Coastal Point — May 10, 2024

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Candidatesmake casesforIRSD board’sDistrict4seat

TheIndianRiverSchoolDistrict schoolboardelectionforitsDistrict4 seat—necessitatedbytheretirement afternearly20yearsbyDonaldHattier—willbeheldonMay14,with twopollingplaces.TheMillvilleCommunityCenter,inMillville,andIndian RiverHighSchool,inDagsboro,will beopenforeligiblevotersinDistrict4 tovotefrom7a.m.to8p.m.

VotersmusthaveavalidDelaware driver’slicenseorotherID,aswellas proofofaddress,tovote.OtheridentificationmayincludeaDelawareidentificationcard,oraworkIDwith photoandhomeaddress,andforproof ofresidency,asampleofU.S.mail withthevoter’sstreetaddress.


SouthBethanycouncil electionsareMay11

TheSouthBethanyTownCouncil electionisonMay11,withvotingat thetownhallonEvergreenRoad.There arefivecandidatesintheelection— threeincumbentsandtwonewcandidates.

Thecandidateseachprovidedtothe CoastalPointtheirpersonalbackground andwhattheyviewasthemostpressing issuesfacingSouthBethany.Theyalso offeredsuggestionsforwhytheirskills sets willbringthemosttolocalgovernment.

TheSouthBethanyPropertyOwnersAssociationprovidedanonline forumfortheirviews,andthecandidateshaveansweredallthesamequestionsfortheCoastalPoint.


CoastalPoint•KerinMagill NewFenwickIslandTownManagerLoriDabbondanzaisworkingajobsheloves,inatownsheloves.

LoriDabbondanzahasalotincommonwithFenwick Islandresidents.

Sheandherhusbandcameforavisitandneverwanted toleave.

Lastmonth,Dabbondanza,49,tookoverasFenwickIsland’stownmanager—ajobshesaidshefeelsshewas meanttodo.

DabbondanzacomestoFenwickIslandfromPennsylvania,wheresheworkedfortheCountyCommissionersAssociationofPennsylvaniafor27years—coincidentally,the sameamountoftimeformertownmanagerPatSchuchman workedfortheTowninseveralcapacities.

“ThereweresomanyparallelsbetweenPatandme,” Dabbondanzasaid.“Ifeellikeitwasjustkindofmeantto be.Itwasveryserendipitous,”shesaid.

TheCCAP,Dabbondanzasaid,providedsupportto leadersinPennsylvania’s67counties,suchaslobbying,technologyassistance,education,insuranceandfinancialhelp. Since1999,Dabbondanzahadbeenassistanttothedirector anddeputyexecutivedirectoroftheorganization.


therewas“ahugementortome,butIdidn’trealizeitatthe time.BecauseitwastheonlyrealjobIknew,Ididn’trealize untilIlefthowmuchIknew,”sheexplained.

WhenshefirstcametoworkforFenwickIslandlast DecemberasSchuchman’sadministrativeassistant,shesaid, shefoundmuchoftheworkveryfamiliar.So,whenshe foundoutSchuchmanwasretiring,Dabbondanzasaid,“I kindoffeltlikeIhadtoatleasttossmyhatinthering”for the townmanagerposition.

Afterinterviewingforthejob,shesaid,shebegantorealizethat“myentirecareerwasspentpreparingforthisspecificjob,andIdidn’tevenknowit.Ididn’tevenknowthis jobexisted,tobehonest,”shesaid.

Dabbondanzasaidheradjustmenttothetownmanager jobwasmademucheasierbecauseofSchuchman’smonthslongtransition.

“Ihadalotofknowledge,butitwasn’tspecifictoFenwick.So,sheandIworkedtogethertobridgethatgap,”she said.

The towncouncilofferedDabbondanzathejobFeb.14, shesaid,“sothatwasmyniceValentine’sDaypresent.”

MAY 10, 2024 THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY. Volume 21, Issue 19 FREE Prom
Indian River students get their night Page 48
Indians drop one to Polytech
SeeIRSDpage4 SeeCOUNCILpage6


ShesaidsheandherfamilyhadvacationedineitherFenwickIslandor OceanCity,Md.,formanyyears.

“WehadalwaysdoneitinJuly,but lastyearwedecidedweweregoingto doitafterLaborDay.Weweretiredof thecrowds.Weknewitwasalittlebit slowerhere.Itmightstillbecrowded, butyoustillhavebeautifulweather.So weswitchedourvacation,andatthe endofourtwo-weekvacation,myhusbandandI…Wekindoflookedateach other,andwewerelike,‘We’renotready togoyet.’”

SoDabbondanzacalledherfather, whohasaplaceinOceanCity,andthey stayedanotherweek.


Sincebothsheandherhusbandwere workingfromhome,“Wecoulddo that,”shesaid.“Youworkallday,and, oh,mygosh,youcanwalktothe beach.”

Theythendecided“Itwastime,”to makethemovetothebeach.“Allofour kidshadgrownupandmovedoutof ourhouse,”shesaid.(Dabbondanzahas a26-year-olddaughter,andherhusbandhastwosons,ages22and28.)The couple hassincemovedintotheirnew homeinSelbyville.

Inhersparetime,Dabbondanzasaid shelovestorefinishfurnitureandtravel.


said,andtocelebrate,sheisplanninga triptoScotlandwithherdaughter.

Althoughthetripwasherdaughter’s idea,Dabbondanzasaid,“Iamahuge fanof‘Outlander,’”soshehopestovisit someofthelandmarksintheTV/book series.“Istillhaven’tgottenhertowatch it,”shesaid,butherdaughter’sfather’s side ofthefamilyisScottish,soshe looksforwardtotracingherheritage.

Dabbondanzasaidsheseesoneof thetopprioritiesofherofficeas“ensuringresiliency,”whichisafairlyrecent buzzwordaddressingtheTown’sability todealwithclimate-changeissues.

“That’sobviouslyahottopicwithall ofourbeachtowns,”shesaid,lauding theTown’sInfrastructureCommittee “thatworkstirelesslyonmakingsure thatwe’redoingallwecanforthe town’sstreetsandhousesandresidents, justtomakesurethey’reset”—particularlyintermsofpersistentfloodingissues.

“Ofcourse,offshorewindisahuge issueforus,”Dabbondanzasaid.“Our mayorhasreallytakenastrongstance againstthem,”shesaidofNatalie Madgeburger,“and,personally,Iappreciateit.Ithinkpeoplehavenotdone theproperresearchthat’srequired.

“Inmyopinion,youfollowthe moneyandyoufindoutthetruth.If thatendsupgoingthrough,it’sgoingto be detrimentaltoallthebeachtowns— notjustaesthetically,butalsoit’llaffect people’spropertyvalues.It’sgoingto

harmourmarinewildlife.We’rea horseshoecrabsanctuary.That’sgoing tobegone.”

SpeakingofMagdeburger’soppositiontoproposedwindfarmsoffthe Delawarecoast,Dabbondanzasaid, “Sheisamazing.Sheisnotafraidto shareheropinion,andwe’realltherefor it.Weallbackherandsupporther,and certainlyappreciateherboldnessonthe issue.”

AnothertopicofconcernforFenwickIsland,Dabbondanzasaid,isthe pushbyDNRECtoshiftmoreofthe costofbeachreplenishmenttomunicipalities.

“We’llbe,ofcourse,opposingthat,” shesaid.

Dabbondanzaalsosaidshewould liketo“enhanceourcommunityengagement”andthatonewaytodothat is“gettingourdatamanagementunder control.”Currently,shesaid,theTown’s datamanagement“iskindofalloverthe place.”Shesaidthat,inherPennsylvania positionwiththeassociationfor countycommissioners,shesawthedifferencesinthewaysdatamanagement washandledbyleadersinurbanareas versusthoseinless-populatedareas.

“Theirtechnologystandardswere worldsapart,”shesaid.

ShesaidtheTown’scybersecurityis “perfect,”butinternaloperationsarea bitofajigsawpuzzle.

“We’reworkingtowardgettingallof ourdataintoonemanageablesystem

wherewecankeepeverybody’supdated information.Rightnow,wedon’thavea realgoodwaytocommunicatewithour residents,”shesaid,explainingthatshe wasreferringtocommunicatingwith individualresidents,asopposedtothe townasawhole,whichcanbedoneon theTownwebsiteorthroughsocial media.

ShelaudedTownCouncilTreasurer WilliamRymer’sworkasDredgeCommitteechair,forhiseffortstokeepthe upcomingdredgeprojectinvolving channelsconnectingthetown’scanalsto theLittleAssawomanBaymovingforward.

“He’ssuperlaser-focused”onthe project,shesaid.

Dabbondanzapraisedallofthe Town’scommittees,saying,“Theperfect personisthechairofthecommittee that’srightforthem.Thefactthat they’reallvolunteersstillblowsmy mind.”FenwickIslandhas13committees,whichmeetregularlyandreporton issuesandmakerecommendationsto thecouncil.ItalsohasaComprehensive PlanningCommission,BoardofElectionsandBoardofAdjustment.The committeesaddresseverythingfrom beachsafetytoinformationtechnology.

“Theyworksohardforthistown, andit’sbecausetheyloveit,”shesaid.

OfPoliceChiefMichaelMorrissey, whotookoverthepositioninSeptem-

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Photo Courtesy of Shaun Lambert


AweekafterDelawareStatePolice warnedthepublicofanalarmingincreaseindrugoverdoses—especiallyin SussexCounty—anOceanViewpoliceofficerthisweeksaidnoneofthe overdoseswereinOceanView.Hehad awarningforanyonewhocomesinto contactwiththedrug—likelyamixtureofheroin,fentanylandatranquilizerpackagedinsmall,white waxed-paperbags.

“Ifyoucomeincontactwithit,wash yourhandswithsoapandwater.Don’t justusehandsanitizer.Call911,” OVPDDetectiveNicholasHarrington said.

“Thisdrugisnotnew.It’samixture ofheroin,fentanyland,wearehearing, Xylazine,atranquilizerknownonthe streetasa‘tranq.’Ifyouseeit,don’t touchit.It’snodifferentfromwhatwe tellpeopleaboutheroinorfentanyl.It’s thesamething,”hesaid.

Theword“demon”isstampedon someofthebagscontainingthemix-



ber2023,Dabbondanzasaid,“Iknow thatheistheabsolutelyperfectperson

ture,butitdoesn’tdescribethesubstance,HarringtontoldtheCoastal Pointthisweek.Thenameistheway thedrugispackaged,andhowdealers andusersidentifyit.

