South-Asian Fleet & Owner Magazine - Fall 2019

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A little goes a long way Turbo Compounding now delivers up to 11% improved fuel efficiency

The next generation D13 Turbo Compounding engine is our most fuel-efficient solution ever. It features an improved wave piston design and is perfect for a wide variety of applications. This D13TC is 6% more fuel-efficient than our current D13 engine. And up to 11% more efficient compared to 2015 truck models. Choose a Volvo VNL with Turbo Compounding and watch the fuel savings add up, whatever the load. Learn more at

The new D13TC

11% savings based on comparison with 2015 model year trucks.


Fleet & Owner

SAFO / Fall 2019

PROFILES by Dr. Rishi Singh


Pardeep Arora


Daman Grewal


Andy Dhugga


Woman in Focus Jasmine Kang



Mercedes-Benz G550 by Russell Purcell


Traveling Professionally by Jag Dhatt


2019 Jaguar I-Paceby by Jag Dhatt


Best Luxury Resort Hotels in Canada by Jag Dhatt


Fossil Fuels vs Power for Transportation


Woman in Focus Tina Capobianco




Volvo Trucks: Connecting the Bigger Picture – Technology Summit 2019 by Rishi Singh


Collision Mitigation by: G.Ray Gompf


Fall 2019


Is there a Driver Shortage? by: G.Ray Gompf


Factoring in North America’s transportation industry

Publisher: JGK Media Inc. Art Director Ranjit Singh Photography Harjinder Nagi

JGK MEDIA INC. #235 - 8138 128 Street Surrey, BC V3W 1R1 1 877 598 3374

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner



Director, Creative & Digital

Ray Gompf has been in and around the trucking industry virtually since he was born. A twelve years stint in the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps, preceded the trucking entrepreneurial route as the next career like step where he became a small business owner operator achieving some 4.5 million miles of safety operation. Aging beyond the hard work of operating long haul, Ray turned to writing and advises the next generation of drivers and owner operators. For the past nine years, his work has been part of JGK Media Inc. Ray will continue his advocacy work for the industry until he draws his last breath.



Fall 2019

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Ray Gompf

Ranjit Singh

Ranjit brings with him over a decade of experience working with corporate branding, graphics, design and digital marketing. He was worked on projects for Sony, Yahoo, and Wipro as a Senior Designer and Team Leader. Ranjit has a Master’s degree in Computer Science and completed his MBA from the University of Wales, England.

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Managing Director & Editor

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Jag Dhatt

Jag brings with him over two decades of experience in leadership, strategic business development, and corporate marketing in a variety of industries. He has led corporate projects for companies such as Cummins, Jaguar Land Rover, BMW, Freightliner, and Volvo. Jag holds Bachelor’s degrees in Psychology and Education, and a Master’s degree in Science.

Russell Purcell Journalist

Rishi Singh has a rich academic history. He is a PHD from the Department of History at the of Oriental Rishi Singh School and African Studies Profiles & (SOAS), University Translations of London, UK. He was awarded the prestigious Felix Scholarship to do his research at the university. He has also been the recipient of the University of London CRF Scholarship, the SOAS scholarship and the Charles Wallace Trust Scholarship. He taught History and Language courses at two prestigious Canadian Universities.

In addition to being a journalist, Russell is also a high-school teacher in Mission, BC. He has a passion for writing and has won many journalism awards. Russell is also an avid photographer, and you can see him most days with a camera in his hand. Russell’s skills behind the camera have taken him to tracks around North America shooting events such as Indycar, ALMS, NHRA and NASCAR events for various publications, teams, drivers and sponsors.

Publisher’s Letter Launching any new project is always an exciting time. There are butterflies in one’s stomach and usually more stress than necessary; but then there’s the anticipation that something great will come out of all the hard work. And this excitement is usually constant, regardless of the size of the company or organization. The profiles of those mover and shakers in the transport industry reflect the same sentiment. All three of the business owners in this Fall 2019 Issue of South-Asian Fleet & Owner Magazine were excited when they launched their new fleets. Yes, the fleets were small in size in the beginning, but over time, grew to some impressive numbers. The same excitement is felt at the manufacturer level. JGK Media Inc. was invited to both Dublin, Virginia and Puebla, Mexico to be one of the first to see what’s new with Volvo Trucks North America. The designers and engineers working at Volvo worked on projects that increased efficiency and made trucks, drivers, and the roads safer. As Roger Alm, President of Volvo Trucks stated, “These are exciting times for not only the Volvo team, but the transport industry.” Speaking of excitement, it’s not always at the business level. Traveling is always exciting, especially when it’s in our own back yard – Canada. If had the honour and privilege of traveling to some of the best resorts and hotels in Canada, and you can read about these in this issue. When the mind is excited, it allows more endorphins to flow in the body, allowing for more happiness and productivity. Thus, become excited about that new project, your next trip, or even spending the weekend with family. In the end, you’ll be thankful you did.

- Jag Dhatt

Editor in Chief

W W W . F L E E TA N D O W N E R . C O M

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

Pardeep Arora

A Fearless, Empowering and Inspiring Business Leader A first meeting with Pardeep makes one shake hands with a well respected, energetic and intelligent business leader.



Fall 2019


orn in Mudki, Ferozepur, in the state of Punjab in India, Pardeep arrived in Canada in 1995. He settled in Abbotsford and worked in a berry farm for sometime, until he got a job at a local mill. Unfortunately, he hurt his neck at the mill and could not work further. He thus circled back to complete his education. Pardeep, together with his parents and brother, bought a house. They rented part of their house to a person working in the trucking industry. Interactions with his renter gave Pardeep knowledge and developed his interest in the industry. It was in the year 1997 that Pradeep got his Class 1 driving license. He drove as an owner operator until 2006. In 2006, Pardeep incorporated Triple Eight Transport Inc. in Abbotsford, British Columbia. The unique name of this business entity has a meaningful origin. On November 8th, Pardeep met his wife Deepti; they were married on December 8th, and on 26th August - the numbers add up to 8 - they were blessed with their first child, Sourav Arora. Pardeep’s vision to build Triple Eight Transport Inc. as one of the top companies of Canada, combined with his ability to think long term and not to be beholden to short-term profits, laid the foundation of this recognizable and exemplary Canadian company. Pardeep slowly began building his fleet of dry and reefer vans. Pardeep also expanded his customer base and operations in both Canada and the United States of America. The strength of any company trying to accomplish their leader’s vision depends on a team that has diversity of thought, perceptions and experiences. Pardeep says, “I look for people with qualities and backgrounds that are an addition for the team as well as the company’s vision. Also, I look for optimistic team members who are keen learners.”

pRdIp AroVw infr, SkqIkrx Aqy pRyrxwdwiek ibjins lIfr

pRdIp AroVw nwl jdoN pihlI imlxI qy hI koeI h`Q imlwauNdw hY qW aus nUM ieMj mihsUs huMdw hY ijvyN bVy mwxm`qy, au~dmI Aqy sUJvwn ibjins lIfr nwl auh imilAw hY[ pMjwb styt ieMfIAw iv`c iProzpur dy ipMf mudkI iv`c jnimAw pRdIp sMn 1995 iv`c kYnyfw phuMicAw[ aus ny AYbtsPorf phuMc ky, jdoN q`k aus nUM ie`k lokl iml iv`c nOkrI nhIN imlI, kuJ icr byrI Pwrm iv`c kMm kIqw[ bdiksmqI nwl iml iv`c aus dI grdn qy s`t v`j geI ijs krky auh A`gy kMm nhIN kr sikAw[ auh vwps AwpxI pVHweI pUrI krn leI ju`t igAw[ pRdIp ny Awpxy mwqw ipqw Aqy Brw nwl iml ky ie`k Gr KRId ilAw[ auhnW ny Awpxy Gr dw kuJ ih`sw tr`ikMg ieMfstrI iv`c kMm krn vwly bMdy nUM dy id`qw[ Awpxy ikrweydwr nwl prspr myl jol ny pRdIp nUM ieMfstrI bwry Awpxw igAwn vI id`qw qy aus iv`c idlcspI vI pYdw kIqI[ ieh sMn 1997 dw swl sI jdoN pRdIp ny Awpxw klws-1 dw frweIivMg lwiesMs lY ilAw[ aus ny sMn 2006 q`k ie`k mwlk qy Eprytr dI hYsIAq iv`c tr`k clwieAw[ sMn 2006 iv`c pRdIp ny AYbtsPorf iv`c tirpl eyt trWsport ieMk. nUM sQwipq kr ilAw[ ies ibjins dy ivl~Kx nwm ny ies nUM ie`k mOilk shI-ArQI hoNd id`qI[ nvMbr, 8 nUM auh AwpxI pqnI dIpqI nUM imilAw qy dohW ny 8 dsMbr nUM ivAwh kr ilAw[ 26 Agsq, ijs dy nMbrW dw joV A`T sI, nUM auhnW dy Gr pihlw b`cw sOrv AroVw pYdw hoieAw[ pRdIp dw suPnw,tirpl eyt trWsport ieMk. nUM kYnyfw dIAW kMpnIAW coN ie`k twp dI kMpnI bxwauxw sI, ies dy nwl hI aus dI kwblIAq, jo lMby smyN leI soc r`Kxw qy G`t smyN leI Pwiedy nUM nhIN vyKxw,ny hI Snw^q qy imswl vwlI kYnyfIAn kMpnI dI nINh r`K id`qI[ pRdIp ny hOlI hOlI AwpxI frweI Aqy rIPr vYnj dI PlIt bxwauxI SurU kIqI[ pRdIp ny Awpxy gwhkW nUM vDwieAw qy kYnyfw qy XUnweIitf

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

Pardeep’s team is a committed team. They are experts in logistics and transportation services and manage the business in a safe and efficient work environment. They maintain the best work and ethical practices and maintain high safety standards. The company has an established Human Resources department to help resolve any concerns an employee may have. Pardeep is a leader who seeks his team members’ ideas and contributions and provides his team the recognition due to them for their contributions.



Fall 2019

styts AwP AmrIkw iv`c ibjins nUM PYlwieAw[ iksy vI kMpnI dI smr`Qw aus dy lIfr dy suPny nUM pUrw krn dI koiSS krnw, aus dI tIm au~qy inrBr krdI hY ijs iv`c ivcwrW dI,DwrnW Aqy qzribAW dI iviBMnqw hovy[ pRdIp kihMdw hY,“mYN lokW dy gux Aqy ipCokV vyKdw hW jo ik tIm pRqI vwDw qy kMpnI pRqI AwpxI idRStI r`Kx[ nwl hI mYN AwSwvwdI tIm mYNbrW nUM vyKdw hW jo ik is`Kx leI cwhvwn hovx[” pRdIp dI tIm ie`k vcnb`D tIm hY[ auh lOijsitks Aqy trWsportySn syvwvW nUM sur`iKAq Aqy kuSlqwpUrvk kMm krn dy vwqwvrx iv`c pRbMD krn iv`c mwihr hn[ auh sB qoN vDIAw pRYkits Aqy au~c sqr dy sur`iKAw dy stYNfrf nUM

auh ieh vI slwh dyNdw hY ik AYlbrtw dy sUby ny tr`ikMg ieMfstrI leI splweI cyn dw ibhqr ivkws kIqw[

kwiem r`Kdy hn[ kMpnI ny iksy vI qrHW dw krmcwrI sMbMDI mslw h`l krn leI, mnu~KI sRoq ivBwg (ihamUn rIsors fIpwrtmYNt) sQwipq kIqw hY[ pRdIp ie`k Ajyhw lIfr hY jo Awpxy tIm mYNbrW qoN nvyN ivcwr qy aunHW dw Xogdwn lYNdw hY Aqy AwpxI tIm nUM auhnW dy Xogdwn leI Snw^q vI dyNdw hY[ auh Awpxy stw& dy hr sqr qy SkqIkrx iv`c ivSvws r`Kdw hY[ tirpl eyt trWsport ieMk. dI sPlqw pRdIp dI tIm dw aus dy imSn iv`c ie`k smr`Q ivSvws au~qy AwDwirq hY[

Pardeep leads a team of over two hundred employees. His company engages with more than one hundred and sixty trucks and three hundred trailers. by: Rishi Singh

bhuq G`t ibjins lIfr huMdy hn jo G`t smyN dy audyS qy lMby smyN dI idRStI dw iek`iTAW sMquln bxw ky r`Kx dy kwibl huMdy hn[ ies dy nwl hI kuJ ku lIfr ieh jwxdy hn ik qknIkI qr`kI ikMnI zrUrI hY Aqy lMby smyN leI iKiqj qy rihx leI auh keI vsqW kurbwn krn dy cwhvwn vI ho jWdy hn[ sMn 2016-2017 dw iv`qI swl tirpl eyt trWsport ieMk. leI ie`k Kws swl sI ikauNik pRdIp ny AwpxI kMpnI nUM Agly qknIkI lYvl q`k lY jwx dw PYslw kIqw sI[ auh cMgI qrHW jwxdw sI ik aus nUM bRYNf bxwaux leI Aqy kMpItISn iv`c A`gy rihx leI kuJ nvW krn dI zrUrq hY qy aus ny ie`k Aihm pUMjI nwl infr PYslw ilAw[ aus ny swrI PlIt ielYktRwink lOigg fIvweIisz nwl lYs bxw id`qI sI Aqy pUrI qrHW eIAYlfI AnukUl kYrIAr bx geI sI[ keI AwtomySn pRikirAwvW jo trylr trYikMg qoN lY ky,qwpmwn monItirMg AYlrts, jIpIAYs lweIv tr`k trYikMg,AwnlweIn trYikMg isstm (EtIAYs) kstmr portl

He believes in empowering his staff at all levels. The success of Triple Eight Transport Inc. is based on the strong beliefs of Pardeep’s team in his mission. There are very few business leaders who are able to balance the short-term objectives with the long-term vision of the company. In addition, few leaders realize the significance technological advancements have in the long-term horizon that they’re willing to sacrifice things. The 2016-17 financial year was a special year for Triple Eight Transport Inc., as Pardeep decided to take his company to the next technological level. Pardeep knew well that he needed to innovate in order to build the brand and stay ahead of the competition and he took a fearless decision with significant investment. His entire fleet was equipped with Electronic Logging Devices and became a fully ELD compliant carrier. Various automation processes starting from trailer

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

tracking, temperature monitoring alerts, GPS live truck tracking, online tracking system (OTS) customer portal for real-time live shipment tracking, and a better billing system to meet individual customer billing needs were put in place to provide an improved customer service, and become even more efficient, in handling freight services. Another important decision Pardeep took was to move his company to a new facility at 30697 Marshall Road, in Abbotsford. It is a massive location, that accommodates staff, trucks, and trailers. At the opening of this magnificent office, the Mayor of Abbotsford, Henry Braun, and Member of Parliament, Ed Fast, also graced the occasion. Pardeep leads a team of over two hundred employees. His company engages with more than one hundred and sixty trucks and three hundred trailers. They also have offices in Edmonton and Calgary. His company is serving some of the top brands in Canada. Today, the company is in a very strong position and is a blooming and successful business. There are issues that Pardeep points out for those in governance to ponder over. He suggests that the province of Alberta has developed better process and supply chain for trucking industry. The province has invested in building trucking friendly infrastructure such as good roads, availability of industrial land and proper truck stops. These infrastructure facilities surely help the trucking industry. British Columbia’s government should adopt similar policies like that of Alberta. He also suggests that the new tax on businesses with a higher payroll than half million should be decreased. Pardeep lost his father, Hemraj Arora, at a point in his life when he was still young and had not built his business. His desire to share his success with his father remained incomplete. He was really attached to his father and learned a lot from him and most importantly, learned to be resilient and ethical, in any situation. His mother, Sheila Vanti Arora, showers her blessings on him



