Desi Trucking Mar-Apr 2019 (Eastern Edition)

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swfI Engineered for Efficiency ™ i&lws&I pYdw krdI hY, sB qoN v`D nvInqm, hMfxswr, Bwr ‘c hlky Aqy G`t KrcIly sspYNSn isstm Aqy pwrts, pUrI dunIAW dI tRWsportySn ieMfstrI leI[sMpUrn rweIf dy h`l leI hYNfirksn nwl sMprk kro[



©2019 Hendrickson USA, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks shown are owned by Hendrickson USA, L.L.C., or one of its affiliates, in one or more countries.

quhwfw rI&r pwxI dy Bwr nMU bhuq vDIAw qrIky nwL shwr lYNdw hY[ Asl ‘c ies ‘qy keI sYNkVy pONf Bwr pwxI jmHwN ho skdw hY ijs dw ik quhwnMU pqw vI nhIN lgdw[ Qrmogwrf (ThermoGuard) ‘c iqMn guxw v`D icpkx dI SkqI huMdI hY Aqy ies dI Kws iksm dI Dwq dI cwdr ieh g`l XkInI bxwauNdI hY ik swrIAW ieMsUlyt krn vwLIAW gYsW AMdr hI rihx, pwxI bwhr rhy Aqy tr`k sVk ‘qy v`D qoN v`D smyN q`k ibnW rukwvt cldw rhy[ hor jwxkwrI ‘qy jw ky leI jw skdI hY[

Kws qOr ‘qy gRyt fyn AYvrYst rI&r leI auplbD





Find a JOB $$$$$

Sign On Bonus Page 27, 39, 45, 47 A One Financial ..................................... 21 Apna Truck Show ................................. 19 Castrol Heavy Duty .............................. 33 Challenger ........................................... 45 Cool Heat Truck Parts ........................... 35 Esso Husky ..................................... 28-29 Freightliner .......................................... 09 G & G Trucking Solutions ...................... 17 Glasvan Great Dane ............................. 25 Great Dane .......................................... 03 Hendrickson ......................................... 02 Howes Lubricants ................................ 15

20 08 12 16 22 26 30 34 42


J D Factors ............................................ 11 Mack Trucks .......................................... 41 National Safety Code Complaince ....... 13 Peterbilt .............................................. 48 Swank Studios .................................. 37 The Rosedale Group............................. 39 Total .................................................... 24



Transam Carriers Inc ............................ 27 Transcore ............................................ 05 Transource Freightways ....................... 47 Truckers Together ................................ 31 Volvo .................................................... 07




XTCC .................................................... 43 4






Editor’s Note / sMpwdkI “You Can’t Have Million-Dollar Dreams on Minimum-Wage Ethics.”

Jag Dhatt

Everyone wants to be financially stable – I mean it’s a dream that most have. Being financially stable allows for a comfortable home, nice vehicle, regular vacations and of course, enough cash for the “extras” in life. And some want more than stability; they want to be financially secure and rich. To achieve this, these individuals go the extra mile to achieve their dreams. In our transport industry, there are countless examples of large companies that were built through the sweat, dedication, and above all, strong work ethics of their owners. These individuals had a goal, made the right plans, and then, worked relentlessly to achieve their goals. If you want to grow, whether financially, personally, or professionally, look at those who have gone through the growing pains and have achieved success. Most of these people will say the same thing: you need a goal, a strong vision and strong work ethics. In this issue, we bring you some great stories and opinions. For any new owner/operator, the purchase of a tractor is a big step and Ray Gompf discusses the options, including leasing, buying, or renting. Pash Brar talks about some money woes that affect owner/operators and smaller businesses. And remember, in order to achieve your dreams, have milliondollar work ethics to achieve your goals.

supny vI Awmdn Anuswr hI ley jw skdy hn hr koeI cwhuMdw hY ik auh ivqI qOr ‘qy siQr hovy- myrw kihx dw mqlb hY ik bhuq swry lokW dw supnw hY ik aunHW koL kwPI Dn hovy[ pYsy dy nwL nwL aunHW kol rihx leI mkwn hovy, vDIAw vhIkl hovy, smyN smyN isr pirvwr smyq CùtIAW mnwaux leI jwvy Aqy ies dy nwL AwpxIAW hor mMgW pUrIAW krn kwPI pYsw hovy[ pr keI ies qrHW dI siQrqw qoN ibnw, hor keI kùJ leI vI Aws lweI bYTy hn[ auh cwhuMdy hn ik aunHW dI ivqI siQqI bhuq mzbUq hovy Aqy auh AmIr hox[ ies QW phuMcx leI auh keI vwr h`doN v`D kMm krdy hn[ swfI tRWsport ieMfstrI ‘c bhuq swrIAW v`fIAW kMpnIAW ieho ijhIAW hn ijhVIAW sKq imhnq nwl ies aùcy sQwn ‘qy phuMcIAW hn[ aunHW dI qr`kI dw rwz ienHW dy mwlkW dI sKq imhnq qoN ibnw Awpxy kMm ‘c vDIAw AsUlW dI pwlxw krnw vI hY[ iehI kwrn hY ik auh qr`kI dIAW ienHW mMizlW ‘qy phuMcy hn[ jy qusIN qr`kI krnw cwhuMdy ho, ieh pYsy v`loN hovy, in`jI hovy jW Awpxy ik`qy dI hovy qW aunHW vl zrUr iDAwn mwro ijnHW ny musIbqW sih ik ieh mMizlW pRwpq kIqIAW hn[ ienHW ‘coN bhuiqAW dw iehI kihxw hovgw ik quhwnUM inSwnw imQxw cwhIdw hYy Aqy AwpxI mMizl pRwpq krn leI pUrI idRVqw vI cwhIdI hY ies AMk ‘c AsIN quhwfy leI keI v`ifAW dIAW khwxIAW ilAWdIAW hn Aqy keIAW ny AwpxIAW rwvW vI id`qIAW hn[ ij`QoN q`k nvyN Enr/Awprytr dI g`l hY trYktr dI KRId ie`k bhuq v`fw kdm hY[ ies sbMDI ryA gONP v`loN ivsQwr pUrbk jwxkwrI id`qI hY[ ies ‘c lIz krn jW rYNt lYx sbMDI lwB hwn nUM d`isAw igAw hY[ ies qoN ibnw pwS brwV v`loN Coty ibznsmYn Aqy mwlkW/ AwprytrW nUM Aw rhIAW ivqI sm`isAwvW sbMDI jwxkwrI sWJI kIqI geI hY[ ieh sdw cyqy r`Kxw ik AwpxI mMizl pwaux leI Aqy supinAW nUM swkwr krn leI, imhnq vI kro pr nwL hI nYiqkqw dw p`lw vI nw C`fo[ 6


Publisher JGK Media Inc. | 1-877-598-3374 (Desi)

Editor-In-Chief Jag Dhatt

Advertising & Sales Jag Dhatt (National / Western Canada) Stephen Alford (Eastern Canada)

Art Director Avee J Waseer

Creative Head Ranjit Singh

IT Manager Ranj Bhamra

Cover Design

Contributing Writers Ken Cooke; Pash Brar; Jag Dhatt; Dara Nagra; Ray Gompf; Ron Dhaliwal; Jasleen Dutt; Ken Davey; Raman Singh

Translator Tirath S. Khabra



Corporate VP, Marketing

Marketing Manager

National & Western Canada

Eastern Canada

Cell: 604-767-4433 E:

Cell: 416-875-3820 E:

Address: #235 - 8138, 128 Street, Surrey BC V3W 1R1 Phone: 1-877-598-3374

Fax: 604-598-9264

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kdy vI, iksy vI QW qy A`pfyt rho

rImot pRogrwimMg rIfIPweInz A`ptweIm

vhIkl nUM swPtvyAr Aqy pYrwmitr A`pfyts leI kMm dy c`kr qoN pwsy r`Kx nwL auqpwidkqw GtdI hY[ rImot pRogrwimMg ny aus FMg nUM bdl id`qw hY ijs nwl A`pfyts kIqIAW jWdIAW sn[ qusIN AmrIkw Aqy kYnyfw ‘c iksy vI QW qoN Volvo Uptime Center nwl sMprk bxw skdy ho Aqy tr`k pwrk krn qoN bwAd 20 imMt dy AMdr AMdr A`pgRyf kr id`qI jWdI hY[ sUrj cVHn qoN pihlW vI qusIN fwaUnlof kr skdy ho[ hor jwxkwrI leI ‘qy jwE[

Uptime through Connectivity EASTERN EDITION



Equipment Financing Should you Buy, Lease, or Rent?

Focus: Trailers T

rucking and trucking equipment has a high entry level capital cost business. Unless you’ve just won the big one, only a very few can walk into a dealership, pick out equipment and lay down the cash for said equipment and drive away, ready to operate. No matter what equipment you’re acquiring, for whatever purpose, the finance option is as equally important as the equipment itself. There are a lot of financing options available, from tapping into that inheritance from your rich uncle — which is highly unlikely — to your local banker, slightly more likely but not much, to financing through the dealerships resources all of which leads you to making that last payment then you own it, just in time to replace it and start the cycle of making payments all over again. So, the question is: do you ever really own it? Now the questions are this when you’re deciding on the correct financing option available to you: are you married to the equipment? No. Are you going to preserve this piece of equipment for posterity? Probably not. So that expands the financing options. You don’t have to use your own money. If you don’t have to “own” it, now leasing and/or renting can become attractive options. Both leasing and renting have some distinct tax advantages that few take into consideration. When you “own” the 8


equipment, you get to depreciate it at a maintenance and repairs is added to the certain rate, over a long period of time payment you have to the lease company and you own whatever residual value while if you rent, the maintenance will is with that piece of equipment as your probably be included. When you lease asset. When you lease or rent, whatever and have a breakdown, and you will have you spend is fully deductible in the tax a breakdown, you eat the downtime. year you spend it. One of the differences When you rent, they get you another between leasing and renting is with a piece of equipment to complete this lease you basically, in highly simplistic particular task during which you had the terms, have that piece of equipment until breakdown and do the repairs while you its original value has been paid out, the continue working and earning. residual value belongs to the leasing The pros and cons with each method company. Renting, on the other hand you of ownership must be carefully pay for your use over the period of time weighed, professionally analyzed you use that piece of equipment prorated and the agreements very clear to you. over the expected life of the equipment. Unless you have a Harvard law degree Frankly, your raw costs for each method and twenty years’ experience, plus an is very similar, renting will probably outstanding accounting education, study look considerably more but when you of all government rules and regulations, include the maintenance in your costings in all the jurisdictions you will be for leasing, then it’s very comparable. operating, with complete understanding The thing you have to do is figure out of every applicable rule, then rely on which method of “ownership” works for the professionals to help you negotiate you. You do this with the help and advice your contracts with respect to financing of your accountant. Your lawyer can help options. with these decisions, but your The best way is to create accountant is better qualified a series of comparative in the matters of money and spread sheets, detailing every how to use a combination of potential expense, then you your money and other people’s are going to know exactly money. Hint, use other what your costs are. If people’s money as much as you don’t know precisely possible. what your costs are to three Leasing is like owning in decimal points, then how are that you are still responsible you going to know if any for maintenance, so that particular piece of work will G. Ray Gompf $15,000 you budget for make you a profit. Every EASTERN EDITION

hryk bwks cY k ` krdw hY Aqy hor vI


qyl dI b`cq ientYgrytf Detroit pwvr tRyn ™

• fYtroiet ieMjx • DT12™ Awtomytf mYnUAl tRWsimSn (ey AYm tI) • fYtroiet fRweIv AYksl

Elite Support srivs nY`tvrk sMBwl leI sOiKAW bxwieAw igAw hMFxswrqw dI pUrI prK

eyAro pYkyj


sur`iKAw SM

eI vwlt ieMtIrIAr ielYktRIkl iPaUz Aqy rIlyA bwks

Detroit Assurance dI sur`iKAw pRxwlI AYl eI fI hY`flweIts ®

Detroit™ fwierYkt sUt AwP knYktf vhIkl srivsz Virtual Technician smyq SM

stYNfrf eyAr ifsk bRyks

fRweIvr dw qzrbw fRweIvr lwaUNj PRytlweInr dI sB qoN G`t rOly r`py vwLI kYb sPr leI bhuq vDIAw

jdoN vI tr`k dI cox krnI hovy qW bhuq swrIAW g`lW nUM iDAwn ‘c r`Kxw cwhIdw hY[ ijvyN ik nvIN mSInrI ijs ‘c bhuq G`t qyl dI ^pq hud M I hov[ y tr`k c`ldw r`Kx leI aus dw auq ` rI AmrIkw ‘c vDIAw srivs nYt ` vrk hov[ y vDIAw suri` KAw dy pRbD M jo durGtnwvW hox dI sMBwvnw nMU G`t hox iv`c mdd krdI hY Aqy cldy rihx dw smW vDdw hY[ ies ‘c fRweIvr nwl sMbD M q auh swrIAW shUlqW hn ijs nwl aus nMMU Gr qoN bwhr dUjw Gr l`g[ y hux nvW Cascadia® ieh sB shUlqW pRdwn krdw hY, Aqy ieh vDyry LwB dw vI iKAwl r`Kdw hY[

