Desi Trucking - Eastern

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Switching to MICHELIN X One wide base single tires can save you up to 10% in fuel and 1,410 pounds in payload. That’s why more than two million X One tires have worked hard for customers across North America. ®



As the pioneer in wide base single tire technology, Michelin has introduced tires and retreads to fit every application. Our innovation continues with the SmartWay verified MICHELIN X One Line Energy D and MICHELIN X One Line Energy T— the most fuel-efficient tire combination in the industry. To learn more, visit ®






1 Based on industry standard rolling resistance testing of comparable tires and retreads. Actual results may vary, and may be impacted by many factors, to include road conditions, weather and environment, driver performance, etc. © 2015 MNA(C)I. All Rights Reserved. The “Michelin Man” is a registered trademark licensed by Michelin North America, Inc. (C13161 - 08/15)


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Sign On Bonus Page 7, 21, 32, 44 A One Financial ....................................... 30 Airworks ............................................. 46 Arnold Bros Transport Ltd ................. 32 Arrow Truck Sales ............................ 31 Benson Tire .......................................... 11 Castrol Heavy Duty Lubricants .............. 5 Challenger Motor Freight ..................... 44 Cool Heat Truck Parts .......................... 33 Davy Truck Sales ................................ 23 Drive Products .................................... 45 G & G Trucking Solutions ....................... 39 Glasvan Great Dane .......................... 13, 47 Global Equipment Leasing ................... 27 Hendrickson ................................... 24/25 Howes Lubricants ................................... 9 J D Factors ........................................... 37 Mack Trucks ............................................ 3 Micehlin ................................................. 2 Multi-play Wholesale ........................... 17 National Safety Code Complaince ...... 35 Ontario Truck Training Academy ........ 29 Passi & Patel Criminal Lawyers .......... 19

08 14 26 34 38 41 20 21 22 32 33 44 45

Tires, Treads, Technology and Innovation twier, tRY~f, qknwlojI Aqy Koj

Trucking- It’s a Business tr`ikMg-ieh ie`k ibzns hY

Employment Issues rozgwrI msly

Hauling Dangerous Goods in a Commercial Vehicle kmRSIAl vhIkl ‘c ^qrnwk vsqW dI FoAw FuAweI

BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING quhwfy ‘qy kwnUMn dI ingwh hY

Managing Workforce in Trucking tr`ikMg ‘c krmcwrIAW dI dyK Bwl

Traffic Deaths increase tRYiPk ‘c hox vwLIAW mOqW ‘c lgwqwr vwDw

Technology and Mobile Devices inspire bigger gains in Trucking Little Agreement on Proposed Truck Efficiency qzvIj kIqI geI tr`k AYPISNYsI Aqy grInhwaUs gYs AimSn stYNfrf

Ontario has New Rules of the Road Effective September 1, 2015 Canada-U.S. Truck Border Crossing Figures Reveal Surprises BTS Releases June 2015 North American Freight Numbers Satellite TV for the Trucking Industry tr`ikMg ieMfstrI leI sYtylweIt tI vI

Peterbilt .............................................. 48 Quick Truck Lube ................................. 22 Ridewell Suspensions ......................... 28 Ritchie Bros ........................................ 42 Trailer Wizards ..................................... 15 Transam Carriers Inc ............................ 21 Transcore Link Logistics ...................... 40 TransX Group of Companies ................... 7 4


33 September / October 2015

joA qW ies nwl pUrw KuS hY

pr SrIk ies qy sVdy hn

pUrI qrW nwl Awiel cyNj leI hweIprOn AYfvWs PwrmUlw 10W30 bwry pu`Co[ 2% q`k dI i&aUl b`cq dw &wiedw auTwE[1-888-CASTROL qy kwl kro jW qy jwE[

September / October 2015


Editor’s Note / sMpwdkI

Dilbag (Ron) Dhaliwal

We don’t prepare to fail... We fail to prepare.

kMm krn qoN pihlW aus leI shI iqAwrI jrUrI


Abraham Lincoln is often quoted for having said, “If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.” The hours vary (usually it’s given as either eight or six hours), but the meaning is that one should spend more time in preparation. The saying is similar to the proverbs, “measure twice, cut once” and “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” As I have a teaching background, I’d say before you do anything, learn as much as you can about it, get proper training, and be fully prepared. If we relate the same concept for trucking, the rules won’t change. If you want to enter into trucking and get your licence, get proper training from a reputable school. It may take longer and cost you more money, but you will save your time, money, and maybe even your own, and others, lives later. If you are assigned a load, plan the trip; spend sufficient time so you won’t get lost or frustrated during your trip. Being a truck driver in the past, I also experienced that spending 15 to 20 minutes in the morning on a proper pre-trip inspection gave me peace of mind, made me safer, and thus, receive less harassment from enforcement officers during the day. I have seen truckers being fined and towed because they had not spent those few minutes in the morning. So whenever and whatever you do , spend more time on preparation, because it will make your job and life easier. I want to congratulate our US Desi Trucking team for putting together 2nd annual West American Truck Show in Central Valley, California. Thanks to our sponsors, supporters and readers for giving us an overwhelming response. We guarantee that we will put forth our best efforts to make this show a success. Mark your calendars for September 26 and 27 for the West American Truck Show. Work smart, enjoy, and may God always bless truckers.

AYbrwihm ilMkn dy khy ieh Sbd “jy mYnUM ie`k dr`Kq k`tx leI A`T GMty dw smW id`qw jwvy, mYN pihly Cy GMty isr& Awpxw kuhwVw iq`^w krn qy lwvWgw” Aksr hI lokW dy mUhoN suxy jw skdy hn, ku`J ku lok A`T dI bjwey Cy GMty vI kihMdy hn[ jo vI hovy pr mqlb isr& AYnw hI hY ik quhwnUM koeI vI kMm krn qoN pihlW aus dI iqAwrI cMgI qrHW kr lYxI cwhIdI hY[ ies qrW dIAW hor vI keI khwvqW hn, k`to ie`k vwr pr imx do vwr lvo Aqy ie`k AONs dw prhyz ie`k pONf dy ielwj nwloN cMgw hY[ myrw ipCokV pVHwaux vwlw hox krky mYN vI iehI khWgw ik koeI vI kMm krn qoN pihlW aus nMU cMgI qrW smJ lvo Aqy loVINdI tRyinMg lvo[ jy AsIN tr`ikMg dI g`l vI krIey qW rUl koeI v`Kry nhIN hn[ jy koeI A`j tr`ikMg iv`c Awauxw cwhuMdw hY qW aus nUM vDIAw frweIivMg skUl qoN FukvIN tRyinMg lY ky hI lweIsYNs pRwpq krnw cwhIdw hY[ ho skdw hY ik smW Aqy pYsy QoVy v`D l`gx pr ies qrHW krn nwl bwAd iv`c quhwnUM bh`uq sO^ hovygI, quhwfw smW, pYsw, jwn Aqy dUsirAW dI jwn bc skdI hY[ jy qusIN lof c`ikAw hY qW qurn qoN pihlW rUt pLYn krn nwl qusIN rwh iv`c ^`zl ^uAwr nhIN hovoNgy[ knyfw ‘c tr`k clwauNx vyly mYN ieh dyi^Aw ik myry svyr vyly FukvIN prI ieMspYkSn qy lwey 15-20 imMt mYnUM swrI idhwVI sO^w r`^dy sn[ mn dI SWqI, sy&tI Aqy ieMnPorsimMt A&sr qoN bcw leI shweI huMdy sn[ dUsry pwsy AjihAw nw krn vwly frwievrW dI ^`zl ^AwrI, it`kt Aqy tr`k toA huMdy vI dyKy hn[jo vI kro, ikRpw kr ky ausdI pihlW pUrI iqAwrI jrUr kro[ iesdy nwl hI mYN swfI AmrIkn tIm nUM vI vDweI dyxI cwhuMdw hW jo kYlI&ornIAW dy sYNtrl vYlI ielwky dUsrw sLwnw tr`k SoA krvwaux jw rhI hY[ AsIN Awpxy ibzns spWsrW Aqy pwTkW dw auhnW v`loN id`qy sihXog leI qih idloN DMnvwd krdy hW[ AsIN ies SoA nUM kwmXwb krn leI AwpxI pUrI imhnq lwvWgy[ zor nwloN idmwg nwl kMm kro, AnMd mwxoN, pRmwqmW tr`kW vwilAW dy isr qy hmySW h`Q r`^y[

Publisher JGK Media Inc. | 1-877-598-3374 (Desi)

Editor-In-Cheif Dilbag (Ron) Dhaliwal

Associate Editor Jagmohan Singh

Advertising & Sales Jag Dhatt (National / Western Canada) Stephen Alford (Eastern Canada)

Art Director Avee J Waseer

Creative Head Ranjit Singh

IT Manager Raj Sidhu

Cover Design

Contributing Writers Ken Cooke; Pash Brar; Jag Dhatt; Dara Nagra; Ray Gompf; Ken Davey; Sunny Minhas

Translator Tirath S. Khabra


Stephen Alford

Corporate VP

Marketing Manager

National & Western Canada

Eastern Canada

Cell: 604-767-4433 E:

Cell: 416-875-3820 E:

Address: #235 - 8138, 128 Street, Surrey BC V3W 1R1 Phone: 1-877-598-3374

Fax: 604-598-9264

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Postmaster if undeliverable Canadian Address to #235-8138 128 St., Surrey BC V3W 1R1

September / October 2015

September / October 2015


Tires, Treads, Technology and Innovation


5,015 years ago, a rolling log helped move a huge stone and the concept of the wheel was born. Through the ages, the wheel has been improved and the materials used in its construction have changed; but still, the wheel goes round and round and makes life easier for nearly 7 billion people. The wainwrights of old performed their craft and made improvements, making wheels lighter, stronger, and less subject to wear. Along the way, those old wainwrights discovered the need for precise measurements so wheels working with other wheels where exactly the same in diameter. Today’s tire makers are doing 8

G. Ray Gompf

the same thing. Lighter, stronger, less subject to wear, with precise measurements, precise matched weights, are the watchwords, but now they call it innovation and technology. But the object of the exercise is to make a product that does what it was meant to do, providing good solid footing for the vehicle upon which it is mounted using energy sparingly, while providing a long lasting product. Rubber replaced steel as the outer rim of the wheel, making the wheel quieter, and provided some degree of shock absorbing qualities. As the industrial age took a firm hold on humanity, September / October 2015

Tires, Treads, Technology and Innovation

twier, tRY~f, qknwlojI Aqy Koj


5,015 swl pihlW ie`k goL l`kV dI shwieqw nwL ie`k bhuq v`fy p`Qr nMU jdoN iKskwieAw igAw qW phIAw bxwaux dy ivcwr ny jnm ilAw[ ipCly smyN ‘c phIey dw bhuq suDwr hoieAw hY Aqy ies nMU bxwaux vwLy vrqy jWdy smwn ‘c vI kwPI qbdIlI AweI hY; pr Ajy vI ieh goL goL hI GuMmdw hY Aqy qkrIbn 7 Arb lokW dy jIvn nMU suKwLw bxwauNdw hY[ vynrweIts ny Awpxy purwxy kRwPt ‘c suDwr krky phIAW nMU hlky, mzbUq Aqy G`t Gsx vwLy bxwieAw[A`j k`lH dy twier inrmwqw vI Aijhw hI kr rhy hn, hlky, mzbUq, G`t Gsx vwLy, iblku`l shI sweIj vwLy Aqy ie`ko ijhy Bwr vwLy bxw rhy hn[ pr vyKx vwLI g`l ieh hY ik auh ies nMU qknwlojI Aqy Koj dw nWA idMdy hn[ pr ies sB dw mqlb ieh hI hY ik ie`k ieho ijhI vsqU bxweI jwvy jo auh kMm kry ijs mMqv leI ies nMU bxwieAw igAw hY phIey dy bwhrly ir`m dy ih`sy dI stIl dI QW hux rbV ny lY leI hY jo ik phIAW nMU G`t rOLw pwaux vwLy Aqy Jtkw sihx vwLy bxwauNdI hY[purwxI sQwipq qknIk kwPI nhIN sI[ ieh ku`J Aijhy AwivSkwr hn ijnHW dw kwPI Asr ipAw hY[ • 1891 ‘c imSln ny Aijhw twier bxwieAw jo ik phIey qoN lwihAw jw skdw sI[ 1 7/24/15 • 1895HowesDesiTruckingHalfPage_W15.pdf ‘c imSln ny Awpxw nUmYitk twier bxwieAw6:14 ijsPM nwL

ik twier ‘c vrqI jWdI rbV nMU 90% G`t kr id`qw qy ausdI QW hvw ny lY leI[ • 1908 ‘c imSln ny dUhry twier vrqx dI Koj kIqI qW ik twierW ‘qy Bwr dI vDIAw vMf ho sky[ • 1913 ‘c v`K hox vwLy phIey dI Koj kIqI geI[ ies qoN pihlW phIAw vhIkl dy AMdrUnI ih`sy dy nwL hI l`gw hoieAw huMdw sI Aqy twier bdlxw ie`k bhuq v`fw kMm huMdw sI[ ies phIey dI Koj nwL vhIkl qoN twier bdly jw skdy sn Aqy hux twier bdlx vwLy sMdW dI Koj vI hoxI lwzmI sI[ • 1930 ‘c itaUblY`s (ibnHW itaUbW qoN) twier hoNd ‘c Awey[ 1933 ‘c st`ff twier PYktrIAW ‘coN bwhr Awey Aqy 1934 ‘c ies ‘c hor suDwr kIqy gey qW ik ieh twier ibnw iqlkx dy rukx dy nwL nwL hI rPqwr vDwauNdy Aqy GtwauNdy smyN ienHW dI tRYkSn vI kwiem rhy[ 1937 ‘c mtYilk twier bxy Aqy 1946 ‘c ryfIAl qknwlojI ny ieMfstrI dI ivDI nMU bdl ky r`K id`qw[ • swl 2000 ‘c supr isMglz twierW dI Koj kIqI geI jo ik dUhry twierW dI QW vrqy jw skdy hn Aqy ies qrHW krn nwL vhIkl dw zor G`t lgdw hY Aqy qyl dI ^pq vI Gt jWdI hY[ • 2004 ‘c tvIl qknwlojI dI Koj hoeI ijs nwL twierW ‘c hvw dI QW hnI-kONb ny lY leI[

