko Aqy kuJ strYicMg vwlIAW ksrqW kro[ quhwnUM hr do GMitAW bwAd ie`k srkl cY~k krnw pYNdw hY, qW ikauN nw aus smyN mltItwsk Aqy cY~k puAwieMtW ivckwr strYicMg vwlIAW ksrqW kIqIAW jwx[ ieh XkInI bxwE ik quhwfI pwxI dI boql, kOPI m`G jW jo vI quhwfy pIxpdwrQ dI cox hY, auh Awswn phuMc dy AMdr hY[ jdoN qusIN bYTdy ho qW inXimq qOr 'qy qrl pdwrQ pINdy rho qW ik quhwfw

srIr hweIfRyt rhy[ ieh QoVHI ijhI hrkq nw isrP srIrk sucyqqw iv`c suDwr krdI hY, sgoN ieh quhwfy idmwg nUM vI sucyq r`KdI hY[ ijvyN hI qusIN g`fI clwauNdy ho, swh lYx dIAW fUMGIAW qknIkW dI vrqoN kro[ mYN jo qknIk vrqdw hW auh hOlI hOlI PyPiVAW nUM pUrI qrHW Brn iv`c swh lYxw hY[ jy qusIN pihlW jwxbu`J ky swh lYx dIAW ksrqW nhIN kIqIAW hn, qW qusIN mihsUs kr skdy ho ik qusIN Awpxy PyPiVAW nUM izAwdw Br id`qw hY Aqy ies nwl quhwnUM KMG AwvygI; pr hOlI hOlI ieh TIk ho jwvygw[ iPr, ie`k vwr jdoN quhwfy PyPVy pUrI qrHW Pu`l jWdy hn, qW ijMnw icr qusIN kr skdy ho Awpxy swh nUM rok lE[ ds sikMt tIcw hoxw cwhIdw hY pr AwpxI byAwrwmI dw p`Dr l`Bo[ Awpxy swh nUM rokx qoN bwAd, hOlI hOlI Awpxy mUMh rwhIN hvw nUM C`f idE, vDIAW FMg nwL ds sikMtW leI Awpxy swh nUM dubwrw roko[ iPr hOlI hOlI Awpxy n`k rwhIN swh lE ik dUjw swh Brdw hY Aqy c`kr nUM lgBg ds vwr duhrwE[ icMqw nw kro jy ds

sikMtW dw vwDw quhwfy leI bhuq izAwdw hY; Awpxy swh lYx dy qrIky bwry socxw SurU kro[ ies AiBAws dOrwn, mYN Awpxy AwksImItr rIifMgW iv`c iblkul koeI kmI nw hox dy nwl Awpxy Awp nUM pRqI imMt do swh q`k Gtw skdw hW[ pr, mYN swrw idn ies qrHW dw swh nhIN lYNdw[ mYN ies qknIk nUM Swied idn iv`c do vwr vrqdw hW Aqy iesdI vrqoN audoN krdw hW jdoN auh smW vwprdw hY jdoN quhwfIAW A`KW Ku`lHIAW nhIN rihxw cwhuMdIAW Aqy quhwfI lOg bu`k Awrwm dI imAwd pRdwn nhIN krdI[ quhwfw frweIivMg smyN Awrwm iksy vI sVk vwhn dy sur`iKAq sMcwln leI Enw hI mh`qvpUrn hY ijMnw audyS SkqI leI bwlx dI loV huMdI hY[ ieh XkInI bxwaux leI qknIkW is`Ko Aqy vrqo qW ik qusIN sucyq, ishqmMd Aqy sucyq rho[jdoN qusIN Awpxy mu`Fly qOr 'qy susq, ivcwr nwl BrI, twsk ErIAYNitf gqIivDI dy idn bwry c`ldy ho qW ksrq kro[

inkolw dy sMsQwpk tRYvr imltn 'qy invySkW nUM gumrwh krn dw doS kolw kwrp dy sMsQwpk Aqy iek vwr kwrjkwrI cyAr tRyvr imltn ny 29 julweI nUM inaUXwrk ivc ienHW doSW dw swhmxw krn leI Awqm-smrpx kr id`qw sI ik aus ny ielYkitRk Aqy hweIfRojn nwl c`lx vwly tr`k stwrtAp bwry JUT boilAw sI Aqy ies qoN ibnw mhWmwrI dOrwn Awmdn dI qlwS kr rhy kuJ iv`qI qOr 'qy sMGrS kr rhy nvyN invySkW nUM PswieAw sI[ aus 'qy sur`iKAw DoKwDVI dy 2 Aqy wire fraud dy ie`k doS lgwey gey sn[ aus ny Awpxy Awp nUM doSI kbUl krnw nhIN mMinAw Aqy aus nUM 100 imlIAn fwlr dI zmwnq 'qy irhwA kr id`qw igAw Aqy aus dy vkIl ny ibAwn jwrI kIqw ik imltn nUM ikvyN doS mukq kIqw jwvygw[imltn dy vkIl ny ikhw,” ieh kwnUMnI kwrobwrI ivvhwr nUM AprwDI bxwaux leI srkwr dIAW koiSSW iv`c ie`k nvW GtIAwpx hY”[imltn dy vkIl ny ikhw, AmrIkw dy hr kwrjkwrI nUM frnw cwhIdw hY[ausny ieh vI dwAvw kIqw ik sbUqW dI vI Gwt hY Aqy mh`qvpUrn gvwhW dI ieMtrivaU lYx iv`c puils AsPl rhI hY[ mYnhYtn dy iek AmrIkI AtwrnI ny ikhw ik imltn ny nvMbr 2019 qoN inkolw dy tr`k Aqy qknwlojI dI siQqI bwry JUTy Aqy gumrwhkuMn dwAvy kIqy sn Aqy ikhw sI ik inkolw vn AXog sI[ ipCly swl ihMfnbrg Koj dI iek irport ivc imltn dy dwAivAW nwl vI iesy qrHW ikhw igAw sI ik inkolw dI sPlqw "iek guMJldwr DoKwDVI" sI[ ies qoN ielwvw,



imltn v`loN ie`k vIfIE sp`StIkrn id`qw igAw sI ik ikvyN tr`k ny AwpxI SkqI qoNy hyTW c`lx qoN AsmrQ irhw sI[ imltn ny invySkW nUM ieh kih ky guumrwh kIqw sI ik inkolw ny ijhVw bYjr tr`k bxwieAw sI, "bYjr" nUM "grwaUNf A`p" qoN, jdoN ik ieh s`c nhIN sI Aqy ausny ieh kih ky invySkW nUM gumrwh kIqw ik inkolw ibnW iksy kImq 'qy hweIfRojn pYdw kr irhw sI hwlWik imltn nUM pqw sI ik koeI hweIfRojn pYdw nhIN kIqI jw rhI sI[ doS-p`qr iv`c ikhw igAw hY ik dwAivAwN dw audyS pRcUn invySkW nUM inSwnw bxwauxw sI ijnHW kol pihlW koeI vI stwk mwrkIt dw qzrbw nhIN sI[ pr ienHW iv`c auh lok Swml sn ijnHW kol pihlW SyAr bwzwr dw koeI qjrbw nhIN sI ijnHW ny kyvl GtI Awmdn dI BrpweI leI vpwr krnw SurU kr id`qw[ ienHW GtnwvW nwl hzwrW fwlrW dw nukswn hovygw, ijs iv`c irtwiermYNt b`cqW dw nukswn jW inkolw iv`c invyS krn leI auDwr ley PMf Swml sn[ ies dOrwn, imltn nUM invySkW nUM gumrwh krn leI pRyirq kIqw igAw sI kyvl qy kyvl "Awpxy Awp nUM AmIr bxwaux Aqy ie`k au~dmI vjoN Awpxy k`d nUM au~cw cu`kx leI,"[ doS-p`qr iv`c ikhw igAw sI ik inkolw iv`c aus dI idlcspI dw mu`l ie`k smyN 8.5 iblIAn fwlr q`k vD igAw, ijs nwl auh dunIAw dy 100 AmIr lokW dI sUcI ‘c Swml hox dy Awpxy supny dy nyVy phuMc igAw[ SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2021