“Fortheaverageperson,it’sastamp. Theaveragepersonwouldn’tknow,but itiskindoftheirbrand.Itchangesall thetime.Theychangeweekly,probably,” hesaid,addingthatpoliceagencies,includingstatepoliceandOceanViewofficers,asalways,aresharinginformation andworkingtogether.

StatepolicealsowarnedthatNarcan doesn’talwaysworktorevivethosewho haveoverdosedonthedrug,andHarringtonsaidthatisprobablybecause Narcanisdesignedtoworkagainstthe effectsofopioidssuchasheroinand fentanyl,whichisasyntheticformof heroin,butnotontranquilizers.

Lastweek,BeebeHealthcaredoctors andadministratorsheldapressconferenceabouttherecentoverdoses,with doctorsstatingthereweremorethan30 patientswhooverdosedwithinafew days,comparedtomaybefiveinatypicalweek,andthatmanypatientswere

forthatjob,”notinghiseffortstobring moregrants,improveteamspiritand introducemoreeffectivetrafficstrategiestotheforce.


muchmorecriticallyillandrequired long-termcare.Doctorswhospokeat thepressconferencecalledthetrend “verydisturbing”andsaidsomepatients neededventilatorsorwereplacedinintensivecare.

AspokeswomanfromtheDelaware DepartmentofHealth&SocialServices,alsospeakingatthepressconference,saidheragencylastweekprovided another1,300NarcankitstoBeebe,to bedistributedthroughoutthesystem, plus anadditional200fortheemergencyroom,andmorearebeingmade availableatcommunityevents.

TheDelawareStatePoliceonTuesday,April30,urgedcitizensto“Exercise extremecaution,refrainfromconsumingunknownsubstancesandavoidillegaldrugsaltogether.”FromApril26to 30,troopers“recordedasignificantincreaseinoverdoses,tragicallyresulting inatleastonefatalityandseveremedicalemergencies,”theysaid.



“Theculturearoundhere,Ilove,”she said.“Ialwayssay,‘We’resmallbut mighty.’”

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West-Warner:IRgradlooking toservethedistrict

Iappreciatetheabilitytogetmy messageout.Iamanativeofthisarea. IwasbornandraisedinDistrict4on ourfamilyfarmnearClarksville.IattendedLordBaltimore ElementarySchool,SelbyvilleMiddle School,andgraduatedfromIndian RiverHighSchool.Igraduatedfrom theUniversityofDelawarewithaBS inanimalscienceandpre-veterinary medicine,andIhaveamaster’sin homelandsecurityfromWilmington University.”

IhaveservedintheUnitedStates AirForcefor25yearsandIhave achievedtherankofcolonel.Iama 737captainforUnitedAirlines.This givesmelocalperspectivewithglobal experience.



•Safetyanddiscipline—strong, effectiveandconsistent;

•Recruitandretaineducators,and backthemintheclassroom;


Wemustbuildalegacyofleadership excellenceatalllevels,fromtheschool boarddowntoeveryemployeeinthe district;

•Encourageparentinvolvementat alllevels.

Withthatsaid,Ibelievethatour biggestchallengesarejusteducating ourchildrenandraisingthestandards.

WithCommonCorestillbeingthe lawofeducationinDelaware,ourkids arepayingtheprice.Weneedtoget “BacktoBasics”(mycampaignslogan) andrefocusoureffortsonreading, writing,andmath.Inresearchingdata providedbytheCaesarRodneyInstitute,obtainedfromtheDelawareState Website(StateReportCardsDelawareDepartmentofEducation ( CardProfiles(, Ihavelearnedthatourkidsarefailing! Delawareranksamongthetopinthe countryineducationalspendingand amongthelowestinresults.Wedon’t haveafundingproblem.Wehavean educationproblem.

Inthe50statesinthecountry,we rankasfollows:


•Fourthfromthebottomin fourth-gradereading;


•53Delawarepublicschoolshave beenplacedon“improvementplans” bytheDDOEduetoconsistentun-


•17Delawarepublicschoolshave fewerthan1in10studentswhocan readordomathatgradelevel.

AccordingtoU.S.News(Find DelawareHighSchools|USNews BestHighSchools),asoftoday,IRHS is#16/42andSCHSis#29/42.These numbersneedtoimprove,asmygoal istomakeIRSDamongthetopinthe stateandinthecountryforeducation.


Q.Whatconcernsmightyouhave aboutbudgetsforallthecapitalexpenses happeningwithinthedistrict?Might thereneedtobeareferendumatsome pointtoclosethefundinggap?

A.SussexCountyisinthemiddle ofareassessment.Bydefault,thatis goingtomeanmoretaxrevenuefor theschools.Wedonotevenknowexactlyhowmuchmorerevenuethisis goingtogenerateatthispoint,soIam notinfavorofareferendumtocover capitalexpenditures.Weneedtobe fiscallyresponsibleandcomeupwith creativebudgetaryadjustmentsto covernecessaryexpensesandnotlook toourtaxpayerstofixbudgetaryissues.

Q.Whataboutyourspecificskillsand personalitytraitsmakeyoufeelthemost qualifiedto taketheDistrict4school boardpositionatthistime?

thesekids—notjustmyown—know me.IfyougoouttoaneventatIRHS, youwillseethekidsrunuptomeand callme“MamaWest.”Thisisbecause ourdoorisalwaysopen,andmanyof thesekidscometoourhomeforadviceandasafehaven.

TheyknowthatIadvocateontheir behalfalready.Iamnotaneducatoror administrator,norismyspouse.No oneinmyfamilycanbenefitpersonallynorprofessionallyfromnepotism orcontractimprovementsfrommydecisionsasaboardmember.AsamemberoftheIRSDSchoolBoard,I wouldbelookingattheissuestomake thedistrictbetter,notmypersonalsituation.

IRgradHudsoncallsfor common-sensesolutions

IwasraisedinRoxana,Del.My familyrootsinSussexCountyspanat leastfivegenerationsdeep.AfterattendingLordBaltimoreandPhillipC. Showellforelementaryschool,IprogressedtoSelbyvilleMiddleSchool andgraduatedfromIndianRiverHigh Schoolin2007.

A.Iamaleader.Iamnotafraidto standupforwhatIbelieve.Iampassionate,strong,andIdonotgetshut downbystrongpersonalities.However, Iamalsoalistenerandathinker,andI canlearnfromothersandadmitwhen Iamwrong.My25yearsinthemilitaryisreflectiveofthisskill.

Withthatsaid,Iwillnotbeasilent voteronthisboard.However,even moreimportantthanmyleadershipis thatmyintentionsforrunningforthe schoolboardare100percentpure.I haveagreatcareer.Iamrunningfor thekidsinthisschooldistrictnotfor personalorpoliticalgain.

Ihavea10th-graderatIRHSand aneighth-graderatSMS.Igettoexperienceallthatthedistricthasto offer,goodandbad.Iamveryinvolved intheschoolactivities,andmanyof

Pursuingmylifelongambitionof becomingagamewarden,Iearneda bachelor’sdegreeinenvironmental healthscience,withaminorinbiology, fromSalisburyUniversityin2011. Duringmytimethere,Iinternedwith DelawareNaturalResourcesPolice, Fish&Wildlife.Followinggraduation,Ifulfilledmydreamofbecoming afull-timegamewarden,graduating fromtheDelawareStatePoliceAcademyin2013andrisingthroughthe rankstocaptainoverthenextdecade. In2011,Iwasblessedtomeetmy wife,Melinda,whomImarriedin 2014.Ourfamilyhassincegrownto includetwowonderfulchildrenwho areourgreatestjoy.Melindaisadedicatedgrade-schoolteacher,deeplyfamiliarwiththevariouschallengesour schools,studentsandeducatorsface. SomeofthebiggestissuesIbelieve facingtheschoolsinIndianRiver SchoolDistrictarerecruitmentand

4 CoastalPoint May10,2024 Veteran Owned and Operated Kivoney Mehrer, H.I.S Co-owner 32566 Docs Place, Suite 2, Millville, DE 19967 Across From Giant Supermarket (302) 251-8252 • Well-Hearing is Well-Being Social, Emotional, Cognitive and Physical (302) 251-8252 Serving Millville & the surrounding area We look forward to meeting you! Schedule a free consultation and demonstration to experience how the latest technology can improve your life. Today’s hearing aids feature AI, LE Bluetooth, Auracast, gyroscopes, automatic alert features able to contact anyone with smartphone and waterproo ng. A clear path to better hearing May Is Better Hearing Month Proud Sponsors of the Veterans Golf Association Delmarva Tennis 302-259-0279 Delmarva Tennis Racquet Stringing Bethany Beach, DE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Member USRA 24-48 Hour Turnaround Email/Call/Text for Pricing • 302-259-0279 IRSD Continuedfrompage1 SeeIRSDpage5

retentionofourgreatteachers,disciplinebothintheschoolsandonour buses,curriculumstandards,andthe safetyandwell-beingofeveryindividualinourschools.

Wemustputmorecontrolbackin thehandsofourteachersandparents, andgetawayfromthebureaucracyof stategovernment.

Q.Whatconcernsmightyouhave aboutbudgetsforallthecapitalexpenses happeningwithinthedistrict?Might thereneedtobeareferendumatsome pointtoclosethefundinggap?

A.Iadvocateforensuringthat everystudentresidingintheIndian RiverSchoolDistricthasaccessto classroomsstaffedbyexcellentteachers.Theseclassesshouldmaintain



symptomsresistanttoNaloxone(Narcan),withsomerequiringintubation andexperiencinguncontrollableconvulsionsdespiteadministeringanti-seizure medication.RepeatdosesofNaloxone maybenecessaryintheseincidentsto restorenormalbreathing.Whencaring forsomeonewhomayhaveoverdosed, beextracautiouswithpowderedsubstancesastheymayincreasetheriskof

manageablesizesconducivetoeffectivelearning.Whileinvestinginnew schools—especiallythosecateringto specialneeds—remainscrucial,we mustalsoconsiderthefinancialstrain onourcommunity.

ManywithintheIRSDcommunity struggletomakeendsmeet,exacerbatedbysoaringinflationrates.Prioritizingbetweenfundingfornew schoolsandbasicnecessities,likefood, forchildrenshouldbestraightforward.

Examiningthefinancialallocations acrossDelaware’s19schooldistricts andover200publicschoolscoulduncoverareasofexcessivespendingthat couldberedirectedtoensureoptimal studentsuccesswithoutfurtherburdeningourcommunitymembersorresultinginareferendum.

Q.Whataboutyourspecificskillsand personalitytraitsmakeyoufeelthemost qualifiedto taketheDistrict4school

substanceingestionortransmission,” policesaid.