Competitive financing available through Daimler Truck Financial. For the Freightliner Trucks dealer nearest you, call 1-800-FTL-HELP. FTL/MC-A-1541. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2019 Daimler Trucks North America LLC. All rights reserved. Freightliner Trucks is a division of Daimler Trucks North America LLC, a Daimler company.




piece of work must carry either a profit or some practical reason to do it at less than profitable. On every spreadsheet I’ve seen that has been prepared solely by the entrepreneur creating it, the line marked ROI (Return On Investment) is completely ignored, the other line item is how much the entrepreneur is going to pay themselves. Don’t ever forget either of these line items, in fact, put those items in first. Return on investment isn’t about how much you have invested. It’s about how much has been invested to make this particular operation workable whether or not it has been your money. Here is the value of including ROI. You are always doing one of two things with respect to your transportation equipment. One, you are paying for the piece(s) of equipment you’re using. Two, you’re paying for the next piece(s) of equipment you will be using in the future. Just because the equipment is “paid for” doesn’t mean that it should be used with no accounting line on the spreadsheet. If your ROI is properly structured, you will have considerable equity available on your next round of equipment acquisition however you choose to acquire. Equity is your money. If 10


you ignore ROI, you’ll be constantly struggling just to stay ahead of today. The slightest miscalculation could put you into deficit and now you’re in subsidize mode. It doesn’t take long for over spending your budget, over spending your income, to become the crush that financially bankrupts you. There is one form of financing equipment that could really work against you. You should always have one rule that isn’t to be broken. That rule is “never let the guy who gives you work hold your financing notes, too”. This rule is for you so you are not trapped on one hand by a note where you owe your employer money therefore feel loyalty to stay there whether you are getting enough work to stay or not. There are employers out there who will use this form of financing to freeze you out of work to ensure your failure but usually after the majority of the note has been paid. This financing plan is affectionately referred to as “the never never plan”, where your “employer” buys the equipment then leases it back to you. This does everything for the “employer” and not too much for the leasee. The employer now has a worker totally under

his control, has an employee who has no choice but do his bidding up to and including things that could cause the employee grief. This program was set up for those with a poor credit rating to simulate ownership on the surface but with much more sinister reasons. No matter how much your credit rating is poor, don’t fall for this methodology for financing. Sure, the company will point to successes but in reality, there are many more failures than successes for the leasee. The “employer” can and does re-lease the same equipment to another poor sucker when you fail having virtually completed your original contract. Now not every “employer” will try to cheat you out of your hard work but the chances are enhanced so greatly that it simply isn’t worth the your risk. It’s up to you during your due diligence plan to make that determination but be warned. If you won the big one, the financing decisions maybe a bit easier, of course, but even so, you may not want to use your own money for acquisitions of equipment. Get the advice you need from a professional that is dedicated to your requirements. EASTERN EDITION




iekupmYNt PweInYNs

KRIdo, lIz kro jW ikrwey ‘qy lE Poks: tRylr

jy g`l tr`ikMg Aqy tr`ikMg dy smwn dI krIey qW ies nUM SurU krn leI bhuq swry pYsy dI loV hY[jy quhwfy koL pihlW pYsw nhIN qW ausy vyly jw ky KRId kr skx vwLy bhuq QoVHy hn ijhVy fIlriSp ‘c jw ky ausy smyN KRId kr skdy hn Aqy Awpxw kMm SurU kr skdy hn[ ies dw koeI Prk nhIN ik quhwnUM ikhVw smwn cwhIdw hY, jW iks kMm leI cwhIdw hY, hr leI zrurI hY pYsy dI pRwpqI[ieh aùnI hI lwzmI hY ijMnw ik KRId krn vwlw smwn[ jy g`l krIey imlx vwLy ivqI swDnW dI qW ieh aùnI sOKI PweInYNs kMpnIAW qoN nhIN imldy ijMnw sOKI ik ipqw purKI srmwey qoN[ iksy iksy nUM qW ho skdI pr ieh hr leI sMBv vI nhIN[ies ‘c quhwfw lokl bYNkr qW mdd kr skdw hY pr ieMnI nhIN[ iPr rih jWdI hY g`l fIlriSp vwiLAW dI[ ies ‘c ieh vyiKAw jWdw hY ik ipClI vwr dI AwKrI ikSq qusIN kdoN id`qI[ kI ieh smyN isr id`qI geI hY qW hI v`D sMBwvnw hY AglI lYx dI[ ies leI Asl svwl hY ik 12


kI qusIN kdy ieh leI vI hYY? ies leI svwl ieh hn ik jdoN qusIN imlx vwLI shI PweInYNisMg lYx dw PYslw krdy ho qW ieh svwl aùTdy hn: kI qusIN auhI smwn lYxw cwhuMdy ho? kI qusIN auhI smwn r`Kxw cwhuMdy ho? Swied ies qrHW nhIN huMdw[ ies leI ivqI mdd lYx dy bdl vI vDdy hn[ ieh zrurI nhIN ik jo pYsw quhwfy koL hY qusIN aus dI hI vrqoN kro[ jy quhwfy koL pYsw nhIN vI qW vI qusIN ies dI “mwlkI” pRwpq kr skdy ho[ ies leI ies dy vDIAw bdl jo ho skdy hn auh hn lIz krnw jW rYNt ‘qy lYxw[ jyy g`l krIey tYks sbMDI qW ienHW dovW dy v`K v`K nukswn hn, ijnHW dw bhuq G`t lok iDAwn r`Kdy hn[ jdoN qusIN koeI cIz rYNt krdy ho jW lIz ‘qy lYNdy ho qW ies dIAW qwrIAW jWdIAW ikSqW nUM swl qoN bwAd tYks b`cq ‘c Swml kIqw jw skdw hY[ lIizMg ‘qy rYNt krn ‘c ie`k Prk ieh vI hY ik lIz ‘c qW ieh hY ik jo rkm dy id`qI geI hY aus qoN bwAd bcdI rkm lIizMg kMpnI dI hY[ jdoN ik rYNt kIqI hoeI

qusIN idMdy hI rihMdy ho[ ies leI hr qrHW quhwfIAW k`cIAW lwgqW ie`ko ijhIAW hI hn[ pr rYNt kIqI hoeI vsq ‘qy lwgq vDyry lgdI hY[ pr jdoN qusIN lIz kIqI hoeI ‘c ies dI sWB sMBwl dy Krcy vI joVdy ho qW ies dw Prk pqw lgdw hY[ pr iDAwn dyx Xog g`l ieh hY ik iks qrHW dI mwlkI quhwfy leI TIk bihMdI hY[ ieh sB kùJ qusIN Awpxy AkwaUNtYNt nwl slwh krky hI pqw kr skdy ho[ quhwfw vkIL vI ies qrHW dy PYsly lYx ‘c quhwfI mdd kr skdw hY pr ij`QoN q`k g`l pYsy nwL sbMDq hY ies dw vDyry igAwn iksy AkwaUNtYNt kol hI ho skdw hY[ auh hI d`s skdw hY ik Awpxw Aqy iksy koloN ilAw pYsw ikvyN vDIAw FMg nwL KricAw jw skdw hY[ pr ieSwrw ieh hI hY ik ijMnw vI ho sky dUjy dw pYsw vrqo Awpxw sMBwl C`fo[ lIizMg vI ie`k iksm dI mwlkI hI hY pr qusIN ies dI sWB sMBwl dy vI zuMmyvwr huMdy ho[ ies leI lIz ‘c jo qusIN murMmq Aqy sWB sMBwl leI imsl vjoN 15,000 fwlr r`Kdy ho Aqy pymYNt ‘c irpyAr vI Swml kr EASTERN EDITION

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Surrey, BC: #4 - 8333 130th Street Ph: 604-507-7736  Fax: 604-507-7742 Abbotsford, BC: 2633 Montrose Ave.  Ph: 604-755-4230  Fax:604-755-7816 Bellingham, WA: 1313 E Maple St., Suite #236  Ph: 360-543-5608 EASTERN EDITION



leI jWdI hY qW dUjy bMny jy rYNt ‘qy hovy qW murMmq ies tYks Cot ‘c Swml ho skdI hY[ jdoN qusIN lIz krdy ho qW aus smyN nhIN pr jy qusIN ikrwey ‘qy lYNdy ho qW Krwb hox dI hwlq ‘c quhwnuM hor iml skdw hY[ Aqy quhwfw vI kMm nhIN rukdw[ ies leI ieh zrUrI hY ik dovW p`KW dy Pwiedy Aqy nukswn iDAwn nwl ivcwry jwx[ ienHW nUM vpwrk FMg nwL nwipAw jwvy qy qknIkI qOr ‘qy GoiKAw jwvy qW quhwfy leI PYslw krnw sOKw ho jwvygw[ BwvyN qusIN iksy XUnIvristI qoN lwA dI ifgrI vI kIqI hoeI hovy Aqy kwnUMnW dI pUrI jwxkwrI vI hovy iPr vI iksy ivqI pRoPYSnl v`loN id`qI slwh hI sB qoN v`D PwiedymMd swbq hovygI[quhwnUM mMnxI vI auhI cwhIdI hY[ sB qoN vDIAw FMg qW ieh hY ik qusIN sB qrHW dy KricAW dIAW SItW iqAwr kro Aqy aunHW dw mukwblw krn ‘qy hI quhwnUM pqw l`gygw ik quhwfy leI ikhVI TIk hY[ jy qusIN iksy bhuq brIkI q`k mukwblw nhIN krdy qW quhwnUM ieh pqw nhIN l`g skygw ik quhwnUM Asl Pwiedw iks FMg ‘coN ho skdw hY[ iksy vI kMm dw Pwiedw hoxw cwhIdw hY jW aus nUM G`t Pwiedy ‘qy krnw hY qW aus dw koeI Tos kwrn kwrn hoxw cwhIdw hY[ hr sprỲfSIt ijhVI ik iksy AYNtrprIinaur v`loN iqAwr kIqI jWdI hY aus ‘c ieh lweIn ROI (Return On Investment) nUM sdw hI AxgOilAW kIqw jWdw hY[ AglI C`fI geI lweIn huMdI hY ik auh Awpxy Awp nUM kI dy rhy hn[ ienHW dovW lweInW nUM vyKxw nw Bùlo[ Asl ‘c pihlW iDAwn hI ienHW ‘qy idE[ iksy invyS ‘c lwey hoey Dn qoN imlx vwLy lwB dw ieh mqlb nhIN ik qusIN pYsw ikMnw lwieAw hY sgoN ieh hY ik aus kMm nUM cldw r`Kx leI qusIN ikMnw invyS kIqw hY[ ieh pYsw quhwfw hovy jW qusIN ikqoN lY ky lwieAw hovy[ 14


ie`Qy mh`qv hY ROI (Return On Investment) nUM Swml krn dw[ ij`QoN q`k quhwfy tRWsportySn dy smwn dw sbMD hY qusIN hr smyN ies ‘c kùJ nw kùJ vwDw krdy rihMdy hI ho[ ie`k qW qusIN ies dy hux vrq rhy smwn leI kùJ nw kùJ idMdy rihMdy ho[ dUjw jo qusIN A``gy vrqxw hY aus leI vI idMdy ho[ jy vrqx vwLy smwn dw Krcw lwh id`qw hY, ies dw mqlb ieh nhIN ik bxn vwLI sprỲf SIt ‘c ies nUM iliKAw hI nw jwvy[ jy quhwfI ROI (Return On Investment) shI FMg nwl iqAwr kIqI geI hY qW jdoN qusIN Aglw smwn KRIdxw hY qW quhwfy kol ies leI kwPI pRwpqI hovygI[ quhwfI ieikautI Bwv pRwpqI vI quhwfw Dn hY[ jy qusIN ROI (Return On Investment) dw iDAwn nhIN r`Kdy qW sdw leI A`gy rihx dw Xqn qW krdy rhogy pr Biv`K bwry nhIN socogy[ QoVHw ijhw vI glq ihswb ikqwb quhwnUM Gwty ‘c D`k skdw hY jdoN ik qusIN vrqmwn smyN PwiedymMd hwlq ‘c hovo[ AwpxI cwdr qoN v`D pYr pswrny Bwv Awpxy bjt qoN v`D Krc krn nUM bhuqw smW nhIN lgdw[ pr ies qrHW dy hwlwq keI vwr bYNkrpsI v`l Dkyl idMdy hn[ swzo smwn ‘qy Krc kIqw jwx vwlw ie`k prkwr dw Krc auh vI hY jo quhwfy h`k ‘c nhIN sgoN ivrùD jwvygw[quhwnUM ie`k inXm sdw iDAwn ‘c r`Kxw cwhIdw hY ijsdI kdy vI aulMGxw nhIN hoxI cwhIdI Aqy auh hY ik ijhVw ivAkqI quhwnUM kMm idMdw hY auh quhwfy ivqI ihswb ikqwb nUM nw vyK sky[ ies inXm dI pwlxw krn nwl ie`k qW qusIN id`qy hoey not kwrn iksy jwL ‘c nhIN Ps skdy, Kws krky audoN jdoN qusIN mwlk dy pYsy dyxy hox[ ies leI BwvyN quhwnUM pUrw kMm imldw hY jW nhIN aùQy kMm krn dI vPwdwrI kwiem r`Ko[ keI ies qrHW dy mwlk vI hn jo ies dI durvrqoN kr skdy hn[ ivqI Xojnw Bwv PweInYNisMg plYn nUM