Being Comfortable in Your Truck While Driving eing comfortable while driving is paramount to withstanding the pressures of long hours of constant decision making while on the road. Yes, driving is much more cerebral than physical so be constantly aware of your personal attention levels at all times. Your comfort level and periodic adjustments to that comfort level are critical to your well being and the well being of those road users with whom you share road proximity. First, as you’re doing your first daily inspection, incorporate some stretching exercises to ensure the blood is flowing where it needs to flow. Make sure your clothing isn’t too tight where it could facilitate a constriction of blood flow. Then, when you get into your seat, adjust the height so that the top of your thighs are parallel with the floor with your feet flat on the floor and that the back of your legs where the bend over the seat isn’t a pressure point. I’ve discovered that proper seat adjustment can greatly improve comfort. Adjust the steering wheel (if that capability exists) so your as comfortable as possible. Just because the seat was comfortable for you at the end of yesterday, today is a new day; thus, readjust the setting for this new day. You will be making adjustments as the day progresses to modify your position at the wheel every hour or so just to effect a change in the way you’re sitting and to ensure proper blood flow to your legs. If you don’t make these simple adjustments, problems such as oedema will become an issue as you age. Oedema is where bodily fluids collect around your lower legs and feet causing swelling that is painful at best, dangerous at worst. Compression socks may help prevent the swelling but making adjustments as to how you’re sitting can ward off the need for compression socks. Oedema is preventable but can be the forerunner, an indicator if you will, of heart issues. So, being comfortable at all times and making seating adjustments regularly is critical. About every hour or so, lower slightly the height of your seat for a period of time, then raise it slightly for another period. You’ll feel the difference in your legs immediately. When you have clear dry roads, utilize cruise control, if so equipped, and shuffle your feet on the floor to exercise slightly as you drive. Every chance you get to stop, stop and employ some stretching activity. You have to do a circle check every two hours anyway, so why not multitask and do stretching exercises between check points. Make sure your water bottle, coffee mug or whatever is your choice of beverage is within easy reach while you’re seated and hydrate regularly. Not only does this slight movement improve physical alertness, it keeps your mind alert as well.


As you drive, employ deep breathing techniques. The technique I use is slowly breathe in filling the lungs fully. If you haven’t done breathing exercises consciously before, you may feel you’ve overfilled your lungs and it will cause you to cough; but build up to it. Then, once your lungs are fully inflated, hold your breath for as long as you can. Ten seconds should be the goal but find your own level of discomfort. After holding your breath, slowly release the air through your mouth, the hold your breath again for ideally ten seconds. Then slowly breath in through your nose that second filling breath and repeat the cycle for about ten times. Don’t worry if ten seconds increments are too much for you; start thinking about the way you breath. During this exercise, I can reduce myself to two breaths per minute with absolutely no




reduction in my oximeter readings. But, I don’t breathe like this constantly throughout the day. I employ this technique maybe twice a day and use it when that time occurs when your eyes just don’t want to stay open and your log book doesn’t provide for a rest period. Your driving comfort is as critical to the safe operation of any road vehicle as fuel is required for motive power. Learn and utilize techniques to ensure you stay alert, healthy and exercised as you go about your day of basically sedentary, thought filled, G. RAY GOMPF task oriented activity NATIONAL MAGAZINE





What do you mean it’s a year wait!? very single day I’m getting calls asking about quad flat deck trailers for sale. They’re looking for anything new or used. Unfortunately, neither is available at most dealerships across Canada and the United States. If you see a trailer on the lot, surprise, surprise it’s not available. It was sold to a client months in advance and only just arrived for that client to pick It up. With new trailers being tough to come by, used trailers are also hard to come by because you only sell your used trailer once you have your new trailer. What can you do? Some manufacturers are back ordered a year or more. Some manufacturers are not even taking orders at all. If you already have a trailer, I have been advising truckers to order the trailer and do NOT sell the trailer they have. Sell the current trailer ONLY when the new trailer is in your possession. If you have no trailer, waiting that long will have you end up paying about half the trailer’s value in rent, so that is very difficult. Some have ordered multiple trailers, and trying to sell them at a premium. Selling them for $5-10,000 more than the dealerships price. This while enterprising, can cause issues with insurance for the buyer. When they over pay, the insurance provider will only cover the real value, not the inflated profit value you paid. If there in an accident or fire, the buyer could face a significant loss. I advise





drivers to make sure they get the actual bill of sale to confirm the real price in these situations and then decide if they want to order direct themselves. Sometimes when buying in bulk and selling for profits later, it may also remove the warranty. That is something that needs to be verified. Some manufacturers offer warranty to the first owner, and some offer the warranty on the serial number. You should find out before you end up buying an overpriced trailer that may have no warranty. The manufacturer or dealership can always help clarify this. Money talks in trailer sales. If you seriously want a trailer, put a down payment on one and book a build slot. If you don’t pull out your wallet, you won’t get a trailer. I have people call and ask me to put them on a wait list if anything comes up new or used. There are already 100+ people on that wait list ahead of you. Phoning and waiting will not get you a trailer. Putting money in WILL get you a trailer. I tell truckers, if they are serious about buying a trailer, then put your money down right away to secure a build spot, and build your specifications after. Selling in a competitive environment has been challenging with some manufacturers offering poor terms. One manufacturer with almost a year a half wait, is first giving client’s a specification and price at the time of the sale. Then once the trailer is 150 days from the build, they re-evaluate the price and add $1015k USD to the price, and also take a 10% deposit. This model shows risk. It shows the manufacturer is unwilling to take any risk on the price and forcing that risk on the client. My job entails telling clients this procedure, and once they hear it, most

are furious. They are unwilling to accept these terms. It is difficult to wait maybe a year, and now suddenly your trailer price has been increased by $15k. It’s a hard sell. A few manufacturers do an interesting business plan, which has them selling build slots each month for a certain amount of clients throughout the year. Normally this works efficiently and provides trailers to their clients year round. But unfortunately when other manufacturers are having these year plus waits, clients turn to who do have trailers. Now we see the supposedly solid business plan being disrupted by people who are unable to buy their first choice start taking the build spots of other manufacturers who actually do have build spots. This is great that the manufacturer can seize the business of the competitors who are unable to provide trailers in a timely manner, but also detrimental to their existing clientele. The existing clientele must now wait longer because new clientele are taking their build spots. It’s a never ending cycle. One of the biggest issues with building trailers is the limited parts supply. Things like tires, suspensions, axels etc. are often outsourced, and they are unable to keep up with the high demand. As parts are scarce, the wait gets longer to obtain the trailer. With scarcity come price increases. Prices are constantly changing and increasing almost daily, so don’t expect to pay this year’s prices next year. Expect about 8-10% price increases or more. I know many truckers are frustrated and angry they cannot get equipment. Trucks are also very difficult to get, but the one rule will remain constant; If you want a new truck or trailer, you need to put some money in to guarantee it. Sitting and waiting will get you nothing in this environment. I don’t beat around the bush and tell each person who calls looking for a trailer the same thing, If you are a serious buyer, then show me the money. NATIONAL MAGAZINE

Awfr nUM kuAYf PlYt fỲk KRIdx leI hr roz Pon AwauNdy hn[ aunHW ‘coN keI qW cldy tr`kW dy fYk lYx leI kihMdy hn Aqy keI purwixAW dy[ pr Asl g`l hY ik knyfw Aqy AmrIkw ‘c ienHW dovW ‘coN fIlriSp ‘c auplBD bhuq G`t hn[ jy qusIN ies qrHW dy vyKdy ho qW zrUr hYrwnI vwLI g`l hY[ hYrwnI ies krky ik ieh iml nhIN rhy[ ie`k gwhk nUM pihlW keI mhIny AYfvWs ‘c vyicAw igAw sI[ purwxy vI ies krky nhIN l`B rhy ikauN ik ijhVy nvW lYxw cwhuMdy hn aunHW nUM keI mhIny ieMqzwr krnw pYNdw hY, ies leI auh purwxw hI clwauNdy hn jdoN q`k nvW nhIN imldw[ ies qrHW dI hwlq ‘c kIqw vI kI jw skdw hY[ ieh fỲk bxwaux vwilAW nUM swl swl pihlW hI Awrfr iml cùky hn[ pr keI qW ies dI Gwt hox kwrn ienHW dw Awrfr hI nhIN lY rhy[aunHW tr`kW vwiLAW nUM, ijhVy purwxw vyc ky nvW lYxw cwhuMdy hn, nUM ieh slwh dyxI cwhuMdI hW ik auh nvyN imlx qoN bwAd hI pihlw vycx[ aus smyN hI pihlw vycx jd aunHW nUM nvW Awrfr kIqw iml jwvy[ pr jy quhwfy kol tRylr hY hI nhIN qW ikrwey ‘qy ilAw mihMgw vI pYNdw hY[ keIAW ny ie`k nwloN v`D tRylrW dy Awrfr id`qy hoey huMdy hn Aqy ie`k r`K ky bwkI vyc idMdy hn[ ies ‘c aunHW nUM Pwiedw vI huMdw hY ikauN ik auh Asl id`qI kImq nwloN 5 qoN 10 hzwr ivcwly kmw lYNdy hn[ keI vwr ies nwL ieMSUrYNs dI vI sm`isAw AwauNdI hY[ ikauN ik KRIdx vwlw rkm qW Asl kImq nwloN v`D qwrdw hY pr ieMSUrYNs Asl kImq dI hI huMdI hY[ r`b nw kry jy ikDry durGtnw ho jwvy jW A`g vgYrw l`g jwvy qW nukswny tRylr dy pYsy vI Asl kImq Anuswr hI imldy hn[ ijs nwL kwPI Gwtw vI pYNdw hY[ies qrHW dy hwlwq ‘c mYN ieh hI slwh dyvWgI ik auh ies dI Asl mùl dw hI ib`l lYx Aqy ies qoN bwAd Awp is`Dw tRylr lYx dw Awrfr dyx[ keI vwr munwPw kmwaux leI jdoN ie`k nwloN v`D ‘c KRId kIqI jwvy qW iPr vwrMtI