“Thesafetyandwell-beingofall Delawareansareparamount,andcollaborativeeffortsareunderwaytoaddress thiscriticalpublicsafetyissue.Weurge everyonetoremainvigilantandtake proactivestepstoprotectthemselves andtheircommunities.Individuals strugglingwithsubstanceabuseareencouragedtoseekimmediateassistance frommedicalprofessionalsoraddiction supportservices.”



A.Growingupandresidinginthe IndianRiverSchoolDistrict,attendingnumerousIRSDschoolsandnow havingchildrenbeginningtheireducationinelementaryschool,Ifeel uniquelysuitedforthisrole.

ProgressingfromaDelawareNaturalResourcePoliceofficertotherank ofcaptain,I’vewitnessedfirsthandthe challengesouryouthandcommunities face.TheexpertiseI’veacquiredover 16years—particularlyinschool safetyandleadership—isinvaluable. Effectiveleadershipisessentialona schoolboard,andtheextensiveleadershiptrainingI’veundergonewillbe instrumentalifelected.Understanding theinstrumentaldifferencesbetween technicalfixesinsidetheschool,and moreadaptivechallengesthatthe schoolboardanddistrictface,isimperative.

DepartmentofHealth&SocietyServicesoffersseveralavenuesforsupport, inc ludingcalling911ifsomeoneoverdosesanddialing211tofindresources throughoutthestate.CalltheDelaware HopeLineat1-833-9-HOPEDEor1833-946-7333foraround-the-clockaccesstoresources,supportandcrisis assistance.

Findnearbytreatmentprovidersat,call988.ForNarcan trainingandcrisisresources,visit

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IRSD Continuedfrompage4

Bartholomewhopestoreturn astreasurer


A.Iamveryinterestedtocontinueas treasurerandthechairmanofthe Budget&FinanceCommittee,asthere ismoreworktodo.Myprofessional backgroundasaCPAandholdingseniormanagementrolesincludingchief operatingofficer;executiveVP;VPof strategicplanningandfinancialplanning,haveprovidedmewithexperience tocontinuetobeeffectiveintheseroles. Also,Iwanttocontinuetoserveonthe strategiclong-termplanningcommittee, thatwillbeextremelyimportanttoprotectourpropertyvalues.Mywife,GloriaandIhaveownedheresince2001 andbecamepermanentresidentsin 2018.

Q.Whatdoyoufeelarethemostpressingissuesfortownofficialstodealwithin thenexttwoyears?

A.Theengineeringreportswehave receivedthispastyearhaveconfirmed ourneedtoquicklymoveforwardwith morespecificprograms.Wecurrently havetwomajorengineeringconsulting projectsunderway,lookingatthefloodingintheYorkRoadandCatHillareas. Thesewillbeourguideinsubmitting grantapplicationsandobtainingcost estimates.

Theextensivelistoflong-termcapital/infrastructureprojectswillrequireus tolookforanygrantprogramsfrom manysources.Ourchallengeissecuring fundingsourcesbeyondgrants,asmost programsrequiretheTowntoenable cost-sharefundingofaportionofthe costs.Itisnotlikelythatourinfrastructurereservefundwillbeadequatefor oursharealongwiththeprojectsthat willnothavegrantoffsets.


havetooffertheTownofSouthBethany, andhowwouldyouputthemtousetohelp dealwiththeTown’smostpressingissues?

A.Duringmytenure,wehave changedtheCPAauditfirm,enhanced ouraccountingsystemwithimproved internalcontrols,addedclaritytoreportingandestablishedseveralspecific reservefunds(includinganinfrastructurecapitalprojectfund).Ihaveledthe processtoupdateourinvestmentpolicy toallowforinvestmentsutilizingbrokerageaccounts,therebyincreasingour returnswithlow-riskinvestments.Asa memberoftheStrategicLong-Range PlanningCommittee,wehaveidentifiedaboutadozenprojectstoprotect againstfloodingandserveotherinfrastructureneeds.

Indeed,theTowniswell-managed, asthestaffandcurrentcouncilincumbents haveprovidedstrongleadership andfinancialstability.Ihaveworked closelywithallofthemtoenhancethe accountingandfinancesoftheTown.

TheTownfinancesarecomprisedof fivedistinctfunds,eachforspecificpurposes.Wehaveclarifiedhowthose fundsareusedoperationallyandestablishedreserves.

Biciocchibringsmanagement expertise


A.Inmytwo-yeartermonthecouncil,mybestcontributionhasbeento bringfreshthinkingandperspectiveon manyissuesthatseemedpre-determinedandstuckinthepast.Anexampleispublicsafetyandourwillingness toreducespeedlimitsandparkingcongestion.Itisnotpopularinallcases,but itisnecessaryinatownwithfewsidewalksandsomanywalkersandbiking mixed-in,withsomuchrentalandconstructiontraffic.

Q.Whatdoyoufeelarethemostpressingissuesfortownofficialstodealwithin thenexttwoyears?

A. Transparencyandbettercommunicationsforpropertyownersandresidentsneedtoimprove.TheStrategic Planidentifiesimportantcommitments thateveryoneneedstobeinformedwell inadvanceabout.Ithinkthatthefloodingproblemthatoccursonthesouth andwestsidesofthetownisofhighest prioritytoaddressnow.Floodresiliency isadirecttownpropertyissueandsoit isdifferentthan,say,replenishmentof thebeach,whichisnottownproperty.It willtaketimetodevelopengineering optionstoremediatethesourceofthe problemandalsotopursuethefunds required.

Widespreadandroutineflooding threatenallpropertyvalues.Wehaveto protectourSouthBethanyrealestate thatisessentialtoourtown’seconomy andouroverallenjoyment.Floodingis alsoaseriouspublicsafetyissueinthat, toofrequently,roadsandwalkwaysbecomeimpassabletofireandmedical first-responders.Thewaterlevelsalso lastforaperiodofdaysthatcancompromiseemergencyevacuationfrom homes.

Q.Whatskillsortraitsdoyoufeelyou havetooffertheTownofSouthBethany, andhowwouldyouputthemtousetohelp dealwiththeTown’smostpressingissues?

A.Overtime,itisrationaltoexpect thatrealestatetaxeswillneedtobe raised.Thiscanbedoneinagradual methodoveralongterm.Weareoverly dependentondevelopmentaltransfer taxnowbecausetherehasnotbeena taxincreaseinrecentmemory. However,highertaxesarenotananswerthatwillfundlongrangeplanning projects.Ourtaxbaseistoosmallto raisemulti-millionsofrevenues.So,I supportthecreationofacapitalfinancingplanforeachline-itemprojectto determinehowitcanbepaidfor.Other options,suchasgrantsandbonds,will needtobepursuedasaprioritybefore taxation.

6 CoastalPoint May10,2024 Council Continuedfrompage1 SeeCOUNCILpage7

BobShieldshopestoraisestreets, supportscoastalresiliency

Robert“Bob”Shieldsservedinthe U.S.Navyfor27yearsandlateratthe Pentagonasanassistantdeputyundersecretaryofdefenseduring9/11,for fouryears,andthenatSAICincorporatecybersecurity,allinNorthernVirginia.Hewasnamedtoanopenseat ontheSouthBethanyTownCouncil withfiveoftheothersixcouncilmembersappointinghimtoafour-month term.Heisnowrunningforafull term.ShieldslivesonSeaSideDrive withhiswifeJennifer.

Q.Whatdoyoufeelarethemost pressingissuesfortownofficialsto dealwithinthenexttwoyears?

A.Inmycurrentroleonthecouncil,Ihaveraisedsafetyasanissuefor theTown.Iamconcernedaboutthere beingnodesignatedsafetyofficialin SouthBethany.Asaresult,safetydoes nothaveasufficientlyhighpriorityas reflectedinourcodeandcommunications.Aparticularconcernisalackof emphasisonwatersafetyaswehave fivemilesofcanalsandlittlediscussionaboutpotentialsafetyproblems.I wasalertedtothisissuelastsummer whenIsawanunattendedtoddlerfall intothecanalandnearlydrown.


IalsohaveservedontheResiliency CommitteesinceJanuary,andparticipatedindraftingseveralgrantrequests anddevelopedsomepotentialconcepts tosolveproblemsatreducedcost.I havealsooffered“commonsense”adjustmentstoourTownCodetopermit thingswhichimprovefunctionality andaddvaluetoourproperties,withoutchangingthefundamentalnature ofourcommunity—anatureweall treasure.Specifically,Iaminterestedin easingrestrictionstopermitelevators

forexistinghomes,andadjustingthe floor-arearatio(FAR)toallowfor extraopendeckspace.Ihavebeenunsuccessfulsofarwiththeseinitiatives.

Q.Whatskillsortraitsdoyoufeelyou haveto offertheTownofSouthBethany, andhowwouldyouputthemto useto helpdealwiththeTown’smostpressing issues?

A.Ithinkweneedtobemoreinnovativeandresourcefulinunderstandingtheprioritiesandpositionsof thecommunity.Ihearcomplaintsthat weonthecouncilareoutoftouch.We haveZoomcapabilitiesformeetings andopportunitiesforpubliccomment. However,werarelygetmorethan threeorfourpublicattendees.Wetry topublicizeimportantissuesbutstill getcomplaintsofsurpriseaboutimportantissuesfromthosewhodotry tofollowevents.

Weneedtodobetterasacouncilto ensurethepublicisinformedabout events.Wecanexperimentwiththings likehavingcouncilmeetingsafter workinghourstogetmorepeopleinvolvedorusingvideonewslettersto keeppeopleabreastofevents.

Sealevelsarepredictedtoriseby another1.5feetby2050—regardless ofwhatwedonowtostopwarming theoceans.SouthBethanyisalready experiencingfloodingincertainareas (YorkRoadandCatHill)during modeststorms.Thisfloodingcanbe strongenoughtopreventpassageof emergencyvehicles.Withanadditional1.5-footriseinsealeveland withoutinfrastructureimprovements, wewillbeexperiencingHurricane Sandy-levelfloodingeventsseveral timesperyear.Thiswoulddestroyour community.

IamcurrentlyontheSouth BethanyResiliencyCommitteeand fullyfocusedonthistask.Weneedto improveourabilitytoabsorbground water.


Gallaghercurrentlyservesinasenior positionwithintheJudicialBranchof thefederalgovernment.Previously,followinghisserviceintheU.S.AirForce, heservedinthefoundation,not-forprofitandlegaleducationcommunities. Heearnedhisbachelor’sdegreefrom theCollegeofEngineering&TechnologyoftheSouthernIllinoisUniversity, hisjurisdoctoratefromRutgersUniversitySchoolofLawandhismaster’sdegreeingovernmentadministrationfrom theUniversityofPennsylvania.

