Desi Trucking - January February 2022 (National Edition)

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Vol.13 - Issue 1 Jan/Feb 2022

What Does 2022 Hold for Trucking?

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because you can’t stop. vDIAw qknIk nUM cldw r`Kx leI Aqy murMmq dw kMm smyN isr mukwaux leI, quhwnUM loV hY vDIAw tYknISnW dI[ swfy Cummins dy PYktrI srtIPweIf tYknISIAn dIAW syvwvW, pUry au`qrI AmrIkw ‘c s`qy idn 24 GMty auplbD hn Aqy auh sdw hI quhwnUM bhuq hI vDIAw syvwvW Aqy shwieqw dyx leI vcnb`D hn[ sPr c`ldw r`Ko[ swfI vY`bsweIt ‘qy jwE jW swnMU 1-800-CUMMINS™ ‘qy &on kro[ NATIONAL MAGAZINE




08 2021 dy iBAwnk koivf sMkt kwrn tr`ikMg leI 2022 AwpxI bùkl ‘c kI smoeI bYTw hY? dunIAw koivf-19 nwmk vwiers nwl jMgI p`Dr ‘qy nij`T rhI hY[



vpwr iv`c kuJ sbk bIqy swlW dOrwn, mYN lokW nUM kwrobwr iv`c keI vwr sPl Aqy AsPl huMdy dyiKAw hY[


36 kVwky dI TMF vwly mOsm ‘c volvo dy ielYkitRk tr`kW dw kIqw tYst Coty idnW dw iehI ArQ nhIN ik ieh TMF vwly idn hoxgy[...


38 TMFy mOsm iv`c ielYkitRk g`fI clwaux leI 5 nukqy hOlI cwrj spIf leI iqAwr rho[ quhwfy EV dI cwrijMg dr vwhn duAwrw...

44 sYmI-kMfktr sMkt – iks sbMDI hY ieh swrw Jmylw? ieh kmwl dI g`l hY jdoN AsIN socdy hW ik ies dunIAw ‘c keI vwr sB qoN...



ADVERTISERS Ace Truck Repairs ............................. 35

Hendrickson ............................................ 02

Shift Into Winter .................................. 29

CBS Parts Ltd. ........................................ 46

Howes Lubricators .............................. 11

Safety Driven ......................................... 21

Champion Towing ............................... 33

Inland Kenworth ...................... 15 & 47

Swank Studios Ltd ............................ 37

Cummins .................................................. 03

JD Factors ............................................... 23

Titan Truck & Trailer Parts Ltd ..... 34

Eko Stinger ............................................. 05

JGK Media Inc. ............................... 24-25

Total Lubricants .................................. 31

First Truck Centre .............................. 17

Ocean Trailer ............................... 33 & 45

Transam Carriers Inc. .............. 07, 35

G & G Trucking Solutions ............... 34

Peterbilt .................................................... 48

Truckers Together .............................. 32

Glasvan Great Dane ......................... 13

Pike Enterprises Ltd ........................ 35

Hello Trucking ................................ 13, 39

Road Safety At Work ........................ 43




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nother year has come and gone and 2022 is now upon us. To say the last two years have been difficult for most is an understatement. When there was a glimmer that things could be back to normal soon, a new Covid-19 variant, Omicron, is wreaking havoc in Canada, causing provinces to reintroduce preventative measures. But again, the message is the same – do your part and keep up with your vaccinations and follow set regulations. During these times, people began to come together and stand united. In trucking, this was important in bringing about some necessary changes. JGK Media and Hello Trucking TV first began to share stories that discussed the unsanitary washroom conditions, truck parking issues and even pay woes. All of these stories started with one


voice, one person who knew that it was necessary to speak up. And thanks to the power of media, these voices reached far and wide. Now, many provinces are committing to building better rest areas and ensuring washrooms are kept up to standards. These may seem like small steps to some, but for those truckers who spend days on the road, they are important improvements. In this issue, the first for 2022, we take a look to what’s ahead for 2022. Will Covid-19 still be a barrier for the world of trucking? We also look at the best products from 2021 for those in the transport industry. And finally, we examine the shortage of semiconductor chips and how they relate to equipment backlogs. From all of us at JGK Media, we wish you nothing but the best for 2022. May this year bring you continued success, happiness and satisfaction in everything you do.

Jag Dhatt Editor-In-Chief

Publisher JGK Media Inc. 1-877-598-3374 (Desi) Advertising & Sales Jag Dhatt (National / Western Canada) Stephen Alford (Eastern Canada) Art Director Ranjit Singh IT Manager Ranj Bhamra Cover Design Ranjit Singh

k hor vrHw AwieAw qy lMG igAw[hux AsIN nvyN vrHy 2022 ’c Aw gey hW[ ipCly do swlW ‘c ikMnI muSikl rhI hY, AsIN ies dw vI AMdwzw vI nhIN lw skdy[ hux jdoN swry ies g`l dI Aws lweI bYTy sn ik koivf-19 Awpxy AwKrI swhW ‘qy hY qW knyfw ‘c hornW ku`J dySW vWg, nvIN musIbq EmIkron dI Awx phuMcI hY[ pr sMdyS iPr vI auhI hI hY[“Awpxw kMm krI jwE, ies mhWmwrI qoN bcx leI tIkw lgvwE Aqy srkwr v`loN id`qIAW hdwieqW dw pwlx krdy rho”[ ies mhWmwrI dOrwn ie`k cMgI g`l jo swhmxy AweI, auh ieh sI ik lokW v`loN ies ibmwrI dw twkrw krn leI hdwieqW ‘qy Aml kridAW ie`k jutqw kwiem r`KI[pr ij`QoN q`k tr`ikMg dI g`l hY ies ‘c ku`J qbdIlIAW dI vI loV sI[ ieh jy jI ky mIfIAw qy hYlo tr`ikMg tI vI hI sI, ijs ny sB qoN pihlW gMdy vwSrUmW dIAW hwlqW dy nwL nwl tr`kW dy pwrikMg sbMDI sm`isAwvW nUM swhmxy ilAWdw[ ieh swrIAW ie`k Avwz vjoN au`Br ky ies qrHW swhmxy AweIAW ijnHW dI smyN


Anuswr loV sI[ hr qrHW dy mIfIey dw DMnvwd ik ieh AvwzW hr kony ‘c phuMc geIAW[ nqIjy vjoN bhuq swry sUibAW ny tr`kW leI vDIAw pwrikMg dw prbMD kr id`qw hY Aqy vDIAw rYYst rUm vI bxwey hn[ vyKx nUM BwvyN ieh ku`J mwmUlI kMm hI lgdy hn pr ieh aunHW tr`kW vwiLAW leI bhuq zrUrI sn ijhVy bhuqw smW sVkW ‘qy hI rihMdy hn[ 2022 dy ies plyTy AMk ‘c jo Awx vwLy smyN ‘c ho skdw hY, swnUM auh nzr Aw irhw hY[ kI 2022 dy vrHy ‘c vI ieh nwmurwd ibmwrI, Bwv koivf-19 jW EmIkron ies qrHW hI rhygI? ies qoN ibnw AsIN ies AMk ‘c 2021 dy vDIAw tr`k auqpwdnW bwry vI g`l kIqI hY[ ies dy nwL hI AsIN sYmI kMfktr ic`ps sbMDI vI vrnx kIqw hY Aqy d`isAw hY ik auh ikvyN smwn dy bYklwg nwl sbMDq hn[ jy jI ky mIfIey nwL juVy swfy swirAW v`loN ieh kwmnw kIqI jWdI hY, ik ieh 2022 dw swl sB leI KuSIAW BrpUr hovy[ ies dy nwL hI ijhVw vI kMm qusIN kr rhy ho aus ‘c quhwnUM KuSIAW qy qs`lI imly[

Contributing Writers Jag Dhatt; Michael Howe; Pash Brar; Ray Gompf; Ron Dhaliwal; Sanjana Karthik; Staff Reporters Translator Tirath S. Khabra

JAG DHATT Corporate VP, Marketing National Accounts

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Sortyj tr`ikMg leI 2022 AwpxI bùkl ‘c kI smoeI bYTw hY? koivf sMkt? frweIvrW dI Gwt? sMd smwn ieq Awid? jI. ryA gONP nIAw koivf-19 nwmk vwiers nwl jMgI p`Dr ‘qy nij`T rhI hY[ hux, cwhy qusIN mihsUs krdy ho ik vwiers ie`k DoKw hY, jW qusIN nqIijAwN qoN frdy ho, ies g`l dw Asl ‘c koeI Prk nhIN pYNdw ikauNik qusIN jW qW ies g`l qy ivSvws kr lvogy ik koivf ie`k fwktrI AYmrjYNsI hY ijs nwl swnUM swirAW nUM lVn dI loV hY, jW ieh XkIn kr lvogy ik ieh sB ie`k rwjnIqI Aqy s`qw hiQAwaux bwry ie`k swizS rcI geI hY[ scweI ieh hY ik dovW hI puzISnW dI bhuq vYDqw hY Aqy scweI dy q`Q dovW crm sImwvW dy ikDry ivckwr hn[ ieh ikhw jw irhw hY, Asl icMqw ieh hY ik tr`ikMg audXog 'qy ikvyN Asr pvygw Aqy ishq dy nzrIey Aqy rwjnIiqk hkIkq ivckwr




iK`c - DUh dy qOr 'qy ies 'qy hor ikvyN Asr pvygw[ SurU ivc, vYksIn Awaux qoN pihlW, tr`kW nUM stor dIAW SYlPW BrIAW r`Kx Aqy AwriQkqw nUM siQr r`Kx leI nwiek mMinAw jWdw sI[ mYN in`jI qOr 'qy socdw hW ik nwiek Sbd dI bhuq vrqoN huMdI hY ijs krky Aksr Asl bhwdrI nUM vI byloVI bxw idMdI hY[ iPr vI, jo kuJ vwpirAw auh ieh sI ik Awm jnqw ny Asl iv`c splweI cyn Aqy isstm dy aunHW ilMkW bwry soicAw sI ijnHW nUM inrimq vsqUAW Aqy Bojn auqpwdW dy inrivGn pRvwh nUM XkInI bxwaux leI h`Q imlw ky kMm krnw cwhIdw hY[ ieh inrivGn pRvwh PYlx nUM hOlI krn, moV nUM cptw krn jW jnqk ishq Aqy rwjnIiqk AiDkwrIAW nUM zrUrI smJy jwx vwly iksy vI gUMj vwkW

dy bwvjUd inrivGn sI[ mh`qvpUrx g`l ieh hY ik tr`k frweIvrW ny Awm nwloN vDyry muSikl hwlwq iv`c mwl dI splweI nUM vgdy r`Kx 'qy skwrwqmk pRBwv pwieAw[ splweI cyn dw ilMk tr`k frweIvr mzbUq sI, ft ky kMm krdw irhw qy musIbqW dy bwvjUd vI JuikAw nhIN[ dUjy hor ilMkW leI ieh g`l nhIN khI jw skdI[ hux, jdoN lok ies lMby smyN q`k vwiers dy mwhOl ‘c sYtl ho rhy hn, Aqy Awm jnqw hux tr`k frweIvrW duAwrw mhWmwrI dI prvwh kIqy ibnW kMm krdy rihx dy kIqy gey mhwn kMmW nUM l`gB`g Bu`l hI cu`kI hY[ auh ie`k Awrwmdwiek rutIn iv`c sYtl ho cu`ky hn ies leI aunHW nUM hux dUijAW qoN hmdrdI dI koeI loV nhIN hY[ kuJ swl pihlW hMbolt hr iksy dy idmwg NATIONAL MAGAZINE

iv`c sI[ tr`ikMg audXog nUM purwxI rUVIvwdI soc kwrn cMgI nzr nwl nhIN vyiKAw jWdw sI[ dyS Br dIAW srkwrW ny ieh XkInI bxwaux v`l iDAwn id`qw ik hMbolt "dubwrw kdy vI nw vwpr sky" ies leI ies dy ie`k h`l vjoN mYlt (G`to G`t pRvyS p`Dr dI isKlweI) tr`ikMg dIAW swrIAW burweIAW leI rwmbwx vWg hoNd iv`c AweI, pr gMBIrqw nwl mYlt ie`k pihlw Cotw bybI kdm sI[ pr ies ny isAwsqdwnW nUM cMgw mihsUs krvwieAw, aunHW ny kuJ kIqw sI ijs nUM jnqw ny pcw ilAw sI[ ie`k b`kry dI blI nwL bwkI sB ku`J TIk ho igAw[ bdiksmqI nwl, myry ivcwr iv`c, glq kurbwnI id`qI geI sI[ iPr koivf ie`k nvyN dYNq dy rUp ‘c swhmxy AwieAw[ lwzmI qOr 'qy, koivf sMkt jW qW isAwsqdwnW leI bhuq vDIAw isAwsI Kyf sI qy jW ieh scum`c hI lVweI dy lwiek hY[ koeI Asl sihmqI nhIN hY pr srkwrW inScq qOr 'qy lokW nUM bihs krn vwly DiVAW iv`c vMf rhIAW hn Aqy vMf Aqy n&rq dIAW A`gW nUM BVkw rhIAW hn[ hW, koivf dy nqIjy vjoN keI hzwr lokW dIAW mOqW ho geIAW hn, iesy qrHW kudrq Aqy mnu`K dovW duAwrw ifzweIn kIqy mnu`Kqw nUM pRBwivq krn vwly hor kohVW nwl bhuq swry hor lok vI mwry jw cu`ky hn[ mnu`K duAwrw bxweIAW geIAW siQqIAW kudrqI qOr 'qy pYdw hoeIAW siQqIAW dy mukwbly bhuq G`t hn[ jwpdw hY ik mnu`K isrP mnu`K dIAW rcnwvW qoN frdw hY[ kudrq jo pyS krdI hY mnu`K aus nUM isrP, msW hI svIkwr krdw hY Aqy jW bVy hMkwrI FMg nwl kudrqI GtnwvW leI mnu`Kqw dIAW srgrmIAW nUM zuMmyvwr TihrwauNdw hY[ s`c qW ieh hY ik ieh g`l koeI mwieny nhIN r`KdI[ muu`kdI g`l qW ieh hI hY ik inrimq vsqUAW Aqy Bojn nUM ies dy iqAwr krn vwlI QW qoN lY ky ij`Qy ies dI loV hY aus QW qy iljwx dI loV hmySw rhygI[ cwhy ies nUM slyf, tobogn, tRwvoies, vYgn, knUA jW kMtynr rwhIN iljwieAw jwvy qy ryl g`fI jW tr`k rwhIN iljwieAw jwvy[ auqpwd nUM ie`k QW qoN dUjI QW iljwx dI loV qy kMm smyN dy AMq q`k huMdw rhygw[ ieh AwvwjweI ikvyN huMdI hY Aqy audyS SkqI sroq Aqy bwlx audoN q`k ie`k mu`dw bx jwxgy jdoN q`k mnu`Kqw ^qm nhIN ho jWdI[ cwhy AsIN jwnvrW dI SkqI, mnu`K SkqI, AMdrUnI kmbSn ieMjx, BwP SkqI, pRmwxU aUrjw, ibjlI jW iksy hor SkqI sRoq ijs dI Koj hoxI Ajy bwkI hY, ijvyN ik ivcwr tYlIpYiQk qOr 'qy Xwqrw krn dI SkqI, AwvwjweI dI hmySw loV rhygI[ vsqUAW dI aus hrkq dw is`Dw ieMcwrj bxn leI NATIONAL MAGAZINE

