OceanViewman pleadsno-contestto childsexoffenses
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
AformerOceanViewrealestate agentchargedlastyearwithunlawful sexualconductandrelatedcharges pleadedno-contestthisweektothree separatechargesofthird-degreesex offenseandendangeringthewelfare ofachildinSussexCountySuperior Court.
MichaelPaulMcDowell,whom OceanViewpolicearrestedlast spring,gaveuphisrighttoatrialand willnotreceiveadditionaljailtime, butwillbeonparolewithoutGPS monitoring.
Hewillbeevaluated,registeredasa sexoffenderandundergocounseling.
Hemaynothavecontactwithany ofthegirlswhoaccusedhimofthe unlawfulsexoffensesandmaynotbe aroundanyoneyoungerthan18,exceptforhisownteenagedaughter.
Themaximumpenaltyhecould havereceivedforeachincidentwas oneyearinjailandupto$2,300in fines.Ifheviolatesthetermsofhis probation,hefacesthatmaximum penalty.
InApril2022,OceanViewPolice chargedMcDowellwith14countsof unlawfulsexualconduct,sexualsolicitationofachildandrelatedcharges.
IncourtonWednesday,April12, McDowell,dressedinalightblue button-downshirtanddarkslacks, wasnothandcuffed.
HeenteredCourtroomNo.3walkingwithhislawyer,ChrisHutchison, andstoodstill,facingthejudge,his earsandthebackofhisneckreddeningastwoteenagedgirls,bothhisaccusers,readstatementsdetailingtheir experiences.
Aftertheyspoke,hedidnotlookat them,apologizeorreply.
Oneofthegirls,throughsobs,said McDowellinappropriatelytouched herforthefirsttimewhenshewas9, butshedidn’trealizeanythingwas wrongwithwhathe’ddoneuntilshe
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
OceanViewMayorJohnReddington wonasecondthree-yeartermbya175-88 voteintheSaturday,April8,election,defeatingnewcomerRandyRobustby87 votes.
“Iamveryhappy.It’sbeenalongday,” Reddington,75,toldtheCoastalPoint shortlyafterthepollclosedat5p.m.on Saturdayandresultswerepostedonthe Town’swebsite.
“Iwasoutthereallday,from8this morninguntil5,freezing,butI’mhappyto bereelectedandI’mlookingforwardto beingmayorforthenextthreeyears,”the Bostonnativesaid.
HespenttimetalkingtoRobustduring thedayandgottoknowhimbetter,he said.
“Heisaveryniceguy.Ithinkheshould lookatvolunteeringinthetownorserving onacommitteeorboard,”Reddington said.
Alsowinningaseatonthetowncouncil wasJoseph“Jay”Tyminski.HewasoriginallychallengedbyDickJennison,butJennisonwithdrewfromtheracejustdays beforetheelection.
TyminskiwillrepresentDistrict3,succeedingcurrentCouncilmanTomMaly, whowasineligibletorunagainthisyear becausehehasservedtwoconsecutive three-yearterms.
Duringhiscampaign,andattheTown’s meet-the-candidatesforum,Reddington
calledOceanViewaspecialplacewhere historymeetsthepresentandresidentscelebrateallthatisgoodinlife.Hehas proudlyservedasmayor,hesaid,andfeels thetownisaspecialplace.It’snoaccident ithasbeenvotedDelaware’ssafesttown severalyearsinarow,hesaid.
Together,townleadershaveaccomplishedmuchduringhisthree-yearterm, hesaid,includingbetterdrainage,new sidewalks,improvementstoJohnWest Park,concertsandmoviesinthepark,holidayevents,beautificationandpurchasing landtodevelopintoopenspace,aswellas tryingtoaccomplisheverythinginthe comprehensiveplanthatresidentsasked for.
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SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•MarianDowling SpringflowersdecoratethemeridianindowntownBethanyBeachonGarfieldParkway.
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
OceanViewTownCouncilcandidate DickJennison—whocomplainedabout meet-the-candidatesforumrulesuntilthe Townscheduledaspecialmeetingonthe issue,thendidnotattendtheforumand withdrewfromtherace—costtheTown morethan$5,900andmadewhatthe mayorcalled“recklessandmisleading”commentsabouttheTownanditsemployees.
“Hehasneverproducedfactualinformationregardingstatements”hemadetothe CoastalPointorradiostationWGMDFM,OceanViewMayorJohnReddington saidduringtheTuesday,April11,council meeting.
AfterJennisonfiledforoffice,hetold theCoastalPointhehadreceivedathreateningletterafterraisingconcernsabout speedingonhisstreet,OgreDrive.
“Godforbidyoushouldcomplainand doitinapolite,respectfulmanner.Wejust
getshutdown.Theysentafour-page gaslightinglettertoeveryresidentonmy block,threateningtoremovethespeedsign ifwecontinuetoraisequestions.Theykeep tryingtotrapussaying,‘Youdon’trepresent thecommunity.’Idon’thavetorepresent thecommunity.Thisisn’tanHOA,”JennisontoldtheCoastalPointatthetime.
“Weneedtotakebackthistownback. Thetownisactingmorelikeamicrocosm ofthefederalgovernment,wherethestaff ofthetownarereallyrunningthetown. Thetowncouncildoesn’trunthetown.Itis beingdirectedbythestaff.Inalotofcases, thesearenotelectedofficialsrunningthe town,becausenobodyranagainstthemand theywerejustmovedintothatposition.It’s alittlebitoutofcontrol,”hesaid.
Jennisonsaidwhenhespeaksattown councilmeetings,“Youcouldsee[Planning, Zoning&DevelopmentDirector]Ken Ciminoand[Police]Chief[Ken] McLaughlinsmirkingacrossfromeach other.”
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
OceanViewmayoralcandidate RandyRobustlosttheelectionlast weektoincumbentMayorJohnRed-
dington,butRobustwasupbeatthis week,saying,inhisamiableway,that hewas“higherthanakiteafterone ofthebestweekendsofmylife.”
“Theysitacrossfromoneanother.They canlookatoneanotherandyougetthe eye-rolls,”Jennisonsaid.
“Thosecommentswerestunningtome, andI’mgladyouareaddressingthem,” CouncilmanStephenCobbtoldReddington.
CobbaskedTownManagerCarol HouckhowmuchtheTownhadspent,and sheexplainedthecostwastohirespecial counselfromNorthernDelawaretoattend themeetingconcerningthemeet-the-candidatesforum,plusthefeepaidtoBoardof Electionsmembersandthecosttosend JennisondocumentsherequestedbyFederalExpress.
Cobbsaideverydepartmentheadcould “findafruitfulwaytospend$5,900”ifthey hadit,andherepeatedlyaskedtownofficialsatthemeeting,includingMcLaughlin andHouck,iftheycoulduseanaddition $5,900.
“Ifeltvery,verybadforthetownemployeesforseveralweeks,workingunder thoseconditions.Weasacouncilwholeheartedlysupporttownemployees.They havebeenamodelofexcellencewiththe utmostintegrityandmorality,”Cobbsaid, addingthatheislookingforwardtoworkingwithReddington,thecouncilandcommunity.
ReddingtonsaidallofJennison’sconcerns“havebeentakentotheattentionof thetown”andaddressed.
Townofficialsstrivetoserveresidents whilemaintainingthehighestethicalstandards,hesaid,addingthatheisproudofthe staffandfeltcompelledtodefendeveryone whoworksforthetown.
“AsmayorIcanspeakfortherestofthe towncouncil,andwelookforwardtoworkingoninitiativesforthebestinterestofthe town,”themayorsaid.
tonbetterastheybothspenttheentiredayatTownHallonelectionday, Saturday,April8,greetingvoters from8a.m.to5p.m.,buthisdaughtercametovisitovertheweekend, anditwashisbirthdayandwedding
“I’maverycompetitiveperson.I don’tliketolose,butIamsoelated andsohonoredthatIgotone-third
2 CoastalPoint April14,2023 New Location 18 Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach 302.539.6992 Open Fri & Sat 11- 4 Beautiful, Unique Jewelry Open Thurs-Mon • 11–4pm Keeping Bethany in Style for Over 30 Years! Habitat Prairie Cotton Whimsey Rose Jag • CMC Sushi Sets Windchimes Hello Kitty Pottery Gifts & More! 302-539-2311 16 Pennsylvania Ave | Bethany Beach Join Us for Spring Fling Discounts & More! April 14-22 Fresh, Local Seasonal Cuisine 84 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean View, DE 19970 www.thecafeon26.com Call 302.539.Café (2233) R e s e r v a t i o n s O n l y We Recommend Making Your Reservation 1-2 Weeks In Advance The Beach’s Premier Boutique Restaurant Spring Hours Thurs - Sat • 5-9pm Indoor & Outdoor Dining (Weather Permitting) Mother’s Day Dinner Sunday, May 14 • 3-9pm
ReddingtonwinsinOceanView,butchallengerisupbeat SeeROBUSTpage4
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
WhenJoseph“Jay”Tyminskiis sworninastheOceanViewtowncouncilmanrepresentingDistrict3,hewill taketheoathofofficeonhisownHoly Bible.
“Iaskedmywife,‘TheBibleisn’t goingtocatchfirewhenItouchit,isit?’ andshesaid,‘You’llbeallright,’” Tyminskijokedthisweek,afterthe April8electioninOceanView.
Heandre-electedMayorJohnReddingtonwillbesworninat3p.m.on Wednesday,April25,atthereorganizationalmeeting.Councilmemberswill nominateandelectanewmayorprotemaftertheswearinginandestablish datesforcouncilmeetings.
TyminskiissucceedingCouncilman TomMaly,whohasservedtwoconsecutivethree-yeartermsandwasineligible torunagainthisyear.
TyminskioriginallyfacedrivalDick Jennison,butJennisonwithdrewfrom theracejustdaysbeforetheelection,so novoteswereformallycastforTyminski,whosaidhewouldhavelikedtosee thevoteresults.
As hecampaigned,hefoundalotof residentsweresurprisedanyonewas goingdoor-to-door.
talktoeveryone.Peoplewereconcerned withgrowth,naturally.Theywerealittle confusedaboutcandidates’viewpoints.”
Hesaidcandidatesandvotersat townhallonelectiondaywerepositive andfriendly.
“Ididn’thearanythingnegative aboutthetown,”hesaid,addingthathe isexcitedaboutassuminghisroleas councilman.
“Iamanchoredinthecommunity.I am alwayshere,alwaysavailable.I’m goingtofocusonmovingforwardwhile maintainingthesmall-townatmosphere,”hesaid.
The69-year-oldBaltimorenative,a retiredelectricalengineerwhoworked forUnileverandMcCormickSpice Company,movedtotownwithhiswife, Andrea,fiveyearsago.Thecoupledoesn’thavechildrenbutdoteontheirdog, Rosie.
“I’vebeenveryfortunateinmylife andIliketogiveback.Ifeellikethere arepeoplewhoareworseoffthanme and betteroffthanme,butIhavethe opportunitytotrytogivebacktomy community,whichIlove,andIwantto doit.Ilistentopeople.Thatisoneof mystrengths,”saidTyminski,whowas formerlypresidentoftheOceanView BeachClubandMcCabeTaxDitch boardandwhocurrentlyservesonthe OceanViewPlanning&ZoningCom-
Hesaidhewantstoseemorebicycle pathsandsidewalksinOceanViewand isconcernedabouthavingadequate publicandprivateparking.
“Consideringallthedevelopment andhowtheyarepackingthesehomes together,whenyoulookatBethany Beach—whattheyhavedonetolimit parking?Isthatsomethingwehaveto lookat?
“Weneedmorebicyclepaths,bicycle facilities.Ialsospokeatonetownhall meetingaboutextendingpublictransportation.IeventalkedtoDelDOT abouttryingtomovesomeexistingtrolliestoextendtheroute.Weneedpublic accesstogettoBethanyBeachorjustto gettoCVS.Iwouldliketocontinue conversationsaroundseasonalandyearroundbusservice,whichcouldprovide residentsawaytobemobilewithout driving,”hesaid.
Hesaidheisconcernedabout overdevelopmentandrebuildingolder, existingstructures.
“OceanViewisnearlybuilt-out,and nomoretractsareavailablefornew construction.Weneedtocontrolthe reuseandpreserveourexistingOcean Viewhistoricstructures,”hesaid.
“WhenvisitorsridethroughOcean View,Iwantpeopletobeenviableof our community.”
TyminskireadytotakecouncilseatinOceanView BETHANYBLUES.COM • 302.537.1500 Open 7 Days: Mon-Thurs 4-Close • Fri - Sun 11:30-Close Bethany Beach –6 North Pennsylvania Ave., 1 Block from the Totem Pole Lewes –18385 Coastal Highway Rt. 1 North, just past Midway Happy Hour Mon - Sat 4 - 6 PM Place Your Order Here Feeding a Group? Check Out Our Casual Catering Platters Open Thursday- Monday Lunch and Dinner Closed Tuesday & Wednesday Fresh Fish • Jerk Chicken • Tacos • Kids’ Menu NOW HIRING Call 443.614.2362 Opens at 11am • Happy hour 1pm-6pm Daily at the Bar Only On the Bethany Beach Boardwalk • 302.537.6621 • MangosBethany.com OCEANFRONT DINING Now Open! April14,2023 CoastalPoint 3 Open Daily 10-5 • Sun 11-4 302-537-1414 Coastal Hwy. & Dagsboro St., Fenwick Island SouthernExposureFenwickIsland.com SPRING ‘23 ESCAPE • LULU B • CHARLIE B. TRIBAL • LILLY WHITE • RUBY RD. FRENCH DRESSING • SKECHERS HABITAT • ZAC & RACHEL SANTIKI • DEMOCRACY KAREN HART • MULTIPLES PARSLEY & SAGE many more arriving daily Rep of styles
ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
ForEarthDaythisyear,theBethanyFenwickChamberofCommerceandthe DelawareCenterfortheInlandBaysare coordinatingwithareatownsandorganizationsforaCoastalDelawareCommunityCleanup.
SetforSaturday,April22,theeffort willinvolvecleaningupanumberofarea roadsides,includingnotonlycoastallocationsbutalsosomeinlandspots.
Tenareashavebeenidentifiedasfocal pointsforthecleanup.Theyinclude TowerRoad(Bayside),IndianRiverInlet (Northside),SavageDitchAccessArea, CoastalHighwayNorth(totempoleto theIndianRiverInletBridge,FredHudsonRoad,CoastalHighwaySouth(totem
OceanViewisacommunityofhardworkingpeoplewholookoutforoneanother,hesaid,addingthatresidentshave inspiredhim“bythewaywecometogether
polesouthtoMarylandline),Burbage Road(Millville),OmarRoad(Frankford) andMuddyNeckRoad(OceanView).
Participantscanalsopickthe“Assign Me”option,meaningtheyarewillingto servewhereverneeded.(Thereisanotes sectionoftheregistrationformwhere thosefolkscasespecifyageneralareathey wouldprefer.)Thereisanopportunityfor cleaningupanunlistedareaofone’sown choosing.
“Weareluckytobeabletoliveatthe beach,”saidAlyssaWeaver,marketingdirectorfortheChamber,adding,“It’simportanttotakecareofthisbeautifulplace wegettocallhome.“
Shesaidtheflexibilityofthisyear’s cleanupispartofanefforttoincludeas manypeopleaspossible.
Reddingtonsaidhewouldworktosee thepropertytheTownpurchasedat MuddyNeckandDoubleBridgesroads becomeascenicpark,andbesure streetscapesandsidewalkprojectsarefinishedandlocalbusinessesthrivebyreducingobstaclestodevelopmentwhile
Ofthe263votescast,hereceived 88,andReddingtongot175.
“We’vealreadyhadmorepeoplesign upthisyearthaninthepast,”shesaid.“It’s reallyencouraging.We’vebeengettinga lotofcalls.”
“We’vehadlotsofcallsfromindividualssaying,‘Hey,ourcommunitywantsto dosomething,’”Weaversaid.
Alsothisyear,organizers“hadthe chancetogetface-to-face”withofficialsin areatowns,whichwasanaddedbenefit, shesaid.
OthersponsorsoftheCoastalCleanup effortincludetheSurfriderFoundation, KeepDelawareBeautifulandWaste Management.
TheTownofFenwickIslandwillalso holdacleanuponSaturday,April22,from 8:30to10a.m.Participantsinthat
OceanViewhasanall-starcastofvolunteersandtownemployees,Reddington said.
“Letuscontinuetobuildonthisstrong foundation,improvethequalityoflifeand createabrightfutureforall,”hesaid.
cleanuparewelcometogatheratFenwick IslandTownHallforrefreshmentsandan educationaldisplayonmarinemammals bytheMERRInstitutefrom8:30to11 a.m.
WeaversaidthisweekthattheChamberwouldliketohaveallvolunteerssigned upbyApril19sotheycancompletelocationassignmentsbeforetheevent.
Sheaddedthat“walk-up”volunteers willnotbeturnedaway.Five“hub”locationswillbesetupwherevolunteerswill gatherbeforedispersingtotheirlocations. FormoreinformationontheCoastal CommunityCleanup,callAlyssaWeaver at(302)539-2100oremailherat events@thequietresorts.
Participantscanregisteronlineforthe CommunityCleanupatwww.bethanyfenwick.org.
inat3p.m.onTuesday,April25,attown hallduringtheannualreorganizational meeting.
OthercouncilmembersareStephen Cobb,District1,termexpiringApril2025; ColleenTwardzik,District2,termexpiring April2025;andDonWalsh,District4, termexpiringApril2024.
Why Choose Us?
andIwonderedifIcouldhavedone better,butIjustfeltsoloved.Isaid tomywife,‘Idon’tknowwhat thumbs-upmeansinOceanView, butinmindit’sagoodsign.’Ihad peoplegettingoutoftheircars.They werewalkingupbymeandthey didn’tsayadarnedthing,butwhen theycamebacktheyputtheirthumbs upandwinkedatme.Youknow,you lookaroundandyouseetheworld fallingapart,butyoualwayshave somebrightspots,”Robustsaid.
“Attheelection,therewereall theseMercedesdrivingup,soyou knowtherearewell-offpeopleliving here.I’mnotdestitute,butI’mnot rich.Ifeelbad,becausetheysaythey can’tpaythesetaxes.
Continuedfrompage2 SeeROBUSTpage7
Hesaidhecontinuestoworry aboutresidentswhoarenotwealthy andwhotoldhimduringthecampaignthattheycan’taffordtheiran-
“Therearepeoplewiththese mini-mansionshere.Butpeoplewho grewuphereandarelivingintheir parents’homes,theyhavetoldme,‘I don’tknowifI’mgoingtobeableto stayhere.’There’sabigdisparityhere. That’swhyIsaid,ifIwaselected,I wantedtolookatthebudget,”he
4 CoastalPoint April14,2023
(302) 251-8252 Serving Millville & the surrounding area We look forward to meeting you! Schedule an appointment today! AnnivEARsary Veteran Owned and Operated
Contact us for a complimentary consult today! www.loftuswealthstrategies.com | 302.251.8901 32895 Coastal Hwy. | Bethany Beach, DE 19930 Loftus Wealth Strategies –a Registered Investment Advisor Firm Proudly Serving Our Local Community For More Than 10 Years. At Loftus Wealth Strategies, our clients’ interests always come first. We don’t just help you grow your wealth; we help protect it through: Investment Portfolio Management Tax Planning Family Legacy and Estate Planning Insurance and Long-Term Care Planning
ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
TheMillvilleTownCouncil’sformal budgetdiscussionskickedoffatthecouncil’s Tuesday,April11,meeting,withofficialsgivingresidentsafirstlookattheTown’sprojected2024-fiscal-yearfinancialpicture.
Thebudgetshowsprojectedexpenditures of$1.03million,including$405,887carried forwardinacontingencyplan.Totalgeneral revenues,includingthosegeneratedbyEvans Park,willtotal$1.437million.
Theproposedbudgetrepresentsa2.25 percentdecreaseinexpendituresoverthe previousfiscalyear.Revenuesareexpectedto dipby8.18percent,accordingtoMayor RonaldBelinko,duetoa“slowdown”indevelopmentinthetown,whichhasseendramaticincreasesindevelopmentinrecent years.
Millvilleexpectstotakein$786,200in realtytransfertaxesthisyear—substantially lessthanitsactualtransfertaxincomeof$1.8 millioninthepreviousyear.TheTownanticipatesspending$4milliononimprovements atEvansParkthisyear,usingreservesfrom previousyears,FinanceDirectorLisaWynn said.
Thoseimprovementsincludepavingthe existingparkinglot,addinga100-spotparkinglotacrossDukesDrivefromthepark, addingstormwatermanagement,widening
DukesDriveandaddingsidewalksalong DukesDrive.
DeputyMayorSharonBrienzasaidshe favorscompletionofthewideningandthe sidewalkseveniftheTownisnotrequiredby thestateDepartmentofTransportationtodo so.
Officialsnotedthattherevenuenumber couldgoevenlower,dependingontheoutcomeofastateproposalthatcouldchange howmuchmunicipalitiesreceiveinrealestatetransfertaxes.StateRep.BryanShupe hasproposedexemptingthosewhosella homeinDelawareandpurchaseanother homeinDelawarefrompayingtransfertaxes onthesecondtransaction.
TownCode&BuildingOfficialEric Evanssaidplansarealsointheworksto buildapolebarntobeusedasamaintenance storagebuildingonthepropertyacrossfrom thepark.Thehomeandgaragenowonthe propertywillberazed.
Belinkosaidafterthemeetingthatthe Townhadlookedintousingthehomebut cametotheconclusionthatitshistoricalsignificancehadbeendiminishedbyadditions andremodelingovertheyears.Asbestos foundonthesitewillalsohavetobecarefully removedaspartofthedemolition,hesaid.
Anincreaseinpubliceventsatthepark willalsobringanincreaseinpoliceexpenses, withtheTown’sproposedpolicebudgetincreasingfrom$173,123(actualexpenditure
forthe2023fiscalyear)toananticipated $213,380.Millvillecontractswiththe DelawareStatePolicefor40hoursofcoverageperweek,inadditiontospecialevents.
Thecouncilwillholdasecondmeeting onthebudgetonTuesday,April18,at3p.m. Themeetingisopentothepublic.TheproposedbudgetisavailableontheTown’swebsiteatwww.millville.delaware.gov.
Inotherbusiness,thecouncilvoted4-1to approveagrantof$1,000totheLowerSussexLittleLeagueorganization.Belinkogave alengthyplugfortheorganizationbeforethe vote,callingtheorganization“partofthefabricoflowerSussexCounty”andpointingto theimportanceoftheLittleLeagueWorld SeriestheleaguehostseachyearinRoxanaas animportantboosttothelocaleconomy.
“It’sahugethingforourcommunity,” TownManagerDeborahBotchiesaid,
addingthatherownsonsandgrandchildren haveplayedballattheLittleLeaguefacility.
Beforehisdissentingvote,CouncilMemberRobertWisgirdasaidhefeltthedonation “wouldbeopeningupacanofworms”and saidthat,whileheis“verymuchsupportive ofalltypesofyouthathletics,”hefeelsthe LowerSussexLittleLeaguegetssufficient supportfrombusinessesandothersources.
Thecouncilalsounanimouslyapproved thetownorganizationalchartforthe2024 fiscalyearandvotedtoapprovemattersdiscussedinanearlierexecutivesession.The matterswerelistedonthemeetingagendaas involving“names,competency,qualifications andabilitiesofindividualemployees”and werenotdisclosedduringthepublicportion ofthemeeting.
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AlittleowlwaspartofapastEarthDay eventattheBethanyBeachNature Center.
BethanyBeachNature CentertohostEarth DayFestival
ByMikeSmith StaffReporter
Theyareback!Theospreyisoneof themostuniqueraptorsinNorth America,accordingtoHawkWatchInternational,withanearly5-foot wingspanandstandingabout2-feettall. Ospreysaremonogamouspartnersand usuallymateforlife.
Lookingskywardfromtheplanksof theBethanyBeachNatureCenter walkway,visitorstodaycanseefour pairsofospreysbuildingnestsandlayingtheireggs,eitheronthetwoplatformserectedforthatpurposeorona pairofdeadtreesalongthecanaland theSaltPond.Visitorstothecenter, listedbyTripAdvisorasoneofthetop thingstodointown,canwalkintothe marshobservationdeckandlookatall fourpointsofthecompassandseethe majesticseahawksnestingtotheeast, south,westandnorth.
ThisSaturday,BethanyNatureCenterwillhostits12thannualEarthDay Festival,withgames,naturehikes,an exhibitandtalksonnativeplantsand animals, atthecenterat807Garfield Parkway.Inside,thereareexhibitsof terrariumswithtreefrogsandturtles,as wellasotherdisplaysoffloraandfauna nativetotheBethanyBeacharea.The festivalrunsfrom10a.m.to2p.m.on Saturday,April15.
“Ospreypairsaregenerallymonogamousandoftenmateforlife,”according totheNationalWildlifeFederation.
“Themaleselectsanestingsiteina deadtree,oronaman-madestructure inornearthewater.Thepaircollects sticksandothernestingmaterialstogether,butthefemalegenerallyarranges thenest,whichislargeandbulky.”The fournestsatthenaturecenterusually requiremaintenanceuponthespringreturnoftheosprey.
Duringa2022nor’easter,thenest closesttotheopenwatersofRehoboth Baycamedowncompletely,andthe eggswerelosttothewinds.Theerstwhileospreyhavesincereturnedundauntedandsimplypickedanother strongerdeadtreecrookforthisyear’s newlybuiltnest.
Onecanalsoobservebaldeagles, sometimesforagingandfightingfor commonfishfood,inthesamehunting grounds.Arecentbattleoverasingle fishwasobservedoverEasterweekend, withaerialacrobaticsoverBethany Beach’sCentralPark.Thebaldeagleescapedwiththeprey.
6 CoastalPoint April14,2023
TheParkerGroupthisweekannouncedthattheirsecondannual “PawsforaCause”adoptionevent, inpartnershipwiththeBrandywineValleySPCA,willtakeplace onThursday,April20mfrom2to 5p.m.at673N.BedfordStreet, Georgetown.
“Weareexcitedtobepartnering withtheBrandywineValleySPCA forthesecondyearinarowto bringthiseventtothecommunity,” saidRachelParker,COOofthe ParkerGroup.“Ourgoalistohelp asmanypetsaspossiblefindtheir foreverhomeswhilesupportingthe SPCA’smissiontorescueanimals
Theeventwillfeatureseveral adoptabledogson-site.InpartnershipwiththeSPCAofferingdiscountedadoptionfees,theParker Groupwillbecovering65percent ofeveryadoptionfee,offeringover $100offofeachadoptiontoencourageasmanyadoptionsaspossibleduringtheevent.
Inadditiontopetadoptions, “PawsforaCause”willfeaturea pettingzoo,facepaintingandseverallocalvendors,includingthe Vanderwende’sIceCreamtruck, PetStopofDelmarvaandYarn& BonePetSupply,whichrecently
Robustbetterandfoundhimtobea nicemanwhoReddingtonhopeswill volunteerforacommitteeorboardin town.
openedalocationinGeorgetown. Attendeescanalsoparticipateina giveawayraffleforabasketofpet suppliesbybringinganitemtodonatetotheSPCA.Alistofsuggesteditemscanbefoundonthe BrandywineValleySPCA’swebsite.
Formoreinformationaboutthe “PawsforaCause”adoptionevent, visittheParkerGroup’sFacebook pageorcall(302)217-6692.To learnmoreaboutTheParker Group,visitthematanyoftheir officesinGeorgetown,Lewes,MilfordorBridgeville,oronlineat theparkergroup.com.
Duringhiscampaign,hesaidhe wantedtogiveataxbreaktothose70 orolder.
HeandReddingtontalkedand jokedonelectionday,andhemet Reddington’swife,whohedescribed as“justalovelylady.”
Aftertheelection,Reddington toldtheCoastalPointhegottoknow
Robustreturnedthecompliment, sayingReddingtonisimpressive.
“Isaid,‘Mr.Mayor,youhavesuch afantasticrésumé,Ialmostwantedto voteforyou,’”Robustsaid,adding thathewantedtothankeveryone whovotedforhim.
HeandReddingtonrespecteach other,hesaid,butenjoyedexchangingbarbs.HeaskedReddingtonhow
longheplannedtostayatthetown hall,andwhenReddingtonsaiduntil 5p.m.,Robust,inalightheartedattempttoupstagehim,laughedand saidifthatwasthecase,hewasstayinguntil5:01p.m.
“Ivolunteeronceinabluemoon, butwhenIdo,ithastobesomething Ireallylike.ItissomethingImight do.Ihavetolookattheboardsand committees,too,”hesaid.“Iwillbe attendingcouncilmeetingsinthefuture.Andinthreeyears,Imightrun formayoragain.”
SPCAplans‘PawsforaCause’onApril20 HAS B TREK E EXT FEST SA EEN ENDED AVINGS AVINGS Do you h tions ACCESSORIES! AND APPAREL PAREL VE BIG! SAAVE t have quesstions s Register FREE ? 1am1pm1 April 19 TS THE EXPER OM LEARN FR about e-bikes? echhnology uidance New T Technology Safety Gu ips Maintenannce T ctions Instructions Operattional available. space Limited reserve now to your ticket. 49YEARS– CYCLISTSFOR NG V RES –9 49 4 April14,2023 CoastalPoint 7 When Two Paths Become One ... 30124 Territory Trail Ocean View, Delaware A thoughtful gift for weddings, engagements and anniversaries or just because you love the beach. Can be personalized with names and date by Ellen. www.ellenrice.galler y 302-539-3405 Studio & Showroom Open Fridays & Saturdays, 10‐4 Sundays, 12‐3 "Never Alone”, pastel and giclee prints by Ellen Rice One of Delaware’s most collected artists. 302-537-2433 | 121 Campbell Place Bethany Beach | patsysgourmet.com Key West & Creative Coastal Cuisine • Everything Freshly Made In House Open Thursday - Sunday at 5:30pm Closed Monday - Wednesday ❖ Whole Flash-Fried Snapper ❖ ❖ 14oz. Bone-In Pork Chop ❖ All Natural NY Strip Steaks ❖ ❖ Cioppino ❖ Shrimp & Grits ❖ Gluten-Free & Vegetarian Available Nancy LaFontaine AKC CGC Evaluator ABC Certified Dog Trainer Basic Obedience Dog Training AKC Canine Good Citizen Group & Private Classes • Positive Reinforcement 302-236-2497 K10DogTraining.com Robust Continuedfrompage4 Good news never goes out of style. Keep abreast of all the latest trends in the
Beginning6a.m.Wednesday,April 12,allBeebeHealthcarecampusesand BeebeMedicalGroupofficeswillbecomemaskoptionalforpatients,visitors andteammembers,withafewexceptions basedoninfection-preventionsafety.
Beeberepresentativessaidthey thoughtfullymadethisdecisionwithfederalandstateguidanceinmind,inadditiontoexamplesofotherhealthcare systemsnationallyandlocallymovingtowardsimilarprocedures.
“ThechangetooptionalmaskingreflectstheendofBeebe’srespiratoryseason,andcurrentconditionsatthisphase oftheCOVID-19pandemicinvolving lowspread,immunity,andwideaccessto testingandtreatments,”saidDr.Bill
Chasanov,DO,vicepresidentandchief populationhealthofficeratBeebe Healthcare.“Beebeleadershipwillcontinuetomonitorthesituationtodeterminewhetherteammembers,medical stafforotherswillneedtowearmasks againforthesafetyofourteamandcommunity.”
Thoseconsiderationsincludeexamplessuchasariseinrespiratoryillness andhospitalizationsinthearea,CDC changeinguidelines,ortomeetcompliancewithOSHA,CMSandStateof Delawareguidelines.
Patientsandvisitorswhoshowsigns ofrespiratoryillnesswillberequiredto wearamask,andonewillbeprovided.In somecircumstances,visitorsmaynotbe
“Wewantourpatients,visitorsand ourteammemberstofeelcomfortableif theycontinuetochoosetowearamask, becauseitisaneffectivetool.Somemight beathighriskforrespiratoryillness,and othersmightjustfeelmorecomfortable wearingoneinpublic,”saidDr.DavidA. Tam,MD,MBA,CPHE,FACHE,presidentandCEO,BeebeHealthcare.“Your experienceandsafetyareourpriority. PleaseaskaBeebeteammemberorcare stafftowearamaskaroundyouifyou feelitisneeded.”
Formoreinformationonmaskingand visitation,visitbeebehealthcare.org/patients-visitors/visitor-information.
Forcenturiesbeforeitsbeachresorts, shopsandmarinas,CoastalDelaware wasallaboutitsfarms.Andwhileit mightseemtosomethatdevelopment couldswallowthearea’sagriculturaltraditionwhole,farmingremainsavital partofeasternSussexCounty’sculture andeconomy,accordingtoalocalexpert whowillspeaktomembersofthe CoastalGeorgetownbranchofthe AmericanAssociationofUniversity Women(CG-AAUW)thismonth.
ViewFarmsnearFrankfordandnearby A&RFarm,willdiscusstherichtraditionoflocalfarmingattheAprilmeeting.Ziffstudiedagronomyandsocial ecologyatGoddardCollege.She startedoutrunningEastViewasa poultryfarm,thenexpandedtoprimarilyagreenhousenurseryandvegetable business.Thefarmsrecentlyexpanded toincludecultivationofexoticmushrooms.
Someofthefarms’produceissoldat roadsidestandsandOceanCity,Md.’s
farmersmarket—butthosewhohave dined atalocalrestaurantarelikelyto havetastedZiff’svegetablesandmushrooms.
TheCG-AAUWmeetingwillbe heldat11a.m.onThursday,April20,at BigFishGrillinRehobothBeach.For moreinformationaboutCG-AAUW, gotohttps://georgetown-de.aauw.net/. Formoreinformation,contactSharon atdrsrstein@gmail.com.
8 CoastalPoint April14,2023 & Package Cocktail Accessories, Mixers, Garnish & Cups 302-616-2657 Open Every Day at 1pm Friday & Saturday 1-8pm 98 Garfield Pkwy., Unit 108 Blue Surf Building on the Boardwalk Justice For Gavin Wines, Beer, Spirits, Cocktails & Seltzers
Theexperiencecausedhertooverexerciseandeatfewerthan500calorieseachday,practicesthatlowered herheartrateto39beatsperminute, shesaid.Shewassuicidal,cutherself, developedfunctionalneurologicaldisorder,sufferedseizures,wastaken fromschoolbyambulance,hadtouse awheelchair,andattemptedsuicide, shesaid,pausingtocollectherselfas shecried.
