Coastal Point — March 24, 2023

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ministratorAdamOrtizwillprovidea big revealfortheStateoftheDelaware

Millsboroofficer suspendedafter suspectedexposure

Officeronpaidleave forsuspectedevidence tamperingwithfentanyl

AMillsboroPoliceDepartmentofficerwassuspendedandonpaidadministrativeleavethisweekafterbeing discovered,unresponsive,inamarked policevehicleonthemorningofFeb. 19,accordingtoPoliceChiefBrianCalloway.


Aninvestigationisbeingconducted intosuspectedtamperingofacontrolled substancefromevidence,accordingCalloway.Theofficerwasdiscoveredinthe patrolcararound11:20a.m.andtaken toanearbymedicalfacilityforpossible exposuretofentanyl,accordingtothe newsrelease.

AccordingtoCalloway,theofficeris assignedasanevidencecustodianfor thepolicedepartment.Duringaprelim-


InlandBaysonMonday,March27,ata plannedbreakfasteventinDewey Beach.Thereportisissuedeveryfive years,andthereareexpectedtobesome winsandsomelossesshowninthereportforthehealthofthethreebays, alongwithscientifictakeaways.


inregionaleconomicactivity,including housingandtourism,sotheyareconsideredajewelofSussexCounty.Inaddition,theCIBprovideseducational supportinthecommunitythroughthe JamesFarmPreserveandothertraining programs.


cludingIndianRiverBay,Rehoboth BayandLittleAssawomanBay—are knownforrecreationalboating,fishing, kayaking,andbeinghometofamilies wholiveonitsshorelines.Thebaysare alsoconsideredacriticalhabitatfordi-



A25-year-oldSelbyvillemanwas beingheldintheSussexCorrectional Institutionatmidweek,chargedwith resistingarrestandrelatedchargesafter

aSelbyvillepoliceofficerwasassaulted whilesittinginamarkedcarinthe parkinglotofthepolicedepartmenton ChurchStreetinSelbyvilleearlythis week.


toldtheCoastalPointthatAnselmo Chun-NizwasarrestedonMonday, March20.

Theofficer,whosenameWilson wouldn’trelease,wasnotinjured,he said.

“Theofficerwassittinginhiscar,in backofthepolicedepartment,onthe phonefollowingaseparateincident, whenthismancamerunningthrough

MARCH 24, 2023 THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY. Volume 20, Issue 12 FREE Sports Baseball opens up season with a win Page 57 Fun Art show winners to be honored Page 32 StarryNight CoastalPoint•ButchComegys Thefinalnightofwinter,March19,sawaskyloadedwithstarsabovetheIndianRiverInletbridge.
DirectorChristopheTulou,U.S.Sen. TomCarperandEPARegionalAd-
2 CoastalPoint March24,2023 Tolearnmoreandgetyourtickets, TICKETSON SALENOW! FreemanArtsPavilionisaprogramoftheJoshuaM.FreemanFoundation,whichisa501(c)3nonprofit fundraisingorganization.Thisprogramissupported,inpart,byagrantfromtheDelawareDivisionof theArts,astateagency,inpartnershipwiththeNationalEndowmentfortheArts.TheDivision FREEMANARTSPAVILION Scanfor tickets June21:WizardAcademy! June22:TheBrothersDoobie—ADoobieBrothersExperience June25:CheapTrick June29:SteveMillerBand June30:ZiggyMarley July6:LocalsUndertheLights July8:HollywoodNights:ABobSegerExperience July13:StraightNoChaser July14:Eaglemania:AnEaglesTribute July15:CalpulliMexicanDanceCompany July16:TomPapa:2023ComedyTour July19:ThePrinciplesofHipHop July20:ThreeDogNight July21:TheBeatGoesOn—CherTributeShow July22:POP2K withChrisKirkpatrickof*NSYNC,O-Town,BBMak&RyanCabrera July23:BigBadVoodooDaddy July25:CountingCrowswithspecialguestDashboardConfessional July28:T.3 July29:ClassicAlbumsLive:Aretha'sGold Aug.2:GoGoGadjet Aug.5:DeanFord&TheBeautifulOnes—ATribute2Prince Aug.10:MarcusKing—LiveinConcert Aug.26:Train Sept.1:YachtRockRevue


Countycouncilmembers hearaboutprogress

Afterlisteningtoapresentation aboutthedevelopmentofanature centerinOceanView,andarequest forfunding,thisweek,SussexCounty Councilmensaidtheywerepleasedto seeplansproceed.

“I’mexcitedtoseethatlandispreserved,”CouncilmanJohnRieleytold OceanViewTownManagerCarol Houck,whomadethepresentation aboutopenspaceatDoubleBridges andMuddyNeckroadsattheTuesday,March21,councilmeeting.

Rieleysuggestedsherequesta grantfromtheSussexCountyLand Trust,anon-profitdedicatedtoconservation,tohelppayfordeveloping thenaturecenter,andsaidthecouncil willmeetwithLandTrustofficialsin thenextmonthortwo.

“Wecancertainlyhavemoremeetingsandgetintomoredetails,butyou putalotofworkanddiligenceinto this,forsure,”CouncilmanDoug HudsontoldHouck.

Duringthepresentation,Houck explainedthattheOceanViewTown

Councilpurchasedfouracresofland alongtheAssawomanCanalinSeptemberof2022for$500,000,intendingtocreatethenaturepark.

Theprojectedcostis$1.5million. TheTownhasreceived$211,747in AmericanRescuePlanActmoney and$288,253fromaSussexCounty ExcessTransferTaxgrant.Bothwere one-timegrants.

OceanViewalsoreceiveda $60,000outdoorrecreationandparks andtrailgrantfromDNRECandan $825,000TransportationAlternative ProgramgrantfromDelDOT.

“Therehasbeenagreatdealofexcitementduringkickoffmeetingswith DelDOTandDNREC.Thereare alsotrailconnectionsbeingworkedon fromDoubleBridgesRoadthatcan leadintothisverynicepark.Weare askingforadditionalfundsCouncil mightwanttoprovidetohelpusget tothefinishlineforthedevelopment soonerthanlater,”shetoldthem.

Houckdidn’taskforasetamount fromtheCounty,andthecouncildid notsuggestanamountorvoteon Tuesday.

Shedescribedtheproperty,soldto theTownbyRaymondBerzins,as“a pristineandscenicnaturalarea”and explainedthatplansincludedaraised boardwalkwithoverlookareas,walk-

ingtrailsthroughthewoods,educationalkiosks,apicnicarea,parking lot,andbikeandtrailconnectionsto thepark.

“Oncewebuildit,itwillalwaysbe inSussexCountyandtheTownof OceanViewwillalwaysmaintainit, soitisawin-win.Therearealotof areasinOceanViewthatdon’thave sidewalksforpeopletowalk,sothis projectwillcreateagreatopportunity,”shetoldcouncilmembers.

“TheTownsawthisasanopportunitytoincreaseoutdoorrecreationoptionswhileeliminatingdevelopment inthatarea,”shesaid,addingthatthe needforopenspaceforOceanView residentswasidentifiedintheTown’s 2020ComprehensivePlan.

Showingthecouncilanaerialphotographofthearea,Houckexplained thatthereareplansforatrailthrough thewoodeduplandandraisedboardwalkviewingareathatwould“g ive communityabilitytogetoutinnature andenjoythebeautyofthearea.”

Atfirst,thewalkingtrailwillbe about.25mileslong,withplanstoextenditto1mile,shesaid.

DirectorofPlanning,Zoning& DevelopmentKenCiminowasscheduledtopresentwithHouck,butwas ill,Houcksaid.

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Theplantogivethreeminutesto eachofthefourcontendersintheupcomingOceanViewtowncounciland mayoralelectionstooutlinetheirplatformsattheWednesday,March29, MeettheCandidatesforumisbeing challengedbycouncilcandidateDick Jennison,whowantseachtohavefive minutesforopeningremarks.

JennisonisrunningfortheDistrict3 councilseat,opposingJoseph“Jay” Tyminski.Theothertwocandidates,


versefishandotherwildlife,including horseshoecrab,oysters,bluecrabsand diamondbackterrapins.TheInland Baysandtheirtributariescoverabout 32squaremilesanddrainroughly320 squaremilesofland.Thedynamic ecosystemprotectsuplandcommunities fromstormsandfloods,whilefiltering pollutantsandsediments.

Althoughdirectsource-pointpollutionfromseweroverflowshasbeen eliminatedormitigatedfromtheInland Bays,nutrientpollutionstillexists.Ni-

both runningformayor,areincumbent MayorJohnReddingtonandnewcomer RandyRobust.

“WhatlegalgroundsdoestheBoard ofElectionshaveinlimitingthecandidate’sfreedomofspeechandlengthof introduction?”Jennisonaskedinaletter hesenttoTownClerkDonnaSchwartz earlythisweek.

“Ifindthisdecisiontobearbitrary andcapriciousconsideringwehavenot hadanelectioninoversixyears.Your responsethatthiswillbehandledduring theQ&Aperiodisridiculous!This isunfairtothecandidatesthatarenot

trogenandphosphorousfromfertilizer use,animalwaste,urbanrunoffand wastewaterappliedtolandsmakeup thelargestsourceofpollutioninthe baystoday.Habitatlossandsea-level risedrivenbyclimatechangeposeadditionalthreatstotheecosystem,accordingtoscientists.

TulouandStateoftheBaysscience reportco-authorandstudyleaderMarianneWalchwillpresenttheresultsof thefive-yearreportcardthatservesas thebenchmarkonecosystemhealthand its impactontheeconomicvitalityof theregiononMondaymorning.Other dignitariesexpectedasspeakersare CarperandAdamOrtiz,regionalad-

currentlyholdingofficeorservingona commission.

“RandyRobustandmyselfdonot havebroadnamerecognitionnordowe resideinlargeresidentialcommunities thathavetheabilitytostackthehouse withtheirsupporterswhocouldeasily takecontroloftheQ&Awithallof theirquestionsandruntheclockout. ThisactionhasputmyselfandRandy Robustatanunfairadvantageforour voicestobeheard,”Jennisonwrote.

In herreply,sentonTuesday,March 21,andcopiedtotheCoastalPoint, SchwartztoldJennisontheBoardof

ministratorfortheEnvironmentalProtectionAgency(EPA).StateRep.Ron Grayisalsoexpectedtobeattending thereleaseevent.

ThereleaseofthelatestStateofthe DelawareInlandBaysReporthasbeen fiveyearsinthemakingandincludes contributionsfromcitizenscientists.

Carper,inhispreparedremarks, planned toremindtheaudiencethathe helpedcreatethecharterfortheCIB whilehewasgovernorofthestate.

“Forme,thisisahomecoming,”he saidinthoseremarks.“Iwasthereatthe birthoftheCenterfortheInlandBays when,in1994,theDelawareGeneral Assembly,withgreatwisdom,passed

Electionshas“hostedaCandidates’ Nightfordecadesandhistoricallythe candidatetimeforintroductorycommentshasbeenthreeminutes.”

“Further,theeventtypicallyruns abouttwohours.Theintentofthe eveningistoallowtimeforvotersto posedirectquestionstothecandidates inresponsetowhichthecandidatesare freetorespond,”theletterstates.


andpresentedtome—asgovernorat thetime—theInlandBaysWatershed EnhancementAct.“Inessence,bysigningthatlegislationintolaw,Isignedthe center’sbirthcertificate.”

“Iwasalsoprivilegedin1995tosign —alongwiththen-EPAAdministrator CarolBrowner—theCenter’sfirst ComprehensiveConservation&ManagementPlan,betterknownasthe CCMP.ThatwastheCenter’sfirst roadmapormarchingorders.Thatsort offeltlikestartingkindergarten.And now,nearly30yearson,I’mveryinterestedtohearthelatestreportcardon thehealthofourInlandBaysandthis watershed.”

4 CoastalPoint March24,2023
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TheBethanyBeachStormwater& FloodingCommitteemetonMonday attownhalltotalkaboutaDelaware SeaGrantstudyupdatinga10-year-old reportonhowthecoastaleconomycon-



anothermemberofthatboard,town managerorSchwartzwillmoderate; candidateswillsitonthedais;candidatesmaynotparticipateviaZoomor anotherelectronicplatform;eachcandidatewillhavethreeminutestooutline hisplatform;votersmaysubmitwritten questionsinadvanceorwritequestions duringthesession;othercandidates maycommentonthosequestionsifthe moderatoragrees;and,iftimepermits, candidateswillbeavailabletomeetwith votersafterward.

“Fortheabovereasonswedonotbelievethatyourallegationshavelegal merit,nordoesthetown’slegalcounsel. However,ifyouchoose,andpursuantto 15Del.CSection7552,youmayfilea formalwrittencomplaintwiththe town’sBoardofElection,”Schwartz wrote.



inaryinvestigation,hesaid,itwasbelievedtheofficercouldhave“improperlyaccesseddrugevidence,which mighthaveresultedintheofficerbecomingunresponsive.”

Callowaywouldn’tansweradditional questionsaskedbytheCoastalPoint, includingthegenderandageoftheof-

tributestothestateandanewback-bay studytolookatcoastalstormimpacts.

OneofthetakeawaysisthatBethany Beachissaturatedwithsurfacewater, andthereisnowhereforstormwaterto go,whichcreateslocalizedflooding.

“ Theback-baystudyisstillinitsinfancy,”saidRonCalef,whochairsthe

“I’mnotsurprisedbytheirresistance foranopenandhonestdebate.Thisisa set-uptogoafterme,”Jennisontoldthe CoastalPointafterreceivingSchwartz’s response.

“MylettertotheTownlaysthatout. Torestrictmyopportunitybyhaving residentssubmitwrittenquestions? Whynothavepeoplewalkuptothe microphone?Whataretheyafraidof? TheyareafraidofmeexposingcorruptionofthisTown,”hesaid.

“IwanttoexposetheTownforwhat theyhavedone.Iwantmoreminutes foreachcandidate,notjustforme.It’s twominuteseach.That’sonlyeight minutes,”hesaid.

Hesaidtownofficialsoncesenthim andanotherresidentasix-pageletter “fordoingnothingbutspeakingoutat meetings.”

HelivesonOgreDriveandhas oftenquestionedthetowncouncil, TownManagerCarolHouckandDirectorofPlanning,Zoning&Develop-

ficer,thelengthoftimetheofficerhas beenwiththepolicedepartmentand whetheranychargeshavebeenfiled.

Oncethepolicedepartmentsuspectedapossibletamperingofevidence, it wasimmediatelyreportedtotheDepartmentofJustice,henoted.

DelawareStatePolicewereconductingacriminalinvestigationinregardsto theincident,andMillsboropolicewill conductinternalinvestigations,Callowaysaid.

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Thefirstlarger-scalemeetingon backbaysisscheduledtohappenwith municipalitiesimpacted,including BethanyBeach,anditenvisageswork betweenDNRECandtheArmyCorps ofEngineersthatdoesnotinvolvemu-

mentKenCiminoaboutspeedingon thatroad.HesaidheandotherOgre Driveresidentsweresentletterstelling themspeedlimitsignswouldberemovediftheycontinuedtoquestion townofficials.

“Ifyoudon’tagreewithwhatthey say,theywillshutyoudown.It’sreally badwhatthisTownhasdone,”Jennison said.

He addedthatheplanstofileanappealwithstateagenciesaboutthethree-


TheTown’ssteelgatedamproject wasdiscussedatMonday’smeetingby BethanyBeachTownManagerCliff Graviet.

“Wehavepushedconstructionofthe SeeRISEpage7

minutestipulationforcandidatesbut saidhehaslimitedtimebecausethe candidates’forumisnextWednesday. “Ithoughttheywouldhavealittle betterformat.Theyaregoingtohave somebodyfromtheTownthathasattackedmeandmyreputationbethe moderator?AndI’mgoingtobetreated fairly?Noway.Ihaven’tbeentreated fairlytobeginwith.Thisisthekindof townthatdoesn’twantfeedbackfrom residents,”hesaid.

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March24,2023 CoastalPoint 5
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createastronger communityand achurchrenewed.

TheOceanViewTownCouncil,at itsTuesday,April11,meeting,willhold apublichearingontheTown’s2024-fiscal-yearbudget—abalancedbudget thatdoesnotincludeataxincrease— andwillpossiblypassthebudgetatthat meeting.

Therecommendationistokeepthe taxrateat$.2378per$100ofassessed value.TheTownreduceditstaxrateby 3cents,or11percent,whenthe2023fiscal-yearbudgetwasapproved.

Theproposedbudgetcallsfora6.4percentcost-of-livingincreaseforemployeesand2.9percentincreasefor contractualemployees,aswellasmore than$56,000forTown-sponsoredcommunityevents,includingtheCops& GoblinsHalloweencelebration.

FinanceDirectorDawnParksshared highlightswiththetowncouncilatthe Tuesday,Feb.14,councilmeetingand saidthebudgetwillbepassedasthree separateordinances.Proposedarea$5.9 milliontotaloperatingbudget,$4.6 millioncapitalprogramand$616,030 water budget.



whilepresentinghismonthlyreport, toldthecouncilthat214volunteer hourswereloggedinFebruary.

Communitypolicinginitiativesincludedcheckingonseniors,homesand businesses;takingbackexpiredprescriptiondrugs;participatingwithSpecial Olympics;andplanningCoffeewitha CopforThursday,March16.

McLaughlinattendedtheLeagueof LocalGovernmentsmeetingsandparticipated intheSussexCountyPolice Chiefs’Associationmeeting.

Thepolicedepartmenthostedpepper-sprayinstructortrainingandis partneringwithHelpInitiativeInc.,to startalicenseplatereaderdeployment planonRoute26,thechiefsaid.


CouncilmanStephenCobbasked whenthepolicedepartmentwillget newpolicedogs,andMcLaughlinsaid thetwoofficerswhowillhavethedogs willtraveltothetrainingfacilityin NorthCarolinaonMay1,stayafew weeksfortrainingandreturnwiththe dogs.

Thedogsareexpectedtobeonthe streetsthefirstweekinJune,McLaughlinsaid.


Planning,Zoning &Developmentreport

KenCimino,directorofPlanning, Zoning&Development,whilepresentinghismonthlyreport,saidthedesign ofimprovementstotheentranceofthe Wedgefieldcommunityiscomplete.

Theprojectincludedwideningthe right-turnlaneontoWedgefieldBoulevardforimprovedaccessforschool buses. HeandMcLaughlinhavebeen workingontheproject.

“Thisisanimportantprojectandnot expensive,”Ciminosaid,addingthatit cost$40,000.

MayorJohnReddingtonaskedif, onceabusgetsintothecommunity,it cangetout.

“Thosestreetsarenarrow,”Reddingtonsaid,butCiminoexplainedthereis ahugecenterisland,thatlanesarealmost12feetwideandroadswidento 24feet.


Alsoduringhisreport,Ciminoannouncedhisdepartmentreceivedan $850,000 grantfromDelDOT’sTransportationAlternativeProgramfordesignandconstructionofthefuture natureandrecreationareaatthecorner ofDoubleBridgesandMuddyNeck roads.

Thedepartmentalsoreceiveda $450,000grant,alsofromDelDOT’s TransportationAlternativeProgram,for theDaiseyAvenue-WoodlandAvenue intersectionimprovementandsidewalk project.


TownManagerCarolHouck,during hermonthlyreporttocouncil,saidthe

TownissponsoringaMeettheCandidatesforumforthefourcandidatesfor mayorandtowncouncil.

Itwillbeat6p.m.onWednesday, March29,atOceanViewTownHall. Candidatesformayorareincumbent JohnReddingtonandRandyRobust. Candidatesforcouncil,representing District3,areDickJennisonandJoseph “Jay”Tyminski.

TheelectionwillbeonSaturday, April8.


Houcksaideffortshavebegunto converttheBearTrapDunesresidential communityfrompropanetonaturalgas, andthatwillincludetheTown’sadministrativebuildingonCentralAvenue.

“Wearegoingtodotheconversion. AllHVAC,hot-waterheatershavebeen identifiedthattheycanmaketheconversions,andthecostis$2,842from ChesapeakeUtilities,”shesaid,adding thatmoneyisavailableintheTown budget’sbuildingrepairfunds.


HoucksaidsheandPlanning,Zoning&DevelopmentDirectorKen Cimino willgobeforetheSussex CountyCouncilonTuesday,March21, andaskforfundingtodevelopopen spaceatDoubleBridgesandMuddy Neckroadstoanaturecenterwitheducationalkiosks,scenicoverlooksand passivenaturalareas.

“WearehopefulthattheCounty Councilwillseethebenefitofpartneringwithourdevelopmenteffortsgiven thestrongmomentum,locationand successwithgrantfunding,morethan

6 CoastalPoint March24,2023
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dambackanumberofmonthsandhave gonebacktotheengineeronsurvey workontheAssawoman[Canal].We wanttoexpandwhatwearedoing.The damis3feettall,anditovertops,soitis somewhatself-regulating.”

“Wearegoingtodoaflyovertocontinuetoseehowitfunctions,”said Graviet.“Theprojectisaliveandwell. Wearegoingtodoour‘dammed-est!’” hejokedaboutcompletingthedam.

JimSmithispartofthecommittee andhadextensiveexperiencewiththe ArmyCorpsofEngineersbeforeserving asaBethanyBeachTownCouncil member.Hequestionedwhythedelay indamworkoccurredandwhether therewerequestionsraisedbytheengineeringfirm.Gravietsaidtheissueis reallyfundingtheactualconstruction work.Itwillcostmorethan$2million tobuildanewdam.

Replenishmentexpectedto extendintosummerseason

CalefalsonotedonMondaythat BethanyBeach’sbeachreplenishment, withWeeksMarineofNewJerseyas thecontractor,wouldlikelybeginafter Easter,towardtheendofApril.


“Thereplenishmentwillcomesouth, andwehadhopedtheywouldalready bemobilizedbynow,”saidGraviet.“I amafraiditwillbereplenishmentinthe summer—thatisthewayitlooks.


Whilemostofthedunecrossovers damagedbystormslatelastyearare



theparkinglotandcameuptothepolicevehicle,runningtothepolicevehicle.Heopenedthedoor,kindof frantically,andstartedassaultingtheofficer.

“Hecameuptothepolicecar.When theofficergotout,themanpushedthe officer,whowastryingtogethimin custody.Acoupleofficerswereableto gethimincustody,”Wilsonsaid.

Earlier,policehadreceivedareport thatthesamemanhadbeenrunning throughastoreinSelbyville“yellingand screamingandcausingquiteabitof alarm,”Wilsonsaid.

“Hecamerunningdownthestreet andcameacrosstheofficer,andapproachedhim,”hesaid.

Chun-Nizwastakenintocustody andtakeninsidethepolicedepartment, wherepolicesaidhecontinuedtoresist.

Hewasalsochargedwithoffensive touchingofalawenforcementofficer anddisorderlyconduct.


nowinplace,thecrossovershavenot beenproperlygroomed,andthatmeans the Townisnotabletoputdownthe accessibility-enhancingMobi-mats,he said.

“Ifweputthemdownnow,you couldskidownthedunesonthem,”said Graviet.

DNRECisscheduledtoreturnto Bethanyfordunegrooming,tocreatea nicerslopeorgrade.

“Theyaretheonlypeoplewhocan dothework,”confirmedGraviet.The town’sbeaches,fromthebacksideof theduneeastward,areunderDNREC’s purview.TheTowncannotmakeany significantalterations.

Analysisshowshigh groundwaterlevels



here,”saidGraviet.“Itisessentially groundwaterthatissaturatedrightat thesurface,basedonaboringanalysis forourtown.”

“Theswalesinyouryardarefullof waterbecausetheyaresaturated,”he said.“It’snotbecausetheyarenot drainingwell,”saidGraviet.“The groundissaturatedat3.2feet,accordingtotheboringanalysis,”andis100 percentwetatthoselevels.

Canalandcreekdredging oncommittee’sradar

TheAssociationofCoastalTowns, whichincludesBethanyBeach,willbe providingfundstoDelawareSeaGrant toupdatethecoastaleconomyreport after10years.

“Bethanytooktheleadonmaking thesecontributions,”saidCalef.

Calefalsodiscussedthedredgingat WhitesCreekandthattheDNREC dredgeteam“willnotgettotheAs-

sawomanatallthisyear,”hesaid.“They havetostopworkonMarch31.”

DNRECofficialsannouncedrecentlythattheprojectwouldnotmeet thedesignatedtimelineforcompletion, whichissettoavoidimpactingwildlife. Theysaidtheworkwouldberesumed inthefall.Boatersanddockowners usingtheundredgedsectionsofthe creekhavecomplainedthattheyhave littleornoboataccessuntiltheworkis done.ButonceMarch31arrives,the contractorhasbeenorderedtostopthe workuntilfall.

“Theyarepumpingtheirspoilsall the wayovertotheAssawomanBayto replenishtheshorelinesandthewetlands.Youcanseethedredgeworkand thecontributionofthespoilstoourinlandbays,”notedCalef,“ifyoulook fromthebridge.”


T OWNOF O CEAN V IEW Candidates’ Night

March 29, 2023 ~ 6pm

The Town of Ocean View will hold its annual election from 8am to 5pm on Saturday, April 8, 2023.

The Town has scheduled a Candidates’ Night at 6pm on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 in the Town Hall located at 32 West Avenue.

The candidates will present their platforms and answer any questions.

District 3candidates are:

Jay Tyminski and Richard Jennison

Mayor Candidates are:

John Reddington and Randy Robust

All citizens of Ocean View are encouraged to attend Candidates’ Night; however, only the Ocean View residents who have registered with the Town by March 24, 2023 are eligible to vote in the election.

Please call 302-539-9797 (ext.101) with any questions.

March24,2023 CoastalPoint 7


Millville’sEvansParkisgetting readytorollouttheEastereggsforits annualEasterCelebration,andit’s justthebeginningofmonthsfullof funatthepark.

OnSaturday,April1,thefunwill beginat10a.m.withactivitiesinthe CommunityCenter,accordingtoMillvilleParks&RecreationAdministratorLizKain-Bolen.

Whileher“littlehelpers”areoutsidegettingtheegghuntsetup,there willbegames,craftsandanappearancebytheEasterBunny,Kain-Bolen said.

Weatherpermitting,therewillbea balloonartistjustoutsidetheCommunityCenter.




HoucksaidtheTown’snewevent, SpringFling,isplannedfor1to4p.m. onSaturday,May6,atJohnWestPark.

WhiletheEasterBunnyisinthe house,therewillbephotoopportunitiesaplenty,Kain-Bolensaid.Justbeforenoon,theEasterBunnywilllead thechildrenouttotheplayground, whereeggfieldswillbedividedinto threeage-groupedareas.

IndianRiverHighSchool’sHOSA (HealthOccupationsStudentsof America)groupwillhavebakedgoods forsaleduringthemorning’sactivities,Kain-Bolensaid.

TheEasteractivitieswillbefollowedbyanEarthDayFestivalon Saturday,April22,from10a.m.to2 p.m.

Weatherpermitting,theactivities willbeheldinthepark,includinga scavengerhunt,artsandcrafts,astorytimewiththeGardenersbytheSea, educationaldisplaysandanactivity

“Thereisalotofexcitement.Weare havingalotoffunwithit.Staffhas beenverymuchparticipatinginallthe planningandwearegettingverygood supportfromthelocalcommunity,” Houcksaid.

TheMillvilleVolunteerFireCompanywillbethere,aswellasBoyScouts sellingfoodsandrefreshments,bigband music“andlotsoffunthings goingon,”Houcksaid.


AllEarthDayactivitiesarefreeof charge.

OnWednesday,May17,theTown kicksoffitsfreesummerconcertserieswithaperformancebyLower CaseBluesfrom6to8p.m.Thepopularregionalbandwillbringablend ofbluesandrocktothepark.

OnWednesday,June21,localfavoritesOverTimewilltakethestage, withtheirmixofclassicandmodern rock,showcasingguitarsandhorns. OnWednesday,July19,OntheEdge finishesofftheconcertseries,witha mixofpop,rockanddancemusic. Foodtruckswillbeavailableforeach concert.Guestsshouldbringtheir ownchairs,Kain-Bolensaid.



HoucksaidtheFire&IceFestival wassuccessful,withtheTown’sbeer gardenatJohnWestParkraising $5,900forBeebe’sSouthCoastal EmergencyCenter.

Shesaidthat,accordingtostatisticstheTownreceivedaftertheevent, 70percentofthoseattending shoppedanddinedlocally,and57


Pleasebringyourfavoritepots(upto4) andpottingsoil.Getaheadstartonspring whenyourcontainersgetestablishedinour greenhouse.SignupforourCSAprogram.

fundraisingFridayconcertseriesto thepark,withDustinShowersonFriday,July21,followedbyTheFitzkee BrothersonAug.18,andDrakeBurd &FriendsonSept.15.

OnSaturday,Sept.16,Millville willhostasalutetolawenforcement, firefightersandmilitarypersonnel withHeroes/FirstRespondersDay, whichwillfeaturedemonstrationsand displaysfromareaagenciesandorganizations.Theraindatefortheeventis Sunday,Sept.17.

FormoreinformationonMillville events,visittheTownwebsite,at,visitthe MillvilleFacebookpage,callLiz Kain-Bolenattheparkofficeat(302)

percentwereattendingFire&Icefor thefirsttime.


HoucksaidtheCoastalDelaware CommunityCleanUpisplannedfor8 a.m.tonoononSaturday,April22.One drop-offpointtodisposeofitemscollectedduringtheeventwillbeJohn WestPark.

8 CoastalPoint March24,2023 TownofMillville EasterCelebration! SATURDAYAPRIL1 st 10AM-12PM EGGHUNT/KIDSACTIVITIES PHOTOSWITHTHEEASTERBUNNY! FREE &OpentothePublic B.Y.O.B(bringyourown basket! ) EVANSPARK 32517DukesDriveMillville,DE raindateApril2 nd Plants, Produce & Compost Greenhouse Open EAST VIEW FARM 36144 Bayard Rd. Frankford, DE (302) 436-4605 FREEWORKSHOP ContainerGardening
Sasha’s Jewels, LLC JEWELRY REPAIR • CUSTOM DESIGNS & APPRAISALS Jewelry BUY• SELL TRADE Why consign? Immediate payment for your items. You will be treated like family & given individual attention. Gemologist (302) 296-6909 202GumboroRd,Selbyville,DE HoursComingThisSpring AppointmentsOnlyNow
$850,000,thattheprojecthasenjoyed todate,”Houcksaid.

DCRPTsecuresthousands fortenantsinhousingcases

TheDelawareDepartmentofJustice’s DivisionofCivilRights&PublicTrust securedfair-housingsettlementsintwo casesthatawarded$50,000collectively fortwovictims,amongotherstipulations.

“Housingandreasonableaccommodationarebasichumanrights,”saidAttorneyGeneralKathyJennings.“Andthat shouldbeespeciallytrueinaplacethat pridesitselfonbeingastateofneighbors. Thereisnoroomfordiscriminationand derelictionofdutyinthisarena—especiallywhenitleavespeopleorfamilies homeless.DCRPTandtheDivisionof Human&CivilRightsdidfantasticwork onthesecases,andtheyhavemyheartfelt thanksforhelpingtomakethisright.”

InDecember2022,DCRPTreached asettlementwiththeWilmington-area apartmentcomplexChateauOrleans Apartmentsforfailingtoreasonablyaccommodateatenantwithaphysicaldisability.Theno-faultsettlementstipulates thatChateauOrleansApartmentsLLC, ChateauOrleansHoldingsLLCand OliveTreeManagementwillpaythe complainant$30,000,completefairhousingtrainingandreviseitsfair-housingaccommodationsandmodification policies.

ThesettlementcomesafteracomplaintwasfiledinJune2022,allegingthat ChateauApartmentsconstructively evictedthetenant,anamputeewhousesa walkerandwheelchair,byfailingtorepair afaultyelevatorthatservedasthetenant’s onlyaccesstotheirsecond-floorapartmentunit.Aninvestigationfoundthat theapartmentsallowedthedisrepairto continueformorethanfourmonths,forcingthetenanttofindalternatehousing.



Graviet.“Wewerehopingtopiggyback offtheirefforts[atWhitesCreek]and reallyjointhespoilsdistribution,which ishardtodo.Wewillhavetogetour ownpermitslater.”

“TheLoopCanalisjustasimple maintenancedredge,”heemphasized. “Wemustshoreupthelandstriponthe LoopCanalside.AftertheAssawoman isdredged,itwillspeedupthewater flow,andthatcreatesmorewatervolumeintheLoopCanal.”

Alivingshorelineprojectforthe LoopCanalexpectedtocost$150,000, whichwouldprovidecoconutlogsfor shoreprotectionprojectnearthecanal bulkhead.GravietsaidBethanyisseekingapermitforthelivingshoreline projectandthoughtitmightbepossible tocompletethatthisfall.

Smithsaid,“Wehavecausedour ownproblemswithlogsinourcanals.I wouldratherseeresiliencyworkwith someofthedredgespoils.Thelogsjust erodeoreventuallywashaway.”

Inasecondcase,DCRPTreachedan agreementwiththeNewark-area complexTheViningsatChristianaand CapreitResidentialManagementLLC.

onJan.23foraninstanceofunlawfuldiscriminatoryhousingpracticethatleft a womanandthreechildrenhomeless.Accordingtotheno-faultsettlement,thedefendantwillremit$20,000tothe complainant,completefair-housingtrainingandupdateitspublic-facingadvertisingmaterialandfair-housingpolicies.

ThesettlementfollowsaninvestigationthatfoundthatthedefendantviolatedtheDelawareFairHousingActby failingtocorrectlyfollowtheLow-IncomeHousingTaxCreditResidentialSelectionPlanandwrongfullydenyingan applicantwhoheldaStateRentalAssistanceProgramVoucherongroundsofinsufficientincome.

Thesettlementsweresecuredby DeputyAttorneyGeneralNicoleMozee withtheassistanceofparalegalDawnPillarelli.

Anyonewhoisexperiencinghousing discriminationcanvisittheDHCRwebsitetofileacomplaint,at ng-information-center/how-to-file-acomplaint/.

March24,2023 CoastalPoint 9 • Ocean View Planning & Zoning Commission Member • Former President of Ocean View Beach Club & McCabe Tax Ditch Board • Retired Electrical Engineer PLEASE VOTE APRIL 8 Paid for by Friends of Jay Tyminski Joseph "Jay" Tyminski OCEAN VIEW TOWN COUNCIL TREK FEST ENDS SOON! –49YEARS CYCLISTSFOR G N I VRES–PERF ON SELECT VE $5 SAAVE $500+ FORMANCE 500+ ON S SAVE AVE HUNDREDS BEST- SELECT O COC S AND E-BIK O S C KES! OC SELLING BIKES! ACCESSORIES! AND APPAREL PAREL VE BIG! SAAVE LLING ues.-Sat. 10am-5pm T Tues.-Sat. TIO VICE LOCAATION SERRVICE LOCA FULL Serving cyclists for over 49 years! ON W FENWICK – BETHANY ed.-Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. 12-3pm Wed.-Sat.

OnMonday,March20,Gov.John Carneyandmunicipalleaders launchedastatewideinitiativetoincreaseawarenessoftheAffordable ConnectivityProgram(ACP),afederalbenefittohelplower-income familiespayforhigh-speedinternet. Thestatewideinitiativewillkickoff withconcertedoutreachcampaigns plannedbylocalleadersinDover, Georgetown,Milford,Seafordand Wilmingtonoverthenextmonth, withothercitiesandtownsalso pledgingtospreadawareness.

TheACPisafederalbroadband benefitfundedbytheBipartisanInfrastructureLawpassedinNovember 2021andchampionedbyPresident JoeBiden,U.S.Sens.TomCarperand ChrisCoons,andU.S.Rep.Lisa BluntRochester(allD-Del.).The ACPprovideseligiblehouseholds withamonthlydiscountofupto$30 ontheirinternetbillandaone-time $100discounttowardalaptop,desktopcomputerortablet.Morethan 140,000DelawarehouseholdsareestimatedtobeeligiblefortheACP, andabout32,000haveenrolledsofar.

InpartnershipwithEducationSuperHighway,anationalnon-profit withamissiontoclosethebroadband affordabilitygap,theDelawareinitiativeisdesignedtobuildacoalitionof localstakeholdersandtrustedinstitutionstoovercomeawareness,trustand enrollmentbarriersthatprevent householdsinunder-resourcedcommunitiesfromenrolling.

ACP-eligiblehouseholdsinclude familieswithincomesatorbelow200 percentofthefederalpovertylevel andthosewhoqualifyforSNAP,free andreduced-priceschoollunch,WIC andothergovernment-fundedprograms.Thenewinitiativeisdesigned toleveragestateandcitychannelsto directlypromotetheACPtohouseholdsintheprogramsandunitelocal governments,community-basedorganizationsandtrustedinstitutionsto reachunconnectedhouseholds.

Combinedwithcommitmentsby internetserviceproviderstodeliver high-speedinternetplansfornomore than$30permonth,qualifyinghouseholdsmayreceivehigh-speedinternet atnocostwhentheysign-upforthe ACP.

“Stable,high-speedinternetconnectioniscriticalforallDelaware families,students,andbusinesses.The AffordableConnectivityProgramwill helpensureeveryonehasinternetaccessforschool,work,healthcare,and more,”saidCarney.“Iwanttothank allofourpartnersforworkingtogethertoboostenrollmentinthis program,especiallyMayorChristiansen,MayorWest,MayorCampbell,MayorGenshawandMayor Purzycki.”

“Wewereproudtohelpcraftand votefortheBipartisanInfrastructure Law,whichmadehistoricinvestments inournation’sinfrastructureneeds— fromroadsandtransittobroadband andwater,”saidCarper,Coonsand BluntRochester.“WeapplaudGov. Carney’sleadershipinprioritizing un-servedandunder-servedcommunities,andmakingsureallcornersof Delawarecangetconnectedtohigh speedinternetthroughthisrobust broadbandbenefit.”

EducationSuperHighwaywillsupportstatewideawarenesseffortsby trainingcommunityleadersandpartnerorganizationsandprovidingoutreachmaterialsandtoolstohelp,avirtual mobileassistantthatsimplifiesthe ACPenrollmentprocessbyproviding real-timesupporttohelpeligible householdsdeterminetheeasiestway toqualify.Themobilewebsiteisavailableinfourlanguagesandhelpsapplicantsovercomecriticalbarriersin theenrollmentprocessbyhelping themidentifythedocumentsneeded whenapplyingandfind“f reewith ACP”broadbandplansavailableat theiraddress.