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Tires, Treads, Technology and Innovation everything required updated thinking. The old established just wasn’t going to cut it anymore. Here are some of the innovations that made an impact. • In 1891, Michelin produced its first tire that could be detached from the wheel. This simple event was life changing. It opened minds on how to think “outside the box” and to make things better. • In 1895, Michelin produced its pneumatic tire, which replaced about 90 percent of the rubber in a tire with air. • In 1908, Michelin introduced the first use of dual tires for better weight distribution • In 1913, the detachable wheel was produced. Up until this, the wheel was an integral part of the vehicle and to change a tire meant a great deal of effort. With the detachable wheel, tires could be changed off the vehicle and tire changing equipment could now be invented. Yet even today, on large trucks, there are tire changers who prefer to leave the rim on the truck and change the tire while the rim is mounted. • In 1930, tubeless tires were produced. In 1933, studded tires rolled along and in 1934, improvements were made so that tires, instead of sliding to a stop but rather providing traction in both the acceleration and the deceleration were made. In 1937 came the metallic tire and in 1946, radial casing became an industry altering methodology. • Fast forward to the year 2000, where super singles that could replace “duals” yet retain the weight requirements of the duals, saving rolling resistance and subsequently energy came into being. • In 2004 Tweel Technology was developed, where a honey-comb interior for the tire, replaced air. This technology hasn’t yet become widely used, at least in commercial applications, but in passenger car applications, it allows the tire to be exploded and still maintain stability to continue driving at highway speed for many more miles without damage to the rims. Bold advances in technology are the key to success and Michelin intends to remain the most innovative company in its sector. The goal is to innovate better and faster so that it maintains its lead over the competition and delivers solutions that are increasingly effective and competitive, and perfectly suited to the challenges of mobility. Now, of course, Michelin wasn’t and isn’t the only manufacturer making improvements and tweaking the technology through innovation. There is no intention of mentioning every tire manufacturer in the world, but rather a few who have been in business for well over the 20th century and into the 21st. Goodyear is as famous for its tires, particularly its high speed tires on race cars, and its blimp that provides airborne coverage of sporting and other events. The recent replacement of compressed air with pure nitrogen in tires has had a profound effect on the life of tires. Nitrogen molecules are larger than those in mere compressed air, therefore, those nasty little irritations like rust and corrosion on the rim that permit tiny air molecules to escape and subsequently cause the operating pressure of the tire to be reduced, are dramatically reduced. Nitrogen filled tires maintain air pressure for a very long time even 10

pr qr`kI dw kwrn qknIk ‘c nvIAW kwFW hn Aqy imSln ies Kyqr ‘c sB qoN A`gy rihxw cwhuMdI hY[ienHW dw inSwnw hY vDIAw kwF k`F ky CyqI kMm krnw qW ik ies Kyqr ‘c AgvweI dy skx Aqy mukwblw dyx dy nwL nwL vDIAw h`l vI pyS kr skx ijhVy ik ies Kyqr ‘c Aw rhIAW vMgwrW dw mukwblw kr skx[ pr imSln vwLy ies qrHW dy iek`ly hI nhIN jo nvIAW kwFW nwl nvIN qknIk ‘c suDwr kr rhy hn[ pr swfI mnSw ieh vI nhIN ik dunIAw dI hr twier bxwaux vwLI kMpnI dw vrnx krnw[ pr hW, ku`J ieho ijhIAW zrUr hn ijhVIAW 20 vIN sdI ‘c SurU hoeIAW Aqy hux 21 vIN sdI ‘c phuMc geIAW hn[ gu`feIAr Awpxy twierW leI mShUr hY, Kws krky hweI spIf twierW leI ijhVy rys kwrW ‘c vrqy jWdy hn[ ijs qrHW ies dy bilMp hn ijhVy sporitMg Aqy hor eIvYNts ‘c eyArborn kvryj idMdy hn[ twierW ‘c BrI jWdI hvw ‘c hoeI qbdIlI ijhVI kMpRYsf eyAr dI QW Su`D nweItrojn BrI jwx l`gI hY ies nwL twierW dI aumr vI vD geI hY[nweItrojn hvw nwL Bry hoey twierW dw pRYSr lMbw smW bixAw rihMdw hY[BwvyN ies dI vrqoN bhuq sKq hwlqW ‘c huMdI rhy[ twierW ‘c hvw Gtx kwrn au`cy nIvyN twier c`lx kwrn twier dI aumr GtdI hY[ies leI ieh bhuq zrUrI hY ik ienHW dI aumr vDwaux leI twierW dw pRYSr shI ‘qy iekswr r`iKAw jwvy[ pr AwE ku`J igxqIAW imxqIAW vl nzr mwrIey[ au`qrI AmrIkw ‘c koeI 4,000,000 dy krIb v`fy trYktr tRylr tweIp tr`k hn jo ies mhWdIp ‘c bhuqw Bwr FoNdy hn[ jy ie`k vhIkl dy 18 twier hox qW ies qrHW ku`l twierW dI igxqI 72 imlIAn bx jWdI hY ijnHW ‘coN v`fI igxqI ‘co Krwb hox nwL hr swl bdly jWdy hn[ ies qrHW purwxy twierW dy Fyr l`g jWdy hn jo zmIn ‘c hI d`bxy pYNdy September / October 2015






We strive to give you the greatest quality of service and products, through our commitment to our customers and never settling for good enough. AsIN Awpxy kstmrz nUM sB qoN vDIAw kuAwiltI, srivs Aqy pRofkts dyx leI vcnb`D hW WE STOCK TIRES FOR ALL VEHICLES

Barrie ............................................................................................. 705.737.1345 Belleville ............................................................................... 613.966.7798 Bowmanville ................................................................... 905.697.1470 Brockville............................................................................. 613.345.1419 Cambridge......................................................................... 519.650.0788 Concord ................................................................................. 905.669.9460 Cornwall.................................................................................613.932.5800 Guelph ........................................................................................519.763.7630


Trucks, cars, pickups, fork lift, mining, graders, quarries, lawn & garden, ATV and off-road

Hamilton .............................................................................. 905.544.9631 Kingston ............................................................................... 613.548.8488 Mississauga ................................................................... 905.673.0248 Ottawa West.................................................................. 613.224.0224 Ottawa East .....................................................................613.745.1991 Peterborough...............................................................705.876.4646 Windsor.................................................................................. 519.969.9880 “With excellent pricing, fantastic service, and a level of quality that has been consistent throughout our relationship, this has truly made for an easy partnership with Benson Tire and Modern Landfill Inc.” David Vidakovic, Maintenance Manager, Modern Landfill Inc. September / October 2015


Tires, Treads, Technology and Innovation under extreme usage. Loss of tire pressure is arguably the major cause of uneven tire wear and tire life. Being able to maintain constant air pressure within the tire is critical. But then, let’s look at some numbers. In North America, there are approximately 4,000,000 large tractor trailer type trucks that move the majority of freight around the continent. With 18 tires on each vehicle, that’s 72 million tires that are replaced on average, annually, making a very large pile of old used tires going to the land fill. Add to those 72 million truck tires are all the non-commercial vehicles and smaller commercial vehicles. Not only do we need innovation and technology to deal with the manufacture of these tires, but we need to have ways and means of reducing that land fill potential to be able to reduce, reuse and repurpose, those tires. New tires have a finite shelf life, but mostly the tread coming in contact with the road, is what wears out. The rest of the tire is still “good” and viable, but with little or no tread, traction for both acceleration and deceleration is at risk. Retreads eliminate or reduce the use of hazardous materials. Plus, through an efficient production process, waste is minimized and then recycled or incinerated where possible. While retreading tires in non-commercial settings isn’t huge, in commercial applications retreading tires is an important item on most company spreadsheets. Using advanced tread compounds and innovative tread design, retreads deliver excellent fuel efficiency and the ecofriendly benefits you can expect from new tires. Bandag is one of the greatest business success stories of the second half of the twentieth century. From its founding in 1957 to its dominance of the North American retreading industry and its participation in international markets, Bandag has built products and services to meet the needs of its fleet and dealer customers. As Bandag has prospered, it has offered stable employment, exceptional income and personal growth opportunities to its employees, allowing them to enjoy a slice of the good life. Old used tires, instead of finding their way to landfill, are being repurposed into large heavy mats used in blast control. They are being ground into tiny pieces and used in everything from landscaping to roofing materials and even being used in mixtures used in the making of pavement for our highways. Every day, more uses for recycling and repurposing old tires are being invented because people think and look at the environment responsibly. We’ve come a long way from the rolling logs to the technology we have today in tires and rims. Now, tire companies are focusing on the environment and there’s still lots to do.


hn[ ienHW 72 imlIAn twierW dI igxqI ‘c hux auh twier vI jmHW kro ijhVy nwn- kmRSIAl vhIklW Aqy CotIAW kmRSIAl vhIklW dy hn[ swnUM ies qrHW dI nvIN tYknOlojI dI loV hY jo vDIAw twier bxwvy Aqy ies dy nwL hI swnUM twierW nUM zmIn ‘c dbwaux dI igxqI Gtwaux leI hor FMg qrIky l`Bx dI loV hY[ jW ienHW dI muV vrqoN leI koeI FMg l`Bxw cwhIdw hY[ rItRYf krn nwL hwnIkwrk pdwrQW dI imkdwr Gt skdI hY[ ies dy nwL hI jy ienHW nUM bxwaux dw vDIAw FMg l`B ilAw jwvy Aqy rIsweIkl krn nwL ieh nukswn GtwieAw jw skdw hY[ BwvyN nwn- kmRSIAl sYitMg ‘c rItRYifMg dI igxqI bhuqI nhIN pr kmRSIAl vhIklW ‘c ieh mwqrw kwPI hY[nvIn trYf kMpwaUNf Aqy nvyN tRYf ifzweIn vrq ky ij`Qy qyl dI Kpq vI GtdI hY au`Qy ienHW twierW nwL vDIAw vwqwvrx r`Kx dy lwB vI huMdy hn[ 20 vIN sdI dy dUjy A`D dI ibzns kwmXwbI dIAW sB qoN v`fIAW kwmXwbIAW ‘c bYNfYg hY[ 1957 ‘c jdoN ieh SurU hoeI audoN qoN ieh nwrQ AmrIkw dI rItRYifMg ieMfstrI ‘c CweI hoeI hY Aqy ies v`loN ies qrHW dIAW syvwvW Aqy auqpwd id`qy hn ijhVy PlIt mwlkW Aqy fIlrW leI bhuq PwiedymMd hn[purwxy vrqy hoey twierW nUM lYNfiPl ‘c su`tx dI QW blwst kMtrol ‘c vrqx vwLy Bwry mYtW dI Skl id`qI jw rhI hY[ ienHW dy Coty Coty tukVy krky ienHW nUM lYNfskyipMg Aqy rUiPMg ‘c vrqx qoN lY ky hweIvyA dIAW pyvmYNtW bxwaux ‘c vI vriqAw jw irhw hY[ in`q nvyN idn purwxy twierW dI rIsweIkilMg Aqy hor vrqoN qoN lY ky keI qrHW dy FMg l`By jw rhy hn[ ikauN ik Awm lok hux vwqwvrx sbMDI AwpxI zuMmyvwrI nUM smJx l`g pey hn[ AsI roilMg lOgW qoN lY ky A`j dI twier Aqy irMmW dI qknIk q`k phuMcy hW[ hux twier kMpnIAW dw iDAwn vwqwvrx v`l hY [ ies leI ies kMm leI Ajy bhuq ku`J krn vwLw hY[

September / October 2015

glasvan great Dane is your full-service trailer dealership with a huge variety of carefully spec’d gear in stock and arriving soon. our manufacturers also lead with specialized custom production and our knowledgeable staff will carefully listen to your requirements and prepare a spec and quotation for factory build. all of our equipment is backed by our full parts, service and repair teams.

we have what you’re looking for. Great Dane tandem and tridem 53’ combo flats with optional Verduyn Sliding Tarp Kits

New 2016 Etnyre SPIF quad and tri-axle Live Bottoms Great Dane Sheet and Post and Composite Plate dry vans with 16”, 24” and 48” logistic post spacing available, skirted and non

New Autocar DOT and tier3 Off Road powered Shunt Trucks

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It’s a Business

tr`ikMg-ieh ie`k ibzns hY


he trucking industry can be a challenging arena to make a living in as a driver and certainly as a fleet owner. All across North America the industry is facing burdensome regulations, escalating fuel costs, day to day operation costs, and challenges keeping the driver’s seat occupied. To truly be successful, regardless of where one might be in North America, there are a multitude of tools necessary to run trucking as a business. Regardless of the tools available though, the relative success of any truck driver or trucking company comes down to the person behind the wheel watching the black top pass by. One of the most important tools any driver or carrier needs is related to financial management. Cash flow can be a real problem at times as a result of delayed payments on invoices, load acquisition challenges, and a variety of other issues. As cash flow tightens, so do opportunities to operate the truck in an efficient and profitable manner. As such, Chett Winchell, owner of C.W. Enterprises out of Denver, Colorado (www. suggests that carriers should operate “each unit as its own profit and loss center.” This will allow you the opportunity to track the relative success of each unit and manage accordingly. As the North American trucking industry continues to grow, even with the driver shortage, there will also continue to be an influx of entrepreneurs wanting to enter the industry. While it does take significant capital to start a trucking business, the most important thing necessary to succeed is consistent cash flow. Finding the loads can be the easy part, but again, receiving payment can be a challenge at times. There are opportunities a company can consider, such as load factoring, though to help ensure some consistent cash flow. 14

tr`ikMg ieMfstrI ‘c rotI rozI kmwaux leI frweIvr dw Aqy ie`k tr`kW dy mwlk dw vI kMm vI cuxOqIAW BirAw hY[ smu`cy au`qrI AmrIkw ‘c ies ieMfstrI ‘c kwnUMnW dy boJ, vD rhIAW iPaUl dIAW kImqW, inq pRqI kMm kwr dy vD rhy Krcy Aqy hor bhuq swrIAW Aw rhIAw vMgwrW kwrn tr`k clwauxw bhuq AOKw ho irhw hY[ qusIN au`qrI AmrIkw ‘c BwvyN ikqy vI ho ies ibzns ‘c kwmXwb hox leI ku`J zrUrI FMg qrIky hn[ieh TIk hY ik bhuq swry swDn mOjUd hn pr AwKr ‘c frweIvr jW tr`k kMpnI dI kwmXwbI dI zuMmyvwrI tr`k dy frweIvr ‘qy hI huMdI hY[ frweIvr jW kYrIAr leI ienW swry swDnW ‘coN mh`qvpUrn hY ivqI pRbMD[ib`lW dy dyrI nwL pYsy imlxw, Bwr l`dx ‘c Awaux vwlIAW muSklW Aqy hor keI qrHW dy AiV`ky pY skdy hn[jdoN jdoN pYsy Awx dy kMm ‘c QoVHw AiV`kw pYNdw hY audoN audoN hI lwhyvMd FMg nwL tr`k clwaux dIAW sMBwvnwvW ‘c AiV`ky pYxy lwzmI hn[fYnvr klorwfo dy sI fbilaU AYNtrprweIz dy mwlk cYt ivMcl dI slwh hY ik kYrIArW nUM hr XUint dy Pwiedy nukswn nUM mu`K r`K ky kMm krnw cwhIdw hY[ vDyry jwxkwrI leI (www.[ aunHW dw kihxw hY ik ies qrHW krn nwL quhwnUM ieh pqw l`g skdw hY ik hr ie`k XUint ikMnI kmweI krdw hY Aqy ies dw pRbMD iks qrHW krnw hY[ ijvyN ijvyN au`qrI AmrIkw dI tr`ikMg ieMfstrI frweIvrW dI Gwt kwrn vI vD rhI hY auvyN auvyN hI ies ‘c hor nvyN au`dmIAW dw Swml hoxw vI jwrI rhygw[ tr`ikMg ibzns SurU krn leI kwPI srmwey dI loV hY pr kwmXwbI leI zrUrI hY ik pYsy dI AweI clweI inrivGn cwlU rhy[lof l`Bxy qW sOKy ho skdy hn pr keI vwr aunHW dw BwVw pRwpq krnw muSkl ho jWdw hY[ ies sbMDI keI FMg qrIky hn ijnHW sbMDI kMpnI ivcwr kr skdI hY, ijvyN lof PYktirMg Awid ijs nwL quhwnUM lgwqwr pYsy dI AdwiegI ho skdI hY[ ieh XkInI bxwauxw ik pYsy dI Awvw clweI iv`c koeI rukwvt nw hovy ies dw sB qoN vDIAw qrIkw hY ik quhwfy kol lof hox [ September / October 2015



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knyfw dI vMn stwp tryLr Swp, ijhVI SwmL hY

knyfw dIAW sB qoN vDIAw mYnyzf kMpnIAW iv`c tryLr ivzrf jo ipCly 50 swlW qoN pUry knyfw iv`c BrosyXog Aqy pRo&YSnl srivs pRdwn kr rhI hY, hux knyfw dIAW sB qoN vDIAw mYnyzf kMpnIAW iv`coN ie`k hY[