ies dw kI mqlb ik quhwnUM ie`k swl dI aufIk krnI pvygI pYS brwV

vI nhIN imldI[ ies leI ies g`l v`l iDAwn dyx dI vI loV hY[ kùJ bxwaux vwLy qW pihly gwhk Bwv KRIdx vwly nUM hI vwrMtI idMdy hn Aqy keI sIrIAl nMbr Anuswr[ ies leI jdoN qusIN Asl mùl qoN v`D ‘qy tRylr KRIdxw hovy qW quhwnUM ies sbMDI pihlW hI pqw hoxw cwhIdw hY[ tRylrW dI syl ‘c qW pYsy dw KylH hY[ jy quhwnUM tRylr cwhIdw hI hY qW pihly qW fwaUn pymYNt dy idE Aqy Aglw bùk kr idE[ jy qusIN jybH hI iF`lI nhIN krnI qW tRylr imlxw AOKw hY[ mYnUM bhuiqAW dy Pon AwauNdy hn ik aunHW nUM ieh KRIdx leI vyt ilst ‘qy r`K ilAw jwvy[ pr vyt ilst ‘c vI quhwfy nwloN A`gy 100 KRIdx vwLy huMdy hn[ ieh nw smJo ik Pon krdy rihx nwL jW aufIk krn nwL quhwnUM ieh iml jwvygw[ mYN tr`kW vwly, ijnHW nUM ieh trylr cwhIdy hn aunHW nUM ieh slwh idMdI rihMdI hW ik auh fwaUn pymYNt jmHW krvw dyx[ ies qoN bwAd hI aufIk krnI SurU krn[ jdoN mukwbly dy hwlwq ‘c vycx dI g`l hY qW ieh bhuq muSikl hY[ ikauN ik bhuq swry bxwaux vwLy bhuq swrIAW byloVIAw SrqW r`K idMdy hn[ swl fyF swl Br dI aufIk krn leI kihx vwLw tRylr dIAW KUbIAW qW pihlW d`s idMdw hY pr aus dI kImq aus smyN dI lwvygw jdoN auh dyxw huMdw hY[ jy tRylr 150 idnW bwAd imlxw hY qW auh aus smyN dI kImq pw ky 10-15 hzwr fwlr v`D dI kImq lw idMdw hY Aqy ies qoN ibnw 10% AYfvWs rkm vI lY lYNdw hY[ pr keI vwr ijhVw mwfl ikhw jWdw hY aus sbMDI ieh Kqrw vI huMdw hY ik inklygw iks qrHW dw[ ies dw mqlb ieh hY ik smyN qoN pihlW pYsy lYx vwLI mYnUPYkcrr kMpnI kImq sbMDI koeI Kqrw mùl nhIN lYxw cwhuMdI Aqy swry dw swrw irsk KRIdx vwLy isr mVH idMdI hY[ myrw kMm hY ik ieh swrw kùJ gwhk nUM pihlW hI d`s dyvW[ keI vwr qW ieh sB sux ky gwhk duKI vI huMdw hY[ bhuq vwr qW auh ieh SrqW mMnx leI iqAwr vI nhIN huMdy[ pihlW qW swl Br dI aufIk iPr musIbq ies dI ik

10-15 hzwr dw vwDU Krcw[ieh g`l hY vI TIk nhIN[ kuùJ inrmwqw ie`k AjIb kwrobwrI plYn pyS krdy hn[ ies ‘c auh swl Br leI gwhkW dI insicq mwqrw leI hr mhIny kùJ rkm lY ky iblf slwt vycdy hn[ ieh kMm bVI huiSAwrI nwL kIqw jWdw hY Aqy auh Awpxy gwhkW nUM swl Br leI ie`k tRylr idMdy hn[ pr bdiksmqI nwL jdoN hor inrmwqw ies swl leI aufIkW krdy huMdy hn qW KRIdx vwLw ieh vyK ky ik tRylr iks kol hn aus v`l cly jWdy hn[ ies qrHW AsIN vyKdy hW ik Tos kwrobwrI Xojnw aunHW lokW dI Xojnw ‘c ivGn pwauNdI hY ijhVy s`cmùc KRIdx vwLy huMdy hn[ trylr bxwaux vwiLAW leI ie`k v`fI muSikl ieh hY ik ih`sy purizAW dI splweI sImq hY[ keI vwr twier, sspYNSn, AYkisl dI pUrqI Gt jWdI hY[ kwrn ieh ik ieh sB ijMnI mMg hY aus Anuswr nhIN bxdy[ ijs qrHW ijvyN ih`sy purizAW dI Gwt hY ausy qrHW tRylr lYx dI aufIk vI lMbI hY[ ieh qW mMg Aqy pUrqI dw AsUl hY ik jdoN mMg v`D Aqy splweI G`t hovy qW kImqW vD jWdIAW hn[ kImqW qW vDdIAW hI jw rhIAW hn[ Aqy ieh m`q soco ik Agly swl vI ies swl vwLIAW kImqW hI dyxIAW hn[ Aws r`Ko ik ies swl nwloN Agly swl G`to G`t 8-10% v`D kImq dyxI pvygI[ mYnUM pqw hY ik bhuq swry tr`kW vwly ies qrHW dy vrqwry Aqy smwn nw imlx qoN bhuq duKI hn[ tr`k lYxw ikhVw sOKw hY: pr ie`k inXm sdw hI hY: ik jy qusIN nvW tr`k jW trylr lYxw cwhuMdy ho qW ies ‘c quhwnUM kùJ pYsy grMtI leI vI dyxy pYxy hn[ ieho ijhy mwhOl ‘c quhwnUM bihx jW aufIkx nwL koeI Pwiedw nhIN hovygw[ ieh g`lW byqukIAW nhIN Aqy nw hI mYN ie`Dr auDr dIAW mwr rhI hW[jy qusIN ies qrHW dI KRId krn leI gMBIr ho qW mYnUM Pon kro Aqy ieh vI d`so ik quhwfy kol ies leI ikMny ku pYsy hn[ SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2021


Cummins Begins Testing of Hydrogen-Fueled Internal Combustion Engine ummins Inc. has taken another step forward in advancing zero carbon technology as the company began testing a hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engine. The proof-of-concept test is building on Cummins’ existing technology leadership in gaseous-fuel applications and powertrain leadership to create new power solutions that help customers meet the energy and environmental needs of the future. “Cummins is thrilled about the potential of the hydrogen engine to reduce emissions and provide power and performance for customers,” said Srikanth Padmanabhan, President of the Engine Segment. “We are using all new engine platforms equipped with the latest technologies to improve power density, reduce friction and improve thermal efficiency, allowing us to avoid the typical performance limitations and efficiency compromises associated with converting diesel or natural gas engines over to hydrogen fuel. We have made significant technological advancements and will continue moving forward. We are optimistic about bringing this solution to market.” Following the proof-of-concept testing, the company plans




to evaluate the engine in a variety of on- and off-highway applications, supporting the company’s efforts to accelerate the decarbonization of commercial vehicles. “The hydrogen engine program can potentially expand the technology options available to achieve a more sustainable transport sector, complementing our capabilities in hydrogen fuel cell, battery electric and renewable natural gas powertrains,” said Jonathon White, Vice-President of Engine Business Engineering. Hydrogen engines offer OEMs and end-users the benefit of adaptability by continuing to use familiar mechanical drivelines with vehicle and equipment integration mirroring that of current powertrains while continuing to provide the power and capability for meeting application needs. The hydrogen engines can use green hydrogen fuel, produced by Cummins-manufactured electrolyzers, emitting near zero CO2 emissions through the tailpipe and near zero levels of NOx. The projected investment in renewable hydrogen production globally will provide a growing opportunity for the deployment of hydrogen-powered fleets utilizing either Cummins fuel cell or engine power. NATIONAL MAGAZINE