“Broadbandisoneofthemost transformativetechnologiesofour generation,buttoomanypeopleare leftbehindbecausetheydon’thavereliable,affordableaccesstotheinternet,”saidEvanMarwell,CEOof EducationSuperHighway.“WeapplaudGov.Carney’sboldleadership andarereadytoworkwiththemayors andcommunityleadersofDover, Georgetown,Milford,Seafordand Wilmingtontoremovethebarriers thatkeephouseholdsinthenation’s mostunder-resourcedcommunities offline.”

Theinitiativetoaddressinternet affordabilitywithACPispartofan overallstrategyinDelawaretoconnectcurrentlyun-servedhomesto high-speedfiberbroadband,aswellas toworktoward“digitalequity”byprovidingconnections,devicesandskills inunder-servedcommunities—all effortsfundedbytheBipartisanInfrastructureLaw.Learnmoreat Citiesandtownsparticipatingin theDelawareACPoutreachinitiative asofMarch21are:
















10 CoastalPoint March24,2023 RE-ELECT JOHN REDDINGTON OCEAN VIEW MAYOR Paid for by John Reddington Served as Mayor since 2020 Board of Adjustments 2016-2020 Ocean View Police Volunteer 2013-2020 VOTE SATURDAY, APRIL 8 Fresh, Local Seasonal Cuisine 84 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean View, DE 19970 Call 302.539.Café (2233) R e s e r v a t i o n s O n l y We Recommend Making Your Reservation 1-2 Weeks In Advance The Beach’s Premier Boutique Restaurant Winter Hours Thurs - Sat 5-9pm Indoor & Outdoor Dining (Weather Permitting) Prime Rib Night $30 Thursday Nights Easter Week Hours Palm Sunday Dinner 5-9pm Easter Sunday Dinner 3-9pm Old Town Thrift & Gift TheLittleStoreon theShorewithMore 302-436-6101 79W.ChurchSt.,Selbyville Wed-Sat,10am-4pm Sun,11am-3pm Closed Mon & Tues Spring Sale! 50% Off Easter 40% Off Clothes 30% Off Toys 20% Off Furniture Thru 3/26
Open Seven Days a Week, 10:30am–5pm ◆ 302.436.1848 37244 Lighthouse Rd., W. Fenwick Island ◆ BEAUTIFUL SPRING! March24,2023 CoastalPoint 11


beavailableatthedoor,SantaBarbara saidpre-orderingticketsbyMarch29is requestedsothatMac’sCateringcanpreparetheproperamountoffood.

Theeveningwillalsoincludetwo typesofauctions,aswellasa50/50drawing,andmusicbyDJDenny.

DeniseSantaBarbarasaidthelocation forthefundraiserisappropriatenotonly becauseherhusbandwasamember,but alsobecause,“Wemetatafirehouse,” whenshewasworkingaprimaryelection. “Hewasverygood-looking,”shesaid withasmile.

AndalthoughshehadjuststartedcollegeattheUniversityofDelaware,the twohititoff.They“marriedyoung,”she said,andraisedtwochildrentogether. Firefightersare2.29timesmorelikely todevelopmesothelioma,duetoexposure, thantherestofthepopulation,according totheMesotheliomaCenter.Amongst firefighterline-of-dutydeaths70percent arecausedbycanceringeneral,according tothecenter.

Sinceherhusband’sdeathfrom mesothelioma10yearsago,MillvilleresidentDeniseSantaBarbarahasworkedto raiseawarenessofthedisease,andtoraise fundsforresearch.

Mesothelioma,SantaBarbarasaid,receivesfarlessattentionandfundingthan otherformsofcancer.Itmightbeless commonthanbreastcancerorlungcancer,shesaid,butitdevastatesitsvictims andtheirfamiliesjustasmuch.


manyyearsbeforebeingdiagnosed,and bythenitisoftenadvanced.Inthecaseof herhusband,Paul,SantaBarbarasaidhis firstcluesomethingwaswrongwas weightlossandextremetiredness.

Acareerfirefighterintheirformer hometownofWilmington,PaulSanta BarbarawasalsoaU.S.Navyveteran.He wasprobablyexposedtoasbestosona shiporonafiresite,shesaid.

“Hehadalwaysbeenhealthy,”shesaid, untilhisdiseasebegantoaffecthisdaily life.

Oncediagnosed,hebegantreatmentat theUniversityofPennsylvania,eventually takingpartinthefirstchemicaltrialinthe

treatmentofmesothelioma,whichisdifficulttotreatinconventionalwaysbecause ofthewayitsettlesintotheliningofthe lungsandsometimestheabdomen.

AftermovingtoMillvilleandbefore hisdiagnosis,PaulSantaBarbarahad servedasavolunteerfirefighterforthe MillvilleVolunteerFireCompany,his wifesaid,andthefirehousewillbethesite ofafundraiserSaturday,April1,forthe UniversityofPennsylvania’sPleural& MesotheliomaResearchProgram.

Ticketsforthedinner,whichwillfeaturebeefbrisket,bakedziti,meatballs, pastasalad,coleslawandbeverages,cost $30perperson.Whileafewticketsmay

“Fromthe1930stothe1970s,manufacturers…mixedasbestosintoarange ofbuildingmaterialsasacheapwayto makealmostanythingmoredurableand fireproof,”astatementonthecenter’s websitesaid.“Forfirefighters,exposure maycomeintheformofasingleencounterwithasbestos-contaminated smokeordebris.”

ForSantaBarbara,herhusband’sillnessanddeatharepersonalremindersof thedangersfirefightersfaceeveryday.The retiredteachersaidshewantstodoher parttoeducatethepublicandtoraise fundsforresearchintomesothelioma.

“It’sstilloutthere,”shesaid.“Thereis stillnocure.”

Forticketstothemesothelioma fundraiser,emailDeniseSantaBarbaraat denisemsb@aol.comorcallherat(302) 228-9646byMarch29.Thedinnerwill beSaturday,April1,from6to10p.m.

12 CoastalPoint March24,2023 ev ve b a av e h W We gkino ol ey yeu e s i emo r h of fo in ari, Jenn Jon aul Sic P 2282 . Info@BuyAtTheBeach ro y F Fo d, Baay notPlaS dsiy , Baay y y, Ba n ny olSea Co a d mnn,aoi ta at tnaPl in... on, & Rich Meado s, Will Melt e .com e Sea,h y t e b by t illv , Milllv e ass grs, Sea ek kea y L n ny ahttBee a s! eitunimmrcoeht y o n ny omh.ceBeactThBuyA
SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•Submitted PaulSantaBarbara,picturedwithhiswifeDenise,wasaformervolunteerfirefighteratMillvilleVolunteerFireCompany.

March24,2023 Page13




Editorial Thestaff


IncumbentJohnReddingtonwillbeattemptingtowinhis secondtermasmayor,withchallengerRandyRobustalsofighting forthatseat.InDistrict3,DickJennisonandJoseph“Jay”TyminskiarefacingofftoseewhowilltakeoverforTomMaly,whois noteligibletorunagainthisyearbecauseoftermlimits.

Whatsomewould-beOceanViewvotersmaynotknow,especiallythosenewertothetown,isthattheymightnotactually beOceanViewvoters.

TovoteinaTownelection,aresidentmustbeatleast18,a U.S.citizenandlivinginOceanViewforatleast30daysprecedingtheelection—allprettystandardfare.ButOceanView

alsorequiresresidentstoregisterdirectlywiththeTowninorder tobeeligibletovote,andthatdeadlineis4:30p.m.onFriday, March24.,or onecancallOceanViewTownHallat(302)539-9797,ext.101. TheelectionitselfwillbeheldonSaturday,April8,withvoting from8a.m.to5p.m.atTownHall.

OnWednesday,March29,theTownisholdingaspecial Candidate’sNightatTownHallat6p.m.TheCoastalPoint willbepresentingourQ&AswiththecandidatesinourApril7 edition,andthelastissueinwhichwewillrunlettersregarding theelectionwillbeourMarch31edition.

Therewillbeplentyofinformationavailableforresidents whowanttoseekit—butmakesureyouareregisteredtovote!

Springishere,andinherfootstepscomesthesoundof thecrackofabat,thesmelloffreshly-cutgrass,andthe imageofexcitedandoptimisticyoungpeopletakingdiplomasinhandastheyventureintotheirnextchaptersinlife.

Eachnewgraduatewillhaveastorytobeproudof,and alldeserveacollectivepatonthebackfortheveryadmirableaccomplishmentoffinishingsomethingthey started.Thatisneversomethingtobe takenlightly,andthatabilitytoreally seesomethingthroughisatraitthat cantakeapersonveryfarinlife.

Ofcourse,somehadtotravelabit ofadifferentpathtogettothatgoal thanothers.

Point of No Return

Darin J. McCann

LetmeintroduceyoutoTiffany Eckert,a41-year-oldmotherofthreewhoispreparingto graduatefromBowlingGreenStateUniversityinafew weeks,fulfillingapromisesheoriginallymadetoherhusband,Andy,18yearsago—onedaybeforehelosthislife thankstoanimprovisedexplosivedevice(IED)inIraq.

“Hesaidalotofthings,”EckerttoldFoxNews,regardingherfinalphonecallwithAndy,thefinalnightbefore hispassing.“Butthelastpartofourconversationwasabout megoingtoschoolandhowhethoughtIwasthesmartest personthathe’devermet.”


“Ipromisedhimthat,”shesaid.“Hetoldmeheloved memorethananythingintheworld,andobviouslyIsaid thesame.“Hesaid,‘I’llcallyoutomorrow.’Andasweall know,hewasn’tabletocallthenextday.”

ThepairhadfirstmetinSeptember2002,andTiffany saidtheybothknew“instantly”theyweregoingtogetmarried.AndygotactivatedbytheservicetodeploytoIraqa fewmonthslater,andthecouplegotmarriedinFebruary 2003.

Thecouple’sfirstchild,Marlee,wasbornwhilehewas overseas,andAndydidn’tgettomeetheruntilshewas11 monthsold.Tiffanysaidtheygavetheirdaughterthemiddlenameof“Freedom,”becauseherfatherwasn’tinanyof herbabypictures,“AndIwantedhertoknowwhy.”

Andydeployedasecondtime,butwasabletocome homeandwitnesshisson’s(Myles’)birthinMarch2005.A fewmonthslater,onMay8(Mother’sDay),Andydied

aftersustaininginjurieswhenthatfatefulIEDexploded, endinghislifeandforeveralteringTiffany’s.Shewasalone, witha20-month-olddaughteranda1-month-oldson.

Tiffanykeptswingingawayatlife,gotagoodofficejob thatshesaidpaidprettywell,andshelaterhadathird childinanotherrelationship.Butshedidn’tfeelfulfilled, andappliedtoBowlingGreen,whereshewasultimately accepted.

Andshedidn’tjustgothroughthe motions.Shewillgraduatenextmonth afterlessthanthreeyearsofstudying.

“I’mgettingmyundergradinhalf thetime,”shesaid,“whichisreallyan accomplishmentinitself,[given]that I’mnon-traditionalandIhavechildren,butalsobecauseIstruggledsomuchasayoungpersonacademicallythatIbarelygraduatedfromhigh school.”

Thiswasmorethankeepingapromiseshemadetoher latehusband.Thiswasaboutchangingthenarrativeofhow sheviewedherself,aswell.

“Oneofthethingsthatheldmebackforsolonginlife —mywholelife,basically—isthatIdidn’tthinkIwas goodenough,”sheexplained.“AndIknowthatwhenAndy saidthattome,hebelieveditwitheveryfiberofhisbeing. ButnowIbelieveitandIknowit’strue.”

Itremindsmeofoneofmyfavoritequotes,creditedto HenryFord:“Therearetwokindsofpeople.Thosewho thinktheycan,andthosewhothinktheycan’t.Andthey arebothright.”


RememberMarlee,thedaughterthatAndydidn’teven gettomeetuntilshewas11monthsold?Well,she’sa freshmanatBowlingGreennow.AndMyles,whowasonly amontholdwhenhisfatherdiedindefenseofhiscountry? Hejustgotacceptedintotheschool.Tiffanyisnowawaitingwordofwhethershe’sbeenacceptedintotheschool’s graduateprogramforpublicadministration.

“IstartedthisprocesstokeepmypromisetoAndy,”said Tiffany.“WhenIwalkacrossthestageinApril,I’mdoing itformychildren,becauseI’vealwayskeptinmindthey’re watchingeverythingIdo.Butaboveallelse,I’mdoingit formyself.”














TheCoastalPointispublishedweeklyat 111AtlanticAve.,OceanView,DE19970.

OceanView,DE19970. Phone:302.539.1788. Fax:302.539.3777. Deadlineforadvertisingandnewssubmissions is5p.m.Monday.Alladvertisementscreatedby theCoastalPointarepropertyofCoastalPointLLC, andcannotbereplicatedwithoutpermission.

Goodforyou,Tiffany.Promisekept. LetterstotheEditor
CoastalPointencourages the exchangeofideas. Letterstotheeditormustbe signedbytheauthorwith phonenumberincludedfor purposesofverification.
Themailingaddressis: P.O.Box1324,
OceanViewvoterswillgettodecideontheirnextDistrict3 towncouncilman,aswellaswhowillholdthemayor’sgavel,in anApril8election.

Delawaretookasteptowardending cannabisprohibitiononMarch9when theHousepassedHB2,abilltolegalize anadult-usemarket.Thebillpassed2713,nearlyatwo-thirdssupermajority, withbipartisansupport.

Longtimeadvocatesapplaudedlawmakersfortenaciouslyworkingonreformandvotinginlinewithpublic sentiment.

“ThepeopleofDelawareoverwhelminglysupportcannabislegalizationand wedeservetoseeourlegislaturefinally makethisimportantchangein2023,” saidDelawareCANExecutiveDirector ZoëPatchell.

HB2easilyclearedthethree-fifths majorityrequiredforanyDelawarelaw thatinstitutesanewtax,ahurdlethat proveddifficultinyearspast.

“Ithastakenmorethanadecadeof workonthepartofgrassrootsvolunteers andourbillsponsorstogettothishistoricvictory,”saidPatchell,“Thepeople havealwaysbeentheunderdoginthis fight.Now,afteryearsofdelayingreform, we’refinallyseeinglegislativevotesreflectpublicsupport,whereproponents outnumberopponentstwo-to-one.”

PollingfromtheUniversityof Delawarehasconsistentlyshownasolid majorityofresidents—60percentto62 percent—favorlegalizationoverthelast decade.RecentpollingfromCiviqs showslocalsupportforcannabisreform ashighas70percent.

DelawareNORML’sexecutivedirector,LauraSharer,commendedlawmakersonpassingbothHB1andHB2this weekwithsuchstrongendorsements.

“Legalizingcannabispossession,eliminatingcriminalpenaltiesforallages, andcreatingaregulatedmarketarehuge leapsforwardforDelaware,”saidSharer. “ProvisionsaffordedfromtheJustice ReinvestmentFundwillbeginthe processofreversingdecadesofdiscriminatory,harmfulandfundamentallyunfair cannabislawsbyputtingequitybackinto ourcommunities.”

Today’svictoryhascomeafteryearsof gridlock.Recentyearssawreformbills stallintheDelawareHouseduetothe steepapprovalrequirementsfornewlaws withlicenseandtaxes.Arevisedapproachbeganin2022whenprimesponsorRep.EdOsienski(D)splitthe measureintotwobills—onetorepeal thecriminalpenaltiesforpossession (HB1)andanothertolegalizetheadult-


Lastyear,theretail-marketbillwas justasinglevoteshortofthethree-fifths threshold,duetoalawmaker’sabsence. Also,inthelastsession,thebilltoremovecannabispenaltiespassedboththe HouseandSenate,butGov.JohnCarney thenissuedaveto—onethattheHouse narrowlyfailedtooverride.

The2023sessionisalreadygoingina muchbetterdirectionforcannabis,advocatesnoted.BothbillspassedtheHouse withmorethanenoughvotestooverturn anyadditionalpushbackfromCarney. “Thisprogressislongoverdue,” Patchelladded.

HB1andHB2nowadvancetothe Senateandareexpectedtobescheduled forcommitteevotesinthenextlegislativedays

14 CoastalPoint March24,2023 100 Different Tables to Choose From 35 Different Benches to Choose From Teak…Lasts A Lifetime! Teak/Sunbrella Deep Seating! WE SHIP NATIONWIDE! DIRECT FACTORY IMPORTER PRICES WEHAVE IN-STOCK INVENTORY! SPRING SALE! Nails & Spa Professional Nail Care for Ladies & Gentlemen Walk-Ins & Appointments Welcome! • 302-537-3870 208 Atlantic Ave., Millville (in the Super Giant Shopping Center) Gift Certi cates Available Monday-Saturday • 9:30am-6:00pm Introducing Our Newest Technician, Scott Parsons& Robinson,P.A. Still the preferred law office. Our Aim Is Client Satisfaction. 302.539.2220 • Ocean View, DE • For All Your Needs: Real Estate • Settlements Contracts • Leases • Wills & Estates Corporations & LLCs Advocateshavehighhopesforcannabisbill

ThewinnersoftherecentMillville TownCouncilelectionwereswornin onTuesday,March14,afterahistoric tiebetweentwocandidatesresultedin anunorthodox“flipofthecoin,”in whichtheloserofthetosswithdrew fromtherace.

IncumbentSharonBrienzaandnewcomerJosephParentweresworninat thestartofthetowncouncilmeetingon Monday,aswasthewinnerofthecoin toss,RobertWisgirda.Heandfellow incumbentBarbaraRyereachreceived 205 votesintheMarch4election.If theyhadnotagreedtosettlethetie withacointossorotherarrangement, theTownwouldhaveheldarunoff electionwithRyerandWisgirdaasthe solecandidates.

Followingtheswearing-in,thecouncilchoseitsofficersforthecomingyear. MayorRonaldBelinkoremainsinthat position,andBrienzaremainsdeputy mayor.PeterMichelwasnominatedfor treasurerandParentforsecretary.Allof thepositionswereapprovedunanimously.

BelinkogaveatributetoRyerasshe departedthedaisfollowingtheswearing-in,sayingshe“putinalotoflong hours,alotofhourstalkingtoeach

OceanViewvoter registrationdeadline isMarch24

BySusanCanfora StaffReporter

Qualificationsarebeingatleast18, beingaU.S.citizenandlivinginOcean Viewforatleast30daysprecedingthe townelection.Thevoterregistration,printedandmailed. Identificationisrequired.Orcall(302) 539-9797, ext.101.

TheelectionwillbeonSaturday, April8,withvotingfrom8a.m.to5 p.m.atOceanViewTownHallat32 WestAve.

Newcouncilmemberswillbesworn inat3p.m.onTuesday,April25.

Candidatesformayorareincumbent MayorJohnReddington,runningfora second,three-yearterm,andchallenging him,newcomerRandyRobust.

councilmember…tellingussome thingsthatwouldhelpusmakesome decisions,”addingthat“Iknowwe’re goingtogreatlymissthecontribution thatCouncilwomanRyerputforward.”

Ryer,acceptingatokenofappreciationfromtheTown,said,“Whatan honorandaprivilegeit’sbeentoserve oncouncil,”thankingherfellowcouncil members andthetownstafffortheir “supportandassistance.”

“Welearnedagreatdealfromeach other,andwe’vealwaysbeenableto workthroughtheroadblockstogether,” Ryersaid.

ShesingledoutTownManagerDeborahBotchieforspecialthanks,particularlyforheradvicewhileRyerservedas towncounciltreasurer.

“Shealwaystookthetimetositwith me,”Ryersaid,turningtoParentand

saying,“Joe,Ithinkshe’sgoingtobe yourbestasset,startingout.”

ShepraisedBotchie’s“wealthof knowledge,”andsaidBotchie’sassistancehelpedensure“thedecisionsI madewerealwaysinthebestinterestof thetown.”

“Thereweretimeswhenweagreed todisagree,butwecontinuedtomove forwardwithimportantbusiness,”Ryer said.

Sheconcludedherremarksbyrequestingthatthecouncilreconsider theirdecisiontotableherrecommendationfortaxreliefforMillvilleresidents foroneyear,“despitetherumorsand fear-mongeringthatit’sgoingtobankrupttheTown—becauseweknowthat ain’thappening.”


wasthentableduntilFebruary’scouncil meeting,atwhichtimethecouncil votednottomoveforwardbeforethe electionandbeforetheTowncompleted itsupcomingbudgetapprovalprocess. Shesaidshewouldcontinuetobe involvedintownactivitiesandattend councilmeetings.

“Nogoodbyestonight—juststay well,everyone,”Ryersaid.

Followinghisrenewalasmayor,Belinkothankedthecouncil“forhaving theconfidencetokeepmearoundfor anotheryear.”

Thecouncilalsovotedtocontinueto holditsregularmeetingsonthesecond Tuesdayofeachmonth.Thecouncil alsooftenholdsworkshopmeetingson thefourthTuesdayofthemonth.The timeforeachofthemeetingswillcontinuetobe7p.m.

A MUST SEE ! Wonderful views, Energy Star rated, Solar Panels, Geothermal Heat & Air, 5 bedroom & 3 Bath home. NO HOA or TOWN TAXES. A large kitchen with lots of counter space. Near groceries, hardware store, tennis, restaurants, walking trails, and Quillens Point VFW. Kayak access in back yard. A short drive to BethanyBeach! After a day on the bay or at the beach, relax in the hot tub located under the home or enjoy a drink on the deck with sunset views of the Indian River Bridge. Never rented but with the 5 bedrooms-it would make a good one. $875,000


37316 Carolina Dr, Frankford

Close to beaches and bays. This 4 bedroom has lots of space for family and friends. HOA only $50 a year. Park recreational vehicles on your property. $169,900


- SAT., 3/25 1-4

109 Rodney Ave #D, Dewey Beach

Charming well maintained 3BD/2BA cottage less than 3 miles to Bethany's beaches/boardwalk. Large front deck with awning; large sunroom offers additional living space. Single family home but zoned condo.

Community pool/tennis/kayakaccess just down the street. $475,000


34042 Chippiwa Dr., Dagsboro


For the buyer looking to build on a larger lot but still wantingto be a short drive to the Beaches at Bethany or Rehoboth,this .48 acre 100x210 cleared lot could offer the space you have been looking for. Located on Dagsboro Road.

Price Reduced: $125,000

now is a good time to get started. I can help with advice or direction on how to move forward. Call me and we can discuss your options.

March24,2023 CoastalPoint 15 If
you are considering making a move in 2023,
Call my cell 302.236.7046 or Long & Foster REALTOR®, Associate Broker, SRES, GRI, CRS, e-PRO Eastern Shore Top Producer
• Bethany Beach, DE 19930 • Direct 302.539.9040 ext. 211 A MUST SEE! 29214 Marshy
Senior Real Estate Specialist
Trusted Name in Real Estate
33298 South Coastal Highway
Hope Way, W Glyn
This 3br/2 bath home makes a lovely year round or beach home in the established community of Blackwater Village. $359,000 HOUSE
0 S Route 344, Dagsboro
ocean. Partially furnished. $1,250,000 NEW LISTING 37609 Mimosa St., Shadydell Park Under 3 miles to the Boardwalk at Bethany Beach, this 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath home offers a large Living Room, Kitchen with gas stove and plenty of cabinets and counter space and a large Primary Bedroom with walk-in closets and full bath, soaking tub and walk-in shower. Located on a .24 acre lot in a community with a $50
HOA fee, great location and
to shopping, restaurants, medical and the Beach. $279,900 ACTIVE - UNDER CONTRACT
Three level bayside duplex unit offers 2 decks, roof top deck & a garage for storage. Bay views from the master suite. Only 1.5 blocks from the
10 N 5th St, Bethany Beach
With this 3 BD/2BA raised rancher you don’t have to cross the highway to go to the beach. Comes mostly furnished. Enjoy drinks on the deck after your day on the beach! $1,390,000
38645 Jamestown Circle, Frankford Millvilleelectionwinnersswornintooffice
DickJennisonandJoseph“Jay” TyminskiarerunningfortheDistrict3 seat.IncumbentCouncilmanTomMaly


AssistingBicycleCommuters(ABC) willsellexcessbicyclesfromitsinventoryonSaturday,May6,atMariners

BethelUnitedMethodistChurchin OceanView.

About40bikeswillbeforsalefrom 9to11a.m.

Allofthemwillhavebeenserviced bymechanicswhovolunteertheirservices,accordingtoLouisMelton,direc-


Nobicycleswillbesoldbeforethe event.

Allofthebicyclesofferedforsale havebeendonatedtoABC,alocalnonprofitorganizationcreatedtolendbicyclestothosewhoneedtransportationto orfromwork.

“Whenbicyclesaredonated,theyare triaged.Ifabikemeetsourprogram profile,itgoesintoourinventory,orifit isbetterthanourinventoryprofile,we cleanitup,serviceitandputitupfor

sale.Ifit’sjunk,itgoestothescrapyard,” Meltonsaid.

BicyclesareloanedtotheShepherd’s OfficehomelessoutreachinGeorgetownandtoforeignstudentswhowork in theOceanViewareaduringthe summerseason.Children’sbikesare madeavailabletotheFamiliesinTransitionprogram.

“Weloanbikes,andwedon’ttake anydeposit.We’reluckyifweget80 percentofthemback,butwegetdonationsthroughouttheyear,sothatmakes

upfortheother20percent.Overthe years,theprogramhasgrowntolending mostofthebikestokidswhoworkhere duringthesummer.Iftheywanttoborrowabikefromus,theygothrough safetytrainingtoensuretheyknowhow torideabike.Weequipeachbikewith lights,andweissuehelmets,”Melton said.

ProceedsfromthesalebenefitABC’s operatingexpenses.

Todonateabicyclecallthechurch officeat(302)539-9510.

TheGreaterMillsboroChamberof Commerce’sBoardofDirectorsannouncedthisweektheappointmentof AnneAngelastheChamber’sexecutive


“Theboard’sdecisioncomeswith confidencethatAnnewillbeanadvocateforthecommunityandanexcellent

stewardoftheChamber’smissionand vision,”Boardrepresentativessaid.

“Annebringsawealthofprofessional experienceasaseniorexecutive,andhasa

greatwayofthinkingthroughopportunitiesthatisbothstructuredandentrepreneurial.”BoardPresidentMikeDunmyer noted.“We’rethrilledtohaveherleading theChamber,andIknowourmembers willbe,too.”

Beforejoining theChamber, Angelhadextensiveexperiencein multifamilypropertymanagement inBaltimoreand servedonthe MarylandMultiHousingAssociation’sBoardofDirectorsformorethan adecade.

“Overthecourseofhercareer,Anne developedtheabilitytocreateopportunitiesbyconnectingpeopleandorganizations,askillthatwilltranslatewellto chambernetworking.SheandherhusbandTomrelocatedtoMillvilleinearly 2022andlovethearea,”theysaid.

“Iamhonoredtobepartofthe GreaterMillsboroChamberofCommerce,”Angelsaid.“Ilookforwardto gettingtoknowourmembersand strategicpartners,andtobuildinganorganizationthatisideallysuitedtodeliverontheirneeds.”

TheGreaterMillsboroChamberof Commercewasestablishedin1984.The Chamber representsbusinessesoperatinginornearMillsboro.


Candidateswilldiscusstheirgoals andanswerquestionsataTown-sponsoredCandidates’Nightat6p.m.on Wednesday,March29,attownhall.

ThedeadlinetofiletorunforcouncilwasMonday,March13,andfor mayor,onFeb.28.

Othercurrentcouncilmembersare StephenCobb,District1,termexpiring April2025;ColleenTwardzik,District 2,termexpiringApril2025;andDon Walsh,District4,termexpiringApril 2024.

16 CoastalPoint March24,2023
Deadline Continuedfrompage15
AngelappointedasexecutivedirectorofMillsborochamber AnneAngel
*Prices and availability are subject to change without notice. Warrington Road, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 ABOR-LYN QUICK MOVE INS Scan the QR code to learn more and schedule an appointment. THE HADLEY ON LOT 13 2,616 Heated SqFt 3 Bedrooms 2.5 Bathrooms $841,749 • Unfinished basement with plumbing rough-in • Fireplace • Screen porch • Professional kitchen with upgraded maple cabinets • Kitchen command center • Quartz countertops • Luxury primary suite 1 with stone countertops 3,187 Heated SqFt 2 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms $789,919 • Professional kitchen • Kitchen and dining side extension • 2ft rear extension • Finished basement with a full bathroom • Dedicated study on first floor • Screened porch and deck THE HEATHER ON LOT 25 Schell Brothers community with a Rehoboth address March24,2023 CoastalPoint 17

DelawareBotanic GardensatPepper Creekopensgates


DelawareBotanicGardensopenedtheir gates forthe2023seasononThursday, March16.Clockwisefromfarleft,the gardensrecreatedanoldfarmhouse foundationintheFollyGarden.The newlynamedWoodlandRidgeGarden, sponsoredbytheZonkoFamily.Purple andwhitecrocusescurrentlyblooming arepartoftheover200,000bulbs plantedinthegardens.Thegardensare 4p.m.

CoastalCommunity Clean-Upevent setforApril22

TheBethany-FenwickAreaChamber ofCommerceandtheDelawareCenter fortheInlandBays—inpartnership withKeepDelawareBeautiful,Waste ManagementandtheSurfriderFoundationofDelaware—willhostthe DelawareCoastalCommunityClean-up tocelebrateEarthDay.FortheeventtakingplaceonSaturday,April22,from8 a.m.tonoon,groupsandindividualsalike arebeinginvitedtoadoptandcleana sectionofroadwaythroughoutTheQuiet Resorts.

Participantscancleanuptheroadways wherevertheyseeaneedorcanbeassignedtoanarea.Allregisteredvolunteerswillreceivecheck-indetailsand locationinformationtheweekofthe event.Eachcleaningareawillbeassigned adesignatedhublocationthatwillbe whereregisteredvolunteerswillcheckin, receiveclean-upsupplies,anddiscardcollectedtrash.

Freedisposalisavailable,andcomplete detailswillbeprovidedtoparticipantsvia email.Thoseinterestedinparticipating cansignupatthequietresorts.comuntil8 a.m.onApril21.ContacttheChamber at(302)539-2100formoreinformation.

Participantsarebeingencouragedto tagphotoswith#decoastalcleanupand tag@thequietresortstoshowhowmuch theywereabletocollect,andtoencourageotherstodothesame.

18 CoastalPoint March24,2023 Professional Service at the standard you deserve. Home • Auto • Farm • Flood • Boat & RV Renters • Commercial • Liability Over 50 Years Experience 302.539.9052 • 800.252.9052 1100 N. Pennsylvania Avenue & Coastal Highway • Bethany Beach, Delaware 19930 AWNING SALE! America’s #1 Best-Selling Awnings Call Today for Your FREE In-Home Consultation! 302-537-3679 • 877-673-7971 Call Today & Save! Owners Dave & Kelly Goodman Celebrating 20 Years in Business A+
H ENLOPEN LANDING $581,000 SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES* TIDEWATER LANDING $850,000 SCHELL BROTHERS HOMES**  $400s SCHELL BROTHERS HOMES STARTING IN THE CARDINAL GROVE CHASE OAKS $658,000 SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES* RETREAT AT LOVE CREEK $677,000 SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES* COASTAL CLUB $913,000 SCHELL BROTHERS HOMES* $695,000 NV HOMES* SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES STARTING IN THE $400s Minutes from the Beach | Outdoor Pool Private Cabanas | Grilling Area Wooded Homesites | Close to Area Shopping (302) 569-9981 | © 2023 Schell BrothersLLC.AllRightsReserved.Allinformationis subject to changewithout notice. *Average single-family home sale price in 2022 **Average Schell Brothers single-family home sale price in 2022 surrounding area for a new home. With temporary launch pricing starting well below local comps, the initial homebuyers at Cardinal Grove will get an incredible deal. Why? We are launching this community after the pricing frenzy of Covid, homes in nearby Tidewater Landing and Coastal Club selling for twice this Learn more and schedule your appointment with Austin today! SCAN FOR LAUNCH INCENTIVES AND MORE INFORMATION AWESOME LOCATION AT A steal March24,2023 CoastalPoint 19


GalleryOnethisweekannounced theirAprilshow,“SpringEmergence,” opentothepublicMarch29through May2.

“Oncetheclocks‘spring’forwardwe allbreathlesslyawaittheemergenceof signsofspring;birdswebadefarewell toinfallreturnwithsong,treesarebudding,butterfliesandbumblebeescanbe


seenbuzzingaroundnewlyblooming flowers,”organizerssaid.

Thoughspringofficiallybeginson March20,atGalleryOne,itisemerginginallitscolorfulgloryonMarch29, and artistW.ScottBroadfoot’soil painting“SpringEmergenceBlueBirds” haseveryelement:delicatebutvibrant greenfoliagesurroundabluebirdcouple inazureandorangetendingtheirnewly madenestandfuturenestlingslovingly encasedintheirceruleaneggs.Robins, red-wingedblackbirdsandchickadees areallearlytotheparty,whilebluebirds prefernottoshowupuntilwinteris surelygone.

Springisconsideredtheseasonof hope,andrebirth.

“Themagicalappearanceofflowers symbolizesthisbeautifully,andGallery Onehasflowersinabundancethis month!”organizersnoted.“Budson treesaretheveryfirstsignofspring,a plant’sbudsactasashieldforthedelicateflowersinside.InartistJillGlassman’soilpainting“JustPeachy,”wesee peachblossomsingorgeousrosypinks accentedbypastelgreens.”

“Thesearetheblossomsonmy neighbor’speachtreethatletmeknow thatwinterisoverandwarmerspring daysarecoming—andpeaches,too!” Glassmansaid.

Amongtheearliestbloomersisthe daffodil,seeninCyndyBeyer’spastel “HelloSpring,”withtheirsunnyyellows contrastedwithlavender.

“Daffodilsareoneofmyfavorite flowers.Thesegoldenbeautiesarealsoa symbolofcreativity,energy,resilience, forgiveness,vitalityandprosperity!”she said.

AsartistJoyceCondrysaid,andillustratesinheracrylicpainting“Poppy Field,”“Springmeansflowersarehere, and flowersmeanspringishere!”

“FloralDelights,”anacrylicbyartist LesleyMcCaskill,sumsitup:“After winter,springbringsariotofcolor!Peonies,allium,andfoxgloveareafewof myfavorites.”



InDaleSheldon’s“SpringatLongwood”inacrylic,viewerstakeatripto oneofthearea’sgardens.ArtistLaura Hickmanincludesintheexhibithers pastelpanting“SpringTulips.”

“IbuytulipsinFebruarytobring springinsidemyhome,”Hickmansaid. “Wintersseemsolong,andtheseflowers aretheperfectantidote.”

The“emergence”oftheevidenceof springforartistMarybethPaterson,as depictedinherwork“DreamyBeach Day”inoil,meansthatsummer,and sunnydaysunderanumbrellabythe sea,isrightaroundthecorner.

GalleryOneisopendailyfrom10 a.m.to4p.m.,andstartingApril1, from10a.m.to5p.m.Itislocatedat32 AtlanticAvenue(Route26),Ocean View.Formoreinformation,call(302) 537-5055oremail

20 CoastalPoint March24,2023
Saturday, April 1st
of “fun”draising
If you are interested in becoming a vendor or for more information, please email: Softball Teams
Doors Open at 4PM Auction starts at 5:00 pm Frankford Fire Hall • 7 Main St., Frankford, DE Admission $20 - Includes 1 Paddle
Paddles $10 Each Bring your quarters amd your friends - join us for a night
for our
There will be auction items, vendor tables, 50/50 raffle, and a concession table with food & drinks for sale
Beer & Wine Cash Bar
DaleSheldon’sacrylicpainting,‘Spring atLongwood’isjustonetheartworks ondisplayatGalleryOne’sAprilshow, ‘SpringEmergence.’

MarchisLymphedemaAwareness Month,soitisagreattimetolearn aboutlymphedemaandourbody’slymphaticsystem.

Perhapsyouhaveheardtheterm lymphaticsystemorlymphedema,but whatreallyisthissystemandhowdo peopleendupwithlymphedema?

Thelymphaticsystemisanintricate networkofnodesandpathwaysthat carrylymphfluidthroughoutthebody. Thisfluidisacombinationofwater, salts,proteinsandwhitebloodcells.It ser vesasacriticalcomponenttohealthy bodilyprocesses.

Lymphedemaoccurswhenthere’san obstructionoftheflowinthelymphatic vessels,resultinginswellinginmultiple areas,suchasarms,legs,neck,headand abdominalregion.

It’sbesttobeawareofpotential signssoappropriateactioncanbeginif necessary.Earlydetectionmakestreatmentmoreeffective.

LewesPublicLibrary tohost7thAnnualTeen JobFaironMarch25

Teensages14to19arebeinginvited toattendthe7thAnnualTeenJobFair attheLewesPublicLibraryonSaturday,March25, thelibrary,locatedat111AdamsAvenue,Lewes.

Theannualfairconnectsteenapplicantswithlocalbusinessestodiscuss seasonaland/oryear-roundemployment opportunities.Thefairisfreeofcharge andopentoallteensages14to19.No registrationisrequired.

Participatingbusinessesinclude: Acme,BestAquatic,Chick-fil-A,City ofLewes,DairyQueen,DelawareHumanePartners,DelawareStateParks, FinsHospitalityGroup,Funland, GrandpaMac,JungleJim’s,Mr.Deli, RehobothKite&Toy,SunOutdoors, SurfBagelandThrashers.

Inpreparationforthefair,thelibrary willalsohostafreeJobFairPreparation WorkshopWednesday,March22,at6 p.m.Theworkshopwillcoverinterview techniques,etiquette,completingjob applicationsandtaxforms,employment laws,workpermitsandmore.Advance registrationisrequiredfortheworkshop,atthelibrary’swebsite,at

“Thisyear’sjobfairisbiggerand betterthanever,with16businesses joiningthisyear,”saidTeenServicesLibrarianEmilyEllinger.“We’reexcited tohelpteens,manyofthemlookingfor theirfirstjob,buildconfidenceandnavigateinterviewsinthesupportiveenvironmentofthefair.”


Whensomethingdisruptsthenormalflowoflymphfluid,lymphedema mayresult,causingaccumulationsof fluid invariouspartsofthebody.You mightnoticeyouranklesareswollen moreregularlyandthinkthismightbe becauseyouatetoomuchsalt.However, iftheswellingpersists,youshouldtalk toyourhealthcareprovidertoseeifthe swellingmightbelymphedema.

Whilelymphedemacanbetreated successfullyinmanycases,thereisno cureforlymphedema.

Therearetwotypesoflymphedema –primaryandsecondary.

