Work to lay foreshore material over the new rock revetment has begun.Theaim of this istopromotesaltmarshgrowthandtoprovidehabitatforwildlife.LaterintheprojectCoastalPartnerswillbeplanting saltmarshplantsontherevetmentasatrialtoencouragefurthercolonisation.Thelongtermaimisto allowsaltmarshplantstoadapttosea-levelriseandprovideavaluableseedbankforthelocalarea.This projectwill bemonitoredandwillalsoprovidevaluableinformationforotherhabitatcreationprojects elsewhereintheregion.
TheGtG Projecthasprimedanumberofinitiativeshighlightedwithinthisupdatewithmorein development It hasbroughtinmatchfundingallowing ustobemuchmoreambitiousindelivery,this additionalfundinghasandisbeingsecuredforimplementationatscale. However, CoastalPartnerswouldimploretheSRFCCtoincreasethefundingtothelevelrequestedatthe outsetoftheprojectto£100Kperyear(£500Kover5years)sothattheuniqueandvaluableprojectisnot curtailedjustasithasgainedmomentumandisreallymakingademonstrabledifferenceontheground
European eels have experienced a 90% decline across the UK over the past 25 years
Eels have suffered dramatic declines over a number of years and are now listed as 'Critically Endangered' on the global IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. One sub-project is to alter a culvert which is known to trap eels, this will therefore help ell passage between the moats and the creek this then links to the other aspects of improving the biodiversity and water quality within the moats.
King isherImprovements
King ishersareknowtouse theareaaroundPortsCreekandHilseaLines Onehasrecentlybeen spottedusingourmarkerposts.Wewillshortlybeinstallingking ishernestingtunnelsandperchesinto anewwallonsitetocreatenestinghabitatforthem.
The report concluded that the combination of enhancement techniques has resulted in a diverse community, and we highly recommend these techniques for use on future schemes. The provision of water retaining features and increased surface heterogeneity in both the concrete and granite rockpools have allowed a diverse range of rockpool species to colonise the revetment.
Below aresomeofthespeciesthathave been spotted and surveyed withinthe tide pools
Our Thanks
Thanks to the Local Levy for the con nued support that has allowed Coastal Partners to develop groundbreaking projects such as these.
The Greening the Grey ini a ve is now in its nearly half way through a five year programme and we hope you agree that the project is now in full flow. Large scale implementa on will be taking place over the next year along with development of future ini a ves for future FCERM schemes.
For more informa on, please contact