Coastal Point — April 7, 2023

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OceanViewCouncilcandidateDick Jennisonwithdrewsfromtheracefor theDistrict3seatonWednesdaythis week,threedaysbeforetheelection,sayinghecandomoregoodforthetown fromtheoutsidethanbyservingonthe councilwherehebelieveshisideas

Candidatesgetlast wordbeforeelection

Ocean Viewresidentswillvotefor mayoronSaturday,April8,from8a.m. to5p.m.atTownHallonWestAvenue.

Candidatesformayorareincumbent MayorJohnReddington,runningfora second,three-yearterm,andchallenging newcomerRandyRobust.

DickJennisonandJoseph“Jay” Tyminskiwerescheduledtorunforthe District3seatbeingvacatedbyCouncilmanTomMaly,whoisineligibleto runagain,becausehehasservedtwo consecutivethree-yearterms.Jennison announced hewasdroppingoutofthe raceonWednesday,April5,meaning Tyminskiwilltakethatseat.

Newlyelectedcouncilmemberswill besworninat6p.m.onTuesday,April 25,atTownHall.

OthercouncilmembersareStephen Cobb,District1,termexpiringApril 2025;ColleenTwardzik,District2, termexpiringApril2025;andDon Walsh,District4,termexpiringApril 2024.



Heannouncedhisintenttowithdraw bye-mailtoCoastalPointandTown ClerkDonnaSchwartz.SchwartzconfirmedlaterthatafternoonthatJennison hadsignedthepapertoofficiallywithdrawfromtherace.

WithJennisonoutoftherace,his onlyopponent,Joseph“Jay”Tyminski, willassumetheDistrict3seatnowheld

byCouncilmanTomMaly—whois noteligibleforreelectionbecausehehas servedtwoconsecutivethree-yearterms.

Alsointheracearecandidatesfor mayor,incumbentMayorJohnReddingtonandnewcomerRandyRobust.

JennisontoldCoastalPointhewas thinkingaboutaquestionhewasasked af terannouncinghiscandidacy—what couldhedotoimprovethetown.He

andhiswifediscusseditandsheasked himwherehecanmakethemostdifference.Hedecideditwouldbe“fromthe outside,”hesaid.

“Shehadagoodpoint.Irelyonherfor counsel.Icanhavethebiggestinfluenceof exposingthetown’smisdeedsfromthe outsideandwhentheydowell,IwillcomSeeJENNISONpageA5


Millvilleishavinganidentity crisis. Inasmuchastownsareidentifiedby theirZIPcodes,atleast,Millville’s

boundariesarenotreflectedinacorrespondingZIPcode.Whilemostresidents dohavethe19967ZIPcodedesignated asMillville’s,someresidentshaveOcean View’s19970codeandsome,Frankford’s 19945.

Thetowniscurrentlyinatug-of-war withtheU.S.PostalServicetobringthe entiretownintothe19967ZIPcode. TownManagerDeborahBotchiehas grownfrustratedasherletterstoU.S.P.S. officialsinWashington,D.C.havebeen

metwithresponsesthatacknowledgethe issuebut,sofar,havenotbroughttheresolutionsheandothertownofficialsseek: oneZIPcodeforallofMillville.

APRIL 7, 2023 THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY. Volume 20, Issue 14 FREE Sports Lacrosse team moves to 4-1 on season Page A55 Biz Antique Junction still sharing ‘finds’ Page B1 Enjoyingnaturallight SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys AnanglergreetsanewdayattheIndianRiverInletonWednesday,March29.
A2 CoastalPoint April7,2023


The$148millionconstructioncostof theSussexCentralHighSchoolin Georgetownalreadyhitsitsfirstmajor roadblockwhenarchitectsandbidders neglectedtoestimatecostsofthefront entranceofthenewhighschool.That’sa $400,000changeorderandcostoverrun foraschoolconstructionthatisalready about$20millionshortofitsfunding goaltargets.

TheIndianRiverSchoolDistrict heardthetroublingnewsofthecostoverruntocompletethehighschoolfront publicentranceattheBoardofEducationmeetinglastMondayeveningat IRHS.Buildersofferedacreativesolution forentranceways,whichmeanstheactual budgetshortfallmaybeonly$250,000if implemented.Thebiddersadheredtoa processcalled“valueengineering”inofferingbestpracticesandbuildingmaterialsatthelowestpossibleprice.

RodneyLayfieldtoldthearchitects fromABHAandthebuildersfromR.Y. JohnsonandSonsthattheseearlysurprisesrightaftergroundbreakingwere notacceptable.“Thisisthenoseonthe faceofthebuilding,”hesaidaboutthe entrance.“Thisisacostover-runarea wherewemayhaveanearly$400,000to $500,000frontentrancerequirementwe


“Thisisanexpensiveerror,”saidLayfield.“HowardT.Ennisschoolwent smoothly,andourconstructionplanning wentwelloverthere.SCHSissuchabig projecttohaveastumblingblockonthe projectrightoutofthegate.It’sanerror, andwecanrecover; butitishardtomanagerightupfront.”

“Wewouldhavebeenbuildinga buildingthathadnoplansforanentrance,”saidJamesFritz,schoolboardof educationmember,incredulously.

Theengineersagreedthattheyhad notprovidedtheproperschematicsin thebidpackandthereasonforthe budgetshortfallissomethingcalled crenellations.Thesearetypicalfeatures foundindefensivearchitecture,likea castle,inwhichthereisthecuttingof crenelsorrectangulargapsintheentrancewayandareviewedasafortificationofthebuilding.

“Thisthrowinginofthecrenellation workisanextradecorationandIhaveto askwhyweneedit,”saidDonaldHattier whohelpschairtheIRSDfinancecommittee.“Wemightendsavingafewhundredthousandforthewrongreason(by acceptingthecompromise).“Iamgrateful somebodybroughtthisup.Everyperson wholookedatthisplantocreateabidall cametothesameconclusion—andthey didnotconsiderthefrontentrance.

Somethingwaswrongwiththewording intheRFP.”

“Everybidderreaditthesameway,” addedFritz,forgettingtoaddthestone cutting.

“Youhavebeeninthebusinesstoo long,”scoldedLeolgaT.Wright,vice presidentoftheboardwhohasservedon IRSD’sboardofeducationmorethan10 years.

“Contingencymoneyisstilltaxpayer money,”saidWright.“Thisisanerror, andthedistrictshouldnotbearthiscost. Thisisthefrontoftheschool.Theside wherethepubliccomesin.”

“Thereissomethinglike$530,000 somedollarsincostoverrunsalreadyand wearepushingitbackto$250,000 (throughacreativebuildersolution);but wearestillspendingsomebodyelse’s money.Weareoverabarrel,andwehave topayitnow,”shesaid.


Hattierrememberedchangeorders withtheoriginalbuildingofIRHS.“We had$50,000changeorderseverytimethe schoolboardwasmeeting,”heremembered.“Thenumberofchangeorderswe areseeingwiththisschoolareminimalin comparison,”saidHattier.

“Goingforwardwecantrytomeetall thecommitmentswestated”inthereferendumtofundSCHS,Hattiersaid.

April7,2023 CoastalPoint A3 BETHANYBLUES.COM • 302.537.1500 Open 7 Days: Mon-Thurs 4-Close • Fri - Sun 11:30-Close Bethany Beach –6 North Pennsylvania Ave., 1 Block from the Totem Pole Lewes –18385 Coastal Highway Rt. 1 North, just past Midway Happy Hour Mon - Sat 4 - 6 PM Place Your Order Here Feeding a Group? Check Out Our Casual Catering Platters Open Thursday- Monday Lunch and Dinner Closed Tuesday & Wednesday Fresh Fish • Jerk Chicken • Tacos • Kids’ Menu NOW HIRING Call 443.614.2362 GlutenFree CrabCakesAvailable Opens at 11am • Happy hour 1pm-6pm Daily at the Bar Only On the Bethany Beach Boardwalk • 302.537.6621 • OCEANFRONT DINING Now Open! Open Daily 10-5 • Sun 11-4 302-537-1414 Coastal Hwy. & Dagsboro St., Fenwick Island SPRING ‘23 LAST WEEK FOR 22 CLEARANCE ESCAPE • LULU B • CHARLIE B. TRIBAL • LILLY WHITE • RUBY RD. FRENCH DRESSING • SKECHERS HABITAT • ZAC & RACHEL many more arriving daily 50-75% Off Rep of styles


Beforejoiningstateandcountydignitariestobreakgroundforthenew,$139 millionMillsborobypasslastweek,Gov. JohnCarney,duringopeningremarks, saidherememberedhearingaboutbuildingabypass30yearsago.

“Sothishasbeenalongtimecoming,” thegovernorsaidataceremonyonFriday,March31,onFoxRunRoadin Millsboro,wheretreeswereclearedinadvanceofconstructionbeginningnext month.

Thebypassisexpectedtoopenby MemorialDay2025.

Hundredsoftreeswerecutandneatly stackedbehindthepodiuminthefield, promptingCarney,aproponentofthe TreeforEveryDelawareanInitiative,in partnershipwiththeUrbanandCommunity Forestryprograms,tolifthishands andask,“Arewegoingtoreplacethem?”

SecretaryofTransportationNicole MajeskinoddedandtoldCarney,“Rest assuredallthetreeswehavehadtotake out,wewillreplacethem.Wearecommittedtoreplacingthem,”asthegovernornoddedhisapproval.

Someoftheengineersworkingonthe projectwereinelementaryschoolwhen discussionsbeganabouttheproject,designedtoimprovesafetyandreducecongestionthroughtown,Carneysaid.

“Lookatallthesepeoplehere.Ittakes allthesepeopletogetthisdone,”said Carney,whoremovedhissuitjacketand spokecasually,withoutanecktie,under themorningsunontheclearedfieldat FoxRunRoad,whichwillbeaboutmidwaybetweenwherethebypasswillbegin, justnorthofMillsboro,andend,on Route24west,nearMountaireFarms.

Theareawasclearedsothecontractor couldaccesstheMillsboroPond,Mark

Whiteside,projectengineerandmanager fortheDelawareDepartmentofTransportationProjectDevelopmentSouth, toldCoastalPoint.

“ThatportionofFoxRunRoadwill berealigned.WearegoingtoshifttheexistingFoxRunRoadfarthereast,which wouldbeunderanewbridge…aportion ofthatroadwillbeshiftedclosertothe railroadtracks,”Whitesidesaid.

Thebypass,whichincludesaninterconnectorroadbetweenRoutes113and 24,northofMillsboro,willextendeast fromtheentranceatRoute114,bridging overFoxRunRoad,theNorfolkSouthernRailroad,theMillsboroPondand GravelHillRoad.

Therewillbeonearteryfortraffic travelingineachdirectiononthe2.8milebypassanda45-mphspeedlimit.

Knownasacloverleaf,theoverpass willhavetwoloops,oneinthenortheast quadrantandoneinthesouthwestquadrant.Itisbeingbuilttoaccommodate trafficforthenext20to30years.

Bikingandwalkingpathswillextend theentirelengthofthebypass,separated fromtheroadwaybygrassbuffers.

JoiningCarneyforthegroundbreakinglastweekweredignitariesincluding Sen.TomCarper,Sen.GeraldHocker, Sen.BrianPettyjohn,Rep.RuthBriggs King,Rep.RichCollins,SussexCounty CouncilPresidentMikeVincent,Sussex CountyCouncilmanJohnRieley,MillsboroTownManagerJamieBurkand MillsboroPoliceChiefBrianCalloway.

Carperjokedaboutbeingmistakenfor Carneybyaconstituentwhosaid,“Oh, I’msorry,Sen.Coons.”

“Wealllookalikeandwethinkalike especiallywithprojectslikethis,”Carper said,talkingabouttheimportanceofimprovinginfrastructurelocally,statewide

A4 CoastalPoint April7,2023 Why Choose Us? (302) 251-8252 Serving Millville & the surrounding area We look forward to meeting you! Schedule an appointment today! AnnivEARsary Veteran Owned and Operated (302) 541-8000 • 42a Atlantic Ave, Ocean View Carry Out Only • Open Year Round Wed- Saturday 10-7 • Sunday 11-5 Follow Us On Facebook for Daily Specials! Weekly Specials Wednesday $18 Shrimp and Grits Thursday $15 Crab Cake Sandwich $22 Crab Cake Entree Friday $12 Fish Sandwich 11-4 $19 Fish & Chips 4-close Sunday $5 Nashville Hot Fish Taco and Mini Mac
CoastalPoint•SusanCanfora Gov.JohnCarneydiscussesthenew$139millionMillsborobypassproject. SeeBYPASSpageA7



CoastalPointaskedthecandidates threequestions:Whatqualificationsdo youbringtothisrace?;Whatisthe biggestissueyouwouldliketoaddressif youwinthisseat?;andWhatwouldyou liketotellourreadersaboutyourself?

WeareincludingTyminski’sresponsestotheQ&AsoOceanView votersknowwhattheyaregettingin theirnewcouncilmember,butstarting withthemayoralcandidates,inalphabeticalorder:


1.Whatqualificationsdoyoubringto this race?

IhavebeenthemayorofOcean Viewforthepastthreeyears.Before thatIspentfiveyearsonOceanView’s BoardofAdjustmentsandalsowasa volunteerwiththepolicedepartment forsevenyears.

2.Whatisthebiggestissueyouwould liketoaddressifyouwinthisseat?

Iwanttomakesurethequalityof lifeforOceanViewresidentsimproves. AndIplantodothatwiththefollowing.Iwanttoseetherecentlypurchased propertyonthecornerofMuddyNeck andDoubleBridgesroadsdeveloped into BerzinsNaturalAreaandPark, withwalkingtrailsandscenicboardwalkoverlooks.

Iwanttoseeourstreetscapeprojects ofsidewalkssurroundingJohnWest Parkcompletedsothatpedestriansare




“Ihavebeenconsultingwithanumberofpeopleabouthowwecanbring thosethingstolight,toshinelighton somethingsIthinkarebrushedover, whetherit’spropertytaxesbecauseifwe increasetaxes,weshouldoffsetthat withexpensereductionsintown.

“Howdoyoubringtolightthose changes?Lastyeartaxeswentdown basedontheassessmentbutthetown neveroffsetitontheexpenseside.How


IwanttoworkwithDNRECindevelopinganotherparksopeoplecan haveaccesstothewaterwayforpicnics, fishing,relaxingandotheractivities.

Iwanttocontinuetosupportour publicsafetyprojectstoensurethe TownofOceanViewremainsthebest placetolive.

AndIwanttocontinuetoprovide opportunitiesforourresidentstoenjoy livinginthebestandsafesttownin Delawarebyaddressingalltheissuesin ourComprehensivePlan.


IamaU.S.ArmyVietnamVeteran.I haveamasterofsciencedegreeandeconomicsdegreefromPurdueUniversity.I servedasaforeignserviceofficerfor25 yearsworkingin70countries.

Af tergovernmentservice,Ifounded astrategicplanningcompanythat workedwithFortune500companiesto expandinternationaltrade.

Iammarriedfor50yearstoMary Reddington.Wehavetwochildrenand sixgrandchildren.


1.Whatqualificationsdoyoubringto therace?

Ihaveheldavarietyofpositions throughoutmylifeincludingsalesmanagerforamulti-million-dollarbakery supplycompany,stockbroker,complianceofficerandfinancialadvisor.My workexperiencehasgivenmetheop-


“Ihaveabetteropportunitytobea changeagentontheoutside,exposing misdeedsandinappropriatenessofthe townwhenit’sdone,”Jennisonsaid.

HedidnotattendtheMarch29 meet-the-candidatesforumduetoa familyemergency,hesaid,butwillcontinueattendingcouncilmeetings.

“Iwillbeveryactive.Imaybegina publicationorImightbecomingout withablog.ManypeopleIhavetalked towanttotakepartinaconstructive focusinthetown,”hesaid.

portunitytobealeader,buildsolidrelationshipswithcolleaguesandconsumersandgiveguidancetoothers makingimportantfinancialdecisions.I havecriticalthinkingskills,whichenablemetomakereliablejudgments basedongenuinefacts.

2.Whatisthebiggestissueyouwould liketoaddressifyouwintheseat?

TheTownofOceanViewhasbeen declaredthesafesttowninDelaware manytimesforareason.Inmyopinion, the chiefofpolicealongwithourgreat policeofficershavemadeitso.Thatis whyasmayorIwillensureourofficers havethetoolstheyneedtomaintain theirsafetyaswellasthesafetyand well-beingofthetown’sresidents.


Iamaneasy-goingmanwithagood senseofhumor.Ienjoydiningout, readingandagoodmovie.Mywifeand Iwillcelebrateour46thanniversaryand mybirthdayonthesamedayinApril.

Throughoutmylife,Ihavefollowed certainprinciplestoguideme.Myfamilycomesfirst,treatothersasyouwant tobetreatedandalwaysdotheright thingevenifitdoesnotbenefityou.


1.Whatqualificationsdoyoubringto thisrace?

Myprofessionalandpersonalbackgroundmakesmetherightchoicefor theOceanViewTownCouncil’sDistrict3seat.

AlthoughIamnowretired,myprofessionalexperienceformajorcompanieswouldbeanassetforthecity.Also, since retiringtomyforeverhomehere inOceanView,Iunderstandtheconcernsofourlongtimeresidents,recent transplantsandthosewhoowntheir secondhomeshere.


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Monday-Friday 9am-11am Sat & Sun 9am-Noon

w/ Chips

5-8 - $18 Queen Cut Prime Rib w/ 2 Sides

Friday: 11-3 - $10 Fresh Local Rockfish Sandwich w/ Chips $10 Brisket Melt Sandwich w/ Chips

5-8 - $25 Rockfish Imperial w/ Fries & Slaw

$25 Southern Surf ‘n Turf (5 oz. Crabcake ‘n Brisket) w/ 2 Sides

Sunday: 2 Single Crabcake Platters w/ FF & Slaw $25 (Dine-In Only) 2-8pm

April7,2023 CoastalPoint A5 HOME & GARDEN 302.732.6159 Mon-Sat • 10-5 | Sun • 10-4 –31854 James Lowe Lane Now Open 7 Days a Week! Amazing Assortment Of Specialty Foods, Amish Baked Goods Pot Pies & Homemade Soups Our Peaches Are Back! Don’t Forget Your Cakes & Pies!
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11-3 - $10 Shaved Prime Rib Sandwich

InAugust2022,theTownCouncil approvedaresolutionrequestingaction fromthepostalserviceontheZIPcode issue.Theresolutioncited“substantial growthinrecentyears,”particularlyinthe westernandsouthernsectionsoftown.

Accordingtothatresolution,Millville officialshadbeennotifiedthatmanyof thenewsubdivisioninthetownwouldbe givenmailingaddresseswithZIPcodes otherthan19967,whichistheZIPcode forthenorthernandeasternareasof town,wheremuchofthepriordevelopmenthadoccurred.

“Whereasresidentsexpecttheirmailingaddresstoreflectthemunicipalitiesin whichtheyactuallyreside,”theresolution read,andtownofficialswereconcerned thatthedifferentZIPcodesthroughout thetowncouldcauseissuesforemergency services,aswellaswithgrantfund-

ingbasedonpopulation,thetown“respectfully”requestedthattheU.S.P.SreviseitsZIPcodeboundariessothatall Millvilleresidentsusethe19967code.

Partoftheissueisthathomeswith ZIPcodesotherthan19967mustusethe nameofthetownassociatedwiththeir address,ratherthanitsactuallocationin thetownofMillville.Thiscausesallsorts ofconfusionforresidents,Botchiehas said.

InNovember2022,theTownofMillvillesubmittedaformalrequesttothe U.S.P.S.DistrictManager’sofficein Philadelphia,askingthattheboundaries oftheMillville,FrankfordandOcean ViewZIPcodeboundariesbeadjustedto reflectMillville’sactualboundaries.The submissionincludedamapofcurrent townboundaries,aswellasalistofapproveddevelopmentprojectswithinthose boundaries.

Asaguidelinefortownsseekingsuch changes,theU.S.P.Sprovidesalistof questionsthroughwhichthetownscan

providepertinentinformation.Forexample,thetownansweredthatyes,therequestedboundarychangerepresentsa formallyestablishedmunicipalboundary. Thesubmissionfurtherstatedthatthe proposedboundariesare“cohesive”and wouldnotresultin“pockets”thatcreate maildeliveryinefficient.

Thetown’srequestfurtherstatedits concernthat“someoftheaffecteddeliverieswouldcontinuetobeservedfrom theOceanViewPostOffice”whilesome wouldtransfertotheFrankfordPostOffice,locatedaboutsixmileswestofMillville.Thesubmissionletteralsonotes thattheOceanViewPostOfficeisactuallylocatedinMillville.

Sincetheareasinquestionwere,for themostpart,annexedintoMillville morethan15yearsago,andthereareno currentannexationrequests,theletter statedthatfuturedevelopmentis“most likelytooccurintheareasalreadyannexedbytheTown.”

InherNovember2022letter,Botchie alsosaiddevelopersofcurrenttownprojectssupporttherequestforchangein ZIPcodebecausethey“believecustomers willbenefitfromavoidingconfusionover theirlocationwithintheTown.Thisis importantforissuessuchasvotingin Townelections,applyingforTownpermitsandpayingTowntaxes,”shesaid.

Botchieaddedarequestthatifthe changeisnotgranted,Millvilleresidents atleastbeallowedtouseMillvilleastheir town,alongwiththeU.S.P.S.-designated


OnJan.23ofthisyear,BotchiereceivedaletterfromEdwardWilliamson, DistrictManagerofU.S.P.S.DelawarePennsylvania2District,denyingtherequestforconsolidationunderone MillvilleZIPcode.

“ThePostalServicedoesnotadjust postalservicedesignationsandboundariessolelytoprovidelocalidentity,” Williamsonsaid.Headdedthatapproval ofMillville’srequest“wouldbeinviting operationaldifficultiesthatwouldresult indeterioratedserviceandhigherprices.

“Ataminimum,”Williamsonsaid,approvaloftherequest“wouldrequirethe relocationofcarriers,changesindelivery routes,revisionstodirectories,mail-forwardingforcustomerswhoseaddresses changeandsignificantadministrative costs.”

BotchiefolloweduponFeb.1witha noticeofappealofthedecisionandarequestforinformationontheappeal process.

TheletterfromWilliamson,Botchie said,“didnotaddressourrequest,”but onlygavegeneralreasonsforadenial.

“Nordidheincludespecificjustification forthedenial,basedonresultsfroman analysisthatshouldhaveoccurredupon receiptofourrequest,”shesaid.

She receivedaresponseonFeb.16 fromTimothyHaney,U.S.P.S.Director

CommunityLutheranChurch 30897OmarRoad Frankford,DE19945 RegularSundayService:9a.m.

GraceofGodLutheranChurch ShoppesatLongNeckBlvd Millsboro,DE19966

A6 CoastalPoint April7,2023 3027321156|GRACEANDCOMMUNITY.COM JoinusforSunday servicesandspecial Lentencelebrations.
RegularSundayService:11a.m. MaundyThursday:3p.m. EasterSunday:11a.m. SunsetMeditationGroup Wednesdays:5:30p.m. TowersBeachBayside DelawareSeashoreStatePark Together,we’ll createastronger communityand achurchrenewed. Grand Opening Celebration! Friday, April 14, 2023 –Noon-3pm Door Prizes & Refreshments Savannah Square Shopping Center 32177 DuPont Blvd Suite 6, Dagsboro DE Open Tues./Wed./Thurs./Sat. Noon-4pm Friday Noon-6pm We Teach Fused Glass Classes! Visit Our Website For Our Exciting Class Schedule! Stained & Fused Glass • Jewelry & Gifts Commissioned & Gallery Work ScanMe Millville ContinuedfrompageA1 SeeMILLVILLEpageA10
GoodFriday:Noon EasterSunday:9a.m.

andnationwideandsayingthebypass willsavelives.

“Us.Thepeopleinourfamilies.Kids. Wives.Husbands.It’sprettyhardtoputa pricebutit’sgoingtokeepussafer,” Carpersaid.

BriggsKingsaidshe“canfeelthe pain”ofdriversfrustratedastheyare stoppedinlonglinesoftrafficinMillsboro.

“It’sbeenalongprocess,manypublic meetings.Ithankallthepeoplefrom DelDOTforlistening.Thankyoufor fundingandthankyouforthesupport,” shesaid.

Pettyjohncharacterizedthebypassas a projectmanythoughtwouldneverhappen.




HarfordCounty,Md.,toOceanView in2018,Ipurposelybecameinvolvedin ourcommunity.Ibecamethechairman oftheMcCabeDitchTaxAssociation threeyearsago.Atthesametime,IbecametheinitialpresidentoftheOcean ViewBeachClubcommunity’sHOA. Overthepasttwoyears,Ihavebeena memberofthecity’sPlanning&ZoningCommission.

Thesethreepositionshavegivenme afirst-handlookattheneedsofour townandapathwaytoworkingwith ourresidents.It’salsogivenmeakeen eyetothedesiresoflocalandnational buildersanddevelopers.

Couplethatwithmyprofessional backgroundasanengineerwithafocus ontheenvironmentalimpactofdevelopmentontheearth,airandwater.Iam alsotheformerpresidentofthe UnileverCreditUnion.Thus,I’veeither ledordevelopednumeroussafetyand

Hockersaid,addingwhenhewasfirst electedmorethan20yearsagoRoute24 wascongestedandheinitiatedatraffic study.

“WethoughtRoute24wouldbefirst onthelist,”hesaid,thankingcolleagues fromNewCastleCountyforbuying homesatthebeach,becausetheywitnessedtrafficjamsandtheneedforthe bypass.

Earlier,WhitesidetoldCoastalPoint therearetwocontractsforthework,a $99millioncontractforthebypassand $40millioncontractforgradeseparated intersections,ortheoverpass.

R.E.PiersonConstructionCo.,based inPilesgrove,N.J.,butwithsatelliteofficesinSussexCounty,willbethecontractorforthedualalignmentofthe bypass.Theothercontractwillbebid.

Constructionwillbefundedbythe federalgovernmentandstatethrough FY25,withthemajority,or80percent,

environmentalprogramsthathadapositiveimpactonthousandsofpeopleover severaldecades.

2.Whatisthebiggestissueyouwould liketoaddressifyouwinthisseat?

Weneedtocontaingrowthwhile alsopullingourcommunitytogether. It’snosecretthatourtownhaschanged dramaticallyoverthepastdecade.We’ve grownrapidly.Somewouldsaytoorapidly.AndwhileIrealizethatIampart ofthatgrowth,Iwanttohelpfindthe solutionforourfuture.

Youmaynotknowthatourtownno longerhasanyavailablebuildablelots. Allopenlotshavebeenawardedbuildingpermits.Now,someofthatconstructionhasnotyetbegun.

Thatsaid,wecan’tturnbackthe clock.Butwecankeepaneyeonwhat futuredevelopmentlookslike.Wecan overseethepermittingprocessandrequirelowerdensityandimprovedparking;wecanensurethattherearemore sidewalksandwalkingandbicycle trails.Therearesectionsinourtown whereduetolackofsidewalks,resi-

The Ellen Rice Studio



“Theimpactswon’tnecessarilybebad. Ourdepartmentdoesacknowledgethe amountoftrafficcongestioninMillsboro nowandit’sonlygettingworse.Weall canseethat.TheMillsboroBypasswill helpmitigatethatcongestionandwewill doeverythingwecandoexpediteconstruction,”Whitesidesaid.

“TheonlywaytogetonRoute24 nowisthroughMillsboro.Wewantto lightencongestion,especiallyduringpeak hours.Onethingreallycausingcongestionistrucks.Thequality oftrafficflowis verypoorinthatarea.Wearebuilding thisforsafetyandtoalleviatethatcongestion.Wehopethetruckswilluseit,” hesaid.


dentsmustuseourstreetsfortheir dailyexercisestrolls.That’ssimply wrong.

Wewillfightovercrowding.Iam readytoworkhardtomakesurethat our town’sgrowingpainsdon’truinits small-townfeel.

Iwouldbeanadvocateforourentire town.Notjustformystreet,notmy planneddevelopmentofOceanView BeachClub,buttheentiretown.We havesomethingspecialhere.



DelDOTofficialsstartedtalking aboutabypassabout20yearsagowhen theywereworkingontheRoute113 North-Southstudy,Whitesidesaid.

“Foraprojectthisbig,andconsidering theenvironmentalimpacts,thereisa chanceforittobeprolongedbecauseyou needtheenvironmentaldocumentapproved.Thereisalotofpublicinput,coordination,thatneedstobeconsidered,” hesaid.

Stateofficialsalsohadtoobtain rights-of-wayforabout47parcelsthat willbeimpactedbyconstruction.Thatis stillbeingdone,butenoughofthemhave beenobtainedtobegin,hesaid.

DelDOTpaysproperty ownersfair marketvaluefortheirlandandworks witharealestateteam,accordingtoofficials.WhitesidesaidDelDOTwillpay about$15millionforrights-of-way.

Mywife,Andrea,andourdog,Rosie, liveinOceanViewBeachClub.My wifeandIenjoypuzzlesandpickleball. Weenjoyplayingtriviaatlocalrestaurantswithourfriends;Ilovetotinker with my1970Barracuda.

Weareforevertransplantstothis wonderfultown.At69,I’veenjoyeda fulllife.There’snothingthatIenjoy morethangivingbacktoourcommunity.I’veattemptedtodothatsince movinghere.Iwillworktirelesslyto makeourtownawonderfulplaceto enjoylife.

April7,2023 CoastalPoint A7
Visit Ellen’s New Studio & Showroom Hours: Friday & Saturday 10-4, Sunday 12-3 Other Times & Days by Calling Ocean View, Delaware. Directions on website. (302) 539-3405 HAS B TREK BE E BEEN EXTE TE V K FEST SA ENDED VINGS Abo Learn ACCESSORIES! AND AREL L APPPAREL VE BIG! SAAVE out E-bikes Freee Seminar Types • Safety y April 19; $100 Coupon • Tips • s 1am - 1pm; Call to register 1 est Rides T Test • on . o 49YEARS– CYCLISTSFOR NG V RES –9 49 4
A8 CoastalPoint April7,2023 AN CITY OCE Di MILTON LT irect: 313.6544 . 302 MILLSBORO RO .539.0 2 e: 30 | Offic BERLIN thropRe 0800 | Nor N y.comealty.c $5,000,000 t our on C e Her 21 Whit 3 TERFRONT RONT A WATERFR WA $ 301 ,900,000 2 ockley 34 St ,499,000 $2 venue 21 Tiderunner A 335 e $1,650,000 d D lar l 26 Ma ATERFRORONTWATERFR WA 000 e W Driv ONT 00 ath rst P ORO RO $1,500,000 2 eet #4 eek Str 3 Cr 3823 TERFRONT RONT A WATERFR WA AN VIEW OCE $ 155 Ol WA OC $1,190,000 d f Roa d Whar l TERFRONT ATERFRRONT AN CITY CE 3 $899,900 e #85 cl y Cir 3 Marina Ba 338 MILLSBORO RO 75,000 $8 7 Sunburst P 2696 MILLSBOR 70,000 $8 e w Driv e Vie 944 Lak ACH BETHANY BE $ 34928 OC $850,000 y #30 a ay Loon W AN VIEW CE $800,000 ay et W dak 94 Ma 176 LEWES $765,000 765,000 2 e #7 cl y Cir 3 Marina Bay 3334 MILLSBORO RO $725,000 e 3 Janic 3227 GEORGETOWN RGET $ 1 386 OC y $725,000 rail an T 8 Indi AN VIEW CE $700,000 74 d #T y Roa e 2 Caus 3138 LEWES y $699,00 a Bir 3 Se 2908 SELBYVILBYVILLE 00 t our d C r LLE 00 LLE $649,000 MILLSBORO RO $ M$625,000 MILLSBORO RO $615,000 LEWES $600,000 vd ls Bl wick Shoa en 4 F 3802 SELBYVILBYVILLE $435000 AN CITY OCE d e Roa ers Edg 4 Riv 7 74 47 2 21885 S 5 000 $57 MILLSBORO RO $ D vd d Bl f Boar Sur cie Lane a 3126 Gr 3 $450000 GSBORO RO A 000 $439 AFORD SE 5,000 thorne Lane ey 2 Gr 2020 $450,000 201 e #4 urnberry Driv 29405 T ,000 t Lane 900 Shor 35,000 eet #106 er Str orcest 210 W Visit om/coastallistings /c y.c oprealty.c rethrropr nor e homes. w mor o vie t

LisaHalterman’sfather,DonaldBeck, Sr.,builtalovelyyellowbungalowbeach homeonGibsonAvenue,backin1968, whichisjustacrossthestreetfromwhatis nowtheBethanyBeachCentralPark. Now,55yearslater,Haltermanisliterally givingherfamilyhomeaway—moving thehomealongRoute26toanewmobile homeparkpadlocationinDagsboro.

Thehomerelocationprojectwasto havetakenplaceonTuesdayevening, April11,after9p.m.,withspecialpermits obtainedbyEastCoastStructural Movers,ofHarbeson,Del.TheranchstylehomewilltravelwestalongRoute 26,west,throughClarksville,andjustbeforeDagsboro.

It’sallpartofa“BuyNothingProject” arrangementHaltermanlocatedthrough asocialmediapage.Sheandherfamily arenowinterestedinbuildingsomething newonthelotat421GibsonAve.,and didnotwishtosimplydemolishtheir familybeachhouseofoverhalfacentury.

“Ithinkthisisawin-win-winforthe newowners,forourextendedfamilyas thedonatorandforthecommunityand theenvironment,”saidHalterman.“We don’thavetoputthestructureinalandfill andfromanenvironmentalstandpoint, reusingandre-establishingthehomeisa greatrecourse.”

Itwillbesomethingofarebirth.Using abiddingprocesswithmorethan100 prospectiveBuyNothingcommunity membersprovidingdetailsastotheiruse ofthehome,Haltermansettledonone person:ChelseaDelp,ofDagsboro,will bethenewowner.

Delphastopayforthestructuralrelocationandmovingahouseisnotaninexpensiveproposition.However,shewanted somethingclosebyforhermothertolive

nearherinDagsboroandwillbefixingup thehouseforhermom’snewhome.

Delpwasselectedbecauseofher proactiveplanandalsobecausethenew homesiteislocatedjustoffRoute26, makingiteasierforEastCoastmoversto depositthelargehome.Theagreementon theBuyNothingexchangeisthatbuyer andsellermustlivewithin3-5milesof eachotherorinthesamesocialnetwork “pod.”

“Mydadandmytwobrothersbuilt thishousein1968withtheirownhands,” saidHalterman.“Soithasbeeninour familyfor55years.Whenthepandemic hit,andmykidsweregraduating,orhad completedcollege,Idecidedtomoveto BethanyBeach.”

April7,2023 CoastalPoint A9
MMAC’S CATERING Wed 11am-5pm • Thurs 11am-7:30pm • Fri 11am-7:30pm Happy Hour 3 to 5 W - Th - Fri • 302-448-0862 • Catering: 443-880-2567 Saturdays Closed until after Memorial Day • • 35265 Atlantic Ave, Millville $5 OFF SECOND ENTREE ORDERED Limit 2 Coupons Per Order Sides & Extras Excluded Dine In or Carry Out Dine In or Carry Out! Exp: 5/21/23 Every Thursday is Pasta Bar Friday Fish Dinner Specials All Thru Lent Fridays Thru April 7 Now Offering Lunch Menu See Our New FB Page: MAC's Cafe! See New Menu Options Soon On Our Website Our fellow Ocean View citizens, we ask that you schedule a few minutes of your Saturday to come to the Community Center at 32 West Avenue by John West Park in Ocean View. We are asking you to vote to keep Ocean View moving in a positive direction. Vote to re-elect Mayor John Reddington and vote for Joseph “Jay” Tyminski for Town Council. Jay Tyminski and John Reddington Re-Elect John Reddington –Ocean View Mayor –Vote Joseph “Jay” Tyminski –Town Council –PLEASE VOTE APRIL 8 Paid for by John Reddington and Friends of Jay Tyminski BethanyhousefindsanewhomeinDagsboro CoastalPoint•MikeSmith TheBeckhouseinBethanyBeachis scheduledtobemovedtoDagsboronext week. SeeHOUSEpageA10


Frankfordofficialsaretakingahard lookattheirremainingAmericanRescuePlanActfundsandhowbestto spendthem.

Thetownreceived$444,000inthe federalprogramthatwasinitiatedto helpmunicipalitiesrecoverfromchallengesbroughtbytheCOVID-19pandemic.

TownCouncilPresidentGregWelch announcedattheMonday,April3 councilmeetingthatthetownhasspent $89,261sofar.Thatincludesa$50,000 granttotheFrankfordVolunteerFire Company,$9,000totheFrankford PublicLibrarytoreplaceequipment thatreceivedheavierthanusualuseduringthepandemic,and$10,000inpremiumpaytotownemployeeswhokept thetownofficeoperatingduringthe healthcrisis.Otherexpenditureseither intheworksorcompletedincludesecuritycameras,newcomputersandnew audioequipmenttoallowresidentsto joinmeetingsremotely.

TheTownCouncilalsorecently agreedtoallocate$80,000ofitsARPA fundstoFrankford’spolicedepartment fortheadditionofasecondfull-time officer.ThedepartmentcurrentlyconsistsofChiefKevinSmithandtwo


TownTreasurerJohnWrightsaidthe townhasallocatedabout$300,000of theARPAfundssofar.Wrightsaidhe endorsestheallocationforthepolice department,onayearlybasis,“uptothe lastminutethatthey’llletus.”Under federalguidelines,thefundsmustbe used by2026.

WelchagreedwithWright,saying publicsafetywasoneofthefewareas ARPAfundswereinitiallyallowedtobe usedfor,beforetheguidelineswere openeduptoincludeotherexpenditures.

Muchofthediscussionaboutthe fundingatMonday’smeetingcentered aroundtheTownPark,andhowmuch oftheremainingARPAfundingto spendonimprovementsthere.

“Whenweaddupeverythingthat we’vespentandwhatwe’veallocated, it’scomingouttomorethanwe’regetting rightnow,sowe’regoingtohaveto pickandchoosewhatwewanttodo,” Welchsaid.

Withimprovementstoparkequipment,groundsandfencing,potential parkimprovementswereestimatedto costabout$200,000,Welchsaid.Proposedimprovementstothepark’srestroomscometoabout$25,000,fencing about$20,000,walkwaysalsoabout $20,000,hesaid.

“Whenyouaddallthatup,what we’vespentandwhatwe’retalking about,itcomestolike$454,000.”Welch said,addingthatotherimprovements, inc ludingreplacingtheTownHallroof, shouldbeconsidered.“We’vegottosit andseewhatimprovements…howwe wanttospendthismoney,becauseright now,we’redowntotheendofitwith whatwehaveproposedandthought about.”

“Iguesswe’vegottoleanoutour parkimprovements,”Welchsaid.“We’ve gottocitewhichisthemoreimportant ofit.”Hesaidparticularlyforprojects forwhichthetownneedstoseeksealed bids,thetownneedstocomeupwitha veryspecificlistofprojectsitfeelsrise tothetopoftheprioritylist.

FrankfordPublicLibraryDirector BonnieElliott,amemberofthetown’s ParkCommittee,remindedthecouncil oftheimportanceofaddingplayground equipmentthatisaccessibletopatrons withdisabilities.“Youatleasthaveto haveonepieceofequipmentthata childthatisspecialneedscanuse,”Elliottsaid,“soachildthatisinawheelchaircanhavethesameenjoymentthe otherchildrenarehaving.”

Elliotthadbeentaskedwithseeking bidsforvarioustypesofplayground equipmentfortheparkandhadsubmittedthosetothecouncil.



ofDeliveryStrategyandPolicyin Washington,D.C.informingherthat hisofficewillreviewtherequest,“under theproceduresoutlinedforrealignment ofZIPCodeboundariesandunique ZIPCodes,includingevaluationofits


HaltermanhailsfromCentreville,Va., andherchildrenattendedWestfieldHigh SchoolinFairfaxCounty.

HersonisaVirginiaTechgraduate anddecidedtostayinRoanoke.Her daughter,wholivesinArlington,Va.,attendedGeorgeWashingtonUniversity andstayedintheWashingtonarea.Her otherdaughtergraduatedfromChristopherNewportUniversityintheTidewaterareaandisnowcompletingherPhD inWisconsin.Therewerenotethers keepingHaltermanfromenjoyingthe BethanyBeachlifeandsheisnowobtainingbidsfrombuilderstoconstructanew single-familyhomeonGibson.

WelchandWrightconcludedthat parkimprovementsofupto$140,000 wouldbepossibleusingARPAfunds. Welchsaidfundsfromothersources canbeusedforprojectssuchasthe TownHallroof.

Withtwomajorannexationsrecently passed,whichwillbringatleast600 newhomestothetown,Welchsaid whentaxrevenuesincreaseasthose projectsarebuilt,thetownwillbeable tousethosefundsforthatandsimilar expenses.

CouncilVicePresidentSkipAshremindedthecouncilofdiscussionsinrecentyearsduringwhichsomeresidents saidtheywouldbewillingtopaymore taxestofundmorepoliceandaskedifa taxincreasemightbediscussedasthe councildraftsitsbudgetfortheupcomingyear.Wright,however,countered thatFrankfordalreadyhasthehighest taxrateofanymunicipalityinSussex County,andwithFrankford’scurrent taxbasebringingabout$130,000per year,a10percentincrease,forexample, wouldonlybringinabout$10,000a year.

Wrightsaidhefeelsthatoncethe newdevelopmentsstartgenerating transfertaxrevenueforthetown,the townwillbeabletousethosefundsfor theadditionalpoliceofficeroncethe ARPAfundingcycleendsin2026.

existingfacilitiesintheareaandtheir abilitytoabsorbanyoperational changesnecessarytoaccommodateyour request.

Haney’slettersaidBotchieshouldexpectadeterminationontheappeal“approximately60days”fromthedateofhis letter.Asofthisweek,Botchiesaidshe hadyettohearanythingmore.

NothingbackinNovemberandwent throughtheprocess,”shesaid.“Iamused togivinglotsofthingstocharitybut neverrealizedIwouldgivemyhouse awaytoanotherfamily!”

BuyNothingProjectexiststobuildresilientcommunitieswhereitclaimsthe “truewealthistheconnectionsforgedbetweenneighbors.”


Email: Dagsboro, DE |

“ThesteelI-beamsshoweduptoday,” saidHaltermanonTuesdaylastweek.The fireplacecamedownlastweekandthe brickwasremoved.Therelocationcompanyandcontractorsarealsocuttingoff thefamilyscreened-inporchandtherear decktomakethehomemove-suitable.


TheBuyNothingProjectisaBenefit Corporation,taskedbylegally-binding charterwithperformingapublicgood. Theservicenoteditprovidesafree,global BuyNothinggifteconomyaccess,communityresources,andpersonalsupportto BuyNothingparticipantsthroughanapplicationthatissharedonsocialmedia,a website,andsupportforums.Thisiscurrentlymadepossiblethankstocharitable donationsfromaitsfiscalsponsor,Angels forAngels.

BuyNothingplansondevelopingnew featuresthatexpandanddeepentheimpactitmighthaveonlocalcommunities. Thefreeappalreadyhascustom-builtfeaturesthatenable“Give-Ask-Gratitude” connectionsaroundtheworld.

A10 CoastalPoint April7,2023
Open Seven Days a Week, 10:30am–5pm ◆ 302.436.1848 37244 Lighthouse Rd., W. Fenwick Island ◆ GORGEOUS NEW SPRING! April7,2023 CoastalPoint A11



July 7: Walker Hayes

July 27: Brass Transit: Musical Legacy of Chicago

Aug. 9: An In-Depth Evening with Dionne Warwick

Aug. 12: The Concert: A Tribute to ABBA

Aug. 15: Floyd Nation: Experience Pink Floyd

Aug. 16: The Legendary Ingramettes

Aug 17: Shakey Graves and Lucius

Aug. 18: The Righteous Brother

Aug. 19: Southside Johnny & the Asbury Jukes

Aug. 30: Gary Clark Jr.

Aug. 31: First State Ballet

Sept. 2: Arts & Jazz Festival

Sept. 8: Voyage: A Journey Tribute Band

Sept. 9: Mid-Atlantic Symphony Orchestra

Scan for tickets

To learn more and get your tickets, visit

A12 CoastalPoint April7,2023
Freeman Arts Pavilion is a program of the Joshua M. Freeman Foundation, which is a 501(c)3 nonprofit fundraising organization. This program is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on

CoastalPointencourages theexchangeofideas. Letterstotheeditormustbe signedbytheauthorwith phonenumberincludedfor purposesofverification.

Editorial Thestaff



Thereligiousaspectsofthisareobvious,asfollowerscelebratetheresurrectionofJesusChrist,andthestartofhisexalted life.Itiswidelyacceptedasthemostimportantreligiousevent oftheyearforChristians,asitdiscusseshowChristdiedforhumanity’ssins,andthatcrucifixionandresurrectionisthebasic tenetofthefaith.

Itis,toborrowapopularphrase,“thereasonfortheseason.” It’smorethancoloredeggs.It’smore thanamagicalbunny.

Themarkingoftheholidayisalsoanimportantbookmark eachyearforourcommunity.MemorialDayweekendistraditionallytheunofficialstartofthebusyseason,withLaborDay neatlytyingabowaroundit.ButEasterweekendiswhenalot oftheseasonalbusinessesbegintorampthingsupandstartop-


And,inwhathasbecomeanotherbitofalocaltradition,itis timewestartpesteringallofyouagaintoshoplocal.

Weareblessedbynature ’sgloryinourcommunity,from oceans,baysandriverstolushfarmlandtoquaintwalkingtrails inthewoods.Itisagiftthatwegettonotonlyenjoyeverytime wewalkoutside,butalsothatwegettosharewithotherswhen theycomeonvacationortospendtimeattheirsecondhomes orwhateverbringspeoplehere.