1 855 327 9757 | September / October 2015


Trucking - It’s Business One of the best ways to make certain cash flow is not a problem is to have loads in hand. Regardless of where you are in North America, marketing and relationship building are the best ways to find loads and develop a long term supply of loads. Networking can be simple. “Affiliate with your state or provincial trucking association as that is where the other trucking companies are, as well as potential customers,” says Winchell. While there are certainly other ways to develop key relationships, a lot can be said about the benefits of joining your state or provincial trucking association. But, they key point is developing the relationships. “Try your best to tie in with one or two brokerages and commit to certain traffic lanes,” suggests Winchell. This will allow the opportunity for consistent freight and consistent runs overall, which in turn allows for more efficient management of trucks and personnel. “Maybe even try to develop a triangle of lanes to operate in so you can keep freight moving,” says Winchell. Remember though, even when there are loads available, picking the right loads are important. There are also niche opportunities in the North American trucking industry, so perhaps that is where you want to be. “If you do have a specialty niche, advertise and promote this,” says Winchell. “Make yourself unique and valuable to that niche market.” Even if you don’t think you are a niche market company, the chances are you offer some special skill or prefer to haul some specific product that perhaps you could develop into your own niche. Many of the newer small fleets will take any load that is offered under the assumption that some freight is better than no freight. However, if the load going in is to a location with no loads going out, and the deadhead is extra lengthy to get to a new load, then it may not have been profitable to take the first load to begin with. This is not to suggest that deadheads are bad or that short miles are bad – sometimes they make sense. The key is to plan accordingly, somewhat like a chess match, always thinking a few moves ahead. And sometimes, as Winchell reminds us, “Sometimes, even though it hurts, it is cheaper to leave a truck on the fence.” A great way to help manage the dispatch of freight, which again is directly connected to your cash flow, is to consider an automated dispatch system. In fact, Winchell encourages this. “Get an automated dispatch system in place quickly,” says Winchell. “It may be costly up front, but the right system for your operation will allow smoother operations in the long run.” The size of the fleet might make a difference on just how quickly you get an automated system, but options do exist for fleets of all sizes, so it is worth investigating the idea early on. In addition to a way to manage cash flow, it is incredibly important to understand and manage the regulatory compliance issues. These can be safety related, financial related, personnel related, are other such areas of interest. Regulations are not exactly synced between Canada and the United States either, so if you operate in both it is incumbent upon you to fully understand and comply with the appropriate rules. Keeping up with regulations can be a challenge though, but it is important. Winchell suggests the following tips for any trucking company wanting to operate in North America: - Affiliate with your state or provincial trucking association as they will help to keep you informed about the latest and greatest of the regulations that could impact your business. 16

au`qrI AmrIkw ‘c qusIN ikDry vI ho lof l`Bx leI mwrkIitMg Aqy sbMD bxwauxy bhuq zrUrI hn[ ies qrHW krn nwL lMby smyN leI lof pRwpq krn ‘c shwieqw imldI hY[nY`tvrikMg bhuq sOKI ho skdI hY[ ies sbMDI ivMcl dw kihxw hY,”ikauN ik quhwfy sUBy ‘c hI hor kMpnIAw Aqy sMBwvI gwhk ho skdy hn ies leI iksy sUby dI kMpnI nwL sbMD joVo jW Swml hovo[“ pr ies dy nwL hI Kws sbMD bxwaux leI hor FMg vI hn[ Awpxy sUby jW styt dI tr`ikMg AysosIeySn ‘c Swml hox dy vI bhuq Pwiedy hn[ pr zrUrI g`l ieh hY ik Awpxy sbMDW nUM vDwieAw jwvy[ivncl Anuswr ie`k jW do brokryj kMpnIAw nwL sbMD bxwE Aqy Kws iksm dIAW trYiPk lynW ApxwE[ies nwL quhwnUM lgwqwr Pryt imldw rhygw, ijs nwL pRbMD ‘c muSkl nhIN AwvygI Aqy swrw kMm TIk Twk cldw rhygw[aunHW dw kihxw hY ik Pryt nUM lgwqwr cldw r`Kx leI ho sky qW tRweIAYNgl lyn ApxwE[keI vwr jdoN cu`kx leI lof huMdy hn pr ieh vyKxw zrUrI hY ik ikhVw lof cu`kxw TIk rhygw[ au`qrI AmrIkw dI tr`ikMg kMpnI ‘c G`t mOky hn ijnHW dw quhwnUM Pwiedw lYxw cwhIdw hY[ivMcl Anuswr jy quhwfy kol koeI Kws ivSysqw hY qW aus nUM d`so Aqy vDwE Aqy quhwnUM aus Kws mwrikt Anuswr Flxw Aqy Xog bxwauxw cwhIdw hy[ pr jy qusIN ieh smJdy ho ik qusIN Awm vWg hI ho qW vI quhwnUM Awpxy Kws hunr nUM pyS krnw cwhIdw hY jW d`sxw cwhIdw hY ik qusIN iksy Kws iksm dy Bwr nUM iks qrHW vDIAw FMg nwL iljw skdy ho[ keI nvyN PlItW vwLy hr iksm dw lof ieh smJ ky lY jWdy hn ik nw hox nwloN koeI vI cMgw hY[jy ij`Qy lof lY ky jwxw hY au`QoN ilAwaux vwLw koeI lof nhIN Aqy A`gy cu`kx vwlW lof bhuq dUrI ‘qy hY qw ies qrHw dw lof cu`kx ‘c Pwiedw nhIN [ ies dw ieh mqlb nhIN ik KwlI jwxw jW QoVHw sPr TIk nhIN- keI vwr ies qrHW krnw vI TIk huMdw hY[mu`K g`l ieh hY ik quhwnUM hwlwq Anuswr Xojnw bxwauxI cwhIdI hY[ AYnH SqrMj dI Kyf vWg hr cwl nUM pihlW hI socxw cwhIdw hY[ivMcl dw kihxw hY ik keI vwr BwvyN ieh TIk nhIN lgdw pr tr`k KVHw r`Kxw hI TIk hY[ Pryt nUM CyqI Byjx’c mdd krn Aqy AdwiegI CyqI lYx leI Awtomyitf ifspYc isstm bhuq vDIAw hY[ivMcl ies dw hwmI hY[ auhdw kihxw hY ik ijMnI CyqI ho sky Awtomyitf ifspYc isstm dI vrqoN SurU kro[ aunHW Anuswr SurU ‘c qW ieh mihMgw l`gygw pr lMby smyN ‘c ieh quhwfy kMm nUM vDIAw FMg nwl clwaux ‘c shweI hovygw[ ies nUM ijMnI CyqI SurU kIqw jw skdw hY ies au`qy PlIt dy sweIz dw zrUr Prk pvygw[pr hr iksm dy Akwr vwly PlItW leI v`K v`K AwpSnW hn[ies leI ies sbMDI cMgI qrHW ivcwr kr lYxI cwhIdI hY[kYS PloA Bwv lYx dyx dy kMm ‘c qyzI ilAwaux leI kwnUMnI AmlW nUM smJxw zrUrI hY[ ies ‘c ku`J sur`iKAw, iv`q,injI jW hor keI qrHW dy mwmly ho skdy hn ijnHW nUM pihlW smJxw zrUrI hY[knyfw Aqy AmrIkw dy kwnMUn ie`ko ijhy nhIN hn ies leI jy qusIN dovW dySW ‘c kMm krdy ho qw quhwnUM ienHW dovW dySW dy kwnUMn Aqy aunHW ‘qy Aml krn sbMDI vI jwxkwrI hoxI cwhIdI hY[ ienHW inXmW dI pwlxw krnw BwvyN ie`k vMgwr hY pr ieh hY bhuq zrUrI[ivMcl ny tr`k kMpnI jo au`qrI AmrIkw ‘c kMm kr rhI hY leI hyT ilKy nukqy d`sy hn: - AwpxI sUbweI jW styt dI tr`ikMg AYsosIeySn nwl juVo ikauN ik auh quhwnUM c`l rhy Aqy nvyN bxy inXmW Aqy kwnMUnW bwry jwxkwrI idMdI rhygI, ijhnW dw quhwfy ibzns nwL sbMD hY[ - Awpxy kol XU AYs PYfrl motr kYrIAr syPtI rYgUlySnz Aqy knyfIAn syPtI rYgUlySnz dI kwpI r`Ko[ - PYfrl motr kYrIArz syPtI AYfminstRySn nUM lwgU krn, sur`iKAw, jvwbdyhI (sI AYs ey) pRogrwm nUM cMgI qrHW smJo Aqy ieh vI jwxo ik ieh quhwfy tr`ikMg ibzns ‘qy iks qrHW Asr pw skdy hn[ September / October 2015

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September / October 2015




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Trucking - It’s Business - Maintain a current copy of US Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations as well as Canadian Safety Regulations. - Fully understand the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program and how it might impact your trucking operation. - Because of new and incoming regulations, consider starting out with electronic log books. They will be mandated soon, and having them now allows for a better understanding of how violations occur. Of course, the suggestions made by Winchell are just that, suggestions. They are a good starting point, but far from exhaustive as to how to keep up with new and existing regulations. One thing is certain though, if any trucking company, regardless of size, fails to keep up with rules and regulations something will be missed and that is when things start to go downhill. So, plain and simple, take necessary steps to stay informed and on top of the industry in which you operate. Much of the relative success of any trucking operation comes down to the people. Yes, drivers are key, but so are those who manage the operation. Of all the assets a trucking company needs to be successful, good people are at the top of the list. However, it may be that it is not necessary to hire staff to work on all aspects of the operation – some can be contracted out. Take the time to fully evaluate your needs and what will be most cost effective for your specific company. Depending on the size of the company, it really can make sense to contract out some parts of the business. “Contract out to those who know what to do,” says Winchell. This is especially true if you are a smaller fleet. Mechanics and safety personnel are two prime examples of the type of work that can, and probably should, be contracted out – especially if you are a very small fleet. Winchell, for example, is contracted by several small fleets in the United States to perform safety audits and ensure safety compliance. Most fleet owners also are not familiar with diesel repair, and keeping a diesel mechanic on staff for a small fleet makes little economic sense. For those areas you do not contract out, make certain the employees have the right tools to do the job and are the right fit for your organization. “Have capable people assisting you because you cannot do it all by yourself,” says Winchell. Hiring good people can be a challenge, but retaining them can be even more challenging. As such, it’s really you, the owner that needs to be the real leader of the organization. “Understand that, as an owner, that your actions speak louder than words,” says Winchell. “Others see what you do and how you do it.” Additionally, there are a few tools you need to manage the personnel side of the operation. It’s important to “ensure you have a company policy manual covering everything in the company and how you want specific tasks and jobs done,” says Winchell. Policy manuals should be as inclusive as possible, from how to submit a time sheet to how to track freight; from normal working hours to how you handle overtime for office 18

- nvyN Aw rhy inXmW kwrn ielYktwRink lwg bu`kW dI vrqoN krnI SurU kro ikauNik ieh bhuq jldI zrUrI ho jwvygI[aunHW dI vrqoN nwL quhwfw kMm vI sOKw ho jwvygw Aqy ieh vI pqw l`g jwvygw ik inXmW dI aulMGxw ikvyN ho skdI hY[ Asl ‘c ivMcl v`loN id`qIAW geIAW slwhW kyvl slwhW hI hn[ ieh mu~F ‘c TIk hn pr ivAwpk nhIN ikauN ik ienHW dy nwL nwL pihlW qoN cwlU Aqy nvyN inXmW dI jwxkwrI r`Kxw vI zrUrI hY[pr ie`k g`l Xwd r`KxI zrUrI hY ik tr`k kMpnI BwvyN ikMnI v`fI jW CotI hovy aus nUM inXmW dI pwlxw zrUr krnI pYNdI hY Aqy ies dI aulMGxw krn jW AxdyKI krn ‘qy sbMDq kMpnI hyTW vl jwxw SurU ho jWdI hY[ies leI ieMfstrI ‘c A`gy rihx leI zrUrI hY ik loVINdy kMm kIqy jwx[ iksy kMpnI v`loN kIqI geI qr`kI dw lwB hyTW q`k kMm krn vwilAW q`k vI phuMcdw hY[ ieh TIk hY ik frweIvrW dI mu`K BUimkw hY pr ijhVy swry kMm kwj nUM clwauNdy hn aunHW dw rol vI mh`qvpUrn hY[ kMpnI dy kwmXwb hox leI cMgy ivAkqI sdw hI sB qoN au`pr huMdy hn[ ieh zrUrI nhIN ik kMm krn leI swry bMdy r`Ky jwx sgoN ku`J kMm kWtrYkt ‘qy vI id`qy jw skdy hn[ku`J smW k`F ky ieh zrUr soco ik quhwfI kMpnI nUM ikhVy kMm krn leI bMdy r`Kx dI loV hY Aqy ikhVy kMmW nUM kWtRYkt ‘qy id`qw jw skdw hY[ pUrI ivcwr kro ik quhwnUM iks cIz dI loV hY Aqy quhwfI kMpnI leI ikhVI PwiedymMd ho skdI hY[ AwpxI kMpnI dy Akwr Anuswr ibzns dy ku`J kMm nUM kWtRYkt ‘qy dyxw vI cMgI g`l hY[pr ivMcl dI slwh hY ik ieh kWtRYkt aunHW nUM idE ijnHW nUM pqw hY ik kMm iks qrHW krnw hY[jy quhwfw Cotw PlIt hY qW ieh skIm vDIAw rhygI[ies dIAW do audwhrxW hn mkYnIkl Aqy syPtI AiDkwrI dw kMm kWtRYkt ‘qy dyxw [ imswl vjoN ivMcl kMpnI dw keI kMmW dw Tykw AmrIkw ‘c keI kMpnIAW ny ilAw hoieAw hY[ ienHW ‘c syPtI Awift Aqy syPtI kMplwieMs dy kMm vI Swml hn[ bhuq swry PlItW dy mwlkW nUM fIzl irpyAr dI jwxkwrI nhIN Aqy jy auh Coty PlIt leI v`Krw fIzl mkYink r`Kdy hn qW ies ‘c Pwiedw nhIN[ aunHW kMmW ijnHW dw qusIN kWtRYkt nhIN dyxw cwhuMdy ‘c quhwnUM ieh XkInI bxwauxw cwhIdw hY ik quhwfy kol kMm krn leI TIk AOzwr hox[ ivMcl dw kihxw hY ik qusIN hr kMm Awp nhIN kr skdy ies leI quhwfy koL shwieqw leI Xog ivAkqI hoxy cwhIdy hn[ ieh TIk hY ik Xog ivAkqI r`Kxw AOKw kMm hY pr aunHW nUM Awpxy koL itkweI r`Kxw aus qoN vI AOKw hY[ies leI mwlk hI hn ijnHW nUM ies sMsQw dw lIfr hoxw cwhIdw hY[ivMcl dw kihxw hY ik ieh g`l cMgI qrHW smJ lE ik quhwfI kihxI nwloN krnI dw izAwdw Asr pvygw[ikauN ik hor lok ieh vyKdy hn ik qusIN kI krdy ho Aqy ikvyN krdy ho[ Awpxy ibzns dy Amly dw pRbMD krn leI ku`J FMg qrIky vI hn[ ivMcl Anuswr kMpnI dy hr kMm leI quhwfy kol ie`k spSt pwilsI hoxI cwhIdI hY Aqy quhwnUM pqw hoxw cwhIdw hY ik ikhVw kMm iks qrHW krnw hY[ pwilsI vI mYnUAl loV Anuswr hoxI cwhIdI hY[ijs ‘c ieh drj hovy ik tweIm SIt ikvyN ByjxI hY, Pryt nUM ikvyN trYk krnw hY, dPqrI Amly dy Awm kMm dy GMitAW dy nwL Evrtwiem nwL ikvyN nij`Txw hY; mwrkiitMg stYNfrf qoN lY ky imqI Aqy smW, Kws irportW vyKxIAW Aqy ieh pqw lwauxw ik ieh ikvyN ifvYlp krnIAW hn[mu`kdI g`l ieh ik ies ‘c sB ku`J September / October 2015