“nYvr nYvr plYn” vI kihMdy hn[ikauN ik quhwfw mwlk smwn KRId ky quhwnUM lIz ‘qy dy idMdw hY ijsdw bhuqw Pwiedw mwlk dw huMdw hY quhwfw nhIN[ dUjy bMny kMm krn vwLw mwlk dy pUrw ADIn ho jWdw hY[ ies qrHW dy hwlwq ‘c aus nUM mwlk dI ie`Cw Anuswr kMm krnw pYNdw hY BwvyN aus nUM ies dw nukswn vI ho irhw hovy[ ies sB hwlwq ‘c kMm krn vwLw duKI huMdw hY[ ies qrHW dw pRogrwm qW auhnW leI SurU kIqw igAw sI ijnHW dI krYift ryitMg bhuq mwVI sI Aqy ies dw mùK mùdw vI sbMDq ivAkqI nUM nukswn phuMcwaux dw nhIN sI[ kuJ vI hovy quhwfI krYift ryitMg BwvyN ikMnI mwVI hovy PweInYNisMg leI ies qrHW dy jwL ‘c nw Pso ij`QoN quhwnUM bwAd ‘c pCqwauxw pvy[ ieh qW huMdw hI hY ik auh kMpnI jo lIz dy rhI hY quhwnUM ies dy Pwiedy igxwauNdI rihMdI hY pr huMdw AwiKr ‘c nukswn hI hY auh vI hor iksy dw nhIN sgoN lIz lYx vwLy dw[ jdoN qusIN Awpxy kIqy hoey kWtrYkt nUM inBwA nhIN skdy qW mwlk qW aus smwn nUM hor iksy mwVI ivqI hwlq nwL jUJdy ivAkqI nUM lIz kr skdw hY Aqy huMdw vI ies qrHW hI hY[ ieh nhIN ik hr ie`k mwlk ies qrHW hI krdw hY Aqy quhwfy ^Un psIny dI kmweI nUM hV`p krn dw Xqn krdw hY pr bhuq vwr hI ies qrHW huMdw Awm idsdw hY[ hux ieh sB kùJ quhwfy ‘qy hI inrBr krdw hY ik qusIN ies sbMDI iks qrHW Xojnw bxw ky c`lxw hY[ jy qusIN koeI v`fI cIz Bwv smwn lY ilAw hY Aqy quhwfy kol pYsy vI hn pr bhuq hwlqW ‘c quhwnUM Awpxy pYsy Krcx dI loV nhIN[ ies qrHW dy mOky iksy ies kMm dy mwihr koL jwE Aqy aus qoN slwh zrUur lE[isrP qy isrP koeI mwihr hI ies sbMDI koeI vDIAw slwh dy skdw hY[ EASTERN EDITION

First Electric Volvo Trucks Delivered to Customers


olvo Trucks delivered its first all-electric vehicles on 19 February – a refuse truck to waste and recycling company Renova, and a distribution truck to the logistics company DB Schenker and partner haulier TGM, operating in Sweden. The Volvo FL Electric trucks are part of a pre-series developed in collaboration with selected customers. Series production of the Volvo FL Electric and its powerful sibling, the Volvo FE Electric, will commence with a limited number of trucks for the European markets in the second half of 2019. The absence of motor noise and exhaust emissions contributes to better working conditions for the drivers and a quieter, cleaner urban environment. “Our close collaboration with drivers and customers has enabled us to develop, in a short space of time, electrified transport solutions that meet high requirements in terms of performance, driving distances, cargo handling and vehicle use,” says Roger Alm, President Volvo Trucks. The drivers who will operate the electric trucks have had the opportunity to test-drive them prior to delivery, as part of the operator training. “The drivers were particularly impressed with the responsive driveline,

delivering fast and seamless acceleration, and the low noise level,” summarizes Roger Alm. “We will continue to develop our electrified offering. At the same time, we are steadily reducing the environmental and climate impact of our diesel and gas powered trucks, primarily through energy-efficient drivelines,” says Roger Alm, President Volvo Trucks.







Tallman Group and Rush Enterprises announce Joint Venture


allman Group, the largest International Truck dealership in Canada, announced today that it has signed an agreement to enter into a new joint venture with Rush Enterprises, Inc., which operates the largest network of commercial vehicle dealerships in North America.

Officer and Roger Poirier, CFA, President. “This is a very exciting partnership for our entire network of employees and customers that have known and trusted Tallman Group for 45 years. This partnership will give us tremendous access to industry leading technology which should greatly enhance our entire

Tallman Group and Rush Enterprises will each own 50 percent of the new joint venture entity, which will operate Tallman Group’s network of commercial vehicle dealerships in Canada. The formation of the joint venture is subject to customary closing conditions, but the parties expect the transaction to close on February 25, 2019. Tallman Group will be rebranded to Rush Truck Centres of Canada Limited and will operate under the same leadership of Kevin G. Tallman, Chief Executive

customer service experience.” Says Kevin G. Tallman, Chief Executive Officer, Tallman Group “Our cross-border customers will greatly benefit by having priority access to the largest commercial dealership group in North America. We are looking forward to utilizing this joint venture as a platform to accelerate our growth strategy in Canada with the support of Rush Enterprises.” “I am extremely excited to announce Rush Enterprises’ joint venture with

Tallman Group,” said W.M. “Rusty” Rush, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of Rush Enterprises, Inc. “The Tallman family has built a successful and respected International Truck dealership network in Ontario, which is consistently recognized as one of the best performing International Truck dealership groups in North America. We believe this joint venture will provide customers with best-inclass service by combining the advanced operating systems developed by Rush Enterprises with the operational abilities of the Tallman Group.” Rush added. Rush Enterprises is a publicly traded corporation led by W.M. “Rusty” Rush, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President, headquartered in New Braunfels, Texas. Rush (NASDAQ: RUSHA) (NASDAQ: RUSHB) reported $4.7 billion in revenue in 2017. With 110 locations in 22 states, Rush is the largest commercial vehicle dealer in North America. The company employs 6,900 people and sold nearly 32,800 trucks in 2017.

Natural Gas-Powered Truck Sales Drop


ccording to a quarterly report from ACT Research, U.S. and Canadian natural gas Class 8 retail sales rose 13% in 2017, but slid 23% year-to-date through November 2018. Year-to-date sales in November 2017 were up 9%. “On a nominal basis, natural gas retail sales are down about 700 units for the first eleven months of 2018 on a year-over-year basis,” said Ken Vieth, senior partner and general manager at ACT Research. “Based on news released in the popular press, natural gas vehicle purchases continued to be dominated by refuse fleets, as well as 16


transit and school bus operators.” Vieth attributed the drop to a narrowed fuel price spread between diesel and natural gas. “That said, it is important to remember that the conversion of a fleet from diesel to natural gas doesn’t rest entirely on the savings of fuel,” he added. “Natural gas offers more consistent fuel pricing and is one way fleets can meet more stringent environmental requirements, particularly where renewable natural gas is available. Transportation power is no longer a one-size-fits-all proposition. All viable commercial vehicle power alternatives,

from diesel and natural gas to electric of all kinds, must now be considered to accurately measure potential cost savings, while meeting future emissions.”


Meritor Selected to Supply U.S. Military


eritor, Inc. announced it has mobility, durability and weightbeen selected to equip Mack efficiency,” Damian said. “These proven Defense’s new heavy-duty technologies are available to defense dump trucks for the United States Army organizations and companies that with a comprehensive drivetrain solution develop and supply armored tactical and from Meritor including its MX810 front combat vehicles or platforms in multiple drive steer axle, transfer case, ProTec™ configurations.” Series 50 tridem drive beam axles and Permalube™ RPL Series drivelines. The Mack Granite® armored and armor-capable dump trucks are scheduled to be delivered to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers through 2025. “With this solution, Mack and Meritor have taken steps to ensure that our soldiers can execute their missions with confidence,” said David Damian, director, Defense for Meritor. “Our axles and related components are widely applicable to multiple military applications.” Meritor’s complete drivetrain solution for the Mack dump truck includes: • MX810 front axle with weight rating up to 24,000 pounds offers maneuverability and excellent ground clearance • MTC-3220FV high-torque transfer case is compact Incorporation Registration IFTA Registration and rugged for ease of IRP Registration & Revenue C.V.O.R. Registration maintenance and serviceability while remaining durable U.S. D.O.T. & MC Registration C-TPAT Drug Testing enough for the demands of Canada Customs & US Customs Bond military applications • ProTec Series 50 beam axles, engineered to military specifications with gross axle weight rating (GAWR) up to 30,000 pounds per axle • Permalube RPL Series drivelines, designed for gearfast/run-slow drivetrains and Bay 6-9, 2456, 7050 Telford Way, Unit 13, high-torque applications that are permanently lubricated 23 Ave. NE, Calgary, AB Mississauga, ON L5S 1V7 and sealed for life to reduce maintenance compared to conventional drivelines Fax: 403-455-4261 Fax: 905-696-6825 “Our drivetrain solution for .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. this vehicle meets military I E: requirements for performance,

Tel: 403-455-4258


Tel: 905-461-2525



No Money Blues


have seen a recent increase in financial problems with clients. They have been trying to buy or lease equipment and literally have no money. This has been causing issues at dealerships and financing institutions due to wasted time and lack of respect. A dealership and the bank both want to help you own a piece of equipment. They are both your partners when making a purchase, so when you approach them for assistance and you have no money in your bank account, it gets very frustrating. I think its common sense that if you have no money you cannot buy something. If I go to a grocery store and pick up a gallon of milk, I cannot leave the store with the milk without first paying. The same is true for equipment. If your bank account is empty, do not go to a dealership or commit yourself to a piece of equipment. I had one driver who went from BC to Washington State to go look at a piece of equipment. The dealership was not open as it was a weekend, but they opened just to show him the equipment. He said he would buy the equipment and made a commitment. After all the paperwork was done by the financial institution and the dealership to export the equipment from the USA to Canada the driver would not sign. He kept delaying and making excuses. I finally asked, “Do you not have any money for the down payment?” He claimed he did. I knew he was lying and called to speak to fellow drivers from his fleet. I asked what they knew about him. He was described as “broke and lazy.” In fact he did one load with a B-train flat deck trailer and dropped off his plates to the fleet and ran away because the work was “too hard.” He eventually said he didn’t want the equipment after weeks of dawdling “claiming that work was too slow” when in fact he had no down payment. He was trying to finance his truck to get money for the down payment 18


