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CONTENTS ADVERTISERS Airworks .......................................................... 35 Automann ........................................................ 45 Ayantra Wireless & Web Technology .............. 30 BP Lab Services ................................................ 38 California Truck Centers ................................... 3 California Trucking Association ........................ 53 CDL Training Oppurtunity .............................. 31 Commercial Fleet Satellite Services .................. 53 CVTR Inc ....................................................... 7, 51 Delray Tire ...................................................... 54 Ex-Guard .......................................................... 63 Express Graphics ............................................. 24 Fateh Funding Group ..................................... 46 Golden Land Trans. Insurance ...................... 39 Golden State Peterbilt ...................................... 41 Howes Lubricator ............................................. 9 ITM Equipment ................................................. 33 Jagdeep Singh Insurance Agency .................. 38 Kam-Way Transportation Inc ........................... 49 Lee’s Performance Tire & Wheel ................... 23 Los Angeles Freightliner .................................. 15 Maxx Printing .................................................. 47 MDF Tire Fresno ................................................ 38 McCoy Freightliner ........................................... 61 Mercedes-Benz of Bakersfield .......................... 13 NSC Compliance ............................................... 21 .................................................... 25 Pape Kenworth ............................................... 11 Primelink Express ............................................. 37 Prime Truck Driving School ............................... 31 Sacramento Truck Center .............................. 32 S&S Transport Refrigeration ........................... 40 Speedy Truck Wash Inc. .................................. 38 Stallion Tire Management Solution .............. 42-43 TEC Stockton ................................................. 19 Thermo King Fresno .......................................... 27 Tiger Tool ........................................................ 35 Triumph Business Capital ................................. 31 Trucker ..................................... 12 Utility Trailer Sales .......................................... 2 Utility Trailer Sales of Utah ................................. 5 Valley Freightliner Inc .................................. 17, 57 Volvo Trucks .................................................... 64 Western Truck Center ................................. 28-29 4


08 14 20 26 44 50 24 30 34 53 54 58 60 24

Complaince - Why is it an issue? ikauN ie`k sm`isAw hY, inXmW dI pwlxw krnI ?

Stop Pushing the Envelope cwdr qoN v`D pYr pswrn qoN bco

Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) hYvI hweIvyA vhIkl XUz tYks (hYc vI XU tI)

Distracted Driving byiDAwnI fRweIivMg

Small Business Taxes Pain Points bYf kRYift dy BYVy nqIjy

Surviving Major Accidents v`fIAW durGtnwvW qoN bcxw

Ridewell Suspensions introduces Air-Ride Single Point Suspension nyvIstwr ny bYtrI dy msly nUM ly ky AMqrrwStrI tr`kW nUM bulwvw ByijAw hY

Trucking Alliance comments to FMCSA in support of a “Petition for Exemption” National Safety Council highest level traffic deaths in almost a decade XU.AY~s.A~YkspRYs pI.AweI.tI grUp nwl juiVAw

Cumplimiento de Normas, ¿Porqué es un problema? Navistar llamando algunos camiones International del 2017 por asunto de bateria


2012 UTILITY 53’ REFFERS TK SB-230 ETV O N LY $ 3 5 , 9 0 0



Editor’s Note - sMpwdkI

A Goal is a Dream with a Deadline

Dilbag (Ron) Dhaliwal

Everyone has dreams for his or her future. For some, their dreams come true; but for the majority, they remain just that – dreams. Those who do not have dreams cannot get as far as they want in their lives as they would like. In the same breath, those who have dreams but do not pursue them also can’t get far as well. We have been working in the trucking industry for a long time now so I can relate and make connections to the above words. If you see a successful trucking company and you dream of trucking as a profession, there is nothing wrong with it. First of all, get proper knowledge about this profession through formal education from industry experts and from those already working successfully in the profession. By doing this, you can pre-calculate the advantages and disadvantages of the profession. By attaining the preliminary knowledge of the profession, you can better decide if it is the right profession for you. The second step is to make a checklist of the required training you will need and pursue it step by step. The most important thing is to take the proper training and go through all necessary steps rather than taking any shortcuts. The time you spend in the beginning will pay off in the long run and make you a more successful professional. Now that you are in the profession, ensure that you know the rules, laws, and regulations, and never try to bypass them. It takes less time and effort to follow rules rather than face the consequences. By taking a shortcut, or breaking laws or regulations, you can easily lose your dreams and any acquired wealth. Learning is a never ending process. Keep learning, become better day-by-day and see your dreams being fulfilled.

supny pUry krn leI smyN dI h`d im`Qxw jrUrI hr ie`k mnu`K dy Awpxy Biv`K leI ku`J supny dyKdw hY, keIAW dy ieh supny pUry ho jWdy hn pr bhuiqAW dy ie`h supny supny hI rih jWdy hn[ ijhVy mnu`K spny nhIN dyKdy, auh ijMdgI iv`c bhuqIAW pRwpqIAW vI nhIN krdy, dUjy pwsy jo supny qW dyKdy hn pr auhnW nUM pUrw krn leI koeI Xojnw nhIN bxwauNdy Aqy shI idSw ‘c imhnq nhIN krdy, auh vI ijMdgI iv`c ijAwdw sPæl nhIN huMdy[ AsIN ies nUM tr`ikMg nwl joVdy hW, jykr qusIN iksy sPæl tr`ikMg kMpnI nUM dyKdy ho Aqy tr`ikMg nUM ik`qy vjoN Apnwaux dw supnw lYNdy ho qW ies iv`c koeI mwVI g`l nhIN[ pr ies spny nUM pUrw krn leI pihlW quhwnUM ies ik`qy bwry pUrI jwxkwrI lYxI pvygI, ies ieMfstrI iv`c sPælqw nwl kMm kr rhy lokW qoN jW iPær ies ieMfsrtI nwl sbMiDq sMsQwvW qoN, ies qrW quhwnUM ies ik`qy dy cMgy Aqy mwVy p`KW dI jwxkwrI pihlW hI ho jwvygI Aqy qusIN Awp PæYslw kr skoNgy ik ie`h ik`qw quhwfy leI TIk hY jW nhIN[ dUsrw kdm ieh hY ik ie`k ilst iqAwr kro ik quhwnUM A`gy iks iks qrHW dI tRying dI loV hY , Aqy iehnW nUM ie`k ie`k krky pUrw kro[ ieh g`l bhuq mh`qvpUrn hY ik hr ie`k cIjæ pUry TIk qrIky nwl is`Ko, kdy vI glq FMg qrIky nw vrqo[ tRyinMg dOrwn lgwieAw vwDU smW A`gy c`l ky quhwfy leI bhuq PæwiedymMd hovygw Aqy quhwnMU sPæl bxn iv`c shweI hovygw[ hux qusIN ies ik`qy iv`c ho, ies g`l nUM XkInI bxwE ik quhwnUM ies nwl sbMiDq swry inXmW Aqy knMUnW dI jwxkwrI hY, iehnW inXmW dI hmySW pwlxw kro[ inXmW dI pwlxw nw krky musIbq ‘c Pæsx nwloN iehnW dI pwlxW krnW sOKw hY[ inXm Aqy knUMn qoV ky qusIN Awpxy supny Aqy pYsw, dovyN guAw skdy ho[ hmySW is`Kx dI koisS kro, idn-b-idn vDIAw bxo Aqy Awpxy supny pUry huMdy dyKo[ 6


Publisher JGK Media Group 1-877-598-3374 (Desi)

Editor-In-Cheif Dilbag (Ron) Dhaliwal

Associate Editor Jagmohan Singh

Sales & Marketing Jack Dhaliwal

Art Director Avee J Waseer

Creative Head Ranjit Singh

IT Manager Raj Sidhu

Cover Design

Contributing Writers Ken Cooke Pash Brar Jag Dhatt Dara Nagra Ray Gompf Ken Davey

Translator Tirath S. Khabra

JAG DHATT Corporate VP, Marketing

JGK Media Group 767 E Roth Rd, French Camp, CA -95231 Ph: 1-877-598-3374(Desi) E: All Rights Reserved. No material herein or portions thereof may be printed without the written consent of the publisher. DISCLAIMER: JGK Media Inc. assumes all advertisers to be reliable and responsible for any and all liability for their claims. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement it may find unfit for publication. The opinions expressed in articles and features are of the writers and may not be those of the publisher. THE PUBLISHER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY OF ANY KIND.



n A t I s I y h W ? e u Iss


ompliance IS an issue. Compliance and its the officer and a subsequent inspection removed the truck from the brother Safety should be a budget item equally as road -- until repairs where effected. Is our training sufficient to allow drivers to recognize such important as fuel. This goes whether you are a one problems? truck, one man operation or the largest carrier in In Ottawa, February 10th, 2017, yet another wheel off situation the world. It’s all well and good that drivers are happened. The wheel assembly of a west bound tractor trailer doing their pre-trip inspections and recording their findings but are separated from the trailer, bounced over the median barrier, they actually reporting that which they find or do they even know smashed into the cab of an east bound van going through the cab what is a problem and what isn’t. and tearing through the box and out the top of the van. The driver When a driver is stopped at the scale for an inspection, it’s not as of the van died at the scene. As this is being written, random and one may believe. Some of the problems are there is no further information but there are no reasons visible as the truck is approaching the scale. The question becomes why didn’t the driver see it. If he/she didn’t for a wheel off other than poor maintenance or improper see it, how blind are they? Did they even know what is inspection on the part of the driver. a problem? Did they just learn the sequence of inspection Sure in cold bitter weather it’s easy to slough off some of the detail during inspections but we must never ever but failed to recognize a problem clearly visible? There is slack off just because it’s uncomfortable. no excuse for the readily visible problems not being noted Recently, during a conversation with a local moving and fixed. company, the owner was lamenting the fact that his In this picture, the cracks in this aluminum bud wheel trucks had to have an annual inspection even though just didn’t happen as the truck was approaching the scale. G. Ray Gompf his actual amount of driving was a consistent 10,000 Yes, it was stopped at a scale and was noticed easily by 8


ikauN ie`k sm`isAw hY, inXmW dI pwlxw krnI ? inXmW dI pwlxw krnI ie`k sm`isAw hI hY[inXmW dI pwlxw krnI Aqy syPtI Bwv sur`iKAw ie`k hI is`ky dy do pwsy hn[ienHW leI bjt vI ies qrHW zrUrI hY ijvyN ik iPaul Bwv qyl Awid dy Krcy[ieh sB leI hI zrUrI hY, ies dw koeI Prk nhIN ik qusIN ie`k tr`k dy mwlk ho, iek`ly Awpryt kr rhy ho jW sMswr dI sB qoN v`fI kMpnI dy mwlk ho[ieh bhuq vDIAw g`l hY ik Awm fRweIvr itRp SurU krn qoN pihlW tr`k dI ienspYkSn krdy hn[pr kI auh ies sbMDI irport vI krdy hn ik kI ku`J TIk krvwaux vwLw hY[hwlW ik aunHW nUM ieh sB pqw l`g jWdw hY ik ikhVw nuks hY Aqy ies nUM TIk krvwaux dI loV hY[ fRweIvr nUM skyl ‘qy c`YikMg leI rokxw kdy kdweIN dI g`l nhIN[ jdoN tr`k skyl v`l jw irhw huMdw hY qW keI nuks qW pRq`K idsdy hn[iPr svwl hY ik jy ieh nuks sp`St idsdy hn qW fRweIvr nUM ies dw pqw ikauN nhIN l`gw[jy auh ienHW nUM vyK sux nhIN skdy qW aunHW ny ikvyN A`KW mItIAW hoeIAW hn[ kI aunHW nUM pqw vI hY ik nuks ikhVw hY[kI aunHW ny ienspYkSn krn dI ivDI vI is`KI hoeI hY jo spSt ids rhy nuks nhIN vyK skdy? swhmxy pRq`K qOr ‘qy ids rhy nuksW nUM vyK ky A`KW mIt r`Kxw Aqy ies nUM TIk nw krwaux dw koeI bhwnw nhIN[ hux swhmxy ids rhy tr`k dy AlmInIAm b`11/2/16 f vIlH ‘c HowesDesiTruckingHalfPage_W16.pdf 1 9:16pey AM hoey kRYk, skyl nUM vyK ky qW nhIN Aw pey[svwl au`Tdw hY ik fRweIvr ny









ies nUM pihlW ikauN nhIN vyiKAw[ies nUM skyl ‘qy roikAw igAw Aqy sbMDq APsr v`loN ieh sihjy hI vyK ilAw[Aqy pUrI ienspYkSn qoN bwAd tr`k dI clweI bMd kr id`qI ijMnw smW aus dI loVINdI murMmq nhIN krvweI jWdI[ kI swfy v`loN id`qI jw rhI fRweIvrW nUM ieMspYkSn krn dI tRyinMg nuks pqw krn leI kwPI hY? 10 PrvrI 2017 nUM AOtvw ‘c ie`k vIlH dy inkl jwx dI hor Gtnw GtI[p`Cm v`l jw rhy ie`k trYktr dI vIHl AsYNblI v`K ho ky mIfIAn bYrIAr t`pdI hoeI au`qr v`l jw rhy tr`k dI ie`k kYb ‘c jw v`jI Aqy ies nwl ies kYb dw au`prlw ih`sw jWdw l`gw Aqy kYb dy do ih`sy ho gey[vYn dy fRweIvr dI mOky ‘qy hI mOq ho geI[ienHW sqrW ilKx smyN q`k ies sbMDI hor jwxkwrI pRwpq nhIN hoeI[ pr kwrn ies qoN ibnw koeI hor nhIN ho skdw ik aus dI ieMspYkSn cMgI qrHW kIqI nw hox krky hI ieh hwdsw vwpirAw ijs nwl iksy inrdoS nUM AwpxI jwn qoN h`Q Doxy pey[ ieh p`kI g`l hY ik kVkdI TMF ‘c ku`J ienspYkSn rih jWdI hY[pr swnUM kdy vI Arwmdwiek rihx leI ies qoN bcxw nhIN cwhIdw[Bwv ieMspYkSn TIk qrHW krnI cwhIdI hY[ ip`Cy ijhy ie`k tr`k kMpnI nwL c`l rhI g`lbwq ‘c ausdy mwlk dI iSkwieq sI ik BwvyN aus dw hryk tr`k swl ‘c 10,000 iklomItr qoN v`D dw sPr nhIN krdw pr aus nUM ieMspYkSn hr swl krwauxI pYNdI hY[ies dw Bwv ieh ik tr`kW nUM l`dx Aqy lwhux ‘c