Shesaidshefeltguiltyandconfused,andhasbeenunderthecareof doctorsandapsychologistandwasdiagnosedwithpost-traumaticstress disorder.
“Ihavenightmares,andIstillpanic whenIseeagraybeard,aRamtruck oranyonedrinkingabottleofPropel.
“Ihopeyoulearnwhatit’sliketo cryandsobandhowthosetearsburn,” anothervictimsaid,lookingdirectlyat McDowell,whodidnotmakeeye contactwithher.
“Ifeelyourhandscrawlonmy skin,andit’sdisgusting.It’screepy. Doyouremembertouchingalittle girl?”sheasked.
ShecalledMcDowell“adisgraceof afather”andtoldhimsheendured medicationforanxiety,depressionand talkaboutputtingherinamental hospital.
“AfterthehellI’vebeenthrough,I amfinallyhappy.Imanagedtoheal. Youwillneverbreakme.Notnow,not ever,”shesaidasherfamilymembers andotherteenagegirls—whofilled oneentiresectioninthecourtroom —heldhandsandwipedawaytears.
McDowell’slawyersaidthereisa lotofemotionandpaininthiskindof
“Mr.McDowellisbrokentoday. Heisbeingfoundguilty.Thereisreal hurtandrealemotionalpainonhis part,”hesaidasthoseintheaudience murmuredtheirdisagreement.
JudgeRobertRobinsoncommendedtheteensforspeakingand saidhehopedtheycanfindclosure.
“Ihopeyourotinhell,”themother ofoneofthevictimsshoutedasthe proceedingendedandthoseattending filedoutofthecourtroom.
“Thereisaplaceinhellforyou,” anothermancalled.
Themother,whowascrying,and otherswhoattendedwereusheredout ofthebuildingsotherewasnocontactwithMcDowell.
Beforecourt,thefatherofonevictim,whoaskednottobeidentified, toldtheCoastalPointMcDowell “dupedmywholefamily.”
HewasmyRealtor.…Weheardheis movingtoColorado…Ithasbeena nightmare.Whatthekidshavebeen through,Ican’timagine,beingalittle girlandbeingviolatedlikethatby someonewhowasafamilyfriend,”he said.
Bothofhisdaughtersarenowin counseling,hesaid.
“Lookingbacknow,thethingshe wasdoing,youwouldn’tnotice.Any timehesawanyofgirls,therewasa bighug,thosekindsofthings.Then hishandwouldmoveslightly,then slightlymore,thengradually,soyou neverthoughtanythingaboutit,”he said.
McDowellwasjailedfor45days afterbeingarrestedlastyearandbond wassetat$95,000.Hewasarrested afteragrandjuryindictmentwasreturned.ByJuly2022,hewasoutof jail,releasedfromSussexCorrectional Institute.
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McDowell Continuedfrompage1 Bethany Massage & Healing Arts bethanymassage.com 33298 Coastal Highway, Bethany Beach, DE New Service Assisted Stretching Benefits Include: •Improved Core Strength •More Flexibility & Range of Motion •Better Posture & Balance •Less Stiffness Call to schedule 302-537-0510 or text 302-448-0269 New Evening Hours –Thursdays until 8 PM (Last Appointment at 7 PM) Now Open 7 Days/Week Maintaining Flexibility #1 Thing To Improve Your Overall Health! Our Therapists Assist Your Movement Into Position & Hold the Stretch for You. April Introductory Offer30 Minute Treatment Save $15 Off Regular $80 Price
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
Byunanimousvote,theOcean ViewCouncil,attheTuesday,April 11,meeting,adoptedits2024-fiscalyearbudgetasthreeordinances—a $5.9milliontotaloperatingbudget, $4.6millioncapitalprogramand $616,030waterbudget.
Thetaxrateremainedat.2378 per$100ofassessedvalue.
Thebudgetincludesa6.4-percent cost-of-livingincreaseforemployees and2.9percenthikeforcontractual employees,aswellasmorethan $56,000forTown-sponsoredcommunityevents,includingtheHalloweencelebrationCops&Goblins.
CouncilmanStephenCobb thankedtownemployeesforansweringhisquestionsduringthebudget processandsaidthebudgetwaswellprepared.
ThecouncilonApril11also unanimouslyapprovedincreasingthe MillvilleVolunteerFireCompany’s annualambulancefeefrom$35to $50.
Representativesfromthefire companyexplainedthattheincrease isnecessarytocoverexpensesand thatresidentsoutsideofOceanView townlimitshavepaid$75annually forsometime.
TownManagerCarolHoucksaid MuddyNeckandDoubleBridges roadswillbepavedduringaDelDOT rehabilitationprojectandthatwork willbedonethissummer,from8a.m. to6p.m.dailyfor120days.DelDOT didn’tprovideexactdates,shesaid.
Houcksaidtheagreementstated theTownwillberesponsibleforsnow removal,signageandroadwaymarkingsduringtheproject,nonewhich aretypicalforaDelDOTproject.The agreementwillbereturnedandcorrected,shesaid.
OceanViewMayorJohnReddingtonsaidthatisworsttimeofyearfor apavingproject,becausetrafficis heavy,andresidentsandvisitorsare headingtoandfromthebeach.
“Wewillhavetrafficbackups.It’s justtoobadtheycouldn’thavedoneit anothertime,”themayorsaid.
Houcksaidtheprojecthasbeen delayedforthreeyears,sotownofficialsarereluctanttostopitandthe areaisinneedofrepair.IftheTown asksforanotherdelay,“Itcouldget pushedtothebottomofthelist again,”shesaid.
CouncilmanTomMalyaskedwhy itisn’tbeingdoneduringtheoff-season.Houcksaiditwasoriginally plannedforfall.PoliceChiefKenneth McLaughlinsaidthatwhilepavingis important,thereisalreadyaproblem withtrafficjamsduringthesummer.
Houcksaidresidentscontinueto discussandquestiontheTown’sfranchiseagreementwithMediacom.
Sheclarifiedthatthereisnolimit tofranchiseagreementsandifother companieswantthem,theycanget them.DetailsareontheTown’swebsite,shesaid.
HouckthankedTownClerk DonnaSchwartzforhandlingadditionalresponsibilitiesduringthe electionandspecialmeetingcalled afterformertowncouncilcandidate DickJennisonquestionedrulesfor themeet-the-candidatesforum.
“Yourserviceisgreatlyappreciated,”HoucktoldSchwartz,commendingherforjugglingJennison’s latewithdrawalfromtheelection, answeringquestionsfromthe CoastalPoint,obtaininganotarized withdrawalandkeepinglegalcounsel informed.
Houcksaidtherewasconsiderable frustrationamongOceanViewresidentsduringtherecentdredgingof WhiteCreek.
“Wewereaskedtoengagewith Sen.[Gerald]HockerandRep.
[Ron]Gray,andwefoundoutthey weretryingtogetthisextendedbya matterofweeks.Unfortunately, DNRECdidnotprovidetheextension,andcrewsstarteddemobilizing thebeginningoftheweekofApril 3,”shesaid.
Hugetrucksandequipment neededfordredgingcamethrough town,andtheequipmentwillbe broughtbackifthedredgingcompanyreturnstofinishinSeptember, asexpected.HoucksaidDNREC wastoldthetruckscannotcome throughtownagain,butmustenter throughHolt’sLanding.
McLaughlin,whilepresentinghis monthlyreport,saidvolunteers logged236hoursinMarch.
McLaughlinsaidthat,inyears past,theTownhadaCitizens’EmergencyResponseTeamthatworked withSussexCounty’sEmergency OperationsCenterfordisasterpreparednesstraining.
Onevolunteeratthepolicestationwillreinstitutethelocalprogram.Hewilltrainatthenational EmergencyManagementInstitutein Emmitsburg,Md.,andstarttheprograminOceanViewwithinafew months,McLaughlinsaid.
“Thisisagreatexampleofthe workourvolunteersdo,”thechief said.
Alsoduringhisreport,McLaughlinsaidofficershavebeentrainingas theyprepareforthebusysummer season.
OnMarch16,thepolicedepartmenthostedCoffeewithaCopand receivedpositivefeedback,soanother onewillbeplannedforAugust.
McLaughlintoldthecouncilhe hasobtainedgrants,including $4,608fordevicesandtools,and $18,000thatwillbeusedtobuynew bodycameras.
McLaughlinannouncedthatOfficerDylanMurphyhadgraduated fromthepoliceacademyandisdoing wellwithfieldtraining.Hewilltrain withfourofficers,aswellasSouth Bethany’sfieldtrainingofficer,beforepatrollingalone.
CouncilmanStephenCobbcommendedMcLaughlinforgetting grants.
“Theamountsareunprecedented. …Youcontinuetotrainthepeople, andyoucontinuetomakeusthe safesttowninDelaware,”Cobbsaid.
McLaughlinsaidheappliesfor moregrantsthanhereceives,“But wecontinuetoapplyforeverypossibledollar.”
10 CoastalPoint April14,2023 AWNING SALE! America’s #1 Best-Selling Awnings Call Today for Your FREE In-Home Consultation! www.awningsbycoastal.com 302-537-3679 • 877-673-7971 Call Today & Save! Owners Dave & Kelly Goodman Celebrating 20 Years in Business A+ 302-667-0810 • hrrogersirrigation.com hrrogers1@yahoo.com H.R. Rogers Irrigation & Landscaping Spring Turn-On/Check & Adjust Irrigation System Up to 8 Zones - $60.00 (Repairs are extra) Landscape & Lawn Maintenance • Mulching Lawn Fertilization Programs • New Irrigation System Installation Over 30 years of exceeding customer expectations! OceanViewadoptsd2024budgetwithnotaxrateincrease
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ByMikeSmith StaffReporter
TheIndianRiverSchoolDistrict willhostanelectionfortwoseatsonits boardofeducationonMay9,withseats inDistrict2andDistrict3upforelectionthisyear.ThetermsofIRSDBoard ofEducationPresidentRodneyM. LayfieldandofLeolgaT.Wright,the incumbentvicepresident,aresettoexpirein2023.Eachseathasafour-year term.
TheDistrict2raceisbeingcontestedbythreecandidatestoreplace Layfield,whodidnotfiletorunforreelection.Wright,aresidentofMillsboro,didfiletorunforreelectiontothe schoolboardpositionrepresentingDistrict3,withnochallengershavingfiled torunagainsther.Shehasservedonthe IRSDboardformorethanadecade.
VotingintheDistrict2racewillbe from7a.m.to8p.m.atGeorgetown MiddleSchoolat301W.MarketStreet inGeorgetownandatMillsboroMiddleSchoolat302E.StateStreetin Millsboro.
IvanNealofGeorgetownhasfiledto runinDistrict2,alongwithformer IRSDBoardofEducationmemberLeo DarmstadterofGeorgetown,whohas beenvocalatthisyear’sschoolboard
meetings,andMichaelR.Belleroseof Millsboro.
Withtheschoolboardelectionsless thanamonthaway,theDelawareVotingRightsCoalitionisencouraging voterstovisitbit.ly/dvrcschoolboardvoterguideandmakeaplantovoteon Tuesday,May9.
LaurisaSchutt,executivedirector ofFirstStateEducatesaid,“Strong publicschoolsmeansmart,safecommunitiesforeveryone.Whetheryou havechildreninschoolornot,whether childrenattendindependentschools, charterschools,orparochialschools, votinginyourschoolboardelectionisa simple,powerfulstepthataffectsour dailylivesnow,andinthefuture.Put courageouspeopleindecisionmaking seatswhospeakup,showup,andacttogetherforteachersandstudents.“
TheLeagueofWomenVotershas notedthatschoolboardelectionsare usuallydecidedbyonlyafewhundred votesandturnoutisusuallyfairlymodestintheseelections.
TheDelawareVotingRightsCoalition(DVRC)isalsoincreasingvoter educationeffortsaheadofthe2023 SchoolBoardElectionsonTuesday, May9.
DVRC’spubliceducationcampaign includesaprintanddigitalversionof
theschoolboardvoterguide (http://bit.ly/dvrcschoolboardvoterguide),availableinbothEnglishand Spanish,anddownloadablevoterinformationgraphicsforsocialmedia.
Thecomprehensivevoterguide, “HowtoVoteinDelaware’sSchool BoardElections,”aimstomakeiteasy forDelawarevoterstolearnwhere, whenandhowtovotethisMay.Itincludeslinksforeasynavigationtovoter informationwebsites,suchasVoteDelaware.org,whichisACLU’s Delaware’svotereducationwebsite; VotamosDE.org,theVotamos,WeVote Coalition’sSpanish-languagevotereducationwebsite;and Vote411.org/Delaware,theLeagueof WomenVoters’votereducationwebsite.
Thosesitesfeaturecandidatequestionnairesandinformationonevents suchasschoolboardcandidateforums, allowingvoterstolearnmoreaboutthe candidatesrunningintheirschooldistrictsandtheirpositionsonkeyissues.
“Thedecisionsofalllocallyelected officialshavedirectimpactsoncommunities,andschoolboardsarenoexception,”saidHelenSalita,campaign managerattheACLUofDelaware. “Schoolsaretheheartofourcommunities,andchildrenarethefutureofour
country.Thestateofpubliceducationis directlyconnectedtopublichealth,incarcerationrates,employment,economicsuccess,andmore.”
JillItzkowitzoftheLeagueof WomenVotersadded,“Becauseofthe lowturnoutrateforschoolboardelections,everyvoteisincrediblypowerful. Thisiswhyourcoalitionprioritizes creatingtoolsthatallowDelawarevoterstomakeconfidentandinformeddecisions.”
Thisyear’sguidealsofeatureskey informationaboutvoteraccessibility,an importantlegislativeandvotereducationpriorityforDVRC.
“Voterswithdisabilitieshavehistoricallyvotedlessoftenthansomeother demographicgroupsduetonumerous barrierstovoting,”saidJoannKingsley, votingrightsadvocatewiththeDisabilitiesLawProgramatCommunity LegalAidSocietyInc.(CLASI).
“Delawarestillhasworktodoto improvevoteraccessibility,despitethe factthat1in4adultsinDelaware identifyashavingadisability.Wehope thatoureffortstoraiseawarenessabout therightsandprotectionsinplacefor voterswithdisabilitieswillbeastepin therightdirectionandincreaseparticipationofDelawarevoterswithdisabilities.”
12 CoastalPoint April14,2023 FENWICK ISLAND SHOPPING CENTER - 300 COASTAL HIGHWAY, FENWICK ISLAND, DE CHECK OUT OUR NORI’S SUSHI BAR & GRILL AND SOPHIA’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT AND PIZZERIA BOTH LOCATED IN THE GOLD COAST MALL - 114TH ST. COASTAL HIGHWAY, OCEAN CITY MD Come join Chef Yanni & Family and enjoy our Delicious Sushi and Menu. No Reservations needed, for parties of 6 or more reservations recommended. DINE IN OR TAKEOUT GIFT CARDS • CATERING OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 4-9 PM Call us at 443-880-4738 Chef Yanni bringing his best with no boundaries for deliciousness in Fenwick!!
Come Visit Us For Restaurant Week April 16th thru 30th
CoastalPointencourages theexchangeofideas. Letterstotheeditormustbe signedbytheauthorwith phonenumberincludedfor purposesofverification.
Editorial Thestaff
SUSANLYONS susan.lyons@coastalpoint.com
There’snoquestionthatsoccerholdsa specialplaceinthiscommunity,fromthe youngestkidstothestellarhigh-school athleteswhonotonlybringhomechampionshipsatIndianRiverHighSchool butgoontocontributetotheircollege teamsandbeyond.Muchofthatsuccess, andloveofsoccer,canbetracedbackto RiverSoccerClub.AndRiverSoccer Club’ssuccesscanbetracedtotheefforts ofHowardGerken.
NowinhospicecareduetoParkinson’sdisease,Gerkenhada“bucket-list” itemhementionedtohisnurse,Jessica Livingston:HewantedtogovisitRiver SoccerCluboncemore.Andabevyof
supportersmadethathappenonTuesday as“TheGodfatherofSussexCounty Soccer”returnedtothefieldsnearFrankfordtoseewhathe,withthehelpof many,haswrought.Anditisagreatthing —notjustaplacetoplaysoccer,buta communitythathasspreaditswingsbeyondwhatwasonceanemptyfield.
AsIRHSheadsoccercoachBrandt Maistoldusthisweek,“Asacoachand teacher,youreallyhavealotofinfluence onyourplayersandareabletohelpthem developandgrowtoreachtheirfullpotentialasaperson.”AndMais—aRiver Socceralumasplayerandcoach—has donethat,underthetutelageofGerken
andofformerIRHSandRiverSoccer coachSteveKilby,whothisweekgreeted Gerkenashereturnedtoseewhathe helpedbuild.
“RiverSoccerClubwouldnotexist todayifitwerenotforHoward,”River SoccerPresidentRebeccaMaissaid.“He hasanamazingwayofmotivatingothers, butwithouthisleadershipandhardwork, itjustwouldnothavehappened.Every year,RiverSoccerprovidesopportunities foryoungpeopleinthiscommunityto learnandjusthavefunplayingsoccer.We areeternallygratefulforthisgreatman.”
Hey,youguys…parentingchanges stuff.Lotsofstuff.
Iwasremindedofthatonceagain aswerecentlytookalittletripdown totheOuterBanks.Now,thishas beenprettymuchanannualescape formymeandmywifeformany years.Wecamedownwhenwewere dating,bothasjustapairandwith friends,andweabsorbedourdogs intothetripformanyyearsasamarriedcouple.Whenourdaughtercame intoourlifeeightyearsago,wewereexcitedtobringherintoourbeloved “Bubble”getaway.
Andithasalwaysbeengreat.Weintroducedhertosomeofourfavorite restaurantsandlittlegetawaystotake thedogs,andwe’vebuiltsomenewtraditionsalongthewaythankstohercontributions—liketheaquariumand someofthemini-golfspots.It’smanagedtostaythatsamegreattrip,but evenbetternowwithourlittlepride andjoybyourside.
Only…ithaschanged.What’sthat expression:“Deathbyathousandcuts?” Well,inthiscaseit’sbecome,“Sobervacationthatcapsoutby9p.m.every nightinabundleoffrayednervesand musclespasmsduetoathousandcuts, 34,000stepsontheFitbitandacredit cardthatisthreateningtospontaneouslycombustonetinyitemata time.”
Howdidweletthisgetawayfromus socompletely?Iwascontemplatingthis theotherdayinararemomentofsilence,andIrealizeditwasindeedthose
tinycutsbuildingupoverthepasteight years.Littlethingsjustchangedbecause theyfranklyhadto,andothersentered
Point of No Return
Darin J. McCann
theformulasimplybecauseitfeltlikea goodideaatthetime.Lookingback yearafteryearafteryearwasgoingtobe apainfulconversation.Idecidedto transportmyselfmentallybackintime to,say,12yearsago—whenwewere prettywell-versedinwhatwelikedto dowhenwecamedown,andstillyoung enoughtodoitatpeakperformance.
Our“VacationPrimes,”ifyouwill. Ourvacationsbackthenweremore aboutrelaxingandgivingthedogstheir favoriteweekoftheyear.Itwasprobablysomecombinationofwalksonthe beach,layingonthedeckandjustbeing aroundus24/7thatgotthemintosome weirdformofcaninenirvana,butwhateveritwas,theygotexcitedassoonas theysawsuitcasesgointhetruck.We weren’tfarbehindtheminthatregard, andenjoyedhangingoutwiththem, zoningouttosomeoldmoviesandenjoyingadultbeverages.Weactually forcedourselvestoundertake“oneadventureaday,”simplysowe’dleavethe propertyanddo,well,anything.
Now,toborrowaphrasefromthe USArmy,wedomorebefore9a.m. thanmostpeopledoallday.Weusually
seethesuncomeup,feelthesandbetweenourtoes,putonabout1,500steps andputonthefirstlayerofIcyHotbeforeit’sfullylightout.
Backthen,lunchwouldoftenbe somethingprettylightinawaterviewspotwithacoldbeerinhand, orasandwichstandingatthekitchen counter—alsowithacoldbeerin hand.
Now,it’safranticracetothefirst placeweseewhilewefendoffa “hangry”creaturethatisnolongermy angeliclittleprincess.No,shehasbeen replacedbyaforceofnaturethatmust consumesomethingevery13minutes or,well…justkeepherfed.Thatwould bemyadvice.
Backthen,dinnerwasusuallysome seafoodorMexican,withanicecold beerinhand,or,again,maybestanding atthecounterwithasandwich,anda coldbeer.
Now,dinneris,again,oftendetermined byproximity,andinvolvesnota coldbeer,butacoldcompress,asmost ofmybodyhurtsfrom,well,pickyour poison.
Oh,thosebreaksbetweenlunchand dinners?Well,inthepastthosehours werebasicallyspentonthebeachwith thedogsoronthedeckreading—and usuallytherewerecoldbeers.Now?Gift shoptobuygoggles.Ora54thwalkof thedaytoseeifthoseprettyferalkittensarestillsittinginthatlot.Oratrip tothehotelpool.Orbasicallyanything thatdoesnotinvolvesittingonabeach or readingbooksonthedeckanddrinkingcoldbeers.
DARINJ.MCCANN darin.mccann@coastalpoint.com
SUSANMUTZ susan.mutz@coastalpoint.com
M.PATRICIATITUS patricia.titus@coastalpoint.com
TARYNKING taryn.king@coastalpoint.com
SHAUNM.LAMBERT shaun.lambert@coastalpoint.com
CHRISAUBE chris.aube@coastalpoint.com
NADINETIMPANARO nadine.timpanaro@coastalpoint.com
JANEJOHNSON jane.johnson@coastalpoint.com
KERINMAGILL kerin.magill@coastalpoint.com
SUSAN CANFORA susan.canfora@coastalpoint.com
JASONFEATHER jason.feather@coastalpoint.com
MIKESMITH mike.smith@coastalpoint.com
MIKESTERN mike.stern@coastalpoint.com
TheCoastalPointispublishedweeklyat 111AtlanticAve.,OceanView,DE19970.
Columns LetterstotheEditor
Themailingaddressis: P.O.Box1324, OceanView,DE19970. Phone:302.539.1788. Fax:302.539.3777. Deadlineforadvertisingandnewssubmissions is5p.m.Monday.Alladvertisementscreatedby theCoastalPointarepropertyofCoastalPointLLC, andcannotbereplicatedwithoutpermission. www.coastalpoint.com
ViewPoint April14,2023 Page13
AARPmemberadvocates forvaccination, lowerdrugprices
HavingallMedicarerecipientseligible forfreerecommendedvaccinesisamuchneededpreventativesmartmove.Itisvitally importanttomakesureolderadultsare protectedagainstseriousillnesseslikeshingles,whoopingcoughandtetanus.
AnAARPanalysisfoundthatjust45 percentofpeople50+withMedicarehave hadashinglesvaccine,eventhoughitisrecommendedforeveryoneoverage50.For mepersonally,havingtakenadvantageof therecommendedvaccineshaskeptmefree fromillnessesandprovidesmewitha“protectivelayer” asIage.
ItisalsogreattoseethatMedicarecan finallystartnegotiatingwithdrugcompaniestobringdownthepricesofprescription drugs.Americansshouldn’tbeforcedtopay thehighestpricesintheworldforourmedication—andlowerdrugpriceswillsave moneyforbothtaxpayersandseniors.
SeniorsneedtrustedallieslikeAARPto keepfightingontheirbehalf.I’mgrateful foreveryonewhohadahandinfightingfor thesereformsandamhappytoseetheseeffortscomingtofruition.Helpingseniorsget freevaccinationsandalsobeabletoafford
MaryLouiseEmbrey,AARPAdvocate BethanyBeach
Marinaownerhas questions,concernsabout WhiteCreekdredge
Whatisthefinalcostpaidtothecontactorfromthe$4.7milliondredgeproject? Estimatesare$3to3.2millionjustforthe completeddredgingofthetwolightly-used prongsofWhiteCreekandasmallportion oftheAssawomanCanal.
Whywasthedecisionmadetodothe twoprongsfirstandnotstartintheheavily-usedmainchannel?
HowmuchwasAnchorQEA,the State-hiredconsultingfirm,paidforthis project?
Whywasn’ttheRFPforthisproject preparedandsentouttobidearlierin2022, thusallowingfortheplannedNov.15, 2022,startdate,insteadoftheJan.15, 2023,start?
Whywasn’tathree-weekextensionfiled byDNRECtotheArmyCorpofEngineersinFebruary,whenitwasobviousthat theprojectwouldnothaveenoughtimeto
DidnotapplyingforthedredgeextensionhaveanythingtodowithAnchor QEA’sstatecontractexpiringataboutthe sametimethedredgeprojectwasscheduledtoendonMarch31,2023?
Whywasthelast700feetoftheeast prongnotincludedinthedredgecontract?
HowwasDNRECabletoapplyand getthenecessarypermitstodotheadditional700oftheeastpronginatwo-to three-weektimeframe,yetnotapplyforan extensionforthewholeprojectwhileallthe heavyequipmentand7milesofdredge pipewereinplace?
Howmuchwasspentontheadditional 700feetoftheout-of-contractdredgingon theeastprong?Estimatesare$250,000to $350,000.
Howmuchadditionalnon-contracted spoilwasdredgedfromtheeastprongand depositedonthespoilsite?
Wherewilltheadditionalfundscome fromtofinishtheWhiteCreekdredge project?Justtore-stagewhathasbeenremovedwillcostacontractor$1million, meaningthisprojectwillprobablyendup costing$7to8milliontofinish,insteadof the$4.7million.
WillDNRECbeabletofind/hirea dredgecontractorfortheplannedfallcompletion?
ect?Therearenoguaranteesthatthepast stagingareaswillbeavailableoroffered afterthemishandlingofthisproject.
Nowthereistalkofaddingthewhole AssawomanCanaltotheun-finished WhiteCreekdredgeprojectinthefall. Shouldthisbethecase,thisopensupeven morequestions.
Issixmonths’enoughtimetoissuea newRFP,getitouttobid,acceptabidand thenfinalizethebid,thenhavethecontractorstageinmid-November,cleanoutsubmergedlogsandsnags,cutback overhangingbranches,thentakeamonth toputtogether6milesofpipeandthenbe outofthe4-milecanalbyFeb.28andthen finish2milesofWhiteCreekbyMarch 31?
Wouldtherebeanydredgecompanies availableforthislargeprojectinsucha shorttimenotice?
ArethenecessaryAssawomanCanal dredgepermitsbeingfilednow?
Howmuchfundingwillbeneededto dredgetheAssawomanCanal,andhasany moneybeenappropriatedforthisdredging?
AnchorQEAconsultinghasbeenhired bytheTownofFenwickIslandtooversee
14 CoastalPoint April14,2023 Lunch Specials 11:30-3 DINE-IN ONLY 302.537.7373 • saltedrimde.com • 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville DRINK SPECIALS Sun - Fri 11:30–6pm | Sat 3–6pm FOOD SPECIALS Everyday 3–6pm Happy Hour Specials In House Only, No Doggie Bags BINGO - Monday 6pm GAME NIGHTS! MUSIC Fri 4/14 Sat 4/15 Sun 4/16 • • • David Reed 8-11 David Reed 8-11 Deb & Mike Duo 3-6 Dinner Specials 4-9 DINE-IN ONLY Mon Tues Wed Fri Shrimp Night - $15.99-$17.99 Taco Tuesday - all day and night Burger Night - all day and night Fajita Friday - All Fajitas - $16.99-Mon Wed Thur Fri Cheesesteak or Chicken Cheesesteak - $10 Build-a-Burger - $9 and up Fried Grouper Sammy - $9 2 Shrimp Tacos - $10-TRIVIA - Wednesday 7pm MINGO - Thursday 7pm Sunday Funday Jam Session 3-6 Deb & Mike Duo Happy Hour Food & Drink Specials Taco Tuesday - ALL DAY & NIGHT 2 Tacos & Soda - $13 2 Tacos & Margarita (house non-frozen) - $16 2 Tacos Beef or Chicken - $12 2 Tacos Fish or Shrimp or Pork - $14 2 Tacos Veggie - $11 All Day & Night! Friday, 5/5 • Saturday, 5/6 • Sunday, 5/7 Stay Tuned More Details Coming Soon!!
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
WhenChrisEcclestonreadthe bookheandaco-workerengineeredto his8-year-oldsonand5-year-old daughter,hegotafirmthumbsup.
Neighborhoodchildrenenjoyedit, too,saidEccleston,ownerofDelmarva VeteranBuilders,basedinSalisbury, Md.,andwithprojectsinDelaware, includingcurrentconstructionofthe newMillsboroPoliceDepartment.
Thebook,GritLeadstoGreatness, writtenincollaborationwiththecompany’screativedeveloper,JennyKerr Schroen,isachildren’sadventurestory builtontheimportanceofchildren learningtradeslikeplumbing,masonry,carpentryandelectricalskills.
“Wesenttokidstocollegeandwe thoughtitwastherightthingtodo butanunintendedconsequenceisthat thereisastigmaassociatedwiththe trades,”Ecclestonsaid.
“Ifyouthinkaboutyourdaughter orsonandrememberthatpersonwho cametoyourhouse,atradesman,and youthinkyoudon’twantyourchildto growtobethatperson,tohavethat career,well,that’sanunfairperception. Ourindustryisfacingatwo-millionpersonshortagenationwide.Weare feelingthatshortagehere,too,”he said.
Theidea,Schroensaid,istochange thewaytheworldseesthetradeindustrywhileinterestinganewgenerationinuniversaltradeskills.
Inthebook,brotherandsisterTrig andTegan,livein“adecaying dystopiancitythatwasoncegrandbut hadforgottenhowtobuildovertime becausepeoplewere hypnotizedby mysteriousglowingstones.”
“Whileplayingnearcrumbling statuesonedayatthecitycenter,Trig isrescuedfromafallingpieceofmarblebyamysteriousoldmannamed Ohm.Theoldmantellsthestoryof
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
TheFather’sDayeditionofthe CoastalPointnewspaperwillinclude aninsertofitsnewestpublication, ExploreCoastalDelaware,onJune 16.Thepublicationwillalsobe availableatlocalbusinesses,events andselectoutdoorboxes.Additionally,adigitalE-EditionwillbeaccessibleontheCoastalPoint website:www.CoastalPoint.com
ExploreCoastalDelawareisa printguidefeaturinginformationon parks,trails,localevents,activities, attractionsandsomuchmore!
Whetherreadersarelookingfora dayonthewaterorrainy-dayfun— andeverythingin-between—ExploreCoastalDelawareistheperfect guideforvisitorsandlocalsalike.
“Weareveryexcitedtohavethe opportunitytoshareourfavoritefeaturesofthisbeautifulregionwecall home.ForyearstheCoastalPoint hasworkedtoseamlesslyintegrate thebestoftheareaintotheweekly paperforourreaders,andnowwe’re happytobeabletoofferafocused guidededicatedentirelytothisgoal,” saidspecialpublicationseditor,Taryn King.
theonce-mightystatuesandexplains thattheyfoundgreatness.But,hesays, mostpeoplegiveuponfindinggreatnessbecauseitcan’tbefoundwithout grit.Gritisthedrivingforcefrom withinthatgivesyouthepowertoface anychallengeandthegutstokeep going, ”thedescriptionofthebook,on thewww.gritleadstogreatness.com website,states.
Ohmpointstotheinscriptionat thebaseofthemonumentthatreads “Gritleadstogreatness.”
Thenanearthquakestrikesandthe townteetersontheedgeofacliff.It willbedestroyedifsomeonedoesn’t repairit,butnooneknowshow,sothe childrenrushbacktotheoldman, seekingadvice.
ThechildrenmeetMasonthe Mason,anartisticogre,andrebuilda grandalpineschoolwithminiature c arpenterscalledSnomes.Theyconnectsteeltospanabridgenearthe baseofavolcanowiththeirmetallic
robotfriends,ArcandtheWelders, learnaboutplumbinganddiscoverthe powerofelectricity,allwhilerealizing theycanchangetheirworld.
“Wewanttochangethestereotypes,tochampionthetrades,notto lookdownonthem.Ifwedon’thave trades,theworldwillcrumble.There arealltheseinterwovenmetaphors withinthestory,”Schroensaidabout the40-page,$18.95bookthatcanbe orderedat www.gritleadstogreatness.com
“Wearealllivingthroughinflation rightnow.Thisaffectshousingaffordability,thecostofgoodssold,everything.It’sallconnectedto construction,”Ecclestonadded.
“Insteadofwritingabasicbook aboutconstruction,wedecidedto writewhatwouldhappeniftrades wereforgotten.Wecameupwiththe charactersforthebookandwehavea strongmessage—showingtradesas heroicandepic.”
issuewillshowcaseawidevarietyof indoorandoutdooractivitiesranging fromhistoricalattractionstoarcades, andwatersportstonaturecenters.
Lookforspecialfeaturesonmust-see locations,aswellasanantiquesmap andbeveragetrail.
Martha’s Episcopal Church Presents
at 3PM The Program is free and open to the public. 117 Maplewood St., Bethany Beach • StMarthasBethanyBeach.org
the Hate: Antisemitism and the Rise of
With Andrew Goretsky, Regional Director of Anti-Defamation League April14,2023 CoastalPoint 15 • 2-day Immune Boosting Meal Plan • Full Espresso Bar- Organic Juice & High Protein Smoothies • Vegan & Gluten Free Options & Baked Goods • Açaí Bowls & Breakfast Sandwiches 1, 2, or 3 Day Organic Juice Cleanse 3 Town Road, Ocean View • 302.616.1025 31264 Americana Pkwy, Selbyville Bayside • 302.564.7718 Open Daily 8am-3pm Both Locations Order Ahead on Chow Now! 1/2 Soup 1/2 Sandwich Special $10
Monday, April 17
Hate Groups Today”
thetowndredgeprojectscheduledforthis fall.IstheAssawomanCanalbeingadded totheun-finishedWhiteCreekdredge projectsotheTownofFenwickIslandcan piggybackontheprojectandthussave moneyfortheTownattheexpenseandinconveniencetotherestofSussexCounty citizens?