Wreck on 417 Claims 2 Lives: But are We Forgetting a Third Victim? G. RAY GOMPF n the early hours of August 23, 2021 there was an horrific wreck on the 417 East bound near Panmure Road in the extreme west end of Ottawa. Two people lost their lives. The details, although the wreck is still being investigated, happened when a pick up truck, pulling a utility trailer, stopped in the middle of the right hand live lane. The occupants got out of the pick up and were standing between the truck and trailer when a large tractor trailer struck the small trailer at full highway speed, immediately killing the two pedestrians who were outside. Had they stayed in the pickup and still been struck, they would probably still be alive; injured, no doubt,


but alive. News reports noted the large tractor trailer driver was uninjured. The truck driver may not have been physically injured but that doesn’t mean he’s uninjured. I maintain not a single human being involved in a fatal wreck can possibly be uninjured. Personal experience and the experiences shared by my trucking peers lead me to think that anyone involved in a fatal wreck must be considered injured and treatment must be provided until that uninjured driver deals with the mental trauma. That mental trauma is always significant. The news report stated the trucking company did not respond to a request for an interview. That in itself should tell you

the driver is not uninjured, he’s simply not bleeding. The mental health of our nations truck drivers, all 400,000 of them need to be able to resolve those issues that arise during the course of their daily duties. Even witnessing a wreck, fatal or otherwise, can cause mental stresses that few understand. This is Ray and this is my opinion.

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Vol.12 - Issue 4 Sept/Oct 2021

How Has Truck Tire Technology Changed?

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Panamera GTS

orsche's roots are in producing sports cars and racing thoroughbreds, so it should come as no surprise that the company paints its other offerings with the same brush. The Porsche Panamera represents the German auto maker's first executive sedan offering albeit a hatchback with a rounded rearend instead of the traditional trunk design favoured by many of its rivals. The car debuted as a 2010 model to much fanfare, and a revised second-generation model took flight for model year 2017 sporting a host of styling cues borrowed from the iconic 911. This new car was a little larger and included a more progressive interior and greater levels of luxury and safety. For 2021 the evolution continues as the car has been given a subtle facelift which includes the company's SportDesign front fascia as standard equipment as well as a striking LED strip that bisects the tail. Enhancing the car's sporty nature is the addition of a fully functional rear diffuser as well as revisions to the car's chassis to improve both ride and handling. Minor updates to the interior include a redesigned steering-wheel and paddlecontrol set-up. I was surprised to learn that Porsche offers 21 models of the Panamera models for our market, including a combination of regular and extended wheelbase sedans



as well a shooting brake wagon, mated to a wide array of power-trains ranging from a turbocharged 2.9-litre V6 to a twin-turbocharged 4.0-litre V8 partnered with a hybrid electric motor. Our test unit was the GTS, the car that Porsche has designed to appeal to those individuals who really enjoy driving. Cloaked in stunning Carmine Red paint (a $3,730 option) and rolling on black multispoke wheels , the GTS latter which fall in line with the black trim and styling elements characteristic of Porsche's GTS badged offerings. The Panamera usually offers seating for four, but our tester featured the 2+1 option which replaces the rear centre storage armrest with a narrow third seating position increasing the vehicle's capacity to five. The two outboard rear seating positions feature supportive bucket seats that mimic the design of the front units, and these offer more than enough room for all but the tallest individuals. The car's cockpit has been designed to place the driver in the optimal setting to become one with the car, and the most vital controls, gauges and switches are easily accessible for the operator. The driving position allows for driving efficiency as well as comfort. The waterfall console has far fewer buttons than the original car's design so it looks uncluttered and modern, but I found that I missed some

of those buttons as they were more far easier to use when making adjustments to features like the infotainment and HVAC settings than the current setup which requires several layers of operation to do the same job. Once seated behind the Alcantarawrapped GT Sport steering wheel the driver can adjust the column both fore and aft. An easy-to-read assemblage of fivegauges comprises the instrument clustre, and you can configure these to your liking using steering-wheel mounted controls. The digital faces proved resistant to glare and were really prominent at night. The 18-way adjustable body-hugging sports seats feature Alcantara inserts and the material is used throughout the cabin of the GTS, including the headliner. A splash of colour in the form of contrasting stitching and bold headrest embroidery help mark the GTS as something a little different from other models, as does the presence of the Carmine Red seatbelts. Porsche gives the GTS front heated seats as standard fare, and adding the Premium Package outfits the rear as well, but ventilated seats are an additional upgrade. The Premium Package also gives the car a 4-zone climate control system, soft close doors, customizable ambient cabin lighting, and a Bose surround sound audio system. The car's 12-inch NATIONAL MAGAZINE

Designed to be Driven

infotainment sits high on the dash and features touch screen capabilities and very crisp graphics. Apple CarPlay and Android Auto are standard fare. The GTS gets its motivation from a 4.0-litre twin-turbocharged V8 engine that produces 473-horsepower and 457 foot-pounds of torque. Power is delivered to all four wheels through a new 8-speed variant of Porsche’s ultra-quick, dual clutch Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK) auto-manual which comes partnered with paddle shift levers on the steering wheel. Porsche's Porsche Traction Management (PTM) active all-wheel drive system is a proven entity, and having it on board inspires confidence in the driver as it helps give the GTS unbelievable levels of grip; so much so in fact, that you have to be driving way over your head to induce either under-or over-steer in this automobile. Porsche's all-wheel-drive system will actively route most of the power to the rear wheels to help preserve the preferred driving experience of most enthusiasts, but should the need arise it will redirect power forward to help maintain traction. This car truly powers through corners like it is on rails. The GTS is slightly longer than its stable mates (4mm) and the car rides10 millimetres lower as it comes with the latest update of Porsche's Active Suspension Management (PASM) system NATIONAL MAGAZINE

as standard equipment which features three distinct modes- Normal, Sport and Sport Plus. The GTS also features Porsche Stability Management (PSM) and Porsche Torque Vectoring (PTV); two electronic marvels that help the car maintain traction and hopefully, keep you as the driver, out of trouble. As you would expect from a Porsche product acceleration is a strong point of this package. Power delivery comes on instantaneously and in a linear manner as the twin-scroll turbochargers spool free of hesitation allowing the engine to deliver peak torque between 1,800 and 4,000 rpm. As a result, this car will launch from a standstill to 100-km/h in 3.9 seconds. To help keep speed in check the GTS is equipped ABS-supported oversized ventilated disc brakes front and rear, but carbon ceramic units are available as an option. The 4.0-litre twin-turbocharged V8 emits a throaty growl through the standard equipment sport exhaust system, especially when in Sport or Sport Plus mode. I get excited just thinking about the sound this car makes when driven in anger, and found the aggressive engine note to be highly addictive. The car truly comes alive when you elect to shift the 8-speed transmission manually with the paddles. In fact, shifting through the gears is the best way to really explore


the performance capabilities of this car. This car handles like a much smaller vehicle, probably due to its rear-wheel steering (Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus). The car is quick to settle into the apex of a corner with just gentle inputs from the driver. The Michelin Pilot Sport 4S tires kept the car grounded even during higher speed manoeuvres and emitted very little road noise. Additional safety equipment on our GTS tester included the Assistance Package ($5,190) which includes Porsche InnoDrive with Adaptive Cruise Control, Park Assist including Surround View, and a head-up display. The aforementioned Premium Package ($5,820) also adds Lane Change Assist and the LED-Matrix Design headlights which include Porsche Dynamic Light System Plus (PDLS+). The Panamera is unique in that it is an all-wheel-drive sedan with sporting intentions that offers the versatility of a hatchback design. But what makes the GTS model so special is the visceral sound and feel of piloting a luxurious and capable car with a high-performance V8 engine. The world is changing and unfortunately V8 engines are an endangered species, so I suggest that you enjoy cars like this while we still have the ability to relish in all that makes them so enjoyable to drive.