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Compliance - Why is it an issue? kilometres a year. In other words, his trucks spent more time in loading and unloading mode and most of his business was moving goods three or four blocks in town. How many of you have picked up a trailer that’s been sitting for a couple of weeks and find the brakes are locked, the boogies won’t slide because of the rust, and there are lighting issues because wiring joints have oxidized to the point of rusting through? Just because the truck or trailer isn’t used all that much doesn’t mean there aren’t going to be issues even more than those pieces of equipment used more regularly. After discussing the issue for a short time, that moving company owner was less concerned about the annual inspections. As equipment owners, we shouldn’t need the government to be inspecting our equipment and finding faults; we should be proactive enough, with the proper maintenance program in place so that problems don’t occur. There should rarely be a need for on-theroad repairs and if the maintenance program is doing what it should do, problems will be caught, fixed with only minor downtime. Onthe-road repairs tend to be much more expensive and usually was something that should have been caught in the yard, not on the road. Proper pre-trip inspections are the key to a good maintenance program. The key word in there was “PROPER”. Again, there is no excuse for this damage. Those lug nuts didn’t come loose as the truck was entering the inspection station. This is a clearly a lack of any kind of inspection. How could a competent driver miss loose lug nuts? This is now a very expensive fix. If the driver had noticed the loose lug nuts and they do loosen gradually, had them re-torqued, this damage would not have occurred. There wouldn’t have been a government fine, there wouldn’t have been an entry against the CVOR. Why do large companies have a compliance manager; a safety manager; a maintenance manager? Because finding a problem before it becomes an issue is critical. Not just from a compliance point of view but from a bottom line point of view. Compliance is complying with all the government rules and regulations, while making sure problems have been proactively addressed is an accounting issue that can make or break a trucking operation. If your company is too small to have specific safety and compliance managers there are an abundance of third party safety and compliance companies that will assist those smaller operators to accomplish all that is required at reasonable prices. Most of these safety and compliance consultants have worked in enforcement with the various ministries involved with transportation. In Ontario, the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association can and will direct you to the proper resource. Also, IHSA offers a great deal of free advice to its membership and you need not be a major carrier to belong although it is larger companies that send representatives to the meetings and seminars. Where are you smaller operators? Now you can’t say you didn’t 10


kwPI smW l`g jWdw hY Aqy auh Sihr ‘c hI iqMn jW cwr QwvW ‘qy hI lwh ldweI krdw hY[quhwfy ‘coN ikMinAW ny koeI ies qrHW dw tRylr cu`ikAw hY ijhVw do iqMn hPqy qoN KVHw hY Aqy pqw l`gw hovy ik ies dIAW bRykW lOk hn[bogIz ies krky nhIN slweIf huMdIAW ik ienHW nUM zMgwl l`gw hoieAw hY pr ies ‘c lweIitMg dy vI msly hn kwrn ieh ik qwrW dy joVW nUM zMgwl l`gw hox krky auh Krwb ho jWdy hn[ isrP ieh smJ lYxw hI kwPI nhIN ik tr`k jW tRylr vriqAw nhIN Aqy KVHw hI irhw hY ies leI ies dw koeI nukswn nhIN hoieAw[pr KVHw rihx nwL keI cIzW c`ldIAW rihx nwLoN vI v`D nukswnIAW jWdIAW hn[ies qrHW dIAW g`lW sux ky aus tr`k kMpnI dy mwlk nUM swlwnw ieMspYkSn sbMDI qs`lI hoeI[ smwn dy mwlk hox kwrn swnUM srkwr v`loN cYikMg krn dI aufIk nhIN krnI cwhIdI[ik srkwr cY`k krky nuks k`Fy Aqy

iPr aus dI murMmq krvwvWgy[pr swnUM pihlW hI ies qrHW iDAwn dyx dI loV hY Aqy ijs murMmq dI loV hovy auh ibnw iksy dy hukm qoN krvw lYxI cwhIdI hY[ies qrHW nwL sVk ‘qy c`lx smyN murMmq krwaux dI G`t hI loV rhygI[jy myntInYNs pRogwm Awpxw kMm kr irhw hY qW musIbqW dw G`t hI swhmxw krnw pvygw[ikauN jdoN vI ies rwhIN muSikl dw pqw l`gygw aus smyN hI TIk krvwaux nwL smW Aqy pYsy dovW dI b`cq hovygI[swnUM pqw hI hY ik Awn dw rof irpyAr bhuq mihMgI huMdI hY[ies leI sVk ‘qy musIbq lYx nwLoN ies nUM Xwrf ‘c hI vyK ilAw jwvy qW TIk rhygw[ prOpr pRI itR`p ienspYkSn myntInYNs pRogrwm dI cwbI hY[ie`Qy vrqy gey Sbd “ prOpr” bhuq mh`qvpUrn hY[ ie`k vwr d`s dyvW nukswn leI koeI bhwnw nhIN[tr`k dy l`g nts AYnH aus smyN iF`ly nhIN hoey jdoN auh ieMspYkSn stySn ‘qy igAw[ieh pUrI ieMspYkSn dI Gwt kwrn hI vwpirAw[mwihr fRweIvr nUM iF`ly ntW dw ikvyN pqw nhIN c`ilAw? pr bwAd ‘c ies nUM TIk krnw bhuq mihMgw pYNdw hY[jy fRweIvr nUM pqw sI ik ieh nt muV muV iF`ly ho jWdy hn qW aunHW nUM rI-torkf krvwieAw jw skdw sI[ies qrHW nw srkwr dw zurmwnw Brnw pYNdw nw hI sI vI E Awr ivr`uD koeI AYNtrI huMdI[ iehI kwrn hY ik v`fIAW kMpnIAW v`loN ie`k kMplwieMs mYnyjr, syPtI mYnyjr Aqy myntInYNs mYnyjr r`Ky huMdy hn[ikauN ik sm`isAw nUM smyN isr pqw lw ky TIk krnw hI vDIAw g`l hY nhIN qy ieh musIbq bx jWdI hY[ keI swrIAW Qrf pwrtI syPtI Aqy kMplwieMs kMpnIAW vI huMdIAW hn, ijhVIAW TIk Krcy ‘qy mdd kr skdIAW hn[ienHW ‘c kMm krn vwLy bhuqy pihlW ies nwL



Compliance - Why is it an issue? know.Compliance means never having to doubt when those scale lights call you to stop. Compliance means rarely being asked to “pull around”. Compliance means when you are inspected having the confidence no issues will be discovered. There are a myriad of rules and regulations. Drivers in Canada and the U.S.A. are faced with 64 State and Provincial Regulations plus two Federal sets of rules that, while there is an effort to have the rules and regulations harmonized, they aren’t harmonized and sometimes counter one another. There are literally thousands of local, municipal rules and regulations, again that attempt to be in harmony with other jurisdiction’s rules but again sometimes they counter each other. Then there are company rules and regulations that vary from company to company. For a driver trying to be absolutely compliant can be more than a challenge. The Hours of Service is one area that can boggle One’s mind attempting to make HOS work for one. The daily pre-trip and post-trip inspections are too often treated with contempt and an “I know my truck” attitude. Both of these issues are where drivers often find themselves in difficulty with authority. If a driver spends the time to be vigilant in complying with these two issues most of his/her problems disappear. Those companies with the wherewithal to either have a dedicated employee as safety and compliance officer or to hire an outside specialist consultant, there is so much to learn and enact as a part of doing business that is necessary it actually pays to have such a safety and compliance specialist. There is no one person anywhere that can know it all although we are all held responsible for whatever happens when it happens under our watch.

sbMDq mihkimAW ‘c kr cu`ky huMdy hn ijs kwrn aunHW nUM ies dw qzrbw vI huMdw hY[auntwrIE ‘c Infrastructure Health and Safety Association quhwnUM shI inXmW sbMDI slwh dy skdI hY [ ies qrHW hI IHSA vI Awpxy mYNbrW nUM shI slwh dy rhI hY[pr jdoN ies qrHW dIAW syvwvW imldIAW hn qW qusIN Coty mwlk hox kwrn ieh nhIN kih skdy ik swnUM pqw nhIN sI[

kMplwieMs Bwv inXmW dI pwlxw krnI Bwv ieh nhIN pqw ik quhwnUM skyl dIAW lweItW cY`ikMg leI rukx leI AwK skdIAW hn[ies leI jdoN ieh cY`ikMg ho rhI hovy qW quhwnUM fr nhIN hoxw cwhIdw ik koeI glqI inkl skdI hY[ bhuq swry inXm Aqy kwnUMn hn[knyfw Aqy AmrIkw dy fRweIvrW nUM ij`Qy 64 stytW Aqy sUbweI inXmW dI pwlxw krnI pYNdI hY au`Qy ienHW nUM dovW dySW dy PYfrl kwnUMnW dw vI swhmxw krnw pYNdw hY[ BwvyN ieh koiSSW kIqIAW geIAW hn ik ieh kwnUMn iekswr hox pr ies qrHW ho nhIN sikAw[keI vwr qW ieh ie`k dUjy dy iKlwP vI huMdy hn[ies qrHW hI keI imauNsIpYltIAW Aqy lokl sMsQwvW dy inXm hn jo iekswr hoxy cwhIdy hn pr ies qrHW hY nhIN[iesy qrHW hI kMpnIAW dy inXm hn jo aunHW dy Awpo Awpxy Aqy v`Kry hn[ies leI fRweIvr qoN ieh Aws r`Kxw ik auh hr ie`k inXm dI ieMn ibMn pwlxw krygw, AsMBv nhIN qW ie`k cuxOqI zrUr hY[ ies qrHW dy vKryivAW ‘c kMm dy GMty vI AwauNdy hn[ rozwnw dIAW pRI itR`p Aqy post it`Rp ienspYkSn qoN sqy fRweIvr dw keI vwr vqIrw ieh kihx vwLw bx jWdw hY , “mYnUM Awpxy tr`k bwry izAwdw pqw hY”[ dovyN ies qrHW dy mOky hn ij`Qy swhmxw AiDkwrIAW nwL huMdw hY[pr jy fRweIvr Awpxw QoVHw ijhw smW vI ienHW inXmW v`l iDAwn dyvy qW aus dIAW bhuq swrIAW muSklW jWdIAW rihxgIAW[ kMpnIAW kol jW qW bhuq hI cOkMny fRweIvr hoxy cwhIdy hn ijhVy inXmW dI pwlxw krn jW aunHw nUM bwhroN ies qrHW dy kMsltYNt r`Kxy cwhIdy hn[ koeI vI ies qrHW dw ivAkqI nhIN jo sB ku`J jwxdw hovy pr jo swfy swhmxy swfI ingrwnI ‘c vwprdw hY aus leI AsIN swry zuMmyvwr huMdy hW[ 12




Stop Pushing the Envelope cwdr qoN v`D pYr pswrn qoN bcoo


AsIN srdIAW dy lMby AOKy mOsm ‘coN guzry hW qy ies dI s we dust ourselves off after a long hard Qkwvt dI DUV JwV rhy hW Aqy nwL hI grmIAW leI XojnwvW winter and start planning for Spring, we must vI bxw rhy hW[ swnUM Awpxy mOjUdw iv`qI p`Dr dw mulWkx zrUr evaluate the current status of our finances, and krnw cwhIdw hY Aqy swnUM Awaux vwLw smW jo ik Awm qOr ‘qy plan for wise decisions as we head into the tr`kW leI bhuq ruJyivAW BirAw huMdw hY, leI bhuq smJ nwL start of traditionally busier trucking months. I Xojnw bxwauxI cwhIdI hY[ mYN ies qrHW dI XojnwbMdI dy iKlwP hW am encountering decision making which may not be in the best ijhVI ik bhuq swry pirvwrW Aqy ibznsW dy bhuq vDIAw lwBW interests of some businesses and their families, as they continue to vwLI nhIN[ ikauN ik auh pihlW hI auh pRwpq krn dw Xqn kr strive for the unattainable and choose to ignore courteous advice rhy hn jo pRwpq nhIN ho skdw Aqy nwL hI auh aus slwh nUM vI given in their best interests. driknwr kr rhy hn ijhVI aunHW dy sB qoN Bly vwLI hY[ In leasing I am well known for being to get a tough deal done. lIizMg ‘c mYN ies leI jwxI jWdI hW ik mYN bhuq imhnq There is a LOT of extra work that has to be done to get a tough krky lIizMg krwauNdI hW[ ies qrHW dI vDIAw fIl lYx leI deal approved and clients appreciate that hard work. But they bhuq imhnq krnI pYNdI hY ijs dI myry kstmr vI dwd idMdy often don’t realize just how difficult it was to get an approval, and hn[pr keI vwr auh ieh nhIN socdy ik auh fIl lYx leI mYnUM instead try to push for more new deals when they can barely afford ikMnI imhnq krnI peI[ ies dy ault auh hor fIlz lYx leI the one just done. I find this unbelievable. I have told you your dbwA pwx l`g pYNdy hn jdoN ik aunHW ieh BLI BWq pqw huMdw hY deal was complicated and told you why, and yet you want another auh ieh ikMnI nwL muSkl ies fIl nUM c`ldw r`K rhy hn Aqy deal right away. It can be for a number of reasons like bad credit, aus qoN izAwdw fIl dw iks qrHW Bugqwn krngy[ mYnUM ies ‘qy maxed out credit, losses, not earning revenue, spending more than XkIn nhIN AwauNdw[mYN aunHW nUM d`sdI rihMdI hW ik quhwfI ieh they earn, and yet they want MORE when they can barely afford fIl ikMnI guMJldwr sI Aqy msW hI mnzUr hoeI hY[Aqy qusIN dUjI what they have. vI huxy cwhuMdy ho[ ies qrHW dy mOky keI kwrn bx skdy hn ; First thing, don’t make promises you cannot keep. Hiring a ijvyN bYf kRYift, Gwty, mYksf AwaUt kRYift ( Bwv ijMnw lY skdy driver and promising a new truck and trailer for them to drive sI ilAw hoieAw), bhuqI kmweI nw hoxI, kmweI nwLoN v`D Krcy[ when your deal has not yet been approved can lead to stress. If pr iPr vI auh jdoN ie`k hI nhIN sMBwl skdy dUjI dI mMg krdy you are a driver being hired, make sure that financing is in place hI rihMdy hn[ BEFORE you accept a job. If you are a company doing the hiring, pihlI g`l ieh ik auh vwAdy nw kro ijhVy qusIN pugw make sure that financing has been approved BEFORE nhIN skdy[ ie`k fRweIvr r`K lYxw Aqy nvyN tr`k Aqy you make a formal job offering. Always write subject tR y l r dw vwAdw kr dyxw jdoN ik fIl Ajy mnzUr vI nhIN to financing on your bill of sale as well just in case you hu M d IienHW g`lW nwL quhwnUM qxwE ho skdw hY[jy qusIN experience a problem getting approved. ie` k fR weIvr r`K rhy hoo qW ieh jOb dI sihmqI lYx qoN When your financial institution tells you it’s not a good pihlW ieh zrUr XkInI bxw lE ik ies sB leI pYsy idea to apply for more credit, I would suggest you listen dw pRbMD ho igAw hY[ib`l AwP syl ‘qy sdw ieh ilKo: to that advice. I’ve told people this, and yet they push the sbjYkt tU PweInYNisMg[ ikauN ik ho skdw hY ik ies dI envelope and present another deal. I don’t like declining mnzUrI leI quhwnUM koeI muSklW Awaux[ people, but I hate it more when they were already told myrI quhwnUM iehI slwh hY ik jdoN quhwnUM pYsw dyx vwLI Pash Brar NOT to apply for more credit. Another truck or trailer sMsQw ieh khy ik hor kRYRyift leI bynqI krnI TIk nhIN qW ieh g`l iDAwn nwl suxo[mYN bhuq vwr ieh g`l d`sdI rihMdI hW pr iPr vI auh hor fIl leI dbwA pwauNdy rihMdy hn[ - Pash Brar B.A. Pash is a mobile leasing representative with Auto One Leasing LP in Vancouver. She mYN ies qrHW dy lokW nUM korI nWh kih dyxw cMgw nhIN smJdI[ pr has a banking, collections and accounting background. She specializes in importing mYnUM ieh bhuq burw lgdw hY jdoN ik aunHW nUM pihlW hI ikhw jw vehicles and trailers from the USA. cu`kw huMdw hY ik hor kRYift leI AplweI nw kro[ ie`k hor tr`k jW 14





