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CCCRPCA Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 5:05 PM at Porsche SLO.

Our Board:


Attending were Ron Green, Chuck Jennings, Bob Bruington, Joe Shubitowski, Carol Walker, Bill Chadwick, Gil Igleheart, Jeff Bartel, Scott Burns, Andy Winterbottom, Joe Kuntze, and Mark Schilling. Absent were Bob Kitamura and Sanja Brewer.

President: Joe Shubitowski sadly announced that Bob Kitamura has been diagnosed with throat cancer. There was good feedback on the event at Buona Tavola. Andy received a letter from a professional photographer who wants to photograph our driving events for free in return for using the photos for his advertising. No decision was made. Joe will attend the Zone 8 President’s meeting on April 17. We discussed to put Santa Barbara Porsche in the April Coastalaire and agreed to send them an invoice for the ad.

Vice President: Bob Bruington said we are continuing to advertise Santa Barbara Porsche as a sponsor.

Secretary: Carol sent the minutes by email. Chuck moved to accept the minutes, Andy seconded, and all approved to accept the minutes.

Treasurer: Bill Chadwick reported we had $37,597 at the beginning of the year and as of the end of February, we have $63,009. Last year, our biggest income months were March, April, and May. He received a bill for the taxes from the CPA for $1,695. Bill has records from 2015 and asked if they can be tossed, and yes, the law says to keep them 7 years. Advertising/sponsors German Auto Performance and Porsche SLO have not paid to date. Andy moved to accept the report, Ron seconded, and all approved.

Membership: Joe Shubitowski reported for Sanja there are four new members, 1 transfer in, 2 transfers out, 1 test drive and six lapsed, which Sanja will contact. We have 718 total members, 433 primary and 285 affiliate.

Activities: Gil Igleheart talked to Sam at Porsche SLO about the large number of people meeting there and he is OK with it. Everything is set for Healdsburg with some members of the Redwood Region joining us on Monday evening happy hour. Gil introduced the thought of a factory tour to Germany and Joe Kuntze looked into it with the cost being at least $10,000 for 7 days drive/tour.

Upcoming events:

4/29 - tech session with Rock Chip Armor

4/30 - Lunch catered by La Palapa at the Baywood Inn, music after at the Merrimaker

5/27 - Longbranch

6/10 - Harbor Hut

6/24 - Brooks Burgers

7/8 - Longbranch

7/29 - Brooks Burgers

8/12 - Cypress Ridge

Joe Kuntze will take a wildflower tour in a couple of weeks to Shell Creek and an event in June or July at Cass Winery.

Safety: Jeff Bartel asked Gil to let him know everything is Ok for Healdsburg. No insurance is needed for Rock Chip or Baywood lunch.

Driving: Autocross: Chuck Jennings agreed that no EV’s will be allowed on the Autocross track. There are 61 people signed up for the next Autocross event, with 19 instructors. We spent $450 to renew the timing license from Pronto. The Autocross school will provide coffee and donuts, and volunteers are advised to renew your TSA badge. We have a storage unit now, so take PCA items out of your garage and get the keys from Chuck and Joe to utilize the storage space. The national Corvair club will have an event here in 2025 and they want us to put on an Autocross event. It was suggested they join up with the Corvette club.

Driver's Education: Bob Bruington reports the track sealing will begin tomorrow morning and it will take two days to complete. We might be able to test drive it next week. Laguna Seca canceled our 6/26 date, due to rain caused delalys, and has been rescheduled to 8/25. They are giving us a 15% discount due to the change. There are 36 drivers registered for Buttonwillow to date. The tech for that is 4/20 at The Stable. No more information has been provided on scheduling an event at Buttonwillow in October as the track paving hasn’t been scheduled to date. And, no EV’s will be allowed on the race tracks.

Newsletter: Bob Kitamura was absent but is finalizing the April issue of the Coastalaire, which is a print month.

Website: Scott Burns showed us three versions of the proposed website. One was the old web page, two is a slight upgrade, and three is the most modern version. He will use Word Press, and by using the existing template the cost is $25-$30. To transfer the web page will take 30-40 hours from a developer, at a cost of $1500-$2000 using the template. Andy moved to use version three, Gil seconded, and all approved.

Director at Large: Ron Green was wondering where the hard copy is of the RPM manual. It hasn’t been sent to Joe yet. There are two corrections in the updated bylaws. Page 13 of the current bylaws require us to put changes in the Coastalaire, with members voting by email with a deadline. The next step is to put the changes in the newsletter and send an email to members with a link to the bylaws. Joe will talk to Bob K. and get back to Ron with the next step.

Old Business: None

New Business: Joe Kuntze is involved in a fundraiser for a not for profit in Mexico and wondered if Bob Bruington would donate two hours of driving time.

The next meeting will be May 3 at Porsche SLO. The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Walker

Secretary, CCCR-PCA

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