Subscription Safety Services Can Save Your Life e Prepared. When English soldier Robert Baden-Powell came up with the Be Prepared motto for the Boy Scouts, he hoped that young men would interpret it to mean that they should prepare themselves by planning and practicing how to act in the event of an emergency so that they are never taken by surprise. I was a scout, but I definitely wasn't prepared for the unfortunate series of events that would end up becoming quite the ordeal. My week began on a high note as I had just picked up the 2021 RAM TRX - the most high-performance and capable off-road pickup truck ever produced by a major manufacturer. It features a supercharged V8 that produces 707-hp and a chassis and suspension ready to tackle Baja. After spending a day exploring the truck’s outstanding balance and ride quality on the road, I decided to get principal photography done before the truck got too dirty. I ventured to one of my favourite locations to take photos of the truck- the Stave Lake recreation area in Mission, BC. Stave Lake is a man-made lake which was created by flooding a shallow valley to provide a water source for a pair of hydroelectric dams that produce electricity for a large portion of the Fraser Valley. At the time of my visit the mud flats were more exposed than usual as BC Hydro had lowered the lake’s water level to do some maintenance on one of the dams. As I was hoping to shoot beauty shots of the TRX I was doing my best to keep the truck clean. This required me to stick to the gravel areas and travel at low speeds as I navigated to one of the most unique areas where ghostly looking stumps emerge from the water. One look at the sky revealed that I would have to work quickly as



weather conditions were transitioning from a period of scattered clouds to something more ominous. Luckily, I am efficient with my camera and was confident that I would be able to escape before the rains began to fall and transform the area into a slick mess. I soon packed up my gear and began to retrace my route out of the flats. As I neared the perimeter road that I had used to navigate around the few exposed mud holes I came to a short stretch that would require me to place my driver’s side wheels on a plateau between two water filled ruts. After exiting the truck and walking the surface to see if the surface was solid I assumed my risk of getting stuck was minimal. Sometimes fast is good in off-road situations, and this would have been one of them, but I was driving gingerly to preserve the truck's appearance. I lined up my wheel to run down the centre of the plateau, but just as I hit the point of no return I sensed the truck sliding sideways as if it was on ice! The TRX is fitted with Goodyear Wrangler Territory A/T tires which have been designed to excel in sand and gravel, but Stave Lake’s high clay content mud had packed the tread, effectively turning the tires into sleds. I was almost through the area of concern when I felt the rear end drop as the wheels slotted into the deep ruts. Even with the truck set up for mud (in the special terrain settings) and in fourwheel -drive the rear tires couldn’t get a grip as the truck was now perched on the plateau. Things would quickly get worse as raindrops started to speckle the windshield. It was spring break, so there were a number of people enjoying a day on the flats, and over the course of the next seven hours, I received assistance from seven people and four different trucks. Unfortunately, all of these efforts proved mute. Trucks got stuck, straps got broken, and winches failed to budge the mighty TRX. NATIONAL MAGAZINE


A supercharged V8 that produces 707-hp and a chassis and suspension ready to tackle Baja Using a borrowed shovel I attempted to clear a path for the truck's wheels that would reduce resistance when a towing force was applied. Unfortunately, my digging merely provided a new channel for water to flow, and as the rain picked up the ruts became moats. As the rain continued it transformed the surface into something akin to chili con carne. It became apparent that the spare wheel that is mounted underneath the truck bed was acting as a big suction cup in the mud, and without lift to break its force, the truck wasn’t going anywhere. Simple towing wasn't going to free the truck; this was now a recovery. Once it was dark, it was evident that we weren’t going to have any luck extracting the truck on our own. Unfortunately, the area has no cell service, but one of my failed rescuers let me know that they would call for help when they got back into cell range. I didn’t feel comfortable leaving the truck as it would likely be exposed to parts pirates if left unguarded in such an isolated location, but also, because we were still in the midst of the pandemic. Just as I started to settle in for the night it began to snow. Now for some backstory. I have been dealing with a serious medical issue for three years, one that has required numerous surgeries and some changes to my lifestyle. The pandemic had derailed the next steps in my treatment, but I had been feeling well at the time of my stranding. That is, until I over- exerted myself trying to extricate the truck. A lack of food, medication, and a couple of other factors triggered a serious medical emergency. So much for being prepared. I couldn’t sleep as the combination of raindrops, snowflakes and hail pelted the truck in the darkness. When I got cold, I would start the truck for a couple of minutes and heat the seats, but my physical fatigue and discomfort continued to mount as daylight NATIONAL MAGAZINE

returned. The landscape was almost unrecognizable as the mud was now covered with a thin blanket of snow, and a thick fog hung in the air. By 9:00AM I was losing faith in the arrival of dedicated help. I had no idea if a tow truck had been dispatched, and my medical situation had escalated to the point that I knew that I couldn’t risk being out here much longer without things becoming more dire. It was time to utilize the truck's Uconnect communications system to summon for help. There are two buttons located in the TRX's overhead console that comprise the SiriusXM Guardian Connected Services and can be used to initiate calls for roadside assistance or to summon emergency personnel. The Assistance button is used for less serious situations like when you run out of gas, suffer a flat-tire, or need to arrange for a towtruck. The SOS button is readily available when you have been in an accident or have a medical emergency, and will actually engage on its own should the vehicle be involved in a crash where the airbags are deployed. At the touch of either button the system utilizes its own cell signal to connect to a call centre where an operator is available 24-hours a day. My operator was a very pleasant woman in Montreal, who much like a 911 operator is trained to identify the problem at hand, calm and comfort the person in peril, and summon assistance as needed. The truck’s display screen relayed the status of my call, my geographical coordinates, and the length of the call. An indicator on the screen showed that my location was so remote that the system had just a single bar of effective range, but that was still better than what was available on my personal device. Once connected the operator asked my name and about my condition. I told her that I was stuck and that I needed to call for SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2021 29

a tow truck. She informed me that I would need to use the Assistance button to arrange that. I then informed her about my medical issue, which became the priority, and she asked if I needed to be extricated from the vehicle. Luckily, I did not. I was then asked some questions to determine if I was going to be a Covid-19 exposure risk to rescue personnel. The operator had my GPS coordinates, but as I was alert and lucid I was able to give her more detailed directions and a report on access issues. After about 10 minutes she informed me that help was on the way, and then connected me to the Assistance operator to begin the process of getting the truck recovered. The Guardian operator remained on the line, checking in with me at regular intervals to see if anything had changed with regards to my physical condition or situation and informing me of updates from her end. It took 90 minutes for rescue vehicles to arrive on site, but the operator didn't terminate the call until she knew that a paramedic had made physical contact with me and that I was now in safe hands. After a brief hike to the main road and a bumpy ride in an ambulance I was treated in the Emergency department of the local hospital, but the truck's recovery would have to wait until the next day. What began as a rather routine afternoon visit to a familiar location quickly morphed into an extremely stressful day and a life-threatening night due to a change in the weather and a simple slip of the wheel. My adventure serves as a quick reminder that accidents and emergency situations can happen at any time, and that you won't always be prepared to meet their challenges. Subscription services like SiriusXM Guardian are well worth the cost as they enhance the safety of you and your passengers, but I cannot stress enough that it’s important to become acquainted with the system's capabilities before an emergency situation arises.



It’s that time of year! Back to school! Are you ready for the increased traffic? t’s the end of summer and you can almost hear the cheering of parents who can’t wait for their kids to be back in school. It happens every year but a reminder is always a good idea that our roads are about to get busier than ever and there are hazards to watch for. For commercial truck drivers, this means sharing the roads with school bus drivers and parents driving kids to school. There will also be pedestrians and cyclists to watch out for, especially youngsters who may not remember their safety rules.


Be aware of drop-off zones For commercial drivers, avoiding school zones is the best option, when possible. But when it’s unavoidable, use extra caution around schools. Parents aren’t always models of good behaviour as they drop off their kids. In fact, BCAA gave parents in Burnaby, BC, a C- for their behaviour. They definitely won’t go to the head of the class for this behaviour! • Blocking traffic • Making unsafe drop-offs/pick-ups • Speeding in school zones • Not letting other vehicles pass • Encouraging kids to cross roads unsafely As a professional driver, you know better. Be sure to obey the speed limit, watch for school zone signs, and pay attention to crosswalks. When the school bus stops, you stop Many kids, especially in rural areas, are picked up and dropped off at the side of a road. You know this: All drivers must stop when they see red lights on a school bus. It means students are entering or leaving the bus. It applies whether you are driving behind a school bus or toward one. Don’t just watch for kids but expect them to dart out in front of your truck. Stay put until the bus moves or the driver signals it’s safe to proceed by turning off the flashing lights.