Trucking - It’s Business personnel; from marketing standards to dates and times you review certain reports and how those reports are developed. The point is, it should be all inclusive so there is no question as to how to accomplish something. Of course, these policies may need tweaked as time progresses, but you need a starting place. When it comes to hiring drivers, this is really where the rubber meets the road. Do everything possible to make it as easy, yet as thorough and accurate as possible. Whether you are in Canada or the United States, do your research on the drivers you are considering for hire. “Screen drivers thoroughly and utilize any shared programs (like PSP) for back ground checks,” says Winchell. “Also, set up an account to draw your own motor vehicle records (MVRs), that way you control what you get and see and can make your own decisions.” The most important aspect of managing a successful trucking business is understanding that there is steep competition, so you need the right resources to compete. In the United States, there are approximately 3.5 million truck drivers and 1.2 million trucking companies (97% of which operate 20 or fewer trucks). In Canada, there are approximately 250,000 truck drivers. This means regardless of where you operate in North America, and despite the driver shortage across the continent, a successful company really needs to be efficient. Obviously, quality truck drivers are important to the success of any carrier – luckily, entry into the North American trucking industry is not difficult. - Ideally, have a high school education (or equivalent) before going to truck driving school. Most legitimate schools will require this, and most legitimate carriers will want to know you have earned this. There is no definitive requirement to have it,

September / October 2015

Swml hoxw cwhIdw hY [ ieh nw hovy ik iksy kMm nUM mukMml krn vyly qusIN socx l`g pE ik ieh iks qrHW krIey? ieh TIk hY ik quhwnUM SurU qW krnw hI pYxw hY pr smW bIqx dy nwL nwL ienHW pwilsIAW ‘c loV Anuswr qbdIlI vI krdy rihxw cwhIdw hY[ g`l jdoN frweIvr r`Kx dI AwauNdI hY qW ieh qW aus qrHW dw hoxw cwhIdw hY ijhVw sVk ‘qy TIk kwrguzwrI idKw skdw hovy[pUrw Xqn kro ik ies kMm nUM sOKw bxwE pr Xqn ieh kro ik ij`QoN q`k ho sky, hovy iblku`l Fu`kvW[qusIN AmrIkw ‘c ho jW knyfw ‘c frweIvr r`Kx smyN ijnHW nUM r`Kxw hY aunHW sbMDI pqw zrUr kr lE[ivMcl Anuswr aunHW sbMDI pUrI skrIinMg kro Aqy pI AYs pI vrgy pRogrwm Aqy aunHW dy ipCokV sbMDI jwxkwrI lE[aus sbMDI Awpxy kol vI irkwrf r`Ko Aqy ies ‘c AYm vI Awr rwhIN irkwrf qoN Awpxy PYsly lE[ ie`k sPl tr`ikMg ibzns leI zrUrI hY ik auh ieh iDAwn ‘c r`Ky ik hux sKq mukwblw hY[ies leI mukwbly leI quhwnUM shI swDnW dI loV hY[AmrIkw ‘c 3.5 imlIAn tr`k frweIvr Aqy 1.2 imlIAn tr`k kMpnIAW hn( ijnHW ‘coN 97% ies qrHW dIAW hn ijnHW kol 20 jW ies qoN G`t tr`k hn)[ knyfw ‘c l`g B`g 250,000 tr`k frweIvr hn[ie`k kwmXwb tr`k kMpnI leI Xog hoxw zrUrI hY, ies g`l dw koeI Prk nhIN ik qusIN au`qrI AmrIkw ‘c ik`Qy ieh ibzns krdy ho Aqy ieh vI ik ies mhWdIp ‘c tr`k frweIvrW dI Gwt bxI hoeI hY[ - spSt g`l qW ieh hY ik iksy kYrIAr kMpnI dI kwmXwbI leI vDIAw frweIvrW dI mu`K BUimkw hY[cMgI g`l ieh vI hY au`qrI AmrIkw dI tr`ikMg ieMfstrI ‘c Swml hoxw bhuqw AOKw nhIN[ - cMgI g`l ieh hY ik iksy frweIivMg skUl ‘c jwx qoN pihlW hweI skUl jW ies dy brwbr dI is`iKAw pRwpq kro[kwnUMn Anuswr c`l rhy bhuq swry skUl ieh mMg vI krdy hn Aqy bhuq swrIAW kYrIAr kMpnIAW vI ies sbMDI jwxkwrI lYNdIAw hn[pr ies dI Kws Srq qW nhIN pr lMby smyN ies dw mwiek qOr ‘qy Pwiedw huMdw


Trucking - It’s Business but it certainly will pay off financially over the years. It just makes sense. - Maintain a clean driving record. Driving is your livelihood, so why do anything to jeopardize this? Certainly any driving under the influence (alcohol or drugs) will stop a career, but so do excessive speeding tickets or an excessive number of speeding tickets. Safety is, and should be, a priority for the trucking industry and drivers on the front line of that. - Earn your commercial driver’s license. Check with your state or province for specific requirements and steps to do this, but you must do it to get behind the wheel. - Then, simply make sure you comply with your state or provincial or federal requirements for the types of loads you want to haul and all future renewals. There are undoubtedly a number of other tools and tips available for anyone interested in running a successful trucking operation in North America, but these should provide a good foundation to start with. Focus on the details (the small things) before they become big things. Cash flow is important and there are a variety of ways to make certain that is not an issue. Personnel are certainly important, but there are many things one can do to keep that a positive experience. Technologies, good drivers, and good equipment are all a must. A successful company pays attention to all of these areas – somewhat like an engine does with pistons. If one piston is misfiring the engine will not run smoothly. Eventually, the engine will shut down. We want all engines to fire at the right time so it can run smoothly – just like any successful trucking operation in North America does.

hY[ieh g`l sOKI qrHW smJI vI jw skdI hY[ - AwpxI klIn frweIivMg dw irkwrf r`Ko[frweIivMg hI quhwfI rozI rotI hY[ ies leI ies qrHW dw kMm ikauN krIey ijs nwl ieh Kqry ‘c pY jwey[ieh qW p`kI g`l hY ik Srwb jW fr`g dw syvn krky frweIivMg krn nwL quhwfw kYrIAr Kqm ho skdw hY[ ies qrHW hI imQI rPqwr qoN v`D tr`k clwaux krky jW iksy hor kwrn bhuq swry imly spIf dy itkt vI Kqrnwk hn[ tr`ikMg ieMfstrI ‘c sur`iKAw sB qoN pihlI g`l hY vI Aqy hoxI vI cwhIdI Kws krky PrMtlwien dy frweIvrW leI[ - kmRSl fRweIvr lwiesMs zrUr lE[Awpxy sUby jW styt qoN ieh lwiesMs lYx sbMDI jwxkwrI pqw kro[ pr cyqy r`Ko ik ieh lYx qoN ibnw tr`k dw styirMg nw PVo[ - ieh vI inscq kro ik Bwr Fox leI aus sUby ‘c iks qrHW dIAW SrqW hn Aqy jdoN kdy ienHW ‘c koeI vwDw Gwtw huMdw hY aus dI jwxkwrI vI r`Ko[ au`qrI AmrIkw ‘c sPl tr`ikMg ibjns krn leI keI hor vI swDn Aqy nukqy hn[pr SurU krn leI au`pr d`sy hI kwPI hn[ v`fIAW bxn qoN pihlW hI CotIAW g`lW v`l iDAwn idE[ pYsy dI AweI clweI bhuq mh`qvpUrn hY pr ies dy h`l leI keI FMg hn ies leI ieh bhuqw v`fw mslw nhIN[kMm kwj krn vwLy vI mh`qvpUrn hn pr ies nUM vDIAw qjrbw bxwaux leI ku`J g`lW smJx dI loV hY[vDIAw qknIk, cMgy fRweIvr Aqy cMgw smwn hoxw vI bhuq zrUrI hY[ie`k kwmXwb kMpnI auh hY ijhVI ienHW swirAW v`l pUrw iDAwn idMdI hY- iblku`l aus qrHW ijs qrHW ieMjx Aqy iesdy ipstn[ jy ie`k ipstn vI imsPwier kry qw ieMjx shI FMg nwl nhIN c`l skdw[AMq ieMjx bMd ho jwvygw[AsIN cwhuMdy hW ik swry ieMjx TIk FMg nwL cldy rihx qW ik ieh swrw kMm inrivGn cldw rhy[AYnH aus qrHW hI ijs qrHW au`qrI AmrIkw dw koeI hor sPl tr`ikMg ibzns c`l irhw hY[

Traffic Deaths increase

tRYiPk ‘c hox vwLIAW mOqW ‘c lgwqwr vwDw


raffic deaths increased 14% in the first six months of the year according to data by the National Safety Council. About 19,000 people across the country died in traffic accidents through June, not including two of the historically highest months for traffic deaths, July and August. “As a safety professional, it’s not just disappointing but heartbreaking to see the numbers trending in the wrong direction,” council President Deborah Hersman. Traffic deaths this year could exceed 40,000 for the first time since 2007 if the trend continues, Hersman said. Americans drove 1.26 trillion miles in the first five months of the year, passing the previous record of 1.23 trillion set in May 2007, the U.S. Department of Transportation said last month. Given the stronger economy, lower unemployment and low gas prices, “We have expected an uptick in travel and, sadly, deaths,” Jonathan Adkins, executive director of the Governors Highway Safety Association. “The increase is definitely troubling,” Adkins said. “But after such historic declines in recent years, it’s not unexpected to see an upswing.” 20

nYSnl syPtI kONsl v`loN id`qy AMkVy Anuswr ies swl dy pihly 6 mhIinAW ‘c tRYiPk ‘c hox vwlIAW mOqW ‘c 14% dw vwDw hoieAw hY[ hwlW ik ies ‘c sB qoN v`D mOqW hox vwLy smJy jWdy mhIny julweI Aqy Agsq Swml nhIN pr iPr vI dyS Br ‘c jUn q`k tRYiPk mOqW dI ieh igxqI 19,000 q`k phuMc geI hY[ ies sbMDI kONsl dy muKI fYbrHw hrsmYn dw kihxw hY ,” ie`k sur`iKAw mwihr hox dy nwqy ieh Kbr sux ky isrP inrwSw hI nhIN bhuq du`K mihsUs ho irhw hY ik nMbrW dI igxqI glq idSw v`l vD rhI hY[“ aunHW dw kihxw hY ik jy sVkI durGtnwvW iesy rPqwr nwL vDdIAW rhIAW qW ienHW dI igxqI 2007 qoN bwAd pihlI vwr 40,000 qoN vD jwvygI[ AmrIkw dy ifpwrtmYNt AwP tRWsport v`loN ipCly mhIny ikhw igAw hY ik AmrIknW ny ies swl dy pihly 5 mhIinAW ‘c 1.26 itRlIAn mIl sPr kIqw hY[ jo ik 2007 ‘c sQwpq 1.23 itRlIAn dy irkwrf qoN vI v`D hY[ gvRnrz hweIvyA syPtI AYsosIeySn dy mu`K pRbMDk jonwQn AYfiknz dw kihxw hY ik mzbUq AwriQkqw, qyl dIAW G`t kImqW Aqy byruzgwrI dr G`t hox kwrn sPr dw ieh vwDw hoieAw hY pr mwVI g`l ieh hY ik mOqW dI igxqI vI vDI hY[ aunHW dw kihxw hY ik ieh vwDw bhuq du`KdweI hY pr ipCly swlW ‘c ies qrHW dI ieqhwisk igrwvt qoN bwAd ho skdw hY ik ies ‘c hor vI vwDw hovy[ September / October 2015

Desi News

Technology and Mobile Devices inspire bigger gains in Trucking


t’s an era of compelling improvements in trucking, and by applying technology that exists now or will in the near future, the industry could “double down” on gains made in recent years, says Brian McLaughlin, President of PeopleNet. He shared some thoughts on what’s possible going forward — and how to achieve it — at the opening session of PeopleNet’s 13th annual User Conference Tuesday morning. The fleet mobility technology company’s opening act for the conference included a look at the history of trucking going back 120 years to the horseless carriage and the first “semi.” McLaughlin said the transportation industry already has many of the tools it needs to make the kind of landmark advancements other industries have. In a series of analogies, he noted that perhaps the biggest change in transportation was space travel, and recalled the inception of NASA’s Space Shuttle program. “Imagine you’re the engineer sitting in a lab and your boss comes in and says, ‘Okay, I’ve got a challenge for you. We’ve got 185,000 tons; we need it to go 17,500 mph in 8 minutes or everybody dies. You in?’ And they reinvented space travel,” McLaughlin told the audience. “The same rules apply to us in terms of how things have been rethought and technology has enabled a new way of doing things.” Space travel also provides the transportation industry a theoretical goal on which to set its sights: frictionless freight. “It’s no barriers,” McLaughlin said. “Transportation is really quite simple:

tr`kW vwly vIrW dw mYgzIn


There are better ways. September / October 2015

move a good from A to B. How do we remove all the barriers that get in your way so we can move things better?” “Our hypothetical for the next five or so years in terms of what needs to happen in removal of barriers comes down to one word and one thing: Friction,” he continued. According to PeopleNet, the “friction points” in trucking fall into categories of drivers, regulations, freight, safety and fuel. “How can we take out the barriers or friction points that keep you from going from A to B?” McLaughlin asked.

Your Safety, Your Satisfaction,Your Success = Our Goal quhwfI sur`i^Aw, quhwfI qs`lI, quhwfI s&Lqw = swfw tIcw We are Hiring A-Z drivers (singles and teams), Owner Operators and D-Z Owner Operators

$2,000 Sign-On Bonus Competitive Pay Package Incentive Programs & Bonuses Weekly Pay by Direct Deposit New Equipment Regular Home Time

2000 sweIinMg bons, qnKwh pYkyz bhuq vDIAw, hor bons Aqy shUlqW[ qn^wh h&qy dy h&qy / is`DI quhwfy AkWaUt ‘c jmHW nvyN tr`k trylr, rYgUlr hom tweIm

We Require: Minimum 2 years experience CVOR/ driver’s abstract in good standing Able to cross US border

swnMU quhwfy qoN cwhIdw hY: G`to G`t do swl dw qzrbw CVOR/ frwivr AYbstrYkt AmrIkw bwrfr pwr kr skdw hovy

Please Contact James Taylor today! 877-907-8101 x4042 • I      


Desi News

Little Agreement on Proposed Truck Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards


he second public hearing on proposed truck fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions standards didn’t offer much more in the differences of opinion of the first. Trucking industry representatives expressed qualified support for the stringency goals and implementation schedule outlined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), while air quality regulators and environmental groups called for tougher restrictions and a tighter timeline. Within trucking there is a divide over exactly how the engine and complete vehicle should be measured. The big four North American heavy-duty truck manufacturers (Daimler Trucks North America, Navistar, Paccar and Volvo Trucks North America) spoke with one voice Tuesday, as Dan Kieffer, director of emissions compliance for Paccar, delivered a statement on behalf of all. Calling the Phase II rule “historic in its scope and complexity,” Kieffer noted “a long list of technical and protocol issues” the truck makers will work closely with EPA and the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) to resolve. “EPA and NHTSA have set very ambitious goals for this industry, and we will do everything we can to ensure that this regulation will translate into significant real world efficiency gains for our customers, as well as major benefits for society,” Kieffer said. “Our goal is a classic ‘winwin’ scenario, and we are hopeful we can achieve it.” He also called on the agencies to adopt a “complete vehicle approach” to the regulation, as opposed to separate vehicle and engine standards. The four points of emphasis were: Engines are best evaluated based on how they operate in the vehicle, considering the engine size and power output, the vehicle power demand, and the driveline characteristics; Truck makers must consider the installation impact of engine-related systems, including space requirements, 22

weight, and cooling demand, all of which can significantly impact the aerodynamic design of the tractor-trailer combination and reduce efficiency. NOx emissions are proportional to engine work, so the more effective the vehicle is as a system, the lower the NOx output. But with engine efficiency improvement, there is a well-documented trade-off between NOx reduction and engine efficiency. Therefore, excessive

demands for stand-alone engine efficiency would limit the potential for NOx reduction, especially in urban duty cycles where NOx emissions are most critical. Businesses that rely on trucks are concerned about the incremental investment and operating costs of complex new engine technology. Putting excessive emphasis on the engine as a stand-alone component can result in costly engine technology that would bring little or no benefit in many real world applications. Unnecessarily stringent engine standards will only exacerbate the trend of delaying new truck purchases, prolonging the use of higher emitting vehicles. “The fact is that vehicle manufacturers must have the flexibility to optimize the complete vehicle design for maximum efficiency at the lowest cost and complexity,” Kieffer said. “Minimizing total cost of vehicle ownership is a top priority for our customers.” The truck manufacturers’ opposition to the engine standard goes against support from the world’s largest engine-builder, Cummins Inc. September / October 2015

