Desi News
AHORA TENEMOS 300+ Partes y Servicio abierto 7 dias a la semana! Siempre 300+ camiones y remolques disponibles! Gordon Trucking Fleet devuelve
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Editor’s Note / Nota del editor
Ismelda Del Toro 559-492-7154
e made it to the end of the year. This December marks one year anniversary for Latino Trucking Magazine. As we approach 2016 we tend to set new goals for ourselves, family, health and career. As the Holidays approach us, we tend to be so focus on purchasing gifts and tending to many events. Remember to reach out to family and friends in time of need. We all have busy lifestyles but it takes only a phone call, a visit, sending a card or maybe volunteering at your local community charity organization. With so much going around the world we must be vigilant and aware of our surroundings. Our thoughts and prayers goes out to Paris, France. As truckers we are faced with city traffic, tourist that drive awful, fuel prices, grochy dispatchers, cranky receivers, people with attitude, but worst of all drunk drivers and maybe those people who cut us off! Next time you see a truck driver tell them, “Thank you and be safe” In this edition we will be covering Central Valley Auto Transportation for the Legends of the Valley. With many changes in the truck industry , we provide a great article titled “What is IFTA” stands for International Fuel Tax Agreement. I would like to thank our loyal readers and supporters we could not done it without you. Wishing you Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.
legamos al final del año. Este mes de diciembre se cumple un año de aniversario para Latino Trucking Magazine. A medida que nos acercamos a 2016 tendemos a establecer nuevas metas para nosotros mismos, la familia, la salud y la carrera. A medida que los días de fiesta se acercan a nosotros, tendemos a ser tan centrarse en la compra de regalos y tendiendo a muchos eventos. Recuerde que debe llegar a los familiares y amigos en momentos de necesidad. Todos tenemos estilos de vida ocupados, pero sólo se necesita una llamada telefónica, una visita, el envío de una tarjeta o tal vez como voluntario en su organización de caridad de la comunidad local. Con tantas cosas que pasan en el mundo, debemos estar atentos y conscientes de nuestro entorno. Nuestros pensamientos y oraciones sale a París, Francia. Como los camioneros nos encontramos con tráfico de la ciudad, los turistas que impulsan, precios horribles combustible, despachadores grochy, receptores de mal humor, la gente con actitud, pero lo peor de todos los conductores ebrios y tal vez esas personas que nos cortan! La próxima vez que vea un camionero les digo, “Gracias y estar a salvo” En esta edición estaremos cubriendo Valle Central Auto Transporte de las leyendas del Valle. Con muchos cambios en la industria de camiones, ofrecemos un gran artículo titulado “¿Qué es IFTA” significa Acuerdo Internacional del Impuesto sobre Combustible. Me gustaría agradecer a nuestros fieles lectores y simpatizantes que no podíamos hacerlo sin ti. Le deseamos Felices Fiestas y Feliz Año Nuevo.
Publisher / Editor DesiMaxx Media Group LLC 1-559-492-7154
Editor-In-Chief / Editor en Jefe Ismelda Del Toro Associate Editor / Editor Asociado Raman Dhillon Advertising & Sales / Publicidad y Ventas Richard Costa Art Director / Director de Arte Avee J Waseer Cover Design / Diseño de Portada Marc Contributing Writers / Contribuir Escritores Dara Nagra Ray Gompf Ken Davey Pash Brar Sonia Nanda Translator / Traductor Salvador Salazar
Contact: Richard Costa Marketing Manager Cell: 559-303-8055 E: 3599 S Golden State Blvd, Fresno, CA 93725 Ph: 559-492-7154 | Fax: 559-991-4296 Mailing Address: PO Box 812, Fowler, CA 93625 All Rights Reserved. No material herein or portions thereof may be printed without the written consent of the publisher. DISCLAIMER: DesiMaxx Media Group LLC assumes all advertisers to be reliable and responsible for any and all liability for their claims. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement it may find unfit for publication. The opinions expressed in articles and features are of the writers and may not be those of the publisher. THE PUBLISHER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY OF ANY KIND.
940AM ESPN Radio...............................35
06 10 14 22 28 30
Bhandal Bros Trucking Inc.....................33
Happy New Year Let’s make Some Resolution
California Trucking Association..............15 CVTR......................................................21
Safety Questions/ Answers Regarding IFTA
Delaney and Ahlf....................................27 Evans Rebuilt Parts, Inc..........................34
Dispatching a Freight Order Enviando una Orden de Carga
Fresno Truck Service & Tire....................17
What Do the Numbers Mean? ¿Qué Significan los Números?
Gibbs Truck Centers...............................23
Biennial Update Actualizacion Bienal
Lee’s Service..........................................11
The Document called Bills of Lading
Pape Kenworth........................................7
Galvan Tire..............................................40
Kroeger Equipment..................................9
MDF Tires..............................................25
Terminal Air Brake Supply (TABS).......37 TF Tire & Service....................................8
12 Winter Highway, Time to adjust
U-Break It Auto & Truck....................31
13 El Volumen de Conductor Incrementa
Utility Trailer Sales of Utah......................39
18 Cleaner, More Efficient Vehicles: The US Answer
Valley Freightliner Inc............................2 / 5
19 EL FMCSA se enfoca en el Apnea del Sueño 20 Autonomous Trucks, Owner Operators and the Driver Shortage
25 El ATRI revela la lista de problemas 27 DAT Solutions introduces InView 32 North American Freight Numbers 34 La Cámara rechaza el aumento del límite de peso 36 Omnitracs predicts crashes 37 Y La Encuesta Dice: Ahorre $4,000 al monitorear sus datos 38 Infladores de Bolsas de Aire Takata conducen a una Multa de $200 Millones
33 4
Happy New Year Let’s make Some Resolution
know how to drive and drive safely in traffic. So, resolve to appy New Year. Every year we start the new be more focused and don’t let your mind slip to automatic year with hope that the next year will be pilot as we often do, especially when the road ahead gets to better than the last one. Often this concept be a bore. So being conscious always is a good way to look is hollow in that we tend to revert back to at it. Maintain that safety margin and don’t creep up on the our old ways because they are comfortable. Our old habits vehicle ahead of you. Even at a safe distance back, to the car overrule all those good intentions with which we start the in front of you, you look much closer than you are and those new year. But what would happen if we actually made those car drivers see us as a threat. New Year’s Resolutions with some meaning and make the life Remember, “ANY TIME IS TRAIN TIME”. Never, changes necessary to make a difference. ever, leave yourself exposed on a railway track. Let’s think about it for a minute. The only way Make sure when you start to cross a railway track to grow is to make and accept change. I invite that you can clear that track without leaving any everyone to share these resolutions that follow. part of your vehicle on or near the track where We tend to make resolutions about ourselves and there is any possibility of a train coming along for ourselves but why not make resolutions that and striking a part of your vehicle. Anytime, a would make the world a better place or at least our train and another vehicle or person is struck the immediate world. train is not at fault. More often than not there Resolve to be a safer driver. is a fatality That’s only six words but the meaning is much Every time you engage the reverse gear to go more than six little words. What makes us a safer G. Ray Gomph backwards be absolutely certain there is nothing driver? It’s a little harder to describe but that’s that is going to cost you an insurance claim or what I’m going to try to do. worse, that you injure another living creature. Be conscious of your surroundings. That’s a Let’s just resolve to make every day a safe day. I know biggie. Be aware of that car creeping up your blind side; that we all try to achieve that goal because we all have a vested car running along side of you not passing, just sitting there interest in getting back to our families safely and soundly. It’s in your blind spot. But then you all know that anyway. You 6
those little lapses in focus that cause us the grief. Fortunately, most of those little lapses do not result in any problems but it’s those that do that must concern us. We have a difficult task to perform. We can be involved in mind numbing traffic jams to mind numbing boredom all within the same hour yet, we have this absolutely wonderful feeling of contribution to society that keeps us going. The overwhelming majority of the general driving public consider us not much more than a nuisance or inconvenience to their existence therefore they treat us as such on the road. We have to change their attitudes to the point where they recognize our worth. They need to be proud of us every time they pick up a loaf of bread, buy a piece of clothing, even a new car because without our safe involvement in the supply chain, they would have nothing. If, we all have a safe year, it would go a long way to changing the public’s attitude in our favour. When we all are safer, the word more courteous enters into the lexicon. Those two words just go together. One follows the other. Perception is reality therefore we need to make the reality the perception. Let’s be perceived as being the safest drivers on the road because the fact is we are, no ifs, buts, or ands. If we resolve to be and achieve a safer year than last, our insurance rates can go down or at least hold the line. If there is less risk, there is less insurance premium to pay. Resolve to watch your dress and deportment. If we want to be looked upon as professional, then it’s
time we looked the part. That doesn’t mean we have to be in a suit and tie. But we can be clean and neat. Yes, there are times when we have to crawl in the dirt and get dirty, but we don’t need to look like that for two days. When you have to crawl under the truck to check the brakes, for example, use your coveralls and work gloves to keep yourself as clean as possible.