310-922-5777 MARCH - APRIL 2017


Stop Pushing The Envelope

will not magically make all the other underlying problems you already have go away. It’s not the solution to all your problems. A company I know is making all their current payments and paying their employees on time. However, each partner in the operation is behind in receiving their own personal pay cheques. At one point the partners were three months behind in pay because the partners take such huge salaries that they drain the company of every dime it makes. They are having record sales since the company started over twenty years ago, but sitting on over a million dollars of unsellable inventory for years, opened a new location which is taking a loss now every month for over a year, and now they decided to lease over $300,000 worth of brand new pick-up trucks that are not needed for the company. They are for personal use for the unpaid partners only. That is pushing the envelope to the extreme. Instead of addressing the problems, they are creating more expenses and more problems. If you can’t even pay yourself but decide to borrow more, there is a problem. I have one client who had a bad motor vehicle accident. He was the dispatcher and running a trucking company. They have not been able to keep up with payments on their leased trucks as he was in and out of the hospital. His decision to fix his problems was hire a dispatcher and pay the dispatcher a 6 figure income. A dispatcher cannot run trucks that are being repossessed for non payment. I understand the company needs to run, but when you cannot meet your current obligations, you cannot take on new obligations you cannot afford, such as hire a person you cannot afford to pay. Who do you pay first, the dispatcher or the leasing company? The leasing company of course because there’s no trucking company with zero trucks to run. I think the most difficult part of having a financial issue is first admitting it. If you can admit it then you can work to fix it. With any of my difficult deals, I always sit down and address the issues with the clients. I don’t have to, but I do it because to solve a problem you need to know what the problem is first. If you can admit and understand the struggles you are encountering and take honest advice, then the next time you apply for credit, it should 16


trylr ny auh swrIAW musIbqW dUr nhIN kr dyxIAW ijhVIAW dw quhwnUM pihlW hI swhmxw krnw pY irhw hY[nw hI ieh nvW Xqn quhwfIAW pihlIAW musIbqW dw h`l hY[ mYnUM ie`k kMpnI dw pqw hY ijhVI ik AwpxIAW swrIAW pymYNtW Aqy Awpxy krmcwrIAW nUM smyN isr Bugqwn krdI hY[pr ies dw hr ie`k ih`sydwr Awpxy py cY`k vI lYNdw hY[ie`k smW AwieAw jdoN ik pwrtnrW nUM Awpxy cY`k lYx leI iqMn mhIinAW dI aufIk krnI peI[kwrn ieh sI ik ih`sydwrW ny AwpxIAW qnKwhW ieMnIAW vDw leIAW ik ijhVI vI kMpnI dI kmweI sI auh swrI pRwpq krn leI auqwvly sn[ jdoN 20 swl pihlW kMpnI SurU hoeI sI aunHW dI syl bhuq izAwdw sI pr ie`k nw ivkx vwLI imlIAn fwlr dI ienvYnotrI KRId leI Aqy ie`k nvIN lokySn vI bxw leI ijs nwL nukswn hox l`g ipAw[ hux aunHW ny PYslw kIqw bRWf inaU ip`k A`p tr`k ijnHW dI kMpnI nUM loV nhIN 300,000 lIz ‘qy dyx dw[ ieh isrP ih`sydwrW nUM nw imlI rkm dyx leI hY[ies nwl swrI g`l dUjy pwsy cly jWdI hY[ musIbqW nUM h`l krn dI QW ies qrHW nvyN Krcy Aqy nvIAW musIbqW KVHIAW kIqIAW jw rhIAW hn[ jy qusIN Awpxy Awp nUM pYsy dyx leI vI auDwr cu`kdy ho qW musIbq ies ‘c hI hY[ myry ie`k klwieMt dw bhuq gMBIr motr vhIkl AYksIfYNt ho igAw[ auh ie`k ifspYcr sI Aqy ie`k tr`ikMg kMpnI clw irhw sI[ ikauN ik aus nUM vwr vwr hspqwl jwxw pYNdw sI ies leI aunHW qoN Awpxy lIz vwLy tr`kW dIAW pymYNtW smyN isr nw dy hoeIAW [ aus ny ienHW muSklW dy h`l leI ie`k ifspYcr r`K ilAw ijs nUM l`K dy ihswb ‘c qnKwh dyxI sI[ ifspYcr aunHW tr`kW nUM ikvyN clw skdw sI ijhVy nwn pymYNt kwrn rIpojYs kIqy gey sn[ mYN ieh g`l smJdI hW ik kMpnI nUM c`ldy rihx dI loV hY pr jdoN qusIN AwpxIAW mOjUdw loVW pUrIAW nhIN kr skdy qW qusIN ie`k hor krmcwrI nUM r`Kky aus dI qnKwh ikvyN dy skogy[ AwpxI Awmdn ‘coN qusIN pihlW iks nUM dyvogy ie`k ifspYcr jW lIizMg kMpnI nUM? p`kI g`l hY ik lIizMg kMpnI nUM ikauN ik koeI vI kMpnI audoN q`k ikvyN c`l skygI jdoN aus kol kMm krn leI ie`k vI tr`k nhIN[ myry i^Awl ‘c sB qoN pihlI g`l jo iksy iv`qI sm`isAw dI hY auh ieh hY ik ies nUM svIkwr krnw[jy qusIN iksy sm`isAw nUM mMndy hI nhIN qW ies nUM TIk ikvyN kr skogy[ jy mMn skdy ho qW hI TIk krn dy auprly kIqy jwxgy[myrIAW muSikl fIlW smyN mYN hr vwr klwieMt nwL bYT ky aus sbMDI ivcwr krdI hW[ mYnUM ies qrHW krnw zrUrI nhIN pr mYN ies qrHW krdI hW ikauN ik iksy sm`isAw dw h`l krn leI pihlW ieh smJxw pYxw hY ik sm`isAw hY kI[ jy qusIN mMndy ho ik sm`isAw hY Aqy ies nUM smJdy ho Aqy TIk slwh lYNdy ho qW AglI vwr jdoN kRYift dI mMg krogy qW ieMnI muSikl nhIN AwvygI[ smW qW lgdw hY pr sKq imhnq Aqy inmrqw nwL kwmXwbI iml jWdI hY[



Stop Pushing The Envelope be less stressful. But it does take time, hard work and humility to get through. Obtaining more credit or taking on more monetary obligations are not a quick fix to financial problems. We think a new truck will earn us this much more money, and a new trailer will get us even more money. But it won’t earn you money when you haven’t collected the receivables, or getting sued for damaging a load without proper insurance in place, not getting a pay cheque, can barely pay your rent or mortgage and owe huge amounts of debt. Stop pushing your lender to give you money you cannot afford to pay back. It takes great modesty and breaks your pride to admit there’s a financial issue, but if you can admit it, I strongly encourage you to sit down with your financial advisor and work on a plan for long term recovery. Stop pushing the envelope, get some good sound advice from a trusted advisor, cut your expenses, and address each problem one at a time.

izAwdw kRyift lYxw jW v`D iv`qI Prz shyV lYxy,y iksI ivqI sm`isAw dw shI h`l nhIN hY[ AsIN soc lYNdy hW ik nvW tr`k swnUM ieMnI kmweI kr ky dyvygw Aqy nvyN tRylr nwL ieMnI hor kmweI hovygI[ pr ijMnw icr qusIN pRwpq krn vwLIAW vsqW iek`TIAW nhIN kIqIAW Aqy shI ieMSUrYNs nw hox kwrn l`dy hoey lof dy nukswn dw hrjwnw Brn qoN nhIN bcy, smyN isr py cY`k nhIN imilAw[ ies qrHW nwL kyvl qy kyvl qusIN quhwfy isr KVHI mwrgyj jW rYNt hI dy skogy hor ku`J nhIN[ ieh qW bhuq inmrqw Aqy hMkwr nUM mwrn vwLI g`l hY ik qusIN ieh mMno ik ieh ie`k iv`qI mslw hY[ jy qusIN ieh mMndy ho qW mYN quhwnUM slwh dyvWgI ik qusI Awpxy iv`qI slwhkwr nwL bYT ky ies qoN bc inklx dI lMby smyN dI Xojnw bxwE[ AwpxI D`kVSwhI nw krI jwE[ iksy Brosy vwLy iv`qI slwhkwr qoN koeI vDIAw Aqy lMby smyN vwLI slwh lE[ Awpxy Krcy GtwE[ Aqy ie`k smyN ie`k hI sm`isAw dw h`l kro[

New Study Indicates Co-relation Between Health Problems and Safety

DAT North American Freight Index edged downward in January


here are many variables making one truck driver “safer” than another, such as skill and experience, but a new study suggests that even relatively minor health conditions can make a driver far more likely to have an accident if they have three or more medical issues. Commercial truck drivers with three or more medical conditions double to quadruple their chance for being in a crash over healthier drivers, reports a new study conducted by the University of Utah School of Medicine. Maintaining good health can be challenging for a truck driver. Too many hours sitting in the cab, too many fast-food drive meals and stress combine to make staying healthy feel like a second job! While there is no miracle solution, you should know to take action to support your health. Reviewing the medical records of nearly 50,000 commercial truck drivers finds evidence that their relatively poor health may put them at risk in more ways than one. 34 percent have signs of at least one of several medical conditions that had previously been linked to poor driving performance, such as heart disease, low back pain and diabetes. Researchers then compared their medical records to their crash histories and found that drivers with at least three of the flagged conditions were more likely to have been involved in a crash. The new findings could mean that one health condition, say diabetes, is manageable but diabetes in combination with high blood pressure and anxiety could substantially increase a driver’s risk. “Right now, conditions are thought of in isolation,” says the study’s lead author Matthew Thiese, Ph.D. “There’s no guidance for looking at multiple conditions in concert.” Current commercial motor vehicle guidelines pull truckers with major health concerns from the pool but do not factor in an accumulation of multiple minor symptoms. 18



he DAT North American Freight Index edged downward in January as spot truckload freight settled into a typical post-holiday pattern, albeit at significantly elevated levels compared to this time last year. The Freight Index dropped 2.5 percent in January compared to an exceptionally strong December and was 56 percent higher year over year, said DAT Solutions, which operates the industry’s largest on-demand freight exchange for spot freight. Spot van, refrigerated, and flatbed rates in January were higher year over year, but an influx of capacity from contract carriers onto the spot market, particularly on high-traffic lanes, depressed rates compared to December. “Coming off a high in December, January was still very solid for spot freight,” said Don Thornton, senior vice president at DAT. “As a result we saw more contract carriers make their trucks available on load boards, and the added capacity contributed to lower rates on many high-traffic lanes.” Compared to December, the volume of van freight on the spot market was down 9 percent last month but up 63 percent year over year. The national average rate for vans was $1.68 per mile including a fuel surcharge, down 5 cents compared to December but up 2 cents year over year. Refrigerated freight followed a similar trend. The number of available loads fell 8 percent in January but was 57 percent higher year over year. Available capacity rose 1 percent. The national average spot rate for refrigerated freight was $1.96 per mile including a fuel surcharge, 3 cents lower than December but 6 cents higher compared to January 2016. Demand for flatbed trucks rose 18 percent compared to December and 64 percent year over year. Available capacity rose just 3 percent. At $1.91 per mile, the national average flatbed rate was 5 cents lower compared to December but was 3 cents higher year over year.

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Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT)

Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) hYvI hweIvyA vhIkl XUz tYks (hYc vI XU tI) NSC Compliance Services

What is the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT)? The Heavy highway Vehicle Use Tax is a fee assessed annually on heavy vehicles operating on public highways in the United States at registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds. How do you file to pay for the HVUT? You must complete the Form 2290 with all the required information and submit it along with the payment to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) before the deadline. Do you have to file the Form 2290? You must file Form 2290 and Schedule 1 if you have a registered taxable highway motor vehicle with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. The tax has to be paid by the person in whose name the highway motor vehicle is registered under the law of the state or province. Do I need to register to complete the Form 2290? You must be registered with the IRS and have an Employer Identification Number (EIN) to complete the Form 2290. When do you have to file the Form 2290? The Form 2290 must be filed for the month the taxable vehicle is first used on public highways during the current period. Are there any vehicles that are exempt from the HVUT? Below is a list of the vehicles that are exempt from the HVUT: • Commercial vehicles that are travelling less than 5,000 miles in a year • Vehicles that are not considered highway motor vehicles such as mobile machinery for non-transportation functions, vehicles specifically designed for off highway transportation • Agriculture vehicles that are travelling less than 7,500 miles in a year What is the tax amount for each truck? The tax is based on the taxable gross weight in pounds. The tax ranges from $100 per year for a vehicle that has a weight 20


kI hY hYvI hweIvyA vhIkl XUz tYks (hYc vI XU tI)? hYvI hweIvyA vhIkl XUz tYks ie`k auh slwnw inrDwrq kIqI geI PIs hY ijhVI aunHW hYvI vhIklW ‘qy lweI jWdI hY ijhVIAW ik AmrIkw ‘c 55,000 pONf ku`l Bwr jW ies qoN v`D Bwr leI rijstrf hn[ qusIN hYc vI XU tI dyx leI iks qrHW kwgz Brogy? swrI loVINdI jwxkwrI smyq quhwnUM Pwrm 2290 Brnw pvygw Aqy ies nUM id`qI hoeI qwrIK Kqm hox qoN pihlW mMgI geI PIs nwl ieMtrnl rYvinaU srivs ( AweI Awr AY`s) nUM Byjxw pvygw[ kI qhwnUM Pwrm 2290 Brnw zrUrI hY? jy qusIN 55,000 pONf Bwr jW ies qoN v`D Bwr vwLI tYksybl hweIvyA motr vhIkl rijstrf krvweI hoeI hY qW quhwnUM Pwrm 2290 Aqy skYjUAl 1 dwKl krnw hI pYxw hY[ styt jW sUby dy kwnUMn ADIn ijs ivAkqI dy nWA hyTW vhIkl drj hY aus v`loN ieh tYks Brnw hI pvygw[ kI mYnUM 2290 Pwrm Brn leI rijstrf hoxw zrUrI hY? quhwnUM AweI Awr AYs nwl rijstrf hoxw zrUrI hY Aqy Pwrm 2290 pUrw krn leI quhwfy kol AYNplwier AweIfYNtIiPkySn nMbr hoxw cwhidw hY[ quhwnUM 2290 Pwrm kdoN PweIl krnw cwhIdw hY? Pwrm 2290 audoN aus mhIny leI Brnw cwhIdw hY jdoN pihlI vwr tYks dyx vwLI vhIkl mOjUdw smyN dOrwn pbilk hweIvyA ‘qy AweI[ kI koeI Aijhy vhIkl vI hn ijnHW nUM AYc vI XU tI qoN Cot hY? AYc vI XUu tI qoN Cot imlx vwilAW vhIklW dI sUcI hyTW id`qI geI hY:



Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) of 55,000 pounds plus $22 for each 1,000 pounds in excess of 55,000 pounds up to a maximum of $550 for a vehicle that weighs over 75,000 pounds. Can you request an extension of time to file and pay? An extension of time to file can be requested before the due date of the return. A written request has to be sent to the IRS explaining in detail the cause of the delay. An extension of time to pay the tax would have to be requested separately if the payment is not made before the deadline.

Are there any penalties for being non-compliant? Yes, there are penalties for not complying with the HVUT requirements. The penalty for not filing the Form 2290 by the deadline is equal to 4.5 percent of the total tax due assessed on a monthly basis up to five months. If you do not make the HVUT payment on time, there is an additional penalty of 0.5 percent of total tax due. Additional interest charges of 0.54 percent per month are also accrued. In addition to these federal monetary penalties, your local state will suspend the registration of your vehicles if you do not provide proof of HVUT payment. Is there a situation when you can you claim a credit? Yes, you can claim a credit for tax paid on a vehicle if it was sold, destroyed, transferred or stolen and you have no intent to use the vehicle during the left over tax period. Supporting documents will be required when you file a claim with the name to whom and when you sold the vehicle. You can also claim a credit if the vehicle was used 5,000 miles or less (7,500 miles or less for agricultural vehicles). Where can I get more information and assistance with filing the Form 2290? You can call us at our toll free number at 1-800-965-9839 if you haven’t filed the Form 2290 and want more information or if you need assistance in filing the form. 22


* kmrSl vhIkl ijhVy swlwnw 5,000 mIl qoN G`t cldy hn[ * auh vhIkl ijhVy hweIvyA nUM nw vrqx vwly smJy jWdy hn, ijvyN mobweIl mSInrI ijhVI AwvwjweI dy kMmW leI nhIN vrqI jWdI , auh mSInrI ijhVI Kws krky hweIvA qoN lWBy rihx leI hI bxweI geI hY[ * AYgrIklcr dy auh vhIkl ijhVy swlwnw 7,500 mIl qoN G`t cldy hn[ hr ie`k tr`k dI ikMnI tYks dI rkm hY? tYks dI rkm pONfW ‘c ku`l tYks vwLy Bwr dy Anuswr hY[ 55,000 pONf dy Bwr qoN 100 fwlr pRqI swl qoN SurU ho ky 22 fwlr pRqI 1000 pONf q`k 550 fwlr q`k vDdw jWdw hY Aqy 75,000 pONf qoN vDyry Bwr dw 550 fwlr tYks hovygw[ kI qusIN PweIl krn Aqy tYks Adw krn leI vDyry smyN leI bynqI kr skdy ho? irtrn Byjx dI imQI imqI qoN pihlW vwDU smyN dI mMg kIqI jw skdI hY[ AweI Awr AYs nUM dyrI leI kwrn d`s ky ilKqI bynqI kIqI jw skdI hY[ tYks dyx ‘c dyrI leI v`KrI ilKqI bynqI krnI pYNdI hY[ kI kwnUMnI aulMGxw leI jurmwny vI ho skdy hn? hW, AYc vI XU tI dy hukmW dI alMGxw krn ‘qy zurmwny vI ho skdy hn[ Pwrm 2290 nUM imQI imqI q`k nw Brn ‘qy 5 mhIinAW q`k dy AMdwzy lwey gey tYks dw 4.5% dy brwbr dw jurmwnw ho skdw hY[ jy qusIN AYc vI tI XU dw insicq imqI q`k tYks nhIN jmHW krvwaNudy qW rihMdy tYks dw 0.5% dw jurmwnw hovygw[ies qoN ibnw 0.54% vwDU ivAwj vI ilAw jwvygw[ ienHW jurmwinAW qoN ibnw jy qusIN AYc vI XU tI dy Bugqwn dw sbUq nhIN idMdy qW quhwfI styt vwLy quhwfI rijstRySn vI sspYNf kr skdy hn[ kI koeI AijhI hwlq vI hY jdoN qusIN krYift klym kr skdy ho? hW jy qusIN vhIkl vyc id`qI hY jW corI ho geI hY, tu`t B`j geI hY jW trWsPr kr id`qI hY pr iesdw tYks id`qw hoieAw hY qW qusIN iesdw rihMdy smyN dw krYift vI klym kr skdy ho[ pr klym krn smyN ies sbMDI loVINdy kwgz p`qrW dI loV pvygI ieh d`sx leI ik ieh vhIkl iks nUM kdoN vycI geI[jy ieh vhIkl qusIN 5,000 mIl jW G`t (AYgrIklcrl vhIklW leI 7,500 jW G`t mIl) vrqI hY qW qusIN ies leI vI krYift lY skdy ho[ 2290 Pwrm Brn leI mYN ik`QoN jwxkwrI Aqy shwieqw lvW? jy qusIN Pwrm 2290 nhIN BirAw Aqy vDyry jwxkwrI cwhuMdy ho jW Pwrm Brn ‘c mdd dI loV hY qwN swfy nwL tol PRI nMbr 1-800-965-9839 ‘qy g`l kr skdy ho[