mnu`K dI hmySw loV rhygI[ AwvwjweI hux Aqy hmySw leI, ie`k lwBdwiek, Xogdwn pwaux vwlw ik`qw hox jw irhw hY, cwhy mof koeI vI hovy[ hux jdoN Awm jnqw ipCly idRStIkox dy SISy ivc dUr-durwfy iP`kI pY rhI hY, hux jdoN koivf kMtrol ivc Aw rhI hY, iek audXog vjoN swfy 'qy inrBr krdw hY ik AsIN Awpxy mu`idAW nUM isAwsqdwnW dy swhmxy Aqy kyNdr ivc r`KIey[ swnUM aunHW nUM XkIn idvwauxw pvygw ik mYlt h`l v`l ie`k bybI stY`p sI nw ik h`l[ swnUM ies q`Q nUM r`Kxw cwhIdw hY ik tr`k frweIvrW nUM ivl`Kx ishq icMqwvW hn ijnHW nUM lMbI imAwd dy AwDwr 'qy h`l kIqw jwxw cwhIdw hY[ ieh mwnisk ishq mh`qvpUrn hY Aqy ies bwry Ku`lH ky ivcwr-vtWdrw kIqy jwx dI loV hY, in`jI p`Dr 'qy nhIN blik inScq qOr 'qy audXog dy ivAwpk p`Dr 'qy Aqy szw nhIN id`qI jWdI[ swnUM hmySw leI ie`k mwhOl bxwaux dI loV hY ij`Qy "frweIvr dI kmI" vwk dw mqlb hY BrqI krn vwilAW dI Awls[ inrsMdyh, ies dw h`l ieh hY ik hweI skUl pws krky inkly nOjvwnW dy aus pUl iv`c tYp krn dy Xog hoxw Aqy aunHW dIAW pRiqBwvW dy Xog vpwr dI qlwS krnw[ AYfvrtweIz krn nUM BrqI krnw nhIN ikhw jw skdw[ AYfvrtweIz isr& quhwfI kMpnI nUM ibhqr idKx leI mzbUr kr irhw hY, AwpxI khwxI nUM ibhqr d`s irhw hY, ibhqr Bugqwn krn dw idKwvw kr irhw hY, pUrI qrHW isKlweI pRwpq aumIdvwrW dy mOjUdw pUl nUM[ audXog iv`c nvIN AxvrqI pRiqBw ilAwauxw BrqI kr irhw hY[ pr, auh inXm Aqy inXm ijnHW dI swnUM pwlxw krnI cwhIdI hY, auh dUijAW dy audXogW v`l jwx qoN pihlW aus pRiqBw q`k phuMcx leI AnukUl nhIN hn[ swnUM tr`k clwaux nUM, auicq SwigrdI dy nwl, Kws v`Kry kYrIAr mwrg dy nwl, ipGlx qoN bhuq A`gy inrMqr Aqy sQweI tYstybl isKlweI dy nwl ie`k hunrmMd ik`qw bxwaux dI loV hY[ ie`k vpwr ij`Qy pYrokwrW nUM rsmI isKlweI, svY-AnuBv, slwhkwrI, inrIKx, svwlW rwhIN igAwn id`qw jwvy Aqy sB qoN zrUrI ieh g`l ik ies nUM isrP ie`k kMm smJ ky hI svIkwr nhIN kr lYxw cwhIdw[ swnUM swirAwN nUM ieh mMnxw cwhIdw hY ik hmySW hI koeI hor qrIkw ibhqr qrIkw ho skdw hY[ swnUM tr`ikMg audXog nUM pRBwivq krn vwly mu`idAwN

nUM h`l krn iv`c shwieqw krn leI frweIvr dUrdrSIAW dIAW aunHW swrIAW AYfhwk kmytIAW nUM iek`Ty krn dI loV hY[ pRiqBw dw ie`k AxvriqAw gru`p Aijhw hY ijs nUM isrP ies leI nzrAMdwz kIqw igAw hY ikauNik auh jW qW bYTdy hn jW iksy v`fy tr`k dy styAirMg ip`Cy bYTy hoey hn[ loko, swfy kol pRiqBw hY[ pRiqBw ijs nUM nIqIAW GVn vwly aunHW lokW duAwrw, ijnHW ny Awp kdy vI kMm nhIN kIqw hY, nzrAMdwz kIqw jw irhw hY [ sur`iKAw ie`k bhuq v`fw mu`dw hY Aqy jdoN q`k styAirMg dy ip`Cy hr koeI sur`iKAw iv`c AwpxI BUimkw nUM svIkwr nhIN krdw, bhuq G`t bdlygw[ ies smyN, bhuq swry lok ivSvws krdy hn ik inXm Aqy inXm kyvl hor lokW 'qy hI lwgU huMdy hn[ swnUM Awpxy Awp nUM ies soc qoN Cutkwrw pwauxw pvygw ik lof hr kImq 'qy smyN isr Awauxw cwhIdw hY[ ikqy vI iksy hor sQwn 'qy koeI lof iksy dI izMdgI dy lwiek nhIN hY[ koeI vI boJ dUjy nUM du`K phuMcwaux dy lwiek nhIN hY[ swnUM swirAW nUM smyN dy dbwA, jW iksy hor Asl jW klipq dbwA dI prvwh kIqy ibnW gMBIrqw Aqy pySyvr qrIky nwl g`fI clwaux dw kMm krn dI loV hY[ dbwA hyT g`fI clwaux Aqy lgwqwr iknwry 'qy g`fI clwaux jW sur`iKAq qrIky nwl g`fI clwaux, iDAwn nwl, SrqW Anuswr, qxwA gRsq qoN pihlW sikMtW dI hI g`l hY, imMtW jW GMitAW dI nhIN Aqy ieh Aksr strY`s hox qoN bwAd hI SurU huMdw hY[ jo lok lgwqwr Awpxy Awp nUM dbwA iv`c pw rhy hn, aunHW nUM aunHW nwloN keI hor brykW dI loV huMdI hY jo shI qrIky nwl dbwA nwl nij`Tx leI g`fI clwauNdy hn[ sur`iKAw audoN huMdI hY jdoN dbwA pRvwh nwl lVn dI bjwey pRvwh dy nwl jwxw SurU kr idMdy hn[ qusIN au~Qy phuMcx jw rhy ho, svwrI dw AnMd lE[




What Does 2022 Hold for Trucking?

Covid Crisis? Driver shortage? Equipment Availability? Etc. G. RAY GOMPF, CD The world has been dealing with a war on a virus called COVID-19. Now, whether you feel the virus is a hoax, or you’re fearful of the consequences, it really doesn’t matter because you’re either going to believe COVID is the medical emergency we all need to fight, or it’s all about politics and power grabbing. The truth is both positions have a lot of validity, and facts are somewhere in the middle between the two extremes. That being said, the real concern is how has the trucking industry been impacted and how will it further be impacted as the push/pull between the health perspective and the political reality. In the beginning, before there was a vaccine, truckers were deemed the heroes for keeping store shelves filled and the economy on an even keel. I personally think the use of the word hero is often overused rendering real heroism redundant. Nevertheless, what happened was the general public actually thought about the supply chain and those links in the system that must work hand in hand to ensure a smooth flow of manufactured goods and food products. That smooth flow was uninterrupted despite the major lockdowns imposed to slow the spread, flatten the curve or whatever buzz phrase public health and political officials deemed necessary. The important part is that truck drivers made a positive impact on keeping the supply of goods flowing under more difficult circumstances than normal. The truck driver link of the supply chain held strong and did not bend. The same cannot be said for other links. Now that people are settling into the long drawn-out war on this virus and the variants, the general public has now forgotten the great job truck drivers did, and continue to do, regardless of a pandemic or not. Society has settled




into a routine comfortable for them, so they no longer have to have empathy for others. A few years ago, Humboldt was on everyone’s mind. The trucking industry was not regarded in a good light, and with some just cause. The governments across the country turned their attention to ensuring Humboldt “never happens again” so as a solution, the MELT (Minimum Entry Level Training) came into being as the panacea for all the ills of trucking. But seriously, MELT was but a first baby step. It did, however, make politicians feel good; they’d done something, and the public ate it up. A scapegoat was sacrificed, and all became well with the world. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the wrong sacrifice was made, but that’s another matter. Then came the COVID crisis and a new giant to slay. Essentially, the COVID crisis is either too good for politicians to stop milking, or it’s real, and worth the fight. There’s no real consensus but the governments certainly have been dividing people into arguing factions and stoking the fires of division and hatred. Yes, many thousands have died as a result of COVID; similarly, many more die of other scourges affecting mankind both designed by nature and by man. Those situations created by man are minuscule, compared to those created naturally. Seemingly man only fears creations of man; man merely accepts that which nature puts forth or arrogantly blames natural events on man’s activity. Truthfully, it just doesn’t matter. The fact is there will always be a need to transport manufactured goods and food from where it is to where it needs to be. Whether it is transported by sled, toboggan, travois, wagon, canoe or by container on a ship, train or truck, it will be transported. That act of transporting products from one place to another will be a requirement until the end of time.

The logistics of how that transport takes place and the motive power source and fuel will become an issue until man becomes extinct. Whether we utilize animal power, manpower, an internal combustion engine, steam power, nuclear power, electricity or some other motive power yet to be conceived, like the power to travel at the speed of thought telepathically, there will always be a need for transportation. There will always be a need for a human to be directly in charge of that movement of goods. Transportation is going to be now and forevermore, a useful, contributing occupation, regardless of the mode. Now that the general public have Humboldt fading distantly in the rearview mirror, and now that COVID is falling into control, as an industry it is up to us to keep our issues front and center with politicians. We have to convince them MELT was a baby step toward the solution, but it’s not the solution. We must keep the fact truck drivers have unique health concerns that must be addressed on a long-term basis. That mental health is important and needs to be openly discussed, not so much on a personal level but certainly on an industry wide level, rather than be punished. We need to, once and for all, create a milieu where the phrase “driver shortage” simply means laziness on the part of recruiters. Of course, the solution is to be able to tap into that pool of young people fresh out of high school, looking for a trade worthy of their talents. Churning isn’t recruiting. Churning is simply making your company look better, tell its story better, pretend to pay better to the existing pool of fully trained candidates. Bringing new untapped talent into the industry is recruiting. However, the rules and regulations to which we must adhere are not conducive to reaching that talent NATIONAL MAGAZINE

anyone. No load is worth causing grief to another. All of us need to take the job of driving seriously and professionally regardless of the pressures of time, or any other real or contrived pressures. The difference in driving under pressure and constantly on the edge or driving safely, considerately, according to conditions is a matter of seconds, not

minutes or hours and often, ahead of the stressed. Those who are constantly putting themselves under pressure require many more breaks than those who drive dealing with the pressure in the proper way. Safety happens when the pressured start to go with the flow instead of fighting the flow. You’re going to get there, so enjoy the ride.


before its headed off to other industries. We need to make truck driving a skilled trade, with proper apprenticeship, with distinct career path, with ongoing and perpetual testable training well beyond MELT. A trade where adherents are inculcated with knowledge through formal training, self-experience, mentorship, observation, questioning and above all, not accepting just because. All of us must admit there can always be a better way. We need to bring all those ad hoc committees of driver visionaries together to assist in solving the issues affecting the trucking industry. There is an untapped cadre of talent overlooked simply because they either sit or have been seated behind the wheel of a big truck. People, we have talent! Talent that’s being ignored by policy makers who haven’t done the job. Safety is a huge issue and unless and until everybody behind the wheel accepts their role in safety, little will change. Right now, there are far too many of the belief that rules, and regulations apply only to other people. We have to rid ourselves of the thinking that load must arrive on time at all costs. No load from anywhere to another location is worth the life of





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Top Trucking Products for 2021 n like a lion, out like a lamb – that’s a wrap on 2021. Each year the industry sees a number of new innovative products, improvements on current products, or the continued popularity of certain products. Looking back at 2021 it’s difficult to identify which products were the most popular in any given ranking for the trucking industry, but it’s not difficult to see which ones had enough popularity that a good percentage of the industry enjoyed them. The following products, in no particular ranked order, were popular in 2021 and could certainly be beneficial to some degree for any over the road truck driver. Interestingly, there isn’t a lot of change from year to year in which products are popular, but every now and then something jumps out as new and innovative. While that wasn’t necessarily seen in 2021, these are still very worthwhile products:


QoN q`k 2021 dIAW tr`k pRofktW dI g`l hY ieh ies AKwx vWg hY ik Syr vWg g`ijAw – lUMbV vWg B`ijAw[tr`ikMg ieMfstrI ‘c hr smyN nvyN qoN nvyN auqpwd Aw rhy hn, ku`J ku ‘c suDwr ho irhw hY Aqy keI pihlW vWg hI cldy jw rhy hn[ jy 2021 dy swl vl Jwq mwrIey qW ieh d`sxw muSikl ho jWdw hY ik ikhVy auqpwd sB qoN v`D hrmn ipAwry rhy hn ijnHW ny tr`ikMg ieMfstrI ‘c Awpxw nwm bxwieAw hY[ jy rYNikMg dI g`l krIey ies ‘c koeI vI rYNikMg nhIN ik ikhVy 2021 ‘c sB qoN au`pr rhy hn qy iks h`d q`k lwBdwiek rhy hn[idlcsp g`l ieh hY ik swl dOrwn ies qrHW dI bhuqI qbdIlI vyKx nUM nhIN imlI[ pr keI vwr koeI nw koeI cIz ieh kih ky mwrikt ‘c ByjI jWdI hY ik ieh nvIN hY[ pr ies qrHW dI g`l nhIN huMdI[ jdoN ies qrHW dI g`l 2021 qoN pihlW vyKx nUM nhIN imldI sI[ iPr vI ies swl kwPI vDIAw auqpwd Awey hn:


Driver Organization Opportunities The limited personal space afforded drivers in their cabs necessitates a need for organization. Any nook and cranny in the cab can be used to store items, but sometimes there just aren’t enough of those areas available. A simple solution is using a flexible and movable trunk crate – this is actually a popular gift for truck drivers. At an affordable price, the Trunk Crate Pro Collapsible organizer offers multiple compartments and a non slip design that is easily attachable to a surface or left free standing. It’s definitely worth checking out if you find yourself in need of a bit more organization in the cab.



fRweIivMg pRbMDn dy mOky fRweIvr dI sIt vwLI QoVHI ijhI QW ‘c QoVHy prbMDn dI vI loV hY[ ies dw koeI konw jW nùkr koeI cIz r`Kx leI vI vrqI jw skdI hY[ pr keI vwr keI cIzW r`Kx leI bhuqw QW vI nhIN huMdw[ ies dw ie`k sOKw ijhw h`l hY ik koeI lckdwr qy A`gy ip`Cy krn vwly trMk kRyt dI vrqoN kIqI jw skdI hY[ Asl ‘c iksy tr`k fRweIvr nUM id`qI jwx vwLI ieh bhuq vDIAw sOgwq hY[ trMk kryt pro kolYpsIbl AwrgynweIzr ‘c bhuq Kwny hn Aqy ieh sihj nwL hI itkwieAw jw ltkwieAw jw skdw hY[ ies dI mh`qqw audoN hor vD jWdI hY jdoN quhwnUM kYb ‘c hor cIzW r`Kx dI mzbUrI huMdI hY[

With that quick look at 5 of the most popular products in 2021, it’s now time to move forward to 2022. Happy New Year, and may it be a profitable and safe one!