Fall 2019

rIAl tweIm lweIv iSpmYNt trYikMg leI,hryk kstmr dy ibilgM dIAW zrUrqW nUM pUrw krn leI shI jgHw qy r`iKAw igAw qW ik ibhqr kstmr srivs nUM muh`eIAw krvwieAw jwey Aqy PrweIt syvwvW iv`c ijAwdw kuSlqw pUrn ho jwx[


dUsrw Aihm PYslw, pRdIp ny jo ilAw auh AwpxI kMpnI nUM 30697 mwrSl rof,AYbrtsPorf iv`c nvIN jgHw qy lY igAw[ieh ie`k bhuq v`fI lokySn hY, jo stw&, tr`kW Aqy trylrz leI bhuq vDIAw jgHw hY[ ies Swndwr AwiPs nUM KolHx dy smyN AYbtsPorf dy myAr hYnrI brOn Aqy mYNbr pwrlImYNt- AYf Pwst,ny vI ies mOky nUM SuSoiBq kIqw[ pRdIp do sO krmcwrIAW dI tIm dI AgvweI krdw hY[ aus dI kMpnI iv`c qkrIbn ie`k sO s`T tr`k Aqy iqMn sO trylrz hn[ auhnW dy AYfimMtn Aqy kYlgrI iv`c vI d&qr hn[aus dI kMpnI kYnyfw dy twp bRYNfz nUM vI syvw pRdwn krdI hY[ A`j, kMpnI bVI hI smr`Q pozISn iv`c hY Aqy ieh s&lqwpUrvk ibjins v`D Pu`l irhw hY[ kuJ msly hn jo Swsn iv`c ivcwr krn leI hn, aunHW bwry auh g`l krdw hY[ auh ieh vI slwh dyNdw hY ik AYlbrtw dy sUby ny tr`ikMg ieMfstrI leI splweI cyn dw ibhqr ivkws kIqw[ sUby ny tr`ikMg dy im`qrqw BrpUr buinAwdI FWcw bxwaux iv`c pUMjI lgweI hY ijvyN cMgIAW sVkW, ieMfstrIAl zmIn dw aupl`BD hoxw Aqy Kws tr`kW dy stwps leI Awid[ ieh buinAwdI FWcy dIAW shUlqW tr`k ieMfstrI nUM mdd krdIAW hn[ ibRitS kolMbIAw dI srkwr nUM vI AYlbrtw vWg hI pwilsIAW ApnwauxIAW cwhIdIAW hn[ auh ieh vI slwh dyNdw hY ik nvyN tYks auhnW ibjinsW qy ijnHW dw pyrOl A`Dy imlIAn qoN vI ijAwdw hY, Gtwauxy cwhIdy hn[ pRdIp dI izMdgI dy Aijhy moV qy, jdoN auh Ajy Cotw hI sI, Aqy aus ny Awpxw ibjins vI Ajy nhIN kIqw sI, aus dy ipqw hym rwj AroVw guzr gey[aus dI, Awpxy ibjins dI

at every step. From the days of having an office in the basement to a mega office, Pardeep has been supported by his wife Deepti Arora who has always understood him at every stage. A well qualified lady, she took care of the family home, children and business. Pardeep says, “Business and family could not have been successful if Deepti was not there.” They both are blessed two boys Sourav, fifteen years old and Karan, thirteen years who both excel in their studies. For Pardeep, his core family, wife and children, along with his Triple Eight Transport Inc. family, mean the world to him! When asked what would he like to say to our readers, he replied,

“Always take care of your team. And always remain honest and committed to work.”

sPlqw nUM Awpxy ipqw nwl vMfx dI KwihS vI ADUrI rhI[ ahu s`cmuc Awpxy ipqw nwl bhuq hI juiVAw hoieAw sI Aqy aunHW qoN bhuq kuJ aus ny is`iKAw vI sI ik iksy vI hwlq iv`c koeI hovy, sB qoN ijAwdw nYiqk Aqy mzbUq hoxw cwhIdw hY[ aus dI mwqw,SIlw vMqI AroVw hmySW aus nUM qr`kI dy hr pVwA qy Awpxw AwSIrvwd dyNdI hY[ auhnW idnW qoN ie`k bysmYNt qoN ie`k v`fy AwiPs q`k phuMcx q`k, pRdIp nUM hmySW AwpxI pqnI dIpqI AroVw dw smrQn imldw irhw[ ijs ny aus nUM hmySW hr styj qy smiJAw[ auh ie`k pVHI ilKI AOrq hY,ijs ny Gr dw,b`icAW Aqy ibjins dw iDAwn r`iKAw[ pRdIp kihMdw hY,“aus dw ibjins Aqy pirvwr kdI vI s&l nhIN ho skdw sI,jykr dIpqI aus dy nwl nw huMdI[” aus dy do byty hn, sOrv, pMdrW swlW dw Aqy krn qyrHW swlW dw hY jo pVHweI iv`c bhuq huiSAwr hn[ pRdIp leI aus dw kor pirvwr,pqnI Aqy b`cy,nwly tirpl eyt tr`ikMg pirvwr dw mqlb aus dI dunIAW hY! jdoN pu`iCAw igAw ik auh swfy pwTkW nUM kI kihxw cwhuMdy hn? aus ny jvwb id`qw,

“hmySW AwpxI tIm dw iDAwn r`Ko Aqy hmySW eImwndwr Aqy kMm leI vcnb`D rho[”

Pardeep Arora

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner


Connecting the Bigger Picture – Technology Summit 2019

corporate team gather for an event, it’s guaranteed to be an epic event, full of information that effects the transportation

by: Jag Dhatt

When executive members of a global

industry. Last week, Roanoke and Dublin, both in Virginia, were the locations for such an event – the 2019 Volvo Technology Summit, labelled as “Connecting the Bigger Picture.”

To say that the transportation industry is evolving is an understatement; from innovations in safety technology to the safety and comfort of the driver, more progress has been made in the last 10 years compared to the past half century. And Volvo trucks has been at the forefront of many of these advancements. “Volvo is determined to be a leader in innovation,” said Roger Alm, President, Volvo Trucks. “Our products are successful because they are by the people, for the people, where our focus is not only the current society, but the coming generations.” A big reason for success for any corporation is its people. “Our products are great because we have great people in the company,” says Magnus Koeck, Vice President, Volvo Trucks North America. “And now, with Volvo’s engineering, design, and production teams, we are launching new technology that will not only enhance the environment for the driver, but keep people on the roads safe.” While in Dublin, Volvo introduced some of this new technology to the media. Here is a look at some of the major innovations introduced by Volvo Trucks. Volvo Dynamic Steering (VDS) Although not new for Volvo in Europe, VDS will be making its appearance in North America in the VNL and VNR models. Steering, especially over unsmooth terrain, causes a rapid increase in driver fatigue. In fact, studies showed that steering contributed to drivers experiencing shoulder and neck pain when driving over rough roads or when



Fall 2019

excessive steering power was needed. Volvo’s VDS system reduces the amount of time drivers spend with physicians, physiotherapists and chiropractors because it offers an overall more relaxed driving experience by utilizing some ingenious technology. By experiencing VDS in person, I can assure you that it is an innovation that will change the transport industry. I had the opportunity to drive a VDS-equipped VNL over bumps, on a soft shoulder, and over rough terrain, and the truck’s steering is like what you’d find in a car. I could control the steering with a single finger as the system adds the right amount of torque at various speeds, both in forward and reverse gears. The system also greatly reduces driver fatigue when dealing with crosswinds and if dealing with a blowout. Finally, the Return-to-Centre option is perfect when bringing the truck into a straight line quickly and easily. Volvo Dynamic Steering is operational at all speeds. Currently it is an option, but could become standard in the near future. The D13 with Turbo Compounding The diesel engine has evolved by leaps and bounds in the past couple of decades and now, Volvo’s D13 TC is ready to set the bar higher again. The next generation D13 TC engine, complete with New Dynamic Torque software, will boast a 6% increase in fuel economy versus the current model. Currently only available in the VNL series, this new engine has the lowest CO2 emissions in the industry. “Regardless of whether it’s with a full load or less, the next generation D13 TC engine will be industry leading,” said John Moore and Ashley

Murickan, senior engineers with Volvo. “By adding a new piston design, a Wastegate Turbocharger, ball bearings and using new VDS5 oil, the overall performance and fuel efficiency of the engine will be higher while emissions are reduced.” And, coupled with Volvo’s I-Shift transmission, the D13 TC will offer faster and smoother performance. The next generation D13 TC will begin production in March 2020. Volvo Next Generation of Safety Think of Volvo, and safety is one of the first things that comes to mind. Even though, in this fastpaced world, there is a higher demand for on time delivery, the safety of the driver, cargo and others on the road should never be jeopardized. Volvo’s new Active Driver Assist 2.0 is standard equipment and features improved front collision automatic emergency braking, multilane continuation of automatic emergency braking, lane departure warning, and highway departure warning. And, in Q4 of 2020, the list will include adaptive cruise control, a driver facing camera, and ACC with auto “traffic, stop and driver go”. Electric Future of Volvo In order to reduce greenhouse gases and other pollutants, looking at other viable energy options is key and one of the leaders is electric energy. According to Volvo, there are huge benefits in the transport industry other than the reduction in air pollution. With electric vehicles, cities will be quieter, which could allow for night-time assignments. As a result, there would be improved traffic flow.

Now all of this requires collaboration and proper infrastructure, allowing for a smooth transition. To test and start the process, Volvo Lights will be introduced to demonstrate the ability for heavyduty, battery-electric trucks and equipment to reliably move freight between two major ports and inland warehouses. Volvo will install 53 charging stations to support the Lights program. According to Chad Burchett, Chief Project Manager at Volvo, “charging stations need to be addressed while at the same time, looking at battery size for utmost efficiency.” Volvo will be having a staggered introduction for its electric trucks, beginning with a regional rollout in California, followed by other states along the Western Coast, Texas, and Florida, just to name a few. “Volvo is providing sustainable solutions for the transport industry. We believe that a 500 kg battery pack is accurate, with each truck having four battery packs,” said Burchett. “Although range is not known yet, we’re optimistic that it will be better than predicted estimates.” Being at the forefront of technology and innovations is what most corporations strive for in any industry. The transport industry, crucial for the economy in every country, has worked diligently to reduce negative environmental impacts while increasing efficiency. And thanks to companies like Volvo, there is a bright future for the transport industry, where coming generations will appreciate the advancements made by those behind the wheel and behind the scenes.

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner


Jasmine Kang General Manager, BC Operations Cummins Sales and Service

Five countries. Thirteen years of experience. MBA. General Manager, BC Operations, Cummins Sales and Service. That’s quite a resume and for Jasmine Kang, it’s even more special as she became the first female to head BC Operations for Cummins. Kang began her career with Cummins in India, working in supply chain. “After completing my BTech in Industrial Engineering and Management, I had the opportunity to work with Cummins,” says Kang. “It was an opportunity to work with a global organization and my focus was on Six Sigma, where statistics were used to increase efficiency.” And it was this interest in analytics that motivated Kang to pursue her Masters in Strategic Project Management in Europe. “It was difficult to leave Cummins to pursue my Masters, but it was a step that I needed to take,” says Kang.

Jasmine Kang has over thirteen years of experience, eleven of those with Cummins, in an industry that has shown some incredible changes in recent years.

by: Jag Dhatt

After completing her Masters program, Kang rejoined Cummins and began to work with the Turbo technology group. Using her certification of Black Belt Master, she was able to find unique ways to improve business aspects in facilities in England and China. “The Six Sigma and Black Belt Master programs are designed to solve issues in all aspects of business,” says Kang. “When working for a company like Cummins, you are provided with many opportunities to put your education, training and experience to the test.” Kang became the Operations Manager at the Cummins Turbo Facility in England, and worked along a team of close to 200 employees. “As Operations Manager, I really had the opportunity to visualize and put into practice the theories of analytics. We were able to improve efficiency by a significant amount,” says Kang. In 2015, Kang was presented the opportunity to be Plant Manager at the Charleston Facility in South Carolina, an opportunity she could not pass. “2015 was a crucial year for me,” says Kang. “Moving to a new country with a new job, especially one with so much responsibility, made me nervous and in the beginning, I sometimes doubted I could do it,” admits Kang. “In addition, the Charleston plant had the highest revenue for all on-highway truck turbos, and thus, I had to produce positive results.” And produce results she did. One underlying theme in Kang’s experience with Cummins is that the organization is like a family, where it’s encouraged to ask for help or offer it when needed. When she needed assistance, Kang was not shy to ask her mentors for advice. According to Kang, Cummins encourages all employees to have a balanced work and personal life because it leads to overall productivity.



Fall 2019

Charleston was where Kang experienced the most growth in her professional career. Since the facility was a satellite site, she was the face of the organization. “The journey of being a leader happened in Charleston,” says the humble Kang. “My three and half years as Plant Manager were amazing, and a highlight was when we underwent a morale shift at the plant because we involved employees in finding solutions to issues, empowering them.” In January 2019, Jasmine Kang experienced another first, when she moved to the Lower Mainland, as the first female to be Plant Manager and General Manager for BC Operations. “I had gained lots of experience in supply chain and wanted to work more with clients in the various business segments, from mining and marine to on-highway and power generators,” she says. “I see British Columbia as a whole rather than separate branches and one of my goals is look at customer service from a holistic perspective. Then we can even further our level of service at Cummins.” Currently, Kang has spent a lot of her time in Kamloops as well, with preparations for the new, state-of-art facility that opened in early October.

“The Kamloops facility was planned in 2011 and I’m honoured to be part of the team that will deliver top notch service and further our relations within the community.” Jasmine Kang has over thirteen years of experience, eleven of those with Cummins, in an industry that has shown some incredible changes in recent years. She admits that it wasn’t easy to move and work in five countries; however, with the culture and environment that Cummins provides, the decisions were that much easier. When not working to develop Cummins BC, Kang spends her time shooting photography and writing. Being in Canada for less than a year, Jasmine also wants to travel to some of the smaller towns in BC and see more of the country. “I visited Yukon and was blown away by Canada’s beauty and the people who live in this amazing country,” says Kang. “Cummins has provided me with the opportunities to not only work within an amazing organization, but also travel across the world,” says Kang. Based on her track record, it’s safe to bet that Jasmine Kang will make a positive impact in any community in which she works.