Primarylymphedemaisagenetic conditionwhichmayshowatbirthor later inlifethatpreventsthelymphatic systemfromproperlydraining.

Secondarylymphedemaisdueto otherfactorsthatcancausedamageto

thelymphaticsystemandcaninclude surgery,lymphnoderemoval,radiation, infection,injuryoratumorcausingobstructionoflymphaticvessels,among others.

Ifyouarediagnosedwithlymphedema,itisimportanttoworkwitha physicaltherapyteamyoutrusttogain supportandreliefofyoursymptoms.

Aquacare’sexpertphysicaltherapy teamin10locationsincludesseveral lymphedemaspecialists.

Oneofthewaystheteamcansupportyourhealingiswithcompletedecongestivetherapy.Thisinvolves skincare,manuallymphaticdrainage andmultilayercompressionbandaging, andcanalsoincludevasopneumatic compressionpumping.



Exerciseisalsoanimportantaspect ofoverallhealthandweightmanagement,bothofwhichareimportant whentreatinglymphedema.

Inaddition,ourlymphedemaexperts knowandworkwithexceptionalcompaniestohelpconnectyouwithresources,includingcompression garmentsandat-homecompression pumpingequipment.

CallanAquacarelocationnearyou toscheduleyourfree30-minuteconsultationsoyoucantalktoourteamabout yoursymptomsandseehowwecan helpgetyoumovingagain.Call1-844547-7432orgotowww.aquacarephysicaltherapy.comtoconnectwithanoffice inyourneighborhood.

Ocean View: Open 7 Days –10am-5pm • 30244 Cedar Neck Rd. Downtown Bethany: Open Fri., Sat. & Sun. –10am-5pm • 98 Garfield Parkway Watch Batteries Installed | Watch Bands Installed Bracelet Watch Bands Shortened | Key Fob Batteries Installed SPRING SALE! 20-50% OFF 35 Racks of Spring Fashions 200 Pair Name Brand Shoes 5-11 $39.99 15 Racks with 70% OFF 30% OFF Ladies’ Swimwear New Spring Arriving Daily 302-539-6597 March24,2023 CoastalPoint 21 Doctorofphysicaltherapyexplainslymphedema


Thomas“T.J.”Bunting,51,passed awayonMarch14,2023,unexpectedly,athishomeinFrankford,Del. HewasbornJune2,1971,inValdosta,Ga.,sonofThomas“Tommy” Bunting(husbandofCynthia)of PineMountain,Ga.,andthelate PennyLynBunting.

Buntingwasadevotedhusband, father,brotherandunclewhoenjoyedspendingtimewithhisfamily, cookingandwatchingsportsofall kinds.Throughouthislife,hegave muchtohiscommunitybyvolunteeringwithLowerSussexLittle LeagueandhelpinginmanycapacitiesatTheRiverchurch.Allwho knewandlovedhimknewhimbest forhisspirittohelpandserveothers inanywaythathecould.

Inadditiontohismother,Bunting wasprecededindeathbyhisbrother BaineBunting;uncleCharlesSpicer, andJimmyPatchett.Buntingissurvivedbyhiswife,Megan;son Nathan;daughterNora;brotherTroy Williams;brotherBrianBunting; auntWinnieSpicerandJanetAndrews,JoanneSimmons,Joanne Patchett;andmanyniecesand nephews.


lifewillbecelebratedonSunday, March26,2023,atTheRiver church,locatedat35175Roxanna Road,Frankford,Del.Visitationwill beheldat3p.m.,andthecelebration ofhislifewillbeheldat4p.m.In lieuofflowers,thefamilyrequested donationstohelpdefrayfuneralexpensesbesenttoMelson’sFuneral Home,P.O. Box100,Frankford,DE 19945,orbymadecalling(302)7329000.Condolencescanbesentonlineat


CarolAdeleGooss,soontobe86 yearsold,diedpeacefullyonFeb.8, 2023,attheCountryRestHomein Greenwood,Del.,afterashortillness.ShegrewupinOradell,N.J., attendingDouglasCollege,andcompletedherbachelor’sdegreeinelementaryeducationatFarleigh Dickinson.ShemovedwithherhusbandtoGeorgetown,Del.,in1964 toraiseherfamily,andlivedthere eversince.

Goossspentmostofheradultlife intheEpiscopalChurch,andwasa veryactivemember,singinginthe choirandhelpingwithparishsuppers.Withalifelongloveofmusic,

shesangwithmanygroupsfrom highschool,throughcollege,Sweet Adelines,churchchoirsandthe SouthernDelawareChoralSociety. ShealsohelpeddeliverMealson Wheelsformanyyears.

Shewillberememberedbyall whoknewandlovedherasawoman whohadafondnessfortheironiesof life,adeeptrustthatallwillbewell, agenerousheart,anabidingdevotion tothewelfareofherfamily…asshe wouldsay,anoldshoe.Shewillbe greatlymissed.

Goosswasprecededindeathby herbelovedparentsJohnandMildredTrich.Sheissurvivedbyher sisterJoanLoiaconoofCedarGrove, N.J.;herchildren,LindaBelkot(and Gary),DonaldGooss(andLigia), JohnGooss(andJoni)andSandra Gooss,allofGeorgetown;12grandchildren;fourgreat-grandchildren; andnumerousniecesandnephews.

Acelebrationoflifewillbeheld inthespringforfamilyandfriends. Condolencesmaybesentonlineby visiting


WendellBishop“Bob”Harris,94, diedMarch17,2023,athomein Georgetown,Del.HewasbornApril 18,1928,inNewport,R.I.Hewas theonlysonofthelateIrene (Howard)SullivanandWendellB. Harris.Hismotherremarried,andhe hadsixbrothersandsisters.

HeservedinboththeU.S.Navy andtheU.S.Army.Heservedinthe ArmyduringtheKoreanWar.

Harrisspenthisliferaisinghis familywithhislatewife,D. Lorraine Harris.Theyhadbeenmarriedfor 53yearsatthetimeofherpassing. Onceheretiredfromsales,he workedattheMilfordWalmartand becameknownas“BobtheShoeman.”


histwocats,GizmoandSmudge.He lovedmusicofallkinds,especially big-bandorchestra,jazz,bluesand gospel.

Inadditiontohisparentsand wife,Harriswasprecededindeathby hisson,Jeffrey“Shayne”Harris.He issurvivedbytwochildren,Susan HarrisofGeorgetown,Del.,and RobertHarrisandhiswife,Lisa,of Centereach,N.Y.,alongwithShayne Harris’widow,DebraVandorusof CapeCoral,Fla.Hehadfourgrandsons,JoshuaCohenofSavannah, Ga.;AlexHarrisandConnerHarris ofCentereach,N.Y.,andJacobLeveringofLewes,Del.HeisalsosurvivedbyhisbrotherJosephSullivan ofWestPalmBeach,Fla.,andhis sisterConnieMaricleofNewport, R.I.

Achapelservicewithmilitary honorswillbeheldat2p.m.on Monday,March27,2023,atthe DelawareVeteransMemorialCemetery,26669PatriotsWay,Millsboro, Del.Inlieuofflowers,thefamily suggestedmemorialcontributionsto VitasHospice,30265Commerce Dr.,Suite202,Millsboro,DE19966. Condolencesmaybesentonlineat wereprovidedbyWatsonFuneral HomeinMillsboro,Del.


Afteracourageousfightagainst cancer,NancyLynne(Davis)Jewell, whowasaresidentofSelbyville, Del.,passedawayonFeb.17,2023, at2:19inthemorning,atChristiana CareHospitalinNewark,Del.

Jewellreceivedherhighschool diplomafromCatonsvilleHigh SchoolandwenttoCatonsville CommunityCollegeaftergrowing upintheCatonsvilleareaofMaryland.Sheretiredin2003afteracareerinthemedicalfieldasa transcriptionistandmedicalsecretary.

22 CoastalPoint March24,2023 VintageToys&Games Toys, Board Games and the best selection of Vintage Finds on the Eastern Shore 302.406.0135• 117AtlanticAve.•Millville,DE19967 OpenThurs - Mon •10am–6pm • Closed Tues & Wed (302) 406-5864 • 117 Atlantic Ave. • Millville, DE 19967 Open Thurs - Mon • 10–6pm • Closed Tues & Wed New Finds All the Time! 302-539-3049 34610 Atlantic Ave, Ste A, Ocean View SPECIAL EVENT First Saturday of the Month - Next Event April 1st 10–2pm • No Charge for 1st Few Items Somerhouse Verbal Appraisal of Antiques, Coins, Jewelry, and Sterling Obituaries SeeOBITSpage50


Gov.JohnCarneyandLt.Gov. BethanyHall-LongonWednesday, March8,announcedapartnershipwith theFoodBankofDelawaretofillcommunityfoodpantriesstatewideandhold fooddrivesineachcountyforthree monthstohelpeasethetransitionfrom theendingofthefederalEmergency benefitsforSupplementalNutritionAssistanceProgram(SNAP)households. TheFoodBankwillhelpbridgethegap asSNAPfamiliestransitionawayfrom pandemic-relatedbenefitincreases.

InpartnershipwiththeDelawareDepartmentofHealth&SocialServices, theFoodBankofDelawarewillbe awarded$3.24millionofAmericanRescuePlanfundingtoprovidetheservices.

“Thisfundingwillhelpstockshelves atlocalfoodpantriesstatewide,andit’ll supportlargedrive-thrumobilepantries ineachcountytohelpDelawarefamilies

transitionaftertherecentfederalchange tofoodbenefits,”saidCarney.“UnwindingCOVID-19programsisagoodsign, andthisshouldhelpeasethetransition. We’regratefultotheFoodBankof Delawarefortheirpartnershiptohelp bridgethegapoverthenextfew months.”

“Ihaveheardtheconcernsoffamilies andcommunitiesthroughoutDelaware asemergencySNAPbenefitsend.Many familiesarealreadystrugglingtoput foodonthetable,”saidHall-Long.“This partnershipwiththeFoodBankof Delawarewillhelpeasetheburdenof theincreasedfoodhardshiponthese familiesastheytransitionback toregular benefitlevels.”

TheFoodBankofDelawarewillannouncethemobilefoodpantrydistributioneventsinthecomingweeks. Volunteerscanlookforadditionalinfor-

mationontheFoodBankofDelaware’s volunteerschedulingwebsite ( communityfoodpantriescanbefound,textingthe ZIPcodeto898-211orcalling211.

“Wearealwaysstrongerasacommunitywhenwepartnertogether.Weare gratefulforourpartnersinstategovernmentwhocaredeeplyaboutourcommunity’smostvulnerable,”saidFoodBank ofDelawarePresidentandCEOCathy Kanefsky.“WhenemergencySNAP benefitswerefirstissuedatthestartof thepandemic,Idon’tthinkanyofus imaginedthatgrocerypriceswouldbeso highduetoinflation.Duetotheseincreasedcosts,weareservingmorepeople nowthanattheheightofthepandemic. Wehopetheseadditionalresourceswill providemuchrelieftoourneighbors.”


willreceivetheirregularmonthlyfood benefitamountonthenormalissuance dateandwillnolongerreceiveadditional emergencyfoodbenefitsontheirEBT cardsattheendofeachmonth.Duetoa changeinfederallawpassedintheConsolidatedAppropriationsActof 2023,thefinalemergencybenefits SNAPpaymentwasissuedonFeb.28.

“WeknowtheendoffederalEmergencyFoodBenefitsisgoingtobehard onDelawareanswhoreceiveSNAPbenefits,”saidDHSSSecretaryMollyMagarik.“Wehopethispartnershipwiththe FoodBankofDelawarewillhelprelieve someoftheburdennowfacedbySNAP householdsinourstateastheydealwith fewerbenefitsandhigherfoodcosts.” Moreinformationandresources aroundthechangecanbefound

HONESTY, DEPENDABILITY, PROFESSIONALISM, PRIDE, QUALITY All too often business will use words like these in order to gain the trust of their customers. We would like to elaborate... PHILOSOPHY We believe that strong ethical and moral principals are essential for the success and growth of any organization. You will realize this the minute you walk through our door. GOAL Our Goal is to provide you with the personalized service you deserve at a fair price. We will listen to your needs and tailor our services to meet them. INVITATION If you desire moral and ethical customer service, coupled with professionalism and quality, we encourage you to call on us! CALL TODAY to schedule your FREE Estimate Ocean Bay Plaza, Fenwick Island, De 1-800-298-9470 • 302-537-1899 HOURS: Monday – Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-4 • Closed Sundays “We Measure Each Job With A Golden Rule” CUSTOM quartz countertops! CUSTOM backsplashes! CUSTOM window treatments! IN STOCK 20 MIL WATERPROOF Luxury Vinyl Plank! HUGE SELECTION of Floor Coverings! ARE YOU READY FOR THE SEASON? Is Ready For You! WE ARE YOUR ONE STOP SHOP! MIKE'S PROJECT MANAGERS ARE AT YOUR SERVICE! Mike’s Flooring & Design Center, FENWICK ISLAND DE. 24 Month 0% Financing March24,2023 CoastalPoint 23 MARY’S TOUCH MOVING & PACKING Please call Mary at 302-745-1272 or email If you haven’t spoken to Mary, you’ve called the wrong company! Long Distance & Local Moving Service RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Weekly Trips Around The D.C. Beltway • Storage Experts • Executive Moves • Senior Relocation • Full & Partial Packing • Liability & Cargo Insurance 109 Shady Ridge Dr., Rehoboth Beach, DE Small Job Thursday! Schedule NOW and SAVE! 298 Wilkerson Terrace Milford, DE 19963 Rick Wilkerson 302-258-8921 Of ce 302-503-3207 Fax 302-503-3217
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Whetheryoudreamofdominatingtherealestatemarketwithrental propertiesoneveryblock,oryou haveasecondhomethatyouoccasionallyrentout,purchasingrealestateinalimitedliabilitycompany (LLC)orcorporationhasitspros andcons.

Theupfrontcostswillbehigher, asyou’llneedtosetuptheentity(throughanattorney, coughcough),andthere’llbeadditionalpaperworkburdens, astaxesandStatefeesandreportswillhavetobefiledannually.Butyou’llalsobeabletoclaimcertaintaxbenefits,as thosehomeimprovementprojectssuddenlybecomebusinessexpenses(Iamnotyour“taxadvisor,”soconsultwith yourownprofessional),andyoucanlimityourpersonalliability,astheentityistheownerandnotyou.

Andifthisisagroupaffair,usinganLLCorcorporationwillprovidegreaterflexibilityinmanagingtheproperty withthefriendsorfamilyyou’veropedintothisendeavor. Justbecarefulwiththoseinvestmentreturnguarantees.

Sowhetheryourinvestmentdreamconsistsofahumble one-bedroomrental,ora10-bedroomoceanfrontestate, considertheprosandconsofpurchasinginanLLCorcorporation.




The“pros”ofpurchasingapropertyinanLLCorcorporationare: privacy,personalliabilityprotection, estateplanningbenefitsandflexibility formultipleowners.Averyimportant “con”isthelimitedtitleinsurancecoverageforanentity(LLCorInc.).

Thescenario:Aclientpurchasesa secondhomeinanLLCandcomes downforarelaxingweekendattheirbeachhouse,onlyto findpeoplealreadythereclaimingtheyaretheownersofthe property.Thenew“owners”produceadeedintheirnames andtheirsettlementsheet.Thereisnowadisputeaboutwho therealowneris.Becausetitleinsurancedoesnotcoverthe client,theymustpaytheirownlegalfeestodefendtheirtitle. Whathappened?

AnLLCorInc.canonlybeissuedabasicowner’stitle policy,whichhasnoprotectionagainstthefutureriskoftitle fraud,whereasafullcoveragehomeowner’spolicycanbeissuedwhenpurchasinginindividualname(s)andthishomeowner’spolicyhasprotectionagainstfuturetitlefraud.The emergenceofe-recordinghasledto“titletheft,”wherea scammere-recordsadeedintothescammer’snameandthen thescammersellsthepropertytoaninnocentparty.Abasic titleinsurancepolicydoesnotinsureagainstthisrisk.

MeaghanMahoneyHudson Ward&Taylor,LLC


Onebenefitofholdingtitleinan LLCorcorporationisprotection fromliability.Assetsownedbyan LLCarekeptseparatefromyourindividuallyownedassets.Ifyouown propertyinthenameofanLLCand someoneisinjuredontheproperty, thatpersoncouldseektofilealawsuitfordamages.Thelawsuitwould befiledagainstthepropertyowner,butbecausetheproperty wasownedbytheLLC,theliabilityislimitedtothevalueof theproperty;theowner’sotherassetsarenotatrisk.

Anotherbenefitisthatyoucanownpropertyanonymously,becausethedeedandtaxrecordswouldshowthe LLCastheowner,ratherthantheindividual.Thisisimportanttosomeclientswhodon’twanttheirnosy neighbors/friends/enemies/creditorsknowingalltheirassets.

One“con”ofholdingtitleinthenameofanLLCorcorporationisthatthevalueoftheLLC/realestatemaybesubjecttoprobatetaxupondeath.Wehadaclientrecentlythat diedowninganLLCthatownedrealestatevaluedatover$1 million.Whenhisestatewasprobated,theestatehadtopay morethan$15,000inprobatetaxes,whichwouldhavebeen avoidedhadheownedthepropertyinhisindividualnameor inarevocabletrust.




24 CoastalPoint March24,2023 M ! O C t H C y W 0 3 DIc i a M day esTu Din NE IN ONLY y l b jay s g ilm i 8th 2 rch DINE IN O ner Specials 4 9 r r l e co ai @gm d S s aM/wkaetSyrubsilaS h siF|21$-kcihC/feeBsoc Ta 2 Ta 2|31$-adoS&soc Ta 2 D LLA-yadse Tu Ta S 99.41$-h 41$-kroP/pmirhS/ 61$-atiR&soc THGIN& AY a dnuFyadnu Session Jam y N T 3 a e p e pSknirD&dooFruoHyp o uDkcilGneruaL6-3 slaic
Conway Hudson Robinson



UsedinCongressandsome stategovernments,rankingmembersareusuallythelongest-servingminoritycommitteemember.

“Ourrankingmembersareeitherourmosttenuredrepresentativesonacommitteeorthe memberwebelievedwasmostengagedwiththecommittee’sfocus,” saidStateHouseRepublican LeaderMikeRamone(R-Pike CreekSouth).

Ramonesaidusingtheranking memberconceptwouldhavesome distinctadvantages.

“Itwillprovideabettermechanismforcommunicatingdifferent perspectivesintocommitteedebateandimprovetransparency andclarityforthoseseekingthe positionofourcaucusonaspecificbillbeforeacommittee,”he said.

CommitteesintheDelaware HouseofRepresentativesplaya significantroleinwhatHouse billsbecomelaws,accordingto

JosephFulgham,directorofPolicy &CommunicationsfortheHouse RepublicanCaucus.TheHouse has22committeesthatfocuson specificsubjectareas.Someare chargedwithworkingonthe state’soperatingorcapitalbudgets.Othersanalyzebillsdealing withtopicsrangingfromagriculturetotransportation.Eachof thesecommitteesvariesinsize andisstaffedbygroupsoflegislatorsinterestedinservingonthem.


serveoneachHousecommittee. Thesegroupsarealwaysstructuredinfavorofthemajority party—currentlyDemocrats— withitsmembersconstitutingthe majorityofeachcommitteeand leadershippostsexclusively staffedbyDemocraticlegislators. Whenanewbillisfiled,the Speakerassignsittoacommittee. UnderHouseRules,billsin committeesareexpectedtoreceive ahearingwithin12legislative

March24,2023 CoastalPoint 25


TheHarbourofRefugeLighthouseoff thePointinCapeHenlopenStatePark.



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 3:00PM - 9:00PM


DINNER: 3:00PM - 9:00PM

MONDAY 1/2 Priced Entrees 3PM - CLOSE

Happy Hour 3-6pm

TUESDAY 1/2 Priced Entrees 3PM - CLOSE

Happy Hour 3-6pm

WEDNESDAY 1/2 Priced Entrees 3PM - CLOSE

Happy Hour 3-6pm

THURSDAY Prime Rib Night

Happy Hour 3-6pm

FRIDAY 1/2 Priced Wine Bottles

Happy Hour 3-6pm

SATURDAY Brunch 11am - 3pm

Happy Hour 3-6pm

SUNDAY Brunch 11am - 3pm

Sunday Supper/ 3 Courses $19 3pm - CLOSE

Happy Hour 12-6pm




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FRIDAY & SATURDAY: 11:00 am- 12:00 am

MONDAY $12 Burgers & Sandwiches All Day

TUESDAY $3 Tacos $6 Margs $9 Burgers All Day

WEDNESDAY Lunch: $10 Cheesesteaks

Dinner: Oyster Night 3 to Close

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FRIDAY Lunch: $12 Fish and Chips

SATURDAY Happy Hour 3-6pm

SUNDAY Sunday Funday

26 CoastalPoint March24,2023
Now Booking 2024 Wedding Receptions & Special Events

daysofarrival(daysonwhichthe Houseisinsession).Thechairpersondetermineswhenabillis broughtbeforethecommitteefor consideration.Themeasuresare typicallyexaminedatahearing opentothepublic,oftenwith lobbyists,citizens,andother stakeholderstestifyinginsupport oftheirpositions.Itiscommon forabilltoreceivemorescrutiny inacommitteesettingthanon theHouseorSenatefloor.

Afterward,committeemembers decidewhethertoallowthebillto proceed.Ifthebillwinssupport fromamajorityofthemembers,it isreleased.

Billssuccessfullynavigatingthe committeeprocessareplacedon theHouseReadyList.Fromhere, theymay(ormaynot)beplaced onanagendafordebateandactionbythefullchamber.

Republicanrankingmembers oneachHousecommittee(except forthosestaffedexclusivelyby Houseleadership—Administration,EthicsandRules)forthe currentsessioninclude:

•Agriculture—StateRep. JesseVanderwende

•Appropriations—StateRep. RuthBriggsKing

•CapitalInfrastructure(Bond Bill)—StateRep.RonGray

•Corrections—StateRep. RuthBriggsKing

•EconomicDevelopment— StateRep.DannyShort

•Education—StateRep.Mike Smith

•Gaming&Pari-Mutuels— StateRep.TimDukes



•Judiciary—StateRep.Jeff Spiegelman

•Labor—StateRep.Mike Smith

•NaturalResourcesandEnergy —StateRep.RichCollins

•PolicyAnalysis&GovernmentAccountability(Sunset)— StateRep.JeffSpiegelman

•PublicSafety—StateRep. ShannonMorris

•Revenue&Finance—State Rep.MikeSmith


•Transportation,LandUse& Infrastructure—StateRep.ShannonMorris

•VeteransAffairs—StateRep. DannyShort.




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March24,2023 CoastalPoint 27

Second Season


FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Participants18andolderofallskilllevelswillpracticecreativewritinginafriendly andnurturingatmosphere.Attendinperson, orviaZoom.Thisisfree,andregistrationis requiredfortheZoomoption.Toregister,visit

SeaGlassCanvas— Clairwillleadaclassat SouthCoastalLi braryat2p.m.ondecorating acanvaswithlook-alikeseaglass.Youmay bringyourownseaglassifyoulike.Thisis free,andallmaterialsareprovided.Registrationisrequiredandavailableat(302)

DaffodilswithKids— ROOTSYouthDevelopmentwillteachelementary-agechildren aboutthelifecycleofdaffodilsatSouth CoastalLibraryat5p.m.Childrenwillalso havetheopportunitytoarrangeasmallbouquetofdaffodilswi thtwinetogiveasagift. Thisisfree,andregistrationisrequiredand

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouareyoung orold,overweightorfit,abeginneroradvanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthemind andstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay$20a monthforunlimitedyogaToregister,visit 2-9351.

LittleLearners— FrankfordPublicLibraryis hostingLittleLearnersat10:30a.m.fora storytimesessionforages3-4,andtheir caregivers,topromoteliteracy.Thereis alsoacraft,andanopportunitytoengage withotherpre-schoolers.Registrationisrequired, orbycalling(302)732-9351.

SuperLearners— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingSuperLearnersat4p.m.fora storytimesessionforages5-7,andtheir car egivers,topromoteliteracy.Thereis alsoacraftorSTEMproject,andanopportunitytoengagewithotherchildren.For moreinformation, orcall(302)732-9351.

AdultCraftNight— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostinganAdultcraftNightat5:30 p.m.,featuringDIYcleaningsupplieswith naturalingredients.Registrationisrequired. Formoreinformation,visit

Dine&Donate— NortheastSea food KitchenishostingaDine&Donatefor GardenersBytheSeafrom4to8p.m. Theclubisinvolvedinofferingscholarshipstostudentswishingtofurthertheir careersinhorticulture,HospiceTree,HabitatfortheHumanity,gardentherapy,youth programsatLordBaltimoreElementary Schoolandmore.A50/50rafflewillbe announcedat8p.m.Formoreinformation ontheclub,callJacquiMaliziaat(302) 388-6019oremail

FriendsoftheL ibrary— Friendsofthe SelbyvillePublicLibraryisholdingameetinginthelibrary’smeetingroomat5p.m.

28 CoastalPoint March24,2023
SPECIALS Monday Fried Oyster Dinner $18 Grilled Pork Chops $17 Tuesday Cottage Fried Chicken $16 BBQ Baby Back Ribs $16 Wednesday Fried Shrimp Dinner $17 Cottage Shrimp & Grits $18 Thursday Prime Rib Dinner 8oz. $24 12oz. $30 Seafood Mac & Cheese $23 Friday “Fryday” Fish Fry $20 Choice of Cod, Flounder, or a combination Bourbon Bacon Salmon $20 Sunday Roast Turkey Dinner $16 PUB PARTY TRIVIA with DJ Bump TUESDAYS @6PM Frank, Elvis & Raines Friday @ 5PM Open 7 Days at 11am • 302.539.8710 • 33034 Coastal Hwy, Rt. 1, Bethany Beach, DE JOB FAIR! Saturday, April 8th 10am–2pm @ Cottage Cafe 302-616-4760 | | 90 Atlantic Avenue | Ocean View, DE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS NOW OPEN IN OCEAN VIEW! Calendar



MarinesMeet— TheFirstStateDetachment oftheMarineCorpsLeaguemeetsonthe fourthWednesdayofeachmonthatthe OceanCity(Md.)AmericanLegionPost166 on23rdStreetatnoon.AnyMarinesand NavyCorpsmenwhohaveservedinthe Corps,livinginWorcesterorSussexCounties,arewelcometojointomeettheirfellowveteransandconsiderjoiningthe organization.Theirmissioniscommunity servicethroughcamaraderieandvolunteerism.Form oreinformation,call(410)

SocratesCafé— BethanyBeachChristian ChurchwillbethelocationforthenextmeetingofSocratesCaféagroupofindividuals fromdifferentbackgroundsthatdiscuss philosophicalideas.Themeetingsarethe firstTuesdayofeachmonth,from2to3:30


CommunityClub— TheSelbyvilleC ommunity Clubiswelcomingnewmembers,andmeets onthesecondThursdayofeachmonthat SalemMethodistChurchat1p.m.,withasocialhourfromnoonto1p.m.Formoreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.orgor

IntheGenes— SponsoredbytheLewesHistoricalSocietyandtheSussexCountyGenealogicalSociety,theGenealogistin ResidenceprogramisonthefirstSaturdayof eachmonthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.inthe Readi ngRoomattheLewesHistoryMuseum. MembersoftheSocietywillbeavailableto helpanyonewhohasquestionsabouttheir familytree.TheLewesHistoricalSociety ArchivesFamilyFileswillbeavailableforresearch.Formoreinformation,visitthemat

FOPMeets— TheFraternalOrderofPolice Lodge16BethanyBeachmeetsattheOcean ViewPoliceDepartmentonthefirstThursday ofthemonthat5p.m.Theyhavemembers frommanydiff erentpoliceorganizations,and therearemorethan100currentmembers whoareactiveorretired.Theydosuspend meetingsduringthesummermonths,and theysupportlocalpolicedepartmentsand theirfamilies.TheyalsocoordinateLEOSA firearmsqualificationsformembersatthe BridgevilleRifleandPistolClub.Formoreinformation,contactSecretaryPaulBoltonat pebolton@comcast.netorbycalling(301) 774-5084.

VIPMeets— VIPisasocialgroupforvisuallyimpairedpersons,andmeetsthefirstand thirdWednesdayofeachmonthattheMastersoncenteratSt.AnnChurchfrom1to3 p.m.Newmembersarewelcome.Formore information,call(240)315-4361.


WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBethanyBeachbandstandeveryWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,law enforcementandfirefighterswhoserveand protec t.Allarewelcome.


DemsMeet— The41stDemocratRDmeets thethirdThursdayofeverymonthatPizza KingRestaurantinMillsboroat6p.m.Thisis opentoanyDemocrats.Formoreinformation,callDonnaSpicklerat(302)927-0050.

DemocratsMeet— The38thRepresentative DistrictDemocraticCommitteemeetsthe firstWednesdayofeverymonthatSouth SeeEVENTSpage42

March24,2023 CoastalPoint 29 HOURS Sunday-Thursday 9am-9pm Friday-Saturday 9am-10pm BREAKFAST Monday-Friday 9am-11am Sat & Sun 9am-Noon Order Online @ LIVE ENTERTAINMENT MINGO Monday/TRIVIA Tuesday/BINGO Thursday - 6-8pm No Reserved Seats Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials - Check Our Facebook Page Every Day! Happy Hour - Mon.-Fri.: Drink Specials - Noon-5 PM Food Menu - 2-5 PM 37314 Lighthouse Road | Rt. 54, Selbyville, DE • 302-988-5000 Monkee Paw - Sunday, 3/26 - 2-5 PM OFF SEASON SPECIALS With Beverage Purchase • Subject to Change/Availability Mexico Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Closed for Kitchen Renovations Closed for Kitchen Renovations Closed for Kitchen Renovations Thursday: 11-3 - $10 Shaved Prime Rib Sandwich w/ Chips 5-8 - $18 Queen Cut Prime Rib w/ 2 Sides Friday: 11-3 - $10 Fresh Local Rockfish Sandwich w/ Chips $10 Brisket Melt Sandwich w/ Chips 5-8 - $25 Rockfish Imperial w/ Fries & Slaw $25 Southern Surf ‘n Turf (5 oz. Crabcake ‘n Brisket) w/ 2 Sides Sunday: 2 Single Crabcake Platters w/ FF & Slaw $25 (Dine-In Only) 2-8pm Closing at 6:00 PM Sunday, 3/26

FreemanArtsPavilionrepresentativesthisweekannouncedthesecond roundofperformancesaddedtoits 2023season.

Theoutdoorvenue—aprogramof theJoshuaM.FreemanFoundation,a fundraisingartsnonprofit,locatednear Selbyville—willpresentits16thseason,withamixofdance,theatre,children’sperformancesandlivemusic.The additionofnewshowswillcontinuein thecomingweeksaswell,representativesnoted.

Nationalactsincludedinthisround ofperformancesare:CheapTrickon June 25;SteveMillerBandonJune29; ZiggyMarleyonJune30;StraightNo Chaser—TheYachtRockTouronJuly

13;comedianTomPapa:2023Comedy TouronJuly16;ThreeDogNighton July20;Pop2000TourwithChris Kirkpatrickof*NSYNC,O-Town, BBMak&RyanCabreraonJuly22; BigBadVoodooDaddyonJuly23; CountingCrows:BansheeSeasonTour withspecialguestDashboardConfessionalonJuly25;MarcusKing—Live inConcertonAug.10;andTrainon Aug.26.

TributeartistsandfreeeveningperformancesincludeWizardAcademy!on June21;TheBrothersDoobie—A DoobieBrothersExperienceonJune 22;LocalUndertheLightsonJuly6; HollywoodNights:TheBobSegerExperienceonJuly8;Eaglemania:The

World’sGreatestEaglesTributeonJuly 14;CalpulliMexicanDanceCompany onJuly15;ThePrinciplesofHipHop: Celebrating50YearsonJuly19;The BeatGoesOn—CherTributeShow onJuly21;ClassicAlbumsLive— Aretha’sGoldonJuly29;GoGo GadgetonAug.2;DeanFord&The BeautifulOnes—ATribute2Prince onAug.5;andSiriusXMPresents YachtRockRevue—ReverseSunset TouronSept.1.

Ticketsfortheseperformancesgoon saletothepublicThursdayandFriday, March23-24,, andinterestedattendeesshouldcheck individualeventpagesforexacttimes.

30 CoastalPoint March24,2023 & Package Cocktail Accessories, Mixers, Garnish & Cups 302-616-2657 Open Fri. & Sun. • 1-5:30pm Sat. • 1-8pm Mon., Tues. & Wed. • 1:30-5:30pm 98 Garfield Pkwy., Unit 108 Blue Surf Building on the Boardwalk Justice For Gavin Wines, Beer, Spirits, Cocktails & Seltzers Nancy LaFontaine AKC CGC Evaluator ABC Certified Dog Trainer Got Behavioral Problems? LET’S TALK! AKC Canine Good Citizen • Obedience Training Private & Group Classes 302-236-2497 29P Atlantic Ave. • Ocean View, DE 302.616.2604 •
“Take the time to make your soul happy.” Spring Equinox Sound Healing 3/25 3:30-4:30 New Student Special $49 for 30 Days!
Ocean Vayu Yoga
MoreshowsaddedtoFreemanArtsPavilionlineup CoastalPoint•Submitted ZiggyMarleywasjustoneofmany artistsaddedtotheperformance scheduleattheFreemanArts Pavilionthisyear.
Evergre F FE f or fodaCalliny t f the most o x eene Homes is e NWICK ail vtion on a orma able neighb t desir ve ffer seo o cited t ISLAND lability and schedu t the be borhoods a om home al cust er D AREA our! ule a t each. or sale in some es f e Immedia oom 4 Bedr TER A A ATER ACCESS! W WA FENWICK t $1,225,000! ted a ve-in! Lis te Mo a ths | 3,070 SF ms | 3.5 Ba AREA m learnmmo! Scodesto Scancodes lrnmore! Immedia oom 4 Bedr 38893 Ve Y VIEW A AYB t $950,000! ted a ve-in! Lis te Mo a ths | 3,016 SF ms | 3.5 Ba yville, DE 19975 y Drive, Selb andah Ba r WS! AREA BEACH NITY PIER! B BETHANY COMMUN oom 5 Bedr POND FR IMMEDIA oom 5 Bedr 404 Salt P ths | 3600 SF ms | 35 Ba RONT! t $1,107,900! ted a VE-IN! Lis TE MO A ATE ths | 3,200 SF ms | 4.5 Ba y Beach, DE 19930 than oad, Be ond R P IMMEDIA ALES@EVERGREENEHOMES.C S 1.855.54.BEACH t $879,900! ted a VE-IN! Lis TE MO A ATE OM EHOMES.C ACH M March24,2023 CoastalPoint 31


Awardswillbepresentedto youngartistswhoenteredtheannualYouthArtShowat2p.m.on Saturday,March25,attheSelbyvillePublicLibrary.

Workshavebeenondisplayat thelibraryallmonth.

MembersoftheSelbyville CommunityClub,whichorganizes theannualshow,curatedpiecesthat weresubmitted,andtheywere judgedMarch1-4.ScoresweretalliedonMarch6andribbons placed.

SelbyvilleMayorRichardDuncan,whohasrepeatedlypraisedthe talentofthestudentsandencouragedthepublictoseetheshow,is expectedtobeatthelibraryonSaturday,meetingthestudentsand givingouttheawards.

“Therewillbeprizesforfirst, second,third,andsometimeshonorablemention,inallofthecategories.Lastyear,$1,156was awardedto56ofthestudents.We haveajuriedshow,andthisyearwe havefivejudges,withsomereturning.Someareactiveartistsorhave anartbackground,”JackieBates, chairwomanoftheSelbyville CommunityClub’sArts&Culture Program,explained.

“Peoplegotothelibraryto browseforbooks,andtheyare overwhelmedbythetalentofthese students.Thekids,dotheycount onprizemoney?Theydon’teven knowtheyaregettingit.Theyare thrilledtohavetheirartdisplayed,” shesaid.

TheCommunityClubsponsors theshow,inconjunctionwiththe NationalCelebrationofYouthArt.

Thisyear,theshowincludesanewdisplay—acollaborativeprojectby18studentsatSouthernDelawareSchoolofthe Arts.

Amongsubjectsofworksliningthe wallsatthelibraryaresunsets,landscapes, mittens,pumpkins,portraits,buildings andflowers.Thereareabstracts,collages, drawings,sculpturesandphotographsin charcoal,pastelsandoilpaint,allcreated bychildreninkindergartenthroughthe finalyearofhighschool,fromShowell ElementarySchool,SelbyvilleMiddle School,theSouthernDelawareSchoolfor theArtsandIndianRiverHighSchool,


JackieBerger,whohelpedcuratethe show,andwhohasbeenactivewiththe club’sartprogram,saidstudents“continue toamazethecommunitywiththequality oftheirart.”

“Thestudents’ability,creativityandexcitementisshownintheirtop-notchartwork,fromtwo-dimensional, photography,drawingsandpaintingsto three-dimensionalandclaycreations,”she said.

“Wearegratefulforthepartnership thatthelibraryhaswiththeSelbyville CommunityClub,”SelbyvilleLibraryDi-


“Theyhelpenrichourlibraryinso manyways.Oneofthemisthroughthe YouthArtShow,whichisaphenomenal effortforthemtomakesuretheyoung, talentedartistsarerecognized.

“Ihavebeenajudgeinthepast,and I’malwaysgladwhenIdon’thavetobea judge,becauseit’sahardjob.Thekidsare sotalented.It’sreallydifficulttohaveto bethepersontojudge.Alloftheartwork iswonderful.Everysquareinchofour wallspaceistakenup.Everybodylovesit,” Klinesaid.


CommunityClubandseveralpatrons,includingMountaireFarms andJ.ConnScottFurniture.

YouthArtMonthemphasizes thevalueofarteducationforchildrenandencouragessupportfor qualityschoolartprograms,Bates said.Itisadministeredbythe CouncilforArtEducationandfocusesonthevalueofthateducation,“whichdevelopsdivergentand criticalthinkingskills,multicultural awarenessandtechnical,communicationandexpressiveskills.”

TheSelbyvilleCommunity Club,anaffiliateoftheGeneral FederationofWomen’sClubs, startedtheshowin2004atthe suggestionofthelateLuceelCreel, whowasamember.

Atfirst,onlyfirst-placewinners wererecognized,andtherewasno formaljudging.Astheyears passed,amoreformalprogram evolved,Batessaid.