but was declined because his truck had commented on the age. I asked to see the high mileage and he had poor credit. money. He said he would have it, but then Knowing he had no money, is where I called in a few days and said he didn’t. He wonder why did he go to the dealership in was relying on his brother to get a line of the first place? The dealership lost over credit from the bank so he could take his $2,000 in paperwork that was done, time brother’s borrowed money and use it as a of opening the dealership on a weekend down payment. The brother was declined and commission lost. The bank also lost for the line of credit. At least he admitted well over $1,000 in paperwork that was he didn’t have the money, but again completed and also multiple phone calls. why did he commit to buying a piece of He wasted everyone’s time and a different equipment when he had NO MONEY to driver who wanted the same piece of begin with. I have seen an influx of these equipment had been told it was already no money driver’s in the last few months. sold and he actually HAD MONEY to They waste time and money of dealerships buy it. In the end this penniless driver is and financial institutions knowing they now banned from the dealership and will have nothing in the bank. If you want never be given the opportunity to own this to buy a piece of equipment, then please equipment in the future. save some money for a down payment I got a call from some gentlemen FIRST before making any visits or calls in Calgary. They were bragging how to a dealership or local bank. Once they they were going to buy five pieces of know your name and see that you wasted equipment. I could tell on the phone time by trying to buy with no money, they were “all talk.” They had also you might just end up on a list that will called the dealership not knowing that get you banned from buying anything in I was very close to them and I would the future. Business is business, money find out everything. They were trying to talks, and time is money. So work hard comparison shop. But when you have and save money FIRST and THEN go no money, why shop at all? They finally equipment shopping. Remember, your admitted they were short on money and local equipment dealership wants you to would call back as I rolled my eyes. They buy from them. That’s why they’re there. tried calling a few weeks later saying to They want to help you and partner with please give four weeks and between the you. The bank is the same. They want five of them they would maybe be able to to loan money to deserving clients. Be save enough for a down payment on one up front and honest with both the bank piece of equipment. I said there’s nothing and the dealership. Don’t say you’re for sale. I didn’t even call back, I simply great, have lots of money, and have great texted that nothing was available for sale. credit when you don’t. Tell the truth and I don’t know ANY dealership that will the bank and dealership will get creative hold inventory for a month on their lot that and see what they can do to help you. they can sell now to someone Remember that the bank and who has money, while you try dealership don’t want just a to scrounge up a down payment. client, they want a customer. A Again, why did you even call customer is someone who does when you have NO MONEY? repeated business. They want I had another driver commit to you to come back over and over. a brand new piece of equipment. So treat them with respect and I was already suspicious because honesty and they will try their of his age. He was in his early best to make your dreams of Pash Brar 20’s. The dealership also owning equipment come true. EASTERN EDITION




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Meritor Launches 22 Electrification Programs


eritor announced that it has 22 electrification programs with global OEMs that is expected to put at least 130 fully electric medium- and heavy-duty commercial trucks on the road through 2020. “These emission-free solutions offered under Meritor’s Blue Horizon technology brand have the potential to transform the industry by meeting the rising global demand for clean, electric-powered drivetrains that we believe will deliver a high-efficiency solution that greatly reduces the total cost of ownership for our customers,” said John Bennett, vicepresident and chief technology officer for Meritor. “These programs position Meritor for future growth in an emerging industry segment.” Meritor’s eCarrier platform integrates an electric motor into the axle, which frees up space for batteries and other components. This design is the foundation for various drivetrain configurations,

including full electric, hybrid and single or tandem axles with various options based on product application for vehicle Classes 5 through 8. Among the 130 commercial vehicles

expected to be placed into service by 2020, 60 of these trucks received funding from the California Air Resources Board as part of a broader effort to reduce carbon emissions in freight facilities.

BMO Continues Support for WIT


he Women In Trucking Association (WIT) announced today that BMO Transportation Finance renewed its Gold Level Partnership to continue supporting the nonprofit association’s efforts to increase the number of women employed in the transportation industry. BMO Transportation Finance has supported WIT since 2014. In addition to providing financial support, the company actively participates in the association. John Dietze, Managing Director, Dealer Sales, serves on the board of directors for both the WIT Association and Foundation. “BMO Transportation Finance is proud to be a part of Women in Trucking, and is focused on accelerating diversity and inclusion in the workplace,” said Dietze. “In 2018, BMO was recognized for its 20


efforts in advancing the role of women at work and in the community. BMO’s participation in WIT is a natural extension of the values our business holds.” “This industry needs more women, as both drivers and corporate leaders,” said Ellen Voie, WIT President and CEO. “With support from business leaders like BMO Transportation Finance, we are able to increase the visibility of the critical issue of gender diversity and encourage women around the world to see transportation as a viable career opportunity.” Since 2007, WIT has been committed to encouraging women to consider careers in the trucking industry, addressing obstacles that might keep them from succeeding, and celebrating the success of its

members. WIT’s annual Accelerate! Conference and Exhibition, a program aimed at developing 150 women-owned businesses, scholarships for transportation careers, and a Professional Development Certification (PDC) program are just a few examples of recent initiatives that are helping the organization achieve its mission.


Shell Rotella Announced as Official and Exclusive Oil of 2019 PBR Canada Monster Energy Tour


riding tour in Canada. uses many of Shell Rotella’s high-quality hell Rotella, Heavy Duty Engine “We are thrilled to welcome Shell products in the vehicles and equipment oil, is pleased to announce they will be the official and Rotella as an official partner of the that bring this tour to life across many exclusive oil of the upcoming 2019 PBR Monster Energy Tour,” said Dave kilometers in Canada, and we’re proud to (“Professional Bull Riders”) Canada Cordovano, SVP, PBR International promote this partnership to our fans.” Tours. “The PBR Monster Energy Tour Shell Rotella will introduce the Shell Monster Energy Tour. Rotella Gas Truck oils at “Shell Rotella is proud PBR events. Whether being to partner with the 2019 The 2019 PBR Canada Monster Energy Tour dates and driven for work or fun, PBR Canada Monster locations are as follows: Shell Rotella Gas Truck full Energy Tour,” said Ainsley Winnipeg Classic January 26 Winnipeg, MB synthetic engine oil works Hebert, Canada Marketing Bridge City Chrysler March 1-2 Lethbridge, AB Manager, Shell Rotella. hard to protect and prolong engine life for all new and “Our relationship with PBR LA Towing PBR Challenge older trucks and SUVs. The stemmed from a shared Calgary Classic March 22-23 Calgary, AB appreciation of both hard product will be available Iron Cowboy May 4 Quebec, QC exclusively at select Jiffy work and dedication.” London Classic May 11 London, ON Lube locations throughout At this year’s televised, Moncton Classic May 25 Moncton, NB Canada beginning in March coast-to-coast, action-packed Halifax Classic June 1 Halifax, NS 2019, and available to buy on tour of events, fans will see Edmonton Classic October 12 Edmonton, AB retail shelves this summer. Shell Rotella prominently Abbotsford Classic October 19 Abbotsford, BC Check with your local Jiffy displayed at the largest and Lube for availability. most elite professional bull 2019 PBR Cdn. Finals November 22-23 Saskatoon, SK




ikvyN krIey vDIAw FMg nwl lYx dyx ipCly ku`J smyN qoN mYN Awpxy gwhkW nUM Aw rhIAW ivqI AOkVW nUM Awm hI vyiKAw hY[ auh koeI smwn KRIdxw jW lIz ‘qy lYxw cwhuMdy hn pr aunHW kol ieh sB ku`J krn leI pYsw nhIN huMdw[ KRId smyN ies qrHW dy Xqn keI vwr smyN dI brbwdI hI ho inbVdy hn[ Aqy nwL hI ivAkqI AwpxI byiezqI vI mihsUs krdw hY[ fIlriSp vwLy Aqy bYNk, koeI smwn KRIdx ‘c quhwfI mdd krnw cwhuMdy hn[ jdoN qusIN koeI smwn KRIddy ho qW ieh dovyN quhwfy swQI hI huMdy hn[ pr jdoN qusIN ienHW q`k phuMc krdy ho pr quhwfw bYNk ‘c koeI pYsw nhIN huMdw qW hwlq bVI inrwsqw vwLI bx jWdI hY[ ieh qW Awm hI g`l hY ik jy kol pYsy nhIN qW koeI KRId vI iks qrHW ho skdI hY[ jy mYN grOsrI stor ‘c jw ky d`D dI gYln qW cu`k lvW pr mYN stor ‘coN au`nw 22


icr bwhr nhIN jw skdI ijMnw icr pYsy dsKq krvw ley gey[ pr auh ivAkqI, ikauN ik aus kol pYsy nhIN sn smwn nhIN id`qy jWdy[ ieh nkdI dy rUp ‘c hox jW kwrf qoN[ iehI hwlq hY koeI Byjx leI dsKq krn ‘qy pu`Cx Aqy pYsy dyx leI kihx ‘qy twl mtol krdw irhw tr`k jWies dw smwn KRIdx dI[ jy bYNk dy quhwfy ^wqy ^wlm ^wlI hn qW iksy Aqy hor smyN dI mMg krdw irhw Aqy koeI fIlriSp kol jwx dI ^ycl nw kro[ Aqy nw koeI bhwnw lwauNdw irhw[ Aw^rkwr mYN aus nUM pu`C hI ilAw ik aus kol ies nw hI smwn KRIdx dI Aws pwLo[ KRIdy smwn leI fwaUn pymYNt dyx leI pYsy mYnUM ie`k fRweIvr dw pqw hYy jo bI. sI hn? iPr vI aus dw jvwb sI ik aus qoN vwiSMgtn styt nUM koeI tr`k dw smwn KRIdx igAw[ hPqwAMq hox koL hn[ mYN smJ geI ik auh krky sbMDq fIlriSp vwLy bMd JUT boldw hY ies leI mYN aus dy swQI fRweIvrW qoN aus sbMDI sn pr iPr vI aunHW ny dPqr pu`iCAw[ aunHW dw kihxw sI ik KolH ky smwn ivKw id`qw[ aus s`jx ny smwn KRIdx dI hwmI ieh bVw AwlsI qW hY hI Aqy Br id`qI[ pYsy dyx vwLI sMsQw ies kol pYsw vI nhIN[ aus dI Awls sbMDI d`sidAW aunHW ikhw v`loN vI swrI kwgzI kwrvweI pUrI kr leI geI[ fIlriSp ik aus ny ie`k vwr lof l`idAw sI Aqy aus dy tr`k dIAW plytW ny auh smwn AmrIkw qoN knyfw Pash Brar Byjx leI sbMiDq kwgzW ‘qy vI ifgx ‘qy muV l`dx nw krky EASTERN EDITION




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B``j igAw[ Asl ‘c hux aus kol dyx leI iksy fwaUn pymYNt dw pRbMD hY hI nhIN sI[ aus ny pYsy pRwpq krn dw Xqn vI kIqw pr aus dw tr`k bhuqw c`ilAw hox krky Aqy aus dw mwVw kRYift hox kwrn aus nUM koeI krzw vI nhIN sI iml irhw[ mYN hYrwn sW ik ijs ivAkqI nUM pqw hY ik aus koL koeI pYsw nhIN Aqy nw hI auh auDwr lY skx dy Xog hY qW aus nUM fIlriSp kol jwx dI kI loV sI? bYNk vwilAW Aqy fIlriSp vwilAW nUM kwgzI kwrvweI krn ‘qy krmvwr 2,000 Aqy 1,000 fwlr Krcxw ipAw[ ies qoN ibnw aus ny sB dw smW vI brbwd kIqw[ Aw^rkwr auh smwn iksy hor fRweIvr nUM ieh kih ik vycxw ipAw ik pihly KRIdx vwLy kol koeI rkm nhIN sI ies leI aus nUM nhIN id`qw igAw[ies qrHW dw ivAkqI A`goN vI iks qrHW KRId kr skygw, ijs ny sB nUM ies qrHW pRySwn Aqy K`jl KuAwr kIqw hovy[ iksy s`jx dw mYnUM kYlgrI qoN &on AwieAw[ auh tr`k dw koeI smwn KRIdxw cwhuMdw sI[ ieh ku`l imlw ky 5 AweItmW sn[ myry nwl kwPI icr g`lbwq krdw irhw[ iPr aus sbMDI g`lbwq iksy fIlriSp nwl krn l`g pey ijhVy myry jwxU sn[ Asl ‘c auh mukwblw kr irhw sI[ pr g`l iPr vI auhI sI ik jy quhwfy koL pYsw jW swDn nhIN qW iPr isr Kpwaux dI kI loV hY? AwKrkwr aunHW ny Awp hI mMn ilAw ik aunHW kol loVINdw pYsw nhIN[ ku`J hPiqAW bwAd aus ny iPr &on kIqw ik aus nUM cwr hPiqAW dw smW idE qW auh pYisAW dw pRbMD kr lvygw[ nwL hI aus ny ieh vI ikhw ik auh 5 nhIN sgoN ie`k dI KRId leI fwaUn pymYNt jutw skygw[ mYN aus nUM ikhw ik ies dI syl vwlI cIz Ajy nhIN hY[ mYN ieh aus nUM tYkst mYsyj rwhIN hI d`s id`qw[ ikauN ik mUYnUM pqw sI ik koeI vI fIlriSp ie`k mhIny q`k dI aufIk nhIN kr skdI jdoN ik auh aus smwn nUM ausy smyN vyc skdI hovy[ pr g`l iPr vI auho hY ik jdoN quhwfy koL koeI cIz KRIdx leI loVINdw prbMD nhIN qW Awpxw Aqy dUjy dw smW ikauN brbwd krdy ho? ie`k hor fRweIvr sI jo nvW smwn KRIdxw cwhuMdw sI[ pr aus dI aumr nUM vyK ik mYnUM S`k pY rhI sI[ aus dI aumr 20-22 swl dI hI sI [ fIlriSp ny vI aus dI aumr krky svwl auTwey sn[ mYN aus nUM pYsy d`sx leI ikhw[ pr aus dw jvwb sI ik aus kol Aw jwxy hn[ pr ku`J idnW