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September / October 2015

September / October 2015


Employment Issues

Employment Issues

- Pash Brar B.A.

rozgwrI msly


ne of the goals in trucking is obviously to make money. Whether you’re the owner of the company or a driver, the end result is hopefully going to be monetary gain for all parties involved. When hiring a driver, or a driver is applying to work for your firm as a company driver or owner operator, there are certain considerations to be made before hiring someone or before accepting an employment offer. Recently a fleet I know experienced a horrible situation. An owner operator was found dead in their yard. The driver had over dosed on drugs. Drug use is a serious issue. Firms don’t always run a drug test on a driver unless they are going to cross a border. It may be a good idea for a firm to run a drug test on all drivers and do random checks periodically after. A client of mine found a crack pipe in the cab of his truck and fired the driver. The driver made a complaint to human rights about unlawful dismissal, and when he was asked to do a drug test to prove his innocence he refused to do the test. If you suspect your driver or a colleague is taking illicit drugs or abusing prescription medications, suggest where they may go to seek help for addiction and get them off the road to protect us all. The rates charged for loads are always a contention. The driver wants to know how much they will be paid and I find that quite often companies are not forthcoming with this information. I have seen pay statements from drivers that show the exact same load several different times, and each has - Pash Brar B.A. Pash is a mobile leasing representative with Auto One Leasing LP in Vancouver. She has a banking, collections and accounting background. She specializes in importing vehicles and trailers from the USA.


tr`ikMg dw ie`k tIcw spSt qOr ‘qy pYsw kmwauxw hY[ BwvyN qusIN kMpnI dy mwilk ho jW fRweIvr sB dw AwKrI AwsvMd inSwnw ieh hI hY ik ies ‘c ijMny vI lok Swiml hn sB nMU AwriQk lwB imLy[ jdoN qusIN iksy fRweIvr nMU kMm ‘qy r`Kdy ho jW koeI fRweIvr quhwfI kMpnI ‘c kMm krn leI AplweI krdw hY qW aus nMU kMm ‘qy r`Kx qoN pihlW jW iksy vloN nOkrI dI pySkS nMU mMnx qoN pihlW ku`J ^ws g`lW nMU iDAwn ‘c r`Kxw pYNdw hY[ hwl ‘c hI ie`k PlIt ijs nMU mYN jwxdw hW, nMU ie`k iBAwnk siQqI ‘coN gujrnw ipAw[ ie`k Enr-Eprytr aunHW dI Xwrf ‘c mirAw ipAw l`Bw[ fRweIvr fr`g Kw ky Evrfoz ho igAw sI[ fr`g dI vrqoN ie`k gMBIr mslw hY[ kMpnIAW sdw hI Awpxy fRweIvrW dw fr`g tYst nhIN krvwauNdIAW b`s audoN hI krvwauNdIAW hn jdoN aunHW ny bwrfr pwr jwxw hovy[ vDIAw g`l ieh hY ik swrIAW kMpnIAW Awpxy fRweIvrW dy fr`g tYst smyN smyN isr krvwauNdIAW rihx[ myry ie`k gwhk nMU Awpxy tr`k dI kYibn ‘coN ie`k krYk pweIp l`Bw Aqy aus ny fRweIvr nMU nOkrI qoN k`F id`qw[ fRweIvr ny mnu`KI AiDkwrW koL iSkwieq kIqI ik aus nMU gYr kwnUMnI FMg nwL kMm qoN k`iFAw igAw hY Aqy jdoN ausnMU ikhw igAw ik auh Awpxy Awp nMU bydoS swibq krn fr`g tYst krvwey qW ausny nWh kr id`qI[ jykr quhwnMU lgdw hY ik quhwfw swQI gYr kwnMUnI nSw krdw hY jW h`doN v`D pRYskRipSn dvweIAW dw iesqymwl krdw hY qW aunHW nMU slwh idE ij`QoN auh nSw C`fx leI m`dd lY skdy hn Aqy aunHW nMU g`fI nw clwaux idE qW ik swfw swirAW dw bcwA ho sky[ lof leI cwrj kIqI jwx vwLI rkm dw hmySw hI JgVw rihMdw hY[ fRweIvr ieh jwnxw cwhuMdw hY ik aus nMU ikMny pYsy id`qy jwxgy pr mYN Awm qOr ‘qy ieh vyiKAw ik kMpnIAW vwLy Aksr ieh jwxkwrI pRdwn nhIN krdy[ mYN fRweIvrW dIAW pyAmYNt dIAW stytmYNtW vyKIAW hn Aqy ieh not kIqw hY ik auh ie`k hI qrHW dw lof keI vwr lY ky gey hn Aqy ausy hI lof dI pyAmYNt hr vwr Al`g Al`g huMdI hY[ mYN vyiKAw hY ik keI vwr fRweIvr jdoN iblku`l ie`ko ijhw lof cu`k ky ie`k dUjy nwL g`l krdy hn qW pqw September / October 2015

Employment Issues a different rate. I saw some drivers get together after each had taken the exact same load, and each of them were paid a different amount by the same company. They all quit after. Driver’s and the company they work for both need to make money to cover their costs, but when there is discrepancy in the rates, driver’s get angry, and over and over I see them leave the company that is providing inconsistent rate information. Improper deductions on pay statements is also a major issues with drivers. I have seen rent being charged for using a yard deducted on pay statements, but the driver was renting parking elsewhere and paying double. I have personally gone through statements and nothing adds up. When I was asked to check forty driver statements for errors, I found errors in thirty-nine of them. Only one was done correctly. I always hear complaints from accountants that say how difficult it is to do taxes for drivers when their pay statements are done so poorly. Proper book keeping is a must for the company and for the driver. If the driver has questions about their statement sit down with them and explain it. If the staff doesn’t know how to make the statements, then train them to do it properly. Angry driver’s leave their employment due to discrepancies in their pay all the time. Not paying driver’s at all is another issue. I had a driver who moved away for six months and pulled loads for his company in the new area. The company refused to pay him. The driver came to me and i helped him rebuild all

lgdw hY ausy hI lof dy ie`k hI kMpnI vloN v`K v`K rkm id`qI geI hY[ies qoN bwAd swirAW ny hI aus kMpnI nwL kMm krnw C`f id`qw[ fRweIvrW leI ie`k musIbq hY pyA stytmYNtW ‘coN glq ktOqIAW dI[ mYN vyiKAw hY ik Xwrf ‘c tr`k KVHy krn dw ikrwieAw vI fRweIvrW dI bxdI rkm ‘coN k`itAw huMdw hY, jdoN ik fRweIvr ny tr`k KVHw krn leI hor QW leI huMdI hY Aqy auh iesdw du`gxw ikrwieAw dy irhw huMdw hY[ mYN Awp ies qrHW dIAW stytmYNtW vyKIAW hn Aqy aunHW dw iksy dw vI shI mqlb nhIN bxdw [ jdoN mYnUM 40 fRweIvrW dIAW stytmYNtW cY`k krn leI id`qIAW geIAW qW mYnUM aunHW ‘coN kyvl ie`k TIk l`BI bwkI sB ‘c glqIAW sn[ mYnUM bhuq swry AkwaUNtYNtW ny vI d`isAw hY ik ieh stytmYNtW ieMnIAW glq bxweIAW huMdIAW hn ik aunW leI tYks Brn dw kMm bhuq AOKw ho jWdw hY[ kMpnI Aqy fRweIvr leI shI bu`k kIipMg krnI AqI zrUrI hY[ jy fRweIvr nUM ies sbMDI koeI svwl hox qW aus nUM kMpnI vwilAW nwL bYT ky auh d`s pu`C lYxy cwhIdy hn[ jy stwP nUM nhIN pqw ik stytmYNtW iks qrHW bxwauxIAW hn qW aunHW nUM ies ‘c pUrI qrHW tRyNf kr dyxw cwhIdw hY[keI vwr sdw hI AwpxI stytmYNt ‘c glqIAW huMdIAW rihx kwrn gu`sy hoieAw fRweIvr kMm vI C`f idMdw hY[ ie`k hor mslw hY auh hY fRweIvr nUM pYsy hI nw dyxy[ myry koL ie`k ies qrHW dw fRweIvr AwieAw ijs ny ie`k nvyN ielwky ‘c kMpnI leI 6 mhIny q`k tr`k clwieAw pr kMpnI ny aus nUM ausdy pYsy dyx qoN jvwb hI dy id`qw[ auh fRweIvr myry koL AwieAw mYN aus dw swrw pypr vrk kIqw ijhVw aus ny mwlk nUM id`qw qW jw ky aus nUM aus dy bxdy pYsy imly[ ies qrHW hr ie`k fRweIvr koL mdd krn vwLw nhIN huMdw[ ieh fRweIvr ijs dI mYN mdd kIqI sI dw 25,000 fwlr bxdw sI auh hux vI myrw kIqI hoeI mdd leI DMnvwd kr irhw hY[ ib`l qW fRweIvr ny vI dyxy huMdy hn Aqy kMpnI ny vI pr iSStwcwr iesy ‘c hY ik ieh smyN isr dy id`qy jwx[ ies qrHW vI nw kro ik fRweIvr nUM


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Employment Issues

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his paperwork, and then he got paid after I submitted it to his boss. Not every driver has someone to help them. This driver was owed over $25,000 and he still thanks me to this day for helping him. Driver’s and bosses both have bills to pay, but paying on time is a courtesy. Don’t make the driver sit and wait for hours while their pay statement is prepared . Have it ready before they arrive. I see driver’s getting paid a week or more late all the time. The driver will leave for a different company that actually pays on time. Everyone has a day when they feel like they don’t want to take a load. A boss may tolerate this once or twice, but if it becomes a pattern, that driver will begin to suffer. Comparing pay statements from the driver who never refuses a load, to a driver that consistently complains and refuses loads shows a big difference in pay. I see the non complainer making about $5,000 more each month. The boss rewards the driver with better and more frequent loads for their dedication. No one wants to hire a driver who refuses loads. It can damage the reputation of the trucking company if they cannot find a replacement for the load, and the driver will obviously see their pay go down. As with any job, the hard workers get the reward from the boss. Inexperienced drivers and unsafe drivers have caused a lot of damage to equipment and to cargo. When hiring a driver new to the industry proper training, adherence to security, and safety procedures are a must. Pull the driver abstract when hiring. One company fired a driver who tried to pass a car on a double solid line, almost hit the oncoming traffic, and veered back in to their lane causing a family in a minivan with small children to land in the ditch. This was the driver’s fault, and the company name on the side of that truck gets a horrible reputation in the industry. Hiring just because there is no one else available is also wrong. I know one guy who was hired with little experience and no background check. He forgot the parking brake on the brand new company truck he was driving, and smashed through a shed. Luckily no one was in that shed or they would have been killed. I have seen brand new trailers that I personally custom factory ordered, smashed by an inexperienced driver a few days after it was out of factory. Sometimes it’s better to decline a load and wait for a good driver, than deal with inexperience, extra repairs, and safety concerns that ruin the reputation of the company. Not all bosses are horrible, and neither are all drivers. But there are definitely both bad bosses that may short change you on your hard earned cash, and drivers that aren’t worth keeping. When hiring, do drug tests and obtain the driver abstract, but i think a reference check should also always be done. as well. Take the time to call several places where the driver worked previously and find out if they are safe and work hard. If you want to hire an inexperienced driver, train them well and have them shadow a well respected driver to teach good habits from the start. When looking for work, also do a background check on your prospective employer. Talk to the current drivers of that company to get a good idea of what to expect. I think it’s important to establish good communications between the driver and the office staff. To make both sides happy the boss and the driver have to work together as a team and understand each other’s needs; then everyone makes money. September / October 2015