Conclusion:Itishighlyunlikelythatthe StatewillbeabletohireacontractortofinishWhiteCreekthisfall,butfolksare hopeful.However,iftheproposeddredging oftheAssawomanCanalisaddedtothe plannedfallcompletionofWhiteCreek, thentheWhiteCreekdredgeprojectwill notbefinishedforyearstocome.
MysuggestiontoDNRECistoconcentrateonwhatyouhavestartedanddon’t biteoffmorethanyoucanchew.Weall knowhowthingswentwiththisproject,
whyshouldweexpectanythingdifferentin ashortertimewindowforalargerproject stillintheplanningstage?
TomFowler OceanViewMarina
Readerofferspraise forrecentstory
Susan[Canfora],youhavedoneitagain! YourarticleabouttheClarkantiquestore, AntiqueJunction,wassuperiorineveryway. Youincludedsomanyinterestingdetails,so muchsothat,uponreadingit,Ireallyfelt likeIknewandappreciatedalltheworkthe Clarkshaveputintocreatingsuchaunique antiquestoreovermanydecades.
Mrs.Clarksoundslikeafascinatingand dedicatedwomanwhorecognizedherlate husband’stalentsandhelpedhimrealizehis dreamofrenovatingsuchadecrepitand
abandonedplaceintoanantiquesshopper’s destination.
LovedMrs.Clark’scolorfulquotes! Excellentstory!
MarthaGagnon OceanView
Readerappreciates climate-change coverage
Editor: IwanttocomplimentMikeSmithand theCoastalPointfortheextensivecoverage ofDr.Legates’presentationtotheRepublicanPartyinMillsboro.Itisimportantand helpfultoknowwhataprominentdenieris thinkingandsaying.
TomGeib FenwickIsland
Sedonaowner thankfulasshe movesonafter30years
“GoodeveningandwelcometoSedona” isaphraseI’vesaidthousandsoftimesover thelast30years,andI’vemeantitevery time.Iamwritingtodaytothankallofour amazingcustomersforallowingustoprovideyouwithourhospitalityandtothank allofthewonderfulpeoplewhohave workedforusoverthattime.
Ithasbeenincredibletobeapartof30 yearsofbirthdays,reunions,annualtripsto thebeach,engagements,retirementsand just-becausedinners,andIamso,sogratefulforyourpatronage.
Sedonawillcontinueonitsnextchapter asalocalfamily-ownedbusiness,witha newfamilyatthehelm.Iwishthemthe bestofluckandhopeourloyalcustomers willcontinuetoenjoytheirhospitality.
Anyonewhoknowsmewillknowretirementisnotreallymystyle,soI’dliketo inviteyoutovisitmeatS+SGourmet MarketindowntownBethany.IwillcherishallthememoriesI’vemadeatSedona, andIamexcitedtoseewhatthefuture holds.
St.Joseph’sDay Festivalorganizers thankfulforsuccess
TheEleventhAnnualSt.Joseph’sDay ItalianFestivalonMarch18,presentedbythe Sons&DaughtersofItalyOceanCityLodge #2474andSt.Luke’s/St.Andrew’sCatholic Church,wasanenormoussuccessandour best-attendedtodate.Itwasafundayforall whoattendedandaprofitablefundraiser.
Wehavemanyindividuals,merchantsand organizationsfromOceanCity,FenwickIsland,Berlin,OceanPines,BethanyBeach, Millsboro,OceanView,Selbyville,Rehoboth BeachandLewestothankfortheirgenerosityindonatingitemsforoursilentauction andgift-basketraffle,aswellasforplacing adsinourFestivalprogram.
Averyspecialthankyoutoourfivefestivalsponsors:ASPIRE’SSummerWork TravelProgram(EasternRegionalOffice, OceanCity),Mio’sItalianSteakhouse,Moe andMarieGrimes,TomasettiLawandthe OceanCityKnightsofColumbusCouncil #9053/PopeJohnPaulII4thDegreeAssembly#2452.
Ourcontributorsandthemanyattendees helpedusraisethefundsthatweusetofund ourcharitablegivingprogramandourscholarshipprogramthateachyearrecognizeslocal highschoolseniorsinMarylandand Delaware. Ourthankstoall.
MorrellDelcher& VitoPotenza,Co-Chairs
MarianParrott,formerowner Sedona
16 CoastalPoint April14,2023 Letters Continuedfrompage14
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For me, who you work for says a lot about your character. I have always wanted to be a part of a company that gives back to the community around them. I was born and raised in Sussex County, and seeing how Schell has always given back is inspiring. We built The Kingfisher because it gave us ample room for our kids to grow in that home and have friends over. We loved every moment of the building process. We used Heartbeat to communicate with our Construction Manager and received photos every single week. It was a surreal experience, and I'm forever grateful.
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information is subject to
April14,2023 CoastalPoint 17
DelawareInterfaithPower&Light ishostingitssecondannualstatewide essaycontest:“Renew:ReflectiveEssaysonNature,Earth&theirWonders,”withadeadlineofEarthDay, April22.Renewisaplatformforall currenthighschoolstudentstoreflect, inwriting,ontheuniqueroleofyouth onclimateaction;growingconcerns overenvironmentaljustice;andtheir personalsenseofconnectednesswith thenaturalworld.
Allhighschoolstudentsin Delawareareeligibletoparticipate andaskedtopre-register,through April15,throughtheDeIPLwebsite atwww.delawareipl.org.Essaysshould beoriginalworks,craftedbythestudents,amaximumof1,500wordson oneofthethreetopics,andemailed anytimebetweenApril22(Earth
Day)andMay7to renew@delawareipl.org.
DeIPLwilloffer10cashawards, totaling$8,000,towinningessayists.
PartoftheinspirationforthecontestcamewhenDeIPLhosted MichaelNelsonandKathleenDean Moore,co-editorsofMoralGround; EthicalActionforaPlanetinPeril, fortheirmonthlywebinar.Moral Ground,firstpublishedin2010and recentlyreissued,isacollectionofessaysfrommorethan80“visionaries aroundtheglobepresentingacompellingcalltohonorourindividual andcollectivemoralresponsibilityto theplanet.”
Theintentofthisessaycontestis tohearfromDelaware’syoungvisionaries;toencouragethemtogivevoice totheirownpassions,perspectives,
Apanelofjudges,joinedbyMoral GroundeditorsKathyMooreand MichaelNelson,willreviewandidentifywinningessays.Scoringwillbe basedonclarity,passion,attentionto theme,creativityandeffectiveness.An awardsceremonyisbeingplannedfor thissummer.
ThemissionofDelawareInterfaith Power&Lightis“toengagefaith communitiesandcommunitypartners inaddressingthecausesandconsequencesofclimatechange;toscientificallyinformandspirituallydeepen ourunderstandingofourrelationship withthenaturalworld—andwith eachother—andtoactonthoseunderstandings.”
Visitwww.delawareipl.orgformore informationandupdates.
CelebrateEarthDay with‘MarshMadness’ saltmarshtours
DNRECisinvitingthepublicto celebrateEarthDay2023bytouringa tidalsaltmarshanddiscovering“oneof themostamazingecosystemsonearth.”
DNREC’sAquaticResourcesEducationCenterwillhostaspecial“Marsh Madness”programhighlightingthe tidalsaltmarshattheTonyFlorio WoodlandBeachWildlifeAreanear SmyrnaonSaturday,April22,from10 a.m.untilnoon.
EducatorsfromtheAquaticResourcesEducationCenterwilllead tours foranup-closeviewofthetidal saltmarshandaquaticlifefoundthere. Thesaltmarshconnectstothe DelawareBaythroughanetworkof tidalstreamswherevisitorscanwatch fiddlercrabsonthebanksduringlow tideandsometimesseeegrets,herons andotherspeciesonthemarsh.
Participantsarebeingencouragedto dressfortheweatherandtobring drinkingwater,sunscreenandinsectrepellent.
Formoreinformationordirections toAquaticResourcesEducationCenter, visit theDNRECeventscalendarat https://dnrec.alpha.delaware.gov/events /marsh-madness-earth-day-tours/.
BaytoBeach Cleanupplannedfor April22inFenwick
TheFenwickIslandEnvironmentalCommitteeissponsoringaBayto BeachCleanuptocelebrateEarth Day2023onSaturday,April22, (rainorshine)beginningat8:30a.m. ParticipantswillgatheratFenwickIslandTownHall(800Coastal Highway)forrefreshments,cleanup assignments/supplies,door-prizerafflesandacommemorativetokenof appreciation.
TheMERR(MaritimeEducation, Research&Rehabilitation)Institute willbesharinganeducationaldisplay ontheimportanceofmarinemammalsandtheneedtoprotecttheir habitat.
“PleasejoinusinkeepingFenwick thecleanesttownontheshore!”organizerssaid.
18 CoastalPoint April14,2023
Here are just a few of the reasons homebuyers love Cardinal Grove: © 2023 Schell BrothersLLC.AllRightsReserved. Allinformationis subject to changewithout notice.
$400s Minutes from the Beach | Outdoor Pool Clubhouse | Private Cabanas | Grilling Area Wooded Homesites | Close to Area Shopping SCAN FOR MORE INFORMATION April14,2023 CoastalPoint 19
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
AndrewGoretsky,RegionalDirectoroftheAnti-Defamation LeagueinPhiladelphia,willdiscuss thesometimeshidden,andgrowing, problemofantisemitismwhenhe speaksatSt.Martha’sEpiscopal ChurchinBethanyBeachat3p.m. onMonday,April17.
“Iwasveryappreciativeofthe churchinvitingustocomedown andspeakwiththecommunity aboutfightingantisemitismand fightinganyformofhate,whether it’santisemitism,LGBT,racism. Weallhavetocometogetherand continuetofightback,”the Lafayetteville,Pa.residentsaid.
Hisfamilyhasvacationedin BethanyBeach,soheisfamiliar withthearea.
“Ihavehadpersonalexperiences withantisemitismthatIcanshare andIcantalkaboutthingsmyson hasexperiencedatage11,”hetold CoastalPointthisweek.
“Hateisrisinginallforms. Thereisnoonereasonthatpoints towhyweareseeingthis.Aswe know,globally,aswellasdomestically,weseeincreasedpolarization
andanxiety. Whenanxietyis upinsocietyand peopleareuncertainofwhatis goingon,they lookforscapegoatsandminoritygroupstend tobethatscapegoat.Comingoutofapandemic, inflations—thereisnotonereason,”hesaid.
Publicfiguresandpoliticians whonormalizehate“leadtopeople thinkingit’sOK,”Goretskysaid.
TheAnti-DefamationLeague discoveredanincreaseinantisemiticincidentsinkindergarten through12thgrades,althoughnot asmuchinDelaware,hesaid.
“Childrenareabarometerof hatebecausetheyrepeatwhatthey hearathome.Iwilltalkaboutwhy itpersists,”hesaid.
Goretskysaideveryonecanmake adifferenceandtakeastand againsthate.
“Youcan’tfightoneformofbigotryandhatewithoutfightingall forms,”hesaid.
“IfIhadthemagicanswerto whyhateseemstobeincreasing,I
wouldsharethatwithyoubutthe realityis,whatweareseeingright nowisincreasedpolarization,increasedanxiety,scapegoatinganda proliferationofhateonline.There istheabilitytospreadhatefulconspiracyideasonlineatthespeedof light,”saidGoretsky,whohasa doctorofeducationdegreein highereducationadministration fromTheGeorgeWashingtonUniversityandmasterofartsdegreein studentpersonneladministration fromNewYorkUniversity.
Hebeganhiscareerworking withstudentswithlearningdifferencesatLandmarkCollegeinPutney,Vt.
St.Martha’smemberJohnShort, amemberoftheAdultEducation Committeeatthechurch,said committeemembersaskedGoretskytospeakbecausetheywantto educateothersaboutthemarginalizedandthosewhoarehatedor discriminatedagainst.
“Ihavetalkedtopeopleabout thisandtheysaid,‘Wedon’thavea problemwiththataroundhere.’Becauseitisn’tasvisibleassomeother
thingsis,somepeopledon’tthinkit existsbutwhatAndrewsaysis,yes itdoes,andwhatyourchildrenare seeingisalotofhatefulthingson theinternet.Socialmediaisfullof it,”Shortsaid.
“WeareinabubbleinBethany andOceanView,withwell-to-do families,sanitized,areallynicearea. Wetalktopeoplelikeus.Wesee peoplelikeus.Wedon’tseemarginalizedpeopleandunlesswecall ittotheattentionofpeople,they don’tthinkit’sabigproblem.I broughtituptoourcommitteeand theythoughtitwasagoodidea,” Shortsaid.
Theeventisfreeandopentothe publicandareceptionwillfollow Goretsky’spresentation.
“Bringeveryone.It’ssoimportantbecausekidsthesedaysencounterhateonsocialmediaand theyneedtoknowwhattodo aboutit,howtoreportincidents.
“AsAndrewtoldme,thereisone socialmediaoutletthatisa cesspoolofhate.Thereisonehe specificallymentionsandkidsare constantlyonsocialmedia.They needtoknowwhentogetoffsocial mediaandwhattolookforwhen theyareviewing,”hesaid.
20 CoastalPoint April14,2023 Ear Tow Town of Millville rth D wn Day Y F A AY APRIL TURD A S NATURE INTERACTIVE SCAVENGE 22 Festival nd 11A E THEMED ACTIVIT EDUCATIONAL D ER HUNT / ROCK W AM-1PM y TIES DISPLAYS WALL 3517 D FREE & am F For The Whole un F pril 23 ain date A r RD VANS PARK E , DE e Millville es Driv Duk mily! E CEILING FANS INSTALLED Fast Professional Service Services Include: No Job Too Small! 41 years’experience Tommy Thompson Licensed Electrician 302.228.0038 Free Estimates Owner Operated Ceiling Fan Installation Light Fixtures Additional Outlets New Construction Hot Tub Wiring EV Chargers Sasha’s Jewels, LLC JEWELRY REPAIR • CUSTOM DESIGNS & APPRAISALS sashas.jewels@yahoo.com Jewelry BUY• SELL TRADE Why consign? Immediate payment for your items. You will be treated like family & given individual attention. Gemologist (302) 296-6909 202GumboroRd,Selbyville,DE HoursComingThisSpring AppointmentsOnlyNow Factory 2nds, Discontinued Items, Etc. By Appt. Only 877-323-TEAK 32951 Lighthouse Road Selbyville, DE 19975 ~ WINDSOR TEAK Warehouse Discount Outlet
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
MonroeHudsonJr.hasbeenappointedtotheSelbyvilleTownCouncil tofilltheseatvacatedbyformerCouncilmanandthenewmayor,Richard Duncan.
Hudsonwassworninduringthe Monday,April3,councilmeetingthis weekbeforeleavingforavacationwith hiswife.
Priortothemeeting,Duncantold councilmembershewantedtoaskHud-
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
TheSelbyvilleTownCouncilpassedthe town’sFY24,$9.6millionbudgetwithno newtaxeswhentheymetonMonday, April3.
Thetaxratewillremainat$1.85per $100ofassessedvalue.
TownAdministratorStaceyLong,duringhermonthlyadministrativereport,encouragedthecounciltoconsider implementingnewimpactfeesandchangingthetowncodetostartcharginganannualfeetooutsidecontractors.Thetown charges$75peryeartolicenseresident
son,CommissionerfortheDelaware DepartmentofCorrectionsince2021,to filltheremainderofDuncan’sterm, throughMarch2024,andtheyagreed.
DuncantoldCoastalPointheapproachedHudsonaboutservingonthe councilandHudsonwasinterested,so Duncanappointedhim.
HudsonwashiredbytheDelaware StatePolicein1988andbeganhiscareer assignedtoTroop7inearly1989,accordingtoaDelawareStatePolicenews release.Hemovedupthroughtheranks andwaspromotedtolieutenantcolonel
“I’veknownhimallmylifeandI knowwhatagoodpersonheisandwhat excellentcharacterhehas,”Duncansaid.
“Heisverywellrespectedthroughthe communityofSelbyville.He’sahometownboy.HegrewuphereinSelbyville andhehasalwaysbeeninterestedinhis hometownbutheneverhadtimetofurtherhisventureintothetowncouncil.
“He’sbeenwantingtogetintolocal government.He’saveryintelligentand mostrespectedperson,”Duncansaid.
merchants.Neighboringtownschargeoutsidecontractorsaround$150peryear, Longsaid.
Councilmembersagreed,andasked Longtoscheduleaworkshoptodiscuss impactandotherfees.
“Iamhearingweneedmorepoliceofficersbutit’sexpensive,sowecancomeup withimpactfees,especiallyfornewconstructionthatisimpactingthearea,”Mayor RichardDuncansaid.
“Wecoulduseeightmorepoliceofficers butwithofficerscomesequipmentandit’s expensive.Ithinkweneedtomoveforward inthemosteconomicwaywecan,”Duncansaid.
“Thewaywe’regrowing,wewilleventuallyneedafull-timebuildinginspector. Newhomesareimpactingoursystem,” Longadded.
Amanintheaudiencesaidheandhis wifepay$271perquarterforthewater, sewerandtrashbillbuttheydon’tusethe minimumamountofwater.
“It’sjustthetwoofus.Wheredoesthe surplusgo?”heasked.
“WeuseUSDAgrantsandloans,so therearestructureswehavetomaintainto paybackthedebtservice,sowehavetoset ourrates.Theflatrateisforupto18,000 gallons,”Duncanexplained.
April14,2023 CoastalPoint 21 29P Atlantic Ave. • Ocean View, DE 302.616.2604 • OceanVayuYoga.com Ocean Vayu Yoga Karmic Clearing Sound Healing Sat. April 29th 3:30-4:30 New Student Special $49 for 30 Days! Last Day to Take Advantage is May 15 LOCAL ART • VINTAGE UNUSUAL • ANTIQUE ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE 302.927.0049 On the corner, south of the stoplight 33034 Main St., Dagsboro Call or Follow us on Facebook and Instagram or email: jaynesreliable@gmail.com OPEN Fri-Sun 10–4pm
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
WhenAmandaBeamwasalittle girl,herfatherrecalledwithalaugh, herfavoriteTVchannelwasHGTV.
“Sheusedtodrawlittlehouseson paper.Soshewasproudofit.She reallyseemedtoenjoyit,”Mark Beam,ownerofBeamConstruction Inc.inFenwickIsland,saidabout hisnow-27-year-olddaughter,who, tohisdelight,hasgrownuptowork withhiminthefamilybusiness,as hisofficeadministrator.
“Amandaiseducatedasateacher. Shestartedgettinginvolvedwith ourcompanyandIsaid,‘Amanda areyousureyouwanttodoit?’I havebeenaroundquiteafewpeople in30yearsinbusinessandIhave neverseenanybodyasorganized,as abletodealwithclients,”the62year-oldBeamsaid.
“We’reafatheranddaughter team.It’saperfectintergenerational connection,”hisdaughteradded,rememberingdrawingblueprintsasa child.
“Ithinkshemighttakeoverthe businesswhenIretire.Mygoalisto continueworking,togetafewvacationsandstarttakingiteasyinthe nextfiveyearsorso,andthenlether takeover.Iwanttoworkquiteabit longer.Ienjoyit,”saidBeam,who celebratedhisthirddecadeinbusinesslastyear.
AgraduateoftheUniversityof Delaware,whereshemajoredineducation,AmandaBeamtaught fourthgradefortwoyearsandwas workingfromhomeduringCOVID, whenschoolswereclosed.She startedgoingtoherfather’sbusiness intheafternoonsandassisting.
“Ilikedit,soIdidn’tgobackto teachingthefollowingyear.Really, it’sbeenawesome.Everydayisdifferent.Ilovegettingtoknowthe clients.Iambetteratclientrelations andmyfatherismorehands-on,in thefield,”saidAmandaBeam,who isinvolvedinbookkeeping,schedul-
ing,ordering,consultingwithclients andevenventuringintothefield whereconstructiontakesplace.
Herfatherispresidentofthe companyandprojectmanager,and therearefourfull-timeemployees.
Hermother,anurseatIndian RiverHighSchool,helpswithaccounting.HersisterBrookeBeam designscompanyT-shirtsandisin-
volvedinmarketing,andher youngersisterChloeisafreshman incollege,studyingpublichealth.
MarkBeamdidn’thaveFacebook orInstagramaccounts,butAmanda Beamhasstartedonlinemarketing andattractednewcustomers,he said,addingthathisadvertising methodusedtobeword-of-mouth.
ketingageoftechnologyandthat hasreallyhelped,”hesaid.
“Wehavebuiltover120houses inDelawareandMaryland.Weare alsolicensedinMarylandfornew construction,”AmandaBeamsaid. “MostofourhomesareinDelaware, inFenwickandalsoinDagsboro, OceanView.Wedoeverything.We justfinishedthreelastyear,andwe havetwobigrenovationsgoingon. Wehavesomelinedupforfalland somenewconstructionfornext year.”
“Myfatherwasn’ttakingonas muchworkwhenmysister,Brooke, wasplayingsoccer.Hewasveryinvestedinthat.Hewenttoallthe games.SheplayedattheUniversity ofRichmond.ShetraveledtoEurope.SowhenIstartedworking withhim,hegotbackupandboomingagain,andhegotmultiple housesgoingagain,”shesaid.
BrookeBeamgraduatedfrom collegein2016andworksfora marketingfirminLosAngeles,but remotely,sosheisabletoalsowork forBeamConstructionasherolder sistergetsmoredeeplyinvolved.
“MydadandIarelearningfrom eachother,”AmandaBeamsaid, characterizingtheconstruction businessaschallenginganddetailed.
“Somanydifferentthingsgointo buildingacustomhome.Youwould neverimaginealltheselections.I amintheoffice24hoursaday,it feelslike,butIloveitandI’mhavingfunwithmydad.Ithasgrown ourrelationship.Hespentalotof timewithmysisterwithsoccer. NowIamgettingtimewithhim,” shesaid.
“Iwaskindofwindingdown aftercloseto30years,thenAmanda joinedme,andshehasnewenergy. It’sadifferentgamenow,”herfathersaid.
“Iwasinmoreofarelaxedmode, butwearenowbackuptofull speedahead,andithasbeen fantastic.”
22 CoastalPoint April14,2023 VintageToys&Games Toys, Board Games and the best selection of Vintage Finds on the Eastern Shore 302.406.0135• yesterdaysfuntoys.com 117AtlanticAve.•Millville,DE19967 OpenThurs - Mon •10am–6pm • Closed Tues & Wed (302) 406-5864 • 117 Atlantic Ave. • Millville, DE 19967 Open Thurs - Mon • 10–6pm • Closed Tues & Wed New Finds All the Time! Author Events Children's Book Sale April 14-16
Afterrecentlycelebrating30yearsofbuildinghomesintheFenwickIslandarea, MarkBeam,right,isjoinedbyhiseldestdaughter,Amanda,left,astheylooktoward thefutureofBeamConstructionInc.
h y Beac hy Beac n e Card rize, esorts Body Double Swim wing eyBrBethan y Blues BBQ Bethan sh itsines t In GlassAr e Alni Body Car @ @thequietrresorts yaralLibrtSouth Coas kaShacShak wzaSandy P eativ national Cooper erInt hyBeacyBethanawHeida f Co.ointSurellsPF er ing Cent y Hear aw airF eamertopsailST y kled Pink of Bethan yeGallerhLifThe Beac ine Goods Bethan and PrizGr t C a Gif $500 Vis awing! e dr and priz o the gr ed int er y ent & additionall e p or o win the in-st ed t er o be ent Shop at participating businesses t April14,2023 CoastalPoint 23
TheDelawareDepartmentofCorrection(DOC)istakingapplications fromcommunitymemberstoparticipateinitsSpring2023Citizens Academy,whichbeginsApril18in Dover.Thefreeprogramgivescommunitymembersafirsthandlookat theoperationsandprogramsof Delaware’slargestlawenforcement agencyandprovidesaninsider’sview intohowtheDOCachievesitsdual missionofpublicsafetyandrehabilitation.
Academyparticipantsengageoneon-onewithDOCleadership,uniformedofficers,treatmentand programproviders,andarangeof professionalstaff.Academysessions featureinformationalpresentations,a reviewoftreatmentandeducational programs,specializedunitdemonstrations,classdiscussionsandinteractive
toursofaprisonfacility,community correctionscenterandProbation& Paroledistrictoffice.
“CommunityengagementisapriorityfortheDepartmentofCorrection,andourCitizensAcademy providesavaluableopportunityfor localresidentsandourcorrectional stafftocollaborate,shareinformation, anddeepenunderstandingofhow Delaware’sprisonsystem,community correctionsfacilities,andprobation andparoleworkdayinandday out,”CommissionerMonroeB.HudsonJr.said.“Thisisyouropportunity tojoinusifyouwanttolearnmore aboutthetreatmentandtrainingwe offerinourfacilities,howtheDOC supportspublicsafetyandoffender rehabilitee,whetheralawenforcementcareermayberightforyou,if youjustwanttobeamoreinformed
citizen.Iwelcomeyoutocomplete yourapplicationtoday.”
TheDOCCitizensAcademywill meetfrom6to8:30p.m.onsixTuesdayeveningsfromApril18through May23.Sessionsandtourswilltake placeattheDOCAdministration BuildinginDover,theProbation& ParoleDistrictOfficeinDover,the CommunityCorrectionsTreatment CenterinSmyrnaandJamesT. VaughnCorrectionalCenterin Smyrna.
TheDOCisseekingapplications fromadiversegroupofcommunity memberparticipants18orolder, whodonotneedtohaveanycorrectionsorlawenforcementexperience. Classsizeislimited,andinterested participantsmustcompleteashort applicationandpassasimplebackgroundcheckpostedonlineat https://doc.delaware.gov/assets/documents/doc_citizens_academy_spring_ application2023.pdf.Completedapplicationsshouldbereturned toJason.Miller@Delaware.govby March31.
TheCitizensAcademygoalisto strengthenpublicengagementwith theDOCthroughinformation-sharing,access,anddialogueandtobuild astrongpartnershipwithlocalresidents.Sessionswillfocusonavarietyoftopics,includingorganizational
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structure,officerandstafftraining, prisonoperations,communitysupervisionmethods,medicalandbehavioralhealthtreatment,vocational trainingandeducation,aswellasthe DOC’sroleincoordinating Delaware’sstatewidereentryinitiative.
ParticipantswillgainanunderstandingofhowDOCassessesoffenderneedsandrisksandleverages technology,training,communication, andcollaborationtomeettheirneeds, mitigatethoserisks,supportreentry successandreduceDelaware’srecidivismrate.
Statewide,morethan4,000individualsarecurrentlyincarceratedin DepartmentofCorrectionfacilities andapproximately10,000individuals arecurrentlybeingsupervisedbythe DOConprobationorcourt-ordered pretrialsupervision.DOCCitizens Academyprogramsareorganized twiceeachyearandpreviousAcademieshavetakenplaceinNewCastle County(spring2022),SussexCounty (fall2021)andKentCounty(spring 2021).
Formoreinformationortosubmit anapplication,contactJasonMiller, chiefofCommunications&CommunityRelations atJason.Miller@Delaware.govorcall (302)379-4048.
24 CoastalPoint April14,2023 RetireWise: Educational Workshops for Pre-retirees and Retirees
Lois James d.d.s. GENERAL DENTISTRY Routine Dental Cleanings • Fillings Crowns • Bridges • Implant Restorations Cosmetic Procedures • TMJ Disorders & Sleep Appliances 302-537-4500 • DrLoisJames.com 17 Atlantic Ave, Ste. 4 Route 26 • Ocean View (Next to Oceanova) Accepting New Patients CP CP CP CP COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. DOCCitizensAcademytogivecommunityalookinsidecorrectionalsystem
4th at 3:30 p.m. Bethany-Fenwick Chamber of Commerce 36913 Coastal Hwy, Fenwick Island, DE RSVP at https://www.mycompassadvisors.com/events or call (302) 526-2565 x5 **RetireWise is a FREE Educational Workshop series highlighting ALL aspects of your Retirement Life offered by local CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Daniel W. Rowles
Beachreplenishmentto beginMay22inSouthBethany
ByMikeSmith StaffReporter
TheSouthBethanybeachreplenishmentprojectwillbeundertakenbeginningMay22—justfivedaysbeforethe MemorialDayholidayweekend.
BasedonhisdiscussionswithreplenishmentcontractorWeeksMarineand DNRECofficials,“Theyaretwodays behindscheduleinRehobothrightnow becauseoftheweather,buttheyarenot slowingdownatall,”saidMayorTim Saxton.
Meanwhile,thetownhallremodelis nearlycomplete,andtownofficialsare hopingtoobtainacertificateofoccupancyinaweekortwo,accordingto TownManagerMaureenHartman.
“Weareawaitingthefiremarshalinspection,”shesaid.“Thefinalpainting hasbeencompleted,andthesecurityinstallationisunderway.Thefloorsareall completed,andwewillhavea‘Zoom Room’fortheconferencecenterfor townhallmeetings.”
“Thenexttowncouncilmeetingis May12andisreallytheofficialtown hallopening,andwecanhavepeople lookaround,”saidSaxton.“Thatwould bethebestdate”forpublicengagement, whenwehaveanofficialtownhall
TheCommunityRelationsCommitteewillholdaneventatthenewlyremodeledfacilityonMay18, (rescheduledfromApril20).ThemanagerforestuaryscienceoftheDelaware CenterfortheInlandBayswillspeakat 5:30p.m.thatevening.AndrewMcGowanwilldiscusswaterqualityinthe LittleAssawomanBayandwhatresidentscandotohelp.
Contractorchangesschedule foralgaeharvest
SolitudeLakeManagementispostponingitsharvestingofalgaespoilsin thecanalsuntilMay.
“ThecleaningscheduleisMay1,” saidSaxton.“Wewillputanoticeoutto askourboaterstogiveussomeleeway fortheharvestwork.”
“Weinspectedthecanalsyesterday, andthereisnotmuchalgaethereyet. WewanttoholdofftheSolitudeLake Managementteamuntilthefirstweek ofMay.Theharvestermachinewas goingtocome,butweneedmoretime, andSolitudeagreedtopushitbackfor theTown,”saidTimShaw,whooversees
are health c e, ou test positiv If y vailable. eatment is a tr COVID-19? T T CO GO NT. T. EATME ATM R T T GE ■ e en within fiv ak t if t orks bes W tarting. oms s days of sympt ■ oms. e sympt educ Helps r ■ or those ant f y import Especiall accinated. age 50+ or unv our alk to y T Talk e at vider or learn mor pro de.gov/covidtreatments. April14,2023 CoastalPoint 25 SINCE 1976 FEATURED LISTINGS Come see this well maintained 2 BR home in the quiet community of Magnolia Meadows. Rentals are not allowed in this community. Conveniently located in the town of Millsboro, just a 30 minute drive to the beach. Tile floors in the kitchen, living area, bedrooms and sun room. The yard is fully fenced in,giving lots of privacy. It is freshly painted and waiting for your personal touches! 241 Magnolia Dr, Millsboro • $219,000 • DESU2037074 UNDERCONTRACT TanseyWarner.com • 302-539-3001 39824 Hickman Plaza Rd. • Bethany Beach • Across From Sea Colony Vacation Rental Specialists Accepting Rental Listings for Vacation Summer Homes & Condos. Call our Rental Dept. Today! Location, Location, Location! Very desirable 2 BR plus sleeping loft townhome, just minutes from the beach, restaurants, coffee/ice cream shops, pools & tennis courts. Updated kitchen with granite countertop and upstairs bath. Flat screen TVs in living room and primary room. Fully equipped kitchen, furnished dining area and living room plus outdoor furnished deck. Ready for your enjoyment, ready for you to rent! Unique opportunity to own your very own beach retreat. 2022 gross rental income currently $20,235.96. 33623 Singles, Sea Colony West • $610,000 • DESU2030544 SEACOLONY SeeSOUTHBETHANYpage48
TheNationalAssociationoftheRemodelingIndustry(NARI)namedSea LightDesign-BuildinDelawareasits 2023NortheastRegionalContractorof theYear(CotY)winnerforthreeNationalCotYawardsandsevenRegional CotYawards.
TheyincludethebestNational/RegionalResidentialKitchenUnder $30,000,bestNational/RegionalResidentialKitchen$30,000-$60,000,best RegionalResidentialKitchen$60,000$100,000,bestRegionalResidentialInteriorElementUnder$30,000,best National/RegionalResidentialAddition Over$250,000,bestRegionalEntire House$500,001to$750,000,andbest RegionalEntireHouseOver $1,000,000categoriesintheCotYannualawardscompetition.
ChuckColeman,ownerofSeaLight Design-Build,said,“We’rehonoredto havewon10NARICotYawards.It’sa teambestforouramazingcrew,skilled craftsmen,andsupportiveclients.Itso-
Second Season SPECIALS
Monday Fried Oyster Dinner $18 Grilled Pork Chops $17
Tuesday Cottage Fried Chicken $16
BBQ Baby Back Ribs $16
Wednesday Fried Shrimp Dinner $17 Cottage Shrimp & Grits $18
Prime Rib Dinner 8oz. $24 12oz. $30
Seafood Mac & Cheese $23
Friday “Fryday” Fish Fry $20 Choice of Cod, Flounder, or a combination Bourbon Bacon Salmon $20
Sunday Roast Turkey Dinner $16
lidifiesourcontinuedcommitmentto excellenceandpushingthedesign-build bar evenfurtherthroughourfuture projects”.
Eachyear,NARIpresentsCotY Awardstomemberswhohavedemonstratedoutstandingworkthroughtheir remodelingprojects.NARIreceived455 entriesfromacrosstheUnitedStates representingmorethan$134millionin remodelingprojectslastyear.
“NationalCotYwinnersrepresent thepinnacleofachievementinremodeling.Theirworkisatthetopoftheindustry.”saidTracyWright,CAE,senior directorofMembership&Chapter ServicesatNARI.“Thejudgingpanel representingindustryexperts,selected winnersbasedonproblemsolving,functionality,aesthetics,craftsmanship,innovationanddegreeofdifficulty.The CotYAwardsallowustocelebrateour memberswhoarecommittedtodesign, bestpractices,integrity,highstandards andprofessionalism.”
ToviewSeaLightDesign-Build’s nationalandregionalaward-winning projects,visit
https://www.nari.org/Recognition-Center/CotY/Regional-Winners.ForadditionalSeaLightDesign-Build information,contactChuckColemanat (302)537-2071orvisit
South Coastal Library is accepting donations of gently used books, audiobooks & DVDs. All items must be brought to the library lobby on Tuesdays from 2-4:00 pm.