Desi News

Survey Says Expect Freight Volumes to Increase


ore than half of respondents to a Journal of Commerce survey said they expect overall freight volumes to increase through the end of the second quarter of 2017. About a quarter of respondents said they expect shipments to decline. “We see some possibility we could see a bigger lift in the second quarter rather than waiting until the end of the year,” said Gregory W. Ritter, chief customer officer for XPO Logistics. “We hit bottom and now we’re bouncing back up.” Excess truckload capacity, plenty of inventory and lower fuel costs led to a shippers market last year, and they used it to drive down truckload pricing. By mid-2016, third-party logistics operators felt the heat from lower per-mile rates. By third-quarter 2016, carriers felt pressured by the

demand for rate cuts. Large truckload carriers began eliminating excess capacity by cutting trucks from their fleet. However, after hitting bottom in April, the spot market began to rise. By the end of November, spot

market freight volume was up 66% on average. Spot market truck pricing gains eventually show up in contract rates. Unless the economic upswing proves short-lived, carriers will probably have more say in pricing talks than they’ve had in the past two years.

Infrastructure Structurally Compromised


he American Road & Transportation Builders Association analyzed the most recent data on bridges from the U.S. Department of Transportation. Their report paints a picture of a country with an alarming number of structurally deficient bridges. According to their research 55,710 bridges have been declared structurally compromised. Of those, approximately 13,000 have been identified as needing total replacement, widening, or other major construction. 1,900 of the structurally deficient bridges are part of the Interstate Highway System. 28% of U.S. bridges are over 50 years old and have yet to have any major repair work done on them. Iowa has the highest number of structurally deficient bridges, followed by other midwestern states. “America’s highway network is woefully underperforming,” said Alison Premo Black, the group’s chief economist who conducted the analysis. “It is outdated, overused, underfunded and in desperate need of modernization.” To view extensive bridge information in specific states, visit

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Desi News

Ridewell Suspensions introduces

Air-Ride Single Point Suspension


idewell Suspensions released the first model of its airride single point suspensions in the new RAR-254. “The Ridewell Air-Ride Single Point Suspension leverages proven components of the model RAR-266 suspension to provide the smoothness of an air-ride suspension with the advantages of a single point, pedestal mount suspension,” according to the company. The RAR-254 trunnion mount suspension is available in ride heights as low as 10”. The suspension is designed for integration with Ridewell drum and disc brake axles. As an option, the suspension can be shipped fully assembled with pre-aligned axles and pivot hardware torqued to specification. To reduce maintenance, the RAR-254 uses a high-density urethane bushing for the trunnion assembly center bushing instead of trunnion U-bolts. The suspension utilizes weldon pedestal mounts for easy ride height customization. The replaceable boss for the pivot bushing provides for a complete replacement of the bushing assembly. Narrow and wide bushing versions of the RAR-254 are available. Custom ride height, pedestal height and pedestal mount bolt pattern versions can be designed upon request.



FTR January net trailer orders strong


TR indicates the final January net trailer orders were strong at 32,800 units, up 86% year-over-year, but down 4% month-over-month. January was the third consecutive month of positive orders, and exceeded expectations, with dry van orders jumping 146% yearover-year and reefers down 52% from December. “It appears the trailer order cycle has shifted back a few months this year,” said FTR vice-president of commercial vehicles Don Ake. “Instead of starting in September or October, the order season began in November. This resulted in an unusually high number of orders in January. Uncertainty over the presidential election is probably the reason for this. Business confidence is running high, so we still got our traditional run of three months of strong orders, it just came later than typical.” Over the past year, trailer orders have totalled 234,000 units. “This is another good sign for trucking, freight and the economy for 2017,” said Ake. “Fleets are showing confidence in the market by placing a strong number of requirement orders for the year. These are not all replacement orders, so some fleets are expecting to expand sometime this year. The strength is centred on dry vans, however. The vocational segments have bottomed out and have not really begun a recovery, very similar to Class 8 trucks.”

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Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving Ken Davey


veryday, truckers have a front row seat to the stupidity carried out by other drivers and yes, truckers are guilty of some of that stupidity too. One of the problems resulting in distracted driving becoming so prevalent has more to do with vehicles driving themselves, (automatic transmissions, power steering, tires that virtually never go flat, automated mapping devices -- “turn left in 500 metres”, cruise control, collision avoidance systems, and the like) have given people the notion they don’t have to pay that much attention anymore. Truckers are now getting to the point where their truck drives itself and the constant thought process required to pilot it are leaving the driver with time to let his or her mind wander. It’s that mind wandering that leads to inattentiveness and the notion they can do other things because the systems will take care of the problems. The problem with the distracted driving laws is they are not consistent across the country and people tend to think that only cell phone use is distracted driving, but let’s face it, drinking coffee, eating, reading, talking to someone in the vehicle, listening to the radio, changing the station on the radio, texting, checking email, having sex -- yes, people have sex while driving. Then there’s the soccer mom with her three charges tied into the back seat, screaming and yelling, and her trying to physically discipline them while driving. Virtually anything that takes your eyes off the road, and not just your eyes but your mind, for even a tenth of a second is and must be considered distracted driving. Police have been schooled to recognize distracted drivers, truckers, through experience, also recognize it but the general public think it only applies to those other people who can’t multitask. Even wildlife close to the road can cause enough of a distraction to cause drivers to run off the road even if the wildlife doesn’t get into the path of the vehicle. Nature displaying a beautiful sunrise or sunset, a rainbow, can be considered a distraction under certain conditions, if it causes you to look at the natural beauty instead of paying attention to the job 26


at hand which is driving. A recent Transportation Safety Board Investigation into the 2013 crash between an OCTranspo double decker bus and a VIA train in Ottawa offers some more insight into distractions. Inside the drivers position were three monitors which are to keep the driver aware if bus riders weren’t following the rules. The bus driver wasn’t to move if there was anyone on the stairs between the two decks and there wasn’t supposed to be anyone standing on the top deck. Apparently, the driver may have looked at the monitor briefly to check on the upstairs passengers, as he was expected to do, and 1.6 seconds later the bus struck the train. There were visual distractions leading to the scene of the wreck which have been since removed. The recommendations from the TSB included the monitors be moved to a location where the drivers don’t have to look up having their eyes almost completely removed from watching the road. In Europe, on double decker buses, there is a driver and also someone monitoring the passengers whereas in Canada, there is one driver being expected to monitor passengers while driving. The TSB also emphasized that distracted driving may have been but one of several situations that lead to the wreck and that if one of the situations had been removed the wreck may not have happened. This wreck did take the lives of six people, including the driver of the bus. There must be a myriad of studies going on at any given

Distracted Driving moment on this subject, but one recent study done at the University of Alberta, showed emotionally-themed billboard messages can increase the level of distracted driving on roadways as if there aren’t enough already. The study, published in Accident Analysis and Prevention, found that various billboards can invoke different emotions in drivers, with negative-themed messages being the most distracting. “Any kind of distraction is risky when you’re driving. But there would appear to be a larger risk when it comes to emotional stimuli,” said researcher Michelle Chan in a statement. While drivers reacted to billboards with emotionally charged words on both ends of the scale, such as negative words -- cancer, killer, or stress; or positive words -- beach, love, happy or even more neutral words, the study found the negative words were the most distracting. While drivers tended to speed up after passing billboards with positive words, their actions tended to be generally safer than when passing negative themes. Drivers tended to slow down abruptly or swerve while passing negative billboards. Researchers says the test shows drivers have natural reactions to billboard messages , which can further distract drivers from driving safely. Our goals in bringing distracted driving to the consciousness of everyone is to first of all convince them that distracted driving is a problem, then to actually define distracted driving and all it’s versions and permeations, then convincing those same people to exercise control over themselves to stop driving distracted. Obviously it isn’t easy to change people’s habits, after all, for most of the past fifty years we’ve known that smoking causes health problems that otherwise wouldn’t be health problems,

yet we have thousands of people still smoking but even more distressing is that young people are picking up the habit allegedly with the full knowledge of the dangers. Trying to convince a young person, who has been granted driving privileges by the government, they have to learn patience is difficult, more like impossible. When they see those people, supposed good drivers, cutting in and out of traffic, running red lights, driving in an impatient manner (aggressively) it’s very difficult to teach patience. Some of the biggest lessons we learn as truck drivers is to pace yourself; be patient; don’t let your surroundings get under your skin; even as a newly licensed truck driver you have more skill than most other drivers around you. It’s the same with distracted driving. Truckers will learn the lesson quickly, learn how to cope with those around him or her driving distracted. Truckers will find when they might be able to pick up that cup of coffee, smoking that cigarette, talk on the CB, let their attention span drift a bit, on that long lonely highway when no one else is around them. The also learn when they’re in heavy traffic, they need all their wits about them and don’t allow any distractions to take place. Unfortunately, the general driving public doesn’t learn the lessons either as quickly or as well. Sometimes one gets the feeling that writing for a trucking publication is like preaching to the choir, but if we don’t preach to the choir and the choir doesn’t respond there will never be an opportunity to preach to the congregation. Will there ever be a time when all distractions from driving are eliminated? Not until we have robots driving and even then who knows. The Google automated car has had a mishap during testing.

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Desi News

Navistar recalling some 2017 International trucks over battery issue

nyvIstwr ny bYtrI dy msly nUM ly ky AMqrrwStrI tr`kW nUM bulwvw ByijAw hY


avistar recently issued a recall for certain International trucks regarding an issue with batteries, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration documents. An electrical short caused by the defect can potentially lead to a fire. More specifically, certain 2017 International ProStar, LoneStar, 9900i and TransStar trucks are affected. A metallic battery cover latch may unlatch and contact the battery jump start stud, causing an electrical short to ground if the jump start stud is not covered, according to the NHTSA recall. Owners will be notified and instructed to have a dealer install a latch stop to prevent the latch from rotating to the unlatched position at no charge to the customer. Navistar expects the recall to begin on Feb. 17. For more information, call Navistar’s customer service at 800-448-7825 with recall number 16513. NHTSA’s official recall number is 16V-938.

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nYSnl hweIvy tRYiPk sur~iKAw ivBwg Anuswr nyvIstwr ny hwl ivc hI bYtirAW nwl juVy iek mwmly v~joN kuJ AMqrrwStrI tr~kW nUM bulwvw ByijAw hY[ Kws qOr qy kuJ 2017 dy AMqrrwStrI pRostwr, lonstwr, 9901AweI Aqy trWsstwr tr`k pRBwivq hoey hn[ AY~n.AY~c. tI.A~Ys.ey dy Anuswr - iek DwqU bYtrI dw F~kx Arl ho skdw hY Aqy bYtrI dy bok dy sMprk ivc AwauNdy hI Sort srikt pYdw huMdw hY, jy aus nUM F~ikAw hoieAw nw hovy[ mwlkw nUM jwxkwrI id~qI jwvygI Aqy isKlweI vI id~qI jwvygI ik auh iek fIlr nwl juVn jo ik iek lYc stop ienstwl krygw qW ik auh AwpxI jgHw qoN nw ih`ly Aqy ieh aupBogqw leI muPq hovygw[ nyvIstwr nUM aumId hY ik dubwrw bulwvw 17 PrvrI qoN SurU ho jwvygw[ ijAwdw jwxkwrI leI nyvIstwr dy aupBogqw syvw nM. 800448-7825 Aqy rIk~wl nM. 16513 qy Pon kr skdy ho[AY~n.AY~c. tI.A~Ys.ey dy AiDkwrI dw srkwrI nM. 16 vI-938 hY[


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Desi News

Penray Introduces 2-Step Oil and Fuel Treatment





enray, Inc. introduced two new chemical service kits to extend engine life and restore engine performance to original levels. Penray’s new 2-Step Oil and Fuel Treatment Kit #7702 offers a chemical service kit that removes debris and deposits from fuel systems, while fortifying engine oil with a specially-formulated compound that strengthens and extends the life of engine oil. This new 2-Step product includes Penray’s Total Fuel System Cleaner, which is effective in dissolving and removing harmful deposits throughout the fuel system, the company noted. It removes debris, varnish, and other contaminants from fuel tanks, fuel lines, and highlysensitive fuel injectors, resulting in more complete and consistent combustion. This 2-Step kit also includes Penray’s oil treatment, which includes detergents and other additives, increasing the lubricity and life of both conventional and synthetic engine oils. Penray is also introducing an upgraded 3-Step Premium Oil System Cleaner kit, #7603. This new kit includes the same oil and fuel supplements as the 2-Step kit, and adds Penray’s Crankcase and Differential Cleaner. This cleaning agent is useful on highermileage engines, those which have seen severe service, or those that have not had regular oil and filter changes. This cleaner is designed to be added to engine oil five minutes before

draining, and works to dissolve gum, sludge, and varnish throughout the crankcase, including critical areas like pistons, rings, cylinder walls, and the highly-sensitive cam/ lifter interface. “These two new chemical service kits, created and manufactured in the United States, represent an important opportunity to upgrade a routine oil change into a premium engine service,” explains Mark Kardon, director of marketing for Penray. ”The precision of fuel injectors used in virtually all late-model cars requires that they be kept meticulously clean and free of debris and deposits that can interfere with proper fuel delivery and injector spray patterns. These two new service kits provide the opportunity to upgrade to a powerful premium service that enhances both performance and longevity.”