Share the road with cyclists ICBC reports that, on average, nearly four out of five crashes involving cyclists in BC occur at intersections. Be kind as you share the roads with cyclists. • Yield the right-of-way, and signal well in advance if you need to pull over or cross a designated bike lane. • Scan for cyclists before you enter the roadway, shoulder check for cyclists before turning right, and watch for oncoming cyclists before turning left. • Maintain at least three seconds behind cyclists and at least one metre when passing a cyclist. • Do a shoulder check before you open the door of your cab. Animals on the Road Urban drivers likely won’t see many animals heading back to school, but outside the city you may need to watch for wildlife on the road, as well as children and school buses. Remember that fall is a busy time for animals as they migrate to find food and mates. Collisions with wildlife don’t just happen. Hitting wildlife with a vehicle can be very hazardous for people as well as animals. Watch out! • Look for posted signs warning of wildlife in the area. • Slow down and drive to conditions. A reduction in speed as little as 5 kph could make a world of difference. • Focus on driving. A momentary lapse in concentration may be the difference between seeing an animal and reacting properly or being surprised and hitting it. And finally, remember that kids heading back to school are distracted and excited. They may not be watching, so be cautious and give them a brake.

Limit distractions • Distracted driving isn’t just about cell phones. Anything that takes your eyes off the road is a distraction, including your GPS, stereo, and other in-dash electronics. Remember to use your best practices. • Activate your GPS and input your location before you drive away. Don’t try to program it while you’re driving. • Secure any loose items, such as wrappers, coffee cups, CD cases, and anything else that might grab your attention, especially if you have to stop quickly. • Take a deep breath and clear your thoughts. Remember, whatever is on your mind, you can’t do anything about it while you’re driving. Wait until you’re finished driving for the day to deal with it. NATIONAL MAGAZINE



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ilbrtI twierz

AwE ilbrtI twierz dI SwKw vYstrn rbV pRofkts nwL twier rIsweIkilMg ‘qy ie`k Jwq mwrIey doN AsIN Awpxy vhIkl clwauNdy hW qW ies g`l ‘qy ^ws iDAwn idMdy hW ik Awm qy loVINdI murMmq, qyl bdlx, bRyk pYf qy itaUn A`p smyq swrIAW murMmqW smyN smyN isr krvweIAW jwx[ pr swfy ‘coN ku`J lok Awpxy vhIkl dy ie`k zrUrI qy ^ws ih`sy nUM, jo swnUM sVkW ‘qy g`fIAW clwaux leI sB qoN zrUrI hn, auh hn twier, aunHW v`l iDAwn nhIN idMdy[ twier swfy vhIkl nUM lMby smyN q`k c`lx qy sVk ‘qy sur`iKAq r`Kx ‘c bhuq mddgwr shweI huMdy hn, ^ws krky au`qrI AmrIkw dy swfy bdldy mOsmW dOrwn[ jdoN AsIN AwpxI g`fI leI nvyN twier KRIdx jWdy hW qW Awm qOr ‘qy ieh hI socdy hW ik purwxy twier jo ik iblkul Gs cu`ky hn, ienHW nUM su`t id`qw jwvy[ pr jdoN ieh purwxy twier swfIAW A`KW qoN Ehly ho jWdy hn qW Asl ‘c ienHW dw huMdw kI hY? ^Yr, jdoN twierW dI qy twierW dI siQrqw dI g`l AwauNdI hY qW prdy dy ip`Cy bhuq ku`J huMdw hY[ ie`k kMpnI, vYstrn rbV pRofkts, jo ik ibRitS kolMbIAw ‘c siQq hY, ieh Gsy hoey twier lY ky ienHW dI dobwrw swrQk vrqoN krn leI v`K v`K cIzW dw inrmwx krn leI ienHW nUM vrqdI hY[ hwlW ik kMpnI dI SurUAwq bhuq hI Coty p`Dr qoN hoeI sI pr hux vYstrn rbV pRofkts au`qrI AmrIkw ‘c twier rIsweIkilMg kwrobwr ‘c ie`ko ie`k pRmu`K kMpnI bx geI hY[ vYstrn rbV pRofkts dI sQwpnw sQwnk kwrobwrI lokW duAwrw 1989 ‘c kIqI geI sI, ijs ‘c kyvl iqMn krmcwrI Aqy ie`k gRYnUlytr sI, ie`k iksm dI mSInrI jo ie`k Tos pdwrQ qoN Anwj jW dwxy pIsx leI vrqI jWdI hY[ vYstrn rbV pRofkts swry sweIzW dy twierW nUM qoVn leI gRYnUlytr dI vrqoN krdy hn[ vYstrn rbV pRofkts dI mukwblybwzI, isDwqW Aqy twier rIsweIkilMg vwlIAW kwFW dy kwrn, ieh 32 swlW qoN vI v`D smyN qoN lgwqwr



vDdI cly jw rhI hY[ ieh Awpxyy au~c-imAwrI auqpwd, smRipq krmcwrI Aqy trWsportr, Aqy kMpnI dy gwhkW leI Swndwr gwhk syvw pRdwn krn dy nqIjy vjoN twier rIsweIkilMg Kyqr dIAW pRmu`K kMpnIAW ‘coN ie`k bx geI hY[ vYstrn rbV pRofkts 2010 qoN ilbrtI twier rIsweIkilMg dI mlkIAq hn[ ilbrtI twier iptsbrg, pYnislvynIAw qoN bwhr siQq hY Aqy au~qrI AmrIkw ‘c twier rIsweIkilMg syvwvW dI mohrI kMpnI hY[ A`j, vYstrn rbV pRofkts 125 qoN v`D Pu`l tweIm krmcwrIAW dy nwl swl Br dy ruzgwrdwqw vjoN kMm kr rhI hY[ aunHW dw ie`k v`fw tIcw lYNfiPl qoN twierW nUM bwhr r`Kxw hY[ vYstrn rbV pRofkts ibRitS kolMbIAw dy hr BweIcwry nUM AwpxI kMpnI dI mlkIAq vwly trYktrW, tRylrW, Aqy trWsportrW dIAW syvwvW idMdI hY[ kMpnI dI mlkIAq vwLy tRYktrW Aqy tRylrW dy nqIjy vjoN, twier cu`kx dw kMm sQwnk qOr 'qy KwlI tRylrW dI vrqoN krky kIqw jWdw hY, jo hor mwl Fox vwLIAW kMpnIAW duAwrw auplbD krvwey jWdy hn, nhIN qW aunHW nUM KwlI tRylr dy nwL hI fYltw suivDw sYNtr vwps jwxw pvygw[ ies qoN ielwvw, ikauNik vYstrn rbV pRofkts ienHW KwlI tRylrW dI vrqoN krdy hn, ies leI ieh kMpnI kwrbn Pu`tipRMt nUM Gtwaux ‘c vI shwieqw krdI hY, ikauN ik ienHW tRylrW dI vrqoN twierW nUM vwps fYltw iljwx leI kIqI jw rhI hY, ies qrHW gRInhwaUs gYsW nUM vI GtwieAw jw irhw hY[ vYstrn rbV pRofkts loAr mynlYNf qy vYnkovr AweIlYNf qoN kMm krdI hY[ loAr mynlYNf ‘c ienHW dy dovyN hI Adwry fYltw ‘c AYnYiks AweIlYNf ‘c siQq hn; pr, dovyN plWt v`K v`K qrIky nwL kMm krdy hn[ pUry dy pUry twier SrYifMg krky AglyrI vrqoN krn leI klweIvfn NATIONAL MAGAZINE

ArivMd ig`l gRYnUlySn suprvweIzr, 23 swl qoN syvwvW idMdy Aw rhy hn[ "mYnUM ies kMpnI qoN sB kuJ imilAw hY[ jdoN mYN muSikl smyN ‘coN guzr irhw sI, qW aus vyly kMpnI myrI mdd leI myry nwl KVHI sI[ mYN ie`QoN nhIN jwvWgw - mYN ies kMpnI dy nwl sdw hI rhWgw[" kY`n bRwaUn sWB-sMBwl suprvweIzr, 18 swl qoN syvwvW pRdwn krdy Aw rhy hn[ "smu`cy qOr 'qy ieh kMpnI kMm krn leI ie`k bhuq cMgI kMpnI hY[ ilbrtI Awpxy lokW dI dyKBwl qy shwieqw krdI hY”[ jysn mYkfonwlf SrYifMg suprvweIzr, 25 swl dI syvw " ieh swfI kMpnI ie`k AijhI kMpnI hY jo vDdI vDdI bhuq v`fI ho geI hY[ AsIN ie`k vwr 3 mhIinAW ‘c 2 imlIAn pONf rIsweIkl krn dw supnw dyiKAw sI, Aqy hux AsIN ieh 2 hPiqAW ‘c kr rhy hW Aqy ieh g`l mMnxXog nhIN lgdI[ AsIN dunIAw nUM ie`k ibhqr sQwn bxwaux leI ieh kMm kr rhy hW, AsIN vwqwvrx dI vI dyKBwl kr rhy hW Aqy ieh auh cIz hY ijs 'qy mYnUM bhuq mwx hY[" NATIONAL MAGAZINE