Employment Issues stytmYNt lYx leI GMitAW b`DI bih ky aufIkxw pvy[ aus dy Awaux qoN pihlW hI stytmYNt iqAwr r`Ko[ mYN Aksr dyiKAw hY ik keI fRweIvrW nUM sdw hI hPqw jW ies qoN v`D vI dyrI nwL vI aunHW nUM pyAmYNt kIqI jWdI hY[ies qrHW dI hwlq ‘c fRweIvr aus kMpnI ‘c hI jwvygw jo smyN isr pYsy idMdy hn[ kdy nw kdy hr iksy dw mn ‘c AwauNdw hY ik auh lof nw lY ky jwvy[ ie`k do vwr qW koeI bOs ieh mMn skdw hY pr jdoN ieh ie`k qrHW dI Awdq bx jWdI hY qW fRweIvr nMU iesdy nqIjy Bugqxy pYNdy hn[ auh fRweIvr ijs ny kdI lof iljwx qoN nWh nhIN kIqI Aqy ijhVw ies qrHW krdw rihMdw hY , dovW dy pyAmYNt ‘c kwPI AMqr ho jWdw hY[ mYN vyiKAw hY ik ijs fRweIvr ny kdy nWh nhIN kIqI auh dUjy fRweIvr nwloN mhIny dw 5,000 fwlr v`D kmwauNdw hY[ mwlk vI ieho ijhy fRweIvr nUM v``D Aqy vDIAw lof idMdw hY[ koeI vI mwlk ies qrHW dy fRweIvr nUM nhIN r`Kxw cwhuMdw jo lof cu`kx qoN AwnwkwnI krdw hovy[ ies qrHW dI tr`ikMg kMpnI dy v`kwr ‘c vI Prk pYNdw hY, ijs nUM jvwb dyx vwly fRweIvr dI QW hor fRweIvr nw imlx krky smyN isr lof nhIN phuMcw skdy[ nwL hI jvwb dyx vwLy fRweIvr dI Awmdn vI GtdI hY[ iksy vI kMm ‘c imhnq krn vwilAW nUM mwlk v`loN ievzwnw qW imldw hI hY[ gYr qjrbykwr Aqy Asur`iKAq fRweIvr swz smwn Aqy l`dy hoey Bwr dw vI nukswn kr idMdy hn[ nvyN fRweIvr nUM ieMfstrI ‘c r`Kx smyN pUrI tRyinMg, sur`iKAw pRqI vcnb`Dqw Aqy sur`iKAqw sbMDI jwxkwrI zrUrI hY[ fRweIvr r`Kx smyN aus dw ipClw fRweIivMg irkwrf vyKo[ ie`k kMpnI nUM ie`k ies qrHW dy fRweIvr dI Cu`tI krnI peI jo fbl soilf lweIn ‘qy ie`k kwr nUM pws kr irhw sI Aqy Awx vwLy tRYiPk dI lyn ‘c jw viVAw Aqy t`kr huMdI huMdI qW bc geI pr ie`k pirvwr dI imnI vYn ijs ‘c b`cy sn KweI ‘c jw ifgI[ glqI qW ieh kyvl tr`k dy fRweIvr dI hI sI pr kMpnI dw nWA tr`k ‘qy iliKAw hox kwrn aus dI bdnwmI qW hoeI[ kyvl iesy krky hI iksy nUM r`Kxw ik hor koeI imilAw nhIN, ieh vI glq hY[ mYnUM ie`k fRweIvr bwry pqw hY ijs nUM kMm ‘qy r`iKAw igAw pr aus dw qjrbw nhIN sI Aqy nw hI aus dw ipClw irkwrf cY`k kIqw igAw[kMpnI dw nvW tr`k clwauNdy smyN KVHw krn ‘qy auh pwrikMg bRyk lwauxw Bu`l igAw Aqy tr`k ie`k SY`f dy AMdr jw viVAw[ cMgI iksmq nUM SY`f ‘c koeI nhIN sI[ nhIN qW iksy ny AwpxI jwn qoN h`Q Do bihxy sn[ mYN ies qrHW dy nvyN nkor tRylr ijhVy mYN Awp Awrfr krky mMgvwey sn, auh vI nw qjrbykwr fRweIvrW v`loN ku`J idnW ‘c hI burI qrHW BMn qoV huMdy vyKy hn[ gYr qjrbykwr fRweIvr nUM Byjx dI QW keI vwr ku`J aufIk krnw TIk rihMdw hY[nhIN qW kMpnI dI bdnwmI qoN ibnw sur`iKAw nUM Kqrw Aqy swz smwn dI BMn qoV dw Kqrw vI bixAw rihMdw hY[ nw qW swry mwlk mwVy hn Aqy nw hI swry fRweIvr[ pr ies qrHW dy ku`J mwlk vI hn jo quhwfI kmweI ‘c kWtI lwauNdy hn Aqy ies qrHW dy fRweIvr vI hn ijnHW nUM r`Kx dw koeI Pwiedw nhIN[ jdoN vI nvW fRweIvr r`Kxw hovy, aus dw fr`g tYst vI krwE Aqy aus dw ipClw fRweIivMg irkwrf vI vyKo[ies dy nwL hI aus dw rYPrYNs cY`k vI kro[ ijnHW kol fRweIvr ny pihlW kMm kIqw aunHW nUM Pon krky aus sbMDI pu`Cx dw smW zrur k`Fo[ jy qusIN koeI nvW fRweIvr r`Kxw cwhuMdy ho qW pihlW aus nUM cMgI qrHW tRyNf kro Aqy pihlW aus nwL ie`k fRweIvr bhw ky aus dI dyK ryK ‘c aus qoN fRweIv krwE[qW ik aus dIAW SurU qoN hI cMgIAW AwdqW bx jwx[ iesy qrHW jy qusIN kMm l`B rhy ho qW Awpxy sMBwvI mwlk sbMDI pUrI jwxkwrI lE[ aus kMpnI ‘c kMm kr rhy mOjUdw fRweIvrW qoN vI aus sbMDI pUrw pqw kro Aqy ieh vI smJo ik aunHW nUM fRweIvr qoN kI AwsW hn[dPqrI Amly Aqy fRweIvr ‘c sMprk vI bhuq mh`qvpUrn hY[ dovyN iDrW KuS rihx ies leI, dovW nUM ie`k dUjy dIAW loVW nUM smJxw cwhIdw hY Aqy ie`k tIm vjoN kMm krnw cwhIdw hY; ies qrHW hr ie`k kmweI kr skdw hY[ September / October 2015

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qzvIj kIqI geI tr`k AYPISNYsI Aqy grInhwaUs gYs AimSn stYNfrf ‘qy mwmUlI ijhI sihmqI

qzvIj Sudw tr`k iPaul AYPISYNsI Aqy grInhwaUs gYs AimSn sbMDI hoeI dUjI pbilk suxvweI ‘c id`qIAW geIAW rwvW dw pihlI suxvweI dOrwn id`qIAW geIAW rwvW qoN koeI bhuq izAwdw Prk nhIN sI[[ tr`k ieMfstrI dy pRqIinDW ny qW AYnvwiernmYNtl pRotYkSn eyjMsI ( eI pI ey) dy inSwny d`sy jdoN ik vwqwvrx gr`upW v`loN insicq smyN ‘c sKqI nwL inXm lwgU krn ‘qy zor id`qw[ tr`ikMg ieMfstrI ‘c ies g`l ‘qy vI ie`k rwey nhIN sI ik ieMjx Aqy swry vhIkl nUM iks qrHW mwipAw jwvy[ au`qrI AmrIkw dIAW hYvI ifautI tr`k bxwaux vwLIAW 4 kMpnIAW (fwiemlr tr`ks nwrQ AmYirkw, nYvIstwr, pYkwr Aqy volvo tr`k


nwrQ AmYirkw) ny AwpsI sihmqI pRgt kIqI Aqy ienHW swirAW v`loN pYkwr dy AimSn kMplwieMs dy fwierYktr fYn kIPr ny mMglvwr nUM ivcwr pyS kIqy[ kIPr v`loN Pyz II inXm nUM inSwny Aqy aulJxW krky ieqhwisk d`sdy hoey qknIkI Aqy pRotokol msilAW dI ie`k lMbI ilst pVHI, ijs ‘c d`isAw igAw ik tr`k bxwaux vwLy eI pI ey Aqy nYSnl hweIvyA tRWsportySn syPtI AYfminstRySn ( AYn AY`c tI AY`s ey) nwL rL ky ies dw h`l k`Fxgy[ kIPr ny ikhw ik eI pI ey Aqy AYn AY`c tI AY`s ey ny jo inSwny ies ieMfstrI leI imQy hn auh AsIN pRwpq krn dy Xqn krWgy qW ik Asl jIvn ‘c ienHW dw Pwiedw ho sky Aqy ieh XkInI bxwvWgy ik swfy gwhk ienHW Anuswr c`l ky suswietI dw Pwiedw kr skx[ aunHW ikhw ik swfw inSwnw pUrI kwmXwbI hY Aqy AsIN ies nUM zrUr pRwpq krWgy[ aunHW ny bwkI eyjMsIAW nUM vI pUrI vhIkl phuMc nUM Apnwaux leI ikhw[ izAwdw mh`qqw vwLy cwr nukqy ieh hn: ieMjxW dw mulWkx ies g`l ‘qy hY ik auh vhIkl ‘c iks qrHW cldy hn, ieh ieMjx dw Akwr Aqy pYdw hox vwlI qwkq, vhIkl nUM qwkq dI loV Aqy fRweIvlweIn dIAW ivSySqwvW qy inrBr krdw hY[ tr`k bxwaux vwiLAW nUM ieMjx nwL sbMDq isstmW ‘qy ienstwlySn dy pRBwv nUM vI iDAwn ‘c r`Kxw cwhIdw hY, ijs ‘c QW dI loV, Bwr, kUilMg dI loV hY Aqy ijnHW swirAW dw Asr trYktr tRylr kMbInySn dy eyArofYnwimk ifzwien ‘qy Asr pYNdw hY Aqy ijs nwL kuSlqw GtdI hY[[ NOx AimSn ieMjx dy kMm dy AnupwqI huMdy hn[ies leI vhIkl dw isstm ijMnw pRBwvI hovygw au`nI hI G`t NOx hovygI[pr ieMjx dI SkqI ‘c vwDy dw NOx dI kmI nwL vDIAw sumyl hovygw[ ies qrHW iek`ly ieMjx dI SkqI dI bhuqI mMg kwrn NOx dI sMBwvI kmI nUM inXmq kr dyvygI, Kws krky SihrI ielwky ‘c ij`Qy NOx AimSn vDyry Kqrnwk hn[ auh Adwry ijhVy tr`kW ‘qy inrBr hn, nUM smyN smyN huMdI ienvYstmYNt Aqy nvIN guMJLdwr qknIk ‘qy hox vwLy KricAW dw vI iPkr hY[ieMjx ‘qy hI bhuqw iDAwn dyx nwl ies dI nvIN qknIk kwrn Krcy vD skdy hn, ijs nwL Asl jIvn ‘c bhuq Pwiedw nhIN hovygw[ ibnw kwrn hI vDIAw ieMjx KRIdx dI cwhq kwrn tr`kW dI KRId ‘c dyrI ho skdI hY ijs kwrn v`D DMUAW C`fx vwLy vhIkl vDyry smyN q`k vrqxy pY skdy hn[ kIPr ny ieh vI ikhw ik vhIkl bxwaux vwilAW kol G`t kImq ‘qy vDIAw vhIkl bxwaux dI smr`Qw hovy[ aunHW ikhw ik gwhkW leI sB qoN mu`K g`l hY vhIkl dI ku`l kImq ikMnI hY[ ivSv dy sB qoN v`fy ieMjx bxwaux vwly kimnz ieMk qW ieMjx stYNfrf dy h`k ‘c hn pr tr`k mYnUPYkcrrz ies dy ault[ September / October 2015

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Desi News

Move Over Law not soon enough


45-year-old tow truck driver was in critical condition in hospital after he was struck by a vehicle Wednesday on Highway 417 near Scotiabank Place. The man was helping police at the scene of a two-vehicle collision in the eastbound lanes of near the Palladium Road overpass when he was hit by another passing vehicle, Ontario Provincial Police Const. John Armit said Wednesday evening. The Jonny’s Towing operator was walking on the right side of highway when he was struck by a passing vehicle at about 4:45 p.m. The passing car then struck one of the vehicles involved in the original crash. Ottawa paramedics said the tow-truck operator suffered multiple lifethreatening head and abdominal injuries and was unconscious when they took him to hospital shortly before 5 p.m. The 19-year-old woman driving the car that struck the parked vehicle, and a front-seat passenger, also a 19-year-old woman, were taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries, the paramedic service said. A 30-year-old man who was in the vehicle that was struck was also taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Eastbound lanes were closed while OPP collision investigators were at the scene. Armit said investigators would determine whether charges were warranted. The collision follows a recent OPP “slow down, move over” campaign urging drivers to be more attentive, slow down and move to the left if possible whenever police or emergency workers are stopped on the side of the road. This year, the Ontario government approved a bill that, among other measures, requires motorists to do exactly that when they see tow trucks engaged at the scene of a crash. Current legislation applies to first responders such as police and paramedics. The inclusion of tow truck operators comes into effect on Sept. 1. About 100 tow truck drivers die every year across North America while working on the side of the road, according to the Canadian Automobile Association.

Ontario has New Rules of the Road Effective September 1, 2015


ntario has raised the fines for a number of traffic offences increasing the fines by near ten times. The government is either getting serious about safety or they are looking for money. Whatever, it is going to cost a lot more to offend in Ontario. Distracted Driving -- using a mobile device; eating while driving and other situations, the fine has gone from $60 to $500 and three demerit points; minimum 30-day suspension for novice drivers. “Dooring” of cyclists or vehicles -- that is opening your vehicle door into the path of a bicycle or other vehicle -- the fine goes from $365* fine and three demerit points. Passing cyclists Drivers must leave a one-metre distance when passing cyclists or face a $110* fine and two demerit points; $180* fine and two demerit points for failing to leave a one-metre distance when passing cyclists in a community safety zone. Improper lighting on bicycle goes from a $20 set fine to $110* fine. Slow Down, Move Over Slow Down, Move Over requirement now also includes tow trucks stopped at roadside to assist; $490* fine for violation. * Fine as listed is set fine including Victim Fine Surcharge and court costs.

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September / October 2015

Desi News

Canada-U.S. Truck Border Crossing Figures Reveal Surprises over-year. Laredo, TX is the busiest U.S. truck border crossing. Activity there increased 3.9 percent in the second quarter from the first quarter and 4 percent year over year, breaking past the 500,000 truck mark for the first time in the second quarter. There was a similar pattern at Buffalo, NY, the third-largest U.S. port of entry for trucks, when compared to Detroit, where


new analysis of data shows truck traffic between Canada and the U.S. has declined while it has increased between the U.S. and Mexico. No one in Canada is surprised at these numbers with all the businesses abandoning Ontario due to high energy costs. The Journal of Commerce reports U.S. Transportation Department figures show since the second quarter of 2005, truck crossings between Canada and the U.S. decreased 16 percent but grew 19 percent between the U.S. and its neighbor to the south. Also, truck crossings at both U.S. borders have increased since 2009, as the level with Mexico approaches what the U.S. has with Canada. It reports in the second quarter of this year, Mexican border truck crossings with the U.S. were up 2.6 percent year-overyear, while crossings at the U.S. Canadian border dropped 1.6 percent. Compared to the first quarter of the year, Canadian truck crossings increased 4.1 percent in the second quarter of 2015, while there was a 5.1 percent jump in June from May after falling in April from May. At Detroit, the second-largest U.S. truck border crossing, truck volumes increased 3.4 percent from the first quarter, according to JOC, but were down 4.6 percent yearSeptember / October 2015

traffic was up 7.6 percent from the first quarter but down 2.4 percent from a year ago. According to JOC, Port Huron, MI, also gained traction, with truck traffic increasing 7.6 percent in the second quarter from the first quarter and 2.3 percent from a year ago. The second quarter improvement was the port’s first consecutive quarterly rise in truck crossings in a year.

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Hauling Dangerous Goods in a Commercial Vehicle

Hauling Dangerous Goods in a Commercial Vehicle NSC Compliance Services

kmRSIAl vhIkl ‘c ^qrnwk vsqW dI FoAw FuAweI What is required to haul dangerous goods in a Commercial Vehicle? In the United States if a commercial vehicle wants to haul dangerous goods then they are required to register with the federal authorities and obtain state permits, depending on the states they are travelling to. Does the company have to renew the registration? Yes, the company is required to renew the hazmat registration on an annual basis at the federal level and the state level. What is the insurance requirement before starting to haul dangerous goods? The minimum level of financial responsibility is $1,000,000 but in some cases depending on the product being hauled the minimum requirement could increase to $5,000,000. What does the driver have to have before agreeing to haul dangerous goods? The driver must have the hazmat endorsement on his driver’s license prior to accepting loads in the United States. If the driver is from Canada then the driver must complete dangerous goods training prior to agreeing to haul dangerous goods. Who is a hazmat employee? A hazmat employee is an individual that is employed on a full time, part time, or temporary basis by a hazmat employer or who is self-employed and during the course of employment performs any function subject to the Hazardous Materials Regulations. This includes anyone who: • Loads, unloads, or handles hazardous materials; • Designs, manufactures, fabricates, inspects, marks, maintains, reconditions, repairs, or tests a package, container or packaging component that is represented, marked, certified, or sold as qualified for use in transporting hazmat in commerce; • Prepares hazardous materials for transportation; • Is responsible for the safety of transporting hazardous materials; or • Operates a vehicle used to transport hazardous materials. 34

kmRSIAl vhIkl ‘c ^qrnwk vsqW dI FoAw FuAweI krn leI kI cwhIdw hY? AmrIkw ‘c jy koeI kmRSIAl vhIkl ^qrnwk vsqW dI FoAw FuAweI krnw cwhuMdw hY qw aus nUM sB qoN pihlW PYfrl AiDkwrIAW kol nWA drj krwauxw pYNdw hY Aqy ijnHW ijnHW stytW ‘c jwxw hY aunHW stytW dy primt vI lYxy pYNdy hn[ kI kMpnI nUM ieh rijstRySn rIinaU vI krwauxI pYNdI hY? hW, kMpnI leI ieh zrUrI hY ik auh hYzmYt (^qrnwk vsqW) rijstRySn nUM swl bwAd PYfrl Aqy styt p`Dr ‘qy rIinaU krvwey[ ienHW vsqW dI FoAw FuAweI krn qoN pihlW ikMny ieMSorYNs dI loV hY? iv`qI zuMmyvwrI dI G`to G`t ieMSorYNs rwSI ie`k imlIAn fwlr hY pr keI vwr ieh aus vsqU ‘qy inrBr krdI hY ijs nUM iljwxw hY Aqy ieh G`to G`t rwSI vD ky pMj imlIAn fwlr dI vI ho skdI hY[ ies qrHW dIAW ^qrnwk vsqW Fox dI sihmqI dyx qoN pihlW fRweIvr koL kI kI hoxw cwhIdw hY? AmrIkw ‘c ies qrHW dw lof lY ky jwx dI sihmqI dyx qoN pihlW fRweIvr dy fRweIvr lweIsMs ‘qy hYzmYt AYNforsmYNt hoxI zrUrI hY[ jy fRweIvr knyfw dw hovy qW aus nUM ies qrHW dI sihmqI dyx qoN pihlW ^qrnwk vsqW Fox dI tRyinMg lYxI zrUrI hY[ hYzmYt krmcwrI iks nUM kihMdy hn? ie`k hYzmYt krmcwrI auh hY ijhVw iksy hYzmYt mwlk v`loN Pu`l tweIm, pwrt tweIm jW tYNpryrI qOr ‘qy r`iKAw hovy jW aus dw ^ud dw kwrobwr hovy Aqy Awpxy kMm dy dOrwn hYzfrs mYtIrIAl inXmW Anuswr koeI kMm krdw hovy[ ies ‘c hyT iliKAW ‘coN koeI vI ho skdw hY: * ^qrnwk Bwv hYzfrs pdwrQW nUM l`ddw, lwhuMdw jW sMBwldw hovy; * iksy aus iksm dy pdwrQ nUM ifzwien krdw, bxwauNdw, suDwrdw, cY`k krdw, inSwn lwauNdw, qsdIk krdw, jW vycdw hovy ijhVw tRWsporitMg vpwr ‘c ^qrnwk d`isAw hovy[ * ^qrnwk smwn dI FoAw FuAweI krn leI iqAwrI krdw hovy; September / October 2015