2021 dy 5 bhuq mShUr tr`kW qoN bwAd hux smW hY 2022 leI A`gy vDIey[ sB nUM nvW swl mubwrk hovy Aqy sB leI ieh PwiedymMd qy sur`iKAq hovy[


Dash Camera These were once just tools for law enforcement, and now they are widely available. Given the nature of the trucking business and the liabilities placed upon drivers and the industry, it makes sense to invest in a dash cam. Many fleets are now doing so, or considering to do so, in order to protect themselves and their drivers (and, in part to monitor productivity). So, whether you are an owner operator or a company driver, this might be the investment for you. For trucks, rates the Rove R2-4K Dash Cam the highest. The Rove R2-4k dash camera can record videos up to a resolution of 2160p. The ultra hd video recording quality is good. Revolutionary Super Night Vision Technology (Ultra-low sensor NT96660 + SONY

IMX335) helps to get comparatively clearer footage and images from the recording in low light conditions. There is also built in wi-fi for easy download of your videos to your phone, allowing you to easily share. And, the built-in GPS accurately records your driving location and speed. View your driving route and tracker on google maps via Wi-Fi using the App too.

fYS kYmrw pihlW qW ieh kyvl kwnUMn nUM lwgU krvwaux vwLy KyqrW ‘c kMm krn vwilAW koL hI huMdy sn[ tr`ikMg ibzns dI iksm Aqy fRweIvrW qy ieMfstrI dIAW zuMmyvwrIAW nUM vyKdy hoey, fYS kYm ‘qy pYsy Krcxy nzwiez Krcw nhIN rih jWdw[ hux bhuq swry PlItW vwLy ies dI vrqoN kr rhy hn jW krn leI soc rhy hn[ ikauN ik ieh fRweIvr Aqy kMpnI dy bcwA leI zrurI hn[ ies dI vrqoN nwL syvwvW ‘c vI suDwr AwauNdw hY[ ies leI qusIN BwvyN Awpxw tr`k clw rhy ho jW kMpnI dw, quhwnMU ies ‘qy Krc krnw PwiedymMd hI hovygw[ tr`kW leI AYmwzon fwt kwm dw Rove R2-4K Dash Cam sB qoN aùpr hY[ieh fYS kYmrw 2160p dy rYzolUSn ‘qy vI vDIAw vIfIE bxw skdw hY[ ies dI Altrw AYc fI vIfIE irkwrifMg bhuq vDIAw hY[Revolutionary Super Night Vision Technology (Ultra-low sensor NT96660 + SONY IMX335) G`t rOSnI hwlq ‘c vI bhuq vDIAw qsvIr lYNdw hY[iblt ien vweI PweI vI hY, ijs nwL qusIN ienHW leIAW hoeIAW vIfIEz nUM Awpxy Pon ‘c lof kr skdy ho[ Aqy sihj nwl hI ienHW nUM SyAr vI kr skdy ho[ iblt ien jI pI AỲs nwL quhwfI fRweIivMg lokySn Aqy spIf vI irkwrf kIqI jw skdI hY[ qusIN vweI PweI rwhIN AYp dI vrqoN krdy hoey Awpxw fRweIvMg rUut vI vyK skdy ho[

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Noise Cancelling Bluetooth Headset

Trucks aren’t exactly the quietest places, so having a quality noise cancelling Bluetooth headset can be a much-desired comfort. Whether it’s for talking to family while on the road or your dispatcher, having clear and meaningful conversations is important. While there are may brands to choose from, with a variety of price ranges, the BlueParrott B450-XT seems to be quite popular. This product blocks out 96% of background noise so you can hear and be heard clearly wherever you are. It offers a long wireless range of 300 feet/100 meters. It’s comfortable and allows for up to 24 hours of talk time on a single charge. rOly r`py dy bcwa leI blUAtùQ hỲfsỲt Asl ‘c tr`k ies qrHW dI QW jW cIz nhIN ij`Qy Sor nhIN huMdw[ ies leI rOly r`py qoN bcx leI blUA tùQ hỲfsỲt dI bhuq loV huMdI hY[tr`k cldy smyN BwvyN Awpxy pirvwr nwl g`l krn dI loV hovy jW ifspYcr nwl[ ies qrHW dy mOky swP Aqy smJx vwLI g`l bhuq zrurI huMdI hY[ BwvyN ienHW auqpwdW ‘coNM cuxn leI keI bRWf mwrikt ‘c hn Aqy kImqW vI v`D G`t hn pr BlueParrott B450-XT izAwdw hrmn ipAwrw hY[ieh ip`Cy pYNdy Sor qoN 96% q`k bcwA ky r`Kdw hY[ ies leI qusIN iksy QW vI hovo TIk qrHW nwl iksy dI g`l sux qy suxw skdy ho[ ies dI ryNj 300 Pùt Bwv 100 mItr q`k dI hY[ ieh Arwmdwiek hox dy nwL nwL ie`k vwr cwrj krky 24 GMty q`k TIk cldw rihMdw hY[ 14


Automatic Tire Pressure System This product isn’t new to 2021, in fact it was announced in late 2019, but the popularity is slowly growing and is of enough interest it seemed worthy of highlighting here as the popularity could continue to grow. The SAF-Holland SMAR-te Tire Pilot offers truckers the opportunity to have tire pressure adjusted automatically, based on axle weight. The system inflates, deflates, and equalizes tire pressures; optimizes tire pressure based on axle loads; notifies drivers about overweight loads; and, this with properly inflated tires fuel economy generally improves. Is this the wave of the future? Perhaps, and it’s available now.

GPS Navigator

Even with GPS on smartphones, sometimes it’s more convenient and safer to have a dash mounted GPS Navigator. These navigation units have come a long way since they were first brought to market, and the pricing of most brands are reasonable. Like most products there are many to choose from, but the Garmin still seems to be at the top of the list. The Garmin dezl 580 LMT-S offers a 5-inch display with free lifetime map updates and live traffic and weather information. It offers customized truck routing for the size and weight of your truck, plus alerts for upcoming bridge heights and weight limits. Those are all great for safety and trip planning, but it offers even more with easy break planning with timely notifications for breaks, plus up ahead road signs to suggest nearby restaurants, rest areas. There’s also a truck & trailer services directory that can; and it can even filter truck stops by brand or amenity. And, it’s hands free (voice activated).

AwtomYitk twier pRYSr isstm ieh cIz ies 2021 dy swl leI nvIN nhIN[ Asl ‘c ies sbMDI jwxkwrI 2019 ‘c hI id`qI jw cùkI sI[ pr ieh hOlI hOlI mkbUl huMdI jw rhI hY[ SAF-Holland SMAR-te Tire Pilot v`loN ieh pyS kIqI jw rhI hY ik twierW dI hvw Awpxy Awp hI AYfjst ho jWdI hY Aqy tr`k dy AYkslW ‘qy Bwr Anuswr hvw Awpxy Awp v`D G`t ho jWdI hY[ ies nwL AYkslW ‘qy pey Bwr Anuswr hvw zrUrq Anuswr G`t jW v`D jW smwn ho jWdI hY[ ieh vwDU Bwr sbMDI fRweIvr nUM vI d`sdI hY[ ies nwL tr`kW ‘c vwDU Bwr dI sUcnw fRweIvr nUM vI iml jWdI hY[ ijs kwrn AMq ‘c qyl dI Kpq vI G`t huMdI hY[ kI ieh swfw Biv`K dw rsqw hY? Swied ieh hI hY Aqy ieh swnUM auplbD vI hY[

jI pI AỲs nyvIgytr BwvyN ik Awm qOor ‘qy smwrt PonW ‘qy jI pI AYs huMdy hn pr fYS mwaUNtf jI pI AỲs nyvIgytr zrurI hn[ ieh nyvIgySn XUint bhuq smW pihlW Aw gey sn Aqy bwAd ‘c mwrikt ‘c Awey[ ij`QoN q`k ienHW dI kImq dI g`l hY bhuqy bRWfW dI kImq TIk hI hY[ bhuqy imldy hox kwrn cox leI kwPI shUlq hY[ pr gYrimn lgdw hY ies ilst ‘c sB qoN aùpr hY[ Garmin dezl 580 LMT-S ‘c 5 ieMc ifsplyA hY Aqy ies ‘c lweIP tweIm mYp A`pfyt hY[ ies dy nwl hI tRYiPk Aqy mOsm dI jwxkwrI vI AwauNdI rihMdI hY[ ies ‘c kstmweIzf tr`k rUitMg vI tr`k dy Bwr Aqy Akwr dy AnukUl huMdI hY[ ies dy nwl hI A`gy Awaux vwLy pulW dI aucweI qy Bwr dI h`d sbMDI vI sUcnw imldI rihMdI hYy[ ieh sB cIzW sur`iKAw Aqy tirp dI plYinMg leI bhuq zrurI hn[ pr ies ‘c ies qoN vI v`D hY- ijvyN rukx leI shI smyN dI bryk plYinMg Aqy Aw rhy rof sweIn qy rYstorYNt, qy Arwm krn vwLIAW QwvW sbMDI jwxkwrI[ tr`k Aqy tRylr dIAW syvwvW sbMDI fwierYktrI vI huMdI hY[ ieh sB ibnw h`QW dI vrqoN qoN huMdI hY (kyvl Avwz nwl c`lx vwLI).


Peterbilt Deploying Augmented Reality Tool for Dealer Service Technicians eterbilt Motors Company will have deployed 200 of its patented ARTechTM augmented reality tools to dealer locations by March 31st, 2022. A proprietary software designed to innovate dealer service and improve customer uptime, ARTech utilizes 3-dimensional and augmented reality views of chassisspecific Peterbilt trucks, along with existing service systems like PACCAR Solutions Service Management to help dealer service technicians quickly visualize major truck systems and instantly access related technical documentation and diagrams via an Apple iPad. “We analyzed technicians’ pain points and focused on key technologies required to put all of the correct and pertinent data from multiple databases in one single location at their fingertips,” said Peyton Harrell, Director of Dealer Development for Peterbilt. “The result is our ARTech tool, which transforms 2D technical information into a 3D image by placing



full-scale objects on top of the real environment. This technology provides technicians a type of x-ray vision to help improve diagnostic and repair times. Dealerships who are using ARTech in their service bays have reported a 15-20% improvement in service repair times”. Augmented reality, its related software, hardware and architecture is wellpositioned to fill the void between the technical data from engineers and the service technicians that need the data to troubleshoot and perform repairs. It also allows the technician to explore and understand the objects in the most efficient way for them. “Instead of having to carry a laptop, an adapter and other tools to be able to pull information up on a laptop, now you're carrying an iPad with all of the information in one convenient location. This has been a huge timesaver in pinpointing and troubleshooting codes and issues, speeding up the process and getting our customers’ trucks back on the road as quickly as possible,” said Mike Lacey, Western Regional Product Support

Manager at Ohio Peterbilt. Peterbilt worked with a team of talented analysts, visionaries, designers, developers and architects to create the technology, which was then tested at select Peterbilt dealerships. “Our goal is to drive uptime for our customers using a wide variety of technologies, and we can do that with ARTech by empowering technicians who are working on our equipment,” said Jason Skoog, Peterbilt general manager and PACCAR vice president. “This technology spans the gap between 2D technical data trapped on paper or on screens and the real vehicle in the service bay. Our ARTech augmented reality tool is giving technician’s quick access to the information they need when they need it the most—right next to the truck in the service bay.” Peterbilt’s rollout of ARTech builds on the expanding comprehensive suite of uptime services offered on its vehicles and supported through the fastest-growing dealer network in North America.



Some Lessons in Business Over the years, I have seen people succeed and fail many times over in business. Some failures are from quick decisions, using the heart instead of the mind and lack of research. Success comes from hard work and a good reputation. But a failure, is always a learning opportunity for yourself and others. I don’t think there is any perfect path to follow in business, but I definitely like to seek advice from an older generation and gain their insights. I was speaking to a friend who was very angry. He was livid that his sister had ripped him off over $2 million dollars. As we spoke, I asked how did this happen? He said the sisters husband went to jail for being a drug dealer and he paid $900,000 in legal bills. He said no one else helped in his family. He also provided for his sister and children while the husband was locked away for about 10 years. He said when the convict husband got out of jail, he claimed to be a changed man and asked for a $1.7 million dollar loan to start a business. My friend took a loan on his property and gave the money. The business failed, all the money was lost and now the sister hasn’t even offered to pay any of the money back. What can we learn from this real life example? I wouldn’t say don’t help your family, but I will say, don’t follow your heart. When it comes to money, use your mind and not your feelings. My friend was swindled not once, but twice. He’s a very bright and educated man, but his feelings for his sister got in the way of sound judgment. He of course does not speak to the sister or the convict husband. I think if he refused the money in the first place, the end result would have been the same, but his bank account would have been a lot fatter. I have seen partnerships form, where the partners did no research on each person. I encountered a group of men going in a partnership, and one was a former bankrupt. I knew this because I had financed a trailer for him, but from speaking to the partners, it was clear they didn’t know. I can’t divulge




information, so I stayed quiet. I knew this partnership would fail; because one was a former bankrupt, one had zero business knowledge and a belligerent alcoholic with rage issues and the last guy had a former business, having owned a hotel and currently had a blueberry farm. One person with experience cannot carry an inexperienced group, while running a farm. It was an interesting combination. Did this work? No it did not. The former bankrupt couldn’t get approved for financing anything, the alcoholic screamed at clients and staff, so the clients went elsewhere and the staff quit, and the farmer ran the office in to the ground because he had no help from the other two and was still trying to run his farm as well. He could not manage the work. They also still owe an office staff member wages, and reneged on orders for equipment destroying their reputations as well. They lost the business of course. Could this have been avoided? Maybe if they took the time to get to know one another and look in to each other’s backgrounds, perhaps this mismatch could have been avoided. So if going in business with partners, get to know them very well in advance and see what skills each person has to offer. When someone asks for money up front, is this a good sign? In financing equipment, a broker should never ask for money up front. The bank pays the broker, so if you are asked for money by a broker to be paid to the broker, my advice is run. A dealership will take a deposit to hold the equipment or take it on good faith to build custom made equipment, the bank will also take your down payment and some documentation fees. But if there is any other money being exchanged, this needs to be looked in to, and do not give a penny. Proper research is key. Take your time and speak to multiple brokers. If no one else is taking money up front, this is a bad indication. I’ve had multiple people call and tell me they were swindled by brokers and lost money. Research is key in doing business. When someone doesn’t let you inspect a truck or trailer you are interested in;


run. They are clearly hiding something. I just recently had a deal fall apart for this very reason. A client was buying a used Peterbilt truck in Edmonton. The client and his nephew drove to Edmonton to see the truck. First the seller demanded a deposit. The client didn’t feel comfortable. The client requested to take the truck to the local Peterbilt dealership for a full inspection first and the seller refused. I told my client to run and run far. Something is being hidden, and it might be a huge pending repair. If you are not allowed to check a piece of used equipment properly, then I would not purchase it. You need to research and check everything to your satisfaction before proceeding. If you feel uncomfortable, leave. Not all business is bad. I have seen partners and families work and build a successful business together. I have seen many people in the trucking industry work very hard and achieve success. I think adapting to business as the environment changes is also key. But I think business is always a learning opportunity. Always be ready to learn more and do research. If you’re in trucking it is your job to know the industry; from being a mechanic, a company driver, lease operator, or owner of a trucking firm, everyone needs to know current issues in the industry. As opportunities for business come up, being knowledgeable will be a big advantage. We will all make mistakes, but continue to learn and evolve. Learn from others mistakes, and always keep the past and the future in your mind when making a decision. The biggest observation I have learned is making a well thought out decision using facts, doing research and reading every line of a contract, and not rushing, regardless of who you are dealing with, is always a good thing. Also keeping friends or family who are significantly older than yourself around for advice is an advantage. Our elders hold real life experience and knowledge. Soak up their recommendations like a sponge and listen to their mistakes. Let their lessons guide you to success in business. NATIONAL MAGAZINE





vpwr iv`c kuJ sbk

pYS brwV

qy swlW dOrwn, mYN lokW nUM kwrobwr iv`c keI vwr sPl Aqy AsPl huMdy dyiKAw hY[ kuJ AsPlqwvW qyz PYsilAW, idmwg dI bjwey idl dI vrqoN Aqy Koj dI Gwt qoN huMdIAW hn[ sPlqw s^q imhnq Aqy cMgI pRiqSTw nwl imldI hY[ pr ie`k AsPlqw, hmySw Awpxy leI Aqy dUijAW leI ie`k is`Kx dw mOkw huMdw hY[ mYnUM nhIN l`gdw ik kwrobwr leI koeI ie`k shI rsqw hY ijs ‘qy c`l ky ieh XkInI bxwieAw jw sky kwrobwr kwmXwb hI hovygw, pr mYN inScq qOr 'qy purwxI pIVHI qoN slwh lYxI Aqy aunHW dI sUJ pRwpq krnw psMd krdI hW[ mYN ie`k dosq nwl g`l kr rhI sI jo bhuq gu`sy iv`c sI[ auh bhuq gu`sy ‘c sI ik aus dI BYx ny aus nUM 2 imlIAn fwlr dw rgVw lwieAw sI[ aus nwl g`lbwq dOrwn mYN pu`iCAw ik ieh sB hoieAw ikvyN? aus ny ikhw ik aus dI BYx dw pqI fr`g fIlr hox krky jylH igAw sI Aqy