Hecontendsthat,basedonhiseducationandexperience,hecanmeld technicalissues,legalissuesandpublic policyconcernsintopracticaloptions.

Q.Whatdoyoufeelarethemostpressingissuesfortownofficialstodealwithin thenexttwoyears?

Gallagherassertsthatfloodingin townhasgonefrombeinganuisanceto beingalife-safetyissue:Emergencyvehiclesmustbeabletoreachtheentire townallday,notjustduringlowtide. Sea-levelriseisinevitable.Thefailureof ourstormwatersystemwasnot.Except forEdieDondero,currenttownleadershiphasfailedtoaddresstheseissues despiteyearsofpledgestodoso.

Hisunderstandingisthatcurrent councilthinkingistofocusonflooding onYorkRoadnextyear,withCatHill tobestudiedayearorsolater:The Townwouldthenconsiderfloodingon CanalRoadandotherareasinsubse-

quentyears.Thispiecemealapproachis insufficientinhisview.Heurgesthedevelopmentofmoreaggressiveoptions forthecommunitytoconsidersothat thetrade-offsofpotentialsolutionscan bedebatedpublicly.

Gallaghercontendsthataddressing deferredfloodingsolutionswillbemore difficultnowbecausethecurrenttown leadershiphascreatedafinancial predicament.Henotesthateventhe mayorsaidthat“It’sthedayofreckoning.”(CoastalPoint,April18,2024.)

Fifteenyearsago,themayorpledged to notraisetaxes,andhekepthisword. Toaccomplishthis,towncouncilincreasedfeesbyover500percent,used one-timefundsforbasicrecurringdaily governmentoperationsandneglected theTown’sinfrastructure.Accordingto theCoastalPointarticle,themayorsaid thatthesetechniqueswerenow“maxed out.”Mostrecently,themayorand councilclosednextyear’sbudgetgapby drawingontheTown’slimitedinvestmentsforbasicdailyoperations. That approachisnotsustainablein Gallagher’sview.

Q.Whatskillsortraitsdoyoufeelyou havetooffertheTownofSouthBethany, andhowwouldyouputthemtousetohelp dealwiththeTown’smostpressingissues? Gallaghersaysthathewillrelyon hisextensivebudgetingandfinancial managementeducationandexperience

May10,2024 CoastalPoint 7 Be tha ny M ass age & Healing Arts 33298 Coastal Highway, Bethany Beach, DE and pick a ticket from our jar of surprises to unveil your exclusive discount ($5 to $100) Offer Valid @ Checkout May 1 - May 25 1 Ticket Per Customer Come in and enjoy one of our spa services… Book Your Appointment Today 302-537-0510 Open 7 Days/Week Mon-Sat 10-5 • Sun 10-4 Don’t Forget Gift Cards for Mother’s Day! itt SaddleWith Ha Rust-Re OWN CRUISE T Springs dleWith ardwar esistant SteelFrame DurableCrM ER gs th re nt $450 ues.-Sat. 10am-5pm T Tues.-Sat. TION VICE LOCAATION SERFULL $ Wed.-Sat. 10am-4pm Rims Doubleall W 700cAlloy Saddle SuperCush $399 www.thebi 302-537-1040 Bethany Beach, DE 19930 B T 30 Se FENWICK – BETHANY rusted bike experts for over 50 years! Trusted 02-988-2266 lbyville, DE 19975 Council Continuedfrompage6 SeeCOUNCILpage9


Expertsinthehealthcarefieldwill provideinformationaboutavailableresourcesattheGoldenYearGuide,at noononTuesday,May14,atthe CHEERCenteronCedarNeckRoad inOceanView.

OrganizedbyErinScharp,clinical navigatoratPostAcuteMedical (PAM)inGeorgetown,theevent,free andopentothepublic,andwillfeature apanelofexpertsprovidinginformationaboutacuterehabilitation; conciergenursing, carenavigationand privatenursingserviceandhow

conciergenursingcanhelp;outpatient therapy,includingphysical,occupationalandspeechtherapy;homecare, concerningpersonalcareandwhena caregiverisneeded;hospiceandpalliativecareandthedifferencebetween them;homehealthandwhatclinical servicesitprovides;andserviceclub organizationsthatprovidemedical equipmentandramps.

“Thisisthetimetoaskanyquestionsyouhave,anymedicalquestions abouthowtofindprimarycare— whatdoesmyinsurancelooklike?We willanswerasmanyquestionsaswe can,orifwecan’t,wewillshootyouin adifferentdirection,”Scharpsaid,

addingthatsimilarinformational eventswillbescheduledatchurches,librariesandotherlocations.

“Wefindalotofpeopleareaging. Theymovedhere,andtheydon’tknow howtogettheresourcestheyneed.We arehappytoprovidetheseresources. Wewillgiveoutapamphletorguide. Somepeopleare confusedabout,for example,whatishomecareorpersonal homeservicesvs.homehealth.Wealwaysheartheseterms,butnoteverybodyissurewhattheyare.Ithinkthe GoldenYearGuideisgoingtobevery helpfulforfolksinourcommunityin the60-plusagerangetohaveresources availableandknowonhandwhatdif-

ferentresourcesareandlooklike,” Scharpsaid.

YolandaGallego,directorofthe CHEERCenter,praisedScharpfor organizingtheeventandaddedthat clientsare lookingforwardtothe event.Clientshavealsobeenbusywith activitiesincludingchairyogaand pickleballandbeingentertainedbyan ElvisPresleyimpersonatorandsteel drummer.

Sheremindedthose60orolderin thecommunitythat,whetherornot theyareCHEERmembers,mealsat CHEERcost$1everydayinMay,on MondaysthroughFridaysfrom11:30 a.m.to12:30p.m.


FrankfordresidentscameouttoexpresstheirreservationsaboutanapplicationforasolarfarmonMonday,May 6,andthetowncouncildeniedtherequestforitsapproval.

JoeShanahan,representingRWE CleanEnergyLLC,basedinNewYork, saidafterthemeetingthathewas“disappointed”inthedenialoftheapplica-

tion.Thesolarpanelswereproposedfor about44acresinthecenteroftown, acrossfromthetownpark.

Theapplicationforsite-planapprovalhadbeensubmittedbyDukes FarmLimitedPartnership.BurtDukes andHalDukesaretheprincipalsinthe partnership.

TownCouncilTreasurerJohn Wright,whoisalsoamemberofthe Town’sPlanning&ZoningCommittee, saidtheapplicationwasdeniedbecause

itdidnotmeetcriterialaidoutinthe Town’s2020ComprehensivePlan. Hespecificallycitedfive“metrics” thatwerealsocitedbythePlanning& ZoningCommitteewhentheyrecommendeddenialoftheapplication,inc ludingafeelingthattheapplication wouldnotmeetthecriteriainthe ComprehensivePlanregardingmaintaininga“small-townfeel”andthatit didnotmeetthecriteriaforthe“neighborhoodbusiness”zoneinwhichitis


Wrightsaidonlytwopeopleinthe audience—whichhedescribedas“the mostpeopleI’veeverseenatanything” Town-related—spokeinfavorofthe application.

Monday’smeetingmarkedthefirst towncouncilmeetinginwhichFrankford’snewtownmanagerconsultant, SheldonHudson,wasinattendance.


8 CoastalPoint May10,2024 Mother’s Day Brunch Sunday, May 12 | 11am - 4pm Join us for a delicious Mother’s Day brunch at Via Sophia by the Sea - where comfort meets the coast! 99 Hollywood Street , Bethany Beach, DE 302-539-3200


SayingMillsboro’stowngovernment shouldbemoretransparent,Mary D’Silvahasannouncedhercandidacyfor thetowncouncil,representingDistrict1 —theseatcurrentlyheldbyCouncilmanRobertBryan.

Theelectionwillbefrom1to7p.m. onSaturday,June8,atMillsboroTown Hall.

Theotherseatavailableforreelection thisyearrepresentsDistrict3andiscur-

rentlyoccupiedbyMayorJimKells,who hasnotindicatedwhetherhewillrun forreelection.Bob McKeehasfiledto runforthatseat.

D’Silva,anative ofNewYork,isa retireddentistwho workedinhospitals andfortheDepartmentofCorrectionsinNew York,andwhohasmorethan30yearsof experienceinthehealthcareindustry.


ingovernmentandnot-for-profitorganizationstoaddresstheissuesfacing thetown.Hecontendsthattherewill notbeasolelytechnical,legal,orpublic policyanswertothechallenges:Technicalaspectsandlegalanalysismustbe temperedbypublicpolicyconcerns.

Henotesexperienceanalyzingand communicatingtoughissuestowork withgroupstoseekconsensus.What doesthecommunitywantandwhatisit willingtoacceptasatrade-offtogetit? Whilehenoteshissignificantmediationexperience,heacknowledgesthat ultimatelyitisaleader’sroletomake toughdecisionsandtobeaccountable fortheoutcomes.

Taishoffseeksmoreleverage onoffshorewind


A.Myleadershipingovernment, businessandonnot-for-profitboards havetaughtmewhatIneedtoknow aboutgovernance,strategicplanning andgoalsetting.Ithinktheseskillswill translatewelltoserviceontheSouth

IgraduatedfromSyracuseUniversity in1986andfromtheDelawareLaw School,WidenerUniversity,in1989.I receivedmyLMinlitigationfrom GeorgeWashingtonUniversityLaw Schoolin2002.Iservedonactiveduty intheU.S.NavyJudgeAdvocateGeneral’sCorpsfrom1987untilmyretirementin2010.

AsaretiredNavycaptain,Iservedin avarietyofleadershippositions throughoutmycareer;includingassistantprofessorattheU.S.NavalAcademy,executiveofficeratTrialService OfficeNortheast,commandjudgeadvocatedeployedaboardU.S.S.George Washington(CVN-73)anddirectorof appellatedefensefortheNavyandMarineCorps.

From2010untiltheendof2023,I ownedandoperatedAnnapolisYacht Salesandhaveservedonnumerous localandnationalphilanthropicboards, including16yearsontheboardofthe NationalDownSyndromeSociety whereIheldthepositionofvicechairmanfortwoyearsandchairmanfor threeyears.I’malsoamemberofthe BoardofTrusteesforSyracuseUniversity.

The58-year-oldmotheroftwosons, LukeandSamuel,D’Silvahaslivedin theMillsboroareaabouteightyears. Shelistedhergoalsforthetownas enhancingcommunicationbetweenthe towncouncil,townstaffandresidentsof Millsboro;ensuringeveryresidenthas equalrepresentation“withequalapplicationofthelaws”;safeguardingvoting rights;ensuringtaxdollarsareusedefficiently;workingcollaborativelywith businessesandtheStatetobesurethe newbypass—nowunderconstruction —benefitsMillsboro;andaddressing

Q.Whatskillsortraitsdoyoufeelyou havetoofferthetownofSouthBethany, andhowwouldyouputthemtousetohelp dealwiththetown’smostpressingissues?