bwAd aus ny &on krky d`s hI id`qw ik aus nUM pYsy nhIN imly[ Asl ‘c g`l ieh sI ik aus nUM Aws sI ik aus dw Brw aus nUM pYsy dy dyvygw Aqy auh aus rkm nUM fwaUn pymYNt vjoN dy dyvygw pr aus dy Brw ny vI kRYift lweIn lY ky dyxy sn ijhVI aus nUM nhIN imlI[ pr clo G`to G`t aus ny ieh qW mMn ilAw ik aus kol pYysy nhIN hn[ pr g`l iPr vI muV ky ieho hI hY ik jdoN aus koL pYisAW dw pRbMD hI nhIN sI qW aus ny g`lbwq ikauN SurU kIqI? mYN ienHW ipCly ku`J mhIinAW ‘c ies qrHW dy bhuq fRweIvr vyKy hn jo KRId krnI cwhuMdy hn pr aunHW kol pYsy nhIN hn[ pr ieh sB ku`J jwxdy hoey ik swfy kol pYsy nhIN iPr vI Awpxw Aqy fIlriSp Aqy ivqI AdwirAW dw smW brbwd krn dw kI Pwiedw? myrI iehI slwh hY ik jy qusIN koeI smwn KRIdxw cwhMdy ho qW iksy ivqI sMsQw Aqy bYNk kol jwx jW iksy nUM ies sbMDI &oon krn qoN pihlW ies sbMDI pUrI Xojnw bxwE Aqy fwaUnpymYNt leI pYYsy joVo[ jy iksy ivqI Adwry Aqy bYNk nUM ieh jwxkwrI ho jwvygI ik qusIN aunHW dw smW brbwd kr rhy ho qW auh Biv`K ‘c quhwfw nWA ivqI mdd nw dyx vwiLAW dI ilst ‘c Swml kr dyxgy[ ibzns qW ibzns hI hY[ swrI g`l pYsy dI hY Aqy smW vI kImqI hY[ ies leI s^q imhnq kro Aqy sB qoN pihlW pYsw bcwE Aqy bwAd ‘c loVINdw smwn KRIdo[ Xwd r`Ko! quhwfy Sihr dw smwn vycx vwLw ieh hI cwhygw ik qusIN aus qoN hI smwn KRIdo[ auh ie`Qy bYTy vI qW hI hn[ auh quhwfI mdd krnI cwhuMdy hn Aqy ies kMm ‘c quhwfw swQ dyxw cwhuMdy hn[ iesy qrHW bYNk hn[ auh loVvMd lokW nUM lon dyxw cwhuMdy hn[ ies leI bYNk hovy jW fIlriSp sB nwl iemwndwrI nwL vrqo[ jd quhwfy koL pYsw nhIN qW ies sbMDI s`c s`c d`s idE [ vDwA cVHw ik g`lW nw kro ik quhwfy kol bhuq pYsy hn Aqy bhuq vDIAw kRYift hY jdoN ik Asl ‘c ieh sB ku`J nhIN huMdw[ bYNk hovy jW fIlriSp sB kol s`c s`c hI d`s idE auh hr qrHW quhwfI mdd kr skdy hn[ Xwd r`Ko ik bYNk jW fIlriSp vwLy kyvl qy kyvl klwieMt hI nhIN cwhuMdy sgoN auh vDIAw gwhk vI cwhuMdy hn[ gwhk auh huMdw hY jo muV muV AwauNdw rihMdw hY[ ies leI aunHW nwL Awdr nwL vrqo[ jy ies qrHW krogy qW auh quhwfy supinAW dw smwn KRIdx ‘c v`D qoN v`D mdd krngy[ EASTERN EDITION

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Right now you’d have to custom order and wait half a year (or more) for the non-standard new trailer and shunt truck equipment you need to run your operation. But at Glasvan we keep custom type specialized equipment in-stock or on advanced order for near-term delivery. We also make sure the gear we bring in has items such as extended warranty componentry, tire inflation-deflation, fuel-saving aerodynamic devices, load securement and heavier duty specs.


bout 150 trucks from the west converged at the Antrim Truck Stop where they rested for the big day on the Hill attempting to get the government to listen — the government didn’t, but the point was made. Sure, there were numerous issues that needed to be voiced but Glen Carritt of the United We Roll said it best “we’re here to unite Canada”. There were also about 60 trucks joined the convoy from Atlantic Canada, plus there were 40 or so trucks from the local Ottawa region that joined in. The people in the convoy, mostly proudly wearing yellow vests, were directed by Hill Security, to a section of Parliament Hill covered in deep snow. There was another section nicely cleared of snow and separated by barriers from the deep snow section that one Hill Security official was heard say was for AntiFa. The peaceful protesters relegated to deep snow, the cleared area for the violent people whose only message was that of disruption. To their credit, the convoy people never took the bait from AntiFa so the day was peaceful. Police and security personnel allowed those in the convoy to have plenty of microphone time. Andrew Scheer and Max Bernier did come out and speak with the convoy people but not one member of the government made an appearance. Mind you, it was difficult for the liberal members to come outside because the chaos that’s resulted from the SNC Lavalin scandal, the resignations of too many people, and the possibility of a hostile crowd. It turned out to be a great day for Canada, for the government, not so much. Tomorrow is another day. The convoy will be back for another day of message delivery. EASTERN EDITION

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New Enhancements to the Western Star 4700 Benefit Driver Experience, Safety


estern Star’s most popular truck model has been updated with several new enhancements that make it lighter, safer, more productive and faster to upfit. The enhanced 4700 is on display for the first time at World of Concrete 2019 in booth #C5675. “Since introducing the 4700 in 2011, customer acceptance has continued to exceed expectations,” said Samantha Parlier, vice president of marketing and product strategy for Western Star. “We know customers already appreciate the truck’s versatility and dependability, and our newest features will deliver at an even higher level.” New Cummins Engine, More Powertrain Options, Easier Upfitting for Body Builders “The 4700 has always been all about providing customers with the choices that are best matched for their exact business needs,” said Parlier. “Our new powertrain options expand the adaptability of the already versatile 4700.” 4700 trucks and tractors can now be spec’d with the new Cummins X12 engine. This ultra-lightweight engine increases payload capacity, which boosts profitability for vocational customers. Weighing 2,050 pounds – which is up to 600 lbs. lighter than other medium-bore engines in the 10 to 13-liter category – the Cummins X12 contributes to enhanced 26


productivity without compromising the power required for tough vocational jobs. And, front- and rear-engine PTO offerings enable more upfitting options, a benefit to both customers and body builders. The Cummins X12 engine, which delivers up to 1700 lb.-ft. of torque and 500HP, has a low-friction design that is well-suited for higher MPGs. It is compatible with a broad range of fully automatic, automated manual and manual transmissions, and has oil drain, filter and fuel filter replacement intervals that rival comparable engines. Another new option is the Detroit™ DT12™ automated manual transmission, which can now be spec’d for Detroitpowered 4700s. With features such as creep mode, hill start aid and a precise pneumatic shift and clutch control, the DT12 gives a smoother ride and reduces driver fatigue. The enhanced 4700 also has additional upfit-friendly improvements, including updates to the electrical system – such as the addition of a third Power Distribution Module – and improved interface connections on the back floor of the cab, as well as four new options for trailer connections. “The 4700 is a workhorse, and our customers want it to get on the job as fast as possible. That’s why we made the 4700 easier for body builders to upfit,” said Parlier.

Refreshed Interior, Western Star Style Renowned for its interiors, the inside of the 4700 has been refreshed to help drivers stay focused on the road and more productive throughout the day. Larger gauges on the instrument panel provide improved visibility, and a new LCD dash display delivers more information to the driver in an intuitive format. Four customizable LED indicators are available for body builders to keep the operator informed of various truck functions, data and alerts. The truck’s multi-function steering wheel offers the driver easy-to-reach access to cruise control, radio functions, phone controls and dash display menus. “We worked directly with customers to create an environment that drivers can customize to best meet the needs of their specific job and lifestyle,” noted Parlier. “From dash-mounted USB ports for personal mobile devices, to a variety of mounting and pre-wire options for telematics systems, the 4700 is easier than ever to operate.” For the first time, the 4700 can now be spec’d with a 40-inch low or ultra-low roof StarLight sleeper. This additional space can be used for extra storage or fitted with a comfortable mattress. Packed with Safety Features Several new features will keep drivers and others on the road safer. EASTERN EDITION

Wabco OnGuard uses a bumper-mounted radar unit to track vehicles and objects in the truck’s path, and then automatically applies the brake if the driver doesn’t slow the truck in time. Bendix lane departure camera tracks the truck’s lane position and provides audible warnings to the driver. Added Parlier: “We’re proud that the 4700 has been an ever-growing number of customers’ choice for eight years, and we know that our new enhancements will make their experience even better and more profitable.”

FedEx appoints New President


edEx appoints Raj Subramaniam to the position of President and Chief Operating Officer (COO) as David Bronczek made the personal decision to retire. Subramaniam has already been with FedEx for 27 years and currently serves as the President and CEO of FedEx Express. His new duties will be in addition to his current role and will officially begin on March 1, 2019. “FedEx has a deep bench of talent, and I am confident that the transition will be seamless,” FedEx Corporation Chairman and CEO Fred Smith stated. “Raj has significant experience in many areas of our portfolio, which will be vital as he steps into this position.” Bronczek will leave FedEx on February 28, 2019, under an agreement that he will not work for FedEx competitors. Fred Smith also stated in a press release, “On behalf of the board and management team, we recognize Dave for his years of service to FedEx.” EASTERN EDITION




fbl koien ny suqMqr ieMDx dI b`cq dI jWc iv`c dUjw sQwn hwsl kIqw hY

ENtwrIE, kYnyfw: jo ik fbl koien holifµgs, il. leI knyfw dw pRmu`K ivkryqw Aqy ivqrk hY, aus ƒ ENERGOTEST twXr cuxOqI nwmk qulnwqmk ieµDx dI b`cq dIAW jWcW dy is`itAW dI GoSxw krn iv`c KuSI hY ijs iv`c aunHW ƒ FP ienovySµs’ PIT gru`p duAwrw Bwg lYx leI s`dw id`qw igAw sI, jo ik ie`k inrp`K qIjy-p`K dw Koj sµgTn hY[ fbs koien qoN ielwvw, ieµDx dI b`cq dIAW jWcW dw imSyiln® Aqy koNitnYNtl® duAwrw inrimq twXrW qy vI sµcwln kIqw igAw sI[ PIT gru`p ny iqµn smwn qOr qy inrDwirq tRYktrW Aqy tRylrW qy clwey gey stIAr, fRwiev, Aqy tRylr twXrW qy do v`K-v`K qulnwqmk jWcW ƒ kIqw[ jWcW dw TMC ieµDx Kpq jWc prikirAw pRkwr III, RP 1103A dy muqwbk sµcwln kIqw igAw sI[ ie`k jWc lwien hOl jWc sI Aqy dUjI KyqrI hOl jWc sI[ hryk jWc iv`c tRYktr tRylr sµXojn ƒ hryk inrmwqw vloN stIAr, fRwiev Aqy tRylr twXrW dy ie`k sµpUrn sYt dy nwl sQwipq kIqw igAw sI[ lwien hOl jWc iv`c jWc kIqy gey fbl koien twXr RR680, FD405 Aqy IM105 SYlIAW dy sn[ jWc kIqy gey koNitnYNtl twXr stIAr qy Eco Plus HS3, fRwievs qy HDL2 Aqy tRylr siQqI qy HT3 sn[ jWc kIqy gey imSyiln twXr X-Line Energy Z stIAr twXr, X-Line Energy D fRwiev twXr Aqy X-Line Energy T tRylr twXr sn[ twXr jWc vwly tRYk qy jWc sµcwlnW dI ie`k lVI qy c`ly, Aqy Pyr twXrW Aqy tRYktr-tRylr-fRwievrW ƒ bdilAw igAw sI qW ik koeI vwhn Aµqr jW fRwievr Aµqr jWc dy is`itAW ƒ pRBwivq nw kry[ lwien hOl jWc dy is`ty hyTW id`qy jwx vjoN Awey sn: twXr fbl koien koNitnYNtl imSyiln ieµDx dI Kpq (lI/100 ik.mI.)