Butwealsohaveauniqueidentitywithourlocalshopsand restaurants.Theyhavecharacter,andofferitemsnotfound everywhereelse.Andtheyhaveownersandemployeeswhoare partofthiscommunity,spendtheirmoneyinthiscommunity andwhoneedoursupport.Thinklocal.Shoplocal.


So,here’saleadparagraphfromarecentAssociatedPress storythatgrabbedmyattention:“Twomenaccusedofstuffing fishwithleadweightsandfishfilletsinanattempttowinthousandsofdollarsinanOhiofishingtournamentlastfallpleaded guiltythisweektochargesincludingcheating.”


Accordingtothestory,whichIfoundonNPR’swebsite, LakeErieWalleyeTrailtournamentdirectorJasonFischerbecamesuspicious lastSeptemberwhenJacobRunyanand ChaseCominksyturnedinfishthatwere significantlyheavierthantypicalwalleye. Asspectatorsgatheredaroundtosee whatwashappening,Fischerreportedly cutopenthewalleyeandfoundthe aforementionedweightsandwalleyefilletsstuffedinside.

Point of No Return

It’satthispointthatIwouldsuggestFischer’sintuitionthat something“fishy”wasgoingonwasvalidated.The“scales”of justiceweretobeputinmotion,andthetwowerecertainly“on thehook”...


Aspartoftheirdeal,thepairagreedtothree-yearsuspensionsoftheirfishinglicenses,andCominskyalsoagreedtogive uphisbassboat,worthapproximately$100,000,accordingto thestory.Inreturn,prosecutorsdroppedattemptedgrandtheft andpossessioncriminaltoolscharges.

Odd,right?Butnotentirelyoutofcharacter.PertheAP story,courtrecordsshowthatthetwowereinvestigatednear Toledoinspring2022afterbeingaccusedofcheatinginadifferentwalleyetournament.Accordingtopolicereports,prosecutorsfeltlikethetwomighthavecheated,butdidn’thaveenough evidencetocharge.Apparently,authoritiesneglectedtoperform anon-the-scenefishautopsytoproveguiltorinnocence.

Hey,rememberthatsceneinJawswhenRichardDreyfuss cutopenthesharkandpulledoutsomesmallerfishandalicenseplatefromLouisianaand...


Thisstoryremindedmeofthecontroversyswirlingarounda 76.5-poundwhitemarlinthatwaspresentedduringthe2016 WhiteMarlinOpentournamentinOceanCity,Md.Rememberthisone?

Tournamentorganizersdidnotturnovermorethan$2.8 millioninprizemoneytoaFloridaman,perastoryintheBaltimoreSun.Thisonewasalittlemorecomplicatedthangutting

awalleyeandseeingabunchofweightsfalloutinfrontofacuriouscrowd.OrganizersrefusedtopaythemoneytoPhilip Heasleyafterhereportedly“failedtosatisfytheTournament Rules’polygraphrequirementand,therefore,failedtoperform underthatcontract,”sohewasnotentitledtotheprize money, perU.S.DistrictJudgeRichardD.Bennett.

Atthecruxofthiscontroversywasnotwhatwasinthefish, butratherwhenthefishwasnabbed. BennettruledthatHeasleyandhiscrew violatedtournamentrulesbydropping theirfishinglinesbeforethe8:30a.m. startthatwaslaidoutbytournamentorganizers.

Therewasanothermarlintournament inNorthCarolinathatsawadisputeover anearly$1millionprize gotothatstate’ssupremecourtbefore thepartiessettledin2013,accordingtoTheSun,andaNew Yorkmanpleadguiltytosomeshenanigansregardinghiswinin a2015tournamentinVermontthatinvolvedawalleyethatwas reportedlycaughtbytheman’sfriend,instead.

There’sasignthatyouseearoundsomeshopsinfishing areas,andI’msuremanyofyouhaveseenithere:“Allfishermen areliarsexceptyouandme,andI’mnotsosureaboutyou.”

It’spartofthefunwithfishing,right?Therearethestoriesof “theonethatgotaway”ortheepicHemingway-esquestruggle atseawithafoethatbordersonmythological.But,it’snotso funnywhenmoneyisatstake,right?

Ofcourse,it’snotjustfishingtournamentswherewesee peopleoflowcharactershowtheirtruepersonalities.WhoremembersRosieRuiz,thewinnerofthewomen’sdivisionofthe 1980BostonMarathon—orsowethought?

SomeeyebrowswereraisedbyRuiz’s“unflusteredappearanceatthefinishline,”accordingtotheGuardian,andsome witnesseslatercameforwardtosaytheysawherjointhecourse withlessthanamiletogo.Shewaslaterstrippedofhertitle, and,,Ruizwasalsobustedforafake effortattheNewYorkCityMarathonayearearlierwhenorganizersdiscoveredyearslaterthatshehadriddenasubwayfor partofthatrace.

Well,it’so-fish-ial,cheatingcantakeplacewhereverthereis competition.Letminnowifyouhearofanyotherinstances,if it’slow-broworso-fish-ticated.

I’llseemyselfout.Iknowsomeofyouwouldliketoseeme walktheplanktonbynow.
















Editorial Columns LetterstotheEditor
111AtlanticAve.,OceanView,DE19970. Themailingaddressis: P.O.Box1324, OceanView,DE19970. Phone:302.539.1788. Fax:302.539.3777. Deadlineforadvertisingandnewssubmissions is5p.m.Monday.Alladvertisementscreatedby theCoastalPointarepropertyofCoastalPointLLC, andcannotbereplicatedwithoutpermission.
ViewPoint April7,2023 Page13

Richardsonweighsin onmarijuanabills

Editor’sNote:Thefollowingletterwas senttoGov.JohnCarney,andforwarded totheCoastalPointforpublication.

Iamwritingtourgeyoutoveto HouseBill1andHouseBill2,themarijuanabills.Lastyearyoushowedgreat leadershipandcouragetovetosimilar bills.Thedangersassociatedwithlegalizationofrecreationalmarijuanawere ignoredbythosewhovotedforthebills. Butthedangersarereal.Hereareafew ofthem:

Asofmid-Augustoflastyear,there werealready63neardeathsandsix deathsofchildreninDelaware.In2021 therewere70casesfortheentireyear,a 35percentincreaseovertheprevious


AccordingtoreportsfromTexas,one ofthefewstatestoprovidedetailedinformationondrugusebyperpetrators, cannabisisassociatedwithadisturbing numberofchilddeathsfromabuseand neglect,manymorethanalcohol,and otherdrugusecombined.

IsthisafactorinDelawarewherewe allowmedicalmarijuanauseandillegal druguseisknowntobewidespread? Verylikely.

Accordingtoastudyreportedbythe NationalInstituteonDrugAbuse,employeeswhotestedpositiveformarijuanahad55percentmoreindustrial accidents,85percentmoreinjuriesand 75percentgreaterabsenteeismcomparedtothosewhotestednegative.Also impactingthebottomlineisdecreased productivity.

TheTHCinmarijuanacausesthe ‘high’andleadstoaddiction,mentalillness, violence,crime,trafficdeaths,and manyhealthandsocialproblems.After anexhaustivereview,theNational AcademyofMedicinefoundin2017 that“cannabisuseislikelytoincrease theriskofdevelopingschizophrenia andotherpsychoses;thehighertheuse, thegreatertherisk.

Butamountainofpeer-reviewedresearchintopmedicaljournalsshows thatmarijuanacancauseorworsenseverementalillness,especiallypsychosis, themedicaltermforabreakfromreality.Teenagerswhosmokemarijuana regularlyareaboutthreetimesaslikely todevelopschizophrenia,themostdevastatingpsychoticdisorder.

Cannabisuserstodayareconsuming adrugthatisfarmorepotentthanever before,asmeasuredbytheamountof THC,thechemicalincannabisresponsibleforitspsychoactiveeffects.

Inthe1970s,mostmarijuanacontainedlessthantwopercentTHC. Today,marijuanaroutinelycontains20 to25percentTHC,duetosophisticatedfarmingandcloningtechniques,

aswellasademandbyusersfor cannabisthatproducesastrongerhigh morequickly.

In2015,theNationalHighwayTrafficSafetyAdministration’sFatality AnalysisReportingSystemreported thatdrugswerepresentin43percentof thefatallyinjureddriverswithaknown testresult.Overone-third(36.5percent)oftheidentifieddrugsweremarijuanainsomeform.

AJanuary2018paperintheAmericanJournalofPsychiatryshowedthat people whousewerealmostthreetimes aslikelytouseopiatesthreeyearslater, evenafteradjustingforotherpotential risks.

Gov.Carney,wearefightingadrug deathepidemic.Wearelookingatfatal andnear-fatalchildabusecases.What weknowaboutthedangersshouldconvinceusthattheriskistoohightopursuelegalizationinDelaware.Iadmire youforyourcouragetotakeastand whenitmeanssomuchtothewelfare ofthepeopleofDelaware.



Attentioncrafters:TheMillvilleVolunteerFireCompanywantstoseeyou —andyourhandiwork—atitsupcomingSpringFlingcraftshow.

TheshowisscheduledforSaturday, May6from9a.m.to2p.m.atthefire house,andeventorganizerJudiWagner saidsheishopingtohave45crafters.

TheAuxiliary-sponsoredcraftshow followsthefirecompany’swintercraft show,whichWagnersaidwasabigsuc-


ShestressedthattheSpringFlingis opentocrafters,notvendorsselling manufacturedgoods.

Breakfastandlunchwillbeavailable forsaleduringthecraftshow.

Craftersinterestedinparticipatingin theSpringFlingshouldcallJudiWagnerat(302)732-6061.Thefeeforrentingatableis$35.Fundsraisedfromthe craftshowwillgotowardtheAuxiliary’s contributiontothefiredepartment. “They’regettingnewequipmentallthe time;it’sexpensive,”Wagnersaid.

A14 CoastalPoint April7,2023 Hallmark’s Crayola Bunny will be here from Noon–2:30pm We have everything you need for Easter! Guess Who’s Coming Saturday, April 8th Miller’s Creek Hair Salon Open Wednesday-Saturday Call For Appointment • 302-541-0600 On Rt. 26 in Millville • 302.539.4513 Wed, Thurs, Fri & Sat 10–4:30pm • CLOSED Mon,Tues & Sun Hallmark Cards Asher’s Homemade Easter Eggs Easter Decor Homemade Fudge (only $9.99 / lb) Cookie Trays Puzzles • Placemats • Napkins • Pillows Wooden Signs and Spring Scents from Yankee Candle Come on in to see all the new spring items! Brixlynn HURRICANE MARTIAL ARTS SUMMER CAMP Full Day Camp/Martial Arts & Field Trips 4-6 Year Old Class Youth Classes Adult Classes AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM 302-732-9097 28856 Main St. Dagsboro • @hurricane martial arts Letters
SenatorBryantL.Richardson 21stSenatorialDistrict


Newcounciltakesonlist oftopics

TheSelbyvilleTownCouncilwill nowmeetat6p.m.insteadof7p.m.on thefirstMondayofeachmonth.

Councilvotedunanimouslyto changethetimewhentheymeton Monday,April3.TownAdministrator StaceyLongsaidshepolledthemayor andcouncilmembers,allwhoagreedto changethemeetingtime.


TownAdministratorStaceyLong recommendedtothemayorandcouncilthattownofficialsmeetwithexpertswhocreatevotingdistrictsas newdistrictsaredrawninSelbyville.

MayorRichardDuncanexplained thelastcouncil,beforenewcouncil memberswereswornin,inMarch,decidedtoestablishdistricts“f orequal representationaswegrow.”

HesaidabillwenttoaHouse committeeandthatACLUofficials askeditbepulled“untilcouncilhad propertimetoconsiderit.”


submittheiropinionsaboutcreating districtstoLong“sowecanaskSen. (Gerald)Hockertoputitback.”

“Wewant tobesureSelbyvilleresidentsarewellrepresented,”Duncan said.

Volunteersneeded topickuptrash

EmilyGaither,memberrelations managerattheBethany-Fenwick AreaChamberofCommerce,told councilthatvolunteersareneededfor theDelawareCoastalCommunity Cleanup, noononSaturday,April22.


Trashwillbepickedupinseveral areas,includingCoastalHighway, FredHudsonRoad,BurbageRoad, OmarRoadandMuddyNeckRoad.

ZachEvansofMountaireFarmsin Selbyville,whowasatthecouncil meeting,saidMountairewillalsobe involved.

Gaithersaidvests,buckets,trash pickerequipmentandbottlesofwater willbeprovidedtovolunteers.



formerSelbyvilleMayorCliftonMurray,wholiftedhishandingreetingand said,“Carryon.Goodjob”asDuncan askedPoliceChiefBrianWilsonto presenthisMarchreport.

Wilsonsaidofficersrespondedto 351calls,issued121ticketsincluding fourDUIsandmade15criminalarrests.

Heaskedcouncilforsafetymeasures intherearparkinglotofTownHall, wherethepolicedepartmentis,because anofficer,whilesittinginhisvehicle, wasrecentlyassaultedandthevehicle damaged.

Duncansuggestedabullpentoprotect policevehicles.


CouncilmanGarySteffen,whilepresentinghismonthlyreporttocouncil, said4.5milliongallonsofwaterwere producedinMarchandthetownis continuingtopurchasewaterfrom ArtesianWater.


CouncilmanGarySteffen,while presentingthemonthlyPublicWorks report,saidgrasscuttinghasbegun. PublicWorkscutgrassinthemedian onRoute113andemployeeswantto


Thedirectorofpublicworkshas askedforanewmower,TownAdministratorStaceyLongsaid.Twobids werereceived—$15,461fora70inchcutand$15,295fora60-inch cut.Fundingforthemowersisnotin thebudgetsocouncilhastodecide whethertobuyanewmowerorobtainbidstocontractthework,Long said.

DepartmentofCorrectioncharges $5,440fortheseasontocutgrassfor thetownandthatisfundedinthe budget,shesaid.

CouncilmanGarySteffenspokein favoroftownemployeescontinuingto cutgrass.

“Wehaveagoodcrewandthey willpickuptrashandmaintainthe flowerbeds,”Longsaid,addingthe costforcontractorstocutgrassis high.Abidtocutsmallareasatpump stationswas$17,000afewyearsago, shesaid,callingthecost“justoutrageous.”

CouncilmanMonroeHudsonsaid he’dliketoseebidsfromcontractors andLongagreedtogetthem.


April7,2023 CoastalPoint A15 New Location 18 Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach 302.539.6992 Closed Easter Sunday • Open Fri, Sat & Mon 11- 4 Beautiful, Unique Jewelry Open Thurs-Mon • 11–4pm Keeping Bethany in Style for Over 30 Years! Habitat Prairie Cotton Whimsey Rose Jag • CMC Sushi Sets Windchimes Hello Kitty Pottery Gifts & More! 302-539-2311 16 Penslyvania Ave | Bethany Beach Open Easter Sunday Fresh, Local Seasonal Cuisine 84 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean View, DE 19970 Call 302.539.Café (2233) R e s e r v a t i o n s O n l y We Recommend Making Your Reservation 1-2 Weeks In Advance The Beach’s Premier Boutique Restaurant Spring Hours Thurs - Sat 5-9pm Indoor & Outdoor Dining (Weather Permitting) Easter Week Hours Easter Sunday Dinner 3-9pm


Birdsarechirping,treesaregreening up,thefirstbrightblossomsareemergingaftertheirwinter’snap.Springbreak hassettleduponthelandandwithit, thecallofthechild:“I’mbooooored.” Havenofear,parents.Locallibraries haveyourbackwithactivitiesdesigned tobreakupthedaysofffromschoolfor childrenofallages.Evenbetter:Allof thebelowactivitiesarefreeofcharge.

FrankfordLibraryDirectorBonnie Elliottsaidthisweekthatherlibrary has apackedscheduleofactivitiesfor thedurationoftheschoolbreak.“The libraryisgoingtobeholdingafullslate ofprogramsnextweek,”Elliottsaid,beginningwithGoodFriday,continuing withwiththelibrary’sinvolvementin theEggScrambleonSaturday,April8, “Allofnextweektherewillbeprogramsinthemorningandintheafternoonforkidsandfamilies,”Elliottsaid. Here’sabreakdownofwhatisbeing offeredduringspringbreakatalibrary near you:


FrankfordPublicLibrary:Easter craft,“PeterRabbit”movie,3p.m.


FrankfordPublicLibrary:Easter ScramblewithEnvisionFrankford, noonto2p.m.atFrankfordTownPark.

SouthCoastalLibrary,Bethany Beach:BunnyScavengerHunt,allday, intheChildren’sRoom;LegoClubfor agessixto10,11a.m.to12:15p.m.


FrankfordPublicLibrary:Story TimeatParson’sFarm,11a.m.

SelbyvillePublicLibrary:CrafternoonforkidsandteensintheCraft Room,4-6p.m.



FrankfordPublicLibrary:Games Unplugged(comeoutandplayboard games!).1p.m.

SelbyvillePublicLibrary:Preschool StoryTime,CraftRoom,10a.m.,PreschoolCraftTime,10:30a.m.inthe CraftRoom.

SouthCoastalLibrary:BunnyScavengerHunt,Children’sWing,allday; FeelingsRock,10:30a.m.to11:30a.m.; PAWSfor Reading,4p.m.


Easter Services & Events

April 6 Maundy Thursday Service - 6:30 pm Begin in Fellowship Hall



FrankfordPublicLibrary:SuperheroesattheLibrary—StoryTime,11 a.m.;Movie,“Spiderman:NoWay Home”(PG-13)noon;LearntoDance theBunnyHopandChickenDance, 2:30p.m.;STEMWednesday,5p.m.

SelbyvillePublicLibrary:Piratesin theDelawareBay(forchildrenand adults),MeetingRoom,3:30p.m.;Paws forPeopleREAD,CraftRoom,4p.m.

SouthCoastalLibrary:BabyBookwormsStoryTime,birthtoagetwo,10 a.m.;LittleLearnersStoryTime,ages threetofive,11a.m.

BunnyScavengerHunt,allday, Children’sWing


FrankfordPublicLibrary:Spring coloringforchildren,11a.m.;Movie: “Hop”(PG),1pm.;TeenFabergeEggs Craft,4p.m.

SelbyvillePublicLibrary:Toddler Time,CraftRoom,10:30a.m.;NanticokeIndianDanceTroupePerformance,SalemUnitedMethodistChurch, 1p.m.

SouthCoastalLibrary:BunnyScavengerHunt,allday,Children’sWing; StoryandArtwithArtistJacqueline Boyd,5p.m.to6p.m.(registrationrequired;fiveseatsavailable)


FrankfordPublicLibrary:Movie, “Hitchhiker’sGuidetotheGalaxy” (PG-13),1p.m.





TheFrankfordPublicLibraryislocatedat8MainSt.,Frankford.SelbyvillePublicLibraryislocatedat11S. Main St.,Selbyville.SouthCoastalLibraryislocatedat43KentAve., BethanyBeach.

A16 CoastalPoint April7,2023
and move into the Sanctuary
7 Good Friday Cross Walk
am Procession to
Beach followed by a short
at 9:45 am in the Sanctuary.
7 Good Friday Prayer Stations10:00 am-12:00 pm
4:00-6:00 pm Self-paced prayer stations in Fellowship Hall April 9 Easter Sunrise Service at VFW Post 72346:30 am 29265 Marshy Hope Road, Ocean View April 9 Easter Sunday Morning Services * 9:00 am - Family-Contemporary 11:00 am - Traditional April 30 Post-Easter Cantata * in the Sanctuary at 4:00 pm
For more information,
81 Central Ave. • Ocean View UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
* These events will be live-streamed.
contact us at or 302-539-9510.
Shopping with a Purpose
Easter Weekend! 302.251.8830 100 Garfield Pkwy, Bethany Beach (In the Bethany Town Center) Open Thurs-Sat 10am - 4pm Closed Easter Sunday This month, help us support Bethany Beach Volunteer Fire Co. Home Decor & Gifts Librarieshelpcurespringbreakblahs Get the news with a local perspective! Find it each week in the THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY
Visit our newes T rt tH ey’s w y Lewes.| 302.226.1994 ©2023 S chellBrothers LLC. AllRightsRese rved . To learnmore ab out Ha il ey’s Glen Second Floor April7,2023 CoastalPoint A17


CouncilmanGarySteffen,whilepresentinghismonthlyreport,saidnew buildingsattheupgradedSelbyville Parkhavebeenpaintedandnewsigns shouldbeinthisweek.Newpickleball courtsareopenforanyonewhohas equipment.


TownAdministratorStaceyLong announcedtwonewbusinesses,Phoenix PhysicalTherapyonWestChurch Streetandanewretailliquidationshop, haveopened.


TheRailroadMuseum,at6RailroadAve.,willbeopenfrom10a.m. to2p.m.onthethirdSaturdayof eachmonthfromAprilthroughOctober.

The museumhasrailroadandtown artifactsdatingbacktotheearliesttown agriculturaldaystolate20thcentury policememorabilia.Thereisnoadmissioncost.Call302-436-8314



agreedtoconsiderarequesttorezone propertyownedbyLeimbachInvestmentsfromR-2residentialtoHB HistoricBusiness.

TherequestwasmadebyMatthew Leimbach,ownerofMatttheCarpet GuyonNorthMainStreet.AddressingCouncil,Leimbachsaidheupgradedwhathecalledaformerareaof blightandisdoingagoodbusiness. Hewantstherezoningsohecanadd awarehouse,hesaid.

Butduringthepublichearingon thematter,awomanandmanwho liveadjacenttothebusinessobjected, sayingtrashfromthebusinessblows intotheiryards,noisybangingof dumpstersisheardmanymorningsat 6a.m.andalightthatilluminatesthe propertyshinesintoonehome.

ThemansaidittookLeimbach yearstoputupafence,buttrash,especiallyplasticwrappersfromrollsof carpet,stillslideunderthefenceonto hisproperty.

Thewomansaiddumpstersare nearherdoor.


Leimbachsaidthatwasthefirst timeheheardsuchcomplaints.He wantstobeagoodneighbor,hesaid, andwillmakechangesasnecessary.

“Icandobetter.Anycomplaints, (TownAdministrator)Stacey(Long) hascalledmeabout,Ihaveresponded,”hesaid.

MayorRichardDuncanaskedLeimbachifdumpsterscouldbeused laterinthemorningandLeimbach agreed

“Icanputdimmersonthelights,” hesaid.

“Youcanshieldthelights,”CouncilmanChrisSnadertoldhim,then toldfellowCouncilmembersheplans tovisittheproperty.

“Wecanputshieldssothelight goesdownandnotout…wecandefinitelytalkasneighbors.Iwishyou guyshadcometomebeforethis,”he toldthewomanandmanintheaudience.

DuncanremindedLeimbachthat hisplantoaddstorageonthepropertywillhavetogobeforethePlanning&ZoningCommission,whose memberswillthenmakearecommendationtoCouncil.

“Theseconcernshavetobemet,to adegreeatsomepoint,butwhether thatwouldstopusfromchangingthe zoning,Idon’tthinkitwould,”CouncilwomanCarolCarysaid.Hermotiontoconsiderrezoningpassed unanimously.

InterestinGeorgiaHouse property

MayorRichardDuncanannounced thereisinterestinopeningarestaurant wheretheGeorgiaHouseRestaurant was,at2E.ChurchSt.inSelbyvillebe-


“It’sintheveryearlystagesbutI hopewithinthenextfewmonthsto havesomethingtoreport,”Duncansaid, addinghemetwiththeinterestedparty, whohasanold-fashionedthemein mind.

AnnexationCommittee membersappointed

MayorRichardDuncanappointed CouncilwomanCarolCarytochair,and CouncilmenChrisSnaderandGary Steffentoserveon,anannexationcommitteetoinvestigatethepossibilityof annexingterritorycontinuoustotown limits,ownedbyBalsamoRealEstate andcontaining2.32acres.

Theywillalsodiscussamendingthe zoningmapandzoningordinanceto includetheterritoryintheR-4residentialdistrict.

Mayor,Councilmembers getpayincrease

Byunanimousvote,theSelbyville Council increasedannualcompensation forthemayorandCouncilmembers “forfulfillingtheirdutiesandforattendanceatregularmeetings,specialmeetingsandworkshopmeetings.”

Themayorwillreceiveanincrease from$500eachyearto$1,200and councilmemberswillgetanincrease from$250eachyearto$900.

A18 CoastalPoint April7,2023
just go to the movies. Go to the... DELAWARE’S ONLY CLASSIC SINGLE-SCREEN THEATRE! Rated PG OPENING FRI. 04/07 Rated PG13 TBA Advance Tickets for all shows available at: Same Day Tickets available at the Box Office 30 Mins. before showtime Location: 33246 Main St., Dagsboro, DE 19939 Box Office Info.: (302) 732-3744 • LIVE COMEDY COMES TO THE CLAYTON STAGE Sunday, April 16, at 3 PM TICKETS ON SALE NOW at Join Delaware native and New York based comedian Frank Vignola and his good friends Belynda Cleare & Irwin Long for an afternoon of family-friendly stand-up comedy. Visit our website for tickets and more information. Tickets $20 COMEDIAN FRANK VIGNOLA Belynda Cleare Irwin Long A family friendly, historic movie theatre experience just minutes from the beach CURRENT FEATURE: Evenings at 7 PM Fri., Sat. & Mon Mat at 3 PM (No Easter Sunday Matinee) Open Caption Matinee Wed., 04/12 at 3 PM Everything Everywhere All At Once Sat Tue Thu Apr 8 Apr 11 Apr 13 4:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:00 pm 17701 Dartmouth Drive Lewes 302-645-9095 Emily WedApr 12 5:00 pm Close Tue Thu Apr 11 Apr 13 1:00 pm 1:00 pm Full Time Sat Tue Wed Apr 8 Apr 11 Apr 12 2:00 pm 7:00 pm 2:00 pm In Viaggio: The Travels of Pope Francis Fri Sat Mon Wed Apr 7 Apr 8 Apr 10 Apr 12 1:00 pm 1:00 pm 6:00 pm 4:00 pm One Fine Morning Fri Mon Apr 7 Apr 10 2:00 pm 5:00 pm The Lost King Sat Wed Thu Apr 8 Apr 12 Apr 13 3:00 pm 1:00 pm 5:00 pm The Quiet Girl Fri Mon Thu Apr 7 Apr 10 Apr 13 5:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm The Met: Live in HD FALSTAFF Mon Tue Apr 10 Apr 11 1:00 pm 5:30 pm What the Hell Happened to Blood, Sweat and Tears Fri Sat Wed Apr 7 Apr 8 Apr 12 3:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm

Welches Pond is one-of-a-kind. Laid out amongst natural and man-made ponds, wetlands, creeks, and woods, it has a natural and enchanting feel while only being minutes from downtown Lewes and Rehoboth Beach. Enjoy unparalleled amenities, including e icket, an outdoor retreat where you and your family can rest and relax in gazebos and hammocks. Make endless magical memories in your new home at Welches Pond.

FAMILY HOMES FROM THE HIGH $500s Clubhouse | Pool & Lanai | Multi-Court | Pocket Parks | Preserved Wetlands · Cedar Grove Road, Lewes, DE 19958 ©2022 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved.
April7,2023 CoastalPoint A19

Rogers Irrigation & Landscaping

Showellhonored aswinnerbyReading isFundamental

ReadingIsFundamental(RIF)is proudtoannouncethatPhillipC. ShowellElementarySchoolhasbeen selectedasawinnerofits“Rallyto Read100”sweepstakes,asix-monthinitiativedesignedtoreignitealoveof readingforstudentsingradesK-5 acrossthecountry.Asoneof100nationalawardees,PhillipC.ShowellElementarySchoolwillreceive100books curatedtoinspireitsyoungreaders.

Thesweepstakesgiveawayisapart of ReadingisFundamental’s“Rallyto Read100”campaign,whichlaunchedin October2022asawaytoengagestudentsinthejoyofreading.Students, educators,families,andRIFpartners wereinvitedtotakeonthefunchallengeofreading100booksoverthe spanofsixmonthsbytheendofNationalReadingMonthinMarch.The “RallytoRead100”campaignprovided accompanyingresourcessuchas monthlythemesandbooklists,virtual read-aloudswithnotableauthorsandillustrators,andactivitypackets.

“Animportantpartofdesigningthis campaignwastoencouragestudentsto read,butalsotoensurethatschoolsand familieshavefreeaccesstodiversereadingresourcesonavarietyoftopicsthat relatetotheworldaroundthem.Weare soexcitedtocontribute10,000booksin totalprizestohelpbuilddiversebookshelvesforthewinningschools’libraries andclassrooms,”saidReadingIsFundamentalPresidentandCEOAliciaLevi.

The “RallytoRead100”sweepstakeswelcomedK-5educatorstosubmittheirschoolsforthechancetowin 100newbooksgenerouslybeingdonatedbyBarnes&Nobletohelpbuild theirlibrariesandclassroomswitha rangeofstories,characters,andauthors. Afteraprocessofrandomselection fromapoolofthousands,100applicantswerechosenincludingPhillipC. ShowellElementarySchool.

Fenwickcleanup plannedforApril22

TheFenwickIslandEnvironmental CommitteeissponsoringaBayto BeachCleanuptocelebrateEarthDay 2023onSaturday,April22,(rainor shine)beginningat8:30a.m.

ParticipantswillgatheratFenwick IslandTownHall(800CoastalHighway)forrefreshments,cleanupassignments/supplies,door-prizerafflesand acommemorativetokenofappreciation.

TheMERR(MaritimeEducation, Research&Rehabilitation)Institute willbesharinganeducationaldisplay ontheimportanceofmarinemammalsandtheneedtoprotecttheir habitat.

A20 CoastalPoint April7,2023 (302) 537-8318 • 35202 Atlantic Ave, Millville, DE 19967 CALL TODAY TO BOOK YOUR TREATMENT Amanda Donaway, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC Botox | Dermal Fillers|ZO Skin Care Products Laser Hair Removal Treatment|IPL|Facials|Dermaplane Hydrafacials & Microneedling Medical Skin Checks|Biopsies We Treat Rosacea, Acne & Other Skin Condition Morpheus (Radio Frequency) Microneedling with PRP for Skin Tightening Dr. Julie Hattier, D.O. Stacey Ruberti, Medical Esthetician 302-667-0810 • H.R.
Spring Turn-On/Check & Adjust Irrigation System Up to 8 Zones - $60.00 (Repairs are extra) Landscape & Lawn Maintenance • Mulching Lawn Fertilization Programs • New Irrigation System Installation Over 30 years of exceeding customer expectations!


SouthernDelawareTourism (SDT)recentlyannouncedthewinnersofits2023SouthernDelaware PhotographyContest,theseventh annualcontestheldbytheorganization.

SDTisgratefultoprofessional photographersPamAquilaniand TonyPratt,whoservedasjudges forthisyear’scontest.Aquilaniand Prattsaidtheywereveryimpressed withthequalityofthemanyphotographssubmittedtothecontest. Theyjudgedthesubmittedphotos onacombinationoftechnicalelementslikeproperexposure,focus andcomposition,aswellasthe overallstorytoldbytheimage’s subject.

SouthernDelawareTourismalso saidtheywereextremelygrateful forthesupportoftourismpartners whocontributedcontestprizes,includingTheInnatCanalSquarein Lewes,GrainontheRocks,Cape WaterTours&Taxi,Delaware StateParks,HyattPlaceinDewey Beach,DeweyBeachParasail,DelmarvaBoardSports,HotelBethany Beach,FourAcresLiving,BrittinghamFarms,GoodEarthMarket andRestaurant,BoardwalkPlaza HotelandAbovetheDunes.


GrandPrize:VictoriaGordonof Palmyra,N.J.,forherphotoof kayakersapproachingCapeHenlopen’sBreakwaterLighthouse. Judges’comments:Sunsetsarealwaysapopulartimeatthecoast andsomanypeoplephotograph strikingredskiesreflectedin smoothwater.Thisphotograph stoodoutasitputstheviewerin theseatofthekayakandthe

kayak’sbowleadstothepaddling companioninthedistance.The smoothwaterevokescalmandwe asviewerscanpracticallyhearand smellthemomentaswellaswecan seeit.

SouthernDelawareBoardwalk ScenesCategory:BethBakerof Greenwood,forherphotoofaTrap PondStateParkboardwalktrail. Judges’comments:Boardwalksare

indeediconiccoastalattractions. Traditionallyfoundsolelyalong beaches,inrecentyearsmanyofour beautifulnaturetrailsinthecoastal regionincludeelevatedboardwalks. Theirpopularityhassoared,and thisphotographcapturesthatfeelingofanearlymorningwalkor bikeridethroughamaritimeforest. Inthisphotographtheboardwalk itselfleadstheviewer’seyethrough thesceneintotheadventureand promiseheldinthetrailandwoods ahead.Afulfillingfeelingindeed.

SouthernDelawareFarmer& FoodieCategory:RichardHoladay ofLancaster,Pa.,forhisphotoofa sunflowerfieldinMilton.Judges’ comments:Thereweresomany greatfoodphotographssubmitted andfarmer’smarketswerevery popularlocationstogetthoseshots. Whenallwassaidanddonethis fieldofplantedsunflowersstood outasabeautiful,moodyexample ofDelawarefarming.

SouthernDelawareWatersports Category:MatthewBeattyofMillville,forhisphotoofaskimboarderatFenwickIsland.Judges’ comments:SouthernDelaware trulyisaplaygroundforwater

St. Martha’s Episcopal Church Presents Monday, April 17 at 3PM The Program is free and open to the public. 117 Maplewood St., Bethany Beach • “Stop the Hate: Antisemitism and the Rise of Hate Groups Today” With Andrew Goretsky, Regional Director of Anti-Defamation League Ear Tow Town of Millville rth D wn Day Y F A AY APRIL TURD A S NATURE INTERACTIVE SCAVENGE 22 Festival nd 11A E THEMED ACTIVIT EDUCATIONAL D ER HUNT / ROCK W AM-1PM y TIES DISPLAYS WALL 3517 D FREE & am F For The Whole un F pril 23 ain date A r RD VANS PARK E , DE e Millville es Driv Duk mily! E April7,2023 CoastalPoint A21
CoastalPoint•Submitted MatthewBeatty’sFenwickIslandskimboarderwonthewatersportscategoryin SouthernDelawareTourism’sphotocontest. SeePHOTOCONTESTpageA22


TheLewesHistoricalSocietyisholdingHeartyintheCause:Lewes1776,on Saturday,April15,wherevisitorswillbe transportedbackintimetotheturbulent monthsleadinguptoAmericanindependence.

ThiseventbringstolifethelocalexperienceofthecolonialseaportofLewistown ayearafter“theshotheard‘roundthe world,”apivotalmomentinhistorywhen manyeyesweredrawntoWashington’s armyinNewEngland,andamidrumors ofanewDeclarationunderdebatein Philadelphia.

Attendeescanexploremilitarylifewith soldiersoftheDelawareBattalionand localmilitia,discovertheBritishperspectivebytalkingwithcapturedRoyalNavy sailors,encounteratravelingmillinertryingtomakeendsmeetduringtheblockadeofDelawareBay,gettoworkwithlocal tradespeopleandcatchuponlocalgossip andnewsoftheworldintheSussexTavern.Alimitedofferingofanewwalking tour,RevolutionaryArchitectureofLewes, willdepartfromthefrontgateofShipcar-



sportsenthusiastsandtimingis everythingwhenphotographingac-


tioninwatersports.Theleading lines,exposureandperfectmoment capturedmakethisafantasticexampleofbeingpreparedtomakea greatphotograph.


celebrateSouthernDelawareandto keepourdestinationtopofmind forvisitorsandpotentialvisitors year-round,”saysScottThomas, ExecutiveDirectorofSDT.“Wereceivedentriesfromalloverthe

penterCampusat11a.m.,1p.m.,and3 p.m.Reservationsarerequired.

Thiseventalsocoincideswiththe grandopeningoftheMercantileExchange atRyvesHoltHouse,formerlytheLHS GiftShop.Avisittothereimaginedmercantilewillgiveaglimpseintothepast, andintoashopthatJacobJoneshimself couldhavefrequented.TheMercantileis theplacetopickupamementofromyour daysobesuretostopbyandexperience livinghistoryintheheartofdowntown Lewes.Admissiontotheeventprovides accesstotheLewesHistoryMuseumon Saturday,andtheLHSAntiqueShopin thehistoric“ZClub”buildingwillbeopen aswell.

Proceedsfromthiseventwillbenefit educationalandpreservationprogramsat theLewesHistoricalSociety.FormoredetailsaboutHeartyintheCause,tomake reservationsfortheRevolutionaryArchitectureofLewesTour,ormoreinformationontheLewesHistoricalSociety, pleasevisittheLHSwebsiteatwww.historiclewes.orgorcall(302)645-7670.

Mid-Atlanticandbeyond.Theentriesclearlydemonstratethevariety andrichnessofexperiencesavailableinSussexCountyandtheincredibleenjoymentpeoplegetfrom visitingandlivinghere.”

A22 CoastalPoint April7,2023 CP CP CP CP COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. Factory 2nds, Discontinued Items, Etc. By Appt. Only 877-323-TEAK 32951 Lighthouse Road Selbyville, DE 19975 ~ WINDSOR TEAK Warehouse Discount Outlet Sasha’s Jewels, LLC JEWELRY REPAIR • CUSTOM DESIGNS & APPRAISALS Jewelry BUY• SELL TRADE Why consign? Immediate payment for your items. You will be treated like family & given individual attention. Gemologist (302) 296-6909 202GumboroRd,Selbyville,DE HoursComingThisSpring AppointmentsOnlyNow
CoastalPoint•Submitted RyanSchwartz,SydneyMarenburg(center-front),EricUrbanas(center-back),Gabe Christy,AdamHodges-LeClaireandGriffonBarrow.

Mountaireannounces$80,000 inavailablescholarshipsfunds

MountaireFarms,thecountry’s fourth-largestchickenprocesser,has dozensof$2,500scholarshipsavailable forthechildrenandgrandchildrenof employees,poultrygrowersandgrain producers.ThedeadlinetoapplyisJune 5,2023.

“Thisisanothergreatbenefitof workingfororwithMountaireFarms,” saidPhillipPlylar,PresidentofMountaireFarms.“It’sanhonortomeetthese familiesandseethecommitmentthese studentshavetotheireducation.Weare blessedtobeabletohelpthemsucceed.”

Tobeeligible,astudent’sparentor grandparentmustbeemployedby MountaireFarms,orgrowbroilers, breeders,orgrain(10,000-bushelminimum)forMountaire.Applicantsmust enrollasafull-timecollegestudentcarryingaminimumof12creditsperse-


Successfulapplicantsmustbeinvolvedinextracurricularactivitiesat schoolandintheircommunity.Preferencewillbegiventoanindustry-related course ofstudy.Acopyofthestudent’s transcriptmustbeattachedtotheapplication.

Studentscanapplyonlineatour companywebsiteat

Thecompanywillbeannouncing scholarshipwinnersonJuly3,202,3and winnerswillbeinvitedtoaneventin Augustwheretheywillberecognized. OnDelmarva,scholarshipwinnerswill beinvitedtoaDelmarvaShorebirds gamewheretheywillbebroughton fieldandannouncedtotheaudiencein attendancethatevening.

Countymakesmorepandemic-era recoveryfundingavailabletonon-profits

SussexCountynot-for-profitshave anotherchanceatcapturingfederaldollarstoassistthemintheirrecoveryfrom theCOVID-19pandemic.

CountyofficialsonTuesday,March 28,announcedanadditional$1.2millioninAmericanRescuePlanAct (ARPA)fundingwillbemadeavailable toeligiblenon-profitsduringanapplicationroundthatopensnextmonth. This isinadditiontothe$5millionin fundinglastyearthatnon-profitsreceivedaftertheCountyallocatedits $45.5millionallotmentofARPAfunds, distributedtostatesandlocalgovernmentsnationwidetoassistinrecovery. SussexCountyearmarkeditsfunding foravarietyofinitiativesthatincluded publicsafety,affordablehousing,wastewaterinfrastructure,low-incomeservicesandotherpost-pandemicefforts.

CountyFinanceDirectorGinaA. Jennings saidtheaddedfundsbecame availableassomeotherpreviouslyintendedrecipientsorinitiativesnolonger neededtheARPAresources.

Toqualify,non-profitorganizations, amongothercriteria,mustberecognizedbytheInternalRevenueService as501(c)(3)or501(c)(19)entities,and provideservice—withatleastone physicallocation—inSussexCounty. Eligibleorganizationscanapplyforup to$40,000ineconomicimpactreliefassistance undertheCounty’sARPAprogram.

Applicationsforthisnewestfunding roundwillbeacceptedbeginningApril 3.ThedeadlinetoapplyisMay1.



PatrickGogartyofDagsborowas namedtotheDean’sListatHoodCollegeforthefall2022semester.TheDean’s Listrecognizesdegree-seekingstudents whocompletedatleastsixsemesterhours ofHoodworkwithatleasta3.5semester GPA.

HoodCollegeisanindependent,liberalartscollege,offeringmorethan30 bachelor’sdegrees,fourpre-professional programs,19master’sdegreeprograms, twodoctoratesand10post-baccalaureate certificates,andlocatedinFrederick,Md., nearWashington,D.C.,andBaltimore.

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A24 CoastalPoint April7,2023 Hop Shop our selection of best sellers, puzzles, cards, children’s books, stationery, gifts and more! Stay tuned for a HUGE announcement regarding our summer author event schedule. 302-539-2522 99 Garfield Parkway Bethany Beach 302-775-4091 38017 Fenwick Shoals Blvd Selbyville Open daily at 9am! Visit Our Second Location! on in!

Withalackofqualifiedlocalapplicantsandneighboringdepartments payingsignificantlymore,theOcean CityBeachPatrolisstrugglingmore thisyearthaneverbeforetohirelifeguardsforthecomingseason.

“Recruitingisgoinggreat—recruiting—buthiringisacrisis,”BeachPatrolCapt.ButchArbinsaidofthe staffingforecastduringaCityCouncil budgetworksessionMonday.

ArbinandEmergencyServicesDirectorJoeTheoboldpaintedagrimpicturethatshoweddepartmentsin DelawareandAssateagueIslandareoffering$1to$1.50moreanhourand moreattractiveincentivesforjobswith lessstrainandresponsibility.

Uponlearningaboutthepaydiscrepancy,whichTheoboldsaidwasnot thecasewhendepartmentofficials begandevelopingtheirbudget,several councilmembersandCityManager TerryMcGeanwereperplexed.

“Tobehonest,I’mprettyshockedto hearthisnow…Andalittledisappointed,”McGeansaid.

CouncilmanTony DeLucaalsoexpressedconcernsaboutthenoticeable differenceinwagesbetweenthedepartments,andpushedtodosomethingin thefiscal2024budget.


CouncilPresidentMattJamessaid officialstriedtofixitwithrecentpay bumpsandincentives,butthatthe competitionjumpedoutahead.

PayforOceanCity’ssurfrescue technicians,asguardsareofficially known,recentlywentupto$18.44an hour.Departmentofficialsalsoadded incentives,includingfeegymmemberships,high-qualitysunglasses,cost-oflivingstipends,andrecruitmentand retentionbonuses.

Withdirectionfromcouncilmembers,McGeanagreedtolookintowhat elsecouldbedonetobringtheOCBP’s payclosertotheneighboringdepartments.

“Wewilllookintothisandgetback toyouwitharecommendationifwe believeoneiswarranted,”hesaid.“It’s everyone’sdesireheretohaveaguarded beachandtobecompetitivewithour surroundingareas.”

Arbinaddedthathesawthiscomingandsuggestedalargerincreasefor guardsattheendoflastsummer.

“Irecommendedthatweneededto beat$20anhourinOceanCitytofill theBeachPatrolsthiscomingsummer,” hesaid.“BasedonwhatIknewwas happeningintheotherareas,basedon whatIknewourpeopleneeded.”

ArbinandTheoboldalsopointed outthatpayisnottheonlyhurdle, though.


ArbinsaidthemajorityofOceanCity’s guardsarenotlocal.

“Eight-fivepercentofthepeople whoworkforus,85ofourprobably 200target,85percentrelocate,which meanshousing.Thatcomesintotheir pay,”Arbinsaid.“Whereasmanyother beachpatrolsinDelmarva,especiallyin Delaware,they’relocalkids.”

Totryandremedythesituation, staffmembersareheavilyrecruiting studentsatStephenDecaturHigh Schoolandareofferinghelptoward housingcostsfornon-localapplicants.

“Ireallybelievewe’redoingeverythingwecantoletpeopleknow about thejob,andhowtogetthejobandall that,”Arbinsaid.“Gettingthemtoactuallytestforthejob,passthetestand gethiredistherealissue.”

Theyalsopointedoutthatpartof thereasonpeopleflocktoDelaware, besidesthepay,isbecausethejobis easier.

“[They]haveaharderjobtodohere. Ourguardsrightnow,ifyouthink abouttheendofseason,they’respread out.That’shard,”Arbinsaid.“Whereas theDelawarebeachestheyjustpull theirflagsinandsaywe’reonlyguardingthispieceofbeach.It’shardertobe alifeguard[here].Wesetoneperstand. Otherbeachpatrolsdotwoperstand [with]morebreaks.”

Theoboldblamedthementalityof manyofthecurrentyouth.

“It’sadifferentgenerationtoday,”he said.“Theydon’twanttowork50,60 hoursaweek.Theywanttocometo OceanCityasmuchtobeabletoenjoy astheydowork.So,it’sgoingtobe


Asidefromtheapplicants’mentalityandworkethic,noteveryonewho appliespassesthenecessaryfitness tests.