By2016,theprogramincluded judgingcriteriaandarubric.As theYouthArtMonthgrew,displays“tookontheatmosphereof anartgallerywithajuriedshow. Thesedisplaysattractedtheattentionoflocalnewspapersandalso includedinterviewingteachers abouttheirongoingprojects,”she said.

AttheJanuary2018meetingof theSelbyvilleTownCouncil, RogerMarino,whowasatthat timepublicrelationsdirectorfor MountaireFarms,awardedclub memberswiththeMountaireBetterDelawareAwardthatincluded a$500cashprize.Clubofficers andmembersoftheArtsCommitteewerefeatured,alongwithprizewinningworksinasegmentofa localTVshow,prompting$1,390 indonations.

In2019,theprogram’ssuccessesincreasedto69student-artistsreceiving monetaryprizes.In2020,dueto COVID-19-relatedrestrictions,the awardsprogramwascanceledandprize moneydistributedintheschools.

Thenextyear“beganwithallgoodintentionsofhavingaphysicalgalleryand awardsceremonyattheSelbyvillePublic Library,”Batessaid,butduetocontinuingrestrictions,schoolscheduleschanged andpublicinteractionwasprohibited. Theshowatthelibrarywascanceledbut, Batessaid,returnsthisyear.

Page32 March24,2023
CoastalPoint•Submitted KellyKlineadmiressomeoftheyouthartworkswhentheywereondisplayattheSelbyvillePublic Library.


TheEasterBunny willbeatMariner’s BethelUnited MethodistChurchfor theannualFamily EasterEventonSaturday,March25,greeting childrenwhowillparticipateinahuntfor thousandsofplastic eggsfilledwithtreats.

“Everyyear,it’safun timeforthefamilyto comeoutandexperience Eastertogetherandalso understandtherealreasonbehindEaster,”said MichelleChristopher, Children’sWorshipcoordinatorforthechurch, locatedat81Central Av e.inOceanView.

“Wegetalotofgood feedback.Peopleenjoy havingacommunity eventthatisfree,that theycantaketheirkids outtoandenjoy.Our ideaistobringoutthe entirefamily—kids, parents,grandparents,”

DENTAL Insurance


Christophersaidabout thegathering,planned for2to4p.m.onthe campusoftheOcean Viewchurchandinside itsHopeCenter.

Plannedaresnacks andbeverages,glitter tattoos,crafts,music playedbyDJRandy, BalloonTwistermaking animalsfromballoons, andtheEasteregghunt, whichwilltakeplace outdoorsifweatherpermitsandinsideifit rains.

Christophersaid 3,000to4,000colorful eggswillbehidden.

AtStationsofthe Cross,forchildrenand adults,visitorswillbe abletobetterunderstandwhatJesusenduredastheyreflecton theholiday,onApril8 thisyear.

Lastyear,about150 guestsattendedthe event,freeandopento thepublic,Christopher said.

March24,2023 CoastalPoint 33 • 2-day Immune Boosting Meal Plan • Full Espresso Bar- Organic Juice & High Protein Smoothies • Vegan & Gluten Free Options & Baked Goods • Açaí Bowls & Breakfast Sandwiches 1, 2, or 3 Day Organic Juice Cleanse 3 Town Road, Ocean View • 302.616.1025 31264 Americana Pkwy, Selbyville Bayside • 302.564.7718 Open Daily 8am-3pm Both Locations Order Ahead on Chow Now! 1/2 Soup 1/2 Sandwich Special $10 1-855-337-5228 Product not available in all states. Contact us to see the coverage and offer available in your state. Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation including costs and limitations. This specific offer is not available in CO. Call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for a similar offer. In WV: To find a provider in the network visit us at https://www.physiciansmutual. com/web/dental/find-dentist. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E); Insurance Policy P150; Rider Kinds B438/B439. In CA, CO, ID, KY, ME, MD, MA, MI, MO, NV, NJ, NC, ND, VA: Includes Participating Providers and Preventive Benefits Rider. Certificate C254/B465 (PA: C254PA); Insurance Policy P154/B469 (GA: P154GA; OK: P154OK; TN: P154TN). from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company.
Get your FREE Information Kit
CoastalPoint•Submitted Childrensearchforeggsduringlastyear’sEastereventatMariner’s.

LasVegascoming toLakeside

TheLakesideHomeOwnersAssociationishostingamurdermystery dinnertheateronSaturday,Sept.10, atthePot-NetsLakesideCommunityCenterinLongNeck.Doors willopenat4:30p.m.

“Murder,VegasStyle”willbeperformedbyWithoutaCueProductionsofBensalem,Pa.Theyhave producedmorethan30different showsand“killed”morethan2,000 castandaudiencememberssince formingin2002.

In“Murder,VegasStyle,”theParrotCasinoandHotelisundernew managementandbigchangesare coming.Thehotel’sheadlinerswill fightitouttodeterminewhowillget theultimatespotofsolecasinodraw. Audiencememberscouldseean Elvisimpersonator,aRatPack-style croonerandasequin-cladmagician’s assistant.Butwilltheymakeit throughtheperformancealive?

Theeveningofmurderandmayhemwillalsoincludeacasino-style buffetdinnerofham,friedchicken, tossedsalad,ambrosia,pineapple stuffing,dessert,rollsandbutter,and beverages.Attendeesmaybringan alcoholicbeverage.



LThecosttoattendtheeventis $28.Ticketsmaybepurchasedby callingBettyat(302)945-1263or Patat(215)805-7782.Notickets willbesoldatthedoor.Thecommunitycenterisat33076RockCove, adjacenttothelake,offLakeshore Circle.

Brandywinetohost blockparty,calendar releaseparty

BrandywineLivingatFenwickwill celebratingNationalAssistedLiving WeekstartingonSept.11andrunning throughSept.17,hostinganeighborhoodblockpartyat21111Arrington Drive,Selbyville(WestFenwick),on Sept.11from1to4p.m.,withfriends andneighborsinvitedtovisitthefacility’sparkinglots,wheretherewillbea band,food,drinksadunktank,games andraffles.Thosewhowishtoattend shouldRSVPbySept.2,to(302)4360808.

Brandywinewillalsohostits5th AnnualCalendarReleasePartyonSept. 13,from4to7p.m.,celebratingtherelease oftheresidents’annualcalendarto supporttheAlzheimersAssociationof Delaware,withthethemethisyearof “KeepConnected.”Thepartywillfeaturemusic,foodandtheopportunityto purchasecalendars.Thosewishingto attendshouldRSVPto(302)436-0808 bySept.6.

34 CoastalPoint March24,2023 S
ACROSS 1 “Nonsense!” 5 Illinois-Indiana border river 11 With 56-Down, be connected 15 Pops 18 Calculus calculation 19 Place to purchase oils 21 Mole, for one 22 Rage 23 Snarky response to criticism 25 “Drat!” 27 Candies on sticks, informally 28 Like music from “The Twilight Zone” 30 Prom queen toppers 31 “How curious” 32 Snack source 35 “Was that us?” 38 Tote __ 39 “Catch my drift?” 41 Store with discounted athletic apparel 48 Gel 49 Aesop racer 50 Gym count 51 Standard 52 Filing aids 54 Writer/director Phyllis 56 “Written in the Stars” musical 57 Carpentry tool 61 Put in stitches 64 Oscar night phrase 69 Modify to fit 71 Hudson Riv. tech school Spartans 73 Runs in place 74 Festivals with jousts 80 Nosh 81 First name in Indian politics 82 “Fall back” interval 83 Drop 85 Tricky rink move 87 Thick hair 88 Maker of Two Baroque Pearls nail polish 89 Yemen neighbor 93 Watch chain 96 Cartoon Network show about a boygenius inventor 100 Many a Meccan 102 Unagi roll protein 103 Dreidel, for one 104 Get emotional, with “up” 105 The whole lot 111 Tuna in poke bowls 112 App follower, often 113 With 121-Down, Orange County 114 Spanish expression of shock 118 Fibbed 120 “Just wait till I tell Mom!” 123 Untouched serve 124 Crowd din 125 Member of the “Oregon Trail Generation” 126 Facts and stats, in a debate 127 Poetic partner of Wynken and Blynken 128 Figures shared with CPAs 129 Dependable 130 Polite affirmative DOWN 1 Sob 2 Cold Stone Creamery mix-in 3 Hawk 4 Night when Linus waits for the Great Pumpkin 5 Treated a surfboard 6 Bottle rocket paths 7 Utility bill meas. 8 Burro 9 Luster 10 __ in on 11 Significant addition to a team 13 Scenic view 14 Value system 15 Books about everyday life? 16 Put in order 17 Most populous 20 Gilpin of “Frasier” 24 Down source 26 Actress Arlene 29 “To recap ... ” 32 Improvised jazz part 33 Challenge to clubhouse chemistry 34 Patty __ 35 “How obvious!” 36 Garten of “Barefoot Contessa” 37 Video game with a floor mat, for short 38 Frozen dessert brand 42 “Gah!” 43 Abbr. on some college apparel 44 Sat atop 45 __ surgeon 46 Tombstone name 47 Georgia capital 53 Raced 55 Clad 56 See 11-Across 58 Kid-lit classic “Caps for __” 59 On the ocean 60 Left in the map room 61 Wraparound dress 62 Idyllic setting 63 Mascara applicator 65 Org. funding clean transportation 66 Actor Sharif 67 Tire meas. 68 Ace of Base genre 70 Invoice stamp 75 Hibachi restaurant potable 76 Blacken 77 Forever and ever 78 Gas or wood 79 Gulf States title 84 Until now 86 Office VIP 87 __ toast 88 Thin wind 90 __ juice 91 Torah holder 93 Color from a bottle 94 Venezuelan river 95 Went head-to-head 97 Some promos 98 Ga. capital 99 “Gesundheit” trigger 101 Play-ful sort? 106 Closes in on 107 Día __ Muertos 108 Part of a collection 109 Great Plains natives 110 Intimidate 114 Give a hand? 115 Distracted boyfriend, for one 116 Food brand with a paw print logo 117 Leslie __ Jr. of “Glass Onion” 119 Olympic swimmer Thorpe 121 See 113-Across 122 Umbrella spoke
Crossword SeeCrosswordAnswerspage37


Grisescholarshiptobegranted tolocalstudent

ThePreceptorOmegaBetaSigma PhiSororityChapterthisspringwillbe grantingthe27thannualHowardD. GriseMemorialScholarshiptoaqualifiedhigh-schoolgraduate.Candidates mustresideintheIndianRiverHigh Schoolattendanceareaanddemonstrate acommitmenttothecommunity throughvolunteerism.

Applicationsmaybeobtainedfrom IndianRiverHighSchoolorSussex TechnicalHighSchoolguidancecounselors, April20.

SouthCoastalAARPtoaward scholarships

TheSouthCoastalDelawareChapterofAARPwillgivetwo$1,500collegescholarshipstoIndianRiverHigh Schoolseniorsin2023.Thisisthe16th yearofthescholarshipprogram,which recognizestwooutstandingstudents whohaveattendedIRHSforatleast theirjuniorandsenioryears.

Thestudentsareselectedbasedon theiracademicrecord,extracurricular, communityandworkactivities,andon anessayrelatedtostudents’scholastic andcareergoals.Electronicfillableap-

plicationsareavailablethroughtheofficeofthehighschoolguidancecounselor.TheIRHSapplicationsaredue backtotheguidancecounselorby Wednesday,April5.ThescholarshiprecipientswillbeannouncedonMay17 aspartofanawardsprogram.

ThelocalAARPchapterwillalso awardthreescholarshipstoDelTech students—two$1,000scholarshipsto twonursingstudentsandone$500 scholarshiptoanon-nursingstudent, forthefallsemester.Thescholarships, whichareawardedtoadultstudents(25 orolder)aregivenforboththefalland springsemesterseachyear.Formoreinformation,studentsshouldcontactthe school’sAdmissions&FinancialAid office.

TheSouthCoastalAARPChapter offersprogramsofcommunityoutreach, advocacy,scholarships,travelanda rangeofsocialandrecreationalactivities forthoseinsoutheasternSussex County.TheSouthCoastalAARP ScholarshipCommitteeisalsothe sponsoroftheArtisansFair,tobeheld Saturday,May27,atLordBaltimore ElementarySchool.Forinformationon membershipforthose50orolder,email Rieck5226@aol.comorcallDottie Rieckat(302)539-2654.ThoseinterestedinexhibitingattheArtisansFair

cangotosouthcoastalaarp.organdclick onArtisansFair.

LBWCscholarshipapplications dueMarch31

TheLordBaltimoreWomen’sClub (LBWC)ofOceanViewisinviting highschoolseniorslivingintheIndian RiverSchoolDistricttoapplyforits 2023scholarships.Theapplication deadlineisMarch31.

Thescholarshipprogramisopento qualifyingseniorswhoattendIndian RiverHighSchool,SussexCentral HighSchoolorSussexTechnicalHigh School.Applicationsmustcomplywith therequiredcriteriaidentifiedinthe scholarshipapplicationmaterialstobe considered.Interestedstudentsare beingurgedtocontacttheguidancedepartmentattheirhighschoolforinformationabouthowtoapply.Candidates willbeevaluatedontheiracademic qualifications,extracurricularactivities, communityservice,employmentexperienceandfinancialneed.Scholarship winnerswillbenotifiedonoraround May15.

VFWholdingcontests,offering scholarshipforstudents

TheVeteransofForeignWars (VFW)hasanumberofcontestsand

scholarshipsgoingonthroughthe monthofMarch.

CreativePatrioticArtcontest (Grades9-12)entriesdueMarch31. AlsoforGrades9-12,3-DPatriotic ArtcontestentriesaredueMarch31. IllustratingAmericaArtContest (GradesK-8)entriesaredueMarch31. GetExcitedforRed,White&Blue (GradesK-12)entriesaredueMarch 31.

Contestapplicationscanbedownloadedat,orsend anemailtoscaux@aol.comformoreinformation.

Additionally,VeteransofForeign WarsAuxiliarymembersoftheOcean ViewMasonDixonPost7234areofferinga$1,500scholarshiptoa2023graduatingstudentattendingIndianRiver HighSchool.Applications,dueby March30,areavailableontheIndian RiverHighSchoolwebsiteorbyemail

AlphaAlphapresenting HowardScholarship

AlphaAlphaSororityispresentingthe PaulaA.HowardCommunityScholarship


March24,2023 CoastalPoint 35 CP CP CP CP COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. 302-537-2433 | 121 Campbell Place Bethany Beach | Key West & Creative Coastal Cuisine • Everything Freshly Made In House Open Friday - Sunday at 5:30pm Closed Monday - Thursday ❖ Whole Flash-Fried Snapper ❖ ❖ 14oz. Bone-In Pork Chop ❖ All Natural NY Strip Steaks ❖ ❖ Cioppino ❖ Shrimp & Grits ❖ Gluten-Free & Vegetarian Available Reopening March 24th!

DestinSmythofOceanViewmade theDean’sListforthefall2022semesterattheGeorgiaInstituteofTechnology.Thedesignationisawardedto undergraduatestudentswhohave




InterestedstudentsareurgedtocontacttheGuidanceDepartmentorcontactSueMcKoneviaemailat criteriaidentifiedinthescholarshipap-

earneda3.0orhigheracademicaverage forthesemester.

TheGeorgiaInstituteofTechnology, orGeorgiaTech,isconsideredoneof thetoppublicresearchuniversitiesin

plicationmaterials,andthedeadlineto applyisMarch31,2023

.Afterselectingthefinalfivecandidates,thecommitteewillbeginaninterviewprocesswiththefinalists betweenMay18-22.Thescholarship winner willthenbenotified.

SubmissionsopenforIRAlumni scholarships


theU.S.Itoffersbusiness,computing, design,engineering,liberalartsandsciences degrees.Itsmorethan45,000undergraduateandgraduatestudents, representing50statesandmorethan

AlumniAssociationwillofferthree scholarshipsthisspring,toIRseniors andalumniofallages.Allapplications areduebyFriday,April21.The2023 awardsaren’taboutacademicsorfinancialaidbuttheapplicant’sschoolspirit orpersonalcharacter.

ApplicationsfoundareattheIR GuidanceOfficeandonline (

The IRPrideScholarshipaimsto

148countries,studyatthemaincampus inAtlanta,atcampusesinFranceand China,andthroughdistanceandonline learning.


awardmultipleprizesof$500to$1,000 toIRHSseniors.Theawardcelebrates schoolspirit,notjustacademics,athleticsorfinancialneed.Applicantswillrespondtothequestion“Howhaveyou contributedtomakeIRabetterplace?” includingleadership,schoolspiritor gooddeeds.

TheIRPrideScholarshipforCurrentAlumniisofferedtograduatesof allprioryearsandallages.Winnerscan receive$500foranycollegelevel,from an associatedegreetoapost-doctorate. ApplicantsmustbeAlumniAssociation members(registeronline,freeof charge).

Finally,theRidgeMurrayMemorial Scholarshipisofferedinhonorofa 2014IRHSgraduatewhopassedaway unexpectedlyinNovemberof2021.

“Throughthegenerosityofhis family,friendsandthecommunity,the RidgeMurrayMemorialScholarship hasbeenestablished,”saidhisparents, DanaMurrayandE.BennettMurray IV.“Two$2,500scholarshipswillbe awardedtoIRHSgraduatingseniors thatshowsimilarcharacteristicsto Ridgeinmakingourworldabetter placebyhelpingothers,community involvement,beingateamplayer,respectingothersandworkinghard.”

TheysaidtheentireMurrayfamily hasbeenoverwhelmedbythecommunity’ssupportandlove,andthanked everyonewhocontributedscholarship, whichwillbeawardedformanyyearsto come.

“Therearesomewhobringalight sogreattotheworldthatevenafter theyhavegone,thelightremains,”the familysaid,helpingRidge’snameto liveon.

IndianRiverHighSchoolAlumni Associationformedin2012toconnect alumni,whilesupportingandpromotingIRHS.Withcommunitysupport, they’vegivenmorethan$60,000in scholarshipstomorethan70students. TheAlumniAssociationmeets monthlyandwelcomesnewmembers andideas.

Fundraisingcontinuestosupportas manystudentscholarshipsaspossible. ThegroupwillhosttheirBeef&Brew fundraiser,withhomemadefoodand livemusic,startingat6p.m.onSaturday,April15,at$35perticket.

Donationchecksarealsowelcome, toIRHSAlumni;29772ArmoryRoad; Dagsboro,DE19939(Memoline“IR PrideScholarship,”“RidgeMurray Scholarship”or“Generaldonation”). Formoreinformation,visit,emailIndianRiverAlumni@gmail.comorfindthem onFacebook.

36 CoastalPoint March24,2023 410-641-1100| ©2016AtlanticGeneralHospital.Allrightsreserved. Youcanrelyon ustohelpyou keepdoingthe thingsyoulove. • AtlanticGeneralBariatricCenter • AtlanticGeneralEndoscopyand UrologyCenter • EmergencyServices • EuniceQ.SorinWomen’s DiagnosticCenter • JointSurgeryCenter • AtlanticGeneralDiabetesand EndocrinologyCenter • JohnH.‘Jack’Burbage,Jr. RegionalCancerCareCenter • SleepDisordersDiagnosticCenter • StrokeCenter • WoundCareCenter • AtlanticGeneralWomen’sHealth Center,WestO.C. Berlin,MD 302-667-0810 • H.R. Rogers Irrigation & Landscaping Spring Turn-On/Check & Adjust Irrigation System Up to 8 Zones - $60.00 (Repairs are extra) Landscape & Lawn Maintenance • Mulching Lawn Fertilization Programs • New Irrigation System Installation Over 30 years of exceeding customer expectations!


The2023SpringDelawareState PoliceCitizensPoliceAcademywill beginonWednesday,March29.The academywillconsistofnineWednesday-nightsessions,eachrunningfrom6 to8p.m.Mostoftheclasseswilltake placeatDelawareStatePoliceTroop7, locatedat19444MulberryKnollRoad inLewes,andtheSussexCounty EmergencyOperationsCenter,located at21911RudderLaneinGeorgetown. Participantswilllearnaboutanarray ofpoliceactivitiesconsistentwithwhat theDelawareStatePoliceexperience today.TheAcademyincludes,butisnot

limitedto,classroominstructiononevidenceprocessing,criminalandtraffic investigations,toursofDSPfacilities, familiarizationwithspecialunitsand othertopics.Additionally,participants willhavetheopportunitytoridewith patroltroopers.

Classsizewillbelimitedto25participants,andbackgroundcheckswill beconductedonallapplicants.


CrosswordAnswersfrom34 302.539.7352 790 Gar eld Parkway — Bethany Beach Atlantic Auto’s Euro pean Sp ecialty Sh op — Bethany Beach, Delaware — Our highly trained technicians specialize in repair & maintenance of European branded vehicles including: COMING SOON: Tesla! Mercedes BMW Volkswagen Audi Volvo Fiat Mini Porsche March24,2023 CoastalPoint 37 Peek-A-Doodle Doo! Memory Game Next to High’s Gas station 30305 Vines Creek Rd, Suite 1, Dagsboro, DE (302) 364-0024 Perfect for Easter! Heap-O-Sheep! High-Flying Game of Flinging Sheep Physicians Mutual Insurance Company For complete details, including costs and limitations, please contact us. Product not available in all states. 6294 1-888-928-1656 Affordable pet INSURANCE Fillinthegridsothateveryrow,everycolumnandevery 3x3 gridcontainsthedigits1through9.Thatmeansthat no numberisrepeatedinanyrow,columnorbox. Copyright©KevinStone[]


Gov.JohnCarneyandtheOfficeof Women’sAdvancement&Advocacy (OWAA)announcedrecentlythatthe nominationprocessisopenforinductionintotheDelawareWomen’sHallof FameandtheShe’sOnHerWay

Awardfor2023.Nominationformsare deadlinefornominationsismidnight onApril8.

“Ourstatemightbesmall,butwe havenoshortageofincrediblewomen

whodeservetobehonoredbythe DelawareWomen’sHallofFameandthe She’sonHerWayAward,”saidCarney.“I encourageeveryonetotakeamomentto nominateawomanwhohasmadea meaningfuldifferenceinDelaware.”


TheDelawareWomen’sHallof Famewasestablishedin1981torecognizetheachievementsofoutstandingDelawarewomenandtheir contributionstocommunities acrossthestate.Theinduction ceremonyistheoldestannual celebrationofitskindcommemoratingDelawarewomen. TheawardhonorsDelaware womenwhohavemadeanimportantandlastingimpacton thelivesofDelawareansand haveresidedinthestateforat least10yearsduringtheirlifetime.Nomineesbothliving anddeceasedareeligible.An inductionceremonyforthose chosenin2023willbeheldin thefall.

In 2022,theOfficeof Women’sAdvancement&Advocacylaunchedawebsitethat featuresportraitsandbiographiesofallmembersofthe DelawareWomen’sHallof Fame.Theportraitswillbeon displayattheDelTechGeorgetownCampusstartingmid-Februarythroughtheendofthe year.


TheShe’sOnHerWay Award,organizedbythe DelawareCommissionfor Women,recognizestheachievementsandcelebratesthecontributionsoftalentedyoung womenleadersmakingadifferenceinDelaware.Allnominees mustbeyoungwomenbetween 18and40byJune30.Nominees mustbenative-bornDelawareansorhaveresidedinthestate foratleastfiveyears.

Nomineesmustshowthat theyhavemadeapositiveimpactuponthelivesofDelawareansandhaveexhibited characteristicsofgoodcharacter, promiseandhope;aswellas haveinformationandorexamplesthatillustratethenominee’s positivereputationand/orleadershipamongherpeers,and/or hercommunity.TheDelaware CommissionforWomenreviews,rates,anddeliberateseach nominationandselectsthe awardees.Anawardceremony willtakeplaceinMayorJuneat theBuenaVistaestateinNew Castle Eventdetailsforboththe DelawareWomen’sHallof FameandShe’sOnHerWay willbeavailableinthecoming

38 CoastalPoint March24,2023


GentleYoga— MyraStock,acertifiedRYT instructorandregisteredYogaforArthritis teacher,isleadingagentleyogaclassat SouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m.Ayoga matisrequired,andnotprovided.Participantsshouldalsobringatowelforextra cushioning.Registrationislimitedandrequired,andavailableat 858-5518.

FridayMatinee— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingaFridaymatineeat1p.m.The moviesa reamixofadult,childrenand familymovies.Formoreinformation,visit

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.


Chicken&Dumplings— TheBishopville (Md.)VolunteerFireDepartmentAuxiliarywill beholdingachicken&dumplingcarryout fromnoonto2p.m.atthemainstation. Chicken,dumplings,greenbeansandsweet potatoesareavailablefor$15perdinner.An extrapintofdumplingscanbehadfor$8.To reserveadinnerandpint(byMarch20),call


STEMKits— PeoplecanswingbySouth CoastalLibrarystartingat10a.m.topickup anEngineerEarlySTEMkit.Thekitshelp teachaboutthekeypartsofmostofthe commo nshapes.Theseareavailablewhile supplieslast.

FamilyOpenHouseandAuthorVisit— AuthorAllisonWeistwillsharetheadventuresof“RoamingRiley”fromtwoofher childrensbooks.atSouthCoastalLibrary at1p.m.Librarystaffwillalsointroduce youtoalltheresourcesthelibraryhasto offerfamilies.Parentsmustaccompany children,andmaybringtheirdriver’slicensetoobtainlibrarycardsforthefamily. ThisishostedbyFriendsoftheSouth CoastalLibra ryandtheSouthCoastalLibrary.

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouare youngorold,overweightorfit,abeginneror advanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthe mindandstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay $20amonthforunlimitedyogaToregister,

SuperSaturday— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingEngineerEarlyGrabN’GoSTEM bagsatnoon.For moreinformation,visit

FamilyEaster— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchishostingaFamily EasterEventfrom2to4p.m.Therewillbe glittertattoos,balloontwister,DJRandy,an EasteregghuntandtheStationsofthe Cross.


March24,2023 CoastalPoint 39 REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (855) 993-0969 Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* – A $695 Value! (877) 912-8092
Calendar Continuedfrompage28



EasterCraftEvent— VFWPost7234AuxiliaryishostingaChildren’sEasterCraftEvent from11a.m.to2p.m.forchildren3-10 yearsold.Theeventwillfeaturecraftstations forthechildrentopickfrom,avisitfromthe EasterBunnyandwhimsicalEaster-themed cut-outs.Thisisafreeevent,buttheyare askingforfoodpantryitemsasadonationfor thelocalfoodpantries/churches.


ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMondayat 10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.Noregistrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.For moreinformation,contact

RepublicansMeet— The38thDistrictRepublicanClubwillmeetatSouthCoastalLibrary.Socialhoursbeginat6p.m.,andthe meetingstartspromptlyat6:30p.m.Informationontheclubandmeetingscanbe,orthroughemailat

AlphaConve rsations— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchishostingAlpha,a seriesofgroupconversationsthatexplore thebasicsoftheChristianfaithinafriendly environment,everyMondaythroughMay15 at6p.m.Dinnerwillbeprovided.Therewill benomeetingApril10becauseofEaster.

WindDownTime— SouthCoastalLibraryis invitingadultstocomebyforanhourortwo

at2p.m.tojustunwindwithagameinthis funandfreeprogram.Socializewithother adultsandmeetnewpe opleinyourcommunity.Participationisfree,andregistrationis optional.Formoreinformation,ortoregister, (302)858-5518.

HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingatimeofknittingandcrochetingforalllevelsat1p.m.Formore information, (302)732-9351.

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,We dnesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

IntheGenes— TheSouthCoastalGenealogy GroupwillmeetatSouthCoastalLibraryfrom Therearenomembershipfees.


GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxanais hosting“GriefShareYourJourneyfrom MourningtoJoy”everyTuesdaythroughApril 4,2023,from6:30to8:30p.m.Eachclass willincludeavideoandbreakoutdiscussions encompassingthedifferentaspectsofgrief. Aworkbookwillbeprovidedforeachparticipantatnocharge.

Eco-FriendlyGardening— Locallandscape designerandnatureconsultantChantal Bouchardwilldiscusstheimportanceofor-


40 CoastalPoint March24,2023


Bethany Beach

Just steps to the beautiful Atlantic Ocean and 3 short blocks from the center of town. The “Purple House” on Atlantic Ave is architecturally sophisticated and the attention to detail throughout is impressive. This wonderful retreat offers 7 bedrooms, 6.5 bathrooms, den, open floorplan, gourmet kitchen with breakfast bar, dining area, living room with gas fireplace, multiple decks, outside shower and plenty of parking. Excellent rental history. Gross for 2022 over $253,000.

MLS DESU2029172 $3,200,000

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457

OPEN HOUSE SAT. 3/25 11-2

14449 Creekside Crossing, Bayside, Selbyville

Pond views! The ultimate furnished coastal beach house with over 3,800 sq ft of luxurious living space, elevator, and every upgrade imaginable. Beautiful home with 5 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, living area with gas fireplace, gourmet chef’s kitchen, small office, 3-season room, deck, screened porch, 2 car garage and more! Located in the best location at bayside with views of the pool, pond, and golf course. Wonderful amenity rich community.MLS DESU2037622 $1,649,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Bethany West, Bethany

A meticulously cared for beach cottage. Furnished with an inviting, nautical style, wide plank wood flooring throughout, 4 bedrooms, 2 full remodeled bathrooms, 2 outdoor showers and an expansive backyard. Many recent upgrades. Take the Town Trolley, walk or bike to the beach, shopping, and dining. Kayak on the Assawoman Canal. Grab your racket, paddle, or basketball. Lounge by one of the community pools! Very low annual HOA.

MLS DESU2026346 $779,000

Call Julia Hudson 301-641-6267


Villas Of Cedar Cove, Millville

Perfection! A stunning upgraded villa offers an open floorplan with an eat-in kitchen, dramatic living/dining room area, an exceptional 3 season room that offers an inviting and cozy space and a spacious primary bedroom and bath. Upstairs offers a very nice loft area, 2 large guest rooms and a full bath. Plus, you have an attached garage. Community offers a pool, lawn, and exterior maintenance and is conveniently located to the lifeguarded beaches the Bethany beach boardwalk, and great restaurants and shopping.

MLS DESU2036736 $410,000

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Bishops Landing,


Pond front! Like new home with numerous custom upgrades offers a kitchen with island/breakfast bar and dining area, a dramatic 2 story living room, flex room and primary bedroom with an upscale bathroom. Upstairs offers a large loft, 3 large guest rooms and guest bathroom. Plus 2 car garage with a finished floor. Enjoy the patio and watch the wildlife on the pond, ducks, geese, turtles, and fish. Premier community with outstanding amenities.

MLS DESU2035912 $619,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Windhurst Manor, Millville

A stylish and spacious 2-story villa offers a kitchen with granite countertops, dining area, a spacious living room and sunroom with lots of windows to let the sunshine in, a large 1st-floor primary bedroom and bathroom with a walk-in shower. Upstairs, is a roomy loft area, 2 awesome sized guest rooms and a full bathroom. Plus, a 1 car garage and a secluded patio. Small community with a pool. Great location with easy access to Rt 26, the gorgeous state parks, some of the best golf courses around and the beach. MLS DESU2037848 $409,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Bethany Lakes, Bethany

Pond front! A pristine, designer furnished showcase that offers an open floorplan, a living/dining room area, a family room with a gas fireplace, a gourmet kitchen with a large island/breakfast bar, and eat-in breakfast nook, a fabulous sunroom and luxurious primary suite. Upstairs, is a large loft, 4 guest bedrooms (one with a fullsize armoire) and 2 full bathrooms. Plus, a large deck with a hot tub, and a 2-car garage. Located in a gated community with a pool, tennis/pickleball courts and more. A short drive to Bethany, James Farm, and John West Park. MLS DESU2037258 $1,199,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Bethany Bay, Ocean View

Enjoy mesmerizing early morning sunrises, tidal wetlands, and amazing wildlife from an extensively upgraded home with one of the best views in Bethany Bay. Carefree living from this contemporary home offering an open floor plan with an electric fireplace, remodeled kitchen, improved primary bedroom and bathroom, 2 guest rooms, guest bathroom and an amazing 3 season room with breathtaking views. Plus, a garage, front porch and a wraparound deck. Gorgeous community with rich amenities, water access and conveniently located to the public beaches, shopping, and awesome restaurants. MLS DESU2034646 $599,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Turtle Walk, Bethany Beach

This wonderful home offers over 2800 square feet of perfection, beautiful, dark-style hardwood floors, a kitchen/dining area with new granite counter tops, open living room, a sun-filled family room/sunroom and 1st floor primary bedroom with granite vanity. Upstairs are 2 nice-sized guest bedrooms, guest bathroom, and ensuite bedroom with private bath. Plus, a one-car garage, rear fenced yard, screened porch, deck and outside shower. Your Bethany Beach address entitles you to one free parking permit at designated streets and trolley rides for .25 to the beach. MLS DESU2032698 $820,000 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Bethany Bay, Ocean View

Fantastic views of the wetlands, water, and wonderful wildlife from every room in this top-floor furnished luxury condo. This spacious condo offers a 2-story living /dining room area with an electric fireplace, a large eat-in kitchen, screened porch, large primary bedroom, and a guest bedroom. Upstairs are 2 spacious ensuites with excellent views. Discover Bethany Bay and its 1st class amenities while being located near many of the state parks, beaches, quaint shopping, and quality restaurants.

MLS DESU2034422 $495,000

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457

Captains Grant, Millsboro

Possible 2 family living! Come see this 4 bedroom/2 bath with New Flooring. This Class C home has a 2-car garage, shed (12x16), handicapped ramp, deck (12x 20), 2 patios, cast iron chiminea, dog fence and outside lighting for evening nights. Modified for mobility.

MLS DESU2037326 $325,900

Call Kathy C 302-236-5630 or Vickie B 302-542-6253 to see!

Wingate Rd, Frankford

Here's an opportunity to own 2+ acres in a quiet, convenient location halfway between Bethany Beach and Millsboro, DE. Existing 3 bedroom, 2 bath double wide mobile home has lots of potential and is being sold "as is". No HOA fees.

MLS DESU2028628 $299,000

Call Martha Smith 302.249.0464

Please contact one of our experienced agents for your real estate needs!

Vickie Binsted 302-542-6253 Julia Hudson 301-641-6267 Nicole Frank 610-842-4521 Sondra Connor 302-245-1435 Kathy Cramer 302-236-5630 Rupert Smith 302-228-8900
SOLD March24,2023 CoastalPoint 41
Linda Mueller 302-245-0741 Martha Smith 302-249-0464

ganicandenvironmentally-friendlygardening andhowitcanbeaccomplished,atthe SouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Thisisfree, andregistrationisacceptedandavailableat

PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogsandownerswillprovideasupportive andfunwayforkidstogainconfidencein readingaloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4 p.m.Childrenreadfor15minutes,andmay bringtheirownbooksiftheywish.Toregiste r,call(302)858-5518.

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouareyoung orold,overweightorfit,abeginnerorad-



CoastalLibraryfrom7to8:30p.m.Formore information,call(302)364-5830,orvisiton-

vanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthemind andstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay$20a monthforunlimitedyogaToregister,visit

PAWSforPeople— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostinganopportunityat5p.m.toread aloudtoafurry,friendl ytherapycompanion tohelpinspirealoveofreading.ThisisofferedbyPAWSforPeople.Registrationisrequired,andreadersofallagesandstages arewelcome.Toregister,visit


WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBethanyBeachbandstandeveryWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,law

ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocrats meetsattheDenatBearTrapDunes clubhousefrom11a.m.to1:30p.m.on thethirdWednesdayofthemonth.Thisis asocialorganizationthateducates,in-

enforcementandfi refighterswhoserveand protect.Allarewelcome.

BibleStudy— Women’sBibleStudyat MarinersBethelUnitedMethodistChurchwill beeveryWednesdaythroughApril26.There aremorningsessionsfrom10to11:30a.m. orafternoonsfrom7to8:30p.m.Thefocus willbe“Amos,”byJenniferRothschild,with theheading,“AnInvitationtotheGoodLife.” Registerbycallingtheofficeat539-9510or stoppingin.All womenarewelcome.

BabyBookworms— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingBabyBookwormsStoryTime—for agesbirthto2—at10a.m.Thishelpschildrenlearnlanguage,social,motorandlisteningskillsthroughavarietyofactivities. Registrationisnotrequired.

LittleLearners— SouthCoastalLibraryis

formsandcreatescamaraderieamong theirmembersthroughmonthlylunch meetingsthatfeatureengagingspeakers. Formoreinformation,

Republi cansMeet— The38thDistrictRe-

hostingLittleLearnersStoryTime—for ages3to5—at11a.m.Thishelpschildren withlanguageacquisitionandimprovepreliteracyskills.Activiti esmayincludestories, music,songsandsimplecrafts.Registration isnotrequired.

MedicareFraudInformation— South CoastalLibraryishostinganinteractivediscussionat2p.m.onseveraldifferent Medicarefraudandabusescamsthatoccur daily.Thepresentationwillincludetake-home information,ashortsurveyandafewgiveaways.Thisisfree, and(302)858-5518.

BabyBees— Ever yWednesday,Frankford PublicLibraryhostsBabyBeesstorytime forchildrenfrombirthto24monthsoldat

publicanClubwillmeetatSouthCoastalLibrarythefourthMondayofthemonth.Social hoursbeginat6p.m.,andthemeeting startspromptlyat6:30p.m.Informationon theclubandmeetingscanbefoundat,orthroughemailat


TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center. Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

YogaClasses— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchhostsyogaclassesat5 p.m.onWednesdaysintheArmorRoom, upstairsinthechurchbuilding,with HeatherMurphy.Thereisa$5drop-infee. Classesareopentothecommunityandall arewelcome.

ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesoc ialhalleveryMondayat 10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.Noregistrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.For moreinformation,contact


NeedlepointGuild— Delaware’sSeashore ChapterofTheAmericanNeedlepointGuild meetsonthefirstMondayofthemonth from10a.m.to2p.m.attheLewesPublic Library.Bringingaboxlunchisencouraged.Newmembersarealwayswelcome. Fordetails,sendanemailtothechapterat delawaresseas


MusicJam— St.MatthewsBytheSea UnitedMethodistChurchishostinga MusicJamonthefirstandthirdFridaysof themonthat4p.m.Alllevelsarewelcome.


RailroadMuseum— TheDelawareSeasideRailroadClubhouseisaninteractive museumofmodelrailroading,andislocatedat36668DuPontBoulevard,inSelbyville.Theyareopentothepublicevery Wednesdayfrom5to8p.m.,andevery Saturday,from10a.m.to3p. m.Admissionisfree.Formoreinformation,visit

42 CoastalPoint March24,2023
Calendar Continuedfrompage40 SeeCALENDARpage43

10:30a.m.Comelistentostories,songs andengagewithotherbabies.Registrationisrequired.Formoreinformation,

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

YogaCl asses— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchhostsyogaclassesat5 p.m.onWednesdaysintheArmorRoom, upstairsinthechurchbuilding,with HeatherMurphy.Thereisa$5drop-infee. Classesareopentothecommunityandall arewelcome.