ieµDx dI b`cq (AYmpIjI)




KyqrI jWc ƒ auhI qrIky dw aupXog krdy hoey kIqw igAw sI, pr hryk inrmwqW vloN KyqrI lwgUkrnW leI ifjæwien kIqy twXrW dy nwl[ KyqrI jWc iv`c jWc kIqy gey fbl koien dy twXr RT606+, RLB1 Aqy RR150 sn[ jWc kIqy gey koNitnYNtl twXr Hybrid HS3, HDR2 Eco Plus, Aqy HT3 sn[ jWc kIqy gey imSyiln twXr XZE2, XDN2, Aqy XZE2 sn[ is`ty hyTW id`qy jwx vjoN Awey sn: twXr fbl koien koNitnYNtl imSyiln



ieµDx dI Kpq (lI/100 ik.mI.)




ieµDx dI b`cq (AYmpIjI)





dohW jWcW iv`c koNitnYNtl dw pihlW sQwn Aqy imSyiln dw qIjw sQwn Awaux dy nwl fbl koien twXr dUjy sQwn qy Awey[ Tim Phillips, fbl koien leI mwrkIitµg Aqy sµcwlnW dy aup-pRDwn, ny ikhw, “AsIN ies suqµqr AiDAYn dy is`itAW dy nwl KuS hW[” “AsIN ieh swbq krn leI isKr dI SryxI dy bRWfW dy nwl moFy nwl moFw imlw ky A`gy vDxw cwhuµdy sI ik fbl koien dy twXr guxv`qw nwl iqAwr kIqy gey twXr pRofkt hn jo au`qm pRdrSn Aqy Swndwr mu`l vI pRdwn krdy hn keI vwrI ies ƒ bjæwr iv`c ies nwloN vI jiæAwdw vDIAw smiJAw jWdw hY[ q`Q ieh hY ik swfy stIAr, fRwiev Aqy tRylr twXr hor mShUr bRWfW ijµny ieµDx ikPwieqI hn Aqy ienHW iv`c 7-swl, 3-rItRYf dI vrµtI id`qI jWdI hY ijs dw mqlb hY ik swfy gwhk guxv`qw twXrW qy Brosw kr skdy hn jo twXr dy pUry jIvnkwl dy dOrwn inrµqr G`t lwgq pRqI mIl ƒ pRdwn krdy hn[ ieh is`ty pRmwx idµdy hn ik swƒ QoVy smyN qoN iks leI jwixAw igAw hY Aqy bwkI dy pirvhx audXog ƒ vI hux iks leI jwixAw jWdw hY[“ twXr cuxOqI bwry hor jwxkwrI pRwpq krn Aqy jWc dy is`itAW dI ie`k sµpUrn nkl leI qy swfy nwl sµprk kro[ fbl koien twXrW bwry vwDU jwxkwrI leI qy jwE[

Is MELT the Panacea?


ntario has a Minimum Entry Level Training requirement for all commercial drivers. At least four other provinces are considering a MELT requirement for their licensed commercial drivers. But, is MELT the answer? MELT will not encourage drivers to improve their skill level. MELT will not improve the pay level of those with higher skill level than MELT trained personnel. MELT will not recognize longevity in the trade. In fact, MELT will dumb down the skill level of all drivers to Minimum. MELT should be the beginning of career long skills development instead of the way it’s structured, MELT is the be all, end all. The hope is that MELT will just be the first step in a life long career of learning. The reality is that MELT will always remain the Minimum. When Mike Holmes, from HGTV, says the minimum building code isn’t good enough, we believe him because Mike does it right — the first time. Why then are we buying into a government minimum standard to be all we should have when it comes to road safety? Last April we


witnessed an horrific wreck in Humboldt, Saskatchewan. Because, the truck driver involved in that wreck plead guilty to spare the victim families from reliving the horrors but as an industry we were cheated out of our responsibilities being tried. Sure, one employer paid a price, a driver will pay a huge price, but it should be an industry not just paying the price but learning how better to serve those industry front line workers. Let’s not sit back and relinquish our responsibilities to that one company, that one driver. Everyone in the trucking industry bears responsibility for being more interested in bottom lines than safety. If we can bring about a situation where truck driving, no, commercial driving is recognized as a skilled trade with a life long career path of testable advancements then that one company’s, that one driver’s paying the price for Humboldt will not have been in vain.

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Air Disc Brakes STOP Vehicles Faster


eavy-duty truck brake technology has advanced over the years and continues to be an important safety feature for trucks and trailers. All brakes are not created equal, however, so it is important to understand the differences. There are two types of air brakes: disc brakes and drum brakes. Though both types use the same principles of friction to slow a vehicle down, air disc brakes have many advantages over drum brakes. The trucking industry is trending toward air disc brakes because safety, efficiency, and in some situations, a lower total cost of ownership. Disc brakes enhance safety by providing shorter stopping distances than drum brakes and improving trailer in-line braking stability. The stopping distance for disc brakes can be 25 to 30 feet less than drum brakes, depending on tires, speed, conditions, and the braking system on the tractor. The stopping power is noticeably greater when both the tractor and trailer are equipped with air disc brakes, particularly when the vehicle is traveling at increased speeds. Disc brakes require less maintenance 30


than drum brakes, because they provide stable and uniform braking, which helps brake components last longer. This means they provide superior braking efficiency and remain in optimum adjustment. Additionally, service intervals are generally longer for disc brakes than drum brakes, and service technicians can change disc brake pads in 25% of the time it takes to change a drum brake shoe. While disc brakes typically have a higher upfront cost than drum brakes, they can have a lower total cost of ownership. Consider the Following Factors: • Longer service intervals and shorter service times equal lower maintenance costs and more uptime for the trailer. • Rust jacking, which is common on drum brake shoes, is virtually eliminated on disc brakes. • Disc brakes eliminate the need for S-cams, slack adjusters, brake drums, brake shoes and bushings, rollers, and springs in a parts maintenance inventory. • Disc brakes reduce the chance of CSA brake violations for brakes out of adjustment, which can put the trailer out of service.

The Bottom Line: Though the upfront cost may be higher, spec’ing a trailer with air disc brakes can increase the overall safety and efficiency of the trailer. Drum Brakes vs. Disc Brakes: How They Work Drum brakes have friction material riveted to brake shoes. When the brake is applied, the brake shoes push outward, rubbing against the inside of the drum and slowing the wheel. Over time, the friction material wears away and the automatic slack adjuster compensates for the loss of brake shoe lining thickness. Eventually, the slack adjuster reaches a limit and the brake shoes must be replaced. Disc brakes have friction pads that float inside the caliper adjacent to a large metal disc called a rotor. Instead of a brake drum attached to the wheel hub, a rotor is attached to the hub. A caliper is contained on the brake carrier with its own brake chamber. When the brake is applied, the caliper squeezes the brake pads against the rotating rotor, slowing the wheel. Since the rotor is exposed to outside air, it is able to cool quickly, which decreases its tendency to overheat or cause fading. EASTERN EDITION

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Speed Limiter On The Table in U.S.


safety coalition led by Road Safe America and the Truck Safety Coalition is trying to convince lawmakers to pass legislation that requires all heavy-duty trucks to use speed limiters and install automatic emergency braking (AEB). The group is using crash data and an economic business case to support their cause. “We’re very dissatisfied from what we’ve gotten from DOT in the last 12 years, so we’re hoping Congress, or even President Trump himself, will get this thing done,” Steve Owings, Road Safe America’s President said. “Certainly an infrastructure bill could be a good vehicle for this. But since 2006 we’ve been through Republican and Democratic administrations oversee a rulemaking that has been stuck in limbo at the Department of Transportation, so

we also think the President could just ask DOT why they haven’t done this yet, and tell them go do it.” The group points to a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) study that found trucks failing to utilize their speed limiters had a 200 percent higher highwayspeed crash rate compared to trucks using their limiters. The ATA has consistently supported requiring speed limiters set at 65 mph for trucks manufactured after 1992, but only if the same speed limit was also set for cars. “Highways are safest when all vehicles travel at the same relative speed,” said OOIDA President, Todd Spencer. “This wisdom has always been true

and has not ever changed.” In regards to AEB (automatic emergency braking), the two groups found that AEB systems can prevent over 2,500 crashes annually.

Uber Freight Seeks to Mitigate ‘Detention Time’ Problem


ooking to put its technology chops to the test, Uber Freight hopes to solve a shipping problem which costs the trucking industry over $1 billion a year. Launched in 2016, Uber Freight is focusing its online app on helping truckers avoid waiting at warehouses for shipments to load and unload. Since drivers are paid by the mile, standing around outside a warehouse waiting for freight is wasted time. Shipping firms are held responsible for what is called “detention time,” when freight is not ready within a two-hour window. Industry standards require shippers to pay an hourly rate for the hours a trucker is stranded waiting for warehouse activity. Unfortunately, according to a DAT Solutions—a transportation information service— survey, only about 3% of drivers reported they had received detention pay for 90% of their claims made against shippers. In 32


other words, truckers are spending their own time waiting for shipments when they should be on the road. In a long sought-after solution to the problem, Uber Freight announced last week that its app would allow drivers to rate retailers and warehouses on several key elements, including speed of loading and unloading. Uber says it has already received 10,000 unique reviews of warehouses and shippers. Uber also claims that drivers are intent on rating shippers on timeliness as well as facility aspects such as parking, food, bathrooms and more. Drivers now have the ability to ding shippers who are tardy in making freight available, hopefully ensuring improvements industry wide. Don Thornton, a senior vice president at DAT Solutions, said, “Driver detention is an urgent issue that must be

addressed by our industry. It’s a matter of fairness.” A broad majority of truckers— approximately 80%—indicated there are shippers they will absolutely not contract with because of detention issues. In an industry where drivers are at a premium with widespread shortages, it appears essential that shippers reduce wait time and keep trucks on the road. Enter Uber Freight, which is now using twenty-first century advances to solve the problem.


ELDs are Allowing Carriers and Shippers to Collaborate


LDs have caused quite a bit of controversy this past year; however, experts are saying that the mandate has shined a light on HOS and detention causing a tighter collaboration between carriers and shippers. Now that the industry has ELDs, people can more closely calculate the effects excessive detention has on productivity— causing shippers to maintain efficiency at the warehouse level to increase turnaround time. Sam Hough, Executive Vice President and COO for Covenant Transport Services, said, “We have been fortunate to develop deep-seated relationships with customers that allow transparency, which promotes empathy and a greater understanding of how to use a professional driver’s hours better.” Additionally, the enforcement of

the ELD mandate forced poor-quality performers out of the industry in the sense that they were not typically compliant with HOS regulations and were oftentimes responsible for a higher number of incidents. Research Vice President for Transportation Technology at Gartner, Bart De Muynck, said that ELDs “actually drove capacity out of the industry,” but the shakeout of carriers was overall beneficial as “the worst of the worst left the industry.” ELDs are also benefiting brokerage arms, as access to real-time data sets can allow for more accurate assumptions on available capacity. President of SJ Consulting Group, Satish Jindel, said he believes ELDs will also

One of the reasons we’ve gone with Castrol is the ability to do oil samples every oil change. LabCheck is one of the primary reasons we’ve been able to extend the operational life of our vehicle.

provide fleets with a new set of predictive analytics that will give them the tools to analyze the best opportunities. According to De Muynck, freight brokers will also benefit from real-time analytics provided from ELDs, allowing them to better predict when and where capacity will become available.

WHEN YOU'RE ON THE JOB, EVERY MOMENT COUNTS. • Extended service intervals and less time in the shop • Limited aeration enables longer engine life • Resists oxidation for 30% longer than previous formulations for fewer costly repairs

Fred LaRue, President, LaRue’s Haulage







Cummins to Supply Kalmar with Driveline for New Electric Terminal Tractor


uilding on their long history of collaboration, Cummins Inc. (NYSE: CMI) announced today that Kalmar, part of Cargotec, selected it to be the electrification solution provider for the electric terminal tractor offering for the European market.