AYvyinaU plWt mu`K PYktrI hY[ ieh plWt 40,000 vrg Pu`t dy Awkwr dw hY Aqy ies ‘c storyj qy pRosYisMg QW dI vrqoN krn leI do eykV QW bwhrly pwsy hY[ AYlfPorf AYvyinaU plWt iPiniSMg leI vriqAw jWdw hY[ ies plWt dw sweIz 50,000 vrg Pu`t hY Aqy ie`Qy v`K v`K sweIzW ‘c rbV dy tukiVAW dw inrmwx kIqw jWdw hY[ ieh krMb rbV dI vrqoN keI cIzW leI kIqI jWdI hY ijnHW ‘coN ku`J ie`k cIzW dy nWA hn, ijvyN ik v`fy v`fy Kyf dy mYdwn iqAwr krn leI, keI qrHW dy Plor mYtW qy molf kIqy auqpwd ieqAwid[ qIjw plWt cmynIAs, bI sI hY qy ieh lgBg ie`k eykV dy eyrIey ‘c PYilAw hoieAw hY[ ieh plWt mu`K qOr ‘qy twierW nUM SrY`f krn leI vriqAw hY qW jo fYltw ‘c AYlPorf AYvyinaU plWt ‘qy Byjx qoN pihlW sm`grI nUM Coty Awkwr dy pYkyj bxwaux ‘c shwieqw kr sky[ 1989 iv`c Ku`lHx qoN bwAd, vYstrn rbV pRofkts ny ku`l 22 iblIAn pONf rIsweIkl kIqy auqpwdW (mqlb rbV, twier qwr, PweIbr) leI 100 imlIAn qoN v`D twierW dI vrqoN kIqI hY[ ies qoN ielwvw, ibRitS kolMbIAw iv`c aunHW dy kMm dw Kyqr 945 hzwr vrg iklomItr ‘c PYilAw hoieAw hY[ ies dy Awkwr dw jykr mukwbly krnw hovy qW ieh tYkss rwj nwloN iqMn guxW v`fw hY[ 2020 ‘c vYstrn rbV pRofkts ny Awpxy 100 imlIAn nvyN twier nUM rIsweIkl krky kMpnI dw sB qoN v`fw mIl p`Qr sQwipq kIqw sI[ G`t splweI dy mukwbly rIsweIkl kIqy rbV auqpwdW dI vDyry mMg dy kwrn, vYstrn rbV ies smyN Awpxy gwhkW dIAW Kws zrUrqW qy mMgW nUM pUrw krn leI hr swl dUjy pRWqW qoN keI hzwr tn gYr-pRosYsf sm`grI dI drwmd krdw hY[ vYstrn rbV pRofkts au~qrI AmrIkw iv`c twier rIsweIkilMg ‘c lgwqwr mohrI bxy Aw rhy hn[ kMpnI nw isrP siQrqw ‘c ivSvws hI krdI hY Aqy nwL hI ies dw AiBAws vI krdI hY,sgoN ies dy nwl hI ieh smwj nUM twier rIsweIkilMg iv`c vI jwgrUk krnw cwhuMdI hY[ aunHW dw kihxw hY ik ieh kMm bhuq lMby smyN qoN krn leI bkwieAw ipAw hoieAw hY[

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A Look at Tire Recycling with Western Rubber Products: A Division of Liberty Tires


LIBERTY hen we drive our vehicles, we make sure regular and required maintenance, including oil changes, brake pads and even a tune up, is completed at the proper intervals. However, some of us do not pay close attention to one of our vehicle’s main components which helps it keep running on the roads; these are the tires. Tires play a very important role in our vehicle’s longevity and how it handles on the road, especially during our changing seasons in North America. When we go to a shop to get new tires for our vehicles, we assume that the old ones will be tossed out because their tread is worn out. But what really happens to these tires once they have left our sight? Well, there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes when it comes to tires and tire sustainability. One company, Western Rubber Products, located in British Columbia, takes these worn tires, and creates meaningful ways to reuse them. Although the company has humble



beginnings, Western Rubber Products has now become one of the only major players in the tire recycling business in North America. Western Rubber Products was founded by local entrepreneurs in 1989 with only three employees and one granulator, a type of machinery that is used to form grains or granules from a solid substance. Western Rubber Products uses the granulator to break down all sizes of tires. Due to Western Rubber Products’ competitiveness, philosophy, and innovations with tire recycling, it continued to grow over the 32 years. As a result, it has become one of the major companies in the tire recycling sector due to their high-quality products, dedicated employees and transporters, and outstanding customer service to its clients. Western Rubber Products has been owned by Liberty Tire Recycling since 2010. Liberty Tire is based out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and is the leading provider of tire recycling services in North America.

Today, Western Rubber Products operates as a full-time, year-round employer with over 125 full-time employees. Their one major goal is to keep tires of out the landfill. Western Rubber Products services every community in British Columbia with their company-owned tractors, trailers, and transporters. As a result of company owned tractors and trailers, the collection of the tires is locally based to utilize empty trailers which are made available by other freight companies who would otherwise travel back to the Delta facility empty. Moreover, because Western Rubber Products uses these empty trailers, it assists in the reduction of the carbon footprint because these trailers are being used for transporting tires back to Delta, thus reducing greenhouse gases. Western Rubber Products operates in the Lower Mainland and on Vancouver Island. The two facilities in the Lower Mainland are both located in Delta on Annacis Island; however, each plant operates differently. NATIONAL MAGAZINE

The Cliveden Avenue plant is the main shredding facility of whole tires that are shredded for further processing. This plant is 40,000 square feet in size and contains two acres of outside storage and processing space. The Aldford Avenue plant is the finishing facility, and this plant is 50,000 square feet in size and produces crumb rubber in a wide range of sizes. This crumb rubber is used in the finishing of sports fields, a variety of floor mats and molded products, just to name a few. The third plant is in Chemainus, BC and occupies about one acre of land. This facility is mainly used for shredding the tires and allows for lower volumes of materials before they are sent over to the Alford Avenue plant in Delta. Since opening in 1989, Western Rubber Products has processed over 100 million tires for a total of 2.2 billion pounds of recycled products (i.e., rubber, tire wire, fibre). Moreover, their operating area in British Columbia is 945 thousand square kilometers: to put that into perspective, it’s a third larger than the state of Texas. The company’s biggest milestone was in 2020, when Western Rubber Products recycled their 100 millionth tire.

the company was there for me. I won’t be leaving – I’ll stay with this one.”

Due to the higher demand of recycled rubber products as compared to the lower supply, Western Rubber currently imports several thousand tonnes of unprocessed material from other provinces and states yearly to meet the specifications and orders of their customers. Western Rubber Products continues to be a leader for tire recycling in North America. Not only does the company believe in, and practice, sustainability, it also wants to educate society in tire recycling, a process which they believe is long overdue.

Ken Brown Maintenance Supervisor, 18 years of service “The company as a whole is a good company to work for. Liberty takes care of their people.” Jason McDonald Shredding Supervisor, 25 years of service “We’re a company that has grown a lot. We once dreamed of recycling 2 million pounds in 3 months, and now we’re doing it in 2 weeks and it’s unbelievable. We’re doing things to make the world a better place, we’re taking care of the environment and it’s something I’m very proud of.”

Arvind Gill Granulation Supervisor, 23 years of service “I got everything from this company. When I was going through a hard time,

Recycling We Create





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Shippers Transport Express

Peterbilt Delivers Model 579EVs to Shippers Transport Express


Peterbilt eterbilt Motors Company announced the delivery of ten Model 579EVs to Shippers Transport Express for immediate use as part of their drayage operations at the Port of Oakland. Five additional Model 579EVs are scheduled to be put into service as part of their Port of Long Beach drayage operations in November 2021. Founded in 1993, Shippers Transport specializes in the movement of goods from ports to local distribution centers. Based out of Carson, California, Shippers Transport operates out of four ports up and down the West Coast of the United States. “With the recent completion of the charging infrastructure at the Port of Oakland, right now is the perfect time to put our ten Peterbilt Model 579EVs into service and demonstrate the benefits zero-emission trucks will provide moving cargo around our California ports,” said Guy Sanderson, general manager Shippers Oakland. The fully integrated, battery-electric 579EV in operation by Shippers Transport is optimized for drayage operations requiring two to three trips a day, of up to 50 miles in length before returning home at


night to recharge. When used in conjunction with a recommended DC fast-charger, the state-of-the-art, high-energy density battery packs recharge in three to four hours. “The delivery of new Model 579EVs to Shippers Transport is another example of how Peterbilt’s battery electric vehicles are hard at work with customers across the country in a variety of applications. We are very excited to see our 579EVs moving around the Port of Oakland with the Port of Long Beach set to come online shortly,” said Jason Skoog Peterbilt general manager and PACCAR vice president. The order with Shipper’s Transport Express is part of a $50 million grant obtained from the California Air Resources Board’s Zero and Near Zero Emission Freight Facility (ZANZEFF) program. ZANZEFF funds transform emissions reduction strategies at freight facilities throughout the state. The project is also part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy and improving public health and the environment--particularly in disadvantaged communities. NATIONAL MAGAZINE