Desi News

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National Safety Code Compliance Service Call: 1-800-965-9839 ext. 2

Surrey, BC: #4 - 8333 130th Street n�Ph: 604-507-7736 n Fax: 604-507-7742 Abbotsford, BC: 2633 Montrose Ave. n Ph: 604-755-4230 n Fax:604-755-7816 Bellingham, WA: 1313 E Maple St., Suite #219 n Ph: 360-543-5608 September / October 2015




Hauling Dangerous Goods in a Commercial Vehicle

How many different classes are there of dangerous goods? There are 9 different classes and depending on the material being hauled the vehicle would need to have appropriate class’ placards. Who is responsible for providing documents and placards? The shipper is responsible for providing the documents and placards but once the load has been picked up the responsibility shifts to the carrier and the driver. Can the hazmat registration be suspended? There are several reasons that can trigger the hazmat registration to be suspended including filing false information, company’s safety rating being downgraded from satisfactory or failure to maintaining the minimum levels of financial responsibility along with several other reasons. If you are hauling small samples of a few kilograms, do you need to placard and have appropriate documentation? Many small shipments up to 30 kilograms are exempt from the regulations. Each product will have a limited quantity index that can be looked up. What are the common products of hazardous materials? Some of the most common products that are considered hazardous materials are Dry Ice, Liquid Nitrogen, certain Batteries, Gasoline, Paint, Alcohol, and Ethanol. Where can I get more information on hauling dangerous goods or getting driver’s trained? If you need assistance in registering your company to haul dangerous goods or if you would like to train your drivers to haul dangerous goods, you can call us at our toll free number at 1-800-965-9839.


* ^qrnwk smwn dI FoAw FuAweI smyN kIqI jWdI sur`iKAw leI zuMmyvwr hovy; jW * aus vhIkl nUM clwauNdw hovy jo ^qrnwk vsqW dI FoAw FuAweI krdI hY[ ^qrnwk vsqW dIAW ikhVIAW ikhVIAW SRyxIAW hn? 9 ies qrHW dIAW v`K v`K vsqW hn ijnHW dI FoAw FuAweI krn smyN ^qry dy plYkwrf lwauxy pYNdy hn[ ieh fwkUmYNt jW plYkwrf dyx dI zuMmyvwrI iks dI hY? ieh sB fwkUmYNt dyx jW plYkwrf lwx dI zuMmyvwrI qW iSpr Bwv mwl ldvwaux vwLy dI hY pr jdoN ieh mwl tr`k ‘qy cVH jWdw hY qW ies dI zuMmyvwrI kYrIAr Aqy fRweIvr isr pY jWdI hY[ kI hYzmYt rijstRySn sspYNf Bwv muA`ql vI kIqI jw skdI hY? ies qrHW dy keI kwrn hn ijnHW kwrn hYzmYt rijstRySn sspYNf Bwv muA`ql kIqI jw skdI hY[ ienHW kwrnW ‘c Swml hn, glq jwxkwrI BrnI, kMpnI dI syPtI ryitMg qs`lIbKS qoN GtxI jW G`to G`t loVINdI iv`qI zuMmyvwrI dw p`Dr hyTW Awxw jW ies qrHW dy hor keI kwrn vI ho skdy hn[ jy qusIN kyvl ku`J ku iklogrwm dy Coty pYkt iljw rhy hovo qW kI iPr vI plYkwrf lwx jW sbMDq kwgz p`qr r`Kxy zrUrI hn? 30 iklo qoN G`t ku`J CotI mwqrw dy Bwr nUM ies qoN Cot hY[ pr hr ie`k vsq vyKx leI ilmtf kuAWittI ieMfYks zrUr cwhIdw hY[ ^qrnwk vsqW dI sUcI ‘c ikhVIAW vsqW AwauNdIAW hn? Awm qOr ‘qy ies SRyxI ‘c Awx vwLIAW vsqW ‘c fRweI AweIs, ilkuief nweItRojn, ku`J Kws bYtrIAW, gYsolIn, pyNt, Alkohl Aqy eIQwnol[ jy mYN Kqrnwk vsqW Fox jW fRweIvr nUM imldI tRyinMg lYx leI hor jwxkwrI lYxI hovy qW ieh ik`QoN iml skdI hY? jy ^qrnwk vsqW dI FoAw FuAweI krn leI qusIN AwpxI kMpnI rijstrf krwaux leI quhwnUM mdd dI loV hY jW qusIN Awpxy fRweIvrW nUM ^qrnwk vsqW lYY ky jwx sbMDI tRyinMg duAwxI hY qW qusIN swnUM swfy tol PRI nMbr 1-800-965-9839 ‘qy &on kr skdy ho[

September / October 2015

September / October 2015


Big Brother is Watching

BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING quhwfy ‘qy kwnUMn dI ingwh hY


echnology is a wonderful thing. By 2020 over 80% of the adult population in the world will carry a smart phone in their pocket the equivalent to a small supercomputer. With that kind of power close to hand the apps, connectivity and “Big Data” will not only keep you in the loop, help you find your lost car or favorite restaurant but will also allow others to be watching your every move. This should be a concern to many of us as the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) has the right to examine your lifestyle. No prerequisites are required.

A good friend and trucking client of mine told me this story and I share it here as a cautionary tale. An individual who we’ll call Harry for now, started out as a sole owner operator who had eventually grown large enough to run his own trucking company. He had four trucks including

- Ryan Sahota BBA, CPA, CA Ryan is a Partner at Pacific Chartered Accountants LLP with over 10 years of industry experience.


Ryan Sahota BBA, CPA, CA

qknwlojI ie`k AdBu`q cIz hY[ 2010 q`k sMswr dy ku`l bwlgW dy 80% dIAW jybW ‘c smwrt Pon hoxgy ijhVy ie`k in`ky supr kMipaUtr vrgy hoxgy[quhwfIAW au`glW dIAW phuMc ‘c hox vwLw ies qrHW dw sMprk Aqy “ib`g fYtw” rwhIN sMprk qoN ibnw qusIN guAwcI hoeI kwr Aqy Awpxw mnBwauNdw rYstrorYNt vI l`B skdy ho[pr nwL hI quhwfIAW swrIAW hrkqW koeI hor vI vyK skdw hY[ pr ieh keIAW leI icMqw dw kwrx vI ho skdw hY ikauN ik sI Awr ey Bwv knyfw rYivinaU eyjMsI nUM vI h`k hY ik auh quhwfy jIvn stwiel nUM vwc sky[ikauN ik aunHW nUM ies qrHW krn leI pihlW iezwzq lYx dI loV nhIN[ myrw tr`ikMg dw ie`k klwieMt hY jo myrw dosq vI hY , ny mYnUM AwpxI ie`k khwxI suxweI jo mYN quhwfy nwL icqwvnI dy qOr ‘qy sWJI kr irhw hW[ ie`k ivAkqI ijs nM hYrI dw nWA dy idMdy hW ny Enr Awprytr vjoN kMm SurU kIqw Aqy aus dw kMm bhuq vD igAw[ ieh ieMnw vD igAw ik aus ny AwpxI tr`ikMg kMpnI bxw leI[ Awpxy tr`k sxy aus dy cwr tr`k sn Aqy aus dI kmweI vwhvw hox l`g peI[ aus dw Gr dw guzwrw bhuq vDIAw c`lx l`g ipAw[ hYrI nUM soSl mIfIAw vI cMgw lgdw sI Aqy auh Aksr Pys bu`k Aqy ieMstwgRwm ‘qy hI rihMdw sI Aqy Awpxy im`qrW nUM AwpxIAW nvIAW kIqIAW KRIdW bwry vI d`sdw rihMdw sI[pihlW qW TIk Twk irhw pr ie`k idn sI Awr ey vwilAW ny aus dw bUhw Awx KVkwieAw[ hux vyKo auh hYrI ijhVw AwpxI tYks irtrn ‘c keI swl q`k ijhVI AwpxI bhuq G`t Awmdn drswauNdw irhw sI aus nwL qW auh aus qrHW dI izMdgI jIA nhIN sI skdw ijs qrHW dI auh jIA irhw sI[ mwVI slwh Aqy bu`kkIipMg kwrn aus dy injI KricAW dI hI jWc nhIN hoeI nwL hI aus dI kMpnI dw vI sI Awr ey ny Awift krn dw hukm cwVH id`qw[ aus dy isr ipCly tYks, ivAwj Aqy jurmwny pY gey[ kwrn ieh sI ik sI Awr ey dw koeI AiDkwrI Pys bu`k ‘qy aus dw ip`Cw kr irhw sI[ jy quhwfI kmweI nwloN quhwfw jIvn p`Dr iksy qrHW bhuq au`cw hY qW ieh Prk nhIN ik kI kwnUMnI jW gYr kwnUMnI hY, pr sI Awr ey dy ieh AiDkwr Kyqr ‘c hY ik auh aus Awmdn ‘qy tYks lw skdI hY ijhVI auh smJdy hn ik qusIN kmweI hY Aqy d`sI nhIN[ tr`kW vwilAW Aqy hor lokW nUM vI ieh smJ lYxw cwhIdw hY ik sI Awr ey quhwfy soSl mIfIAw dy ienstwgRwm, tivtr, Pys bu`k, gUgl pl`s Aqy quhwfy AwnlweIn AkwaUNt nUM sI Awr ey AwfItr vyK skdy hn Aqy cY`k kr skdy hn[ A`j k`lH AsIN lgwqwr hI AwpxIAW qsvIrW, jW mYsyj tvIt krdy jw rhy hW[ AsIN horW nwL Awpxw lweIP stwiel vI sWJw kr rhy hW[ Aqy ieh September / October 2015

Big Brother is Watching his own and made a very decent living supporting his family. Harry also loved social media and was constantly on Facebook and Instagram always showing his friends his latest purchases. It wasn’t a problem until the CRA came knocking on his door. You see, Harry had been repeatedly reporting lower income on his personal tax return for a number of years, that when added up did not allow him to live the type of lifestyle he was living. As a result of poor advice and bookkeeping not only was his personal finances under review but upon further digging by the CRA his company came under audit as well. The eventual back taxes, interest and penalties were staggering, and all due to the fact that a CRA agent had been following him on Facebook. If you are living larger than the income reported on your income tax return, regardless of whether it’s legal or illegal, the CRA contains the right to assess taxes on income that they believe you have earned. Truckers and individuals should be aware that your social media accounts such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and your online profile can be viewed by a CRA auditor at random. In today’s world we are constantly posting pictures, sending out tweets or messages, and sharing our lifestyle or latest vacation with others. Not many of us stop to consider who is watching or who among our “friends” may be relaying information. Sharing your latest cruise, purchase of a new house or car via picture or text while reporting income below your lifestyle will attract unwanted attention. While in many cases your lifestyle and acquisitions may be completely legitimate, the CRA may see otherwise. Leaving you guilty until you can prove otherwise. Individuals will want to consider securing their social media accounts to prevent the CRA from trolling and to take a review of your online and digital footprint to ensure there are no leaks. However, if you need any assistance in clearing unwanted skeletons from your income tax closet, make sure to contact a good Chartered Professional Accountant or Tax Lawyer that can help you with your situation. September / October 2015

vI d`s rhy hW ik AsIN AwpxIAW Cu`tIAW ikvyN Aqy ik`Qy mnweIAW[ swfy ‘coN koeI vI ieh socx dw Xqn nhIN krdw ik swfw ieh sB ku`J kOx vyK irhw hY Aqy swfw ikhVw ‘im`qr’ ieh jwxkwrI A`gy phuMcdI kr irhw hY[ jdoN qusIN AwpxI ibAwnI geI Awmdn nwloN v`D Awpxw jIvn p`Dr, KRIdI hoeI kwr, nvW KRIidAw hoieAw Gr Aqy hwL ‘c AwnMd mwxy krUz dw ibAwn Aqy qsvIrW ‘qy sWJIAW krdy ho qW pqw nhIN ieh iks dI nzry cVH jwvygw ijs dw iDAwn quhwfy v`l Aw jwvygw Aqy quhwnUM musIbq ‘c phuMcw dyvygw[ ho skdw hY ik quhwfw lweIP stwiel Aqy Awmdn TIk TIk myL KWdy hox pr sI Awr ey ies sbMDI iksy hor nzr nwL ies nUM vyKy[ ies qrHW vyKx ‘qy auh doSI smJI jwvy ijMnw icr ik qusIN ies dy ivru`D sbUq nhIN dy idMdy[ loV hY Awm ivAkqI nUM ieh insicq krn dI ik soSl mIfIey ‘qy koeI jwxkwrI pwx nwL sI Awr ey dw iDAwn qW nhIN ies ‘qy Awx pvygw Aqy auh AwnlweIn ‘qy peI jwxkwrI dy ADwr ‘qy quhwfI Awmdn nUM irivaU krn dy hukm dy dyvy[ pr jy quhwnMU lgdw hY ik quhwfy ienkm tYks pyprW ‘c koeI ksr rih geI hY qW quhwnMU iksy cwrtrf pRoPYSnl AkwaUNtYNt jW tYks vkIl dI slwh lYxI cwhIdI hY ijhVw ik quhwfI ies ‘c m`dd kr skdw hovy[ ACT NOW!