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

by: G. Ray Gompf, CD



Fall 2019

Fossil Fuels vs Power for Transportation As a species, we know the problems associated with fossil fuels, which have been shown to be many. However, the biggest upside is availability. There is a worldwide cache of fossil fuel that will last many hundred years even at our current usage. It’s relatively easy to reach, fairly inexpensive and the land can be restored to original (again, debatable) once the fossil fuel has been extracted. We also know that lithium is a wonderful element to process for storing electricity. But lithium isn’t anywhere near as plentiful as fossil fuels. If everyone uses lithium to store electricity for their transportation needs, we will use the known reserves of lithium in several decades. And then the question will arise, “And now what?” What’s more important is that lithium also requires, at the moment, copious amounts of fossil fuels to achieve the strip mining of the lithium, leaving great scars on the Earth. So, is there a gain in protecting our environment? Politicians are now falling all over themselves and saying phrases like, “we pledge to be fossil fuel free by 2030.” They don’t say that transportation, while a significant part of the fossil fuel usage, is nowhere near the major user of fossil fuels. It’s as meaningful to eliminate plastic straws in the race as to eliminate plastics. Country leaders like to use phrases like, “let’s eliminate single use plastics.” While plastics is a different issue altogether, the concept is the same.

ie`k pRwxI dy qOr qy, AsIN rvwieqI bwlx (ptROl / fIzl ieqAwid) nwl juVIAwN sm`isAwvW nUM jwxdy hW, hwlW ik ies qoN vDIAw bdlwA auplbD hY[ mOjUdw ^pq Anuswr ivSvivAwpI rvwieqI bwlx dw BMfwr Awaux vwLy keI sO swlW q`k vriqAw jw skdw hY[ ieh bhuq AswnI nwL pRwpq ho jWdw hY, kw&I ssqw pYNdw hY Aqy ies nMU DrqI ‘coN k`F lYx qoN bwAd DrqI nMU AswnI nwL mu`FlI hwlq ‘c muV bhwl kIqw jw skdw hY[ AsIN ieh vI jwxdy hW ik lIQIAm ibjlI stor krn leI ie`k vDIAw swDn hY[ pr lIQIAm dI imkdwr rvwieqI iPaUl dy BMfwr dy mukwbly bhuq G`t hY[ jy hr koeI AwpxI AwvwjweI dIAwN jrUrqW leI ibjlI dy stor krn leI lIQIAm dI vrqoN krdw hY, qW lIQIAm dw mOjUdw BMfwr ku`J ku dhwikAW ‘c hI ^qm ho jwvygw, iPr aus qoN bwAd kI? ies smyN, iliQAm hwsl krn leI rvwieqI iPaUl dI v`fI mwqrw ‘c zrUrq hY, ijs nwL DrqI au~qy bhuq burw pRBwv pvygw[ qW kI Awpxy vwqwvrx nUM bcwaux ‘c swnMU koeI lwB hovygw? ie`k dUjy qoN au`pr dIN ho ho ky ifg rhy isAwsqdwn hux byvkUPI Bry ibAwn idMdy hoey kih rhy hn, "AsIN 2030 q`k rvwieqI iPaUl dI vrqoN qoN mukq hox dw vwAdw krdy hW"[ ieh lok ieh kdy vI nhIN kihMdy ik tRWsportySn, jo ik rvwieqI iPaUl dI vrqoN krn vwLw ie`k mh`qvpUrx Kyqr hY, rvwieqI iPaUl dI vrqoN krn vwLy mu`K aupBogqw dI Kpq nwloN ikqy G`t vrqoN krdw hY[ ieh qW auh g`l hoeI ik plwsitk nUM

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

In an era of bumper sticker policies, announcements saying, “let’s eliminate single use plastics” are not particularly well thought out. Just as, “eliminate fossil fuels by 2030” adds nothing to the cause, either to reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas production. Taking plastic drinking straws out of the equation to prevent polluting our oceans is like taking prussic acid out of apple seeds. One drop of prussic acid is enough to kill a human; prussic acid is present in apple seeds but the concentration of prussic acid is so minuscule that swallowing apple seeds has never killed a human. The real goal of every member of our species is to treat Mother Earth well! While the natural



Fall 2019

AwvwjweI leI iliQAm bnwm rvwieqI qyl swDn Kqm krn dI dOV ‘c plwsitk dy strwA bxwauxy Kqm kr id`qy jwx[ auh "AwE plwsitk nUM Kqm krIey" vrgy SbdW dI vrqoN krnw psMd krdy hn, ijs nUM ik isrP isAwsqdwn hI ie`k Swndwr bMpr sit`kr smJdy hn, jo ik iblkul ArQhIx g`l hY[ bMpr sit`kr nIqI GoSxwvW dw ie`k Xu`g jo ik "AwE plwsitk dI vrqoN Kqm krIey" ie`k vDIAw socI smJI nIqI nhIN hY[ ijvyN ik "2030 q`k rvwieqI iPaUl vrqxy bMd krny", gRInhwaus gYs dy auqpwdn nUM Gtwaux jW Kqm krn dy XqnW ‘c koeI vI Xogdwn nhIN pw rhy [ smuMdrW nUM pRdUiSq hox qoN bcwaux leI, plwsitk dIAW nLpIAW (strwA)

circle of life can take care of most of our abuse, we must be striving to provide as little abuse as possible in and to the world in which we live. We have been given the resources to answer whatever needs we may have. We have also been blessed with the collective brain power to solve any problem we may create converting those resources to useable forms. In the past, we discovered that just burning gasoline without treating the result of that burning to convert to useable energy created smog. At one time we used wood to heat our homes and cook our food. In fact, many people in the world still do. We discovered that burning coal was better, and less polluting to the air. Then, it was discovered that natural gas was even better and cleaner than coal. Some time later, the discovery of nuclear energy produced nothing in the atmosphere; however, it did produce a residue that would remain radioactive for eons and thus needed to be contained. However, the cost benefit was worth the minimal risk especially in an era of high energy demand. Even today, most scientists say that if nuclear energy could be harnessed and the risks could be reduced, it is the best form of energy possible. Politicians, who usually change during election years, forget about the benefit/risk assessment and can and do easily convince their crowd to the side of the risk assessment process that best presents their policy. Whether the masses like this or not, it is a truth. Politicians and world leaders need to be more focused on how to focus on the earth rather than the policy at hand. There is a different approach being tested compared to fossil fuels and lithium and that being hydrogen. Being the most abundant gas on Earth, hydrogen as a fuel could be the golden egg. However, skeptics aren’t buying into this approach, yet because it is so new. The problem is there is an equal and opposite reaction to every action, and for hydrogen, the potential downfalls aren’t apparent, yet. Major manufacturers of automobiles, trucks, and batteries are working diligently, and with massive investments, to achieve a successful, high level form of energy with respect to electrical power. It is a move in the right direction and hopefully, in the next decade or so, this new source of energy will be available, without causing negative impacts on the environment.

vrqxIAW bMd krnIAW isrP aus qrHW hI hY ijvyN ik sybW dy bIjW ‘c mOjUd pRXUizk AYisf bwhr k`Fxw[ pRXUizk AYisf dI ie`k bUMd mnu`KW nUM mwrn leI kw&I huMdI hY, Aqy syb dy bIjW iv`c pRXUizk AYisf mOjUd huMdw hY, pr syb dy bIzW ‘c ies dI mwqrw ieMnI G`t huMdI hY ienHW nUM ingl jwx nwl vI A`j q`k iksy mnu`K dI kdy vI mOq nhIN hoeI hY[ swfw swirAW dw ieh Prz bxdw hY ik AsIN DrqI mW dw siqkwr krIey! hwlWik kudrq hI swfy vloN kIqIAW bhuq swrIAW glqIAW TIk krdI rihMdI hY pr swfw ieh Prz bxdw hY ik AsIN ijMnw ho sky G`t qoN G`t durvrqoN krn dw Xqn krIey[ swfIAW loVW dI pUrqI leI bhuq swry somy auplbD hn[ ienHW soimAW dI vrqoN krdy smyN pYdw hox vwLIAW muSiklW dy h`l leI swnMU sMXukq idmwgI SkqI dw vrdwn, vI pRmwqmw ny bKiSAw hoieAw hY[ swnMU ieh vI pqw l`g cu`kw hY, ik pYtrol dI vrqoN krn nwL in`klx vwLy DUMeyN nMU nw soDx krky ieh hwnIkwrk q`qW ‘c bdl jWdw hY[ AsIN ieh vI jwx cu`ky hW ik swnMU DUMAW pYdw krn dI zrUrq nhIN hY, Aqy nw hI krnw cwhIdw hY[ iksy smyN AsIN l`kV dI vrqoN Awpxy GrW nUM grm krn Aqy Awpxw Bojn pkwaux leI krdy sI Aqy dunIAw ‘c bhuq swry lok Ajy vI krdy hn[ AsIN ies g`l nMU smJ gey hW ik koly dI vrqoN krn nwL hvw ‘c G`t pRdUSx PYldw hY[ pr iPr pqw l`gw ik kudrqI gYs koly nwloN vI vDIAw hY Aqy pRdUSx vI G`t pYdw krdI hY[ pr iPr iksy ny ieh Koj kIqI ik pRmwxU SkqI vwqwvrx iv`c koeI AxsuKwvIN cIz pYdw nhIN krdI, pr ie`k Aijhw q`q C`f jWdI hY jo ik kwPI smyN q`k ryfIE AYkitv rihMdw hY, Aqy ies nMU kwbU krnw zrUrI hY[ pr Ajoky Xu`g ‘c, ij`Qy bhuq izAwdw eINDn dI mMg hY Aqy pRmwxU SkqI vrqx dy Pwiedy ies qoN pYdw hox vwLy nukswn qoN ikqy v`D hn[ isAwsI nyqw, jdoN Awpxy bMpr stIkr nIqIgq ibAwnW dI vrqoN krdy hn, qW lwB / joKm mulWkx krnw Bu`l jWdy hn Aqy AswnI nwl lokW nUM joKm mulWkx pRikirAw dy h`k ‘c ieh XkIn idvw idMdy hn ik aunHW dI nIqI hI sB qoN au~qm hY[ koeI vI pVHy-ilKy lokW nUM swrI jwxkwrI pRdwn nhIN krnw cwhuMdw qW jo suqMqr h`l au`Br skx[ qusIN jW qW bMpr sit`kr KrIdx vwLy bx jwE nhIN qW quhwfI hoNd nMU hI nkwr id`qw jWdw hY[ ipCly pMjwh swlW iv`c, AsIN inScq qOr qy bMpr sit`kr BIV iv`coN lMGy hW jo ik glq swbq hoieAw hY Aqy jo ku`J vI aunHW nUM s`qw iv`c r`Kx jW aunHW nUM bhuq AmIr bxwaux leI kMm Awvygw aus bwry aus qrHW dI dlIl dyx dy qrIky auh l`B lYNdy hn[ iek v`KrI phuMc dI jWc kIqI jw rhI hY, Aqy ieh hY hweIfRojn dI vrqoN[ ikauNik ieh DrqI 'qy sB qoN izAwdw auplbD gYs hY[ ku`J lok Ajy vI ies nMU S`k dI nzr nwL vyK rhy hn[ sm`isAw ieh hY ik hr ikirAw leI iek brwbr Aqy ault pRqIikRAw huMdI hY[ ieh bMpr stIkr nIqI dy nzrIey ‘qy lwgU huMdw hY jo Swied iksy vI hor mnu`KI gqIivDIAwN qoN v`D hY[ AsIN jwxdy hW ik swfy kol ikhVI SYqwnI SkqI mOjUd hY Aqy AsIN aus dI KUb vrqoN kr rhy hW, Kws krky p`CmI sMswr iv`c, AsIN nhIN jwxdy ik ikhVy nvyN SYqwnW dw inrmwx ho irhw hY jdoN q`k ik ienHW nvyN SYqwnw dI prK nhIN ho jWdI Aqy ieh pqw l`g jWdw hY , ik ies nwl juVy Kqry aus nwloN mwVy nhIN, hn jo AsIN pihlW qoN jwxdy Aqy vrq rhy hW [

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

DAMAN GREWAL PATIENT, PERSISTENT & POWERFUL Born in Surrey, British Columbia, Daman Grewal’s life seems to have been predestined due to some blessing, to bring success to him.

Daman’s father left at a very young age of four. His mother, Surinderjit Grewal, who was left with three children to care for, faced this scenario stoically. It seems that she fully realized that in times of hardships, discipline would be her finest strength. She often worked two jobs, taught her three boys’ discipline, and saw to it that steadily, her family got a solid ethical foundation in life. Daman’s school days were not devoid of challenges. Growing up in the early 80’s came with its own fair share of challenges. He would often hear stories of immigrant struggles in Canada and the rare



Fall 2019

srI, ibRitS kolMbIAw iv`c jnmy, dmn gryvwl dI izMdgI iv`c,aus nUM sPlqw imlxI iksy AwSIrvwd sdkw pUrvinrDwirq l`gdI hY[ dmn Ajy cwr swlW dw hI sI jdoN aus dy ipqw guzr gey[ aus dI mwqw, suirMdrjIq gryvwl, ijs nUM Awpxy iqMn b`icAW dw iDAwn r`Kxw sI, ny ies swrI dSw dw bVy Awqm-sMjm nwl swhmxw kIqw[aus nUM XkIn sI ik iehnW muSiklW dy smyN AnuSwSn hI aus dI sB qoN v`fI qwkq hovygI[aus ny do nOkrIAW kIqIAW, Awpxy iqMnW b`icAW nUM AnuSwSn isKwieAw, Aqy ieh vI dyiKAw ik hOlI hOlI aus dw pirvwr ie`k Tos ieKlwkI buinAwd hwsl kr sky[ dmn dy skUlI idn vI cunOqIAW qoN s`Kxy

I was most satisfied to see the truck drivers return to the office safe and sound after delivering the load successfully to the desired destination.”

nhIN sn[ srI iv`c, auhnIN idnIN ieMfo-kYnyfIAn AwbwdI v`Dx krky cMgy AiDAwpkW iv`coN kuJ ku p`KpwqI sn[ aus nUM Awpxy svwlW, jo p`Kpwq nwl mwrk sn, dy jvwb hwisl krn leI swhmxw krnw ipAw[ prMqU kuJ vI, dmn dw mnobl ifgw nhIN sikAw[ skUl qoN bwAd aus ny aucyrI pVHweI leI fgls kwlj iv`c dwKlw ilAw[ dmn, jwxdw sI ik aus nUM, AwpxI is`iKAw nUM, AwpxI soc nUM Aqy izMdgI dI smJ nUM bVI idRVqw nwl vDwauxw pvygw[ ieh smJdwrI hI aus dy svY-inrimq ibjins lIfr hox dI sB qoN pihlI inSwnI sI[ auh Awpxy im`qr dy ipqw krqwr sMGyVw ijnHW dI Amn tr`ikMg kMpnI hY, nUM bhuq mwnqw dyNdw hY[ ieh aunHW dy kihx qy hI dmn nUM bhuq G`t aumry hI ausdI pVHweI iv`c smrQn krn leI nOkrI iml geI[ Awpxy kMm iv`c au~c nYiqk inXmW dy nwl, dmn dw ivSvws sI ik iksy vI kMm leI idmwg, h`QW Aqy idl dI zrUrq huMdI hY Aqy ies au~qy aus ny Aml vI kIqw[ aus ny loAr mynlYNf dIAW keI tr`ikMg kMpnIAW dy kwrj-kwl dOrwn, tr`ikMg ibjins dy hr Kyqr iv`c,cwhy dsqwvyjI sbUq, ivkrI, XU AYs dy trWsport mihkmy nwl sMbMiDq AkwaUNts, logbu`ks, ifspYc, sur`iKAw

person telling them to go back to where they came from. These stories would later transform Daman’s life as he would use these life lesson’s and incorporate them into his work practices. Graduating from BCIT, Daman knew that he must persistently improve his learning, his thinking and his approach to life. In his journey of becoming a selfmade business leader, he attributes much of his success to having many mentors in his life including his friend’s father, who introduced

Daman to the industry, Kultar Sanghera, of Aman Trucking. During his tenor for various companies, before starting his own, it was the backend office jobs that gave him the most satisfaction. He replied, “I was the most satisfied to see the truck drivers return to the office safe and sound after delivering the load successfully to the desired destination.” He added that he loved welcoming them by serving hot cups of chai tea!

auh ivAkqIgq qOr qy ingrwnI r`Kdw hY ik kMpnI iv`c stwP dI AonborifMg sB qoN vDIAw pySwvrwnw FMg nwl hovy[

By Temperament, Daman is not the kind of person who will make impulsive decisions.