We can watch our language and not use profanity especially when civilians are around. There are a lot of people, especially children, that do look to us as role models. There are those who look at every detail of our presentation and judge us solely on the way we look. If we can resolve to present ourselves at all times as treating our work place with respect, then other people will respect us too. It’s a two way street. If we want to be respected, then we need to respect ourselves first. Resolve to ensure your vehicle is in the best possible mechanical shape it can be. There is one maintenance issue that has recently reached my consciousness. Our brake foot valve can cause problems. Over time, especially because we operate in a world that uses salt, a corrosive, to make the roads safer, some of that salt tracks into our trucks on our boots and that salt can corrode the pin that connects the foot valve itself to the truck. As the pin corrodes it prevents the foot valve from fully releasing which can lead to the brakes being slightly applied and we don’t notice because we adjust our thinking instead of feeling when things start to go wrong. As a result brake shoes can become worn out before their time, not only that but they can become overheated, causing fires or failure unexpectedly. When we’re doing our maintenance checking let’s ensure we look at all those little things that could cause us grief. Pay absolute attention to your circle checks. Ensure you run absolutely legal. Don’t allow outside influences to rush you possibly causing you to lose focus. There is no load of freight worth your life so don’t take those chances. Read about and listen to all those things that can have an effect on our daily lives as we work and interact with others. Study ways to improve our lives and take the actions necessary to make our world a better place. Interact with others in the industry to stay ahead of the various issues that periodically come up. Have a safe, happy and prosperous 2016 DECEMBER / JANUARY 2016
(559) 485-9900
2645 S. Chestnut Ave Fresno, CA 93725
Safety Questions/ Answers
Regarding IFTA 1. What is IFTA? A: IFTA stands for International Fuel tax Agreement and it is an agreement between Canada’s 10 provinces and 48 US states. Alaska, Hawaii and Canada’s Territories do not participate. This program/agreement simplifies reporting of fuel consumption by motor carriers that operate in more than one jurisdiction. A carrier would apply in their Base state and would be issued a license and corresponding decal for each applicable vehicle. Upon issuance the carrier is then responsible for quarterly reporting of fuel tax specifying distance travelled and fuel consumption in each state. This report would determine whether there is a tax owing or refund due in each state travelled. 2. What vehicles qualify under IFTA? A: Vehicles that qualify under IFTA would be motor vehicles that transport property or passengers (not recreational vehicles, motor homes campers etc. that are used for personal pleasure). They would be motor vehicles that are a Two axles vehicle with a GVW of 26,000 pounds or more or: have three axles or more (regardless of weight) and or/ it is a combination or the weight exceeds 26,000 pounds. 3. If I have IFTA is that all I need to go into the various states? A: No. Oregon has a mileage tax and KY, NM and NY have a weight/ mileage and fuel tax. Registrations for these are done with each of the respective states listed. 10
4. What information should I be maintaining to verify the distance records for IFTA? A: Trip details should include Start and end dates of the trip, clearly identify the origin and destination of travel, starting and ending odometer readings are required, total miles and stops should be clearly indicated and unit and vehicle information should be clearly identifiable. Ideally your log books would clearly identify this information and additionally and distance reports of the trips in the software system you use should be retrievable to present upon auditors request. 5. What information is required to verify fuelling for IFTA? A: Detailed receipts and fuel statements should be retained. Information of fuelling should include Date of purchase, the address and company where it was purchased, the company info of who purchased it, the unit correlating to the fuel up, the qty of fuel and whether in gallons or liters the cost per gallon or litre. This must be filed in a systemic manner clearly indentifying units, type of fuel and maintained separately from bulk fuelling transactions. Reefer fuel should also be identified. Ensure that the fuel transaction reporting from your software is also available should an auditor require it to reconcile entries against the actual receipts.
Yokohama Virginia Plant goes non-landfill
okohama Tire Manufacturing Virginia (YTMV) has become the latest Yokohama facility to become a zero landfill operation, the company announced 23 Nov 2015.
According to Yokohama, all waste now generated at the Virginia plant goes to non-landfill options like recycling, reuse or energy recovery. To achieve this, the plant had strategically put in processes and practices that deliberately and significantly reduced waste. “In order to be a zero landfill plant, it was important to understand as a company that you can’t throw anything away because there simply is no ‘away,’” said Neil Dalton, Yokohama Corporation of North America director of environmental health and safety. By the start of 2015, the landfill waste output from YTMV was down to two percent of all waste generated, and as of September, the facility reached the zero level. “Our efforts to fulfill our social corporate responsibility of green sustainability begin with our core business of developing products and operating plants that minimize environmental impact,” said Tetsuro Murakami, YTMV president. The zero landfill initiative is part of an ongoing global environmental mandate from The Yokohama Rubber Co. (YRC), YTMV’s parent company in Japan.
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Winter Highway, Time to adjust. “A
s winter approaches, we want to equip fleets and their drivers with the best information available for increasing safety on America’s congested and frequently traveled roads,” said Dean Croke, vice president of analytics at Omnitracs. “With fewer daylight hours and compromised road conditions, seasonal weather creates many challenges for truck drivers. Using data and advice from experts, our team has developed a great list of tips that we hope will go a long way to reduce the effect of the challenges drivers face this time of year.” Omnitracs, the global pioneer of innovative and of uneven wear caused by poor alignment, worn bearings or kingpin wear. • Look for steam or melted snow coming off wheel hubs, as this could be a signal for overheating wheel bearings. • Ensure all vehicle systems are in top condition to preempt on-road mechanical issues. • Use white snow to check for fluid leaks after you have been parked for a while. Driver Health • Keep extra water and non-perishable food in the cab; dehydration and malnourishment can cause weakness, dizziness, confusion, sluggishness, fainting and more. • Use sun sleeves, window covers, sunglasses and protective clothing in daylight to avoid the deceptive winter glare. comprehensive fleet management technologies, has released a list of tips designed to encourage safe driving behavior, vehicle maintenance, and driver health and wellness during the winter months. On average, 467 fatalities are associated with icy driving conditions annually, and 23 percent of vehicle crashes, 1.3 million, occur during inclement weather. With snow and ice prevalent in many regions this time of year, driving can be hazardous, making pro-active health and safety practices and vehicle maintenance more important. Driving Safety • Remain vigilant in managing hours of service. • Minimize distractions. • Plan alternate routes and allow for extra time in case of road closures. • Always buckle up; safety belts reduce the risk of fatal injury by 45 percent. Vehicle Maintenance • Maintain tire traction and health with a tire pressure monitoring system; in one of 11 crashes, there was an issue with a tire before the crash occurred. • Look for uneven patterns on tires. These are a great indicator 12
• Be wary of seasonal affective disorder, a common ailment in which reduced sunlight negatively affects mood and other mental health issues. As a leader in the trucking industry, Omnitracs is committed to sharing its best practices with drivers and fleets. To learn more about the tools available that make safe driving behavior, vehicle maintenance, and health and wellness simple, visit Omnitracs online. DECEMBER / JANUARY 2016
Driver Turnover Rises D
river turnover at large truckload fleets rose three percentage points in the second quarter of the year to an annualized rate of 87%, according to American Trucking Assns.’ Chief Economist Bob Costello. “While below recent averages, driver turnover is still high and a sign of a very competitive market for qualified drivers,” Costello said “We repeatedly hear from carriers that they are unable to find enough qualified drivers, leading to fears of a growing driver shortage and these numbers reflect that.” Turnover at smaller truckload fleets, those with less than $30 million revenue fell seven points to 76%, its lowest mark since the third quarter of 2013. Turnover at large fleets is at its lowest point since the second quarter of 2011 and below the 2014 average of 95%. Last week, ATA released a report pegging the driver shortage at 48,000 by the end of this year. “America’s trucking industry moves nearly 70% of the country’s freight and we need drivers to do it,” Costello said. “While turnover is not at historic highs, it is still high enough to merit concern. Fleets need to hire 89,000 a drivers a year to keep pace with retirements and projected growth, so ensuring an adequate pool of qualified drivers is critical.”
Make-A-Wish Mother’s Day Convoy seeks to break world record
ruck drivers from across the U.S. and probably a Canadian or two will gather in Lancaster, Pa., next May to attempt to break the record for the world’s largest convoy. The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley is hosting the event. The annual event, known as the Mother’s Day Convoy for Wishes, is a major fundraiser for the organization, which grants wishes to terminally ill children. Over the last 26 years, truckers have helped raise approximately $5 million. For the 27th event, Make-A-Wish hopes to raise $350,000 and have at least 500 trucks participating.
El Volumen de Conductor Incrementa
l volumen de conductores en grandes flotas de camiones incrementó tres puntos de porcentaje durante el segundo trimestre del año a un porcentaje anualizado de 87%, esto de acorde a Bob Costello, Ditrector y Economista de la organización American Trucking Assns. Mientras que algunos bajos promedios recientes son verdaderos, el volumen de conductores sigue alto lo cual es una buena señal de un mercado alto y competitivo para conductores calificados,” Costello dice, “Repetitivamente he escuchado de parte de cargadores que son incapaces de encontrar un número de conductores calificados suficientes, lo que incrementa el miedo de una escasez de conductores y estos números reflejan esta situación.” El volumen en compañías de camiones más pequeñas, aquellos con menos de $30 millones de ingresos, disminuyó un total de siete puntos a un 76%, lo más bajo que ha llegado desde el tercer trimestre del 2013. Volumen de cargas grandes estuvo en su punto más bajo desde el segundo trimestre del 2011 y menos que le promedio del 2014 de 95%. La semana pasada, el ATA publicó un reporte vinculando la escasez de conductores a 48,000 al concluir este año. “La industria del camionaje de Los Estados Unidos mueve anualmente casi un 70% de la carga del país y necesitamos conductores que lo hagan correctamente,” dice Costello. “Mientras que el volumen no esté en niveles históricos de altura, sigue siendo suficientemente alto para meritar la preocupación. Las compañías de carga necesitan emplear a 89,000 conductores al año para poder mantener el ritmo de las jubilaciones y el crecimiento estimado, para asegurar que haya una cantidad de conductores calificados, esto es de suma importancia.”