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w w w. L A I T M . c o m MARCH - APRIL 2017


Desi News

Trucking Alliance comments to FMCSA in support of a “Petition for Exemption”


he Alliance for Driver Safety & Security, also known as The Trucking Alliance, has submitted comments to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration in support of a “Petition for Exemption” that if granted, will allow six freight transportation companies to utilize hair testing in lieu of a urinalysis to satisfy federal pre-employment truck driver regulations. The Petition for Exemption does not propose that all carriers be required to utilize hair testing, only that these six carriers be permitted to conduct hair exams solely rather than both hair and urine tests. Here are some of the Trucking Alliance’s comments submitted to the FMCSA: “These comments are submitted by the Alliance for Driver Safety & Security in support of a “Petition for Exemption,” referenced above. Four of the six petitioners are member companies of The Trucking Alliance. If granted, these petitioners may use a hair analysis to meet federal drug test requirements for commercial driver job applicants. Hair testing is a more reliable (albeit twice as expensive) method for identifying lifestyle drug users, than the less expensive and less reliable urine exam.” “The Trucking Alliance is a coalition of freight transportation companies that support progressive safety reforms to reduce large truck accidents and to ensure a safe work environment for their commercial truck drivers. To achieve this objective, Trucking Alliance companies have adopted six safety principles, all of which exceed the federal requirements for operating as a motor carrier in the United States. Further, Trucking Alliance companies support additional regulatory and legislative proposals that if adopted, could further reduce the number of large truck accidents, injuries and fatalities on our nations’ highways.” “The Trucking Alliance concurs with petitioners in their stated reasons for deserving an exemption. But in the broader context, the petitioners are utilizing a more reliable method for identifying drug users than the vast majority of US freight and logistics carriers. The petitioners are deserving of an exemption, and for the following public safety reasons: Drugs are involved in too many large truck accidents. Lifestyle drug users have no place in the commercial truck driver profession. Truck driving is an occupation that exposes the general public to possible safety risks, because motorists share the highways with thousands of commercial truck drivers every day. Freight transportation companies, the federal government and state commercial vehicle enforcement agencies have a moral responsibility to ensure that commercial truck drivers are well trained, rested, and drug and alcohol free, as they deliver our products.” “But, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety 34


Administration, between 2012 and 2014, there were 560 fatal accidents involving large trucks, where the truck driver tested positive for illegal drug use. All of these 560 truck drivers were presumed to have passed their urine exam before employment. Yet, they were identified as drug users after these fatal accidents occurred.” “Lifestyle drug users skirt the system. Today, there are numerous products available to purchase online and at truck stops across America, that enable a person to mask their drug use in a urine exam. But hair testing is more difficult to disguise a person’s drug use. In fact, Psychemedics, a leading hair testing laboratory, estimates that 85% of the drug users identified by its hair testing process would be missed by a urinalysis.” “Further, an untold number of lifestyle drug users are likely operating large trucks today. Consider that one petitioner, Maverick USA, has reported that 108 people who applied for employment as truck drivers at the company passed the urine exam but failed their hair test.” “Another petitioner, J.B. Hunt Transport, has voluntarily conducted hair tests on commercial driver applicants for 10 years. Since then, more than 4,700 J.B. Hunt driver applicants passed their urinalysis but the hair exam identified them as drug users.” “So only two companies have reported that 4,808 job applicants passed their urine test but failed their hair exam. They were denied employment. But how many of those applicants simply applied at another company that only required a urinalysis? Even more problematic are there are more than 600,000 US trucking companies and private fleets and fewer than 100 of these businesses are estimated to utilize hair tests in their pre-employment protocols.” The comments go on to mention that Congress recognizes the benefits of hair testing. In 2013, after recognizing the efficiencies of hair testing over a urinalysis, US Congressman Rick Crawford (R-AR) was joined by Congressman Lou Barletta (R-PA) and others in introducing “The Drug Free Commercial Driver Act.” The legislation would have directed the Secretary of Transportation to modify regulations and allow a motor carrier to use hair testing in lieu of a urinalysis but only for pre-employment testing and random testing. However, the legislation did not receive consideration. The Trucking Alliance’s formal comment ends with the statement, “In summary, the Petitioners are committed to keeping lifestyle drug users out of their trucks and off the nation’s highways. Granting the Petition for Exemption will enable the petitioners to continue their effective, established and nationally recognized protocol for achieving their worthy objective, without incurring needless expenses, and while HHS and FMCSA complete their legislatively mandated tasks and rulemakings regarding hair testing.”

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byiDAwnI fRweIivMg

byiDAwnI fRweIivMg kYn fyvI hr roz tr`kW vwilAW nUM ieho ijhI byvkUPI dw swhmxw krnw pYNdw hY ijhVI A`gy qoN Awaux vwLy fRweIvr krdy hn[keI vwr ies dw QoVHw bhuqw ih`sw tr`kW vwLy vI huMdy hn[iDAwn nUM lWBy krn vwLIAW bhuq swrIAW g`lW ‘c g`fIAW ‘c svY cwlk XMqrW dw l`gw hoxw huMdw hY[ijvyN AwtomYitk tRWsimSn, pwvr stIAirMg, nw pMcr hox vwLy twier, AwtomYitk mYipMg ifvwies-- jo d`sdIAW hn 500 mItr ‘qy jw ky K`by muVo, krUz kMtrol, kolUzn AvwiefYNs isstm Aqy ies qrHW dy hor bhuq swry XMqr ijnHW dy l`gy hox nwL fRweIvr ieh smJ lYNdy hn ik ieh XMqr l`gy hox kwrn aunHW nUM bhuqw iDAwn dyx dI loV nhIN[jdoN ies qrHW dI soc hovygI qW tr`k fRweIvr ieh

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Desi News


New Blue Print for NAFTA?

ongressman Peter DeFazio (DOR) introduced a resolution he calls a blueprint that lays out the principles he feels must be included in any replacement of the North American Free Trade Agreement. “For the first time in nearly a quartercentury, we have an opportunity to replace NAFTA and build a fair trade policy that works for all Americans,” said Rep. Peter DeFazio. “After working with labor stakeholders and fair trade advocates, we have come up with principles that will serve as the foundation of a sustainable trade policy that will bring jobs back to the U.S. while protecting America’s environment, workers, consumers, and sovereignty.” “Rep. DeFazio’s NAFTA resolution provides a roadmap for the USTR and the administration to follow if they truly want to fix this broken trade agreement,” said Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa. “Free trade agreements like NAFTA have undermined our manufacturing industry for decades, sending millions of jobs overseas. It is long past time to negotiate fair trade agreements that protect working families and provide good jobs here in America.” “As we’ve said all along in regards to renegotiating NAFTA, ‘the devil’s in the details,’ said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. “The blueprint being laid out today puts working people first. It promotes trade policies that create jobs, raise wages, breathe life into our communities and expand the American Dream. We are ready to move forward with a new direction on trade and this is just the beginning.” The principles laid out in Rep. DeFazio’s resolution, called the Blueprint for America’s Future Trade Policy, direct that any NAFTA replacement deal negotiated by President Trump must: • Require Strong Labor & Environmental Standards—and Ensure They are Enforced • Add Strict, Enforceable Disciplines to Fight Against Currency Manipulation • Eliminate Procurement Provisions that Undermine Buy America • Require Imports and Foreign Companies Operating in the U.S. to Adhere to U.S. Laws • Lower the Cost of Prescription Drugs

• End Tribunals that Undermine U.S. Trade Enforcement Laws, Such as NAFTA’s Chapter 19 • Require Foreign Operators to Comply with U.S. Transportation Laws • Require Strong Rules of Origin on Cars, Auto Parts, and Other Manufactured Goods • Eliminate the Dangerous ISDS Provision that Undermines U.S. Sovereignty • Protect U.S. Energy Policy The resolution directs President Trump

to initiate the renegotiation of NAFTA no later than June 1, 2017. All of the provisions included in the resolution must be agreed to by Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. before the agreement can be approved. If negotiations are not completed and all the provisions outlined in the resolution agreed to within one year of beginning talks, the resolution directs the President to consider withdrawing the U.S. from NAFTA.

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Desi News

Goodyear Announces Highway Heros


truck driver stops to rescue an unconscious motorist from a flipped-over minivan; another races to save a mother and her three children trapped in an upside-down car sinking in a creek bed; a third hops aboard an out-of-control dump truck to aid its incapacitated operator. Those are the three finalists for the 34th annual Goodyear Highway Hero Award, with the winner to be selected on March 23 during the Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS) in Louisville, KY Established in 1983, the Goodyear Highway Hero Award honours professional truck drivers who put themselves in harm’s way to help others, noted Gary Medalis, marketing director at Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., in a statement. “We are proud to recognize truck drivers who risk their own lives to save others,” he said. The three truck drivers in line for the award this year are: Chris Baker, a truck driver from Chicopee, MA: Driving down a New Jersey highway one evening, Baker spotted flickering lights ahead. Pulling closer to investigate, he found a minivan that had flipped over onto its side, with flames erupting from its engine. Grabbing a fire extinguisher, Baker ran to the van, put out the fire, and worked with a bystander to pull the unconscious driver

to safety. Baker stayed with the injured minivan driver until rescue crews arrived. The man survived and did not suffer any significant injuries. Tim Freiburger, a truck driver from Huntington, IN: Driving through Indiana, Freiburger witnessed a car lose control and drive into a creek, where it flipped upside-down in standing water. Freiburger raced to the car, which contained a mother and her three children, broke a window and removed one of the vehicle’s doors to pull all four to safety. He stayed with the family until paramedics arrived. The family suffered only minor bruises as a result of the accident and Freiburger’s quick actions. David Webb, a truck driver from Billings, MT: Making a run through Washington State, Webb and his wife, Carol, observed a dump truck in the next lane violently swerve. Webb pulled up to the dump truck and noticed its driver slumped over the steering wheel. As the dump truck slowed, Webb parked his own truck and ran after the still-moving vehicle. Webb jumped onto the dump truck’s running board, opened the door, reached in and applied the brakes, bringing the truck to a complete stop. As Carol called 911, Webb worked with a bystander to pull the dump truck driver – who wasn’t breathing – from the vehicle. Webb performed CPR on him until help arrived. Though hospitalized, the dump truck driver survived.

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Small Business Taxes Pain Points

Small Business Taxes

Pain Points Vishakha Shah


t’s Tax Time… Is Your Trucking Business Ready? Ah, taxes. Running a company is never simple, but this time of year, it sinks in - all the bookkeeping you have to catch up on, the forms, the hard-to-read rules, the extra stuff that applies just to transportation businesses. Taxes are about as fun as going to the dentist, but unfortunately, both are required. That said, it’s easier with a little guidance. Fair warning: I’m no accountant, and if you can, you should definitely hire one, but I’ve counselled my clients through many a tax season, and run a trucking business myself. Here’s what you want to think about for your 2017 taxes, especially if you’ve never done business taxes before. If you’re not already, start keeping a digital and physical copy of your important tax files, your invoices, and your payroll. Did the IRS send you a certificate with your EIN number? Save that, and scan a copy and save it in a folder on a cloud service, like Dropbox or Google Apps. Save your paperwork for the MC number. Save all your returns, your employees’ paperwork, your signed W9 forms for any contractors, and save your invoices. It’s great to have them in a physical folder, but having a digital folder will save you time - you can easily email your accountant a private link, or print all the documents out at once. You can also rely on online bookkeeping software like Xero and Quickbooks to track and save all these documents, but make sure and run a backup to another cloud service at least twice a year. Review your business setup to ensure it meets your needs. Here’s a good starter guide to incorporating your business. If you hire more employees than you expected to, or you want to easily take on partners, you may want to change your business’ setup to make that easier. Don’t do this stuff. We’ve seen it all over here. One thing that’s special about my company: We won’t reject a client just over a tax issue. Here’s a few common ones: 1. Double check your 1099 income and ensure all 1099s have reached you. Underreporting your income due to a missing 1099 is still underreporting. Double check your numbers and ensure that your invoices match your total 1099 reported revenue. 2. Underestimating taxes owed. This generally happens when you don’t make quarterly tax payments - the bill comes due, and it’s usually well over what owner-operators expect.

- Vishakha Shah

Far West Capital - Violet Hour Social

Vishakha Shah is a Vice President at Far West Capital, a factoring company that specializes in financing great transportation businesses.



3. Even if you can’t pay in full, you have to file. You don’t want penalties accumulating - and failure to file is its own penalty. 4. Late taxes get more and more expensive the longer they’re unpaid. Pay off any tax debt as quickly as possible - you don’t want to let overdue taxes accumulate interest. DO check whether you qualify for any of these credits. 1. Fuel tax credit: This is for any fuel that you don’t use in a propulsion motor or highway vehicle. Refrigerators and auxiliary power units often qualify. For every gallon, you can get back 18.3 cents on gasoline, 24.3 cents on diesel, and 50 cents on propane. Pro tip: If this is the first time you’re hearing of the fuel tax credit, good news: it’s retroactive! You can claim the credit for previous years if you haven’t already. 2. Work opportunity tax credit: Did you hire someone who had been unemployed for a long time? What about veterans, ex-felons, or food-stamp recipients? As long as that person has worked over 120 hours in their first 12 months, you can claim this credit potentially reducing your federal tax liability by up to $9,600 per person. It will also offset your alternative minimum tax (AMT). It’s paperwork intensive but worth it. If you think your hire might be qualified, start collecting supporting documents and fill this form out ASAP, as it must be filed within 28 days of their hire. 3. Fuel particulate regeneration credits: if your trucks use diesel particulate filters, the fuel used in the regeneration may qualify for a tax credit. Make sure you’re paying these taxes. Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax: This applies to all trucking businesses. You must file a Form 2290 and may need to display an International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) decal if you aren’t already. Net investment income tax: If you, as an investor in your business by default, made money on top of a certain threshold, you owe 3.8% taxes on that income only. This one’s rather complex - you’ll need an accountant if you think you might qualify.



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Small Business Taxes Pain Points

(PS: Here’s a few ways to keep up on new IRS rules: bookmark its income tax guide, Publication 17. If you have employees, use Publication 15 to keep up on your tax responsibilities as an employer. Both these can be found in the IRS’s current Forms & Publications. The IRS also publishes regular updates in their Internal Revenue Bulletins and sends out the latest tax news and helpful info via the IRS Newswire.)




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I have to manage payroll. What do I need to do to stay in compliance? Whether or not you’re using a CPA or bookkeeper, consider using a payroll company -- this is a cost that definitely pays for itself. If you’re small or have just a few employees, payroll tax compliance isn’t your first priority, but that has the potential to really screw things up. In the long run, a payroll company will make your life much easier ADP is a major payroll player, says Center, but ask colleagues or other small business resources for personal recommendations. Go for big, reputable companies, search for their ratings and ask around. (We’re happy to provide recommendations - just ask.) I need help already. Where can I find it? Well, you can always call me - my contact information is at the bottom of this article. But there are lots of great resources for small business owners - and many of them are free. Check with a local Small Business Administration (SBA) Chapter for counseling and mentoring. The AARP also offers free tax help to anyone over 50 through the AARP Foundation Tax Aide program. Once you’ve got the funds, hiring a CPA is always the way to go. Not sure how to find one? Look for recommendations from your fellow business owners, reach out to the American Trucking Association’s Accounting & Finance Council, or ask your local SCORE chapter, a source of free business education and mentoring. You can also always ask me - just look me up on LinkedIn.

Maxion Wheels Offers Heavy Duty Forged Aluminum Wheels


forged aluminum truck wheel is being added to its extensive steel wheel offerings. Maxion Wheels announced during Heavy-duty Aftermarket Week. The first aluminum truck wheel available in North American, the new line will start with a 22.5x8.25 wheel available in the early Spring. It will weight 45 lbs., compared to approximately 68 lbs. for a comparable steel wheel. Three additional sizes – 24.5x8.25, 17.5x6.75, and 22.5x14.00 – will eventually fill out the new forged aluminum line, according to Maxion. All will be offered in bright machined and polished finishes. “Maxion Wheels has been proudly serving the needs of the North American truck and trailer market for almost 100 years,” said Donald Polk, company president for the Americas. “By adding forged aluminum to our product mix, our steel wheel commercial vehicle customers now have a none-stop alternative for their wheel needs.”