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

dmn gryvwl

DIrjvwn, idRV Aqy pRBwvSwlI He is a content person. He spent a lot of time thinking as to what his trigger to progress is. Initially, it was to be able to pay his tuition fees, but now, as destiny unfolded itself to him, he became well experienced in every sphere of the trucking industry. It seemed the right time for him to open his own company when his friend Dave Sidhu asked him to do so. With small investments both Daman and Dave Sidhu opened their first logistics company in Abbotsford. They did not have a proper office and had to use a 20 ft storage trailer on a farm as their office, and portable washroom outside. One can well imagine how hot it might become in summers in the blueberry field! Daman knew the world will not shower money on him just because of his knowledge of the trucking industry. He will have to work extremely hard to bring his company to the forefront. And this involved responsibility. He wanted to lead a powerful company that will improve and enrich lives of people and their communities. Their first

tryinMg Aqy Awift dy PIlf iv`c hovy,bVI qndyhI nwl kMm kIqw[ jdoN pu`iCAw igAw, AwiPs dy iv`c kMm krdy nOkrI dy ikhVy pihlU ny aus nUM sB qoN ijAwdw qs`lI id`qI? aus ny jvwb id`qw,“mYnUM sB qoN ijAwdw EdoN qs`lI huMdI sI, jdoN mYN tr`k frweIvr nUM ie`k ie`iCq itkwxy qy qs`lIbKS lof ifilvr krn qoN bwAd sur`iKAq AwiPs AwauNdw vyKdw sI[”auh ieh vI kihMdw hY ik aus nUM aus dw grm cwh dy nwl svwgq krnw cMgw l`gdw sI[ suBwA dy muqwibk,dmn aus qrHW dw ienswn nhIN jo qrMgI PYsly krygw[ auh ie`k squMSt ienswn hY[aus ny Daman is not the kind of person who will make impulsive decisions. He is a content person.



Fall 2019

major contracts were from major enterprises, including Weyerhauser and BC Greenhouse Growers. To get the project completed he engaged with local truck drivers, thus creating work opportunities for the local community. Those humble beginnings also had a modest revenue. He keeps and proudly shows the copy of the first cheque their company earned, from Weyerhauser for the amount of $3445.00. In 2012, Daman got another opportunity to grow and partnered with Harpreet Kalsi in Centurion Trucking Inc. They specialize in Temperature Controlled and Dry Van services. “Our goal is to provide a service that is unparallel in reliability and dependability.” says Daman. For Daman, his employees come first. He is a strong advocate of the business practice that if you treat your employees right, your employees will set the core foundation of the business. He personally supervises that onboarding of staff is done in the most professional manner. Each year a grand staff appreciation event is organized where all staff members bring their families and have fun. At Centurion Trucking, he contributes its success to the hard-working driver and the staff. With an environmentally friendly fleet of over 100 pieces of equipment, Centurion is shining away to success. Daman has tried to understand the trucking industry from all perspectives. Due to his broad experience, he sits on the Board of Directors in the Canadian Trucking Alliance and BC Trucking Association. He stressed on the point that the Government of British Columbia should give some tax benefits to the trucking industry in the context of purchase of land. The land in lower mainland is very expensive and to keep the industry, jobs and families in the lower mainland – it is crucial for the province’s economy that favourable attention is given by the policy makers. Success in professional life is hugely dependent on the people in your personal life, who quietly, persistently build and support your family. Daman’s wife Hardeep is a strong support to him. He believes that her backing has enabled him to put in long hours, travel and engage with the

ijAwdw smW socx qy lgwieAw, ik qr`kI krn leI kI pRyrk hY? SurU iv`c ieh sB kuJ aus dI itaUSn PIs leI kw&I sI, pr ijs qrHW ik iksmq Awpxy Awp aus qy KulHdI rhI, aus ny tr`k ieMfstrI dy hr Kyqr iv`c cMgw qjrbw ilAw[ ieh aus nUM AwpxI kMpnI KolHx leI auicq smW l`igAw jdoN aus dy im`qr fyv is`DU ny Aijhw krn leI ikhw[ bhuq G`t pUMjI nwl dovW, dmn Aqy fyv is`DU ny AYbtsPorf iv`c AwpxI pihlI tr`ikMg kMpnI KolHI[ aunHW kol Awpxw shI FMg dw AwiPs nhIN sI Aqy ie`k tr`k trylr nUM hI, ijs iv`c twielt dI suivDw nhIN sI, Awpxy AwiPs leI PrnIcr r`Kx leI hI vrqxw ipAw[ koeI vI bVI cMgI qrHW klpnw kr skdw hY ik grmIAW ‘c blUbYrI dy Pwrm iv`c trylr ikMnw grm ho jWdw hovygw[ dmn nUM pqw sI ik dunIAW isrP aus dy tr`ikMg kMpnI dy igAwn krky aus nUM pYsw nhIN dyvygI[ aus nUM AwpxI kMpnI nUM sB qoN A`gy ilAwaux leI bhuq imhnq krnI pvygI[ ies iv`c ijMmyvwrI vI Swml sI[ auh ie`k smr`Q kMpnI clwauxI cwhuMdw sI jo aus dy BweIcwry dI qy lokW dIAW izMdgIAW nUM ibhqr bxwvygI[ aunHW dw pihlw v`fw kMtrYkt ie`k v`fy audXog gRInhwaUs pRoifaUs bI.sI. qoN sI Aqy ies pRwjYkt nUM hwisl krk aus nyy lokl tr`k frweIvrz joVy, ies qrHW lokl BweIcwry leI kMm krn dy Avsr vI pYdw hoey[aus inmwxI ijhI SurUAwq dI vwjb ijhI Awmdn sI[ auh Awpxy pihly cYk dI kwpI, jo $3445.00 aus dI kMpnI ny kmwey, bVy mwx nwl ivKwauNdw hY[ sMn 2012 iv`c, dmn nUM ivkws krn dw ie`k hor mOkw imilAw Aqy aus ny hrpRIq klsI nwl sYNcuirAn tr`ikMg ieMk. KolHI[ auhnW dIAW syvwvW,hIitf Aqy rYPrIijryitf syvwvW iv`c ivSyS hn[


by: Rishi Singh

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

auh Awpxy im`qr dy ipqw krqwr sMGyVw ijnHW dI Amn tr`ikMg kMpnI hY,nUM bhuq mwnqw dyNdw hY[ieh aunHW dy kihx qy hI dmn nUM bhuq G`t aumry hI ausdI pVHweI iv`c smrQn krn leI nOkrI iml geI[ “swfw tIcw AijhI syvw nUM muh`eIAw krvwauxw hY jo BrosyXogqw Aqy inrBrqw iv`c byimswl hY”, dmn kihMdw hY[ dmn leI aus dy krmcwrI pihly AwauNdy hn[ auh ie`k Aijhw smr`Q ibjins dI nYqikqw dw AYfvokyt hY ik jykr qusIN Awpxy krmcwrIAW nwl TIk ivvhwr krdy ho,qW gwhk hmySW vwps AwauNdy hn[ auh ivAkqIgq qOr qy ingrwnI r`Kdw hY ik kMpnI iv`c stwP dI AonborifMg sB qoN vDIAw pySwvrwnw FMg nwl hovy[ hr swl auh ie`k Swndwr stwP pRsMsw dw smwgm AwXoijq krdw hY, ijQy hr stwP mYNbr Awpxy pirvwr nUM mzy krn leI lY ky AwauNdw hY[ sYNcuirAn tr`ikMg qy,auh ies dI sPlqw nUM imhnqI frweIvrW Aqy stwP nUM vMfdw hY[ Awpxy vwqwvrx AnukUl 50 qoN ijAwdw tr`kW dI PlIt Aqy 70 trylrz nwl sYNcuirAn sPlqw BrpUr cmk irhw hY[ dmn ny tr`ikMg ieMfstrI nUM swry pirpyKW qoN smJx dI koiSS kIqI hY[ aus dw vDyry qjrbw hox krky,auh kYnyfIAn tr`ikMg AlwieMs Aqy`ikMg AYsosIeySn dy borf AwP fwierYktrz iv`c bYTdw hY[ auh ies nukqy qy vDyry zor idMdw hY ik ibRitS kolMbIAw dI gOrimMt tr`ikMg ieMfstrI dy mwlkW nUM jmIn KrIdx dy pRsMg iv`c tYksW ‘c Pwiedy dyxy cwhIdy hn[ loAr mynlYNf iv`c zmIn bhuq mihMgI hY Aqy ie`Qy ieMfstrI nUM,nOkrIAW qy pirvwrW nUM r`Kx leI, sUbweI AwriQkqw leI bhuq zrUrI hY, ik pwilsI bxwaux vwilAwN duAwrw AnukUl iDAwn id`qw jwvy[

community, hence he owes a lot to her. He is blessed with Lincoln, who is his ten-year young boy and Ariya, his 6-year old daughter. His wife and kids mean the world to him! When asked what he would say to South Asian Fleet and Owner’s readers: “Be Good, Do Good, and watch Good things will Happen!” (Sewa)

“Be Good, Do Good, Good things will Happen to you!” 26


Fall 2019

pySwvrwnw izMdgI iv`c sPlqw, quhwfI ivAkqIgq izMdgI iv`c Swml lokW qy ijAwdw inrBr huMdI hY, jo KwmoSI nwl quhwfy pirvwr nUM idRVqw nwl bxwauNdy qy mdd krdy hn[ dmn dI pqnI hrdIp il`DVW aus dw smr`Q swQ hY[ aus nUM ivSvws hY ik aus dy smrQn ny hI aus nUM lMby GMitAW b`DI kMm krn, s&r Aqy BweIcwry nwl juVn iv`c mdd kIqI hY, iesy krky auh aus nUM bhuq mwnqw dyNdw hY[ aus dy do b`cy hn, ilMkn, jo ik ds swl dw bytw Aqy AwrIAw Cy swl dI bytI hY[ aus dI pqnI Aqy aus dy do b`cy aus leI dunIAW hn[ jdoN aus nUM pu`iCAw igAw ik auh swaUQ eySIAn PlIt Aqy AOnrz dy pwTkW nUM kI kihxw cwhvygw : dmn ny ikhw:

“cMgy bxo,cMgw kro,qy quhwfy nwl cMgw hI vwprygw!”

FallDane 2019 Great Dane and The Oval are registered trademarks of Great LLC. I742 27 DMD 0319

Fleet & Owner

Factoring in North America’s transportation industry

Trucking companies rely on a steady cash flow to not only survive but thrive in this today’s fast-paced transportation industry. As a business owner, you know how important it is to have funds readily available to purchase fuel, conduct maintenance on your fleet, and pay your drivers and suppliers on time. But what happens when delays in payment from your own customers create a cash-strapped roadblock?

How to access the capital that keeps cash flowing and trucks running

Having cash on hand is essential for financing the above items and seeing growth in your business. That’s why J D Factors has been offering custom factoring solutions for transportation businesses like yours for more than 30 years in order to provide you with access to the capital required to keep your trucks on the road. How does factoring improve cash flow? Put simply, factoring is the sale of accounts receivable, which gives your business immediate access to working capital, without incurring debt. The purchase and sale of your invoices (which usually bear a net-30 day or longer payment term) at a discount, can remedy a cash-flow dilemma by getting your transportation business back on track. The sale of your accounts receivable through factoring will provide you, as the business owner, with immediate cash that you can use to grow various areas of your business. Factoring generates cash advances up to 95 per cent of the invoice, and by choosing J D Factors, we’ll collect payment



Fall 2019

for the invoices and accept any credit risk on your behalf. In addition, trucking companies who turn to J D Factors for factoring are automatically approved for a Fuel Card program that generates savings at the pump. Clients can also connect with FreeLoader, a free load board, to ensure they have a full load for each trip. Is factoring right for your business? You might be asking yourself, “Who factors?� Small- to medium-sized transportation businesses across North America are turning to factoring to increase their cash flow. Factoring is also ideal for start-ups with growth potential, who may not be able to access capital from conventional banking methods.

Contact J D Factors to get started The next opportunity to expand your trucking business could be just around the bend. J D Factors’ expert team will ensure you have the working capital required to take your business to the next level. We are the premiere transportation factor in North America, providing fullservice accounts receivable financing and credit management, including purchase order financing. We work with all sizes of transportation companies from startups to those processing $4 million in volume a month.

Trucking companies that may have had their bank lines reduced (or eliminated) and need to maintain cash flow will also turn to factoring. As well as companies who have the potential to grow quickly, but lack the financial resources to make it happen.

Connect with us, and be prepared to overcome any cash flow roadblocks in your path. Contact J D Factors at

1-800-263-0664 or visit

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

2019 Mercedes-Benz G550


Review and photos by: Russell Purcell



Fall 2019

Mercedes' flagship utility vehicle may have all the equipment and capabilities to take you virtually anywhere you wish to travel, but the majority of these rolling leviathans will spend their time transporting affluent owners to work, on daily errands, or on occasion, to the ski slope or cottage. The boxy design that has helped make the G Wagon a cultural icon is largely intact, although it has been carefully redesigned to provide more room as well as refine some of the vehicle's design elements.

The panel gaps are much improved over those of the outgoing variant, and all of the lighting systems and reflectors feature a more modern design and are far better integrated and less utilitarian looking than before. The rear-view camera has been placed in a more optimal location and the rear wiper is far less obtrusive looking. The headlights are all-new and represent the easiest way to differentiate the new model on the fly, as they feature an LED circle surround when the running lights are in operation. These

new lamps proved outstanding at night, and feature automatic high-beam operation as well as active turning. Larger, full-led taillights are also now standard. The oversized door handles and exposed hinges remain, as G Wagon customers seem to have an affinity for them, despite the fact that they hint at the vehicle's early military roots. The doors themselves are heavy, and require a good slam to shut, but the robust sound of the latch mechanism in action reminds the user that this vehicle is built to endure whatever it may come

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

across. The one drawback of this nod to the past is that this door lock design does not permit keyless operation. Scrambling up into the vehicle can be demanding as it rides high on 19-inch wheels fitted with enormous 275/55R19 tires, and has been designed to provide enough ground clearance (9.5-in) to clamber over just about any obstacle. There are a variety of accessory handles to assist you in your climb, as well as a narrow side step. Once behind the wheel you realize that you are in a truck based vehicle as you sit up very high with a commanding view of the road before you. The long hood blocks the view of the road immediately ahead, but the presence of the fender mounted marker lights help act as a guide. The cabin's tall windows enhance outward visibility and there is a sunroof over the front seating positions. The G Class has morphed from a dedicated military tool into a more comfortable consumer platform over the years with the gradual addition of creature comforts and technological goodies, but past examples lacked the opulent interiors and modern equipment that one expects in a Mercedes product. All that changes with the arrival of this new rig, as the interior has been



Fall 2019

thoroughly updated to reflect Mercedes current design language and the look is both clean and uncomplicated. Fit and finish is top-notch and all the hard and soft surfaces are constructed of high quality materials. The taut leather front seats feature heating and cooling capabilities, as well as seemingly infinite adjustability. They are also equipped with active side bolsters and massage functions. Rear passengers will find plenty of space to stretch out and benefit from heated seats and their own climate control system. In the case of the latter, the G550 comes standard with three-zone climate control. While on first inspection the G550 looks much like its forbearer, it has in fact grown in virtually every dimension. The new model is 131mm wider, 53 mm longer, and 15 mm taller. This might not sound like much, but it does translate into more interior passenger and cargo room. I stand 6'2" tall and found more than sufficient leg-, hip-, and headroom in all seating positions. Mind you it should be noted that you sit really upright in this vehicle, especially upfront, almost like in a dining chair, so your legs are not outstretched like in a more traditional car-like design. There are a host of new additions to the interior treatment, including for the first time, proper cup holders, an electronic parking brake, and a multiconfigurable 12.3-inch virtual instrument clustre.