We keep you moving,

because you can’t stop. vDIAw qknIk nUM cldw r`Kx leI Aqy murMmq dw kMm smyN isr mukwaux leI, quhwnUM loV hY vDIAw tYknISnW dI[ swfy Cummins dy PYktrI srtIPweIf tYknISIAn dIAW syvwvW, pUry au`qrI AmrIkw ‘c s`qy idn 24 GMty auplbD hn Aqy auh sdw hI quhwnUM bhuq hI vDIAw syvwvW Aqy shwieqw dyx leI vcnb`D hn[ sPr c`ldw r`Ko[ swfI vY`bsweIt ‘qy jwE jW swnMU 1-800-CUMMINS™ ‘qy &on kro[ NATIONAL MAGAZINE



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l dI b`cq, b`cq dw ie`k auh FMg hY ijhVI ik frweIvr dy pYr nwL sbMiDq hY[ jy tr`k clwauNdy smyN Awpxy s`jy pYr dI vrqoN TIk FMg nwl kro qW ies nwL sihjy hI qyl dI 2% q`k b`cq ho skdI hY[ kùJ hor cIzW vI hn ijnHW nwl qyl dI b`cq ho skdI hY[ aunHW ‘c bhuqIAW Awey Krcy nwloN qyl dI v`D b`cq kr skdIAW hn, aunHW ‘coN ie`k hY eIko- iPnz (Eco-Fins)[ AMdwzn 200 fwlr tr`k Aqy 200 fwlr tRylr, jdoN kyvl tRYktr hI hovy 2% qyl dI Awm vrqoN dI Kpq ‘c b`cq, jy iek`lw tRylr hovy qW 2%, pr jdoN dovyN iek`Ty hox qW 6% dI b`cq kIqI jw skdI hY[ ieh bhuq v`fI g`l hY[ ies qoN ibnw eIko-iPnz sVk ‘qy tr`k dI siQrqw nUM vI vDwauNdI hY[ ieh Pwiedw qW hor vwDU ‘c imldw hY[ ieh swry aupkrx lwauxy vI sOKy hI hn[ ieh ie`k GMty dy iv`c iv`c hI l`g jWdy hn[ienHW nUM Awp vI lwieAw jw skdw hY[ ijhVy kMm qusIN Awpxy qknIkI pYr nwl kr skdy ho auh qW bhuq sOKy hn[ pr quhwfI rPqwr (gqI) ijhVw ik dUjw iPaUl hY aus nUM ikDry Bùl nw jwxw[ hr ie`k auh pl vrqo ijhVw qusIN qyl dI b`cq leI vrq skdy ho[ kwrbn ADwrq qyl dI QW ikDry ikDry kudrq nUM vI kMm kr lYx idE[ DrqI dI iK`c qy gqI nMU Awpxy hunr dI vrqoN krdy hoey ienHW dy sumyl nwl ies qrHW tr`k



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Ways to Improve Your Truck’s Fuel Economy uel economy is probably the one area of business costs that can be most affected by the driver’s foot. Exercising your right foot skillfully in various types of terrain can easily save 2% of fuel consumption. There are some products that aid in improving fuel economy, some providing better return on investment than others. One, I would like to point out is Eco-Fins. For approximately $200 for your truck, and $200 for your trailer, 2% improvement in fuel economy is normal when only on the tractor, 2% if only on the trailer but 6% when on both — that’s significant. In addition, EcoFins increase road stability but that’s just an extra side benefit. These devices are easily installed in about an hour, can even be self-installed. Now, those things you can do as part of your skilled foot on the accelerator are easy. But, don’t forget your secondary fuel — momentum. Take advantage of every opportunity to stop using carbon based fuel and allow nature to do some work. Gravity, momentum, and just using your high level skill to see where gravity and momentum will offer substitute “fuel” that’s absolutely free. Just use what is free as it’s right there to take. Every down stroke, no matter how small the grade, offers opportunity to use free fuel. When you properly use this available fuel your speed will remain constant. Allow the load to push you. There are also shifting techniques that also improve fuel economy substantially. It’s called progressive shifting. The technique takes some practice so it becomes your preferred method of gear shifting. Progressive shifting requires the driver up shifting in a manner to take advantage of maximum torque in every gear and as speed increases




replacing torque with momentum. It’s all in the mathematics of engine speed, transmission transference ratios and differential ratios and the circumference of the drive tires. As you learn and use the technique you can feel and hear the most efficient shift points. It’s also not too complicated. Maintaining proper tire pressures is one easy way to not waste fuel economy. While it does not improve fuel economy significantly, having even one tire under or over inflated can modify fuel economy negatively. Combining the various simple, low cost products and techniques that have been tried and true for decades, significant fuel savings are within your grasp. The trucks themselves from the OEMs, over the past several decades, have gone from mid sixes to the low tens on average for fuel economy. Improving driver efficiency foot controls can stretch the fuel economy to the high elevens or low twelves depending on

the terrain. Speaking of terrain, for every upstroke, there’s a downstroke. Utilize those downstrokes to compensate for the heavier fuel use upstroke, of course while considering all safety factors. Driving isn’t just getting your load from point A to point B. Driving is considering all the factors surrounding you at any given second and driving to the conditions considering safety and costs. If you manage your costs, your income will be improve equal with your conscious efforts to improve skill.



Pilot Company Surprises 40-year Driver with Custom Peterbilt Truck ilot Company is recognizing one of its long-time drivers with the rig of a lifetime. Carrying on a family tradition, Daniel Abshire has driven for Pilot for more than 40 years and was honored for his contributions during a luncheon on July 7 at the company’s Sales and Support Center headquarters in Knoxville. Pilot Company and Peterbilt surprised Daniel at the event, presenting him with a custom Peterbilt truck that is reminiscent of the rig his father, Jim, drove during his tenure at Pilot. In 1971, Jim Abshire, Daniel’s father, was the second driver ever hired by Pilot. Based in Virginia, Jim became the company’s first lead driver and drove for Pilot for 42 years. Following in his father’s footsteps, Daniel joined Pilot in 1980 at the age of 21, and eventually assumed the role of lead driver when Jim retired from the position in 2013. Jim Haslam, Founder and Chairman Emeritus of Pilot Company, said, “Daniel is the best. And that’s because he learned from the best – his father, Jim. This job requires patience, endurance and a deep regard for everyone on the road. We are very proud of these two long and legendary careers and it’s an honor to recognize Daniel for his 40 years at Pilot with this specially designed Peterbilt truck.” Today, Daniel oversees the trucks and drivers based in Staunton and Roanoke, Virginia, where he resides. During his 40-year career, Daniel has:



• Driven 2.5 million miles, the equivalent of five trips to the moon and back or 1,650 trips Knoxville-to-New York and back. • Amassed 9,800 Safety Days in the cab of his truck, the equivalent of more than 26 years of safe driving. • Delivered more than 200 million gallons of fuel, the equivalent of 300 Olympic swimming pools. “I’m still in shock,” Daniel Abshire said. “I wasn’t expecting to be recognized, let alone get a new truck to drive that also celebrates my dad’s time with Pilot. I remember him driving a Peterbilt like this one, and this is my dream truck. We’ve always been part of the Pilot family, and the team here, especially the other drivers, always have been part of the Abshire family. That’s not lip service; it’s how we operate. This just illustrates how true it is. We are family.” Both Jim and Daniel are fans of Peterbilt trucks. Inspired by a photo of Jim from the 1970s with his Pilot truck, Peterbilt designed the truck that Daniel will drive as a throwback to the 389 model with updated red and yellow Pilot Flying J graphics. “Everyone at Peterbilt would like to congratulate Daniel Abshire and the whole Abshire family for the millions of miles they have spent on the road delivering fuel for the Pilot Company. To be a part of this celebration is a privilege and we look forward to seeing Daniel on the road behind the wheel of his Peterbilt Model 389 outfitted with a throwback design honoring the legacy of his father,” said Jason Skoog Peterbilt general manager and PACCAR vice president. NATIONAL MAGAZINE

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