“We’re excited to take on the next phase in our journey in providing electric solutions to industrial markets in collaboration with Kalmar,” said Julie Furber, Executive Director – Electrified Power, Cummins. “By combining

Kalmar’s next-generation terminal tractor platform with our lithium-ion battery expertise and experience in system integration, we will be able to deliver market leading, optimized electric powertrain solutions for port and distribution customers.” Kalmar T2 Terminal TractorSlated to be launched in 2020, the Kalmar electric terminal tractor will be equipped with a 107 kWh lithium-ion battery capable of DC fast charge. This means that operators can take advantage of opportunity charging during shift breaks. To maintain battery life, a thermal management system keeps it within the optimal temperature range, enabling the machine to operate in a range of climates. The Cummins driveline solution eliminates need for a transmission on a terminal tractor, simplifying the

overall system and reducing maintenance needs. “In line with our commitment to have a comprehensive electric product portfolio by 2021, we’re delighted to announce that we will be releasing our second electric terminal tractor in 2020 with Cummins as our electrification solution provider,” said Gina Lopez, Vice President, Terminal Tractors, Kalmar. “We selected Cummins because of our longstanding co-operation in providing world-class drivetrain platforms, their global reach, and their strong commitment to leading the industry in electrification solutions.” In 2017, Cummins announced its commitment to invest $500 million in electrification across many applications, markets and regions over a period of three years. Cummins Electrified Power business’ 200 engineers are solely focused on inventing electrified power solutions for its customers. In 2018, the company announced partnerships and collaborations with on- and off-highway OEMs who are working on electrification solutions in products ranging from bus to medium duty trucks, light commercial vehicles, excavators and drayage trucks.

Love’s Plans to Add More Private Parking Spaces for Truckers in 2019


s national demand for additional truck parking continues to rise, major travelstop companies plan to expand operations and build additional facilities in 2019. According to a survey conducted by the ATRI (American Transportation Research Institute), availability of parking has been the second-most important issue facing truckers for the past two years. Vice President of Sales for Love’s Travel Stops, Jon Archard, stated the organization plans to add 40 new locations across the U.S. and close to 3,500 parking 34


spots this year. However, Archard also noted that it’s not an easy task planning for a new truck stop, despite the high demand. He says, “Sometimes the land is not always available, sometimes the price is prohibitive. Plus, zoning restrictions and congestion in cities can prevent Love’s from finding a site suitable for a location.” Additionally, Archard said Love’s is researching ways in which they can expand their existing locations to house more truck parking spaces. The

majority of their current travel stops range between 12 and 15 acres.


Women Taking Up Specialized Freight Movement


one Star Transportation, a specialized heavy haul carrier, noticed an extreme uptick in their female driver applicant pool which CFO, Kristi Williams, attributes to the jobs paying better. “Women truck drivers, like women in other fields, want to earn more money and respect in their careers,” said Williams. “They want access to the same advancement opportunities as men. As a professional truck driver, that means taking on jobs in which they haul bigger, more specialized freight.” Paula Stroud, a driver for Lone Star’s elite four-axle tractor fleet qualified to haul freight of any length, width, and weight said, “I’ve heard a woman shouldn’t be doing this. It’s not your place. You shouldn’t be out here doing a man’s job, and certainly shouldn’t be doing a man’s job better than him.” CEO of Women in Trucking, Ellen Voie, said, “It’s different today— women make up 7 percent of the over-the-road truck drivers, and they are moving all types of freight. You’ll find them driving tankers, hazardous waste, and extreme over-dimensional loads. Pay is a major consideration when women transition into moving larger freight, but so is the challenge it brings.” Ellen adds, “Women truck drivers bring a higher level of safety to the industry. They work well with customers, and they’re an important demographic as the trucking industry tries to fill professional driver positions.” EASTERN EDITION



Eberspaecher and Sharda Motor Sign Joint Venture Agreement


berspaecher Exhaust Technology International and Sharda Motor Industries Ltd. today signed an agreement for a 50:50 joint venture. In future, in order to comply with the highest emission standard Bharat Stage VI, the new joint venture will develop, produce and sell exhaust aftertreatment systems for Indian commercial vehicle manufacturers. The products will be utilized in trucks and buses from 2020 onwards. Sharda Motor, the leading local exhaust aftertreatment system manufacturer in India, and Eberspaecher, the global technology leader in emission control technologies for commercial vehicles which meet the highest emission standards, each will own 50 percent of the new joint venture Eberspaecher Sharda Exhaust Technology Pvt. Ltd. Both parties see the joint venture as the future of environmentally friendly mobility: “Our customers will benefit from this partnership because they will gain local market expertise coupled with our global technology and production know-how – for significantly reduced emissions from long-distance and distribution traffic in India,” emphasizes Dr Thomas Waldhier, COO Eberspaecher Exhaust Technology. Ajay Relan, Managing Director Sharda Motor adds: “This partnership is an important step for our company in implementing high-tech products for a clean mobility. With our existing client

and supplier base we bring local expertise into the joint venture company.” New technology plants In future, exhaust aftertreatment technology meeting the new emission standard Bharat Stage VI will be manufactured at several locations. This represents a major technological leap from the previous Bharat Stage IV standard and requires far more complex emission control solutions. The standard will enter into force in mid-2020 and will be in line with the Euro 6 standard in Europe. For the initial start of production two new technology plants will be launched, one in the City of Pune and the other in Northern India. The first exhaust systems will be manufactured in the second half of 2019. For Eberspaecher, the cooperation is another important milestone of the consistent implementation of its growth strategy. The aim is to continue to build a leading position in the Asian commercial vehicle exhaust technology markets. In August 2018, the Esslingen-based supplier set up another joint venture company in China in order to meet the growing demand for effective emission control systems and ensure environmentally friendly mobility. In the future, the company will offer emission reduction systems for commercial vehicles, which will meet the China 6 standard from 2020 onwards.

Kriska Welcomes Icon to the KTG Fold


TG is proud to welcome the management, drivers and staff of Icon Transportation Logistics Ltd. (ITL) of Puslinch, Ontario into the group. ITL will continue to be led by General Manager Alen Delija. Founded in 2009, ITL currently operates 44 power units, 78 trailers, 1 straight truck and 1 Sprinter Van. ITL is a cross border carrier who specialized in moving time-sensitive freight. Their expedited team service is an exciting new addition to the KTG transportation menu 36


“ITL is a great fit with the Kriska Transportation Group.” remarked KTG CEO, Mark Seymour, “We’re happy to

bring their team of drivers and staff into the KTG family. ITL’s expedited team service is an exciting new addition to our transportation menu. We know that they have been growing in this space and we hope to help them achieve that.” “Becoming part of KTG offers ITL the opportunity to access a network of transportation companies that will help us better serve our existing customers.” says Alen Delija, “We’re excited to be part of a group that will help to grow our reach and share our strengths.” EASTERN EDITION




The Quest for Front End Protection By Gerald Wubs, Mechanical Designer for Magnum Trailer & Equipment


ccording to research by Freight Transportation Research, sales of new Class 8 trucks will reach 350,000 units in 2019. Millions of km will pass under these shiny beauties, each filled with the risk of a collision. What can operators do to minimise the risk of harm and loss of income from a collision? Unfortunately, factory fitted components don’t offer enough protection. In the hunt for fuel economy, manufacturers are designing lighter, more aerodynamic trucks. Gone are the days when boxy cabs and square cut hoods forced their way through the air by brute horsepower and gone are the days of cheap diesel. Today’s trucks showcase the advancements in materials and design technology. Lightweight metals like aluminum are being used, as are composites and other high-tech plastics. Refinement is obvious in all areas including inside the cab. There is however one area where new trucks suffer. In the search for better drag coefficients and reduced weight, metal front bumpers have been ousted by a slick molded front fascia. Made from plastic, the shape and weight are very good. So, what is the problem? The problem is that the number of obstacles present on the road has increased and these new bumpers do not provide the best protection 38


There is no short answer to whether you need auxiliary protection. There are many instances where the risk of an animal encounter is highly probable, let alone a vehicle collision. Here are two reasons you should be considering front end protection: 1. Economics: If you drive in places where you see animals along the road it’s likely you may collide with one at some point. A collision with an average size animal can do thousands of dollars in mechanical damage. But that’s just the beginning - your truck could be off the road for an extended time, resulting in a loss of revenue. Even with a bumper you could still sustain damage to your rig, but that damage will likely be significantly reduced. There is also a greater chance that your truck is still driveable. With the added protection of a bumper, you may be able to complete your haul and make repairs when it is convenient to you instead of a costly tow. 2. Safety: Drivers of trucks with bumpers have a reduced tendency to swerve for an animal, knowing that the bumper has protected their truck in the past. This significantly limits the potential for residual damage with other cars or roadside obstacles. Recently a Magnum customer’s truck was struck by an oncoming vehicle in the wrong lane. The truck driver was able to bring his rig to a safe stop; the bumper

took the brunt of the collision and the front tires and axle were undamaged, allowing him to maintain control. In this case the truck while seriously damaged was not written off and is back on the road with a new bumper. When choosing front end protection truck drivers can be faced with a bewildering selection of products, in a wide range of types, styles and finishes. Thus, it’s better to talk to a professional when choosing the best product for your truck, environment and needs. Here are some guidelines to help with the decision process: 1. Identify the largest type of animal or obstacle you are likely to meet and protect for that; don’t count on getting dealt a deer when moose outnumber them where you are driving. 2. If you are gearing up for large animals like elk or moose and running highway speeds, get as much protection as you can afford. Moose can become very big, and the forces generated by a collision are immense. 3. Check the construction of the bumper you are considering. Look for good welding on connections. Weight on a truck is important; generally, a thicker part can absorb more force without failing. 4. Review materials. Steel and aluminum are common construction materials and are used effectively. One is not necessarily better than the other, each EASTERN EDITION

have strengths and weaknesses. Steel tends to corrode, so look for good paint work. Aluminum can be subject to cracking at welds if they are not done properly. Stainless steel is also used and is a good material but beware of products made from thin stock. Bent tubular structures are tempting to make from very light wall material but rarely will it look as nice after a couple of years. 5. Attachment to the truck is an important consideration. The strongest bumper cannot do a good job if it isn’t securely connected to the truck chassis. This has become increasingly difficult with the changes required by emissions legislation and aerodynamic improvements. Today’s rigs are frequently quite curved on the front, and few if any convenient cross members can be found anymore. Radiators have been enlarged to deal with the added burden due to emissions standards. That means that frame main rails which used to go all the way to the front of the truck don’t anymore. All these things added together make it very challenging to funnel the forces of a collision into the heavy frame elements in the chassis. In order to achieve the best bumper performance, it must distribute the energy of an impact as well as possible. Examine the mounting solution of the bumper you are considering, and you should see substantial pieces and fully welded assemblies. The fasteners supplied should be Grade 8 if imperial or 10.9 for metric, and plated. Prevailing torque nuts are also a good thing – Nylocs, or Stover preferably. 6. Altering the truck to install the bumper is undesirable, although at times it cannot be avoided. Did the manufacturer do their best to avoid cutting or drilling your new rig? If chassis fasteners need to be removed, are you sure that critical components won’t shift? Avoid any products requiring removal of permanent bolting solutions used by manufacturers. The factory used the permanent solution for a reason; don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 7. Check that all lights including headlights, turn signals and markers are not obscured by the structure of the bumper. 8. Make sure that you can still easily open the hood of the truck. Fleet owners should look for bumpers that do not tempt drivers to skip daily fluid level checks. 9. One final item to consider is towing. The factory towing solution is almost always the best. However, due to the challenge of attaching the bumper to the truck properly, towing points are quickly snapped up. As towing operations are inherently dangerous, it is important that the provision made by the bumper is strong and safe. If the towing solution looks light duty it probably is. This could require the bumper to be removed for heavy towing requirements. Hopefully this article helps with deciding whether your pride and joy needs to be protected, and how to select a bumper product if you need that protection.