The thick-rimmed steering wheel offers shift paddles as well as a wide array of secondary controls for various infotainment and driver aids. If I had one complaint regarding switchgear it would be the placement of the window switches far forward on top of the door panel. This poses a problem in rain-soaked regions such as Vancouver where said switches will be regularly assaulted by water when the door is opened or the window is in operation. I have no complaints however with the highly customizable infotainment system which is comprised of a 12.3-inch screen that incorporates navigation, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, as well as the ability to rewind and tune mix Sirius-XM satellite radio programming. This system is also used to tweak many of the car's various accessory, comfort and safety equipment as well as performance parameters. It is not a touchscreen; rather it employs the company's COMAND system with touchpad controller (mounted on the centre console). This set-up requires some time to get familiar with, but proved very effective. Ambient lighting helps give the cabin a luxurious edge, while the outstanding Burmeister audio system transforms the cavernous interior into a serene listening chamber. Passenger safety is a major decision when someone is looking for a new vehicle so the product planners at Mercedes have outfitted the G550 with a bevy of technologies designed to protect the human cargo. These include Lane Keeping Assist, Blind Spot Assist, Rear Cross-Traffic Alert, Active Parking Assist, and Trailer Stability Assist. The vehicle also offers self-parking capabilities, as well as back-up, front and 360-degree view cameras. Under the hood resides the same well-sorted 4.0-litre biturbo V8 engine as before, although it is now mated to a new, ultra-smooth and efficient 9-speed transmission. This capable combination produces 416-hp and 450 lb.ft of torque, and will allow the G550 to hustle from a standstill to 100 kilometres-per-hour in a mere 5.9 seconds. A delicate rumble will permeate the cabin when you tromp on the accelerator as the exhaust pipes exit to the side of the vehicle.

assisted rack-and-pinion steering is light and linear, and good for a vehicle of this type. The addition of an independent front suspension (replacing the solid axle) helps the G550 track more direct and true, and helps the platform drive and feel more like an actual luxury vehicle, rather than a rough and tumble truck. It still feels top heavy, but is much more planted than the outgoing model. Overall the ride is comfortable and well suited for every day cruising. When the road does get curvy the electronic side bolsters hold the driver and front passenger in place and the oversized brakes performed flawlessly. There are several driver selectable modes to allow you to configure the G550 to best suit the conditions or your driving style these include comfort mode, eco, individual, sport and G-mode. G-mode is for those occasions when you may take the vehicle off-road. It will basically manage steering, shifting and throttle variables in manner best suited to the conditions and is automatically activated as soon as one of the three locking differentials is selected, or when the G-Class is put into low range. At triple digit speeds there is quite a bit of wind noise, but at regular speeds, the well insulated cabin remains a quiet and serene place to be, until the driver steps hard on the accelerator and the refined bark of the engine and exhaust system chime in to tickle the ears. The evolution of the G Class has been well executed as the vehicle now offers all the modern amenities as well as significantly more space and levels of luxury. I have no doubt that this icon will continue to deliver unmatched road presence for many decades to come.

Technical Specifications: 2019 Mercedes-Benz G550 Base price (MSRP): $134,000 Price as tested: $153,640 Body Style: Mid-size, 5 passenger SUV Layout: Front-engine, permanent allwheel drive with 2-speed transfer case Engine: 4.0-Litre twin-turbocharged V8 Horsepower: 416 hp @ 5250-5500 rpm

Power delivery is smooth and the electronically

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

Traveling Professionally by: Jag Dhatt

At some time in your professional career, there’s going to be business travel. Whether it’s for a business meeting, conference, trade show, or a sales meeting, one thing that will always be important is the need for a contemporary and stylish wardrobe. When I first began to travel, I made the common mistake that all make: packing too much rather than focusing on what is really necessary. As my traveling continued, I learned, not only from experience, but by talking to styling professionals about the best options. Today, I’m able to select and pack the perfect wardrobe in a carry-on suitcase for about three days. For the traveling businessman, here are some things that you should consider buying; not only are these items professional, they are easy to care for and maintain.

The Travel Suit:

The most important aspect is a travel suit that is low maintenance and packable, because the last thing you want is a wrinkled suit. I’m a fan of Zegna and this High-Performance Packaway suit is precisely tailored in a slim silhouette that boasts a roped shoulder, high arm holes, and trim pant with a partially elasticated waistband for easy-wear. The packaway two-piece is fashioned from High Performance wool that is woven in a particular

way that gives the finished fabric extraordinary memory. It comes equipped with a matching case to stow the suit away – the ultimate travel convenience.

The Suitcase:

Use a carry-on that is well-built, has a flat bottom, and one that has a separate section that is zippered off. Montblanc makes some great carry-on suitcases and a personal favourite is the Cabin Luggage. It’s equipped with top and side handles as well as a retractable metal handle for ultimate convenience. Your belongings will stay safely stowed on-the-go with multiple interior pockets with zipper closure.



Fall 2019

The Packable Jacket:

Hugo Boss’ Packable Jacket is completely unlined and tailored in a micro-patterned synthetic fabric that minimizes wrinkling. This jacket folds away into its own pouch and is an ideal solution for any traveller. I didn’t think it would be wrinkle free, but this is now my go-to jacket while travelling.

The Shoes:

You spend a lot of your day on your feet, so invest the money in stylish shoes that are comfortable. The Hugo Boss Embossed Leather Derbies will be a handsome addition to your wardrobe. These Italian made, leather dyed shoes have an elongated silhouette. A rubber sole adds excellent traction to your stride and trust me, your feet will thank you.

The Laptop Briefcase:

For any business meeting, the Gucci Black GG Supreme Briefcase will complete the business look. This briefcase features the Gucci logo pattern in tones of black throughout. It has tonal buffed leather trim throughout and features twin rolled leather carry handles at the sides. For ease of carrying, there’s a detachable and adjustable webbing shoulder strap with stripes in navy and red, black buffed leather strap pad and lobster clasp fastening.

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

The Watch:

The Headphones:

Whether at the airport, on the plane, or during downtime, headphones that offer superior noise-canceling and amazing sound are a must. Being foldable is plus. With a history of over 70 years, JBL offers the Everest Elite 750NC, boasting features like Bluetooth connectivity, long battery life, TruNote auto sound calibration, and adaptive noise canceling.

There’s been a huge push towards connected watches, with the Apple iWatch still having a solid lead. If you want something more luxurious, then look at the TAG Heuer Connected Modular 45. Essentially, the modular is a frame on your wrist into which you can slot either the electronic smartwatch module or a traditional automatic movement – whichever takes your fancy. The watch is compatible with smartphones running Android 4.4+ and iOS 0.3+.

The Pen:

When signing some big contracts or business deals, do it in style using the Montblanc Meisterstuck PlatinumCoated Classique ballpoint pen. The cap and barrel are crafted in black precious resin inlaid with a white Montblanc emblem. Three platinum-coated rings with embossed Montblanc lettering and a platinum-coated clip with an individual serial number emphasize the timeless design of this luxurious ballpoint pen. For an individual look, the Meisterstuck is available in six elegant colours.

The Wallet:

There’s something to be said when a fine wallet is pulled from your pocket and Montblanc makes some impressive wallets. Flawless craftsmanship is a hallmark of Montblanc’s fine leather accessories. Most Montblanc wallets feature RFID-blocking lining to protect sensitive cards.

It’s important to note that you don’t need all of these items immediately. In addition, there may be more economical and alternate options. Build your travel wardrobe and accessories over time so that they suit your needs for your industry. From experience, I’ve learned that quality does matter and people do take notice. Yes, the man makes the suit, but the suit also makes the man. 36


Fall 2019

PU B AG # 4 2 2 2 6 5 1 2


Include your Business Stories in the Coming Editions of SAFO. Ask us how. Contact: 1 877 598 3374

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

GURMUKH SINGH SOHI Over two decades ago, Gurmukh Singh Sohi opened the first ever 24/7 Truck repair centre owned by a South Asian in the Greater Toronto Area.

SUKHWINDER SINGH BASSI AND HARVINDER SINGH BASSI Sukhwinder Singh Bassi and Harvinder Singh Bassi, who own North America’s leading trucking business – ASL Global Logistics – believe in the fact that each employee who joins their enterprise becomes part of their over 500 employee strong ASL family. The indomitable brothers are wise in worldly ways by putting this principle sincerely in practice leading to ASL Global Logistics emerging as a mega trucking empire in North America.

HARPREET MANDER AND SUKH KANG Harpreet Mander was neither oblivious nor afraid of change when he landed on Canadian soil in the year 1998. After giving himself some time to settle down to his new life in North America, he chalked out a plan for himself to write yet another phenomenal Canadian immigrant story.

ANDY GREWAL In 1996, a tall, lean, muscularly armed and agile Andy Grewal pulled himself into the truck’s cockpit, switched on the engine to move forward in the trucking business and never turned back! In the years to come – this young man formed one of the biggest trucking companies of North America.



Fall 2019

KAMAL DHALIWAL In 2001, it was rare for a young student to come to Canada. It was in that year that Kamal Dhaliwal got the opportunity to pursue a course in Seneca College, Ontario. He got upgraded to the world-renowned York University and completed his Baccalaureate in Business Administration from York.

DEV MANGAT DARA NAGRA A small village Jabowal, in the Nawashahr district of Punjab, was the birthplace of Dara Nagra, who has made a mark at the North American level with his business acumen.

Dev Mangat’s journey to Canada is one of the most unique and remarkably inspiring stories among the many immigrant success stories of Canada.

JAG DHALIWAL An extremely perceptive individual with an untiring work ethic, Jag Dhaliwal was destined to become an inspiring entrepreneur in the Canadian trucking industry.

GURSEWAK SINGH Gursewak Singh and his successful trucking business, The New Malwa Express have an inspiring trajectory of unparalleled success in the competitive North American trucking industry. Hailing from Faridkot in Punjab, a state in north-west India, Gursewak got into the trucking business as early as 1994, as a driver.

SATNAM SINGH DHALIWAL An immigrant to Canada, Satnam’s life journey to becoming a Canadian entrepreneur is inspiring. He strongly believed that beyond his share of struggling days, he would experience success in Canada.

Read full stories at

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner


World Car of the Year – Yep!

2019 Jaguar I-Pace

With petrol prices going through the roof, well for us here on the West Coast anyways, there’s been a huge push for consumers to look at alternate fuel sources. Who can afford gas at $1.72/liter? And pundits expect this number to be even higher by summer time? Before, a hybrid or electric vehicle was seen as an option, as most didn’t think the initial higher cost off-set the benefits. Now, we’re seeing much higher numbers of hybrid and



Fall 2019

electric car sales. Even a cousin of mine who never thought he would buy an electric vehicle picked on up a few days ago, something that surprised. With Tesla being the most popular luxury electric car maker, it was only time before another manufacturer made its presence and lo and behold, the new Jaguar I-Pace. And from the week that I had behind of the wheel of the new

it turns heads. Everywhere I went or parked the I-Pace, people were curious and wanted to know more about it. The I-Pace is definitely not your average looking vehicle: it’s a great blend of an SUV and sports car. The curves and lines reflect the forwardthinking design elements that Jaguar wants to infuse into its products. It’s a vehicle that has a unique design and can be spotted from a mile away. The I-Pace is wide and low to the ground (even though ours came with air suspension) and is perfect for the image of Jaguar; a

Driving the I-Pace around town is an experience in itself.

stealthy animal ready to pounce. And pounce it does when necessary, something we’ll get to later.

Jag, Tesla better be worried, especially since the I-Pace also won the World Car of the Year Award at the 2019 New York International Auto Show. Looks: Yes, both the Tesla Model S and X are good looking cars, but the Jaguar I-Pace is equally so, but definitely bolder, and

Interior: If the Jaguar I-Pace looks good on the outside, you’ll be even more wow’ed by the interior. Let’s first talk about the electronics. As Land Rover has done in some of vehicles, the I-Pace is dominated by screens, which control most aspects of the car. At the center of the dash sits the brand-new dual screens. The top 10” screen serves as the main infotainment screen while the smaller lower screen controls the HVAC system; however, the lower screen can show other information, such as multimedia settings and such. There are two knobs for the control settings and once you master them, it’s a breeze to use. Push down on these buttons for temperature settings and push down again to control seat heat/ventilation. As in most luxury vehicles, there are no gauges, all being replaced by a customizable digital display. One thing I’ve noted before and it’s worth mentioning again – I’m surprised that with Jaguar Land Rover being one of the biggest luxury brands, their infotainment and digital systems are disappointing. Not only are they slow, but have glitches quite

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

often. In addition, Bluetooth also falls below expectations, with listeners always complaining of excessive noise. Compare that to a drop-top Mercedes, in which I had long conversations using Bluetooth, with the person on the other side not realizing the top was down. The seats, materials, and fit and finish of the vehicle is as expected, very good. What was more surprising is that interior space is more than you’d expect. The silhouette of the vehicle makes the interior seem small, but with the battery pack in the floor, there is ample room in the I-Pace for 5 adults. And the roofline of the I-Pace is almost one huge glass panel, complete with a solar coating, that lets light in but keeps heat out. More important, the glass roof makes the interior feel very airy and open. The Drive: So, let’s get to the meat of the story – the drive of the I-Pace. For 2019, there is only one powertrain available, a 90kWh battery pack. To most, this doesn’t mean much. What does matter is that, according to JLR, this Jaguar should get about 377 kilometers on a single charge. And as we all know, the projected range is usually not the realworld range, but we’ll get to that later too.

By: Jag Dhatt

The I-Pace has two Jaguar-developed electric motors (one on each axle) that develop 197 hp and 256 lb-ft. of torque at each axle (for a total of 394 hp and 512 lb-ft of torque). This Jaguar is ready to pounce, and pounce is does; you can get from 0 – 100 km/h in just 4.8 seconds. That’s pretty quick considering this is a heavy SUV. What impresses most is how immediate, and quiet, power delivery is. Yes, it’s an EV and thus, acceleration is instantaneous, but even so, it amazes people. With power like this, you wonder what you’re missing from a V8. Well, if we’re getting into this, it’s the growl of a V8. With the Jaguar I-Pace, you get a slight hum from the engine; however, when in Dynamic mode, there is a slight growl. It’s not V8, actually not even a 4-cylinder growl, but it’s an EV! And yes, all the sound is artificially piped into the vehicle. Driving the I-Pace around town is an experience in itself. The vehicle is nimble and incredibly easy



Fall 2019

to navigate even through the tightest corners. Onboard cameras help of course. On the highway is where the I-Pace really shines. It’s stable and predictable, and steering is spot on. What’s more, even when going at 100 km/h, if you step on the accelerator, the I-Pace jumps and takes off. It is fast! I also had the opportunity to drive the Jag on gravel roads. Now, one might think that the car wouldn’t be suited for such terrain, but not so. Even on loose gravel roads, the I-Pace shone, proving itself to be stable and providing a ride that was still very comfortable. And since it has AWD, I’m sure it would perform well in all seasons. One point that needs to be mentioned is that the I-Pace learns your driving manners. The vehicle’s artificial intelligence system monitors driving habits, methods, etc. and learns, displays and adjust the vehicle to match driver habits. It’s cool actually, especially when you approach the vehicle and it sets temperature, seating position and even audio presets based on what it’s learned. The Range: Jaguar claims that the I-Pace will get about 377 km on a full charge, UNDER IDEAL SITUATIONS. After a week with the car, I can tell you that it didn’t even come close. I averaged about 300 km under normal conditions. Is this bad? Not really. But you have to remember that the vehicle was new for me, so I was testing everything and I was stomping on the pedal quite often. I think that once I adjusted to the vehicle, and it learned my driving habits, I’d probably get around 320 km. Verdict: The 2019 Jaguar I-Pace is an impressive vehicle that is poised to take on the flagship Tesla. Yes, this vehicle is aimed at a niche market, especially since our tester was priced over $100, 000. But it is worth the price considering what you’re getting. Compared to the Tesla Model X, it’s about $80,000 cheaper than a similarly loaded and powered Model X. So, in that respect, it’s quite a bargain. There is a surge of electric vehicles on the horizon and for good reason. With gas prices going through the roof, alternate fuel sources need to happen. The Jaguar I-Pace is an impressive, stylish luxury EV that puts a smile on your face every time you pass a gas station.