ausny kwnUMnI ib`lW leI 900,000 fwlr dI rkm Adw kIqI sI[ ausny ikhw ik ausdy pirvwr dy iksy hor mYNbr ny koeI mdd nhIN kIqI[jdoN ausdI dw pqI BYx 10 swlW leI jyl ‘c bMd sI, qW ausny AwpxI BYx Aqy b`icAwN dIAW AwriQk ‘qy hor zrUrqW nUM pUrw kIqw[ aus ny ikhw ik jdoN ausdI BYx dw doSI pqI jylH qoN bwhr inkilAw qW aus ny Kud nUM ie`k bdilAw hoieAw AwdmI hox dw dwAvw kIqw Aqy kwrobwr SurU krn leI 1.7 imlIAn fwlr dw krzw mMigAw[ myry dosq ny AwpxI jwiedwd 'qy krzw cu`ikAw qy aus nUM pYsy id`qy[ kwrobwr AsPl irhw, swrw pYsw fu`b igAw Aqy hux ausdI BYx ny pYsw vwps krn dI koeI pySkS vI nhIN kIqI[ AsIN ies Asl izMdgI dI audwhrx qoN kI is`K skdy hW? mYN ieh nhIN khWgI ik qusIN Awpxy pirvwr dI mdd nw kro, pr mYN ieh zrUr khWgI ik Awpxy PYsly Awpxy idl nwl nw kro[ jdoN pYsy dI g`l AwauNdI hY, qW Awpxy idmwg dI vrqoN

kwmXwb kro nw ik AwpxIAwN BwvnwvW dI[ myry dosq nUM ie`k vwr hI nhIN, blik do vwr DoKw id`qw igAw sI[ auh bhuq smJdwr Aqy piVHAw-iliKAw AwdmI hY, pr aus dI BYx pRqI aus dIAwN BwvnwvW shI inrxy dy rwh iv`c Aw geIAwN[ auh byS`k BYx jW doSI pqI nwl g`l nhIN krdw[ mYnUM lgdw hY ik jy ausny pihlW pYsy dyx qoN ienkwr kr id`qw huMdw, qW AMq ‘c nqIjw qW auhI huMdw, pr aus dw bYNk Kwqw bhuq kwPI BirAw rihMdw[ mYN sWJydwrI dy Pwrm dyKy hn, ij`Qy BweIvwlW ny hryk ivAkqI bwry koeI Koj nhIN kIqI[ mYnUM sWJydwrI iv`c jw rhy ivAkqIAW dy ie`k smUh bwry pqw l`igAw aunHw iv`coN ie`k swbkw dIvwlIAw sI[ mYnUM ieh ies leI pqw sI ikauNky mYN ausdy ie`k tRylr leI PweInYNs kIqw sI, pr BweIvwlW nwl g`l krn qoN bwAd mYnUM ieh sp`St ho igAw ik auh ies gl qoN iblku`l Axjwx sn[ mYN ies bwry aunHw nMU jwxkwrI nhIN dy skdI sI ies leI NATIONAL MAGAZINE

mYN cu`p hI rhI[ mYnUM pqw sI ik ieh BweIvwlI AsPl ho jwvygI; ikauNik aunHw ‘c ie`k swbkw dIvwlIAw sI, ie`k nMU zIro kwrobwrI igAwn sI Aqy gu`sy dy mu`idAW nwl jUJ irhw ie`k lVwkU SrwbI sI Aqy AwKrI ivAkqI ie`k purwxw kwrobwrI sI, ie`k hotl dw mwlk sI Aqy ies smyN ie`k blUbyrI Pwrm dw mwlk sI[ie`k qjrby vwlw ivAkqI Pwrm clwaux dy nwl nwl ie`k nwqjrbykwr gru`p nUM nwl lY ky c`lx iv`c Asm`rQ sI,[ ieh ie`k idlcsp sumyl sI. kI ieh kMm sPl irhw? nhIN ieh kwmXwb nhIN hoieAw[ swbkw dIvwlIey nUM iksy vI krzy dI mnzUrI nhIN iml skI, SrwbI BweIvwl gRwhkW Aqy stwP nwl glq BwSw dw vrqoN krdw sI, ies leI gRwhk ikqy hor cly gey Aqy stwP vI kMm C`f ky clw igAw, Aqy BweIvwl ikswn dPqr nUM audoN q`k clwauNdw irhw jdoN q`k sB kuJ Kqm nhIN ho igAw, ikauNik aus dI dUjy do lokW koeI mdd nhIN kIqI Aqy Ajy vI auh Awpxy Pwrm nUM clwaux dI koiSS kr irhw sI[ auh kMm sMBwl nhIN skdw sI[ ausdI Ajy vI ie`k dPqrI stwP mYNbr dI qnKwh dy bkwieAw hn, Aqy auhnW dy aupkrxW nUM r`d krn dy AwdySW kwrn aunHw dI swK qbwh vI qbwh ho geI[ auh byS`k Awpxw kwrobwr guAw bYTy hn[ ies qoN bicAw igAw hY? ho skdw hY ik jykr auh ie`k-dUjy nUM jwxn Aqy ie`kdUjy dy ipCokV bwry jwxn leI smW k`F lYNdy, qW Swied ies bymyl qoN bicAw jw skdw sI[ ies leI jykr BweIvwlW nwl kwrobwr krn jw rhy ho, qW auhnW nUM pihlW hI cMgI qrHW jwxo Aqy dyKo ik hryk ivAkqI kol ikhVy hunr hn[ jdoN koeI ivAkqI swhmxy pYsy dI mMg krdw hY, kI ieh cMgw sMkyq hY? iv`qI aupkrnW iv`c, ie`k dlwl nUM kdy vI A`gy qoN pYsy dI mMg nhIN krnI cwhIdI[ bYNk dlwl nUM Bugqwn krdw hY, ies leI jykr quhwnUM iksy dlwl duAwrw dlwl nUM pYsy dyx leI ikhw jWdw hY, qW myrI slwh c`ldI hY[ ie`k fIlriSp swzo-swmwn nUM r`Kx leI ie`k ifpwizt lvygI jW kstm myf swzo-swmwn nUM bxwaux leI cMgI Bwvnw nwl lY lvygI, bYNk quhwfI fwaUn pymYNt Aqy kuJ dsqwvyz PIs vI lvygw[ pr jykr koeI hor pYsy dw vtWdrw kIqw jw irhw hY, qW ies v`l iDAwn dyx dI loV hY, Aqy ie`k pYsw nw idE[ shI Koj kuMjI hY. Awpxw smW lE Aqy keI dlwlW nwl g`l kro[ jykr koeI hor A`gy pYsy nhIN lY irhw hY, qW ieh ie`k burw sMkyq hY[ myry kol bhuq swry lokW ny kwl kIqI hY Aqy mYnUM d`isAw hY ik auh dlwlW duAwrw DoKw id`qy gey hn Aqy pYsy guAw cu`ky hn[ kwrobwr krn leI Koj kuMjI hY. NATIONAL MAGAZINE

imlIAn fwlr qoN v`D dw cUnw lgwieAw sI[ jdoN AsIN g`l krdy hW, mYN pu`iCAw ik ieh ikvyN hoieAw? ausny ikhw ik BYxW dw pqI fr`g fIlr hox krky jylH igAw sI Aqy ausny kwnUMnI ib`lW iv`c $900,000 dw Bugqwn kIqw sI[ aunHW ikhw ik aunHW dy pirvwr dI hor iksy ny mdd nhIN kIqI[ ausny AwpxI BYx Aqy b`icAwN dw vI pRbMD kIqw jdoN ik pqI lgBg 10 swlW qoN Gr bMd sI[ aus ny ikhw ik jdoN doSI pqI jyl qoN bwhr AwieAw qW aus ny iek bdilAw hoieAw AwdmI hox dw dwAvw kIqw Aqy kwrobwr SurU krn leI 1.7 imlIAn fwlr dw krzw mMigAw[ myry dosq ny AwpxI jwiedwd 'qy krzw ilAw Aqy pYsy dy id`qy[ kwrobwr PylH ho igAw, swrw pYsw Kqm ho igAw Aqy hux BYx ny koeI pYsw vwps dyx dI pySkS vI nhIN kIqI[ AsIN ies Asl izMdgI dI imswl qoN kI is`K skdy hW? mYN ieh nhIN khWgw ik Awpxy pirvwr dI mdd nw kro, pr mYN khWgw, Awpxy idl dI pwlxw nw kro[ jdoN pYsy dI g`l AwauNdI hY, qW Awpxy idmwg dI vrqoN kro nw ik AwpxIAwN BwvnwvW dI[ myry dosq nUM ie`k vwr nhIN, sgoN do vwr DoKw id`qw igAw sI[ auh ie`k bhuq hI cmkdwr Aqy piVHAw-iliKAw AwdmI hY, pr ausdI BYx leI ausdI BwvnwvW shI inrxy dy rwh iv`c Aw geIAwN[ auh byS`k BYx jW doSI pqI nwl g`l nhIN krdw[ mYnUM l`gdw hY ik jy auh pihlW pYsy dyx qoN ienkwr kr idMdw, qW nqIjw iehI hoxw sI, pr ausdw bYNk Kwqw bhuq motw hoxw sI[ jdoN koeI pihlW pYsy mMgdw hY, qW kI ieh ie`k cMgw sMkyq hY? aupkrx PweInYs dlwl nUM kdy vI pihlW pYsy nhIN mMgdy[ bYNk dlwl nUM Bugqwn krdw hY, ies leI jy quhwnUM dlwl duAwrw dlwl nUM pYsy dyx leI ikhw jWdw hY qW myrI slwh hY ik auQoN qusIN cldy hI Bly[ ie`k fIlriSp aupkrx KrIdx leI jW kstm myf aupkrx bxwaux leI rkm jmHW krwvygI, bYNk quhwfI fwaUn pymYNt Aqy kuJ dsqwvyzI PIsW vI lvygI[ pr jy koeI hor pYsy dw lYx-dyx ho jw irhw hY, qW ies v`l iDAwn dyx dI loV hY, Aqy ie`k pYsw vI nw idE[ cMgI qrW Koj krI sPlqw dI kuMjI hY[ Awpxw smW lE Aqy keI dlwlW nwl g`l kro[ jy koeI hor pYsw A`gy nhIN lY irhw hY, qW ieh ie`k mwVw sMkyq hY[ mYN keI lokW nUM kwl kIqI hY Aqy mYnUM d`isAw hY ik auh dlwlW duAwrw T`gy gey sn Aqy pYsy guAw cu`ky sn[CwxbIx krnI sPl kwrobwr dI kuMjI hY[ jdoN koeI quhwnUM aus tr`k jW tRylr dw muAwienw krn nhIN idMdw ijs iv`c quhwfI idlcspI hY; qW ao`QoN cldy bxo[ auh sp`St qOr 'qy kuJ lukw rhy hn[ hwl ‘c hI myrw ie`k sOdw ies kwrn krky tu`t

igAw[ ie`k gwhk AYfimMtn iv`c vriqAw hoieAw pItriblt tr`k KrId irhw sI[ gwhk Aqy ausdw BqIjw tr`k nUM dyKx leI AYfimMtn cly gey[ pihlW ivkryqw ny AfvWs rkm dI mMg kIqI[ gwhk QoVw Asur`iKAq mihsUs ho igAw[ gwhk ny pihlW pUrI jWc leI tr`k nUM sQwnk pItriblt fIlriSp 'qy lY jwx dI bynqI kIqI Aqy ivkryqw ny ienkwr kr id`qw[ mYN Awpxy muv`ikl nUM ikhw ieh sOdy nUM Bu`l jwE qy ie`QoN iKskx ‘c BlweI hY[ k`uJ nw k`J zrUr lukwaux dI koiSS kIqI jw rhI hY, jo skdw hY ieh lukoeI jwx vwlI g`l quhwfy leI ie`k bhuq v`fI qy mihMgI sm`isAw swibq ho skdI hY[ jykr quhwnUM vrqy gey swz-swmwn dy ih`sy dI shI qrHW jWc krn dI iejwzq nhIN hY, qW iesnUM nw KRIdx ‘c hI quhwfI BlweI hY[ quhwnUM A`gy vDx qoN pihlW AwpxI sMquStI leI hr cIz dI Cwx bIx Aqy jWc krn dI loV hY[ jy qusIN Asihj mihsUs krdy ho, qW sOdw C`f idE[ swry kwrobwr mwVy nhIN huMdy[ mYN BweIvwlW Aqy pirvwrW nUM iml ky kMm krdy Aqy ie`k sPl kwrobwr clwauNdy hoey dyiKAw hY[ mYN tr`ikMg audXog iv`c bhuq swry lokW nUM bhuq imhnq krdy Aqy sPlqw pRwpq krdy dyiKAw hY[ mYN socdI hW ik vwqwvrx iv`c qbdIlIAW dy nwl kwrobwr dy AnukUl hoxw vI mh`qvpUrn hY[ pr mYnUM l`gdw hY ik vpwr hmySw is`Kx dw mOkw huMdw hY[ hmySw hor is`Kx Aqy Koj krn leI iqAwr rho[ jykr qusIN tr`ikMg iv`c ho qW audXog nUM jwxnw quhwfw kMm hY; ie`k mkYink, ie`k kMpnI frweIvr, lIz Awprytr, jW ie`k tr`ikMg Prm dy mwlk hox qoN lY ky, hryk nUM audXog iv`c mOjUdw mu`idAW nUM jwxn dI loV huMdI hY[ ijvyN ik vpwr dy mOky AwauNdy hn, igAwnvwn hoxw ie`k v`fw lwB hovygw[ AsIN swry glqIAW krWgy, pr is`Kxw Aqy ivkisq krnw jwrI r`KWgy[ dUsirAW dIAW glqIAW qoN is`Ko, Aqy PYslw krdy smyN hmySw AqIq Aqy Biv`K nUM Awpxy idmwg iv`c r`Ko[ sB qoN v`fw inrIKx jo mYN is`iKAw hY, auh q`QW dI vrqoN krky cMgI qrHW soc-smJ ky PYslw krnw, Koj krnw Aqy iekrwrnwmy dI hr lweIn nUM pVHnw hY, Aqy BwvyN qusIN iks nwl pyS Aw rhy hovo, kwhlI nw krnw, hmySw hI cMgI g`l huMdI hY[ nwl hI slwh leI Awpxy Awly-duAwly Awpxy qoN kw&I v`fI aumr dy dosqW jW pirvwr nUM r`Kxw ie`k Pwiedw hY[ swfy bzurg Asl jIvn dw AnuBv Aqy igAwn r`Kdy hn[ aunHW dIAW is&wrSW nUM spMj vWg fubo idE Aqy aunHW dIAW ZlqIAwN nUM suxo[ auhnW dy sbk quhwnUM kwrobwr iv`c sPlqw leI mwrg drSn krngy[



Home Makeover

Tips to Survive the Winter Blues f you find yourself feeling down about another pandemic winter, you’re not alone. Many people experience the seasonal blues, and public health restrictions, though necessary, can make these dark months feel even worse. Fortunately, you can lift your spirits with these tips:


Turn on some happy tunes Research shows listening to upbeat and cheerful music can significantly improve your mood, lower stress levels, and even increase blood flow. Since it helps activate the areas of your brain responsible for positive mood, memory, emotion regulation and attention, music is a fun and easy way to get a boost.

Plan a vacation, even a mini one Studies show that planning a vacation can increase your overall happiness. While travelling abroad may be out of the question this year, you can plan a mini staycation to lift your spirits. Organize an outdoor activity with friends, like skiing or snowshoeing, or check out a restaurant in a nearby town with family.