VietnamVetsHonored— VFWPost7234 OceanViewwillhaveaVietnamWarVeteransDayCeremonyatthePostat11a.m. Everyoneisinvitedtohonorthosewho served,andtohonorthosereceivingQuilts ofValorthatday.


BookSale— TheFriendsoftheGeorgetown PublicLibrarywillholditsbooksaleoverfour days.Thehoursare:Wednesday,5-7p.m. (forFriendsonly);Thursday, 7p.m.;Friday,from10a.m.to5p.m.;and Saturday,from10a.m.to12:30p.m.


FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Participants18andolderofallskilllevelswillpracticecreativewritinginafriendly and nurturingatmosphere.Attendinperson, orviaZoom.Thisisfree,andregistrationis requiredfortheZoomoption.Toregister,visit

ZooAnimals— TheSalisburyZooiscoming toSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.withlive animalstopresentaneducationalprogram forchildren.Thisisfree,andregistrationis

SpringPlantersClass— JanPoli,adesigner atD elawareBotanicGardens,isholdinga SpringPlantersClassattheGardensat 11:30a.m.Membersareadmittedforfree, andhavea$10feefortoursandclasses. Non-memberspay$15foradmissionand havethesameclassandtourfee.Children 16andyoungerhavefreeadmissionand tour/

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouareyoung orold,ove rweightorfit,abeginneroradvanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthemind andstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay$20a monthforunlimitedyogaToregister,visit

LittleLearners— FrankfordPublicLibraryis hostingLittleLearnersat10:30a.m.fora storytimesessionforages3-4,andtheir caregivers,topromoteliteracy.Thereis alsoacraft,andanopportunitytoengage

withotherpre-schoolers.Registrationisrequired, orbycalling(302)732-9351.

SuperLearners— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingSuperLearnersat4p.m.fora storytimesessionforages5-7,andtheir caregivers,topromoteliteracy.Thereis alsoacraftorSTEMproject,andanopportunitytoengagewithotherchildren.For moreinformation, orcall(302)732-9351.


FridayMatinee— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingafridaymatineeat1p.m.The moviesareamixofadult,childrenand familymovies.Formoreinformation,visit

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.


IntheGenes— SponsoredbytheLewesHistoricalSocietyandtheSussexCountyGenealogicalSociety,theGenealogistin ResidenceprogramisonthefirstSaturdayof eachmonthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.inthe ReadingRoomattheLewesHistoryMuseum. MembersoftheSocietywillbeavailableto helpanyonewhohasquestionsabouttheir familytree.TheLewesHistoricalSociety ArchivesFamilyFileswillbeavailableforre-


Bo atingSafetyClass— TheUnitedStates CoastGuardAuxiliaryisteachingaDelaware BoatingSafetyClassattheIndianRiverMarinaAdministrativeBuildingfrom8a.m.to4 p.m.Succesfulcompletionofthiscoursewill resultinreceivingaDelawareSafeBoating Certificatebymail—thisisrequiredfor boatersbornonorafterJan.1,1978.All materialsfortheclasswillbeprovidedat registration.Costis$10perperson,while sign-instartsat7:30a.m.Pre-registrati onis required.Call(302)616-3175,oremailthem

SuperSaturday— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingSuperSaturdayatnoon.For moreinformation, orbycalling(302)732-9351.

Poker,ScrabbleandFunCar— Justin’s beachHouseisthebeficiaryofPoker, ScrabbleandFunCarRallye#9,startingat HookedUpRawBar.Participantswilldraw aseven-cardpokerhand,picksevenletterstomaketheirbestwordanda nswer questionsusingobservationanddeduction skills.Registrationisbetween10and11 a.m.,withadrivers’meetingat11a.m. andthefirstcarleavesat11:15a.m.All proceedsbenefitJustin’sBeachHouse, andHookedUpwillofferaDine&Donate followingtheevent.Formoreinformation, (845)656-5438.

QuarterAuction— TheDelawareTribesoftballprogramisholdingaquarterauctionat Frankfordfirehall.Doorsopenat4p.m andtheauctionstartsat5p.m.Admission is$20,includingonepaddle,andaddi-

March24,2023 CoastalPoint 43
Now Open Thursday - Sunday 9am - 4pm Adults $15 Children 16 & Under - Free 30220 Piney Neck Road Dagsboro, DE 19939 To reserve tickets, go to Spring Planter Demo by Jan Poli Late Spring Bulb Tour Frolic in the Folly Saturday, April 1st 2:00-3:00 Experience the beauty of spring bulbs with DBG Director of Agriculture, Stephen Pryce Lea. $10 Per Person + Admission Friday, April 14th 4:30-6:30 Intimate fundraiser w/ private viewing of over 200,000 spring bulbs. Live Music, Demo, Local Artsts, Hors D'oeuvres, Wine & Beer. $100 Single, $150 Couple Thursday, March 30th 11:30-12:30 Learn how to arrange a spring planter using hardy plants & spring blooms. $10 Per Person + Admission BEFORELeafFilter AFTERLeafFilter 1-844-566-3227 A FREE ESTIMATE THE NA TION S GUTTER GUARD1 YEAR-ROUND CLOG-FREE GUARANTEE EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! Promo Code: 285 FINANCING THAT FITS YOUR BUDGET!1 SENIORS & MILITARY! YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE * + 20%% OFF OFF 10 FREE GUTTER ALIGNMENT + FREE GUTTER CLEANING* We Cancel TIMESHARES for You Every year 150,000 people reach out to us for help getting rid of their timeshare. In 2019, we relieved over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and maintenance fees. We can help. Get your free information kit and see if you qualify: 888-984-2917
Calendar Continuedfrompage42

tionalpaddlesmaybepurchasedfor$10. Therewillbeauctionitems,vendortables, a50/50raffleandaconcessiontablewith foodanddrinksforsale.Thereisalsoa beerandwinecashbar.Ifyouareinterestedinbeingavendor,orformoreinformation,

CraftKits— Youthbetweentheagesof10-17 canstopbytheSouthCoastalLibrarystarting at10a.m.topickupafreekittomakeacolorful,3Dballoonstringegg.Thesearefree, andavailabl ewhilesupplieslast.


ScavengerHunt— Ages11andyoungercan stopatthemaindeskatSouthCoastalLibrarytopickupabunnyscavengerhunt sheet.Onceall12bunniesarefoundinthe children’sroom,participantscanpickupa prizefromthemaindeskinthatroom.Thisis afreeevent.


ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMondayat 10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.Noregistrationis necessary,andallarewelcome.For moreinformation,contact

AlphaConversations— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchishostingAlpha,a seriesofgroupconversationsthatexplore thebasicsoftheChristianfaithinafriendly environment,everyMondaythroughMay15 at6p.m.Dinnerwillbeprovided.Therewill benomeetingApril10becauseofEaster.

NeedlepointGuild— Delaware’sSeashore ChapterofTheAmericanNeedlepointGuild me etsonthefirstMondayofthemonth from10a.m.to2p.m.attheLewesPublic Library.Bringingaboxlunchisencouraged.Newmembersarealwayswelcome. Fordetails,sendanemailtothechapterat

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand

Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLyn chat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

WindDownTime— SouthCoastalLibraryis invitingadultstocomebyforanhourortwo from10a.m.to6p.m.tojustunwindwitha gameinthisfunandfreeprogram.Socialize withotheradultsandmeetnewpeoplein yourcommunity.Participationisfree,and registrationisnotrequired.Formoreinformation,ortoregister,visit 858-5518.

ChixwithStix— Juliawillle adameeting atSouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m.about crocheting,knittingandneedleworking.All skilllevelsarewelcome.Registrationisappreciated,andavailablebycalling(302)

GenealogyTips— HistorianMikeDixonis leadingathree-partseriesoftwo-hour workshopsongenealogy,April3,10and 17,startingat2p.m.Therewillbealive demoonhowtousedifferentresourcesfor research,anditisidealforuserswith

some experienceingenealogy.Patrons maybringtheirownlaptopsandDElibrary cardtofollowalongiftheywish,butitis notrequired.Thisisfree,andregistration (302)858-5518.


Dine&Donate— BethanyBluesinBethany BeachishostingaDine&DonateforBeta SigmaPhi-XiPhiChapterfrom4to9 p.m.ProceedswillgotoHALO,whichprovidesemergencyshelterforthehomeless. Therewillbea50-50rafflealso.

SocratesCafé— BethanyBeachChristian ChurchwillbethelocationforthenextmeetingofSocratesCaféagroupofindividuals fromdifferentbackgroundsthatdiscuss philosophicalideas.Themeetingsarethe firstTuesdayofeachmonth,from2to3:30 p.m.Everyoneiswelcome.Formoreinformation,call537-9440oremail


44 CoastalPoint March24,2023 26 54 20 26 locations. available. be assigned r r ted om designa Pick up supplies fr is ee disposal l a r ea in need. F o an ar t t, o ee neighborhood, str our r y Clean up Question (302) 539-21 ns? Call l 539-2100 100 M MAC’S CATERING Wed 11am-5pm • Thurs 11am-7:30pm • Fri 11am-7:30pm Happy Hour 3 to 5 W - Th - Fri • 302-448-0862 • Catering: 443-880-2567 Saturdays Closed until after Memorial Day • • 35265 Atlantic Ave, Millville $5 OFF SECOND ENTREE ORDERED Limit 2 Coupons Per Order Sides & Extras Excluded Dine In or Carry Out Dine In or Carry Out! Exp: 5/21/23 Every Thursday is Pasta Bar Friday Fish Dinner Specials All Thru Lent Fridays Thru April 7 Taco Tuesdays in March! Mexican Fiesta Night $2 Tacos Quesadillas (Chicken/Cheese/Veggie) Burritos (Chicken/Beef) Taco Salad (Chicken/Beef) All Meals Served with Rice & Black Beans Now Offering Lunch Menu See New Menu Options Soon On Our Website See Our New FB Page: MAC's Cafe! Bethany Massage & Healing Arts 33298 Coastal Highway, Bethany Beach, DE $25 OFF a 60 Minute Massage! Call to schedule 302-537-0510 or text 302-448-0269 New Evening Hours –Thursdays until 8 PM (Last Appointment at 7 PM) Now Open 7 Days/Week LUCKY THURSDAY SPECIAL All Day! (Extended Through March)
Calendar Continuedfrompage43




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March24,2023 CoastalPoint 45

GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxanais hosting“GriefShareYourJourneyfrom MourningtoJoy”everyTuesdaythroughApril 4,2023,from6:30to8:30p.m.Eachclass willincludeavideoandbreakoutdiscussions encompassingthedifferentaspectsofgrief. Aworkbookwillbeprovidedforeachparticipantatnocharge.

iPad/iPhonePhotography— Photographer

TomKennedyisleadingathree-partclassat SouthCoastalLibraryonhowtotakegreat photosusingy ouriPhoneoriPad.Thedates areApril4,11and25,andtheclassesstart at10a.m.Topicsincludecomposition,adjustingcamerasettingsonthedevices,lighting,editing,savingandsharingphotos. Sessions1and3willbeinthelibrary,and Session2willbeguidedatanearbylocation. Youmustregisterforandattendallthree sessions.Thisisfree,andyoucanregisterat, ArmchairTraveler:Chile— LisaVelascowill leadan“armchairtravel ertrip”toChileatthe SouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Shewillshow photosandshareexperiencesaboutherrecenttriptothenorthernpartofChile,notably theAtacamaDesert.Thisisavailableeitherin personoronZoom.YoumustregistertoreceiveaZoomlink,andyoumaydothatat 858-5518.


WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat

theBethanyBeachbandstandeveryWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,law enforcementandfirefighterswhoserveand protect.Allarewelcome.

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

YogaClasses— Marin ersBethelUnited MethodistChurchhostsyogaclassesat5 p.m.onWednesdaysintheArmorRoom, upstairsinthechurchbuilding,with HeatherMurphy.Thereisa$5drop-infee. Classesareopentothecommunityandall arewelcome.

DemocratsMeet— The38thRepresentative DistrictDemocraticCommitteemeetsthe firstWednesdayofeverymonthatSouth CoastalLibraryfrom7to8:30p.m.Formore information,call(302)364-5830,

BibleStud y— Women’sBibleStudyat MarinersBethelUnitedMethodistChurchwill beeveryWednesdaythroughApril26.There aremorningsessionsfrom10to11:30a.m. orafternoonsfrom7to8:30p.m.Thefocus willbe“Amos,”byJenniferRothschild,with theheading,“AnInvitationtotheGoodLife.” Registerbycallingtheofficeat539-9510or womenarewelcome.

BabyBookworms— SouthCoa stalLibraryis hostingBabyBookwormsStoryTime—for agesbirthto2—at10a.m.Thishelpschildrenlearnlanguage,social,motorandlisteningskillsthroughavarietyofactivities.


LittleLearners— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingLittleLearnersStoryTime—for ages3to5—at11a.m.Thishelpschildren withlanguageacquisitionandimprovepreliteracyskills.Activitiesmayincludestories, music,songsandsimplecrafts.Regis tration isnotrequired.

JigsawPuzzleSwap— SouthCoastalLibrary ishostinganopportunityforpeopletocome infrom2to4p.m.toswapouttheiroldpuzzlesforonesthatothershaveleft.Puzzles shouldhavealltheirpiecesandbeingood condition.Participantsmaytakeonepuzzle foreveryonetheydonate.

CrimeSolvers— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingatabletopgameforcrimeenthusiastsat5p.m.whereplayersuseevidence andcluestosolveadifferentfictionalm urder eachmonth.Thisisforages14through adult,andisfree.Registrationisrequired, calling(302)858-5518.


MusicJam— St.MatthewsBytheSea UnitedMethodistChurchishostinga MusicJamonthefirstandthirdFridaysof themonthat4p.m.Alllevelsarewelcome. FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Participants18andolde rofallskilllevelswillpracticecreativewritinginafriendly andnurturingatmosphere.Attendinperson, orviaZoom.Thisisfree,andregistrationis requiredfortheZoomoption.Toregister,visit

DeweyReads— Patwillleadthenextmeet-

ingoftheDeweyReadsBookclubatSouth CoastalLibraryat2p.m.Thisisagroupfor non-fictionreaders,andmeetsquarterly.This month,theyarereadingAmandaOliver’s “Overdu e:ReckoningwiththePublicLibrary.” Registrationisappreciated,andavailableat 858-5518.Walk-inswillbeacceptedifspace allows.

YogaforKids— ROOTSYouthDevelopmentis leadingYogaforKidsatSouthCoastalLibrary at5p.m.Childrenwillpracticebreathingand mindfulnesswhilegainingknowledgeof yoga.Forelementaryages,aparentmustaccompanyachild.Registrationisrequired, andavailableatsouthcoas calling(302)858-5518.


TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.


LegoClub— SouthCoastalLibraryishostingitsLegoClubat11a.m.Legosandthe themewillbeprovided,andthisisforages 6-10.Registrationisencouraged,and calling(302)858-5518.Walk-insareacceptedifspaceallows.


46 CoastalPoint March24,2023 After After i estoration OFF Before bl/S arble/S lih M olishP Before Stone e h R hower ll S ullF 5$ O 50 out et started with a G free . estimate today rile & GT tertopsounC y job of $500 An !oreor M ust present o er at time of estimate. annot be combined with any other o er C all for details. C ARE DEL GROUT SIR 2 2) 206-630 (30 e.comwarelaDoutrirGS Everything All At Once Encore Sat Wed Mar 25 Mar 29 4:30 pm 1:00 pm 17701 Dartmouth Drive Lewes 302-645-9095 Special Event: Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always SunMar 263:00 pm Close ThuMar 30 2:00 pm Emily Fri Sun Thu Mar 24 Mar 26 Mar 30 1:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:00 pm Living Mon Wed Thu Mar 27 Mar 29 Mar 30 2:00 pm 5:00 pm 1:00 pm Of An Age Fri Wed Mar 24 Mar 29 6:00 pm 6:00 pm The Lost King Fri Sat Wed Mar 24 Mar 25 Mar 29 3:00 pm 5:30 pm 3:00 pm The Quiet Girl Fri Sat Mar 24 Mar 25 5:00 pm 1:00 pm The Whale Sun Mon Mar 26 Mar 27 1:00 pm 5:00 pm The Met Live: Lohengrin MonMar 271:00 pm Women Talking Sat Thu Mar 25 Mar 30 2:00 pm 6:00 pm


TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMondayat 10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.Noregistration isnecessary,andallarewelcome.For moreinformation,contact

GenealogyTips— HistorianMikeDixonis leadingathree-partseriesoftwo-hour workshopsongenealogy,April3,10and 17,startingat2p.m.Therewillbealive demoonhowtousedifferentresourcesfor research,anditisidealforuserswith someexperienceingenealogy.Patrons maybringtheirownlaptopsandDElibrary cardtofollowalongiftheywish,butitis notrequired.Thisi sfree,andregistration (302)858-5518.

LegoClub— SouthCoastalLibraryishostingitsLegoClubat5p.m.Legosandthe themewillbeprovided,andthisisforages 6-10.Registrationisencouraged,and calling(302)858-5518.Walk-insareacceptedifspaceallows.


FeelingsRock— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingFeelingsRock,amusicandmovementprogramdesignedtohelpchildren under5andtheirfamiliesworkthroughemotions,at10:30a.m.Theywillalsobemaking acraft.Thisisfree,andnoregistrationisrequired.

StepBackinTime— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingtheStepBackinTimeBookClubat2 p.m.,asthegroupdiscussesAnnMah’s “JacquelineinParis.”Registrationisappreciated, orbycalling(302)858-5518.Walk-inswill beacceptedifspaceallows.

PAWSforReading— Well-tr ainedteamsof dogsandownerswillprovideasupportive andfunwayforkidstogainconfidencein readingaloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4 p.m.Childrenreadfor15minutes,andmay bringtheirownbooksiftheywish.Toregister,call(302)858-5518.


WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBethanyBeachbandstandeveryWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,l aw enforcementandfirefighterswhoserveand protect.Allarewelcome.

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

YogaClasses— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchhostsyogaclassesat5 p.m.onWednesdaysintheArmo rRoom, upstairsinthechurchbuilding,with HeatherMurphy.Thereisa$5drop-infee. Classesareopentothecommunityandall arewelcome.

BibleStudy— Women’sBibleStudyat MarinersBethelUnitedMethodistChurchwill beeveryWednesdaythroughApril26.There aremorningsessionsfrom10to11:30a.m. orafternoonsfrom7to8:30p.m.Thefocus willbe“Amos,”byJenniferRothschild,with theheading,“AnInvitationtotheGoodLife.” Registerbycallingtheofficeat53 9-9510or womenarewelcome.

BabyBookworms— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingBabyBookwormsStoryTime—for agesbirthto2—at10a.m.Thishelpschildrenlearnlanguage,social,motorandlisteningskillsthroughavarietyofactivities. Registrationisnotrequired.

LittleLearners— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingLittleLearnersStoryTime—for ages3to5—at11a.m.Th ishelpschildren withlanguageacquisitionandimprovepreliteracyskills.Activitiesmayincludestories, music,songsandsimplecrafts.Registration isnotrequired.

TrueCrimeClub— StateAttorneyGeneral KathleenJennings,whosuccesfullyprosecutedDelaware’sonlyknownserialkiller, StevenBrianPennell(aka“theRoute40 Killer),willspeaktotheTrueCrimeClubat SouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Thisisinpersononly,andregistrationisappreciated calling(302)858-5518.


CommunityClub— TheSelbyvilleCommunity Clubiswelcomingnewmembers,andmeets onthesecondThursdayofeachmonthat SalemMethodistChurchat1p.m.,withasocialhourfromnoonto1p.m.Formoreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.orgor

Dine&Donate— TheBethanyBeachFraternalOrderofPoliceLodge16organizationis benefittin gfromaDine&DonateatCottage CafétheentiredayofApril13.Aportionof theday’sreceiptswillgotosupportFOP16 activities.

FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Participants18andolderofallskilllevelswillpracticecreativewritinginafriendly andnurturingatmosphere.Attendinperson, orviaZoom.Thisisfree,andregistrationis requiredfortheZoomoption.Toregi ster,visit

Story&Art— ArtistJacquelineBoydwill teachkidsbetweentheagesof6-10at SouthCoastalLibraryat5p.m.howtodraw illustrationsfromabook.Thisisfree,and registrationisrequiredandavailableat 858-5518.


TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a .m.atTheHope

South Coastal Library is accepting donations of gently used books, audiobooks & DVDs. All items must be brought to the library lobby on Tuesdays from 2-4:00 pm.

Please note that some of our programs have limited in-person seating. Visit our website or call the library to register & learn more about our events!

Monday, March 27

Coloring, Board Games, & Puzzles for Adults

Stop by the library for some relaxing activities including coloring, crosswords, & puzzles.

Tuesday, March 28

Eco-Friendly Gardening 2—3:00 pm

Learn about the importance of eco-friendly gardening & how you can garden in an environmentally friendly way at home!

PAWS for Reading 4—5:00 pm

Children read to a team of well-trained dogs to build confidence & improve their reading skills!

Wednesday, March 29

Baby Bookworms Story Time 10—10:45 am

Children ages birth-2 can practice language, motor, social, & listening skills through a variety of activities!

Little Learners Story Time 11—11:45 am

Kids ages 3-5 can enjoy a variety of activities designed to help Improve pre-literacy skills!

Medicare Fraud, Errors, & Abuse 2—2:45 pm

Learn helpful tools to help you protect, detect, & report suspected Medicare fraud.

Thursday, March 30

RBWG Free Writes 10:30 am—12:30 pm

Writers of all skill levels meet to practice creative writing & explore different genres with other writing enthusiasts!

Animal Education Program 2—3:00 pm

The Salisbury Zoo is coming to the library to share with us about their zoo including some of their live animals!

Saturday April 1

Bunny Hunt in the Kids’ Room! Search for and find the 12 bunnies hidden in the kids’ room to win a prize! For ages 11 & under, please.

Grab & Go Craft Kits

Youth ages 10-17 are welcome to come to the library to pick up a free colored string egg craft kit! Kits will be available while supplies last.

March24,2023 CoastalPoint 47 Don’t just go to the movies. Go to
A family friendly, historic movie theatre experience just minutes from the beach Delaware’s ONLY Classic Single-Screen Theatre! FEATURE - CHAMPIONS - NOW PLAYING Tues. thru Sun. Evenings at 7:00 PM Fri., Sat., Sun. & Mon. Mat. at 3:00 PM Box Office Info: (302) 732-3744 For Advance Tickets Visit: 33246 Main St. Dagsboro, DE 19939 LIVE COMEDY COMES TO THE CLAYTON STAGE Sunday, April 16, at 3 PM Join Delaware native and New York based comedian Frank Vignola and his good friends Belynda Cleare & Irwin Long for an afternoon of family-friendly stand-up comedy. Visit our website for tickets and more information. COMEDIAN FRANK VIGNOLA Irwin Long Belynda Cleare TICKETS ON SALE NOW at Tickets $20
302–858-5518 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach South Coastal Library Enrich. Inspire. Educate.
Calendar Continuedfrompage46

Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

GentleYoga— MyraStock,acertifiedRYTinstructorandregisteredYogaforArthritis teacher,isleadingtwogentleyogaclassesat SouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m.and11:45 a.m.Ayogamatisrequired,andnotprovided.Participantsshouldalsobringatowel forextracushioning,andpickoneofthetwo classes.Registrationislimite dandrequired, calling(302)858-5518.


YardandBakeSale— TheMillvilleVolunteer FireCompanyAuxiliaryYardandBakeSale willbeatthefirehousefrom7a.m.to1p.m. Breakfastandlunchwillbeavailable,andthe eventtakesplacerainorshine.Fortables, callAlyceat(302)537-0143.

Wine,CheeseandBeer— TheFriendsof CapeHenlopenStatePark’sAnnualWine, CheeseandBeerTastingattheOfficer’sClub from4to 6p.m.Therewillbewinesfrom R&LLiquors.Admissionis$27inadvance (availableatR&L,TheLewesChamberof CommerceorthePark’smainoffice),or$30 atthedoor.Ticketsincludethecostofpark entryandacommemorativewineglass.


TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp

theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMondayat 10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.Noregistrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.For moreinformation,contact

AlphaConversations— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchishostingAlpha, aseriesofgroupconversationsthatexplorethebasicsoftheChri stianfaithina friendlyenvironment,everyMonday throughMay15at6p.m.Dinnerwillbe provided.TherewillbenomeetingApril10 becauseofEaster.

GenealogyTips— HistorianMikeDixonis leadingathree-partseriesoftwo-hour workshopsongenealogy,April3,10and 17,startingat2p.m.Therewillbealive demoonhowtousedifferentresourcesfor research,anditisidealforuserswith someexperienceingenealogy.Patrons maybringtheirownlaptopsandDElibrary ca rdtofollowalongiftheywish,butitis notrequired.Thisisfree,andregistration (302)858-5518.

WindDownTime— SouthCoastalLibraryis invitingadultstocomebyforanhourortwo from10a.m.to6p.m.tojustunwindwitha gameinthisfunandfreeprogram.Socialize withotheradultsandmeetnewpeoplein yourcommunity.Participationisfree,and registrationisnotrequired.Formoreinformation,ortoregister,visit

s 858-5518.

EarthDayCraft— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostinganEarthDayCrafteventat10a.m. Thisisfree,andforages10andolder,and peoplewilllearntopainttheirownceramic bootplanter.Allmaterialsareprovided.No registrationisrequired.


iPadandAppleUsers— iPad,iPhoneand otherAppledeviceusersofallskilllevels arewelcometoattendasupportgroupat SouthCoastalLibraryat11a.m.Users meettodis cussnewfeatures,sharetips andaskquestions.Attendinpersonorvia (302)858-5518.

SustainableEating— SharonMack,Health Coach/IntergrativeHealthInstructorwith BeebeHealthcare,isgivingafreetalkon vegetarianandveganeatingatSouth CoastalLibraryat2p.m.Shewilldiscuss thedifferencesbetweenthetwodiets, cookingwithrawfoodsandmore.Registrationisap preciated,andavailableonlineat 858-5518.


ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocratsmeets attheDenatBearTrapDunesclubhouse from11a.m.to1:30p.m.Thisisasocial organizationthateducates,informsand createscamaraderieamongtheirmembers throughmonthlylunchmeetingsthatfeatureengagingspeakers.Formoreinformation,

BibleStudy— Women’sBibleStudyat MarinersBethelUnite dMethodistChurchwill beeveryWednesdaythroughApril26.There aremorningsessionsfrom10to11:30a.m. orafternoonsfrom7to8:30p.m.Thefocus willbe“Amos,”byJenniferRothschild,with theheading,“AnInvitationtotheGoodLife.” Registerbycallingtheofficeat539-9510or womenarewelcome.

StorytimeattheFireHouse— South CoastalLibraryissupportingaspecia l StoryTimeattheBethanyBeachfirehallat moreinformation.

BenedictArnold,Part1— Dr.Gudelunasis leadingthefirstofatwo-parthistorylectureoninfamoustraitorBenedictArnoldat SouthCoastalLibraryat4p.m.Hewilldiscusspossibilitiesandreasonsbehind Arnold’sdecisiontoswitchalliancestothe British.Part2willbeonApril26.Youmay attendinperson,orviaZoom.Registration isrequiredforZoompartic ipants,andappreciatedforin-person.Itisavailableat 858-5518.


FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Participants18andolderofallskilllevelswillpracticecreativewritinginafriendly andnurturingatmosphere.Attendinperson, orviaZoom.Thisisfree,andregistrationis requiredfortheZoomoption.Toregister, visit

medical, restaurants, & the DE/MD beach resorts. $549,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4373PM


14 acres +/-, stables, fenced pastures, run in sheds, can board up to 15 horses, 100 X 150 outdoor riding arena, 83 x 133 indoor riding arena, 6 bay garage, workshop, dog kennel & excellent income producing history. Residence is a 2 BR, 1 BA that could be expanded. $597,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4284OM

Indian River Bay views from the front deck of this 2 BR, 1 BA located just off River Road, & close to Millsboro area attractions. Access to Riverdale Boat Club, which has a launch, is directly across the street, and is available for a low price of $75/year. $115,000 Call Molly Bayard Brittingham 302-381-0839(Cell) #4509V

3 BR, 2.5 BA townhouse overlooking the pond

featuring LVP floors, kitchen with granite countertops, screened porch, 2-car garage, and

BR with tray ceilings. Community pool, clubhouse, kayak launch, and more! Shows like new! $439,000 Call Merritt of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-562-7954 (Cell) #4478TL


Exquisite 4 BR, 2 BA w/ stunning curb appeal. Features large open living area w/ HW floors, Kitchen w/ SS appliances & island, living space w/ FP, sunroom, FF owner’s suite, fenced backyard, landscaping, patio & 2-car garage. $469,900 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4327TL

This lovely open concept home is great for is great for entertaining w/5 BR, 4 BA, large kitchen, formal DR, & spacious living area. Work from home in style with bedroom/office options and enjoy the serene woodlands of Atlantic East. $819,900 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4521UL

Completely renovated 3 BR, 2 BA home

This 3 BR, 2.5 BA Cape Cod features screened porch, sunroom and a guest suite built over the 2-car garage. $465,000 Call Susan Mills 302-542-4146

48 CoastalPoint March24,2023 MILLSBORO 28422 DuPont Boulevard 302-934-3970 1-888-934-3970 LEWES 1240 Kings Highway 302-645-2207 1-800-331-4241 REHOBOTH 246 Rehoboth Avenue 302-227-3883 1-800-345-3469 ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES! CHARMING CAPE COD! LOW GROUND RENT #1 Loca y Owned Real Estate Company in Sussex County for 2022* * AS PER INFORMATION FROM BRIGHT MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM METICULOUSLY MAINTAINED This 3 BR, 2 BA modern home features an open floor plan, HW floors, tray ceiling, gourmet kitchen, gas FP, recessed lighting, kitchen with island, quartz countertops, and breakfast nook, screened porch, and 2-car garage. $1,075,000 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4316AL 4 BR, 3 BA farmhouse on 11.15 +/- partially wooded acres, giving you plenty of privacy w/the convenience of proximity to Ocean City, the Lewes/Rehoboth beaches, & Salisbury Airport. If you're considering commercial use, this property would make a lovely equestrian center, vineyard, or wedding venue. $1,149,900 Call Paul Townsend 302-236-3212 (Cell) #4354VL
and primary (Cell) #4446TM with new roof, and septic system in process. Conveniently located near restaurants, shopping, and Bethany Beach. $399,000 Call Bea Maggio 443-789-1480 (Cell) #4479VM BLACKWATER VILLAGE VILLAS AT WALDEN HARBOR POINT ATLANTIC EAST 4 BR, 2.5 BA home offering large family/SR, FF primary BR, full finished basement w/bar & FP, irrigated yard, inground heated pool, covered patio, screened gazebo, & attractive fencing. Close to shopping,
Calendar Continuedfrompage47
March24,2023 CoastalPoint 49


Shehadapassionforadventure andthebeach.Shespentthefirst32 yearsofherlifeintheareawithher familyinForestHill,Md.,beforeretiringtotheSelbyville/WestFenwickIslandareaofDelawarein 2015.

Ifanyoneknewher,theywould recognizeherbeautifullydecorated homes,especiallyatChristmastime. Shewasveryfriendlyandoutgoing. Shemademanyfriendsoverthe yearsinMarylandandDelaware. Sheespeciallyenjoyedtheladiesand othersatMariner’sBethelUMC, andtheLadiesCentralandLadies BookClub.Asamemberofthe BayviewLandingHomeownersAssociation,shewasinvolvedinthe SocialandPoolcommittees,and mademanyfriendsintheBayview LandingCommunityandinOcean View,Del.

Jewellwasprecededindeathby herfather,Lawrence,andmother, RebeccaDavis.Sheissurvivedby hersistersJudyEckenrodeandBarbaraStephenson;Sheissurvivedby herhusbandJim,twodaughters, KellyandherhusbandBrian,and LauraandherhusbandChris.She alsohadthreegrandchildrenBrandon,Sarah,andLucas.Sheissur-

vivedbymanycousins,alargeextendedfamily,andmanyclose friendsmadethroughoutherlife.


CharlesD.“Charlie”King,81,of Millville,Del,andformerlyofTowson,Md.,passedawaypeacefully, surroundedbyhislovingfamily,on Sunday,March12,2023,athishome. HewasborninBaltimore,Md.,on Aug.10,1941,sonofthelateDavid KingandthelateKatherine(Stansberry)King.

Kingretiredfromworkforthe MarylandMassTransitAdministrationfortheStateofMarylandasa buspainter.

Hehadaloveforthegreatoutdoors.Heenjoyedhunting,fishing andarchery.Healsohadapassion formakingfishinglures.Hevolunteeredcountlesshourswiththe FriendsofHoltsLandingStatePark, withwhomhehelpedcleartrailsand maintaintheparkforvisitorsto enjoy.Hewasalsoamemberofthe DelawareLodge#37A.F.&A.M.

Kingissurvivedbyhislovingwife of38years,Margaret(Dudley)King; adaughter,KarenZigler;asister,Ida Klein;11grandchildren;andtwo great-grandchildren.

AMasonicservice,followedbya celebrationofKing’slifewillbeheld at11a.m.onFriday,April28,2023, attheOceanViewChapelofMelson

FuneralServices,38040Muddy NeckRoad,OceanView,Del.,where friendsandfamilymaycallafter10 a.m.Inlieuofflowers,thefamily suggestedmemorialcontributionsin King’snametoFriendsofHolts LandingStatePark,POBOX1488, OceanView,DE19970.Condolencesmaybesentonlinebyvisiting

LarryD. HarmonMatthews,67

LarryD.HarmonMatthews,67,a residentofAtlanticShoresRehabilitation&HealthCareCenterinMillsboro,Del.,passedawayonMonday, March6,2023.HewasborninFrankford,Del.,tothelateJamesMatthews andCordeliaHarmon.

Heworkedintheconstructionfield. He likedtohaveagoodtimeandwork oncars,andlovedR&Boldies.Hewas verysocial,andlovedtellingstoriesand talking.

Matthewsissurvivedbythreechildren:GerardWilliamsofDover,Del.; DarnellHall(andTrinaDobraski)of Bridgeville,Del.,andRahiemKellam, alsoofBridgeville.Heisalsosurvived byabrother,JamesHarmon(andLucille)ofSeaford,Del.;twosisters,Cathy MatthewsofMillsboro,Del.,and TammyMatthewsofGeorgetown,Del.; aswellas10grandchildrenandsix great-grandchildren.Heisalsosurvived bynieces,nephews,extendedfamily



Serviceswerebeprivate.ArrangementswerebyWatsonFuneralHome inMillsboro,Del.Lettersofcondolence maybesentonlineat



Stehling,83,ofFrankford,Del.,passed awayonWednesday,March8,2023, surroundedbyherlovingfamily.She continuedtobeaverystrong,loving, protectiveandloyalMom,MomMom andGrannyaslongasshelived. StehlingwasborninBaltimore,Md.,to parents,JohnandAgnesMilchling.She wastwintoAlbertandoldersisterto Joseph.

Shelovedmusicanddanceasateen. SheattendedPattersonHighSchool, andlaterinlifeearnedanassociate’sdegreeinaccounting.Sheworkedinthe accountingdepartmentatBaltimore CityHospitaland,later,theJohnsHopkinscampus.

StehlingmarriedRobert(Bob) Stehlingin1957atSt.Elizabeth’sin Baltimore.Thetwoprovedtobeaninseparablecouple.Theyhadtwodaughters,KarenandLisa.Stehlingandher husbandspentmostoftheirtimewith theirfamily.Theyenjoyedtripsto OceanCity,Md.,DisneyWorldand Floridabeaches.Theywerealsoboaters, fishersandcrabbersontheChesapeake Bayforyears.Later,theyenjoyedtheir

50 CoastalPoint March24,2023

summerplacenearBethanyBeach. Theycontinuedtoenjoycrabbingthere, andStehlingwasalwayswell-knownfor herperfectlymadeMarylandcrabcakes, whichhaveneverbeenreplicated.

Stehling’sgranddaughterJennifer wasbornontheirweddinganniversary in1974,toherparents,Karenand PatrickStraw.ThatmadetheStehlings’ familycomplete.Shedearlylovedher familyandwasequallylovingofher sons-in-law,PatrickandJerry.Shewas knowntobragshamelesslyaboutthem both. Andsometimessheevendidthe sameinspeakingofherdaughtersand granddaughter.Intheirretirementyears, theStehlingsspentmanywinter monthsinFlorida,wheretheyalsoenjoyedfamily,friends,dancingandgolfing.

Inlateryears,shestilllovedcooking, dancing,crafting,casinotrips,puzzles, theCHEERCenter,and,ofcourse,her timewithfamily.Shealwaysrememberedtohavefunandremindedothers todothesame.

“Abeautifulsoulhasdepartedandis nowheldineternalembrace.Maythe


Inadditiontoherparents,andtwo brothers,Stehlingwasprecededin deathbyherhusband,Robert,andtheir daughterKarenStraw.Shewillbe deeplymissedbyherdaughterLisaand herhusband,Jerry;son-in-law,Patrick Straw,whomshealwayssaidshe“raised fromapup”;granddaughterJennifer andherhusband,DavidWalsh;and great-grandson,Logan.Shewillalsobe mournedbyBen,AneliaandNora;Rebecca,BennyandLuciano;Jessand Michael;andnumerousfamilymembers andfriends.

Thefamilywillbeholdingaprivate prayerserviceattheveteran’scemetery whereStehlingwillbelaidtorestwith herhusband.Aprivatecelebrationof herlifeisalsoplannedforfamilyand friends.Ifdesired,donationsto CHEERofOceanView,Del.,St.Ann’s CatholicChurchinBethanyBeach,the AmericanCancerSocietyorthegiver’s favoriteorganizationforheartdiseaseor breastcancerwouldbeappreciated.


C.SusanWells,79,ofSelbyville, Del.,andformerlyofTowson,Md., passedawaypeacefully,surroundedby herlovingfamily,onSunday,March12,

2023,attheDelawareHospiceCenter inMilford,Del.ShewasborninBaltimore,Md.,onOct.21,1943,daughter ofthelateHenryCarterandthelate Frances(Shepard)Carter.