“Yesterday,20peoplesignedupto test.Eightshowedup,twopassed,” Arbinsaid.“Theyhavetoswimtobea lifeguard.Wearehavingpeoplethat can’tevencompletetheswimorthe run.Sothat’swhyit’sdifficult.”

Butevenwiththechallenges,there arestillseveralweekslefttorecruitnew guards,andTheoboldandArbinhope thatthestaffingpoolwillgrow over thattime.

“Ithasbeentoughyear,”Theobold said.“Wehavetwomoretestsbefore MemorialDayandonerightafterthat. Hopefully,wewillbewhereweneedto be.It’sstillearly.”

April7,2023 CoastalPoint A25 Ocean View: Open Daily –Mon-Sat 9:30am-6pm • Sun 10am-5pm • 30244 Cedar Neck Rd. Downtown Bethany: Open Daily 10am-6pm • 98 Garfield Parkway Watch Batteries Installed | Watch Bands Installed Bracelet Watch Bands Shortened | Key Fob Batteries Installed SPRING SALE! 20-50% OFF 60 Racks of Spring Fashions 200 Pair Name Brand Shoes 5-11 $39.99 70% OFF Sportswear (XS-XL) 20-30% OFF Ladies’ Swimwear New Spring Arriving Daily 302-539-6597 Ladies’ Swim $39 (Values over $100) U n d e r t h e Aw n i n g ~ OceanCityBeachPatrolfacingstaffingstruggles

ClearSpaceTheatre’sSpotlighton YoungPerformerspresents,Matilda,on April14,15and16.

Inspiredbythetwistedgeniusof RoaldDahl,theTonyAward-winning “RoaldDahl’sMatildatheMusical”is thecaptivatingmasterpiecefromthe RoyalShakespeareCompanythatrevelsintheanarchyofchildhood,the powerofimaginationandtheinspiring storyofagirlwhodreamsofabetter life.

Matildaisalittlegirlwithastonishingwit,intelligenceandpsychokinetic powers.She’sunlovedbyhercruelparentsbutimpressesherschoolteacher, thehighlyloveableMissHoney.Over thecourseofherfirsttermatschool, MatildaandMissHoneyhaveaprofoundeffectoneachother’slives,as MissHoneybeginsnotonlytorecognizebutalsoappreciateMatilda’sextraordinarypersonality.Matilda’sschool lifeisn’tcompletelysmoothsailing, however—theschool’smeanheadmistress,MissTrunchbull,hateschildrenandjustlovesthinkingupnew punishmentsforthosewhodon’tabide byherrules.ButMatildahascourage andclevernessinequalamounts,and couldbetheschoolpupilssavinggrace. Packedwithhigh-energydancenumbers,catchysongsandanunforgettable starturnforayoungactress,Matildais ajoyousgirlpowerrompforeveryone toenjoy.

ClearSpace’sSpotlightonYoung Performersisaneducationalprogram forstudentsin4ththrough12thgrade. The10-weekprogramisdesignedfor studentswhowishtofocusmore specificallyon ahigherlevelofdramaticstudies.Studentsareguided throughtherehearsalprocess,putting togetheraproduction,andworkingas anensembleinafullystagedjunior productionofaBroadwaymusical.The semesterfinisheswithaweekendof publicperformances.

MatildaperformancesareFriday, April14at7p.m.,Saturday,April15at 2and7p.m.,andSunday,April16at2 p.m.Ticketsare$23.50perperson and availableat

www.ClearSpaceTheatre.orgorbycallingtheboxofficeat(302)227-2270. SpecialthankstoAliceandAlfred Willisthe2023ClearSpaceTheatre SeasonSponsors.

WilsonUnitedMethodistChurchin Bishopville,Md.,ishostinganEaster SunriseServiceonSunday,April9.The servicewillstartat6:30a.m.,andafellowshipbreakfastwillfollow.The EasterTraditionalServicewillstartat 9:15a.m.

A26 CoastalPoint April7,2023
410-524-7000 x 117406
©2020BHHAfliates,LLC.AnindependentlyownedandoperatedfranchiseeofBHHAfliates,LLC.BerkshireHathawayHomeServicesandtheBerkshireHathaway HomeServicessymbolareregisteredservicemarksofHomeServicesofAmerica,Inc.®EqualHousingOpportunity. 34085 Creek Rd. Dagsboro, DE $639,900 -Excellentrental, vacationhomeorprimaryresidence.Spacious5BR4BAin BlackwaterVillage,5milestoBethanyBeachandtheocean.Low annualHOAfees.HOAallowsdrivewayboatandtrailerparking. HoltsLandingpublicboatrampis3milesaway.
RENTALINCOME POTENTIAL$74,000 RENTALINCOME POTENTIAL$66,000 Investor Alert! WilsonUMhosting EasterSunriseService
13022 Wilson Ave. Ocean City, MD $625,000 -Desirable locationjustoffMadisonAveandRt.54.About1mileto MDandDEbeaches.Spacious5-BR.NoCityTaxandNoHOAFees. Withupdates,makethisyourdreamOceanCityprimaryhome, vacation,orinvestmentrental.Oversizedcornerlot.
ClearSpaceputting Matildauponstage
April7,2023 CoastalPoint A27 THE BEST FOR LESS! QUALITY • PRICE • SERVICE *1/2 BUSHELS PREMIUM SEAFOOD BEST PRICES MED/LG • LARGE EX-LARGE • JUMBOS Sandwiches & Dinners • Seafood & Chicken • Homemade Soups 1/3 lb. MD Crab Cakes • Steamed Shrimp Open Daily @ 10am Closed Wednesday 302-537-5882 • Oceanside Md./Del. Line, 37085 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, Delaware Great Menu, Quality Food Call Ahead-Ready In Minutes CLAMS SCALLOPS OYSTERS SNOW CRAB SWEET CORN SHRIMP VOTED #1 CRABS & SEAFOOD CARRY OUT JUMBO CRAB HEADQUARTERS ALL CRABS GRADED BY WEIGHT Jumbo GUARANTEED “FAT” CRABS BAHAMAS Crabshack CALL FOR DAILY SPECIALS $39* & 1/2lb. Shrimp 1 Dz Crabs EnjoyYour Holiday Celebration NO TAX • PACK FOR TRAVEL • FREE COOLER & ICE 1/3 LB. MD JUMBO LUMP CRAB CAKE W/FRIES & DRINK LB. SNOW CRAB LB. LG SHRIMP 20 LN CLAMS LUNCH SPECIALS W/ FRIES & DRINK $60 From $8.95 $19.95 * SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY * SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY CP WATER LILI! All Ready for Spring & Warm Weather BETHANY BEACH • 302.539.1110 | ON THE BOARDWALK OCEAN VIEW • 302.581.2228 | 111 ATLANTIC AVENUE OPEN DAILY SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys Whenyoureallycravemussels,freshistheonlythingthatwilldo.


Fromtopleft:LexiPearson,4,ofOceanView,triestosharesomeofheregghunt treasurewithSantaattheegghuntSunday,April2,atSaltedVinesVineyardand Winery.ThehuntwassponsoredbytheSanta’sLetterscharityorganization.Instead ofletterstoSanta,childrendepositedtheirusedeggsinSanta'smailbox;Addison PowellofMillsborotakesadvantageofthefencesandvines;Anegghuntatawinery—whataconcept.Enjoyingtheday’streatswereChristinRichardsandAdrian Mobilia, alongwithegg-huntersLillian,LukeandAdriannaLewis.


Organic Juice Cleanse

A28 CoastalPoint April7,2023 OCEAN W F VES QUIL W en pr abric o a Quilt S L nts of Life how April Thursday, April 14, Friday, April 1 Saturday, $10/ d $15 Vis 13, 2023 - 10am to 5pm 2023 - 10am - 5pm 15, 2023 - 10am - 3 5/ d $20/h sit www.OceanWave for more information. o m 3pm d rmation. $10/one day • $15/two day • $20/thr Edyta Sitar Airport Rd., George Academy, Sussex ee Parking at S Food Service on Site • Fr Laundry Bask • Quilt Appraisals by ree day r etown, DE 19947 Sussex Academy ket Quilts endor Bo Quilts & V (all days) runk S T Lecture & April 14 at 5:30p en Dever Kar • Quilting Demonstrations • Community Service ojects Display Pr ooth how pm • 2-day Immune Boosting Meal Plan • Full Espresso Bar- Organic Juice & High Protein Smoothies • Vegan & Gluten Free Options & Baked Goods • Açaí Bowls & Breakfast Sandwiches
2, or
3 Day
3 Town Road, Ocean View • 302.616.1025 31264 Americana Pkwy, Selbyville Bayside • 302.564.7718 Open
1/2 Soup 1/2 Sandwich Special $10
Daily 8am-3pm Both Locations Order Ahead on Chow Now!

April7,2023 CoastalPoint A29


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Thelongtimecuratorof theNanticokeIndianMuseuminMillsboro, Delaware’sonlymuseum ofitskind,retiredlast weekinhishumbleway, withoutfanfare,leaving thepositionheassumedin 2011inthehandsofJune “Morningstar”Robbins.

“I’m80nowandmy bloodpressureishigh.I don’tneedanymorestress. Itwillbebetterformy health.Itwillseemfunny notcomingbackherebut Ihavegottentothepoint whereIcan’ttalkaslong asIusedtowhenIgive tours.Igethoarse.Idoa lotofpresentations,” StreettoldCoastalPoint theafternoonofFriday, March31,ashesatatthe frontdesk,welcomingvisitorsandwaitingfora visitfromNanticoke ChiefAv eryJohnson.

“TodayIhavebeen gatheringfilesthatImade overtheyears.Ihavebeen gatheringthemandIam takingthemhome.Istill workonthefamilyfarm inHarbeson,thefarmwe havehadover100years. That’smysecondpassion,” saidStreet,aMillsboro residentwhoseIndian nameisEarthKeeperbecauseofhisloveforgardening.

NanticokeeldersbestowIndiannamesduring specialceremonies,heexplained.

Hewillmisstalkingto visitorswhohavearrived atthemuseumfromalloverthe world,asfarawayasIndia,Greece andTurkey.

“Theyreadaboutthemuseumin tourismmagazinesandtheycometo Delawareandtheywanttoseeit,” Streetsaid.

“Whatwasinterestingtomewas findingoutindigenouspeoplefrom othercountrieshavethesameitems

wehavehere,indigenouspeople fromIndonesia,Australia,New Zealand,thesamebeadworkand woodwork.Thesameutensils.They hadtosurvivebyusingnatural thingsjustlikewedid,todrink from,tosailin,sotheitemsarethe same,”hesaid.

It’simportanttokeepthehistory ofNanticokesalive,hesaid.

“Allpeopleneedsomeplaceasa repositoryfortheirhistoryandthis museumistherepositoryforNanticokepeople,”hesaid.

Inretirement,hewillstillbe aroundbutasacitizen,notamuseumemployee.Heplanstotravel withhiswife,Mary.Together,they havefourchildrenandfourgrandchildren.

Thebuildingthat housesthemuseumwas builtin1921.TheNationalHistoricLandmark structurewillbepreserved duringupcomingrenovationsandanexpansion.

InFebruary,Sen.Tom CarpervisitedthemuseumandnearbyIndian Center,metChiefJohnsonandheardaboutplans toupgradebothbuildings.

Johnsontoldhima foodbankwillopenas partoftheupgrade,as staffpartnerswiththe DelawareFoodBank.

“Withthechallengesin today’seconomy,weare tryingtodoeverythingwe cantohelpourpeopleand thecommunityasawhole. Itwillbeopentoour NanticokeIndiancommunityandwewillseehow wecansupporttheentire communityandfigureout thelogisticsofeverything onceitscompleted,”he said,addingitisexpected toopeninaboutoneyear.

About$3millionin fundingiscomingfrom thefederalandstategovernments,plusgrantsfrom localorganizations.

“Theadditiontothe IndianCenter,overall,we areadding2,800square feetandthebuildingis 22,000squarefeet.Itwill beonthecurrentone-acre property.Inthemuseum, wewanttomakeitmore likeavirtualrealitytype, where,whenkidscomein, theycanalmostbeimmersedintothattime,that place,withimmersivepresentations,immersiveexhibits,sotheycanalmostfeellike theyareapartofthattime.Theadditionwilldoublethesizeofthe museum,”Johnsonsaid.



PageA30 April7,2023
SterlingStreetisleavingthecuratorshipoftheNanticokeMuseuminthehandsofJune‘Morningstar’ Robbins,afterservingascuratorfor13years.



Theoutdoorvenue—aprogram oftheJoshuaM.FreemanFoundation,afundraisingartsnonprofit,locatedinSelbyville—willpresentits 16thseasonwithamixofdance,theatre,children’sperformancesandlive music.

Nationalactsincludedinthis roundofperformancesareWalker HayesonJuly7;BrassTransit;The MusicalLegacyofChicagoonJuly 27;BrandiCarlileonAug.4;AnIndepthRareEveningwithMs. DionneWarwickonAug.9;The Concert:ATributetoABBAon

Aug.12;FloydNation:Experience PinkFloydonAug.15;TheLegendaryIngramettesonAug.16; ShakeyGravesandLuciusonAug.


18;SouthsideJohnny&TheAsbury JukesonAug.19;GaryClarkJr.on Aug.30;FirstStateBalletonAug.

31;Arts&JazzFestivalonSept.2; Voyage:TheUltimateJourneyTributeBandonSept.8andMid-AtlanticSymphonyOrchestraonSept.


Thenonprofit’sSaturdaymorning children’sperformanceswillbeannouncedsoon.

Ticketsfortheseperformancesgo onsaletothepublicThursdayand

Friday,April6-7, On-saletimeswillvarythroughout theday,interestedattendeesshould checkindividualeventpagesfor exacttimes.TicketsforBrandi Carlilewillgoonsaleatalaterdate; announcementofsaledatecoming soon.

Asanartsnonprofit,Freeman Artsoffersperformancesforallages toenjoywiththesupportoflocalorganizations,suchasitsSeasonSponsors,includingSaraChaseCarlson ofSodoka,Inc.,SchellBrothersand PrestonAutomotiveGroup.For moreinformation,visit


gramoftheJoshuaM.Freeman Foundation,withapurposeofcreatingexperiencesthatelevatethe humanspirit.Thisprogramismade possible,inpart,byagrantfromthe DelawareDivisionoftheArts,a stateagencydedicatedtonurturing andsupportingtheartsinDelaware, inpartnershipwiththeNationalEndowmentfortheArts.TheDivision promotesDelawareartseventson supportisalsoprovidedbytheMidAtlanticArtsFoundation,National EndowmentfortheArts,theCarl M.FreemanFoundation,theSussex CountyCouncil,andthestateof Delaware.

Creatorhasblessedus…andnow wehavethemoneyfortherenovations,”shesaid,addingthatthe NanticokeTribealsohasacapital fundingcampaigntoraisemoney fornewclassrooms,office,cultural lounge,children’sareaandkitchen intheIndianCenterandisacceptingdonations.


thehistoryoftheNanticokes,sohe joinedthemuseumstaff.

newresidents,movinginaroundthe museumandthecenter,notjust peoplevisitingthebeachbutpeople wholikethearts,thosetypesof thingssowewanttobringthemto ourculturalcenterandtoourmuseumtoexperienceourwayoflife,” Johnsonsaid.

Thereareabout15,000members oftheNanticokecommunityinthe Millsboroarea,Johnsonsaid.

FormerChiefNatoshaCarmine earliertoldCoastalPointneither themuseumnorthecenterwouldbe razedandrebuiltduringrenovations andupgrades.

“Thosebuildingswerebuiltby ourancestors,andthebonesof thosestructuresarestrongbones. Theyaretheheartbeatofthepeople.Manyofthepeoplewentto schoolthere.Thatisourhistory. TheNanticoketribehasarichhistory.Wehaveastorytotell.The

“Themuseum…wasatwo-room schoolatthetimeofsegregation.It wasclosedand,in1984,itwasrevitalizedintobecomingthemuseum,” Carmineexplained.

Artifactswerepasseddownfrom theeldersandincludethousandsof arrowheads,pottery,axehammers andotherhandmadeobjects.

Street’sfavoriteitemisabasket thatbelongedtohisgreatuncle JosephStreet.ItwasmadebyGardnerDraineandalloftheelder Street’schildrensleptinit.

Streetisalsofondofbooklets,on displaybehindglass,containingIndianrecipesandsuperstitions.Soon, copieswillbeforsale,hesaid,recallinghearingthat,yearsago,alive

Amongsuperstitionsinthebook are“Neversweepdirtoutthedoor afterdark.Itisjustbadluck,”“If youcomeinonedoor,gooutthe sameoneorit’sbadluck”and “Neversweepaperson’sfeetwhile youaresweepingortheywillgoto jail.”

AfterheretiredfromDelmarva Powerin1998,Streetworkedfor AceHardwarefor10years,butgot tiredofbeingonhisfeetallday.He hadawealthofknowledgeabout

ContinuedfrompageA30 SINCE 1976

Hedidextensiveresearchand learnedtherewerebountiesfor scalpsofyoungIndianwomenand Indianswereoftenhangedforno reasonexcepttheirheritage.

“Therewassomuchunfairnessin thelate1880s,early1900s.Itmakes mesadbutI’mnotangryabout whathappenedtoourpeople,”he said.

“Itdoesn’tdoyouanygoodtobe angry.”

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Accepting Rental Listings for Vacation Summer Homes & Condos. Call our Rental Dept. Today!


Come see this well maintained 2 BR home in the quiet community of Magnolia Meadows. Rentals are not allowed in this community. Conveniently located in the town of Millsboro, just a 30 minute drive to the beach. Tile floors in the kitchen, living area, bedrooms and sun room. The yard is fully fenced in,giving lots of privacy. It is freshly painted and waiting for your personal touches!

Location, Location, Location! Very desirable 2 BR plus sleeping loft townhome, just minutes from the beach, restaurants, coffee/ice cream shops, pools & tennis courts. Updated kitchen with granite countertop and upstairs bath. Flat screen TVs in living room and primary room. Fully equipped kitchen, furnished dining area and living room plus outdoor furnished deck. Ready for your enjoyment, ready for you to rent! Unique opportunity to own your very own beach retreat. 2022 gross rental income currently $20,235.96.

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April7,2023 CoastalPoint A31 April Hours Thursday-Monday 10-5 33119 Main Street Dagsboro, Delaware 19939 (302) 927-0601 Order Online @piecesonmain Furniture • Antiques Home and Kitchen Gifts • Local Art Vintage Finds A Carefully Curated Mix of Old & New Come Experience Autentíco, the Charm of Chalk Tuesday and Wednesday Closed/Open by Chance Closed Easter Sunday & Monday 4/9-4/10
• $610,000


LionsClubInternationalhasacknowledgedHungerReliefasoneoffivemajor causesoflions’service.TheothercausesincludeVision,DiabetesAwareness,theEnvironment,YouthServiceandChildhood Cancer.AccordingtoFeedingAmerica, more93,900peopleinDelawarearefacing foodinsecurityandoneinsevenofthese maybechildren(

TheLordBaltimoreLionsClubhasfor manyyearsbeeninvolvedincombatting foodinsecuritywithinthecommunitiesthat theyserve.Lionshavevolunteeredandsupportedthe“FeedMySheep”programat MarinersBethelChurch.Inaddition,over thepasttwoyears,LordBaltimoreLions havevolunteeredfromNovemberthrough AprileveryTuesdayafternooninpartnership withothervolunteersfromChurchesinthe SoutheastSussexMinisteriumtodistribute foodtoneedyfamilieswithinourclubserviceregion.

In2023,anotherlong-termserviceprojecttocombatfoodinsecuritywascelebrated asLordBaltimoreLionsbeganaseventh consecutiveyearofcontinuousserviceatthe FoodBankDelawareinMilford.Overthese years,LionshavetraveledfromtheOcean Viewareatoworktwoshiftspermonth. DuringtheworkshiftonFriday,March31, clubmemberstookabreaktopresentaLord BaltimoreLionsClubdonationtobenefit thelifesavingworkoftheDelawareFood

BankProgram. AccordingtoLionSecretaryandvolunteerJohnMonahan,“Itisaprivilegeforusto behereandtocontributeinasmallwaytoa causethatwillmakelivesbetterforothers.”

Headdedthatheandfellowlionswere pleasedtolearnthattheirLordBaltimore

LionsClubdonationthisyearwasenhanced significantlybyacommunitygrantfunded throughtheDelawareLionsFoundation. HethankedLordBaltimoreLionsClub PresidentJanetBauerforapplyingforthis specialgrantandtotheDelawareLions Foundationforsupportingthiscommunity


FormoreinformationabouttheLord BaltimoreLionsClub,,findthemonFacebookor contactLionPresidentJanetBauerat(302) 537-5175,orLionSecretaryJohnat

A32 CoastalPoint April7,2023 302-537-2433 | 121 Campbell Place Bethany Beach | Key West & Creative Coastal Cuisine • Everything Freshly Made In House Open Thursday - Sunday at 5:30pm Closed Monday - Thursday ❖ Whole Flash-Fried Snapper ❖ ❖ 14oz. Bone-In Pork Chop ❖ All Natural NY Strip Steaks ❖ ❖ Cioppino ❖ Shrimp & Grits ❖ Gluten-Free & Vegetarian Available 29P Atlantic Ave. • Ocean View, DE 302.616.2604 • Ocean Vayu Yoga Karmic Clearing Sound Healing Sat. April 29th 3:30-4:30 Yoga is not about touching your toes... It’s about what you learn on the way down LOCAL ART • VINTAGE UNUSUAL • ANTIQUE ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE 302.927.0049 On the corner, south of the stoplight 33034 Main St., Dagsboro Call or Follow us on Facebook and Instagram or email: OPEN Fri-Sun 10–4pm Closed Easter Sunday
CoastalPoint•Submitted TheLordBaltimoreLionsClubhasdonated$1,000totheFoodBankinDelaware.
Building coastal dreams. Delmarva’s Premiere Design Build Specialist for Over 30 Years 2016-2022 2021 Locally Owned and Operated • Licensed and Insured MHBR #858 • MHIC #93351 410-641-4076 • 10776 Grays Corner Rd. Berlin, MD Contemporary Traditional Coastal Modern Rustic Reputation Quality Free Custom Design Services April7,2023 CoastalPoint A33


MusicJam— St.MatthewsBytheSea UnitedMethodistChurchishostinga MusicJamonthefirstandthirdFridays ofthemonthat4p.m.Alllevelsarewelcome.

FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Participants18andolderofallskilllevelswillpracticecreativewritinginafriendly andnurturingatmosphere.Attendinperson, orviaZoom.Thisisfree,andregistrationis requ iredfortheZoomoption.Toregister,

DeweyReads— PatwillleadthenextmeetingoftheDeweyReadsBookclubatSouth CoastalLibraryat2p.m.Thisisagroupfor non-fictionreaders,andmeetsquarterly. Thismonth,theyarereadingAmanda Oliver’s“Overdue:ReckoningwiththePublic

Library.”Registrationisappreciated,and cceptedifspaceallows.

YogaforKids— ROOTSYouthDevelopment isleadingYogaforKidsatSouthCoastalLibraryat5p.m.Childrenwillpracticebreathingandmindfulnesswhilegaining knowledgeofyoga.Forelementaryages,a parentmustaccompanyachild.Registration isrequired,andavailableat 858-5518.

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whethe ryouare youngorold,overweightorfit,abeginneror advanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthe mindandstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay $20amonthforunlimitedyogaToregister,

SpringBreakMovie— FrankfordPublicLi-

braryishostingaviewingofthemovie“Ten Commandments”(G)at1p.m.Formoreinformation, (302)732-9351.


TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

BookClub— FrankfordPublicLibrary’sAdult BookClubmeetsthefirstFridayofthe monthat1p.m.todiscussafiction,nonfictionorclassictitle.Thismonth’sbookisAnn Patchett’s“TheDutchHouse.”Copiesofthe bookwillbeava ilableatthelibrary.Formore information, (302)732-9351.

EasterCraft— FrankfordPublicLibraryis hostinganopportunitytodoanEastercraft at1p.m.Formoreinformation,

SpringBreakMovie— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingaviewingofthemovie “PeterRabbit”(PG)at3p.m.Formoreinformation, 732-9351.


LegoClub— SouthCoastalLibraryishostingitsLegoClubat11a.m.Legosandthe themewillbeprovided,andthisisfor ages6-10.Registrationisencouraged, bycalling(302)858-5518.Walk-insare acceptedifspaceallows.

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouare youngorold,overweightorfit,abeginneror advanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthe mindandstren gthenthebody.Youcanpay $20amonthforunlimitedyogaToregister,


EggScramble— TherewillbeaSuperSaturdayEggScrambleattheFrankfordparkat noon.


SunriseService— PrinceGeorge’sChapel inDagsboroishostinganEasterSunrise serviceat6:30a.m.Thisissponsoredby theFriendsofPrinceGeorge’sChapel. TherewillbespecialmusicbyBillDay, flutistEstrellaRamosandTheVeasey FamilySingers.Rev.JimApgarwillprovide aspecialmessage.Allarewelcome.For moreinformation,callVickieat(302)7323824orJoAnnat(302)858-2720.

SunriseService— AnEasterSunriseServicewillbeheldonthebeachinFenwick Islandat6:30a.m.ParkingwillbeavailableatthebeachandatSt.Matthewsby theSeaUnitedMethodistChurch.There willbeacontinentalbreakfastafterwards atSt.Matthews.Allarewelcome.


TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMondayat 10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.Noregistrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome. Formoreinformation,con tact

GenealogyTips— HistorianMikeDixonis leadingathree-partseriesoftwo-hour workshopsongenealogy,April3,10and 17,startingat2p.m.Therewillbealive demoonhowtousedifferentresources forresearch,anditisidealforuserswith

A34 CoastalPoint April7,2023 Troops we are helping with basic necessities including underwear and socks. We are also sending money & pet Supplies for over 500 homeless animals that were rescued by volunteers. JOIN US IN OUR FUNDRAISING EFFORTS FOR UKRAINIAN SUPPORT A Big Thank You to Atlantic General Hospital & Knights of Columbus, Ocean City for Your Support! THE PREMIER PET RESORT IN OCEAN CITY Celebrating 22 Years and 20,000 Pets from Dogs to Gerbils! • Climate Controlled Suites, Kennels & Condos • All Breeds in All Sizes Accepted • Outdoor Fenced Play Area WE TREAT YOUR PETS LIKE OUR OWN! 12006 ocean GateWay, ocean cIty, Md 21842 call dan at 410-984-5719 Partner / Investor Wanted Tremendous Growth Opportunity C-3 Zoning on 7 ACres 410-213-8188 • Daycare Services Available • Staff Members Live on the Property to Ensure Your Pet’s Safety Happy Easterfrom yourfriends atDogtel HELP WANTED Hanna’s Fitness 302.542.7601 Specialized in-home Personal Training for older adults and those who don’t want to go to the gym SENIOR FITNESS SPECIALIST Balance Training • Couch to 5K Strength & Mobility • Core Training Walking Programs Weight Management Specialist Calendar SeeCALENDARpageA36


MarinesMeet— TheFirstStateDetachmentoftheMarineCorpsLeaguemeetson thefourthWednesdayofeachmonthatthe OceanCity(Md.)AmericanLegionPost 166on23rdStreetatnoon.AnyMarines andNavyCorpsmenwhohaveservedin theCorps,livinginWorcesterorSussex Counties,arewelcometojointomeettheir fellowveteransandconsiderjoiningtheorganization.Theirmissioniscommunity servicethroughcamaraderieandvolunteerism.Form oreinformation,call(410)

SocratesCafé— BethanyBeachChristian Churchwillbethelocationforthenext meetingofSocratesCaféagroupofindividualsfromdifferentbackgroundsthatdiscuss philosophicalideas.Themeetingsarethe firstTuesdayofeachmonth,from2to3:30 p.m.Everyoneiswelcome.Formoreinformation,call537-9440oremail

CommunityClub— TheSelbyvilleC ommunityClubiswelcomingnewmembers,and meetsonthesecondThursdayofeach monthatSalemMethodistChurchat1p.m., withasocialhourfromnoonto1p.m.For moreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.orgoremail

IntheGenes— SponsoredbytheLewesHistoricalSocietyandtheSussexCountyGenealogicalSociety,theGenealogistin ResidenceprogramisonthefirstSaturday ofeachmonthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.inthe Readi ngRoomattheLewesHistoryMuseum.MembersoftheSocietywillbeavailabletohelpanyonewhohasquestions abouttheirfamilytree.TheLewesHistorical SocietyArchivesFamilyFileswillbeavailableforresearch.Formoreinformation,visit thematscgsdelaware.orgor

FOPMeets— TheFraternalOrderofPolice Lodge16BethanyBeachmeetsatthe OceanViewPoliceDepartmentonthefirst Thursdayofthemonthat5p.m.Theyhave membersfrommanydi fferentpoliceorgani-

zations,andtherearemorethan100currentmemberswhoareactiveorretired.They dosuspendmeetingsduringthesummer months,andtheysupportlocalpolicedepartmentsandtheirfamilies.TheyalsocoordinateLEOSAfirearmsqualificationsfor membersattheBridgevilleRifleandPistol Club.Formoreinformation,contactSecretaryPaulBoltonatpebolton@comcast.netor bycalling(301)774-5084.

VIPMeets— VIPisasocialgroupforvis uallyimpairedpersons,andmeetsthefirstand thirdWednesdayofeachmonthattheMastersoncenteratSt.AnnChurchfrom1to3 p.m.Newmembersarewelcome.Formore information,call(240)315-4361.


WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBethanyBeachbandstandevery Wednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,lawenforcementandfirefighterswho serveand protect.Allarewelcome.


DemsMeet— The41stDemocratRDmeets thethirdThursdayofeverymonthatPizza KingRestaurantinMillsboroat6p.m.Thisis opentoanyDemocrats.Formoreinformation,callDonnaSpicklerat(302)927-0050.

DemocratsMeet— The38thRepresentative DistrictDemocraticCommitteemeetsthe firstWednesdayofeverymonthatSouth CoastalLibraryfrom7to8:30p.m.For moreinformation,call(302)364-5830,or visitonlineatdeldems38. org.

ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocratsmeets attheDenatBearTrapDunesclubhouse from11a.m.to1:30p.m.onthethird Wednesdayofthemonth.Thisisasocial organizationthateducates,informsand createscamaraderieamongtheirmembers throughmonthlylunchmeetingsthatfeatureengagingspeakers.Formoreinformation,

RepublicansMeet— The38thDistrictRepublicanClubwillmeetatSouthCoastalLi-

brarythefourthMondayofthemon th.Social hoursbeginat6p.m.,andthemeeting startspromptlyat6:30p.m.Informationon theclubandmeetingscanbefoundat,orthroughemailat


TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) mfor moredetails.

YogaClasses— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchhostsyogaclassesat5 p.m.onWednesdaysintheArmorRoom, upstairsinthechurchbuilding,with HeatherMurphy.Thereisa$5drop-infee. Classesareopentothecommunityandall arewelcome.

ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMondayat 10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.Noregistrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome. F ormoreinformation,contact


NeedlepointGuild— Delaware’sSeashore ChapterofTheAmericanNeedlepoint GuildmeetsonthefirstMondayofthe

monthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.atthe LewesPublicLibrary.Bringingaboxlunch isencouraged.Newmembersarealways welcome.Fordetails,sendanemailtothe chapterat


MusicJam— St.MatthewsBytheSea UnitedMethodistChurchishostinga MusicJamonthefirstandthirdFridaysof themonthat4p.m.Alllevelsarewelcome.


RailroadMuseum— TheDelawareSeaside RailroadClubhouseisaninteractivemuseumofmodelrailroading,andislocated at36668DuPontBoulevard,inSelbyville. TheyareopentothepubliceveryWednesdayfrom5to8p.m.,andeverySaturday, from10a.m.to3p.m.Admissionisfree. Formoreinformation,visitthemonlineat

Selbyvi lleMuseum— TheSelbyvilleMuseumisopenfrom10a.m.to2p.m.onthe thirdSaturdayofeachmonththroughOctober.variousrailroadandTownartifactsdatingbacktotheearliestagriculturaldays throughlate20thCenturypolicememorabiliaareondisplay.Themuseumislocated at6RailroadAvenueinSelbyville.Admission isfree.Formoreinformation,

April7,2023 CoastalPoint A35
Now Open Thursday - Sunday
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reserve tickets, go to Frolic in the Folly Wonders of the Woodland: Spring Renewal Earth Day Thursday, April 20th 11:30-12:30 Join expert Elizabeth Rives as we explore the wonders of the forest, learning the characteristics of trees, shrubs & forest ecology $10 Per Person + Admission Saturday, April 22nd Free Admission to the garden with a food donation to the Food Bank of Delaware Friday, April 14th 4:30-6:30 Intimate fundraiser w/ private viewing of over 200,000 spring bulbs. Live Music, Demo, Local Artsts, Hors D'oeuvres, Wine & Beer. $100 Single, $150 Couple A BeautyerGl Spa & Welln Center New Hair Stylist in Town! Be Bold - Be Beautiful Styling • Coloring • Foiling • Cutting Sherri Logue, Stylist 40+ Years of Experience Book Directly with Sherri Today! 410.490.7838 Self-Contracted Stylist AfterGlo Salon & Spa: 32630 Cedar Drive, Unit D, Millville
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someexperienceingenealogy.Patrons maybringtheirownlaptopsandDElibrary cardtofollowalongiftheywish,butitis notrequired.Thisisfree,andregistration (302)858-5518.

LegoClub— SouthCoastalLibraryishostingitsLegoClubat5p.m.Legosandthe themewillbeprovided,andthisisfor ages6-10.Registrationisencouraged, bycalling(302)858-5518.Walk-insare a cceptedifspaceallows.

StorytimeattheFarm— FrankfordPublic LibraryisholdingstorytimeatParsons’Farm at11a.m.Thisisopenforallages,andis weatherpermitting.Watchthelibrary’sFacebookpageforanyweatherupdates.For moreinformation, call(302)732-9351.

HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingatimeofknittingandcrochetingforalllevelsat1p.m.Formore information, rcall (302)732-9351.

SketchingYourWorld— LocalartistMike NgwillleadSketchingYourWorldatFrankfordPublicLibraryat1p.m.Thisisathreedaycourseonhowweperceiveourworld andputittopaper.Bringasketchbookanda penorpencil.Formoreinformation,call (302)


FeelingsRock— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingFeelingsRock,amusicandmove-

mentprogramdesignedtohelpchildren under5andtheirfamiliesw orkthrough emotions,at10:30a.m.Theywillalsobe makingacraft.Thisisfree,andnoregistrationisrequired.

StepBackinTime— SouthCoastalLibrary ishostingtheStepBackinTimeBookClub at2p.m.,asthegroupdiscussesAnnMah’s “JacquelineinParis.”Registrationisappreciated,andavailableat 858-5518.Walk-inswillbeacceptedif spaceallows.

PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogsandownerswillprovi deasupportive andfunwayforkidstogainconfidencein readingaloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4 p.m.Childrenreadfor15minutes,andmay bringtheirownbooksiftheywish.Toregister,call(302)858-5518.

GamesUnplugged— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostinganopportunityforpeopleto comebyandplayboardgamesat1p.m.

PAWSforPeople— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostinga5p.m.programthat allowsparticipantstoreadaloudtoa furry,friendlytherapycompan iontohelp inspirealoveofreading.ThisissponsoredbyPAWSforPeople.Registration isrequired,andreadersofallagesand stagesarewelcome.Formoreinformation, 732-9351.


WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBethanyBeachbandstandevery Wednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,lawenforcementandfirefi ghterswho serveandprotect.Allarewelcome.

TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

YogaClasses— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchhostsyogaclassesat5 p.m.onWednesdaysintheArmorRoom, upstairsinthechu rchbuilding,with

HeatherMurphy.Thereisa$5drop-infee. Classesareopentothecommunityandall arewelcome.

BibleStudy— Women’sBibleStudyat MarinersBethelUnitedMethodistChurch willbeeveryWednesdaythroughApril26. Therearemorningsessionsfrom10to 11:30a.m.orafternoonsfrom7to8:30 p.m.Thefocuswillbe“Amos,”byJennifer Rothschild,withtheheading,“AnInvitation totheGoodLife.”Registerbycallingtheofficeat539-9510orat marinersbet womenarewelcome.

BabyBookworms— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingBabyBookwormsStoryTime—for agesbirthto2—at10a.m.Thishelpschildrenlearnlanguage,social,motorandlisteningskillsthroughavarietyofactivities. Registrationisnotrequired.

LittleLearners— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingLittleLearnersStoryTime—for ages3to5—at11a.m.Thishelpschildrenwithl anguageacquisitionandimprove pre-literacyskills.Activitiesmayincludestories,music,songsandsimplecrafts.Registrationisnotrequired.

TrueCrimeClub— StateAttorneyGeneral KathleenJennings,whosuccesfullyprosecutedDelaware’sonlyknownserialkiller, StevenBrianPennell(aka“theRoute40 Killer),willspeaktotheTrueCrimeClubat SouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Thisisinpersononly,andregistrationisappreciated andavailableatsout calling(302)858-5518.

SuperheroesStorytime— FrankfordPublic LibraryishostingSuperheroesattheLibrary Storytimeat11a.m.Formoreinformation,

SpringBreakMovie— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingaviewingofthemovie“SpidermanNoWayHome”(PG-13)atnoon.For moreinformation, call(302)732-9351.

FamilyLineDancing— FrankfordPublicLib raryishostingafree,all-agesline-dancing classat2:30p.m.Participantslearnorhone dancetechniques,workontheirflexibility andrhythmandburnsomecalories.For moreinformation, call(302)732-9351.

STEMWednesday— FrankfordPublicLibrary

ishostingafunandeducationalprogramfor kidsbetween6and12at5p.m.Thismonth, theSTEMgroupwillbemakinganeggzip line.Registrationisrequired.Formoreinformation,visitf 732-9351.


CommunityClub— TheSelbyvilleCommunityClubiswelcomingnewmembers,and meetsonthesecondThursdayofeach monthatSalemMethodistChurchat1p.m., withasocialhourfromnoonto1p.m.For moreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.orgoremail

Dine&Donate— TheBethanyBeachFraternalOrderofPoliceLodge16organizationis benefittingfromaDine&DonateatCott age CafétheentiredayofApril13.Aportionof theday’sreceiptswillgotosupportFOP16 activities.

FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Participants18andolderofallskilllevelswillpracticecreativewritinginafriendly andnurturingatmosphere.Attendinperson, orviaZoom.Thisisfree,andregistrationis requiredfortheZoomoption.Toregister, visitsouthcoastal.

Story&Art— ArtistJacquelineBoydwill teachkidsbetweentheagesof6-10at SouthCoastalLibraryat5p.m.howtodraw illustrationsfromabook.Thisisfree,and registrationisrequiredandavailableat 858-5518.

NARFELuncheon— NARFECoastalSussex CountyChapter1690willholditsmonthly luncheonatthe1776SteakhouseinMidway Centeratnoon.Thereisachoiceofthree entrees,plusdes sert.Thecostoftheluncheonis$19perperson,whichincludesgratuities.Paymentismadeuponarrival. ReservationsmustbemadebyApril6.For moreinformation,emailMaryHuckerat

SpringColoring— FrankfordPublicLibraryis hostingaspringcoloringeventforchildren at11a.m.Formoreinformation,visitfrank-

A36 CoastalPoint April7,2023 & Package Cocktail Accessories, Mixers, Garnish & Cups 302-616-2657 Open Every Day at 1pm Friday & Saturday 1-8pm Closed Easter Sunday 98 Garfield Pkwy., Unit 108 Blue Surf Building on the Boardwalk Justice For Gavin Wines, Beer, Spirits, Cocktails & Seltzers We can help you feel better AT ANY AGE 29K Atlantic Ave (Next to The UPS Store) Ocean View, DE 17252 N. Village Main Blvd. Units 10 & 11 Lewes, DE Personalized Fitness • Nutrition Coaching Small Group Training • 302.581.2027 Increase Mobility Reduce Pain Gain Energy Calendar ContinuedfrompageA34 SeeCALENDARpageA38
SLEEP CITY 443.664.6378 138th St & Coastal Hwy, OC FREE SAME DAY DELIVERY!! * *On Select Mattresses MATTRESS & FURNITURE SINCE 2007 ART • BUNK BEDS • MIRRORS • LAMPS & MORE! QUALITY FURNITURE AT AFFORDABLE PRICES All Sizes of Boat Mattresses Available WAREHOUSE NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BAYSIDE PLAZA 138TH ST & COASTAL HWY WAREHOUSE 404 146TH ST Over 60 Different Sleeper Sofas Fabrics IN STOCK NOW with DELIVER ASAP from $799-$1,399 April7,2023 CoastalPoint A37

SpringBreakMovie— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingaviewingofthemovie“Hop” (PG)at1p.m.Formoreinformation,visit

TeenDIY— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingateendo-it-yourselfFabergeeggcraft forages12to18at4p.m.Formoreinformation, 732-9351.


TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

GentleYoga— MyraStock,acertifiedRYT instructorandregisteredYogaforArthritis teacher,isleadingtwogentleyogaclasses atSouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m.and 11:45a.m.Ayogamatisrequired,and notprovided.Participantsshouldalso bringatowelforextracushioning,and pickoneofthetwoclasses.Registrationis limitedandrequired,andavailableat 858-5518.

FrolicintheFolly— FrolicintheFollywill takeplaceatDelawareBotanicGardens from4:30to6:30p.m.Strollthroughthe gardensandenjoylivemusicandrefreshments.Ticketscostsinglemembers$75, andnon-members$100.Andcouplemem-

berspay$125,whilenon-membercouples pay$150.Too rdertickets,

SpringBreakMovie— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingaviewingofthemovie “HitchhikersGuidetotheGalaxy”(PG-13)at 1p.m.Formoreinformation,visit


YardandBakeSale— TheMillvilleVolunteer FireCompanyAuxiliaryYardandBakeSale willbeatthefirehousefrom7a.m.to1 p.m.Breakfastandlunchwillbeavailable, andtheeventtakesplacerainorshine.For table s,callAlyceat(302)537-0143.

Wine,CheeseandBeer— TheFriendsof CapeHenlopenStatePark’sAnnualWine, CheeseandBeerTastingattheOfficer’s Clubfrom4to6p.m.Therewillbewines fromR&LLiquors.Admissionis$27inadvance(availableatR&L,TheLewesChamber ofCommerceorthePark’smainoffice),or $30atthedoor.Ticketsincludethecostof parkentryandacommemorativewineglass.

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisa ndbeginneryogisat10:30a.m.Whetheryouare youngorold,overweightorfit,abeginneror advanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthe mindandstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay $20amonthforunlimitedyogaToregister,

Beef&Brew— TheIndianRiverHighSchool AlumniAssociationisholdingaBeef&Brew attheFrankfordVolunteerFireCo.Banquet Hallfrom6to11p.m.Therewillbeanallyou-can-eatbuffet,liveandsilentauc tions, a50/50andlivemusic.Thecostis$35per

ticket,andbeer,wineandsodaareincluded withtheticket.Formoreinformation,visit www.IRHSAlumni.comorsendanemailto


TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orckl ynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.

ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMondayat 10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.Noregistrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome. Formoreinformation,contact

AlphaConversations— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchishostingAlpha,a seriesofgroupconversationsthatexplore thebasicsoftheChristianfaithinafriendly e nvironment,everyMondaythroughMay15 at6p.m.Dinnerwillbeprovided.Therewill benomeetingApril10becauseofEaster.

GenealogyTips— HistorianMikeDixonis leadingathree-partseriesoftwo-hour workshopsongenealogy,April3,10and 17,startingat2p.m.Therewillbealive demoonhowtousedifferentresources forresearch,anditisidealforuserswith someexperienceingenealogy.Patrons maybringtheirownlaptopsandDElibrary cardtofollowalongiftheyw ish,butitis notrequired.Thisisfree,andregistration (302)858-5518.

WindDownTime— SouthCoastalLibraryis invitingadultstocomebyforanhourortwo from10a.m.to6p.m.tojustunwindwitha gameinthisfunandfreeprogram.Socialize withotheradultsandmeetnewpeoplein yourcommunity.Participationisfree,and registrationisnotrequired.Formoreinformation,ortoregister,visit rcallthemat(302) 858-5518.

EarthDayCraft— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostinganEarthDayCrafteventat10a.m. Thisisfree,andforages10andolder,and peoplewilllearntopainttheirownceramic

bootplanter.Allmaterialsareprovided.No registrationisrequired.

StoptheHate— St.Martha’sEpiscopal ChurchissponsoringAndrewGortezky,RegionalDirectoroftheADL,inaprogram called“StoptheHate:AntisemitismandThe RiseofHateGroupsToday”at3p.m.Arec eptionwillfollow.Theprogramisfreeand opentothepublic.

StorytimeattheFarm— FrankfordPublic LibraryisholdingstorytimeatParsons’Farm at11a.m.Thisisopenforallages,andis weatherpermitting.Watchthelibrary’sFacebookpageforanyweatherupdates.For moreinformation, call(302)732-9351.

HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingatimeofknittingandcrochetingforalllevelsat1p.m.Formore inform ation, (302)732-9351.

SketchingYourWorld— LocalartistMike NgwillleadSketchingYourWorldatFrankfordPublicLibraryat1p.m.Thisisathreedaycourseonhowweperceiveourworld andputittopaper.Bringasketchbookanda penorpencil.Formoreinformation,call (302)


iPadandAppleUsers— iPad,iPhoneand otherAppledeviceusersofallskilllevels arewelcometoattendasupportgroupat SouthCoastalLibraryat11a.m.Users meettodiscussnewfeatures,sharetips andaskquestions.Attendinpersonorvia (302)858-5518.

