Marketing Strategy 2023 - 2026
Marketing Strategy 2023 - 2026
Coastal Partners is the Partnership that leads on coastal management within five local authorities across 246km of coastline.
This is a high-level Strategy that is in place to align all Coastal Partners business and communication activities, with the strategic goals found in this document.These focus on desired marketing outcomes and how they can be achieved to benefit the future evolution of the Partnership.
This Strategy defines long term goals for Coastal Partners future marketing activity and supports Partnership branding. The purpose of this document is to help:
• Coastal Partners achieve their Vision, Mission and Values.
• Build Coastal Partners reputation and brand awareness.
• Give an over-arching thread for all the services Coastal Partners deliver.
• Proactively increase customer and stakeholder engagement.
• Provide a guide for individual service marketing plans.
• Recognise opportunities to build Partnership resilience with the extension of services and client base.
AsacoastalmanagementPartnership,theambitionsinthisstrategyworkalongsideourStrategic PlansandPartners’CorporateStrategies.Thesecanbefoundhere: Chichester/Fareham/Gosport/Havant/Portsmouth
Coastal Partners Marketing
AllCoastalPartnersemployeesareinvolvedinmarketingthePartnershipondifferentlevels.The executiveteamaremembersofgroupswhichgiveexposuretotheservicesandworkweundertake.
TheSouthseaCoastalschemeisthebiggestAuthorityledCoastaldefenceschemeintheUK andreceivesspotlightnationally.Visitstotheschemefromindustryandpoliticaldelegatesare commonplace.
Ourstrongenvironmentalcredentialsattractinterestfromawiderangeofstakeholdersandwehave wonan‘EnablingNatureBasedSolutions’awardwiththeEAFloodandCoastAwardsin2022.
Press,localmediaandsocialmediaareallchannelsthatareregularlyutilisedtohighlightproject updates,instructionalupdatesandpositivestories Weareactiveonfivesocialmediachannelswith astrongpresenceonrelevantlocalandregionalgroups.
Our‘soldservices’suchas‘TheGeomaticsDivision’and‘TracerPebbles’haveaccruedaloyal clientbasethatappreciatesourpioneeringtechnology,levelofserviceandthedepthofinformation weprovide.
CoastalPartnersregularlyreceiveendorsementsthathelptobolsterthereputationofthePartnership andcreateabuzzaboutourworkandhowweoperate
Wehaveatrackrecordofdeliveringmulti-million-poundprojectsandhavetheconfidencetodeliver keyobjectivesforourcommunities.
Marketing Strategy 2023 - 2026
Strategy & Positioning
We provide a number of niche services that are offered by commercial companies. As part of a Local Authority, Coastal Partners operate a not-for-profit business model. This puts the organisation in a unique and strong position where our services are priced competitively and the outcome is based on commitment and trust.
Additionally, Coastal Partners can only offer services to other LA’s / LGO’s due to the Local Government Act legislation, giving us a defined market (focus).
These 2 elements - cost and focus - position us in terms of how, when, who and where we market our service to.
For marketing tactics of each service refer to individual service marketing plans.
Marketing Strategy 2023 - 2026
Strategic goals
Over the past 10 years the Partnership has grown from a handful of officers to over 60. With this growth the Partnership continues to be committed to public service excellence and putting our communities at the heart of everything we do.
The Partnership’s vision is:
“To manage coastlines, improve community resilience and enhance the natural environment”
The following goals are in place for the next three years, so quality and standards are maintained and progress continues:
Goal 1 To be a service leader
Goal 2 To increase service resilience
Goal 3 To offer first class customer engagement
Goal 4 To maintain brand consistency
Goal 5 To achieve marketing excellence
Goal 1 - To be a service leader
How we can achieve this...
° Raise awareness in the public realm and industry of the range of work and innovations Coastal Partners delivers
° Offer support, advice and contribute positively with regional and national groups such as SCOPAC, SCG, LGA Coastal SIG, ICE and EA FCERM strategy etc.
Goal 2 - To increase service resilience
How we can achieve this...
° Promote Coastal Partners to enable progression into transactional servicesoffering services to other authorities, eg. Arun, IOW.
° By having a methodical and focussed approach to entering new markets and opportunities (ie. SUDS).
° Attracting high-calibre, dedicated and passionate employees.
- 2026
How we can achieve this...
° Supporting Partner initiatives such as public exhibitions and consultations.
° Informing the public on key activities ie.access, public realm improvements, environmental innovations, construction and future plans.
° Seeking public feedback to support and guide decision-making.
° Continuous improvement through reviewing and developing community engagement processes.
How we can achieve this...
° Raise our profile through a variety of channels ie. face to face, web, interpretation.
° Ensure Brand and logo guidelines are shared and accessible.
° Using authentic, inclusive, partnership-orientated consistent communications.
How we can achieve this...
° Work in collaboration industry peers and partners to maximise opportunities locally and nationally.
° Build and track successes in digital, content and social media marketing. Learn from these and fine tune future marketing campaigns.
° Focus on new methods to promote and share the work we do.
Marketing Strategy 2023 - 2026
Goal 3 - To offer first class customer engagement Goal 4 - To maintain brand consistency Goal 5 - To achieve marketing excellence
Contact: Visit: Coastal Partners