WellsretiredfromGoucherCollege inBaltimore,havingworkedasanexecutiveadministrativeassistant.

Shehadalovefortheoutdoors.She enjoyedboatingwithherhusband,duringwhichtheyspentcountlesshours fishingandcrabbing.Shewasalsoatalentedgardener,takingmeticulouscare ofherAfricanviolets,andsheandher husband,Ron,enjoyedtakingcruises. ShewasamemberofSt.LukeCatholic ChurchinOceanCity,Md.,whereshe servedasaneucharisticminister,and wasalsoamemberoftheSwannKeys SportsClub.

Inadditiontoherparents,Wellswas precededindeathbyherson,William “Bill”Burke.Sheissurvivedbyherlovinghusbandof43years,RonaldLee Wells;twodaughters,CarrieLubiniecki andherhusband,John,andCindy Wehnerandherhusband,Ed;agranddaughter,StephanieLubiniecki;anda great-grandson,CalebLubiniecki;as wellasabrother,JohnCarterandhis wife,Vicki.


heldfrom2to6p.m.onSaturday,April 15,2023,attheSwannKeysCommunityCenter.Inlieuofflowers,thefamilysuggestedmemorialcontributionsin Wells’nametoDelawareHospice,100 PatriotsWay,Milford,DE19963.Condolencesmaybesentonlinebyvisiting

NoahAntoine JamalTaylor,17days

NoahAntoineJamalTaylor,17days, ofDagsboro,Del.,passedawayon March11,2023.HewasborntoErnest GilbertandNicoleTaylor.

Noahwillbegreatlymissedbyhis family.Duringhistimehere,hewas abletohelpsomeoneinneed. Ser vicesforNoahweretobeprivate.

Melson’s Funeral Services & Cremation Services Ocean View Chapel 38040 Muddy Neck Road Ocean View, DE 302.537.2441 Long Neck Chapel 32013 Long Neck Road Millsboro, DE 302.945.9000 Frankford Chapel 43 atcher Street Frankford, DE 302.732.9000 March24,2023 CoastalPoint 51


(Disciples of Christ)


In-Person & Live-Streaming on YouTube Social Distancing

Serving • Inclusive • Open-Minded • Open Communion

7 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Bethany Beach

Ocean View

Presbyterian Church


Established in 1779

“Loving & Living so that Others see Jesus in us”

In-Person & Live-Streamed every Sunday, 8:30 a.m.

Pastor John Schutt 302.436.4011 37890 Sound Church Road, Selbyville 19975


2 Sunday Services 9 & 10:30 a.m. Roxana Volunteer Fire Co.


Join us in person on SUNDAYS





live on Facebook & YouTube

67 Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970 PC(USA) 302-539-3455

67 Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970 PC(USA) 302-539-3455

Pastor Terry Dougherty

Pastor Terry Dougherty

Salem Church United Methodist

Welcome Home!


1 Service at 10 am

Regular schedule will resume Sun., Apr. 16

Pastor Reverend Blair Hall

29 W. Church St. • Selbyville • 302.436.8412

BEACON Baptist Church


10 am: Small Groups for All Ages 11 am: Family Worship

WEDNESDAY 7 pm: Adults/KidsKlub/Teens

Je Smith, Pastor 302.539.1216

32263 Beacon Baptist Rd.; Rt. 26, Millville, DE 19967

Ocean View Church of Christ

55 West Ave., Ocean View

Sunday 10 am


Preacher Ethan Magee • 302.539.7468•

Sharing the Truth of God’s Word, Verse by Verse

Sundays 9 am Christian Conference Center Octagonal Building 211 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach

35175 Roxana Rd. Frankford, 19945 RiverOnline.Church Lead Pastor Bryan Sells

Saturday 6 pm Sunday 9 & 11 am

River Kids Sat. 6 pm & Sun.9 am

Friday 6-8 pm Momentum, a group for Teens Wellsprings International a healing & deliverance ministry for more information:

St. Andrew e Apostle Orthodox Church

Fr. Herman Acker, Pastor 33384 Mackenzie Way - Lewes, 19958 302.645.5791

9 am: Praise & Worship

11 am: Traditional

Facebook Live, YouTube or


8 am

Open Door Adults

9 am

ARMOR Kids’ Church

10 am: Joy - Adults

10:15 am

Young Adults Bible Study

4 pm CRASH Youth (for grades 6-12)

Rev. Dr. Rebecca Collison


Rt. 26 & Central Ave. Ocean View

Traditional Services

Traditional Values

Traditional Church

9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am

Fellowship Sunday School Morning Worship

March 26, 6 pm


Wednes. Bible Study 6:30 pm

All Are Welcome!

Sunday Services Pastor Dennis Bradford 410.430.7104 Rt. 17 & Daisey Rd., Roxana 34478 Roxana Rd.; Frankford, 19945

52 CoastalPoint March24,2023
Sunday Orthros Sunday Liturgy
9:00 am 10:00
Saturday Vespers
Visitors Always Welcome!
LIVE broadcast on: Wednesday 6:30 pm Facebook Live Bible Study MILLVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday Worship at 9:30 am - or - join via ZOOM (call the office for info) Like us on Facebook! Grounded in God’s Grace Moving in Christ’s Love across from Millville Town Hall Pastor Wendy Butterworth 302.539.9077 Co eht th iv reS e MdetinU G St. e S ay Sunday e civres ay dnuSr fe ffeoff We i ojotemoclewerau Yo 6181 ce ynis t ty inumm hcru h g Ctsidoht ’s e’s or e secivr deen y r very ve er fo s !yadnuSnosun UM StG oreMo AJ Pastor 9 91,dr fo kfo kf narF,.dRramO73343 segroe C 302.259.1740 TS CAfotsewtsuj-54 gro.




H • 410.641.4882

11021 Worcester Hwy., Berlin, MD 21811

Frankford Presbyterian Church

Helping others help themselves

A welcoming church family committted to serving a God known for Unconditional Love and Acceptance. 302.537.5944 Pastor P. G. Maurer

Main Street, at the foot of Thatcher Street in Frankford Nearly New Thift Shop Fri., 9-5 & Sat., 9-1

Seaside Jewish Community

Celebrating 25 Years

An egalitarian unaf liated congregation

Shabbat Services

Visit our website to sign up for our email newsletter for noti cation of events and worship services. Adult and youth education programs, activities, social events, discussion groups, religious school

Religious Leader

Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan

(302) 226 8977

18790 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach

CC Delaware Coast

A Calvary Chapel Fellowship

Sunday Worship Wednesdays 10:00 am 7:00 pm

Verse by Verse Teaching

48 N. Main Street, Selbyville or join us on Facebook - click link on

For more information, contact Pastor Rob LoRusso 302.500.1774

to get the Word out? 302.539.1788
Worship in-person
beautiful church with a small congregation and a Big, Welcoming Heart! Sunday Service at 10 a.m. Get-acquainted coffee hour after the service The Rev. Glenn Duffy 75 West Church St.; Selbyville Parking: Front or Back 302.436.8921 • Where the Word and the Spirit agree Pastor Bill Lorman 302.436.4522 28574 Cypress Road Selbyville Sunday Worship 10 am KidsPort Kids Church 10 am on Facebook at groups/PCChurch ST.MARTHA’S EPISCOPALCHURCH GodisLoveandthosewholiveinlove,liveinGod, andGodlivesinthem. 1John4:16 LENTENMINI-RETREAT Saturday,March2510am-1pm SimpleLunchProvided.Calltoregister. 302.539.7444 TheRev.VictoriaPretti,Rector 117MaplewoodStreet;BethanyBeach Visitourwebsitetosignupforourtwice-weeklynewsand SaturdayInspirationemails.WeofferBibleStudy,adult educationcourses,andmore! SUNDAYHOLYEUCHARIST 8:00am 10:00am withmusic and onYouTube TEMPLE BAT YAM A Reform Jewish Congregation Call: 410.641.4311 for directions and information about services, religious school, membership, and social events. 11036 Worcester Hwy. (Rt. 575), Berlin, MD Only 20 minutes from Bethany Beach Shabbat Services: Friday, 5:30 p.m. through March 10 A positive path for spiritual living Sunday Services 10 am Zoom Classes Available 98 Rudder Rd., Suite A1, Millsboro 19966 302.945.5253 FENWICK ISLAND BAPTIST CHURCH 36806 Lighthouse Rd., next to Float-ors SUNDAYS SundaySchool-allages-9a.m. Worship&Celebration-10a.m. EveningBibleStudy-5p.m. WEDNESDAYS InteractiveBibleStudy-6p.m. Chapter by Chapter, Verse by Verse Approach to Scripture you loves God h cruhC ytinummoC clc199 Link: n imaertSsecivreSllA Period! . ACLE narehtuL ebuTuoYnog 9am-12pm Tuesday 3rd & 1st PANTRY FOOD ma9 PIHSROW YA AY DNUS mp21 YDUTSELBIB.SEUT spirit. and water of Born PA 3 John Karis Doctor Rev. The a Dagsboro of South 20, Rt c • 302.732.1156 :5 Pastor Graham, light blinking the t March24,2023 CoastalPoint 53
54 CoastalPoint March24,2023 Callusat302.539.1788
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Best Bets


8 p.m. on 5 FX

Movie: Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

More than 20 years after the adventure comedy- fantasy “Jumanji” blew the roof off the box office, this 2017 sequel follows some teenagers who find themselves whisked into the world of what is now a video game, where they play as their chosen grown-up avatars, trying to overcome the game’s magical power and win their release to return home. Dwayne Johnson stars as Indiana Jones-style archaeologist Smolder Bravestone; the other avatars are played by Karen Gillan, Jack Black, Kevin Hart and Nick Jonas.

9 p.m. on , WCPB American Masters

The new episode “In the Making,” profiles two talented performers breaking down barriers in the worlds of opera and country music. After the pandemic’s height, opera singer J’Nai Bridges makes a triumphant return to the stage in “A Knee on the Neck,” a tribute to George Floyd. And country artist Rissi Palmer redefines success as she works on her latest album while helping uplift the voices of other BIPOC women country performers.


8 p.m. on 6 LIFE

Movie: Every Breath She Takes

Jules Baker (Tamala Jones) thinks that she is finally free from her abusive husband Billy (Brian White) after she believes he died in a house fire during the couple’s final physical altercation. But as she begins to rebuild her life, while now known as the woman “that killed her husband,” she begins encountering a series of life-threatening events, all the while she believes she’s seeing Billy at every corner in this 2023 thriller.


8 p.m. on 6 LIFE

Movie: Home, Not Alone

This is why you hire a qualified home inspector. Sara Wilson (Andrea Bogart) and her 18-year-old daughter, Jordyn (Maya Jenson), have finally moved into their dream home in a great neighborhood to make a fresh start. But when strange occurrences start happening in the house, Sara can’t help but feel danger is lurking closer than she’d like in this 2023 thriller. Adam Huss and Luke Meissner also star.

10 p.m. on & WBOC NCIS: Los Angeles

When Callen (Chris O’Donnell), Sam (LL Cool J), Blye (Daniela Ruah) and the rest of the NCIS team receive a cryptic, urgent message, Fatima (Medalion Rahimi) and Rountree (Ca-

To Dine ForGreek TableSecrets of Sacred Pioneers of Television ’ Mary Berry’s Easter FeastWorldWorldThe Green Planet

3 TNT (4:15) “Ready Player One” (:15) Movie: ››› “Thor: Ragnarok” (2017, Action) Chris Hemsworth. (DVS) All Elite Wrestling Movie: “Thor: Ragnarok”

5 FX “Jurassic World” XFL Football St. Louis BattleHawks at Vegas Vipers. From Cashman Field in Las Vegas. Movie: ›› “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” (2018) ’

6 LIFE Movie: “The Hillsdale Adoption Scam” (2023) Movie: “Every Breath She Takes” (2023) Tamala Jones. (:03) Movie: “Single Black Female” (2022) Amber Riley.

7 A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ (:01) The First 48 ’ (:04) The First 48 ’

8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes

< ESPN UFC Fight Night - Prelims UFC Fight Night: Vera vs. Sandhagen (N) (Live) Boxing Ramirez vs. Commey (Main Card). (N) (Live)

= ESPN2 NCAA Studio2023 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament Bad Beats College Softball Florida at Arkansas. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N)

A GOLF PGA Champions LPGA Tour Golf Drive On Championship, Third Round. (N) Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Golf

I HGTV HuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHouse Hunters Renovation House Hunters HuntersHunters Int’l

K FOOD Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive

L DISC Homestead Rescue Marty constructs a massive yurt. (N) Homestead Rescue Marty brings water to the property. Homestead Rescue The Raneys answer an urgent call. ’

M HIST The UnXplained ’ The UnXplained ’ The UnXplained ’ (:02) The UnXplained ’ (:05) The UnXplained ’ (:05) The UnXplained ’

N ANPL Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV My Pack Life ’ My Pack Life ’ My Pack Life ’

P DISN Marvel’s MoLadybugLadybugLadybugProud FamilyProud FamilyMarvel’s MoBig City Kiff ’ Kiff ’ LadybugLadybug

R TVLND Mike & MollyMike & MollyMike &

Super 16 Survivors” (N) Alex vs America (N) Superchef Grudge Match

L DISC Naked and Afraid: Uncensored “Kalahari Cold Front” (N) Naked and Afraid A Tribes’ episode. (N) (DVS) (:02) Naked and Afraid: Solo (:02) Naked and Afraid ’

M HIST Built America Built America Built America Built America Built America Built America

N ANPL Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ (:01) Lone Star Law ’ (:01) Lone Star Law ’

P DISN (5:55) Kiff ’ (:20) Movie: ››› “A Bug’s Life” (1998) Bunk’d Saturdays ’ Saturdays ’ SecretsSecrets Jessie Bunk’dMarvel’s Mo

R TVLND Mike & MollyMike & MollyMike & MollyMike & MollyTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo Men(:15) Two and a Half Men

¨ AMC Movie: ››› “The Fugitive” (1993, Action) Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones. Lucky Hank (N) (:03) Lucky Hank (:06)

Bethany FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 24, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Penn & Teller: Fool Us ’ Whose LineWhose LineNews Chicago P.D. “I Was Here” Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) ’ (Live) WBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS News2023 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament 2023 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud Shark Tank (DVS) (:01) 20/20 ’ DelmarvaJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsMoneyHollywoodLopez vsGrand Crew Dateline NBC (N) ’ NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) State CircleBBC World From Darkness (Part 2 of 4) American Masters J’Nai Bridges; Rissi Palmer. (N) ’ WashVariety 3 TNT (5:15) Movie: ›› “The Meg” (2018) U.S. SoccerCONCACAF Nations League Soccer U.S. Soccer Movie: ›› “The Meg” (2018) (DVS) 5 FX Movie: ›› “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer”Movie: ››› “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” (2017) ’ Movie: ››› “Bumblebee” (2018) ’ 6 LIFE Movie: “Trapped Sisters” (2016) Alexandra Park. Movie: “Twisted Sister” (2023) Mena Suvari. Premiere. (:03) Movie: “Lies My Sister Told Me” (2022) 7 A&E The First 48 “Spellbound” The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ (:01) The First 48 ’ (:04) The First 48 ’ 8 TRUTV Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesFam. MattersFam. MattersFam. MattersFam. Matters < ESPN NCAA W. TournamentNCAA Studio2023 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament NCAA Studio2023 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament = ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) Max UFC Live College Baseball Arkansas at LSU. From Alex Box Stadium in Baton Rouge, La. (N) SportsCenter (N) A GOLF PGA Golf Golf Central (N) (Live) LPGA Tour Golf Drive On Championship, Second Round. PGA Champions I HGTV Dream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeHunters Int’lHunters Int’lIsland LifeIsland Life K FOOD Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive L DISC Gold Rush “Here’s Johnny!” Gold Rush: Pay Dirt (N) ’ Gold Rush (N) ’ Gold Rush: Freddy Dodge’sGold Rush: Freddy Dodge’sGold Rush: Freddy Dodge’s M HIST Ancient Aliens ’ Ancient Aliens ’ Ancient Aliens: Declassified “Otherworldly Intelligence” Hidden realms beneath Earth’s surface. (N) ’ N ANPL The Aquarium ’ The Secret Life of the ZooThe Secret Life of the ZooThe Secret Life of the ZooThe Secret Life of the ZooThe Secret Life of the Zoo P DISN Movie: ›› “The Lion King” (2019) Seth Rogen ’ SecretsSecrets Saturdays ’ Saturdays (N) Marvel’s MoBig CitySecretsSecrets R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC (5:00) Movie: ››› “True Lies” (1994, Action) Movie: › “Gone in 60 Seconds” (2000, Action) Nicolas Cage. (:45) Movie: ›› “Now You See Me” ≠ BRAV (:03) Movie ›› “Bruce Almighty” (2003) Jim Carrey. (:04) Movie › “Mr. Deeds” (2002) Adam Sandler. ‘PG-13’ (:06) Movie ›› “Bruce Almighty” (2003) Jim Carrey. µ WTXF The Six (N) Props TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) ’ (Live) The 10 NewsSpecialFox 29 NewsFeed Bethany SATURDAY EVENING MARCH 25, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW BurgersBurgers The Good Doctor Masters ofMasters ofAnimalsAnimalsNews Movie: ›› “The Shepherd” (2008) % FOX MLS Soccer Big BangBig Bang Next Level Chef ’ Farmer Wants a Wife WBOC News Friends ’ Next Level Chef ’ & WBOC Inside Edit.CBS NewsNewsOutdoors FBI: Most Wanted ’ NCIS: Hawai’i “Nurture” ’ 48 Hours ’ NewsOutdoors _ WMDT NewsWorld
’ (Live) NewsOutdoorsman + WBAL
(Live) Saturday Night Live (N) ’ NewsSNL ,
NewsWise MoneyFamily Feud NHL Hockey Washington Capitals at Pittsburgh Penguins. (N)
11 News at 6Nightly News Access Hollywood (N) ’ Figure Skating World Championships. (N) ’
MollyMike & MollyTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo Men(:15) Two and a Half Men ¨ AMC (5:15) Movie: › “Gone in 60 Seconds” (2000) Movie: ››› “Star Trek Beyond” (2016) Chris Pine, Karl Urban. (:45) Movie: ››› “The Perfect Storm” ≠ BRAV Other Guys Movie ›› “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby” (2006) Movie ›› “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby” (2006) Other Guys µ WTXF MLS Soccer To Be Announced Next Level Chef ’ Farmer Wants a WifeThe 10 O’Clock News (N) Next Level Chef ’ Bethany SUNDAY EVENING MARCH 26, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Family GuyFamily Guy The Good Doctor AnimalsAnimalsWhose LineWhose LineNews Chicago P.D. ’ WOW % FOX NASCAR Cup Series Next Level Chef ’ SimpsonsGreat NorthBurgersHouseBrokenWBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NCAA Men’s Tournament 60 Minutes (N) ’ The Equalizer (N) ’ East New York (N) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) ’ News at 11The Rookie _ WMDT NewsWorld NewsFunniest Home Videos American Idol Hopefuls audition for the judges. (N) The Company You Keep (N) NewsMarquee + WBAL PGA Golf Dateline NBC ’ Magnum P.I. “Birthright” (N) The Blacklist ’ News11 News , WCPB Walking Victorian EnglandThe Carol Burnett Show Call the Midwife (N) ’ Sanditon on Masterpiece Marie-Antoinette (N) ’ The Carol Burnett Show 3 TNT (5:00) Movie: ›› “Aquaman” (2018) Jason Momoa. Movie: ››› “The Suicide Squad” (2021) Margot Robbie. Premiere. (:45) Movie: ››› “The Suicide Squad” 5 FX (5:30) Movie: ›› “Iron Man 2” (2010, Action) ’ Movie: ››› “Iron Man 3” (2013) Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow. ’ Movie: › “Fantastic Four” 6 LIFE Movie: “Twisted Sister” (2023) Mena Suvari. Movie: “Home, Not Alone” (2023) Andrea Bogart. (:03) Movie: “House of Chains” (2022) Mena Suvari. 7 A&E Biography: WWE Legends “Stone Cold Steve Austin” ’ Biography: WWE LegendsBiography: WWE Legends (:01) WWE Rivals (N) (:04) WWE Rivals ’ 8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers < ESPN SportsCenter (N) 2023 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament 2023 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament SportsCenter (N) = ESPN2 Hockey College Hockey NCAA Tournament, Regional Final: Teams TBA. (N) Premier Hockey Federation Final: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) World of X A GOLF PGA Champions LPGA Tour Golf Drive On Championship, Final Round. (N) Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Golf I HGTV Home Town Home Town Home Town (N) (:01) Home Town (N) HuntersHunters Int’lHuntersHunters Int’l K FOOD Guy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery Games Tournament of Champions “The
›› “Barbershop” (2002) Ice Cube. µ WTXF NASCAR Cup Series
SimpsonsGreat NorthBurgersHouseBroken The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 News Extra (N) ’ Bethany MONDAY EVENING MARCH 27, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce All American (N) ’ All American: HomecomingNews Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang iHeartRadio Music Awards 2023 (N) ’ (Live) WBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. TonightYoung-Restless NCIS “Turkey Trot” ’ NCIS: Hawai’i ’ NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud The Bachelor “Finale and After the Final Rose” (Season Finale) (N) ’ (DVS) NewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood The Voice “The Battles Premiere” (N) ’ Quantum Leap (N) ’ NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) ConnectionCollectibles Antiques Roadshow AwadaginBirth-Planet Independent Lens “Hidden Letters” (N) ’ Amanpour 3 TNT (4:00) Movie: “Aquaman”U.S. SoccerCONCACAF Nations League Soccer U.S. Soccer Movie: ››› “Pacific Rim” (2013) Charlie Hunnam. 5 FX (5:00) “The Transporter” ’ Movie: ››› “Fight Club” (1999, Suspense) Brad Pitt, Edward Norton. ’ Movie: ››› “Fight Club” (1999) Brad Pitt. ’ 6 LIFE Castle “Almost Famous” ’ Castle “Murder Most Fowl” Castle ’ Castle “Last Call” ’ (:03) Castle “Nikki Heat” ’ (:03) Castle ’ 7 A&E The First 48 “Monster” ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ (:01) The First 48 ’ (:04) The First 48 ’ 8 TRUTV Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers Movie: › “Pixels” (2015, Comedy) Adam Sandler. < ESPN SportsCenter (N) 2023 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament 2023 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament SportsCenter (N) = ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live) XFL Football Houston Roughnecks at D.C. Defenders. (N) (Live) Boy’s High School Basketball NFL Live A GOLF Golf Central PGA TOURPGA TOUR PGA Tour Golf WGC - Dell Technologies Match Play, Semifinals. PGA Golf I HGTV Love It or List It Love It or List It Rock the Block Rock the Block (N) HuntersHuntersIsland LifeIsland Life K FOOD Tournament of ChampionsSpring Baking Spring Baking Spring Bak Chopped “Sexy Feast” Chopped “Noodle-palooza” L DISC Street Outlaws: FastestStreet Outlaws: Red Line Street Outlaws: Fastest in America Cali Nate has a secret weapon. (N) (DVS) Street Outlaws: Red Line M HIST History’s-MysteriesHistory’s-MysteriesHistory’s-MysteriesHistory’s-MysteriesHistory’s Greatest of AllHistory’s-Mysteries N ANPL Alaska: The Last FrontierAlaska: The Last FrontierAlaska: The Last FrontierAlaska: The Last FrontierAlaska: The Last FrontierAlaska: The Last Frontier P DISN LadybugLadybugHamster &Marvel’s Mo Movie: ››› “Cinderella” (2015) Cate Blanchett. ’ Big City Kiff ’ LadybugLadybug R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC (5:30) Movie: ›› “The Taking of Pelham 123” (2009) Movie: › “Rambo: Last Blood” (2019) Sylvester Stallone. Movie: ››› “Under Siege” (1992) Steven Seagal. ≠ BRAV Below Deck Below Deck (N) Summer House Summer House (N) Below Deck Summer House Vanderpump µ WTXF The Six (N) The Pulse TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life iHeartRadio Music Awards 2023 (N) ’ (Live) The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed
Movie: “The Fugitive”
Vanderpump Rules SWV & Xscape SWV & Xscape Watch WhatSWV & Xscape Movie
Next Level Chef ’
March24,2023 CoastalPoint 55
the best of the beach. in ink and online. every friday.

8 TRUTV Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes Movie: ››› “Sausage Party” (2016) Sausage < ESPN SportsCenter (N) 2023 NIT Basketball Tournament Boy’s High School Basketball SportsCenter (N) = ESPN2 Daily WagerGirls High School Basketball NFL Live Basketball2023 NIT Basketball Tournament NFL Live

A GOLF Golf Central Play LessonsGolf Acad.Play LessonsPlay LessonsPlay LessonsPlay LessonsPlay LessonsPlay Lessons Golf Central

I HGTV Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous (N) Renovation 911 HuntersHunters Int’lBahamasBahamas

K FOOD Chopped Chopped A sea creature. Chopped (N) Superchef Grudge Match Chopped “Terrine Cuisine” Chopped “Pig Candy”

L DISC Homestead Rescue The Raneys answer an urgent call. ’ Homestead Rescue A Washington state homestead. (N) (:01) Homestead Rescue(:01) Homestead Rescue

M HIST Oak Island: Drilling Down The Curse of Oak Island ’ The Curse of Oak Island ’ The Curse of Oak Island (N) History’s Greatest Heists The Curse of Oak Island ’

N ANPL North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’

P DISN LadybugLadybugHamster &Marvel’s Mo Movie: ›› “High School Musical 3: Senior Year” (2008) Big CityHamster &LadybugLadybug

R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing

¨ AMC Movie: › “Rambo: Last Blood” (2019) Sylvester Stallone. Movie: ››› “Tombstone” (1993, Western) Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer. Movie: ››› “Sicario”

≠ BRAV Below Deck MediterraneanHousewives of NJ Housewives of NJ Housewives of NJ Housewives of NJ Vanderpump Rules

µ WTXF The Six

Best Bets

leb Castille) must work together to solve the case. Also, Kilbride (Gerald McRaney) plans to visit his son, and Callen asks Sam to be his best man in the new episode “Sleeping Dogs.” Eric Christian Olsen, Bar Paly and Duncan Campbell also star.


2 p.m. on _ WMDT General Hospital

Alums and newcomers come together to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the most scandal-ridden hospital in American history. Averaging 250 episodes of original programming each year for 60 years has created a spectacular list of cast members, many of whom will make appearances as the anniversary celebration continues into April. This week will include an honoring of the late Sonya Eddy, who played head nurse Epiphany Johnson starting in 2006.

8 p.m. on _ WMDT

The Bachelor

We’re down to the final rose and if history is any kind of teacher, something is probably going to go off the rails in the Season 27 “Finale and After the Final Rose.” Bachelor Zach Shallcross has proven to be a bit of an enigma. The ladies love him. But do they love him enough? And has COVID-19 caused too much of a headache in Zach’s search for true love? Also, someone keep an eye out for Rachel.

Little ThingsNewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood Chicago Med (N) ’ Chicago Fire (N) ’ Chicago P.D. (N) ’ NewsTonight Show

WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Milk StreetMotorWeek Nature ’ (DVS) NOVA ’ Secrets of the DeadAmanpour and Company (N) 3 TNT Lucifer “Wingman” ’ NHL on TNT NHL Hockey New York Islanders at Washington Capitals. (Live) NHL Hockey Minnesota Wild at Colorado Avalanche. (Live)

5 FX (4:30) Movie: “Iron Man 2” Movie: ››› “Iron Man 3” (2013) Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow. ’ Snowfall “Charnel House” Snowfall “Charnel House”

6 LIFE Castle “Knockout” Castle “Rise” ’ Married at First Sight The couples go back to their roots. Married at First Sight UKMarried at First Sight UK

7 A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 “Road Rage” The First 48 ’ (:01) The First 48 ’ (:04) The First 48 ’

8 TRUTV Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers

< ESPN SportsCenter (N) NBA NBA Basketball Dallas Mavericks at Philadelphia 76ers. (N) (Live)

NBA Basketball: Timberwolves at Suns

= ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live) Boy’s High School Basketball Baseball Tonight (N) Blood, Sweat ESPN Films SportsCenter (N)

A GOLF Wom. Golf Golf Central Wom. Golf Golf Central Play LessonsPlay LessonsPlay Lessons

I HGTV Rico to the RescueRico to the Rescue Property Brothers Nate & Jeremiah HuntersHuntersBeachBeach

K FOOD Guy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games (N) Guy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery Games

L DISC Moonshiners (DVS) Moonshiners: Outlaw Cuts Moonshiners (N) ’ (DVS)

Master Distiller Master Distiller

M HIST Pawn Stars (DVS) Pawn Stars (DVS) Pawn Stars (DVS) Pawn Stars (N) ’ (:03) Pawn Stars ’ (:05) Pawn Stars ’

N ANPL River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’

P DISN LadybugLadybugHamster &Marvel’s Mo Movie: “Zombies 2” (2020) Meg Donnelly. (:35) Kiff ’ Big CityHamster &LadybugLadybug

R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing

¨ AMC (5:00) Movie: ››› “Tombstone” (1993) Kurt Russell. Movie: ››› “The Fugitive” (1993, Action) Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones. Movie: “The Negotiator”

≠ BRAV Vanderpump RulesVanderpump RulesVanderpump Rules (N) Vanderpump Rules (N) Southern HospitalityVanderpump Rules

µ WTXF The Six (N) ClassH-Room TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life The Masked Singer (N) ’ (:01) Farmer Wants a Wife The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed



MARCH 30, 2023


# CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Walker (N) ’ Superman & Lois ’ News Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy

FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang Next Level Chef (N) ’ AnimalCall Me KatWBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. TonightSheldon(:31) Ghosts (:01) So Help Me Todd (N)


9 p.m. on I HGTV

Renovation 911

Minneapolis-based emergency restoration experts and sisters Lindsey Uselding and Kirsten Meehan are rebuilding a family’s kitchen, living room and garage, all destroyed by a raging fire in this new series. Then they’ll investigate a house left with a monster hole thanks to a car crash and try to save a client’s flooded living room and basement after a washing machine hose leak. Over the season the two face more property mishaps head-on, including a fallen tree through a roof, burst radiators, sewer backups and more.

10 p.m. on _ WMDT

Will Trent

A horrific trailer park massacre leaves a young boy without his family, and Will (Ramon Rodriguez), strongly opposed to leaving him, becomes his temporary guardian. Meanwhile, Faith (Iantha Richardson) receives a visit from her mother, and Angie (Erika Christensen) spirals from incidents of her past in the new episode “Pterodactyls Can Fly.” Jake McLaughlin, Deion Smith, Sonja Sohn and Kurt Yue also star.


9 p.m. on # CW Riverdale

City Confidential (N) ’ (:04) The First 48 ’

8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers Entourage ’ Inside JokesInside Jokes

< ESPN Baseball Tonight (N) MLB Baseball Chicago White Sox at Houston Astros. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)

= ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) WoodenCollege Basketball 2023 NIT Basketball Tournament Final: Teams TBA. (N) NFL Live

A GOLF PGA Golf LPGA Tour Golf DIO Implant LA Open, First Round. (N) (Live) Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Golf

I HGTV The Flipping El MoussasThe Flipping El MoussasThe Flipping El MoussasThe Flipping El MoussasHuntersHunters Int’lCaribbeanCaribbean

K FOOD Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby Restaurant: Impossible (N) Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby

L DISC BattleBots Two famous teams desperate for a win. (N) ’ BattleBots One robot dies and the other fries. (N) (:01) BattleBots ’ (:01) BattleBots ’

M HIST Swamp People: Serpent Swamp People ’ Swamp People “Flash Frozen Gators” (N) Swamp People: Serpent (:35) Swamp People “Pickle’s Holiday” ’

N ANPL Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV

P DISN Big City (:20) Movie: “Zombies 3” (2022) ’ Movie: “Prom Pact” (2023) Peyton Elizabeth Lee. Saturdays ’ Saturdays ’ Movie: “Prom Pact” (2023)

R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing

¨ AMC (5:00) Movie: ››› “The Fugitive” (1993) Harrison Ford. Movie: ››› “Star Trek Beyond” (2016) Chris Pine, Karl Urban. (:45) Movie: ›› “Demolition Man” (1993)

≠ BRAV Below Deck MediterraneanBelow Deck Mediterranean Top Chef Top Chef “Spurred Lines” (:15) Vanderpump Rules (:15) Top Chef

µ WTXF The Six (N) Kelly Drives TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life Next Level Chef (N) ’ AnimalCall Me Kat The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed

Everyone is still trapped in the 1950s and blissfully unaware of why they’re there. Well, everyone but Jughead (Cole Sprouse). But he is determined to return the town back to the present day. To do so, he will need the help of his girlfriend Tabitha Tate (Erinn Westbrook) in the Season 7 premiere episode “Don’t Worry, Darling.” Lili Reinhart, Camila Mendes, Casey Cott, KJ Apa, Vanessa Morgan, Charles Melton, Madchen Amick, and Drew Ray Tanner also star.

9 p.m. on K FOOD Guy’s Grocery Games

Time is ticking and nobody likes to wait for their food. To that end, chef/host Guy Fieri brings together four chefs who feel the need for speed to compete in Grocery Rush. In this race against the clock, they’ll serve a brunch in only 20 minutes and make their favorite noodle dish using 10 ingredients or less in the new episode “All-Star Rush.”


8 p.m. on # CW Walker

In this entertaining second half of the two-part episode “False Flag (Part Two),” the Texas Rangers and the Walker Family must contend with Grey Flag’s plans and one truth ... that everything was a lie. But will they be able to turn things around in time before more damage is done? Stars include Jared Padalecki, Lindsey Morgan, Genevieve Padalecki, Violet Brinson and Keegan Allen.

8 p.m. on P DISN Movie: Prom Pact

High school senior Mandy (Peyton Elizabeth Lee, “Andi Mack”) eschews prom season to focus on her ultimate goal of getting into Harvard. But when she’s put on a wait list, she must rely on help from the guy she abhors most — popular all-star jock Graham Lansing (Blake Draper, “Bad Mothers”), whose father is a powerful senator and Harvard alum. Wendi McLendon-Covey also stars in this original 2023 family comedy.

56 CoastalPoint March24,2023 Bethany TUESDAY EVENING MARCH 28, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Superman & Lois (N) Gotham Knights (N) News Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang 9-1-1: Lone Star (N) ’ (:01) Accused (N) ’ WBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. Tonight FBI ’ FBI: International ’ FBI: Most Wanted “Karma” NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud The Rookie (N) ’ The Rookie: Feds (N) ’ Will Trent (N) (DVS) NewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.HollywoodNight CourtAmerican The Voice (N) ’ That’s My Jam (N) ’ NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Farm-HarvestOutdoorsFinding Your Roots American Experience (N) (DVS) VOCES on PBS ’ Amanpour 3 TNT ReplacemtGame TheoryPregame NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Toronto Raptors. (N Subject to Blackout) NBA Basketball: Pelicans at Warriors 5 FX (4:30) “Kingsman: The Golden Circle” ’ Movie: ›› “Iron Man 2” (2010, Action) Robert Downey Jr. ’ Under the Banner of Heaven “Blood Atonement” 6 LIFE Castle “Lucky Stiff” Castle “The Final Nail” ’ Castle “Setup” Castle “Countdown” (:03) Castle ’ (:03) Castle “Law & Murder” 7 A&E Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.
(N) The 215 (N) TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life 9-1-1: Lone Star (N) ’ (:01) Accused (N) ’ The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed Bethany WEDNESDAY EVENING MARCH 29, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce The Flash “Wildest Dreams” Riverdale ’ News Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang The Masked Singer (N) ’ (:01) Farmer Wants a WifeWBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. Tonight Survivor “The Third Turd” Lingo “Episode 10” (N) ’ True Lies (N) ’ NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily FeudThe ConnersThe ConnersAbbott ElemNot Dead Yet(:01) A Million
Alaska Daily ’ NewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood Law & Order “Bias” (N) ’ Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: OrganizedNewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) BBC NewsCook The Musketeers ’ The Yorkshire Vet River Farm-HarvestConnection 3 TNT Ride AlongGame TheoryNBA Tip-Off NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Milwaukee Bucks. (Live) NBA Basketball New Orleans Pelicans at Denver Nuggets. 5 FX (5:00) Movie: ››› “Iron Man 3” (2013, Action) ’ Movie: ››› “Mission: Impossible
Tom Cruise.
“Enemy of the State” ’ 6 LIFE Castle “Head Case” Castle “Kick the Ballistics” Married at First Sight (N) Married at First Sight UK The couples meet as a group. (:03) Married at First Sight 7 A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 (N) ’ (:01)
CSI: Vegas “The Promise” NewsLate-Colbert
WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud Station 19 (N) ’ Grey’s Anatomy (N) ’ (:01)
(2018, Action)


SeniorChanceHockerhithisfirst homerunoftheseasonanddrovein fourrunstoleadIndianRiverHigh School’sbaseballteamtoa22-0opening-dayvictoryovervisitingOdyssey CharteronMondayafternoon,March 20.

Hockercollectedthreehitstoleada torrid18-hitGreen&Goldattack.

TheIndians’hitparadealsoincluded twodoublesfromseniorBenCordrey, aswellasmultiplesafetiesbyfreshman RickyWigginsandsophomoresJace JarmonandChaseRuley.

FreshmanstartingpitcherAlexBehornerandthreerelieverscombinedon atwo-hitwhitewash.Behornarhurled thefirsttwoinnings,strikingoutthree andallowingtwohits.Hocker,freshmanDylanGriseandseniorJamison BendercombinedtoholdtheOwls(01)scoreless.

IndianRiverisseekingitsthirdconsecutiveseasonofreachingtheDIAA statebaseballplayoffs.

March24,2023 Page57
SpecialtotheCoastalPointphotos•ButchComegys Top,IndianRiverpitcherDylanGrisetakestotalcontrolagainstOdysseyCharteronMonday,March20th.Aboveleft,IndianRivershortstopBenjaminCordreytagsout OdysseyCharter’sElijahRamosduringastolenbaseattemptatsecond.Aboveright,IR’scatchertagsoutOdysseyCharter’sEdwinDeAscanisattheplate.


BrendonBradford madehisselectioncount.

TheDelawareInterscholasticBasketball CoachesAssociation Goldteamselectionfrom IndianRiverHigh Schoolcontributed15 pointsandfourrebounds totheGoldcontingent’s 155-150triumphover theBluesquadlastSaturday,March18,inthe annualBlue-GoldallstargameatDoverHigh School.

Proceedsfromthe gamewillbenefitthe AmericanCancerSocietyandtheDIBCA scholarshipfund.