A.Stoppingtheproposeddevelopmentoftheoffshorewindfarm.Agroup ofuswereveryconcernedaboutthe lackoftransparencyaroundthedecision toacceptthemoneytonotvoiceoppositiontotheU.S.Wind’soffshorewindmillplan.Idecidedtostopcomplaining about itandgetinvolvedtotryandfix thesituation.


“SomeofthethingsInoticeisalot ofissueshaven’tbeenaddressed.The populationhasgrown,butthewater,the sewer,haven’tbeenchanged—they aren’tbetter.WheneverIaskanybody, theysay,‘Ihavetolookintoit,’butnobodyevergetsbacktoit.

“Theydon’thaveanyaccountability oranyconversationaboutwhatisbeing donewiththemoneytheyarereceiving. Iwouldliketoseemoreconversation.

Myleadershipingovernment,businessandonnot-for-profitboardshave taughtmewhatIneedtoknowabout governance,strategicplanningandgoal setting.Ithinktheseskillswilltranslate welltoservice.

Q.Whatdoyoufeelarethemostpressingissuesfortownofficialstodealwithin thenexttwoyears?

A.IthinkthemostimportantcontributionIcanmakeistobringafresh perspectivetogovernmentinSouth Bethany.Mygoalwouldbetogetmore citizensinvolvedbycreatinggreater transparency.

Communicationiskey,especiallyas wetrytotackledifficultandsometimes contentiousissues,suchasparkingon theeastsideofthehighway.Weneedto developadetailedandrobustcapital planforaddressingtheincessantfloodingissuesimpactinglargeportionsof ourcommunity.

May10,2024 CoastalPoint 9 Council Continuedfrompage7
D’Silva SeeD’SILVApage12

ThetownofMillsborowillpresent itsannualMerryMillsboroHoliday MarketonSaturday,Nov.16.

Thefestiveeventwillbefrom9a.m. to2p.m.intheparkinglotatMillsboro TownHallandfeatureavarietyofgifts, holidaydecorationsandcraftsondisplayandforsale,aswellasfoodtrucks andmusic.

AttheMonday,May6,towncouncil meeting,TownManagerJamieBurk saidthemarkethasbeenwell-attended inthepastfewyearsandthatchanging ittoonlyoneday“madeabigdifference.”Hesaidtherearenoconflictswith othereventsintheareaonthatday.



AttherequestofMillsboroPolice ChiefBrianCalloway,theMillsboro TownCouncilunanimouslyapproveda requesttochangethedepartment’sdirective—requiringofficerstohavean annualphysical,exerciseandstayin goodphysicalcondition—toanofficial departmentpolicy.


calfitness.Wewanttoseeyouaregoing outthereandyouaregivinganeffort. Wewanttoencourageourstafftobe physicallyfit,”Callowaysaidinasking counciltochangethedirectivetoapolicy.Hesaidhavinganexerciseroomin thenewpolicestationisanemployee benefitand“hugerecruitmenttool.”


ThMillsboroPoliceDepartment’s annualBikeRodeoisplannedfor9a.m. to1p.m.onSaturday,May11,inthe L owe’sparkinglot.

“Youcanfindusinbetweenthe mulchpiles,”Callowayjoked.

“Wewillbethere,andwewillbe givingoutfreehelmetsandbikesafety equipment.Comeseeme.I’mgoingto giveyouafreehelmet,”hetoldthetown council,addingthatDelDOTpartners withthepolicedepartmentandthat therewillalsobetipsforsafebikingand presentations.


TheMillsboroPoliceDepartment willsponsoritsannualPoliceYouth AcademyonThursdayandFriday,June 20 and21,andtheweekofMonday, June24,toFriday,June28.

Callowaytoldthecouncilthatthe academyis“fillingupfast”andisfree foranychild,ages11to16,“whohas thedesiretoputthemselvesthrough thisleadershipprogram.”

“Wewillpayforeverything,includingtheirclothingandfood,”hesaid, addinglocalbusinessesarefinancially supportingtheacademywithsuchvigor thathemightnothavetocontinueto usegrantfunds.

Inadditiontotheagerequirements, participantsmusthavetransportationto andfromtheacademyeachdayand mustliveinMillsboro,althoughthey willbeacceptediftheyliveoutsideof townlimits.Theywillberequiredto writeashortessaybeforebeingacceptedintotheacademy.


“Wemovedin,sothat’sgood,”Callowaytoldthetowncouncil,referringto officersandstaffnowworkinginthe new,13,000-square-foot,$7.8million building onWestRailroadAvenue.

“WemovedinonApril8.Weare currentlyfullyfunctionalrightnow.We areworkingthroughsomebugs.It’sjust likemovingintoanewhomeandsaying,‘IwishIhaddonethat,’right?Most ofitrevolvesaroundaccess.We’regivingittimeforstafftogiveusfeedback toimprove,andtheygaveusthatfeedbackandwestartedmakingchanges


Thebasketballcourtatthepolice stationisfinishedbutwon’topenuntila fenceisinstalledarounditsoballsdon’t bounceintothestreet.



GreaterMillsboroChamberof CommerceExecutiveDirectorAnne Angel,whilepresentinghermonthlyreport,toldthetowncouncilthatthe Chamberhadasuccessfulcasino-night eventlastmonthandthatproceedswill benefittheMillsboroLittleLeague.

The annualStars&StripesFourth ofJulyeventisplannedforSaturday, June29,attheLittleLeaguefield. Angelisworkingwiththepolicedepartmenttobesureallsafetyguidelines areinplace,shesaid.


TheMillsboroTownCouncil,by unanimousvote,thisweekapproveda requestfromAlo’sImportsonRailroad StreettobreakitsleasewiththeTown earlyandhavethelastmonthofitsrent forgiven.

TownManagerJamieBurksaidthe tenantreportedlywaslookingforanother locationintheMillsboroarea.

10 CoastalPoint May10,2024 Order Online @ Daily Lunch & Dinner - Check Out Our Facebook Page NEW Happy Hour - Mon.-Fri.: Drink Specials - Noon-6 PM • Food Menu - 3-6 PM 37314 Lighthouse Road | Rt. 54, Selbyville, DE • 302-988-5000 Full Service Bar and Restaurant on the West Fenwick Waterfront World Famous Crabcakes and Bloody Marys Take-out, Dine-in, Outdoor Seating on the Beautiful Bay No Reserved Seats OFF SEASON SPECIALS Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Sunday: Philly Cheesesteak with Fries - $12 Crabcake Combos - 5 oz Crabcake w/ Chicken, Ribs or Brisket - $25 Prime Rib w/ 2 Sides - $20 2 Original Classic Crabcake Dinners with Fries, Slaw & Beignets5 oz $30 / 8 oz $45 (2-8pm) Full Rack of Ribs w/ FF & Slaw - $22 $12 Burger Burley Oak Battered Rockfish w/ FF & Slaw - $20 Steam Bowl (snowcrab legs,shrimp,clams,mussels,crawlfish & corn) $33 2 Original Classic Crabcake Dinners with Fries, Slaw & Beignets5 oz $30 / 8 oz $45 (2-8pm) Dine in with Beverage Purchase • Subject to Change/Availability/NO SUBSTITUTIONS Daily Lunch Specials BREAKFAST Mon-Thurs 9am-12pm Fri-Sun 8am-12-pm HOURS Mon-Thurs 9am-9pm • Fri-Sun 8am-9pm $10 Breakfast Specials Mon-Fri Off Season Specials Continue! LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Fil Rhythm - Sunday, 5/12 - 5-8 PM Hurricane Kevin - Wednesday, 5/15 - 5-8 PM Monkee Paw - Friday, 5/10 - 5-8 PM Bethany Beach & South Bethany Bracelets OPEN DAILY - 10AM 302.539.9334 ON THE BOARDWALK • BETHANY BEACH JEWELRY REPAIR & WATCH BATTERY INSTALLATION
Open Seven Days a Week, 10am–5pm ◆ 302.436.1848 37244 Lighthouse Rd., W. Fenwick Island ◆ GIFTS MOM WILL LOVE! May10,2024 CoastalPoint 11

TheUnitedStatesCoastGuard (USCG)StationIndianRiverInlet willhostanopenhouseonSaturday, May18.Thestationwillbeopento thepublicfrom10a.m.until4p.m. thatday.

Throughouttheday,thepublicwill beabletotourtheUSCG’slocalfleetof 47-footand29-footsearch-and-rescue boats,tourthefacility,participatein


Theroadsaffecteverybody.Theinfrastructurethatgoesthroughtown,the roads,thetown,everything.Thereare fivedifferentfingersonahand,butif theydon’tallworktogether,youcan’tuse thehand.Iwantthemtofixtheinfra-

hands-ondisplaysofUSCGlifesaving equipmentandlearnaboutboating safety.

Throughouttheday,child-friendly activitiesandpersonnelwhoworkand liveattheIndianRiverInletStation, willbeavailabletotalkabouttheCoast Guard’smissionsandrespondtoquestions.First-respondersfromthe DelawareStatePoliceandLewesFire

structure.Theyneedanotherwater tower.Itisn’tsufficient,”shesaid,adding thattruckscarryinglivepoultryto MountaireFarmsjusteastofMillsboro can’tbeforcedtousethenewbypass, nowunderconstructionjustnorthof town,andthetrucksmightstill travel throughdowntown.

“Ithinkthefirstthingweneedtodo istocomeupwithaplan—asix-

Departmentwillprovidepoliceandfire safetyeducationandinformation,along withhands-onfirst-responderequipmentdisplays.

AccordingtoBM1Bradley Drebushenko,IndianRiverInlettrainingofficer,“TheIndianRiverStation Open HouseisthefirstsinceCOVID, andwearehopingpeoplewillturnout tolearnmoreabouttheCoastGuard

monthplan,athree-yearplan,afive-year plan.IwantedtorunbecauseIwantto makesureeverybodycanvoteinevery district.Ithinkitshouldbemuchmore inclusiveandeverybodyshouldbeinformedabouteverything.Reportershave tobeinformedsotheycankeepthe readersinformed,andtheresidents.Residentsshouldknowwhensomethingis goingtohappen.

andhowweprepareandconductsearch andrescue,aidtoboaters,boatingsafety andrelatedmissions.”

Aspartofthisday-longevent,a USCGrecruitingteamwillbeon-site forthoseinterestedinlearningmore aboutUSCGcareers.

Formoreinformationaboutthe event,contactBM1Drebushenkoat (302)227-2440.