Please note that some of our programs have limited in-person seating. Visit our website or call the library to register & learn more about our events!
Monday, April 17 Earth Day Craft 10—11:45 am Celebrate Earth Day by coming to the library & painting a ceramic boot planter! While supplies last. Genealogy Workshop 2—4:00 pm
Join historian, Mike Dixon, for the last part in a 3-part genealogy workshop!
Tuesday, April 18
iPad & Apple Users Group 11:00 am—12:00 pm
Discuss new features, tips, & ask questions about Apple devices!
Wednesday, April 19
Story Time at the Bethany Beach Fire Co. 10—11:00 am
Join us at the Bethany Beach Fire Department for a fun story time!
Benedict Arnold: Military Hero Turned Traitor 4—5:15 pm
Learn about the infamous traitor, Benedict Arnold, with Dr. Gudelunas in this 2-part lecture series.
Thursday, April 20
RBWG Free Writes 10:30 am—12:30 pm
Writers of all skill levels meet to practice creative writing & explore different genres with other writing enthusiasts!
Thyme for Herbs! 2—4:00 pm
Learn how to grow, harvest, & cook with fresh herbs then create a container herb garden to take home!
LEGO Club 5—6:15 pm
Let your child’s imagination run wild at LEGO Club!
Friday, April 21
Thyme for Herbs! 2—4:00 pm
Learn how to grow, harvest, & cook with fresh herbs then create a container herb garden to take home!
Saturday, April 22
Engineer Early STEM Kits 2 Go
Featuring a unique theme each month. STEM Kits available at the library while supplies last.
26 CoastalPoint April14,2023
@ 5PM Open 7 Days at 11am • 302.539.8710 • 33034 Coastal Hwy, Rt. 1, Bethany Beach, DE
302–858-5518 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach South
Library Enrich. Inspire. Educate.
CoastalPoint•Submitted 2023NortheastRegionalContractorof theYear(CotY™)winnerforbestNational/RegionalResidentialAddition Over$250,000wasawardedto DelawareRemodelerSeaLightDesignBuild.
TheRehobothArtLeagueisseeking enthusiasticvolunteerstotrainforthe 2023HomesteadDocentProgram.Volunteerswillgettotalktovisitorswho arevisitingRALforthefirsttimeor engagewithpeoplewhoarecoming hometothebeach,meetnewfriends, andlearnaboutthelocalartandculture scene.
Originallybuiltin1743byPeter Marsh,thehistoricHomesteadremains thecentralpartoftheartleague’scampus.Thehouseboastsarichhistory, havingservedtenantfarmerfamiliesfor morethantwocenturies,then,inthe 1930sbecominghometothefounderof theRehobothArtLeague,Louise Corkran.TheHomesteadismaintained bytheirnonprofitandmadeaccessible tothepublicatnocosttoenableabetterunderstandingoflocalhistoryand thedevelopmentoftheregionalarts scene.Adevotedcorpsofvolunteers, theleague’sHomesteadDocentsoffer theirtime,energy,andknowledgeto staffthebuildingeachyearfromMay throughOctober,andoftenarethefirst
Forinterestedparties,ameetingwill beheldonMonday,April17,from12-2 p.m.intheChambersBuildingonthe RehobothArtLeaguecampus.RSVP byApril14toExhibitionsDirector NickSerratorebyemailingnick@rehobothartleague.org.
TheRehobothArtLeagueissupported,inpart,byagrantfromthe DelawareDivisionoftheArts,astate agency,inpartnershipwiththeNational EndowmentfortheArts.TheDivision promotesDelawareartseventson www.DelawareScene.com.
TheRehobothArtLeagueisa membership-basednonprofitartsorganizationdedicatedtoteaching,preservingandinspiringtheartsinthe region.
Foradditionalinformationaboutthis exhibit,theArtLeague,itsclasses, memberships,eventsandexhibitions, visitthewebsiteatRehobothArtLeague.orgorcall(302)227-8408. YoucanfindthemonFacebookandInstagram@RehobothArtLeague.
TheBethany-FenwickAreaChamber ofCommerceandtheDelawareCenter fortheInlandBays—inpartnership withKeepDelawareBeautiful,Waste ManagementandtheSurfriderFoundationofDelaware—willhostthe DelawareCoastalCommunityClean-up tocelebrateEarthDay.FortheeventtakingplaceonSaturday,April22,from8 a.m.tonoon,groupsandindividualsalike arebeinginvitedtoadoptandcleana sectionofroadwaythroughoutTheQuiet Resorts.
Participantscancleanuptheroadways wherevertheyseeaneedorcanbeassignedtoanarea.Allregisteredvolunteerswillreceivecheck-indetailsand
locationinformationtheweekofthe event.Eachcleaningareawillbeassigned adesignatedhublocationthatwillbe whereregisteredvolunteerswillcheckin, receiveclean-upsupplies,anddiscardcollectedtrash.
Freedisposalisavailable,andcomplete detailswillbeprovidedtoparticipantsvia email.Thoseinterestedinparticipating cansignupatthequietresorts.comuntil8 a.m.onApril21.ContacttheChamber at(302)539-2100formoreinformation.
Participantsarebeingencouragedto tagphotoswith#decoastalcleanupand tag@thequietresortstoshowhowmuch theywereabletocollect,andtoencourageotherstodothesame.
April14,2023 CoastalPoint 27 Parsons& Robinson,P.A. Still the preferred law office. Our Aim Is Client Satisfaction. 302.539.2220 • Ocean View, DE • steve-parsons.net For All Your Needs: Real Estate • Settlements Contracts • Leases • Wills & Estates Corporations & LLCs
28 CoastalPoint April14,2023 CoastalPointphotos•KerinMagill ThetownsofFrankfordandDagsboroheldtheirEasteregghuntsandotherfamilyfriendlyfestivitiesonSaturday,April8.TheEasterBunnymadeanappearanceateach event. Easter festivities
Left,KateVanVorstoftheChamberand BethanyAdkinsofLindaVistaRealEstatehelpMacKenzieCallahan,Rachel Ejzak(holdingRockothewallaby),Josh Mueller,KellyGray,Charliethesloth, KatelynLeeandZachBovacelebratethe preserve’sthirdseasonopen.Right,one ofthepreserve’sresidentstakespartin thecelebration.
BarnHillPreservecelebratedthe openingoftheir2023seasonwiththe RehobothBeach–DeweyBeachChamberofCommerceandaribbon-cutting ceremonyonApril4attheirlocation nearOceanView.Theribbon-cutting ceremonywasattendedbyChamberof Commercemembers,communityleaders andotherlocalbusinesses.
“Wearethrilledtoopenourparkto thecommunityandtoshareouranimal ambassadorswitheveryone,”saidJosh Mueller,ownerofBarnHillPreserve. “Thisribbon-cuttingceremonyrepresentsourthirdseasonopen,andweare
excitedtocelebratewitheveryonewho hassupportedusonthisjourney.”
“Welookforwardtoshowcasingour uniqueanimalambassadors,discussing ourspecialevents,andofcourseconnectingwithourcommunity,”addedZach Bova,brandmanagerofBarnHillPreserve.“Wehopetoseeeveryonethere.”
BarnHillPreserveishometomore than35speciesofanimalsincludingotters,two-toedsloths,redkangaroosand more.Visitorscanexperienceanimalambassadorsupclosewhileeducatorsteach aboutanimalconservationandinspire gueststomakeadifference.Formorein-
formation,visit www.barnhillpreserve.comorcontact Bovaat(424)259-2682orz.bova@barnhillpreserve.com. THE BEST FOR LESS! QUALITY • PRICE • SERVICE *1/2 BUSHELS PREMIUM SEAFOOD BEST PRICES MED/LG • LARGE EX-LARGE • JUMBOS Sandwiches & Dinners • Seafood & Chicken • Homemade Soups 1/3 lb. MD Crab Cakes • Steamed Shrimp Open Daily @ 11:00am 302-537-5882 • BahamasCrabShack.com Oceanside Md./Del. Line, 37085 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, Delaware Great Menu, Quality Food Call Ahead-Ready In Minutes CLAMS SCALLOPS OYSTERS SNOW CRAB SWEET CORN SHRIMP VOTED #1 CRABS & SEAFOOD CARRY OUT JUMBO CRAB HEADQUARTERS ALL CRABS GRADED BY WEIGHT Jumbo GUARANTEED “FAT” CRABS BAHAMAS Crabshack CALL FOR DAILY SPECIALS $39* & 1/2lb. Shrimp 1 Dz Crabs Crabs AreIn Season! NO TAX • PACK FOR TRAVEL • FREE COOLER & ICE 1/3 LB. MD JUMBO LUMP CRAB CAKE W/FRIES & DRINK LB. SNOW CRAB LB. LG SHRIMP 20 LN CLAMS LUNCH SPECIALS W/ FRIES & DRINK $60 From $8.95 $19.95 * SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY * SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY CP April14,2023 CoastalPoint 29 AV YO V o O H I U y l . you f f y I . nursi HE TH E d R s g HES in nee in assets ferredtransfe you ake t will home ng M MY TH t care five fi last the house. ur , o hop t works FREE or a f us Join aw.Law Elder about S ACT FACT FA the learn P.M. 7:00 - 5:30 2ND MAY A 8 2 6 - 2 30 G N I L L CA BY R E T S I EG R asse your rotect o p t ate too . 0 4 1 4ts. TAILSDETA FOR L F CAL - WEBINAR VIA LABLEVAILAAVA AV ALSO E d, D Islan ck k Is Fenwi Highway, oastal al C 1000 UMC EA A BY-THE-S EWSHEW ATT TTMA ST. BarnHillPreservecelebratesseasonopening CoastalPoint•Submitted
TheHumanistStudyGroupatthe UnitarianUniversalistsofSouthern Delawarewillhostapresentationand discussiononpersonalgrowthonApril 20at7p.m.viaZoom.Allarewelcome tojoinlocalhumanismgroupstohear others’ideasandsharetheirown. Emailhumanists@uussd.orgforthe Zoomlinkandformoreinformation.
Thediscussionwilllookatselfawarenessasdevelopedbyauthor CindyWigglesworthinherbook, “SQ21:TheTwenty-OneSkillsof SpiritualIntelligence.”Herapproach
callsforbuildingafullyhumanlifeon afoundationofself-awarenessofone’s personalworldview,lifepurpose,hierarchyofvalues,complexityofinner thoughts,andselfandhigherself.Itis notnecessarytohavereadthebookin advance.
PresenterswillbefromtheUnitariansofSouthernDelawareAdultFaith Exploration,HumanistsofSouthern Delaware,UUFellowshipofSalisbury andtheUUsofCherryHill,N.J.They willsummarizeideasonself-awareness asabasisforpersonalgrowthasused
inthe“SQ21”book,whichcallsfor buildingafullyhumanlifeonafoundationofself-awareness.
CharlesBittner,alicensedpsychologistandthecontactpersonforthe localAmericanHumanistchapter,will facilitatethepresentationsanddiscussion.
“Self-awarenessisabasicpersonal growthskill,”Bittnersaid.“Weare workingtogethertodevelopourselves andtochangetheworld.Thisdiscussionwillbeengagingandbeneficialfor everyonewhowantstoincreasetheir
ownpersonalself-awareness.The AmericanHumanistAssociationdescribeshumanismasarationalphilosophyinformedbyscience,guidedby reason,inspiredbyart,andmotivated bycompassion.”
UUSDisdescribedas“awelcoming andprogressivespiritualcommunity withafaithrootedinloveandjustice. Itsmissionistonurturespiritual growth,embracediversity,workforjustice,andstriveforalovingworld.”For more information,visitwww.uussd.org.
30 CoastalPoint April14,2023 89 Atlantic Ave, Ocean View, DE 19970 | 302.539.1777 (of ce) Glenn Bechtold Real Estate Professional 443-878-3472 (Mobile) Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday, 4/15 & 4/16, 12-3 433 Canal Way
DE Large single family home with wood floors through the first floor. Four bedrooms (first floor master) and 3.5 baths boasting 3,600 square feet in the amenity rich community of Salt Pond. Plenty of room for your family and tons of storage space. This home has a new roof,siding, soffits and gutters. This home is definitely worth a look. $895,000.
West, Bethany Beach
Evergre F FE f or fodaCalliny t f the most o x eene Homes is e NWICK ail vtion on a orma able neighb t desir ve ffer seo o cited t ISLAND lability and schedu t the be borhoods a om home al cust er D AREA our! ule a t each. or sale in some es f e Immedia oom 4 Bedr TER A A ATER ACCESS! W WA FENWICK t $1,225,000! ted a ve-in! Lis te Mo a ths | 3,070 SF ms | 3.5 Ba AREA m learnmmo! Scodesto Scancodes lrnmore! Immedia oom 4 Bedr 38893 Ve Y VIEW A AYB t $929,000! ted a ve-in! Lis te Mo a ths | 3,016 SF ms | 3.5 Ba yville, DE 19975 y Drive, Selb andah Ba r WS! AREA BEACH NITY PIER! B BETHANY COMMUN oom 5 Bedr POND FR IMMEDIA oom 5 Bedr 404 Salt P ths | 3600 SF ms | 35 Ba RONT! t $1,107,900! ted a VE-IN! Lis TE MO A ATE ths | 3,200 SF ms | 4.5 Ba y Beach, DE 19930 than oad, Be ond R P IMMEDIA ALES@EVERGREENEHOMES.C S 1.855.54.BEACH t $834,900! ted a VE-IN! Lis TE MO A ATE OM EHOMES.C ACH M April14,2023 CoastalPoint 31
TrimperRidesthisweekannounced amonthfilledwithfamily-friendlyactivitiesand$25ride-all-ridewristbands. GuestscanenjoytheCustomerAppreciationrateforthemonthofApril,and the130yearsofTrimperRidescelebrationshavealreadybegun,withthepast weekendofEaster-themedactivities. Guestscanlookforwardtoenjoyingthe remainingAprilweekends:
InpartnershipwiththeArtLeague ofOceanCity,Trimper’swill inspirelittleones’innerDaVinciwithhands-on artprojects.Guestswillbeabletoparticipatein“figuredrawing”ofthe TrimperTroupecharacters.Tobringa newmediumtotheevent,filmhasbeen added,asatake-homeartprojectwill encouragekidstomaketheirown Trimper-inspiredvideos.ThebestsubmissionswillbeawardedaTrimper MegaPass.Artsandcraftstableswillbe laidoutstartingatnoon,butchildren arebeingencouragedtoexpresstheirindividuality.
ConservationWeekendbeginsat noontocelebrateEarthDaybothSaturdayandSunday.Visitorscanenjoy theoutdoorsattheparkandtakesome timetovisitthebeach.Guestsare beingencouragedtowalkandrideon theboardwalktotakeinthenatural surroundings.Saturday,April22, FunnyFarmwillhavealambwith themtoexplaintheimportanceof farmingfortheEarthandhowuseful onelambcanbe.OnSunday,April23, DiakoniaThriftShopisdecking outagroupoflocalyouthto highlightanarrayofsustainablefashions.Startingat 12:30p.m.,child modelswillbe parading aroundthe Hamptonsride, “provingthat thriftingistotallyinandfast fashionisout.”
JessicaBauer, directorofmarketingat TrimperRides, said,“Weare sohappy
thatourEasterWeekendbroughtfamiliestogether.Wewanttocontinueto createeventsforfamiliesandspotlight ourbeautifullocation.Wewill haveeventsallofAprilthatincludeextraopportunitiestohave funbeyondridesandgames tobringfurthervalue toourguests.
Personally,Iam excitedforour newKidsSustainableFashion Show,withits messagethatbuyingthriftorparticipatinginswap meetsisaneasy waytoconserve energy,reuse clothingand notcon-
tributetowaste,andyoucanlook greatdoingit!”
What’sPoppin’Bubble DancePartyWeekend— April29-30
The“bubbleisabouttoburst”on $25wristbandsasthemonthofApril comestoanend.ButtheWhat’sPoppin’BubbleDancePartyencourages kidstostayactive.Doorsopenatnoon, andparticipantscanstayfitinafunway —dancinglikenooneiswatchingduringtheWhat’sPoppin’BubbleDance Party,bothdaysat2p.m.Visitorscan playthedayawayastheydance,blow bubblesandhangoutwiththeTrimper Troupe’sveryownMurrayandGali.
ScottSavage,presidentofTrimper RidesofOceanCity,said,“OurEaster weekendwasahit.Wearedelightedto offereventsthatbringfamiliestogether
yearafteryear,decadeafterdecade.” Hoursofoperationaresubjectto change.Allparkeventsareweather-dependent,andwristbandscanbepurchasedattheparkoronlineat https://www.trimperrides.com/ buy-online.Stayup-to-dateonchanges toschedulesandalleventsbyvisiting https://www.trimperrides.com/ eventsandfollowingthemonFacebook andInstagram.
TrimperRidesofOceanCityisa Mar ylandamusementparkenjoyedby generationsoverthepast129years. Trimper’sisaffiliatedwithWindsorResortsInc.,whichalsooperatesMarty’s PlaylandandtheupcomingInletVillage,employing200workerseachyear. TheBoardofDirectorsincludesWendy Delamater,WendyDibuo,BillHopkins, LauraMinker,ScottSavageand ChelseaTrimper.
Page32 April14,2023
CHEER’s13thAnnualFundraising ClassicCar-Truck-BikeShowwillbe heldonSaturday,Aug.5(raindate Aug.6)attheCHEERCommunity Center,20520SandHillRoad, Georgetown,from10a.m.to2p.m. Themed,“DrivingtoServeSeniorsin SussexCounty,”thisyear’sshowspotlightsCHEER’sMealsonWheelsprogramthatdailydeliversnutritional mealstomorethan1,700seniorsin SussexCounty.Allproceedsfromthe showsupportservicesforseniorcitizensinSussexCounty.
“CHEER’scarshow isdifferent thanalltheothercarshowsinthe area,”saidWaltKoopman,presidentof theCHEERBoardofDirectorsanda memberoftheCarShowPlanning Committee.“Thiseventisourannual fundraisertohelpussustaintheservicesthatCHEERprovidestheseniors inSussexCounty.WithoutCHEER’s services—nutritionalmeals,personal assistanceintheirhomes,transportationtothebank,postoffice,grocery store,plusreceivingcompanionshipat
theseniorcenters—hundredsofour seniorswouldnotbeabletostay in theirhomes.”
Anotheruniquefeatureofthe CHEERcarshowisaticketforthe ChampagneLuncheonthatisincluded inthevehicleregistrationfee.
“Mostcarshowshavehotdogsand hamburgersorotherfoodtruckitems,” saidKoopman.“OurNutritionDepartmentcooksupadeliciousfull-course meal,servedbuffet-style.Itincludes breakfastfoods,aswellaschicken,beef andfish,withallthesidedishesand dessertstotopitoff.”
TheChampagneLuncheon isopen tothepublicthedayoftheshowfrom 11a.m.until12:30p.m.forthepriceof $30perticket.
“Comeinandcoolofffromthehot AugustsunintheairconditioninginsidetheCommunityCenter,”invited Koopman.“Youcanevenenjoyacool mimosadrinktoenhanceyourmeal. Thereisn’tanothermenuanywhereofferingtheassortmentoffoodCHEER doesatthiseconomicalprice.Everyone
isinvited.Thenyoucangooutand enjoythevehicleson display.”
Oneparticularvehicleondisplay thatmaybeofinteresttothekidsand “thekidsatheart”isareplicaofa1930s BantamMidgetSpindizzyracecarthat resemblestheoriginals,downtothe smallestdetail.Theoriginalracecars racedtetheredtoapoleortoachain trackinabankedwoodenracetrack andcouldreachspeedsinexcessof150 milesperhour.Thehoodonthemodel canbeopenedtoviewthesingle-cylinderengineinside.Thereplicais19by 8.75by7inchesandisvaluedat$599. Oneluckyperson maytakehomethe prizewhentheirticketisdrawnatthe conclusionoftheawardsceremony. Ticketscost$10eachandareavailable atCHEER.(Thereisa$225reserve forthisitem.)
CHEER’sshowwillconcludewith thepresentingofmanyawards,includingBestinShow,aswellasBestCar, BestTruck,BestBikeandnumerous others.Winnersaredeterminedbythe professionaljudginggroupDelMarVa
“Thisisthe13thyearthatCHEER hashostedthisshow,”saidKoopman. “Ithasbecomeoneofthepremierevehicleshowsintheregion.Thisyearwill benodifferent.Socomeoutandenjoy adayofclassicvehiclesandgoodfood whilehelpingCHEERcontinueto providefortheseniorsinSussex County.”
Formoreinformationaboutthecar show,contacteitherAmySmithat asmith@cheerde.comor(302)8534200,orRobinGreeneat rgreene@cheerde.comor(302)8534199,orWalterKoopmanatrbdjet61@verizon.netor(302)745-5668. Registrationisalsoavailableonthe CHEERwebsiteatwww.cheerde.com.
Pre-registrationcosts$50pervehicle,whichincludesoneticketforthe ChampagneLuncheon.(Registration onthedayoftheshowcosts$55,also includingoneChampagneLuncheon ticket.)Allmoniesraisedfromthis eventbenefitCHEERservicesforSussexCountyseniorcitizens.
April14,2023 CoastalPoint 33
TheLewesHistorical Societytohold alivinghistoryevent
TheLewesHistoricalSocietyisholdingHeartyintheCause:Lewes1776,on Saturday,April15,wherevisitorswillbe transportedbackintimetotheturbulent monthsleadinguptoAmericanindependence.
ThiseventbringstolifethelocalexperienceofthecolonialseaportofLewistownayearafter“theshotheard‘round theworld,”apivotalmomentinhistory whenmanyeyesweredrawntoWashington’sarmyinNewEngland,andamidrumorsofanewDeclarationunderdebatein Philadelphia.
Attendeescanexploremilitarylife withsoldiersoftheDelawareBattalion andlocalmilitia,discovertheBritishperspectivebytalkingwithcapturedRoyal Navysailors,encounteratravelingmilliner tryingtomakeendsmeetduringthe blockadeofDelawareBay,gettowork withlocaltradespeopleandcatchupon localgossipandnewsoftheworldinthe SussexTavern.Alimitedofferingofa newwalkingtour,RevolutionaryArchitectureofLewes,willdepartfromthe frontgateofShipcarpenterCampusat11 a.m.,1p.m.,and3p.m.Reservationsare required.
By Amie Walker
LThiseventalsocoincideswiththe grandopeningoftheMercantileExchangeatRyvesHoltHouse,formerlythe LHSGiftShop.Avisittothereimagined mercantilewillgiveaglimpseintothe past,andintoashopthatJacobJoneshimselfcouldhavefrequented.TheMercantile istheplacetopickupamementofrom yourdaysobesuretostopbyandexperiencelivinghistoryintheheartofdowntownLewes.Admissiontotheevent providesaccesstotheLewesHistoryMuseumonSaturday,andtheLHSAntique Shopinthehistoric“ZClub”buildingwill beopenaswell.
Proceedsfromthiseventwillbenefit educationalandpreservationprogramsat theLewesHistoricalSociety.Formore detailsaboutHeartyintheCause,tomake reservationsfortheRevolutionaryArchitectureofLewesTour,ormoreinformationontheLewesHistoricalSociety, pleasevisittheLHSwebsiteatwww.historiclewes.orgorcall(302)645-7670.
34 CoastalPoint April14,2023 S
ACROSS 1 Just slightly 5 Golden State sch. 12 Loose-fitting tops 18 Whittle (down) 19 Sold-out letters 20 Egg-shaped tomato 21 100% 22 *Space to recover 25 Ohio college town 26 Smoothie berry 27 Warty hopper 28 Pro __: gratis 30 Received 31 Food Network garb 33 Have a bite line in “The Princess Bride” 37 *Sending mixed messages, maybe? 41 GPS tech 42 Iditarod runners 43 Steel-cut grain 44 Raccoon kin 46 Word with market or circus 48 Smartphone tech 49 Pediatricians, e.g.: Abbr. 50 *Pickle-y condiment 54 Part of a parfait 56 Air filter acronym 57 Baton 58 Sheridan of “Ready Player One” 59 Indian tea region 62 Historical divisions 64 Skate park fixture 66 “Sarah, Plain and __”: Newbery winner by Patricia MacLachlan 67 *Ham it up for the camera, say 70 *Chewable candy with a comic in its wrapper 72 Spanish model Sastre 73 Not quite dry 74 Director Preminger 75 Science class models 76 Gas additive brand 77 Actress Gadot 78 Obstacles to good teamwork 80 Panoramic view 83 *Satisfactory compromise 86 Secret agent 87 Genetic material in some vaccines 90 Warm, in a way 91 Not fitting 93 Latvia, once: Abbr. 95 Risked putting sleep, say 98 *10 or 11, at many hotels 101 Virgo and Scorpio, for two 104 Poke bowl tuna 105 Brings about 106 Holds 107 Peacekeeping gp. since 1949 108 Classic muscle cars 109 “House” actor Omar 110 Left out 113 Home theater feature, and a feature of the answers to the starred clues? 118 Cinnamon candies later” letters 121 Paper unit 122 Accord 123 Claim to be untrue 124 Recipe amt. 125 Phased-out jets DOWN 1 BOLO kin 2 2022 film starring Cate Blanchett as a conductor 3 Some floor decor 4 Church officers 5 Required H.S. course, often 6 __ Lanka 7 Frame of reference 8 Unpredictable 9 Lumber 10 Punk offshoot 11 Afro-Brazilian dance 12 As well 13 Four Corners Native 14 Professional org. for some brokers 15 “All right, let me try” 16 Ad prizes 17 Keytar, e.g., briefly 21 Skater Harding played by Margot Robbie 23 Lose purposefully 24 Billy __ 29 “Do the Right Thing” actor Davis 31 Does the math 32 Teen soiree 35 Hungry, probably 36 Outlet site 38 Lighten 39 Snoops (around) 40 Stare openmouthed 45 Try to rip 47 Sanctuary 49 Pulitzer-winning Kendrick Lamar album 51 Half a sextet 52 Caramel candy 53 Command posts 54 Thailand neighbor 55 Longtime NPR host Diane 59 Mighty silly 60 Beach acquisition 61 Got out of the way 63 Convince to participate 65 Sea of __: Black Sea arm 66 “Toodles!” 68 “Severance” actor Scott 69 Blowout event 70 “Dynamite” K-pop group 71 “Harleys in Hawaii” singer Perry 74 Zing 77 Greek wraps 79 Avocado dip, casually 81 “This __ unfair!” 82 Refreshed, as decor 84 “The Incredibles” family name 85 Neglected to 87 Prints a new edition of 88 Identify 89 Brewpub libations 92 Serving piece for an afternoon social 93 Slopes outfit 94 Fogs 96 A- on a test, e.g. 97 “Jeepers!” 99 Shoe designer Jimmy 100 Designates 101 Brief 102 Less wild 103 “Such a pity” 108 Broad smile 111 Fourth letter of the Arabic alphabet 112 Small fry 114 Mileage, in a sense 115 Crossword clue features: Abbr. 117 “__ are open”: invitation to reach out on social media
SeeCrosswordAnswerspage37 Knowledge is power. Find some every week in the THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY
CommunityClub— TheSelbyvilleCommunity Clubiswelcomingnewmembers,andmeets onthesecondThursdayofeachmonthat SalemMethodistChurchat1p.m.,withasocialhourfromnoonto1p.m.Formoreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.orgor emailselbyvillewomensclub@gmail.com.
Dine&Donate— TheBethanyBeachFraternalOrderofPoliceLodge16organizationis benefittingfromaDine&DonateatCottage CafétheentiredayofApril13.Aportiono f theday’sreceiptswillgotosupportFOP16 activities.
FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Participants18andolderofallskilllevelswillpracticecreativewritinginafriendly andnurturingatmosphere.Attendinperson, orviaZoom.Thisisfree,andregistrationis requiredfortheZoomoption.Toregister,visit southcoastal.lib.de.usorcall(302)8585518.
Story&Art ArtistJacquelineBoydwill teachkidsbetweentheagesof6-10at SouthCoastalLibraryat5p.m.howtodraw illustrationsfromabook.Thisisfree,and registrationisrequiredandavailableat southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302) 858-5518.
NARFELuncheon— NARFECoastalSussex CountyChapter1690willholditsmonthly luncheonatthe1776SteakhouseinMidway Centeratnoon.Thereisachoiceofthreeentrees,plusdessert.Thecostoftheluncheon is$19perpers on,whichincludesgratuities. Paymentismadeuponarrival.Reservations mustbemadebyApril6.Formoreinformation,emailMaryHuckeratmaryliz@comcast.net.
SpringColoring— FrankfordPublicLibraryis hostingaspringcoloringeventforchildrenat 11a.m.Formoreinformation,visit frankford.lib.de.usorcall(302)732-9351.
SpringBreakMovie— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingaviewingofthemovie“Hop” (PG)at1p.m.Formoreinformation,visit fran kford.lib.de.usorcall(302)732-9351.
TeenDIY— FrankfordPublicLibraryishosting ateendo-it-yourselfFabergeeggcraftfor ages12to18at4p.m.Formoreinformation,visitfrankford.lib.de.usorcall(302) 732-9351.
TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(3 02) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.
GentleYoga— MyraStock,acertifiedRYT instructorandregisteredYogaforArthritis teacher,isleadingtwogentleyogaclasses atSouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m.and 11:45a.m.Ayogamatisrequired,and notprovided.Participantsshouldalsobring atowelforextracushioning,andpickone ofthetwoclasses.Registrationislimited andrequired,andavailableatsouthcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302)8585518.
FrolicintheFolly— FrolicintheFollywill takeplaceatDelawareBotanicGardensfrom 4:30to6:30p.m.Strollthroughthegardens andenjoylivemusicandrefreshments.Ticketscostsinglemembers$75,andnon-members$100.Andcouplememberspay$125, whilenon-membercouplespay$150.To ordertickets,visitdelawaregardens.org.
SpringBreakMovie— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingaviewingofthemovie “HitchhikersGuidetotheGalaxy”(PG-13)at 1p. m.Formoreinformation,visit frankford.lib.de.usorcall(302)732-9351.
YardandBakeSale— TheMillvilleVolunteer FireCompanyAuxiliaryYardandBakeSale willbeatthefirehousefrom7a.m.to1p.m. Breakfastandlunchwillbeavailable,andthe eventtakesplacerainorshine.Fortables, callAlyceat(302)537-0143.
Wine,CheeseandBeer— TheFriendsof CapeHenlopenStatePark’sAnnualWine, CheeseandBeerTastingattheOfficer’sClub from4to6p.m.Ther ewillbewinesfrom R&LLiquors.Admissionis$27inadvance (availableatR&L,TheLewesChamberof CommerceorthePark’smainoffice),or$30 atthedoor.Ticketsincludethecostofpark entryandacommemorativewineglass. YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat10:30a.m.Whetheryouare youngorold,overweightorfit,abeginneror advanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthe mindandstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay $2 0amonthforunlimitedyoga.Toregister, visitfrankford.lib.de.usorcall(302)7329351.
SelbyvilleMuseum— TheSelbyvilleMuseum isopenfrom10a.m.to2p.m.onthethird SaturdayofeachmonththroughOctober. variousrailroadandTownartifactsdating backtotheearliestagriculturaldaysthrough late20thCenturypolicememorabiliaareon display.Themuseumislocatedat6Railroad AvenueinSelbyville.Admissionisfree.For moreinformation,visitthemonli neatselbyville.delaware.gov.
Beef&Brew— TheIndianRiverHighSchool AlumniAssociationisholdingaBeef&Brew attheFrankfordVolunteerFireCo.Banquet Hallfrom6to11p.m.Therewillbeanallyou-can-eatbuffet,liveandsilentauctions, a50/50andlivemusic.Thecostis$35per ticket,andbeer,wineandsodaareincluded withtheticket.Formoreinformation,visit
www.IRHSAlumni.comorsendanemailto indianriveralumni@gmail.com.
MultipleMyelomaSuppo rtGroup— The DelawareMultipleMyelomaSupportGroup meetsonthethirdSaturdayofeachmonth from1to3p.m.onZoom.Thenextmeeting issetforSaturday,April15,from1to3p.m. ThespeakerwillbefromTakedaPharmaceuticals,presenting“SideEffectManagement” from1to2p.m.,followedbyasharingmeetingfrom2to3p.m.Formoreinformation, contactSueIwahashiatmyelomaemailsue@gmail.com.
TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.
ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMondayat 10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.Noregistrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.For moreinformation,contact jol in.zumba@gmail.com.
Don’t just go to the movies. Go to the... DELAWARE’S ONLY CLASSIC SINGLE-SCREEN THEATRE! Rated PG THRU THURS. 04/20 Rated PG13 TBA Advance Tickets for all shows available at: www.ilovetheclayton.com Same Day Tickets available at the Box Office 30 Mins. before showtime Location: 33246 Main St., Dagsboro, DE 19939 Box Office Info.: (302) 732-3744 • www.illovetheclayton.com LIVE COMEDY COMES TO THE CLAYTON STAGE Sunday, April 16, at 3 PM TICKETS ON SALE NOW at www.ilovetheclayton.com Join Delaware native and New York based comedian Frank Vignola and his good friends Belynda Cleare & Irwin Long for an afternoon of family-friendly stand-up comedy. Visit our website for tickets and more information. Tickets $20 COMEDIAN FRANK VIGNOLA Belynda Cleare Irwin Long A family friendly, historic movie theatre experience just minutes from the beach CURRENT FEATURE: Evenings at 7 PM Fri., Sat. & Mon Mat at 3 PM April14,2023 CoastalPoint 35 DON’S TREE FARM 6396 Hickman Road Greenwood, DE 19950 302-349-0555 PRIVACY EVERGREENS Green Giant, Leyland, Emerald Green, Hollies, Schip Laurel, Spruce, Pine Ornamentals - Cherry, Plum, Red Bud, Crepe Myrtle Fruit Trees - Apple, Peach, Pear STOP PAYING RETAIL Drive a little, save a lot! www.donstreefarm.com Saturday and Sunday 10 to 2 Monday through Friday by Appointment CalendarofEvents SeeCALENDARpage36
AlphaConversations— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchishostingAlpha,a seriesofgroupconversationsthatexplore thebasicsoftheChristianfaithinafriendly environment,everyMondaythroughMay15 at6p.m.Dinnerwillbeprovided.Therewill benomeetingApril10becauseofEaster.