Dispatching a Freight Order D
ispatching is an integral process of every trucking logistics operation. The business’ success lies on the efficiency, maintainability and effectiveness of the dispatching techniques. The dispatching cycle of a freight order begins with the confirmation of a purchase order. The various tasks which are required to be performed during the full life cycle of a freight order are:
1. Receiving the Order 2. Assigning the Order 3. Managing the Order 4. Billing the Order 5. Closing the Order In the last article for Desi Trucking, I discussed the importance of receiving an order for any carrier company. This article is focused on assigning the freight order. 14
A dispatcher’s role in determining the right equipment and driver to match the requirements of an order contributes towards the ultimate success and profitability rate of the order. The equipment can be a pick-up & delivery (P&D) truck, or a full tractor-trailer combination. In each case, the dispatcher must ensure that the trailer is suitable for loading, unloading and carrying the load. Consideration has to be given for government regulations, equipment profiles, driver’s profiles, fleet status, and outside carrier company contacts. Government Regulations: As the trucks use public roads, they are governed by federal as well as provincial legislature. These regulations ensure that trucks operate safely. Also, the trucks haul freight for virtually every other industry, so to some extent fall under the regulatory purview of these other industries; for example, livestock hauling comes under regulations on the handling of animals, and the transport of nuclear wastes comes under dangerous goods handling regulations. Some trucks cross jurisdictional boundaries, meaning their operators come into contact with different rules and tax regimes as they vary from government to government. The dispatcher needs to be aware of all such rules and regulations. There are government guidelines on how many hours the drivers can drive continually and how many hours of complete rest is required. When Dara Nagra scheduling drivers, the dispatcher needs to DECEMBER / JANUARY 2016
consider these factors when making decisions. He/she must ensure that the driver has sufficient hours available to move the load to its final or intermediate destination by its due date and time. This consideration reduces the probability of accidents. Equipment Profiles: The dispatcher needs to possess a thorough understanding of all the equipment (trucks and trailers). The regular maintenance schedules like emission tests, brake checkups, oil and lube change, transmission checkups and sticker/plate renewals must be considered before scheduling any equipment for any order. The equipment needs to be compliant with the freight’s requirements. Specialized freights like produce, chemicals, liquid, medicine or automobiles need to be assigned with appropriate equipment. Knowledge of specialized equipment like reefers, drop decks, flat beds and tank containers helps in determining the proper match of equipment with freight. Driver’s Profiles: The dispatcher needs to know all the driver’s profiles. What specialized certification they possess? When are their driver’s licenses due for renewal? Do they have an up to date drug test certificate? Are they eligible to travel across borders? Do they have any personal preferences like short haul vs. long haul? What is their vacation schedule? Some specialized freight like explosive chemicals, dangerous goods or inflammable materials can only be assigned to those drivers who are fully trained and certified to handle those goods.
Reciba el 10% de descuento con su primera orden. Oferta válida solo en Noviembre 2015 Use el código: DESICTA
All the drivers must be treated fairly when assigning the loads based on their experience, commitment, specialized skills and personal preferences. Fleet Status: The dispatcher needs to keep a close eye on all of the fleet. What is the status of existing orders? How many orders are ready to be dispatched at a particular time? How many trucks are on the road? What truck, trailer or driver is currently available to be assigned for dispatch? The knowledge of the current status of different equipment and drivers can prevent conflicts in dispatching. Partner Carrier Company Profiles: The dispatcher needs to be aware of all of their partner carrier companies. A contact list of all these companies needs to be maintained. In the situation where the dispatcher’s own resources are completely booked, these contacts can be approached for outsourcing the loads. Policies and procedures on who to contact should already be in place. The rate and payment terms should be negotiated up-front. Insurance coverage as well as partner carrier’s authorities and permits needs to be verified for full compliance and coverage. The knowledge and responsibility of a dispatcher is the key determinant factor in the successful execution of a freight order. Keeping customers informed about the latest status of their freight and providing them with an accurate ETA (estimated time of arrival) is very important. Satisfied and happy customers always bring more orders to the company.
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Enviando una Orden de Carga El enviar es un proceso integral de la operación logística del camionaje. El éxito del negocio se encuentra en la eficiencia, mantenibilidad y efectividad de las técnicas de envió. El ciclo de envió de una orden de carga comienza con la confirmación de una compra de orden. Las diversas tareas las cuales son requeridas a realizarse durante el ciclo completo de vida de la orden de carga son: 1. Recibir la Orden 2. Asignar la Orden 3. Gestionar la Orden 4. Facturar la Orden 5. Cerrar la Orden En el último artículo para Desi Trucking, repase la importancia de recibir una orden para cualquiera compañía de portador. Este artículo se enfoca en como el proceso de cómo se asigna la orden de carga. La responsabilidad del despachador es determinar el equipo correcto y al conductor adecuado para emparejarlos con los requisitos de una específica orden que juntos contribuyan hacia el éxito y máximas ganancias de la orden. El equipo puede contar de un camión estilo pick-up o de uno de carga y envión (P&D), o una combinación de tractor y camioneta. En todos los casos, el despachador debe asegurarse que el tipo de camión sea apropiado para cargar y descargar la carga. También debe darse consideración a las regulaciones de gobierno, perfiles de equipo, y expedientes de los conductores, estatus de la flota, y los contactos de compañías socias. 16
Las Regulaciones Gubernamentales: Al utilizar calles públicas, los camiones son gobernados por legislatura federal al igual que provincial. Estas regulaciones aseguran que los camiones son operados de manera segura. Además, los camiones acarrean carga en virtualmente todo tipo de industrias, así que en cierto sentido caen dentro del ámbito de estas otras industrias; por ejemplo, el acarreamiento de ganado debe cumplir con las regulaciones del manejo y transporte de animales. Al igual que el transporte de desechos peligrosos debe seguir ciertas normas específicas al transporte de materiales o desechos peligrosos. Algunos camiones cruzan los límites jurídicos, lo que significa, que sus operadores entran en contacto con diferentes reglas y regímenes de impuestos y analizan como éstas varían de gobierno a gobierno. El despachador necesita tener conocimiento acerca de todas estas regulaciones y reglas. Existen normas gubernamentales que explican el número de horas que los conductores pueden conducir continuamente y cuantas horas de descanso completo son requeridas. Cuando se programa a un conductor, el despachador necesita consideras estos factores al tomar sus decisiones. Él/ella debe asegurarse que el conductor cuente con suficientes horas disponibles para mover una carga a su destino final o intermedio en la fecha de cierre y a la hora que se dio en las instrucciones. Esta consideración reduce la posibilidad de accidentes en carretera. Perfiles de Equipo: El despachador necesitar poseer un entendimiento detallado de todo el equipo (camiones DECEMBER / JANUARY 2016
y remolques.) El mantenimiento regular que consiste de: pruebas de emisión, revisión de frenos, el cambio de aceite y lubricante, chequeos de transmisión y renovación de calcomanías de registración y placas debe ser considerado antes de programar cualquier equipo para cualquier orden. El equipo debe seguir con los requisitos del cargamento. Los cargamentos especializados tales como: de productos agrícolas, químicos, líquidos, medicina o automóviles necesitan ser asignados con el equipo apropiado. El conocimiento del equipo especializado tales como: refrigeradores, cubiertas movibles, plataforma plana, y contenedores de tanque que ayudan a determinar el equipo apropiado según la carga. Perfiles de Conductor: El despachador necesita conocer todos los perfiles de los conductores disponibles. ¿Qué certificación especializada poseen? ¿Cuándo deben renovar sus licencias de conducir? ¿Cuentan con un certificado vigente de examen de drogas? ¿Son calificados para cruzar las fronteras del país? ¿Prefieren acarrear viajes largos o viajes cortos? ¿Cómo es su horario de vacaciones? Cargas especializadas tales como las de químicos explosivos, bienes peligrosos, o material inflamable sólo puede ser asignado a aquellos conductores que estén completamente calificados y entrenados para manejar esos tipos de carga. Todos los conductores deben ser tratados justamente cundo se les asigne una carga basada en su experiencia, compromiso, habilidades específicas y preferencias personales. Estatus de Flota: El despachador necesita mantener su
atención detallada en toda la flota. ¿Cuál es el estatus de las órdenes existentes? ¿Cuantas ordenes está listas para ser enviadas a cierta hora? ¿Cuantos camiones están actualmente en carretera? ¿Qué camión, remolque o conductor está actualmente disponible para ser asignado a despacharse? El saber la situación actual de los diferentes conductores y el diferente equipo disponible puede prevenir el conflicto de despachar. Perfiles de contactos de compañías socias: El despachador necesita estar consiente de los contactos de compañías socias. Una lista de contacto de todas estas compañías debe ser mantenida. En la situación donde los recursos del propio despachador estén completamente reservados, estos contactos pueden ser contactados para subcontratar las cargas. Las pólizas y procedimientos en quien deben ser contactado ya debe estar presente y listo para utilizar. La tasa y términos de pago deben ser negociados al principio. La cobertura de seguro al igual que las autoridades y permisos de carga de la compañía socia deben ser verificados según el cumplimiento y cobertura en sus totalidad. El conocimiento y la responsabilidad de un despachador es el factor determinativo clave en la ejecución exitosa de una orden de carga. El mantener a los clientes informados acerca del estatus actual de sus cargas y proveerles con una hora estimada de entrega precisa ETA por sus siglas en ingles es de suma importancia. Los clientes satisfechos y felices siempre traen más órdenes para la compañía.
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Manufacturing continues soft
merican manufacturing continued at a softened level in October as overseas demand declined and retailers stateside worked their way through already robust inventories. At 50.1, the Institute for Supply Management’s index was a tenth of a point lower than September and the weakest in more than two years. The index uses 50 as the dividing line between expansion and contraction.