Give your home a makeover Changing up a few things can make your space feel fresh and inviting, rather than tired and boring. Incorporate some warm colours with paint or décor, and make sure there’s plenty of lighting. Rearrange furniture so you’re closer to the windows or consider getting a light therapy box, which can help with mood and sleep. Work out smarter, not harder Most of us know that exercising is great way to improve our physical and mental health. But being strategic about where and how you work out can maximize those benefits. For example, exercising under bright lights can be even better for seasonal depression, and moving your physical activity outdoors lifts your mood by spending time in nature. 20 JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2022

Upgrade your entertainment Did you know that laughter may help relieve symptoms of depression? Make sure to get plenty of chuckles by tuning into a hilarious new show or podcast. In addition to ad-free music, a SiriusXM subscription grants access to the best podcasts and comedy channels, from Kevin Hart’s Laugh Out Loud Radio, Just for Laughs Canada, to Comedy Central and Comedy Classics. With the platform’s app, you can bring the voices of your favourite channels and artists with you wherever you go, and confidently know there’s always something good on. Source: News Canada NATIONAL MAGAZINE

QkyNvyN qoN rokQfm

suprvfeIjLr aqy zrfeIvr dI ijLMmyvfrI

sVk dI vrqoN krn vfly

15% lokF ny

gwzI clfAux vyly sON jfx bfry mMinaf hY[ - tRFsport kYnyzf hwl gwl krnf hY suprvfeIjLr


• afpxI iswDI ingrfnI hyTly ivakqIaF dI ishq aqy syPtI nUM XkInI bxfAu • QkyNvyN dIaF insLfnIaF dI pCfx kro

• ieh PYslf krn leI afpxy afp dI asYWsmYNt kro ik kI qusIN surwiKaq qrIky nfl kmrsLIal gwzI clfAux leI iPwt ho

• vrkr dI QkyNvyN nfl sMbMiDq hflq bfry Aus nfl qurMq gwl kro

• ijLafdf QkyNvyN bfry afpxy suprvfeIjLr nUM dwso

• bdlvyN aYksLn df PYslf kro, ijwQy Auh Qwky hox krky gwzI nf clf skdy hox

• motr gwzI clfAux qoN bcx leI ZukvyN kdm cuwko

QkyNvyN dy roky jf skx vfly kfrn

QkyNvyN dy asr ienHF kfrnF krky hfdsf hox df Kqrf bhuq ijLafdf vDf dyxgy:

muZlf kfrn = nINd dI Gft + nINd dI mfVI kuafltI

nINd dy ivgfV

gwzI clfAux dOrfn


nsLy aqy sLrfb

mT w f

rihxI bihxI

iKafl rwKx ivc kmI ipCokV ivc rOlf

isLPt df smF

isLPt dI lMbfeI

sVkI KqiraF dI

isLPtF ivckfr afrfm

Gwt soJI

18 GMitaF leI jfgxf



24 GMitaF leI jfgxf



bnfm AUNG

KUn ivc alkohl

kdm cuwkx df smF

bI sI ivc kfnUMnI hwd qoN vwD

ijLafdf jfxkfrI leI `qy jfAu [Punjabi]

*Williamson & Feyer. (2000) nINd dI drimafnI ijhI Gft, bwuDI ivc aqy gwzI clfAux ivc sLrfbI hox dy dwsy gey kfnUMnI pwDrF dy brfbr ivgfV pYdf krdI hY[ afkUpysLnl aYNz ienvfrnmYNtl mYzIsIn. 57, 649-655.




pYS brwV

swaUQ srHI iv`c sI Aqy kuJ mswilAW dI qlwS krdI krdI ikcn stor, ikcn QYrypI ‘c jw phuMcI[ mYnUM bhuq swry mswly nhIN imly, Aqy mYnUM vYnkovr dy gormyt vyArhwaUs nUM jwxw ipAw[ pr jdoN mYN g`fI pwrk kr ky htI qW ku`J Pwsly qy siQq ikn QweI ikcn ‘qy myrI nzr peI[ mYnUM QweI Bojn bhuq psMd hY, ies leI mYN ie`Qy vwps AwauNdy smyN ie`Qy jwx dw inrxw kr ilAw[ aus hPqy dy AMq ivc, mYN Aqy iek dosq d`KxI srHI v`l cly gey[ AsIN irzvrjySn krvw ky bhuq cMgI g`l kIqI[ rYstorYNt pUrw BirAw hoieAw sI[ ies iv`c izAwdw bYTx dI QW nhIN hY pr swry myz Bry hoey sn[ swnUM d`isAw igAw ik swnUM kuJ imMt ieMqzwr krnw pvygw, ies leI AsIN jdoN ieMqzwr kr rhy sI qW AsIN nyVy dIAwN dukwnW 'qy ivMfo SwipMg krn dw PYslw kIqw[ jdoN AsIN bYTy sI qW myrI nzr ie`k AwdmI ‘qy peI jo sp`St qOr 'qy mwlk sI[ auh swry Kwxw Kwx vwilAW nwl bhuq dosqwnw ivvhwr kr irhw sI Aqy ieh XkInI bxw irhw sI ik hr iksy kol pIx leI ifRMk hY[ myry dosq ny QweI bIAr dw Awrfr id`qw Aqy jdoN ieh Kqm ho geI qW mYN KwlI boql PV ky au`pr nUM cu`kI hI sI ik mwlk ny qurMq Aw ky KwlI boql PV leI Aqy nwl hI ie`k nvIN bIAr Aqy boql Epnr mYnMU ausy smyN dy igAw[ auh ie`k bhuq vDIAw ienswn sI[ jdoN ausny bIAr pweI qW myry dosq ny vweI-PweI



pwsvrf mMigAw[ mwlk dy ichry ‘qy ie`k dm muskrwht Aw geI ‘qy ausny ikhw, "swfy kol vweI-PweI nhIN hY[ AwpxI grlPrYNf v`l iDAwn idE!" mYnUM ieMnI zor nwl hwsw AwieAw ik myrw hu`QU msW hI ruikAw! byS`k aunHW kol vweI-PweI hY, auh isrP mzwk kr irhw sI[ AsIN kuJ AYpItweIzr KwDy[ kuJ lYits rYps, ickn sYty, spirMg rol Aqy kuJ QweI stweIl ivMgz[ ieh sB kuJ svwd sI Aqy mYnUM Kws qOr 'qy sYty Aqy spirMg rol psMd Awey[ swty nUM ctxI dI vI loV nhIN sI ikauNik ieh bhuq suAwdvwlw sI[ ies qoN bwAd AsIN kuJ hry rMg dy krI ickn, pYf QweI Aqy kuJ lsx pRwnz Ajmwey[ ieh sB bhuq izAwdw Bojn sI, pr ieh sB cMgw sI[ mYN Swied iPr qoN pRwnz Awrfr nhIN krWgI, pr grIn krI myrI mnpsMd sI[ ieh mswlydwr sI Aqy myry kol QweI AweIsf cwh sI qW jo mYN ies nwl Awpxy mUMh nUM TMFw kr skI[ mYN dUjI AweIsf cwh dw Awrfr id`qw, ikauNik ieh bhuq vDIAw sI[ mYN nwrIAl AweIskRIm nwl kuJ qly hoey kyilAW nwl Kwxw Kqm kIqw[ qly hoey kyilAW qoN ibnW QweI Bojn Kwxw mYnUM TIk mihsUs nhIN huMdw[ ieh ies Bojn dw sB qoN vDIAw ih`sw hY! mwlk ny jnm idn leI bu`k hoey tybl qy bYTy nOjvwn leI jnm idn dw gIq vjwieAw Aqy ijs dw jnm idn sI, aus ny Bwvuk ho ky mwlk nUM j`PI pw leI[ ieh bhuq hI suhwvxw pl sI[ mwlk ny tIvI 'qy k``uJ KyfW vwly cYnl vI lwey[ swfw smw

spirMg rol

ikn QweI ikcn qy bwr

bhuq hI vDIAw lMiGAw! jdoN AsIN KyfW dyK rhy sI qW myry dosq nUM dubwrw Bu`K l`g geI Aqy aus ny Awpxy bcy hoey ivMgz iPr Kwxy SurU kr id`qy[ mYN ies rYstorYNt iv`c vwps vI geI sI Aqy mwlk iPr pihlW dI qrHW hsmu`K sI Aqy myrI PyrI nUM aus ny swrQk bxw id`qw[ jnm idn aus dI spYSltI hYY, ies leI jy qusIN cwhuMdy ho ik quhwfyy jnm idn ‘qy jnm idn dw gIq bhuq au~cI Awvwz iv`c vjwieAw jwvy, Aqy bhuq iDAwn id`qw jwvy, qW ieh jgHw quhwfy leI TIk hY[ mYN dyiKAw ik bhuq swrw Amlw Aqy mwlk d`KxI eySIAweI sn, ies leI mYN pu`iCAw ik aunHW ny pRmwixk QweI Bojn pkwauxw ikvyN is`iKAw[ aus ny ikhw ik rsoeI dw swrw Amlw QweI sI, ies leI ieh Su`D QweI Kwxw hY[ QweI dupihr dy Kwxy leI vI Ku`lHw hY, pr jy Swm nUM qusIN ie`Qy Kwx jWdy ho qW inScq qOr 'qy irjrvySn krw lE, ikauNik ie`Qy bhuq swrIAW sItW nhIN hn[ie`Qy bhuq swry lok tyk AwaUt Kwxw lY ky jw rhy sn, ies leI ieh dyK ky cMgw lgdw hY ik bhuq swry sQwnk lok ie`k Coty AYQink rYstorYNt dw smrQn krdy hn[ ieh dosqwnw Amly Aqy cMgy Bojn nwl ie`k mzydwr sQwn hY, ies leI mYN sB nMU ie`Qy Awx dI bhuq isPwrS krdI hW[

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Vol.13 - Issue 1 Jan/Feb 2022

What Does 2022 Hold for Trucking?

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AMG GLB 35 4Matic

vyN vwhn bwry PYslw krdy smyN sB qoN muSikl kMmW iv`coN ie`k ieh hY ik ie`k AijhI cox krnI jo nw isrP quhwfIAW loVW Aqy bjt 'qy iP`t bYTdI hY, sgoN ies dw tRyfmwrk vI lgzrI p`Dr vwlw hovy, ijs iv`c bhuq swrI AMdrUnI QW hovy[ ies dI cox krdy smyN, kMpYkt jW sbkMpYkt SRyxI iv`c ieMny bdl nhIN huMdy[ KYr, 2021 Mercedes-AMG GLB35 isrP auh sMpUrn SUV ho skdI hY jo swry bwksW nUM it`k krdI hY[ Aqy ivkrI AMkVy nUM dyKdy hoey, Mercedes inScq qOr 'qy ies sB ‘c jyqU hY[ jdoN mYN ieh kihMdw hW qW ieh nw smJxw ik mYN mzwk kr irhw hW, pr ies ny mYnUM s`cmùc hYrwn kr id`qw hY[ ieh hn auh pMj mùK pMj kwrn ijhVy d`sdy hn ik 2021 AMG GLB35 ie`k auh Swndwr kMpYkt SUV hY, ijhVI qusIN Awpxy gYryj iv`c pwrk krnw cwhuMdy ho[ bwksI Awkwr dw mqlb hY iesdy AMdr bhuq QW hY: AMG GLB35 nUM dyKdy smyN, koeI ieh nhIN socygw ik ies dy AMdr ieMnI kw&I jgHw hovygI[ myrw mqlb hY, jy ieh ie`k kMpYkt SUV dI qrHW idKweI idMdI hY, qW Swied ies dy AMdr kMpYkt SUV ijMnI hI QW hY[ iblkul nhIN! GLB dw bwksI Awkwr ies dy v`fy BweIbMd jI AYl AYs nwl imldw-juldw hY, Aqy ies vwhn leI ieh kMm krdw hY[ bwksI



Awkwr nw isrP bYk ’c kwrgo spys nUM v`D qoN v`D krdw hY, blik ieh swry bYTx vwiLAW leI vI kwPI jgHw idMdw hY[ mYN AglIAW dovyN sItW 'qy Aqy dUjI kqwr iv`c vI bYTw sI Aqy l`q Aqy hY~f rUm dI QW kw&I hYrwnIjnk hY[ ie`QoN q`k ik ie`k dosq jo 6’ 2” lMbw Aqy lgBg 210 pONf Bwr vwlw hY auh vI, Arwm nwL bYT irhw sI[ GLB ‘c qIjI kqwr vI hY Aqy APsos dI g`l hY ik AsIN qIjI kqwr dI smIiKAw krn dy Xog nhIN sI ikauNik pRYs kwr kol ieh ivklp nhIN sI[ mYnUM XkIn hY ik Coty b`icAW leI, ieh kw&I QW hY[ tYknolojI dy lof ie`k vwr jdoN qusIN GLB 35 dy AMdr kdm r`Kdy ho, qW quhwfIAW A`KW is`DIAW fYS 'qy jWdIAW hn, ijs iv`c do, 10-25" skRInW hn[ ieh skRInW, jo ie`k v`fy Akwr dIAW lgdIAW hn, auh hn jo AsIN hor Mercedes mwflW iv`c cyn iv`c au~cIAW vyKIAW hn[ ieh skRInW icknw (Sleek) Aqy smkwlI lgdIAW hn[ kuJ lokW ny mrsfIz MBUX (MercedesBenz User Experience) ieMPotynmYNt isstm 'qy jYb kIqy hn, pr mYnUM ieh psMd hY[ stIAirMg vHIl 'qy do t`c btnW dI vrqoN krky, qusIN sVk qoN AwpxIAW nzrW htweyy ibnw vwhn dy lgBg hr pihlU nUM kMtrol kr skdy ho[ Aqy jy qusIN pUrI qrHW h`QW dI vrqoN nhIN