GenealogyTips— HistorianMikeDixonis leadingathree-partseriesoftwo-hour workshopsongenealogy,April3,10and 17,startingat2p.m.Therewillbealive demoonhowtous edifferentresourcesfor research,anditisidealforuserswith someexperienceingenealogy.Patrons maybringtheirownlaptopsandDElibrary cardtofollowalongiftheywish,butitis notrequired.Thisisfree,andregistration isavailableatsouthcoastal.lib.de.usorat (302)858-5518.
WindDownTime— SouthCoastalLibraryis invitingadultstocomebyforanhourortwo from10a.m.to6p.m.tojustunwindwitha gameinthisfunandfreeprogram.Socialize
withothera dultsandmeetnewpeoplein yourcommunity.Participationisfree,and registrationisnotrequired.Formoreinformation,ortoregister,visit southcoastal.lib.de.usorcallthemat(302) 858-5518.
EarthDayCraft— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostinganEarthDayCrafteventat10a.m. Thisisfree,andforages10andolder,and peoplewilllearntopainttheirownceramic bootplanter.Allmaterialsareprovided.No registrationisrequired.
StoptheHate— St.Martha’sEp iscopal ChurchissponsoringAndrewGortezky,RegionalDirectoroftheADL,inaprogram called“StoptheHate:AntisemitismandThe RiseofHateGroupsToday”at3p.m.Areceptionwillfollow.Theprogramisfreeand opentothepublic.
StorytimeattheFa rm— FrankfordPublicLibraryisholdingstorytimeatParsons’Farm at11a.m.Thisisopenforallages,andis weatherpermitting.Watchthelibrary’sFacebookpageforanyweatherupdates.Formore information,visit frankford.lib.de.usorcall (302)732-9351.
HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingatimeofknittingandcrochetingforalllevelsat1p.m.Formore information,visitfrankford.lib.de.usorcall (302)732-9351.
SketchingYourWorld— LocalartistMikeNg willleadSketchingYourWorldatFrankford PublicLibraryat1p.m.Thisisathree-day courseonhowweperceiveourworldandput ittopaper.Bringasketchbookandapenor pencil.Formoreinformati on,call(302)7329351orvisitfrankford.lib.de.us.
iPadandAppleUsers— iPad,iPhoneand otherAppledeviceusersofallskilllevels arewelcometoattendasupportgroupat SouthCoastalLibraryat11a.m.Users meettodiscussnewfeatures,sharetips andaskquestions.Attendinpersonorvia Zoom.Registrationisrequiredandavailableatsouthcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling (302)858-5518.
SustainableEating— SharonMack,Health Coach/IntergrativeH ealthInstructorwith BeebeHealthcare,isgivingafreetalkon vegetarianandveganeatingatSouth CoastalLibraryat2p.m.Shewilldiscuss thedifferencesbetweenthetwodiets, cookingwithrawfoodsandmore.Registrationisappreciated,andavailableonlineat southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302) 858-5518.
Dine&Donate— OceanViewBreweryis hostingaDine&Donateefforttobenefit LordBaltimoreWomen’sClub,from4to9 p.m.Aportionoftheproceedswill benefit theLBWCscholarshipfund,anditsother charitableinitiatives.Therewillalsobea 50/50raffle.
YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouareyoung orold,overweightorfit,abeginneroradvanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthemind andstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay$20a monthforunlimitedyoga.Toregister,visit frankford.lib.de.usorcall(302)732-9351.
AARPMeets— BarbaraSla vin,fromthe OceanViewHistoricalSocietyandHistoric Village,willspeakatanAARPmeetingat CrippleCreekCountryClub.Herfamilywas oneoftheearlyfamiliesthatsettledinthe area,andshewilltalkabouthowOceanView hasdeveloped.Formoreinformation,call MaryAnnDoughertyat(302)541-9412.
ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocratsmeets attheDenatBearTrapDunesclubhouse from11a.m.to1:30p.m.Thisisasocial organizationthateducates,informsand cr eatescamaraderieamongtheirmembers throughmonthlylunchmeetingsthatfeatureengagingspeakers.Formoreinformation,visitshoredemocrats.com.
BibleStudy— Women’sBibleStudyat MarinersBethelUnitedMethodistChurchwill beeveryWednesdaythroughApril26.There aremorningsessionsfrom10to11:30a.m. orafternoonsfrom7to8:30p.m.Thefocus willbe“Amos,”byJenniferRothschild,with theheading,“AnInvitationtotheGoodLife.” Registerbycalli ngtheofficeat539-9510or atmarinersbethel.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1598632orbystoppingin.All womenarewelcome.
36 CoastalPoint April14,2023 26 54 20 26 locations. available. be assigned r r ted om designa Pick up supplies fr is ee disposal l a r ea in need. F o an ar t t, o ee neighborhood, str our r y Clean up Question (302) 539-21 ns? Call l 539-2100 100 M MAC’S CATERING Wed 11am-5pm • Thurs 11am-7:30pm • Fri 11am-7:30pm Happy Hour 3 to 5 W - Th - Fri • 302-448-0862 • Catering: 443-880-2567 Saturdays Closed until after Memorial Day caterbymacs.com • caterbymacs@aol.com • 35265 Atlantic Ave, Millville $5 OFF SECOND ENTREE ORDERED Limit 2 Coupons Per Order Sides & Extras Excluded Dine In or Carry Out Dine In or Carry Out! Exp: 5/21/23 Every Thursday is Pasta Bar Now Offering Lunch Menu See Our New FB Page: MAC's Cafe! See New Menu Options Soon On Our Website Gourmet Grilled Cheese Sandwich Featured Daily Friday Fish Dinner Specials © 2023 Consumer Cellular Inc. For promo details please call 866-337-1676 CALL CONSUMER CELLULAR 866-337-1676 O First Month of New Service! USE PROMO CODE: GZ59O Calendar Continuedfrompage35 SeeCALENDARpage38
AsFriendsoftheMillsboroPublic Librarybegintheplanningoftheirannualbooksale,theyarerequestingdonationsofbooks.Theywillbeaccepting bookdonationsbeginningthefirstof MaythroughtheendofJuneonTuesdaysfrom9a.m.to1p.m.andThursdaysfrom1to5p.m.Duringthose times,oneoftheFriendswillbeatthe doortohelpdonorswiththeirbookdonations.
Theyacceptadultandchildren’s booksoffictionandnonfiction.Theydo notacceptencyclopedias,magazinesor textbooks.
Thebooksalewillbeheldatthe ScoutHutnexttothelibraryonState StreetonJuly17-22.Additionaldetails areexpectedsoon.Formoreinformation,callSandyat(302)228-2760or Janat(302)732-3216
Now Open Thursday - Sunday 9am - 4pm Adults $15 Children 16 & Under - Free 30220 Piney Neck Road Dagsboro, DE 19939 To reserve tickets, go to delawaregardens.org Wonders of the Woodland: Spring Renewal Earth Day Planter Demonstration Saturday, April 22nd Free Admission to the garden with a food donation to the Food Bank of Delaware Thursday, May 11th Join floral designer Jan Poli as she demonstrates how to create the perfect summer planter. $10 Per Person + Admission Thursday, April 20th 11:30-12:30 Join expert Elizabeth Rives as we explore the wonders of the forest, learning the characteristics of trees, shrubs & forest ecology $10 Per Person + Admission Guided Tours Available. Additional $10. Make Reservations Online April14,2023 CoastalPoint 37 Open Mon - Sat • 10 AM - 6 PM Next to High’s gas station 30305 Vines Creek Rd, Ste. 1, Dagsboro (302) 364-0024 myriadsgifts.com EveryFridayisGrandparents’DayWithaSpecialDiscount! Surfer Dudes Classics …The Perfect Beach Toy! Just Toss ‘Em into the Waves & Watch ‘Em Surf Back to You! CONNECTS FREE INTERNET Qualify today for the Government Free Internet Program CALL TODAY (888) 592-5957 YOU QUALIFY for Free Internet if you receive Housing Assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, Veterans Pension, Fillinthegridsothateveryrow,everycolumnandevery 3x3 gridcontainsthedigits1through9.Thatmeansthat no numberisrepeatedinanyrow,columnorbox. Copyright©KevinStone[www.brainbashers.com]
StorytimeattheFireHouse— South CoastalLibraryissupportingaspecial StoryTimeattheBethanyBeachfirehallat 10a.m.Visitsouthcoastal.lib.de.usfor moreinformation.
BenedictArnold,Part1— Dr.Gudelunasis leadingthefirstofatwo-parthistorylectureoninfamoustraitorBenedictArnoldat SouthCoastalLibraryat4p.m.Hewilldiscusspossibilitiesandreasonsbehind Arnold’sdecisiontoswitchalliancestothe British.Part2willbeonApril26.Youm ay attendinperson,orviaZoom.Registration isrequiredforZoomparticipants,andappreciatedforin-person.Itisavailableat southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302) 858-5518.
BabyBees— EveryWednesday,Frankford PublicLibraryhostsBabyBeesstorytime forchildrenfrombirthto24monthsoldat 10:30a.m.Comelistentostories,songs andengagewithotherbabies.Registration
isrequired.Formoreinformation,visit frankford.lib.de.usorcall(302)73 2-9351.
FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)willhostaweeklyFreeWrite sessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Participants18andolderofallskilllevelswillpracticecreativewritinginafriendly andnurturingatmosphere.Attendinperson, orviaZoom.Thisisfree,andregistrationis requiredfortheZoomoption.Toregister,visit southcoastal.lib.de.usorcall(302)8585518.
LegoClub— SouthCoastalLibraryishostingitsLe goClubat5p.m.Legosandthe themewillbeprovided,andthisisforages 6-10.Registrationisencouraged,and availableatsouthcoastal.lib.de.usorby calling(302)858-5518.Walk-insareacceptedifspaceallows.
WondersoftheWoodlands— Elizabeth Rives,NaturalistandDBGTreeExpertat DelawareBotanicGardens,ishostinga WondersoftheWoodlandsWalkat11:30 a.m.Membersareadmittedforfree,and
pay$10fortheguidedwalk.Non-memberspaya$15admission, andthe$10 tourfee.Children16andyoungerareadmittedforfree.Toreservetickets,visit delawaregardens.org.
YogaforBeginners— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingacourseforyogisandbeginneryogisat11a.m.Whetheryouareyoung orold,overweightorfit,abeginneroradvanced,yogahasthepowertocalmthemind andstrengthenthebody.Youcanpay$20a monthforunlimitedyoga.Toregister,visit frankford.lib.de.usorcall(302)732-9351.
LittleLearne rs— FrankfordPublicLibraryis hostingLittleLearnersat10:30a.m.fora storytimesessionforages3-4,andtheir caregivers,topromoteliteracy.Thereis alsoacraft,andanopportunitytoengage withotherpre-schoolers.Registrationisrequired,andavailableatfrankford.lib.de.us orbycalling(302)732-9351.
Dine&Donate— TheBethanyBeach LandownersAssociationwillbethebeneficiariesofaDine&DonateeffortatBethany BluesinBethanyBeachfrom4to 9p.m. Therestaurantwilldonateaportionofthe evening’sreceiptstotheorganization,and
peoplecancomeenjoydeliciousfoodand meetBBLABoardmembers.
ThymeforHerbs— SandyDanielsfromInlandBaysGardenCenterwillleadatalkat SouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.onhowto plantyourownSpringCulinaryHerbGardenwithorganicherbs.Shewillteach techniquesforgrowing,harvestingand cookingwithfreshherbs,andparticipants willbringanherbcon tainerhome.Registrationisverylimitedandrequired.Toregisterforonlyoneday,call(302)858-5518 orvisitsouthcoastal.lib.de.us.
GentleYoga— MyraStock,acertifiedRYT instructorandregisteredYogaforArthritis teacher,isleadingtwogentleyogaclasses atSouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m.Ayoga matisrequired,andnotprovided.Participantsshouldalsobringatowelforextra cushioning.Registrationislimitedandrequired,andavailable at southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302) 858-5518.
ShredderEvent— LowerShoreEnterprises andtheFrankfordPublicLibrarywillhost anEarthDayShredderEventonFriday, April21,from1to3p.m.intheparkinglot atthelibrary,8MainStreet,Frankford.For moreinformation,contactBonnieElliottat frankfordpubliclibrary@gmail.comor(302) 732-9351.
SafeBoating— TheUnitedStatesCoast GuardAuxiliaryisteachingaDelaware BoatingSafetyClassatGull’sWayCampgroundinDagsborofrom8a.m.to4pm. Thosewhosuccessfullycompletethis coursewillreceiveaDelawareSafeBoatingCertificatebymail(arequirementfor boatersbornonorafterJan.1,1978).All materialsfortheclasswillbeprovidedat registration.Thecostis$10perperson. Sign-instartsat7:30a.m.Pre-registration isrequired.Toregister,email uscgaux0531201@outlook.comorcall (302)616-3175.
EngineerEarlySTEMKits— Participa ntscan swingbySouthCoastalLibrarytograban EngineerEarlySTEMkittoexploretheworld ofmeteorologybyobservingweatherpatterns,interpretingweathermapsandcreatingamodelofthehydrologiccycle.Thisis freeandavailablewhilesupplieslast.
SuperSaturday— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingSuperSaturdayatnoon,with EarlyGrab-n-GoSTEMBags.Formoreinformation,visitfrankford.lib.de.usorby calling(302)732-9351.
CeliacSupportGroup— TheDelmarva CeliacSupportGroupwillmeetonSaturday,April22,at1p.m.attheFenwickInn, 13801CoastalHighway,OceanCity,Md. SpeakerswillbeTidalHealth’sDr.Jerrold Canakis,MD,PA,gastroenterologist,and MichaelP.Kirtsos,RD,LDN,registereddietitian.Doorprizeswillbeawarded.RSVPto (443)664-5979.
RepublicansMeet— The38thDistrictRepublicanClubwillmeetatSouthCoastalLi-
38 CoastalPoint April14,2023 Calendar Continuedfrompage36 SeeCALENDARpage43
JustAdded:YoungAudienceSeriesprograms Scanfor tickets Tolearnmoreandgetyourtickets,visitfreemanarts.org TICKETSON SALENOW! FreemanArtsPavilionisaprogramoftheJoshuaM.FreemanFoundation,whichisa501(c)3nonprofit fundraisingorganization.Thisprogramissupported,inpart,byagrantfromtheDelawareDivisionof theArts,astateagency,inpartnershipwiththeNationalEndowmentfortheArts.TheDivision promotesDelawareartseventsonwww.DelawareScene.com. FREEMANARTSPAVILION June4:CarlyPearce June10:Kashmir:TheLiveLedZeppelinShow June22:TheBrothersDoobie—ADoobieBrotherstribute June25:CheapTrick July7:WalkerHayes July8:HollywoodNights:ABobSegerExperience July13:StraightNoChaser July15:CalpulliMexicanDanceCompany July16:TomPapa July23:BigBadVoodooDaddy July27:BrassTransit:TheMusicalLegacyofChicago July29:ClassicAlbumsLive:Aretha'sGold Aug.5:DeanFord&TheBeautifulOnes:ATribute2Prince Aug.9:AnIn-DepthRareEveningwithDionneWarwick Aug.10:MarcusKing—LiveinConcert Aug.12:TheConcert:ATributetoABBA
April14,2023 CoastalPoint 39
Aug.16:TheLegendaryIngramettes Aug.19:SouthsideJohnny&TheAsburyJukes Aug.30:GaryClarkJr. Sept.8:Voyage:TheUltimateJourneyTributeBand
HundredsofamateurradioenthusiastswillgatherthisSaturday, April15,attheGeorgetown CHEERCenterfortheannualDelmarvaAmateurRadio&Electronics Expo.
“Comejointhefunandbringthe kidstolearnwhyhamradioisnot yourgranddaddy’shobbyanymore,” organizerssaid.
ChrisCoteofSmyrnaisbringing hisHamradioequipmenttodemonstrateavarietyofwayspeoplespend timeexperimentingandmaking contactsbothinandoutofthis world.Cote(FCCcallsignKE5NJ) travelsinhisyellowdemonstration bus,wherehisequipmentissetup andreadytogo.Everyoneiswelcometovisittheyellowbusinthe parkinglotasearlyas7:30a.m.
Cotesaidhisintentionwiththe busistopromoteHamradioand giveanopportunityforotherHams totrysomethingnewtheyhave neverdonebefore,suchassatellite contacts.Hegoestomanyevents throughouttheyear,includingJOTA (JamboreeontheAir),RadioMerit BadgeCollegeandPOTA(Parks OnTheAir)toexplainhowradio works.Eacheventhasadifferent purpose,butallincludeusingHam radiotocontactpeoplearoundthe world.
“Hamradioisconstantlyevolving. Newtechnologiesarebeingdevelopedandoperatorsarealwaysfindingnewwaystousethem.Chrishas beeninvolvedforalmost50years, andheisstillplanningnewchallenges.Laterthisyear,heplansto bouncehisradiosignalfromapublic parklocation,offthemoon,and backtoearthtoastationlocatedin anotherpark.Thiswillrequireboth thesendingandreceivingstationbe
inapositionwherethemoonis abovethehorizon,therightkindof antennas,andagreatdealofastrologicalinformationtocalculatethe bestdate,timeandtrajectory.It’s oneofthethingsHamscallfun!”
TheExpoisbeingheldatthe GeorgetownCHEERCenter,20520
SandHillRoad.Radiooperators fromthroughouttheMid-Atlantic willattendradio-relatedseminars, buyandsellnewandusedradio equipment,ortakeafreelicensing test.
“Nomatterwhatreasonthey cometogether,theseHamradioop-
eratorsenjoy‘rag-chewing’(socializing)witheachother,findingold friendsandmakingnewones.”
Parkingandoutsidetailgating events,includingtheKE3NJbus,are free.Admissiontothevendorexhibitscosts$8,anddoorsopenSaturday,April15,at8a.m.
Seafood Available via Emails Only (sign up at hookemcookem.com)
40 CoastalPoint April14,2023 302-226-8220 39401 Inlet Rd. North Indian River Marina, Rehoboth, DE 19971 34444 Coastal Hwy. York Beach Mall Bethany, DE 19971 302-539-6243 www.hookemcookem outfitters.com Open Daily BAIT • TACKLE • TOWELS CHAIRS • ICE • UMBRELLAS BEACH TOYS • HUNTING SUPPLIES AMMUNITION Come in and see our full line of Salt Life & Guy Harvey Clothing…and more! Beac G ds Now Available SUPPLIES FOR INSHORE, OFFSHORE & JETTY FISHING
Tackle Store Now Open
Bai , Tackl
OnApril18,duringNationalVolunteer Week,SouthCoastalVillageVolunteers (SCVV)willhonormorethan100volunteers helpingolderadultsliveindependentlyin BethanyBeach,Millville,OceanViewand SouthBethany.
Thevolunteersprovidetransportationto andfrommedicalandpersonalappointments, errandsandshopping,helpwithhousehold maintenanceandorganization,friendlyvisits andcheck-inphonecalls,plantcareandassistancewithtechnology.Nowinitsthirdyear ofoperation,SCVVislookingtoexpandits serviceareabyfirstfindingvolunteersand thenmembersinnearbycommunities.
forasinglepersonor$750forahousehold, canreceiveupto25hourspermonthinservices.Short-termmembershipsareavailableat $75monthlyforuptothreemonthstohelp whenrecuperatingfromsurgeryorillness. Subsidizedmembershipsareavailablewith demonstratedfinancialneed.
Volunteers,whoarevettedandtrained, canchoosewhatservicestheywanttoperformandwhentheywanttohelp,through theorganization’scomputersystem.
Inadditiontoservicestomembers,South CoastalVillageVolunteersprovideseducationalandsocialopportunitiesformembers andforvolunteers.OnApril20,arepresentativefromtheAlzheimer’sAssociationwill
presentaprogramonrecognizingthesignsof Alzheimer’sdisease.SCVVsponsorsa monthlyBookClubandholdsquarterlyvolunteerforumsforsocialandeducationalinteraction.
InongoingeffortstomaketheSCVVorganizationknowntothepublic,representativeswillbeattheApril16AddySeaTourto provideinformationonmembership,volunteeringanddonating.TheAddySeaTour, from1to4p.m.,willbenefittheBethany BeachVolunteerFireCompany.
SCVVwillbetherecipientofNortheast SeafoodKitchen’sdine-and-donateon Thursday,April20.Apercentageoftheproceedsfortheeveningwillgotosupport
“Cometoenjoyaneveningoffunandfine food,andtosupportthisorganization,which helpsSussexCountyseniorstoageinplace.”
TheSouthCoastalVillageVolunteersoffice,locatedat32WestAvenueintheOcean ViewCommunityCenter,isopenMonday throughFridayfrom10a.m.to2p.m.For furtherinformation,e-mailinfo@southcoastalvillagevolunteers.org,call(302)5001282,orcheckthewebsiteat www.southcoastalvillagevolunteers.org. SCVVisanaffiliateofVillageVolunteersof Lewesandoperatesasanon-profitunderits 501(c)(3)designation.
ClearSpaceTheatre’sSpotlightonYoung Performerspresents,“Matilda,”onApril14, 15and16.
InspiredbythetwistedgeniusofRoald Dahl,theTonyAward-winning“RoaldDahl’s MatildatheMusical”isthecaptivatingmasterpiecefromtheRoyalShakespeareCompanythatrevelsintheanarchyofchildhood, thepowerofimaginationandtheinspiring storyofagirl whodreamsofabetterlife.
Matildaisalittlegirlwithastonishingwit, intelligenceandpsychokineticpowers.She’s unlovedbyhercruelparentsbutimpressesher schoolteacher,thehighlyloveableMissHoney. Overthecourseofherfirsttermatschool,
MatildaandMissHoneyhaveaprofoundeffectoneachother’slives,asMissHoneybeginsnotonlytorecognizebutalsoappreciate Matilda’sextraordinarypersonality.Matilda’s schoollifeisn’tcompletelysmoothsailing, however—theschool’smeanheadmistress, MissTrunchbull,hateschildrenandjustloves thinkingupnewpunishmentsforthosewho don’tabidebyherrules.ButMatildahas courageandclevernessinequalamounts,and couldbetheschoolpupilssavinggrace. Packedwithhigh-energydancenumbers, catchysongsandanunforgettablestarturnfor ayoungactress,Matildaisajoyousgirl power rompforeveryonetoenjoy.
ClearSpace’sSpotlightonYoungPerformersisaneducationalprogramforstudents in4ththrough12thgrade.The10-weekprogramisdesignedforstudentswhowishto focusmorespecificallyonahigherlevelof dramaticstudies.Studentsareguidedthrough therehearsalprocess,puttingtogetheraproduction,andworkingasanensembleinafully stagedjuniorproductionofaBroadwaymusical.Thesemesterfinisheswithaweekendof publicperformances.
MatildaperformancesareFriday,April14 at7p.m.,Saturday,April15at2and7p.m., andSunday,April16at2p.m.Ticketsare $23.50perpersonandavailableat
www.ClearSpaceTheatre.orgorbycallingthe boxofficeat(302)227-2270.Specialthanks toAliceandAlfredWillisthe2023Clear SpaceTheatreSeasonSponsors.
ClearSpaceTheatreisanon-profitregionaltheatreservingresidentsandvisitorsto SouthernDelawaresince2004.ClearSpace performs13showsduringitsseasonandhas year-roundperformingartsopportunitiesfor childrenandadults.ClearSpaceTheatreis supported,inpart,byagrantfromthe DelawareDivisionoftheArts,astateagency, inpartnershipwiththeNationalEndowment fortheArts.ClearSpaceislocatedat20BaltimoreAvenue,RehobothBeach.
Classic Italian Cuisine Served in a Cozy, Rustic Setting 302.829.8727 35715 Atlantic Ave • Millville, DE Behind Morning Buns Bake Shop Limited Parking: Please Park in front of Morning Buns Gluten Free Menu Available Fantastic Off Season Specials! Dine-in only ~ Beverage purchase required Open For Dinner Tues-Sun @5pm • Reservations Recommended Tuesday: “Endless Pizza” per person $12.00 Wednesday: “Endless Pasta” per person $12.00 **Off-season specials are dine in only and require the purchase of a beverage per person. Sunday: “Ladies’ Night” 1/2 Off Entire Check Thursday: 1/2 Off Bottles of Wine April14,2023 CoastalPoint 41
MarinesMeet— TheFirstStateDetachment oftheMarineCorpsLeaguemeetsonthe fourthWednesdayofeachmonthatthe OceanCity(Md.)AmericanLegionPost166 on23rdStreetatnoon.AnyMarinesand NavyCorpsmenwhohaveservedinthe Corps,livinginWorcesterorSussexCounties,arewelcometojointomeettheirfellowveteransandconsiderjoiningthe organization.Theirmissioniscommunity servicethroughcamaraderieandvo lunteerism.Formoreinformation,call(410) 430-7181oremailwebsergeant@firststatemarines.org.
SocratesCafé— BethanyBeachChristian ChurchwillbethelocationforthenextmeetingofSocratesCaféagroupofindividuals fromdifferentbackgroundsthatdiscuss philosophicalideas.Themeetingsarethe firstTuesdayofeachmonth,from2to3:30 p.m.Everyoneiswelcome.Formoreinforma-
tion,call537-9440oremail bonniejd.rae@gmail.com.
CommunityClu b— TheSelbyvilleCommunity Clubiswelcomingnewmembers,andmeets onthesecondThursdayofeachmonthat SalemMethodistChurchat1p.m.,withasocialhourfromnoonto1p.m.Formoreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.orgor emailselbyvillewomensclub@gmail.com.
IntheGenes— SponsoredbytheLewesHistoricalSocietyandtheSussexCountyGenealogicalSociety,theGenealogistin ResidenceprogramisonthefirstSaturdayof eachmonthfrom10a.m.t o2p.m.inthe ReadingRoomattheLewesHistoryMuseum. MembersoftheSocietywillbeavailableto helpanyonewhohasquestionsabouttheir familytree.TheLewesHistoricalSociety
ArchivesFamilyFileswillbeavailableforresearch.Formoreinformation,visitthemat scgsdelaware.orgorhistoriclewes.org.
FOPMeets— TheFraternalOrderofPolice Lodge16BethanyBeachmeetsattheOcean ViewPoliceDepartmentonthefirstThursday ofthemonthat5p.m.Theyhavemem bers frommanydifferentpoliceorganizations,and therearemorethan100currentmembers whoareactiveorretired.Theydosuspend meetingsduringthesummermonths,and theysupportlocalpolicedepartmentsand theirfamilies.TheyalsocoordinateLEOSA firearmsqualificationsformembersatthe BridgevilleRifleandPistolClub.Formoreinformation,contactSecretaryPaulBoltonat pebolton@comcast.netorbycalling(301) 774-5084.
VIPMeets— VIPisasocialg roupforvisuallyimpairedpersons,andmeetsthefirstand thirdWednesdayofeachmonthattheMastersonCenteratSt.AnnChurchfrom1to3 p.m.Newmembersarewelcome.Formore information,call(240)315-4361.
WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBethanyBeachbandstandeveryWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,law enforcementandfirefightersw hoserveand protect.Allarewelcome.
DemsMeet— The41stDemocratRDmeets thethirdThursdayofeverymonthatPizza KingRestaurantinMillsboroat6p.m.Thisis opentoanyDemocrats.Formoreinformation,callDonnaSpicklerat(302)927-0050.
DemocratsMeet— The38thRepresentative DistrictDemocraticCommitteemeetsthe firstWednesdayofeverymonthatSouth CoastalLibraryfrom7to8:30p.m.Formore
ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocratsmeets attheDenatBearTrapDunesclubhouse from11a.m.to1:30p.m.onthethird Wednesdayofthemonth.Thisisasocial organizationthateducates,informsand createscamaraderieamongtheirmembers throughmonthlylunchmeetingsthatfeatureengagingspeakers.Formoreinformation,visitshoredemocrats.com.
RepublicansMeet— The38thDistrictRepublicanClubwillmeetatSouthCoastalLibrarythefourthMondayofthemonth.Social hoursbeginat6p.m.,andthemeetingstarts promptlyat6:30p.m.Informationontheclub andmeetingscanbefoundat38thdrcp.com, orthroughemailatinfo@38thdrcp.com.
TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp
brary.Socialhoursbeginat6p.m.,andthe meetingstartspromptlyat6:30p.m.Informationontheclubandmeetingscanbe foundat38thdrcp.com,orthroughemailat info@38thdrcp.com.
AlphaConversations— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchishostingAlpha,a seriesofgroupconversationsthatexplore thebasicsoftheChristianfaithinafriendly environment,everyMondaythroughMay15 at6p.m.Dinnerwillbeprovided.Therewill benomeetingApril10becaus eofEaster.
WindDownTime— SouthCoastalLibraryis invitingadultstocomebyforanhourortwo from10a.m.to6p.m.tojustunwindwitha gameinthisfunandfreeprogram.Socialize withotheradultsandmeetnewpeoplein yourcommunity.Participationisfree,and registrationisnotrequired.Formoreinformation,ortoregister,visit southcoastal.lib.de.usorcallthemat(302) 858-5518.
MakerspaceMonday— SouthCoastalLibraryishostingMakerspaceMondayfrom1 1 a.m.and1p.m.,wherepeoplecanworkon theirownprojectsorusingresourcesinone ofthe“maker”stations,includingaButton Maker,AdultColoring,JewelryMakingand Cricut.Registrationisonlyrequiredfor30minuteCricutappointments.Toregister,call (302)858-5518.
StorytimeattheFa rm— FrankfordPublicLibraryisholdingstorytimeatParsons’Farm at11a.m.Thisisopenforallages,andis weatherpermitting.Watchthelibrary’sFacebookpageforanyw eatherupdates.Formore information,visitfrankford.lib.de.usorcall (302)732-9351.
HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingatimeofknittingandcrochetingforalllevelsat1p.m.Formore information,visitfrankford.lib.de.usorcall (302)732-9351.
SketchingYourWorld— LocalartistMikeNg willleadSketchingYourWorldatFrankford PublicLibraryat1p.m.Thisisathree-day courseonhowweperceiveourworldandput ittopaper.Bringasket chbookandapenor pencil.Formoreinformation,call(302)7329351orvisitfrankford.lib.de.us.
theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.
YogaClasses— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchhostsyogaclassesat5 p.m.onWednesdaysintheArmorRoom, upstairsinthechurchbuilding,with HeatherMurphy.Thereisa$5drop-infee. Classesareopentothecommunityandall arewelcome.
ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhallev eryMondayat 10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.Noregistrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.For moreinformation,contact jolin.zumba@gmail.com.
MultipleMyelomaSupport— TheDelaware MultipleMyelomaSupportGroupmeetsthe thirdSaturdayofeverymonthviaZoomfrom 1to3p.m.Formoreinformation,contact SueIwahashiat myelomaemailsue@gmail.com.
NeedlepointGuild— Delaware’sSeashore ChapterofTheAmericanNeedlepointGuild meetsonthefirstMondayofthemonth from10a.m.to2p.m.attheLewesPublic Library.Bringingaboxlunchisencouraged.Newmembersarealwayswelcome. Fordetails,sendanemailtothechapterat delawaresseashorechapter@needlepoint.org.
VFWChickenShack— VFWChickenShack operationwillbeginSaturday,May20,runningthroughSaturday,Sep.2,from7:30 a.m.untilsoldout,rainorshine.Thecost is$10forhalfabarbecuedchickenanda bagofchips.Colddrinksareavai lablefor $1each.TheChickenShackislocatedadjacenttotheNationalGuardTrainingFacilityonRoute1southbound,justnorthof BethanyBeach.
MusicJam— St.MatthewsBytheSea UnitedMethodistChurchishostinga
MusicJamonthefirstandthirdFridaysof themonthat4p.m.Alllevelsarewelcome.
RailroadMuseum— TheDelawareSeaside RailroadClubhouseisaninteractivemuseumofmodelrailroading,andislocated at36668DuPontBoulevar d,inSelbyville. TheyareopentothepubliceveryWednesdayfrom5to8p.m.,andeverySaturday, from10a.m.to3p.m.Admissionisfree. Formoreinformation,visitthemonlineat delawareseasiderailroadclub.com.
SelbyvilleMuseum— TheSelbyvilleMuseum isopenfrom10a.m.to2p.m.onthethird SaturdayofeachmonththroughOctober. variousrailroadandTownartifactsdating backtotheearliestagriculturaldaysthrough late20thCenturypolicememorabiliaareon display.Themuseumislocatedat6Railroad AvenueinSelbyville.Admissionisfree.For moreinformation,visitthemonlineatselbyville.delaware.gov.
Ocean View: Open Daily –Mon-Sat 9:30am-6pm • Sun 10am-5pm • 30244 Cedar Neck Rd. Downtown Bethany: Open Daily 10am-6pm • 98 Garfield Parkway Watch Batteries Installed | Watch Bands Installed Bracelet Watch Bands Shortened | Key Fob Batteries Installed SPRING SALE! 20-50% OFF 60 Racks of Spring Fashions 200 Pair Name Brand Shoes 5-11 $39.99 70% OFF Sportswear (XS-XL) 20-30% OFF Ladies’ Swimwear New Spring Arriving Daily 302-539-6597 Ladies’ Swim $39 (Values over $100) U n d e r t h e Aw n i n g ~ April14,2023 CoastalPoint 43
Chickenindustryfilmtobe shownApril19inOceanView
TheHistoricVillageinOcean View’snextpresentationintheir2023 lectureserieswilltakeplaceon Wednesday,April19.TheHistoric Villagewillhostalecturecelebrating the100thyearofthefoundingofthe broilerchickenindustrybyOcean View’sownCecileSteele.Featured willbeanintroductionbychicken loverandchickenauthorJoanneGuilfoil,priortotheshowingofthedocumentaryofCecileSteele’sstory,
“Cluck,PluckandLuck,”producedby MichaelOates.
Theeventstartsat7p.m.andwill beheldinDr.Nippes’meetingroom inHall’sStoreEducation&Visitor Center,32WestAvenue,adjacentto JohnWestParkinOceanView.
Theeventisfree,withparking availablearoundthepark.Hall’sStore ishandicapped-accessible.Itisthe brownish/tanbuilding(nottheTown’s yellowmunicipalbuilding).
CoastalPoint•Submitted Cluck,PluckandLuck’sdocumentarywillbeshownattheHistoricVillageinOcean View onWednesday,April19.