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koeI suivDw nhIN hY[ BMW vwLy Agly swl vrgI vI nhIN hY, pr ieh sI tU skweI AmrIkw ‘c kwrplyA PIcr leI mwisk hweIvyA ‘qy bhuq hI vDIAw clweI vwLI PIs lYxI SurU kr rhy hn, pr knyfw ‘c swbq hoeI Aqy jdoN iksy nMU pws krnw ieho ijhw krn bwry Ajy BMW vloN koeI vI hovy qW vI ieh ie`kdm rPqwr PV ky A`gy AYlwn nhIN kIqw igAw hY[ in`kl jWdI hY[ BMW vwiLAW dw kihxw hY ik purwxy mwfl dy mukwbly jo ie`k vrxnXog ieh 0-100 iklomItr dI rPqwr q`k 6.3 qbdIlI ies nvyN mwfl ‘c kIqI geI hY sikMtW ‘c phuMc jWdI hY[ auh hY BMW dw iDrive ienPotynmYNt isstm[ ies dw stwrt / stwp kùJ Atptw ijhw purwxy mwfl dy mukwbly ieh nvW isstm hY[ ies nMU lyn ‘c r`Kx vwLw PIcr kùJ bhuq hI vDIAw hY[ koeI vI cIz krn AVb ijhy suBwA dw hY jdoN mYN ibnw isgnl leI qusIN bol ky, t`c skrIn nMU t`c krky, id`qy sweIkl svwrW nMU izAwdw jgHw dyx dy kMtRol vHIl nMU Gumw ky Aqy ienHW sB qoN ierwdy nwL lyn bdlxI cwhI qW mYnMU kwPI ielwvw skrIn ‘qy AwpxI auNgl nwL ilK sMGrS krnw ipAw[ ky vI d`s skdy ho ik kI krnw cwhuMdy ho[ jo fRweIvr QoVHI jwn vwLI izAwdw jykr qusIN BMW nMU pYsy Adw krky knYktf qwkqvr g`fI cwhuMdy hn aunHW nMU X3 M40i fRweIv suivDw pRwpq krdy ho qW qusIN mOsm mwfl KRIdxw cwhIdw hY jo ik 3.0 lItr, dw hwl, KbrW dy nwl nwL ies qoN ieh 355 hwrspwvr, ienlweIn 6 slMfr vI pùC skdy ho ik Kwx pIx leI vDIAw vwLy ieMjx nwL AwauNdI hY[ ieh 0-100 rYstorYNt ik`Qy hn[ iklomItr dI rPqwr q`k isrP 4.8 sikMt ieh vhIkl AMdroN kwPI ‘c phuMc jWdI hY Aqy ies KùlHw fùlHw hY[ bVy Arwm nwL dI kImq $61,500 qoN SurU ies ‘c cwr svwrIAW bih huMdI hY[ skdIAW hn[ X3 mwfl dw mùkdI g`l X3 purwxy vHIl bys pihlW nwloN 5.5 mwfl nwloN QoVHI ijhI hI sYNtImItr v`fw hY[ pr jykr v`fI hY pr kùl imLw ky ieh qusIN ipClI sIt ‘qy iqMn aus nwloN vDIAw hI hY[ svwrIAW ibTwauNdy ho qW auh ies dI id`K Aqy clweI X3 QoVw Ps ky bYTxgy[ vrgI hox dy nwL mihsUs hux g`l krdy hW ik ies vI aus vWg hI huMdI hY[ pr dI clweI ikho ijhI hY? jykr qusIN nvIN krwsEvr AwiKrkwr ieh hY qW SUV lYx bwry soc rhy ho Aqy hI ies leI ieh BMW izAwdw qknIkI PIcr Jag Dhatt dIAW spoRts kwrW vWg nhIN cwhuMdy ho qW ies ‘qy ivcwr Accredited AJAC Journalist cldI, ies dI clweI X1 zrUr kro[ MARCH - APRIL 2019


The MELT Program


ELT — Mandatory Entry Level Training — is a fact in Ontario, the first jurisdiction in North America to legislate such training. But will that structure of MELT make us any safer? Will other jurisdictions just follow suit, copy and paste, or will they research their own. Just because it is done somewhere doesn’t mean it can’t be improved. In all jurisdictions, including Ontario despite MELT, training to become a truck driver is more than to simply qualify to be able to pass the government testing in order to acquire the license level desired. It’s the same situation as becoming a licensed car driver, in that the test itself is the absolute qualifier. Therein lies the problem. All driver training should be to bring the new driver to an acceptable skill level, well beyond government requirements and each new driver trained to have at the very minimum had exposure to everything expected for safe operation within the class of vehicles being anticipated. Entry level truck driving is different only in-as-much as the lowest age level is somewhat higher and assumes the new truck driver has some car driving experience under his/her belt in the several years before being permitted to explore a classified driver’s license. Rules of the road are assumed to be well learned and believed to be the same. MELT assumes a certain skill and knowledge level and goes forward from the assumption. MELT should assume nothing and teach as if there is absolutely no knowledge, no skill level whatsoever and ensure that assumed knowledge and experience is factually present. Remember the M in MELT is minimum. MELT should be a fact for each specific vehicle the classified driver’s license could expect to drive. In other words, there’s a difference in driving skill development for a flatbedder and a dry box hauler. Dump 42


truck operators are also a different breed with much different skills required. Recently, there was a factoid published that refuse haulers have a higher incident rate resulting in death than any other truck driving requirement. Why does handling waste result in more deaths than all other commodities combined? Because the training required does not meet the needs of every truck type where people may become employed. In the military, driving qualifications are listed specifically on the military’s version of the driver’s license for each and every

reefer. Then there’s the transportation of hazardous materials, or dangerous goods. All share the same license. MELT is a phenomenal start but anyone thinking it’s the be all and end all is thinking like a politician. Smugly. In Ontario, there have been several politically motivated “safety” programs in the past few years. “Force all commercial vehicles to have speed limiters”, they said. “It will be safer” they said. Before speed limiters, there were about 2,500 collision incidents involving commercial vehicles annually in the entire province. That sounds terrible and it is but after speed limiters became a requirement, the collision incident rate went up to well over 6,500 on just the highways patrolled by the Ontario Provincial Police. Granted, the OPP patrol and respond to incidents on the major highways where the public and commercial piece of equipment this particular driver traffic is most closely interacted, but there may drive. Why do our governments not are still far too many commercial collision require training on each specific type of incidents on roads not patrolled by the vehicle that can be driven by that operator? OPP. Possibly, the government altered the This isn’t to suggest there needs to methodology for recording such events be specific training depending on the because to give comparative statistics manufacturer of the vehicle — those would be too much of a shock for the differences share a lot of commonality. general public. But there is considerable differences in A better solution, than MELT, would be the various commodities that could be for the government, all governments, to hauled and considerable differences in the recognize truck driving as a skilled trade methodology of handling, or fastening with a proper career path, a proper training the to the deck. Gravity is not a fastening apprenticeship plan to develop the proper device although often one would never skill levels. Instead of licensing at entry know it from the vast number of improper level, training should be, no!... must be a loading that takes place. career long experience with advancement A dry box hauler should never ever through the trade without regard to the jump under a flat deck without a longevity with the present serious training session to bring employer. Longevity should be the drivers skill level up to par tied to the date first qualified to for flat deck hauling. The driver drive commercially, not with that never leaves the yard tractor the current carrier. and only backs trailers to the No highly skilled driver dock certainly has the skill level should become an owner to back-up but does he have the operator without the proper skill to drive on the highway? business training to virtually Same license. Those hauling guarantee success. G. Ray Gompf liquid have a whole different set Paying drivers for all they of skills as do those who pull a do would help. Right now, EASTERN EDITION

the overwhelming majority of drivers are paid based on productivity only. So, if the wheels aren’t turning, the driver isn’t earning. Yet, when there are about a daily hour’s worth, or more, of government mandated safety inspections that are absolute requirements, drivers are not paid. Drivers are not paid to load or unload yet often expected to do so. Not only that, with the hours of service regulations and recording devices, that unpaid effort reduces the driver’s ability to produce miles. There is waiting time, that eats into his/ her daily maximum hours of productivity at shippers and receivers. While the carriers often claim detention time against the source of the detention, very rarely does any of the detention charges reach the drivers pay envelope. Forty-year veterans of the road get the same pay as raw rookies because the only qualifier is that minimum entry level license. What other tradesmen would stand for skill level being worth zero? Then there’s the student of yesterday, testing and earning his license today, being the instructor tomorrow. Hopefully, that practice is a thing of the past but seriously

there’s nothing to prevent it. What will prevent the under qualified instructor is Government recognition of the trade of truck driving. There must be a concerted effort for all government levels, all the regulatory

bodies, and stakeholders in the industry to not just support the concept of truck driving as a skilled trade with all the attendant career path, and career long skills development but enthusiastically promote it.



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Nikola Motors announces all-electric version of the semi truck as Tesla Semi changes the game


ikola Motors, an electric and hydrogen truck startup, is announcing new all-electric versions of their semi trucks in order to compete with Tesla Semi. The startup first announced plans for a hybrid electric and natural gas semi truck over 3 years ago. They later changed their plans to hybrid battery-electric and fuel cell hydrogen trucks with plans for a massive hydrogen supply chain and fueling station network. Later, Tesla unveiled its all-electric semi truck that showed battery-electric class 8 vehicles were viable and it changed many people’s perspectives. At the time, Nikola Motors mocked Tesla’s effort – arguing that they couldn’t achieve the range that they were claiming on battery-electric only. Now they are announcing batteryelectric versions for two of their truck models: They are only talking about Nikola Tre and Nikola Two – and not Nikola One, which is their main long-range truck: The company says that this announcement does not affect its plan for hydrogen stations and they plan hydrogen versions of their trucks. Electrek’s Take 44


Well, I don’t like to say ‘I told you so’. Who am I kidding? I love to say ‘I told you so’. I’ve been saying that Nikola Motors’ hydrogen fuel cell plans made no sense when you have something like Tesla Semi on the market. Now they are still saying that the hydrogen fuel cell version is going to be an option, but I think this is a just a slow phase-out of the plan – though I’m sure Nikola will not admit that. But I’m still not on board with Nikola for several reasons. First off, their patent trolling lawsuit against Tesla is just ridiculous and the fact that they think it’s a good idea to pursue that shows bad character and weakness. Secondly, they are all over the place. They first started off with plans for a CNG powertrain, then switched to hydrogen, and now I expect that they will slowly phase this out to battery-electric. I think that by the time their trucks will be ready and they deploy hydrogen stations and the entire infrastructure required to produce the hydrogen to fuel those trucks, battery-electric semi trucks

will have already surpassed them in performance and cost. As for efficiency, which is the actual problem that battery-electric and hydrogen trucks are trying to solve, there’s no doubt that batteries are much more efficient than powering vehicles with hydrogen. Battery-electric trucks also have a charging infrastructure issue, but it’s a much more simple one to solve since there’s already a vast electric grid to support the deployment of charging stations. If I am a fleet operator, I would be much more interest in a Tesla Semi right now than in a hydrogen truck. Good on Nikola to offer some allelectric options, but I think they might be too far behind at this point because they held on to hydrogen for too long.





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Humboldt Driver to be Sentenced March 22


entencing for Jaskirat Singh Sidhu, the truck driver involved in the Humboldt collision will be March 22 after the Crown and defence have issued their final submissions. Sidhu spoke in court Jan. 31, with media reports indicating he told the families he takes full responsibility for the incident, saying his lack of experience led to the tragedy. Sidhu’s lawyer said in court that his client did not register the four highway signs and stop sign at the intersection because of a loose tarp that was flapping on one of his trailers. Sidhu had pulled over to try and fix the loose tarp just prior to the bus collision. Sidhu plead guilty to 16 counts of dangerous driving causing death and 13 counts of dangerous driving causing bodily harm. The prosecutor in the case is seeking a 10-year prison sentence, which would be followed by a 10-year driving prohibition. The prosecutor indicated that

Sidhu will be deported after he serves his prison term. Sukhinder Singh, the owner the trucking company for which Sidhu drove,

Adesh Deol Trucking, is charged with eight counts of non-compliance with federal and provincial safety regulations.

DTNA Begins Production of eM2 in 2021


TNA (Daimler Trucks North America) announced they will begin production in 2021 of medium-and heavy-duty electric trucks; the eCascadia and the eM2.



Daimler Trucks is currently North America’s leading truck manufacturer in Class 6-8-diesel-powered trucks, which are set to face much more stringent regulations for lowering emissions of

carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in upcoming years; including 2021. “This is not something we do here at Daimler Trucks North America ourselves. We are heavily involved in trying with all of these other development projects that we have at Daimler—in Japan and in Europe,” said DTNA’s eMobility Product Lead, Andreas Juertxka. Penske Truck Leasing and NFI Industries will be the first to receive the electric trucks from Daimler. Specifically, Penske will have 10 eCascadias and 10 eM2s join their fleet for use in California and the Pacific Northwest and NFI will receive 10 eCascadias to utilize for drayage activities along the coast of Los Angeles and Long Beach in California. EASTERN EDITION




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