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tr`ikMg Aqy l`g B`g hr ieMfstrI 'c A`gy vDx Aqy kMm dy pswr leI cMgw kRYift r`Kxw bhuq zrUrI hY[Awpxy kRYift dI jwxkwrI nw hoxw jW kRYRyift BYVw hox dw ArQ hY ik ies nwL quhwfw ibzns Aqy injI jIvn 'c nukswn ho skdw hY[ mYN jdoN vI Awpxy iksy klwieMt nwL bYTw huMdw hW qW mYN ieh svwl pu`Cdw hW ik quhwfw kRYift iks qrHW dw hY[keI qW ieh kih ik hI g`l mukwA idMdy hn ik aunHW nUM ies sbMDI nhIN pqw Aqy keI ieh jvwb idMdy hn ik cMgw hY Aqy keI ieh vI AwK idMdy hn ik ieh cMgw nhIN[ auh jo kihMdy hn ik aunHW nUM nhIN pqw , leI myrI slwh hY ik kRYift leI AplweI krn qoN pihlW ies sbMDI jwxkwrI lY lYxI cwhIdI hY[ jy quhwfy kRYift dw skor mwVw hY qW quhwnUM pihlW hI ko- sweInr iqAwr kr lYxw cwhIdw hY jW Awpxy kRYift nUM suDwr lYxw cwhIdw hY[ jy ieh cMgw hY qW Pyr TIk hY[jy ies qrHW krogy qW quhwnUM iksy pRkwr dy kRYift leI AYplweI krn smyN koeI muSkl pyS nhIN AwvygI[keI vwr keI s`jx mYnUM d`sdy hn ik aunHW dw kRYift cMgw hY pr jdoN ies nUM cY`k kIqw jWdw hY qW ieh ies qrHW dw nhIN huMdw[ ies qrHW dy hwlwq 'c pYsw auDwr lYx vwLy ivAkqI nUM Aqy ijs kMpnI qoN qusIN pYsw auDwr lYx jw rhy ho, nUM bhuq muSklW dw swhmxw krnw pYNdw hY[jy quhwfw kRYift cY`k kIqw jw irhw hY qW sdw hI s`c s`c d`s idE ikauN ik AMq nUM scweI swhmxy Aw hI jWdI h[ jy qusIN s`c nhIN boldy Aqy Awpxy ipCokV vl JwqI mwrdy ho qW quhwnUM krzw nw imlx 'qy zrUr burw l`gygw[ijnHW dw mwVw kRYift hY ieh zrUrI nhIN ik auDwr lYx dy anHW dy swry rsqy bMd ho gey hn[pr quhwfI mwVI pymYNt ihstrI kwrn imlx vwLy krzy 'qy Asr zrUr pvygw[ ieh quhwnUM mMn ky c`lxw pYxw hY[ ij`QoN q`k tr`ikMg kMpnIAW dI g`l hY aunHW leI iPaUl kRYift kwrf zrUrI hn[ieh kMm vI vDIAw hY ik iPaUl kwrf bxw ik hr roz pYsy dyx dI QW mhIny 'c ies dw Bugqwn kr id`qw jwvy[hr roz pYsy dyx nwL quhwnUM murMmq, ieMSUrYNs, dPqrI Amlw , ikrwieAw Aqy frweIvrW nUM Bugqwn 'c muSkl pyS AwvygI[ jy kRYift cMgw hY qW kMpnI KolHx smyN bhuq Pwiedw huMdw hY Aqy vDIAw g`l ieh ik A`goN vI vDIAw kRYift r`K skdy hY[ tr`kW 'c BweIvwlI Awm hY[ pr jy quhwfy nwL vwLy BweIvwl dw kRYift cMgw nhIN qW auh brwbr dI BweIvwlI nhIN c`l skdI[ jy ie`k BweIvwl dw kRYift vDIAw hY Aqy dUjy dw nhIN qW kMpnI leI krzw lYx leI cMgy kRYift vwLy 'qy hI inrBr hoxw pvygw[ hwl 'c mYN ie`k kMpnI vyKI hY ijhVI ies kwrn hI bMd ho geI[cMgy kRYift vwLy BweIvwl ny ikhw ik krzy dw swrw Bwr qW aus 'qy hY jdoN ik dUsry nUM aus 'qy brwbr dw boJ hox kwrn koeI iPkr nhIN[aus ny mYnUM d`isAw ik jy ibpqw 48


peI qW aus dw sB ku`J jWdw l`gygw jdoN ik mwVy kRYift vwLy dw r`qI Br nukswn nhIN hoxw[ AglI g`l ieh ik mwVy kRYift vwilAW nUM krzw vI mihMgI dr 'qy hI imldw hY[bhuq swry jdoN cMgy ryt dI mMg krdy hn qW aunHW dI ieh mMg pUrI nw hox 'qy auh iksy pwsy dy vI nhIN rihMdy[quhwfw Awaux vwLy smyN dw krzw hmySW quhwfy ipCokV 'qy hI inrBr krdw hY[ jy quhwfw ipClw irkwrf cMgw nhIN qW quhwnUM mihMgI dr 'qy hI lon iml skygw[ keI vwr qW quhwnUM korw jvwb hI iml jWdw hY[ mwVw kRYift quhwnUM iksy krzy dy Xog nhIN rihx idMdw[myry kol ie`k kMpnI hY jo keI nvyN tr`k KRIdxw cwhuMdI hY Aqy aunHW ny mYnUM ikhw ik ijhVI KRId aunHW pihlW kIqI sI aus 'qy ivAwj dI dr bhuq hY[ aunHW dw kihxw sI ik pqw nhIN ies dw kI kwrn hY[ mYN aunHW nUM ies dw kwrn d`isAw[ kwrn ieh hI sI ik pihlW aunHW dw kRYift mwVw sI[ ies leI ijMnw izAwdw ^qrw au`nw hI izAwdw ivAwj[ tr`ikMg dw smwn vI ssqw nhIN[ieh sOKw nhIN ik tr`kW Aqy tRylrW dw mu`l nkd qwirAw jw sky[ies leI jy qusIN tr`k dw smwn qW KRIdxw cwhuMdy ho pr quhwfw kRYift cMgw nhIN ies 'c vI musIbq KVH jWdI hY[BwvyN tr`ikMg kMpnI hY, jW Enr Awprytr hY, ie`QoN q`k ik qusIN ku`J rYNtl vI lYxw cwhuMdy ho sB ku`J 'c quhwfw kRYift cY`k kIqw jWdw hY[ jy ieh cMgw nhIN qW quhwnUM jvwb vI iml skdw hY[ QoVHI


bYf kRiY ft dy BYVy nqIjy

rkm leI qW AOKw nhI pr jy quhwfw purwxw irkwrf cMgw nhIN qW ibmwrI, vpwr 'c mMdw Awaux jW nOkrI Ku`sx dI sUrq 'c aunHW dw quhwnUM v`fI rkm dI loV smyN bhuq muSkl pyS AwauNdI hY[iksy sMBwvI ihswb ikqwb ivgV jWdw hY [ pr keI ies qrHW dI hwlq 'c vI Enr Awprytr nUM jy krzy qoN jvwb iml jwvy qW aus nUM G`t kmweI 'qy smyN isr ib`l Awid dyx dI koiSs 'c iPr vI l`gy rihMdy hn[ ies hI sbr krnw pvygw Aqy iksy hor dw tr`k hI clwauxw pvygw[ jW dI koeI vI BivK bwxI nhIN kr skdw ik kdoN koeI Acwnk qbdIlI Pyr iksy ko-sweInr dI Bwl krnI pvygI[iesy qrHW auh kMpnI ijs nUM Aw jwvygI[ pr jdoN hI hwlwq TIk hox quhwnUM ies 'qy kwbU pwaux dw krzy qoN jvwb iml jwvy vD Pu`l nhIN skdI[ jy pUrw smwn koL nhIN Xqn krnw cwhIdw hY[ quhwfy irkwrf 'qy s`q swl q`k quhwfw kRYift qW aus nUM bhuqy lof nhIN iml skdy[ rihMdw hY[ jy qusI smr`Q ho qW ies nUM dubwrw TIk krn dw Xqn ieQoN q`k ik jdoN frweIvrW nUM r`iKAw jWdw hY qW aunHW dy fRweIivMg kro[ jy quhwfw kRYift SurU qoN hI Krwb cilAw AwauNdw hY qW ies nUM irkwrf dy nwL nwL aunHW dI kRYift ihstrI vI cY`k kIqI jWdI hY[ TIk krn dw Xqn kro Aqy ieh swbq kr idE ik qusIN auDwr ilAw jy quhwfI kRYift ihstrI mwVI hY Pyr quhwfw fRweIivMg irkwrf vDIAw hoieAw pYsw vwps kr skdy ho[ ies kMm leI sikaurf kRYift kwrf hox dy bwvjUd vI kMpnI quhwnUM nhIN r`KygI[ auh frweIvr ijs dw vrgIAW shUlqW vI imldIAW hn[jy qusIN kRYift nUM vDIAw bxw mwVw kRYift irkwrf hY 'qy iks qrHW zkIn kIqw jw skdw hY jdoN aus skdy ho qW ies leI Xqn kro Aqy Awpxy Awp nUM ies qrHW hox leI koL mihMgw smwn Aqy iPaul kwrf vI hovygw[ jy quhwnUM nOkrI qoN swbq kro[ies qrHW krn 'qy quhwnUM ieh pqw l`g jwvygw ik auDwr jvwb iml jWdw hY qW ies nwL quhwfI kmweI 'qy vI Asr pvygw Aqy dyx leI ijhVy drvwzy iv`qI sMsQwvW n yquhwfy leI bMd kr id`qy sn smu`cI pirvwirk Awmdn 'qy vI[ auh ie`k vwr quhwfy leI iPr Ku`lH gey hn[ ij`Qy loV Anuswr krYift nw hox 'c muSkl hY au`Qy izAwdw h`d hoxw vI TIk nhIN[ ie`k hI kRYift kwrf 'qy bhuqw Dn nhIN imldw[ie`k for hI our kwrfdedicated bhuqw nhIN[ Company quhwfy koL izAwdw Dn lYx leI hor kwrf vI cwhIdy hn[ smyN isr auDwr moV ky quhwnUM Awpxw vDIAw trYk vI is`D krnw pvygw[ bhuqw krzw vI sm`isAwvW pYdw krdw hY[ jy swry kRYift kwrfW 'qy qusIN G`to G`t inrDwrq rkm hI vwps kr rhy ho Aqy quhwfy kol bcwaux leI ku`J vI nhIN qW ies nwL vI sm`isAw hI pYdw huMdI hY[ jdoN qusIN pihlW hI AwpxI Awmdn nwloN vDyry Dn Krc kr ilAw hY qW quhwfw nvW krzw mnzUr nhIN ho skygw[ isr 'qy krzw au`nw ku hI r`Ko ijhVw qusIN sOKy FMg nwL moV skdy ho[ ies qrHW dw smqol r`Ko ik qusIN swrw krzw hr mhIny sOKI qrHW hI vwips kr skdy hovo[swrIAW ikSqW BwvyN auh mwrgyj dIAW hox jW kwr Awid dIAW, smyN isr dyvo[ ies dy nwL hI b`cq krn dw inSwnw vI swhmxy r`Ko[ jy qusIN pihlW hI h`doN v`D Krc kr ilAw hY qW b`cq dy inSwny 'qy phuMcxw bhuq AOKw hY[ pr jy mu~F qoN hI ies dI Awdq bxw leI jwvyy qW ieh AOKw vI nhIN[ pr hwlwq bdlx dw vI pqw nhIN lgdw[ cMgy lokW nwL vI mwVIAW g`lW vwpr skdIAw hn ijhVIAW Email: or call us at: (360)332-1444 - x 939 kRYift nUM pRBwivq krdIAW hn[ mYN ies qrHW dy lok vI vyKy hn ijhnW ny sdw hI Awpxy ib`l smyN isr id`qy hn pr iksy AxikAwsI

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Surviving Major Accidents

Surviving Major Accidents v`fIAW durGtnwvW qoN bcxw


e Prepared... the meaning of the motto is that a scout must prepare himself by previous thinking out and practicing how to act on any accident or emergency so that he is never taken by surprise. Robert Baden-Powell In the event of a Major accident, as long as the driver is wearing a seatbelt, the driver’s injuries are often minor. The driver compartment of the tractor is designed to move energy forces around the driver and protect in the case of all but the most traumatic of accidents. However, after the accident the driver has to leave this protective bubble.

The drivers, while dealing with shock of the accident may have to, cut their seatbelt, break a window, walk or crawl through broken glass, escape from a fire, jump from a height, scale an embankment and survive extreme weather exposure. Any or all of these hazards may injure the driver more than the original vehicle accident did. And in my experience it does. Further, in the same way a ship captain is expected to run the 50


iqAwr rho... ies mOto dw ArQ ieh hY ik ie`k skwaUt nUM pihlW v`loN socy Anuswr Awpxy Awp nUM vwprn vwlI iksI durGtnw Aqy iksy Awey sMkt nwL nij`Tx leI ikvyN iqAwr rihxw cwhIdw hY, ieh nw hovy ik ies nUM vyK ky auh h`kw b`kw rih jwvy[-rObrt byfn-pOvYl ij`QoN q`k v`fy AYksIfYNt dI g`l hY, auh frweIvr ijnHW ny sIt bYlt lweI hoeI hY nUM bhuq G`t s`t cot lgdI hY[frweIvr dw kMpwrtmYNt ies Anuswr bxwieAw huMdw hY ij`Qy bwhrlI qwkq dw bhuq G`t Asr pYNdw hY[ies qrHW bhuqy gMBIr hwlqW iv`c vI frweIvr dI sur`iKAw bxI rihMdI hY[pr frweIvr nuM AYksIfYNt hox qoN bwAd ies QW qoN bwhr jwxw pYNdw hY[ keI vwr ies qrHW dIAW durGtnwvW smyN frweIvrW nUM AwpxI sIt bYlt k`txI vI pYNdI hY, ivMfo qoVnI pY skdI hY, tu`ty hoey SISy iv`cdIN qurn qoN ibnw rING ky vI bwhr jwxw pY skdw hY, au`cy QW qoN ku`dxw pY skdw hY, au`cI QW ‘qy cVHnw pY skdw hY Aqy bhuq BYVy mOsm ‘c rihxw pY skdw hY[ieh vI ho skdw hY ik ies qrHW dy AYksIfYNt smyN koeI jW ies qrHW dIAW swrIAW rukwvtW jW vhIkl dy AYksIfYNt smyN vhIkl dw nukswn qW nw hovy pr frweIvr zKmI ho jwvy[myry qjrby Anuswr ies qrHW bhuq vwrI huMdw hY[ ijs qrHW fu`b rhy jhwz nUM KwlI krwaux leI jhwz dy kYptn qoN Aws kIqI jWdI hY ies qrHW hI vhIkl dw AYksIfYNt hox smyN vhIkl, l`dy hoey smwn Aqy aus jgHw dw izMmw vI frweIvr dw hI huMdw hY[ ies qrHW dy mOky ‘qy frweIvr dw mu`K mksd ieh huMdw hY ik auh aus QW ‘qy iksy hor nUM s`t cot l`gx qoN bcwvy[ jy tr`k ‘qy hYzwrfs kwrgo (zoKm vwlw smwn) hovy qW frweIvr nUM G`t qoN G`t aus smyN q`k sur`iKAw dy swry loVINdy pRbMD krny cwhIdy hn, ijMny smyN q`k mdd krn vwLw pihlw Amlw nhIN phuMcdw[ ies dw Bwv hY ik pihly rYspONfrW nUM sUcnw dyxI, hor frweIvrW nUM swvDwn krn leI rIPlYktr jW PlyAr lwxy, CotI motI l`gI A`g nUM buJwauxw, au`Qy phuMcx vwLy pihly Amly leI hYzwrfrs smwn sbMDI kwgz p`qr sONpxw Aqy ijMnw sMBv ho sky horW dI mdd krnw[auh frweIvr ijhVw ies hwdsy ‘c zKmI ho igAw hY aus qoN qW nhIN pr ijs dy s`t cot nhIN l`gI aus qoN au`pr d`sI Aws r`KI jw skdI hY[