TheTrain&ToyShowhosted bytheDelawareSeasideRailroad ClubwilltakeplaceonSaturday, April29,from9a.m.to2p.m.at theRoxanaVolunteerFireCompanyfirehouse,locatedat35943 ZionChurchRd,Frankford.
TheDelawareSeasideRailroad Clubislocatedat36668Dupont Boulevard(Route113),Selbyville. Theyareopenallyearexceptholidays.HoursareWednesdaysfrom5 to7p.m.andSaturdaysfrom10 a.m.to3p.m.
44 CoastalPoint April14,2023 Magic,Music&Entertainment! Tickets on sale now at DickensParlourTheatre.com 31810 Good Earth Lane Ocean View, DE *All Performances Subject to Change TheGalsWhoMakeMeSing April 21 & 22 Sue Matsuki Featuring Gregory Toroian on piano Making their return to our theater in a brand new show, after performing two wonderful shows last November, please join this multi-award winning, New York City, Cabaret/Jazz performing artist, Sue Matsuki in “The Gals Who Make Me Sing!” MurderontheMenu Presented by Ovation Dinner Theatre Thursday, April 27 - 5:45 PM EDT An Audience Interactive Comedy Murder Mystery This will be a “ avor lled” fun evening with a host of famous chefs and other personalities in this spoof of all the awards shows we LOVE to hate! Children’sMagicShowwithTomFoolery Saturday, May 13 - 2pm KevinBethea April 14 & 15 One of the most sought after corporate entertainers in the country. A native of New Jersey, Kevin is a full time professional magician/Illusionist with over 25 years of performing experience! Jazz Club Dickens Every Wed. at 5:30 AtlanticAutoBethany.com 302.539.7352 790 Gar eld Parkway — Bethany Beach Atlantic Auto’s Euro pean Sp ecialty Sh op — Bethany Beach, Delaware — Our highly trained technicians specialize in repair & maintenance of European branded vehicles including: COMING SOON: Tesla! Mercedes BMW Volkswagen Audi Volvo Fiat Mini Porsche
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Dorothy‘Dottie’ (Salafia)BuccheriHolmes
Dorothy“Dottie”(Salafia)Buccheri Holmes,82,ofMillsboro,Del.,passed awayonSaturday,April1,2023.She wasbornonMay9,1940,tothelate SalvatoreSalafiaandConcettaRose (Castagna)SalafiainBaltimore,Md. In1961,shemarriedWilliamJames HolmesSr.andwentontohavefive children.
WilliamJamesHolmesJr.(husbandof Robin),Joseph(husbandofJulie),Mark (husbandofRaquel),Lisa(wifeof Daniel Gray)andMaryBeth(wifeof MichaelO’Neill).Shealsoleavesbehind17grandchildren,Morgan, Michael,MirandaHolmes,MelissaRye andStevenJaron;JeremyLevee,BreannaandGrahamDye,AlizaHolmes andherfiancé,LeonardDeFino,and MarissaHolmes;SamuelHolmesand FrianeMitchConcepcion;Nikolaos, Natalie,DominicandAlexanderGray; RyanandMadisonO’Neill;andfour great-grandchildren,AsherDye,Raven Jaron,McKinleyRye,Melbourne Rye.Sheisalsosurvivedbyhersister, MaryAnnCorona,ofYork,Pa.Holmes livedforherfamilyandonlywantedher childrentoremainclose.Thatwasher onlywish.
Avisitationwasplannedfor Wednesday,April12,2023,from7to9 p.m.atWatsonFuneralHome,211S. WashingtonStreet,Millsboro,Del.A FuneralMasswilltakeplaceonThursday,April13,2023,at11a.m.atSt.
JudetheApostleChurch,152Tulip Drive,Lewes,Del.Inlieuofflowers, donationsmaybemadetoDelaware Hospice Center,100PatriotsWay,Milford,DE,19963.Condolencesmaybe sentonlineatwww.watsonfh.com.
RobertAdams‘Bob’MacCoy,88, passedawaypeacefullyonFriday,March 3,2023.BornonSt.GeorgeIsland, Md.,in1935,hewasraisedbyhis mother,LouiseAdamsMacCoy,inRehobothBeach,Del.
Alifelongsportsenthusiast,he playedfootballandbasketballthroughouthighschool.Asayoungman,he wasaRehobothBeachlifeguard,which was wherehemethisfuturewife,BarbaraYoung.Aftergraduatinghigh school,heenlistedintheU.S.AirForce. Afterhishonorabledischarge,thecouplemovedtoSilverSpring,Md.,where hewasemployedatDistrictSupplyfor 19years.
ThecouplerelocatedtoRehobothin 1987,andMacCoytookajobatGrotto
Pizzaworkingatmultiplelocationsover thenextthreedecades.Barbara,his belovedwifeof41years,passedawayin 1999.Inlateryears,hecouldbefound listening toTheEagles,watchingboats comeinattheinletorhavingadrink withhisbestfriend,JayYoung.Despite theirupsanddowns,hispassionforhis belovedWashington(Redskins)Commanders,neverwavered.
MacCoyissurvivedbyhisbrotherin-law,DavidYoung;histhreechildren andtheirspouses,Kelly(andJohn)LinnenkampofSevernaPark,Md., Michael(andJerri)MacCoyofLewes, Del.,andAmanda(andTom)Wilsonof Atlanta,Ga.Hislegacylivesoninhis eight grandchildren,Christine(Linnenkamp)Keller,KatherineLinnenkamp,JohnLinnenkampJr,Austin MacCoy,GriffinMacCoy,ConnorWilson,DeclanWilsonandErinWilson; andhistwogreat-grandchildren, MackenzieandMadilynKeller,allof whomwillmisshimdearly.
Aprivatefamilyservice,basedupon MacCoy’send-of-lifewishes,is planned.Finalcarehasbeenentrusted toParsellFuneralHomes&Crematorium,Atkins-LodgeChapel,Lewes, Del.
Donationscanbemadeinhishonor to theLewesFireDepartmentat
https://www.lewesfire.com/donate.cfm. MacCoy’slifememorialwebpageand virtualguestbookareonlineat www.parsellfuneralhomes.com.
RichardWilliam ‘Dick’ShaubachSr.,87
Afterahard-foughtbattlewithcancer,RichardWilliam“Dick”Shaubach Sr.,87,ofDagsboro,Del.,passedaway athomeonThursday,March16,2023. RichardwasbornonMay27,1935, inNewProvidence,PAtoEdnaand HenryShaubach,andwaspredeceased bybrothersAndy,Henry(Kip)and Paul.
Shaubachwasamasterplumberfor manyyearsandthesuccessfulownerof OceanViewPlumbinginDagsboro.In hisfreetime,hewasagenuineoutdoorsman,anavidfisherman,hunter andtrapper.Gardeningbecamehispassioninhisretirementyears,andheenjoyedcuttinggrassanddrivingaround inhisKubotaATV.HewasalsoanactivememberofDelawareLodge#37for 32years.
Hehadanuncannyabilitytoconnectwithpeople.Hewillberememberedasagenuineandlovingfamily manwithanunmatchedworkethic.His
46 CoastalPoint April14,2023
caringattitude,camaraderieandfriendshipweretreasuredbythemanyliveshe touched.
TheShaubachfamilyacknowledged, withsincereappreciation,themany comfortingmessages,prayersandother expressionsofkindnessthathavebeen received.Theoutpouringofsympathy hasdonemuchtolifttheirspiritsduringthistimeofbereavement,theysaid.
Shaubachwasprecededindeathby hisparents,EdnaandHenryShaubach, byhisbrothersAndy,Henry“Kip”and Paul.Heleavesbehindhiswifeof64 years,MarianneShaubach;theirdaughtersCarolyn(andKeith)Retallack,Barbara(andScott)Whitefield,Joyce(and Kevin)WynesandJenniferJohnston (andStephenPattee);sonRichard WilliamShaubachJr.(andChristine); 10grand-childrenandthreegreatgrandchildren.
AMasonicservicewillbeheldat11 a.m.,followedbyacelebrationof Shaubach’slife,onTuesday,March21, 2023,attheOceanViewChapelof MelsonFuneralServices,38040Muddy NeckRd.,OceanView,Del.,where friendsandfamilymaycallafter10a.m. IntermentwillfollowatGateof HeavenCemeteryinDagsboro,Del.In lieuofflowers,donationsmaybemade inShaubach’snametotheFrankford VolunteerFireCompany,P.OBox27, Frankford,DE,19945.Condolences maybesentonlinebyvisiting www.melsonfuneralservices.com.
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tor nan 25.0 Genera , O railer Ferree T tor TX 4x2, 2 Life Guard S ohn Deere Ga J t screen TV and misc o la ly boxes, F sc. y, cameras, designer bags, knives, many excellent bikes, dozens of cell phones, wa Jewelr y and hundreds of ot diamond jewelr AFRID ECTIPNS
Auctioneers Note: es, ll
2000 GMC T6500 with 8-y , M-2 Case 621-D Wheel Loader with 3-y Deere 6420 4x4 tractor with a 640 loader an 4.6-liter engine, Club ord E-350 V ord Inceptor Sedan, M-105 2005 F Ford nan 12.0 Genera olaris Ranger Crew 800, O rac with 60-inch cut, 2012 P -T Deere 757 Z
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know about the items for sale.
April14,2023 CoastalPoint 47
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Headlines Updates Reminders and more! @coastalpoint The Coastal Point ~ 140 characters at a time ~ follow us on
Thecollectionwillpotentiallyonly requireonerun.
TheSouthBethanyBeachTown Councilhasapproveda$2.99million operatingandcapitalbudget,withno propertytaxorrentalincometaxincreasesfor2024.PropertytaxinSouth Bethanywillremainat$1.30per$100of assessedvaluation,andtherentaltaxrate willremainat8percent.Thecouncildid notethatfuturemeasuresforprotection againsttheimpactofcoastalflooding andsea-levelrisemayrequireataxhike ornewassessmentsinthenearfuture.
CouncilmanDickOliversuggesteda graduatedtaxincreaseforSouth Bethany.
“Iwanttoplantaseedforsomeapproachinthefuture,”hesaid.“IambeginningtodoubtitwilldowhatIhad visualized.”
“Wecouldraisetaxestosuchadegree thatwewouldgetsquawking,andit wouldnotbeenoughmoneytoreally matter.Myproposalistogivethisto Budget&Finance.Iamnotsureweare doingourplanningwellenoughright now.Wecanformasubcommitteeorask
theBudget&FinanceCommitteeto planaheadforthefutureofourTown.”
RandyBartholomew,thatcommittee’schairman,said,“Wedoneedto startplanningforataxincrease.Ihave donesomemath,andwewouldneeda 20percentrateincrease,from$1.30to $1.55[per$100ofassessedproperty value]tocreatethekindoffundingwe needforthefuture,sothatwouldbea substantialincrease.”
“Ourcurrenttaxesareveryreasonable.So,it’sahigherpercentagerate hiketogetusanadditional$100,000of revenuefortheTown,”headded.
“Now,theyaresayingourproperty assessmentswillbedelayedaboutayear,” reportedBartholomewabouttheongoingcourt-mandatedSussexCounty propertytaxassessmentupdate.
“TherearesomeitemsintheSouth Bethanycomprehensiveplan,andwe needaprocesstolookatit,”hesaid.
Saxtonsaid,“Wehavealong-term capitalplan,andwehavehaditforyears. Now,whetherpeoplelikeitornotisanothermatter.Youcouldarguewehavea planonlywiththefundswehave;but notaplanthatlooksforwardwithadditionalfunds.”
Oliversaid,“Wedidnotraisetaxes foryearsandyears.Wehadthemostacrimoniousmeetingwhenwehadtoraise taxes50percenttoatotaloflike20
RobertBiciocchi,thenewesttown councilmember,said,“Youhavetotie theincreasestowhattheTownneedsin thefuture.Wehavetotakeontheresponsibilitytoexplainwhattheneeds arehere.IfweraiseitXpercent,itisto meetthisneed.”
CouncilmanTimShawsaid,“Weare goingtogetpushback,butwehavetodo it.Weneedawarchesttogoafterthis environmentalgrantmoney.Ifwewant tofendofftheincreaseofsea-levelrise fromclimatechangeandtoaddressthe longterm,weneedthefunds.Iliveat groundzero,wheremostofthecoastal floodingishappening.”
“Ifyoutell somebodyyouaregoing tohitthemwitha50percenttax,there isgoingtobepushback,”headded.“If youtellthemitwillbelike$300,itwill beashrugandanacceptance.”
“Thereisnobodyinthistownthatis poor!”exclaimedShaw.“Wearegoingto havetosellit.”
Saxtonsaid,“Iwillnotsupportatax increase.Totellpeople,‘Yourtaxesare toolowandwehavetoraisethem’isnot thewaytosellit.Theycamehereknowingtheirtaxesaregoingtobelow.That iswhatisdrivingpeopleherefromNew Jerseyandotherstates.”
“Ifwehavearealplanforthefuture thatwecancreateandsell,thenthatis oneapproach.Butyoucannotsay,‘Well, youareonlypaying$600peryear.’I don’tbuythatargument,”saidthemayor.
Bartholomewsaidthecouncilshould useitsconsultantstohelpcreatethe long-termplanandunderstandthe need.
Biciocchinoted,“Long-termpropertyvalueisthedrivingunifierinthis community.Everyonecangetbehind that,anditisgoingtobearticulated.”
CouncilwomanEdieDonderosaid thelong-termplanshouldbeinformed bytheworkforthisyear’sbudget process.
“It’sagoodtimeforustobethinking aboutit.”
Donderosaidsheisopposedtothe purchaseofthetwonewpolicevehicles formorethan$88,000.
“Ofcourseweneedthepolicetobe well-equipped.Itisanexampleofwhere wearenotfollowingthecomprehensive plan.Wearenotfollowingenvironmentallysustainablepractices,”shesaid. “Thesenewpolicevehiclesonlyhavea 15mphfueleconomyrating.”
Donderocountered,“Therewasnot animminentneed.Idon’tknowwhy thisisbeingrushed.Wedidnothavea vehicleinanaccident,andwearejust retiringoldervehicleswithoutagoodalternative.”
Thecapitalexpensemotioncarried 6-1,withDonderoopposed.Thebudget wasapprovedunanimously.
48 CoastalPoint April14,2023
SouthBethany Continuedfrompage25
Best Bets
8 p.m. on 6 LIFE
Movie: A Nurse to Die For Liam (Jeremy John Wells) is a father who hires Victoria (Allison McAtee), a live-in nurse, to help care for his sick daughter, Corinne (Hailey Gray). But as she suffers a series of setbacks, Liam starts to wonder if the nurse might actually be the one keeping her sick in this 2023 thriller.
Alissa Filoramo also stars.
9:35 p.m. on , WCPB
Great Performances
We visit Scotland, Germany and France with musician/host Scott Yoo as he investigates the connection between Robert Schumann’s bipolar disorder and creative genius. Experts, musical performances and examinations of the work of other artists outside the world of music all contribute to the new episode “Now Hear This: Schumann: Genius and Madness.” Could his condition have given him an upper hand in his composing piano and orchestral music?
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Movie: The Suicide Squad
Writer-director James Gunn created this 2021 superhero film as a standalone sequel to the similarly titled 2016 hit “Suicide Squad,” which earned a fortune at the worldwide box office despite generally hostile reviews. Critics were much kinder to Gunn’s follow-up, which follows the titular task force of convicts who are dispatched to a struggling island nation to destroy evidence that would confirm the existence of a giant alien starfish known as Starro the Conqueror.
8 p.m. on 6 LIFE
Movie: Drunk, Driving, and 17
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Movie: Chaos on the Farm
Shaken from the death of her mother, Jessica (Brook Sill) is forced to visit her estranged Aunt and Uncle’s farm to tie up loose ends in her mother’s will. But when she arrives at the farm things seem almost too perfect. And after a series of strange events, Jessica finds herself discovering dark secrets about her aunt and uncle in this 2023 thriller.
›› “Aquaman” (2018) Jason Momoa. Movie: ››› “The Suicide Squad” (2021) Margot Robbie. Premiere. (:45) Movie: ››› “The Suicide Squad”
5 FX (5:00) Movie: ›› “Spider-Man 3” (2007) Tobey Maguire. Movie: ››› “The Amazing Spider-Man” (2012, Action) Andrew Garfield. ’ Atlanta ’ (:36) Atlanta
6 LIFE Movie: “Sleeping With My Student” (2019) Gina Holden. Movie: “Drunk, Driving, and 17” (2023) Premiere. (:03) Movie: “Imperfect High” (2021) Nia Sioux.
7 A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ (:01) The First 48 ’ (:04) The First 48 ’
8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers
< ESPN NBA Basketball Playoffs: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) UFC Fight Night: Holloway vs. Allen (N) (Live) SportsCenter
= ESPN2 The DraftThe Draft XFL Football Orlando Guardians at San Antonio Brahmas. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) On the Clock
A GOLF Golf Central (N) (Live) LPGA Tour Golf LOTTE Championship, Final Round. (N) (Live) PGA Golf
I HGTV Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous Houses With History (N) Houses With History (N) The Renovator (N) HuntersHunters
K FOOD Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive
L DISC Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown ’ Expedition UnknownExpedition UnknownExpedition UnknownExpedition Unknown
M HIST Ancient Aliens Secret government UFO projects. ’ Ancient Aliens ’ (:02) Ancient Aliens ’ (:05) Ancient Aliens ’ (:05) Ancient Aliens ’
N ANPL The Vet Life “Yogi Goat” The Vet Life ’ Pets & Pickers ’ Pets & Pickers (N) ’ The Vet Life ’ The Vet Life ’
P DISN Big CityBig CityBig CityBig City Movie: ››› “Zootopia” (2016) Jason Bateman ’ Marvel’s Mo Kiff ’ Molly McGeeLadybug
R TVLND Mike & MollyMike & MollyMike & MollyMike & MollyTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo
Home Town (N) (:06) Home Town (N) HuntersHunters Int’lHuntersHunters Int’l
K FOOD Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby Alex vs America Ciao House Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby
L DISC Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid (N) ’ (:01) Naked and Afraid: Solo (:03) Naked and Afraid ’ (:03) Naked and Afraid ’
M HIST Built America Built America Built America Built America Built America Built America
N ANPL Louisiana Law ’ Louisiana Law ’ Louisiana Law ’ Louisiana Law (N) ’ (:01) Lone Star Law ’ (:01) Lone Star Law ’
P DISN (:15) Movie: ›››› “Finding Nemo” (2003) ’ Raven Saturdays ’ Bunk’d Saturdays ’ RavenRavenRavenThe Villains
R TVLND Mike & MollyMike & MollyMike & MollyMike & MollyTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo Men
¨ AMC Movie: ›› “Lethal
Bethany FRIDAY EVENING APRIL 14, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Penn & Teller: Fool Us (N) Whose LineJoke OffNews Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) ’ (Live) WBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. Tonight S.W.A.T. “Thai Hard” Fire Country ’ Blue Bloods (DVS) NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud Shark Tank (N) ’ (:01) 20/20 ’ DelmarvaJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.HollywoodLopez vsGrand Crew Dateline NBC (N) ’ NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) State CircleNews Today Midsomer Murders Midsomer(:35) Great Performances (:33) Next at the Kennedy Center (N) ’ 3 TNT (4:00) “Black Panther”Pregame NBA Basketball (N Subject to Blackout) ’ (Live) All Elite Wrestling Movie: “Black Panther” 5 FX Movie: ›› “Pitch Perfect 3” (2017) Anna Kendrick. ’ Movie: ››› “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” (2017) ’ Movie: “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” 6 LIFE Movie: “Stalked by My Doctor” (2015) Eric Roberts. Movie: “A Nurse to Die For” (2023) Allison McAtee. (:03) Movie: “The Paramedic Who Stalked Me” (2023) 7 A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 “Bad Driver” The First 48 ’ The First 48 “Fatal Mistake” (:01) The First 48 ’ (:04) The First 48 ’ 8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersFam. MattersFam. MattersFam. MattersFam. Matters < ESPN SportsCenter (N) ESPN Films ESPN Films NBA Basketball Play-In Tournament: Teams TBA. (N) = ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live) Pro Fighters League RookieOn the Clock NFL Live SportsCenter (N) A GOLF Golf Central (N) (Live) LPGA Tour Golf LOTTE Championship, Third Round. (N) (Live) PGA Golf I HGTV Dream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeHuntersHuntersDream HomeDream Home K FOOD Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive L DISC Gold Rush ’ Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail “Mucho Oro” (N) ’ Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail (:09) Gold Rush: White Water (N) ’ Gold Rush M HIST The UnXplained ’ The UnXplained ’ The UnXplained ’ The UnXplained (N) ’ History’s-Mysteries (:05) The UnXplained ’ N ANPL Treehouse Masters ’ Treehouse Masters ’ Treehouse Masters ’ Treehouse Masters ’ Treehouse Masters ’ Treehouse Masters ’ P DISN Kiff ’ Kiff ’ Kiff ’ SecretsSecrets Saturdays (N) Saturdays (N) RavenRavenSecrets Saturdays ’ Saturdays ’ R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC (5:45) Movie: ›› “Weekend at Bernie’s” (1989) Movie: ›› “Uncle Buck” (1989) John Candy. (:15) Movie: ›› “The Great Outdoors” (1988) ≠ BRAV Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck µ WTXF The Six (N) Props TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) ’ (Live) The 10 NewsSpecialFox 29 NewsFeed Bethany SATURDAY EVENING APRIL 15, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW BurgersBurgers The Good Doctor “Xin” ’ Masters ofMasters ofWeird-FunnyWeird-FunnyNews Movie: › “Armed and Dangerous” (1986) % FOX USFL Football: Stars vs Showboats USFL Football New Jersey Generals vs Birmingham Stallions. (N) ’ (Live) WBOC News Farmer Wants a Wife ’ & WBOC Inside Edit.CBS NewsNewsOutdoors FBI: International ’ NCIS: Hawai’i “Nightwatch” 48 Hours ’ NewsOutdoors _ WMDT NewsWorld NewsWise MoneyFamily FeudNBA NBA Basketball Playoffs: Teams TBA. (N) ’ (Live) NewsOutdoorsman + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly News75 YearsWBAL-TV: 75 The Wall
Weakest Link ’ Saturday Night Live (N) ’ NewsSNL , WCPB MPT-Request
Superstars (My Music) Motown,
soul and disco artists. MPT-Request 3 TNT
Moments to Remember (My Music Presents) Hits of the 1950s and ’60s. ’70s Soul
MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo Men ¨ AMC (5:00) Movie: ›››› “The Shawshank Redemption”Movie: ››› “The Fugitive” (1993, Action) Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones. “Shawshank” ≠ BRAV Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck µ WTXF USFL Football: Stars vs Showboats USFL Football New Jersey Generals vs Birmingham Stallions. (N) ’ (Live) The 10 News Farmer Wants a Wife ’ Bethany SUNDAY EVENING APRIL 16, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Family GuyFamily Guy The Good Doctor “Faces” Penn & Teller: Fool Us ’ Whose LineJoke OffNews Chicago P.D. (DVS) WOW % FOX MLS Soccer Next Level Chef ’ BurgersGreat North Family Guy (N) ’ WBOC News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS News 60 Minutes (N) ’ The Equalizer (N) ’ East New York “In the Bag” NCIS: Los Angeles (N) ’ News at 11The Rookie _ WMDT NewsWorld NewsFunniest Home Videos American Idol Singer-songwriter Allen Stone mentors. (N) The Company You Keep (N) NewsMarquee + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly News Dateline NBC (N) ’ Magnum P.I. (N) ’ The Blacklist (N) ’ News11 News , WCPB Chesapeake Chesapeake Bay by Air ’ Creatures Call the Midwife (N) ’ Sanditon on Masterpiece Marie-Antoinette (N) ’ Lucy Worsley-Royal 3 TNT NBA Basketball NBA Basketball Playoffs: Teams TBA. (N Subject to Blackout) NBA Basketball Playoffs: Teams TBA. (N Subject to Blackout) 5 FX (5:00) Movie: ››› “The Amazing Spider-Man” (2012) Movie: ››› “Captain America: The First Avenger” (2011) ’ “Captain America: The First Avenger” ’ 6 LIFE Movie: “A Nurse to
7 A&E Biography: WWE Legends
Biography: WWE Legends “Iron Sheik” ’ (:01) WWE Rivals (N) (:04) WWE
8 TRUTV Imp. JokersImp.
JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers < ESPN Sunday Night Countdown MLB Baseball Texas Rangers at Houston Astros. From Minute Maid Park in Houston. SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) = ESPN2 On the ClockOn the Clock MLB Baseball Sunday Night Baseball with Kay-Rod: Texas Rangers at Houston Astros. X Games X Games A GOLF Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf RBC Heritage, Final Round. Golf Central I HGTV Home Town Home Town
Die For” (2023) Allison McAtee. Movie: “Chaos on the Farm” (2023) Brook Sill. Premiere. (:03)
“Murder in the Vineyard” (2020)
Rivals ’
JokersImp. JokersImp.
Weapon 4” (1998, Action) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover. Lucky Hank “The Clock” (N) (:05) Lucky Hank (:10) “Lethal Weapon” ≠ BRAV Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Sailing YachtWatch What Vanderpump Rules Movie “Never Been Kissed” µ WTXF MLS Soccer Next Level Chef ’ BurgersGreat North Family Guy (N) ’ The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 News Extra (N) ’ Bethany MONDAY EVENING APRIL 17, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 # CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce All American “My Name Is” The Flash ’ News Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang 9-1-1 (N) ’ (DVS) (:01) Fantasy Island (N) ’ WBOC NewsSeinfeldSeinfeld Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. TonightNeighborBob-Abishola NCIS “A Family Matter” ’ NCIS: Hawai’i ’ NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud American Idol Noah Cyrus serves as mentor. (N) ’ The Good Doctor “Blessed” NewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood The Voice Reba McEntire serves as mega mentor. (N) ’ That’s My Jam (N) ’ NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) ConnectionChesapeakeWater’s Edge DecoysBeaconsConowingo Dam: Power Amanpour and Company (N) 3 TNT (4:30) Movie: “Creed II”Pregame NBA Basketball Playoffs: Teams TBA. (N Subject to Blackout) NBA Basketball Playoffs: Teams TBA. (Live) 5 FX (5:30) Movie: ›› “Sicario: Day of the Soldado” (2018) Movie: ›› “Kingsman: The Golden Circle” (2017, Action) Colin Firth. ’ “Kingsman-Gold”
HuntersHunters K
(:03) History’s Greatest Mysteries ’ N ANPL The Last Alaskans ’ The Last Alaskans “Alone” The Last Alaskans ’ The Last Alaskans ’ The Last Alaskans ’ The Last Alaskans ’ P DISN (5:15) Movie: ›› “Aladdin” (2019) ’ Secrets Saturdays ’ Saturdays ’ RavenRavenBig City Kiff ’ Marvel’s MoLadybug R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing ¨ AMC (4:45) Movie: ››› “The Negotiator” (1998) Movie: ››› “Tombstone” (1993, Western) Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer. Movie: “Goodfellas” (1990) ≠ BRAV Below Deck Below Deck Sailing YachtBelow Deck Sailing Yacht Summer House (N) Below Deck Sailing YachtSummer µ WTXF The Six (N) The Pulse TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life 9-1-1 (N) ’ (DVS) (:01) Fantasy Island (N) ’ The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed
6 LIFE Castle “Time Will Tell” ’ Castle “Get a Clue” Castle ’ Castle ’ (:03) Castle “Disciple” ’ (:03) Castle ’
A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 “Spree Killer” (:01) The First 48 ’
The First 48 ’
TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers Movie: ›› “Hancock” (2008, Action) Will Smith. < ESPN SportsCenter (N) NHL Hockey First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live)
Hockey First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live)
ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live)
Hockey First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live)
Hockey First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) A GOLF Golf Central PGA TOURGolfCelebrity Skills Challenge
Tour Golf RBC Heritage, Final Round. I HGTV Love It or List It Love It or List It Rock the Block (N)
It or List It (N) (:01) Luxe for Less (N)
FOOD Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbySpring Baking Chopped Chopped Chopped
DISC Street Outlaws: FastestStreet Outlaws: Red Line Street Outlaws: Fastest in America “Throwing Shade and Punches” Tensions boil over. Street Outlaws: Red Line
HIST History’s-MysteriesHistory’s-MysteriesHistory’s-MysteriesHistory’s-Mysteries
April14,2023 CoastalPoint 49
the best of the beach. in ink and online. every friday.
Best Bets
8 p.m. on 7 A&E
Biography: WWE Legends
Most Wanted (N) NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud The Rookie “S.T.R” (N) ’ The Rookie: Feds (N) ’
Trent “Bill Black” (N) NewsJ. Kimmel
Link (N) ’ NewsTonight Show , WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Farm-HarvestOutdoorsDis.-DoveKent CntyPop’s-PlacePower How Saba Kept Singing (N) Amanpour and Company (N)
WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.HollywoodNight CourtAmerican The Wall (N) ’
3 TNT “Fast and Furious-Drift”Pregame
(:03) Castle “Room 147” ’ (:03) Castle ’
7 A&E Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Neighbor.Road WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsRoad Wars 8 TRUTV Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes Movie: ››› “Rush Hour” (1998, Action) Jackie Chan. < ESPN SportsCenter (N) NHL Hockey First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) NHL Hockey First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live)
ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live)
Special (N)
NHL Hockey First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) A GOLF Golf Central GolfGolf Movie: “The Squeeze” (2015) Jeremy Sumpter. Golf Central Movie: “The Squeeze”
I HGTV Bargain Block Bargain Block Bargain Block Renovation 911 (N) HuntersHunters Int’l (:01) Luxe for Less K FOOD Chopped Chopped Chopped (N) Superchef Grudge Match Chopped Ciao House
L DISC Deadliest Catch (N) Deadliest Catch (N) Deadliest Catch A young generation forges alliances. ’ Deadliest Catch (:01) Deadliest Catch
M HIST The Curse of Oak Island ’ The Curse of Oak Island ’ Oak Island: Digging Deeper The Curse of Oak Island (N) Skinwalker Ranch The Curse of Oak Island
N ANPL Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law “Game On”
P DISN Kiff ’ Hamster &LadybugMarvel’s MoBig CityBig City JessieJessie Big CityHamster &Marvel’s MoLadybug
R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing
¨ AMC (5:00) Movie: ››› “Tombstone” (1993) Kurt Russell. Movie: ››› “The Fugitive” (1993, Action) Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones. Movie: “Days of Thunder”
≠ BRAV Housewives of NJ Housewives of NJ Housewives of NJ The Real Housewives of New Jersey (N) Housewives of NJ Vanderpump
µ WTXF The Six (N) The 215 (N) TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life 9-1-1: Lone Star “Open” (N) (:01) Accused ’ The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed
APRIL 19, 2023
# CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce The Flash “Wildest Dreams” Riverdale (N) ’ News Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang The Masked Singer (N) ’ (:01) Farmer Wants a WifeWBOC NewsSeinfeld Seinfeld ’ Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. Tonight Survivor (N) ’ FBI ’ True Lies (N) ’ NewsLate-Colbert
_ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily FeudThe ConnersGoldbergsAbbott ElemNot Dead Yet(:01) A Million Little ThingsNewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood Chicago Med (DVS) Chicago Fire “Nemesis” ’ Chicago P.D. (DVS) NewsTonight Show
, WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) CooperTroub. Trib.Upstream Headwaters Down (N) ’ Water’s WayBayou City (:32) Nature “Niagara Falls” Amanpour
3 TNT Lucifer “Monster” ’ Pregame NBA Basketball Playoffs: Teams TBA. (N Subject to Blackout) NBA Basketball Playoffs: Teams TBA. (Live)
5 FX “Captain America-Avgr” Movie: ››› “The Avengers” (2012, Action) Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans. ’ Snowfall “The Struggle” ’ Snowfall “The Struggle” ’
6 LIFE Married at First Sight UKMarried at First Sight UK Married at First Sight “Un-BEAR-able Truth” (N) (:03) Married at First Sight(:03) Married at First Sight
7 A&E The First 48 ’ The First 48 “Cover Story” The First 48 “Deadly Rap” The First 48 ’ (:01) The First 48 ’ (:04) The First 48 ’
8 TRUTV Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers Movie: ›› “Rush Hour 2” (2001, Action) Jackie Chan.
< ESPN SportsCenter (N)
= ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live)
NHL Hockey First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live)
NHL Hockey First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live)
NHL Hockey First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live)
NHL Hockey First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live)
A GOLF Golf Central Play LessonsPlay LessonsChevron Champ. PreviewPlay LessonsPlay Lessons Golf Central DP Tour Golf
I HGTV Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Home in a HeartbeatHuntersHuntersHuntersHunters
K FOOD Guy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery GamesGuy’s Grocery Games Food Truck Prize Fight (N) Guy’s Grocery Games
L DISC Moonshiners ’ Moonshiners: Outlaw Cuts Moonshiners (N) ’ (:01) Growing Belushi (N) ’ Master Distiller Moonshiners: Double Shot
M HIST Pawn Stars (DVS) Pawn Stars (DVS) Pawn Stars (DVS) Pawn Stars (N) ’ (:03) Pawn Stars ’ (:05) Pawn Stars ’
N ANPL Jeremy Wade Jeremy Wade Jeremy-Mighty RiversJeremy-Mighty RiversJeremy-Mighty RiversJeremy-Mighty Rivers
P DISN Kiff ’ Hamster &LadybugMarvel’s MoBig CityBig CityThe VillainsThe VillainsBig CityHamster &Marvel’s MoLadybug
R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing
¨ AMC (5:30) Movie: ›› “Days of Thunder” (1990) Tom Cruise. Movie: ››› “My Cousin Vinny” (1992) Joe Pesci, Marisa Tomei. Movie: ›› “Weekend at Bernie’s” (1989)
≠ BRAV Vanderpump RulesVanderpump RulesVanderpump Rules (N) Vanderpump Rules (N) Watch What(:45) Southern HospitalityVanderpump
µ WTXF The Six (N) ClassH-Room TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life The Masked Singer (N) ’ (:01) Farmer Wants a Wife The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed
Bethany THURSDAY EVENING APRIL 20, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30
# CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Walker “Best Laid Plans” Superman & Lois ’ News Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy % FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang Next Level Chef (N) ’ AnimalWelcome toWBOC NewsSeinfeld Seinfeld ’ Friends ’
PBS NewsHour (N) Eatin’ CrabsCrabcakesBlue CatfishChesapeakeOystersOysterfest Tidewater ’ SentinelsFarm-HarvestConnection 3 TNT (5:00) Movie: “Game Night”Pregame NBA Basketball Playoffs: Teams TBA. (N Subject to Blackout) NBA Basketball Playoffs: Teams TBA. (Live) 5 FX “Bohemian Rhapsody” ’ Movie: ›› “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” (2018, Adventure) Chris Pratt. ’ Movie: ››
TRUTV Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers Entourage ’ Imp. JokersImp. Jokers
< ESPN SportsCenter (N) NHL Hockey First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live)
NHL Hockey First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live)
= ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live) College Softball Florida State at Virginia Tech. (N) College Softball Oklahoma State at Texas. (N)
A GOLF LPGA Tour Golf The Chevron Championship, First Round. Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Golf
SportsCenter (N)
DP Tour Golf
I HGTV Windy City Rehab The Flipping El MoussasThe Flipping El Moussas The Flipping El Moussas (N) (:01) Selling Dubai (N) Hunters Int’lHunters Int’l
K FOOD Ciao House Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyFast FoodiesBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby
L DISC BattleBots “Pizza Party” For everyone, it’s do or die. (N) BattleBots “The Unbeatables” Black Dragon and Riptide. This Is Mark Rober (N) ’ Mark Rober’sMark Rober’s
M HIST Swamp People: Serpent Swamp People ’ Swamp People “Big Gators or Bust” (N) Swamp People: Serpent (:35) Swamp People ’ (DVS)
N ANPL Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet ’ Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet ’ Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet ’ Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet ’ Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet ’ Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet ’
P DISN Kiff ’ Hamster &LadybugMarvel’s MoBig CityBig CityBunk’dBunk’dBig CityHamster &Marvel’s MoLadybug
R TVLND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithAndy GriffithRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKingKing
¨ AMC (5:30) Movie: ››› “My Cousin Vinny” (1992) Joe Pesci. Movie: ››› “Gran Torino” (2008, Drama) Clint Eastwood. Movie: ››› “The Rock” (1996)
≠ BRAV Top Chef “Spurred Lines” Top Chef Top Chef Top Chef “Hands Off” (N) Below Deck Sailing YachtTop Chef µ WTXF The Six (N) Kelly Drives TMZ (N) ’ Bet Your Life Next Level Chef (N) ’ AnimalWelcome to The 10 O’Clock News (N) Fox 29 NewsFeed
The Iron Sheik became one of the most iconic villains in WWE history — but the arduous journey of the man, Hossein Khosrow Vaziri, is an amazing story. This one-time bodyguard for the Shah of Iran escaped his country and was unable to speak any English. Yet, he somehow transformed himself into one of the most hated and beloved characters of all time. But, despite the fame and fortune, addiction and tragedy took its toll as shown in the Season 2 finale episode “Iron Sheik.”