- jYg F`t

krnw cwhuMdy ho, qW b`s "hy Mercedes" kho Aqy qusIN isr& bol ky kwr dIAW bhuq swrIAW ivSySqwvW q`k phuMc kr skdy ho[TIk hY ieh pRxwlI hmySW shI nhIN huMdI pr izAwdwqr ih`sy leI vDIAw kMm krdI hY[ auh ieMjx Aqy tRWsimSn pr hW, ieh koeI shI AMG nhIN hY, ijsdw mqlb hY ie`k ivAkqI duAwrw h`Q nwl bxweI hoeI; pr iesdw mqlb ieh vI nhIN ik ies bYNz kol aus hùf dy hyTW kuJ SkqI nhIN hY[ AMG GLB35 nUM 20AYl trbocwrjf ieMjx duAwrw sMcwilq kIqw jWdw hY jo 302 hwrspwvr Aqy 295 pONfPùt twrk r`Kdw hY[ hwlW ik ieh izAwdw nhIN l`g skdw, pr ieh bYNz nUM isrP 51 sikMtW iv`c 60 mIl pRqI GMtw q`k phuMcw dyvygw, jo aunHW lokW nUM pRBwivq krygw jo Poks AYs tI, fbilaU Awr AYks, jW ie`QoN q`k ik golP Awr nUM vI iqAwr kr rhy hn[ pwvr iflIvrI vI lgBg Ptw Pt hY; hW, jdoN qusIN pihlI vwr ies nUM pMc krdy ho qW ies qoN QoVHw ijhw pCV jWdw hY pr ies dI aumId vI kIqI jwxI cwhIdI hY[ Aqy ie`k AwkrSk 8-spIf qyz-iSPitMg AwtomYitk tRWsimSn nwl myl KWdw hY, AMG GLB35 auhnW iv`coN sB qoN vDIAw nwl cldw hY[ hW, ie`k mYnUAl vI hYrwnI jnk hovygw, pr iemwndwrI nwl, mYN DwqU pYfl iSPtrW dI vrqoN krky igArW iv`coN au~fdw hoieAw NATIONAL MAGAZINE



ieMPotynmYNt dyiKAw qW jo myry leI vDIAw ho sky[ AMG GLB35 bwry hor vI pRBwvSwlI g`l ieh hY ik ies nUM sport mof iv`c r`Kxw Aqy kwr iSPt nUM Awpxy Awp nUM lgBg 95% smyN leI vDIAw kMm krn dyxw[ ies leI ies bwry kihxw pvygw ik ieMjInIArW ny ies grm hYc nUM v`D qoN v`D itaUn krn 'qy ikMnw kMm kIqw hovygw[ ies dI clweI AwE ies nUM rsqy qoN bwhr k`FIey - GLB g`fI clwauxw ie`k Dmwky smwn hY[ ies dI id`K qoN, qusIN socogy ik jo kùJ ieh krdI hY ieh isrP ie`k hor kMpYkt SUV hY jo bhuq izAwdw pMc pYk nhIN krygI jW g`fI nhIN clweygI[ ieh glq PihmIAW s`cweI qoN A`gy nhIN ho skdIAW[ hW, kuJ SMky hn; pr auh frweIv qoN dUr nhIN iljWdyy[ myrI izAwdwqr frweIivMg Sihr iv`c sI Aqy ikauNik ifPwlt mof kMmPort Bwv Arwm vwLw hY, mYN ijMnw ho sky Awrwmdwiek hI irhw[ ies iv`c ie`k cyqwvnI hY[ kMmPort mof iv`c, GLB 35lweIn qoN QoVHw susq huMdw hY Aqy keI vwr, quhwfy ie`Cw qoN qyzI nwl au~pr v`l vD skdw hY[ ieh iPaul dI b`cq ‘c vwDw krnw hY Aqy AOsq frweIvr leI, ieh ie`k vDIAw sOdw hY ikauNik kMmPort mof iv`c vI, jy qusIN ies nUM mùkw mwrdy ho, qW GLB 35qyzI nwl aufwx Brdw hY[ AnukUl gqISIl cox mof Swied Kyf hY ikauNik ieh izAwdwqr mOikAW 'qy Ajy NATIONAL MAGAZINE

vI kwbU iv`c rihMdy hoey mzydwr kMm dI AwigAw idMdw hY[ Aqy jdoN qusIN ies nwL snYkI sVk ‘qy cldy ho, qW ie`k cMgI qrHW sspYNSn dy GLB 35 hOlI mihsUs krdw hY[ ies dI svwrI sKq ho jWdI hY, pr ieh not krnw mh`qvpUrn hY ik ieh 35 dI sKq svwrI hY cwhy qusIN iksy vI mof iv`c ho, ie`QoN q`k ik kmPort mof iv`c vI[ ie`Qy sport+, ivAkqIgq Aqy iqlkx vwly mof vI hn, ijnHW nUM jW qW pRogrwm kIqw jw skdw hY jW auicq frweIivMg AvsQwvW vwsqy vriqAw jw skdw hY[ Sihr iv`c g`fI clwaux qoN lY ky 100 iklomItr/GMtw q`k dI r&qwr nwl PRIvyA 'qy rlyvyN q`k, GLB 35 pUrI qrHW FùkvW hY[ mYN hr roz ies dw pUrw AnMd lYNdw sI[ irPwieMf kYibn qusIN soc skdy ho ik ieh isrP ies leI ikauNik ieh bYNz hY, kYibn hYrwnIjnk hoxw cwhIdw hY[ pr ieh hYrwnI dI g`l hY ik bhuq swry lgzrI bRWf Aijhy nhIN hn; Asl iv`c, kuJ pRImIAm bRWfW iv`c lgzrI bRWfW nwloN vI ibhqr AMdrUnI Bwg huMdy hn[ pr, Sukr hY ik GLB 35 bYNz nwm nUM SrDWjlI idMdw hY, kYibn nUM sw&, AwlISwn Aqy qknwlojI nwl BirAw r`Kdw hY[ ijs qknwlojI bwry AsIN pihlW ivcwr-vtWdrw kIqw hY, aus leI AwE bwkI kYibn sbMDI vI g`l krIey[ sB qoN pihlW jo not kIqw jwxw hY, Aqy ieh kw&I mh`qvpUrn cIz vI hY auh spys;

GLB bwhroN Cotw idKweI idMdw hY, pr bwksI Awkwr ‘c bhuq swrI QW hY, Kws krky bhuq loVINdI l`qW Aqy hY~f rUm dI[ ie`QoN q`k ik ie`k lMby jW v`fy frweIvr dI QW nUM vI stIAirMg vHIl duAwrw roikAw nhIN jwvygw[ bYTx dI g`l krIey qW GLB 35 dIAW sItW Awrwmdwiek, iPr vI p`kIAW Aqy sihXogI hn[ hvw dwr sVkW nUM n`kwSI krdy smyN, quhwnUMU sItW 'qy mzbUqI nwl lgwieAw jWdw hY, jo swl Br dy Awrwm leI grm vI Aqy TMFy vI huMdy hn[ Aqy AMq iv`c, kYibn dI smùcI id`K hY[ ie`Qy AnukUl mUf lweIitMg, ie`k sw& fYS, kMtrolW dI vrqoN krnw Awswn hY [ pr hW, auh duSmx trbweIn vYNts vI hn[ sB kùJ iP`t bYTdw hY Aqy bhuq vDIAw kMm krdw hY[ AMqm ivcwr GLB 35, kwgzW 'qy, vDIAw nhIN l`gdw[ pr ieh dyK ky BulyKw nw KwE[ AMG auhnW ivSySqwvW nwl BrpUr hY ijnHW dI qusIN aumId krdy ho[ pr AMG (imaUtf) pwvr bons, ie`k ivl`Kx Awkwr, bhuq swrI qknwlojI Aqy frweIv nwl hr hwlq ‘c pRBwivq krdI hY[ hY[ hW, v`K v`K bdlW nUM Swml krdy smyN kImq QoVHI izAwdw l`g skdI hY; pr jnwb, qusIN ie`k bYNz KrId rhy ho, Aqy ies 'qy ie`k AMG KrId rhy ho[



jYg F`t

eIgl ivzn sikaurtI

vwjweI audXog iv`c corIAW Aqy bryk-ienW dI igxqI vDx dy nwL, ie`k sur`iKAw pRxwlI dI loV hY jo audXog dI r`iKAw kry Aqyo swfI AwriQkqw nUM A`gy vDwauNdI rhy[ Aqy ies qrHW dI pRxwlI nUM klw dI siQqI, BrosyXog Aqy cOvI GMty kMm krn dI loV hY[ jy qusIN iksy sur`iKAw pRxwlI dI qlwS ‘c ho jo iehnW swry f`ibAW 'qy shI dw inSwn lgwauNdI hY, qW eIgl ivzn sikaurtI qoN ibnw hor v`l iDAwn nw idE[ eIgl ivzn sikEirtI dI sQwpnw 2015 iv`c primMdr idEl duAwrw kIqI geI sI, ijs nUM dUrsMcwr Aqy AweI tI audXogW iv`c ivSwl qzrbw hY[ idEl ny trWsport audXog iv`c ivsqwr krn qoN pihlW v`fy pYmwny 'qy kwnUMnI PrmW Aqy mweIinMg kMpnIAW nUM syvwvW pRdwn kIqIAW[ qknwlojI qyzI nwl bdlx dy nwl, idEl Aqy ausdI tIm ny fwtw sYNtrW, srvrW Aqy qknwlojI buinAwdI FWcy nUM Swml krn leI ies dw ivsQwr kIqw[ idEl dw kihxw hY “ ies qoN qurMq bwAd, aunHW nUM klwauf firvn qknIk sbMDI hYrnI hox l`gI, ijhVI sB qoN vDIAw sur`iKAw ingrwnI h`l pRdwn krn leI ie`k zrUrI qbdIlI sI[" rvwieqI sur`iKAw, ijsdw mqlb hY ie`k sur`iKAw gwrf, ‘c kùJ GwtW hn ijnHW dw bhuiqAW nUM Aihsws nhIN huMdw, ikauN ik mnùK glqI dw puqlw hY[ idEl dw mMnxw hY ik inScq qOr 'qy iksy ivAkqI dI mOjUdgI hoxw ie`k v`fI rok hY[ pr ies dy nwL nwL ibmwrI, iDAwn dI Gwt, Aqy fr dy mùdy vI sdw hI rihMdy hn[ies qoN ibnw A`KW 'qy nzr dI vI vwDU icMqw hY[ koeI vI sur`iKAw gwrf ie`k sur`iKAw ingrwnI




pRxwlI ijMnI pRBwvSwlI FMg nwl pUry QW dI ingrwnI nhIN kr skdw ijMnI klw kYmirAW, ivAkqIgq nklI bùDI, Aqy bulyt-prUP hwrfvyAr dI siQqI dI vrqoN krky kIqI jw skdI hY[ idEl dw kihxw hYY, "AsIN SurU iv`c rYfImyf kYmirAW dI vrqoN kIqI Aqy aunHW nUM Awpxy bYk-AYNf fytw sYNtrW nwl joiVAw, ijnHW ny izAwdwqr kMm kIqw[" "pr swnUM Aihsws hoieAw ik Awpxy hwrfvyAr iv`c invyS krn dI loV hY[ AsIN hWgkWg dy ie`k inrmwqw nwl sMprk kIqw Aqy jo iqAwr kiqw igAw auh sMpUrn kYmrw hY, ijs iv`c iblt-ien AỲl eI fI lweItW, pUry rMg dy idn/rwq dI idRStI Aqy iblt-ien spIkr Swml hn[ ieh sur`iKAw ingrnI pRxwlIAW gRytr trWto Kyqr dy XwrfW ‘c hnyrI vWg Cw rhIAW hn[ eIgl ivzn sikEirtI isstm, pySyvr qOr 'qy idEl Aqy ausdI tIm duAwrw Xwrf dIAW loVW Aqy Awkwr dw mulWkx krn qoN bwAd hI lwey jWdy hn, ijnHW dI ingrwnI krn dI loV hY[ idEl dw kihxw hY, "swfIAW ingrwnI pRxwlIAW skylybl hn[ "AsIN iqMn in`jI tr`kW qoN lY ky 50 eykV qoN v`D Akwr dy v`fy XwrfW dI ikqy vI ingrwnI kr skdyy hW jo 50 eykV qoN v`D Awkwr dy hn[" eIgl ivzn sikEirtI nUM Al`g krn vwlI cIz aunHW dI ifaUl lyAr isstm hY, ijs iv`c lweIv eyjMt Ajy vI tr`k Xwrf dyKdy hn, jdoN ik ingrwnI pRxwlIAW mnùKI A`K nwloN vDyry dyKdIAW Aqy irkwrf krdIAW hn[ nklI bùDI-AwDwirq pRxwlIAW inrMqr ingrwnI vwly KyqrW nUM skYn krdIAW hn Aqy bryk-ien Aqy corI nwloN vI vDyry irkwrf krdIAW hn[ idEl dw kihxw hY ik ie`k Awm tr`k

Xwrf Coty tr`k hwdisAW, trylrW dy nuksW, tr`kW nUM bYrIArW Aqy KMiBAW nwl tkrwaux, glq kUVy dy inptwry, Aqy ie`QoN q`k ik frweIvrW nwl sbMDq mùidAW nwl vI nij`Tdw hY[ idEl kihMdw hY, "sur`iKAw gwrf Awm qOr 'qy gyt dy dwKl hox vwLy gyt 'qy isrP Agly gyt Aqy vwV dI ingrwnI hI krdy hn[ "swfIAW pRxwlIAW pUrI vwV lweIn nUM kvr krdIAW hn, Aqy AsIN qurMq jwxdy hW ik sIl kdoN tùt jWdI hY[ jy Aijhw huMdw hY, qW nw isrP AiDkwrIAW leI irkwrf kIqI geI hr cIz hY, sgoN AsIN qurMq krmcwrIAW nUM Byj skdy hW[" eIgl ivzn sikEirtI isrP tr`k XwrfW, ijvyN ik inrmwx sweItW, Awtomoitv fIlriSpW, Aqy vpwrk jwiedwdW qoN ielwvw hor bhuq swry KyqrW nUM byimswl syvwvW pRdwn krdI hY[ SurU ‘c kyvl imsIswgw Kyqr iv`c kMm krdy hoey, kMpnI hux EntwrIE dy keI ih`isAW ‘c syvw inBwA rhI hY Aqy hux mWtrIAl, ivnIpYg, kYlgrI, srI Aqy imnIsotw, XU AYs eyy leI hor ivsQwrq Xojnw bxweI geI hY[ idEl ieh kihMdy hoey mwx mihsus krdw hyY ik ausdy izAwdwqr gwhk auh hn ijhVy iksy v`loN id`qI slwh nwL AwaNudy hn Aqy aunHW dIAW syvwvW dI SlwGw krdy hn[ idEl dw kihxw hY, "ieh g`l AwvwjweI audXog iv`c PYl rhI hY ik eIgl ivzn sikEirtI go-tU kMpnI hY jy qusIN XwrfW Aqy dPqrW leI ie`k sur`iKAq Aqy qknwlojI-sMcwilq h`l cwhuMdy ho qW AsIN Awpxy lgBg 120 dy globl Amly nwl, quhwfIAW swrIAW sur`iKAw loVW vwsqy sB qoN vDIAw syvwvW Aqy auqpwd prdwn krn leI iqAwr hW[" NATIONAL MAGAZINE

CONDITIONS CHANGE. BE PREPARED AND PLAN AHEAD. The safety of your employees is your responsibility, including when they’re behind the wheel. Take steps to reduce the increased risks they face during winter conditions. Download our free winter driving safety tool kit at

Know before you go | |



s a professional driver, you spend a lot of time working alone. Be sure you know what to do if you run into trouble. Each day, thousands of drivers throughout British Columbia load, transport, and unload goods, tasks that are regularly completed alone. Whether working alone is because of early or late shifts or drive time without a crew, working alone means that you are in circumstances where it would be hard to get help in an emergency or if you are injured or become ill. Employers must protect their drivers during their work shift. Drivers must also protect themselves. A journey management plan for working alone explains steps drivers need to take while in the yard, on a customer’s site, and on the roadway. One of the first things a driver needs to do on arriving at the yard is determine whether there is anyone else at the office/yard in case of an emergency. Check the parking lot for colleagues’ vehicles. If no one else is there, ask yourself what you would do if you got hurt. It’s important to know whom to contact if you were injured; it could be 911, an office staff member, a colleague, or the owner of the company. Employers should be sure to provide that direction to all drivers. Before walking into the yard, check the area where you’ll be working and conduct a site-specific hazard assessment to identify hazards that could cause an injury. Look out for items on the ground that could cause a trip and fall, and slippery areas. If the area is dark, be sure to use some form of lighting —a flashlight or light tower. Always use use three points of contact when climbing up and down on the truck cab or trailer and take precautions against a fall from a height. Once you’re loaded up, confirm your destination and the route you’ll take. Travel on truck routes and make sure dispatch or your employer always knows where you are. Employers need to know the truck routes from their yard to customer locations and make sure drivers travel on these roadways. Pay close attention to road hazards around them while traveling on the roadway, and especially if you have to stop on the roadside. Pay attention to road conditions and drive at a safe speed. Watch out for the distance between other vehicles, to make sure there is a safe stopping distance. At no point should a driver drive while distracted, such as holding a cell phone, iPad, etc. Trucking companies are well-advised to use a check-in system for drivers to make sure those working alone are safe. Ensure the success of the check-in system: • Assign a check-in contact for drivers. It could be someone at another company site, the owner, or a third-party company. • Ensure drivers know who the check-in contact is and how to contact them. • Trucking companies must ensure drivers are aware of the need for the precaution and comply every time. Employer and driver need to collaborate to make sure drivers are safe while working alone. If a driver feels at risk, they need to speak with the employer right away to ensure the hazard is removed or mitigated.