Surviving Major Accidents evacuation of a sinking vessel, the driver is the one in control of keI vwr jdoN bwhrly mOsm qoN bcx vwlI QW ‘qy bYTw frweIvr the vehicle, cargo and accident scene. The primary role of the tr`k clw irhw huMdw hY Aqy aus nMU bwhr inklxw pYNdw hY qW ies driver at that point is to keep anyone else from getting hurt. If smyN aus nUM Awp hI socxw pYNdw hY ik kI kIqw jwvy[ hyTW ku`J ^ws at all able, especially in the event of a hazardous cargo, g`lW hn ijnHW ‘qy Aml krky frweIvr iksy iBAwnk the driver must put in place safety measures, at least hwdsw vwprn smyN leI iqAwrI kr skdw hY until first responders arrive. That means summoning 1. auh k`pVy pihnxy jo bcwA krdy hn first responders, setting reflectors or flairs to warn other vDIAw Awdq ieh hY ik frweIvr stIl toAW vwLy drivers, fighting small fires, having hazardous cargo auh bUt pwvy ijnHW dy qLy ‘c gLI nw ho sky[ jy ies qrHW paperwork available for first responders, and assisting dy Arwmdyh nhIN lgdy qW kwaUbOey jW AYNkl bUt pwvy ijnHW others when possible. This is a demanding task for an nwL aus dy pYrW Aqy l`qW dw hyTlw ih`sw sur`iKAq rih uninjured driver and can be made impossible for an skdw hY[AYksIfYNt hox qoN bwAd rMnr SU, sYNfl jW nMgy injured one. pYr hox kwrn Kqrw bixAw rihMdw hY[ 2. sVk ‘qy idsx vwLy k`pVy pwE Consequently the driver, driving in the climatically Ken Davey cMgI Awdq qW ieh hY ik swrw smW hweI-ivj ( cmkdy) controlled protective capsule of the tractor is often not k`pVy jW vYst pwE[Awm vyiKAw igAw hY ik jdoN frweIvr prepared to be forcibly ejected into the elements, yet sVk ‘qy tr`k clw rhy huMdy hn qW aunHW ny AwpxI vYst pweI nhIN alone into the role of accident site manager. Here are some sgoN ie`k pwsy vL hI tMgI hoeI huMdI hY[mYN Aksr hYrwn huMdw hW specific recommendation that that will prepare drivers in the ik ieh pihnx ‘c aunHW nUM muSkl kI hY? kI pqw? jy qusIN swrw event of a major accident. smW vYst nhIN pw skdy qW ies dw vDIAw bdl vI hY ik AwpxI 1. Wear clothing that protects. bYlt ‘qy PLYSlweIt jW prsnl rIPlYktr lw lE[kwLy k`piVAW A best practice would have a driver in steel toed boots with ‘qy ipAw im`tI G`tw qW BwvyN nhIN idsdw pr rwq smyN ieh pihnx puncture resistant soles on all the time. If you really can’t find nwL qusIN G`t ivKweI idMdy ho[ kYmUPlwj vwLy k`pVy PYSn vwLy qW ones that are comfortable, then try cowboy boots or ankle boots ho skdy hn pr ienHW ‘c Fky hox kwrn hweIvyA ‘qy c`lx vwLy dy that will support and protect you foot and lower leg. Runners, bcwA leI ieh TIk nhIN[ sandals and bare feet will not protect you after an accident. 3. k`pVy bwhrly mOsm dIAW hwlqW Anuswr pihno tr`k dy 2. Wear clothing that can be seen in the roadway. AMdrly ih`sy leI nhIN A best practice would be to have hi-vis clothing or vest on Awpxy Awp nUM ieh pu`Co ik jo mYN k`pVy pihny hoey hn kI ieh all the time. Often driving down the road, I see oncoming truck bwhr inklx ‘qy ie`k GMty q`k sur`iKAq r`K skxgy[jy iesdw drivers with their hi-vis vest hanging beside him. I often wonder jvwb nWh ‘c hY qW jo qusIN frweIv krdy smyN pihinAw hoieAw hY why- is it uncomfortable? Who knows? If you can’t wear your

Rental / Leasing


Service 2014 King Pin Award Winner

Ken Hindmarsh (North of Merced)


Xavier Flores (Bakersfield to Merced)




Surviving Major Accidents vest all the time, the next best is to strap a flashlight and or personal reflector on your belt. Be sure you are not blending in. Black clothes may not show the dirt, but they keep you from being seen at night. Camouflage print clothing may be fashionable, but “blending in” is not the strategy that will keep you alive as a pedestrian on a highway. 3. Dress for the outside conditions, not the inside of the truck. Simply ask yourself the question, if I was outside right now, could I survive an hour in what I am wearing. If the answer is no, consider changing what you wear when you drive. A cold climate driver can wear their coat unzipped, turn down the truck heat, and have gloves and a hat in a pocket. Best practices would have you survive an hour, unaided outside the truck on a major highway. Remote locations require stronger measures. 4. Wear a belt and keep your cell phone attached to it-even when charging. Sweat pants may be comfortable to drive in but they are not protective or solid enough for safety. Best practices dictate the driver’s cell should be in a holster, attached securely to the drivers belt-even when charging. In the event of an accident the cell will unplug from the dash but stay in the holster where you can reach it. Whether the driver is trapped in the wreck, or thrown clear, the cell may make the difference between life and death. The cell phone is critical for summoning help. Even in areas with very little signal coverage a text message can be sent and received. Sometimes cell coverage can be obtained by climbing a hill or a tree. 5. Have a seatbelt cutter and window breaker on your person. Best practices have the driver carry in pocket or on belt a multifunction tool capable of cutting the seatbelt webbing and breaking a window. Next best is a cab mounted (within reach of the seated driver) hammer cutter. Unfortunately in a major accident the tool may break free of the mount and fall out of reach of the driver. A major accident is a very emotional situation. Even seeing that someone else has had an accident inspires us to stop and help. The last thing you want to do is create more work for the first responders by becoming injured yourself. Remember that, even when helping you need to keep safe. Remember to wear your hi-vis vest. I know drivers that have been injured helping another at an accident scene. The worse case involved a guy actually being run over. There is a chance that if he had been wearing his vest, he may not have been. No one wants to have an accident but when one happens it happens so quickly that you won’t have time to react. Taking some safety measures are easy and can prepare you to be the leader at the accident scene instead of the victim. 52


aus nUM bdlx leI soco[TMF vwly mOsm ‘c c`lx vwLy frweIvr nUM kot pw lYxw cwhIdw hY Aqy ies dI izp Ku`lHI rihx dyxI cwhIdI hY, hIt Gtw dyxI cwhIdI hY Aqy dsqwny Aqy topI jyb ‘c r`K lYxy cwhIdy hn[iKAwl r`Kx vwLI g`l ieh hY ik jy iksy shwieqw qoN ibnw iksy mu`K hweIvyA ‘qy quhwnUM ie`k GMtw q`k bwhr rihxw pvy qW qusIN rih sko[dUr durwfy dIAW QwvW leI vDIAw pRbMD krny cwhIdy hn[ 4. bYlt lw ky r`Ko Aqy Awpxw sYlUlr Pon ies nwL lw ky r`Ko, BwvyN ieh cwrj vI ho irhw hovy frweIivMg krdy smyN svY`t pYNtW (pjwmy) BwvyN Arwmdyh qW ho skdIAW hn pr auh nw qW bcwA krn ‘c shweI huMdIAW hn Aqy nw hI bwhrI s`t cot nUM rokx leI ieMnIAW mzbUq huMdIAW hn[vDIAw Awdq ieh hY ik frweIvr dw sY`l Pon holstr ‘c hoxw cwhIdw hY Aqy hr smyN sur`iKAq FMg nwL frweIvr dI bYlt nwL l`gw rihxw cwhIdw hY BwvyN ies nUM cwrj vI kIqw jw irhw hovy[ jy cwrj ho irhw hY qW AYksIfYNt hox smyN ieh pl`g ‘coN inkl skdw hY pr holstr ‘c hI rhygw ijhVw quhwfI phuMc ‘c hI hovygw[durGtnw ‘c frweIvr BwvyN rY`k ‘c PisAw hY jW bwhr ifigAw hoieAw hY sY`l Pon izMdgI mOq ‘c mu`K BUimkw inBwA skdw hY[mdd lYx leI sY`l Pon dI mh`qv pUrn BUimkw hY[ jy ielwkw ies qrHW dw hY ij`Qy isgnl G`t hY au`QoN mYsyz vI ByijAw skdw hY Aqy pRwpq vI kIqw jw skdw hY[ keI vwr iksy au`cy QW ijvyN phwV jW dr`Kq ‘qy cVH ky vI sY`l Pon dI kvryj leI jw skdI hY[ 5. sIt bYlt ktr Aqy ivMfo bRykr Awpxy koL r`Ko vDIAw Awdq ieh hY ik frweIvr AwpxI jyb ‘c jW bYlt nwl sIt bYlt k`tx vwLw Aqy ivMfo bryikMg dy dovyN kMm krn vwLw XMqr koL r`Ky[ dUjI cMgI g`l ieh hY ik kYb iv`c l`gw hYmr ktr( jo frweIvr dI phuMc ‘c hovy) hoxw cwhIdw hY[ pr BYVI iksmq hox ‘qy AYksIfYNt hox smyN ieh XMqr aus QW ‘qy vI ifg skdw hY ijhVw frweIvr dI phuMc ‘c nw hovy[ iksy v`fI durGtnw ‘c hwlwq bVy jzbwqI ho skdy hn[keI vwr jdoN AsIN ieh vI vyKdy hW ik iksy hor dw AYksIfYNt hoieAw hY qW AsIN KVH ky aus dI mdd krn dI vI socdy hW[ ies smyN qusIN ieh cwhuMdy ho ik s`t cot qoN bc ky au`Qy pihlW phuMcx vwiLAW dI mdd kIqI jwvy[ ieh vI Xwd r`Ko ik jdoN qusIN mdd vI kr rhy ho qW Awpxy Awp dw bcwA r`iKAw jwvy[AwpxI cmkdwr vYst pihnxw vI nw Bu`lxw[mYnUM pqw hY ik dUjy P`tV hoey frweIvrW dI mdd krdy bhuq swry frweIvr zKmI vI hoey hn[ sB qoN mwVI g`l audoN hoeI jdoN ies qrW dI mdd krn smyN ie`k frweIvr hyTW hI kucilAw igAw sI[ies leI ies qrHW dy smyN jy aus ny vYst pihnI hoeI huMdI qW idsdw hox krky ies qrHW hyTW nw vI AwauNdw[ koeI nhIN cwhuMdw ik aus dw AYksIfYNt hovy pr jdoN ies qrHW dw Bwxw vrqdw hY qW quhwfy koL ies dI pRqIikirAw leI koeI smW nhIN huMdw[ pr jy ku`J sOKy Aqy sur`iKAq FMg Apxwey jwx qW qusIN AYksIfYNt vwLI QW ‘qy Kud iSkwr bxn dI bjwey pIVq dI mdd krn leI bhuq vDIAw kMm kr skdy ho[

Desi News

National Safety Council highest level traffic deaths in almost a decade


ccording to estimates from the National Safety Council, a total of 40,200 people died on U.S. roads in 2016, the highest level in almost a decade. What is even more compelling is that the percentage of increase in 2014 and 2015 represents the sharpest twoyear escalation in more than 50 years, the safety group said. While the reasons for the increase are varied, the biggest problem is the public feeling like nothing can be done to reduce the number of deaths. “Our complacency is killing us. Americans believe there is nothing we can do to stop crashes from happening, but that isn’t true,” said Deborah A.P. Hersman, president and CEO of the NSC. Surprisingly, the uptick in traffic

deaths comes as more cars are being equipped with crash avoidance technology. To help combat the rise federal officials have announced initiatives aimed at reducing fatalities, including $1 million in annual grants.

The NSC is also calling for upgrading seatbelt and helmet laws and speeding up the development of autonomous technology.

Continental introduces Extreme Duty Poly-V belt


ontinental, an international automotive supplier, tire manufacturer and industrial partner, introduces the new Extreme Duty Poly-V belt for the North American heavy-duty aftermarket. “This belt will be offered in 90 new parts numbers designed for the class 6-8 heavyduty trucks in the aftermarket,” said Tom Lee, Continental’s marketing manager for North American aftermarket products. “Currently we are offering the belts in 8, 10 and 12-ribbed profiles, packaged in a new sleeve design.” According to the company, the Extreme Duty Poly-V straight-ribbed belt performs better under higher underhood temperatures, thereby resulting in lower emission standards, and comes with a 100,000-mile guarantee. “This belt has four times the flex life of previous belts. We wanted to see how it would perform with heat that was 20 percent higher than what is mandated by the SAE standards,” said Lee. The test was conducted in an extreme heat environment to simulate an engine with a number of accessories and low air circulation.



Desi News

U.S. Xpress joins PIT Group XU.AY~s.A~YkspRYs pI.AweI.tI grUp nwl juiVAw


IT Group, an organization specializing in accelerating truck-related technology implementation through testing and fleet advisory services, announced U.S. Xpress has joined its ranks. The major U.S. carrier signed up for the PIT Group’s membership program following the success of in-service fuel consumption tests carried out at U.S. Xpress’s Tunnel Hill facilities in Georgia, last November. Founded in 1985, U.S. Xpress Inc. is the second largest privatelyowned truckload carrier in the United States. Based in Chattanooga, Tennessee, the carrier provides a vast range of transportation solutions throughout North America with a fleet of 8,000 tractors and 22,000 trailers. “By collaborating with the PIT Group, we will be able to quickly obtain reliable results about fuel saving technologies,” stated Gerry Mead, senior vice president of maintenance at U.S. Xpress. “We take fuel economy very seriously and we believe that PIT Group membership will help validate the decisions we make about our equipment.” In-service fuel consumption tests were carried out on U.S. Xpress trucks consisting of several types of combinations of tractors and powertrains supplied by a number of manufacturers. Utilizing U.S. Xpress trucks configured in a variety of tractor and trailer combinations with equivalent loads, the comprehensive evaluations included 2016 and 2017 vehicles. The testing covered a 52-mile test route on highways and local roads that represented the fleet’s day-to-day operations. “The fact that such a major carrier as U.S. Xpress has joined our membership program and that it has done so immediately after the tests were carried out at its facilities emphasizes the valuable contribution that the PIT Group can make to all types of fleets in the North American transportation industry,” said PIT Group Manager Yves Provencher. Other U.S.-based carriers that are members of the PIT Group include Praxair, Experior Transport, Skyline Transportation and Keller Logistics.



pI.AweI.tI grUp, jo ik iek sMsQw hY, ijs ny pRIKx Aqy mwl slwhkwrI syvwvW nwl tr~k nwl juVI qknIkW nUM vDwaux Aqy lwgU krn ivc mdd kIqI hY, ny XU.AY~s.A~YkspRYs nwl juVn dw Aylwn kIqw hY[ ipCly nvMbr, ijaurijAw dy XU.AY~s.A~YkspRYs dy tn~l ihl Pyisilits ivc ien-srivs ieMDn lwgq dy pRIKxW ivc sPl rihx qoN bwAd pI.AweI.tI grUp dy sd~sqw poRgRwm ny v~fw XU.AY~s kYirAr sweIn kIqw hY[ 1985 ivc sQwipq hoeI, XU.AY~s.A~YkspRYs ienkorporySn AmrIkw dI dUjI sB qoN v~fI injI tr~klof kYrIAr hY[ tYnysI dy cwtwnUgw ivc sQwipq, ieh kYrIAr pUry au~qrI AmrIkw ivc v~fy p~Dr qy AwvwjweI suivDwvW pRdwn krdw hY Aqy ies kol 8000 tRYktr Aqy 22,000 tRwly ny[ XU.AY~s.A~YkspRYs dy r~K-rKwA ivBwg dy aup-pRDwn gYrImIf dy SbdW ivc,” pI.AweI.tI grUp nwl juV ky AsIN qyjI nwl ieMDn dI bcq nwl juiVAW qknIkW bwry BrosymMd nqIjy pRwpq kr skWgy[ AsIN ieMDn ArQivvsQw nUM bhuq gMBIrqw nwl lYNdy hW Aqy ieh ivSvws r`Kdy hW ik pI.AweI.tI grUp dI s~dsqw swfy aupkrnW bwry ley gey PysilAW nUM shI hox dI mohr lwvygI[“ ien-srivs dy ieMDn lwgq nwl juVy pRIKx XU.AY~s.A~YkspRYs dy tr~kW qy kIqy gey sn jo ik bhuq swry inrmwqwvW duAwrw pRdwn kIqy gey v~Kry tRYktrW Aqy pwvrtRynW dy smUh dw joV hYY[ XU.AY~s. A~YkspRYs dy tr`k jo ik keI qrHW dy tRYktrW Aqy tRwilAW dw myl hY, dy brwbr Bwr smyq keI pVqwlW 2016 Aqy 2017 dy AwvwjweI swDnW qy kIqIAW geIAW[ ienHW pRIKxW ny 52 mIl dw rUt qYA kIqw, ijs ivc hweIvy Aqy Awm sVkW dw iesqymwl kIqw igAw jo aunHW dI rojwnw kwrjkwrI ivKwauNdw hY[ pI.AweI.tI grUp dy mYnyjr vys poRvyncr dw kihxw hY,” ieh q~Q hY ik XU.AY~s.A~YkspRYs vrgy v~fy kYrIAr dy swfy nwl juVn nwl Aqy jldI hI AwpxIAW suivDwvw nwl swry pRIKx krnw ieh vwibq krdw hY ik au~qrI AmrIkw dy AwvwjweI audXog dy hr qrHW dy mwl ivc pI.AweI.tI grUp mh~qvpUrn Xogdwn pw skdw hY[ pRYkisAr, eykspIirAr tRwNsport, skweIlweIn tRWsportySn Aqy kYlr loijsitks pI.AweI.tI grUp dy dUjy AmrIkI sd`s hn[

Comprensiรณn de la presiรณn del aire MARCH - APRIL 2017





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Cumplimiento de Normas, ¿Porqué es un problema?