“IntheneighborhoodwhereIlive, myneighborsareintheir80s.Fourof themareintheir90s.AndwhenItell themthingsthatarehappeninginthis town,theyareshocked.Itoldthem aboutthebypass,thatwewon’tbeable toforcethosetruckstotakeit.Youare goingtohavetoworkwithMountaire,” D’Silvasaid.

D’SilvaandMcKeewilldiscusstheir platformsandanswerquestionsata meet-the-candidatesforumat5:30p.m. onThursday,May30,attheGreater MillsboroChamberofCommerce. Hudsonwashiredasaconsultantto helptheTownasitworksthroughdecisionsabouthiringafull-timetown manager.

Hudsonservedastownmanagerfor Millsboroand,mostrecently,Smyrna, andhasnowstartedaconsultingbusinessinwhichhehopestoworkwith townsinsimilarsituationstoFrankford’s.

ThecouncilconsultedwithHudson frequentlythroughoutthemeeting,particularlyregardingtheTown’seffortsto securestatefundingforTownprojects, inc ludingimprovementstotownhall andthetownpark,aswellaspotential newvehiclesforthepoliceandmaintenancedepartments.

Hudsonatonepointadvisedthe council,“Don’tbeshy”whenapplying forstatefunding.

“It’sbeengreathavingsomeone workingonmovingusforward,”Town CouncilPresidentGregWelchsaidas heintroducedHudsononMonday night.

Thecouncilheardconcernsfrom severalresidentsregardinganongoing problemwithyouthsridingdirtbikes and four-wheelersontownstreets,often athighratesofspeed.

“It’sdifficulttotakecareof,because youcan’tchasethem”duetothedanger ofcausinganinjury,Welchsaid.

PoliceChiefKevinSmithsaidhehas “triedtostopafewofthem.”

CouncilMemberKyleQuillensaid hehasseen“quitealot”moredirtbikes intownlatelyandthatit’sdifficultto identifysomeoftheoperatorsbecause theywearfacecoverings.

“Idon’twanttoseeanybodyget hurt,”Quillensaid.

12 CoastalPoint May10,2024 @hurricane martial arts 302-732-9097 HURRICANE MARTIAL ARTS GRAND REOPENING & RIBBON CUTTING MONDAY, MAY 20TH - 5:30-6:30PM 33262 MAIN ST., DAGSBORO Outdoor Games • Bounce House Light Refreshments • Martial Arts Demonstration Free Membership Giveaways Frankford Continuedfrompage8

Editorial Columns



CoastalPointencourages theexchangeofideas. Letterstotheeditormustbe signedbytheauthorwith phonenumberincludedfor purposesofverification.

Editorial Thestaff


Ifyou’vecalledtheCoastalPointatanytimeoverthepast18-plus years,orwalkedintheofficetoplaceayardsaleorclassifiedad,chances areyouhaveencounteredJaneJohnsonsittingatthefrontdesk.

Shemighthavesavedacopyofthepaperforyouthatyouwerelookingfor,orputasideabundleforyoutodelivertoyourorganizationor neighbors,orhelpedyouplaceanadforyourchurchservices.Ormaybe youjustcameinlookingfordirectionstoadoctor’sofficeinthearea, wantedtoadvertiseyourcontractingbusinessorwerelookingtotalk withareporterbecauseofastoryideayou’vehadinyourheadfora while.

Asasortofjackofalltrades,Janehasprobablyhelpedpointyouto whereyouneedtoget.Shehaswornalotofhatshere,rangingfromher salesresponsibilitiestooffice-managerdutiestocirculationconcernsto


Well,Janehasnowbegunanewchapterinherlifeandhasmoved onfromtheCoastalPoint.WewereveryfortunatetobringinJessica Heppdingtofillthatspot,andwe’reextremelyconfidentthatyouwill findJessicaeasytoworkwith,smartandmorethanequippedtoansweryourquestions.Inshort,wearethrilledtobewelcomingJessicato theteam.

ButwewillmissJaneaspartoftheCoastalPointfamily.We’llmiss herdependability,abilitytoserveaplethoraoffunctionsandthe“dad jokes”shesharedwithoureditorovertheyears.Inshort,we’llmissher. Didwementionthatalready?

So,fromallofustoyou,Jane:Wewishyoutheverybestlifehasto offerandlookforwardtohearingaboutyournextadventures.



Getinthecar.Writethenote.AnswertheZoom.Whateveryouhavetodo.Ifyou’vebeenmeaningtomakecontact withsomebodyimportantinyourlife,andyoujusthaven’t foundthetimetodoit—well,doit.

It’snocoincidencethatthissubject isfrontofmindformeasMother’sDay approaches.ThisismythirdMother’s DaysinceIlostmymomtocancer,and thisisthethirdMother’sDaysinceI lostmymomtocancerthatIfeelan openwoundinmysoul.

Point of No Return


I’dliketosayitgetseasier,butit’s hardtosaysowithoutbeingableto transportmyselftohowIfeltafewyearsago.Idoknowthat itstillhurts.Aton.IknowthatImissherallthetime,and thatiteatsatmethatmydaughtergotcheatedoutofwhat shouldhavebeenamountainofspecialmemoriesbetween thetwo.Iwishshe’dhavebeenabletogettoknowtheperson thisincrediblelittlegirlisturninginto,andwatchmybride blossomintoamotherwholeavesmeinstunnedawetime aftertime.

Justonemoreconversation.Isthattoomuch?I’dloveto hear hercomplainaboutwhateveritwasthatmanagedtoget underherskinonthatparticularday,orhersynopsisonthe fiveorsixbooksshehappenedtoreadthatweek,andwhat languagetheyhappenedtobewrittenin.Iwanttohearabout howshesawthecutestlittledogwhenshewasatlunchwith herfriends,orhowsheflippedoffateenagerwhotriedto stealherparkingspaceatthemall.


Butthat’sacallthatwon’tbeanswered.Thesandhasfilteredthroughtheproverbialhourglass,andourtimetogether onthisspinningglobeisover.There’snohitting“Reset”and startingover.There’sno“Bonus”conversationIcanwin throughthelottery,andshecan’tsimplyforgivemeintoa secondchance,asshehadsomanytimesbefore. Andsuchisthenatureoftimeandrelationships.Itgets awayfromus,despiteourverybestofintentions.I’velearned onFacebookofthedeathoffriendsI’veknownformorethan 40 years—andnearlyeverysingletimeImetaphoricallykick myselffornotreachingouttothemtoconnectonamore personallevelthansimply“Liking”apictureofthenewadditiontheyputontheirhouseortheirlatestvacation.

Justme?AmItheonlyonewhoalwaystellshimselfhe’s goingtomakecontactwithsomebody,onlytothensuggest

Manyofyouhadtheopportunitytomeetourformer graphicartistBobBertram.HewasastalentedanartistasI’ve everhadtheopportunitytoknow,abrilliantmarketingwizard andamanagerwhoearnedtheloveandrespectofeveryone whoworkedunderhiminourartdepartmentformanyyears.Healsohappenedtobeoneofthekindest,gentlest peopleI’veevermet,andhewasthe kindofguywhomadeyoufeellikejust aboutthemostimportantpersoninthe worldwheneveryouspokewithhim. Hewasknownforgivinglittlegifts topeopleallthetime—thespecial kind thathitauniquelypersonalnotewiththegiftee.His deathafewyearsagowasagutpunchtoourentireoffice,and allthosewereachedouttowhohadmovedontonewchaptersinlifebythen.I’mnottryingtogetoverlydramatichere, butitshatteredusonahumanlevel.

Youknowwhateveryonewassayingheretooneanother, betweentears?

“IwishIhadcalledhimyesterdaywhenIwasthinkingof him.”


Bob’ssuperpowerwasthathedidcontinuetoreachout, until henolongercould.Heneverallowedtimeordistanceor otherdemandstointerferewithwhatheconsideredtobe mostimportantinhislife:relationshipsandappreciatingthe humanbeingsinthoserelationships.

AndIdowishIcouldcallhimjustonemoretime.AndI alsowishthatIwouldhavecalledhimjustonemoretime whileIstillcouldhave.Ijustcan’t.

ButIcanlearn.Weallcanlearn.Welearnthatweneedto juststopandmaketheeffort.Doyouhavethatpersonin yourlifethatyoukeeptellingyourselfyouneedtocontact, butyoujustneverseemtofindthetime?

Makethecall.Writethenote.Whateveryouhavetodo. DoyouplanoncallingyourownmotherthisMother’s Daytothankherforeverythingshe’sdoneforyou?Doit. Heck,doittoday,andthencallheragainonSunday. Reachouttothatfriendthatmovedawayafewyearsago, orthepersonyouranaroundwithinhighschool.Lookupa teacherorcoachwhoimpactedyourlifeasayouth—it’seasier nowthaneverthankstotheinternet.Butdoitnow. Today.
















TheCoastalPointispublishedweeklyat 111AtlanticAve.,OceanView,DE19970. Themailingaddressis: P.O.Box1324, OceanView,DE19970. Phone:302.539.1788. Fax:302.539.3777. Deadlineforadvertisingandnewssubmissions is5p.m.Monday.Alladvertisementscreatedby theCoastalPointarepropertyofCoastalPointLLC, andcannotbereplicatedwithoutpermission.

May10,2024 Page13

StaffColumn Reporterpensanopenlettertomother


Aretherelaptopsinheaven?Ibet thereare,andsteamingcupsofsweetenedcoffee,newspapersstillwarmfrom thepressandpuppieswhonevergrow old.Allmyfavorites.

I’maskingaboutlaptopsbecauseI longtowritetoyouandreceivereplies asIseekyouradvice,shareeverydayjoys andturntoyouforconsolationasIdid duringthe51yearsIhadyouhere.As Mother’sDayapproaches,Iremember yourmanylessons—thestrongestthat, ironically,hadnowords.WhenIwasa preschoolerafraidofthedentist,Igot couragefromtheconfidentwayyou squeezedmyhand.Yourraisedeyebrow remindedmetherewouldbenotalking, nononsense,duringSundayMass.

AndafterSundayMass,mygoodness,thesimplelunchyouquietly served—bubblinghomemadetomato saucespoonedoverfreshItalianbutteredbreadawedgeofsharpcheese,a handfulofolives,acoldCoke.It’sstill one ofmyfavorites,althoughwhenI

makeit,Ican’tquitegetittotastelike yours.Mysagestuffingisprettyclose, andbakedartichokes,butsomethingis missing.

SomethinghasbeenmissingsinceI saidgoodbyetoyouonSept.19,2009, 16monthstothedayafterDaddytook hisfinalbreath.IrememberwhenIhad totellyou,“Mum,Daddyhasdied,” howyouquicklydrewinyourbreathas thoughyouhadbeenstruck.Yourwords wereanexhaustedexhale:“Oh,dear Lord.”