SustainableEating— SharonMack,Health Coach/IntergrativeHealthInstructorwith BeebeHealthcare,isgivingafreetalkon vegetarianandveganeatingatSouth CoastalLibraryat2p.m.Shewilldiscuss thedifferencesbetweenthetwo diets, cookingwithrawfoodsandmore.Registrationisappreciated,andavailableonline 858-5518.

Dine&Donate— OceanViewBreweryis hostingaDine&Donateefforttobenefit LordBaltimoreWomen’sClub,from4to9

A38 CoastalPoint April7,2023 New! This Summer! explore coastal delaware Experience. Explore. Enjoy. Advertising Deadline: April 28th A Unique Guide for Summer Fun! Calendar ContinuedfrompageA36 SeeCALENDARpageA39

p.m.Aportionoftheproceedswillbenefit theLBWCscholarshipfund,anditsother charitableinitiatives.Therewillalsobea 50/50raffle.

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouare youngorold,overweightorfit,abeginneror advanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthe mindandstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay $20amonthforunlimitedyogaToregister, 29351.

AARPMeets— BarbaraSlavin,fromthe OceanViewHistoricalSocietyandHistoric Village,willspeakatanAARPmeetingat CrippleCreekCountryClub.Herfamilywas oneoftheearlyfamiliesthatsettledinthe area,andshewilltalkabouthowOcean Viewhasdeveloped.Formoreinformation, callMaryAnnDoughertyat(302)541-9412.


ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocratsmeets attheDenatBearTrapDunesclubhouse from11a.m.to1:30p.m.Thisisasocial organizati onthateducates,informsand createscamaraderieamongtheirmembers throughmonthlylunchmeetingsthatfeatureengagingspeakers.Formoreinformation,

BibleStudy— Women’sBibleStudyat MarinersBethelUnitedMethodistChurch willbeeveryWednesdaythroughApril26. Therearemorningsessionsfrom10to 11:30a.m.orafternoonsfrom7to8:30

p.m.Thefocuswillbe“Amos,”byJennifer Rothschild,withtheheading,“AnInvitation tot heGoodLife.”Registerbycallingtheofficeat539-9510orat womenarewelcome.

StorytimeattheFireHouse— South CoastalLibraryissupportingaspecial StoryTimeattheBethanyBeachfirehall moreinformation.

BenedictArnold,Part1— Dr.Gudelunasis leadingthefirstofatwo-parthistorylectureoninfamoustraitorBenedict Arnoldat SouthCoastalLibraryat4p.m.Hewilldiscusspossibilitiesandreasonsbehind Arnold’sdecisiontoswitchalliancestothe British.Part2willbeonApril26.Youmay attendinperson,orviaZoom.Registration isrequiredforZoomparticipants,andappreciatedforin-person.Itisavailableat 858-5518.

BabyBees— EveryWednesday,Frankford PublicLibraryhostsBabyBeesstorytime forchildrenfrombirthto24m onthsoldat 10:30a.m.Comelistentostories,songs andengagewithotherbabies.Registration isrequired.Formoreinformation,visit


FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Participants18andolderofallskilllevelswillpracticecreativewritinginafriendly andnurturingatmosphere.Attendinperson, orviaZoom.Thisis free,andregistrationis


LegoClub— SouthCoastalLibraryishostingitsLegoClubat5p.m.Legosandthe themewillbeprovided,andthisisfor ages6-10.Registrationisencouraged, bycalling(302)858-5518.Walk-insare acceptedifspaceallows.

WondersoftheWoodlands— Elizabeth Rives,NaturalistandDBGTreeExpertat Del awareBotanicGardens,ishostinga WondersoftheWoodlandsWalkat11:30 a.m.Membersareadmittedforfree,and pay$10fortheguidedwalk.Non-memberspaya$15admission,andthe$10 tourfee.Children16andyoungerareadmittedforfree.Toreservetickets,visit

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouare youngorold,overweightorfit,abeginneror advanced,yogah asthepowertocalmthe mindandstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay $20amonthforunlimitedyogaToregister,

LittleLearners— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingLittleLearnersat10:30a.m.for astorytimesessionforages3-4,andtheir caregivers,topromoteliteracy.Thereis alsoacraft,andanopportunitytoengage withotherpre-schoolers.Registrationis required,andavailableat ling(302)7329351.


ThymeforHerbs— SandyDanielsfromInlandBaysGardenCenterwillleadatalkat SouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.onhowto plantyourownSpringCulinaryHerbGardenwithorganicherbs.Shewillteach techniquesforgrowing,harvestingand cookingwithfreshherbs,andparticipants willbringanherbcontainerhome.Registrationisverylimitedandrequired.Toregisterforonlyoneday,call(302)858-5518 orvisitsouthcoastal.lib.d


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April7,2023 CoastalPoint A39
the trust of their customers. We would like to elaborate... PHILOSOPHY We believe that strong ethical and moral principals are essential for the success and growth of any organization. You will realize this the minute you walk through our door. GOAL Our Goal is to provide you with the personalized service you deserve at a fair price. We will listen to your needs and tailor our services to meet them. INVITATION If you desire moral and ethical customer service, coupled with professionalism and quality, we encourage you to call on us! CALL TODAY to schedule your FREE Estimate Ocean Bay Plaza, Fenwick Island, De 1-800-298-9470 • 302-537-1899 HOURS: Monday – Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-4 • Closed Sundays “We Measure Each Job With A Golden Rule” CUSTOM quartz countertops! CUSTOM backsplashes! CUSTOM window treatments! IN STOCK 20 MIL WATERPROOF Luxury Vinyl Plank! HUGE SELECTION of Floor Coverings! Is Ready For You! WE ARE YOUR ONE STOP SHOP! MIKE'S PROJECT MANAGERS ARE AT YOUR SERVICE! Mike’s Flooring & Design Center, FENWICK ISLAND DE. 24 Month 0% Financing ARE YOU READY FOR THE SEASON? Calendar ContinuedfrompageA38 SeeCALENDARpageA40


GentleYoga— MyraStock,acertifiedRYT instructorandregisteredYogaforArthritis teacher,isleadingtwogentleyogaclasses atSouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m.Ayoga matisrequired,andnotprovided.Participantsshouldalsobringatowelforextra cushioning.Registrationislimitedandrequired,andavailableat 858-5518.


SafeBoating— TheUnitedStatesCoast GuardAuxiliaryisteachingaDelaware BoatingSafetyClassatGull’sWayCampgroundinDagsborofrom8a.m.to4pm. Thosewhosuccessfullycompletethis coursewillreceiveaDelawareSafeBoatingCertificatebymail(arequirementfor boatersbornonorafterJan.1,1978).All materialsfortheclasswillbeprovidedat registration.Thecostis$10perperson. Sign-instartsat7:30a.m.Pre-registration isrequired.Toregister,email uscgaux0531201@outlook.comorcall (302)616-3175.

EngineerEarlyS TEMKits— Participants canswingbySouthCoastalLibrarytograb anEngineerEarlySTEMkittoexplorethe worldofmeteorologybyobservingweather patterns,interpretingweathermapsandcreatingamodelofthehydrologiccycle.Thisis freeandavailablewhilesupplieslast.

SuperSaturday— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingSuperSaturdayatnoon,with EarlyGrab-n-GoSTEMBags.Formoreinformation, calling(302)732-9351.


RepublicansMeet— The38thDistrictRepublicanClubwillmeetatSouthCoastalLibrary.Socialhoursbeginat6p.m.,andthe meetingstartspromptlyat6:30p.m.Informationontheclubandmeetingscanbe,orthroughemailat

AlphaConversations— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchishostingAlpha,a seriesofgroupconversationsthatexplore thebasicsoftheChristianfaithinafriendly environment,everyMond aythroughMay15 at6p.m.Dinnerwillbeprovided.Therewill benomeetingApril10becauseofEaster.

WindDownTime— SouthCoastalLibraryis invitingadultstocomebyforanhourortwo from10a.m.to6p.m.tojustunwindwitha gameinthisfunandfreeprogram.Socialize withotheradultsandmeetnewpeoplein yourcommunity.Participationisfree,and registrationisnotrequired.Formoreinformation,ortoregister,visit 8 58-5518.

MakerspaceMonday— SouthCoastalLibraryishostingMakerspaceMondayfrom 11a.m.and1p.m.,wherepeoplecanwork ontheirownprojectsorusingresourcesin oneofthe“maker”stations,includingaButtonMaker,AdultColoring,JewelryMaking andCricut.Registrationisonlyrequiredfor 30-minuteCricutappointments.Toregister, call(302)858-5518.

StorytimeattheFarm— FrankfordPublic LibraryisholdingstorytimeatParsons’Farm at11a.m.Thisis openforallages,andis weatherpermitting.Watchthelibrary’sFacebookpageforanyweatherupdates.For moreinformation, call(302)732-9351.

HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingatimeofknittingandcrochetingforalllevelsat1p.m.Formore information, (302)732-9351.

SketchingYourWorld— LocalartistMike NgwillleadSketchingYourWorldatFrankfordPublicLibraryat 1p.m.Thisisathreedaycourseonhowweperceiveourworld andputittopaper.Bringasketchbookanda penorpencil.Formoreinformation,call (302)


MacrameCraft— Clairewillbeleadinga macramefeatherwall-hangingclassat SouthCoastalLibraryat1p.m.Registration isrequired,andavailableat(302)8585518,

PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogsandownerswillprovideasup portive andfunwayforkidstogainconfidencein readingaloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4 p.m.Childrenreadfor15minutes,andmay bringtheirownbooksiftheywish.Toregister,call(302)858-5518.

TeaandFashion— Chico’sisprovidingthe fashionsforaTeaParty&FashionShowto benefittheBethanyBeachVolunteerFire CompanyatCrippleCreekGolfandCountry Clubat11a.m.Thecostis$40perticket, andtherewillalsobeacashbar.Formore information,ortoreserv easpot,callMau-


YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouare youngorold,overweightorfit,abeginneror advanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthe mindandstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay $20amonthforunlimitedyogaToregister,

PAWSforPeople— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostinga5p.m.programthat allows participantstoreadaloudtoa furry,friendlytherapycompaniontohelp inspirealoveofreading.ThisissponsoredbyPAWSforPeople.Registration isrequired,andreadersofallagesand stagesarewelcome.Formoreinformation, 732-9351.


BenedictArnold,Part2— Dr.Gudelunasis leadingthefirstofatwo-parthistorylectureoninfamoustraitorBenedictArnoldat SouthCoastalLibraryat4p.m.Hewilldiscusspo ssibilitiesandreasonsbehind Arnold’sdecisiontoswitchalliancestothe British.Youmayattendinperson,orvia Zoom.RegistrationisrequiredforZoom participants,andappreciatedforin-person. bycalling(302)858-5518.

BabyBookworms— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingBabyBookwormsStoryTime—for agesbirthto2—at10a.m.Thishelpschildrenlearnlanguage,social,motorandlisteningskillsthroughavarie tyofactivities.


Chesapeake Benedict $20

Poached Eggs with Lump Crab meat topped with Hollandaise sauce and Old Bay on an English Muffin. Served with Cottage home fries.

French Toast Casserole $15

Baked and topped with a mixed berry compote and whipped cream. Served with Cottage home fries.

Crab Imperial Omelet $18

4 Egg Omelet with our Crab Imperial, Cheddar/Jack Cheese, Spinach, and Pico de Gallo. Served with Cottage home fries.

Farmers Breakfast $16

4 Scrambled Eggs with choice of Bacon or Sausage, topped with Cheddar/Jack Cheese and Scallions and served over Cottage home fries. Choice of Toast.

Huevos Rancheros $17

2 Sunny Side Up Eggs served with Black Beans, Chorizo, Pico de Gallo, Queso Fresco and Cilantro. Served with Tortilla Chips drizzled with a Honduran Crema and a side of House Salsa.

Full Dinner Menu Available All

Saturday, April 8th

A40 CoastalPoint April7,2023 Nancy LaFontaine AKC CGC Evaluator ABC Certified Dog Trainer Got Behavioral Problems? LET’S TALK! AKC Canine Good Citizen • Obedience Training Private & Group Classes 302-236-2497 Old Town Thrift & Gift TheLittleStoreon theShorewithMore 302-436-6101 79W.ChurchSt.,Selbyville Wed-Sat,10am-4pm Sun,11am-3pm Closed Mon & Tues 25% Off Furniture thru April 16th Happy Easter! Closed Easter Sunday Easter Brunch Open 7 Days at 11am • 302.539.8710 • 33034 Coastal Hwy, Rt. 1, Bethany Beach, DE Sunday, April 9th • 10am - 2pm No Reservations PUB PARTY TRIVIA TUESDAYS @ 6PM JOB FAIR!
10am–2pm @ Cottage Cafe
Well As Sunday
Day As
Special - Roast Turkey
Calendar ContinuedfrompageA39



SonnaClarkstilllaughswhenshe remembersthedayherhusbandtold hertoputonherboots.

“Isaid,‘Why?Itisn’trainingor snowing’andhesaidagain,‘Putyour bootson.’

“ItwasinJanuary,26yearsago. Hebroughtmeinthebackdoorof thisbuildingandtherewasallthis craponthefloor,pigeoncrap.Iran outthebackdoorwhenIsawthat. Butmyhusband,Stanley,wantedto renovatethisbuildingandsellantiquestherebecausewewerealready sellingantiquestogether.

“Hesaidhewantedtocleanitall upandrestoreit.Heusedtorestore homes.Isaid,‘Ifyouwanttodothis, fine,wecandoit,butI’mnothelpingyoucleanupanyofthatcrap,’” saidClark,referringtothebuilding thathas,formanyyears,housedher business,AntiqueJunction,at3 WestRailroadAve.inSelbyville.

AmeticulousmanwhowasexperiencedinrestoringVictorianhomes —andwhodiedin2021fromcomplicationscausedbyinhalingasbestos—Clarkcarefullyscrubbed, sweptandoverhauledthebuilding thatcontainsatreasureofantiques andcollectiblesthatrekindlerecollectionsforcustomerswhoareremindedoftheirgrandmothers’ kitchens,whattheirparentshad hangingonwallsorsituatedinthe livingroom.

“ThecustomerssaywhatIhavein herebringsbackalotofmemories.I hear,‘Gosh,mygrandmotherhad that’or‘Irememberthatwassitting ontheshelf.’Alotoftimestheywill buythatitemjustforthememory.A lotofmycustomersarefamilymembersofotherpeoplewhohavebeen in.‘MysisterwashereandsaidIhad tocome.’Theystayandlookaround foralongtime.Aladywashereyesterdayandshesaidshestarted thinkingaboutsomethingshesaw andcamebacktodayandboughtit,” Clarksaid.

“Alotofpeoplejustcomeinand say,‘Wearebrowsing’andtheynormallyendupbuyingsomething.The keytothisbusinessisyouhaveto havevariety.Ifyoudon’t,youmight waswellshutyourdoor,”shesaid.

Mostpopularisantiquefurniture butcustomersalsolikepink,blue andgreenDepressionglass,old

April7,2023 PageB1
Thisyear,Clarkiscelebrating AntiqueJunction’s26thyearinbusiness.OnMemorialDay,therewill beadrawingfora$100storecredit andasmallchildwhovisitswillbe askedtodrawthewinningticket, thenreceiveaprize.Customerscan registerforthedrawingatthestore.
steins,oystercans,bedframes,desks, toys,chairs,rockers,ceramicsugar andcreamersets,collectibleSanta’s andEasterbunnies.

DuaneWhitman,alongtime Disney-certifiedtravelplanner thismonthcelebratinghis10th anniversaryasaprofessional traveladvisorforDisney“DiamondEarmarked”GlassSlipper Concierge,willbeginhostingprivatevacationconsultationsatthe EllenRiceStudioinOceanView thisweek.

Whitmanisagraduateofthe CollegeofDisneyKnowledge andUniversalResortSpecial Training,whohasalsoearnedthe OrlandoTravelExpertdesignation.Hespecializesinmulti-generationalgroupvacationplanning forWaltDisneyWorld,theDisneyCruiseLine,Adventuresby Disney,otherDisneydestinations andUniversalOrlandoResort.

“Thisisanexcitingtimeat Disney,”saidWhitman,“TRON LightcycleRunhasjustopened andanewcruiseshipandnew DisneyCruiseLineislandareon thehorizonfor2024.

“But,withallthenewfeatures, resortsandrides,inadditionto continualticketingandreservationchanges,mostofthenew clientcallsIreceivetodayare frompeoplesayingtheywenton-

GlassSlipperConciergeprofessionalDisneyandUniversaltraveladvisorDuaneWhitmanconsultswithHelmsmanMickeyaboardtheDisneyMagicaboutplanningOrlandovacationswell aheadoftime.ThelongtimetraveladvisorwillhostfreeprivatetravelconsultationsattheEllen RiceStudioinOceanViewbeginningthisweekbyappointment.


“Icanseehowitcouldbeoverwhelming.I’vevisitedalltheparks, stayedatmostoftheresorts,cruised onmostoftheDisneyships,butIam onlineeverysingledaykeepingup withchanges.It’sa‘job’,butoneIlove, andIworkwithanexceptionallygood, experiencedteamwhoareincontinual contact,sharingnews,experiences,tips, adviceandknowledge,andourguests


Whitmanemphasizesthat particularlynowmakingplans andreservationswellaheadof timeiscrucialforgettingthebest accommodations,diningandattractionoptions,andwiththe cruiseline,betterprices.

“Thedaysofbuyingtickets andshowingupatthegateare gone.Havingacarefreevacation requiresplanningthedetails aheadoftime.Ihelpbyhandling allaspectsofbookingandthen planningmeticulous,customvacationitinerariesaroundguests’ wishes anddreams,rightdownto arrangingprivatetoursandlimos andgivinglivephoneandtext guidancewhenguestsareonthe ground.

“Mygoalisformygueststo arriveattheirdestinationand haveavacationnotonlyworry free,butmagical.”

Whitmandoesin-personindividualandgroupconsultationsat theEllenRiceStudio,inclient’s homesandviaFacetimeand Zoom.Hisconsultationsarefree. Detailedplanningservicesare freewhenguestsbookthrough him. Tolearnmoreorarrangea consultation,call(302)448-1534. TheEllenRiceStudioisonthe CedarNeckPeninsulaofOceanView onthesoutheasternedgeoftheJames FarmEcologicalPreserve.Theaddress is30124TerritoryTrail,OceanView, DE19970.Inadditiontoappointments,WhitmanisavailablefordropinvisitsatthestudioFridaysand Saturdays10a.m.to4p.m.andSundaysnoonto4p.m.Directionsare availableontheVisittheStudiopage

Ride riendly ly amily-F ly F Famil APRIL T OCEAN 29, 20 L AL CRU OU N T 023 UISE UR om Be o the Big Ch e hill ToBaeanTo nT #Oc @oceanto ay baybiketour B2 CoastalPoint April7,2023 Bethany Massage & Healing Arts 33298 Coastal Highway, Bethany Beach, DE New Service Assisted Stretching Benefits Include: •Improved Core Strength •More Flexibility & Range of Motion •Better Posture & Balance •Less Stiffness Call to schedule 302-537-0510 or text 302-448-0269 New Evening Hours –Thursdays until 8 PM (Last Appointment at 7 PM) Now Open 7 Days/Week Maintaining Flexibility #1 Thing To Improve Your Overall Health! Our Therapists Assist Your Movement Into Position & Hold the Stretch for You. April Introductory Offer30 Minute Treatment Save $15 Off Regular $80 Price


OnThursday,March23,,DickensParlourTheatrehostedaribbon-cuttingceremonyattheBethany-FenwickArea ChamberofCommerce’sMarchBusiness AfterHoursNetworkingEvent.

Theceremonywasheldtocelebrate theopeningofDickens’newlocationat 31810GoodEarthLane,OceanView, Del.Friends,fellowChambermembers, familyandcommunitymemberswerein attendance.

DickensParlourTheatrehasexpanded totwiceitsoriginalsize,whichhasenabledthemtopresentawiderrangeofentertainmentthatincludesworld-class magicians,comedy,livemusicandtheatricalperformances.Thenewtheatre,completewithspaciousseating, state-of-the-artlighting,heatingandventilationsystems,islocatedimmediately nexttotheGoodEarthMarketonits campus.

Parkingisplentifulandeasilyaccessible.Thetheatre’sownopen-airpatioadjoinsGoodEarthMarket’sveranda, makingwayforpresentationsunderthe stars.Becauseoftheuniquecabaretsetting,DickensParlourTheatreisavailable torentforspecialeventsincludingweddings,birthdayparties,meetings,andinformalgatherings.Tolearnmore aboutDicken’sParlourTheatre,visitdickensparlourtheatre.comor

SCAN ME Check out our Exclusive Products Page! Videos & Image Gallery $100 OFF any order of $1000 or more BLIND FACTORY • 302-999-8800 • 302-436-4400 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Expires 5/31/23 Go to for more coupons. $250 OFF any order of $2500 or more BLIND FACTORY • 302-999-8800 • 302-436-4400 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Expires 5/31/23 Go to for more coupons. Shutters • Roller Shades • Draperies • Verticals • Shades 1-800-447-1400 FamilyOwned& Operatedforover40 years!Professional In-homeConsultation, Measurement& InstallationAvailable 38016 Fenwick Shoals Blvd. Fenwick Island Selbyville 302-436-4400 Apollo Shopping Center 3613 B Kirkwood Hwy. Wilmington 302-999-8800 NEW LOCATION! Ourexclusivepatentpending NEW WAVE BlackOutorLightFiltering Draperiesareaffordable,stain&reresistantandseamless.Large window,anywidthand108”long.Specialpurchasefabric. Checkoutourown Vert-A-Sheer ExclusiveHybridverticalblindwithbuiltinsheer.OnlyatBlindFactory! April7,2023 CoastalPoint B3
PatrickClark,OwnerRichBloch,BillyJessup,JayRead,LuisHerrera,ToniTipton,JoanneMalcuit,CarolCarey-Bruning,Laura Say,CherylDeBois,RachmadWidodo.

“I’vedonethateveryyear,”said Clark,whosefirstnameispronounced“Son-yee”butwhogoodnaturedlysaidsheanswerstoany variation.

“Howmyhusbandfoundthis buildingis,mygirlfriendsawastationwagonparkedinthefrontlot andshewantedtobuythestation wagon.Weboughttheproperty. Thisiswherethetrainusedtodrop offchickenfeedforfarmers.The trackisrightupagainstthebuilding, butitwasn’tbeinguseanymore,”she said.

Builtintheearly1970s,itwasin goodshapewhenherhusbandspottedit.

“Ofcourse,ithadalotofanimals inhere.Hehadtotakesomewalls

out.Thereweredeadratsinthe walls.Hehadavision.Hewasgood atthat.Thatwashisliving.Herestoredanabandonedmansionthat shouldhavebeenhauledaway.Isaw itbeforeandafter.Istoodinthat mansionandcried,”shesaid,rememberinghisimpressiveability.

Theyhavetwochildrenina blendedfamily,hersonJamesand hissonStanleyJr.,aswellasfour grandchildren.

OnesonrepairsAmtraktraincars andanotherinstallswhatClark called“f ancystereoequipmentin cars,theexpensivestuff.”

“Bothofthemhaveartistictalent. Myhusbandwasaperfectionistand myboysarethatway,too,”shesaid.

Sheandherhusband,whoknew eachotherformanyyears,including whilesheworkedforhisbusiness partner,bothgrewupinElkton, Md.,andoperatedfleamarketsto-


* Talking to loved ones about your estate doesn’t need to be dif cult.

* If you have moved to Delaware in the last 5 years, is your Estate Plan up to date?

*Make sure your wishes are honored once you’re gone.


“I’vebeeninthisbusinessalong time.Ihaveeverythinginherefrom 20centsforaknifeoraspoonupto thehighend,$1,000.Beinginthe areasomanyyears,mycustomers knowIalwayshavegoodpieces.I havewonderful,goodcustomersand theykeepcomingback.Theycome inandiftheyfindsomethingthey liketheybuyit,”shesaid.

Aftermindingthestoreallday, Clarkgoeshome,researchesthe valueofitemsandsellsoneBay.

“Thingsyouwouldn’tthinkwould bevaluablesometimesare.Igot $199foraMisondinnerplate.Anotherexampleisanoldleatherfire helmetfromNewYorkthathada numberonit.IputitontheInternet at$500tostartanditwentfor $3,600.

“AfiremanfromNewYork boughtit.It’sfromtheturnofthe century,aroundthe1900s.Theycan traceitbecauseofthebignumberon it.Mygirlfriendfounditinadumpster.Shejustnoticedit.I’mtelling you,I’mgoingtowriteabooksomeday,”shetoldavisitoronerecentafternoon,assheglancedaroundthe

4,000-square-footbuildingthathas additionalspaceonthesecondfloor.

“Theinventorychangesdaily,” Clarksaid,explainingshehadeight containersofolddollsthatwereleft toagirlwhohadnointerest.

Butseeingthemdidn’tspark warmmemoriesforClark,orofher childhood,because,shesaid,shewas raisedinapoorfamilythatcouldn’t afforddolls.

“Ihadtogotothecreekand catchfishsowecouldeat.Wedidn’t haveChristmas.Wecouldn’t’afford it,”shesaid,sobabydollsarejust partoftheinventorysheacceptsand sellsonconsignment,withtheowner receiving60percentofthecostand Clarkkeeping40percent.

“Isettheprices.I’vebeendoing this43years,soIknowwhatthe markupis.Theydon’t.Iftheysay,‘I want$1,000forthispiece’andit’s wayoff,Isay,‘ThisiswhatIthinkit willbring.’

“Aslongastheitemsaresaleable andnotbrandnew,Ihavenotrouble sellinganything.Everythingand anything.Inthisbusinessthereisa buyerforeverything.Youjusthave tobepatient.”

Share Your Love Family

Discussion Guide

Have you talked to your family about your estate?

Overwhelmed by legal documents?

Join Compass Investment Advisors for a FREE 1-hour Estate Planning Workshop. You’ll leave more con dent to initiate an open, thoughtful dialogue with your family as you plan for the future and how to honor your nal requests.

May 2nd at 10:30 a.m. & May 4th at 3:30 p.m.

Bethany-Fenwick Chamber of Commerce 36913 Coastal Hwy, Fenwick Island, DE RSVP at or call (302) 526-2565 x5

**RetireWise is a FREE Educational Workshop series highlighting ALL aspects of your Retirement Life offered by local CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Daniel W. Rowles

Office Address: 32828 Reba Road, Suite B Millville, DE


Educational Workshops for Pre-retirees and Retirees
B4 CoastalPoint April7,2023
FARM 6396 Hickman Road Greenwood, DE 19950 302-349-0555
Green Giant, Leyland, Emerald Green, Hollies, Schip Laurel, Spruce, Pine Ornamentals - Cherry, Plum, Red Bud, Crepe Myrtle Fruit Trees - Apple, Peach, Pear STOP PAYING RETAIL Drive a little, save a lot! Saturday and Sunday 10 to 2 Monday through Friday by Appointment Lois James d.d.s. GENERAL DENTISTRY
Dental Cleanings • Fillings Crowns • Bridges • Implant Restorations Cosmetic Procedures • TMJ Disorders & Sleep Appliances 302-537-4500 • 17 Atlantic Ave, Ste. 4 Route 26 • Ocean View (Next to Oceanova) Accepting New Patients Antique ContinuedfrompageB1

April7,2023 CoastalPoint B5



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CaféinBethanyBeachhostedaribboncuttingceremonywiththeBethanyFenwickAreaChamberofCommerce tocelebratetheirnewrenovationsand reopening.Thecelebrationincludedrefreshmentsalongwithfriends,fellow Chambermembersandcommunity members.

TurtleBeachCaféisdesignedasa relaxedbeachcaféoverlookingthe oceaninBethanyBeachthatofferscoffee,breakfast,sandwiches,bowls,soups, saladsandmore.Foodisavailabletogo or toenjoyatthecaféandontheir boardwalkpatio.

TolearnmoreaboutTurtleBeach Café,visitturtlebeachcafe.comorcall (302)616-1036.


Patrons,ownersandemployeeswereon handtocelebrateTurtleBeachCafé’s grandreopeningeventonFriday,March 17,afterclosingdownforrenovations duringtheoff-season.

Family Owned & Operated Fabricating & installing quartz, granite and solid surface tops 34407 Dupont Blvd., Unit 9 • (Rt. 113 North) Frankford, DE Visit our website for showroom hours • Call: 443. 856.4437 or See Us On Facebook Up to date, state of the art equipment Magic,Music&Entertainment! Tickets on sale now at 31810 Good Earth Lane Ocean View, DE *All Performances Subject to Change KevinBethea April 14 & 15 One of the most sought after corporate entertainers in the country. A native of New Jersey, Kevin is a full time professional magician/Illusionist with over 25 years of performing experience! TheGalsWhoMakeMeSing April 21 & 22 “A Tribute To The Gals Who Make Me Sing” Featuring Gregory Toroian on piano Making their return to our theater in a brand new show, after performing two wonderful shows last November, please join this multi-award winning, New York City, Cabaret/Jazz performing artist, Sue Matsuki in “The Gals Who Make Me Sing!” Children’sMagicShowwithTomFoolery Saturday, April 8 - 2pm "TheGoodLiar" BrianCurry April 6-8 Brian Curry has a secret. He’s a mind reader, a human behavior expert, and a LIAR. Come nd out why The Good Liar show is DC’s favorite new date night out. “DC’s Most Honest Con Man” Brian will read your mind, predict your future and blow your mind. Jazz Club Dickens Every Wed. at 5:30 B6 CoastalPoint April7,2023


Havingasmallbudgetshouldn’tstopyoufrommakingsimple yeteffectiveimprovementsto yourhomeasyoupreparetosell. Asanagentandsomeonewho hassoldahomeortwopersonally,Ithinkthemostimportant thinghomeownerswithasmall budgetcandois“simplifyand spruce”thingsup.

Simplifyingisabigoneanditcostsnothing.Now’s thetimetodeclutter,purgeclosetsandoverflowing areasinordertomakeyourhomefeelopenandinvitingtobuyers.

Next,sprucethingsupabit!Weallknowthatfirst impressionsgoalongway.Byinvestingasmall amountofmoneyona“frontporchfacelift,”buyers willbeeagertogetintoyourhomebasedonwhatthey seeontheoutside.Inthepast,I’vehadsellersrepaint theirfrontdoor,purchasenewplanterstoelevatethe entrywayontheporch,orsimplygetafewseasonal hangingpotstospruceupthefrontoftheirhome.Additionally,I’dsuggesthavingyourhomepowerwashed.Attheveryleast,power-washallwalkways and porches.Buyerswillappreciatethecleanlinessand it’llshowtheeffortyouputintopreppingyourhome tosell.




Firstimpressionswhenselling yourhomematter,evenwhenon abudget.Plantingbedstrimmed andweeded,porchesfreefrom debrisandspiderwebs,anddoors nothangingofftheirhingesand nicelypaintedaresomeofthe firststeps.Inside,thehouse shouldbedeclutteredofallpersonalitems,collections,paperwork,etc.Deepcleaning yourceilingfansandbaseboardsandhaveyourhome smellingfreshandcleanarealsoimperative.These simpleitemsshowthebuyerthatthehomeislovingly caredforandmaintained.Finally,openshadesand blindsandturnonlightsforshowingssothatwhen someoneentersthehometheyarenotencasedin darkness.

Recently,Iwentthroughahomeandwashonest aboutthehousebeingtooclutteredandneedingsome paint touch-ups.Oncecompleted,Ibroughtourstager inforsuggestions,andshesaidtotakedownALLthe valences,heavycurtainsetc.Isentvideostotheclient, andsheremarkedonhowamazingherhomelooked! Ittookonehourandcosthernothing.

Theeasiestwaytofigureouttheimportantitems? Haveafriend,neighbororyouragentcomethrough andgiveanhonestopinionontheirfirstimpression. Thenrollupyoursleevesandgetstarted!

Coldwell Banker


Themostimportantthingsto dotoprepareyourhomeforsale arelow-costorevenfree!Ifyou arephysicallyable,taskssuchas freshneutralpaint,decluttering, deepclean,routinemaintenance, andyardcleanupmayallbedone onyourown.Whiledecluttering youmayalsofindthatyoucan sellsomeofyourunusedthingsonlocalmarketplace sitestohelpoffsetthecostsofhiringprofessionalsas needed! Inapastlisting,wewereremovingalotof furnitureandalsorecommendedthattheyhavethe carpetsprofessionallyshampooed.Someofthefurnishingswerelargeanddifficulttomove.Wewere abletosell$500worthoffurnishings,whichcovered thecarpetcleanandahiredmoverforthelargerpieces thatneededtogo!Yourdeepcleanmayincludean ovenself-cleancycle,dustingHVACventsandfan blades,andsomeelbowgreasethroughout.Routine maintenanceitemscouldbereplacinglightbulbs, changingfilters,andsecuringlooserailings.Yard cleanuplikeweeding,trimming,andblowingleavesoff decksandwalkwaysalsogoesalongway.Reaching outtoaRealtorforaninitialconsultationisalsofree andmostwillcreateaspecificlistofrecommendations!





DelawareInterfaithPower&Lightis hostingitssecondannualstatewideessay contest:“Renew:ReflectiveEssaysonNature,Earth&theirWonders,”withadeadlineofEarthDay,April22.Renewisa platformforallcurrenthighschoolstudentstoreflect,inwriting,ontheunique roleofyouthonclimateaction;growing concernsoverenvironmentaljustice;and theirpersonalsenseofconnectednesswith thenaturalworld.

AllhighschoolstudentsinDelaware areeligibletoparticipateandaskedtopreregister,throughApril15,throughthe Essaysshouldbeoriginalworks,craftedby thestudents,amaximumof1,500words ononeofthethreetopics,andemailed anytimebetweenApril22(EarthDay)


Partoftheinspirationforthecontest camewhenDeIPLhostedMichaelNelson andKathleenDeanMoore,co-editors ofMoralGround;EthicalActionfora PlanetinPeril,fortheirmonthlywebinar.MoralGround,firstpublishedin2010

andrecentlyreissued,isacollectionofessaysfrommorethan80“visionariesaround theglobepresentingacompellingcallto honorourindividualandcollectivemoral responsibilitytotheplanet.”

Theintentofthisessaycontestisto hearfromDelaware’syoungvisionaries;to encouragethemtogivevoicetotheirown passions,perspectives,motivationsand hopesforthefuture.

Apanelofjudges,joinedbyMoral GroundeditorsKathyMooreandMichael Nelson,willreviewandidentifywinning essays.Scoringwillbebasedonclarity,pas-

sion,attentiontotheme,creativityandeffectiveness.Anawardsceremonyisbeing plannedforthissummer.

ThemissionofDelawareInterfaith Power&Lightis“toengagefaithcommunitiesandcommunitypartnersinaddressingthecausesandconsequencesofclimate change;toscientificallyinformandspirituallydeepenourunderstandingofourrelationshipwiththenaturalworld—and witheachother—andtoactonthoseunderstandings.”


VintageToys&Games Toys, Board Games and the best selection of Vintage Finds on the Eastern Shore 302.406.0135• 117AtlanticAve.•Millville,DE19967 OpenThurs - Mon •10am–6pm • Closed Tues & Wed (302) 406-5864 • 117 Atlantic Ave. • Millville, DE 19967 Open Thurs - Mon • 10–6pm • Closed Tues & Wed New Finds All the Time! Author Events Children's Book Sale April 14-16 April7,2023 CoastalPoint B7
Townsend McCoy Schifano


Multi-sportevent‘The Journey’tobenefitmultiple myelomaresearch

SeaColonyandtheMultiple MyelomaResearchFoundation (MMRF)arepartneringtoraisefunds andawarenessformultiplemyeloma,a rareformofbloodcancer.OnApril2830,SeaColonywillhost“TheJourney,” afundraisingweekendinspiredbySea ColonyownerEricGelberandhisstory ofrunning200milesaroundCentral ParkinNewYorkCitytoraiseawarenessandfundsfortheMMRF.

“Since2006,Ihavebeenonajourneytomakeadifferenceforcancerpatientsandraiseawarenessandmoney forresearchfortheMMRF,”saidGelber.“Forme,it’snotaboutanend,it’s aboutthejourneyandtomakethebest ofeveryday.Ifeel,together,ifwealldo oursmallpart,wecanaccelerateacure.”

Thefamily-friendlyweekendwill kickoffonFridayevening,April28, withafreeviewingofthedocumentary “200Miles”thatchroniclesGelber’s thirdandfinalattempttorunarecord 200milesaroundCentralPark.Saturday,April29,willfeatureatennis round-robintournamentandpickleball tournament,andSunday,April30,will capofftheweekendwitha5Krunand 1-milefunwalk.

AlleventswillbeheldattheSea ColonyTennisCenter.

Netproceedsfromtheweekend’s eventswillbedonatedtotheMMRF, thelargestnonprofitintheworldsolely focusedonacceleratingacureforeach andeverymultiplemyelomapatient.

“Weareveryexcitedtopartnerwith EricandtheMMRF,”saidJenNeal, communityevents,activitiesandoutreachmanagerforSeaColony.“When weheardthatoneofourownershad donesomethingsoincredible,weknew wehadtobringthatpassionandstory backtoSeaColony.Ericisaninspirationtousallandwecouldn’tbe proudertohavehimaspartofour community.”

Thoseinterestedinbecominga sponsorfortheeventcancontactJen Nealatjennifer.neal@vacasa.comor (302)546-0025.

“Overthelast17years,Erichasdistinguishedhimselfasoneofourmost passionateadvocates,raisingmorethan $2.1milliontoadvancetheMMRF’s missionofacceleratingacureforeach andeverymultiplemyelomapatient,” saidMindyFlinn,VPfordevelopment attheMMRF.“ThroughTheJourney, Ericcontinuestoinspireourcommunityandfuelcountlessbreakthroughs inmyelomaresearchandtreatment.We aresogratefulforhissteadfastpartnershipandshareddedication,andwelook forwardtoanotherexhilaratingeventin partnershipwithEricandourfriendsat SeaColony.” formoreinformationandtoregisteror donate.

B8 CoastalPoint April7,2023 S
ACROSS 1 Contemporary 8 Place to grab a pint 11 Smitten Kitchen blogger Perelman 14 Butterfingers 17 Quaint desktop item 18 Not to be trusted 19 Lyrical 21 AC meas. 22 Trouble for an orthodox rabbi? 24 Place to clean up 26 Appearance 27 Trouble with the sewer line? 29 Fighting 31 “Hallelujah” songwriter Cohen 33 Unfeeling 34 Black-footed pet 36 Public relations effort 37 “Mm-hmm” 39 Thermometer type 43 Rideshare predictions, briefly 44 “But to no __” 46 Frosty coat 47 Bingham of “Baywatch” 48 Jewelry retailer Alex and __ 49 Makeup pencil target 50 Perfume name 51 Sparkly threads 52 Guinness superlative 54 Lasting impression 56 Quran scholar 58 Inflation fig. 59 Ragtime legend Blake island Carmen 65 Trouble in a candy store? 67 Sharpens 68 Interstate H-1 locale 69 Zoological kingdom 70 TWA rival 73 Write online 74 Warmhearted 75 Comebacks 78 Squeal 80 Gathering clouds, say 83 Word of support 84 Dried poblano 85 Part of Q.E.D. 86 __ parade 88 Open some 89 Cowardly Lion portrayer 90 Green shot 92 Djibouti language 94 Calvary inscription ego 99 Tire holders 100 Trouble for a barista? peninsula 106 Keeps safe 107 Trouble with an alibi? 112 Afflict food for thought” 114 Oddball 115 Long and slippery 116 Melancholy 117 Farm area 118 UV-blocker rating syst. 119 Like tea leaves DOWN 1 Deluge refuge 2 Failed fudge, maybe 3 Thrilling pair? 4 Some expensive sweaters 5 “__ Fideles” 6 Maryland athlete, for short 7 Kick out 8 Dental care suffix 9 “Tracey Takes On ... ” comedian 10 How some musicians play 11 Blue 12 Santa portrayer in “Elf” 13 Lobster soup 14 Soprano woodwind 15 The whole shebang 16 Stew Hank, e.g. 20 Bud 23 Winter fishing tool 25 Converted, in a way 28 “It is a tale / Told by an __”: Macbeth 29 Prudential alternative 30 Trouble with a movie promo? 32 Zilch 34 Achievement 35 Anklebones 38 Tie the knot 40 Trouble with a Bronx cheer? 41 Crushes the final 42 Monet flowers 45 Says nay 46 Meddles 47 “The Things They Carried” writer 49 Tony winner Neuwirth voiced Dora the Explorer 51 Just a __ 53 Island feast 54 Originate (from) 55 Sounded like a loose floorboard 57 Got older and wiser, perhaps 61 GarageBand device 63 __ Kombat: video game franchise 64 Beach shelter 66 Lose it 67 Power measure 69 Drink in a mug 71 Tennis great Monica 73 Rain-__ gum 76 Freshwater ducks 77 Dress of draped silk 79 “__ Shop”: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis hit 81 Theme 82 Twofold 85 The Dave Clark Five, e.g. 86 Farm area 87 Comment 88 Friendly 90 Consumer Reports data 91 Proof of purchase 93 Colorful songbird 95 Have to have 98 Scruffs 100 IRS form experts 101 Solo often sung in Italian 102 Soufflé recipe word 103 Glimpse 105 Cy Young winner Saberhagen 108 “That sounds painful” 109 Guff 110 Make (out) 111 Club __
Crossword SeeCrosswordAnswerspageB11
Evergre F FE f or fodaCalliny t f the most o x eene Homes is e NWICK ail vtion on a orma able neighb t desir ve ffer seo o cited t ISLAND lability and schedu t the be borhoods a om home al cust er D AREA our! ule a t each. or sale in some es f e Immedia oom 4 Bedr TER A A ATER ACCESS! W WA FENWICK t $1,225,000! ted a ve-in! Lis te Mo a ths | 3,070 SF ms | 3.5 Ba AREA m learnmmo! Scodesto Scancodes lrnmore! Immedia oom 4 Bedr 38893 Ve Y VIEW A AYB t $929,000! ted a ve-in! Lis te Mo a ths | 3,016 SF ms | 3.5 Ba yville, DE 19975 y Drive, Selb andah Ba r WS! AREA BEACH NITY PIER! B BETHANY COMMUN oom 5 Bedr POND FR IMMEDIA oom 5 Bedr 404 Salt P ths | 3600 SF ms | 35 Ba RONT! t $1,107,900! ted a VE-IN! Lis TE MO A ATE ths | 3,200 SF ms | 4.5 Ba y Beach, DE 19930 than oad, Be ond R P IMMEDIA ALES@EVERGREENEHOMES.C S 1.855.54.BEACH t $834,900! ted a VE-IN! Lis TE MO A ATE OM EHOMES.C ACH M April7,2023 CoastalPoint B9

TheSabelhausTeamofRE/MAX formallyannouncedthisweektheexpansionoftheirrealestatebusinesswith anewlocationinMillsboro.Thenew locationissituatedinthehistoric1840 Carey’sFrameShopbuildingindowntownMillsboro,whichhasbeenupgradedwhilemaintainingitsuniqueand wonderfulhistory.

TheSabelhausTeamisafamilyownedbusinessestablishedin2005in Clarksburg,Md.,JoeandLisaSabelhauspurchasedtheirfirstRE/MAX TownCenterFranchisein2009and their BaysidehomenearSelbyvillein 2016.Theteam’spassionforSussex Countyanditscommunitiesledthem toexpandtheirbusinesswithanewlocationinMillsboro,theysaid.

“AtthecoreoftheSabelhausTeam’s businessistheirstrongworkethicand

familyvalues.Joe,theyoungestofeight children,andLisa,theyoungestofsix children,haveraisedtheirfivechildren intostrong,independentyoungadults. Thisfamilydynamiciscentraltothe team’scultureandapproachtotheir business.

“ TheSabelhausTeamhasatrack recordofexceptionalservice,withover 70percentoftheirbusinesscoming fromrepeatandreferralcustomers.The other30percentcomesfromvarious marketingefforts,includingdirectmail, socialmedia,andinvolvementinthe localcommunity.Theybelieveingiving firstandearningthetrustandbusiness ofthecommunity,”theyadded.

Theteam’smissionis“toprovidea smoothandstress-freetransactionfor their sellersandbuyerswhilehavinga littlefunalongtheway.Theyhavea

strongteamculturecenteredaround servicefirstandservantselling.Their corevaluesofexcellence,integrity,professionalismandfunareevidentin everythingtheydo.”

AccordingtoLisaSabelhaus,“We believethatconsumersdeserveabetter experienceinbuyingandsellingreales-

tate.Ourgoalistoprovidethatexperiencebydeliveringexceptionalcustomer servicewhileprotectingourclients’ largestasset—theirhome.Weknow thatprovidingthehighestlevelofcustomerservicewillultimatelybenefit everyoneinourcommunities.”

B10 CoastalPoint April7,2023 © 2023 Consumer Cellular Inc. For promo details please call 866-337-1676 CALL CONSUMER CELLULAR 866-337-1676 O First Month of New Service! USE PROMO CODE: GZ59O MARY’S TOUCH MOVING & PACKING Please call Mary at 302-745-1272 or email If you haven’t spoken to Mary, you’ve called the wrong company! Long Distance & Local Moving Service RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Weekly Trips Around The D.C. Beltway • Storage Experts • Executive Moves • Senior Relocation • Full & Partial Packing • Liability & Cargo Insurance 109 Shady Ridge Dr., Rehoboth Beach, DE Small Job Thursday! Schedule NOW and SAVE! SabelhausTeamopensrealestateofficeindowntownMillsboro CoastalPoint•Submitted
Fromleftare,KimBenton,JamieBurk,JvonneOliver,KayleighYarris,RandallCash, MikeDunmyer,MitchRogers,JoeSabelhaus,NadineTimpanaro,LisaSabelhaus, NancyPinera,AnneAngel,ReginaEspositoandKatieBrittingham.