l Cumplimiento es UN problema.Cumplimiento y su hermano la seguridad deberían ser presupuestados igualmente como el combustible. Esto va ya que un camión, una operación de un solo hombre o el transportista más grande del mundo. Es bueno que los conductores estén haciendo sus inspecciones de pre-viaje y documentar sus conclusiones. Pero realmente están reportando lo que encontraron o si realmente saben cual es un problema y cual no. Cuando un conductor es parado en la escala para inspecciones no es al azar como uno cree. Algunos de los problemas son visibles cuando el camión se aproxima a la báscula. La pregunta es porque el chofer no lo vio ¿que estan ciegos? ¿Incluso sabían que era un problema? ¿O solo aprenden la secuencia de la inspección pero no reconocen el problema visible? No hay excusas para los problemas evidentes que no se han observado o no han sido reparados. bloqueados, los buggies no se deslizan a causa de la oxidación y hay En esta images las grietas en la rueda de aluminio no problemas de iluminación debido a cables oxidados.? sucedieron cuando el camión se acercaba a la báscula. Si, fue Simplemente porque el camión o remolque no se usa mucho no detenido en la báscula y fue fácilmente notado por el oficial y una significa que no van a tener problemas, incluso más que las piezas inspección posterior eliminó al camión de la carretera hasta que las de equipos utilizados con más frecuencia. Después de correspondientes reparaciones se efectúen. discutir el tema por un corto tiempo el propietario de esa ¿Es nuestro entrenamiento suficiente como para que los empresa de mudanzas estaba menos preocupado por la inspección conductores detectan estos problemas.? anual. En Ottawa el 10 de Febrero del 2017 una rueda suelta resultó en Como dueños de equipos, no deberíamos necesitar el gobierno un accidente. El montaje de una rueda en un camión con dirección para inspeccionar nuestro equipo y encontrar fallas; deberíamos ser Oeste se separó del acoplado, rebotando en la barrera mediana, bastantes preventivos, con un programa de mantenimiento apropiado se estrelló en la cabina de una camioneta con dirección al Este para que el problema no ocurra. Raramente serían necesarias las pasando a través de la cabina y la parte superior de la camioneta. El reparaciones en la carretera. Si el programa de mantenimiento está conductor falleció inmediatamente. Al momento que este artículo haciendo lo que debe hacer, los problemas son solucionados con un se está escribiendo no hay más información, pero no hay razón mínimo de tiempo inactivo, las reparaciones en la carretera tienden para que una rueda se suelte sino que el pobre mantenimiento y a ser mucho más caras y por lo general en algo que debería ser inspección del conductor. encontrado en la yarda no en la ruta. Seguro en el frío miserable es facil olvidar algunos detalles de La Inspección de pre-viaje correcta es la clave para la inspección, pero no debemos aflojar nunca porque es un buen programa de mantenimiento, la palabra clave incomodo. aquí fue“ CORRECTA.” Una vez más no hay excusas Recientemente en una conversación con una compañía para este tipo de daño. Esas tuercas no se soltaron cuando de transporte local, el dueño lamentaba el hecho que su el camión entraba a la estación de inspecciones. Esto es camión tuvo que tener una inspección anual aunque la claramente una falta de cualquier tipo de inspección. conducción era menos de 10.000 kilómetros al año. En ¿ Cómo puede un conductor competente no ver las otras palabras su camión pasó más tiempo cargando tuercas sueltas.? Esto es ahora muy caro para reparar. Si y descargando y la mayoría de sus negocios se estaba el conductor hubiera notado las tuercas sueltas y si se moviendo mercancías tres o cuatro cuadras en la ciudad. sueltan gradualmente este daño no habría ocurrido. No Cuántos de ustedes han recogido un remolque que ha habría una multa del gobierno, no habría una entrada estado G. Ray Gompf contra el CVOR. sentado por un par de semanas y encuentran los frenos 58


¿Porque las empresas grandes tienen un gerente de cumplimiento, un gerente de seguridad, un gerente de mantenimiento.? Porque encontrar un problema antes que se convierta en un problema es fundamental. Cumplimiento está cumpliendo con todas las normas y reglamentos estatales, asegurándose que los problemas han sido previamente solucionados es un asunto de contabilidad que puede determinar el triunfo o el fracaso de una empresa. Si su empresa es pequeña para tener gestores específicos de seguridad y cumplimiento hay una abundancia de proveedores terceros de seguridad y cumplimiento de empresas que ayudarán a los pequeños operadores a realizar todo lo que necesitan a precios razonables. La mayor parte de estos consultores de seguridad y cumplimiento han trabajado en las imposiciones con varios ministerios implicados con el transporte. En Ontario, La Asociación de Seguridad y Salud de la Infraestructura puede y lo llevará directamente al recurso adecuado. Asimismo, IHSA ofrece una asesoría a no costo a sus miembros y ustedes no necesitan ser una gran empresa para pertenecer. Aunque son las grandes empresas las que envían a sus representantes a los seminarios y reuniones.

¿Dónde están los operadores más pequeños.? Ahora no pueden decir que no lo sabían. Cumplimiento de normas significa nunca tener que dudar cuando esas luces de la báscula lo llamen a detenerse. Cumplimiento significa que raramente le pidan que se detenga alrededor. El cumplimiento significa que cuando son inspeccionados tener la confianza que ningún problema será descubierto. Hay una multitud de normas y reglamentos. Conductores en Canadá y Los Estados Unidos son enfrentados con 64 estados y normas provinciales más dos conjuntos de Reglas Federales que mientras hay un esfuerzo de mantener las reglas y normas armonizadas, no son armonizadas y a veces se contradicen. Hay literalmente miles de reglas locales y municipales que a la vez tratan de estar en armonía con otras jurisdicciones pero una vez más en ocasiones se contradicen. Luego están las reglas de la empresa y las regulaciones que varían de una empresa a otra. Para un conductor que trata de estar en regla completamente puede ser un gran desafío. Las Horas de Servicio una área que puede sobresaltar la mente de alguien que intente hacer HOS trabajar por su parte. Las inspecciones previas al viaje y posteriores a menudo son tratadas con desprecio y la actitud de “yo conozco mi camion.” Ambos de estos problemas son donde conductores a menudo se encuentran en dificultades con las autoridades. Si un conductor usa su tiempo para estar vigilante y en cumplimiento en estas dos áreas la mayor parte de sus problemas desaparecen. Las empresas que disponen de los medios de tener a un empleado dedicado a la seguridad y asuntos de cumplimiento o contratar a un consultor externo, hay mucho que aprender y implementar como parte de estar en el negocio que realmente justifica el gasto el tener a un especialista. No hay una persona en cualquier lugar que pueda saberlo todo, aunque todos somos responsables pase lo que pase cuando sucede bajo nuestra observación.

Continental introduce Servico Extremo Correa Poly-V


ontinental un proveedor automotriz internacional, fabricante de neumáticos y socio industrial, introduce un nueva correa de extremo trabajo Poly-V para el mercado de accesorios Norteamericano pesado. “Esta correa será ofrecida en 90 nuevos números de piezas diseñados para la clase 6-8 de camiones pesados en el mercado de postventa,” dijo Tom Lee Continental Gerente de Marketing para productos de postventa en Norteamérica.” Actualmente estamos ofreciendo las correas en perfiles acanalados en 8,10 y 12 envasados en un nuevo diseño de manga. Según la Empresa, la extrema deber Poly-V


There are better ways.

correa de recto acanalado realiza un mejor trabajo bajo temperaturas altas bajo el hood lo que resulta en más bajos estándares de emisiones y viene con garantía de 100.000 millas. “Esta correa tiene tiene cuatro veces más flexión de vida que las correas anteriores. Quisimos ver como funcionaria con el calor que era 20% más alto de lo que es recomendado por los estándares del SAE” dijo Lee. la prueba fue conducida en un ambiente de calor extremo para estimular el motor con varios accesorios y baja circulación de aire. Con avanzados EPDM polímeros la correa Poly-V cumple con estándares de rendimiento alto.” MARCH - APRIL 2017

tr`kW vwly vIrW dw mYgzIn


TFI international Adquiere Cavalier Servicios de Transportación


FI International Inc. anteriormente conocida como TransForce Inc. un líder en Norteamérica en la Industria del Transporte y logística ha anunciado que una filial de de TFI International adquirió las operaciones Cavalier’s que constan de los servicios LTL y TL corretaje y almacenaje basado en Bolton ON. Cavalier serve principalmente entre Ontario, Quebec, Nueva York y Illinois. Establecido en 1979 Cavaliers operará como una unidad de negocios independiente dentro de TFI. Cavalier proporciona a sus clientes con fiable LTL transfronteriza, TL con temperatura controlada y van secas en Servicios de Transporte y Logística “La adquisición de Cavalier aumentará la densidad de nuestra red LTL y aportará servicios de valor agregado como el corretaje y almacenaje. Nos animamos con las posibilidades de servir a nuestros clientes de LTL y TL,” comentó Alain Bédard Presidente y Jefe Ejecutivo de TFI International.

Navistar llamando algunos camiones International del 2017 por asunto de bateria


avistar acaba de emitir un llamado para determinados camiones International en relación con un problema con las baterías según documentos de la National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Un corto circuito por el defecto puede conducir potencialmente a un incendio. Más específicamente, algunos 2017 International ProStar, LoneStar, el 9900i y TransStar camiones son afectados. Una malla metálica de cierre de la tapa de la batería puede desbloquearse y ponerse en contacto con la el cable de arranque de la batería, causando un cortocircuito a tierra si el montaje de arranque no está cubierto, según el llamado del NHTSA . Los propietarios serán notificados y encargados a un concesionario para instalar un pestillo para prevenir que gire a la posición sin cierre sin costo alguno para sus clientes. Navistar espera que el llamado comenzará el 17 de Febrero. Para más información llama al servicio de atención al cliente de Navistar al 800-448-7825 con el número de llamado 16513. El número oficial de llamado de la NHTSA es el 16V-938.

Maxion wheels ofrece ruedas de aluminio forjado para trabajo pesado


na rueda de aluminio forjado esta siendo agregada a su amplio mercado de llantas de acero. Maxion wheels anuncio durante la semana del mercado de accesorios pesados. La primera llanta de aluminio para camiones disponible en Norteamérica, la nueva línea comenzará con una llanta disponible de 22.5x8 a comienzos de la primavera. Esta pesara 45 libras comparada con aproximadamente 68 libras de una llanta comparable. Tres tamaño adicionales- 24.5x8.25, 17.5x6.75 y 22.5x14.00completarán la nueva línea de aluminio forjado, según Maxion. Todas serán ofrecidas en mecanizado y pulido brillante. “Maxion wheels ha estado orgullosamente sirviendo las necesidades del mercado del camión y remolque Norteamericano durante casi 100 años,” dijo Donald Polk presidente de la compañía para las Americas. “Añadiendo el aluminio forjado a nuestra variedad de productos, nuestros clientes de llantas de acero tendrán una nueva alternativa para sus llantas.” 60


Encuesta dice que esperan un aumento en el volumen de carga


ás de la mitad de los encuestados para el estudio del Diario del Comercio dijo que esperan un aumento en el volumen de carga a través del final del segundo trimestre del 2017. Aproximadamente una cuarta parte de los encuestados dicen que esperan que el envío baje. “Vemos la posibilidad que podríamos ver un ascenso más grande en el segundo trimestre en lugar de esperar hasta el fin de año,” dijo Gregory W. Ritter, Director Ejecutivo para clientes de XPO Logistics. “Hemos tocado fondo ahora rebotando hacia arriba.” El producto interno bruto nacional aumenta, en Noviembre del 2016 subiendo sobre el 3%. Capacidad de exceso

de carga, un monto de inventario y menor costo de combustible condujo a un mercado de cargadores el año pasado y lo usan para

reducir el precio de la carga. A mediados del 2016 los operadores de logística terceros

sentían el calor de las tasas bajas por millas. En el tercer trimestre del 2016, los transportistas se sintieron presionados por la demanda de recortes en las tasas.- Portadores de grande comenzaron a eliminar el exceso de capacidad cortando los camiones de sus flotas. Sin embargo, luego de tocar fondo en Abril, el mercado comenzó a aumentar. A finales de Noviembre el aumento de volumen de carga fue de hasta un 66% de promedio. Las ganancias de precio se revelan en precios de contrato. A menos que la mejora económica resulte ser de corta duración, transportistas probablemente tendrán más influencia en los precios de las negociaciones comparado con los ultimos años.



Comprensión de la presión del aire ¿CUAL ES EL INFLADO CORRECTO DE MIS NEUMATICOS? Neumáticos que no están inflados apropiadamente son la causa más común del porque los neumáticos se deterioran prematuramente. Puedes evitar el reemplazo temprano y costoso de neumáticos con un poco de tiempo y sabiduría. El inflar apropiadamente es la respuesta. Así que.. ¿Cuál es el método apropiado de inflar? ¿Cómo se infla un neumático correctamente? ¿Cómo mantengo mis neumáticos inflados apropiadamente? DETERMINANDO EL INFLADO CORRECTO Utilizar una pipa de aire e inflar un neumático a 100psi no te proporciona un neumático inflado apropiadamente. Y el permitir que aire caliente salga de un neumático para disminuir la presión de aire no significa que vayas a tener un inflado apropiado. Un inflado apropiado es basado: por la carga, el tipo de neumáticos y la cuestión de añadir la presión adecuada de aire basada en la temperatura del neumático.

Veamos como determinar el inflado correcto de un neumático. El peso de la carga determina cuanto peso existe sobre cada eje. SI la carga varia, es mejor utilizar el peso mayor. El peso de la carga del eje determina cuanta presión de aire es necesaria para que el neumático funcione apropiadamente. El inflado bajo permite que la llanta flexione demasiado, y con esto crea calor que destruye los neumáticos. Cada fabricante de neumáticos cuenta con una tabla de inflado al igual que de peso de carga. Puedes encontrar esta información en el internet o su concesionario local. La tabla de Michelin está localizada en El XLINE 275/80R22.5 G muestra 85psi para un eje con carga de 62


18,760 libras en los duales. Según esta tabla debes poner aire para la que presión de esta sea de 85psi. Psi representa las libras por pulgada cuadrada de presión. La presión del aire cambia según la temperatura. La tabla del fabricante del neumático está basado en la temperatura del ambiente en donde este lo que es aproximadamente 70 grados Fahrenheit. Más en lo mencionado al último. INFLANDO LOS NEUMATICOS Determina la marca de tus llantas, al igual que el estilo y tamaño y visita el sitio de web del fabricante para chequear la tabla. Ahora, lo único que necesitas es inflar las llantas. Pero, ¡Espera! No es tan simple. Los fabricantes recomiendan que chequees la presión de los neumáticos antes de conducir cuando éstos estén con temperatura templada. Los neumáticos que estén calientes por dentro no mostrarán un número de presión de aire exacto. Es más beneficiario ajustar la presion de aire después de que un camión de carga ha estado estacionados por varias horas, o mejor aún, si ha estado sin conducir por toda la noche. La temperatura de afuera y la de adentro del neumático debe ser la misma. Esto es a lo que se refiere cuando se dice ajustar la presion a “frio.” Generalmente, toma como 20 minutos chequear un camión de carga de 18 ruedas y debe hacerse una vez por semana o como sea necesario dependiendo los cambios de las cargas. MANTENIENDO EL INFLADO APROPIADO DE LAS LLANTAS Consigue un indicador de presion de neumáticos profesional y calíbralo con regularidad. Conoce el peso de carga en cada eje según la carga particular. Ajusta la presion del neumáticos según la tabla de inflado/peso del fabricante. Asegúrate que los neumáticos duales tengan los mismos niveles psi. O por lo menos 5psi de diferencia uno a otro. Ajusta la presion del aire a “frio.” Después de que el camión/camión de carga ha estado sin moverse por 3 o 4 horas. Chequea los neumáticos de desgaste prematuro, fugas o daño. Utiliza una botella de rociador de agua con jabón para revisar si existen fugas. ¿Sabías que la presion de los neumáticos cambia cuando conduces? El calor generado cuando los neumáticos flexionan y hacen contacto con el pavimento incrementa la temperatura del aire dentro del neumático. Si los neumáticos han sido apropiadamente inflados, esto es normal y no es necesario ajustar la presion de estos. El conocer el inflado apropiado según la regla de PSI, la temperatura correcta e inflar las llantas sólo cuando lo necesiten tomando nada más 20 minutos a la semana puede incrementar las ganancias y alejarte de los talleres de neumáticos. - Bruce Gruver





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