We keep you moving,

because you can’t stop. vDIAw qknIk nUM cldw r`Kx leI Aqy murMmq dw kMm smyN isr mukwaux leI, quhwnUM loV hY vDIAw tYknISnW dI[ swfy Cummins dy PYktrI srtIPweIf tYknISIAn dIAW syvwvW, pUry au`qrI AmrIkw ‘c s`qy idn 24 GMty auplbD hn Aqy auh sdw hI quhwnUM bhuq hI vDIAw syvwvW Aqy shwieqw dyx leI vcnb`D hn[ sPr c`ldw r`Ko[ swfI vY~bsweIt ‘qy jwE jW swnMU 1-800-CUMMINS™ ‘qy &on kro[

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

Is there a Driver Shortage? A FIRST-HAND OPINION.

For the past fifty years, we’ve been hearing there’s a driver shortage. Yet, I haven’t seen any loads, no matter how poorly they pay, go undelivered. I’m not convinced the shortage isn’t a lack of understanding the problem. What I do see is carriers that are not so willing to hire and pay drivers for their worth, regardless of experience in the industry would warrant. Carriers that screen for the skill levels of their drivers have a lower turnover than carriers who hire seat warmers.



Fall 2019

The driver is one of a very few faces of your company who deals face-to-face with your clients. This interaction is critical in putting forth that good reputation you want to keep your customers your customers. It’s fine to have a relationship with your customer by phone or by the Internet, but it’s that personal face-to-face experience that solidifies the customer experience. Your driver isn’t just the driver, he or she is the greatest liaison, customer relations person you have in your organization. His or her

It’s important to remember that driver shortage is a direct result of company management. If all drivers were treated well, those drivers would be encouraging their sons and daughters to join the industry.

by: G.Ray Gompf, CD

fRweIvrW dI Pyr Gwt ipCly 50 swlW qoN iehI suxdy Aw rhy hW ik tr`k fRweIvrW dI Gwt hY pr mYN kdy ieh nhIN suixAW ik ies kwrn koeI lof phuMcwieAw nw igAw hovy[ ies ‘c ieh vI koeI AiV`kw nhIN bixAw ky ies dy G`t pYsy id`qy hox[ mYnUM ieh Gwt sm`isAw dI nw smJx dI vI nhIN idsdI[ jo mYN vyK irhw hW auh g`l ieh hY ik kYrIAr, fRweIvrW nUM aunHW dw bxdw h`k dyx leI iqAwr nhIN huMdy[Awpxy fRweIvrW dy hunr p`Dr nUM skrIn krn dw trnEvr, sIt vwrmrW nUM skrIn krn qoN vI G`t huMdw hY[

actions, or lack thereof, reflect not just on you but on the customer of your customer. Canada has approximately 00,000 more qualified drivers than there are driving jobs. Those who are qualified and don’t work the trade have for one reason or another chosen to work differently than behind the wheel. So no, there isn’t a shortage of qualified drivers; there’s a shortage of drivers willing to put up with nausea inflicted on them by dispatchers, administration and safety people and the copious enforcement people they interact on a daily basis. The authoritarian agencies, of which there are many, are constantly checking on drivers as they do their job. Many of the rules and regulations being enforced by these agencies feel like unwarranted harassment. As a result, many have decided to seek employment elsewhere. The commercial driver pool is a fairly well-educated demographic, but they are treated a step above any politician. There are reasons for employers to discuss and

fRweIvr quhwfy gwhkW dw swhmxw krn vwiLAW ‘coN ie`k hY[ auh gwhkW koL quhwfI aus ie`zq nUM bxweI r`Kx ‘c mdd krdw hY jo qusIN AwpxI kMpnI dI cwhuMdy ho[ ieh vI zrUrI hY ik gwhk nwl qusIN Pon rwhIN jW ieMtrnY`t rwhIN rwbqw bxweI r`Ko[ pr ijhVw prBwv auunHW ‘qy Awhmo swhmxy hox nwl pYNdw hY auh bhuq pRBwvSwlI huMdw hY Aqy ieh kMm quhwfw fRweIvr hI kr skdw hY[ ie`k frweIvr kyvl tr`k clwaux dw hI kMm nhIN krdw auh quhwfI sMsQw dw hor gwhkW nwl vDIAw irSqw bxwaux dw vI kMm krdw hY[ ausdw vDIAw ivvhwr jW ies ‘c Gwt dw kyvl quhwfy ‘qy hI nhIN Asr pYNdw sgoN quhwfy gwhkW dy gwhkW ‘qy vI pYNdw hY[ knyfw ‘c isKlweI pRwpq fRweIvrW dI igxqI 100,000 dy krIb hY[ ieh, kMm leI loVINdy fRweIvrW dI igxqI qoN v`D hY[ ijhVy tRyNf fRweIvr hox dy bwvjUd vI ieh kMm krn dI bjwey hor ik`qw ApxwA lYNdy hn ies dy vI keI kwrn hn[ ies leI ieh kihxw TIk nhIN ik fRweIvrW dI Gwt hY[ pr bhuqy fRweIvr, ifspYcrW, pRbMDkW, syPtI vwLy Aqy AnykWw hI hor inXm lwgU krn vwLy lokW v`loN kIqy jWdy hr roz dy kwto klyS Aqy mwVy vqIry kwrn ieh kMm krnw hI nhIN cwhuMdy[ mwlkW vloN cMgy fRweIvr nw imLx dw cIk ichwVw pwaux dy vI kwrn hn[ pr jo lok kmRSIAl fRweIvr dw ik`qw Apnwauxw cwhuMdy hn, aunHW vloN ies nMU nw Apnwaux jW iksy Kws kMpnI leI kMm nw krn dy keI kwrn hn[ ho skdw hY ieh kwrn pYsw hovy, pr Awm qOr ‘qy pYsy dw mslw nhIN huMdw; ies dw

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

ie`k frweIvr kyvl tr`k clwaux dw hI kMm nhIN krdw auh quhwfI sMsQw dw hor gwhkW nwl vDIAw irSqw bxwaux dw vI kMm krdw hY[

voice the inability to attract good drivers. But for as many people that are looking to be a commercial driver, there are several reasons they either aren’t or that they won’t for a specific carrier. It could be money, but usually money isn’t the issue. It could be the benefits. It could be uninterrupted home time, and often is. It could be the equipment they’re expected to operate. It could be the maintenance schedule for equipment. If the equipment isn’t 100% at all times, then the administration needs to up their game. Recruiters often focus on the money issues. If recruiters were to take a prospective driver on a facility tour, show them the repair facility and how trucks are scheduled for preventative maintenance, introduce them to the safety manager and see the policies under which they’d be expected to operate, then perhaps those signing bonuses wouldn’t need to be so high, which is common today. By demonstrating that a prospective driver is going to be part of a team and how he or she will interface with others on the team would go a lot further than any signing bonus, and to ensure that the driver stays with the company. And, personally speaking, rather than an upfront signing bonus, maybe some retroactive pay for skill level development previously taken would



Fall 2019

kwrn jW qW shUlqW dw nw imLxw ho skdw hY Aqy jW aunHW nMU Gr ‘c ibqwaux vwLy smyN dw koeI p`kw pqw nhIN huMdw Aqy iksy vkq vI aunHW nMU kMm ‘qy muV s`d ilAw jwxw ho skdw hY, Aqy Aksr huMdw vI ieh hI kwrn hY[ jW ho skdw hY jo aupkrn auh kMm leI vrqdy hn auh mwVy huMdy hn[ Aqy ho skdw hY aunHW dI murMmq smyN isr nw krvweI jWdI hovy[ Aqy jykr kMm vwLy sMd hr vkq 100% kMm nw krdy hox qW ies dw kwrn pRbMDkI FWcy vloN kIqI geI lwprvwhI hI ho skdI hY[ nvyN frweIvr BrqI krn vwLy Aksr pYsy dy mwmly ‘qy hI iDAwn kNyidRq r`Kdy hn[ pr jykr ieh nvyN fRweIvrW nMU BrqI krn vwLy lok sMBwvI fRweIvrW nMU AwpxI kMpnI dI Xwrf ‘c gyVw mrvwaux nwL jwx, aunHW nMU murMmq krn vwLI jgHw ivKwaux, aunHW nMU syPtI mYnyjr nwL imLwaux qy AwpxIAW sur`iKAw nIqIAW bwry d`sx qW Swied nvyN fRweIvrW nMU kMm SurU krn vwLI rkm cwr ihMdisAW ‘c dyx dI zrUrq nw hI pvy[ nvyN krmcwrIAW nMU ieh vI d`sx ik auh iks qrHW nwL kMm krn vwLI tIm dw ih`sw bxn Aqy kMpnI quhwfy koloN tIm nwL iks qrHW dy ivhwr dI Aws r`KdI hY[ aunHW nMU A`gy vDx leI loVINdI tRyinMg pRwpq krn dy v`K v`K simAW bwry cMgI qrHW smJwE[ kMm SurU krn leI AgWaU bons dyx nwloN jykr pihlW pRwpq kIqI hoeI koeI isKlweI dy ADwr ‘qy aunHW dI qnKwh ‘c vwDw kIqw jwvy qW ieh Swied izAwdw cMgI g`l hovygI[ ieh g`l iblku`l s`c hY ik ies qrHW dIAW keI kMpnIAW hn jo bhuq vDIAw pRbMDkI FWcy hyTW c`l rhIAW hn Aqy fRweIvr aunHW nwL dhwikAW q`k kMm krdy rihMdy hn, pr Awpxy krmcwrIAW nwL mwVw ivvhwr krn vwLIAW kMpnIAW dI igxqI bhuq izAwdw hY, isrP CotIAW kMpnIAW hI nhIN keI v`fIAW kMpnIAW vI fRweIvrW nwL mwVy ivhwr krn leI jwxIAW jWdIAW hn[

be a more attractive option for the potential driver. There are many good, well-run organizations that hire drivers and maintain those drivers for decades, but these numbers are not as high as they should be. And it’s not just the small carriers; rather, there are some large carriers who don’t hire the best drivers because of poor hiring practices or methodologies. Thankfully, such large carriers are in the minority. It’s important to remember that driver shortage is a direct result of company management. If all drivers were treated well, those drivers would be encouraging their sons and daughters to join the industry. Right now, there are far too few drivers encouraging their children to follow suit because the rules and regulations have swung to the point where the safety the regulations divert such recruits to look elsewhere. For the transport industry, the buying power of the pay has gone down over the years. There is a distinct lack of skill development after the basic trying to obtain a license. In addition, there is no career path for which a driver can see himself advancing through the trade. In fact, truck driving isn’t even a recognized trade. All of these issues need to be addressed and then, possibly, some of those qualified might again come back to the trade.

pr qusIN Awpxy fRweIvrW nwL ies qrHW dw mwVw ivhwr nhIN kr skdy jdoN Kws krky ies ik`qy ‘c auplbD nOkrIAW dI Brmwr hovy[ keI v`fIAW kMpnIAW nMU qW cMgy fRweIvrW dI pihcwx krnI vI nhIN AwauNdI, BwvyN kMpnI nMU aunHW bwry swrI jwxkwrI QwLI ‘c pros ky vI id`qI jwvy qW vI auh ieh g`l smJx qoN AsmrQ hI rihMdIAW hn, pr r`b dw Sukr hY ik ies qrHW dIAW kMpnIAW dI igxqI Awty ‘c lUx brwbr hI hY[ Xwd r`Ko ik quhwfw pRbMDkI FWcw hI fRweIvrW dI Gwt dw is`Dw kwrn hY[ jykr hr ie`k fRweIvr nwl qusIN vDIAw ivhwr krdy ho qW auh qW quhwfI kMpnI nwL isrP Kud hI lMbw smW kMm nhIN krngy sgoN Awpxy DIAW pu`qrW nMU vI kMpnI leI kMm krn vwsqy pRyirq krngy[ ies vyly bhuq hI G`t fRweIvr hn jo AwpxI AOulwd nMU ieh ik`qw Apnwaux dI slwh idMdy hn[ ies dw kwrn Swied ieh hY ik syPtI dy nWA ‘qy bxy kwiedy kwnMUn ieMny guMJLdwr ho cu`ky hn ik ijs mMqv leI ieh bxwey gey sn auh mMqv bicAw hI nhIN hY Aqy jo bicAw hY, auh hY isrP ienHW nMU lwgU krn dI s^qI[ izAwdw qnKwh nwL lokW nMU AwkRiSq krn dw FMg ipCly ku`J swlW qoN Gt igAw hY[ lweIsYNs lYx qoN bwAd Kws iksm dy qzrby hwisl krn dI koiSS bhuq G`t hY[ fRweIvrW nMU ies ik`qy ‘c kMm krdy hoey qr`kI krn dw koeI rsqw ivKweI nhIN idMdw[ drAsl ‘c tr`k clwaux dy kMm nMU ik`qy vjoN mwnqw hI pRwpq nhIN hoeI hY[ ies sB ku`J nMU shI krn dI zrUrq hY qy Swied iPr hI qzrbykwr lok ies kMm ‘c muV vwips Aw jwx[

Fall 2019



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Fall 2019


ina Capobianco is the Vice President of JD Factors Corporation in Canada. JD Factors is a factoring company that started business in Canada in 1989. Factoring is the purchase of a company’s accounts receivable in exchange for immediate cash. It is a financial tool that helps small and medium sized businesses manage their cash flow and provides the capital a company needs for daily operations. Many transport companies use factoring as a way to finance their business. With the daily need of cash flow for a transport company, factoring provides the quickest access to cash without compromising the company’s balance sheet. Tina started her extensive career in factoring in 1992 when she was hired by JD Factors as an Account Executive. She has worked in all areas of factoring including operations, credit and underwriting and business development. In 2005, Tina was appointed the Vice President of JD Factors and she became responsible for the Canadian operations and portfolio with its head office in Mississauga and offices in Montreal and Calgary. Tina learned early on in her career that the client is the cornerstone of the factoring business. Learning how to work with a variety of different types of clients and industries has provided her with the experience to bring JD Factors to the forefront of the industry. JD Factors success is heavily based on the partnership they build with their clients. They get to know the clients needs, work with them to build a stable, financially sound business. Being a non recourse factoring company, we work with the client to build a solid base of quality customers. Once we train the company to work with credit worthy customers, they now have the foundation for success. Tina has worked tirelessly to promote the factoring industry in Canada and educate

tInw kYpoibAWko

vweIs pRYzIfYNt jy fI PYktrz kwrporySn

tInw kYpoibAWko knyfw ‘c jy fI PYktrz kwrporySn dI vweIs pRYzIfYNt hY[ jy fI ie`k PYktirMg kMpnI hY ijs ny knyfw ‘c 1989 ‘c kwrobwr SurU kIqw sI[ PYktirMg ie`k kMpnI dy nkd KwiqAW nMU KRId ky aus bdly qurMq nkd pYsw pRdwn krn nMU kihMdy hn[ ieh ie`k qrHW dw iv`qI swDn huMdw hY jo ik Coty qy drimAwny Akwr dyy kwrobwrW leI nkd pYsy dy pRvwh nMU cldw r`Kx ‘c shwieqw krdw hY Aqy aunHW nMU kMpnI dIAW rozwnw gqIivDIAW leI loVINdw pYsw pRdwn huMdw rihMdw hY[ bhuq swrIAW tRWsport kMpnIAW PYktirMg dw iesqymwl AwpxI kMpnI ‘c pYsy invyS krn leI vrqdIAW hn[ tRWsport kMpnI dy rozwnw KricAW leI loVINdw Dn, ibnw kMpnI dy KwiqAW nwL smJOqw krn dy, PYktirMg vloN ienHW nMU id`qw jWdw hY tInw ny PYktirMg ‘c Awpxy ivSwl kYrIAr dI SurUAwq 1992 ‘c aus vyly kIqI jdoN aunHW nMU jy fI PYktrz vloN ie`k AkwaUNt AYgzYikitv vjoN kMm ‘qy r`iKAw igAw sI[ auh hux q`k PYktirMg dy swry KyqrW, ijvyN ik kwrobwr krnw, kRYift qy AMfr rweIitMg Aqy ibizns dw pswrw krn vwLy AhuidAW ‘qy kMm kr cu`ky hn[ 2005 ‘c tInw nMU jy fI PYktrz dI aup pRDwn inXukq kIqw igAw Aqy knyfIAn EprySnz Aqy portPolIE dI, ijs dw mu`K dPqr imsIswgw ivKy hY Aqy mONtIrAl Aqy kYlgrI ‘c vI dPqr hn, swirAW dPqrW dI zuMmyvwrI aunHW nMU sMBwlI geI[ tInw ny Awpxy kMm dy SurU ‘c hI ieh smJ ilAw sI ik PYYktirMg ibzns ‘c gwhk hI mu`K Durw hY[ ieMfstrI ‘c v`Kry v`Kry gwhkW nwl kMm krn qoN bwAd auh ies Xog bx geI ijs kwrn jy fI PYktrz ieMfstrI ‘c sB qoN A`gy hY[ jy fI PYktrz dI kwmXwbI dw rwz aunHW v`loN bxwey gey gwhkW nwL vDIAw irSqy kwrn hI hY[ aunHW nUM gwhkW dIAW loVW dI pUrI jwxkwrI hY Aqy auh aunHW dy kwrobwr nUM siQr Aqy AwriQk p`KoNN mzbUq bxwaux ‘c mdd krdy hn[ aunHW dw kihxw hY ie`k nwn rIkors kMpnI hox dy nwqy auh aunHW nwL kMm krn vwiLAW Xog gwhkW dy ADwr nUM mzbUq bxwauNdy hn[ijs kwrn aunHW dw kwmXwbI dw ADwr mzbUq bx jWdw hY[