TheBethany-FenwickAreaChamberofCommerceandtheDelaware CenterfortheInlandBays—inpartnershipwithKeepDelawareBeautiful,WasteManagementandthe SurfriderFoundationofDelaware— willhosttheDelawareCoastalCommunityClean-uptocelebrateEarth Day.Fortheeventtakingplaceon Saturday,April22, noon,groupsandindividualsalikeare beinginvitedtoadoptandcleanasectionofroadwaythroughoutThe QuietResorts.

Participantscancleanuptheroadwayswherevertheyseeaneedorcan beassignedtoanarea.Allregistered volunteerswillreceivecheck-indetails

andlocationinformationtheweekof theevent.Eachcleaningareawillbe assignedadesignatedhublocation thatwillbewhereregisteredvolunteerswillcheckin,receiveclean-up supplies,anddiscardcollectedtrash.

Freedisposalisavailable,andcompletedetailswillbeprovidedtoparticipantsviaemail.Thoseinterestedin participatingcansignupatthequietresorts.comuntil8a.m.onApril21. ContacttheChamberat(302)5392100formoreinformation.

Participantsarebeingencouraged totagphotoswith#decoastalcleanup andtag@thequietresortstoshowhow muchtheywereabletocollect,andto encourageotherstodothesame.


April7,2023 CoastalPoint B11 Fillinthegridsothateveryrow,everycolumnandevery 3x3 gridcontainsthedigits1through9.Thatmeansthat no numberisrepeatedinanyrow,columnorbox. Copyright©KevinStone[]
Next to High’s Gas station 30305 Vines Creek Rd, Suite 1, Dagsboro, DE (302) 364-0024 Still time to shop for easter! Physicians Mutual Insurance Company For complete details, including costs and limitations, please contact us. Product not available in all states. 6294 1-888-928-1656 Affordable pet INSURANCE


Lt.Gov.BethanyHall-Longannouncedrecentlythatentriesareopen forthe2023Lt.Governor’sChallenge WellnessLeadershipAward.This awardisgivenannuallytohonorindividualsandorganizationsthroughout Delawarethatcontributetotheadvancementofhealthandwellness.

TheLt.Governor’sChallengerecognizesDelawareanswhohave workedtirelesslytomaketheFirst Stateahealthierplace.Pastwinners havegonetheextramiletoprovide accessible,healthychoicesfortheir communities.

TheLt.Governor’sOfficeisacceptingnominationsforthisyear’s challengeuntilMay12,2023.

Thecompetitionevolvedtofocus oncommunityhealthinspiredby Hall-Long’sbackgroundasaregis-

terednursewithaPh.D. inhealth policyandnursingadministration fromGeorgeMasonUniversity.HallLonghasservedasafellowforthe U.S.DepartmentofHealthand HumanServicesandisaProfessorof NursingandJointFacultyofUrban AffairsattheUniversityofDelaware.

“Sincetheonsetofthechallenge, wehaveseennomineesdrivingchange amongtheirfamilies,neighborhoods, workplaces,communities,and schools,”saidHall-Long.“TheLt. Governor’sChallengerecognizes thosethathavegoneaboveandbeyondtheirorganization’smission,or theirowncommitments,toencourage healthylifestylesandelevatethewellbeing,productivity,andprosperityof ourstate.We’relookingforwardto onceagainrecognizingleaderswho


Howtoparticipateinthe2023 Lt.Governor’sChallenge

Organizations,communitygroups, individuals,andinstitutionsareinvited tonominatethemselvesormembersof theircommunity.Whetheryouare nominatingyourselforagroupyou finddeservingofrecognition,bysharingyournominees’storiesandoutcomesyoumotivatethemtocontinue togrowtheirinitiativeswhileencouragingotherDelawareanstoexamine howtheycanhelpbuildhealthier communities.

TheLt.Governor’sChallenge seekstorecognizeorganizations, schools,workplacesorindividualswho

areadvancingthegoalsofahealthier Delawareinoneoffourareasoffocus: Emotionalwell-being;HealthyLiving; ChronicDiseaseManagementand Prevention;andMotherandChild Health.

Animportantcriterionforwinning theLt.Governor’sChallengeistheinclusionofdatathatreflectshowthe nominee’sprogrampositivelyaffected thelivesofDelawareans.Thecompetition’sreviewcommitteewantstosee hownomineesdrovethemosteffective resultsthroughpolicy,system,andenvironmental(PSE)changes—strategicanddeliberatewaysofaddressing publichealthissues.

ProgramsthatfollowPSEchanges createanenvironmentwherehealthy choicesareencouragedthroughpolicy, supportedbythesystem,andmade easilyavailabletothetargetcommunity.Applicantsshoulddetailhow theirPSEinitiativesresultedinmeasurablehealthchangesamongtheir focuspopulation.

“Thepastthreeyearshaveshown usthatitismoreimportantthanever tocreatehealthyandthrivingcommunities.TheLt.Governor’sChallengeis abouthonoringDelawareanswhohave gonetheextramiletogetresults,and havethedatatobackitup,”HallLongsays.“Welookforwardtoseeing theexemplaryworkthisyear’snomineeshavedonetobuildahealthier Delaware.”

Examplesofsuccessfulapplicants include:

•HopeLutheranEarlyEducation, foracookingclasstoteachchildren abouthealthyeating;

•DelawareStateUniversityWesley CollegeofHealthandBehavioralSciences,fordevelopingasurveyto screenforfoodinsecurityamongDSU students;

•KuehneCompany,forcreatinga WellnessWednesdayprogramforemployees;


•TheEcoTeamatGeorgeS. WelchElementary,foraneducation programtoexpandonenvironmental literacyandknowledge;

•TheCommunityEducation Building,foritshealthinitiativeto providefoodsecurityandaccessto physicalandmentalhealthservicesto thoseinneed;

•SchellBrothersHomebuilders,for itsemployeewellnessprogramming andfacilities;

•ErikaCookoftheCarlM.FreemanCompanies,forprogrammingto combatsocialisolationanddepression forresidentsatSelbyville’sBayside community.

Visitltgovernorschallenge.orgfor moreinformationandfullentryrules andrequirements.

B12 CoastalPoint April7,2023


Bayside, West Fenwick

The ultimate furnished coastal beach house with over 3,800 sq ft of luxurious living space, elevator, and every upgrade imaginable. Beautiful home with 5 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, living area with gas fireplace, gourmet chef’s kitchen, small office, 3-season room, deck, screened porch, 2 car garage and more! Located in the best location at bayside with views of the pool, pond, and golf course. Wonderful amenity rich community.

MLS DESU2037622 $1,649,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


37113 W Fenwick Blvd, Swann Cove, Selbyville

The Ocean is calling! Specially Designed home with Craftmanship Galore.! 4 bedroom/ 3 bath +Loft. Designer kitchen, primary first-floor bed/bath with additional guest room/office. Oversize garage with 18ft clearance and 8 ft tall. Outside shower with changing area. Screen porch, side deck, patio, and front porch for outside living. Community pool, & exercise room. You can have it all.

MLS DESU2037658 684,900

Call Kathy Cramer 302-236-5630


Windhurst Manor, Millville

A stylish and spacious 2-story villa offers a kitchen with granite countertops, dining area, a spacious living room and sunroom with lots of windows to let the sunshine in, a large 1st-floor primary bedroom and bathroom with a walk-in shower. Upstairs, is a roomy loft area, 2 awesome sized guest rooms and a full bathroom. Plus, a 1 car garage and a secluded patio. Small community with a pool. Great location with easy access to Rt 26, the gorgeous state parks, some of the best golf courses around and the beach.

MLS DESU2037848 $409,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Bethany Lakes, Bethany

A pristine, designer furnished showcase that offers an open floorplan, a living/dining room area, a family room with a gas fireplace, a gourmet kitchen with a large island/breakfast bar, and eat-in breakfast nook, a fabulous sunroom and luxurious primary suite. Upstairs, is a large loft, 4 guest bedrooms (one with a full-size armoire) and 2 full bathrooms. Plus, a large deck with a hot tub, and a 2-car garage. Located in a gated community with a pool, tennis/pickleball courts and more. A short drive to Bethany, James Farm, and John West Park.MLS DESU2037258 $1,199,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Ocean Mist, Ocean View

Stunning spacious townhome with a pond view features an open floor plan, numerous upgrades, gourmet kitchen with an island, breakfast bar, and dining area, living room with a gas fireplace, powder room, screened porch, and deck. The second floor offers a large primary bedroom with private balcony, 2 guest rooms and a bathroom. The third floor has a huge ensuite with separate office space or sitting/tv room and private balcony. Plus, there is an outdoor shower and garage. Less than 2 miles to the beach. Easy access to restaurants, walking trails, golfing and more. MLS DESU2035318 $629,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Bethany West, Bethany Beach

A rare opportunity to build your dream home on this 81x100 cleared lot with an in-town location! Located in the very popular Bethany West community featuring 2 outdoor pools, tennis/pickleball courts, a fitness center, a meeting room, playgrounds, and access to the Assawoman Canal. Jump on the trolley (.25) to the beach or take advantage of your Oceanside permit parking (on permit only) streets. Impact fees are due when construction starts. Great price and a great opportunity.

MLS DESU2033514 $407,000

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Turtle Walk, Bethany Beach

This wonderful home offers over 2800 square feet of perfection, beautiful, dark-style hardwood floors, a kitchen/dining area with new granite counter tops, open living room, a sun-filled family room/sunroom and 1st floor primary bedroom with granite vanity. Upstairs are 2 nice-sized guest bedrooms, guest bathroom, and ensuite bedroom with private bath. Plus, a one-car garage, rear fenced yard, screened porch, deck and outside shower. Your Bethany Beach address entitles you to one free parking permit at designated streets and trolley rides for .25 to the beach. MLS DESU2032698 $799,999 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Bethany Bay, Ocean View

Enjoy mesmerizing early morning sunrises, tidal wetlands, and amazing wildlife from an extensively upgraded home with one of the best views in Bethany Bay. Carefree living from this contemporary home offering an open floor plan with an electric fireplace, remodeled kitchen, improved primary bedroom and bathroom, 2 guest rooms, guest bathroom and an amazing 3 season room with breathtaking views. Plus, a garage, front porch, and a wraparound deck. Gorgeous community with rich amenities, water access and conveniently located to the public beaches, shopping, and awesome restaurants. MLS DESU2034646 $599,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Bethany West, Bethany

A meticulously cared for beach cottage. Furnished with an inviting, nautical style, wide plank wood flooring throughout, 4 bedrooms, 2 full remodeled bathrooms, 2 outdoor showers and an expansive backyard. Many recent upgrades. Take the Town Trolley, walk or bike to the beach, shopping and dining. Kayak on the Assawoman Canal. Grab your racket, paddle, or basketball. Lounge by one of the community pools! Very low annual HOA.

MLS DESU2026346 $779,000

Call Julia Hudson 301-641-6267


Bethany Bay, Ocean View

Fantastic views of the wetlands, water, and wonderful wildlife from every room in this top-floor furnished luxury condo. This spacious condo offers a 2-story living /dining room area with an electric fireplace, a large eat-in kitchen, screened porch, large primary bedroom, and a guest bedroom. Upstairs are 2 spacious ensuites with excellent views. Discover Bethany Bay and its 1st class amenities while being located near many of the state parks, beaches, quaint shopping, and quality restaurants.

MLS DESU2034422 $495,000

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457

Captains Grant, Millsboro

Possible 2 family living! Come see this 4 bedroom/2 bath with New Flooring. This Class C home has a 2-car garage, shed (12x16), handicapped ramp, deck (12x 20), 2 patios, cast iron chiminea, dog fence and outside lighting for evening nights. Modified for mobility. Just $315,900

MLS DESU2037326

Call Kathy C 302-236-5630 or Vickie B 302-542-6253 to see!

Wingate Rd, Frankford

Here's an opportunity to own 2+ acres in a quiet, convenient location halfway between Bethany Beach and Millsboro, DE. Existing 3 bedroom, 2 bath double wide mobile home has lots of potential and is being sold "as is". No HOA fees.

MLS DESU2028628 $299,000

Call Martha Smith 302.249.0464

Please contact one of our experienced agents for your real estate needs!

302-228-8900 Linda
302-249-0464 SOLD SOLD April7,2023 CoastalPoint B13
Vickie Binsted 302-542-6253 Julia Hudson 301-641-6267 Nicole Frank 610-842-4521 Sondra Connor 302-245-1435
Cramer 302-236-5630
Mueller 302-245-0741


TheLordBaltimoreLions Club,withtheadministration ofSelbyvilleMiddleSchool, in2019sponsoredtheirAntiDrugPosterContesttopromoteawarenessofthedangers andpermanentdamageto healthandfamilyrelationshipscausedbyillegaldrug use.

COVIDpreventedacontestin2020and2021,butthis yearthegroupwasableto haveanotherpostercontest. WiththeapprovalofPrincipalJasonMacridesandthe coordinationofartteacher MaloryAnderson,theseventh-gradestudentsproduced 38entries.Theposterswere judgedbytwomembersofthe LionsClubandtheschoolresourceofficer.

“Througheducation, parentalguidance,communicationandpeersupport,our youngstudentscansetchallenginggoalsforagreatfuture andahealthyadultlifestyleby avoidingtheuseofnon-prescribed drugsanddangeroussubstances,”said LionsClubrepresentativesPaul BoltonandJohnMonahan.“Beinga healthy,happyyoungpersonwith

trustedpeerfriendshipswholearns earlythedangersofthepowerful drugsthatare abusedcanbeequipped withtherighttoolsandthegood senseto‘SayNoToDrugs.’

“Thiscontestwasastepinthe rightdirectiontoinvolvethestudents inanexercisethatraisesawarenessof thedrugproblemwhentheycreated theirmessage/postersfortheirpeers

toviewthem,”theysaid.“We allneedtodomore.”

Entrieswerejudgedonthe artist’sabilitytoconveythe themeofadrug-freehealthy lifestylemessagetotheir peers.Judgesconsideredthe theme,originalityofthesubmission,qualityoftheartwork,andoverallartistic abilityandcreativity.Sixwinningposterswereselected. ThewinnersareEmily JimenezCalles,Madison Durstine,MadelynFaucett, BraydenRobinson,Talia MoutcaliasandCyrusFleming.

Hocker’sGrocery&Deli donatedcouponsforafree “baby”-sizeicecreamconeto allparticipants,alongwitha thank-younotefromthe LionsClub.Beginnerartkits, donatedbymembersofthe LionsClub,were presentedto thewinners,andtheirposters willbedisplayedintheschool cafeteriaforalltosee.The $50cashprizeswerepresentedinpersontothesixwinnersatSelbyville MiddleSchoolonWednesday,March 15,byJanetBauer,presidentofthe LordBaltimoreLionsClub.

Is this your screen porch? BEFORE AFTER Is this your screen porch? BEFORE AFTER YOU CALL –WE SCREEN! • New Screen Porches with SUPER SCREEN • Eze Breeze 3 Season Enclosures • Porch Re-Screen & Eze-Breeze Panels Re-Vinyl • Phantom Retractable Screen Doors • Phantom Motorized Screens with Screen Mesh and/or Clear Vinyl • New Sliding or Swinging Screen Doors & Re-Screen • Solar Screens for Windows & Roll Down Solar Shades 410-520-0025 302-604-0006 Drop-Off&Pick-Up SlidingDoor, WindowRe-Screen &Re-VinylService CallforDetails MHIC# 12462 NEW B14 CoastalPoint April7,2023
CoastalPoint•Submitted TheLordBaltimoreLionsClubrecentlyannouncedwinnersoftheiranti-drugpostercontest.Pictured abovearemostoftheannouncedwinners.


OnWednesday,April12,ReWild DELMARVAfounderHollyFluty Dempseywillleadaninteractivetalkat BethanyBeachTownHallontheuseof nativeplantsandcontemporarylandscapingpractices.

Participantswillexplorehoweveryonecanmakeadifferenceintheiryards, ontheirdecks,andintheircommunities.BasedatIslandBaysGardenCenter,ReWildDELMARVAadvocates fortheuseofnativeplants,treesand shrubsthatareideallysuitedtoourcon-

ditions,willsupportbeneficialinsects, pollinatorsandbirds,whilealsoreducingtheneedforintensivewateringand maintenance.

Theeventissponsoredbythe BethanyBeachCultural&Historical AffairsCommittee,andwilltakeplace at5p.m.


HomegrownNationalParks,anational movementstartedbyUniversityof DelawareProfessorDr.DougTallamy. TreatsfromOldWorldBreadswillbe

providedaswellaswildflowermeadow seedstoblossominyouroutdoorspace.

F lutyDempseyisaDelawareMaster NaturalistInternandtrainingtobea PollinatorStewardwiththePollinator Partnership.ServiceinthePeaceCorps launchedhercareerwiththeUS AgencyforInternationalDevelopment untilherretirementfromtheForeign Service.SheandherhusbandarefourtimewinnersintheBethanyBeach4th ofJulyparade;in2022theirfirst-place entryfeaturednativeplants,abeekeeper


TheTownofDagsboro—with sponsorshipsfromMorseHomeImprovement,Roofing&Siding,and DelawareBotanicGardenatPepper Creek—willbehostingthe6thAnnualTownofDagsboroEasterEgg HuntattheoldDagsborofirehall(now theArtesianWaterfacility)at10a.m.

Registrationwillbeginpromptlyat 10a.m.,withtheEasterEggHunts






Therewillbe4,000EasterEggsavailableforhunting,alongwithfunprizes, gamesforthekids(courtesyofCrossroadsCommunityChurch),firetrucks

fromtheDagsborofirecompany,police carsfromtheDagsboroPoliceDepartmentandavisitfromtheEasterBunny.

FieldsponsorsincludeJayne’sReliable,DagsboroPaint&Wallpaper, Marvel’sPortableWelding,TheClayton Theatre,TheGoodOl’BoyFoundation, DagsboroChurchofGod,AlphaRoofing&Siding,andCareyInsurance Group.


TheRehobothArtLeagueisseeking enthusiasticvolunteerstotrainforthe 2023HomesteadDocentProgram.Volunteerswillgettotalktovisitorswhoare visitingRALforthefirsttimeorengage withpeoplewhoarecominghometothe beach,meetnewfriends,andlearnabout thelocalartandculturescene.

Originallybuiltin1743byPeter Marsh,thehistoricHomesteadremains thecentralpartoftheartleague’scampus.Thehouseboastsarichhistory,havingservedtenantfarmerfamiliesfor morethantwocenturies,then,inthe 1930sbecominghometothefounderof theRehobothArtLeague,Louise

Corkran.TheHomesteadismaintained bytheirnonprofitandmadeaccessibleto thepublicatnocosttoenableabetter understandingoflocalhistoryandthe developmentoftheregionalartsscene.A devotedcorpsofvolunteers,theleague’s HomesteadDocentsoffertheirtime,energy,andknowledgetostaffthebuilding eachyearfromMaythroughOctober, andoftenarethefirstfaceoftheorganizationtonewvisitors.

Forinterestedparties,ameetingwill beheldonMonday,April17,from12-2 p.m.intheChambersBuildingonthe RehobothArtLeaguecampus.RSVPby April14toExhibitionsDirectorNick

TheRehobothArtLeagueissupported,inpart,byagrantfromthe DelawareDivisionoftheArts,astate agency,inpartnershipwiththeNational EndowmentfortheArts.TheDivision promotesDelawareartseventson

Foradditionalinformationaboutthis exhibit,theArtLeague,itsclasses,memberships,eventsandexhibitions,visitthe websiteatRehobothArtLeague.orgor call(302)227-8408.Youcanfindthem onFacebookandInstagram@RehobothArtLeague.

andahuman-sizedbutterfly. Since2005,theBethanyBeachCultural&HistoricalAffairsCommittee hasbeensponsoringculturaleventsduringtheoffseason.Topicsofinterestrun thegamutfromshipwrecksandtreasurestomusicandhistorictales.Allprogramsarefreeandopentothepublic.

South Coastal Library is accepting donations of gently used books, audiobooks & DVDs. All items must be brought to the library lobby on Tuesdays from 2-4:00 pm.

Please note that some of our programs have limited in-person seating. Visit our website or call the library to register & learn more about our events!

Saturday, April 1—Saturday, April 15

Search for and find the 12 bunnies hidden in the kids’ room to win a prize! For ages 11 & under, please.

Monday, April 10 Genealogy Workshop 2—4:00 pm

Join historian, Mike Dixon, for the first part in a 3-part genealogy workshop!

Tuesday, April 11 Feelings Rock! 10:30 am—11:30 am

Feelings Rock is a program designed to help children & their families work through every day emotions! We will also be making a craft!

Step Back in Time Book Club 2—3:00 pm

Join us for this month’s historical fiction book club where we will be discussing Jacqueline in Paris by Ann Mah.

PAWS for Reading 4—5:00 pm

Children read to a team of well-trained dogs to build confidence & improve their reading skills!

Wednesday, April 12

Baby Bookworms Story Time 10-10:45 am

Children ages birth-2 can practice language, motor, social, & listening skills through a variety of activities!

Little Learners Story Time 11-11:45 am

Kids ages 3-5 can enjoy a variety of activities designed to help Improve pre-literacy skills!

Did They Do It?: True Crime Book Club 2—3:30 pm

Join us in welcoming Attorney General, Kathy Jennings, as our guest speaker for this month’s meeting!

Thursday, April 13

Story & Art with Artist Jaqueline Boyd 5—6:00 pm Artist, Jaqueline Boyd, will teach your child how to draw illustrations from a book!

Friday, April 14

Gentle Yoga 10—11:15 am & 11:45 am—1:00 pm

Join certified yoga instructor, Myra Stock, for a gentle yoga class!

PrimaryCarewithAGH: Ourproviderswillseeyounow!

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PrimaryCare+Pediatrics, WestOceanCity MelissaBraniff,CRNP Women’sHealth,WestOceanCity WendyCorkran,CRNP PrimaryCare,WestFenwick KerriEllinger,PA-C Women’sHealth,W.OceanCity AllisonPusey,CRNP PrimaryCare,OceanPines
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40 Years of Experience in Residential Plumbing

e founders have over 40 years of experience in the industry and are quite happy about the customer relationships they have built over the years. We are a reliable, hardworking, and customer-oriented company o ering high-quality services because we understand the urgent nature of the job we do.

DelawareTransitCorporation seekingpublicinput

DelawareTransitCorporation (DTC)isleadingayear-long, statewidetransitstudy,“DART Reimagined:ReshapingDARTTransit ServicestoMeettheNeedsofToday andBeyond,”toidentifyopportunities toreconfigurethebusnetworkand provideamoresustainableandequitabletransitsystemforallDelawareans.Thegoalistocollaboratewith riders,thepublic,municipalities,businesses,stateagenciesandotherkey stakeholderstogarnerinputonexistingDARTservicesandtohelpidentifyfuture goalsforsystem improvementsthatmeetriderneeds.

TheDARTReimaginedproject teamisactivelyevaluatingthecurrent systemandwouldliketoencouragecurrentandfuturecustomerstotakeadigitalsurveywhichisopenthroughFriday, April21.Surveyinsightswillhelp DARTbetterunderstandthechallenges andopportunitiesofexistingtransitaccess,andhowconnectionsacrossthe state maybeimprovedtoaccommodate currentandfutureriderneeds.Thesurveycanbeaccessedat www.DARTReimagined.comand shouldtakelessthan10minutesto complete.Participantscanchoosetobe enteredintoadrawingforafreesevenDayPass,with10luckyentriesbeing selected.

Reliable Plumbing Experts

As a homeowner, it is very di cult to remember how much plumbing material is installed throughout the property. If you discover any leaks or cracks, it is apparent that something is not right. Contact us instantly, and we will assist you with a range of plumbing services.

“Customerfeedbackiscriticalin helpingusshapethefutureofpublic transportationinDelaware,”saidSecretaryofTransportationNicoleMajeski. “Wewanttohearfromasmanypeople acrossthestateaspossibleduringthis processandeveryresponseisgreatlyappreciated.”

Thestudykickedoffearlierthisyear withtheprojectteamidentifyingan

ExecutiveAdvisoryCommittee(EAC), thatmeetsbi-monthly,aswellasfour TechnicalAdvisoryCommittees (TACs),onerepresentingeachCounty andtheCityofWilmington,thatmeet quarterly.Thegroupsrepresentawiderangeexpertiseacrossthestate,includingmunicipalities,government organizations,HispanicandLatino communityleaders,transitadvocates, disabilitiesandelderlycommunityorganizations,universities,businesses, metropolitanplanningorganizations andmore.

“We’regratefulfortheenthusiastic engagementofourEACandTACs. Actingasambassadors,themembers playanintegralroleingarneringinput fromtheircommunity,customers,constituents,students,neighbors,andemployees,”saidJohnSisson,Chief ExecutiveOfficerofDelawareTransit Corporation.“Thisdataisparamountin helpingusunderstandthetransportationneedsofourcurrentandfutureriders.”

Thissummer,DARTwillbeconductingCommunityWorkshops throughoutthestateforadditionalcustomerandstakeholderengagement.For moreinformationonDARTReimaginedandtheprojectprogressandtimeline,pleasevisit

TheDelawareTransitCorporation, asubsidiaryoftheDelawareDepartment ofTransportation(DelDOT),operatesDARTFirstState.Formore information,pleasevisitDartFirstState.comorcall1-800-652-DART. Real-TimeBusInformationandDART Pass,themobilefarepaymentoption, arebothavailableonthefreeDART TransitApp(iOSandAndroid).

B16 CoastalPoint April7,2023
Drain Cleaning Mainline Cleaning Faucet Repair Water Leaks Tankless Water Heaters Complete Water Heating Service Plumbing Enterprises, LLC Plumbing & Gas Services

TheOceanWavesQuiltGuild’s 2023QuiltShow,“FabricofLife,”will beheldApril13-15,atSussexAcademy, 21150AirportRoad,Georgetown. Morethan300judgedandnon-judged quiltsmadebyguildmembersand friendsoftheguildwillbeexhibited, alongwithQuiltsofValor.Quiltsthat havebeenenteredforjudgingwillbe judgedbynationallycertifiedjudges SandraDorrbeckerandBethPauley.

Thebiennialshowistheguild’sprimaryfundraiserandhelpstheguildto continueitsmissionofeducationand charitablecommunityservice.

Theshow’sfeaturedartist,Edyta Sitar,isaninternationallyrecognized quilter,authorandteacherfromOxnard,Calif.Asthefounderandowner ofhercompany,LaundryBasketQuilts, shecarriesonherfamilytraditionthat fabricsandthreadshavestitchedtogetherthroughthegenerations.

“Thecombinationofinspiration,a loveforfabric,akeeneyeforcolor,and herfamilyteachingsblendedintothe recipeforatalentinconstructingamazingquilts,creatinginnovativequilting patterns,designingbeautifultraditional andbatikfabricsforModaandnowfor Andover,anddesigningstunningthread forAurifil.Shehaspublishednumerous books,beenfeaturedinmanymagazines,andherquiltshavebeenhonored indisplaysaroundtheworld,”organizerssaid.

Theshowwillfeatureanexhibitof Sitar’squilts,andshewillofferheroriginalquiltingpatternsandfabricsforsale at theVendors’Mart.Shewillgivea lectureandtrunkshow,includedinthe priceofquiltshowadmission,onFriday, April14,at5:30p.m.

TheVendors’Martincludes37vendorsofferingbothquiltingandnonsewingitemsforsale.Attendeescan alsotakeachanceonaraffledrawing for24quilts,includingaspecialOpportunityQuiltand20themedbaskets; bringaquilttobeappraisedbyAQS certifiedappraiserKarenDever;voteon theguild’splacematchallenge;shopat the SecondTimeAroundboothofferingbargainsonquiltfabric,sewingnotions,booksandmagazines;participate inquiltingdemos;andhavelunchatthe on-sitecateredfoodservice.

TheQuiltShowwillbeopenThursday,April13,andFriday,April14,from 10a.m.to5p.m.,andSaturday,April 15,from10a.m.to3p.m.Freeparking isavailableatSussexAcademy.Admissiontotheshowcosts$10foroneday, $15fortwodaysor$20forthreedays.

Visitoceanwavesquiltguild.orgfor moredetailsabouttheQuiltShowand laundrybasketquilts.comforinformationaboutEdytaSitar.

TheOceanWavesQuiltGuildInc. (OWQG),withacurrentmembership of250members,wasorganizedin1997 forthepurposeofincreasingmembers’

knowledgeofquiltingandpromoting generalawarenessoftheart.Theguild meetsonceamonthatConley’sUnited MethodistChurch,33106JolynsWay, Lewes,from10a.m.tonoon.Theguild welcomesanyoneinterestedandencouragesindividualstobecomeanactive member.

OWQGseekstodevelopandexpandsitsmembers’quiltingskillsand knowledgethroughavarietyofeducationalopportunitiesdesignedtoperpetuatetheartofquiltingandcontribute tomembers’growthandenrichment, suchaspresentationsbyandclasses withwell-knownquilters,bustripsto quiltshows,quilters’studios,museums, pre-meetingdemonstrations,quilting bees,andanannualmulti-dayretreat.

The guildsharesinformationwithits membersviaanewsletterandwebsite.

Ashow-and-tellisheldateachmeeting,inwhichmembersareencouraged tosharetheirprojectswiththeguild membership.

Membersparticipateinaprogram thatsupportstheneedsofthecommunitybysewinganddonatingitemsto variouscharitiesandorganizations.One guildmeetingeachyearissetasideasa “sew-in,”atwhichmembersgatherto workontheitemstheguilddonates. Throughouttheremainderoftheyear, OWQGmembers,aswellasotherindividualsfromoutsidetheguild,contributefabric,theirtime,andtheir talentsinsmallergroupsorindividually tosewtheitems.

Theguildsewsanddonatespatriotic QuiltsofValortomembersofthemilitaryandveteransinrecognitionoftheir service.Teddybearsmadeofred,white

andbluefabricaregiventochildrenattendingtheTransferCeremonyat DoverAirForceBaseforafallenfamily member.First-respondersandhospital emergencyroomsreceiveteddybears madefromjuvenilefabrictocomfort childrenduringdifficultsituations.

Pillowcasesaregiventochildrenand adultinpatientsatlocalhospitalsand thoseundergoinginfusiontreatments. Heartpillowsaresewnforpatientsreceivingtreatmentforbreastcancerat BeebeHealthcareandtotheCancer SupportCommunityofDelaware.Infantburialgowns,madefrombridal gowns,aredistributedtoChristiana CaresandA.I.DuPontChildren’sHospital.Numerousquiltsaresewnfor

• Planter Garden Demonstration by Jan Poli

TICKETS: Single member $75 | nonmember $100 Couple member $125 | nonmember $150 For more information, please contact Sheryl Swed at

April7,2023 CoastalPoint B17 • Newly planted 200,000+ spring bulbs thousands in the Folly • New fireplace ruin enhances the Folly • Reflecting pool with spring bulbs • Piano and vocals by Vincent Varrassi
• Catered by Bearhole
works FRIDAY | APRIL 14, 2023 | 4:30–6:30 PM 30220 Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, DE 19939 Limited tickets available for this very intimate gathering of the Delaware Botanic Gardens with the newly planted spring bulbs including, Crocus, Grape Hyacinths, Daffodils and Tulips in the Piet Oudolf Meadow and the Folly Garden.
• Local artists displaying their
delaware botanic gardens frolic in the folly Live Music, Wine, & Light Refreshments Enjoy
Sponsored by OceanWavesQuiltGuildtohost‘FabricofLife’ SeeGUILDpage18


TheMid-AtlanticSymphonyOrchestrahaselectedPhilipJ.Webster andPhilipDavistoitsBoardofDirectors.Theorchestra’smissionis“toinspire,enrich,educateandentertaina diverseaudienceofallagesthroughlive musicalperformancesandtoengage studentsintheworldofmusicthrough itsoutreachprograms.Thismissionis onlypossiblewiththesupportand guidanceofastrongboardofdirectors,” representativessaid.

Along-timeresidentofSt.Michaels, Md., Websterbringsdecadesofvolunteerservicewithartsorganizationsto theorchestra.Websterservedaspublic relationsdirectoroftheSeventhU.S. ArmySymphonyOrchestrainEurope; managerofTheHandelandHaydnSocietyofBostonorchestraandchorus; boardmemberoftheBostonWomen’s

SymphonyOrchestra;chairmanofthe WalnutStreetTheatreofPhiladelphia, theUnitedStates’oldesttheater;onthe PublicRelationsCommitteeofthe PhiladelphiaOrchestra;chairmanofInternationalHouseofPhiladelphiaand itsannualFestivalofWorldCinema; andproduceroftheInternational ChoralFestivalinSymphonyHall, Bostonwithchorusesfrom15countries.

OntheEasternShore,Websterhas servedasthefoundingboardchairman oftheAvalonTheatreandAvalon Foundation;vicepresidentandboard memberofChesapeakeMusic;and chairmanandfounderoftheAspenInstituteWyeFellowsanditsmusicseries. Hehasalsoservedlocallyontheboards or asacommitteememberofSultana EducationFoundation,ChesapeakeBay

MaritimeMuseum,MilesRiverYacht ClubFoundation,EasternShoreLand Conservatory,ShoreRivers,Waterfowl Chesapeake,ChristChurch-St. Michaels,EpiscopalDioceseofEaston, ChesapeakeCollegeFoundation,Mid ShoreCommunityFoundationand AspenInstituteWyeRiverCampus.

DaviswasraisedinaChicagosuburb butcameeastforcollegeandlaw school.Aftergraduatingfromthe GeorgeWashingtonLawSchool,Davis clerkedforaFederalDistrictCourt judgeandthenjoinedtheWashington, D.C.,officeofKirkland&Ellis,where hebecamealitigationpartnerinantitrust,employmentandgeneralcommercialmatters.HeeventuallyleftKirkland tobecomeafoundingpartneratwhatis nowknownasWileyRein.AtWiley, hislitigationpracticeevolvedintoana-

tionally-recognizedgovernmentcontractspractice,representingadiverse arrayofclientsthatdidbusinesswith thefederalgovernment,primarilyinthe defensefield.

Besideshislegalpractice,Davis servedforseveralyearsinfirmmanagementandasthefirm’srecruitingpartner.Now,asseniorcounsel,hehasaless demandingschedule,butstillperiodicallyadviseshiscolleaguesandclients whencalledupon.

OntheEasternShore,Davishas graduallybecomeamoreinvolved memberofthecommunity.Heisa mentorwithTalbotMentors,ayouth mentoringorganizationthatprovides support,guidanceandcoachingto youngpeopleinTalbotCounty;hecurrentlymentorsajunioratEastonHigh School.Davisisalsoamemberof ChristChurch,St.Michaels,where, amongotheractivities,heservesonthe Vestry.Inaddition,theDavisessupport theAvalonFoundation,AcademyArt MuseumandChesapeakeBayMaritimeMuseum,andaremembersofthe TalbotCountryClub.

BoardPresidentJeffreyParkersaid, “TheadditionofbothPhilipWebster and PhilipDaviswillreinforceand strengthenanalreadymotivatedand ambitiousboardofdirectors.Wewelcomethemandlookforwardtoallthat theywillbringtoourgreatorganization.”



newborns,olderchildrenandadultsat localhospitals,sheltersandotherorganizations,includingBayhealthMedical Centers,NanticokeMemorialHospital, DelawareHospice,theRosaHealth Center,HabitatforHumanityand more.

Tofinanciallysupporttheguild’seducationandcommunityservicemission, theguildorganizesabiennialQuilt Showtodisplayquiltsmostrecently madeprimarilybyguildmembersand educateotherquiltersandthegeneral publicaboutthisbeautifulformoftextile artandquiltingtechniques.

B18 CoastalPoint April7,2023 Main Street, Dagsboro, DE 302-732-6661 • Celebrating 58Years! Specializing in Residential & Commercial Flooring Free Estimates, Sales & Service Mohawk, Shaw, Ceramic Tile, Carpet, LVP/LVT Floors, Vinyl, Laminate & Hardwood Floors, Hunter Douglas Window Treatments

SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys Ananglerhopestoland‘thebigone’at DelawareSeashoreStateParkon


Registrationopenfor OceantoBaytour

Registrationisopenforthe2023 OceantoBayBikeTourpresentedby theBethany-FenwickAreaChamberof Commerce,tobeheldonApril28-29. Morethan2,000cyclistswillhavethe choiceofa10-,30-,50-,62.5-or100mileride,travelingthroughoutSouthernDelaware’sbeachesandbays. Registrantswillreceiveaccesstoexclusivegiftsandamenities,includinga long-sleevetechT-shirtandreststops.

Saturdayriders(30-,50-,62.5-or 100-mile routes)canregisterfor$70 throughoutthemonthofMarch.Teams ofsixormorecanregisterfor$55per person.StartingonApril1,registration priceswillincrease.Toregisteronline, fromtheSaturdayridewillbenefitlocal first-responders,aswellasContractors foraCause,JustinW.JenningsFoundationandtheHarryKFoundation.

InadditiontotheSaturdaytour, therewillbea10-mileCoastalCruise onFriday,April28,andSaturday,April 29,featuringanout-and-backroute fromBethanyBeachtotheBigChill BeachClubattheIndianRiverInlet.

RegistrationfortheCoastalCruise alonecosts$35,andcyclistscanaddit ontotheirSaturdayrideforanadditional$15.

April7,2023 CoastalPoint B19 Professional Service at the standard you deserve. Home • Auto • Farm • Flood • Boat & RV Renters • Commercial • Liability Over 50 Years Experience 302.539.9052 • 800.252.9052 1100 N. Pennsylvania Avenue & Coastal Highway • Bethany Beach, Delaware 19930 AWNING SALE! America’s #1 Best-Selling Awnings Call Today for Your FREE In-Home Consultation! 302-537-3679 • 877-673-7971 Call Today & Save! Owners Dave & Kelly Goodman Celebrating 20 Years in Business A+


Dr.DavidR.Legatesisaformer professorofgeographyatUniversity ofDelaware,whoservedasthestate’s climatologist,andisaclimatechange skepticor“climatedenier.”

HespokeinlateMarchatbotha townhallonelectricvehiclesin MillsboroonMarch28,sponsored bytheSussexCountyandDelaware RepublicanParty,andattheSouth CoastalPublicLibraryonMarch27, sponsoredbythe38thDistrictRe-

publicanClubandtheSussex CountyRepublicanWomen’sClub.

Hisspeechwasentitled:“Thelies ofclimatescience,”andLegatesis determinedtodebunkwhathebelievesarescientificmythsaboutclimatechangeimpacts.Legatesalso servedunderPresidentDonaldJ. Trumpasdeputyassistantsecretary ofcommerceforobservationand predictionattheNationalOceanic andAtmosphericAdministration, NOAA.

HeistheformerDirectorofthe CenterforClimaticResearchatUD. Legates’treatise,inastudyheco-authoredin2015,isthattheearthwill onlywarmbyonedegreeCelsius(1.8 degreesFahrenheit)fromtheyear 2000to2100.Theearthispresently warmingattherateof.08degrees Celsiusevery10yearsandhas warmedovertwodegreesFahrenheit overthepast100years.

Legateshasspentmuchofhiscareercastingdoubtontheseverityof climatechangeandthehuman causesofglobalwarming.HeisaffiliatedwiththeHeartlandInstitute,a thinktankthatpromotesthedenial ofclimatechange,accordingtoits


24/7 Emergency Service $75 Value with the purchase of annual maintenance agreement: $250/year ($150 per additional unit) includes bi-annual cleaning & tune-up. FREE HVAC INSPECTION Voted Best HVAC Company in Sussex! 302.500.3334 BIGWAVEHVAC.COM INFO@BIGWAVEHVAC.COM B20 CoastalPoint April7,2023
CoastalPoint•MikeSmith DavidLegatesspeaksattherecentrally inMillsborosponsoredbytheSussex CountyandDelawareRepublicanParty.


Globalwarmingandclimate changeareoverstated,hesaidatthe MillsboroEVmandateprotestrally event.“Wedonotlettheoceantake overonAtlanticAvenueinBethany Beach,”saidLegates.“Wepayforthe beachreplenishment.”

“Somehow,carbondioxidehasbecomethedemongas,”saidLegatesof CO2andgreenhousegas.“Weare beingtoldthatwecannotuseour stoves.Wearenowtoldfarmerscannotusefertilizerstogrowourfood.”

“Actually,wehaveseenadecrease ofozoneandthat’sagoodthing,” notedtheformerUDprofessorwho earnedhisbachelor’sdegree,master’s degree,andPhDinclimatologyallat thatinstitution.Ozoneisformedby bothnaturalandman-madechemicalsintheatmosphere,henoted.

LegatesstatedthatGov.John Carneytalkedabouttheeffectsof climatechangewhichthegovernor notedare“veryreal,”inhisstateof theStateofDelawareaddress.Carney’sexactlanguage,fromJanuary 19,is:“We’rethelowest-lyingstate inthenation.Andtheeffectsofclimatechangeandsealevelriseon Delawarecommunitiesarereal. We’reseeingthemeveryday.”


“Withthehelpoffederalinfrastructurefunding,wewillaccelerateeffortstobuildoutDelaware’selectric vehiclecharginginfrastructure.And we’llrestoreinvestmentsinthe CleanWaterTrust—toprotectour waterwaysanddrinkingwater.”

“Areweseeingthemeverysingle day,”queriedLegatestotheMillsborocrowdofnearly400people.

“No.Tropicalstormsarenotmore frequent.Hurricanesarenotbecomingmoreintense.Tornadoactivityis actuallydown,”saidLegatesbefore thisweek’srampanttornadoesacross theMidwest,where22peopledied inLittleRock,Ark.,nearIndianapolis,Ind.,inMcNairyCounty,Tenn., andoneadditionalpersonwhowas killedinBelvedere,Ill.

Morethan50preliminarytornado reportswererecordedlastFridayin atleastsevenstates,justaweeksince Legates’talkatthelocalpubliclibrary.Closertohome,atornado toucheddowninBridgevilleandwas reportedinGreenwood,killingat leastoneperson.

“Theseimpactshavetodowith landusechangeand,asaclimatologist,Icansayit’snotfromclimate change,”addedLegates.“Itisbecauseofurbansprawl.”


andkillingoffbirdspeciesand prairiegrousewhichwerejustlisted asendangeredspecies,Legatesisalso askepticoncausation.

“IworkedatNOAAspecifically ondroughtseverity.Thereisno long-termtrendofdroughtinthe UnitedStates.It’snotclimate,itis allaboutlanduse,”hesaid.Legates addedahistoricalreferencethatthe 1930sdroughtduringthecatastrophicdustbowlhadmoredays above100degreesFahrenheitthan Americansareexperiencingtoday.

“Sealevelhasbeenrisingandwill continuetorisebecauseofthemeltingpolaricecapsoruntilwerunout ofice,”saidLegates.“However,carbondioxideisnotimpactingsealevel riseanywhereontheplanet.We mightexpectanotherfootofsea levelrisebytheyear2100”butnot thefivefeetsomeenvironmentalists claim.“Thatonefootiswhatwe shouldbeplanningforandallofthe climatemodelstendtorunhigher.”

“DNRECpredictsveryextreme scenarios,”saidLegatesattheMillsboromeeting.“Iwillbewillingto betthatit(morethanonefootof SLR)isnotlikelytohappen.”

CIBdisagreeswith climatechangeskeptics


andtheirsurroundingcommunities,”notedtheCenter’sStateof theInlandBaysreport,“anditsimpactsalreadyareapparent.”

“Increasingconcentrationsof greenhousegasesintheatmosphere arecausingbigchangestothelocal weatherandclimate.Thepast decadewasthehottestonrecordin southernDelaware,andheavyrainfallassociatedwithseverestormsis becomingmorefrequent.Sealevels arerisingatanacceleratedrate.”

“Floodingismorefrequent,and higherwatersaredegradingthe healthofsaltmarshes.TheInland Baysarechangingindirectresponsetoachangingclimateandso toowillthehabitats,wildlife,and communitiesthatdependonthis delicatesystem,”statescientist MarianneWalchandCIBscience staffinthereportcard.

“Bluecrabwillgrowuptoseven timesfasterwithhigherdosesof carbondioxideinthewater,”said Legates.“Whyarewebeinglied to?”

Legatessaidclimatechangeis justasymptomandtherealconcernisthat,“Theywanttochange howyouthinktoamoresocialized system.Theyreallywanttochange theeconomytoredistributeour wealth.”

April7,2023 CoastalPoint B21
Legates ContinuedfrompageB20


Don’tletthenamefoolyou, GoldenRagwortisastunning springbloominggroundcover,a musthavefortheshadegarden. Whatabeautifulwaytowelcome spring!Self-seeders,Packera aureaisimportanttotheearly pollinatorswiththeirdaisylike headwithbeautiful,luscious greenleaves.Pollinatorslike cuckoobees,carpenterbees,and varioushalictidbeesvisitthe Packera.Also,theymakeagreat cutflower.

Theyare easytogrow,take fullsunorpartshade.Infullsun theyneedtobewateredmore frequently.Theywillspread,naturally,notaggressivelywhich makesthemtheperfectplantfor useingardensasagroundcover. Theonlymaintenanceneededisremovalofthestemsafterfloweringif youwish.Iamalowmaintenancegardener,soIletminestayon.Inmygar-

dentheyhavestayedevergreenallyear roundthepastthreeyears.Thefloweringstemsreach1-2’inheightandthe leavescanhaveapurplishtint.Plant-

ingGoldenRagwortinmassunder trees,shrubs,andinwoodlandtype gardencanbebreathtakinginthe spring.Afterthebloom,theirgreenfo-

liageisinteresting,dense,and thusmakesagreatweedsuppressor.Sincetheyalsotoleratemoist soils,theycanbeusedaround ponds,waterfeatures,andalong streams.Tomakethemeven moreperfecttheyaredeerresistant.