8:30 a.m. on < ESPN
2023 Boston Marathon
An annual Patriots’ Day tradition gets its 127th chapter today in Boston, where the world’s oldest annual marathon goes off with the 2023 Boston Marathon. Nearly 30,000 runners will be at the starting line west of the city in Hopkinton, hoping to make it through the entire 26.2-mile course to Copley Square. The male and female competitors with the fastest overall time will receive a trophy and a $150,000 prize.
8 p.m. on # CW
All American
In hopes of reviving the GAU football program, Spencer (Daniel Ezra) and Jordan (Michael Evans Behling) revisit some former football stars as potential walk-ons — without Coach Kenny’s (Mustafa Speaks) blessing. Then Olivia (Samantha Logan), Layla (Greta Onieogou) and Patience (Chelsea Tavares) look for an escape from their current life stressors and ultimately rediscover themselves in the process in the new episode “My Name Is.”
8:30 p.m. on + WBAL
American Auto
“If you think you hate it now, wait till you drive it.” Katherine (Ana Gasteyer) and her team make one last effort to raise the Payne stock and save their jobs by rallying behind the launch of the Pika. When global events cause the whole market to crash, Katherine loses hope that Payne will ever recover in the Season 2 finale episode “Judgement Day.” Harriet Dyer, Jon Barinholtz and Tye White also star.
9 p.m. on I HGTV
Renovation 911
When disaster strikes it certainly makes things inconvenient. Sister renovators Lindsey Uselding and Kirsten Meehan have the difficult task of re-creating a couple’s picture-perfect kitchen after major water damage ruined everything about it. Then, the pair respond to a friend whose daughter has caused a clothes dryer emergency in the new episode “Cracked Toilets and Laundry Louse Ups.”
8:30 p.m. on _ WMDT
The Goldbergs
With Erica (Hayley Orrantia) at a crossroads about her future, she draws inspiration from Baby Boom and crafts a plan to “have it all.” Meanwhile, Adam (Sean Giambrone) remakes the “Uptown Girl” music video, meets Carmen’s (Isabella Gomez) father and learns to be more of a “downtown man” in the new episode “Uptown Boy.” Wendi McLendon-Covey and Troy Gentile also star.
10 p.m. on 5 FX Snowfall
The battle for Franklin Saint’s (Damson Idris) conscience is on the line in the series finale episode “The Struggle.” Death and betrayal are nothing new in this world, but Franklin’s need to save himself after failing to save so many of those around him over the course of six seasons might just be asking too much. And can Louie (Angela Lewis) survive the guilt she’s been experiencing? If more bullets fly, just who might they be flying toward?
8 p.m. on _ WMDT Station 19
A poorly built structure creates a dangerous challenge for the crew, leaving Ben (Jason George) with a difficult choice to make. And Maya (Danielle Savre) and Carina (Stefania Spampinato) work to get their relationship back on track, while Natasha (Merle Dandridge) must decide what — or whom — she wants to prioritize in the new episode “What Are You Willing to Lose.”
8 p.m. on M HIST
Swamp People
Those gators won’t tag themselves. As the season comes down to the wire, Ashley and Anna attempt to evade poachers looking to take their catch. But Troy calls upon his decades of swamp wisdom to reclaim the lead in the competition. Not surprisingly, Bruce battles a voodoo curse, while Jacob and Don save their best hunting spots for last. Meanwhile, Daniel and Dorien look to gator nesting grounds in the new episode “Big Gators or Bust.”
50 CoastalPoint April14,2023 Bethany TUESDAY
APRIL 18, 2023 6:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 #
CW Judge LakeJudge LakeDivorceDivorce Superman & Lois “Closer” Gotham Knights ’ News Chicago P.D. (DVS) Family Guy
FOX Last ManLast ManBig BangBig Bang 9-1-1: Lone Star “Open” (N) (:01) Accused ’ WBOC NewsSeinfeldSeinfeld Friends ’ & WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. Tonight FBI “Sins of the Past” (N) FBI: International (N)
NBA Basketball Playoffs: Teams TBA. (N Subject to Blackout) NBA Basketball Playoffs: Teams TBA. (Live) 5 FX (5:00) Movie: ››› “Iron Man” (2008, Action) ’ Movie: ››› “Captain America: The First Avenger” (2011) ’ Movie: ››› “The Amazing Spider-Man” 6 LIFE Castle “Deep Cover” Castle “Limelight” ’ Castle “Dressed to Kill” ’ Castle ’
& WBOC NewsCBS NewsNewsEnt. TonightSheldon(:31) Ghosts (:01) So Help Me Todd ’ CSI: Vegas ’ NewsLate-Colbert _ WMDT 47abc NewsWorld NewsFamily FeudFamily Feud Station 19 (N) ’ Grey’s Anatomy (N) ’ (:01) Alaska Daily ’ NewsJ. Kimmel + WBAL 11 News at 6Nightly NewsInside Ed.Hollywood Law & Order “Camouflage” Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: OrganizedNewsTonight Show , WCPB
“Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” (2018) ’ 6 LIFE Castle “Montreal” ’ Castle ’ Castle “Child’s Play” Castle “Meme Is Murder” (:03) Castle ’ (:03) Castle ’ 7 A&E The First 48 “Freestyling” The First 48 “Family First” The First 48 ’ After the First 48 (N) (:01) City Confidential (N) ’ (:04) The First 48 “Jackpot” 8
This luxurious 4 BR, 3.5 BA Shearwater Model features extended garage, stone FP, chef's kitchen, Bose surround sound, & world-class amenities. Close to Indian River Bay and Delaware's resort towns, this coastal beauty is a must-see! $1,475,000 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4532VL
& the DE/MD beach resorts. $549,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4373PM
14 acres +/-, stables, fenced pastures, run in sheds, can board up to 15 horses, 100 X 150 outdoor riding arena, 83 x 133 indoor riding arena, 6 bay garage, workshop, dog kennel & excellent income producing history. Residence is a 2 BR, 1 BA that could be expanded. $597,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4284OM
3 BR, 2.5 BA townhouse overlooking the pond and featuring LVP floors, kitchen with granite countertops, screened porch, 2-car garage, and primary BR with tray ceilings. Community pool, clubhouse, kayak launch, and more! Shows like new! $439,000 Call Merritt of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-562-7954 (Cell) #4478TL
Completely renovated 3 BR, 2 BA home with new roof, and septic system in process. Conveniently located near restaurants, shopping, and Bethany Beach. $391,500 Call Bea Maggio 443-789-1480 (Cell) #4479VM
Stunning 4 BR, 2.5 BA home located Bethany Beach. Upgrades incl. HW floors, custom kitchen, gas FP, vaulted ceilings, FF primary bedroom w/ tray ceiling & barn wood accent wall. Community pool, fitness center, tennis courts, fire pit, & playground. $579,000 Call Merritt of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-562-7954 (Cell) #4534ML
This duplex includes 804 & 806 Moore Streetboth units. The property presents a rare opportunity to own two units side by side in Seaford, DE! Both sides of the duplex have been gutted & are ready for cosmetic remodel. $219,999 Call Chelsea of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-382-6090 (Cell) #4141TL
April14,2023 CoastalPoint 51 Callusat302.539.1788 OurlicensedRealtors inviteyoutotheir Having an Open House? ors MILLSBORO 28422 DuPont Boulevard 302-934-3970 1-888-934-3970 LEWES 1240 Kings Highway 302-645-2207 1-800-331-4241 JackLingo.com REHOBOTH 246 Rehoboth Avenue 302-227-3883 1-800-345-3469 BLACKWATER VILLAGE RARE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY #1 Loca y Owned Real Estate Company in Sussex County for 2022* * AS PER INFORMATION FROM BRIGHT MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM PENINSULA Fully furnished 2 BR, 2 BA condo with ocean views from all 3 balconies, granite countertops, built-in tv console & bookcase, custom closet systems, rooftop pool, and 1.4 miles to Gordons Pond & Breakwater Trails. Investment potential! $1,199,000 Call Tiffini Anderson 703-6286293 (Cell) #4423E Well maintained 3 BR, 2 BA home with a new roof, updated appliances, & screened in porch. Conveniently located near restaurants, shopping and 5 miles from Bethany Beach. $380,000 Call Bea Maggio 443-789-1480 (Cell) #4519VM This 3 BR, 2 BA modern home features an open floor plan, HW floors, tray ceiling, gourmet kitchen, gas FP, recessed lighting, kitchen with island, quartz countertops, and breakfast nook, screened porch, and 2-car garage. $1,000,000 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4316AL 4 BR, 2.5 BA home offering large family/SR, FF primary BR, full finished basement w/bar & FP, irrigated yard, inground heated pool, covered patio, screened gazebo, & attractive fencing. Close to shopping, medical, restaurants,
ADDRESS PRICE BR/BASTYLEAGENT/AGENCY DAYTIME 107ElizabethCt.,SandpiperPines,BethanyBeach $780,000 3BR/2BAHouse AnnetteBatista|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,4/1511-1:30 30387WLagoonRd.,Dagsboro $279,900 3BR/2BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,4/1512-2 433CanalWayWest,SaltPond,BethanyBeach $895,000 4BR/3.5BAHouse GlennBechtold|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,4/1512-3 30210MarinersLn.,PineCrestTerrace,OceanView $1,150,000 5BR/5BAHouse AnnetteBatista|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,4/1611-1:30 107ElizabethCt.,SandpiperPines,BethanyBeach $780,000 3BR/2BAHouse JimGraer|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,4/1611-1:30 30475ShoreLn.#30,OceanView $330,000 2BR/2BACondo StephanieDePaolantonio|IronValleyRealEstateattheBeachSun.,4/1611-2 433CanalWayWest,SaltPond,BethanyBeach $895,000 4BR/3.5BAHouse GlennBechtold|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,4/1612-3 GOGREEN!
thelinkatthetopofour homepage.Visit coastalpoint.com today!
St. Andrew e Apostle Orthodox Church
BEACON Baptist Church
Join us in person on SUNDAYS
9 am: Praise & Worship
Fr. Herman Acker, Pastor 33384 Mackenzie Way - Lewes, 19958 OrthodoxDelmar.org 302.645.5791
Ocean View Church of Christ
55 West Ave., Ocean View
Sunday 10 am
In-Person LIVE broadcast on: CCOVDE.org
Wednesday 6:30 pm
Preacher Ethan Magee • 302.539.7468• CCOVDE.org
CC Delaware Coast
A Calvary Chapel Fellowship
Sunday Worship Wednesdays 10:00 am 7:00 pm
Verse by Verse Teaching
48 N. Main Street, Selbyville or join us on Facebook - click link on ccdelcoast.church
For more information, contact Pastor Rob LoRusso 302.500.1774 info@ccdelcoast.org
Sunday Service at 10 a.m. Get-acquainted coffee hour after the service
The beautiful church with a small congregation and a Big, Welcoming Heart!
75 West Church St.; Selbyville Parking: Front or Back
The Rev. Glenn Duffy
302.436.8921 • StMartinsSelbyville.org
In-Person & Live-Streaming
2 Sunday Services
9 & 10:30 a.m.
Roxana Volunteer Fire Co.
HTCAnglican.org • 410.641.4882 11021 Worcester Hwy., Berlin, MD 21811
Frankford Presbyterian Church
Helping others help themselves
10 am Sunday Worship in-person
A welcoming church family committted to serving a God known for Unconditional Love and Acceptance. 302.537.5944 Pastor P. G. Maurer Main Street, at the foot of Thatcher Street in Frankford Nearly New Thift Shop Fri., 9-5 & Sat., 9-1
Facebook Live, YouTube or MarinersBethel.org
11 am: Traditional SUNDAY SCHOOL 8 am
Open Door Adults
9 am
ARMOR Kids’ Church
10 am: Joy - Adults
10:15 am
Young Adults Bible Study
4 pm CRASH Youth (for grades 6-12)
Rev. Dr. Rebecca Collison
Rt. 26 & Central Ave. Ocean View
April 16, 6 pm
Wednes. Bible Study
34478 Roxana Rd.; Frankford, 19945
52 CoastalPoint April14,2023 ReligiousServices
SUNDAY SERVICES 10 am: Small Groups for All Ages 11 am: Family Worship WEDNESDAY 7 pm: Adults/KidsKlub/Teens 32263 Beacon Baptist Rd.; Rt. 26, Millville, DE 19967
Smith, Pastor 302.539.1216
Facebook Live Bible
Co eht th iv vi reS e MdetinU G .tS e S ya aydnuS e civres ay dnuSr fe ffeoff We i ojotemoclewerau Yo 6181 ce ynis t ty inumm hcru h g Ctsidoht s’ ’se ro e secivr deen y r very ve er fo s !yadnuSnosun UM StG oreMo AJ Pastor 9 91,dr of fok kf narF,.dRramO73343 segroe C 302.259.1740 ST CAfotsewtsuj-54 gro.
Great ursday, Apr. 13 - 3 & 6 pm Great Friday, Apr. 14 - 3 & 6 pm Great Saturday, Apr. 15 - 10 am Paschal Service begins at 10:30 pm
Paschal Service
3 pm
BLACKWATER FELLOWSHIP CHURCH All Are Welcome! Traditional Services Traditional Values Traditional Church Sunday Services Pastor Dennis Bradford 410.430.7104 mbsvp51@gmail.com Rt. 17 & Daisey Rd., Roxana
Blessing of Baskets follows
Pascha Sunday, Apr. 16 - Agape Vespers -
Followed by Easter Egg Hunt
10:30 am
on YouTube Social Distancing Serving • Inclusive • Open-Minded • Open Communion 302.539.4118BethanyBeachChristianChurch.org 7 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Bethany Beach SOUND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH “Loving & Living so that Others see Jesus in us” Pastor John Schutt 302.436.4011 37890 Sound Church Road, Selbyville 19975 Established in 1779 In-Person & Live-Streamed every Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Facebook.com/RoxanaZionAndSoundUMC Seaside Jewish Community Shabbat Services Religious Leader Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan Visit our website to sign up for our email newsletter for noti cation of events and worship services. Adult and youth education programs, activities, social events, discussion groups, religious school www.SeasideJewishCommunity.com An egalitarian unaf liated congregation 18790 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach Celebrating 25 Years (302) 226 8977
8:00am 10:00am withmusic and onYouTube
9-9:45amwithReverendRia HolyEnvy byBarbaraBrownTaylor
GodisLoveandthosewholiveinlove,liveinGod, andGodlivesinthem. 1John4:16
Visitourwebsitetosignupforourtwice-weeklynewsand SaturdayInspirationemails.WeofferBibleStudy,adult educationcourses,andmore!
TheRev.VictoriaPretti,Rector 117MaplewoodStreet;BethanyBeach
Salem Church
Ocean View
Presbyterian Church
Sunday School 11:00 Traditional Worship
United Methodist Pastor Reverend Blair Hall
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Where the Word and the Spirit agree
April14,2023 CoastalPoint 53
CoastalPoint•Submitted HowardGerken,secondfromleft,returnedtotheRiverSoccerClubcomplex, whichhehelpedbuild,aspartofhis bucketlist.Gerkenwasdiagnosedwith Parkinson’sdiseaseandhasbeenin hospicecare.Picturedamongthose joininghimonTuesdayareformerRiver SoccerdirectorofcoachingSteveKilby, left,andGerken’sgrandsonJosh,third fromleft.
ByJasonFeather StaffReporter
“HowardGerkenisthegodfatherof SussexCountySoccer,”saidSteveKilby, theformerlongtimeIndianRiverHigh Schoolcoach,aswellasformerdirector ofcoachingforRiverSoccerClubofhis predecessoratRiverSoccer.
“HegotRiverSoccerClubstarted 20-plusyearsago.Hisvisionforsoccerin lowerDelawarewasamazingwhenyou lookatRSCandwherethatclubisnow. Itisacommunitystaple.Thesuccessof theclubhasalsoledtoIndianRiver HighSchool’smany[soccer]successes. Somanypeoplehavebenefitedfrom Howard’svision,andhowthegameof soccerhasgrownlocally.Weareallindebtedtohim.”
Manypeoplecouldconfirmthewords thatKilbysharedonTuesday,April11,as he,alongwithmanyothermembersof theRSCfamily,metGerken,Gerken’s wife,Sandie,andtheirgrandsonJosh backatthecomplexlocatedat32221 GumRoadnearFrankford.Gerkenwas abletoreturntohisdreamsoccerfacility thisweekasabucket-listitem,having beenunabletodososincegoinginto hospicecareduetohisParkinson’sdiseasediagnosis.
Gerken’sreturntotheRSCcomplex wasmadepossibleandorchestrated throughacollaborativeeffortbetween DelawareHospiceandmembersofthe RiverSoccerClub,aswellasafewothers.
WhenDelawareHospicenurseJessicaLivingstonfirstmetGerken,she said,hesharedwithherthathehada bucket-listitem,whichwastogetback totheRSCcomplexonelasttime,and shejumpedrightintoaction.
“Howardtoldmethatitwasonhis bucket-listforhimtocomebackhere,” Livingstonsaidoutsidetheclubhouseas Gerkenwaslookingoverthelushgreen Bermudagrassfieldsuponwhichhundredsofkidsnowplaythegameofsoccerregularly.“ItwassomethingthatI wantedforhimsomuch.Iamprobably justasexcitedasheistobeheretoday.”
Livingstonemailedseveralofher DelawareHospicecolleagues,whoimmediatelyarrangedaspecialtransport, andreachedouttoRiverSoccerClubto starttheprocess.
Rebecca Mais,presidentofRiverSoccerClub,wasoneofthefirstpeople whomDelawareHospicehadcontacted, andshewasmorethanwillingtohelp withwhateverwasneededtogetGerken backtothecomplexagain.
“Howardhasinfluencedthousandsof youngpeopleinthisarea—notonly throughsoccer,butasaneducator,”Mais saidofGerken,whohadspentmore than30yearsasateacherandadministratorintheIndianRiverSchoolDistrict,beginninghisteachingand coachingcareerbackin1968.“Onapersonallevel,bothoursonsareeducators andsoccercoaches,andabsolutelyno doubt,Howardisresponsibleforthis.He hasbeenatruemodelofanunselfish leader,teacherandcoachthathasgiven countlesshourstothiscommunity.
“RiverSoccerClubwouldnotexist todayifitwerenotforHoward,”she added.“Hehasanamazingwayofmotivatingothers,butwithouthisleadership andhardwork,itjustwouldnothave happened.Everyyear,RiverSoccerprovidesopportunitiesforyoungpeoplein thiscommunitytolearnandjusthave funplayingsoccer.Weareeternally gratefulforthisgreatman.”
ItwasGerkenwhomMaiscredited withhergettinginvolvedwithRiver SoccerClubmanyyearsago,andMais madesuretoacknowledgeGerkenafter receivingtheBethany-FenwickChamber ofCommerce’sLighthouseAwardback inNovember.
mentorandfriend.Hetalkedherinto becomingthepresidentoftheSelbyville MiddleSchoolPTOwaybackwhen, andthengotherintoworkingwithRiver SoccerClub.Onedayallthoseyearsago, shesaid,hehadmadeanoff-handcommenttoherabouthowRiverSoccer wouldbenefitfrom“just40acresofland” thatwouldhelptheclub,which promptedherandherfamilytodonate theGumRoadpropertythatisnowthe homeofRSC.
“Howardisthegreatesttogetpeople todothings,”shesaid.“Youdon’teven knowit.Nobodyworksanyharderthan him.”
DuringhistenurewiththeIndian RiverSchoolDistrict,Gerkenalsoserved astheprincipalatSelbyvilleMiddle SchoolandatSussexCentralHigh School.
SincetheRSC’sinceptionbackin 1996,ithasgrownfromthreeteamsand 48playersto15representativetravel teamsandabout600players.Even SandieGerkenhasbeenpartofthe RiverSoccerClub’shistory,having startedtheTOPSoccerprogramforchildrenwithdisabilities.Gerkenstillserves ontheBoardofDirectorswiththeclub.
CoastalPointstaffreporterKerinMegill contributedtothisstory.
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
HeadcoachDavidSpencercouldnot containhishappiness.
SeniorattackMaxForreyscoredfive goalsandjuniorgoalieWyattSnyder earnedhisfirstwinoftheseasontolead visitingIndianRiverpastlacrossepower Smyrna,11-6,onThursday,April6.
“Thiswasagamethatwehadcircled onthecalendar,alongwithafewothers,”saidSpencerafterhisteamimprovedto6-1overalland5-0in HenlopenConferencecompetition. “Smyrnaisrecognizedasoneofthetop public-schoolteamsinthestate.We knewthatwehadthetalenttocompete withthem,butwealsoknewthatitwas goingtotakeacomplete48-minute gamewithusplayingwell.Andwedid exactlythat.”
TheIndians’defenseturnedinastellarperformanceagainsttheEagles. “Ourassistantcoachinchargeofdefense,ShaneForrey,wasreadyanddecisivewithhisplaycalling,”saidSpencer.
“Wewereabletolimittheiroffensive opportunitiesanddidagreatjobclearing theballoutofourdefensivezone. Thatgavetheoffensesomescoringopportunities.
thattheytrytoscoreinthetransition game,”Spenceradded.“Theyhavebig, fastplayersandweneededtostayon thefieldandoutrunthem.Thatpartof ourgameworkedverywell.Theyonly hadoneortwogoalsintransition.”
SeniorEvanPetersonchippedin withtwogoalsandthreeassists,while seniorVincentOnoratoaddedapairof goalsandanassist.
“Smyrnahadatoughtimestopping MaxForrey,andtheyweregettingfrustrated,”saidSpencer.“Weknewthat oncetheyswitchedtheirdefensetoa shutoffofMax,ourotherguyshadto stepup,andtheydid.I’mveryproudof myguysonoffense,includingBlake Brightman,Evan,AidanBinko,Cole Veirs,NicolasKnightandVincent. Theyallplayedwellwhenitmattered themost.Thiswasoneofthebiggest winsthatwe’veeverhadinourprogram.”
IndianRivergoalkeeperLoganDawson blocksashotagainstPolytechonMonday,April3,inWoodside.
Senior/Boys’ Lacrosse
The Eastern University commit netted five goals and dealt an assist to lead the Indians past Henlopen Conference rival Smyrna, 11-6 on Thursday, April 6 and move into second place on the Indian River High boys’ lacrosse career goal list. Forrey’s 155 career markers moved him into second place on the IR career goal scoring list after surpassing 2018 graduate William “Cole” Josetti’s 153 career goals. With nine regular season games remaining, Max is hopeful of eclipsing career goal leader and 2017 graduate George Martin’s 178 markers.
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April14,2023 CoastalPoint 55
Photo by Aimee Dilger
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
Heishumbledbythecompanyinto whichhehasmoved.
MaxForreysimplybowshisheadin reverencetothemerementionofhis nameinthesamebreathasIndian RiverHighSchoolgoal-scoringstandoutsandpredecessorsWilliam“Cole” JosettiandGeorgeMartin.
mit,nettedfivegoalstohelpleadhis teampastpowerfulSmyrna,11-6,ina HenlopenConferencetriumphon Thursday,April6.
Thequintetofmarkersalsomoved Forrey’s155career-goalspast2018 graduateJosetti’s153career-goalsand ForreyintosecondplaceintheIRboys’ lacrosserecordbook.Theswiftandaccurateattackmanwillbegintotakeaim ateclipsing2017graduateMartin’s school-record178career-goalswhen
Voted Best HVAC
theIndiansresumetheirseasonon Monday,April17,againstvisitingHenlopenConferencerivalMilford.
“It’sprettyspecialtobeatthesame levelassomeofIndianRiver’sbest lacrosseplayers,”saidForrey,whohas netted 35goalsthisseasoninhelping histeamtoa5-1overallrecord.“And althoughI’mshootingtobreakthe record,myfocusisn’tontherecordas muchasitisinhelpingmyteamtowin gamesandtocapturetheconference’s
“Wehaveagreatgroupofguyson thisteamwhoeachfighttotheendof everygame,”Forreyadded.“Comingoff ourlossagainstCaravel,”onMarch27, “weknewwehadtogetbacktowork andprepareforourupcomingopponents, especiallySmyrna.Westarted strong,stayedstrong,andfinished strong.Therewasnobetterwaytostart springbreakthanwithawinlikethat.”
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56 CoastalPoint April14,2023 24/7 Emergency Service
CoastalPoint•Filephoto IndianRiver’sMaxForrey hasmovedintosecond placeforcareerscoreson theboys’lacrosseteam with155.
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
Shelookedextremely confidentandaggressivein thebatter’sbox.
Asaresult,juniorfirst basemanMacyBlades blastedagrand-slamhome runandknockedinseven runstoleadtheIndian RiverHighSchoolgirls’ softballsquadpasthostSussexTech,15-8,onThursday, April6.
Blades’round-tripper soaredovertheleft-centerfieldwallinthevisitors’ thirdframeandextended theIRleadto12-0inthe HenlopenConference matchup.
“Ididn’tthinktheball wasgonewhenIhitit,”said Blades,whojoinedthevarsitysquadduringherfreshmanseason.“Iactually thoughtthecenterfielder caughtit,becauseIheard herjumpagainstthefence. ButwhenIsawmyhead coach,SaraPowell,inthe
third-basecoachingbox, that’swhenIknewitwas gone.”
Blades’two-rundouble producedthesixthand seventhrunsofaneightrunsecondinningforthe Green&Gold.Shealso singledhomearuninthe seventhtofinishtheday’s scoring.
“IhadabadgameoffensivelyagainstSussex Central,”saidBladesof the3-1lossonMarch30. “Atpractice,Ihavebeen reallyfocusedonmy swing,andthatjustcarriedintothegameagainst SussexTech.Mycoaches alsosupportedmeandreallyhypedusupbefore thisgame.”
Despitetheoffensive explosion,theIndians(42overall,4-1inHenlopen Conferencecompetition) neededasolidteameffort toholdofftheRavens andrecordthevictory.
StartingpitcherKinsley Hall’scontrolbetrayed
herinthemiddleinningsastheRavens (3-3overall,2-3inconferenceplay)ralliedandcutthedeficitto12-8.
JuniorMeganDaiseyreplacedHall inthehomefourthanddidacredible jobofpitchingsolidlongrelief.Daisey struckoutfour,andallowedtwowalks andahitovertwoandtwo-thirdsofan inning.
Hall(4-2),whoisheadedtotheUniversityofMt.Olive,reenteredthegame totossascorelessseventhandearnthe victory.Shestruckout10,walkedseven andyieldedonehitoverherfouranda thirdinningsonthepitcher’smound.
Offensively,IndianRiverripped14 hits,includingtwoeachbysophomores SophieScurciandJillianCoulbourn, andseniorsJayaShaub,HolyFamily UniversitycommitLilyHoban,and UniversityofLynchburgcommitIzzy Wade.DelawareValleyUniversitycommitJillianCollinsandBladeseach scoredthreeruns,whileSchaub,Scurci andWadeeachcrossedtheplatetwice.
“Myteammatesreallydofeedoffof eachother,”Bladesnoted.“Weallkeep goodenergy.That’sreallyimportantfor us.Severaloftheladiesdoareallygreat jobofkeepingeveryoneengagedandinvolvedinthegame.Andwealwayscommunicatewhatweseeonthefield.”
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Macyblades,right,receivescongratulationsfromheadcoachSara Powell,left,afterhittingagrandslamhomerunatSussexTech.
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
FreshmansouthpawAlexBehornar earnedhissecondvictoryoftheseason withasolidstartasIndianRiverdefeated hostWilmingtonDickinson,15-1,on Thursday,April6.
Behornar(2-0)pitchedshutoutbaseball duringhisthree-inningstart,surrendering twoscratchhitsandstrikingoutfive.SeniorreliefpitcherAidenBrewertoedthe rubberforthefourthandfifthframes.
SophomoreChaseRuley’ssacrificefly RBIgavetheIndians(6-1overall,3-1 HenlopenConference)a1-0leadinthe
TheGreen&Goldexplodedfor10 runsinthevisitors’secondinning.Ruley, freshmanRickyWiggins,sophomoresTrey HillandJaceJarmon,andseniorBenCordreyeachdroveinarunduringtheframe, extendingIR’sleadto11-0.
Hilleachcontributedmultiplesafetiesto leada13-hitattack.
TheIndianshaveoutscoredtheiropponents79-5intheirfivevictories.Theironly blemishthusfarwasa6-5lossatDoveron March30,inwhichtheSenatorswonona two-out,two-runwalk-offinthehome halfoftheseventhinning.
58 CoastalPoint April14,2023
Catch all the local news! Find it in the
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
As2023’sspringbreakconcludes thisweekend,IndianRiverHigh School’sspringsportsteamshave reachedmidseason.
Thefirsthalfofthecampaignhas beenhighlightedbynumerousindividualandteamachievements.
Wereachedouttoseveralofthe IRHSheadcoachestoobtaintheir thoughtsabouttheirteams’performancesthusfar.
Headcoach: DavidSpencer
Teamrecord: 5-1overall,4-1 HenlopenConference
Howdoyoufeelaboutyour2023 springteam’sperformancetodate?
“Wehaveperformedverywell.We expectedtheteamtocometogether andgel,andtheyhave,”saidSpencer. “Theseboyscareabouteachother yet,andholdeachotheraccountable. Theyknowthatittakesateameffort towingames.
Whathasyourteamdonewell thusfar?
“Theyplayhardinallareasofthe game—offense,defense,clearing,
riding,groundballs,faceoffs,etc.We feellikewehaveputtheplayersina positionwheretheirskillsaregoing tohelpuswin.We’vebeenplaying reallywelllately,andwestillhave lotsofroomtoimprove.”
Whatcanyourteamimprove upon?
“Wecanimproveonmentalmistakesandreactiontime.Wepractice allscenariosofalacrossegame. That’swhywe’rewell-prepared,but wecanplayevenfasterthanweare rightnowandthat’sonlygoingto helpus.Inordertodothat,theboys needtoseeaplaybeforeitdevelops andbeintherightspottomakethe playgoourway.”
“MaxForreyisoneofthebestattackmeninthestateofDelaware. Hisplaysofarhasbeenabsolutely terrific.EvanPetersonisastandout atmidfieldforus.Hecanrunallday long.BryceRickabaughhasbeen phenomenalwinningfaceoffsforus. Hehasreallytakenhisgameupa levelsincelastyear.Heworksreally hardatitanditshowsonthefield.
BryceJohnsonondefenseisvery versatileandwecanusehimateither longstickmidfieldorclosedefense
becauseofhisskillsandathleticism. Bothofourgoalies—WyattSnyder andLoganDawson—havebeen veryconsistentthisseason.Wehave anewgoaliecoachinVinny Colombo,andhehasdoneanamazingjobwiththem.”
Girls’andboys’ track-and-field
Headcoach: BobHahn
Teams’records: Girls1-0overall, Boys1-0overall
Howdoyoufeelaboutyour2023 springteam’sperformancetodate?
“Alotoftheathleteshavebeen performingwellforthisearlyinthe season,”saidHahn.“Theyhave startedoffstrongandarereadyto begincompetingatconference meets.”
Whathasyourteamdonewell thusfar?
“Theseteamsareverycompetitive acrossalldisciplinesoftrack-andfield.Theirbiggeststrengthright nowisourveteranathletes’abilityto mentortheyoungerathletesintheir developmentwhilecreatingcompetitionatpracticetohelpeachother improveandgrow.”
Whatcanyourteamimprove upon?
“Wecanimproveoneverythingas coachesandathletes.Noneofus havepeakedyet.Wewillcontinueto findwaystomakeourselvesbetter eachdaysothattheteamasawhole willimprove.”