“The weakness in manufacturing is going to linger,” said Ryan Sweet, senior economist, Moody’s Analytics. “The strong dollar and weak global demand will remain headwinds.” Export orders improved slightly in October, rising from 46.5 to 47.5, but remain in a state of contraction for the fifth month in a row. Meanwhile, manufacturing employment declined to 47.6 last month, the lowest it’s been in since August 2009. Overall, the economy grew at a 1.5 percent annualized rate during the third quarter of 2015, and consumer spending rose 3.2 percent. Those numbers aren’t strong enough to prompt outright optimism, but other measures indicate the manufacturing decline is coming to an end. New orders rose from an index of 50.1 to 52.9, and production rose from 51.8 to 52.9. Total backorders contracted, but automobile output continued to show strong with a growth rate of nearly 15 percent.
La Fabricación continúa en nivel débil
a fabricación en Los Estados Unidos continúo en un nivel despacio en el mes de octubre ya que la demanda del mercado extranjero disminuyó y los distribuidores nacionales trabajaron dentro de inventarios casi repletos. Con un 50.1 por ciento, el índice del Institute for Supply Managermement estuvo a un décimo de punto más bajo que en septiembre y en el nivel más débil en más de dos años. El índice utiliza 50 como la línea que divide medidas de expansión y contracción. “La condición débil de la fabricación va a persistir,” dice Ryan Sweet, Economista Superior de Moody’s Analytics. “El firme dólar y la demanda débil mundial permanecerá en vientos contrarios.” Las órdenes de exportación mejoraron ligeramente en octubre, con un crecimiento de 46.5 a 47.5, pero permanecieron en estado de contracción por el quinto mes seguido. Mientras tanto, el empleo dentro de las compañías de fabricación disminuyo un 47.6 por ciento el mes pasado, lo más bajo que ha llegado desde agosto del 2009. En general, la economía creció un 1.5 por ciento de tasa anualizado durante el tercer trimestre del 2015, y los gastos del consumidor subieron un 3.2 por ciento. Estos números no son lo suficientemente altos para estimular sincero entusiasmo, pero otras medidas indican que la disminución de fabricación está llegando a su fin. Nuevas órdenes subieron de un índice de 50.1 a 52.9 y producción subió de 51.8 a 52.9. Pedidos en espera fueron contratados, pero la producción de automóviles continúo demostrando fuerza con un crecimiento total de 15 por ciento.
Cleaner, More Efficient Vehicles: The US Answer
he House’s Vehicle Innovation Act, introduced this week by Rep. Debbie Dingell, is a companion bill to legislation already passed in the Senate. It would set aside funding for research and development in the areas of alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies. It would also create trucking programs within the Department of Energy. “Our nation’s vehicle suppliers and manufacturers have made major advances in cutting-edge fuel efficiency technologies in the last decade, and we need to keep that 18
progress going,” said Dingell. “The Vehicle Innovation Act will build on successful research programs that have resulted in large savings for consumers at the pump and keep the U.S. and Southeast Michigan in the lead in developing high-tech, energy efficiency vehicles.” The bill covers such technologies as engine downspeeding, advanced boosting systems, hydrogen and natural gas refueling, and more. It would also promote the development of vehicle-to-vehicle communications. DECEMBER / JANUARY 2016
FMCSA goes to work on Sleep Apnea
he Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is working on the initial steps for a potential rule to regulate sleep apnea testing. According to the Department of Transportation’s monthly regulatory update, the agency is drafting an advanced notice of proposed rule-making, which it expects to publish in December. An advanced notice is an effort to gain information for the rule-making process. The DOT report indicated the advanced notice will “request data and information concerning the prevalence of moderate-tosevere obstructive sleep apnea among individuals occupying safety sensitive positions in rail and highway transportation.” The information collected from the advanced notice will
help the FMCSA determine the economic impact and safety benefits of mandatory screening and treatment, if necessary, for obstructive sleep apnea. The FMCSA’s approach to sleep apnea screening has long been contentious. A 2013 law prevents the agency from regulating testing and treatment for the condition without a formal rule-making process. Since then, the agency has issued guidelines interpreted by various groups as efforts to indirectly regulate the issue. Concerns from the industry led Congress to pressure FMCSA to release a bulletin of clarification in January stating that the decision to require sleep apnea testing for a driver is solely that of the certified medical examiner issuing the driver’s medical certification.
EL FMCSA se enfoca en el Apnea del Sueño
a Administración The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration está trabajando en los pasos iniciales para la regla potencial que regulará los exámenes para la apnea del sueño.
De acorde a la actualización mensual regulatoria del Departamento del Transporte, la agencia está redactando un aviso avanzado con propuesta de creación de ley, el cual se espera sea publicado en diciembre. Un viso avanzado se crea con el fin de adquirir información acerca del proceso de creación de leyes. DECEMBER / JANUARY 2016
El reporte DOT indica el aviso avanzado que, “pedirá datos e información con referencia a la prevalencia de individuos que padezcan de moderada a severa apnea del sueño obstructiva quienes ocupen posiciones relevantes dentro del transporte vial o de carretera.” La información colectada del aviso avanzado ayudará a que el FMCSA determine el impacto económico y los beneficios de seguridad que llevan con sí los exámenes mandatorios y de tratamiento, si es necesario, para el apnea del sueño obstructiva. El enfoque del FMCSA con relación a la apnea del sueño y exámenes relacionados con esto ha tenido una larga historia contenciosa. Una ley del 2013 previene a la agencia la regulación de examen y tratamiento para esta condición sin un proceso formal de la creación de la regla. Desde ese entonces, la agencia ha emitido pautas interpretadas por varios grupos con el fin de indirectamente regular el problema. Preocupaciones de la industria conllevaron al Congreso a poner presión en el FMCSA para lanzar un boletín de calificación en enero, el cual incluye que la decisión que requiere un examen del apnea del sueño en conductos sea solamente emitido por el examinador medico certificado que emita la certificación medica del conductor. 19
Autonomous Trucks, Owner Operators and the Driver Shortage
he percentage of trucks on the road controlled by leased operators and independents with their own authority was about 10 percent 25 years ago, says Todd Amen, president of ATBS, the nation’s largest owner-operator business services firm. Those numbers are holding steady today and won’t change significantly by 2040, Amen predicts. What will change is the relationship between leased operators and carriers, says Jay Thompson, principal of Transportation Business Associates, a provider of transport business development, marketing, consulting and training services. Technological advancements that will unite the financial side of the owneroperator business with the systems of multiple carrier and
brokerage partners will make it easier for independent contractors to be truly independent, Thompson says. Tomorrow’s owner-operators likely will specialize in a lane or within a set geography, work closely with more than one carrier and may even “pull a Schneider or Swift trailer from point to point and then get someone else’s trailer to go back,” Thompson says. Having multiple business partners will provide greater independence for owner-operators and could relieve carriers from the threat of misclassification challenges to employee-independent contractor status so prevalent today. Telematics systems in virtually all trucks will give owneroperators tools to make better business decisions. “You’ll be able to do a better job of personal time-planning and managing your log time,” Thompson says. “Information sharing [with shippers and receivers] will make the flow of freight in and out better.” Such technological advancements will create “an increasing kind of osmosis between the big guys and the small guys,” he says. “I see it all as an area of opportunity” for small businesses. 20
Camiones Autónomos, Operadores y Dueños y la escasez de Conductores
l porcentaje de los camiones en carretera controlados por operadores arrendatarios e independientes con sus propias autoridades era de un 10 por ciento hace 25 años, dice Todd Amen, Presidente de ATBS, La empresa más grande del país de servicios empresariales de operadores y dueños. Esos números son actuales también el día de hoy y no cambiaran significativamente hasta el 2040, Amen predice. Lo que sí cambiará es la relación entre operadores arrendatarios y cargadores, dice Jay Thompson, Principal de Transportation Business Associates, un proveedor de desarrollo para el negocio de transporte, mercadotecnia, consultoría, y servicios de entrenamiento. Los avances tecnológicos que unirán al lado financiero de los negocios operados y mantenidos por una entidad con un sistema de múltiples cargadores y colaboradores de corretaje facilitarán a que trabajadores independientes sean realmente independientes, dice Thompson. Los dueños y operadores del mañana probablemente se especializarán en un ámbito o solamente dentro de un tipo de geografía, trabajarán con más cercanía junto a un cargador e incluso “jalaran un camión Schneider o Swift de punto a punto y luego conseguirán el camión de alguien más para volver a su hogar,” dice Thompson. El tener múltiples contribuidores de negocios proveerá más independencia para los dueños operadores y podría aliviar de la amenaza de los obstáculos relacionados con la clasificación errónea al estatus de empleado y contratista independiente el cual es tan relevante hoy en día. Los sistemas telemáticos virtualmente presentes en todo camión darán a dueños operadores las herramientas para realizar mejores decisiones para su negocio. “Podrás realizar mejor trabajo con relación a la planificación de tiempo y anotando tu horario de trabajo,” dice Thompson. “El compartir información [con cargadores y recibidores] hará que el proceso de la carga sea más sencillo y eficaz.” Este tipo de avances tecnológicos crearán “un cierto tipo de osmosis incrementado entre los jefes de grandes compañías y aquellos de compañías más pequeñas,” dijo él. “Lo veo todo como un área de oportunidad” para los negocios pequeños. DECEMBER / JANUARY 2016
What Do the Numbers Mean?