WildlifeBenefits: Oneofthe firstsourcesofnectarforpollinatorsandabout20speciesofbutterflies,carpenterbees,sweat bees,cuckoobees,varioushalictid bees,andflieslikesyrphid,tachinidandfirefliespollinatethe flowers.Hostplanttocaterpillars of17speciesofbutterflyand mothsincludingtheGemMoth.

FunFacts: Namedafterthe 20thcenturyNorthAmerican botanistJohnG.Packer.This herbwasusedtodecreasefevers, helpwithdigestionandteething babies,diabetes,waterretention, bleeding,congestion,painful childbirth,highbloodpressure,and brokenbonesbyColonistsandNative Americans.(Soundslikeitwasthefixallplant)

Lunch Specials 11:30-3 DINE-IN ONLY 302.537.7373 • • 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville DRINK SPECIALS Sun - Fri 11:30–6pm | Sat 3–6pm FOOD SPECIALS Everyday 3–6pm
Hour Specials In House Only, No Doggie Bags BINGO - Monday 6pm GAME NIGHTS!
Fri 4/7 Sat 4/8 Sun 4/9 • • • Hot Sauce Band 8-11 Lauren Glick Trio 7-10 (note different start time) Steve Kuhn & Glenn Stern 3-6 Dinner Specials 4-9 DINE-IN ONLY Mon Tues Wed Fri Shrimp Night - $15.99-$17.99 Taco Tuesday - all day and night Burger Night - all day and night Fajita Friday - All Fajitas - $16.99-Mon Wed Thur Fri Cheesesteak or Chicken Cheesesteak - $10 Build-a-Burger - $9 and up Fried Grouper Sammy - $9 2 Shrimp Tacos - $10-TRIVIA - Wednesday 7pm MINGO - Thursday 7pm Sunday Funday Jam Session 3-6 Steve Kuhn & Glenn Stern Happy Hour Food & Drink Specials Taco Tuesday - ALL DAY & NIGHT 2 Tacos & Soda - $13 2 Tacos & Margarita (house non-frozen) - $16 2 Tacos Beef or Chicken - $12 2 Tacos Fish or Shrimp or Pork - $14 2 Tacos Veggie - $11 All Day & Night! Friday, 5/5 • Saturday, 5/6 • Sunday, 5/7 Stay Tuned More Details Coming Soon!! B22 CoastalPoint April7,2023
GettyImages•ErkkiMakkonen Abumblebeepollinatesgoldenragwort.
e a dif donor advised fund a owerful Philanthr d ence in Delawar issed u ul Phil C Clubs to the Choir School of e. e Delawarre. t the DCF helps a lanthropy ropy Del elps py aware, om D about this community — whether it e n i p oundatio mmunity F ommunity aders who will sionate le pas on. s a ’ her it T g/d delcf.or visit e arn mor o le af e evveen bet t how your DA D e what yo AF can mak ou love o a P o g mdipaolo@delcf.or or 302.856.4393 t esident for Southern Delaw r Vice , aolo e DiP Mik or contact e, , e war April7,2023 CoastalPoint B23 CoastalPoint•SusanLyons ThepeachtreesinbloomatBennett Orchardsisasightthatnevergetsold.
Design… Build… Deliver. New Home Construction 302.462.5853 That Enrich Your Lifestyle Summer Hill Custom Home Builders will guide you through the entire homebuilding process… • Provide a free home construction cost estimate • A oor plan design that matches your lifestyle and living requirements • Construct your home on time and within budget • Provide dependable follow-up services after completion Summer Hill can take your dreams from concept to reality Contact Steve Smith at 302.462.5853 B24 CoastalPoint April7,2023


TheTownofMillvillehelditsannual EasterCelebrationandEggHuntonSunday,April2.Thedayseventsincludeda visitfromtheEasterbunny,anegghunt andmorefamilyactivities.

ev ve b a av e h W We gkino ol ey yeu e s i emo r h of fo in ari, Jenn Jon aul Sic P 2282 Info@BuyAtTheBeach ro y F Fo d, Baay notPlaS dsiy , Baay y y, Ba n ny olSea Co a d mnn,aoi ta at tnaPl in... on, & Rich Meado s, Will Melt e .com e Sea,h y t e b by t illv , Milllv e ass grs, Sea ek kea y L n ny ahttBee a s! eitunimmrcoeht y o n ny omh.ceBeactThBuyA A41



LittleLearners— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingLittleLearnersStoryTime—for ages3to5—at11a.m.Thishelpschildrenwithlanguageacquisitionandimprove pre-literacyskills.Activitiesmayincludestories,music,songsandsimplecrafts.Registrationisnotrequired.

HappyBookers— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingJuliaandTheoforaHappyBookers meetingat2p.m.ThegroupwillbediscussingAnthonyHorowitz’s“MagpieMu rders.”YoumayattendinpersonorviaZoom. RegistrationisrequiredforZoomparticipationandisavailableat(302)858-5518or

BibleStudy— Women’sBibleStudyat MarinersBethelUnitedMethodistChurch willbeeveryWednesdaythroughApril26. Therearemorningsessionsfrom10to 11:30a.m.orafternoonsfrom7to8:30 p.m.Thefocuswillbe“Amos,”byJennifer Rothschild,withtheheading,“AnInvitation totheGoodLife.”Registerbycal lingtheofficeat539-9510orat womenarewelcome.

BabyBees— EveryWednesday,Frankford PublicLibraryhostsBabyBeesstorytime forchildrenfrombirthto24monthsoldat 10:30a.m.Comelistentostories,songs andengagewithotherbabies.Registration isrequired.Formoreinformation,visit


FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30a.m. Participants18andolderofallskilllevelswill practicecreativewritinginafriendlyandnurturingatmosphere.Attendinperson,orvia Zoom.Thisisfree,andregistrationisrequired fortheZoomoption.Toregister,

StringArtClass— Patwillleadafun,introductory-levelstringartclassatSouth Coastal Libraryat2p.m.Participantswill learnwhatstringartis,howtodoit,and maketheirownbasicstringartflowervase plaque.Registrationisrequired,andavailableat(302)858-5518or

AnniversaryCelebration— TheDelmarvalousQuiltersGuildiscelebratingits40th anniversaryattheCarvelResearchandEducationCenterinGeorgetownfrom2:30to 4p.m.Theywillbesharingmemoriesand highlightsofguildactivitieswithaquilt disp laytohighlighttheevent.Guestsare welcometostopinandcelebrate.

YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouare youngorold,overweightorfit,abeginneror advanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthe mindandstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay $20amonthforunlimitedyogaToregister,

LittleLearners— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingLittleL earnersat10:30a.m.for astorytimesessionforages3-4,andtheir


4 BR, 2.5 BA home offering large family/SR,


14 acres +/-, stables, fenced pastures, run in sheds, can board up to 15 horses, 100 X 150 outdoor riding arena, 83 x 133 indoor riding arena, 6 bay garage, workshop, dog kennel & excellent income producing history. Residence is a 2 BR, 1 BA that could be expanded. $597,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4284OM

the front deck of this 2 BR, 1 BA located just off River Road, & close to Millsboro area attractions. Access to Riverdale Boat Club, which has a launch, is directly across the street, and is available for a low price of $75/year. $105,000 Call Molly Bayard Brittingham 302-381-0839(Cell) #4509V


3 BR, 2.5 BA townhouse overlooking the pond and featuring LVP floors, kitchen with granite countertops, screened porch, 2-car garage, and primary BR with tray ceilings. Community pool, clubhouse, kayak launch, and more! Shows like new! $439,000 Call Merritt of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-562-7954 (Cell) #4478TL

Exquisite 4 BR, 2 BA w/ stunning curb appeal. Features large open living area w/ HW floors, Kitchen w/ SS appliances & island, living space w/ FP, sunroom, FF owner’s suite, fenced backyard, landscaping, patio & 2-car garage. $469,900 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4327TL

This lovely open concept home is great for is great for entertaining w/5 BR, 4 BA, large kitchen, formal DR, & spacious living area. Work from home in style with bedroom/office options and enjoy the serene woodlands of Atlantic East. $819,900 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4521UL


Completely renovated 3 BR, 2 BA home with new roof, and septic system in process. Conveniently located near restaurants, shopping, and Bethany Beach. $399,000 Call Bea Maggio 443-789-1480 (Cell) #4479VM

Stunning 4 BR, 2.5 BA home located Bethany Beach. Upgrades incl. HW floors, custom kitchen, gas FP, vaulted ceilings, FF primary bedroom w/ tray ceiling & barn wood accent wall. Community pool, fitness center, tennis courts, fire pit, & playground. $579,000 Call Merritt of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-562-7954 (Cell) #4534ML

A42 CoastalPoint April7,2023 MILLSBORO 28422 DuPont Boulevard 302-934-3970 1-888-934-3970 LEWES 1240 Kings Highway 302-645-2207 1-800-331-4241 REHOBOTH 246 Rehoboth Avenue 302-227-3883 1-800-345-3469 ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES! FOREST LANDING LOW GROUND RENT #1 Loca y Owned Real Estate Company in Sussex County for 2022* * AS PER INFORMATION FROM BRIGHT MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM METICULOUSLY MAINTAINED This luxurious 4 BR, 3.5 BA Shearwater Model features extended garage, stone FP, chef's kitchen, Bose surround sound, & world-class amenities. Close to Indian River Bay and Delaware's resort towns, this coastal beauty is a must-see! $1,475,000 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4532VL 4 BR, 3 BA farmhouse on 11.15 +/- partially wooded acres, giving you plenty of privacy w/the convenience of proximity to Ocean City, the Lewes/Rehoboth beaches, & Salisbury Airport. If you're considering commercial use, this property would make a lovely equestrian center, vineyard, or wedding venue. $1,149,900 Call Paul Townsend 302-236-3212 (Cell) #4354VL Indian River Bay views from
finished basement w/bar
to shopping,
beach resorts. $549,000 Call Gary
302-745-5605 (Cell) #4373PM After After i estoration OFF Before bl/S arble/S lih M olishP Before Stone e h R hower ll S ullF 5$ O 50 out et started with a G free . estimate today rile & GT tertopsounC y job of $500 An !oreor M ust present o er at time of estimate. annot be combined with any other o er C all for details. C ARE DEL GROUT SIR 2 2) 206-630 (30 e.comwarelaDoutrirGS
irrigated yard, inground heated pool, covered patio, screened gazebo, & attractive fencing. Close
& the DE/MD

caregivers,topromoteliteracy.Thereis alsoacraft,andanopportunitytoengage withotherpre-schoolers.Registrationis required,andavailableat

AdultCrafting— FrankfordPublicLibraryis hostinganadultcraftingtimeat5p.m. Thissessionwillfocusoncard-making.For moreinformation, orbycalling(302)732-9351.


GentleYoga— MyraStock,acertifiedRYT instructorandregisteredYogaforArthritis

teacher,isleadingtwogentleyogaclasses atSouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m.Ayoga matisrequired,andnotprovided.Participantsshouldalsobringatowelforextra cushioning.Registrationislimitedandrequired,andavailableat 858-5518.

ArborDay— DelawareBotanicGardensis allowingfreeadmissionfornon-members whobringadonationfortheFoodBankof DelawareaspartofitsArbo rDaycelebration.Non-memberstypicallypay$15for admission,whilemembershavefreeadmission.Those16andyoungerareadmittedforfreealways.


SuperSaturday— FrankfordPublicLibraryis

hostingaboardgamesessionatnoonas partofitsSuperSaturdayentertainment.For moreinformation,call(302)732-9351or


AlphaConversations— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchishostingAlpha,a seriesofgroupconversationsthatexplore thebasicsoftheChristianfaithinafriendly environment,everyMondaythroughMay15 at6p.m.Dinnerwillbeprovided.Therewill benomeetingApril10becauseofEaster.

NeedlepointGuild— Delaware’sSeashore ChapterofTheAmericanNeedlepointGuild meetsonthefirstMondayofthemonth from10a.m.to2p.m.attheLewesPublic Library.Bringingaboxlunchisencouraged.Newmembersarealwayswelcome.

Fordetails,sendanemailtothechapterat d


SafeBoating— TheUnitedStatesCoast GuardAuxiliaryisteachingaDelaware BoatingSafetyClassattheDNRECLewes FieldOfficefrom8a.m.to4pm.Those whosuccessfullycompletethiscoursewill receiveaDelawareSafeBoatingCertificatebymail(arequirementforboaters bornonorafterJan.1,1978).Allmaterialsfortheclasswillbeprovidedatregistration.Thecostis$10perperson. Sign-instartsat7:30a. m.Pre-registration isrequired.Toregister,email uscgaux0531201@outlook.comorcall (302)616-3175.

April7,2023 CoastalPoint A43
Calendar ContinuedfrompageA42


CharlotteL.Dunn,95,ofBethany Beach,Del.,diedpeacefullyonMarch26, 2023.

ShewasbornonDec.31,1927inBaltimore,Md.,thedaughterofthelateBenjaminandLorettaRosenthal.After graduatingfromEasternHighSchoolin

Baltimore,shemarriedtheloveofherlife, Kenneth,andraisedtheirthreechildren. Shewillberememberedbyherfamilyasa devotedandlovingwife,mother,grandmotherandgreat-grandmother.

AffectionatelyknownasMimiand Gigibyherfamily,shealways demon-

stratedkindness,loveandpatience.She wasawonderfulcookandbaker,andhad anincredibletalentforcross-stitching blanketsandtableclothsforthosefor whomshedeeplycared.Shesentcountlesscardstothosewhoneededencouragementandsentgiftsoflovetomany.

AsamemberofMillvilleUnited MethodistChurch,shealwayslooked forwardtoherBibleStudygroupand livedherlifeaspiringtobeagoodChristian.

Sheissurvivedbyherchildren,Linda Dunn,Newark,Del.,SusanKlein(Mark), EllicottCity,Md.,andKenneth,Jr.(Joan) Ft.Worth,Texas.Sheisalsosurvivedby hergrandchildren,ChristopherDawson (MaryChristine),HeatherCleary(Ryan) andTaylorMcGiveron(Sean)andher greatgrandchildren:BradenDawsonand MadelineandAydenKlein,aswellas manynieces,nephewsandin-laws.Her husbandKennethpredeceasedherin 2018.

Shetrulywillbemissed,butweknow thatsheissafeinGod’smemory.Thereis nobetterplacetobe,aswelookforward tothetimewhenwecanbereunited again.Inlieuofflowers,thosewishingto contributeareencouragedtoconsider CompassionateCareHospice416 WilliamSt.Suite101,Milford,DE 19963.Thememorialserviceisprivate withburialfollowingattheMillsboroVA cemetery.



ErnaM.Pulver,87,ofLewes,Del.,formerlyofBaldwinsville,N.Y.,passedaway peacefully,surroundedbyherlovingfamily, onFriday,March24,2023,atherhome. ShewasborninRichfieldSprings, N.Y.onSept.22,1935,daughterofthe lateCharlesO’ConnorandthelateElizabeth(Weiler)O’Connor.Shegraduated fromRichfieldSpringsSchoolsand GeneseoStateUniversityinGeneseo, N.Y.,withherBachelors’DegreeinEducation.

A44 CoastalPoint April7,2023 $1,445.
302-226-8220 39401 Inlet Rd. North Indian River Marina, Rehoboth, DE 19971 34444 Coastal Hwy. York Beach Mall Bethany, DE 19971 302-539-6243 www.hookemcookem Open Daily BAIT • TACKLE • TOWELS CHAIRS • ICE • UMBRELLAS BEACH TOYS • HUNTING SUPPLIES AMMUNITION Come in and see our full line of Salt Life & Guy Harvey Clothing…and more! Beac G ds Now Available SUPPLIES FOR INSHORE, OFFSHORE & JETTY FISHING Tackle Store Now Open Weekends Bai , Tackl & Seaf d Seafood Available via Emails Only (sign up at SeeOBITSpageA45


ShewasaretirededucatorfromPalmer ElementarySchoolintheBaldwinsville SchoolDistrict,whereshetaughtfirstand secondgrades.ShewasanactiveparishionerofSt.Mary’sCatholicChurchin Baldwinsville,N.Y.Ernawasaloverofnature,birds,butterfliesandwalking.She couldoftenbeseenwalkingaroundthe villageofBaldwinsvilleoratBeaverLake NatureCenter.Shewasapastvolunteerat SyracuseHomesandtheFemaleCharitableSocietyinBaldwinsville.Shewasalsoa loyalfanofSyracuseOrangebasketball andfootball.Thoughshemovedto Delawarein2021,herheartwasalwaysin NewYorkstate.

Inadditiontoherparents,shewasprecededindeathbyherhusband,FredR. Pulver,in1968;andthreesiblings,Edna Kaminski,JohnO’ConnorandPaul

O’Connor.Ernaissurvivedbyason, BrendanPulverandhiswife,Siobhan Duggan;twodaughters,ElizabethNolan andherhusband,MichaelandAmyCurtisandherhusband,Richard;sevengrandchildren,KathrynCurtis,NicholasCurtis, DanielNolan,KieranNolan,LiamNolan, DeclanDugganPulverandCaoimhe DugganPulverandfivegreatgrandchildren.

Acelebrationofherlifewillbeheldat alaterdate.

Inlieuofflowers,sherequesteddonationsbeconsideredtoRescueMissionof SyracuseortheBaldwinsvilleFoodBank.


JackShubert,84ofLewes,Del., passedawayinhissleeponFriday, March31st,2023,attheMooringsat Lewesinhisapartment.Hewasbornin St.Louis,Mo.,inJune1938,onlysonto

thelateIrwinShubertandthelatePearl Shubert.Hiswifeof60years,Beverly Shubert,precededhimindeath,passing awayin2021.

Hewasadevotedhusband,fatherand grandfather.Knownforbothhiswitand hischarm,hehadmanylifelongfriends whereverhelivedincludingSt.Louis, Mo.,Potomac,Md.,andOceanView, Del.Withalongcareerinadvertising,he wonseveralawardsforhisworkatRalstonPurinaandvariousadagencies.He wasanactivememberofSavannah’s LandinginOceanViewandSt.Martha’s EpiscopalchurchinBethanyBeach.He alsoenjoyedasecondcareerdesigning artpiecesthatweresoldinvariousstores intheareaknownas“J’Accents.”Mostof all,heenjoyedspendingtimewithhis friendsandfamilyincludingneighborhoodhappyhours,familygamenights andholidaycelebrations.

Heissurvivedbyhistwochildren, StephanieComptonandherhusband,

Eric,SarahMcMullenandherhusband, Joe:threegrandchildren,EvanCompton, ColinComptonandKyleMcMullen. Amemorialservicewillbeheldlater thissummer.Logisticsinformationwill besharedwithfamilyandfriendsatafuturetime.Inlieuofflowers,thefamily suggestedmemorialcontributionstothe AmericanCancerSociety.Condolences

Melson’s Funeral Services & Cremation Services Ocean View Chapel 38040 Muddy Neck Road Ocean View, DE 302.537.2441 Long Neck Chapel 32013 Long Neck Road Millsboro, DE 302.945.9000 Frankford Chapel 43 atcher Street Frankford, DE 302.732.9000 April7,2023 CoastalPoint A45


DelawareDepartmentofNatural ResourcesandEnvironmentalControl (DNREC)SecretaryShawnM.Garvin hasannouncedtheappointmentof MatthewRitterasdirectorofthe DNRECDivisionofCommunityAffairs—aDNRECdivisionthatspans community-relatedgovernmentservicessections,includingtheDelaware NaturalResourcesPoliceEnvironmentalCrimesUnit,theDNRECPublic AffairsteamandtheOfficesofthe CommunityOmbudsmanandthe SmallBusinessOmbudsman.

Ritterhasserved18yearswiththe department,mostrecentlyasanenvironmentalprogramadministratorfor DNRECDivisionofParksandRecreation.Inhisnewposition,hesucceeds


“MattRitterhastheroundedbackgroundinnaturalresourcesandtheenvironmentthatwevalueatDNREC, especiallygiventhebreadthofourmissionandthediversefocusofourregulatoryoversight,”saidGarvin.“During mytimewiththeDepartment,I’vehad manyopportunitiestoworkwithMatt onanumberofhigh-profileissuesand alwaysbeenimpressedbyhisabilityto meetanychallengeandseeitthrough.”

AfterjoiningDNRECin2004asa seasonalparksinterpreter,Ritter workedhiswayupthroughthestate parkssystemundertheDivisionof ParksandRecreationtopositionsof

operationsadministratorandadministratorofplanning, preservationanddevelopment.Asparks’operations administrator,heoversawNaturalResourcesPoliceParkRangers,oneof threelawenforcementunitswithin DNREC.

AsdirectoroftheDivisionofCommunityAffairs,RitterwilloverseeanotherDelawareNaturalResources Policearm,DNREC’sEnvironmental CrimesUnit,whichenforcesthestate’s environmentallawsandregulations. HisnewrolewithintheDepartment alsocallsfordirectingDNREC’sPublicAffairsteam,providingassistanceto businessesandcommunities,andacting asaliaisonwiththeGeneralAssembly.


ofParksandRecreation’scapturing twoNationalRecreationandParkAssociation(NRPA)NationalGold Medals—withDelawarenotonlynotableasthesmalleststateparksystem towintheaward,butforhavingwonit twice.Healsoledthedivisioninreceivingaccreditationthroughthe CommissionforAccreditationofPark andRecreationAgencies(CAPRA)— makingtheDNRECDivisionofParks andRecreationoneofonlythreestate parksystemsinthenationwith CAPRAaccreditation.RitterisagraduateofFrostburg(Md.)StateUniversity,havingearnedaBachelorof SciencedegreeinWildlifeandFisheriesandamaster’sdegreeineducation.


Forthesecondconsecutiveseason, thePBR(ProfessionalBullRiders) ChallengerSerieswillbuckintoOcean City,Md.,againwelcomingfanstothe OceanCityInletontheedgeoftheAtlanticOceanonJune2-4forthePBR OceanCitySeacretsClassic.

Forthreedaysonly,someofthebest bullridersintheworldwillbattlethe sport’srankestbovineathletesina


“ThePBROceanCitySeacrets Classicisheldatoneofthemostcaptivatingvenuesacrosstheentire2023 ChallengerSeriesschedule,”organizers said.“InadditiontoOceanCitybeing oneofthemosttravelledtovacation destinationsontheEastCoast,butthe OceanCityInletisnestledbetweenthe city’srenownedboardwalkandfamily-


ThePBRChallengerSerieswill holdmorethan60eventsfromMay throughNovember,culminatingwithits championshipinlateOctoberinLas Vegas.ThePBRChallengerSeriesprovidesadditionalcompetitiveopportunitiesforbullriderswhoareboth affiliatedandunaffiliatedwithaPBR TeamSeriesteam.

ThePBRdebutedattheOceanCity InletinJune2022,as40oftheworld’s bestbullriderscompetedwithinfeetof theAtlanticOcean.

Backedbya2-for-4showing,EduardodeOliveira(NovaLacerda, Brazil)emergedthesupremecompetitor,winninghiscareer-firstPBRevent.


A46 CoastalPoint April7,2023 CEILING FANS INSTALLED Fast Professional Service Services Include: No Job Too Small! 41 years’experience Tommy Thompson Licensed Electrician 302.228.0038 Free Estimates Owner Operated Ceiling Fan Installation Light Fixtures Additional Outlets New Construction Hot Tub Wiring EV Chargers
April7,2023 CoastalPoint A47


Gov.JohnCarneyandtheOfficeof Women’sAdvancement&Advocacy (OWAA)announcedrecentlythatthe nominationprocessisopenforinductionintotheDelawareWomen’sHallof FameandtheShe’sOnHerWay Awardfor2023.Nominationformsare deadlinefornominationsismidnight onApril8.

“Ourstatemightbesmall,butwe havenoshortageofincrediblewomen whodeservetobehonoredbythe DelawareWomen’sHallofFameand the She’sonHerWayAward,”said Carney.“Iencourageeveryonetotakea momenttonominateawomanwhohas madeameaningfuldifferencein Delaware.”



Despitesufferingaheart-breaking buckoffinRound1,theBrazilianreturneddeterminedforRound2.Going head-to-headwithPennsylvania-raised animalathleteJustDenim(MikeMiller BuckingBulls),Oliveirareachedthe requisite8for81points.

Oliveira’smomentumthencontinued inRound3,whenhecoveredGrey Goose(MikeMillerBuckingBulls)for


TheDelawareWomen’sHallof Famewasestablishedin1981torecognizetheachievementsofoutstanding Delawarewomenandtheircontributionstocommunitiesacrossthestate. Theinductionceremonyistheoldest annualcelebrationofitskindcommemoratingDelawarewomen.Theaward honorsDelawarewomenwhohave madeanimportantandlastingimpact onthelivesofDelawareansandhave residedinthestateforatleast10years duringtheirlifetime.Nomineesboth livinganddeceasedareeligible.Aninductionceremonyforthosechosenin 2023willbeheldinthefall.


81.5pointstosurgetotheeventlead. WhileCooterBrown(LucasManning/WallerBrothersCattleCo.) provedtoomuchforOliveirainthe championshipround,broughtdownin 4.06seconds,histwopriorqualified ridesprovedenoughtoclinchthe goldenfinish.

Oliveiraearned34.5ChallengerSeries,propellingtoNo.3intheseries standings.Whentheseasoncametoa climacticend,Oliveirafinishedthe campaignrankedNo.29.

vancement&Advocacylauncheda websitethatfeaturesportraitsandbiographiesofallmembersoftheDelaware Women’sHallofFame.Theportraits willbeondisplayattheDelTech GeorgetownCampusstartingmid-Februarythroughtheendoftheyear.


TheShe’sOnHerWayAward,organizedbytheDelawareCommission forWomen,recognizestheachievementsandcelebratesthecontributions oftalentedyoungwomenleadersmakingadifferenceinDelaware.Allnomineesmustbeyoungwomenbetween18 and40byJune30.Nomineesmustbe native-bornDelawareansorhave

ThedebutseasonforthenewSeries wasdominatedby2018PBRRookieof theYearKeyshawnWhitehorse(McCrackenSpring,Utah)whowontwo eventsandfinishedthirdattheChallengerSeriesChampionshipinLas Vegastobecrownedtheinaugural ChallengerSeriesChampion.

ThebullridingactionforthePBR ChallengerSeries’OceanCitySeacrets Classic,beginsat6p.m.onFriday,June 2,andSaturday,June3,and2p.m.on Sunday,June4.

residedinthestateforatleastfiveyears. Nomineesmustshowthattheyhave madeapositiveimpactuponthelivesof Delawareansandhaveexhibitedcharacteristicsofgoodcharacter,promiseand hope;aswellashaveinformationandor examplesthatillustratethenominee’s positivereputationand/orleadership amongherpeers,and/orhercommunity.TheDelawareCommissionfor Womenreviews,rates,anddeliberates eachnominationandselectsthe awardees.Anawardceremonywilltake placeinMayorJuneattheBuenaVista estateinNewCastle.

EventdetailsforboththeDelaware Women’sHallofFameandShe’sOn HerWaywillbeavailableinthecoming

Allcompetingbullriderswillgeton onebulleachinRounds1-3.Following Round3onSundayafternoon,theriders’individualthree-roundscoreswillbe totaled,withtheTop15advancingto thechampionshiproundforonemore out andachanceattheeventtitle.

Ticketsforthethree-dayeventare nowonsaleandstartat$30,taxesand feesnotincluded.TicketscanbepurchasedonlineatETIX.comand,orbycallingPBRcustomer serviceat1-800-732-1727.

A48 CoastalPoint April7,2023 10 W Maryland Ave. Fenwick Island, DE 1000 N. Pennsylvania Ave. • Bethany Beach 800.732.7433 • 302.539.4013 Office Your Local Experts in Sales & Rentals Well cared for 3 BD, 2 BA Salt Box home on pilings on corner lot. Being sold furnished and ready for summer. Recent upgrades throughout include new flooring, appliances and kitchen updates. Two short blocks to the ocean and one block to restaurants. Can be used as a year round residence, with Town of Fenwick Island amenities, vacation home or investment opportunity. The proximity to all of the area’s attractions makes this a unique and valuable property. Being sold As Is. All inspections will be for informational purposes only. $900,000 ASSOCIATES REALTY, INC . 402 Bethany Loop, Bethany Beach, DE 19930 Annual Family Membership $1,575 Annual Single Membership $900 New Memberships are Valid from Date of Purchase to April 30th 2024 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS NOW AVAILABLE CALL 302-539-7525 Memberships limited and first come first serve

Best Bets


8 p.m. on 6 LIFE

Movie: Infidelity Can Be Fatal

Professional hazards are real. Lucy (Lanie McAuley) is a jaded private investigator who specializes in exposing lecherous, cheating husbands and she thinks she’s met the love of her life in a chance encounter with Clive (Matthew MacCaull). But as it turns out, this dream man may actually be her worst nightmare in this 2023 thriller. Dalias Blake, Carly Fawcett, Vincent Ross and Shay Galor also appear.

10 p.m. on 5 FX

The New York Times Presents

Born James Dewitt Yancey (but best known as J Dilla), the Detroit native became a visionary music producer, rapper, and artist who left an undeniable mark on the hip-hop landscape, working with artists like Erykah Badu, Busta Rhymes, A Tribe Called Quest, and D’Angelo. Though his influence has been celebrated far more since his death than it was while he was alive, mainstream recognition remains elusive. This new episode “The Legacy of J Dilla,” explores the complications that have arisen as so many people try to control his legacy.


8 p.m. on I HGTV

Houses With History

Somebody really liked pots. The Season 2 premiere episode features the restoration and renovation of a cool 1800’s home that was originally a potting shed on the Henry Huttleston Rogers estate. The home has an interesting history, as its original oil tycoon owner who was a close associate of John D. Rockefeller, a benefactor of Helen Keller, and a friend of Mark Twain. The new owners love the home’s character, but need modern functionality and design incorporated into the kitchen, living spaces and main suite in order to make it their own.

9 p.m. on # CW

Totally Weird and Funny

From online to your television screen, hosts Mikalah Gordon, Brian Cooper and Noah Matthews submit the strangest, craziest and most hilarious videos from online and beyond to a live studio audience, with the goal of finding the funniest or weirdest clip of the week. Viewers at home can also play along with the studio audience in games such as “Real or Fake,” where the hosts present three products, one real and two fake, and it is up to the audience to find the real product in this new series.

ForGreek Table They Survived Together ’ Pioneers of Television ’ Mary Berry’s Easter FeastWorldWorldThe Green Planet

3 TNT (5:00) Movie: “Star Wars: A New Hope” (:45) Movie: ›››› “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back” (1980) Mark Hamill. (:32) “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi”

5 FX Movie: ›› “Peter Rabbit” (2018) Fayssal Bazzi ’ Movie: ››› “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” (2017) ’ Movie: ›› “X-Men: Dark Phoenix” (2019)

6 LIFE Movie: “Lust: A Seven Deadly Sins Story” (2021) Movie: “Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins Story” (2023) (:03) Movie: “Envy: A Seven Deadly Sins Story” (2021)

7 A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ (:01) The First 48 ’ (:04) The First 48 ’

8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers

< ESPN XFL Football SportsCenter UFC 287: Pereira vs. Adesanya 2 - Prelims (N) Boxing Shakur Stevenson vs. Shuichiro Yoshino. (N) (Live)

= ESPN2 UFC LiveWNBA DraftNCAA Men’s Hockey College Hockey NCAA Tournament, Championship: Teams TBA. (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live)

A GOLF Arnie and Me Live From the Masters (N) (Live) Live From the Masters

I HGTV Farmhouse Fixer Farmhouse Fixer Houses With HistoryHouses With History (N) The Renovator (N) HuntersHunters

K FOOD Chopped Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive

L DISC Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown ’ Expedition UnknownExpedition UnknownExpedition Unknown Expedition Unknown ’

M HIST The Bible “Hope” The Jews are enslaved in Babylon. ’ The Bible Jesus brings a dead man back to life. ’ (:05) The Bible Peter denies Jesus; Judas hangs himself.

N ANPL The Vet Life ’ The Vet Life ’ Pets & Pickers ’ Pets & Pickers (N) ’ The Vet Life ’ The Vet Life ’

P DISN Big CityBig CityBig CityBig City“Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace” (:25) The Owl House (N) ’ (:20) The Owl House Owl Hse.

R TVLND Mike & MollyMike & MollyMike & MollyMike & MollyTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo Men

¨ AMC Movie: ›› “The Expendables” (2010, Action) Sylvester Stallone. Movie: ›› “The Expendables 2” (2012, Action) Movie: ›› “The Expendables 3” (2014)

≠ BRAV “John Wick: Chapter 3 -- Parabellum”


3 TNT NHL Hockey Boston Bruins at Philadelphia Flyers. (Live) NHL Hockey Colorado Avalanche at Anaheim Ducks. (Live) NHL on TNTStar Wars

5 FX (5:30) Movie: ››› “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle”Movie: ›› “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” (2018, Adventure) Chris Pratt. ’ “Jurassic World”

6 LIFE (5:00) Movie: ›› “The Shack” (2017) Sam Worthington. Movie: “Giving Hope: The Ni’Cola Mitchell Story” (2023) (:03) Movie: “Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins Story” (2023)

7 A&E Biography: WWE Legends “Shawn Michaels” ’ Biography: WWE Legends Virgil Riley Runnels, Jr. (N) ’ (:01) WWE Rivals (N) (:04) WWE Rivals ’

8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp.


K FOOD Tournament of Champions ’ Tournament of Champions Two chefs clash in the finale. Alex vs America (N) Superchef Grudge Match

L DISC (5:00) Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid (N) ’ (:01) Naked and Afraid: Solo (:03) Naked and Afraid ’ (:03) Naked and Afraid ’

M HIST Built America Built America Built America Built America Built America History’s Greatest of All

N ANPL Louisiana Law ’ Louisiana Law ’ Louisiana Law ’ Louisiana Law (N) ’ (:01) Lone Star Law ’ (:01) Lone Star Law ’

P DISN Owl Hse.“Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace”Raven Saturdays ’ Bunk’d Saturdays ’ JessieJessie “G.I. Jessie” The Villains

R TVLND Mike & MollyMike & MollyMike & MollyMike & MollyTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo Men

¨ AMC Expend 3 Movie: ››› “Gran Torino” (2008, Drama) Clint Eastwood. Lucky Hank (N) (9:57) Lucky Hank (10:54) “Days of Thunder”

≠ BRAV SWV & Xscape SWV & Xscape SWV & Xscape: The Queens of R&B (N) SWV & Xscape Movie ›› “The Fighting Temptations”

µ WTXF NASCAR RaceDay (N) NASCAR Cup Series Food City Dirt Race. (N) ’ (Live) The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed

PBS NewsHour (N) ConnectionCollectibles Antiques Roadshow (N) Reel South ’ La Frontera With Pati Jinich Amanpour and Company (N)

3 TNT (4:43) Movie: ››› “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” (2017) Movie: ›› “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” (2019) Carrie Fisher. (DVS) (:03) Movie: ›› “Con Air”

5 FX Movie: › “Fantastic Four” (2015) Miles Teller. ’ Movie: ››› “Bumblebee” (2018) Hailee Steinfeld, John Cena. ’ Movie: ››› “Bumblebee” (2018) ’

6 LIFE Castle “The Final Frontier” Castle “Swan Song” Castle “After Hours” Castle “Secret Santa” ’ (:03) Castle ’ (:03) Castle ’

7 A&E Road WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsRoad Wars


Golf TodayCollege Ctrl. College Golf 2023 Western Intercollegiate, First Round. (N) (Live) Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA TOURGolf

I HGTV Rock the Block Rock the Block Rock the Block Rock the Block “Finale Face-Off” (:31) Luxe for Less (N) Hunters

K FOOD Tournament of ChampionsBeat BobbyBeat BobbySpring Baking Chopped Chopped Chopped “Taco Brawl”

L DISC Street Outlaws: FastestStreet Outlaws: Red Line Street Outlaws: Fastest in America “Tricia’s Back” Tricia makes her return to racing. Street Outlaws: Red Line

M HIST History’s-MysteriesHistory’s-MysteriesHistory’s-MysteriesHistory’s-MysteriesHistory’s-MysteriesHistory’s-Mysteries

N ANPL The Last Alaskans ’ The Last Alaskans ’ The Last Alaskans ’ The Last Alaskans ’ The Last Alaskans ’ The Last Alaskans ’

P DISN › “Diary

Bethany FRIDAY EVENING APRIL 7, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Penn & Teller: Fool Us (N) Whose LineJoke OffNews Chicago P.D. “Tender Age” Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) ’ (Live) WBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. Tonight S.W.A.T. “Genesis” (N) ’ Fire Country “Off the Rails” Blue Bloods (N) ’ NewsMasters _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud Shark Tank (N) ’ (:01) 20/20 ’ DelmarvaJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.HollywoodLopez vsGrand Crew Dateline NBC (N) ’ NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) State CircleBBC World From Darkness (Part 4 of 4) Great Performances (N) ’ Art21: Art-Twenty-FirstWashVariety 3 TNT (4:45) Movie: “Fast Five” (:15) Movie: ››› “Furious 7” (2015, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. (DVS) All Elite Wrestling All Elite Wrestling: Battle 5 FX “X-Men: The Last Stand” Movie: ››› “Iron Man” (2008, Action) Robert Downey Jr., Terrence Howard. ’ The New York Times Presents (N) New York 6 LIFE Movie: “The Hand That Robs the Cradle” (2023) Movie: “Infidelity Can Be Fatal” (2023) Lanie McAuley. (:03) Movie: “In Love With My Partner’s Wife” (2022) 7 A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 “Tracked” ’ The First 48 ’ (:01) The First 48 ’ (:04) The First 48 ’ 8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersFam. MattersFam. MattersFam. MattersFam. Matters < ESPN 2023 Masters Tournament Second Round. Sportscenter 2023 Masters Tournament Second Round. (N Same-day Tape) SportsCenter (N) = ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live) College Softball Florida State at Clemson. (N) (Live) UFC LiveMax Pro Fighters League A GOLF Golf Acad.Golf Acad.Golf Acad. Live From the Masters (N) (Live) Live From the Masters I HGTV Dream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeHunters Int’lHunters Int’lDream HomeDream Home K FOOD Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive L DISC Gold Rush: Parker’s TrailGold Rush: Parker’s TrailGold Rush: Parker’s Trail Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail “Mucho Oro” ’ (:03) Gold Rush ’ M HIST The UnXplained ’ The UnXplained ’ The UnXplained ’ The UnXplained (N) ’ (:03) The UnXplained ’ (:05) The UnXplained ’ N ANPL Tanked ’ Insane Pools: Deep EndInsane Pools: Deep EndInsane Pools: Deep EndInsane Pools: Deep EndInsane Pools: Deep End P DISN Kiff ’ Hamster &LadybugSecretsSecrets Saturdays ’ Saturdays ’ RavenRavenSecrets Saturdays ’ Saturdays ’ R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC “Shawshank” Movie: ›››› “Goodfellas” (1990, Crime Drama) Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta. Movie: ››› “My Cousin Vinny” (1992) Joe Pesci. ≠ BRAV Vanderpump RulesVanderpump RulesVanderpump Rules Movie ›› “Miss Congeniality” (2000) Sandra Bullock. (:02) “Miss Congeniality” µ WTXF The Six (N) Props TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) ’ (Live) The 10 NewsSpecialFox 29 NewsFeed Bethany SATURDAY EVENING APRIL 8, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW BurgersBurgers The Good Doctor ’ Masters ofMasters ofWeird-FunnyWeird-FunnyNews Movie: ›› “Last Action Hero” (1993) % FOX Horse RaceLast ManBig Bang MLS Soccer Austin FC at Los Angeles FC. (N) ’ (Live) WBOC News Friends ’ Farmer Wants a Wife ’ & WBOC 2023 Masters NewsOutdoors East New York ’ 48 Hours ’ 48 Hours ’ NewsOutdoors _ WMDT NewsWorld NewsWise MoneyFamily Feud NHL Hockey New Jersey Devils at Boston Bruins. From TD Garden in Boston. (N) NewsOutdoorsman + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly News Access Hollywood (N) ’ The Wall “KD and CJ” ’ Weakest Link ’ Saturday Night Live (N) ’ NewsSNL , WCPB To Dine
‘R’ Movie ››› “John Wick” (2014) Keanu Reeves. ‘R’ (:33) Movie ››› “John Wick: Chapter 2” (2017) Keanu Reeves. ‘R’ µ WTXF Horse RaceNewsSpecial MLS Soccer Austin FC at Los Angeles FC. (N) ’ (Live) The 10 O’Clock News (N) Farmer Wants a Wife ’ Bethany SUNDAY EVENING APRIL 9, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Family GuyFamily Guy The Good Doctor “Xin” ’ Penn & Teller: Fool Us ’ Whose LineJoke OffNews Chicago P.D. ’ WOW % FOX NASCAR RaceDay (N) NASCAR Cup Series Food City Dirt Race. (N) ’ (Live) WBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC 2023 Masters 60 Minutes (N) ’ A Grammy Salute to The Beach Boys (N) ’ NCIS: Los Angeles ’ News at 11The Rookie _ WMDT NewsWorld NewsFunniest Home Videos American Idol Two pairs of contestants face off. (N) ’ The Company You Keep (N) NewsMarquee + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly News Dateline NBC ’ Magnum P.I. ’ The Blacklist (N) ’ News11 News , WCPB Mary Berry’s Easter FeastMidsomer Murders: 25 Call the Midwife (N) ’ Sanditon on Masterpiece Marie-Antoinette (N) ’ Midsomer Murders:
< ESPN Sunday
A GOLF GolfGolf
I HGTV Home Town Home
JokersImp. Jokers
Night Countdown MLB Baseball San Diego Padres at Atlanta Braves. From Truist Park in Atlanta. (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)
ESPN2 NBA Playoff XFL Football D.C. Defenders at Seattle Sea Dragons. From Lumen Field in Seattle. (N) The DraftThe DraftNBA Playoff
Live From the Masters (N) (Live) Live From the Masters
Town Home Town (N) (:01) Home Town (N) Hunters Int’lHuntersHuntersHunters
Bethany MONDAY EVENING APRIL 10, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce All American “Lost One” ’ The Flash ’ News Chicago P.D. “Unforgiven” Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang 9-1-1 “New Sensation” (N) (:01) Fantasy Island (N) ’ WBOC NewsSeinfeld Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. TonightNeighborBob-Abishola NCIS “Head Games” (N) ’ NCIS: Hawai’i (N) ’ NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud American Idol Two pairs of contestants face off. (N) ’ The Good Doctor (N) ’ NewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood The Voice The coaches perform together. (N) ’ To Be Announced NewsTonight Show , WCPB
TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers Movie: ›› “Step Brothers” (2008, Comedy) Will Ferrell. < ESPN SportsCenter (N) 2023 WNBA Draft (N) (Live) NHL Hockey Minnesota Wild at Chicago Blackhawks. (N) (Live) SportsCenter = ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live) NFL MatchupRookieNFL Prog.NFL Prog. NFL Live Player 54Player 54Player 54Player 54 A GOLF
of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul” Secrets Saturdays ’ Saturdays ’ RavenRavenBig City Kiff ’ Marvel’s MoLadybug R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC Gran Torino Movie: ›› “Days of Thunder” (1990) Tom Cruise, Robert Duvall. Movie: ››› “The Rock” (1996, Action) Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris. ≠ BRAV Below Deck Sailing YachtBelow Deck Sailing YachtBelow Deck Sailing Yacht Summer House (N) Below Deck Sailing YachtSummer µ WTXF The Six (N) The Pulse TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life 9-1-1 “New Sensation” (N) (:01) Fantasy Island (N) ’ The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed
April7,2023 CoastalPoint A49
the best of the beach. in ink and online. every friday.

Castle ’ (:03) Castle ’

7 A&E Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Road WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsRoad Wars

8 TRUTV Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes Movie: ›› “Just Go With It” (2011) Adam Sandler.

< ESPN SportsCenter (N) NHL Hockey Toronto Maple Leafs at Tampa Bay Lightning. (N)

NHL Hockey Edmonton Oilers at Colorado Avalanche. (N) (Live)

= ESPN2 Daily Wager The Point (N) College Softball Oklahoma at LSU. (N) (Live) The DraftRookie

A GOLF Golf TodayCollege Ctrl. College Golf 2023 Western Intercollegiate, Second Round. (N) (Live)

I HGTV Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous (N) (:01) Renovation 911 (N)

NFL Live SportsCenter (N)

Golf Central (N) (Live) College Golf

HuntersHunters Int’lHuntersHunters Int’l

K FOOD Chopped Chopped Chopped “Fiesta Mexicana” Superchef Grudge Match Chopped Chopped “Meal of Fortune”

L DISC Deadliest Catch The closure of the king crab fishery. (N) Deadliest Catch New blood joins familiar faces. ’ (:01) Deadliest Catch(:01) Deadliest Catch

M HIST The Curse of Oak Island ’ The Curse of Oak Island ’ Oak Island: Digging Deeper The Curse of Oak Island (N) Oak Island: Drilling Down The Curse of Oak Island ’

N ANPL North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’

P DISN Kiff ’ PhineasHamster & Kiff ’ Big CityBig City JessieJessie Big CityHamster &Marvel’s MoLadybug

R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing

¨ AMC (4:30) Movie: ››› “The Karate Kid”Movie: ›› “Jumanji” (1995) Robin Williams, Bonnie Hunt.

››› “Beetlejuice” (1988) Michael Keaton.