“Wehavehadafewschool recordsbroken.TheyfeatureRashad Hopkinswitha6-foot-4highjump; WestonWerner,DarnellStokes, RashadHopkinsandAshton Stephenswithatimeof1minute, 34.75secondsinthe4x200mrelay; BrynnCrandellwithatimeof5 minutes,14.52secondsinthe1600 meterevent,andatimeof11minutes,18.96secondsinthe3200 meterevent;andAlainaStrateswith adistanceof83feet,1inchinthe discus.
April14,2023 CoastalPoint 59
OutstandingachievementshighlightIRmidseasonreport SeeHIGHLIGHTSpage60
Headcoach: JayClark
Team’srecord: 5-1overall,1-1 HenlopenConference
Howdoyoufeelaboutyour2023 springteam’sperformancetodate?
“Iampleasedwiththeteam’s growthandourrecord,”saidClark. “Welostmultiplekeyplayersfrom our2022statechampionshipteam. Whilethisisnotatotalrebuild,we onlyhavefourreturningplayerswho hadsignificantplayingtimelastseason.”
Whatcanyourteamimprove upon?
“Communications,servereceive andconsistentservingareatthetop ofthelistofwhatwecanimprove
upon.Butweneedtobemoreconsistent,andweneedtoimprovein everyphaseofthegametohavea chancetoplayforourthirdstate championshipinthelastfiveseasons.”
“We’vefoundwaystowin.We’ve lookedgoodinallphasesofthe gameforshortperiods.”
Is/arethereanyplayer(s)who havebeenstandoutperformersthus far?
“SeniorsCalebGalbreathand JordyEstrada,whoareco-captains, aswellasseniorConnorBird.”
Headcoach: SteveLongo
Team’srecord: 6-1overall,3-1 HenlopenConference
Howdoyoufeelaboutyour2023 springteam’sperformancetodate?
“Sofar,Iamveryproudoftheway wehaveplayedasateaminourfirst halfoftheseason,”saidcoachLongo. “However,westillhavealotofbig gamescomingup,andweneedtohandleourbusinessanddoourjobs.”
Whathasyourteamdonewellthus far?
“Iwouldsayourboysaredoingalittle bitofeverythingverywell.We’rea verysolidgroupfrom1to17.Everyone hasajoboraroleoneveryathletics team,andIthinktheboyshavebought intothat,aswellastheprocesswego abouteveryday.”
“Onethingwecanimproveonisour mentaltoughnessasagroup.We’vehad problemsinthepastnotfinishingclose games.Baseballisachaoticgame,and whenchaosensues,weneedtobecalm, slowandrelaxed.Baseballismostly physical,butthementalpartofthe game controlsthephysicalpart.Sowe needtogetourmindsrightandcontinuetoworkonbeingfearless.”
Whichplayerhasbeenastandout performersofar?
“JaceJarmonhasbeenastandout andagreatleaderforus.Offensively,he leadsoffandsetsthetoneforourlineup everygame,grindingoutatbatsand makingopposingpitcherswork.Defensively,inbigsituationshewantstheball hittohim.Hegivesusa110-percent efforteverytimehestepsonthefield.I could notaskforanymorefroma playerasacoach,andIamveryproud ofhim.”
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ByMikeStern StaffReporter
Anemotivecelebrationbegins. Itmaybeforagoal,orforputting theexclamationpointonanimportantvictory.
TheIndianRiverHighSchool boys’orgirls’soccerteambreaksinto theircelebration,andajoyfulshiver ofhappinessandaccomplishment travelsuptheheadcoach’sspine.
“Theteamcelebrationisonethe bestmomentsyoucanhaveinsoccer,”saidBrandtMais,thefirst-year IRHSsoccerheadcoach.“Goalsand victoriescanbehardtocomeby,so whenyouscoreorwin,it’sreallyspecial.Whenplayerscollectivelyshare thatmomenttogetherasateam,it feelssorewarding.”
AperfectexampleoccurredSept. 27,whenUniversityofSouthCarolinacommitJordanIllianwona highlycompetitivematchatCaesar RodneyHighinCamdenwithan impossiblegoalona30-yardmissile thatcurvedinsidethefarpost.
Videotapeofthemarkerwassentby DelmarvaSportsNetwork,which wasbroadcastingthesoccermatch, toESPN,whichairedtheclipasone ofitsTop10PlaysoftheDay.
“Iprobablywatchedthatclipa hundredtimes,andthegoalitselfis world-class,”saidMais.“Butforme, thebestpartofthatclipiswatching allofourteammembersrushing ontothefieldincelebration.Even membersofourjunior-varsityteam stormedthefieldfromthestands, whichyou’reprobablynotsupposed todo.Theenergywassoelectricin excitement,youcouldreallyfeeland seeitfromthatvideoclip.Thefact thattheentirenationsawit,too, madeitevenmorespecial.”
Steppingintothelimelightand continuingthesuccess
Maissteppedupintothelimelightwhenhewasnamedthenew boys’andgirls’soccerheadcoachat IndianRiverHighSchoolfollowing the2021-2022schoolyear.Hesucceededhismentor,SteveKilby,longtimeheadcoachwhorecordedmore than440boys’andgirls’victoriesat theschoolinDagsborosince2005.
Mais,a37-year-oldIRHSalum (Classof2003),hadprovidedthe windbeneathKilby’swingsashis leadassistantcoachsince2008.Mais hadhelpedKilbyandtheirstudentathletescapturethreeboys’soccer DIAAstatechampionshipsinthe
Foranencore,Maisearnedthe 2022HenlopenConferenceCoach oftheYearaward,aswellasthe2022 DIAASmallSchoolCoachofthe Yearcitationduringhisfirstyearas benchboss.
HeledatalentedIndians’sidetoa 13-2-2won-lost-tiedmark,earning theSouthernDivisionandconferencetitlesenroutetoreachingthe DIAAstatequarterfinals.
Hisstudent-athletesalsoseta newschoolrecordbypostingeight consecutiveshutouts,leadingtothat wonderfulfeelingofecstasywheneverhisplayersexcelandcelebrate.
“Whenourplayersperformwell andexecutetheirobjectives,it’sreCoastalPoint•Filephoto SoccerheadcoachBrandtMaiscelebratesCoachoftheYearwithAthletic DirectorToddFuhrmann.
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wardingforeveryone,”saidMais. “Wetrynottofocustoomuchonresults,butmoreonourprocessand performance.Wheneverythingis clickingjustright,thereisacertain vibeandfeelingwithalltheplayers throughoutourteam.Thatfeelingis contagiousandprettyspecial.When theplayersfocusontheprocess,then performancesandresultswillfollow. Themomentwhenitallfallsinto placeisthebest.”
Maisenableshisplayerstosucceedbyimplementingoneofthe mostusefullessonsthathe’slearned asacoach.
“Lesscanbemore,”hesaid.“Takingcomplexinformation,liketactics, techniqueorpsychologyandsimplifyingittobeeasyforplayerstodigestistheartofgreatcoachingand teaching.
“OnSaturdaymorningatRiver SoccerClub’srecreationalprogram,I coachthe3-to-5-year-oldprogram, withbetween60and80playersper session,”addedMais.“Inorderto keepthekidsengagedandorganized, mycommunicationmustbeclear, conciseandprecise.Sincecoaching intherecprogram,Ihavefoundthat mycommunicationskillsgreatlyimprovedwiththehighschoolplayers.
Asaresult,I’mbetterabletogetmy coachingpointsacrosstotheteam.”
Celebratingalengthysoccer coachingcareer
BorninColumbia,S.C.,Brandt MaiswasraisedinFenwickIslandby hisparents,RebeccaandRichard Mais.Thefamilyalsoincludeshis youngerbrother,PeterMais,whohas servedasawomen’ssoccerassistant andthenheadcoachatLimestone College(Gaffney,S.C.)andBarton College(Wilson,N.C.),respectively.
BrandtMaisgraduatedfrom IRHSin2004afterearningFirstandThird-TeamAll-Statehonorson defensein2003and2002,respectively.
“Ifeelprivilegedandluckytobe abletocoachattheprogramthatI grewupplayingforandwhereIhave hadsomanygreatmemories,”he said.“Mygoalascoachistohelp otherplayershavesimilarexperiences andbuildlifelongmemories.”
AtFlaglerCollege,Maisearned hisbachelor’sdegreeinliberalstudies andwasastandoutNCAADivision IIdefenderfrom2004-2008.
“FlaglerCollegeprovidedmewith anothergreatsoccerexperience,”he recalled.“Thelevelofplaywassignificantlyhigherandchallengingthan inhighschool.Mycollegeteamwas fullofinternationalplayersthatcame
fromverydiversebackgrounds,which exposedmetoallsortsofdifferent typesofsoccerideasandculturalexperiences.”
Maisalsoearnedhismaster’sdegreeinsecondaryeducationin2011 atWilmingtonUniversity.
Since2000,coachMaishasoverseentheRiverSoccerClub’scamp andrecreationalteamsinitiative.The club’stechnicaldirectorsince2017, hepreviouslyservedasRSC’stravel teamheadcoachfrom2008to2022. MaisalsowasaneducationalinstructorforU.S.Soccerfrom2019to 2022.HeholdsaU.S.SoccerBlicenseandoneforU.S.SoccerGrassrootscoachinginstructor.
Hesubscribestoacoachingphilosophywhosegoalistodevelop playersaspeoplefirst.
“Greatpeoplemakegreatsoccer players,”henoted.“Asacoach,it’sessentialtodevelopthepersonfirst,by instillinggoodvalues,likerespect, workethic,growthmindsetandthe abilitytoworkcollectively.Thesevalueswillhelpourplayersbesuccessful beyondthesoccerfield,whichismost important,butalsowillhelpthe playerandteamintheshortterm.
“Also,asacoach,it’smyresponsibilitytohelptheplayersfallinlove withthegame,”Maisadded.“The moretheplayerenjoysthegame,the moreinvestedtheywillbe.Ifthe playeristrulypassionateaboutthe
gameandisagreatperson,theirfull potentialwillberealized.Overthe years,thisformulaiswhatseparates thegoodplayersfromthebestplayers.”
Withalongandillustriousplaying andcoachingcareer,Maiscreditsseveralkeypeoplewhohavehadaprofoundimpactonhimasamentorand ateacher.
“Ihavebeenveryfortunatetohave somanygreatmentorsandrolemodelsinmylifetoshapemycoaching career,”hesaid.“TheRiverSoccer Clubcommunityhasatonofgreat coacheswhoshareideas,whodebate, andwhosupporteachother.Forme personally,therearetwothatreally standout.
“Firstandforemost,Howard Gerkenhashadamassiveinfluence onmycoaching,”Maisexplained. “Howardislargelyresponsiblefor foundingRSC,whereIbeganmy soccercareer.Hehasenabledthousandsofplayersinourcommunityto playsocceratvariouslevels.Virtually everysingleplayeratIndianRiver hasplayedinthesystem.Howardwas alsomyhighschoolcoachwhenI wasaplayer.Ilearnedsomuchfrom himaboutmanagingateambyemphasizingvaluesandcharacter.”
62 CoastalPoint April14,2023 Is this your screen porch? BEFORE AFTER Is this your screen porch? BEFORE AFTER YOU CALL –WE SCREEN! • New Screen Porches with SUPER SCREEN • Eze Breeze 3 Season Enclosures • Porch Re-Screen & Eze-Breeze Panels Re-Vinyl • Phantom Retractable Screen Doors • Phantom Motorized Screens with Screen Mesh and/or Clear Vinyl • New Sliding or Swinging Screen Doors & Re-Screen • Solar Screens for Windows & Roll Down Solar Shades 410-520-0025 302-604-0006 Drop-Off&Pick-Up SlidingDoor, WindowRe-Screen &Re-VinylService CallforDetails www.screenmobile.com MHIC# 12462 NEW
Coach Continuedfrompage61 SeeCOACHpage63
Delawarehuntersharvested 16,848deerduringthe2022-23 huntingseason,theDepartmentof NaturalResourcesandEnvironmentalControl(DNREC)announced recently.Thenumberreportedbythe DNRECDivisionofFishand Wildliferepresentsanincreaseof9.5 percentoverlastyear’sharvesttotal andranksasthethirdhighestharvestinDelaware’shistory,behindthe 2021-22seasonandtherecord-setting2020-21season,when17,265 deerweretakeninthestate.
The2022-23seasonalsomarks the10thyearinarowDelaware’s deerharvesthasexceeded14,000
“Iwasluckyenoughtocoachnext tohimfor13yearsasanassistant.I learnedsomuchfromhim,including progressivetrainingmethods,tactics, and—mostimportantly—howto buildrapportwiththeplayers.A strongrelationshipbetweentheplayersandcoachcreatestrustandplayer
deer,with1,704(10percentofthe seasontotal)harvestedthroughthe state’sdeerdamageassistanceprogramsdesignedtohelpfarmerswho areexperiencingcropdamage.Sussex Countyhadthehighestharvestwith 8,986deer,followedbyKentCounty with5,235,andNewCastleCounty with2,627.
Duringthe2022-23season, huntersharvestedmorefemales (does)thanmales(bucks),with58.1 percent(9,789)doesand41.9percent(7,059)bucks.Thedoeharvest wasanewrecord,eclipsingaprevioushighsetduringthe2004-05season.Antlerlessdeer—does,juvenile
buckswithoutantlersknownasbuttonbucks,antleredbuckswith antlersmeasuringlessthanthree inches,andbucksthathadalready shedbothoftheirantlerswhenharvested—represented74.1percentof thetotalharvest.Antlereddeer— buckswithanantleratleast3inches inlength—represented25.9percent oftheharvest.
Other2022-23seasonharvest factsofnoteincluded:
•TheNovembergeneralfirearm seasonyielded6,995deeror41.5 percentoftheharvest.
•ThehighestDelawarewildlife managementzoneharvestwasfrom
Zone11inSussexCounty,anarea borderedbyRtes.113and13tothe eastandwest,andRtes.16and9to thenorthandsouth,respectively.
•Thepreferredmethodoftakefor hunterswasbyshotgun—accountingfor35percentofthedeerharvest.
Overthecomingweeks,DNREC wildlifebiologistswillcontinueanalyzingtheharvestdatawithmoreresultstobemadeavailableatthat time.Formoreinformationabout Delawaredeermanagement,visit de.gov/deer.
buy-intoyourideas.CoachKilby wasthemasteratbuildingrapport withhisplayers,anditshowed.Playersalwaysplayedhardforhim,and theresultsatIndianRiveroveryears areproofofthat.
“Ilearnedsomuchfromthese coacheswhoprovidedmewiththe opportunitiestogrowasacoach,”he added.“Iamverygratefultohave hadsuchpeopleasmymentors.”
“Iemphasizethatacademicsalwayscomefirst,”saidMais,who teachessocialstudiesatIndianRiver HighSchool.“Oursoccerprogram’s missionistodevelopourathletes holistically,asawholeperson.High schoolsportsprovideauniqueopportunitytodevelopplayersintheclassroom,sociallyandonthefield.Asa
coachandteacher,youreallyhavea lotofinfluenceonyourplayersand areabletohelpthemdevelopand growtoreachtheirfullpotentialasa person.
“It’simportanttoputsportsinto perspectiveandunderstandtheultimategoalispreparingourplayersfor therealworld.Thebalanceofacademicsandsportsisagreatlessonin responsibilityandtimemanagement preparingthemforthefuture.”
After After i estoration OFF Before bl/S arble/S lih M olishP Before Stone e h R hower ll S ullF $5 O 50 out et started with a G free . estimate today r ile & G T Stone Countertops Showers Floors y job of $500 An ore! or M ust present o er at time of estimate. *M annot be combined with any other o er C all for details. C AWARE DEL GROUT SIR 2 2) 206-630 (30 SirGroutDelaware.com April14,2023 CoastalPoint 63
This year, only two candidates filed prior to the March 23, 2023 deadline for the three currently open seats on the South Bethany Town Council. As a result, there will be no election in May, but there will be one vacant seat. According to the Town Charter, this vacancy will be filled by appointment of the newly constituted Town Council.
The Town is accepting letters of interest for the open two-year term position. Letters must be received by the close of business May 12, 2023. If you feel you could make a positive contribution to the Town by becoming a council member, please submit a letter or email with information about yourself and your vision or goals for the future of South Bethany. A letter of interest is not a guarantee of appointment.
Three ways to submit your letter of interest (Please state ‘Town Council Vacancy’ in subject):
1. Email to the Town Manager at Townmanager@southbethany.org
2. Mail or hand-deliver to the Town Manager at 402 Evergreen Road, South Bethany, DE 19930
PLEASE NOTE: An Appointee must meet all qualifications that would apply to a candidate for election. The Town Charter requires that a candidate meet the following requirements:
(a) Attained twenty-one (21) years of age
(b) A citizen of the United States
(c) Registered under the Town’s voter registration ordinance (if one is in effect)
(d) Has not been convicted of a felony or a crime of moral turpitude
(e) Shall have been a qualified voter of the Town for at least one (1) year prior to the date of election CP 20230414
64 CoastalPoint April14,2023 BEFORELeafFilter AFTERLeafFilter 1-844-566-3227 A FREE ESTIMATE THE NA TION S GUTTER GUARD1 YEAR-ROUND CLOG-FREE GUARANTEE EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! Promo Code: 285 FINANCING THAT FITS YOUR BUDGET!1 SENIORS & MILITARY! YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE * + 20%% OFF OFF 10 FREE GUTTER ALIGNMENT + FREE GUTTER CLEANING* REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (855) 993-0969 Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* – A $695 Value! We Cancel TIMESHARES for You Every year 150,000 people reach out to us for help getting rid of their timeshare. In 2019, we relieved over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and maintenance fees. We can help. Get your free information kit and see if you qualify: 888-984-2917 1-855-337-5228 Dental50Plus.com/MDDC Product not available in all states. Contact us to see the coverage and offer available in your state. Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation including costs and limitations. This specific offer is not available in CO. Call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for a similar offer. In WV: To find a provider in the network visit us at https://www.physiciansmutual. com/web/dental/find-dentist. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E); Insurance Policy P150; Rider Kinds B438/B439. In CA, CO, ID, KY, ME, MD, MA, MI, MO, NV, NJ, NC, ND, VA: Includes Participating Providers and Preventive Benefits Rider. Certificate C254/B465 (PA: C254PA); Insurance Policy P154/B469 (GA: P154GA; OK: P154OK; TN: P154TN). from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. 6323 Get your FREE Information Kit DENTAL Insurance Find it in the THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY Catch all the local news!
Estate of Rosalie J. McCubbin, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Rosalie J. McCubbin who departed this life on February 8, 2023, late of Ocean View, DE were duly granted unto David A. McCubbin Jr. on April 5, 2023 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before October 8, 2023 or abide by the law in this behalf.
David A. McCubbin Jr
36022 Blackstone Drive
Ocean View, DE 19970
Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills
ATTORNEY: Veronica R. Townsend, Esq. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 202 Ocean View, DE 19970
CP 20230414 3T
Estate of David C. Craig, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration upon the estate of David C. Craig who departed this life on March 18, 2023, late of Dagsboro, DE were duly granted unto Jennifer Binkley and Elaine Rathbun on April 5, 2023 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Administrators without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Administrators on or before November 18, 2023 or abide by the law in this behalf.
Jennifer Binkley
Elaine Rathbun
Parsons & Robinson, P.A.
ADDRESS: 21 Sally Lane, Ocean View, DE 19970 37037 Alabama Dr., Frankford, DE 19945
ADDRESS: 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401 Ocean View, DE 19970
Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills
CP 20230414 3T
The Town of Bethany Beach will be flushing water lines April 17th through April 21st, 2023 from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The Town flushes its water system twice a year – spring and fall. This is done to rid the system of any accumulated sediment so that the Town can provide you with the highest water quality possible and to ensure that fire hydrants are operating properly in case of a fire emergency.
While flushing is being performed you may find that your water is discolored. Your water should return to normal within a few hours. It is recommended that no laundry be done during the flushing periods to prevent discoloration.
CP 20230414 1T
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 18th day of April, 2023 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:234-35.05-28.00
Property Address: OAK ORCHARD DELAWARE AVE LOT 30 T#24035, 28404 DELAWARE AVENUE, Millsboro, DE 19966
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 5/19/23subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of DONALD CUBLER & NANCY CUBLER (8) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
legals? Call Jane to place your legal advertisments ~ 302.539.1788
CP 20230407 2T
April14,2023 CoastalPoint 65
CP 20230414 1T
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 18th day of April, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:234-21.00-23.03
Property Address: 25345 GRAVEL HILL ROAD, Millsboro, DE 19966
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 5/15/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 5/19/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of WILLIAM JORDAN; FRESH HARVEST HYDROPONICS L.L.C & THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (11) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20230414
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 18th day of April, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:234-11.00-536.00
Property Address: 32268 AUGUSTA COURT, Lewes, DE 19958
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 5/15/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 5/19/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of JOSETTE M. CASTIGLIONE & STEPHEN J. CASTIGLIONE, JR. (19) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
66 CoastalPoint April14,2023
CP 20230407 2T
CP 20230407 2T
The annual election for the Millsboro Town Council shall be held at the Millsboro Town Center, 322 Wilson Highway, Millsboro, Delaware on Saturday, June 10, 2023 from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., prevailing time.
CP 20230414 1T
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 18th day of April, 2023 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:234-23.00-660.00
Property Address: 26551 RIVER BREEZE DRIVE, Millsboro, DE 19966
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 5/15/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 5/19/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Council vacancies: Three (3) Town Council members shall be elected, each for a term of three (3) years. One (1) candidate will be from District 2; one (1) candidate will be from District 3; and one (1) candidate will fill the at-large seat on Town Council.
Notice of candidacy: Anyone wishing to file as a candidate for the election must file a written notice of filing with the Town Manager by no later than 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Each candidate must file a “certificate of intention” or a “statement of organization” form. Slate will be posted from April 26, 2023 through May 17, 2023.
Candidacy requirements: Candidates for the Town Council must meet all of the following requirements: be at least twenty-one (21) years of age; shall have been a bona fide resident of the United States, State of Delaware, and Town for a period of at least one (1) year prior to the date of the election; and shall not have been convicted of a felony.
CP 20230414 2T
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:
Tuesday, 18th day of April, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: Tax Parcel:135-14.00-115.00
Property Address: 6 CARRIAGE LANE, Georgetown, DE 19947
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 5/15/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 5/19/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of CHARLES S. KNOTHE ESQ., PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE TO THE ESTATE OF HELEN J. STUART & CATHY LYNETTE STUART (HEIR) (24) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20230407 2T
CP 20230407 2T
Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
April14,2023 CoastalPoint 67
Estate of Ralph M. Howard Jr., Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration with Will Annexed upon the estate of Ralph M. Howard Jr. who departed this life on December 3, 2022, late of Millsboro, DE were duly granted unto Matthew T. Howard on March 23, 2023 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Administrator WWA without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Administrator WWA on or before August 3, 2023 or abide by the law in this behalf.
Matthew T. Howard
7810 Bridge Drive Orchard Beach, MD 21226
Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills
ATTORNEY: Parsons & Robinson, P.A. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401 Ocean View, DE 19970
CP 2023331 3T
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 18th day of April, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:334-20.18-198.00-3
Property Address: BLUFF CONDOMINIUM, UNIT 3, 13 READ AVENUE, Dewey Beach, DE 19971
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 5/19/23subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of DEREK G. REDCROSS & JANELL CARRINGTON-REDCROSS (2) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20230407 2T
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:
Tuesday, 18th day of April, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:533-13.00-37.00
Property Address: 37482 OLIVER DRIVE, Selbyville, DE 19975
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 5/15/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 5/19/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of DONALD J. NALLE (12) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:
Tuesday, 18th day of April, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:234-6.00-508.00
Property Address: 30931 SANDY RIDGE DRIVE, Lewes, DE 19958
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 5/15/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 5/19/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of CARLA S. ROUSAK (15) and will be sold by Robert
T. Lee, Sheriff
68 CoastalPoint April14,2023
CP 20230407 2T
CP 20230407 2T
Special Publication from: Reserve your space by calling (302) 539-1788 or by emailing adsales@coastalpoint.com Featuringinformationonparks,trails,localevents,attractionsandsomuchmore!Whetherreaders arelookingforadayonthewaterorrainy-dayfun,ExploreCoastalDelawareistheperfectguidefor visitorsandlocalsalike. InsertedintotheCoastalPoint’sFather’sDayedition(June16th)andavailableallsummeratlocal businesses,eventsandoutdoorboxes.Plus!Youcanleaveanimpressiononvisitorsbeforetheyarrive withourE-EditiononCoastalPoint.com. ReachyourcustomersallsummerlongwithExploreCoastalDelaware! Advertising Deadline: April 28th Experience. Explore. Enjoy. Coastal Delaware New! This Summer! explore coastal delaware April14,2023 CoastalPoint 69 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Shore Home Improvements, LLC Design • Build • Remodel ShoreHomeImprovements.com 302.537.5988 Established 1989 • Licensed & Insured Additions CASH FOR CARS! 302-249-3444 jwilguscars.com 38531 DuPont Blvd., Selbyville We Will Buy Your Car Even if You Don’t Buy One of Ours! Auto Buying Service 302.732.3529 WE BUY CARS. Running or Not! Auto Buying Service APPLIANCE MASTER Prompt, Quality Repairs at A ordable Prices Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers Ranges • Disposals • Refrigerators Call Phil: 302.278.1441 Serving the Rt. 54 area with 50 years’ experience of honest work Appliance Service Expert Bathroom Remodeling Bath-to-Shower Conversions Prompt & Professional Serving Sussex for over 20 years 302.542.1162 Licensed in DE & MD Master Plumber Bathrooms BEACH VALET Your Personalized Ride Service Airports - Train Stations Washington - Baltimore - Philadelphia 301.602.3741 Airports & Train Stations
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By Jan Buckner Walker
The Original Crossword Puzzle for Kids and Their Favorite Adults
Kids Across
1. Fall rhyme time: These may sway when a strong wind blows. Where their leaves end up, nobody knows.
3. If a car is so small that you can hold it in your hand, it's a ___
5. With the help of my friendly driver, I take lots of kids to school. What am I?
7. Soars like a bird or a plane (or insects with wings)
8. This creature moves leaves a slimy trail behind him
9. It's the past tense of 2D
10. Moves like a 8A (Don't wait up -it'll take awhile)
12. Which direction did Jack and Jill walk on the hill as they went to fetch a pail of water?
14. To swirl iced tea or soup with a spoon
16. These rise when water boils
18. Nailed it: It's a gymnast's big nish on the balance beam
21. ____ language lets people talk with their hands without saying
The across clues are for kids and the down clues are for grown-ups!
a word
22. When a volcano when it erupts, hot ____ shoots out of its top
23. A lost remote might be the only thing that can make _____ potato move o the sofa
24. What a person uses to send an arrow ying (or what actors do at the end of a play)
Parents Down
1. What a car does when you move the steering wheel (or what drivers on a road trip take at the wheel to share the drive)
2. Go back and forth like the pendulum on a grandfather clock (or 1920's genre of music and dance)
3. Cook's clue: For a better mix and more evenly distributed dressing, _____ your salad ingredients in a plastic produce bag, shake well and then empty it all into a bowl
4. Type of class whose participants make moves on a mat
5. Metal object that rings when it 2Ds
6. A cloud of bees in motion
7. Rapidly aps its wings like a butter y or hummingbird
11. I get around: The Earth never fails to do it to the sun
13. Time marches on, leaving every day in the _____
15. If a project deadline is fast approaching, an o ce team will need to put it the metal (or what a biker has to do to power his cycle)
16. Dribble (or what bad checks do)
17. Cord that helps a person maintain a connection with her dog
19. Food for thought: A food truck is a drive-up restaurant where you can walk-up and grab a
20. Character-building activity: On a frosty winter's day, kids can make a man out of it
Moving Parts
April14,2023 CoastalPoint 79
This Week’s Solution ™ ™
kris@kapd.com KAPD ebooks now available on www.kapd.com 4/16/23 © 2023 KAPD, ANSWER (HOLD UP TO MIRROR) Jumbles: Answer: mom fact yelp rush Felt crummy THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME! ® By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek The letters of these crazy words are all mixed up. To play the game, put them back into the right order so that they make real words you can find in your dictionary. Write the letters of each real word under each crazy word, but only one letter to a square. you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer. Getthefree JUSTJUMBLE @PlayJumble MMO PEYL URHS ©2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Answer here:
33856 WATERSIDE DR located in the desirable canal front community of Waterside-only 2 miles to Bethany Beach. Spacious adorable 2615 sq ft rst oor living with open concept oor plan single family home. 4 bed, 3 full bath, replace, loft, garage, outdoor shower, eat in kitchen, patio,covered porch,sunroom, community pool and kayak launch, beautiful new landscaping for added privacy.
Conveys fully furnished.
Asking 599,900 (DESU2037456)
Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159
Custom home- one story living- in Sawgrass in Rehoboth Beach. Offers a custom kitchen with a center work island, an adjoining eating area and a great room. For the entertainer there is also a formal dining and living room plus an of ce. The primary suite boasts a large sitting area, nook, walk-in closets and a primary bath everyone dreams of. Plus- 2 separate guests rooms with a bath at the other side of the home. Community pool, tennis and basketball.
$825,000 (DESU2037288)
Call Frank & Audrey (c) 302-541-4000
With 4 BRs, so much space, and NO LOT RENT, this one level living home near the water is perfect for your primary residence or to make as a second/vacation retreat! A modern 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath with 2128 SF, home features a bright and open floor plan with so much “new” you will feel like you were in a brand new home! Easy drive to the award winning Golf course at Baywood Greens, restaurants, and local waterfront favorite, Paradise Grill.
$329,900 (DESU2036652)
Call Brad Absher (c) 302-214-LAND
Welcome to this beautiful sunny, spacious, very well maintained original owner home in Ocean View! Offering 4 Bdrms, 2 1/2 ba., Formal living room & dining room, of ce, Open Family/kitchen with replace. Back deck! Family year round/vacation or rental potential! Community pool/tot lot!
New Heat Pump in fall '22!
$525,000 (DESU2022348)
Pam Pridgeon (c) 302-249-1367
Only 4 miles from Bethany Beach, this single-level beach house in the quiet, beautifully-maintained community of Denton Manor is designed for outdoor living. It features 3 BRs, 2 full baths, an extra-large deck, beautiful tall privacy fence, re pit, storage shed, 2-car garage plus 2-car covered carport, with plenty of additional parking. Immaculately maintained & move-in ready.
Community has water access & marina privileges at Banks Harbor marina for a small fee each year. The HOA fee is only $87/year.
$395,000 (DESU2038566)
Call Sandra Erbe (c) 443-848-3004
4BR/3BA corner penthouse unit in Bayside has been beautifully updated and is ready for immediate personal TURN-KEY enjoyment, for use as rental investment or the potential for BOTH. Property was built with a "lockout suite" meaning you have the ability to block off part of the unit and create 2 separate condo units with 2 separate entrances, one side being 3BR/2BA and the other side a 1BR/1BA owner suite.
$589,900 (DESU2036816) Call Eddie Rohe (c) 410-908-9137
39682 Sunrise Ct. Bethany Beach, DE
38391 HERON LN #391
Upgrades throughout in this Beautiful "MOVE IN READY" CONTEMPORARY 2 BD 1.5 Ba. Freshwater Lake. Sunroom w/Electric Awning. Back Patio, Granite Countertop & Pantry, LVP Flooring, Fireplace, Storage Room & Outside Shower. Fishing, Crabbing, 2 Pools, 3 Tennis -Pickle Ball Cts, 2 Basketball Cts, Volley Ball Ct, 2 Playgrounds, Horseshoes, Shuf eboard, & more.. $334,900 (DESU2036012)
Cindy Spieczny (c) 302-228-1450
Associate Broker: DE & MD CRS, GRI, SRES LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AGENT! Email: Fenwickstar@yahoo.com
Ocean front condo featuring 1 BR, 1.5 bath. Completely turnkey, Furnished, Private porch/balcony. Stainless Steel appliances, Quartz countertop with glass tile backsplash, under-cabinet lighting. 20 mil LVP ooring throughout. Tiled kitchen & bathroom oors. Entire unit recently repainted. Electric hurricane/privacy shutter. Assigned parking space. Elevator building, Dune access from rst oor. Pet friendly. Just over 100 yards to the Atlantic Ocean. Desirable North OC location close to Northside Park.
$379,900 (MDWO2013144)
Call Mary Jo Cole (c) 443-615-4986
Representing the Buyer to purchase this Impressive waterfront home offering a level of privacy that is hard to match and expansive views of the bay from nearly every room. This property is located just a few miles to the beach in Fenwick Island.
Situated on one of the largest waterfront parcels in the community, this property is more than 1 acre in size and has a private path to launch kayaks or SUP boards and the potential to add a private pool.
$1,395,000 (DESU2037762)
Call Logan Burke (c) 443-797-9217
Home offers panoramic open views of the Bay and undisturbed wooded wetlands. Situated just south of South Bethany in Bayview Park, a community surrounded by State Parkland. Perfect for the avid boater- boat lift, pier, docks, and boat slip. Southern exposure with windows and decks overlooking the panoramic views. This unique property has an owners’ home with separate guest quarters. Situated on 1 ½ lot. Rare and fantastic opportunity.
$2,500,000 (DESU2030714)
Call Frank & Audrey (c) 302-541-4000
Well-maintained rancher in Keenwick Sound. Perfect home for entertaining family and friends. The living/dining room opens to a large sunroom and the primary suite offers a bath, walkin closet and private sunroom. The additional 2 BRs each have their own bath. Plus 2 ex rooms which can be a den or of ce. Deck and fenced yard for your outside living. Community pool, clubhouse, shuf eboard and boat ramp. Convenient to shopping and restaurants and just a short drive to the beach!
$480,000 (DESU2039006)
Call Frank & Audrey (c) 302-541-4000
80 CoastalPoint April14,2023 For a con dential interview about starting your Real Estate Career call us today! Carrie Cosgrove (c) 302-339-5519 • Email: ccosgrove@kw.com | Mary Niles (c) 302-228-5143 • Email: Marycniles@kw.com 31252
Pkwy. Selbyville, DE 105 High St. Seaford, DE 37169 Rehoboth Ave. #11 Rehoboth Beach, DE
SOLD! Each of ce is independently owned & operated.
NEWLISTING 391MALLARDLAKES SALEPENDING! BUYING OR SELLING? Let's work together to make your real estate dreams a reality (C) 301.938.1472 Betsy.perry@kw.com BETSY PERRY