Formonthsafterwardyourepeated, “Idon’twanttotryanymore,honey.I justwanttobewithyourfather.”


After62yearsofmarriage,thetwo ofyouwereinseparable.Howcouldyou notbe?Hewasadelight,alwaysjoking, carryingyourpurseashetookyourarm whenyoufounditmoreandmoredifficulttowalk.

“Loveyouraccessory,”I’dtease,and he’dpuckerandmime,swinginghis headfromsidetosidelikeamodelon therunwayandsay,“Oh,thankyou,my dear.Itmatchesmyshoes.”

In yourlastdays,asIsatbesideyour

bedholdingyourhand,you’dawaken andcallmebyhisname.

“Phil,willyougetmeadrink?Philip, stayherewithme.Don’tleave,”you’d mumble,andI’dtellyou,“Mum,that’s quiteanhonortobecalledbyhis name.”

AndthenyoubothweregoneandI —agrownwomanwithamaster’sdegree,acomfortablelittlecottageinthe woods,aheavilywoodedyard,adogI adoredandasolidcareer—crumbled.I wasavulnerabletoddleragain,lostin themall,screamingformymumbecauseshewasmyworld.

Yet,inmanyways,youarehere.Isee youintreeswhenbreezesgentlymove theirbranches,inredcardinalsthat perchonlawnchairs,theirtinyheads cocked;inthesunrisingovertheocean thatdrawsmetoitsshore.Youarea solidnodofreassurance,areminderto remainfaithfulevenwhentheworldhas upended.

Ithinkofyousaying,“If,”asyou begantoquoteyourfavoriteRudyard Kiplingpoem.

“Ifyoucankeepyourheadwhenall about you,Arelosingtheirsandblam-

ingitonyou,Ifyoucantrustyourself whenallmendoubtyou,Butmakeallowancefortheirdoubtingtoo; “Ifyoucanwaitandnotbetiredby waiting,Orbeingliedabout,don’tdeal inlies,Orbeinghated,don’tgivewayto hating,Andyetdon’tlooktoogood,nor talktoowise…Ifyoucanfilltheunforgivingminute,Withsixtyseconds’ worthofdistancerun,Yoursisthe Earthandeverythingthat’sinit,And —whichismore—you’llbeaMan, my son!”

Atyourfuneral,wereadthatpoem. Thereweresongs,thehymn“Inthe Garden”—theoneyourmother,for whomIamnamed,loved—“Ave Maria”sunginLatin.Thepriestprayed. Therewasablessing.Itwasover.

Thenextday,Idrovetothelittle saltboxhouseyouandDaddymadeso welcoming,andyourdarkbluesweater wasstillonthebackofthediningroom chairwhereyouleftitthedayItook youtothedoctorandheadmittedyou tothehospitaltotrytogettheravages ofseverediabetesundercontrol.

See MOTHERpage15

14 CoastalPoint May10,2024 Huge selection of the best brands! FREE In-Home Consultations &Estimates BUDGETBLINDS.COM • 302.856.6799 Professional Installation Custom Window Coverings Shutters • Draperies • Blinds • Shades Each Franchise is Independently Owned and Operated *At participating franchises only. 2024 Budget Blinds, INC. All Rights Reserved. Each franchise is independently owned and operated. Budget Blinds is a registered trademark of Budget Blinds, INC. and a Home Franchise Concepts Brand HOME & GARDEN 302.732.6159 Mon-Sat • 10-5 | Sun • 10-4 –31854 James Lowe Lane, Frankford Mother’s Day Sale! All Jewelry & Clothing 20% Off Thurs-Sat, May 9th-11th Gift Basket SALE Themed Gift Baskets for Any Occasion! Fri & Sat, May 10th-11th 9am–4pm Karen h Bryner Located Off of Rt 17 & Burbage Road. Next to Beach Storage at Townsend LLC 34745 burbage road, frankford, DE Sasha’s Jewels, LLC JEWELRY REPAIR • CUSTOM DESIGNS & APPRAISALS Jewelry BUY• SELL TRADE Why consign? Immediate payment for your items. You will be treated like family & given individual attention. Gemologist (302) 296-6909 202GumboroRd,Selbyville,DE OpenThurs,Fri,Sun12-4orByAppt. Saturday3-8


Readerremindsus ofPeaceOfficersday


Wednesday,May15,isPeaceOfficersMemorialDayintheUnited States.InOctober1962,President JohnF.Kennedysignedalawdesignatingthisdateasanationalobservance. Eachyearsince,thepresidentshave madeaproclamationtohonorthemen andwomeninlawenforcementthat havelosttheirlivesorbeeninjuredin thelineofduty.Governmentagencies arerequestedtolowertheUnited Statesflagtohalf-mast,andIencouragethepublictoobservethisdaywith eventsthathonortheirsacrifice.

AsofAprilthisyear,55U.S.officershavebeenkilled,accordingtothe OfficerDownMemorialPage.There havebeen26,611all-timein-line-ofdutydeathsintheU.S.Foragood civicslessonfortheyoung,lookup




Thisweekend,itwillbe15years sinceIlastspentMother’sDaywith

moreinformationonPeaceOfficer MemorialDay.Whatcanyoudoto showyourappreciationtoyourlocal lawenforcementagenciesandboost morale?

•Asanindividualorgroupyoucan sendacard/letterofcommendationor supportofthelawenforcementagency orofanindividualofficertotheirHQ.

•Encouragelocalschoolstogivea civicslessonormorningannouncementtoinformtheirstudentsabout thisnationaleventtorememberand honorthelawenforcementofficers whohavegiventheirlivesintheline ofduty.

•Whatismostimportant,ifyou seeapoliceofficer,thankapoliceofficer.


Lodge 16

you.Now,everyyear,whenjewelry storesandflowershopsstartadvertising thatMother’sDayiscoming,Imutethe volume.It’stoohard.

Mum,ifyourunintoSt.PeterbehindthePearlyGates,andhehasalaptop,borrowitandwritetome.Notthat it’snecessary.Iknowyou’realwayswith

Curranvoiceshis oppositiontoHB350

Editor’snote:Thefollowingletterwas addressedtostateRep.RonGray(R-38th) andwassenttotheCoastalPointforpublication.

MynameisWalterF.Curran,andI amacitizenofOceanView.Iamwritingtodaytoexpressmyoppositionto HouseBill350(HB350)initscurrent formandaskthatyouworkwithhospitalleaderstodevelopabettersolution torisinghealthcarecoststhatallows hospitalstoretaintheirlocaldecisionmaking abilities.

OneofthethingsIvaluemostabout livinginSussexCountyistheclose-knit senseofcommunity.Here,friendsand neighborslookoutforoneanother.This commitmenttooneanotherextendsto localhealthcare.Anyonewhohasever


me.Youareinmyeverythought,the bestofmymemories.OtherthansputteringexpletivesIlearnedfromworking innewsroomsformorethan40years,I hopeIammakingyouproud.(Sorry aboutthosewords.)

Myheartisinfusedwithyourlove, Mum.Italwayswillbe.Love,Susan

Tim Sax ov t V Voveris, previous Mayor Pa Dik Ol orsed by: xton, Current Mayor veris, , , and Don Boteler iver Council members

former Tim Sha and I will Bethany charm. own an T Town and Joe Con Our

em: , Mayor Pro T Tem: aw , Bob Randy ess in South ogre pr l continue to mak while maintaining its small-town or the e committed to work f e ar W nd its people. , Planning Commission Lead nway

ransparency tions & T Transpar ve Communica ystem torm Drainage S e S r t Hill Flooding ork Road & Ca Y e Canals e & Revitaliz & Budget the Long Range Plan or 2050 own Resiliency f e T Town eyond owns

May10,2024 CoastalPoint 15 OTE FO Continued Pr ough ss Thr SOUTH BET V Y h S ng Leadership in THANY W ON MAAY 11 OR TEAM SHA
2025/2026 Goals:
Bay S own Sa ove T Town cantly Impr f Tim Shaw riends o or by F Paid f
to Restart w/ Coastal T
B Randy Bartholomew te Councilman Candida reasurer ent T Tr Curr Balanced Budgets Established und e F infrastructur w Tim Sha t Mayoral Candida o T ent Mayor Pr curr Computer Science P Entrepreneur, 2 terms on Counc and Be • eam w T Team Back B • Significantly Impr Bob Shields te Councilman Candida oven eteran with Pr vy V Na Leadership Skills e, Tem, PhD, cil Fresh, Local Seasonal Cuisine 84 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean View, DE 19970 Call 302.539.Café (2233) The Beach’s Premier Boutique Restaurant R e s e r v a t i o n s O n l y We Recommend Booking Your Reservation 1-2 Weeks In Advance Mother’s Day Dinner Fully Booked Current Hours Thursday-Sunday • 5-9pm Now Open Sundays!
• Improv • Restor • Solve Y • Dredge • Refine • Ensure d

beencaredforbythedoctorsandnurses atBeebeHealthcareunderstandsthat theyworkdayinanddayouttotruly understandourcommunity’sevolving healthneedsandprovidethehigh-qualityservicesnecessarytoensurethose needsaremet.

Beebealsounderstandsthathealthcaredoesn’tjustmeanservicesthatare providedinsideahospital.In2023 alone,Beebeprovided$160millionin communitybenefits,includingservices likefreeorreducedmedicalcare,behavioralhealthservices,communityoutreacheffortsandfoodprogramsthat providecommunitymemberswithdayto-dayessentials.Shouldthisbillpassas itcurrentlystands,Beebemaynotbe abletofundthesecrucialprograms, whichonlyfurtherharmsourmostvulnerablecommunitymembers.

Bytransitioninghospitals’budgetary decision-makingtothestatelevel,HB 350willstripBeebeandotherproviders ofthepowertoallocateresourcesbased ontheuniqueneedsofthecommunities theyserve.AsresidentsofSussex County,wewanttoberepresentedby thosewholiveandworkalongsideus, whounderstandwhoweareandwhat weneedtostayhealthy.

Asahealthcareconsumer,Iunderstandthatrisingcostsareunsustainable. Butwecannotadequatelyaddressthis

issuewithoutaddressingtheroleof drugcompaniesandinsurancecompaniesindrivingupprices.Thisiswhy Beebeisopentocollaboratingwith Senateleadershiptocometoanagreement onabillthataddressesrising costs,bringstogetherallthenecessary playersandallowshospitalstheflexibilitytoaddresstheircommunity’sneeds.