Best Bets


8 p.m. on & WBOC

A Grammy Salute to The Beach Boys

If you’ve ever been a fan of summer, sand or good times, you’ve probably listened to The Beach Boys. Arguably America’s band, the “boys” behind such hits as “Good Vibrations,” “Wouldn’t It Be Nice,” “California Girls” and a swarm of others are currently celebrating their 60th anniversary. This new special features appearances by the “boys” as well as special guests such as Tom Hanks, Bruce Springsteen and Elton John and includes 21 performances by artists such as Beck, Norah Jones, John Legend, Michael McDonald, Mumford & Sons, and many more.

8 p.m. on K FOOD Tournament of Champions

If you can stand the heat, jump into the kitchen. Chef/host extraordinaire Guy Fieri sets up four culinary titans in two epic semi final battles for the chance to move on in the season finale episode “And the Belt Goes To ... .”

The chefs left standing then clash in a headto-head championship face-off for the belt, $100,000 and the title of TOC Champion.


8 p.m. on & WBOC

The Neighborhood

Movie: “Ocean Souls” ’ Amanpour and Company (N)

3 TNT Lucifer ’ (DVS) NHL on TNT NHL Hockey Dallas Stars at St. Louis Blues. (N Subject to Blackout) NHL Hockey San Jose Sharks at Calgary Flames.

5 FX (5:00) “Daddy’s Home” ’ Movie: ›› “Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw” (2019) Dwayne Johnson. ’ Snowfall “Sacrifice” (N) ’ Snowfall “Sacrifice”

6 LIFE Married-Sight Married at First Sight UK (N) Married at First Sight “Whiskey a No-No” (N) (:03) Married at First Sight(:03) Married at First Sight

7 A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ (:01) The First 48 ’ (:04) The First 48 ’

8 TRUTV Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers Movie: ››› “There’s Something About Mary” (1998)

< ESPN SportsCenter (N)

= ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live)

NBA NBA Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live)

NBA Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live)

Interruption NBA Basketball Play-In Tournament: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (:05) ESPN Films SportsCenter (N)

A GOLF College Golf LPGA Tour Golf LOTTE Championship, First Round. (N) (Live)

Golf CentralCollege Golf

I HGTV 100 Day Dream HomeProperty Brothers Property Brothers Nate & Jeremiah HuntersHuntersHunters Int’lHunters Int’l

K FOOD Guy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games (N) Guy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery Games

L DISC Moonshiners ’ Moonshiners: Outlaw Cuts Moonshiners (N) ’ (:01) Growing Belushi (N) ’ Moonshiners: Double ShotMaster Distiller

M HIST Pawn Stars (DVS) Pawn Stars (DVS) Pawn Stars (DVS) Pawn Stars (N) ’ (:03) Pawn Stars ’ (:05) Pawn Stars ’

N ANPL Mysteries of the Deep ’ Mysteries of the Deep ’ River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’ River Monsters ’

P DISN Kiff ’ Big CityBig City Kiff ’ Big CityBig CityThe VillainsThe VillainsBig CityHamster &Marvel’s MoLadybug

R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC (5:00) Movie: “Beetlejuice” Movie: ››› “Ghostbusters” (1984) Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd. Movie: ›› “Ghostbusters II” (1989) Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd. ≠ BRAV Vanderpump RulesVanderpump RulesVanderpump Rules (N) Vanderpump Rules (N) Watch What (:45) Vanderpump Rules

µ WTXF The Six (N) ClassH-Room TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life The Masked Singer (N) ’ (:01) Farmer Wants a Wife The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed



APRIL 13, 2023


# CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Walker “Past Is Prologue” Superman & Lois ’ News Chicago P.D. “Instinct” ’ Family Guy

% FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig

WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood Law & Order (DVS) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: OrganizedNewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) BBC NewsCook The Musketeers ’ The Yorkshire Vet River Farm-HarvestConnection

3 TNT (5:15) Movie: ››› “Pacific Rim” (2013) (DVS) Movie: ››› “Ready Player One” (2018) Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke. (DVS) Movie: ››› “Tenet”

Bluff” The First 48 “Devil’s Trail” The First 48 “M.I.A.” After the First 48 (N) (:01) City Confidential (N) ’ (:04) The First 48 ’ 8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers Entourage ’ Imp. JokersImp. Jokers

ESPN SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter NHL Hockey St. Louis Blues at Dallas Stars. (N) (Live)

NHL Hockey: Golden Knights at Kraken

ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live) The Point SportsCenter Special (N) Women’s College Gymnastics SportsCenter (N)

PGA Golf

A GOLF Golf Central (N) (Live) LPGA Tour Golf LOTTE Championship, Second Round. (N) (Live)

I HGTV Flipping 101 With TarekThe Flipping El MoussasThe Flipping El MoussasThe Flipping El MoussasHuntersHunters Int’l Bargain Block

K FOOD Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyFast FoodiesFast FoodiesBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby

L DISC BattleBots Lock-Jaw squares off against Madcatter. (N) BattleBots “Pizza Party” The final qualifying round. (N) ’ (:01) This Is Mark Rober ’ (:01) BattleBots ’

M HIST Swamp People: Serpent Swamp People ’ Swamp People “The Marina Monster” (N) Swamp People: Serpent (:35) Swamp People “Flash Frozen Gators”

N ANPL Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet ’ Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet ’ Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet ’ Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet ’ Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet ’ Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet ’

P DISN Kiff ’ Big CityBig City Kiff ’ Big CityBig CityBunk’dBunk’dBig CityHamster &Marvel’s MoLadybug

R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing

¨ AMC Movie: ›› “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective” (1994) Movie: ›› “Police Academy” (1984) Steve Guttenberg. (:15) Movie: “Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment”

≠ BRAV Vanderpump RulesVanderpump RulesTop Chef Top Chef (N) Watch WhatBelow Deck Sailing YachtTop Chef

µ WTXF The Six (N) Kelly Drives TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life Next Level Chef (N) ’ AnimalWelcome to The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed

While Calvin (Cedric the Entertainer) searches to find the perfect birthday gift for wife Tina (Tichina Arnold) — a task at which he has failed miserably at in the past. Neighbor Gemma (Beth Behrs) tries to get Jerry O’Connell (appearing as himself) to donate tickets to his CBS show “The Talk” for a school fundraiser where she’s the principal and his children are students in the show’s 100th episode. Cedric also directs.

9 p.m. on I HGTV Rock the Block

As budgets dwindle and pressure mounts, everyone is in a full-out sprint to finish their house. After six weeks, it’s time for a winner to be named and bragging rights claimed. Plus, the teams get to see each other’s homes for the first time as previous “Rock the Block” champions Jasmine Roth, Egypt Sherrod and Mike Jackson judge their work in the new episode “Finale Face-Off.”


9 p.m. on + WBAL

The Wall

The Season 5 premiere of this structural gameshow returns with a guest appearance from “Bel-Air” star Jabari Banks. This season offers a twist, allowing players to play for more money than ever before with “Wall to Wall,” where seven golden balls drop simultaneously. The move has the potential to add more than $1 million to their winnings. And this season breaks records when two lucky players accumulate the highest bank in series history and play for $2.8 million. Chris Hardwick hosts.

10:01 p.m. on 7 A&E Road Wars

Stay off the roads! In the season premiere episode “Stick Shift Disaster,” a motorcyclist kicks a car and sets off a catastrophic chain reaction on a California highway. Then a bicyclist and driver in New York City have a heated confrontation over blocking the bike lane. Meanwhile, a dazed driver is chased down after an alleged hit and run; a Florida man who is pulled over for speeding blames Vladimir Putin; and, in Washington, an alleged car thief’s getaway is thwarted by his apparent lack of driving skills. Another new episode immediately follows.


9 p.m. on , WCPB NOVA

Climate change will impact everyone, but the effects will be felt most acutely by those in underrepresented communities. But there is hope, and some of the most ingenious solutions are coming from some of the most overlooked pockets of the nation. The new episode “Weathering the Future,” examines how our changing climate will impact different regions across the nation and highlights the innovative solutions that serve these varying populations.


9:01 p.m. on & WBOC

So Help Me Todd Margaret (Marcia Gay Harden) helps a client who lost his mother during a routine surgery at Allison’s (Madeline Wise) hospital, performed by her colleague Dr. Ross Woods (guest star Benjamin Hollingsworth). Also, Margaret and Gus (Jeffrey Nordling) go on their first date and Todd (Skylar Astin) is asked by the firm to investigate Gus in the new episode “The First Date Is the Deepest.”

A50 CoastalPoint April7,2023 Bethany TUESDAY EVENING APRIL 11, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Superman & Lois (N) Gotham Knights (N) News Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang 9-1-1: Lone Star (N) ’ (:01) Accused (N) ’ WBOC NewsSeinfeld Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. Tonight FBI “Obligation” (N) FBI: International (N) FBI: Most Wanted (N) NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud The Rookie (DVS) Will Trent “Manhunt” ’ Will Trent ’ (DVS) NewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.HollywoodNight CourtAmerican The Wall ’ That’s My Jam (N) ’ NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Farm-HarvestOutdoorsFinding Your Roots My Grandparents’ War ’ Frontline (N) Amanpour and Company (N) 3 TNT (5:00) Movie: “Con Air”Pregame NBA Basketball (N Subject to Blackout) ’ (Live) NBA Basketball (N Subject to Blackout) ’ (Live) 5 FX (5:30) Movie: ››› “Ted” (2012) Mark Wahlberg. ’ Movie: ›› “Daddy’s Home” (2015) Will Ferrell. ’ Movie: ›› “Daddy’s Home 2” (2017) Will Ferrell. ’ 6 LIFE Castle “Recoil” ’ Castle “Reality Star Struck” Castle “Target” Castle “Hunt” (:03)
6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 #
Note” True Lies (N) ’ NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily FeudThe ConnersGoldbergsAbbott ElemNot Dead Yet(:01) A Million Little ThingsNewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood Chicago Med (DVS) Chicago Fire (DVS) Chicago P.D. (DVS) NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Milk StreetMotorWeek Nature (N) (DVS) NOVA (N) ’ (DVS)
BRAV Vanderpump Rules Housewives of NJ Housewives of NJ The Real Housewives of New Jersey (N) Housewives of NJ SWV
WTXF The Six (N) (:25) Debate Bet Your Life 9-1-1: Lone Star (N) ’ (:01) Accused (N) ’ The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed
CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce The Flash ’ Riverdale (N) ’
Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy
FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang The Masked Singer (N) ’ (:01) Farmer Wants a WifeWBOC
Seinfeld ’ Friends ’
NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. Tonight Survivor (N) ’ CSI: Vegas “Grace
Bang Next Level Chef (N) ’ AnimalWelcome toWBOC NewsSeinfeld Seinfeld ’ Friends ’
WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. TonightSheldon(:31) Ghosts (:01) So Help Me Todd (N) CSI: Vegas “Fractured” (N) NewsLate-Colbert
WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud Station 19 “Get It All Out” Grey’s Anatomy Bailey’s doxing intensifies. (N) ’ NewsJ. Kimmel
5 FX (5:00) Movie: “Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw” Movie: ›› “Knight and Day” (2010, Action) Tom Cruise. ’ Movie: ›› “Knight and Day” (2010) ’ 6 LIFE Castle “Watershed” Castle “Valkyrie” Castle “Dreamworld” Castle “Need to Know” ’ (:03) Castle ’ (:03) Castle “Time Will Tell” 7 A&E The First 48 “Deadly


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Ocean View Presbyterian Church


GOOD FRIDAY, Apr. 7 7 pm

EASTER SUNDAY, Apr. 9 9:30 am

Pastor Terry Dougherty (302)539-3455

67 Central Ave.; Ocean View - on Facebook at groups/PCChurch

GOOD FRIDAY, Apr. 7 6:30 pm

EASTER SUNDAY, Apr. 9 10 am - Caroline Turner with Chalk Art MinistryKidsPort Kids Church 10 am

Pastor Bill Lorman 302.436.4522 28574 Cypress Road Selbyville


Holy Thursday, Apr. 6 7:00 pm

Good Friday, Apr. 7 11:00 am

Sunrise Easter Service 6:30 am Easter Service 9:30 am

St. Andrew e Apostle Orthodox Church

Fr. Herman Acker, Pastor

MAUNDYTHURSDAY,April6•6pm Pot-luckSupper,andHolyEucharist celebratedattableside


SolemnLiturgyofGoodFridayand CommunionfromReservedSacrament



JoyousCelebrationofHolyEucharist 8:00am • *9:30am • 11:30am

*RecordingonYouTube ForGodsolovedtheworld. John3:16



Saturday 6 pm Sunday 9 & 11 am

River Kids Sat. 6 pm & Sun.9 am Friday 6-8 pm

Momentum, a group for Teens

Wellsprings International a healing & deliverance ministry for more information:

BEACON Baptist Church

WEDNESDAY 7 pm: Adults/KidsKlub/Teens

A52 CoastalPoint April7,2023 ReligiousServices
Roxana Rd. Frankford, 19945 RiverOnline.Church
Pastor Bryan Sells
SUNDAY SERVICES 10 am: Small Groups for All Ages 11 am: Family Worship
32263 Beacon Baptist Rd.; Rt. 26, Millville, DE 19967
Preacher Ethan Magee • 302.539.7468• 55 West Ave., Ocean View In-Person LIVE broadcast on: Wednesday 6:30 pm Facebook Live Bible Study
Je Smith, Pastor 302.539.1216 Ocean View Church of Christ Sunday 10 am
Like us on Facebook!
Millville Town Hall Pastor Wendy Butterworth 302.539.9077
p 7 & pm 1 FRIDAY ODGO Co eht th iv vi reS e MdetinU G .tS t saE /k k/e eW We yloH am 10 - ec ! e m o c l e w e r a at t s a f k a e r b l a t n a e S - e h t - By s w e h t t t e re t S ro o b s g a am 6:30 - e 9 April AY, movie ”assion m 7 April , 6181 ce ynis t ty inumm hcru h g Ctsidoht s’ ’se ro e secivreSre iv reS pihsroW • l l A s w e h t at M t S e n i t n o c a y b d e w o l l Fo Ma t S & h c a e b at g n ki Par D W , h c a e B k c i nw Fe civ reS esirnuS • SUND EASTER P The “ of Showing oreMo AJ Pastor 9 91,dr of fok kf narF,.dRramO73343 UM segroeGtS AT RBELEC E, ME,OMECOM 302.259.1740 ST CAfotsewtsuj-54 gro.C !SUHTIWE h CnarehtuL u mmoC ✞ S AHTSIRHC i ulellA ACLE hcr u ytin ✞ !NESIR !a A C 1 R GraceAndComm com unity siraKrotcoD.veRehT 1 .237.203 r F,daoRramO79803 rotsaP,maharG 651 5 . y. 4991dr of fo a
19958 302.645.5791 Lazarus Saturday, April 8 Divine Liturgy 10 am • Vespers 6 pm Potluck Lunch, Preparation of Palms, Children’s Activities Palm Sunday, April 9 Orthos 9 am • Divine Liturgy 10 am Palms and Willows blessed before Liturgy Bridegroom Orthros 6 pm Great Wednesday, April 12 Sacrament of Holy Unction 6 pm Great Thursday, April 13 Vesperal Liturgy 3 pm • Lenten Potluck (light meal) 12 Gospels Orthros 6 pm Great Monday, April 10 Bridegroom Orthros 6 pm Great Tuesday, April 11 Bridegroom Orthros 6 pm Maplewood&PennsylvaniaAve.,BethanyBeach 302.539.7444 TheRev.VictoriaPretti,Rector
- Lewes,
Where the Word and the Spirit agree
ReligiousServices CC Delaware Coast A Calvary Chapel Fellowship Verse by Verse Teaching 48 N. Main Street, Selbyville or join us on Facebook - click link on Sunday Worship Wednesdays 10:00 am 7:00 pm For more information, contact Pastor Rob LoRusso 302.500.1774 HOLY TRINITY CATHEDRAL WORSHIP EDUCATION OUTREACH COMMUNITY JOIN US IN-PERSON OR FACEBOOK LIVE • 410.641.4882 11021 Worcester Hwy., Berlin, MD 21811 Seaside Jewish Community Shabbat Services Religious Leader Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan Visit our website to sign up for our email newsletter for noti cation of events and worship services. Adult and youth education programs, activities, social events, discussion groups, religious school An egalitarian unaf liated congregation 18790 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach Celebrating 25 Years (302) 226 8977 Frankford Presbyterian Church A welcoming church family committted to serving a God known for Unconditional Love and Acceptance. 302.537.5944 Pastor P. G. Maurer Main Street, at the foot of Thatcher Street in Frankford Nearly New Thift Shop Fri., 9-5 & Sat., 9-1 10 am Sunday Worship in-person Helping others help themselves ST. MARTIN’S IN THE FIELD EPISCOPAL CHURCH The beautiful church with a small congregation and a Big, Welcoming Heart! Sunday Service at 10 a.m. Get-acquainted coffee hour after the service The Rev. Glenn Duffy 75 West Church St.; Selbyville Parking: Front or Back 302.436.8921 • TEMPLE BAT YAM A Reform Jewish Congregation Call: 410.641.4311 for directions and information about services, religious school, membership, and social events. 11036 Worcester Hwy. (Rt. 575), Berlin, MD Only 20 minutes from Bethany Beach Shabbat Services: Friday, 5:30 p.m. through March 10 A positive path for spiritual living Sunday Services 10 am Zoom Classes Available 98 Rudder Rd., Suite A1, Millsboro 19966 302.945.5253 FENWICK ISLAND BAPTIST CHURCH 36806 Lighthouse Rd., next to Float-ors SUNDAYS SundaySchool-allages-9a.m. Worship&Celebration-10a.m. EveningBibleStudy-5p.m. WEDNESDAYS InteractiveBibleStudy-6p.m. Chapter by Chapter, Verse by Verse Approach to Scripture
BEACH CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) SUNDAY SERVICE 9:30 am In-Person & Live-Streaming on YouTube Social Distancing Serving • Inclusive • Open-Minded • Open Communion 7 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Bethany Beach
UNITED METHODIST CHURCH “Loving & Living so that Others see Jesus in us” Pastor John Schutt 302.436.4011 37890 Sound Church Road, Selbyville 19975 Established in 1779 In-Person & Live-Streamed every Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Sharing the Truth of God’s Word, Verse by Verse Sundays 9 am Christian Conference Center Octagonal Building 211 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach THE BEACH FELLOWSHIP Welcome Home! 29 W. Church St. • Selbyville • 302.436.8412 SUNDAY 1 Service at 10 am Regular schedule will resume Sun., Apr. 16 Salem Church United Methodist Pastor Reverend Blair Hall BLACKWATER FELLOWSHIP CHURCH
Are Welcome! Traditional Services Traditional Values Traditional Church Sunday Services Pastor Dennis Bradford 410.430.7104 Rt. 17 & Daisey Rd., Roxana 34478 Roxana Rd.; Frankford, 19945 Wednes. Bible Study 6:30 pm PRAISE & WORSHIP! April 9, 6 pm Fellowship Sunday School Morning Worship 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am Join us in person on SUNDAYS 9 am: Praise & Worship 11 am: Traditional SUNDAY SCHOOL 8 am Open Door Adults 9 am ARMOR Kids’ Church 10 am: Joy - Adults 10:15 am Young Adults Bible Study 4 pm CRASH Youth (for grades 6-12) Facebook Live, YouTube or 302.539.9510 Rt. 26 & Central Ave. Ocean View
Dr. Rebecca Collison 302.732.3303 2 Sunday Services 9 & 10:30 a.m. Roxana Volunteer Fire Co. April7,2023 CoastalPoint A53


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TheIndianRiverHighboys’ lacrosseteamwonitslastthree gamesandimprovedto4-1overall ontheseasonasseniorattackMax Forreycontinuedhisoutstanding scoringachievements.

AnEasternUniversitycommit, Forreynetted22goalsandsevenassistsfortheweek.Hehasscored150 careermarkersandiswithinthreeof theschool’ssecondleadingcareer goalscorerWilliam“Cole”Josetti (Classof2018,153careergoals).He willhavetheopportunitytosurpass GeorgeMartin(Classof2017,178 careergoals)asthenewIRHScareer goalscoringleader.

“Wehavebeenonaroll,”said IRHSboys’lacrosseheadcoach DavidSpencer.“Thebestthing aboutcoachingtheseboysisthat theyunderstandweareaverygood lacrosseteam.Whenweshowup,the teamthatwe’replayingknowsthat


“Wemakeadjustmentsinthe rightsituationandwehavestressed theimportanceofplayingthegame ina‘highpercentageway,’”Spencer added.“Ifwedothiseachgame,we knowthatwehaveachancetocome outontop.That’saprettygoodfeeling,andwe’regoingtokeepriding that.”


ForreyandfellowseniorBlake Brightmaneachscoredfourgoalson Monday,April3atPolytech.SophomoregoaltenderLoganDawson madefoursavesandimprovedto4-0 ontheseason.TheIndians(4-1 overall,4-0conference)builta5-2 firsthalfleadbeforepullingawayby a6-2countinthethirdquarter.


Forreynettedfourgoalsanddealt twoassistswhileBrightmanadded

fourmarkersatHenlopenConferenceSouthernDivisionrivalWoodbridgeonFriday,March31.Senior VincentOnoratoaddedthreegoals tohelpIndianRiverpostbuilda121leadbyintermission.GoalieDawsonmadefoursavestosealthe triumph.


TheIndianscapturedthisHenlopenConferenceSouthernDivision battleafterForreyscoredsevengoals anddealtthreeassistsonWednesday, March29.Brightmanaddedfour markersfortheGreen&Goldwhile goalieDawsonmadeeightsaves.


Caravelcamefrombehindinthe fourthquartertowinthenon-conferencematchuponMonday,March 27.Forreyscoredseventimesand dealttwoassistswhileBrightman addedthreemarkersandOnorato

scoredtwice.JuniorgoalieWyatt Snydermadeeightsaves.

“Thatwasatoughlossforus,” saidcoachSpencer.“Wefeltlikewe dideverythingthatweweresupposedtodoforthreegreatquarters and,unfortunately,letthefourth quartergetawayfromus.Butthat’s howthegamegoes.We’vegotto playacompletelacrossegamein ordertofindthevictory.Wemade toomanymistakesneartheend,and itcaughtuptous.

“AgainstagoodteamlikeCaravel, wehavetohavethepresenceofmind tostaystrongforallfourquarters,” addedSpencer.“We’lllearnfromthis andmakesurethatitdoesn’thappen again.Iwasreallyproudoftheteam andhowhardtheyfoughttheentire game.Thisgroupofkidsisgoingto befuntowatchthisyear.It’salready funtocoachthemandIthinkthat wehavethepotentialtomakethe statetournamentthisseasonifwe continuetoplayhard.”

April7,2023 PageA55
SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys IndianRiver’sMaxForrey,left,takesashotpastaPolytechdefenderonMonday,April3.


LocalstandoutswimmerAnna Mumfordplacedfourthoverallwith 91.5totalpointsattheJuniorOlympics meetinLancaster,Pa.,for13-14-yearoldsduringtheweekendofMarch1718.Mumfordwascompetingagainst morethan60swimmersinherage group.

Mumford,aresidentofSelbyville andamemberoftheMakoSwimClub, wonthe1,000-yardfreestyleevent.The 8th-gradestudentatSussexAcademy alsoplacedsecondinthe1,650freestyle and500freestyle,fourthinthe200 freestyleandsixthinthe200individual med ley.

CoastalPoint•Submitted AnnaMumfordwonthe1,000-yardfreestyleevent,andeventuallyplacedfourth overallattheJuniorOlympicsmeetinLancaster,Pa.,duringtheweekendofMarch 17-18.

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Thedefendingboys’volleyball DIAAstatechampionIndianswon fouroftheirfivegameslastweekand improvedtheirrecordto5-1overall and1-1inHenlopenConference competition.


TheIndianswonanon-conferencematchatWilmingtonConrad onTuesday,April4.TheIndians handilywonsetsthreeandfour,2516and25-18,respectivelytoemerge victorious.IRwontheopeningset,

25-17beforeConrad(4-4overall) tiedthematchat1-1witha27-25 triumph.


TheIndianswoninstraightsets, 25-19,25-13and26-25overthevisitingSeahawksinaHenlopenConferenceshowdownonMonday,April 3.


TheIndiansdominatedthenonconferencematchagainstvisiting MiddletownonFriday,March31.



SeniorCalebGalbreath,aStevensonUniversitycommit,contributed 15killsandsevenserviceaceswhile seniorConnorBirdadded18assists.


TheIndiansspottedhostSmyrna atwo-setstononeleadbeforestormingbackinatoughHenlopenConferencelossonWednesday,March 29.

TheEagleswonsetsoneandtwo byscoresof25-14and26-24,respectively,andthefifthset,15-10.

IndianRiverwonsetsthreeand four,26-25and25-23,respectfully.


Birdmade18digsandslammed 10killstoleadIndianRiverpast hostBrandywineinanon-conferencebattleonMonday,March27. SophomoreEvanForjanadded12 assistsand11digs,whileGalbreath had18digsand12kills.Inaddition, seniorJordyEstradagotintotheact with11digs.

TheIndianswonthefirst,third anddecidingsetsbyscoresof25-21, 25-22and15-10,respectively. Brandywinewonthesecondand fourthsets,27-25and25-18,respectively.


IndianRiver’sbaseballsquadsplitits twogameslastweek,improvingto5-1 overalland3-1inHenlopenConference competition.



lastthreeinningsatSeafordonTuesday, April4tobreakupatightSouthernDivisiongame.

SophomoreTreyHillandBenCordrey eachhadmultiplehitsanddroveinarun.

RomanKeith,seniorsChanceHockerand BrendonBradford,andsophomoresJace JarmonandChaseRuleyeachknockedina runtohighlightan11-hitattackforthe GreenandGold.

pean Sp ecialty

StartingpitcherHockerearnedthevictorywithasolidsix-inningperformance, highlightedby10strikeouts.Hocker earnedhissecondvictoryinasmanystarts afterholdingtheBlueJays(1-3overalland conference)tojustfourhits.Ruleypitched ascoreless7thinninginrelief.



oftheseason,atoughHenlopenConferencesetbackatDoveronThursday,March 30.TheSenators’JeremyDragoslasheda two-runwalk-offsinglewithtwooutsin thehome7thframe.

IndianRiverhadtakena5-4leadwith tworunsinthevisitors’halfoftheseventh inning.

SeniorsHockerandJamisonBender andsophomoreRuleysmackedhitsforIR.

Junior/Girls’ Lacrosse

The girls’ lacrosse goal scoring standout hit the back of the Milford net eight times on Monday, April 3, just two shy of the career high 10 she tallied against Lake Forest in 2022. Kylie also scored four times against defending state champion Cape Henlopen on Friday, March 31, and has 20 goals through the Indians’ first four games of the 2023 campaign. She is also the only player in IRHS girls’ lacrosse history to eclipse the 100+ career goal plateau. As a sophomore last season, she scored a school single-season record 69 goals and is at 121 for her career. 302.539.7352 790 Gar eld Parkway — Bethany Beach Atlantic Auto’s Euro
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April7,2023 CoastalPoint A57
Photo by Butch Comegys

SalutetotheIRHSSeniors CathellhopingtowinfirstIRgirls’soccerstatetitle

Thedreamreappearsfrequently. TheimageofholdingtheDIAADivisionIIgirls’soccerchampionshiptrophyismostprominentwhenevershe looksacrosstheIndianRiverHigh Schoolstudentparkinglot,whichoffers anunobstructedviewoftheIndians’ stadium.

Theemotionalsostirsinherhead duringtheIRgirls’team’sfrequent practices.

SeniorsoccermidfielderanddefenderKendallCathellcanthinkof nothingelseduringthosemoments.

The dreamgainsmomentuminher head,andinherheart.

Itisthedreamofeveryoneof Cathell’steammates—tobecomethe firstIndianRiverHighgirls’soccer teamtowinaDIAAstatechampi-

CoastalPoint•Submitted KendallCathelldribblestheballduringa gameagainstArchmere.


Severaloftheprevious17teamsthat wonHenlopenConferenceSouthern Divisionregularseasonchampionships —from2003through2011andagain from2014-2022(excluding2020)— havecomeclose.

Ayearago,IndianRivercompiledan impressive10-3-0recordafterdropping afirstroundDIAAplayoffmatchto visiting DelawareMilitaryAcademy,21.

Inthespringof2021,IRfinishedat 14-3-0afterlosing1-0inthesemifinals toeventualchampionCaravelAcademy. The2015and2016teamsreached thechampionshipbeforelosingeach yearto—youguessedit—Caravel Academy.

“Ihopethisisouryear,”saidCathell, athree-yearvarsitystandout.“Iwantto beontheteamthatwinsthefirststate title—theteamtobeat.AndIneedto liveuptomybrother’sJaxCathell’s(IR ‘21) expectationsafterhewonthe DIAADivisionIIboys’soccerchampionshipasaseniorinthefallof2020. Mybrotherandtheseniorshehad


A58 CoastalPoint April7,2023 MakingMem ies! 23rd St “Temple Of Dragons” 28th St “Medieval Faire” OC’s Only 27 Hole Mini Golf! 68th St Dinosaurs! And Indoor UnderSea Adventure 136th St Caribbean Pirates And Indoor Safari Village 68th St. Outdoor Dinosaur Course 23rd St. Outdoor Temple Of Dragons 136th St. Outdoor Caribbean Pirate 68th St. Indoor UnderSea 28th St. Outdoor Renaissance 27 Hole 136th St. Indoor Safari Course ALL 4 LOCATIONS OPEN! OPEN DAILY 10AM- 10PM

playedwithforyearswonthetitledespitethechallengesoftheCovid-19 pandemic.Ihopetohavethesameexperience.Wehaveallworkedsohard thepastfewyears,andwinningthestate titlewouldbebeyondrewarding.”

Despitethelateseasonplayoffdefeatsofrecentyears,the5-foot-7 Cathellconsidersherself“blessedto playalongsidesuchtalentedteammates whocontributetomysuccess.I’ve grownupplayingwiththesamegroup ofgirlsatRiverSoccerClub,sowe’ve allbecomesuchgoodfriendsonandoff thefield,”Kendallnoted.“Ifeelthat overthepastyearorso,I’vebecomea goodvoicefortheteam,andI’vetried tobealeadertotheunderclassmen. Sometimesplayersneedtobesettled downwhentheyareyellingbackatthe referees,butothertimestheyneedtobe toldhowwelltheyareplayingtoboost theirconfidence.Ialwayslookedupto upperclassmen,soIhopetocontinueto fillthatrole.”

Communicationis crucialtosuccess

Kendallbelievesthatthekeytothe Indians’achievementonthesoccer pitchisherabilitytocommunicate. “Youneedtocommunicateifyouwant ateammateto‘markupinthebox’and coveropponentswell,ortostayonside,” shenoted.“Communicatinghelpsus playlikeateaminordertowinthe toughgames.Withoutcommunication, thereareteammatesblamingeach other.Inordertohaveasuccessfulseason,weneedtocommunicateand, thankfully,ourteamhasalwaysdone that.”

Cathellhashad toovercomeseveral challengestoemergeasoneofthe team’sleadersandmostsuccessfulath-

letes.“Unfortunately,ItoremyMCL, ACL,andmeniscusatthebeginningof mysophomore(2021)season,”sherecalled.“Thatwastough.Ihadtoconstantlysitonthesidelinesandwatch, followedbynumerousdoctorappointments.Theinjurypresenteditsfair shareofphysicalandmentalchallenges, alongwithanine-monthrecovery.

“ButIgenuinelybelievethatitmade meastrongerplayer,”Cathelladded.“I becamemuchmoreawareofhowIplay andhowhardIneedtopushmyselfto bebetter.Luckily,myteammateswere alwayssosupportiveofmyrecovery,so itwasveryfulfillingtogetbackonthe field.Despitemychallenges,I’veloved beingapartofthisprogramforfour years.Winningalwaysfeelsgreat.But losingalsogivestheteamachanceto learnandimprove.”

Kendallisextremelygratefultohave beenapartoftheIRHSgirls’soccer side.“EvenwhenIwasinSelbyville MiddleSchool,thehigh-schoolstudentathleteswouldletmepractice withthem,”shesaid.“I’vealways wantedtobeapartofthisteam.Iam sadtoseethisjourneycometoanend, butI’msoexcitedforthisseason!”

Cathellhashelpedthe2023squad wineachofitsfirstfourmatches,three ofthembyshutouts.

“Kendallisourleaderonandoffthe field,”saidIRsoccerheadcoachBrandt Mais.“Sheistheenginetoourmidfield withhertechnicalabilitytogetforward anddropbacktodothedefensivedirty work.Kendall’sleadershipconsistently keepsthegirlsliftedandplayinghard. Shebreaksupplaysandcirculatesthe ballaroundthepitchasneeded.Sheis atrueteamplayerwillingtoplayany positionorroleneeded.Iappreciate Kendallguidingourteamandenabling ustoaccomplishourgoals.”

April7,2023 CoastalPoint A59 REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (855) 993-0969 Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* – A $695 Value! Cathell ContinuedfrompageA58 SeeCATHELLpageA61


KinsleyHallhurledhersecond softballno-hitteroftheseasonina 17-0victoryatSeaford(1-3)ina HenlopenConferenceSouthernDivisionshowdownonTuesday,April 4.ThetriumphimprovedIndian River’srecordto3-2overalland3-1


Hall(3-2)fanned12hittersandallowedtwowalksinherfive-inning completegamevictory.Shepreviously pitchedafive-inningperfectgameen routetoan11-0SouthernDivisiontriumphonopeningday,Thursday,March 23,atSussexAcademy.

LilyHobangaveheracepitcherall therunsshewouldneedwithafirst-inningthree-rundouble.Hobanfinished theafternoonwithsixRBIsandthree hits,whileHallandseniorJayaShaub eachrippedthreesafetiestoleadan18hitIndians’attack.JuniorMacyBlades andHalleachdroveinthreeruns.


TheIndianslostatoughHenlopen ConferencebattledespiteHall’soutstanding14-strikeoutcompletegame against HenlopenConferencerivalSussexCentralatDelTechCommunity CollegeonThursday,March30.Hoban rippedadoubleforIndianRiver.



UniversityofLynchburgcommit IzzyWadeandfellowseniorsShaub andHalleachdroveintworunstolead IRpasttheBlueRaidersinaHenlopen ConferenceSouthernDivisionshowdownonTuesday,March28.SophomoreJillianCoulbourn,BladesandHall eachscoredtworunswhileJillian CollinsandBladeseachrippedtwohits. Onthemound,Hallstruckout14of the16hittersshefaced.

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37316 Carolina Dr, Frankford

Close to beaches and bays. This 4 bedroom has lots of space for family and friends. HOA only $50 a year. Park recreational vehicles on your property. $169,900


This 3br/2 bath home makes a lovely year round or beach home in the established community of Blackwater Village.


Lot 1 Blackwater Rd, Frankford

Close to the beach and plenty of room on this 1.5 acre +/- to build the home of your dreams. No town taxes, lightly wooded. A real deal at $125,000

37609 Mimosa St., Shadydell Park

Under 3 miles to the Boardwalk at Bethany Beach, this 3 Bedroom, 2

Bath home offers a large Living Room, Kitchen with gas stove and plenty of cabinets and counter space and a large Primary Bedroom with walk-in closets and full bath, soaking tub and walk-in shower. Located on a .24 acre lot in a community with a $50 annual HOA fee, great location and convenient to shopping, restaurants, medical and the Beach. $279,900

A60 CoastalPoint April7,2023 If you are considering making a move in 2023, now is
a good time to get started. I can help with advice or direction on how to move forward. Call me and we can discuss your options. –Shirley
Call my cell 302.236.7046 or Long & Foster REALTOR®, Associate Broker, SRES, GRI, CRS, e-PRO Eastern Shore Top Producer 33298 South Coastal Highway • Bethany Beach, DE 19930 • Direct 302.539.9040 ext. 211 OPEN HOUSE - SATURDAY, APRIL 8 - 11-2
Senior Real Estate Specialist A Trusted Name in Real Estate 29214 Marshy Hope Way, W Glyn Newton 34042 Chippiwa Dr., Dagsboro $354,000
have to cross the highway to go to the beach. Comes mostly furnished. Enjoy drinks on the deck after your day on the beach! $1,390,000 NEW LISTING UNDER CONTRACT 38645 Jamestown Circle, Frankford Charming well maintained 3BD/2BA cottage less than 3 miles to Bethany's beaches/boardwalk. Large front deck with awning; large sunroom offers additional living space. Single family home but zoned condo. Community pool/tennis/kayakaccess just down the street. $475,000 0 S Route 344, Dagsboro For the buyer looking to build on a larger lot but still wantingto be a short drive to the Beaches at Bethany or Rehoboth,this .48 acre 100x210 cleared lot could offer the space you have been looking for. Located on Dagsboro Road. Price Reduced: $125,000
SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys IndianRiverpitcherKinsleyHallfires apitchagainstSussexCentralon Thursday,March30,inGeorgetown. Breaking News Headlines Updates Reminders and more! @coastalpoint The Coastal Point ~ 140 characters at a time ~ follow us on




Cathellremainsveryclosewithher olderbrother,Jax,asophomoreatthe UniversityofDelawarewhoplaysintramuralmen’svolleyball.“I’vealwayslooked uptohim,”shesaid.“Hehasalwaysbeen sosupportiveofme,andwilleventryto makeittosomeofmygamesinnorthern DelawareneartheUDcampus.

“AndI’mexcitedtobeattendingcollegewithJax—it’llbegreattohavea built-inbestfriend,”addedCathell,who planstomajorinCognitiveScienceatthe UniversityofDelaware.“Iampursuinga degreeinSpeech-LanguagePathology.I don’twanttobetoofarawayfromhome, butfarenoughawaysoI’llbeindependent.AndIwilldefinitelyplayintramural socceratUD,andamalsoconsidering playingattheclublevel.”

Sheisthankfulthatherfamilyactively supportshereffortsonthesoccerpitch.

“Myparents,CelesteandDarinCathell, andgrandparentsBonnieandEddie Cathell,nevermissagame,”shesaid. “They’vealwayssupportedmeandtaken metoeverygame,nomatterhowfaraway thattheyhavehadtotravel.They’vetaken metonumeroustournamentssothatI canbecomeabetterplayerandperform againstgreatcompetition.I’msograteful thattheyhavealwayspushedmetobe-

comeabetterplayerthroughtheirendless support.

“Myfriendsalsomakeittoasmany gamesastheycan,especiallywhenwe reachtheplayoffs,”addedKendall.“Ilove



“CoachDuncanSmithhelpedmebegin mysoccercareeratRiverSoccerClub, andhascoachedmesinceIwassixyears old,”Cathellsaidoftheclub’sexecutive director.“He’smademetheplayerIam today.Hetaughtmethebasicsandalways pushedmetoworkharderwhilestill makingpracticesomuchfun.Hegaveme theopportunitytogrowwiththebest teammatesandplaywiththemforyears.

“ThenthereiscoachSteveKilbywho hasalsoalwaysbeenahugepartofmy soccercareer,”addedCathell.“Healways believedinme,evenwhenIwasinjured. Heletmemakedecisionsfortheteam. Eventhoughheisnowanassistantcoach atCapeHenlopen,hestillissupportiveof me.AndIamveryexcitedtoplayfor coachMais.Watchinghimcoachthe boys’sideasateammanager,I’venoticed thatheisalwaysengaging,andIalways feltthathegavetheteamgreatgame plansandtakeaways.”

“Kendallisanamazinglycommitted younglady,”saidKilby.“Sheexcelsacademicallyandathletically,andisextremelycommittedtoeverythingshe takeson.Sheisalsoincrediblyhardworking.Toseetheamountoftimeandeffort sheputintoherrehabwasamazing.She isanamazingplayer.Youwillbehard pressedtofindabettermidfielderthan heratthehighschoollevelinDelaware.”

April7,2023 CoastalPoint A61
CoastalPoint•Submitted KendallCathellshootsforthegoal.

Withanewheadcoachbeingnamedliterallyastheseasonbegan,theIndianRiver HighSchoolgirls’lacrosseteamwasalready facingsomeadversitybeforetheballswere evenrolledoutonthefield.

Thenthatheadcoachhadamutualpartingfromtheprogrambeforetheycould evenplayagame.Enterinassistantcoach —nowheadcoach—TaylorPridgeonto leadthecontingentof21varsityand18juniorvarsityplayershittingthegroundrunning,orinthiscase,powerwalkingasthe playerslearnedthesystemofyetanother coach.

Coupleallofthiswithgamesagainst someofthebestteamsintheDelmarvaarea —CapeHenlopenandSmyrna—andthe cardsweredefinitelystackedagainsttheIndianstostarttheseason.

“Thegirlsareseeingsomebigcompetitionearlyon,”headcoachTaylorPridgeon saidofherteam.“Theyarelearningandimprovingeverypracticeandgame.Weareadjustingandmovingforward.”

TheIndianshavebeenfortunatetohave thestellarandconsistentplayofKylieHarristobetheirleaderonandoffthefield. Pridgeonfeelslikethatisgoingtobeanimportantfactorgoingforward.

“Sheiskeytoourdrawpossessionsand alwayshasgoodplacementonthefieldtobe

anassettoherteam,”notedPridgeonof Harris,whoistheteam’sscoringleader throughthefirstfourgameswith20goals.

Throughthosefirstfourgames—game fivewasWednesday,April5,againstLake Forest—theIndiansare1-3withtheirlone wincomingagainstHenlopenAthletic ConferencedivisionalcrossoverrivalSussex Tech.IRtookdowntheRavens,15-5,that daywitheightdifferentplayersscoring. Harrisledthewaywithfivegoals,while LillyAnthonyaddedfourofherown.Laila Fenton,VivianFelipe-Lucas,ShaylaHayes, MadisonGeppi,BaileyFreitas,andSamanthaTeolieachcontributedagoaltothewinningeffort.

Intheirmostrecenteffort,theIndians droppeda21-14decisiontoMilford.Harris scoredeightgoalswithAnthonyscoring fourmoreinthecontest.JasmineGutierrez andLaurenStoddardscoredtheothertwo goalsforIR. ChloeMegeemade11saves betweenthepipes.

Inthegrandschemeofthings,thelosses don’tmattermuchrightnowastheteam continuestogrowandimprove.Thegame againstLakeForestwillbethelastbefore theSpringBreakintermission,whichwill providePridgeonandtheteam12daysto workonthingstocontinuetheprocess,and



LastThursday,March30,theIndian RiverHighSchoolgolfteamputontheir bestperformanceoftheyoungseasonwitha sweepofDelawareMilitaryAcademyand hostSmyrnainatri-meetatGarrson’sLake GolfClub.

JuniorSarahLydiconceagainturnedin thelowcardofthematchwitha31,while teammateEvanCarpenterwassecondoverallinthematchwitha46.ThomasGogarty tiedforfourthwithDEMilitaryAcademy’s StewartLaFrankiewitha50.Smyrna’sRiley Horseywasthirdwitha49.

ThewinsliftedtheIndians’2023season recordto5-0.Theywillnowbeoffuntil hostingatri-meetonTuesday,April18, againstPolytechandSeafordatBearTrap DunesGolfClub.

Indiansremainperfect withtwomorewins


A62 CoastalPoint April7,2023 Serving Maryland and Delaware OFFERING COMPETITIVE PAY AND BENEFITS CALL US TODAY AT 410-641-1434 OR APPLY ONLINE ARCTICHEATANDAIR.COM MARY’S TOUCH MOVING & PACKING Please call Mary at 302-745-1272 or email If you haven’t spoken to Mary, you’ve called the wrong company! Long Distance & Local Moving Service RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Weekly Trips Around The D.C. Beltway • Storage Experts • Executive Moves • Senior Relocation • Full & Partial Packing • Liability & Cargo Insurance 109 Shady Ridge Dr., Rehoboth Beach, DE Small Job Thursday! Schedule NOW and SAVE! 1-855-337-5228 Product not available in all states. Contact us to see the coverage and offer available in your state. Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation including costs and limitations. This specific offer is not available in CO. Call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for a similar offer. In WV: To find a provider in the network visit us at https://www.physiciansmutual. com/web/dental/find-dentist. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E); Insurance Policy P150; Rider Kinds B438/B439. In CA, CO, ID, KY, ME, MD, MA, MI, MO, NV, NJ, NC, ND, VA: Includes Participating Providers and Preventive Benefits Rider. Certificate C254/B465 (PA: C254PA); Insurance Policy P154/B469 (GA: P154GA; OK: P154OK; TN: P154TN). from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. 6323 Get your FREE Information Kit DENTAL Insurance Indians’laxersfacingsomestiffcompetitionearlyintheseason IRHSSportsReport SeeSPORTSREPORTpageA63

throughthefirstcoupleofweeksoftheseasonrollingupanotherpairofwinstoimproveto5-0ontheseason.Fourofthefive winshavebeenshutouts,includingtheirtwo morerecent.

OnThursday,March30,theIndians’offenseignitedearlywithtwofirsthalfgoals beforeblastingtheBulldogswithfourmore inthesecondhalf.BellaScurciscoredboth goalsinthefirsthalf—andbothgoalswere assistedbyCarleyTopper—enroutetoa four-goalgamefortheIndians.EllaPetersonandAllisonTuckerscoredtheother goalsforIRwithKamdynShockleyrecordingtheassistontheTuckertally.

IRheldanimpressive21-1advantagein shotsforthegame,andrecordedsixcorner kickchancestononeforLaurel.Alex Davidsondidn’tevenhavetomakeasaveon

TheQuietResortsCharitableFoundation (QRCF)willagainhosttheBunnyPalooza5K raceand1milewalkonSaturday,April8,at8a.m., startingattheBethanyBeachgrandstandand Garfield,traversingPennsylvaniaandAtlanticAvenuesonaone-lapcourse.Butrunnersmustnot “rabbitout”ofthegate—astheraceisexpectedto hostmorethan500competitorsfromDelaware andtheeasternseaboard—tosaveenergyfora boardwalksprinttothefinish.