Fall 2019



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ieMfstrI ‘c v`Kry v`Kry gwhkW nwl kMm krn qoN bwAd auh ies Xog bx geI ijs kwrn jy fI PYktrz ieMfstrI ‘c sB qoN A`gy hY[

the commercial finance world that Factoring is a great solution to manage cash flow. She was one of the founders of the International Factoring Association Canadian Chapter and served 2 years on the IFA advisory board. Tina’s focus is to recruit a younger generation into the industry to maintain continuity and bring new ideas and views to factoring. Tina is also part of the Women in Commercial Finance, whose main goal is to promote in the industry and attract new members.

tInw ny knyfw ‘c PYktirMg ieMfstrI nUM auqSwihq krn Aqy ieh smJwaux leI ik vpwrk iv`q ‘c kYS Plo ‘c PYktirMg dw kI mh`qv hY, sbMDI jwxkwrI dyx dI AxQ`k imhnq kIqI hY[ auh ieMtrnYSnl PYktirMg AYsosIeySn dy knyfw cYptr dy bwnIAW ‘coN ie`k hY[ aunHW ny AweI AYP ey dy slwhkwr borf ‘c vI 2 swl kMm kIqw[ tInw dw mu`K audyS ieh vI irhw hY ik nOjvwn pIVHI nUM ies ‘c Swml kIqw jwvy qW ik ies audXog ‘c nvyN ivcwr Aw skx[ ieh hI nhIN tInw, ivmn ien kmRSl PweInYNs, nwl vI sbMDq hY[ ies sMsQw dw mu`K inSwnw hY AOrqW nUM ies ‘c Swml krnw Aqy ieMfstrI nUM bulMdIAW ‘qy phuMcwauxw hY[

Any business requires succession planning and continuity if it is to last into the future. New ideas and fresh outlooks are what will allow a business to grow and stay competitive. JD Factors works hard at putting forth new innovative ideas for their clients and the industry. Staying on top of new technology to make financing more efficient for our clients is a priority for Tina and JD Factors. For 30 years we have strived to be the premier factoring company to small and medium sized businesses. The success of our clients is JD’s success as well. We hope to provide our clients the best possible service for the next 30 years or more.

lMMby smyN q`k cldw r`Kx leI iksy ibzns nUM loV hY shI Xojnw Aqy lgwqwrqw dI[ nvyN iKAwl Aqy nvyN ichry hI iksy ibzns nUM cwlU r`Kx dy nwL nwl mukwbly ‘c vI kwmXwb bxwauNdy hn[ jy fI PYktrz vI Awpxy gwhkW dI, mukwbly ‘c kwmXwb krn Aqy vDdw r`Kx leI mdd kr irhw hY[ iv`q nUM AwDuink qy vDIAw bxwaux leI nvIn qknIk dI vrqoN vI kIqI jw rhI hY[ ieh hI tInw Aqy jy fI PYktrz dI pRwiQmkqw hY[ kMpnI dw kihxw hY ik ipCly 30 swlW qoN Cotw ibzns hovy jW v`fw sB dI mdd kIqI hY[ jy fI dw kihxw hY ik jdoN jy fI PYktrz dy gwhk qr`kI krdy hn ieh kyvl aunHW dI qr`kI hI nhIN sgoN jy fI PYktrz dI vI qr`kI hY[ kMpnI dw kihxw hY ik aunHW nUM Aws hY ik Agly 30 swl nhIN sgoNy ies qoN vI v`D smyN q`k auh Awpxy gwhkW dI mdd krdy rihxgy[

Fall 2019

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Andy Dhugga

An Unbounded and Foremost Business Leader 52


Fall 2019


ndy arrived in Canada in 1989. He hails from the village of Rampur Sunra, in Tehsil Phagwara of Kapurthala district in the north west Indian state of Punjab. After staying in England for a while, to lead a good and satisfying life, he decided to move to Canada. It was a difficult scenario in the Greater Toronto area to get a job. However, Andy was able to get job in a scaffolding manufacturing factory. Due to his problemsolving, pragmatic attitude, he soon was promoted to position of a supervisor. It did not take much time for him to further

get promoted to Plant Manager, where he led a team of over 150 employees. Andy’s brothers and parents joined him in Toronto in 1993. Since his younger days at the village, he was good with repairing machines. He often helped in the farm work as well. In Canada, Andy worked in a repair shop as a technician. In 1995, he formed a trucking company but had to close it soon after. In 1999, he formed the New Millennium Tire Company – thus marking a successful leap ahead in the immigrant history. Andy was aware of his limitations when he got

AYNfI Dùgw

sUJvwn Aqy SRySt ibjins lIfr AYNfI Du`gw bhuq hI sUJvwn Aqy igAwnvwn ibjinsmYn hY,jo iksy vI aulJx vwly rsqy iv`coN Awpxw rsqw l`B lYNdw hY[

AYNfI hr lYvl dy krmcwrIAW dI SmUlIAq iv`c r`uiJAw rihMdw hY[auh vyKdw hY ik aus dy krmcwrI kol kMpnI iv`c Swml hox dI pRikirAw leI, auic`q jwxkwrI qy shI tryinMg hovy[

AYNfI,1989 iv`c kYnyfw phuMicAw[ auh pMjwb dy au~qrI p`CmI styt iv`c ijlHw kpUrQlw, qihsIl PgvwVw iv`c ipMf rwmpur sunrw qoN hY[ kuJ icr ieMglYNf rihx qoN bwAd aus ny ie`k ibhqr Aqy qs`lIbKS izMdgI bqIq krn leI kYnyfw Awaux dw PYslw kIqw[ gRytr torWto Kyqr iv`c ie`k cMgI nOkrI lYxw bhuq hI muSikl idRS sI[ AYNfI ie`k skYPolifMg auqpwdn PYktrI iv`c nOkrI lYx leI kwmXwb ho igAw[ aus dy muSikl nUM h`l krn vwly pRSwSink rv`eIey krky aus dI jldI hI suprvweIzr dy Ahudy leI qr`kI ho geI[ iPr aus nUM plWt mYnyjr dy Ahudy leI qr`kI lYx leI ijAwdw smW nhIN l`igAw[ auh 150 qoN ijAwdw krmcwrIAW dI tIm dI AgvweI krdw sI[ sMn 1993 iv`c AYNfI dy Brw Aqy mwqw ipqw vI aus kol Aw gey[ jdoN auh Awpxy jvwnI dy idnW ‘c ipMf sI auh mSInW dI irpyAr krn iv`c mwihr sI[ahu Aksr Awpxy KyqW dy kMmW iv`c vI mdd krdw sI[ kYnyfw iv`c AYNfI ny ie`k tYknISIAn dI hYsIAq iv`c ie`k irpyAr Swp iv`c kMm vI kIqw[ sMn 1995 iv`c aus ny AwpxI tr`ikMg kMpnI bxw leI, pr jldI

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

into this business. He faced many challenges from the industry itself. Initially, the suppliers did not support him. Not discouraged by this, he was confident about his decision. He identified many relevant variables that gave New Millennium Tires an edge over existing businesses. His business multiplied many-fold in a short duration and by 2006, the same suppliers who had first denied him now approached him to sell their products to him. When his company got the contract

hI aus nUM bMd krnI peI[ sMn 1995 iv`c hI aus ny imlynIAm twier kMpnI bxweI qy AwvwsI ieiqhws iv`c ies nuM kwmXwb bxw ky qyzI nwl A`gy v`iDAw[ AYNfI ny jdoN ies ibjins iv`c kdm r`iKAw qW auh AwpxIAW sImwvW qoN jwxU sI[ aus nUM AwpxI hI ieMfstrI qoN bhuq swrIAW cunOqIAW dw swhmxw krnw ipAw[ SurU iv`c splwierz ny aus dw swQ nhIN id`qw,prMq Uies g`l ny aus nUM iblkul vI inrwS nhIN kIqw[ aus nUM Awpxy ies PYsly bwry pUrw ivSvws sI[ QoVHy smyN iv`c hI aus dw ibjins keI guxW v`D igAw Aqy 2006 iv`c hI auhI splwierz aus kol Awpxy auqpwdn nUM vycx leI imly[ jdoN ausdI kMpnI nUM imSiln twierz dw kMntrYkt imilAw qW ausdy ibjins ny,



Fall 2019

of Michelin tires, his business earned for itself the immense credibility of being at the top, serving the tire needs of the customers.

Awpxy gwhkW nUM twierW nUM aupl`bD krvwaux dIAW syvwvW dI zrUrq leI Awpxy ibjins dI twp lYvl dI cMgI sw^ bxw leI[

New Millennium Tires has created its niche in the Canadian tire industry. Andy is a strong believer in giving the best service to his customers. He also believes that if the government policy addresses issues related to the recycling of tires and the taxes involved, then his industry will be able to provide even better service to the customers. The incoming Chinese tires are of concern to Andy Dhugga as well. There is a lack of accountability about the number of Chinese tires entering into the Canadian market as compared to the tires coming from the North American market. This issue must be addressed by the government bodies and will surely protect the environment and businesses in the future.

imlynIAm twierz ny kYnyfIAn twier ieMfstrI iv`c Awpxw invyklw sQwn bxw ilAw[ AYNfI Awpxy gwhkW nUM sB qoN au`qm srivs dyx iv`c ivSvws r`Kdw hY[ aus dw ieh vI ivSvws hY ik jykr gOrimMt dI pwilsI twierW dy rIsweIkilMg dy Aqy juVy hoey tYksW dy mu`dy h`l krdI hY qW aus dI ieMfstrI Awpxy gwhkW nUM hor ijAwdw cMgI srivs muh`eIAw krvwaux dy smr`Q hovygI[ cwienw qoN twierz dw Awauxw vI AYNfI Du`gw dI icMqw hY[ kYnyfIAn mwrkIt iv`c cwienIz twierz dy Awaux dI igxqI dw koeI ihswb nhIN blik au~qrI AmrIkn mwrkIt qoN Awaux vwly twierz dI igxqI huMdI hY[ ieh mu`dy srkwrI sMsQwvW duAwrw, vwqwvrx nUM bcwaux leI Aqy ibjins nUM hor cMgyrw bxwaux leI h`l krny cwhIdy hn[

Andy Dhugga is a mentor to many young minds. He is kind natured and helps everyone who approaches him. His team has people from culturally diverse backgrounds. He is engaged with his workforce and sees to it that the employment of an employee is done with the appropriate orientation and right training. There are a number of students and immigrants who are coming to Canada. Hence, Andy gives a lot of stress on training per the best standards in Canada. It is mandatory for all his new hires and employees to be acquainted with all safety related issues.

AYNfI Du`gw nOjvwnW leI ie`k cMgw slwhkwr hY[ auh dieAwlU suBw dw hY Aqy jo vI aus nUM imldw hY,auh aus dI mdd krdw hY[ aus dI tIm v`K v`K siBAwcwrk ipCokV dI hY[ auh hr lYvl dy krmcwrIAW dI SmUlIAq iv`c r`uiJAw rihMdw hY[auh vyKdw hY ik aus dy krmcwrI kol kMpnI iv`c Swml hox dI pRikirAw leI, auic`q jwxkwrI qy shI tryinMg hovy[bhuq swry ividAwrQI hn jo kYnyfw

New Millennium Tires is now one of the top companies across Canada that is providing the best tire service to Canadians. With branches nearly in every province and major cities, the company is looking towards further expansion. Andy has built a company that has a business ethic of, ‘The customer is always first!’ His businesses are open for longer hours and do not shy away from emergency work, standing shoulder to shoulder with their trucking fraternity. When Andy was asked, ‘Who is your strongest

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

Andy Dhugga is a wise and knowledgeable businessman who can find a way through any maze!

supporter?’ he replied that everyone has supported him in his family. His two brothers, Veerpal Singh Dhugga and Kulwaranjit Singh Dhugga, his wife Barb Dhugga and two sons, Ricky Dhugga and Bicky Dhugga have all stood by his decisions, making his business a great success!

Andy Dhugga is not only a business leader but also takes his social responsibility earnestly. Being a sportsman himself, he endorses many Kabbadi events. He is trying to organize a big kabaddi event in Kartarpur, apart from other sports events in Canada and India, to mark the celebrations of the 550-year of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birth anniversary. Andy is taking the lead in raising funds for the Peel Memorial Centre for Integrated Health and Wellness. He organizes barbeques at his business locations across Canada and is raising funds for local hospitals in various provinces as

AwvwsI bx ky Aw rhy hn[ ies leI AYNfI kYnyfIAn dy byhqrIn sqr dI tryinMg au~qy ijAwdw jor idMdw hY[ ieh nvyN r`Ky vrkrW leI lwzmI hY ik swry krmcwrI sur`iKAw nwl juVy hoey mu`idAW qoN jwxU hox[ imlynIAm twierz swry kYnyfw dIAW kMpnIAW iv`coN ie`k twp dI kMpnI hY, jo kYnyfIAnz nUM sB qoN au~cqm twier srivs muh`eIAw krvwauNdI hY[qkrIbn hr sUby Aqy mh`qvpUrn SihrW iv`c AwpxIAW SwKwvW nwl kMpnI Awpxy ibjins dy hor vDyry PYlwau v`l vyKdI hY[ AYNfI ny AwpxI kMpnI nUM ies qrHW dw bxwieAw hY ijs dI vpwrk nYiqkqw hY ik “ sB qoN pihlW gwhk hY”[ aus dw ibjins ijAwdw GMitAW leI KulHdw hY Aqy auh AYmrjYNsI dy kMm iv`c zrw vI nhIN iJjkdw, Awpxy tr`ikMg BweIcwry nwl moFy nwl moFw joV ky KVHw rihMdw hY] jdoN AYNfI nUM pu`iCAw igAw ik aus nUM sB qoN ijAwdw smrQn iks dw hY? aus ny jvwb id`qw ik aus dy pirvwr iv`c hryk ny aus nUM Awpxw swQ id`qw[ aus dy do Brw, vIrpwl isMG Du`gw Aqy kulvrnjIq isMG Du`gw, aus dI pqnI bwrb Du`gw Aqy do puq`r ir`kI Du`gw Aqy ib`kI Du`gw, swry hI aus dy PYsilAW nwl KVy rhy qy aus dy ibjins nUM pUrn qOr qy sPl bxwieAw[ AYNfI Du`gw Ajyhw ienswn hY jo ie`k ibjins lIfr hY, AwpxIAW smwijk ijMmyvwrIAW nUM idloN inBwauNdw hY[ Kud ie`k iKfwrI hox

by: Rishi Singh



Fall 2019

Andy Dhugga is a mentor to many young minds. He is kind natured and helps everyone who approaches him.