17 letters and numbers. Since 1981 the format he serial numbers on equipment, was standardized and do not include the letters cars and credit cards carry more I (i), O (o) or Q (q). The first three characters meaning to them than just a bunch identify the manufacturer. This is the WMI of random numbers. They serve to identify code or World Manufacturer Identifier. The tangible or intangible items, deter theft, first character of the WMI is the region the prevent counterfeit items, and reveal details manufacturer is located. For North American about the year, make and model. Pash Brar the first character will start with a 1, 2, 3, 4 or The first number on a credit card is the 5. The second character along with the first industry identifier. A card starting with a 1 or character tells you which country the vehicle 2 are issued by an airline, 3 indicates a travel or was made. The third character is used as a code for the entertainment card, such as American Express or Diner’s Club, 4 starts a Visa, 5 starts a Mastercard, and 6 starts a vehicle category. Is it a bus or car or truck for example. Vehicle Descriptor Section or VDS is for the 4th Discover card. The first 6 digits are the issuer identification through 8th characters of the VIN. This identifies the number, and shows which bank issued the card. The 7th vehicle type, model and body style. On a trailer, character digit on, except for the last digit is your personal account 6 and 7 often state the length of the trailer, and position number. The last digit is called the check digit or check 8 is how many axles. On a semi truck, the 3rd and 4th sum. The Luhn Formula, which is a formula invented in character indicate the type of vehicle and weight rating. 1960 by an IBM scientist, takes various digits in the card The 5th through 7th are the vehicle type and body style. and they must be divisible by 10. This protects from input The 8th is engine configuration. The 9th digit is a check errors. digit, and the 10th through 17th digits are the vehicle The VIN or vehicle identification number consists of 22
identifier section or VIS. The 10th digit is the model year identifier For 2015 that digit is “F”. The 11th character identifies the factory and 12 through 17 are the production numbers. What’s important to note is the model year when making a purchase. Pay close attention to character 10, which is the model year. If trucking to California where there are age restrictions on equipment of 7 years, buying the wrong model year can cost you a year or more of work. In 2004, manufacturers began producing model years for the following year in January to allow time for imports to arrive for the current model year. So you can buy a trailer for example on January 20, 2016, but the model year will be for 2017. You can gain a year, or lose you a year of work. So always check the year on reefer unit engines and the motors of trucks to ensure you get the full usage you are seeking.
On all cars, trucks, and trailers there are hidden locations of serial numbers imprinted in undisclosed locations. These are meant only for the manufacturer and the police. These hidden locations help prevent fraud, forgery and theft. Each manufacturer has their own hidden locations. These will never be shared with the public. Each manufacturer has their own codes for their model types, engine type and style. If you go to each manufacturer you can learn their own specific codes. Knowing the VIN number on anything you are buying can save you time and money. If you decode the VIN and realize this is not the correct model or wrong length or wrong amount of axles, you can save a trip from viewing it in person. So whenever possible, ask for the VIN in advance when looking to make a purchase, and decode it to see if it is in fact what you are looking for.
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¿Qué Significan los Números?
os números seriales en el equipo, carros y tarjetas de crédito tienen más significados a ellos que simplemente un montón de números al azar. Sirven a identificar artículos tangibles e intangibles, disuadir robo, prevenir la falsificación de artículos, y revelar los detalles acerca del año, modelo y marca. El primer número en una tarjeta de crédito es el identificador de la industria. Una tarjeta que comienza con un 1 o 2 son emitidos por una aerolínea, el numero 3 indica una tarjeta de viaje o entretenimiento, tal como una American Express o Diner’s Club, 4 es el comienzo de una Visa, 5 de una Mastercard y 6 de una Discover Card. Los primeros 6 dígitos representan el número de identificación del emisor y muestra que banco fue el que emitió la tarjeta. El séptimo digito presente con excepción del último digito es su número personal de cuenta. El último digito se conoce como el digito verificable o la suma verificable. La Formula Luhn, la cual es una formula inventada en 1960 por un científico de IBM, cuyo propósito es tomar varios dígitos dentro de la tarjeta y deben ser divisibles por 10. Esto protege contra errores de entrada. El número VIN o número de identificación de vehículo por sus siglas en inglés, consiste de 17 letras y números. Desde 1981 este formato fue estandarizado y no incluye las letras: I (i), O (o) o Q (q). Los tres primeros dígitos identifican al fabricante. Este es código WMI o el identificador de fabricante mundial por sus siglas en ingles. El primer digito del WMI representa la región donde el fabricante está localizado. En Norte América el primer digito comenzara con un 1, 2, 3,4 o 5. El segundo digito en conjunto con el primer digito informa en qué país se fabricó. El tercer digito es utilizado como un código que describe la categoría de vehículo. Por ejemplo, si es un camión, un carro o una camioneta por ejemplo. La sección de descripción de vehículo o VDS por sus siglas en inglés representa desde el cuarto al octavo de los dígitos del número VIN. Esto identifica el tipo de vehículo, modelo y estilo. En un camión, los dígitos 6 y 7 muchas veces representan la longitud del remolque, y la posición 8 representa el número de ejes. En un semi-camión, el digito 3 y 4 indica el tipo de vehículo y puntaje del peso. Del quinto al séptimo digito en el vehículo representan el tipo de vehículo y el estilo. El octavo representa la configuración del motor. El noveno representa el digito de chequeo, y del décimo al decimoséptimo representan la sección del identificador de vehículo o VIS. El décimo digito es el modelo del año del identificador para el 2015 este digito es “F.” El onceavo digito identifica el fabricante y del 12 al 17 representan los números de producción. Lo que es importante tener en cuenta es el año del modelo 24
cuando se realice una compra. Pon mucha atención al décimo digito, el cual representa el año del modelo. Si en California donde existen las restricciones de edad en equipo de 7 años, comprar un modelo con un año equivocado podría costarle un año o más de trabajo. En el 2004, los fabricantes comenzaron produciendo modelos de del próximo año en enero para permitir tiempo para que los modelos importados pudieran arribar para el año del modelo actual. Así que puedes comprar un camión, por ejemplo, el 20 de enero del 2016, pero el año del modela tendría que ser de 2017. Puedes obtener un año extra o perder un año extra de trabajo. Así que siempre échale un vistazo al año en las unidades de frigoríficos del motor de los camones para asegurarte que recibirás todo el uso que estás buscando. -En todos los carros, camionetas o camiones de carga existen lugares ocultos donde hay números seriales impresos en lugares no revelados. Estos están destinados solo para que el fabricante o la policía los encuentre. Estos lugares ocultos ayudan a prevenir el fraude, la falsificación y el robo. Cada fabricante tiene sus propios lugares ocultos donde ponen estos números. Estos nunca serán revelados al público. Cada fabricante cuenta con sus propios códigos para sus tipos de modelos, tipo de motor y estilo. Si vas a cualquier fabricante puedes aprender acerca de cada código específico. El saber los números VIN en cualquier objeto que vayas a comprar tú puedo ahorrar dinero y tiempo. Si decodificas el número VIN y te das cuenta que este no es el modelo corrector o la longitud correcta, o la cantidad equivocada de ejes, puedes ahorrarte un viaje que te requiera tener que verlo en persona. Así que cuando sea posible, pregunto por el numero VIN en adelantado cuando vayas a hacer una compra, y decodifícalo para ver si es lo que realmente, de hecho, lo que estás buscando.
El ATRI revela la lista de problemas
l Instituto The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) publicó su lista anual de los diez problemas más relevantes que afectan a la industria del camionaje en Norte América, aquí, esta mañana, en la conferencia y exhibición de American Trucking Associations’ Management. Los conductores y cargadores que completaron la encuesta este año expresaron preocupación acerca de la incertidumbre que existe en el futuro de las reglas que están actualmente suspendidas. Más de 4,000 personas completaron la encuesta. La segunda preocupación más grande, según los participantes, con un nivel más alto que el año pasado, fueron los desafíos constantes a los que se enfrentan relacionados al CSA. La situación fue seguida de cerca por preocupaciones relacionadas con la escasez de conductores. La preocupación relacionada con la retención de conductores se llevó el cuarto lugar, tal como lo hizo el año pasado. La falta de estacionamiento disponible continúa su trayecto hacia arriba, desde que apareció en la encuesta anual del 2012. En ese entonces, era la preocupación en el octavo peldaño, pero este año está en la quinta posición de todos los problemas. “No existe mayor punto de referencia para los desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos como cargadores y conductores que la encuesta anual ATRI que explica las preocupaciones más relevantes dentro de nuestra industria. “Al incrementar los problemas año a año, también de igual manera, nuestro necesidad colectiva para identificar soluciones de una forma agresiva a los problemas también lo hace,” dice el Director de ATA, chairman, Longistics, Raleigh, NC. El reporte complete puede ser descargo de la página web Aquí la lista completa de las diez más imponentes preocupaciones dentro de la industria del camionaje en el año 2015, en orden de importancia: Horas de Servicio CSA Driver Shortage Escasez de Conductores Retención de Conductores Estacionamiento de Camiones EL Mandato ELD La Salud/Porvenir del Conductor La Economía Infraestructura/Congestión/Financiación Distracciones del Conductor DECEMBER / JANUARY 2016
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Biennial Update What is Biennial Update? Any entity that is registered with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and has a USDOT is required to update their information with the FMCSA every two years. This update is called the Biennial Update. Are you required to file a Biennial Update even if no changes have occurred? Yes, you are required to file this update every two years even if your company has not changed its information or have ceased interstate operations since the last update. What happens if you forget to complete the Biennial Update? If you do not complete a Biennial Update then it will result in deactivation of your USDOT number and may result in civil penalties of up to $1,000 per day, leading up to a maximum of $10,000. What is the Deadline to Update? Each motor carrier is required to file the appropriate form as per the following chart: - Before it begins operations; and - Every 24 months according to the following schedule: USDOT number ending: Must file by last day of: 1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 0 October If the next-to-last digit of your USDOT Number is odd, the company shall file its update in every odd-numbered calendar year. If the next-to-last digit of the USDOT Number is even, the company shall file its update in every even-numbered calendar year. Will you get a warning letter from USDOT before the deadline? FMCSA issues a warning letter in the mail at least 30 days in advance of a biennial update deadline. 26
What is required to be updated in the biennial update? The components that need to be updated are the following: - Current company contact information - Current operational position of the company
Are you allowed to file the biennial update more often than required by law? Yes, you can file the biennial update as often as you would want to. This is recommended as it ensures that your company records are up to date with the FMCSA. What other benefits are there to complete the biennial update? In today’s day and age most of the brokers review the company’s records with the FMCSA prior to dealing with them. If the company’s records are up to date then it gives the broker confidence that the company won’t have any issues with out-dated data with FMCSA. FMCSA has implemented their new safety measurement system: Compliance, Safety, Accountability also referred to as CSA. The information provided on the biennial update is used to calculate the safety performance within CSA’s system. Inaccurate information can have a negative impact on the company’s safety performance scores. These scores are also used by the FMSCA to determine if the company needs to be audited therefore it is very critical to ensure the biennial update is done. Where can I get more information on filing the biennial update? zIf you need assistance in filing your company’s biennial update you can call us at our toll free number at 1-800-9659839. DECEMBER / JANUARY 2016
DAT Solutions introduces InView
DAT Solutions anuncia DAT InView
AT Solutions announces DAT InView, a fleet management solution that enables small forhire carriers to track their power units and locate them precisely and instantaneously. DAT said InView provides drivers, dispatchers and fleet managers with realtime, verifiable trip data on speed, hard-braking, idling and detention time, as well as engine data and maintenance fault codes. In addition, DAT InView offers automated compliance reports, including IFTA fuel taxes, and, most importantly, future-proof electronic logs for Hours of Service, DAT said. DAT InView installs in minutes, and immediately transmits and receives information, enabling turn by turn directions, check calls, and other communications between driver and dispatch. DAT InView comes in three packages, starting with a $30 monthly subscription.