Bradfordshruggedoff the pressureofthemomentanddrainedtwo free-throwswith:04remainingtosealthetriumph.

“Brendonplayedwell, andhelookedverycomfortable,”saidIndianRiverboys’basketballheadcoachDevinMann.“Heshot theballwellandhadfunplayingwith

hisall-starpeers.Healsosteppedupto thechallengeandplayedsoliddefense.” Bradfordwasoneof15selectionsto

theGold,orSouthboys’squad,whose student-athletesattendschoolsinKent andSussexcounties.TheBlue,orNorth

team’s15student-athletesattendschoolsin NewCastleCounty.

Bradford,aFirst TeamAllHenlopen Conferenceselection,led theIndianswitha20.1 pointspergameaverage. Healsohelpedthe Green&Goldcompilea 16-6mark,includinga DIAAplayoffopening roundvictoryoverLake Forest.

OnMarch2,Bradfordledacourageous comebackattemptthat felljustshort,inan8275second-roundplayoff lossatHowardVoTech inWilmington.Herallied theIndiansfroma 48-29deficitattheend ofthreequartersto withinthreepointsofthe Wildcats,scoring27of hisgame-high35points inthefuriousfourth stanza.Hecamewithin sixpointsofhissinglegamecareer-high,41, whichhehadputupin theseason’ssecondgame,an82-75victoryatArcadia(Va.)onDec.8.

58 CoastalPoint March24,2023 Is this your screen porch? BEFORE AFTER Is this your screen porch? BEFORE AFTER YOU CALL –WE SCREEN! • New Screen Porches with SUPER SCREEN • Eze Breeze 3 Season Enclosures • Porch Re-Screen & Eze-Breeze Panels Re-Vinyl • Phantom Retractable Screen Doors • Phantom Motorized Screens with Screen Mesh and/or Clear Vinyl • New Sliding or Swinging Screen Doors & Re-Screen • Solar Screens for Windows & Roll Down Solar Shades 410-520-0025 302-604-0006 Drop-Off&Pick-Up SlidingDoor, WindowRe-Screen &Re-VinylService CallforDetails MHIC# 12462 NEW
CoastalPoint•Filephoto BrendonBradfordkeepshiseyesontheballwhilecoveredbyWoodbridge’sBruceMosleyinagameearlierthisyear.



Willautumnsuccessbeduplicatedin thespring?

Seniorgirls’lacrossestandoutMadison Geppicertainlyhopesso.

The5-foot-7outsidehitterplayeda majorroleinreturningtheIndians’girls’ volleyballteamtotheDIAAplayoffslast fall.Heroutstandingplayhelpedenablethe Indians’tocompileanimpressive11-7 recordandavictoryoverPaduaAcademy inthefirstroundofpostseasonplay.

Shewantsnolessthantoleadhergirls’ lacrosseteamtotheplayoffsthisspring.

“Madison,who’sknownas‘Guppy’to herteammates,developedfromasolidoutsidehitterintooneofourleadingscorers overthecourseofthe2022season,”said girls’volleyballassistantcoachJayClark. “Duringthefirsthalfoftheyear,shewas thirdontheteaminkills.Inthesecond halfoftheseason,shetiedseniorteammate ScarlettDunnfortheteamleadershipin kills.

“Inthepostseason,sheledtheteamin kills,”addedClark.“Byyear’send,sheand ScarlettDunnhadbecomeour‘goto’attackerswhenwereallyneededimportant


Astheflowersandleavesreturnamid theeternalhopeofspring,Geppiwants verybadlytoduplicatethatsuccessforthe girls’lacrosseteam.

“Asthelacrossecaptainlastyearand thisseason,Iamthrilledtohaveteammates whoIhaveagoodtimewithandwhoare encouragingtoothers,”saidthestandout midfielder.“Thatdefinitelymakesitalot moreenjoyabletoplaythegamewell.”

Geppi’steammatesarethrilledtohave suchastrongteamleader.

“Tobehonest,Guppyisalwaystherein themidfieldwhenweneedher,”saidjunior attackKylieHarris,whosetaschoolrecord lastspringbybecomingthefirstgirls’player tosurpassthe100-career-goalmilestone. “Sheisagreatteacherandoffersalotof supporttothenew,youngerplayers.Ican’t waittoseewhatshebringstothefieldin herseniorseason.”

Geppiprovidedtremendousscoring depthfortheIndianslastspring,scoring ninegoalsand14pointsfora5-10team thatthisseasonwantstodreambig.

“Itfeltgreattohavetheopportunityto playakeyroleinourvolleyballteamreach-

ATHLETE OF THE WEEK! SARAH LYDIC Brought to you by: Reese Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. Billy Reese, Agent/Owner 6 W Church Street Selbyville, DE 19975 (302) 436-8032 Junior/Golf The junior transfer student athlete from Sussex Academy shot an impressive 33 to help the Indian River High golf team defeat the Seahawks, 180-185 in the Green & Gold’s 2023 season opener on Monday, March 20 at Kings Creek Country Club.
March24,2023 CoastalPoint 59
Photo by Billy Wingate CoastalPoint•Filephoto
MadisonGeppihopestobringsuccesstoIR’sgirls’lacrosse,asshedidtovolleyball thisyear.


SeaColonyandtheMultiple MyelomaResearchFoundation (MMRF)arepartneringtoraise fundsandawarenessformultiple myeloma,arareformofbloodcancer.OnApril28-30,SeaColonywill host“TheJourney,”afundraising weekendinspiredbySeaColony ownerEricGelberandhisstoryof running200milesaroundCentral ParkinNewYorkCitytoraise awarenessandfundsfortheMMRF.

“Since2006,Ihavebeenona journeytomakeadifferenceforcancerpatientsandraiseawarenessand moneyforresearchfortheMMRF,” saidGelber.“Forme,it’snotabout anend,it’saboutthejourneyandto makethebestofeveryday.Ifeel,to-

gether,ifwealldooursmallpart,we canaccelerateacure.”

Thefamily-friendlyweekendwill kickoffonFridayevening,April28, withafreeviewingofthedocumentary“200Miles”thatchroniclesGelber’sthirdandfinalattempttoruna record200milesaroundCentral Park.Saturday,April29,willfeature atennisround-robintournament andpickleballtournament,andSunday,April30,willcapofftheweekendwitha5Krunand1-milefun walk.

AlleventswillbeheldattheSea ColonyTennisCenter.

Netproceedsfromtheweekend’s eventswillbedonatedtothe MMRF,thelargestnonprofitinthe

worldsolelyfocusedonaccelerating acureforeachandeverymultiple myelomapatient.

“Weareveryexcitedtopartner withEricandtheMMRF,”saidJen Neal,communityevents,activities andoutreachmanagerforSea Colony.“Whenweheardthatoneof ourownershaddonesomethingso incredible,weknewwehadtobring thatpassionandstorybacktoSea Colony.Ericisaninspirationtous allandwecouldn’tbeprouderto havehimaspartofourcommunity.”

Thoseinterestedinbecominga sponsorfortheeventcancontactJen Nealatjennifer.neal@vacasa.comor (302)546-0025.


distinguishedhimselfasoneofour mostpassionateadvocates,raising morethan$2.1milliontoadvance theMMRF’smissionofaccelerating acureforeachandeverymultiple myelomapatient,”saidMindyFlinn, VPfordevelopmentattheMMRF.

“ThroughTheJourney,Ericcontinuestoinspireourcommunityand fuelcountlessbreakthroughsin myelomaresearchandtreatment.We aresogratefulforhissteadfastpartnershipandshareddedication,and welookforwardtoanotherexhilaratingeventinpartnershipwithEric andourfriendsatSeaColony.” registerordonate.



OceantoBayBikeTourpresentedby theBethany-FenwickAreaChamber ofCommerce,tobeheldonApril2829.Morethan2,000cyclistswillhave thechoiceofa10-,30-,50-,62.5-or 100-mileride,travelingthroughout SouthernDelaware’sbeachesand bays.Registrantswillreceiveaccessto exclusivegiftsandamenities,includingalong-sleevetechT-shirtandrest


Saturdayriders(30-,50-,62.5-or 100-mileroutes)canregisterfor$70 throughoutthemonthofMarch. Teamsofsixormorecanregisterfor $55perperson.StartingonApril1, registrationpriceswillincrease.To registeronline, ridewillbenefitlocalfirst-responders, aswellasContractorsforaCause,

JustinW.JenningsFoundationand theHarryKFoundation.

InadditiontotheSaturdaytour, therewillbea10-mileCoastalCruise onFriday,April28,andSaturday, April29,featuringanout-and-back routefromBethanyBeachtotheBig ChillBeachClubattheIndianRiver Inlet.Cyclistsofalllevelscanenjoy, relaxandtakeinthesceneryonthe ridebenefittingtheDelawareCenter

fortheInlandBays.Registrationfor theCoastalCruisealonecosts$35, andcyclistscanadditontotheirSaturdayrideforanadditional$15.

Formoreinformation,visitthe Bethany-FenwickAreaChamberof Commercewebsiteatwww.oceantobaybiketour.comorcall(302)5392100.Tovolunteerorsponsorthe event,contacttheBethany-Fenwick AreaChamberofCommerce.

60 CoastalPoint March24,2023 MakingMem ies! WE ARE HIRING FT/PT SEASONAL/YEAR ‘ROUND CASHIER & MAINTENANCE POSITIONS JOB FAIR 10AM – NOON SAT., APRIL 1st & WED., APRIL 5th 68th STREET & COASTAL HWY. Dinosaur / UnderSea MINI GOLF COURSES & ARCADE 68th St & Coastal Highway Open Daily 10am-10pm Call 410-524-2645 for parties Indoor Safari/ Arcade Course and our Caribbean Ship OUTDOOR MINI GOLF COURSES 136th St & Coastal Highway Open Fri, Sat, Sun 10am-10pm A GREAT PLACE TO WORK! GENEROUS PAY and BENEFITS ina FUN ENVIRONMENT! JOINUS!! APPLY IN PERSON or at OLDPROGOLF.COM

The2023seasoncouldbringabout somebigthingsfortheIndianRiver HighSchoolgolfprogram,astheyreturn abevyoftalentedseniorsacoupleofjuniors,andaddastatechampiontransfer student-athlete.

VeteranheadcoachBillyWingateis backforanotherseasonwiththeIndians, andthisyearhewillhaveafamiliarface toassisthimonadailybasis,intheform ofhissonHoldenWingate.Hewillalso havetheluxuryofrollingoutquitepossiblyhismosttalentedrosterofgolfersever astheIndianslooktoimproveona5-8 markfromlastyear.

Wingate,whowillalsobeassistedby IRheadboys’tenniscoachNeilBeahan whenheisavailable,isembarkingonhis 13thseasonwiththeprogramandhis ninthastheheadcoach.Hehascompiled a74-54overallmark,havingwonthe HenlopenAthleticConferenceSouth Divisiontitlein2011.

Theteamincludesreturningseniors ThomasGogarty,EvanCarpenter,Gabe

ClarkandQuinnGonzales,whilejunior RyanVogelandEllaGroveprovideadditionaldepthtotheroster.

However,theadditionofjuniorSarah LydicfromSussexAcademymaybethe biggestnewsofthis2023seasonasthe formerstatechampionjoinstheIRteam. AccordingtotheAmericanJuniorGolf Association,Lydichasalreadymadea verbalcommitmenttoNCAADivisionI WakeForestUniversityinWinstonSalem,N.C.ShewastheDIAAoverall statechampionin2021.Heroldersister, Hannah,the2022DIAAgirls’state champion,iscurrentlyatNCAADivisionIUniversityofRichmondinVirginia.

“The2023IndianRivergolfseason shouldbeexcitingthisyear,”Wingate said.“I feelverypositivethattheteam willbeverycompetitiveintheHenlopen Conference.WehavefivereturningseniorsthisyearinThomasGogarty,Evan Carpenter,GabeClarkandQuinnGonzales.Wealsohavetworeturningjuniors inRyanVogelandEllaGrove.Sofar,at

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2023SeasonPreview:Golf Couldbigthingsbeinstore fortheIndiansonthelinks?


BobHahnadmitsheisfiredup aboutthe2023IndianRiverHigh Schoolgirls’andboys’track-and-field teams.

“Thisisgoingtobeafunandexcitingseason,”saidHahn.“Theathletesseemwillingtowork,andIcan’t waittohelpthemrealizeandreach theirfullpotential.

“Boththegirls’andboys’teamsare showingalotofpromise,”added Hahn.“Withastrongandexperiencedseniorclassleadingtheway, bothteamsareingoodhands.Inaddition,thisisthelargestfreshman classIcanrememberin13years, whichwillpushanddrivethecompetitionwithintheteams.Practiceshave beenintense,asathletesarepreparing tomakethisseasononetoremember.”

Thegirls’teamishighlightedby severalkeyreturnees,includingjunior BrynnCrandell,andseniorsBella Scharpindistancerunningevents, AniyahBlakeinsprintsandSydney Deeryinhurdles.

Potentialsleeperswhomayaddto theteam’soveralldepthincludesophomore TerraBerkheimerinjumping events,andjuniorsLillyJohnsonin sprintandthrowingevents,Grace

RobinsoninthepolevaultandAlaina Stratesinthrowingevents.

SeveralpromisingnewcomersincludesophomoreIsabellaMacKinnon inhurdles,andfreshmenTaliyahMcCrayinthrowingeventsandsprinters


Theboys’teamishighlightedby seniorHaydenHall,the2022First TeamAll-Statetrack-and-fieldstalwartwhohassetschoolrecordsfor thelongandtriplejump,andthepole

vault.Hallhasalsobeenastatefinalist inthehigh,longandtriplejump,and polevaulteventseveryyear.

AdditionalkeyseniorreturneesincludeColeBrickmaninhurdles,AshtonStephensinsprintsandChase Simsindistanceevents.

Potentialsleepersincludejunior RashadHopkinsinsprintandjumpingevents,sophomoreJayvionChandlerinsprints,seniorColeDonnelly indistanceevents,sophomoreLeo Chesterinjumpsandsprints,andjuniorEvanTietzinthrowingevents. PromisingnewcomersincludefreshmenDarnellStokesandWeston Warnerinsprints,andMasonSchafferinthrowingevents.

Hahnhasaddedtwonewcoaches, JonMcAfeeandJohnCordo,whowill bothworkwithathletescompetingin throwingevents.Thecoachingstaffis alsohighlightedbyassistantsColin Crandellforlongdistanceevents, KeioshaSheltonandDavonJustice forsprints,RobertBishopinthepole vault,TrayonaNockforrelaysand KashadWaplesforjumpingevents.

Boththegirls’andboys’teamsopen their2023seasonsonTuesday,March 28,withnon-conferencecompetitions atStephenDecaturinBerlin,Md., beginningat4p.m.

62 CoastalPoint March24,2023 302-537-8304 Email: Dagsboro, DE Family Owned & Operated Fabricating & installing quartz, granite and solid surface tops 34407 Dupont Blvd., Unit 9 • (Rt. 113 North) Frankford, DE Visit our website for showroom hours • Call: 443. 856.4437 or See Us On Facebook Up to date, state of the art equipment
CoastalPoint•Filephoto IndianRiver’sAniyahBlake,right,competesinthe100-meterdashlastyear.


TheIndianRiverHigh Schoolboys’tennisteam lostastronggroupofstudent-athletesfromlast year’s10-2seasontograduation—namelyallthreeof theirstandoutsinglesplayers:ChrisSichina,Dane ShuartandMattEngel.

The2023Indianswill haveagroupofinexperiencedbutverycapable playersreadytostepinto thevacancies.However, theirgrowththroughthe earlypartoftheseasonwill determinejusthowmuch successtheteamwillhave thisyear.

Theindividualsvying forvarsityspotsarereturningseniorsNolanVasil, OwenAndahazyandGreg Finneran,aswellasjuniors CalebRodgersandAlan Phomsouvanh.

“Weareaveryinexperiencedteam,workingdaily onthefundamentalsofthe game,”secondyearheadcoachNeil Beahansaidaboutthisyear’ssquad.

“Thisputsusprettyfarbehindthe markforavarsityteam.Isuspectwe



“Wellbeyondtennis, thisisaterrificgroupof youngmen.It’sapleasure toworkwiththemevery dayandwatchtheirgrowth —onthecourts,andin classesandlife.”

TheteamshouldbebolsteredbyItalianexchange studentseniorStefano Cresta,whoBeahansaysis “f arandawayourbest player.”

Othermembersofthe teamthisyearinclude BrandonCimarronFernandez,XavierHernandez Sandoval,EvanSprucebank,LandonArauzand BraydenBennetch.

TheIndiansopened their2023campaignonthe roadatWorcesterPrepon Tuesday,March21,and weresettoplayatPolytech onThursday,March23, afterCoastalPointpress time.Theirfirsthome matchwillbeonMonday, March27,whentheyhost Odessa.

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CoastalPoint•Filephoto IndianRiver’sChrisSichinareturnsaforehandshotagainstCR’sDarinJawharlastyear.
64 CoastalPoint March24,2023 SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•TJYoung

Inhisfirstseasonastheheadcoach fortheIndianRiverHighSchoolgirls’ tennisteam,GregHockmanwasableto establishastrongfoundationthat helpedtheIndiansbuildtoa6-6overall mark.

Now,Hockmanandassistantcoach GlenMacDonaldwilllooktocontinue thatbuildingwithastrongreturning groupofstudent-athletes,alongwith someimpressivenewcomerswhoshould helpoutastheseasonprogresses.

AmongthosereturningforIRthis seasonareseniorsScarlettDunnand MyaMacDonald,aswellasjuniors KylieCourtneyandIsabellWisniewski.

“HighschooltennisinDelaware consistsoffivematchesinacontest,” explainedHockmanofthesystem groupinginto1stsingles,2ndsingles, 3rdsingles,1stdoublesand2nddoubles.“Inordertoearntheteamwin,we havetowinthreeofthosefivematches.

“Wehaveanicenucleusofreturning playersledbyScarlettandMya.They aregreatrolemodelsforouryounger gir ls,andwebelievetheywillhavea greatseniorseason.Wealsohavejuniors KylieandIsabellreturningthisseason. Thosetwohavebothbeenworking hardinpractice,andwe’reexcitedtosee howtheycontinuetoimprovethis year.”

TheIndianswillbelookingtoreplaceapairofsolidcontributorsfrom lastyear’steamintheformofLiaDiakos(3rdsingles)andAvaTomlinson (1stdoubles).Newcomerswhocould looktofillthosevoidsareseniorCamrynEhlersandjuniorLexxineZullo.

“ VolleyballstandoutCamrynEhlers hasjoinedthetennisteamthisspring,” Hockmanadded.“Shecametouswith somerecreationaltennisskillsandis gettingnoticeablybettereverydayin practice.Shemovesherfeetreallywell, andgraspstheconceptsandstrategies ofthegamewithease.She’sdoinga tremendousjobusinghervolleyball skillsonthetenniscourt.Sheunderstandsangles,deepshots,dropshots, movingyouropponentfromsideto side,andattackingweaknesses.Volleyballhasevenhelpedhergraspthetennisserve,whichisoneofthehardest thingsanewcomertotennismustlearn. We’reexcitedtoseehercontinuedimprovementthisseason.

“Lexxinewasanexhibitionplayerfor uslastseason,whichmeansthatafter ourchallengematches,sherankedjust outsideoftheTop7players.Shebegan takinglessonsattheendoflastseason andhasworkedreallyhardtoprepare forthe2023season.Lexxineiscurrently rankedNo.2onourteamandwillplay 2ndsinglesforusthisseason.Herimprovementfromlastseasontothisseasonhasalloftheplayersandcoaches excitedtowatchherplay.”

Thecombinationofreturneesand newcomershasHockmanandcompany excitedabouttheprospectsforsuccess thisseason.

“Webelievethatwehaveagood chanceofwinningtheSouthernDivision,”saidHockman.“Therewillbe someverytoughcompetitioninthe HenlopenNorthwhenwefaceCape Henlopen andperennialtennispowers CaesarRodneyandDover.Ouropening matchatWorcesterPrep,”hesaidofthe March21matchthatresultedina5-2 loss,“willposeachallenge,astheyarea verydeepteam,withseveralyear-round players.”

Despitethatinitialsetback,Hockmanhashisfocusonthebigpicturefor tennisatIR.

“Wewanttogrowthesportoftennis atIR,”thesecond-yearcoachwrapped up.“Wewouldlovetoseefamiliescome outandwatchthetennisactionthis season.SelbyvilleMiddleSchooland IndianRiverhastheathletes.Wejust needtointroducethemtothegameso theycanseehowenjoyableitcanbe. Girlsthatplayvolleyballinthefallcan makeaneasytransitiontotennisinthe spring.”

TheIndiansweresettotravelto PolytechonThursday,March23,after CoastalPointpresstime,andtoOdessa onMonday,March27,beforereturning homeforahomematchwithMilford onWednesday,March29,at3:30p.m.

Serving Maryland and Delaware OFFERING COMPETITIVE PAY AND BENEFITS CALL US TODAY AT 410-641-1434 OR APPLY ONLINE ARCTICHEATANDAIR.COM March24,2023 CoastalPoint 65 StronggroupofreturningtalenthasIndiansreadyfornextstep
CoastalPoint•Filephoto IndianRiver’sLiaDiakosreturnsabackhandshotagainstLakeForestNatalie Vogtduringamatchlastyear.

ingthesecondroundoftheplayoffs,”said theresidentofSelbyville,whowillattend theUniversityofDelawarethisfalland majorinfinance.“Itriedmyhardesttoimprovemyskillseachday,andhavingCamrynEhlersbymyside,settingmeupfor kills,definitelyhelped.

“Ithinkthisyear,forlacrosse,wehavea lotofpotentialbecauseofallofthenew girlswhodecidedtocomeoutfortheteam. Everyonehasalreadyimprovedsomuchin ourfirstweeksofpractice,soIthinkwe’ll haveagoodseasonaswell.”

Geppisaidsheisextremelyappreciative ofherparents’supportofherathleticcareer atIndianRiverHighSchool.



practice,Icanseethattheyhaveallimproved.Theteamisalsoveryfortunateto havepickedupSarahLydic.Sarahwill haveabigimpactonourscoringthisyear. Weareveryexcitedtohaveheronthe team.

“Iamalsoexcitedtohavemyson Holdenasmyassistantcoachthisyear. Hehaslotsofexperiencetobringtothe team.NeilBeahanalsocomesouttohelp afterhispracticeswiththetennisteam.

“Myparents—AndreaGeppiand JamesWaller—hadtomakesacrifices,becausetheywerealwayswillingandableto takemetoandfrompracticesinthemiddle oftheday,whichcansometimesbechallenging,”shesaid.“Theyalsohadtotake metoclubvolleyballpractice,whichwas alwayslateatnight.TheywerealwayssupportiveofthedecisionsImadeandencouragedmetokeepplaying.

“I’vealsobeensupportedbyourassistantlacrossecoachTaylorPridgeon,whois alwaysverynicetoeveryoneontheteam andsuchaneasypersontotalkwithabout anything,”addedGeppi.“Sheisalways willingtohelpandisveryencouraging.”

GeppiwillleadherteammatesintoFriday’s2023season-openeratHenlopen ConferencerivalSmyrna,beginningat4 p.m.

OurfirstmatchiswithSussexAcademy onMarch20atKingsCreek.Thatisa vitalmatchthatwehavetowininourdivision.Abigthank-youtoBearTrap Dunes,”headdedoftheIndians’home course,“foralltheirhelpwiththeteam. Wearelookingforwardtoagoodseason.”

AsWingatenoted,theIndianswere settoopentheir2023seasonontheroad atrivalSussexAcademy,thedefending 2022DIAAteamstatechampions.They werethensettohostMilfordonMarch 22,afterCoastalPointpresstime,and DelmaronMarch28.

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27 Hudson Avenue (PIDN: 099.270 / CTM# 134-12.00-1533.00)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY the Board of Adjustment of the Town of Ocean View that a public hearing will be held on Application V-442, submitted by the property owners, Warren D. & Claire D. Greer, requesting a variance from Article I, §116-5-B(1)(a) of the Environmental Protection Chapter of the Town Code, which requires the lowest floor of a residential structure to be elevated to or above the base flood elevation plus 2.0 feet. The property owners wish to construct an addition to their existing dwelling unit with a lowest floor elevation below the requirement of base flood elevation plus 2.0 feet on property zoned R-1 (Single-Family Residential District), located at 27 Hudson Avenue (PIDN: 099.270 / CTM# 134-12.00-1533.00).

14 Seabrook Road (PIDN: 094.570 / CTM# 134-12.00-2102.00)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY the Board of Adjustment of the Town of Ocean View that a public hearing will be held on Application V-443, submitted by the property owners, Peter and Kelly Kenny, for property zoned R-1 (Single-Family Residential District) located at 14 Seabrook Road (PIDN: 094.570 / CTM# 134-12.00-2102.00). The property owners wish to construct a concrete patio and are seeking a variance from Article V, §140-28 for all existing and proposed building/structures on the lot to exceed the maximum allowable lot coverage of 35%.

8 Winchester Drive (PIDN: 004.920 / CTM# 134-12.00-1810.00)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY the Board of Adjustment of the Town of Ocean View that a public hearing will be held on Application V-444, submitted by the property owners, Glenn and Deborah Merckling, for property zoned R-1 (Single-Family Residential District) located at 8 Winchester Drive (PIDN: 004.920 / CTM# 134-12.00-1810.00). The property owners are seeking a variance from Article V, §140-32, which requires attached accessory structures to maintain the same front yard setback as the principal structure, in order to construct a porch addition that would encroach into the

required front yard setback of 25 feet.

Proposed Lot No. 3 as depicted on the Plan titled “Proposed Minor Subdivision for 31 Woodland Avenue & 28 Central Avenue”

31 Woodland Avenue

(PIDN: 176.000 / CTM# 134-12.00-560.01) & 28 Central Avenue

(PIDN: 175.000 / CTM# 134-12.00-319.00)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY the Board of Adjustment of the Town of Ocean View that a public hearing will be held for Application V-445, submitted by the property owner, Joanne Gichner, for properties zoned R-1 (Single-Family Residential District). The property owner is seeking a variance from Article IV, §140-25-A which requires that an accessory structure be incidental and subordinate to the principal use. The property owner wishes to maintain an existing detached accessory structure (pole building) without a principal structure (dwelling unit) on proposed lot No. 3 as depicted on the plan titled “Proposed Minor Subdivision for 31 Woodland Avenue & 28 Central Avenue.” (31 Woodland Avenue, PIDN: 176.000 / CTM# 134-12.00-560.01 & 28 Central Avenue, PIDN: 175.000 / CTM# 134-12.00-319.00)

The Town will hold these hearings on Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 3:00pm or as soon as possible thereafter in the Ocean View Community Center located at 32 West Avenue, adjacent to John West Park. All interested parties are welcome to attend. Please note that the meeting agenda is subject to change. For more information, please visit

The material may be examined by interested parties on the second floor of the Wallace A. Melson Municipal Building located at 201 Central Avenue between 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. through 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For additional information, please contact Kenneth L. Cimino, Director of Planning, Zoning & Development, at (302) 539-1208 or via email at

CP 20230324 1T

March24,2023 CoastalPoint 67
you go ~ there we are... ~ stay informed.




This hearing will only be conducted electronically due to Town Hall renovations.

You may join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:

Or dial in using your phone (toll free): 877-309-2073

Access code: 554-617-701

DATE: Friday, April 28, 2023


HEARING:Whisted Hearing and Sevilis Hearing

LOCATION: Virtual Meeting

OWNER: Christopher and Melissa Whisted

PROPERTY: 146 Brandywine Drive, Bethany Beach, DE 19930

PURSUANT TO 22 DEL.C. SECTION 327 (a) AND ARTICLE XI, SECTION 145-38(A)(2), TWENTY-FIVE (25) FT rear yard setback requirements of the Code of South Bethany. The Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing to consider the homeowner’s request for a variance of encroachment four inches (4”) into the rear yard setback.

OWNER: Paul and Kerry Sevilis

PROPERTY: 416 Victoria Road, Bethany Beach, DE 19930

PURSUANT TO 22 DEL.C. SECTION 327 (a) AND ARTICLE XI, SECTION 145-38(D)(2), TWENTY (20) FT rear yard setback requirements of the Code of South Bethany. The Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing to consider the homeowner’s request for a variance of encroachment three feet six inches (3’ 6”) into the rear yard setback.

All interested parties should attend in person or by phone and present their views. If unable to attend, written comments will be accepted, but must be received prior to the day of the public hearing. Copies of the documents concerning this matter are available for inspection upon request at South Bethany Town Hall (302-539-3653) during normal business hours.

CP 20230324 1T



CP 20230324 1T


31 Woodland Avenue

(PIDN: 176.000 / CTM# 134-12.00-560.01) & 28 Central Avenue

(PIDN: 175.000 / CTM# 134-12.00-319.00)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Ocean View will review Application P-344, a minor subdivision plan submitted by the property owner, Joanne Gichner, proposing the subdivision of two (2) lots into four (4) lots at 31 Woodland Avenue (PIDN: 176.000 / CTM# 134-12.00-560.01, zoned R-1 Single-Family Residential) & 28 Central Avenue (PIDN: 175.000 / CTM# 134-12.00-319.00, zoned R-1, Single-Family Residential).

The Town will hold this review on Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 4:00 pm or as soon as possible thereafter in the Ocean View Community Center located at 32 West Avenue, adjacent to John West Park. All interested parties are welcome to attend. Please note that the meeting agenda is subject to change. For more information, please visit

The material may be examined by interested parties on the second floor of the Wallace A. Melson Municipal Building located at 201 Central Avenue between 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. through 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For additional information, please contact Kenneth L. Cimino, Director of Planning, Zoning & Development, at (302) 539-1208 or via email at

CP 20230324

68 CoastalPoint March24,2023



The Town of Selbyville will be flushing its fire hydrants between 8 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. during the week beginning Monday, March 27, 2023.

Residents and businesses are advised to check for discolored water, especially in their washing machines. If you observe discolored water, let your faucet run for a few minutes to see if it clears up. If it doesn’t, contact the water department at 302-436-8349. We appreciate your patience and cooperation. For more information, call Town Hall at 302-436-8314. Again, watch for discolored water.


20230317 2T

NOTICE: Millsboro

Located at 28862 DuPont Blvd., Millsboro DE 19966

Will be holding a Public ONLINE Auction at

Closing April 19, 2023, at 10 AM.

The following units will be sold because of nonpayment of rent pursuant to the Delaware Self Service Storage Facilities Act. Auction bidding and additional information about the contents, including photographs, is available on Sale and payment will take place at the storage facility.

Containing: Furniture, Household Items, Totes, and Boxes

Michael Coschignano - B16Lynell Drummond - H11

Dylan Weiss - 412 CP 20230317 2T


Kingsley Orchards LLC has on March 13, 2023, applied with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner for a Bottle Club License, for a premise located at 24349 Blueberry Lane Frankford, DE. 19945. Persons who are against this application should provide written notice of their objections to the Commissioner. For the Commissioner to be required to hold a hearing to consider additional input from persons against this application, the Commissioner must receive one or more documents containing a total of at least 10 signatures of residents or property owners located within 1 mile of the premises or in any incorporated areas located within 1 mile of the premises. The signatures of residents or property owners must also include the mailing address for the property and the email address (if one exists) for the resident or property owner. The protest(s) must be filed with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner at the 3rd Floor, Carvel State Office Building, 820 North French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. The protest(s) must be received by the Commissioner’s office on or before April 12, 2023. Failure to file such a protest may result in the Commissioner considering the application without further notice, input, or hearing. If you have questions regarding this matter please contact the Commissioner’s Office.

CP 20230317 3T


Brittingham Farms Lavender & Lambs has on March 16, 2023, applied with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner for a Bottle Club License, for a premise located at 22518 Phillips Hill Rd., Millsboro, DE, 19966. Persons who are against this application should provide written notice of their objections to the Commissioner. For the Commissioner to be required to hold a hearing to consider additional input from persons against this application, the Commissioner must receive one or more documents containing a total of at least 10 signatures of residents or property owners located within 1 mile of the premises or in any incorporated areas located within 1 mile of the premises. The signatures of residents or property owners must also include the mailing address for the property and the email address (if one exists) for the resident or property owner. The protest(s) must be filed with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner at the 3rd Floor, Carvel State Office Building, 820 North French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. The protest(s) must be received by the Commissioner’s office on or before April 18, 2023. Failure to file such a protest may result in the Commissioner considering the application without further notice, input, or hearing. If you have questions regarding this matter please contact the Commissioner’s Office.

CP 20230317


The Town of Ocean View will hold its annual election between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm on Saturday, April 8, 2023, at the Town Hall Community Center located at 32 West Avenue, Ocean View, DE.

One Candidate will be selected as Council Person for District 3. JAY TYMINSKI AND RICHARD JENNISON have qualified for this position.

One Candidate will be selected as Mayor.

JOHN REDDINGTON AND RANDY ROBUST have qualified for this position.

Absentee ballots are available for any resident who is not able to vote at the Town Hall on April 8, 2023. Any Town of Ocean View eligible registered voter who needs to obtain an absentee ballot by mail should call the Town Clerk at 302 539-9797, ext.101, and an affidavit will be mailed to you. The affidavit can also be downloaded from the Town’s web site ( If you prefer, you may come to the Wallace A. Melson Municipal Building, which is located at 201 Central Avenue, between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm to complete the affidavit and receive an absentee ballot. The affidavit must be filed with the Town no later than 12 noon April 7, 2023. Absentee ballots must be received prior to the close of the election, 5:00 pm on April 8, 2023. Identification will be required for anyone who wishes to obtain an absentee ballot.

All residents who are registered in the Town of Ocean View are urged to vote in this election. Identification will be required on Election Day in order to vote.