Protecting Drivers Working Alone A


iek`ly kMm krn vwly frweIvrW dI r`iKAw krnw ie`

k pySyvr frweIvr vjoN, qusIN iek`ly kMm krn iv`c bhuq swrw smW ibqwauNdy ho[ ieh XkInI bxwE ik jy qusIN musIbq iv`c Ps jWdy ho qW quhwnUM ieh pqw hovy ik qusIN kI

krnw hY[ hr roz, ibRitS kolMbIAw dy lof, AwvwjweI Aqy Anlof mwl, kwrjW iv`c hzwrW frweIvr hn jo bkwiedw qOr 'qy swrw kMm iek`ly hI krdy hn[ cwhy iek`ly kMm krnw SurUAwqI jW dyr nwl iSPtW krky hov,y jW cwlk dl qoN ibnW hovy, iek`ly kMm krn dw mqlb ieh hY ik qusIN Aijhy hwlwq iv`c ho ij`Qy AYmrjYNsI iv`c mdd pRwpq krnw vI muSikl hovygw[ Bwv jdoN koeI zKmI jW ibmwr ho jWdw hY[ mwlkW nUM lwzmI qOr 'qy kMm dI iSPt dOrwn Awpxy frweIvrW dI r`iKAw krnI cwhIdI hY[iesy qrHW frweIvrW nUM vI AwpxI r`iKAw krnI cwhIdI hY[ iek`ly kMm krn leI ie`k Xwqrw pRbMDn Xojnw d`sdI hY ik frweIvrW nUM Xwrf iv`c, gwhk dI sweIt 'qy, Aqy sVk 'qy jwx dOrwn ikhVy kdm cu`kx dI loV huMdI hY[ Xwrf iv`c phuMcx 'qy frweIvr nUM sB qoN pihlW ieh vyKx dI loV huMdI hY ik kI AYmrjYNsI dI sUrq iv`c dPqr/Xwrf iv`c koeI hor vI hY[ swQIAwN dy vwhnW leI pwrikMg dI jWc kro[ jy koeI hor nhIN hY, qW Awpxy NATIONAL MAGAZINE

Travel Awp nUM pu`Co ik r`b nw kry jy quhwnUM s`t cot l`gI qW qusIN kI krogy[ ieh jwxnw mh`qvpUrn hY ik jy qusIN zKmI hoey ho qW iks nwl sMprk krnw hY; ieh 911 ho skdw hY, dPqr dw Amlw mYNbr, koeI sihkrmI, jW kMpnI dw mwlk[ mwlkW nUM swry frweIvrW nUM ieh idSw pRdwn krnw XkInI hoxw cwhIdw hY[ Xwrf iv`c jwx qoN pihlW, aus Kyqr dI jWc kro ij`Qy qusIN kMm kr rhy hovoNgy Aqy auhnW KqirAwN dI pCwx krn leI ie`k sweIt-ivSyS Kqry dw mulWkx krogy jo s`t dw kwrn bx skdy hn[ zmIn 'qy AijhIAwN cIzW v`l iDAwn r`Ko jo tr`k jW vwhn dy c`lx ‘qy if`gx dw kwrn bx skdIAwN hn, jW iqlkx vwly KyqrW dw kwrn bx skdIAwN hn[ jy Kyqr hnyrw hY, qW iksy iksm dI roSnI dI vrqoN krnw XkInI bxwE - ie`k PlYSlweIt jW lweIt twvr[ tr`k kYb jW trylr 'qy cVHdy-auqrdy smyN hmySW sMprk dy iqMn ibMdUAwN dI vrqoN kro Aqy aucweI qoN if`gx dy ivru`D swvDwnIAwN vrqo[ ie`k vwr jdoN qusIN lof lY ky cldy hoo, qW AwpxI mMizl Aqy quhwfy v`loN Apxwey jwx vwly rsqy sbMDI p`kw PYslw kro[ tr`k rUtW 'qy Xwqrw kro Aqy ieh XkInI bxwE ik ifspYc jW quhwfw mwlk hmySw jwx sky ik qusIN ik`Qy ho[ mwlkW nUM Awpxy ivhVy qoN gwhkW dIAwN QwvW q`k tr`k rUtW nUM jwxn Aqy ieh XkInI bxwaux dI loV hY ik frweIvr ienHW sVkW 'qy c`lx[ sVk 'qy cldy hoey Awpxy Awly-duAwly dy sMBwvI sVkI KqirAwN v`l iDAwn idE, NATIONAL MAGAZINE

Aqy Kws krky jdoNy quhwnUM sVk iknwry rukxw pYNdw hY[ sVk dIAwN siQqIAwN v`l iDAwn idE Aqy sur`iKAq gqI nwl g`fI clwE[ hor vwhnW ivckwr Pwsly dw vI iDAwn r`Ko, qW jo ieh XkInI bxwieAw jw sky ik rukx leI sur`iKAq dUrI hovy[ iksy vI smyN iksy vI frweIvr nUM iDAwn BtkwauNdy smyN g`fI nhIN clwauxI cwhIdI, ijvyN ik sY~l Pon, AweIpYf, Awid dI vrqoN[ tr`ikMg kMpnIAwN nUM ieh slwh id`qI jWdI hY ik auh frweIvrW leI cY~k-ien isstm dI vrqoN krn qW jo ieh XkInI bxwieAw jw sky ik iek`ly kMm krn vwly sur`iKAq hn[ cY~k-ien isstm dI sPlqw nUM XkInI bxwE • frweIvrW vwsqy cY~k-ien sMprk inrDwrq kro[ ieh iksy hor kMpnI sweIt, mwlk, jW qIjI iDr dI kMpnI iv`c koeI vI ho skdw hY[ • ieh XkInI bxwE ik frweIvr jwxdy hn ik cY`k-ien sMprk kOx hY Aqy auhnW nwl sMprk ikvyN krnw hY[ • tr`ikMg kMpnIAW nUM lwzmI qOr 'qy ieh XkInI bxwauxw cwhIdw hY ik frweIvr swvDwnI dI loV qoN jwxU hox Aqy hr vwr pwlxw krn[ mwlk Aqy frweIvr nUM ieh XkInI bxwaux leI sihXog krn dI loV hY ik frweIvr iek`ly kMm krdy smyN sur`iKAq hn[ jy koeI frweIvr Kqrw mihsUs krdw hY, qW auhnW nUM ieh XkInI bxwaux leI qurMq mwlk nwl g`l krn dI loV huMdI hY qW ik Kqry nUM htwieAw jW GtwieAw jwvy[ JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2022


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kVwky dI TMF vwly mOsm ‘c volvo dy ielYkitRk tr`kW dw kIqw tYst


ielYkitRk fy iv`coN bhuq swry lokW ny ies dw AnuBv kIqw hY - jdoN TMF SurU huMdI hY qW &on iv`c bYtrI pwvr Gt jWdI hY[ iesy c`kr qoN bcx leI, volvo tr`kW ny Awrkitk srkl dy nyVy bhuq TMFy mOsm iv`c Awpxy ielYkitRk tr`kW dy tYst kIqy hn[ nqIjw? cwhy qwpmwn zIro qoN bhuq hyTW hovy bYtrI dI kwrguzwrI nUM bxweI r`Kx leI ie`k PIcr[ volvo tr`kW dI AYs vI pI auqpwd pRbMDkw jYiskw sYNfstorm kihMdI hY, "swfy kol pUrI dunIAw iv`c gwhk hn Aqy swfy tr`kW nUM hr QW pRdrSn krn dI loV hY, ies leI sKq jlvwXU tYsitMg zrUrI hY, ijs ‘c swfI ielYkitRk ryNj vI Swml hovy"[ jdoN QrmwmItr -25° sYNtIgryf idKwauNdw hY Aqy sKq hvwvW AMdr Aw jWdIAwN hn qW bYtrI nwl c`lx vwly tr`k dw kI huMdw hY? ieh pqw lwaux leI, volvo tr`kW ny srdIAW dy tYst svIfn dy dUr au~qrI ih`sy iv`c kIqy hn[



jYiskw sYNfstorm A`gy kihMdI hY, "au~qrI svIfn dy Awrkitk srkl dy nyVy, mYdwn iv`c Awpxy tr`kW dI jWc krdy smyN, AsIN kudrq dy swry AxikAwsy q`qW dw mulWkx krdy hW[ "hvw tr`k 'qy brP bxwauNdI hY, jo swnUM ieh XkInI bxwaux dy vDIAw mOky idMdI hY ik sB kuJ AiqAMq hwlwq iv`c vI shI FMg nwl pRdrSn kry[ swfy tYstW ny idKwieAw hY ik ieh, ienHW s`cmùc TMFy vwqwvrxW iv`c swfy ielYkitRk tr`kW nUM clwaux leI bhuq vDIAw kMm krdw hY[" srdIAW dI jWc dw Tos nqIjw ie`k nvIN ivSySqw hY ijsnUM rYfI tU rn ikhw jWdw hY[ ieh ivSySqw tr`k nUM kMm vwly idn leI iqAwr krdI hY, jdoN pihlW qoN hIitMg dI duAwrw loV pYNdI hY, jW jy tr`k bhuq grm mOsm iv`c kMm kr irhw hY, qW bYtrIAW Aqy tr`k dI kYb nUM TMFw krky[ bYtrIAwN leI AnukUl qwpmwn -25° dy Aws-pws hY Aqy irmot nwl ie`k AYp rwhIN frweIvr AwswnI nwl pRIhIitMg jW pRIkUilMg SurU kr skdw hY[

ielYkitRk tr`k sI E2 (CO2) dy inkws nUM Gtwaux leI h`l dw ie`k mh`qvpUrn ih`sw hn, pr hux q`k auh kùl tr`k bwzwr dy isrP mwmUlI pRqISq dI pRqIinDqw krdy hn[ ies swl XUrp dy trWsportrW nUM isrP kuJ sYkVy, swry dy swry ielYkitRk hYvI-ifaUtI tr`k phuMcwey gey hn[ "AsIN qbdIlI nUM clw rhy hW Aqy ielYkitRk tr`kW leI XUrpIAn bwzwr iv`c mohrI siQqI r`Kdy hW[ swfy kol A`j pihlW hI sIrIAl pRofkSn iv`c ielYkitRk tr`k hn Aqy swry XUrp Aqy au~qrI AmrIkw iv`c gwhkW nUM phuMcw rhy hW”[AMq iv`c jYiskw sYNfstorm dw kihxw hY ik “swfw tIcw ieh hY ik 2030 q`k swfI tr`kW dI kùl ivkrI dw 50% ielYkitRk ho jwvygw"[ pUrw rYfI tU rn PIcr volvo AYP AYc (FH), AYP AYm (FM) Aqy AYP AYm AYks (FMX) ielYkitRk 'qy auplbD hovygw jo KyqrI FoAw-FuAweI Aqy hlky inrmwx leI vriqAw jWdw hY[


Volvo’s Electric Trucks Tested in Extreme Winter Weather “When testing our trucks out in the field, close to the Arctic Circle in northern Sweden, we assess all the unpredictable elements of nature,” continues Jessica Sandström. “The wind builds up ice on the truck, which gives us great opportunities to make sure that everything performs correctly under extreme circumstances. Our tests have shown that it works very well to operate our electric trucks in these really cold environments.” One tangible result of the winter testing is a new feature called Ready to Run. This feature prepares the truck for the workday, when needed by pre-heating, or if operating in very warm weather, by cooling the batteries and the cab of the truck. The optimal temperature for the batteries is around +25° and the driver can easily start the preheating or

any of us have experienced it - the battery in the phone loses power when the blistering cold sets in. To avoid the same fate, Volvo Trucks has tested it´s electric trucks in extremely cold weather close to the Arctic Circle. The result? A feature to maintain battery performance, even when the temperature is far below zero. “We have customers all over the world and our trucks need to perform everywhere, so harsh climate testing is essential, of course including our electric range” says Jessica Sandström, SVP Product Management at Volvo Trucks. What happens to a battery-powered truck when the thermometer shows -25° C and hard winds set in? To find out, Volvo Trucks has conducted winter tests in the far northern part of Sweden.


precooling, remotely via an app. Electric trucks are an important part of the solution for reducing CO2 emissions, but so far they represent only a modest percentage of the total truck market. Only a few hundred all-electric heavy-duty trucks have been delivered to transporters in Europe this year. “We are driving the change and have a leading position in the European market for electric trucks. We already today have electric trucks in serial production and are delivering to customers all over Europe and North America. Our goal is that 50% of our total truck sales will be electric by 2030,” concludes Jessica Sandström. The complete Ready to Run feature will be available on the Volvo FH, FM and FMX Electric that are used for regional haul and light construction.

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TMFy mOsm iv`c ielYkitRk g`fI clwaux leI 5 nukqy


cwrijMg hOlI cwrj spIf leI iqAwr rho[ quhwfy EV dI cwrijMg dr vwhn duAwrw inXMqirq kIqI jWdI hY[ ielYkitRk vwhn (EV) bYtrIAW nUM srvoqm FMg nwl kMm krn Aqy v`D qoN v`D cwrijMg pwvr 15° qoN 25° sYlsIAs1 dy ivckwr phuMcwaux leI fIzweIn kIqw igAw hY[ 4° sYlsIAs qoN G`t qwpmwn cwrijMg pwvr nUM Gtw skdw hY – ie`k AiDAYn iv`c pwieAw igAw hY ik 0° sYlsIAs 'qy, ie`k EV bYtrI ny aus smyN nwloN 36% G`t aUrjw leI jdoN bYtrI nUM 25° sYlsIAs 'qy ie`ko smyN leI cwrj kIqw igAw sI[ cwhy qusIN lMbI dUrI dI Xwqrw dI iqAwrI kr rhy ho jW Awpxy rozwnw Awaux-jwx dI iqAwrI kr rhy ho, lMby smyN q`k cwrj hox dI sMBwvnw dw lyKw-joKw krnw mh`qvpUrn hY[ 2. rwq Br ryNj iv`c hoeIAW qbdIlIAW v`l iDAwn idE[ rwq Br TMFw qwpmwn EV dI ryNj nUM AOsqn 20% q`k Gtw skdw hY[ sMBwivq ktOqI bwry iDAwn r`Ko Aqy Awpxy vwhn dy kMsol ifsplyA v`l iDAwn idE, ikauNik kùJ eI vI dI cwrijMg TMFy mOsm dIAW siQqIAW dOrwn Gt skdI hY[



3. Gr dy AMdr pwrk kro[ jy sMBv hovy, qW Awpxy EV nUM gYrwj iv`c pwrk kro AMdrUnI qwpmwn quhwfI bYtrI nUM vDyry qyzI nwl cwrj krn iv`c mdd kr skdw hY Aqy lMby smyN leI cwrj r`K skdw hY[ 4. Awpxy EV dy srdIAW dy mOsm vwly &IcrW nUM smJo[ kùJ EV ‘c pRI-kMfISinMg PIcr huMdw hY jo frweIvr nUM bYtrI nUM vDyry AnukUl qwpmwnW leI pRogrwm krn jW mYnUAlI grm krn dI AwigAw idMdw hY, jo bYtrI nUM vDyry kuSl bxw skdw hY Aqy frweIivMg ryNj nUM v`D qoN v`D kr skdw hY[ TMFy mOsm ‘c EV cwrijMg Aqy frweIivMg – Aksr pùCy jwx vwly svwl qusIN Awpxy ielYkitRk vwhn cwrj nUM pIk cwrijMg pwvr qoN hyTW ikauN dyKdy ho? ielYktRIPweI kYnyfw- cwrijMg pwvr nUM vwhn duAwrw inXMqirq kIqw jWdw hY, Aqy ieh keI kwrkW 'qy inrBr krdw hY – ijs iv`c bYtrI dI siQqI Aqy cwrj dI SurUAwqI AvsQw (SOC), vwhn dI siQqI Aqy Awly-duAwly dw qwpmwn Swml hY[ swry