AT Solutions anuncia DAT InView, una solución para el manejo de la carga que permite a cargadores pequeños auto contratados para monitorear sus unidades y localizarlas con precisión e instantáneamente. DAT dice que InView provee a los conductores, distribuidores y gerentes de carga con datos de tiempo actual y verificables con relación a velocidad, frenados bruscos, tiempo de marcha en vacío, y tiempo de detención al igual de códigos con información relacionada con el motor y mantenimiento. Además, DAT InView ofrece reportes automatizados de cumplimiento, incluyendo los de IFTA impuestos de combustible, y más importante, registros de prueba del futuro para horas de servicio, dice DAT. El Programa DAT InView se instala en minutos, e inmediatamente transmite y recibe información, facilitando direcciones vuelta por vuelta, chequeo de llamada y cualquier otro tipo de comunicaciones entre conductores y el distribuidor. El Programa DAT InView viene en tres diferentes paquetes, comenzando a sólo $30 por mes de suscripción.
- Richard’s Pick of the Issue
Actualizacion Bienal ¿Qué es la actualización bienal? Cualquier entidad que esté registrada con la administración Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) y cuente con un USDOT es requerido a actualizar la información la FMCSA cada dos años. Ésta actualización es conocida como la Actualización Bienal. ¿Se le requiere presentar una Actualización Bienal incluso si no ha ocurrido ningún cambio? Sí, aun se le requiere presentar esta actualización cada dos años incluso si su compañía no cambió su información o ha cesado operaciones interestatales desde la última actualización. ¿Qué ocurre si se le olvida completar su Actualización Bienal? Si no completes la Actualización Bienal, entonces resultará en la desactivación de su número USDOT y podría resultar en la desactivación de su número USDOT además de penalizaciones civiles de hasta $1,000 por día, hasta llegar a un máximo de $10,000. ¿Qué es la actualización de fecha límite? A cada cargador de motor se le es requerido tramitar el formulario correspondiente según la próxima tabla: - Antes de comenzar operaciones; y - Cada 24 meses según lo determina la tabla siguiente: USDOT número terminando en: Debe Solicitar antes del último día de : 1 Enero 2 Febrero 3 Marzo 4 Abril 5 Mayo 6 Junio 7 Julio 8 Agosto 9 Septiembre 0 Octubre Si el penúltimo digito se numeración USDOT es número impar, la compañía debe tramitar su actuaoizacion en cada año que termine con un número impar. Si el penúltimo digito de la numeración es USDOT es par, la compañía debe tramitar su actualización en cada año que termine con un número par. DECEMBER / JANUARY 2016
¿Recibirá una carta de aviso de parte de USDTOT antes de la fecha límite? FMCSA emite una carta de aviso por correo terrestre por lo menos con 30 días de anticipación referente a la fecha límite de la actualización bienal. ¿Que se requiere ser actualizado en la actualización bienal? Los componentes que necesitan ser actualizados son los siguientes: - Informacion de Contacto Actual y vigente - Posicion de operacional de la compania actual ¿ Se permite tramitar la actualización bienal más seguida de lo que se requiere por ley? Sí, puede tramitar su actualización bienal tantas veces como desee hacerlo. Esto se recomienda porque asegura que los datos de s compania estén al margen con los el FMCSA. ¿Qué otro tipos de beneficios existen si se complete la actualización bienal? En los tiempos actuales, la mayoría de los corredores evalúan los datos de una compania con el FMCSA antes de lidiar directamente con ellos. Si los datos de una compania están al corriente, esto le da confianza al corredor que la compañía no va a tener problemas con datos desactualizados según el FMCSA. El FMCSA ha implementado un nuevo Sistema de medidas de seguridad que consiste de: Cumplimiento, Seguridad, Responsabilidad que por sus siglas en ingles también se conoce como CSA. La información proveída en la actualización bienal se utiliza para calcular el desempeño de seguridad dentro del sistema CSA. Información que no sea precisa puede traer un impacto negativo a las puntaciones de seguridad de la compañía. Estas puntuaciones también se utilizan por el FMSCA para determinar si la compañía necesita ser auditada así que es de suma importancia de asegurase que se realice la actualización bienal como se debe. ¿Dónde puedo encontrar más información acerca de como puedo completar la actualización bienal? Si necesita asistencia llenando la actualización bienal de su compañía puede llamarnos completamente gratis al número 1-800-965-9839. 29
The Document called
Bills of Lading A
professional driver will sign thousands of bills of lading in their career…yet few know what it is all about. I remember the first time I saw I box of blank bill of lading forms I though some idiot spelled ‘loading wrong”. Little did I know that the care the care and history of the making of that document. With the
bill of lading the driver protects and obligates himself and the carrier to safely transport the number and time of goods and deliver then to the appointed destination in good order. In Canada and in US interstate transportation the bill of lading must contain these items: 1. The carriers name 2. Names of consignor and consignee. 3. Origin and destination points. 4. Number of packages. 5. Description of freight. 30
Every shipment must have one. The carrier must issue or cause to be issued the bill of lading so if your shipper gives you a scale ticket or some other document, you have to make a bill of lading out and have it signed. I have seen drivers fined at scales for not having a bill of lading, for not having the carrier name on the bill match the name on the truck, for not having an adequate description ( in this case, a load of cedar shakes was described as “1 wood “). Even if you are using another carrier’s form, write “via Name” where Name is the name of your company, near the top. The number of packages is the next biggest problem for drivers. The rule here is that if you did not count it, don’t sign for it. If you are picking up a loaded trailer always sign “shippers load and count” next to your name. If the shipper is loading 20 pallets and the bill said 2000 pcs you can either let then have you count the pieces or sign “20 pallets said to contain 2000 pcs’ next to your name. The bill of lading is a special contract that carries specific rights and obligation codified in law, that have been developed in the way goods are traditionally transported. It is signed by the shipper and the driver but the consignee and the owner of the goods are also parties to the contract even though they did not have any thing to do with the making of it and may not of even had any choice in who the carrier would be. When you sign the bill of lading, you have Ken Davey now made your carrier, or you, if you’re an DECEMBER / JANUARY 2016
owner operator responsible for the value of the goods and for transporting then with “due” dispatch. You should make your dispatcher aware of any of the following as soon as you find out notice them: High value goods. In Canada domestically, there is a $2.00 per lb. maximum value on goods unless otherwise declared so report any declared value. In the US or on international shipments there is no limit on liability and therefore my advice differs. I’d let dispatch know about any shipment over $5.00 per lb. Definite delivery dates. A carrier gas no obligation to move goods with other than due dispatch unless a delivery date is on the bill of lading. We used to move goods for ocean transport al the time and so the bill would always contain the words must deliver by “date” for vessel sailing. If the carrier was late with a delivery date definite load the carrier becomes liable for damages. Goods of extraordinary value. There is a big difference between a load of used furniture or a load of antiques. Same as a big difference between a load of posters and a load lithographed art prints. Let dispatch know if what your
picking up is not exactly what they said it would be. Used goods. Sometimes you are picking up a shipment of warranty return goods or a used piece of equipment. Make sure the bill description reflect the facts the goods are used. Nonsense Cargo. I created this category all by myself. One blustery day in January we dispatched a driver to pick up a load of Tea. The contract did not call for heat and we assumed it was a load of loose or bagged tea, the same as the Coffee loads we transported that were bags of coffee beans. Unfortunately the cargo was bottles of ice tea. The shipper loaded it on an unheated trailer, the driver allowed the load to be loaded on an unheated trailer and set off to cross the great white north with 2600 miles of below zero temperature. Surprise the tea froze. The bottles broke. The load was a mess. We fought the claim based on our belief that the shipper should have specified heat, and not loaded an unheated trailer. The courts determined that the trucker is the “expert” in the driver shipper relationship and we bought a load of ice tea. Remember that the next time a 12 year old forklift driver wants to tell you how to load your truck. Keep your eyes open for things that don’t make sense to you.