Thecompetitionlookstobestiff.Matt Marcini,45,ofYork,Pa.,wastheoverallwinnerin 16:26lastyear.DanSpahr,44,ofSilverSpring, Md.,wonthemalemasterstitlein18:54.

KateLoescher,14,ofStafford,Va.,wasthe women’swinnerin19:04for2022.PaulaPels,54,of Bethesda,Md.,wonthefemalemastersracedivisionin22:38.

BethanyBluesisprovidingbarbecueslidersfor allrunnersasthepost-racemealandDiFebo’sisexpectedtoofferalighterfareofchickensalad.The CarlM.FreemanFoundationisamajorsponsor thisyearwitha$1,200gifttoQRCFfortheEaster weekendrace.

LordBaltimoreElementary Schoolwillagain beactivelyinvolvedintheBunnyPaloozafestivities. TheParentTeacherOrganizationwillprovideactivitiesincludingcrafts,face-painting,andexhibits ofroboticsorotherskills.TheLBESChoirwill singthe“StarBangledBanner”nationalanthem. PamelaWebb,theprincipalofLB,istheofficial racemarshalandwillassistinstarterduties.Jessica Behrens,theLordBaltimoreTeacheroftheYear whoteachesfirstgrade,istheliaisontothePTO ontheracevolunteercoordination.

LBisalsoregisteringits“GirlsontheRun” (GOTR)trackandrunningprogramparticipants andthenew“LetMeRun”forboyswhichisnow infullswing,givingstudentsachancetoexercise.

DougPurcell,presidentoftheQRCF,saidthe communityhasreallyralliedaroundthisyear’s BunnyPaloozaevent.

“Wewillsee700peopleoutatBethanyBeach onEasterSaturday,”saidPurcell,whoisarealtor withCrowleyRealtyandtheraceorganizer.The figureincludesabout200familieswhowillwalk


OnTuesday,April4,theIndianswerein abattlewiththeBucsofMilford,andcame awaywiththe2-0winthankstoapairof goalsfromPeterson—oneineachhalf.IR outshottheirhosts12-3overall,andregisteredninecornerkickchancestojustone forMilford.Davidsonpickeduptheclean sheetvictoryinnetwiththreesaves.

TheIndiansarescheduledtotravelto DelmarforaHenlopenAthleticConferenceSouthDivisiontiltagainsttheWildcatsonThursday,April6,at4p.m.beforea 12-daybreakfromgamesforSpringBreak.

IRevensrecord withpairofwins

Itwasatoughfightonthehardcourtsof tennisthepasttwotimesoutfortheIndian RiverHighSchoolboys’tennisteam,but theyperseveredintheendwithapairof3-2 winsoverMilford(March29)andSeaford


AgainSeaford,thematchoftheday wenttosecondsinglesplayerCaleb Rodgers,whocame-from-behinddefeatIsaiahSuttoninthreesets,3-6,6-4,6-3.It provedtobethematch’sdecidingpointto givetheIndiansthewinastheyalsowon theothertwosinglesmatches.Stefano Crestarolledinstraightsetsatfirstsingles (6-0,6-1),whileNolanVasilwasvictorious atthirdsingles(6-2,7-6[10-8]).

CrestamadequickworkofhisfirstsinglesopponentversusMilfordwitha6-2,61decision,andRodgerswasnearlyidentical withhis6-2,6-2winatsecondsingles.

ThewinningpointinthematchforIR cameatfirstdoublesasVasilandteammate EvanSprucebanksandwichedtheirsetwins arounddroppingthesecondsetina6-4,16,6-2triumph.

ThewinsevenedtheIRboys’recordat 2-2ontheseason.Theyweretohostdistrict rivalSussexCentralonWednesday,April5,


StrongtennisperformanceswereondisplayfortheIndianRiverHighSchoolgirls’ programoverthepastweekastheydominatedMilfordandSeafordtoidentical5-0 winstoimprovetheirrecordto2-1onthe season.

ScarlettDunn(firstsingles),Lexxine Zullo(secondsingles),andMyaMacDonald(thirdsingles)allcruisedtostraightset winsovertheirMilfordcounterparts.Asdid theirteammatesinthedoublesmatches withKylieCourtneyandIsabellWisniewski (firstdoubles)andEmmaLovelletteand SaraDeery(seconddoubles)nearlybrokea sweatinsweepingtheirmatches. AgainstSeaford,theIndianswonallfive matcheslosingjusttwopointsoverall.

onemileorkidswhocanjoinafunrundown PennsylvaniaAve.

Races2Run,theDrewGonserracemanagementorganization,isprovidingraceregistration andtimingchipsthroughitsassociationwitharace timingcompany.Theraceendsontheboardwalk andtheawardsceremony,whichincludesplush bunnytoysfromTidepoolToysandmedalsfor placefinishers,willbeattheBethanyBandstand.


shipsforareahighschoolkidswithabout10finalistscompetingfortwoannualfundinggiftsworth $8,000overthecourseofacollegecareer.

TheQRCFisalsoplanningtosupportthepurchaseofmoveablesoccergoalsfortheLBoutdoor playground—estimatedbythePTOtocost $5,000—followingonlastyear’smajor$12,000 QRCFgifttowardapavedtrack.LBisinterested inhavingstablesoccergoalsthatmaybetransported,accordingtoWebb.

Rightnow,theraceregistrationproceedsalone areover$8,000andthesponsorshipswillbring charitableproceedsfromBunnyPaloozatoover $12,000accordingtorecordsfromRaces2Runand Purcell.QRCFisacharitablefoundationdedicated toeducation.

Thisyear’sBunnyPaloozafestivaltechnicalteeshirtisacoralcarandtheracingbunnylogoon thesesyntheticrunner’sshirtshavebecomesomethingofacollector’sitem.

April7,2023 CoastalPoint A63
Sportsreport ContinuedfrompageA62 302-616-4760 | | 90 Atlantic Avenue | Ocean View, DE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS NOW OPEN IN OCEAN VIEW!
A64 CoastalPoint April7,2023




WHEREAS, there exists an alley known as “Barker Alley” within the corporate limits of the Town of Millsboro, located on a part of Sussex County Tax Map and Parcel No. 133-17.13-118.00 between Washington Street and Main Street, as shown on the “Boundary Consolidation Plat & Location Survey” for Series J of Balsamo Real Estate, LLC, dated May 25, 2022, prepared by Pennoni Associates Inc.; and

WHEREAS, because Barker Alley runs through the middle of Sussex County Tax Map and Parcel No. 133-17.13-118.00, the owner thereof, Series J of Balsamo Real Estate, LLC, desires to incorporate Barker Alley into its property and to close and vacate public use of Barker Alley; and

WHEREAS, the Town Council previously approved the conveyance of Barker Alley from the Town to Series J of Balsamo Real Estate, LLC, so that Barker Alley may be incorporated into Sussex County Tax Map and Parcel No. 133-17.13-118.00; and

WHEREAS, because it is the intention of Series J of Balsamo Real Estate, LLC, to close and vacate public use of Barker Alley, the Town must follow the procedure set forth in §31 of the Town’s Charter and, accordingly, a Committee was appointed to investigate the possibility of changing the street structure within the Town by closing and vacating public use of Barker Alley; and

WHEREAS, the Committee appointed pursuant to §31 of the Town’s Charter presented its report to the Town Council on April 3, 2023, identifying therein the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed change in the street structure and, because the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, recommending therein that the proposed change be considered favorably by scheduling a public hearing; and

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Millsboro, in session met, a quorum pertaining at all times thereto, that a public hearing be held on Monday, the 1st day of May, A.D., 2023, at 7:00 o’clock in the evening, prevailing time, on the matter of changing the street structure within the Town by closing and vacating public use of Barker Alley, which is located on a part of Sussex County Tax Map and Parcel No. 133-17.13-118.00 between Washington Street and Main Street, as shown on the “Boundary Consolidation Plat & Location Survey” for Series J of Balsamo Real Estate, LLC, dated May 25, 2022, prepared by Pennoni Associates Inc.; and

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Council of the Town of Millsboro shall sit on the 1st day of May, A.D., 2023, at the public hearing referenced above, to hear any objections to the closure and vacation of Barker Alley, described above, and to award just and reasonable compensation to those persons, if any, who will be deprived of property by reason of the closure and vacation of Barker Alley, described above; and

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Manager be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause a Notice which shall consist of a true copy of this Resolution to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Millsboro, at least one (1) week prior to the date set forth in this Resolution for the Public Hearing.

I, James C. Kells, Secretary of the Town Council of the Town of Millsboro, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution passed by the Town Council at its Regular Meeting held on April 3, 2023, at which a quorum was present and voting throughout and that the same is still in full force and effect.




By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 18th day of April, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: Tax Parcel:234-35.05-28.00

Property Address: OAK ORCHARD DELAWARE AVE LOT 30 T#24035, 28404 DELAWARE AVENUE, Millsboro, DE 19966

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 5/19/23subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of DONALD CUBLER & NANCY CUBLER (8) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff CP 20230407

CP 20230407 1T got legals? Call Jane to place your legal advertisments ~ 302.539.1788
April7,2023 CoastalPoint A65


Town of Millsboro Public Notice 2023-2024 Tax Assessment List

The 2023-2024 tax assessment list for the Town of Millsboro has been posted at the Town Hall and is available for review Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. All appeals to the tax assessments for the 2023-2024 tax year must be filed prior to the hearing date May 1, 2023. Appeal forms are available at the Town Hall.

CP 20230407 1T


Notice is hereby given that on April 19, 2023, at 6:30pm a Planning and Zoning meeting has been scheduled located 9 Main Street, Frankford, Delaware 19945.

Meeting to consider the following:

• Discuss Site Plan and Lot Line change for Dollar General and Louis Travalini, Tax Map Parcel Number 433-6.18-48.00 and 433-6.18-48.08

• Discuss Storage Facility for Chuck Coleman, Tax Map Parcel 433-6.00-101.00

CP 20230407 1T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 18th day of April, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: Tax Parcel:234-21.00-23.03

Property Address: 25345 GRAVEL HILL ROAD, Millsboro, DE 19966

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 5/15/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 5/19/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of WILLIAM JORDAN; FRESH HARVEST HYDROPONICS L.L.C & THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (11) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


The Mayor & Council of the Town of Selbyville approved the following amendments during the regular council meeting held on Monday, April 3, 2023:



CP 20230407 1T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 18th day of April, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:234-11.00-536.00

Property Address: 32268 AUGUSTA COURT, Lewes, DE 19958

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 5/15/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 5/19/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of JOSETTE M. CASTIGLIONE & STEPHEN J. CASTIGLIONE, JR. (19) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

A66 CoastalPoint April7,2023
CP 20230407 2T
CP 20230407 2T



The Town of South Bethany Election, which would have been scheduled for May 13, 2023, has been cancelled. There are three seats open for Council Members for two-year terms. Only two of the three seats for Council were filled by two unopposed candidates. Both were qualified by the Board of Elections. The following are declared elected by the South Bethany Board of Elections:

Council Members-Elect – Edie Dondero and William “Tim” Shaw

The Town of South Bethany will swear in the two candidates at the Town Council Organizational Meeting to be held at a later date, which will be posted.

CP 20230407 1T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 18th day of April, 2023 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: Tax Parcel:234-23.00-660.00

Property Address: 26551 RIVER BREEZE DRIVE, Millsboro, DE 19966

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 5/15/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 5/19/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.


T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20230407 2T


The Town of Ocean View will hold its annual election between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm on Saturday, April 8, 2023, at the Town Hall Community Center located at 32 West Avenue, Ocean View, DE.

One Candidate will be selected as Council Person for District 3.

JAY TYMINSKI AND RICHARD JENNISON have qualified for this position.

One Candidate will be selected as Mayor.

JOHN REDDINGTON AND RANDY ROBUST have qualified for this position.

Absentee ballots are available for any resident who is not able to vote at the Town Hall on April 8, 2023. Any Town of Ocean View eligible registered voter who needs to obtain an absentee ballot by mail should call the Town Clerk at 302 539-9797, ext.101, and an affidavit will be mailed to you. The affidavit can also be downloaded from the Town’s web site ( If you prefer, you may come to the Wallace A. Melson Municipal Building, which is located at 201 Central Avenue, between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm to complete the affidavit and receive an absentee ballot. The affidavit must be filed with the Town no later than 12 noon April 7, 2023. Absentee ballots must be received prior to the close of the election, 5:00 pm on April 8, 2023. Identification will be required for anyone who wishes to obtain an absentee ballot.

All residents who are registered in the Town of Ocean View are urged to vote in this election. Identification will be required on Election Day in order to vote.


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 18th day of April, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: Tax Parcel:135-14.00-115.00

Property Address: 6 CARRIAGE LANE, Georgetown, DE 19947

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 5/15/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 5/19/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of CHARLES S. KNOTHE ESQ., PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE TO THE ESTATE OF HELEN J. STUART & CATHY LYNETTE STUART (HEIR) (24) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20230407 2T
CP 20230317 4T
April7,2023 CoastalPoint A67





STATE OF DELAWARE PO BOX 743; GEORGETOWN, DE 19947 (302)855-7875

Estate of Ralph M. Howard Jr., Deceased.

Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration with Will Annexed upon the estate of Ralph M. Howard Jr. who departed this life on December 3, 2022, late of Millsboro, DE were duly granted unto Matthew T. Howard on March 23, 2023 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Administrator WWA without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Administrator WWA on or before August 3, 2023 or abide by the law in this behalf.


Matthew T. Howard

7810 Bridge Drive Orchard Beach, MD 21226

Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills

ATTORNEY: Parsons & Robinson, P.A. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401 Ocean View, DE 19970

CP 2023331 3T


By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 18th day of April, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:334-20.18-198.00-3

Property Address: BLUFF CONDOMINIUM, UNIT 3, 13 READ AVENUE, Dewey Beach, DE 19971

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 5/19/23subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of DEREK G. REDCROSS & JANELL CARRINGTON-REDCROSS (2) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20230407 2T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 18th day of April, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:533-13.00-37.00

Property Address: 37482 OLIVER DRIVE, Selbyville, DE 19975

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 5/15/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 5/19/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of DONALD J. NALLE (12) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 18th day of April, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:234-6.00-508.00

Property Address: 30931 SANDY RIDGE DRIVE, Lewes, DE 19958

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 5/15/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 5/19/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of CARLA S. ROUSAK (15) and will be sold by Robert

A68 CoastalPoint April7,2023
CP 20230407 2T
CP 20230407 2T
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Shore Home Improvements, LLC Design • Build • Remodel 302.537.5988 Established 1989 • Licensed & Insured Additions CASH FOR CARS! 302-249-3444 38531 DuPont Blvd., Selbyville We Will Buy Your Car Even if You Don’t Buy One of Ours! Auto Buying Service 302.732.3529 WE BUY CARS. Running or Not! Auto Buying Service APPLIANCE MASTER Prompt, Quality Repairs at A ordable Prices Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers Ranges • Disposals • Refrigerators Call Phil: 302.278.1441 Serving the Rt. 54 area with 50 years’ experience of honest work Appliance Service Expert Bathroom Remodeling Bath-to-Shower Conversions Prompt & Professional Serving Sussex for over 20 years 302.542.1162 Licensed in DE & MD Master Plumber Bathrooms BEACH VALET Your Personalized Ride Service Airports - Train Stations Washington - Baltimore - Philadelphia 301.602.3741 Airports & Train Stations April7,2023 CoastalPoint A69 SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•MarianDowling Abaleofturtlessunthemselvesona recentsunnyday.
A70 CoastalPoint April7,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Quality Service by Certified Technicians Since 1983 302.436.5652 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning Oriental Rug Cleaning & Repair Carpet Cleaning SHADESBLINDS SHUTTERSDRAPES Custom Window Fashions A Hunter Douglas Dealer! Call Joe: 302.339.2524 • Beautiful Quality • A ordable Free, in-home Consultations, No Obligation! Licensed Insured Pastorie Agency, LLC Blinds appliances furniture cars boats box of junk stu in the garage exercise equipment toys TVs GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY HOUSE! BIG or small, I’ll haul it all! 302.236.2670 PASTURE-RAISED CHICKEN EGGS FOR SALE • POWER WASHING Also Cleaning F abian’s CarpetCare 302-745-7547 Water Damage • Restoration • Mold & Mildew Carpet Cleaning - 2 rooms: $79; 4 rooms: $125 With Ad Residential & Commercial Carpet & Upholstery Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates • 25+ Years’ Experience Carpet Cleaning DRIVING MISS MAISEY Call Mike: 302.344.0169 Where do you want to go? Driving Services Computer Sales –Service –Support Servicing PC & MAC • Walk-In & On-Site Services 302-539-6421 35583 Atlantic Avenue • Millville Computer Service & Support CONCRETECONTRACTOR 302-581-2541 CONCRETE FLOORS • SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS CONCRETE FLOORS • SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS Concrete Services “Let 35 years of experience go to work for you.” Master Electrician, licensed in DE & MD “The homeowner’s friend.” Dennis W. Marvel 302.436.5008 | Selbyville, DE Residential | Commercial Electric Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Call JANE for more information • 302.539.1788 GetEverything OnYour ‘ToDo’List… DONE! Got a List? COMMERCIAL CLEANING SERVICES interior & exterior ■ daily/bi-weekly Includes Pool Areas, Walkways, Decks, Parking Lots, and More MAINTENANCE AVAILABLE Aliia Stockman | 443.521.4149 | DELMAR SEASHORE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, LLC LICENSED BONDED INSURED REFERENCES Cleaning Services - Commercial Cleaning Services - Residential Residential/Rentals One-Time/Move-Outs Spring & Deep Cleans Licensed Insured Cleaning Services - Residential & Commercial SAFE AIRPORT? the to Going RELIABLE Go? to eed .nosa .erehwynA st .dniM fo .trof fomoC ruo ATION?TAT TA the to oing N You Yo do re Where Wh eR ynA roF neilC ruo evirD eW We ecaeP ruoY Yo sIt’ Y Yo sIt’ .raC ruoY Yo sIt’ S TRAIN G Driving Services call Al Lewis 302.462.8614 AtlanticDiversified Construction,Inc. For Quality and Experience, Additions • Decks • New Construction Making your dream home a reality Siding, Windows, Baths, Kitchens, Outside Showers, Property & Storm Management and much more! Construction
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices DIFEBO HARDWOOD FLOOR CO. Floors Sanded & Laid 302.462.5415 302.539.4550 Robert DiFebo 789 GARFIELD PKWY.; BETHANY BEACH Flooring Repairs Decks Tile Work Kitchens Baths Power Washing Stone Work Drywall Screen Repairs Minor Plumbing Masonry Work Window Washing Call Gus: 302.245.4852 Licensed & Insured Handyman HAPPY TO BE HANDY I’ll Economically Repair, Replace, or Build New Call Rob for All Your Jobs! Trim Work Cabinets Custom Shelving Drywall - Install & Repair Painting Siding & Roo ng Repairs Windows & Doors Screen Porches Decks - New & Repair Ceramic Tile Minor Plumbing & Electrical 302.858.3024 Licensed & Insured Handyman KEVERTIN FLOORING ENTERPRISES, LLC Flooring the Shore since ‘74! 443.496.1941 Licensed & Insured * Luxury Vinyl Flooring * Staircases * Finishing * Installation * Refinishing * Repairs * Docks & Decks Flooring Driveway Maintenance 38205 Dupont Blvd., Selbyville 443.523.2476 DRIVEWAY SEALCOATING FPS Hand Brushed Don’t Pay to Spray! Driveway Services LH Excavating, Inc. Specializing in Drainage Solutions Stormwater Maintenance & Pipe Replacements Ponds • Ditching • Demolition DE & MD Stormwater Certified 3 0 2 . 7 3 2 . 3 0 7 2 Licensed & Insured Excavating ZIM ZAM THE HANDYMAN 302-436-9116 Painting/Caulking/Powerwashing Fencing/Decks/Screening Flooring Repairs/Tile/Grouting Carpentry/Cabinetry/Shelving Garages/Closets/Sheds Property Cleanouts/Sharpening Concrete Coastings/Epoxies NOT SURE? Just Ask! Property Repairs And Maintenance PO BOX 745 SELBYVILLE, DE 19975 Handyman Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Need HELP with household chores? Got Chores? 302.519.8954 Randy Perkins Millsboro Full Service Garage Door Company New Doors - Repairs - Openers Residential - Commercial Garage Doors Specializing in all Home Repairs Small Inside Jobs 30 years’ experience. Call for a free estimate • Doors • Windows • Plumbing • Carpentry • Drywall • Painting • Tile • Electrical • and More! Jeff the Handy Man 302.212.7607 Handyman THE SCREEN GUY & HANDYMAN SCREEN REPAIR PRESSURE WASHING 443.301.5994 Handyman SYNERGY Home Services 302-344-7629 Lic. & Ins. | References Available | 37 Years’ Exp. Affordable, Sensible Solutions Home Repair & Construction From Painting to Decks & Additions and Everything in Between! Handyman NICK DEMOPOULOS 302.604.3971 LICENSED/INSUREDNCDREMODELING@GMAIL COM BATHROOMS & KITCHENS AND OTHER HOME INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Home Improvements AN AFFORDABLE NEW BATH STARTS HERE! Making Y r Dream Bath C e True F 20 Ye s! Specializing in Bathroom Remodels Contact Garth for FREE Estimate! 410-641-8439 MHIC #94614 Licensed Insured Tub to Shower Conversions Custom Tile Work Home Improvements April7,2023 CoastalPoint A71
A72 CoastalPoint April7,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Down to Earth 302-381-5051 302-381-5051 Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured Serving Bethany Beach & the surrounding areas Landscape & Mowing Contracts Irrigation Installation/Maintenance Fertilization - Turf & Ornamental Bed Maintenance & Pruning Lawn & Landscape LLC Landscaping 302.542.1335 302.537.1144 Bobcat & Backhoe Services ~ Bush-hogging Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Landscaping DEPENDABLE SERVICES EMERGENCY TREE REMOVAL 302.539.5664 • C: 302.228.5190 Edgar Simpler Licensed & Insured Seasonal Clean-up • Mulching • Delivered Pine Needles • Chipper Services • Junk Hauling Trees Removed • Shrubs Pruned Small Trees Trimmed • Grass Cutting Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Grading • Bush-Hogging Driveway Stone Delivered and Installed Landscaping RRD LAWN & LANDSCAPING INC 302.249.9986 Landscaping Complete Landscaping & Lawn Care Irrigation Installation & Repair 302.344.4883 302.344.1441 Locally Owned Licensed & Insured Bethany Blooms Landscaping, LLC Time For SPRING CLEAN-UP! Landscaping • Overseeding • Tree Trimming • Snow Plowing • Aerating • Landscape Planting & Maintenance • Yard Cleanup • Lawn Care • Mowing • Mulching • Weeding Residential Commercial licensed insured 302.448.1643 Landscaping • Spring Clean-up • Landscaping • Mulching • Sod Installation • Lawn Mowing • Tree Care Licensed Veteran-Owned • Local Insured • Gravel/Dirt/Topsoil Landscaping Millwork The Area’s #1 Moving Company BUDGET MOVERS 40+ Years in Business Licensed & Insured LOCAL • ENTIRE EAST COAST Residential or Office or Commercial Packing or Loading or Unloading or Complete Move Single Item or Certain Items or Full Home Call Maria: 443-664-5797 Female Owned & Operated Moving Services • Landscaping • Irrigation • Hardscaping Free Estimates Full Yearly Maintenance Contracts Available 443.783.2224 Landscaping HVAC Contractor Bill Smith 302.228.5668 • 302.846.0446 References • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured The smallest things make the biggest difference Custom Cabinets & Shelving Tile, Hardwood & Laminate Flooring Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Interior Trim & Shiplap Sunrooms, Decks, & Porches Home Improvements BAYSIDE BUILDERS COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR LICENSED AND FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES ALL WORK DONE BY OWNER • Flat Roof Specialist • • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Doors • Custom Homes • Additions • Repairs • Kitchens • Baths • Tile Work • Decks • Custom Inside Trim Work • Hardwood Floors Cell: 410-713-8599 Home Improvements GOT STUFF? Call Mike: 302.344.0169 WE WILL MOVE OR REMOVE Rubbish • Yard Waste Appliances • Furniture Unwanted Items Downsizing A little or a lot TELL US WHAT YOU’VE GOT! Cleaning Services G.T. CLIFT INC. Home Improvements Roofing Siding Decks Windows Doors Chimneys Built Relined Swept MHIC 65416 410-360-8460 Home Improvements
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Hanna’s Fitness 302.542.7601 SENIOR FITNESS SPECIALIST Specialized in-home Personal Training for older adults and those who don’t want to go to the gym! Balance Training • Couch to 5K Strength & Mobility • Core Training Walking Programs Weight Management Specialist Personal Trainer Customized training sessions for balance, mobility, stability, focus, core and over all strength and endurance 302.249.2535 302.249.2535 DarkHorseFitness65 Customized training sessions for balance, mobility, stability, exibility, coordination, mental focus, core and over-all strength and endurance Master Trainer • Personal Trainer Senior Fitness Trainer Nutrition Certi ed CPR & AED Certi ed In Your Home or Community Facility Personal Trainer ‘Your Neighborhood Plumber’ 302.732.3555 • Complete Plumbing Services Licensed & Insured Off ANY Service Call over $250 Limit 1 Coupon per Service Call Not valid with any other offer $30 Plumbing 302.519.8444 Receive a FREE 1-day pass & Treats with enrollment Fresh Air • Furry Friends • Fitness Overnight Boarding • 2.5 acre West Fenwick Farm Pick up/Drop off Services available Doggie Daycare, LLC Pet Services Zimmerman & Son LLC • CUSTOM PAINTING • DRYWALL REPAIRS • WALLPAPER REMOVED • DECK & HOUSE STAINING • ALWAYS PROMPT SERVICE Free Estimates 10% Discount with this ad. Bill Zimmerman 410-390-5528 ~ cell 443-373-4539 NOW ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS! Painting & Powerwashing Interior & Exterior Serving Delmarva for Over 35 Years Licensed & Insured Painting PATIOS 410.390.1499 • Driveways • Fire Pits • Retaining Walls • Hardscaping • Walkways Family-owned & Operated. Call for Your FREE Estimate! Licensed Insured Patios 302.249.9027 TWO OLD GUYS that PAINT & POWERWASH AND do HOME REPAIRS & HANDYMAN SERVICES AND... do it ALL well! Quality Work, at a Fair Price 41 Years of Experience Free Estimates Kevin M. Donovan, BPI Certified Building Analyst Licensed & Insured SPRING SPECIAL 10% OFF ALL EXTERIOR PAINTING! Painting LITTLE FOOT PAINTING 302.228.9993 Licensed Insured PAINTING and MINOR HOME REPAIRS Painting fresh. PHILIPSPAINTING.COM 302.344.0535 Painting Call Jeff for estimate: 302.745.2100 • 302.436.2588 Licensed & Insured Sunshine Painting & Power Washing, LLC RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Interior/Exterior Painting Cleaning Deck Staining • Drywall Repair All Jobs Welcome! Painting KEVIN COVIELLO 302-745-3912 QualityWorkmanship Licensed Insured INTERIOR • EXTERIOR POWERWASHING Painting McKinney Brothers Pete McKinney 443.449.9647 High-end Custom, Quality Painting MB Licensed Insured Painting Licensed & Insured Painting Derickson’s Wallcovering, LLC 302.537.5787 • 410.726.3145 Serving the Shore since 1990 Licensed & Insured in DE & MD MHIC 73031 Professional, Quality Service Wallpaper Installation/Removal Interior Painting Painting & Wallpaper Roofing April7,2023 CoastalPoint A73
A74 CoastalPoint April7,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Locally owned/operated since 2000 For a FREE In-Home Consultation, call Kathy 302.542.2527 Plantation Shutters Custom-made locally! • Roman, Honeycomb, & Roller Shades • Faux Wood Blinds • Vertical Woven Draperies Custom Window Treatments Window Treatments Free In-Home Consultation! Window Treatments CREATIVE DRAPERY • Draperies • Slip Covers • Blinds and Shades • Indoor/Outdoor Cushion Covers CUSTOM Call Bonnie Johnson, owner 717.235.7800 Insured with over 50 years’ experience Window Treatments Millville across from the Dollar General, approx. 1/2 mile on the left on Whites Neck Rd. Jeremy Smith • 302.423.2601 Yard Waste Recycling & Retail Material Mulch • Top Soil • Mushroom Soil (Nutrient Rich) Soil Amendment Pine Needles Accepting tree limbs, leaves and plant material. Pick-up available. DELIVERY AVAILABLE • MON-FRI 9-4 Yard Waste Window Treatments FREE In-Home Consultation Professional Measuring and Installation Shutters, Roman Shades, Draperies, Top Treatments Woven Woods, Honeycombs, Roller Shades, Solar Shades Window Film, Awnings, Wood & Faux Wood Blinds, & more... 302.856.6799 Window Treatments HOME - AUTO - MARINE 302.236.2670 TOP WERKS UPHOLSTERY Professional Service New - Repairs - Alterations Farm Fresh Eggs for Sale! Call for an appointment: Upholstery 302.542.0921 MA-4360B Pest & Disease Treatments Tree & Shrub Fertilization Tick/Mosquito Treatments Hazard Tree Assessments Invasive Species Management Tree Pruning & Removal HOA Master Planning & Tree Inventories Home of the PennDel Arborist of the Year Tree Service Property Management Tree Trimming Tree Removals Tree Pruning Stump Grinding Lot Clearing 24 Hour Emergency Senior & Military Discounts 302.278.8979 Tree Service Bethany 302-539-5700 Georgetown 302-856-9210 STI Landscape Center 302-645-6262 Serving the local community for over 30 years Mention this ad. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons. Not valid on previous quotes or committents. Some exclusions apply. $10% off From grass roots to tree tops, we have all of your tree and landscaping needs covered. Tree Service 6394 228 302 s Available Financing Easy 100% Estimates Written FREE eitnarraW Wa emitefiL de itreC FAG eciv reS ytilauQ ,tpmorP ,tsenoH 8. . u s n I & d e s n ec i L g n i f o o R E D x e s s u S ng SussexRoo d er m o c . l i a m g @ Roofing

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A76 CoastalPoint April7,2023 EMPLOYMENT iR id I f SREVIRD SUBLOOHCS ba lc oC fo TF EMPLOYMENT C otemuserliamero 1111.052.014 llaC .rekrowytilauq,el -dnepedr of gnikooL.e -ihevdedivorp-ynapm .namydnahsedartlla kcajr of bojtc ef rePRY , T, ECNANETNIAM EMPLOYMENT E 30253988 Cripple Creek Golf and MPLOYMENT EM 882 Country Club r Fo Full Loo PLOYMENT EMP , n io t catiica ic l pli p pp a ap d n a o f fo n nf i in e r re o m POSITI e train those e W We train those eager to learn! t-Time. Time. ar l & P s outdoor, or a great, oking f for a great, HIRING LOYMENT i s i is vesa le ple S summer job? I LL G A RVERS NS 5130.542.203 !niarTlliW .tcirtsiDloohcS rev na n ro H lan 67th St C t l H Now Hiring!!!
HERKER PROPER esume to Email r h Simple IRA, alth, nclude partial he i Sala rearachas.eesort be & Delawar operty maintenance company in F ndscaping & pr G FIELD MANA Seeking full time Gherker@c or call 610-459-5857 AINTENANCE holidays & vacation. benefits ry: $50K+, companydankforr for full service GER 857 C ak ayalKt Coas ER CHEN • S SER KIT N OITIALL POS E ears old! e 18+ y years old! Must b DRIVERS wOcean Vie v 29C Atlantic A Av :no rs ersPer Pe in ly Apply pp 67th St., Coastal Hwy , Available Av Positions , PT FT Experience preferred people to join our crew , energetic friendly e are looking for W • Pizza Maker • Dishwasher • Grill Cook • Counter Server Competitive Pay and ips! Great T Si iiil! EX xperience is r ears ex 20 ye offe We ears’ e experience seeking an years’ e AC company wit HVVAC with o Sales Commiss r usnIhtlaeHno ti acaV fffe wit S s ver th o ions 40 ecna ide SPRAY Y TECHNI th current pestic ARTENDERDERS • B BAR • Appl Fenwick Island ense CIAN e lic RS ly in person g y , P f f P d ev ititepmoC.derr ef fe erpslliksretupm co e lle xc E.syadilohdna,sdnekeew,sthgin w eiVnaecOniytinummoclufituaebr fo ough M y thr a , M PTT, OOL/CLUBHOUSE m p Su ember ! i sunobevi nidnayralas emos;tsumasllikselpoeptn ,syadedulcniotytilibalia vA Av eptid-S SANTTEND T E A AT Serious inquiries only! Apply within or email us ubmit r $ c im F s All Call Glen MacDonald at: n e offer Medical, Dental, mmediately ti Full-T 302.539.888 is tiontructiConstr es ates te t Stat cDonald at: cal, i 82 ng hiring now @ rewerB.nas Su m er re nSe d o fo cte fere er ree e o margorp zib.cnisac :o to e t emocn arxte ext na r EOE Give Exll ST • R WA Tos SEASONAL POSITIONS General Clerical atch Night W Watch • Maintenance 0059.245.203.e
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+1/2BA,2BR/2fullBA(2) Millsboro: Lakes, Plantation

Brandnew4BR/2BA Selbyville: Landing, Saltwater month+utilities. ge.garawithper$2,0003-storybrandtonewwnhome

l.tiu+hontp0,mer$2.gea50 gtrawieomhlh ay-fgmi le

3BR/2.5BAsingle- View: Ocean Landing, Savannahs

Brandnew3BR/3.5BA,two- Millsboro: Lakes, Plantation family$2,500permonth+5%rentaltax+util. home.


2BR/2BA+loftfamilysingle Millville: Mills, Denton month+utilities.



3BR/2BA,brandnew Millsboro: Creek, Stonewater

4BR/3BAsinglefamilywithhome Millville: Parkside, single-family$3,000permonth+utilities. home.



4BR/3BAsingle-familyhome Beach:y

$3,700/month+utilities. Pcourse.golfartiallyfurnished.

List your rental with us for problem-free management. Wilgus has a list of qualified yearly renters waiting for vacancies. acant!

Owners: Please don’t let your houses sit v

A78 CoastalPoint April7,2023 DNUOR-RAEY iving$1,700permonth+ room.l teentra
Georgetown: St.,
SLAT TANER eGr ob Spa WA security deposit required. Credit application and unless otherwise noted. N/P All units are N/S, +utilities. nce.Largeandkitchen /1.5BA,single-level DETN AW WA ETA AT MMOOR ✃ om.cmailg @tner4erohsaSe th$2,750/mon ean, N/PP. o ocBike t . Unfurst viewea .essceanac,oct dock oa ,agear acious 4BR/3BA. G KCIWNEF ,T T, NORFRE TA AT DNUOR-RAEY 0 1.384.2947 3 th + $1,000 $1,500/mon .etsNo P 3BR/1.5BA tr OILLSBORM DNUOR-RAEY KEEWTXEN 6 $850 A posit pet e pp A W 2BR n aM TH BE YA AY MURHT 301.404.2070 and utilities ncludes amenities . IyaM or ; $2,600 fo eek700/w$ ;13yaMurhtelbalia Av .iagehomerend unit car , agecar gar 3BR/2.5BA, 2ANDING BISHOPS L
setamitsEeerF ,tnuocsiDroineS segaraG,scittA STUO-NAELC AB DROFFA SECIVRES 3
x 3030
.07991 w, iew,Vie Vi naecO;esu Ho kerrkePark Pa ff Off .ytinummoClleDydahS R 1 - 8 15 Apr. Sat., ❏ a 03 li A lb li .edequir t and lease r -,deeditoodcr. G s om beach. No es fr ely 10 min-tximao r .essc W/D pool ac .wnhomeo R/2.5BA t eo sharneeded t emale , single fe etur CH AREA Y BEA AN H 16 Apr. ATE:DAT AIN n! un!funavvefefu d w dnasralupac s tsr ylbar ef feer nihcruhCs’n n t orp-r of fo -ton .0169 8.2008 023 NEEDED 78.249.5312 th + utilities 0/mon . rp e a av ENOGTITEG 9 2 5 3 . 2 3 7 . 2 0 .ton ro gninnuR .SRAC YUB EW rl opwhiosetstkacypraosr fosexobkcap to ge aragro)roo p(moorasdeen,hcaeByna th A .tSth iwdetaicossano ti azinagro a,ev tiati inIsralupacS&seir sa or Mike: 302.344.0169 Call Andy: 410.218.2008 May-August 2023 TION ACE DONAATION NEEDED SPA Wilgus Associates Property Management Division DE 19930 Bethany Beach, ., 32904 Coastal Hwy For a complete list of our rentals, visit our website: orF HSIF RETSAE THE n e e s t s a L f to ohP .ellivy b l nidnuora g n i g n a h cnaGkraM o tesycourte
tion: Call Kim for more informa

The Original Crossword Puzzle for Kids and Their Favorite Adults

Kids Across

1. When an elephant blinks, their six-inch lashes go up and down

3. To blast a loud sound that warns the rest of the herd that danger is near (or the horn that this sound sounds like)

6. This continent has the world's biggest elephants

7. Is that thunder?: Scientists say that an elephant can sense a coming _____ even though the rain is 150 miles away

9. Although an elephant has very thick skin, it is so sensitive that he can feel a ___ if it lands on his body

13. A _____ is an elephant's nose (and water hose)

14. With a ____ that can weigh up to 10 pounds, the elephant is one of the smartest animals in the world

15. An elephant uses his tusks for moving objects around and stripping bark from trees and _____ in the soil for water

18. A safari is a sightseeing ____ that lets tourists visit elephants where they live

19. "Sesame Street" is a children's show starring a furry, brown, elephant-like Muppet named

Snu eupagus 20. It's what a thirsty elephant makes in the 17D when

21. Dr. Seuss' story about a kind elephant is called "Horton Hears a __"

23. Unlike elephants, who have giant ears, elephant seals are earless animals that live in the ______

24. Elephants have relatively small

1A, so they don't ___ so well (They instead rely mostly on their strong ability to hear, smell and touch)

25. An elephant is energized if he gets only two or three hours of _____ each night (but they sometimes take quick naps during the day)

Parents Down

1. Goofy giggle: What do you call a letter sent by an elephant?

2. When singer Carole King felt this move under her feet, she might have wondered if an elephant was walking nearby

3. If you've ever been to Bangkok, you may know that the elephant is this country's national animal

4. A circus performer named Jenny appeared to remember her former co-worker Shirley, though the two elephants had not seen

each other since they ___ over 20 years earlier

5. Also known as a "colocasia," an elephant ___ is a tropical plant known for its large leaves

8. A zookeeper feeds a baby elephant ___ from a baby bottle

10. Carfentanil is a potent ____ used to tranquilize elephants

11. Mr. Disney, Dumbo's "dad"

12. Tooth-y talk: An elephant's tusks are actually giant ______


4. Much larger than other insects of their species, male elephant ____ have tusk-like horns which they use as weapons

16. Although an elephant can't _____ like a horse, it can reach speeds of 15-25 mph

17. Picky pachyderms: Despite the folklore, elephants don't become drunk from eating fermented fruit found on the ____ (They only eat fruit from trees)

20. Since an elephant is enormous, when he spots a predator, he can run, but he can't ____

22. During COVID, elephantseeking tourists went on this for a virtual safari

April7,2023 CoastalPoint A79
This Week’s Solution ™ ™
for grown-ups!
The across clues are for kids and the down clues are
Those Extraordinary KAPD ebooks now available on 4/9/23 © 2023 KAPD, LLC ANSWER (HOLD UP TO MIRROR) Jumbles: Answer: bed mice noun warn The number nine THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME! ® By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek The letters of these crazy words are all mixed up. To play the game, put them back into the right order so that they make real words you can find in your dictionary. Write the letters of each real word under each crazy word, but only one letter to a square. you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer. Getthefree JUSTJUMBLE @PlayJumble BDE ONNU WNRA CIME ©2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC THE


4BR/3BA corner penthouse unit in Bayside has been beautifully updated and is ready for immediate personal TURN-KEY enjoyment, for use as rental investment or the potential for BOTH. Property was built with a "lockout suite" meaning you have the ability to block off part of the unit and create 2 separate condo units with 2 separate entrances, one side being 3BR/2BA and the other side a 1BR/1BA owner suite.

$589,900 (DESU2036816)

Call Eddie Rohe (c) 410-908-9137



Rarely available 4 BR, 3.5 bath waterfront gem in Seagrass Plantation! Unmatched wide open views from every room in this extraordinary home with luxury finishes. Features private beach, elevator, owned solar panels. Gourmet kitchen with granite countertops, under cabinet lighting, GE Cafe appliances, double wall oven, and built-in Wolfe gas cooktop. Over 1,100 square feet of decks, and recent addition of an outdoor shower and luxury hardscaping and landscaping. Agent is owner.

$1,824,999 (DESU2033544)

Call Brad Absher (c) 302-214-LAND

Call me to make the necessary showing appointments for the homes that interest you!

Tammy Mushrush (c)302-381-8868

Home offers panoramic open views of the Bay and undisturbed wooded wetlands. Situated just south of South Bethany in Bayview Park, a community surrounded by State Parkland. Perfect for the avid boater- boat lift, pier, docks, and boat slip. Southern exposure with windows and decks overlooking the panoramic views. This unique property has an owners’ home with separate guest quarters. Situated on 1 ½ lot. Rare and fantastic opportunity.

$2,500,000 (DESU2030714)

Call Frank & Audrey (c) 302-541-4000

Located in the desirable community of Fleetwood Estates in Seaford. This 3 BR home is situated on a lot which is 1 acre. Offering large rooms, eat in kitchen with lots of cabinets and a primary suite with large closets and a bath with a shower. Plenty of storage in the attic plus an outside shed. Don’t miss this affordable opportunity.

$269,000 (DESU2035728)

Call Noreen Scalice (c) 302-245-1108 or Paul Scalice (c) 302-604-8715

Only 4 miles from Bethany Beach, this single-level beach house in the quiet, beautifully-maintained community of Denton Manor is designed for outdoor living. It features 3 BRs, 2 full baths, an extra-large deck, beautiful tall privacy fence, re pit, storage shed, 2-car garage plus 2-car covered carport, with plenty of additional parking. Immaculately maintained & move-in ready. Community has water access & marina privileges at Banks Harbor marina for a small fee each year. The HOA fee is only $87/year.

$395,000 (DESU2038566)

Call Sandra Erbe (c) 443-848-3004


37781 HERON LN #431

2 Bd 1.5 Ba CONTEMPORARY. Freshly Painted, Nicely Furnished, Screened Porch. EXCELLENT Condition. Walk to Back Pool & Tennis Ct. Fireplace, Soaking Tub/Shower, Storage Room, Outside Shower, Fishing, Crabbing, 2 Pools, 3 Tennis -Pickle Ball Cts, 2 Basketball Cts, Volley Ball Ct, 2 Playgrounds, Horseshoes, Shuf eboard, & more.

$297,500 (DESU2035994)

Cindy Spieczny (c) 302-228-1450

Associate Broker: DE & MD CRS, GRI, SRES



Recently renovated 2 BR, 2 BA rst oor condo in the sought after community of Beachaven, on the east side of Route 1. Updated 3 years ago and features a new kitchen, new heat pump. There are new LVP oors in the main living areas. Fully furnished and ready for you to enjoy the open oor plan with an attached screened in porch. Just steps away from the community pool. A few miles from downtown Rehoboth Beach, Lewes, Gordon’s Pond, and the Breakwater Trail.

$340,000 (DESU2036170)

Betsy Perry (c) 301-938-1472

33856 WATERSIDE DR located in the desirable canal front community of Waterside-only 2 miles to Bethany Beach. Spacious adorable 2615 sq ft rst oor living with open concept oor plan single family home. 4 bed, 3 full bath, replace, loft, garage, outdoor shower, eat in kitchen, patio,covered porch,sunroom, community pool and kayak launch, beautiful new landscaping for added privacy. Conveys fully furnished.

Asking 599,900 (DESU2037456)

Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159


Great building lot with current septic permit and well on site. No builder tie-in. NO HOA. Only 6 miles from downtown Bethany Beach. Close to shopping, dining and state parks. Single wide, double wide, modular or site built permitted. $65,000 (DESU2023336)

Call Sandy Greene (c) 302-745-2382

Worked with Buyer on this Stunning coastal style villa located in the sought-after, premier community of Forrest Landing! The pergola covered entry welcomes you into this lovely maintained, recently updated, and immaculately kept home by the original owners! The heart of this home is the gourmet kitchen, the perfect spot to prepare chef inspired meals that can be served casually at the breakfast bar, or in the bright and airy formal dining room.

$430,000 (DESU2032586)

Call Logan Burke (c) 443-797-9217

Custom home- one story living- in Sawgrass in Rehoboth Beach. Offers a custom kitchen with a center work island, an adjoining eating area and a great room. For the entertainer there is also a formal dining and living room plus an of ce. The primary suite boasts a large sitting area, nook, walk-in closets and a primary bath everyone dreams of. Plus- 2 separate guests rooms with a bath at the other side of the home. Community pool, tennis and basketball.

$825,000 (DESU2037288)

Call Frank & Audrey (c) 302-541-4000

A80 CoastalPoint April7,2023 For a con dential interview about starting your Real Estate Career call us today! Carrie Cosgrove (c) 302-339-5519 • Email: | Rutica Patel (c) 252-623-8806 • Email: 31252 American Pkwy. Selbyville, DE 105 High St. Seaford, DE 37169 Rehoboth Ave. #11 Rehoboth Beach, DE 39682 Sunrise Ct. Bethany Beach, DE
Each of ce is independently owned & operated.
SOLD You Mush Rush!

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