CP 20230317 4T
March24,2023 CoastalPoint 69
70 CoastalPoint March24,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Shore Home Improvements, LLC Design • Build • Remodel 302.537.5988 Established 1989 • Licensed & Insured Additions Quality Service by Certified Technicians Since 1983 302.436.5652 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning Oriental Rug Cleaning & Repair Carpet Cleaning SHADESBLINDS SHUTTERSDRAPES Custom Window Fashions A Hunter Douglas Dealer! Call Joe: 302.339.2524 • Beautiful Quality • A ordable Free, in-home Consultations, No Obligation! Licensed Insured Pastorie Agency, LLC Blinds appliances furniture cars boats box of junk stu in the garage exercise equipment toys TVs GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY HOUSE! BIG or small, I’ll haul it all! 302.236.2670 PASTURE-RAISED CHICKEN EGGS FOR SALE • POWER WASHING Also Cleaning CASH FOR CARS! 302-249-3444 38531 DuPont Blvd., Selbyville We Will Buy Your Car Even if You Don’t Buy One of Ours! Auto Buying Service 302.732.3529 WE BUY CARS. Running or Not! Auto Buying Service APPLIANCE MASTER Prompt, Quality Repairs at A ordable Prices Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers Ranges • Disposals • Refrigerators Call Phil: 302.278.1441 Serving the Rt. 54 area with 50 years’ experience of honest work Appliance Service F abian’s CarpetCare 302-745-7547 Water Damage • Restoration • Mold & Mildew Carpet Cleaning - 2 rooms: $79; 4 rooms: $125 With Ad Residential & Commercial Carpet & Upholstery Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates • 25+ Years’ Experience Carpet Cleaning Expert Bathroom Remodeling Bath-to-Shower Conversions Prompt & Professional Serving Sussex for over 20 years 302.542.1162 Licensed in DE & MD Master Plumber Bathrooms Computer Sales –Service –Support Servicing PC & MAC • Walk-In & On-Site Services 302-539-6421 35583 Atlantic Avenue • Millville Computer Service & Support BEACH VALET Your Personalized Ride Service Airports - Train Stations Washington - Baltimore - Philadelphia 301.602.3741 Airports & Train Stations COMMERCIAL CLEANING SERVICES interior & exterior ■ daily/bi-weekly Includes Pool Areas, Walkways, Decks, Parking Lots, and More MAINTENANCE AVAILABLE Aliia Stockman | 443.521.4149 | DELMAR SEASHORE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, LLC LICENSED BONDED INSURED REFERENCES Cleaning Services - Commercial GOT STUFF? Call Mike: 302.344.0169 WE WILL MOVE OR REMOVE Rubbish • Yard Waste Appliances • Furniture Unwanted Items Downsizing A little or a lot TELL US WHAT YOU’VE GOT! Cleaning Services Cleaning Services - Residential call Al Lewis 302.462.8614 AtlanticDiversified Construction,Inc. For Quality and Experience, Additions • Decks • New Construction Making your dream home a reality Siding, Windows, Baths, Kitchens, Outside Showers, Property & Storm Management and much more! Construction
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices DIFEBO HARDWOOD FLOOR CO. Floors Sanded & Laid 302.462.5415 302.539.4550 Robert DiFebo 789 GARFIELD PKWY.; BETHANY BEACH Flooring Repairs Decks Tile Work Kitchens Baths Power Washing Stone Work Drywall Screen Repairs Minor Plumbing Masonry Work Window Washing Call Gus: 302.245.4852 Licensed & Insured Handyman HAPPY TO BE HANDY I’ll Economically Repair, Replace, or Build New Call Rob for All Your Jobs! Trim Work Cabinets Custom Shelving Drywall - Install & Repair Painting Siding & Roo ng Repairs Windows & Doors Screen Porches Decks - New & Repair Ceramic Tile Minor Plumbing & Electrical 302.858.3024 Licensed & Insured Handyman KEVERTIN FLOORING ENTERPRISES, LLC Flooring the Shore since ‘74! 443.496.1941 Licensed & Insured * Luxury Vinyl Flooring * Staircases * Finishing * Installation * Refinishing * Repairs * Docks & Decks Flooring DRIVING MISS MAISEY Call Mike: 302.344.0169 Where do you want to go? Driving Services CONCRETECONTRACTOR 302-581-2541 CONCRETE FLOORS • SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS CONCRETE FLOORS • SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS Concrete Services Driveway Services 38205 Dupont Blvd., Selbyville 443.523.2476 DRIVEWAY SEALCOATING FPS Hand Brushed Don’t Pay to Spray! Driveway Services “Let 35 years of experience go to work for you.” Master Electrician, licensed in DE & MD “The homeowner’s friend.” Dennis W. Marvel 302.436.5008 | Selbyville, DE Residential | Commercial Electric LH Excavating, Inc. Specializing in Drainage Solutions Stormwater Maintenance & Pipe Replacements Ponds • Ditching • Demolition DE & MD Stormwater Certified 3 0 2 . 7 3 2 . 3 0 7 2 Licensed & Insured Excavating ZIM ZAM THE HANDYMAN 302-436-9116 Painting/Caulking/Powerwashing Fencing/Decks/Screening Flooring Repairs/Tile/Grouting Carpentry/Cabinetry/Shelving Garages/Closets/Sheds Property Cleanouts/Sharpening Concrete Coastings/Epoxies NOT SURE? Just Ask! Property Repairs And Maintenance PO BOX 745 SELBYVILLE, DE 19975 Handyman SAFE AIRPORT? the to Going RELIABLE Go? to eed ason. Anywhere. ts Mind. of fort.Comfo our ATION?TAT TA the to oing N You Yo do re Where Wh Re Any For Clien our Drive We Peace Your Yo sIt’ Y Yo sIt’ Car. Your Yo sIt’ S TRAIN G Driving Services 302.519.8954 Randy Perkins Millsboro Full Service Garage Door Company New Doors - Repairs - Openers Residential - Commercial Garage Doors Specializing in all Home Repairs Small Inside Jobs 30 years’ experience. Call for a free estimate • Doors • Windows • Plumbing • Carpentry • Drywall • Painting • Tile • Electrical • and More! Jeff the Handy Man 302.212.7607 Handyman March24,2023 CoastalPoint 71
72 CoastalPoint March24,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Down to Earth 302-381-5051 302-381-5051 Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured Serving Bethany Beach & the surrounding areas Landscape & Mowing Contracts Irrigation Installation/Maintenance Fertilization - Turf & Ornamental Bed Maintenance & Pruning Lawn & Landscape LLC Landscaping 302.542.1335 302.537.1144 Bobcat & Backhoe Services ~ Bush-hogging Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Landscaping DEPENDABLE SERVICES EMERGENCY TREE REMOVAL 302.539.5664 • C: 302.228.5190 Edgar Simpler Licensed & Insured Seasonal Clean-up • Mulching • Delivered Pine Needles • Chipper Services • Junk Hauling Trees Removed • Shrubs Pruned Small Trees Trimmed • Grass Cutting Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Grading • Bush-Hogging Driveway Stone Delivered and Installed Landscaping RRD LAWN & LANDSCAPING INC 302.249.9986 Landscaping Complete Landscaping & Lawn Care Irrigation Installation & Repair 302.344.4883 302.344.1441 Locally Owned Licensed & Insured Bethany Blooms Landscaping, LLC Time For SPRING CLEAN-UP! Landscaping • Overseeding • Tree Trimming • Snow Plowing • Aerating • Landscape Planting & Maintenance • Yard Cleanup • Lawn Care • Mowing • Mulching • Weeding Residential Commercial licensed insured 302.448.1643 Landscaping Millwork • Landscaping • Irrigation • Hardscaping Free Estimates Full Yearly Maintenance Contracts Available 443.783.2224 Landscaping HVAC NICK DEMOPOULOS 302.604.3971 LICENSED/INSUREDNCDREMODELING@GMAIL COM BATHROOMS & KITCHENS AND OTHER HOME INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Home Improvements Contractor Bill Smith 302.228.5668 • 302.846.0446 References • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured The smallest things make the biggest difference Custom Cabinets & Shelving Tile, Hardwood & Laminate Flooring Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Interior Trim & Shiplap Sunrooms, Decks, & Porches Home Improvements AN AFFORDABLE NEW BATH STARTS HERE! Making Y r Dream Bath C e True F 20 Ye s! Specializing in Bathroom Remodels Contact Garth for FREE Estimate! 410-641-8439 MHIC #94614 Licensed Insured Tub to Shower Conversions Custom Tile Work Home Improvements BAYSIDE BUILDERS COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR LICENSED AND FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES ALL WORK DONE BY OWNER • Flat Roof Specialist • • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Doors • Custom Homes • Additions • Repairs • Kitchens • Baths • Tile Work • Decks • Custom Inside Trim Work • Hardwood Floors Cell: 410-713-8599 Home Improvements THE SCREEN GUY & HANDYMAN SCREEN REPAIR PRESSURE WASHING 443.301.5994 Handyman SYNERGY Home Services 302-344-7629 Lic. & Ins. | References Available | 37 Years’ Exp. Affordable, Sensible Solutions Home Repair & Construction From Painting to Decks & Additions and Everything in Between! Handyman
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Hanna’s Fitness 302.542.7601 SENIOR FITNESS SPECIALIST Specialized in-home Personal Training for older adults and those who don’t want to go to the gym! Balance Training • Couch to 5K Strength & Mobility • Core Training Walking Programs Weight Management Specialist Personal Trainer Customized training sessions for balance, mobility, stability, focus, core and over all strength and endurance 302.249.2535 302.249.2535 DarkHorseFitness65 Customized training sessions for balance, mobility, stability, exibility, coordination, mental focus, core and over-all strength and endurance Master Trainer • Personal Trainer Senior Fitness Trainer Nutrition Certi ed CPR & AED Certi ed In Your Home or Community Facility Personal Trainer ‘Your Neighborhood Plumber’ 302.732.3555 • Complete Plumbing Services Licensed & Insured Off ANY Service Call over $250 Limit 1 Coupon per Service Call Not valid with any other offer $30 Plumbing 302.519.8444 Receive a FREE 1-day pass & Treats with enrollment Fresh Air • Furry Friends • Fitness Overnight Boarding • 2.5 acre West Fenwick Farm Pick up/Drop off Services available Doggie Daycare, LLC Pet Services Zimmerman & Son LLC • CUSTOM PAINTING • DRYWALL REPAIRS • WALLPAPER REMOVED • DECK & HOUSE STAINING • ALWAYS PROMPT SERVICE Free Estimates 10% Discount with this ad. Bill Zimmerman 410-390-5528 ~ cell 443-373-4539 NOW ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS! Painting & Powerwashing Interior & Exterior Serving Delmarva for Over 35 Years Licensed & Insured Painting PATIOS 410.390.1499 • Driveways • Fire Pits • Retaining Walls • Hardscaping • Walkways Family-owned & Operated. Call for Your FREE Estimate! Licensed Insured Patios 302.249.9027 TWO OLD GUYS that PAINT & POWERWASH AND do HOME REPAIRS & HANDYMAN SERVICES AND... do it ALL well! Quality Work, at a Fair Price 41 Years of Experience Free Estimates Kevin M. Donovan, BPI Certified Building Analyst Licensed & Insured SPRING SPECIAL 10% OFF ALL EXTERIOR PAINTING! Painting The Area’s #1 Moving Company BUDGET MOVERS 40+ Years in Business Licensed & Insured LOCAL • ENTIRE EAST COAST Residential or Office or Commercial Packing or Loading or Unloading or Complete Move Single Item or Certain Items or Full Home Call Maria: 443-664-5797 Female Owned & Operated F Moving Services LITTLE FOOT PAINTING 302.228.9993 Licensed Insured PAINTING and MINOR HOME REPAIRS Painting fresh. PHILIPSPAINTING.COM 302.344.0535 Painting Call Jeff for estimate: 302.745.2100 • 302.436.2588 Licensed & Insured Sunshine Painting & Power Washing, LLC RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Interior/Exterior Painting Cleaning Deck Staining • Drywall Repair All Jobs Welcome! Painting KEVIN COVIELLO 302-745-3912 QualityWorkmanship Licensed Insured INTERIOR • EXTERIOR POWERWASHING Painting McKinney Brothers Pete McKinney 443.449.9647 High-end Custom, Quality Painting MB Licensed Insured Painting Derickson’s Wallcovering, LLC 302.537.5787 • 410.726.3145 Serving the Shore since 1990 Licensed & Insured in DE & MD • MHIC 73031 Professional, Quality Service Wallpaper Installation/Removal Interior Painting Painting & Wallpaper Roofing March24,2023 CoastalPoint 73
74 CoastalPoint March24,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Locally owned/operated since 2000 For a FREE In-Home Consultation, call Kathy 302.542.2527 Plantation Shutters Custom-made locally! • Roman, Honeycomb, & Roller Shades • Faux Wood Blinds • Vertical Woven Draperies Custom Window Treatments Window Treatments Free In-Home Consultation! Window Treatments CREATIVE DRAPERY • Draperies • Slip Covers • Blinds and Shades • Indoor/Outdoor Cushion Covers CUSTOM Call Bonnie Johnson, owner 717.235.7800 Insured with over 50 years’ experience Window Treatments Millville across from the Dollar General, approx. 1/2 mile on the left on Whites Neck Rd. Jeremy Smith • 302.423.2601 Yard Waste Recycling & Retail Material Mulch • Top Soil • Mushroom Soil (Nutrient Rich) Soil Amendment Pine Needles Accepting tree limbs, leaves and plant material. Pick-up available. DELIVERY AVAILABLE • MON-FRI 9-4 Yard Waste Window Treatments FREE In-Home Consultation Professional Measuring and Installation Shutters, Roman Shades, Draperies, Top Treatments Woven Woods, Honeycombs, Roller Shades, Solar Shades Window Film, Awnings, Wood & Faux Wood Blinds, & more... 302.856.6799 Window Treatments HOME - AUTO - MARINE 302.236.2670 TOP WERKS UPHOLSTERY Professional Service New - Repairs - Alterations Farm Fresh Eggs for Sale! Call for an appointment: Upholstery 302.542.0921 MA-4360B Pest & Disease Treatments Tree & Shrub Fertilization Tick/Mosquito Treatments Hazard Tree Assessments Invasive Species Management Tree Pruning & Removal HOA Master Planning & Tree Inventories Home of the PennDel Arborist of the Year Tree Service Property Management • Tree Trimming • Tree Removals • Tree Pruning • Stump Grinding Lot Clearing 24 Hour Emergency Senior & Military Discounts 302.278.8979 Tree Service Bethany 302-539-5700 Georgetown 302-856-9210 STI Landscape Center 302-645-6262 Serving the local community for over 30 years Mention this ad. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons. Not valid on previous quotes or committents. Some exclusions apply. $10% off From grass roots to tree tops, we have all of your tree and landscaping needs covered. Tree Service 6394 228 302 s Available Financing Easy 100% Estimates Written FREE Warrantie Wa Lifetime ed Certi GAF vice Ser Quality Prompt, Honest, 8. . u s n I & d e s n ec i L g n i f o o R E D x e s s u S ng SussexRoo d er m o c . l i a m g @ Roofing

March24,2023 CoastalPoint 75


Line ads: $8.25 for 20 words, 25¢ per add’l word. Display ads: $8.50 per column inch. Non-commercial ads for items $1,000 or less are free up to 20 words. Yard Sales are $9.00

Classi eds


Now Hiring! Send your resume to:


Seeking full time FIELD MANAGER for full service landscaping & property maintenance company in Frankford & Delaware beach resort areas. Salary: $50K+, benefits include partial health, Simple IRA, holidays & vacation.

Email resume to or call 610-459-5857

Send resume to:

Sussex County Vocational Technical School District 17137 County Seat Highway Georgetown, DE 19947 302-856-0961 •


Position Title: 1 Technology Support Technician

Description: e Technician will be installing and con guring so ware and hardware systems in Apple OS and Windows OS environments. e Technician will also assist and maintain inventory in tech areas.

Full time, pension eligible. Salary range and bene ts are commensurate with quali cations and experience in accordance with state and local salary schedules. Tuition reimbursement is o ered.

Date of Availability: Immediate

Application: All applicants must complete an application at submit the following: a complete application, a letter of interest, a resume, and three letters of recommendation.

302.539.8882 current pesticide license

Full-Time, Year-Round position to start immediately. We offer Medical, Dental, Vacation, Yearly Bonus, Golfing Privleges. $21-$23/hour. Call Glen MacDonald at:

Cripple Creek Golf and Country Club

Knowledge of local waterways, towing & launching experience, ability to handle moving blocks and lifting, and clean driving record required.



Pest Control Technician

Will train

Requirements: Must have a valid driver’s license and GOOD driving record. Requires background check and drug testing. High School Graduate or GED. Must have reliable transportation to and from work. Good oral and written communication skills. Ability to work in adverse weather conditions. Ability to work in confined spaces such as crawl spaces, etc.

Job Type: Full-time

Salary: $16.00 - $23.00 per hour


Please apply through our website:

(Select Careers in the dropdown and apply) Or apply direct at:

SussexCountyVocational TechnicalSchoolDistrict 17137CountySeatHighway Georgetown,DE19947 302-856-0961•



Description: Participateaspartoftheeducationteamtoprovideasafe, attractive,cleanande cientplacewherestudentslearn. THISISA NIGHTSHIFTCUSTODIALPOSITION. Fulltime,pensioneligible. Salaryrangeandbene tsarecommensuratewithquali cationsand experienceinaccordancewithstateandlocalsalaryschedules.Tuition reimbursementiso eredifeligible.


Application: Allapplicantsmustcompleteanapplicationat andsubmitthefollowing:acompleteapplication,aletterofinterest,a resume,andthreelettersofrecommendation.

Contact Jane to place your Classified ad 302.539.1788 Jane.Johnson
Classified Deadlineis Tuesday at 4pm | Ads accepted from 9am –4pm, Monday - Friday. • Experience Required • Starting at $58k + Bonus & Benefits CHEFS • SOUS CHEFS or apply at either location 33544 Marketplace; Sea Colony, Bethany Beach 37324 Lighthouse Rd.; Fenwick
401(k) • Dental Insurance • Health Insurance • Paid Time Off • Vision Insurance
8-hour shifts, day shift, Monday-Friday
extra income!
ATTENDANTS PT, May through Mid-September EOE GROUNDSKEEPER Walk Mow Greens, Tees, & Trim Work F/T (6 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.) P/T (6 a.m. - 10 a.m.) Seasonal or Year-Round Students & Retirees welcome! * Golfing privileges *Uniforms * $15/hour Cripple Creek Golf and Country Club 302.539.8882 FT/YEAR-ROUND HELP! CONCRETE LABORERS & FINISHERS Training Available 302.858.2351 BOB’S MARINE SERVICE or schedule an interview: Yamaha, Suzuki or BRP. References required. All positions require a valid driver’s license, clean drug screening & background check. apply online: CERTIFIED OUTBOARD TECH
be customer and computer friendly with knowledge of marine parts and accessories. FT position, includes Saturdays. PARTS COUNTER
tune-ups and service, and electrical trouble-shooting.
for beautiful community in Ocean View. Availability to include days, nights, weekends, and holidays. Excellent people skills a must; some computer skills preferred. Competitive salary and incentive bonus program o ered. Perfect for an TECHS/RIGGING
required. FT/YR, benefits including Simple IRA.
HAULERS For more info and application, please visit: Full & Part-Time. We train those eager to learn! Looking for a great, outdoor, summer job? HIRING ALL POSITIONS
Island Apply in person ALL POSITIONS

Chairside DENTAL ASS’T.

Experience Preferred Ocean View

Email Resume:


for Indian River School District. Will Train! 302.245.0315

Now Hiring!!!

67th St., Coastal Hwy. FT, PT Positions Available

We are looking for friendly, energetic people to join our crew

Experience preferred

• Pizza Maker

• Counter Server

• Grill Cook

• Dishwasher

Competitive Pay and Great Tips!

Serious inquiries only!

Apply within or email us

Sussex County Vocational Technical School District 17137 County Seat Highway Georgetown, DE 19947 302-856-0961 •



Description: Responsible for the safety and well-being of students, sta , volunteers, visitors, and school facilities and assets at the assigned district location. Duties include the supervision and monitoring of students within and outside the school building, enforcing appropriate student behavior, communicating with students regarding issues and/or behavior, escorting students and/or unauthorized visitors, assisting with bus and/or lunch duty, assisting with re drills, school safety drills, other threats, and assisting in the removal of disruptive students from the classroom.

Full-Time – Pension Eligible Salary range and bene ts are commensurate with quali cations and experience in accordance with state and local salary schedules. Tuition reimbursement is o ered.

Date of Availability: Immediate

Application: All applicants must complete an application at and submit the following: a complete application, a letter of interest, a resume, and three letters of recommendation.

Disclaimer: Sussex County Vocational Technical School District reserves the right to extend or shorten the application and/or interview period and to modify job requirements.

Nondiscrimination Statement: e Sussex County Vocational Technical School District is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in relation to race, color, gender, religion, age, disability, marital status, national origin, genetic information, or other legally protected categories.



LL Bean. Black duck and mallards, starting at $30, based on condition. 20 available. 302.542.9500

VINTAGE GOOSE CORK decoys from LL Bean. Upright and hissing necks. starting at $30, based on condition. 15 available. 302.542.9500

RUSS BERRIE MILLENIUM 2000 teddy bear. Limited edition, like new, original box. $25 Call/text 410.292.6666


Sussex County Vocational Technical School District

17137 County Seat Highway Georgetown, DE 19947 302-856-0961 •


Position Title: Senior Technology Specialist

Description: e Senior Technology Specialist will be installing and con guring so ware and hardware systems in Apple OS and Windows OS environments. e Specialist will also maintain and update websites and employee intranet.

Full time, pension eligible. Salary range and bene ts are commensurate with quali cations and experience in accordance with state and local salary schedules. Tuition reimbursement is o ered.

Date of Availability: Immediate

Application: All applicants must complete an application at submit the following: a complete application, a letter of interest, a resume, and three letters of recommendation.


3 years old. Shreds up to 7 pages, CDs, etc. Includes lubricant sheets. 209.890.0634


vase, vanity tray, bud vase, candy dish. Excellent condition. $25 Call/text 410.292.6666


turntable. 4 speeds, diamond needle. Made in England. Model 40MKII $200 443.373.1550

1971 “SESAME STREET” cake pan in original box. $25 620.266.6764

VINTAGE 1960s DOLL cradle with original bedding. Excellent condition. $25 410.790.3585

SUSSEX COUNTY HABITAT for Humanity ReStore accepts donations of working appliances 10 years old or less for families in need. 302.855.1156

CHILD’S PEDAL CAR (19621963). Ideal for auto repair shop or body shop advertising. $100 302.841.0407

UTILITY TRAILER 7’x11’ 2 axles, diamond plate aluminum floor, stake pocket, aluminum upright and sides. Gross weight: 4,000 lbs. $750 302.604.0451

SCHUMACHER 1.5 AMP trickle charger battery maintainer. $15 302.278.1441

CURT A-16 5th WHEEL Hitch. Very good condition. $100 OBO 302.542.0175

5th WHEEL HITCH REESE Pro 15. In good condition. $50 OBO 302.542.0175

JEEP SOFT-TOP COMPLETE New. Fits 2007-2018 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited, 4-door. REDUCED! $700 302.229.7898

(WEATHERTECH AUTO floor mats. Never used, never cut. Paid $70; asking $50. 302.344.0169

DONATE YOUR CAR/ truck/ RV - Lutheran Mission Society of MD. Compassion lace Ministries help local families with food, clothing, counseling. Tax deductible. MVA licensed #W1044. 410.228.8437


POWER WINCH (USA) Model 712A, 12-V for boats. 23’, 7,500 lbs. $160 302.542.9500

9.5 OCEAN KAYAK MALIBU Sit-on-top with seat pad and oars - good condition. Asking $350 302.383.4387


Tsunami 145 Kayak. 14’, bright red, garage-kept. Used 5 times. New: $1,500 +; asking $950 OBO 202.999.0517

SONY SURROUND SOUND 5 speaker with woofer system. Plays: DVD, super & audio CD, CD-R & RW. $200 OBO 302.448.0772

VIZIO 42” TV: $40 302.249.9399

EPSON EXPRESSION Home XP 440 printer. Make Offer! 757.810.8782

OASIS KAYAK TANDEM PEDAL Excellent condition, garage kept. Asking $3,400 443.243.3982
offer Vacation
Commission All States Construction is now hiring Excellent Pay & Competitive Bene ts Package Available Give us a call for more info: 410.352.9800 Full-Time Positions Experience Preferred Tools, Transportation, Valid Driver’s License are a Plus WAREHOUSE DELIVERY DRIVER • PAINTERS • STUCCO & EIFS MECHANICS • LABORER • CONCRETE WORK • CARPENTER
HVAC company with over 20 years’ experience is seeking
Health Insurance 401K Sales
DRIVERS Must be 18+ years old! Apply in Person: 29C Atlantic Ave. Ocean View
DISHWASHER Call Maria 302.539.2233 For immediate start. High pay plus Employee Meal.


Dept. 56 lighted Dickens Village. 50 houses.



bed. Good condition. Waterproof mattress, sheets, bedding included. Smokefree home with cat. Leave message: 302.542.6617

BON-AIR SALON-STYLE hair dryer. Model #930.



Walkers, wheel chairs, crutches, and much more. Lightly used, great condition. Pick up of clean medical equipment is available. Bethany Beach Christian Church:



Dark mahogany colored table, colorful chairs. Table: 72” x 40” with disappearing 18” leaf. Very good condition. $375 OBO


LARGE ENTERTAINMENT center. 4 separate pieces, wood finish. Must pick up. $600 OBO 302.448.0772


Very good condition. $225 OBO 302.381.5813

WHITE COFFEE TABLE with lower shelf. 36” x 22”. Very good condition. $75 OBO


JEWELRY ARMOIRE/ cabinet/storage chest. Provincial, medium brown finish. Approximately 3.5’ h. Excellent condition. $25


CHEST OF DRAWERS Genuine hard maple. Approximately 4’h x 38”w x 20”d; 4 little drawers, 3 large drawers. $75


(2) WHITE, SILK SHADED decorator table lamps: $25 each; (1) round end table with drawer. White base, fruitwood top. $50 7 17.575.8314

FULL PLATFORM BED AND mattress. Bed handmade in UK of untreated wood. Set up, never used. Have original paperwork. Price negotiable. Can send pics. 302.493.9199

COMPLETE LIVING ROOM: queen sleep sofa and loveseat in light floral; pale green chair, stool, coffee table, (2) end tables, lamps. Rarely used. $900 3 02.539.5545

(2) LOCAL, VETERAN, retired bow hunters looking to lease 5-10 acres. Call Ken: 302.732.3118

SHOTGUN SHELLS Federal Target Load. 1 box: $7 Please leave message: 302.436.9005

BELLA 4.5 QT. AIR FRYER Touch screen. Never opened, new, in box. Cook or roast. REDUCED! $25 302.344.0088

55-GALLON BARRELS Metal or plastic; with/without lids. For burning, storage, floating docks, rain barrel, live bait. $30/$40 302.542.9500

(5) FULL SHEETS WHITE, plastic lattice. $10/sheet. 3 02.236.2584



Rogaska martini glasses. Never used. $25 for all. Can send pics. 209.890.0634


Navy blue, used once, great condition. Carry beach supplies. Collapsible with cover. $60 Can send pics. 209.890.0634

LARGE PITCHER & BOWL for washstand. Pink floral, Victorian decorative. Very good condition. $50 610.468.4004

SINGER STRAIGHT needle sewing machine with buttonhole attachment in nice walnut cabinet. Excellent condition. $150 Call or leave message: 302.934.1619

VARIOUS SIZED PLASTIC tarps. Call for details. 302.236.2584

BOUMI TEMPLE JEWELRY Various pieces. 443.373.1550

BRASS CHANDELIER Design House Mill Bridge with (5) bell-shaped clear, glass shades. Lowes #1345522. Reduced to $30 302.542.9500

100s OF $ OF HIGH-END beads, findings, string materials, tools, displays, and travel case in organized boxes. Can send pics. $300 OBO 302.362.2141

ORECK RUG-CLEANING machine with pads. Perfect condition - great cleaning. New: $325; asking $100 302.362.2141

DEAN MARTIN 10-VOL. DVD set. Best Of Variety shows. Never opened. $20 302.359.7269

VICTORIAN DESIGN MULTI colored, stained glass fireplace screen. Amazing colored glass. $225 410.259.2300

NEW, WITH TAG SIMPLY Southern light blue snowman, long sleeve t-shirt. Women’s XL. REDUCED! $10 302.344.0088

ROMANCE BOOKS .25¢ each, or for trade. 302.541.0475

CUSTOM IRON 3-PIECE skier wall hanging. 30”l x 40”w. Coordinate as you choose. Dark hues of silver and copper. Best Offer. Can send pics. 209.890.0634

WEDGWOOD WHITE china. Serves 8. Platter, soup bowls, vegetable dishes, gravy boat, creamer, sugar bowl. Excellent condition. $175 Call/text 410.292.6666

TUPPERWARE liquidationVintage and new. Over 200 pieces, lids included. Can send pics. Leave message: 410.939.7714

PENTAX FILM CAMERA with 2 lenses, flash attachment, and carrying cases. $300 302.616.4768

BRASS CHANDELIER 5 lights with shades. Like new. $50 302.537.7571

BEAUTIFUL BATH updates in as little as one day. Superior quality bath and shower systems at affordable prices. Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Call now. 877.738.0991

PAYING TOP CASH FOR men’s sport watches. Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Phillipe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner, and Speedmaster. Call 844.506.3622

DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - not just a discount plan. Do not wait. Call now. Get your free dental information kit with all the details. 855.337.5228 MDDC#6258

PREPARE FOR POWER outages today with a Generac home standby generator. $0 money down + low monthly payment options. Request a free quote. Call now before the next power outage. 855.993.0969


SEEKING FEMALE guitarist, acoustic to form male/ female duo in Dagsboro. Text Mike at 732.637.2804

FISHER BASS BOX wireless 15” speaker. 3000 watts. New in box, never used. Retail: $200; asking $185 302.344.0169

FANCY GUPPIES VERY unique, bright colors. $2 each. Texts preferred. 302.841.4562

LOW COST SPAY AND neutering of cats. Want to save 100s of cats’ lives? Spay or neuter ONE. Call Cats Around Town Society to schedule an operation. 302.355.9979

KITTENS/CATS Beautiful kitties looking for loving homes. Many colors available. 302.236.5184


Do you want to get up to 100% back on vet bills? Physicians Mutual Insurance Company has Pet Coverage that can help. Call 888.928.1656 to get a free quote or visit


(3) ADULT BICYCLE helmets. $20 each. 443.373.1550


Solid maple, wall mount, holds eight sticks. Includes (2) Quetec fiberglass, 21 oz. sticks. Excellent condition. $125 Text 302.853.2509

ELECTRIC BIKE WITH front cargo basket, rear-locking trunk. 20 mph with charger. Scooter look-alike. $650 732.637.2804


OSCILLATING DRUM sander with extra drums. Like new condition. $40. 1” belt sander: $30 302.436.9005

FURNITURE March24,2023 CoastalPoint 77
If you’re thinking of getting married in Coastal Delaware, We’re your ultimate resource to local vendors, insider tips, and real beach weddings.


Spacious 4BR/3BA. Garage, boat dock, ocean access. Great views. Unfurnished. Bike to ocean, N/P.



MILLSBORO 3BR/1.5BA trailer. No Pets.

$1,500/month + $1,000 deposit. 301.384.2947


Bramhall St., Georgetown: 2BR/1.5BA, single-level home with office with separate entrance. Large kitchen and living room. $1,700 per month + utilities.

Keenwick Sound: 3BR/2BA single family home. $2,000 per month + utilities.

Plantation Lakes, Millsboro: 2BR/2 full BA + (2) 1/2BA, 3-story brand new townhome with garage. $2,000 per month + utilities.

Millville by the Sea: 2BR/2.5BA + 3rd floor loft/3rd BR, garage. Available after May 1. Pets considered. $2,200 per month + util.

Saltwater Landing, Selbyville: (2) Brand new 4BR/2BA single-family homes with garage. $2,500 & $2,600 per month + util.

Savannahs Landing, Ocean View: 3BR/2.5BA single-family home. $2,500 per month + 5% rental tax + utilities.

Plantation Lakes, Millsboro: Brand new 3BR/3.5BA, two-story villa with garage. On the golf course. $2,700 per month + util.



3BR/2.5BA, 2-car garage, end unit carriage home. Available thru May 31; $900/week includes amenities and utilities.


All units are N/S, N/P unless otherwise noted. Credit application and security deposit required.

Denton Mills, Millville: 2BR/2BA + loft single family home. Completely remodeled. Large yard and outside decks. $2,800 per month + utilities. Includes rental tax.



Unfurnished room with private bath, house privileges, W/D, pool access. Approx. 10 minutes from beach. Mature female preferred. Good credit/background check and 1-year lease required. Available May 1. $850 + utilities. 678.249.5312

One-Time/Move-Outs Spring & Deep Cleans

Plantation Lakes, Millsboro: 4BR/3.5BA villa. Brand new construction. Dogs & cats considered. $2,600 per month + utilities.

Stonewater Creek, Millsboro: 3BR/2BA, brand new single-family home. $3,300 per month + utilities.

Millville by the Sea: 5BR/3.5BA single family home. Furnished/ Unfurnished. $3,200 per month + utilities.

Parkside, Millville: 4BR/3BA single family home with 2-car garage. $3,250 per month + utilities + rental tax. Available May 1.

Salt Pond, Bethany Beach: 4BR/3BA single-family home with 2-car garage on the golf course. Partially furnished. $3,700/month + utilities.

Owners: For problem-free management, list your properties with us!

Call Kim for more information:

302.539.7511 x 3030 or 800.441.8118

For a complete list of rentals, visit:

Wilgus Associates Property Management Division

32904 Coastal Hwy., Bethany Beach, DE 19930

Clutter Bustin’ Cash Generatin’

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1 3 If you had a hammer... you probably wouldn’t need our service directory. But you could hammer in the mornin’~ and do it all over this town. Seriously ~ if you need an experienced hammerer ~ see our Service Directory. If you swing a mean hammer ~ call Jane and she’ll tell you how you can be in our Service Directory. Call Jane today ~ 302.539.1788.

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78 CoastalPoint March24,2023 ✃ ❏ Sat., March 25 8 - 11 RAIN OR SHINE Bicycles, tools, furniture, kitchenware, household items, and a bit more. 959 Turtle Drive, Turtle Walk, Bethany Beach, 19930. Havefun!
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How to place a Coastal Point PHONE 302.539.1788 ❖❖ COME BY THE OFFICE 111 Atlantic Ave. (Route 26), Ocean View, across from Lord Baltimore Elementary School, between Edward Jones, and Atlantic Physical Therapy. MAIL P.O. Box 1324, Ocean View, DE 19970 ❖ E-MAIL The Coastal Point accepts cash, Visa/Mastercard, and checks made payable to the Coastal Point, LLC.

The Original Crossword Puzzle for Kids and Their Favorite Adults

1. It's the October holiday full of costumes and candy

6. Every year on Earth Day, millions of people around the world turn o their lights from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. to recognize Earth ____ (It happens this year on March 28th)

7. Let the fun begin: It's the day people smile and say, "Enjoy your weekend!"

9. They're the people who enjoy 1A the most

11. Which month is most likely to perform at the halftime show of a college football game?

12. The abbrieviation for the sixth day of the week (or what Little Miss Mu et did on her tu et)

14. What everybody hopes they won't catch during the winter months

16. When one calendar asks another calendar to go out to the movies, they go on a ____

17. Each year, on the rst Monday in September, we all celebrate ____ Day

The across clues are for kids and the down clues are for grown-ups!

19. Smart question: Which day has a name that makes it think it's the "brightest" day of the week?

21. Wintertime rhyme time: I'm the last national holiday of every year. When I come around, I bring holiday cheer. What am I?

22. If enough of it falls in January, 9A can build an igloo Parents Down

1. Eight-day festival during which Jewish people worldwide light menorahs

2. Two days into "The Twelve Days of Christmas," the carol writer's true love was surprised by ten _____ a-leaping

3. It's the hardest day of the week for a child to learn to spell

4. The sweltering period spanning July 3rd to August 11th is known as "the ____ days of summer"

5. Woe on Wall Street: The stock market _____ was the big fall in the fall of 1929

8. The Muslims' month-long season of fasting and prayer, ______ always starts on the ninth month of the 12-month Islamic calendar (This year, it begins on March 22nd)

10. Despite its focus on the future, New Year's Eve falls in this month, bringing the old year to a close

13. Perhaps to ensure us a long holiday weekend, Thanksgiving is always celebrated on a ______

15. Emphatic season's greeting with a bonus rhyme inside: "Have a ____ Merry Christmas"

17. Tradition holds that wearing red underwear at the start of the Chinese New Year will ward o bad _____

18. Shabbat (or the Sabbath) is the Jewish day of _____, strictly observed by the orthodox faithful each Saturday

20. Just as morning marks the start of a new day, January is the ____ of a new year

March24,2023 CoastalPoint 79
This Week’s Solution © 2023 KAPD, LLC KAPD ebooks now available on 3/26/23 ™ ™
A Calendar Celebration
ANSWER (HOLD UP TO MIRROR) Jumbles: Answer: can oven dish claw Handle THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME! ® By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek The letters of these crazy words are all mixed up. To play the game, put them back into the right order so that they make real words you can find in your dictionary. Write the letters of each real word under each crazy word, but only one letter to a square. you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer. Getthefree JUSTJUMBLE @PlayJumble CNA IDHS LWAC ONEV ©2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Print your answer here:
Kids Across




Recently renovated 2 BR, 2 BA rst oor condo in the sought after community of Beachaven, on the east side of Route 1. Updated 3 years ago and features a new kitchen, new heat pump. There are new LVP oors in the main living areas. Fully furnished and ready for you to enjoy the open oor plan with an attached screened in porch. Just steps away from the community pool. A few miles from downtown Rehoboth Beach, Lewes, Gordon’s Pond, and the Breakwater Trail.

$340,000 (DESU2036170)

Betsy Perry (c) 301-938-1472



With 4 BRs, so much space, and NO LOT RENT, this one level living home near the water is perfect for your primary residence or to make as a second/vacation retreat! A modern 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath with 2128 SF, home features a bright and open floor plan with so much “new” you will feel like you were in a brand new home! Easy drive to the award winning Golf course at Baywood Greens, restaurants, and local waterfront favorite, Paradise Grill.

$329,900 (DESU2036652)

Call Brad Absher (c) 302-214-LAND

Located in the desirable canal front community of Waterside-only 2 miles to Bethany Beach. Enjoy the beach lifestyle in this spacious 2615 sq ft rst oor living with open concept oor plan single family home. 4 bed, 3 full bath, replace, loft, garage, outdoor shower, eat in kitchen, patio,covered porch, sunroom, community pool and kayak launch. Conveys fully furnished- ready for the Summer of 2023!

Asking 599,900 (DESU2037456)

Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159


Looking for a home out of Town with no HOA fees and lots of space? This home is situated on an acre with a wooded back yard. Plenty of parking with a possibility of addition of a utility building. The home has potential for expansion. Use your own creative and decorative design ideas. Just a short drive to shopping and restaurants. Also just a quick drive to the new Beebe Health Center. Don’t miss this rare opportunity.

$310,000 (MDWO2008322)

Call Frank & Audrey (c) 302-541-4000


2 separate entrances, one side being 3BR/2BA and the other side a 1BR/1BA owner suite. $589,900 (DESU2036816) Call Eddie Rohe (c) 410-908-9137

2 Bd 1.5 Ba CONTEMPORARY. Freshly Painted, Nicely Furnished, Screened Porch. EXCELLENT Condition. Walk to Back Pool & Tennis Ct. Fireplace, Soaking Tub/Shower, Storage Room, Outside Shower, Fishing, Crabbing, 2 Pools, 3 Tennis -Pickle Ball Cts, 2 Basketball Cts, Volley Ball Ct, 2 Playgrounds, Horseshoes, Shuf eboard, & more. $297,500 (DESU2035994)

Cindy Spieczny (c) 302-228-1450

Associate Broker: DE & MD






Worked with Buyer on this Stunning coastal style villa located in the soughtafter, premier community of Forrest Landing! The pergola covered entry welcomes you into this lovely maintained, recently updated, and immaculately kept home by the original owners! The heart of this home is the gourmet kitchen, the perfect spot to prepare chef inspired meals that can be served casually at the breakfast bar, or in the bright and airy formal dining room.

$430,000 (DESU2032586)

Call Logan Burke (c) 443-797-9217


Bright end unit villa in pristine condition, with an airy interior, vaulted ceilings, garage and rear deck offering seclusion in a scenic wood setting. Features a 1st oor MBR with ensuite bath. The upstairs features 2 additional guest rooms and full bath with an open loft which can be used as additional sleeping space or of ce. Community is just a short bike or drive to Bethany Beach and only minutes to Fenwick Island.

$469,000 (DESU2038094)

Call Robert Mitchell (c) 240-780-6806

Located in the desirable community of Fleetwood Estates in Seaford. This 3 BR home is situated on a lot which is 1 acre. Offering large rooms, eat in kitchen with lots of cabinets and a primary suite with large closets and a bath with a shower. Plenty of storage in the attic plus an outside shed. Don’t miss this affordable opportunity.

$269,000 (DESU2035728)

Call Noreen Scalice (c) 302-245-1108 or Paul Scalice (c) 302-604-8715


Welcome to this beautiful sunny, spacious, very well maintained original owner home in Ocean View! Offering 4 Bdrms, 2 1/2 ba., Formal living room & dining room, of ce, Open Family/kitchen with replace. Back deck! Family year round/vacation or rental potential! Community pool/tot lot!

New Heat Pump in fall '22!

$525,000 (DESU2022348)

Pam Pridgeon (c) 302-249-1367

Home offers panoramic open views of the Bay and undisturbed wooded wetlands. Situated just south of South Bethany in Bayview Park, a community surrounded by State Parkland. Perfect for the avid boater- boat lift, pier, docks, and boat slip. Southern exposure with windows and decks overlooking the panoramic views. This unique property has an owners’ home with separate guest quarters. Situated on 1 ½ lot. Rare and fantastic opportunity.

$2,500,000 (DESU2030714)

Call Frank & Audrey (c) 302-541-4000

80 CoastalPoint March24,2023 For a con dential interview about starting your Real Estate Career call us today! Carrie Cosgrove (c) 302-339-5519 • Email: | Rutica Patel (c) 252-623-8806 • Email: 31252 American Pkwy. Selbyville, DE 105 High St. Seaford, DE 37169 Rehoboth Ave. #11 Rehoboth Beach, DE 39682 Sunrise Ct. Bethany Beach, DE 31568 WINTERBERRY PKWY #307A, SELBYVILLE 4BR/3BA corner penthouse unit in Bayside has been beautifully updated and is ready for immediate personal TURN-KEY enjoyment, for use as rental investment or the potential for BOTH. Property was
with a "lockout suite" meaning you have the
to block off part of the unit and
separate condo units with
(o) 302.360.0300 •
UNDERCONTRACT Thinking of selling? I have Buyers lined up! Sandra Erbe KW Luxury Agent 443.848.3004
SOLD! Each of ce is independently owned & operated.

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