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North American Freight Numbers T
he value of U.S.-NAFTA freight totalled $93.2 billion in September 2015 as all modes of transportation carried less value of freight than a year earlier, according to the TransBorder Freight Data released today by theU.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS). Year-over-year, the value of U.S.-NAFTA freight flows by all modes decreased by 8.8 percent. Large decreases in the value of commodities moved by pipeline and vessel in September were due to the reduced unit price of mineral fuel. Freight by Mode In September 2015 compared to September 2014, the value of commodities moving by truck decreased by 0.1 percent, while air decreased by 4.0 percent and rail by 12.2 percent. Vessel
freight values decreased 38.9 percent and pipeline freight decreased 41.8 percent mainly due to the lower unit price of mineral fuel. Average monthly fuel prices are available from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. A decline in the value of freight shipments does not necessarily mean there was a lower volume of freight transported. Trucks carried 65.7 percent of U.S.-NAFTA freight and are the most heavily utilized mode for moving goods to and from both U.S.-NAFTA partners. Trucks accounted for $31.7 billion of the $50.5 billion of imports (62.8 percent) and $29.6 billion of the $42.7 billion of exports (69.2 percent). Rail remained the second largest mode by value, moving 14.4 percent of all U.S.-NAFTA freight, followed by vessel, 5.6 percent; pipeline, 5.1 percent; and air, 3.9 percent. The surface transportation modes of truck, rail and pipeline carried 85.2 percent of the total U.S.-NAFTA freight flows. U.S.-Canada Freight The value of U.S.-Canada freight totaled $48.3 billion in September 2015, down 15.8 percent from September 2014, as all modes of transportation carried less value of U.S.-Canada freight 32
than a year earlier. Lower mineral fuel prices contributed to a year-over-year decrease in the value of freight moved between the U.S. and Canada. Mineral fuels are a large share of freight carried by vessel and pipeline, which were down 35.7 percent and 42.1 percent respectively year-over-year. Trucks carried 59.1 percent of the $48.3 billion of freight to and from Canada, followed by rail, 15.1 percent; pipeline, 9.2 percent; air, 4.9 percent; and vessel, 4.0 percent. The surface transportation modes of truck, rail and pipeline carried 83.4 percent of the total U.S.-Canada freight flows. U.S.-Mexico Freight The value of U.S.-Mexico freight totaled $45.0 billion in September 2015, up 0.2 percent from September 2014, as two out of five transportation modes – rail and truck – carried more U.S.-Mexico freight than in September 2014. Year-over-year, the value of U.S.-Mexico truck freight rose 7.9 percent, the largest percentage increase of any mode. The top three commodities carried by truck had double digit increases in value: electrical machinery up 16.3 percent, computer equipment up 10.2 percent and vehicles and parts up 12.9 percent. Freight carried by rail increased by 1.4 percent. The top commodity carried by rail, vehicles and parts, was up 8.9 percent. Air freight was down 6.9 percent and pipeline freight declined 37.0 percent. Vessel freight decreased by 40.7 percent mainly due to lower mineral fuel prices. Trucks carried 72.8 percent of the $45.0 billion
of freight to and from Mexico, followed by rail, 13.6 percent; vessel, 7.4 percent; air, 2.8 percent; and pipeline, 0.7 percent. The surface transportation modes of truck, rail and pipeline carried 87.1 percent of the total U.S.-Mexico freight flows. See BTS Transborder Statistics Release for summary tables and additional data. See North American Transborder Freight Data on the BTS website for additional data for surface modes since 1995 and all modes since 2004. DECEMBER / JANUARY 2016
PACCAR Recalls P
accar Inc., which manufactures Kenworth and Peterbilt trucks, has notified the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of several recalls issued last week. The following are three recalls issued by PACCAR last week: Rear Wheel Mounting Paccar says during assembly, certain 2016 Kenworth models did not undergo the rear wheel mounting torque verification process, which could result in the rear wheels being loose and separating from the truck. Certain Kenworth T660, T680, T800 and W900 trucks manufactured between Feb. 1, 2015, and April 20, 2015, are included in this recall. Paccar estimates 49 trucks to be affected in this recall. Kenworth will notify owners, and dealers will verify the rear wheel lug nuts are correctly tightened, free of charge. A notification schedule has not yet been released. Windshield Wiper Motor More than 100,000 Kenworth trucks are included in a recall in which water may leak into the windshield wiper motor, possibly causing the wipers to stop working on the “intermittent” setting, Aspectos destacados reducing the driver’s visibility. The water de la empresa may also cause corrosion which, over time, could result in an electrical short. Model year 2011-2016 Kenworth 963, T270, T370, T440, T470, C500, C540, C550, T680, T800 and W900 models manufactured from Nov. 1, 2010, to April 7, 2015, are affected by the recall. Paccar is still developing and testing a remedy, according to the recall notice. Alternator Charge Cables Contratación de operadores propietarios Approximately 1,500 trucks are included in a recall in which trucks o Carrera 11 Estados del oeste equipped with the Paccar MX-13 engines o Pago rápido and Delco-Remy 40SI alternators have o Tarjeta de combustible alternator charge cables that may chafe disponible con combustible against a formed metal freon discharge grandes descuentos line, which could cause an electrical short resulting in a fire. Included in the recall are 2014-2016 Kenworth T660, T680, T880 trucks manufactured from Feb. 18, 2013 to April 10, 2015, and 2011-2016 Peterbilt 386, 389, 567, 579 and 587 trucks manufactured from Dec. 13, 2010, to April 20, 2015. Paccar will notify owners, and dealers 2490 San Juan Road will reroute the alternator cable away from Hollister CA 95023 the metal freon line, free of charge.
* * * *
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House rejects weight limit increases.
he House of Representatives debated amendments to its six-year highway bill Tuesday, rejecting proposals to increase the weight limit of heavy-duty trucks and to increase federal fuel taxes. The amendment to increase weight limits, which was supported by shippers including more than 70 agricultural organizations, would have allowed states to increase the weight limit on interstates from 80,000 to 91,000 pounds for trucks equipped with six axles. The Truckload Carriers Association and other industry interests objected to the proposal saying it would prevent many small carriers from being competitive. Opponents’ arguments won the day, and representatives voted
the amendment down on a vote of 187-236. Another amendment would have increased the federal gas tax by 15 cents over the course of three years and index the rate to inflation. Rep. Earl Blumenauer, who offered the amendment, expressed frustration with the failure of the House to fund the full six years of the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act. “I’m deeply disappointed that we are considering what alleges to be a six-year authorization without a real conversation about paying for it,” said Blumenauer. “This is a missed opportunity to provide certainty for the hundreds of thousands of jobs at stake and give states and local governments the federal partnership they need and deserve.”
La Cámara rechaza el aumento del límite de peso
a Cámara de Representantes debatió enmiendas a su proyecto de ley de seis años de carretera el martes, que rechaza la propuestas para incrementar el peso límite de camiones de carga pesada y también incrementar la cantidad de impuestos federales de combustible. La enmienda incrementará los límites de peso, lo cual fue apoyado por cargadores incluyendo, más de 70 organizaciones agrícolas, que permitirán que estados incrementen el peso limite en carreteras interestatales de 80,0000 a 91,000 libras a camiones equipados con seis ejes. La Asociación de Truckload Carriers Association y otros intereses dela industria se opusieron a la propuesta argumentando que prevendrá a que muchas compañías de cargamento pequeñas se tornen competitivas. Los argumentos de los oponentes fueron triunfadores, y los representantes votaron para que la enmienda no pasara con un voto de 187 a 236. Otra enmienda tendría que incrementar el impuesto federal de combustible por 15 centavos en el curso de tres años e indizar la tasa de inflación. El Rep. Earl Bluemenauer, el cual formo parte de los que ofrecieron llevar la enmienda a cabo, expresó frustración con el fracaso en la Cámara para financiar los seis años completos del Acto de Ley, The Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act. “Estoy profundamente decepcionado que estamos considerando lo que halaga ser una autorización de seis años sin una conversación real de cómo se va a financiar,” dijo Blumenauer. “Esta es una oportunidad, que al perderse, no proveerá certeza a cientos de miles de trabajos en juego y brindará a gobiernos de estados y locales la asociación federal que requieren y merecen.”
Central California is
Bulldog Country! Listen to complete coverage of all Fresno State Sports on 50,000 Watt DECEMBER / JANUARY 2016
Omnitracs predicts crashes
mnitracs introduced an application to predict which drivers are at the highest risk for crashes. Using data from the company’s hours of service application, the Accident Severity Model identifies a fleet’s highest risk drivers, allowing for proactive interventions. The app is based on data from a 10-year study of nearly 208,000 crashes. “What many in our industry don’t realize is that it’s possible to be 100 percent in compliance with HOS regulations and be sound asleep at the wheel simultaneously,” said Dean Croke, vice president of analytics, Omnitracs. “This is why we’ve developed the Accident Severity Model, to allow fleets to predict serious accidents using HOS data and proactively intervene with those drivers at highest risk for being involved.” The HOS data is combined with performance data for each specific driver, including loss of control and instances of distraction, to predict the likelihood and severity of an accident. By identifying and addressing risk before it becomes loss, companies can save money and increase road safety.