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September / October 2015

Managing Worforce in Trucking

Managing Workforce in Trucking

tr`ikMg ‘c krmcwrIAW dI dyK Bwl


he transportation industry operates in an extremely dynamic environment. The tRWsportySn ieMfstrI dw kMm bhuq hI market conditions, technology and competitors are continuously evolving. gqISIl vwly mwhOl ‘c huMdw hY[mwrikt Human Resources is one of the most significant characteristics necessary to keep dy hwlwq, qknIk Aqy mukwbly the industry moving in a forward direction, but this sector is largely overlooked. vwilAW dw lgwqwr vwDw ho irhw We often hear about transportation companies changing their business models, hY[ ieMfstrI nUM A`gy vDwaux leI equipment types or geographical operational regions; however they reluctantly nOkrI dyx vwlw ivBwg ie`k bhuq fail to implement solutions to adequately prepare their workforce to support these hI mh`qv pUrn BUimkw inBwauNdw changes. This can often pose a significant threat to the future development of the hY[ pr ies dI AxdyKI kIqI jw firm, as human capital is an integral component in the development of business rhI hY[ AsIN Aksr hI suxdy hW services and the markets that support them. A dynamic environment requires a ik trWsportySn kMpnIAW Awpxy dynamic work force. It is imperative that an organization has the right employees ibzns dy mwfl, swzo swmwn, with the right skills to support the strategic objectives of the company. The hiring kMm dy BUgoilk iK`qy bdl rhIAW - Dara Nagra process needs to synchronize one’s market segments with the labor segment. It is hn[ pr auh Awpxy kMm krn vwly MBA PMP ® the employees who need to provide services in the targeted market segments. krmcwrIAW nUM ienHW qbdIlIAW The significance of obtaining qualified employees is the number one concern leI Fu`kvyN bdlwA nhIN krdIAW[ facing organizations in their efforts to expand. Efficiency and innovation within the work ies qrHW keI vwr aus Prm dy Biv`KI ivkws place are key facets in determining the future success of an organization. Companies must leI v`fw Kqrw pYdw ho jWdw hY[ kwrn ieh strategically formalize solutions to recruit the best candidates from the fixed labor pool. ik mnu`KI srmwieAw iksy vpwrk Adwry There is a need to implement a dynamic strategy to recruit qualified individuals through the Aqy ausdy shwiek AdwirAW dw AinKVvW utilization of newspaper ads, job fairs, university information seminars and co-op programs. AMg hY[ ieh bhuq zrUrI hY ik jy vwqwvrx The primary intention of a company’s marketing campaign needs to focus on gaining a gqISIl hY qW krmcwrI vI aus Anuswr reputable presence in the transportation sector as an industry leader, which significantly hI hoxy cwhIdy hn[ ieh bhuq zrUrI hY ik assist in attracting qualified candidates for the available positions. kMpnI dIAW bdl rhIAW siQqIAW Aqy bdl September / October 2015


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Managing Worforce in Trucking The landscape of the organizational work force is undergoing tremendous change and future trends indicate this characteristic will dramatically alter the way companies relate to their employees. Hiring and retaining good employees have become the primary concerns of nearly every company in every industry. Companies that understand what their employees want and need in the workplace and make strategic decisions to proactively fulfill those needs will become the dominant players in their respective markets. Concurrent with these trends, the emerging work force is developing very different attitudes about their role in the workplace. Today’s employees place a high priority on the following: • Family orientation • Sense of community • Quality of life issues • Volunteerism • Autonomy • Flexibility and nonconformity Overcoming the retention challenge requires the implementation of five distinct categories of retention strategies: • Environmental: Create and maintain a workplace that attracts, retains and nourishes good people. • Relationship: Focus on how to treat people and how they treat each other. • Support: Give people the tools, equipment and information to get the job done. • Growth: Deal with personal and professional growth. • Compensation: Cover the broad spectrum of total compensation, not just base pay and salary. One of the secret ingredients to empower the company with human capital is to have a proper work structure in place. Job design and specialization are fundamental components of strategic planning and ensuring organizational growth prospects are attained. Companies are increasingly dependent on comparative advantage and worker efficiency to stay afloat in today’s integrated global market place. This characteristic forces organizations to regularly appraise psychological assessments, to determine their employees’ sense of responsibilities, and knowledge of work activities. This article compares the traditional approaches to job design with some of the newly developing approaches. The traditional approaches categorize the work force into two major categories: 1) Management 2) Workers Management - can be most effective if it devises rules and procedures to govern the way in which a task is to be undertaken. Management is assumed to be more effective than labor at devising methods for executing the work and at planning and organizing. By breaking the work down into simple elements: • the training of workers is clearly simplified • workers are more easily substituted, one for another • supervision is made easier as it is apparent when workers are doing something that is not part of the specified task. Workers - Human beings are rational economic beings. In basic economics, labor is a commodity no different than apples or cold-rolled steel. The prime goal is assumed to be monetary and consequently reward systems which relate pay levels to output are seen as likely to result in maximum output. As such, humans will examine a situation and identify a course of action likely to maximize their self-interest and act accordingly. All that is required to maximize output, from the organization’s perspective, is to hire the right people, train them properly and construct an appropriate reward system. If the work can be paced, say by a machine, a worker can develop a natural rhythm and momentum. This approach ignores the psychological and social aspects of work to the detriment of the organization, the workforce and society as a whole. For instance, high levels of task rationalization are associated with high levels of boredom, which in turn is associated with job dissatisfaction and counterproductive worker behavior. The newer approaches for job design started considering non-economic caveats which are very important to the employees. These include distributive and procedural justice, social comparisons, social status and organization culture. According to various literatures on motivation, individuals often have problems consistently articulating what they want from a job. Therefore, employers have to create an open, fair, stress free and productive work atmosphere. Then, the employees can provide fair feedback and inputs without being afraid of losing their jobs. Productivity and quality are two important aspects in an organization. Adequate emphasis on both components spells success for the organization in the long run. At the same time, the employees should have job satisfaction. Only then do the first two aspects have significance. Thus, designing an effective and efficient job design, and organizing the three aspects of productivity, quality and job satisfaction becomes of paramount importance for the organization. September / October 2015

rhy audySW Anuswr aus kol Fu`kvyN inpuMn kMm krn vwly hox jo kMpnI dIAW AwsW ‘qy pUry auqrn[ ies leI kMm krn vwilAW nUM r`Kx dw FMg qrIkw vI bdl rhy audySW vwlw hI hoxw cwhIdw hY[ ikauN ik ieh qW kMm krn vwly hI hn ijnHW ny mwrikt dy nvyN tIicAW nUM pRwpq krnw hY[ ijhVIAW sMsQwvW jW kMpnIAW Awpxy kMmkwj nMU vDwauxw cwhuMdIAW hn aunHW leI mu`K kMm ieh ik auh loVINdy Aqy mwihr krmcwrIAW dI cox krn[ sbMDq sMsQw dI Biv`K dI qr`kI leI kwbl Aqy imhnqI krmcwrIAW dI loV hY[ikauN ik lybr mwrikt qW sImq hI hY ies leI aus ‘coN hI ies qrHW dy krmcwrIAw dI cox krnI hY jo ik iksy Kws kMpnI nUM vDIAw clwaux dy smr`Q hovy[ ies swrI prikirAw leI zrUrI hY ik ies leI AKbwrW rwhIN AYf id`qI jwvy, sYmInwr lwey jwx Aqy hor ies qrHW dy FMg Apxwey jwx ijs nwl vDIAw kMm krn vwLI tIm dI cox kIqI jw sky[ iksy tRWsportySn kMpnI dw mu`Flw audyS ieh hI huMdw hY ik auh tRWsportysn ieMfstrI mwrkIitMg pRqIinD vjoN mohrI rol inBwaux dy smr`Q hovy[ies leI zrUrI hY ik auh qjrbykwr Aqy mwihr krmcwrIAW dI cox kry[ pRbMDkI FWcy ‘ c bhuq swrIAW qbdIlIAW Aw rhIAW hn ies dw pRBwv kMpnIAW Aqy aunHW nwL sbMDq krmcwrIAW ‘qy pYxw vI lwzmI hY[ ies ieMfstrI ‘c hr kMpnI ieh socx leI mzbUr hY ik auh ikvyN cMgy krmcwrI BrqI kry Aqy aunHW nUM kMpnI ‘c itky rihx leI ikhVy FMg Apxwvy[ ijhVIAW kMpnIAW krmcwrIAW dIAW loVW nUM smJky aunHW dIAW mMgW nUM pUrIAW krn leI Fu`kvyN prbMD krdIAW rihxgIAW, auh hI ieMfstrI ‘c kwmXwb hoxgIAW[ ienHW bdlwvW dy clidAW krmcwrI smUh vI Awpxy kMm vwly QwvW ‘qy ies Anuswr hI rveIAw Apnwauxw cwhuMdy hn[ Ajoky krmcwrI hyT ilKIAW g`lW nUM vDyry qrjIh idMdy hn: * pirvwirk qrjIh * BweIvwlI dI Bwvnw * vDIAw jIvn dI Bwvnw * vwlMtIAr Bwvnw * KudmuKiqAwrI * lckdwr Aqy bdlxXog krmcwrIAW nUM Awpxy kol r`Kx dI vI ie`k cuxOqI hY[ ies leI hyT ilKIAW pMj v`K v`K siQqIAW dw iDAwn r`Kxw cwhIdw hY[ * vwqwvrx sbMDI: kMm vwlI QW ies qrHW dI hoxI Aqy r`KxI cwhIdI hY ik kMm krn vwilAW nUM ie`Qy rihxw vDIAw l`gy[ * sbMD: ies g`l vl iDAwn idE ik quhwfy kol kMm krn vwilAW nwl qusIN iks qrHW dw ivvhwr krnw hY Aqy auh Awps ‘c iks qrHW dw vrqwA krdy hn[ * ivkws: injI Aqy pySy dy ivkws Anuswr TIk qrHW nwl ivhwr kro[ * nukswn pUrqI: kyvl qnKwh Aqy muFlI Awmdn dI QW Asl nukswn dI pUrqI nUM iDAwn ‘c r`Ko[ 43

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BTS Releases June 2015 North American Freight Numbers


he value of U.S.-NAFTA freight totalled $99.0 billion in June 2015 as all modes except truck carried less U.S.NAFTA freight than in June 2014, according to the TransBorder Freight Data released today by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS). Year-over-year, the value of U.S.-NAFTA freight flows by all modes decreased by 3.8 percent. Large decreases in the value of NAFTA trade by pipeline and vessel in June were due to the reduced unit price of mineral fuel shipments. Freight by Mode In June 2015 compared to June 2014, the value of commodities moving by truck increased by 5.1 percent, while rail decreased by 4.5 percent and air by 8.9 percent. Vessel freight values decreased by 24.4 percent and pipeline freight decreased by 40.0 percent mainly due to the lower unit price of mineral fuel shipments. Trucks carried 65.0 percent of U.S.-NAFTA freight and are the most heavily utilized mode for moving goods to and from both U.S.-NAFTA partners. Trucks accounted for $33.2 billion of the $53.8 billion of imports (61.6 percent) and $31.2 billion of the $45.2 billion of exports (69.0 percent). Rail remained the second largest mode by value, moving 14.9 percent of all U.S.-NAFTA freight, followed by vessel, 7.0 percent; pipeline, 5.0 percent; and air, 3.6 percent. The surface transportation modes of truck, rail and pipeline carried 84.8 percent of the total U.S.-NAFTA freight flows. U.S.-Canada Freight The value of U.S.-Canada freight totalled $52.0 billion in June 2015, down 10.3 percent from June 2014, as all modes of transportation carried a lower value of U.S.-Canada freight than a year earlier. A recession in Canada likely contributed to the decrease of U.S.-Canada freight flows. Lower mineral fuel prices contributed to a year-over-year decrease in the value of rail freight, down 11.7 percent. Mineral fuels are a large share of freight carried by vessel, which was down 21.7 percent yearover-year, and pipeline, down 41.0 percent. Trucks carried 59.7 percent of the $52.0 billion of freight to and from Canada, followed by rail, 15.2 percent; pipeline, 8.8 percent; vessel, 5.4 percent; and air, 4.3 percent. The surface transportation modes of truck, rail and pipeline carried 83.7 percent of the total U.S.Canada freight flows. U.S.-Mexico Freight The value of U.S.-Mexico freight totalled $47.1 billion in June 2015, up 4.4 percent from June 2014, as three out of five transportation modes – truck, rail and air – carried more U.S.-Mexico freight than in June 2014. Year-over-year, the value of U.S.-Mexico truck freight rose 10.5 percent, the largest percentage increase of any mode. Freight carried by rail increased by 5.4 percent and freight by air increased by 0.6 percent. Pipeline freight decreased by 24.3 percent and vessel freight decreased by 26.1 percent, mainly due to lower mineral fuel prices. Trucks carried 70.8 percent of the $47.1 billion of freight to and from Mexico, followed by rail, 14.4 percent; vessel, 8.7 percent; air, 2.8 percent; and pipeline, 0.8 percent. The surface transportation modes of truck, rail and pipeline carried 86.0 percent of the total U.S.-Mexico freight flows. September / October 2015

Desi News

Satellite TV for the Trucking Industry

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EpicVue provides premium in-cab satellite TV for the trucking industry. EpicVue inMotion, now allows one team driver to watch TV in the sleeper berth while the other is driving. For single driver operation, EpicVue inMotion has the capability to record a show while the vehicle is in motion, allowing the driver to enjoy a taped program during nondriving hours. The first fleet to test and install EpicVue inMotion is Titan Transfer, a Shelbyville, Tennessee-based truckload carrier with 550 tractors. Titan Transfer plans to outfit its entire fleet with EpicVue inMotion and is adding the systems at rate of about 60 vehicles per month. “We started installing EpicVue two months ago to help improve driver retention and comfort, to make the truck more like a home away from home,” said Philip Edwards, president of Titan Transfer. “We elected to go with EpicVue inMotion because our team drivers prefer the ability to watch a show while one person is driving, while team and single drivers like being able to record whatever show they want and watch it later. It’s too early to measure the impact of in-cab satellite TV on our retention rate, but as word has spread we are getting multiple driver requests for the systems every day.” EpicVue in-cab satellite TV systems, including an antenna, DVR and 24-inch flat screen TV, is offered starting at $49 per month.

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September / October 2015


STAY COOL, SLEEP BETTER TMFI QW 'c rho vDIAw nINd dw AwnMd mwxo Turn off your engine and turn on Airworks – the perfect idle-free cab comfort solution for individual rigs or entire fleets. Awpxw ieMjx bMd kro Aqy eyArvrks nMU cwlU kro - Awpxy ie`k tr`k leI jW swry hI PlIt leI pUrI qrHW ibnw ieMjx stwrt kIqy kYibn nMU TMFw r`Kx dw h`l[

Eliminates Engine Noise & Vibration

ieMjx dy rOLy Aqy kMpn qoN Cutkwrw

Stay cool and comfortable for up to 17 hours.

17 GMitAW q`k TMFy Aqy Awrwmdwiek rho[

When your engine’s off, we’re on.™ Airworks runs on its own fully rechargeable batteries while an innovative AccuSpeed™ controller automatically adjusts the system to maintain the ideal temperature. You get well-rested operators who are more alert, drive more safely and stay on schedule. All the while, you’ll ensure compliance with no-idle laws and reduce engine maintenance costs. Your operators – and your bottom line – will thank you.

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Engineered & manufactured in Canada.

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Make the comfortable choice. Awrwmdwiek cox kro[ Purchase & installation inquiries 1 800 875 1195 |


September / October 2015

AsIN ku`J ku pONf v`D Bwr cu`kx ‘c m`dd kr skdy hW[

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PlYtbY~f lof iksy vI SkL jW Akwr dw ho skdw hY[ pweIp, stIL koiel, AweI-bIm pr jo vI qusIN FoNdy ho, Bwrw hud M w hY[ iesy krky AsIN y rW nUM ib`lkul nvyN isry swfy swry AYlm U InIAm Freedom XP PlYtbY~f tRl qoN ifzwien kIqw hY[ hux ieh Bwry qoN Bwry lof nUM suri` KAq krn dI qwkq r`Kdw hY pr ieh bwkI stIl AYlm U InIAm dy tRl y rW nwloN 1000 pONf hlkw hY[ iesdw mqlb qusIN hr ie`k gyVy v`D Bwr l`d skdy ho[ 60,000 pONf Aqy 52,000 pONf mwflW iv`c aupl~BD hY[ nvInqm qknwlozI nwl bixAW Freedom XP quhwnUM hr qrHW dy imlx vwly lof nUM pRBwvSwLI FMgW nwL kMtrol krn dI smr`Qw idMdw hY[hor jwnx leI leI swfI v~YbsweIt qy jwE jW nyVly gRt y fyn fILr qy jwE[






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September / October 2015



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