EV dI cwrijMg pwvr Awm qOr 'qy TMFy mOsm iv`c Gt jWdI hY, keI vwr kwPI izAwdw mwqrw ‘c Gt jWdI hY[ ieh ies leI hY ikauNik bYtrI iv`c rswiexk pRikirAwvW bYtrI dy AMdr ielYktROnW nUM sB qoN vDIAw tRWsPr krn leI 15° Aqy 25° sYlsIAs dy ivckwr qwpmwn nUM qrjIh idMdIAW hn Aqy ies qrHW vwhn1 dI sB qoN v`D AnukUl cwrijMg pwvr nUM pRosYs krdIAW hn[ ieh not krnw vI mh`qvpUrn hY ik cwrijMg dr hmySw GtygI ikauNik bYtrI dI siQrqw Aqy syvw kwl nUM AnukUl bxweI r`Kx leI bYtrI pUrI smr`Qw q`k phuMc jWdI hY[ EV frweIvrW nUM ikhVI cwrijMg pwvr ryt dI aumId krnI cwhIdI hY? ielYktRIPweI kYnyfw: hr cwrijMg sYSn dI SurUAwq iv`c, swry CCS - lYs vwhn dI smr`Qw muqwbk vwhn cwrjr nUM v`D qoN v`D voltyj Aqy AYNpryz dyx leI iqAwr kIqy gey hn – iesnUM "cwrj pYrwmItr Koj" ikhw jWdw hY, jo pl`g-ien qoN qurMq bwAd vwprdw hY[ fI sI Pwst cwrijMg sYSn SurU hox qoN bwAd, EV lgwqwr AYmpryj Aqy voltyj NATIONAL MAGAZINE

dy cwrjr nUM d`sdI rihMdI hY ik iesnUM AnukUl pwvr ryt 'qy bYtrI nUM rIcwrj krn leI inXimq AMqrwlW 'qy hwlwq Anuswr ikMnI SkqI dI loV FùkvIN hY[ qwpmwn, bYtrI dI aumr Aqy cwrj dI siQqI bYtrI dI cwrijMg pwvr ryt dy swry kwrk hn, Aqy EV dI bYtrI Aqy swPtvyAr cwrj ryt inrDwrq krdy hn[ jdoN lYvl 2 dw cwrjr ie`k vwr pl`g-ien kr idMdy ho qW ieh cwrjr lgwqwr v`D qoN v`D ijMnI cwrijMg SkqI pRdwn kr skdw hY Aqy vwhn v`D qoN v`D ijMnI SkqI iK`c skdw hY, cwrzr v`loN aùnw hI SkqISwlI isgnl lgwqwr ByijAw jWdw rihMdw hY[ ie`k vwr jdoN ieh ikirAw sQwpq ho jWdI hY, qW cwrijMg SurU ho jWdI hY Aqy ieh isgnl audoN q`k ie`ko ijhy rihMdy hn jdoN q`k bYtrI l`gBg pUrI cwrz nhIN ho jWdI Aqy iPr vwhn hOlI hOlI cwrijMg spIf nUM, Gtwauxw SurU kr idMdw hY[

swPtvyAr bYtrI 'qy bhuq izAwdw boJ pYx dyx qoN bcwaux, itkwaUqw bxweI r`Kx Aqy bYtrI dI aumr v`D qoN v`D lMbI krn leI cwrijMg pwvr nUM Gtw idMdw hY[ BwvyN koeI eI vI frweIvr 80% q`k bYtrI nUM cwrj krdw hY, jW ijsnUM AsIN kihMdy hW ik 'Qok cwrj', iPr vI rwqo rwq TMFw qwpmwn bYtrI dI ryNj nUM 36 pRqISq q`k Gtw skdw hY[ TMFy mOsm iv`c pUrI qrHW cwrj kIqy EV nUM clwauxw kudrqI qOr 'qy iesdI frweIivMg ryNj nUM GtwauNdw hY, AMSk qOr 'qy ikauNik TMFw qwpmwn sY~l dy AMdr ielYktRokYmIkl pRqIikirAwvW nUM pRBwivq krdw hY, Aqy Awn-borf bYtrI pRbMDn isstm bYtrI nUM nukswn phuMcx qoN bcwaux leI cwrj dI dr nUM sImq kr

idMdw hYN[ ieh qbdIlIAW AsQweI hn ie`k vwr qwpmwn grm hox qoN bwAd, EV dI ryNj iv`c vwDw hoxw cwhIdw hY[ “pRIkMfISinMg dw 'bYtrI” dw kI mqlb hY? ielYktRIPweI kYnyfw— kuJ EV ‘c pRIkMfISinMg PIcr hY, jo frweIvr nUM bYtrI nUM vDyry AnukUl qwpmwn q`k pRogrwm krn jW mYnuAlI grm krn dI AwigAw idMdI hY[ ieh bYtrI nUM vDyry kuSl bxwaux Aqy frweIivMg ryNj nUM v`D qoN v`D krn iv`c mdd kr skdw hY[ hwlWik, ieh not krnw mh`qvpUrn hY ik pRIkMfISinMg bYtrI nUM grm krn leI kuJ bYtrI pwvr4 dI vrqoN krdI hY[

kI TMFw qwpmwn iksy EV dI cwrijMg dr Aqy mweIlyj nUM pRBwivq kr skdw hY? ielYktRIPweI kYnyfw— 4° sYlsIAs qoN G`t qwpmwn cwrijMg pwvr nUM G`t kr skdw hY[ ienHW G`t qwpmwnW dOrwn, bYtrI dI auplbD aUrjw smr`Qw Aqy pwvr Gt jWdI hY[ iehnW audwhrnW iv`c, vwhn dw



5 Tips for Driving Electric in the Cold Weather Be prepared for slower charge speeds. Your EV’s charging rate is controlled by the vehicle. Electric vehicle (EV) batteries are designed to operate optimally and deliver maximum charging power between 15° and 25° Celsius1. Temperatures below 4° Celsius1 can reduce charging power – one study found that at 0° Celsius, an EV battery took in 36% less energy than when the battery was charged for the same amount of time at 25° Celsius2. Whether you’re preparing for a long-distance trip or your daily commute, it’s important to account for the possibility of longer charge times. 2. Pay attention to overnight changes in range. Overnight cold temperatures can lower an EV’s range by an average of 20%3. Be mindful of the potential reduction and pay attention to your vehicle’s console display, as some EVs can predict the reduction during cold weather conditions. 3. Plan your rides. Think about your upcoming charging stops to avoid finding yourself with limited range. Supported by Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, the Electrify Canada mobile app helps drivers easily navigate the charging station map and see which chargers are currently available, while on the road. 4. Park indoors. If possible, park your EV in a garage – the higher indoor temperatures can help your battery charge more quickly and hold a charge for longer. 5. Understand your EV’s cold weather features. Some EVs have a preconditioning feature that allows the driver to program or manually warm up the battery to more optimal temperatures, which can make the battery more efficient and maximize driving range4.


Cold Weather EV Charging & Driving – Frequently Asked Questions Why do you see your electric vehicle charge below peak charging power? Electrify Canada: The charging power is 40 JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2022

controlled by the vehicle, and depends on a number of factors – including battery condition and initial state of charge (SOC), vehicle condition and ambient temperature. With all EVs, charging power is typically reduced in colder weather, sometimes significantly. This is because the chemical processes in the battery prefer a temperature between 15° and 25° Celsius, to best transfer electrons within the battery and thus process the highest optimal charge power of the vehicle1. It’s also important to note that the charging rate will always decrease as the battery reaches full capacity to optimize battery durability and service life. What charging power rate should EV drivers expect? Electrify Canada: At the beginning of every charging session, all CCS-equipped vehicles are designed to inform the charger of the maximum voltage and amperage the vehicle can accept – this is called the “charge parameter discovery”, which happens just after plug-in. After a DC fast charging session starts, the EV continually advises the charger of the amperage and voltage it needs at regular intervals to recharge the battery at the optimal power rate, appropriate for conditions. Temperature, battery age and state of charge are all factors in a battery’s charging power rate, and the EV’s battery and software determine the charge rate. For Level 2 chargers, once pluggedin the charger sends a constant signal denoting the maximum charge current it can provide and the vehicle responds with the maximum current it can draw. Once this ‘communication’ is established, charging begins and these signals stay the same until the battery gets close to full and the vehicle slowly reduces the rate of charge.


Do cold temperatures impact the charging rate and mileage of an EV? Electrify Canada: Temperatures below 4° Celsius can reduce charging power. At these lower temperatures, the battery’s available energy capacity and power is reduced5. In these instances, the vehicle’s software reduces charging power to avoid stressing the battery and maximize durability and longevity2. Even if an EV driver charges up to 80% state of charge, or what we call: ‘bulk charge,’ overnight cold temperatures can decrease battery range by as much as 36 percent2. Driving a fully charged EV in colder weather does naturally reduce its driving range, partly because cold temperatures impact the electrochemical reactions within the cell, and battery management systems onboard will limit the rate of charge to avoid damaging the battery2. These changes are temporary – once the temperature warms up, the EV’s range should increase. What does ‘preconditioning the battery’ mean? Electrify Canada: Some EVs have a preconditioning feature, which allows the driver to program or manually warm up the battery to a more optimal temperature. It can help make the battery more efficient and maximize driving range. It’s important to note, however, that the preconditioning process does use some battery power to warm up the battery itself.



Volvo Group North America Wins South Coast AQMD Clean Air Award for Innovative Clean Air Technology olvo Group North America (VGNA) recently won a prestigious award for its clean air technology efforts related to the Volvo LIGHTS project. The South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) presented the 32nd Clean Air Award to the Volvo Group for its extraordinary contribution to the development of innovative technologies designed to reduce emissions. “Volvo Group North America is very pleased to be recognized for its clean air technology efforts by South Coast AQMD,” said Keith Brandis, Volvo Group vice president of partnerships and systems solutions. “The Volvo LIGHTS (Low Impact Green Heavy Transport Solutions) project has been successful as a result of the multiple partners who represent each of the critical areas for battery electric vehicle deployment and acceptance. We appreciate South Coast AQMD supporting Volvo in this initiative, as well as the Switch-On and Joint Electric Truck Scaling Initiative (JETSI).” Volvo LIGHTS is a collaboration among 15 public and private partners working toward the common goal of successfully introducing battery-electric trucks and equipment into the market at scale. Led by the Volvo Group and South Coast AQMD, NFI Industries, Dependable Supply Chain Services, TEC Equipment, Greenlots, Port of Long Beach, Port of Los Angeles, Southern California Edison, CALSTART, the University of California, Riverside CE-CERT, Reach Out, Rio Hondo College and San Bernardino Valley College are also stakeholders. The Volvo LIGHTS project was made possible by a $48 million award to South Coast AQMD from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) as part



of California Climate Investments (CCI), a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars toward reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, strengthening the economy and improving public health and the environment. South Coast AQMD contributed $4 million from the Clean Fuels Fund and awarded the Volvo Group a $45.6 million contract to design and implement the LIGHTS project. Volvo and its partners have promised no less than $45.7 million in matching contributions to increase the total project value to more than $91 million for South Coast AQMD to administer.

“We appreciate and commend South Coast AQMD’s leadership in advancing the clean air agenda in our region, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with them on innovative projects that will positively impact the air quality,” said Aravind Kailas, Volvo Group advanced technology policy director.

The Volvo VNR Electric is Volvo Trucks’ first Class 8 battery-electric vehicle and the truck involved in the LIGHTS project. Equipped with a driveline rated at 455 hp, generating up to 4,051 lb.ft. of torque, the Volvo VNR Electric is manufactured at Volvo’s New River Valley assembly facility, based in Dublin, Virginia. The Volvo VNR Electric is also spec’d with a 264-kWh battery capacity and can support an operating range up to 150 miles based on the vehicle’s configuration. Along with the LIGHTS project, the Volvo Group is also participating in the Switch-On and Joint Electric Truck Scaling Initiative (JETSI). The SwitchOn project builds on the success of the Volvo LIGHTS program through the deployment of 100 battery-electric regional haul and drayage trucks in California by Volvo LIGHTS’ partner NFI. The project is on track to significantly reduce emissions along the Interstate-710 corridor in southern California, as well as improve air quality for those communities impacted. Kailas and Brandis accepted the Clean Air Award during a virtual event Dec. 3, 2021.

Volvo Group North America (VGNA) recently won a prestigious award for its clean air technology efforts related to the Volvo LIGHTS project. The South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) presented the 32nd Clean Air Award to the Volvo Group for its extraordinary contribution to the development of innovative technologies designed to reduce emissions. (Left) Aravind Kailas, advanced technology policy director, with the award. (Right) The Volvo VNR Electric is Volvo Trucks’ first commercially available Class 8 battery-electric vehicle.





The Semi-conductor Crisis What’s All the Fuss About?



conductor chips in items like TVs, monitors, computers, tablets, cell phones, Bluetooth devices, and of course, in the medical industry. And thus, rather than making these microchips for the automotive and transport industries, manufacturers began to focus on the home office. Production lines changed to adjust for the necessary supplies. The largest manufacturers of semiconductor chips – Intel, Samsung, TSMC, SK Hynix, and Broadcom – all made the necessary changes for their focus on the new demand. None of these companies were affected by the Coronavirus; rather, it’s safe to say they made quite the profits. In the trucking industry, the impact was the same; less demand on trucks meant supplies were decreased, especially since many drivers were afraid to drive across North America for the fear of getting the Coronavirus. And those who stayed on the road didn’t want to invest in a new truck and/or trailer because there was doubt as to what the future held. So, then the question arises. To get production of vehicles and heavy trucks back to speed, why not just start making semi-conductor chips for these industries again? The answer isn’t as easy as that. Most of the major manufacturers of semiconductor chips say it takes months to switch over production lines and it’s not

something that can happen in a day or week. In the same breath, they also claim that since new variants of the Covid-19 virus emerge, it still may not be the best time to make these changes. That’s not saying inventories aren’t getting replenished in the auto and transport industries; in fact, they are. But sadly, not fast enough. Dealerships continue to be empty, or carry very little inventory. But we are assured by both the semi-conductor chip and heavy truck manufacturers that progress is being made and production lines are getting up to speed. One positive from this lull in production is that it’s given engineers, designers, and scientists the chance to work on improving design and functionality of semi-conductor chips. It’s also allowed more opportunity to conduct in-depth tests for reliability. There still isn’t a clear picture of when the semi-conductor chip shortage will end, or at least keep up with basic demands. Local heavy truck dealerships are eager to have their lots full of trucks, something sales professionals are eager for. The backlog of Class 8 trucks has tripled as compared to 2020. The transport industry needs to get back up to speed as it’s what keeps our economy going. For now, all we can do is wait; for both Covid-19 and the semi-conductor chip shortage to be over.


t’s remarkable when we think that the tiniest of things sometimes have the biggest impacts in our world. Take Covid-19; a small virus that has had devastating effects on people’s health around the world. And even after almost two years of living with Covid-19, the world still doesn’t see the end in sight, especially with the emergence of the Omicron variant. Another tiny object that has had a huge impact in many industries is the infamous semi-conductor chip. And like the Covid-19 virus, or its variants, the semiconductor chip shortage doesn’t seem to be fixed soon. And this shortage is having a ripple effect in the automotive and transport industries. A semi-conductor chip is a device that is between a conductor and an insulator and its basic function is to control an electric current/signal; essentially it’s a microchip. Usually, semi-conductor chips are made of pure elements, usually silicon, or compounds like gallium arsenide or silicon carbide. Not used much in older vehicles and heavy trucks, they are an integral part in newer ones, especially those that are hybrid or electric in nature. In all vehicles, semi-conductor chips control systems like safety, fuel, transmission, and even infotainment. When speaking of electric vehicles, these chips control almost all aspects of the vehicles, especially powertrain, battery maintenance, and autonomous driving. The Covid-19 outbreak, in simple terms, is what caused the disruption of the semiconductor chip market. When more and more people began to work from home and students stopped attending schools and post-secondary institutions, there wasn’t a need for as many cars on the road. Car sales began to drop rapidly; the demand wasn’t there and thus the supply needed to be reduced. What increased was the usage of semi-



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