“Data shows that average severe accident cost has a very wide range due to the random nature of the event from $250,000 to $1 million, not including injury, damage to a fleet’s reputation or long-term impacts associated with the higher insurance premiums, making the financial benefits of preventing such incidents obvious,” said Croke. “Omnitracs’ Accident Severity Model allows fleets to predict accurately a significant portion of crashes, thereby reducing expenses and mitigating resulting outcomes up to and including loss of life. If a carrier prevents only one severe accident in five years, a fleet of 25 trucks would experience a return of more than 10 times its investment in the solution.” The Accident Severity Model is available to any fleet using Omoitracs’ HOS application. 36
Omnitracs predice choques
mnitracs introdujo una aplicación que predice que tipo de conductores están en el riego más alto de choques. Utilizando datos de la aplicación de horas de la compañía, el Modelo de Severidad de Accidentes identifica a los conductores de carga con el riesgo más alto, así proporcionando intervenciones preventivas. La aplicación se basa en datos de un estudio de 10 años con casi 208,000 choques. “De lo que muchos en nuestra industria no se dan cuenta, es que es posible estar 100 por ciento en cumplimiento con las regulaciones HOS y estar completamente dormido tras el volante simultáneamente,” dice Dean Croke, Vicepresidente de Analítica de Omintracs. “Es por esto que hemos desarrollado el Modelo de Severidad de Accidentes, para permitir que flotas predigan accidentes serios utilizando datos HOS e intervenir de forma preventiva contra esos conductores que están en más riesgo de estar involucrados en accidentes.” Los datos HOS se combinan con datos de desempeño de cada conductor específicamente, incluyendo la pérdida del control del vehículo y momentos de distracción, que juntos predicen la probabilidad de un accidente. Al identificar y asesar el riesgo antes de que se convierta en perdida, las compañías pueden ahorrar dinero e incrementar la seguridad en carretera. “Los datos demuestran que en promedio, el costo de un accidente severo lleva consigo un amplia gama a causa de naturaleza aleatoria del evento que puede ir de $250,0000 a $1 millón, no incluyendo lesiones personales, daños a la reputación de la compañía de carga o los impactos a largo plazo asociados con altas tarifas de seguro, y de esta manera, hacer obvios los beneficios financieros de la prevención de dichos accidentes,” dijo Croke. “El Modelo de Severidad de Accidentes de Omnitracs, permite que compañías predigan con precisión una porción significante de choques, y asimismo, reduzcan costos y mitigar resultados resultantes que en ciertas situaciones pueden ser hasta perdidas de vida. Si una compañía de carga puede prevenir solamente un accidente severo cada 5 años, un compañía de 25 camiones podría adquirir ganancias duplicadas por diez si invierten en esta solución.” El Modelo de Severidad de Accidentes está disponible en cualquier camión de carga utilizando la aplicación HOS de Omnitracs. DECEMBER / JANUARY 2016
Y La Encuesta Dice: Ahorre $4,000 al monitorear sus datos
na nueva encuesta compilado por la compañía de camionaje Fleet Advantage demuestra que un 61% de los profesionales de la industria del camionaje ahora están monitoreando y siguiendo los datos ya sea diariamente o semanalmente, comparando esta cifra con la del 19% de hace cinco años. Sumándole a esto, algún 26% de 700 ejecutivos y gerentes del transporte encuestados por Fleet Ad- con un 45% de ellos cuyas operaciones consistían en monitorear 200 o más camiones- dijeron que los analistas de datos redujo los costos de operación por $4,000 por camión al año. “El movimiento hacia un modelos de inteligencia comprensiva de negocio habla volúmenes acerca de la sed que tiene la industria por nivelar y maximizar la tecnología en los camiones de hoy en día en carretera,” dice Jim Griffin, el Líder Técnico Oficial de Fleet Advantage en un comunicado. “Es notorio que hemos evolucionando nuestra atención del enfoque en rutas, casi por completo a ahora analizar cada faceta del desempeno de una camión, con el fin de identificar donde se pueden hacer mejoras en el fondo de la situación,” él añadió.
Otros resultados de la encuesta de la empresa incluyen: El 80% de los ejecutivos dentro de la industria ahora dicen que analizan una variedad de datos que muestran el desempeño de ciertos camiones, utilizando métricas tales como: de marcha en vacío, el tiempo entre los cambios, adentrándose dentro de los datos del motor ECM, además de acceso a rutas e información logística. Otro 19 % de los que fueron encuestados dijeron que el impacto más significativo de los análisis de los datos, hasta el momento ha tratado acerca del manejo de los costos del combustible. Otro 19 % de los encuestados también dieron información acerca de la mejoría servicio y mantenimiento y comportamiento del conductor como partes claves de lo que ahora está siendo impactado por el análisis de los datos. En los próximos cinco años, 87% de los profesionales en el ámbito del camionaje esperan que los datos analizados tengan un rol importante en manejar los costos del combustible y desempeño del camión, o a hay otros que creen que los datos empujaran al negocio en sus totalidad en todos las operaciones de negocios en todas las áreas del camionaje.
Takata Air Bag Inflators bring $200 Million Fine
he National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued two orders regarding defective Takata air bag inflators. The orders impose the largest civil penalty in NHTSA’s history for Takata’s violations, and for the first time use NHTSA’s authority to accelerate recall repairs to millions of affected vehicles. The actions also prioritize recalls so the greatest safety risks are addressed first, and set deadlines for
future recalls of other Takata inflators that use a suspect propellant unless they are proved to be safe. “Today, we are holding Takata responsible for its failures, and we are taking strong action to protect the traveling public,” said NHTSA Administrator Mark Rosekind. “We are accelerating Takata recalls to get safe air bags into American vehicles more quickly, ensuring that consumers at the greatest risk are protected, and addressing the long-term risk of Takata’s use of a suspect propellant.” The Consent Order issued to Takata imposes a record civil penalty of $200 million and requires the company to phase out the manufacture and sale of inflators that use phase-stabilized ammonium nitrate propellant, which is believed to be a factor in explosive ruptures that have caused 7 deaths and nearly 100 injuries in the United States. The Consent Order also lays out a schedule for recalling all Takata ammonium nitrate inflators now on the roads unless the company can prove they are safe or can show it has determined why its inflators are prone to rupture. 38
Infladores de Bolsas de Aire Takata conducen a una Multa de $200 Millones
a Administración Nacional de la Seguridad en Autopistas o The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration en inglés, emitió dos órdenes con relación a infladores de bolsas de aire defectuosos Takata. Las órdenes imponen la más grande penalización civil en la historia de NHTSA por las violaciones de Takata, y por primera vez, utilizan la autoridad del NHTSA para acelerar la retirada de reparaciones a millones de vehículos afectados. Las acciones también priorizan las retiradas para que los riesgos de seguridad sean abordados antes. Al igual que fijar fechas límites para futuras retiradas de otros infladores Takata que utilicen un propulsor sospechoso a menos de que se demuestre su seguridad. “Hoy, estamos manteniendo a Takata responsables por sus fallas, y estamos tomando fuertes medidas para proteger al público conductor,” dijo el Administrador del NHTSA Mark Rosekind. “Estamos acelerando los retiros de Takata para poder equipar en vehículos americanos bolsas de aire seguras más rápidamente; así asegurarnos que los consumidores expuestos a más riesgo están protegidos, además abordar los riegos a largo plazo del uso del propulsor sospechoso de Takata.” La Orden de Consentimiento emitida a Takata impone una multa de registro civil de $200 millones y requiere que la compañía elimine gradualmente la fabricación y venta de los infladores que utiliza el propulsor de fase-estabilizada de amonio nitrato. El cual se presume es un factor en rupturas explosivas que han ocasionado 7 muertes y casi 100 lesiones en los Estados Unidos. La Orden de Consentimiento también establece un horario para la retirada de todos los infladores de amonio nitrato Takata que actualmente están en carretera a menos de que la compañía pueda comprobar que son seguros o pueden demostrar que han determinado del por qué los propulsores están sujetos a explosiones. DECEMBER / JANUARY 2016
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Qty (65+) 2016 Utility 53’x102” 3000R Hendrickson Ultraa-K®, TireMAAX® Pro Inflation Systems, Loaded Specs, Over 50 in Stock Now! Stk # Custom T-Pro
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Qty (11+) 2010 UTILITY 53’x102” TK SB-210 ETV, SS Corners & Diamond Doors, SS Front/Rear Vents, Step & Handle, Freshly Painted Landing Legs, Susp Box, Sliders, and Bumper, Newly Refurbished 22.5 Wheels, New Brakes, New Mud Flaps, Black/Side Skirts, Stk # STVN10 - $29,900 DECEMBER JANUARY 2016
Qty (28+) 2012 WABASH 53’x102” Thermo King SB-230, Air Ride, Hendrickson® Air Operated Tandem Sliding Suspension, Aluminum Outside 22.5” Wheels, Fuel Saving Side Skirts, SS Swing Doors, SS Vent, SS Bumper,, Stk # ENG12W - $38,900
Our Fleet Deal Fell Through. Qty (60) 2016 53’x102” Reefers On The Ground & Available Right Now! Carrier and Thermo King, Huge Savings! Stk # FLEET
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Qty (20+) 2013 WABASH 53’x102” TK SB-230 ETV, 2 Rows E-Track (Rear 20’), Air Ride Tandem Sliding Suspension, Air Operated Slider/Pin, Aluminum Outside 22.5” Wheels, Fuel Saving Side Skirts, Stainless Steel Swing Doors, Heavy Duty Duct Floors, 100 Gallon Tank, Stk # ENG13W - $38,900 39