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

well. He also has not forgotten his village in Punjab and helps in organizing many social programs helping seniors and underprivileged females. Andy truly can be said to be a ‘Businessman of the People!’ Andy Dhugga loves cars! He has an amazing collection of some of the finest cars of the world. Whenever he wants to relax in the city, he pulls out one of his cars and goes for a long drive. His two pets, Bella and Niko, are well-loved and seek his attention too, whenever he is at home after a hectic day! When asked how he enjoys his vacation, Andy said, “I love going to a quiet beach and enjoy the serenity of the place!” When asked what would he like to say to our readers, he said:

“Time is of value, don’t waste it!”

“An Unbounded

and Foremost Business Leader”



Fall 2019

dy nwqy auh kb`fI dy smwgmW dw smrQn krdw hY[ auh koiSS kr irhw hY ik gurU nwnk dyv jI dy 550 swlw pRkwS auqsv nUM mnwauNdy hoey krqwrpur iv`c kb`fI dw smwgm r`iKAw jwvy[ AYNfI pIl mYmorIAl sYNtr leI ieMtIgryitf hYlQ AYNf vYlnYs leI PMf iek`Tw krn iv`c AgvweI lY irhw hY[ auh swry kYnyfw iv`c Awpxy ibjins sQwnW qy bwr by ikaUz krdw hY Aqy lokl hspqwlW leI PMf vI iek`Tw krdw hY[ auh pMjwb iv`c Awpxy ipMf nUM nhIN Bu`ilAw Aqy keI smwijk pRogrwmW dy pRbMD krn iv`c mdd krdw hY, qW ik auh bzurgW qy lVkIAW dI mdd kr sky[ AYNfI nUM s`cmuc hI “lokW dw ibjinsmYn” ikhw jWdw hY[ AYNfI Du`gw nUM kwrW nwl bhuq ipAwr hY[ aus kol dunIAW dIAW sB qoN vDIAw kwrW dw hYrwnIjnk BMfwr hY[ jdoN vI Sihr iv`c Awrwm krnw cwhuMdw hY,auh koeI ie`k kwr k`Fdw hY qy lMby sPr leI jWdw hY jdoN vI iksy bhuq ibzI idn qoN bwAd auh Gr huMdw hY, aus dy do pYts, bYlw Aqy inko hn, ijnHW nUM auh ipAwr krdw hY, aus dw iDAwn mMgdy hn[ jdoN aus nUM pu`iCAw igAw ik auh AwpxIAW Cu`tIAW ikvyN ibqwauNdw hY,AYNfI kihMdw hY,“ mYN SWq bIc qy jwxw psMd krdw hW qy aus jgHw dI sihjqw nUM mwxdw hW”[ jdoN pu`iCAw igAw ik auh swfy pwTkW nUM kI kihxw cwhuxgy, auh kihMdw hY[

“vkq bhuq kImqI hY, ies nUM AjweIN nw kro”

New Millenium Tire Centres 12 LOC ATIONS ACROSS C ANADA w w w. newm illeniumt ire. com

Head Office: Brampton, Ontario

(905) 452-0111






(905) 661-0111

(519) 735-0006

(905) 845-0770

(438) 938-7886

(780) 485-0026






(403) 235-3411

(306) 954-9999

(306) 216-0610

(604) 371-4555

(604) 588-6110

NEW LOCATION: 1789 Foy St, Abbotsford, BC (604) 758-0222 Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

Best Luxury Resort Hotels in Canada Like most others, when we think of fancy resorts and hotels, those in places like the USA, France, England, Mexico, Bali, and the Bahamas come to mind. These are the places that most flock to when looking for a great vacation at a great resort. In my line of work, I’ve had the luxury of traveling all over the world and having the privilege of staying in some of the best resorts and hotels this planet has to offer. But, even closer to home, there are many places that have captured my heart and then, blown my mind. Canada, and its vast landscape, is home to some of the world’s best hotels. If you want to explore our beautiful country, here are some hotels you really need to visit.

by: Jag Dhatt



Fall 2019

Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac

I’ve stayed at this hotel twice and each time I’ve had to check out, I look forward to staying there again. More than just a hotel, Le Chateau Frontenac has a rich history that speaks to its presence. More than a hotel, the Fairmont Le Château Frontenac is a Québec City icon. For over a century, it has perched atop Cape Diamond overlooking Dufferin Terrace and the St. Lawrence River. Ideally located inside the walls of Old Quebec, the iconic Fairmont Le Château Frontenac has undergone a multimillion-dollar renaissance project that repositions it as one of the world’s leading hotels. The restoration blends the charm of the hotel’s enchanting past with modern innovations, creating an allure that is fresh & seductive, balanced with the hotel’s rich history & dynamic future.

beautiful, and walkable, cities in the world. Fairmont Gold, the private concierge floor experience, features exclusive amenities and highly personalized service designed to exceed the expectations of the most discerning corporate or leisure guest. My time at the Fairmont has usually been two or three nights, and yes, for business purposes. I look forward to being there again, if not for work, then definitely for personal.

This heritage urban resort seduces with its breathtaking views of the St. Lawrence River and the architecture of the Old fortified City, designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In any one of its 610 guestrooms and suites, you will feel an elegant touch of historic Europe. Your experience at this landmark luxury hotel will guarantee you a memorable and inspiring stay in one of the most

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

Fogo Island Inn

When A-list Hollywood and international celebrities call the Fogo Island Inn, “Heaven on Earth,” it has to be spectacular. I can say that prior to my trip to Canada’s eastern-most point, I had never heard of the Fogo Island Inn. In fact, I had never even heard of Fogo Island. Getting to Fogo Island can be tricky, but believe me, it will be worth it. Once you land on the small runway, you’ll be surrounded by a landscape that seems something out of the ordinary. And once you see the Fogo Island Inn, you’ll be left speechless. Fogo Island Inn was designed by Newfoundland-born, Norway-based architect, Todd Saunders. The 43,000 square-foot Inn is perched on stilts and hugs the North Atlantic coastline, affording all 29 rooms with floorto-ceiling views of sea and sky. All rooms showcase the richness of their locality and clearly express a modern take on traditional Newfoundland outport design and décor. The Inn’s architecture is bold, optimistic, and distinctly of this place. Though radical in its design, the Inn still speaks to the traditional outport Newfoundland aesthetic. Guest room sizes vary from 350 to 1 100 square feet, with rooms on the third and fourth floors all including wood-burning stoves. The ceilings of the rooms on the fourth floor follow the



Fall 2019

dramatic slope of the roof, resulting in the three most easterly rooms enjoying double volume spaces with the sleeping area located on the mezzanine. Great care was taken to provide exceptional sound-proofing in order to ensure that guests hear only the sounds of nearby ocean waves. All of the Inn’s rooms were created using only natural materials such as wood, wool, cotton, and linen. The only plastic in the guest rooms is the telephone. Each spring, 10,000 year-old icebergs sail past the shores of Fogo Island, and grow larger each day before moving on to face their ultimate fates in warmer waters. We had the opportunity to some impressive views from the Inn’s rooftop deck, which also provides the perfect vantage point for an infinite view of the dizzying, star-filled night sky.

The staff at the Inn are welcoming and ensure that all guests are catered to in the most professional manner, regardless of length of stay. If you haven’t visited the Fogo Island Inn as of yet, put it on your bucket list, because trust me, you don’t want to miss it.

Wickaninnish Inn, Tofino, British Columbia

A Vancouver Island gem, this resort is not easy to get to, but once there, it’s a location of tranquility and adventure in one. I’ve only been to the Wicki Inn once, yet had a few days to really soak in all the area has to offer. Getting to the Wickaninnish Inn is not difficult, but does require one to drive through some of the most scenic routes Canada has to offer. Redwoods that are hundreds of years old, views of spectacular peaks and glistening water bodies are all to be admired during the two to three hour drive from Victoria, BC. Set on a rocky edge at the northern cape of Chesterman Beach, the Wickaninnish Inn is an aspirational destination. A few minutes south of Tofino on the Esowista Peninsula, the Inn is central to exploring the rugged wilderness of Pacific Rim National Park and Clayoquot Sound. Built out of the McDiarmid family’s vision, and now under guidance of our Innkeeper, Charles McDiarmid, the Wickaninnish Inn is a timeless retreat for any occasion. Providing exceptional hospitality is simply how things there, and, since opening its doors in 1996, the Inn has continuously raised the bar in its offerings. With elegant accommodations, a fine dining restaurant, an award-winning spa and an

abundance of modern comforts, new and returning guests are assured a memorable visit any time of year. Guest rooms and suites encapsulate rustic elegance on nature’s edge. Each room at the Wickaninnish Inn found between two buildings - the Pointe Building and Beach Building - is designed to charm with its attention to detail and connection with nature. Set atop a rocky outcropping, our Pointe Building houses 42 Deluxe rooms and three Premiere rooms as well as The Pointe Restaurant and Ancient Cedars Spa. Surrounded by ancient forest and facing Chesterman Beach, our Beach Building offers a variety of 18 deluxe rooms and 12 suites as well as our Lookout Library, Fitness Room, Driftwood Café and Henry Nolla Gallery. And finally, if in the area for a few days, there are an abundance of activities, including nature walks along protected forests, paddle boarding, and even surfing. On almost the complete opposite side of Canada as the Fogo Island, the Wickininnish Inn boasts similar bragging rights of location, scenic wonder, and of course, a gem of Canada.

Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner




Fall 2019

Safety isn’t about producing equipment and systems to provide a safe work environment. Safety is about examining the best practices and creating a safe mind set within the driving culture.



ark Wallace, a knowledgeable, long term truck driver, is really troubled by the collision mitigation systems that they’re putting in all newer trucks.

“My gripe is really not that it slows you down to a 3 1/2 second following distance, but that it will slam on the brakes automatically if it feels like you are in a collision situation. “I’m minding my own business going down the road with no one in front of me and [an] overhead sign triggered my collision mitigation system and slammed on the brakes out of nowhere and about jerked the steering wheel out of my hand.” “My main concern is if I am having to drive a vehicle equipped with this during icy or snowy or even heavy rain conditions, that it will break traction and cause me to wreck.” “I wonder how many accidents have been caused because of this collision mitigation system and I also think a petition should be signed to eliminate it,” he writes in a Facebook post.

by: G Ray Gompf, CD

Wallace isn’t alone. More and more drivers are speaking out about these collision mitigation devices that aren’t reliable and they say safety is being compromised. Many long-term drivers are quitting the industry simply because these devices aren’t living up to the hype and they know their personal safety is compromised; they’re not prepared to die just because some engineer says “but it’s safer”. It’s not these more seasoned drivers who aren’t giving the new technology a fair shake and adapting to the new way of driving. It’s they have tried to work with the systems and there’s no way for the human to either override or work in concert with the collision mitigation systems. The computer is always in control and, at times, misreads situations incorrectly. Simple curves in the road are recognized as there being no road at all. Besides the warning sounds, warning lights, and actually applying braking power far in excess of what is required for the situation, often throwing the driver forward, there just seems to be no way to circumvent. Fall 2019



Fleet & Owner

It seems that multi-lane, controlled access highways aren’t as bad as two lane inter-directional traffic that some have been described as a nightmare. Some of the windshield display gauge lights obscure that which the driver is supposed to see, especially at night making oncoming traffic difficult to see or even where the oncoming vehicle actually is. The experts say they need to study the situation; those who live with collision mitigation and ELDs, then throw in speed limiters for genuine chaos. Drivers have been saying that safety is being compromised and how the compromise is taking place and how to make it better, but no one listens to mere drivers. After all, we’re only drivers because we weren’t ‘hireable’ at any other job. If there is no engineer/end user communication, and there isn’t, then safety is being jeopardized. If safety is being compromised with no cures in sight, then seasoned drivers are going to be leaving the industry in droves — and they are. It’s not about paying more, although drivers are severely underpaid. It’s not about respect although respect is something sadly lacking in transportation. It’s about drivers feeling safe enough and in control enough to be able to make it back home to see their families, friends and loved ones. If there is no political/end user communication, and there isn’t, then safety is being jeopardized. If the large carriers are the only ones heard, safety is not just jeopardized, but compromised. In fact, less than ten percent of drivers and small business owner operators even have a voice, but mind you, it is a loud voice that doesn’t back down from its principles. The problem is that various factions of the industry have their own axe to grind and they grind it for their own use. Drivers being the low end of the totem pole, rarely can get their point of view, and seemingly, the only point of view that’s directly related to the intermingling with the general public on the roadways of the nation. Shippers demand how the drivers will interact with them and actually issue fines for non-compliance. Receivers demand how the drivers will interact with them and actually issue fines for non-compliance. Carriers are more concerned with getting the job done. Drivers care because they must by law follow all the rules, issued by governments. Drivers must comply with shippers and receivers even when the shippers and receivers’ rules counteract the government rules, regulations and yes, laws. The driver is the face of the carrier and bears the brunt



Fall 2019

of all interactions with customers, authoritarians, and the general public. The government is sometimes more concerned about looking positive in front of the general public. The drivers and small business owner operators are easy pickings for the government with very little consequence at the voting station. So when engineers go to the government and propose something like “collision mitigation” systems that takes the responsibility for braking away from the driver and assign a computer to take care of collision mitigation under the guise of safety, the government sometimes attempts to jump the gun and endorse something without doing the proper checks and re-checks. Meanwhile the collision rate rises exponentially and the blame falls the skill level of drivers rather than the conditions that caused the issues. Most think that can’t be wrong. Well, the technology has been oversold and under delivered. There’s no need to study the problem with a preconceived notion. There’s no need to prove the hypothesis. There are 3,000,000 test subjects all saying the same thing but their voice is being overridden by those with a vested interest in promoting their agenda at the expense of reality. Safety isn’t about producing equipment and systems to provide a safe work environment. Safety is about examining the best practices and creating a safe mind set within the driving culture. Safety is about seeing something wrong and correcting it before it becomes a tragedy. While safety policies are necessary where they are accepted best practices, there has to be enough flexibility for modification of policy when the need arises. Policies must not be so rigid that improvements can’t be brought to bear. Those myriad of safety managers and engineers influencing innovations shouldn’t be the only members of the industry inputting ideas to improve safety. The drivers and small business owner/operator is the foremost safety individual that any company can have and should be listened to. Safety isn’t something to be dictated. Safety is about creating a culture of safety minded individuals who have the freedom to bring safety concepts to the organization for which the work. Everyone, especially those on the road need and want to be as safe as they can be. They also need to be encouraged to exercise their safety minds with everything they do every minute of every hour of every day. Don’t overlook the best safety expert available anywhere.


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Š2019 Hendrickson USA, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks shown are owned by Hendrickson USA, L.L.C., or one of its affiliates, in one or more countries.

Fall 2019



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