Asweworktowardacommongoal ofdeliveringhigh-quality,accessible healthcaretoeveryoneinourstate,it’s moreimportantthanevertopreserve ourlocaldecision-makingabilitieswhile webringtogetherallthenecessarypayerstodevelopacomprehensivesolution.

Furthermore,Ihavelivedlong enough andwitnessedfederalandstate bureaucracyenoughtoknowthat wheneverthegovernmentsticksits handintoprivatebusiness,itruinsit. Quicklyorslowly,theresultisthesame.

ForallthereasonsI’vestatedabove,I askthatyouvoteagainstHB350asit currentlystands.


BBVFC-Athankful forsupportwithevent


OnSaturday,April27,theBethany BeachVolunteerFireCompanyAuxiliary(BBVFC-A)hadaPancakeBreakfast atTheSaltedRim.KarenFritzand TammyPoehoitzdidamazingfood

preparation,andthepatronslovedthe cheesyeggs.

Weweresofortunatetohavethis andothergenerousbusinessestohelpus supportourcommunity.Karenand Tammykeptourteamrunning smoothly.Allguestswerewelcomed outsidebySparky,ourmascot,whois AuxiliarymemberScottResnick.Our famous1952firetruck,ourfirstnew truckboughtbytheBethanyBeachFire Company,wasbroughtbyKenNittaly, who makeshimselfavailableforallof ourevents.Kencomestouswithmany yearsoffireservice.

Themembersofthefirehouseauxiliaryalwaysmakethemselvesavailablein everywaypossibletomakeagreatsuccessofanyoftheeventsthatwesponsor.


•June1—LookforussellingTshirtsattheSeasideCraftShowonthe BethanyBeachboardwalk.

•June2throughSept.8—Every Sunday,sellingT-shirtsattheFarmer’s Market.

•Sept. 14—attheBethanyBeach FireHouse,2-7,forourShrimpBoil. Wewillbesellingticketsinadvance.

•Oct.12—ArtisanFestivalat BBVFCFireHouse,whichisabig eventinthefall.

Lookforfurtherannouncements aboutourBBVFVC-Auxiliaryandall oftheeventswepartakein.

SandraR.McGrath,Publicity BethanyBeachVolunteerFireCompany


TheDNRECandGovernor’sOffice representatives,andMikeDunmeyer, U.S.Wind,presentedaccurate,factual informationaboutthewindenergyregulatoryprocess,economicbenefits,impacts,protections,andongoingreviews andstudies.PowerPointslideswere usedforpeopletorefertoandhavefor futurereference.

Next,theaudienceheardfromGeoffreyPohanka(cardealer)andDave Stevenson,fromtheCaesarRodneyInstitute, m.TheydidnotprovidePowerPoints, referencesorwrittendocumentationfor whattheysaid.

PohankaandStevensonarewellknownopponentsofwindenergy.They thriveonbeingvocaldeniersofclimate changeandsea-levelrise,receivingloud cheersofsupporteventhough,inmy opinion,almosteverythingtheysaid was factuallyincorrect,biasedorbased onissueselsewhereinthenationor worldthatdonotapplytoourarea.

Readerweighsin onwindmeeting


OnMay1,2024,Iattendedthe “OffshoreWindCommunityMeeting” sponsoredbySen.GeraldHockerand Rep.RonGrayintheIndianRiver HighSchoolauditoriuminDagsboro. Themeetingwaswell-attended,with severalhundredpeoplenearlyfillingthe

Iwasstunnedattheenthusiasmwith whichtheydeceivedtheaudience.They claimedthatfloodingisnotincreasing inDelawarecoastalcommunities,or anywhereintheUnitedStates,thatsealevelriseisbogusandspeculative,and thatthejuryisoutonclimatechange. Pohankastatedthathehasseennoevidenceofsea-levelriseorincreasesin flood frequencyortheamountoffloodwater.Theyassertedthathomevalues willdecreasebyasmuchas30percent, basedupondatafromonshorewind towerswithin1to3milesofproperties. BothspeakersarguedthatDelaware shouldnotapprovetheinstallationof cablefromthetowersanddenysitinga powerfacilityinSeashoreStatePark. Instead,theysupportstickingwithoil, gasandcoal.


16 CoastalPoint May10,2024 Saturday, May 18th 9 AM –2 PM • In Our Field (Rain Date: May 19th Same Time *Weather permitting) 31806 Good Earth Lane, Ocean View, DE 19970 302.537.7100 |
Come out and support over 40 of your favorite local artists! Glass art, jewelry, wood, fabric art, pottery, candles, clothing, furniture, rugs, purses, totes, photography, sea glass, body products, lavender, all kinds of artwork and more Food and beverages available in the field, at Good Earth Restaurant and at our new restaurant Flavor! Plenty of Free Parking Available Beach Camp! June July August Grades 1-5 9am-3pm $30/Day EXP Realty Building 900 N. Penn Ave. ( A Block Off the Beach) Dare to Be Awesome! Ball Games in the Morning; Beach in the Afternoon Lunch & Learning in the Middle MDALLSTARSBG@GMAIL.COM Secure Your Spot Now! KIDKAMP.ORG Starts Memorial Day Weekend! Where the Only Screen is Sunscreen Letters Continuedfrompage15 SeeLETTERSpage20

Lightship Cove is nestled amid permanently protected farmland in Milton, close to beautiful coastal Delaware beaches but tucked away where quiet nature surrounds you. Schedule an appointment with our sales team today to start building your new life in a Schell Brothers home.

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Inthisworld,nothingis certain,exceptdeathandtaxes. However,thereisaninstance whereyoucansaveyourselfa significantamountonthetax front.Atax-deferredexchange, or1031Exchange,isthesale ofaninvestmentproperty wherethefundsareimmediatelyappliedtowardsthepurchaseofanewinvestmentproperty.

Thegoalissavingincapitalgainstaxes,which aretaxesassessedontheincreaseinvalueinthe property.Whatmanypeoplefailtorealize,asI haveseenplayoutevenaslateasattheclosing table,isthatdodgingUncleSamrequiresplanning wellinadvance.

Shouldyouwishtoconductatax-deferredexchange,youarerequiredtohavea1031intermediaryinplacebythetimeyousellpropertyA.The proceedsofsalearesenttotheintermediaryto holduntilclosingoccursonpropertyB.Thereare strictrequirementsinplace,suchaspropertiesyou havetoidentifyaspossiblepurchaseswhenclosing occursonpropertyA,andasettimelineforwhen youhavetocloseonpropertyB.Besuretoconsult witha1031intermediaryandyouraccountant shouldthisbeanavenueyouareexploring.



Atax-deferredexchange, alsoknownasa“1031Exchange,”isaprocessbywhich youcansellaninvestment propertyandusetheproceeds topurchaseanewinvestment propertywhiledeferringcapitalgaintaxes.Normally,when yousellaproperty,youpay taxesonthegain(profit).A1031Exchangelets youavoidpayingtaxesonthesalebyrollingthe proceedsintothepurchaseofanotherproperty.

Thepropertymusthavebeenusedforinvestmentorbusinesspurposes,soaprimaryorvacationhomedoesnotapply.Thereareimportant considerationstokeepinmind,violationsof whichcanscuttlethedealandresultinaheftytax bill.First,youmustretaina“QualifiedIntermediary.”TheQIisathirdpartythatholdstheproceedsfromthesaleandtransfersthemoneyfor thepurchase.Iftheproceedstouchyouraccount, theyarespoiledandtaxesaredue.Two,youhave 45daysfromthesaleofthepropertytoidentify uptothreepropertiestopurchase.Three,youhave 180daysfromthesaleofthepropertytosettleon thenewproperty.


DanConway Scott&Shuman,P.A. (302)537-1147

Atax-deferredexchange, alsocolloquiallyreferredtoas a“like-kindexchange”or“1031 Exchange,”isawaytodelay thepaymentofcapitalgainson thesaleofrealestate.Loosely, ifyouownrealestatethathas beenrentedasaninvestment property,thenyoumustpay taxesonthe“gain”whenyouselltherealestate. Unliketheprimaryresidenceexemptionunderthe IRScodeforprimaryresidences,youdonothave anautomaticexemptionuptoacertaindollar amountwhenthepropertyissold.

Atax-deferredexchangeallowsyoutoreinvest yourproceedsintoanotherinvestmentproperty, andyouareexcludedfrompayinggainsifyou meetalltherulesrequiredbytheIRS.Insome cases,peopleareabletosellandreinvestovera lifetimeand,uponpassingaway,thebeneficiaries mayusetheestatetaxexemption,aswellasthe steppedvalue,forcapitalgainswhentheysellthe realestate.Thisisalotoftaxsavingsoveralifetime.

Atax-deferredexchangemustutilizeanintermediarytoreceiveproceeds.Ifyouareconsidering atax-deferredexchange,thenyoumustconsult withataxspecialistandhireanintermediary.


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-Alyssa and Andy

© 2023 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved. All information is subject to change without notice. May10,2024 CoastalPoint 19



TheDelawareStatePolicethisweek wereinvestigatingasingle-vehiclecrash thatoccurredSaturdaymorning,May4, inMillsborothatleftonemandead.

AccordingtotheDSP,onMay4, around7:08a.m.,a2002ToyotaCelica GTSwastravelingsouthboundon ParkerRoad,approachingasharpcurve northofFiremansRoad.Policesaid theirpreliminaryinvestigationrevealed theToyotawastravelingatanapparent

highrateofspeedandfailedtonegotiate thesharpcurve,whichcauseditto exittheeastedgeoftheroadway.After itexitedtheroadway,theysaid,theToyotaoverturnedmultipletimesthrough anopenfield,duringwhichtheunrestraineddriverwasejectedfromthecar.

Thedriver,FernandoFernandez,22, ofFrankford,waspronounceddeadat thescene.


duetofillingoflotsandsoilsaturation. Thisfloodingismadeexponentially worsebyclimatechangeandsea-level rise.


TheDelawareStatePoliceTroop7 CollisionReconstructionUnitcontinuedinvestigatingtheincidentthisweek. TroopersareaskinganyonewhowitnessedthiscrashtocontactM.Cpl.K. Argobycalling(302)703-3264.InformationmayalsobeprovidedbycontactingDelawareCrimeStoppersat 1-800-847-3333.

theWashingtonPostpublishedanarticlethatissimilartomanyIhaveseen latelypredictinga3-to18-inchsealevelriseinDelaware.Dozensofother articlesandbooksIhaveread,and40 yearsofresearchbyfederalagencies, makeaconvincingcaseforclimate changeandsea-levelrisebasedupon scienceandstudies.Coastalcommunitiesmustprepareforincreasedflooding, notdenyitlikePohankaandStevens. IpurchasedahomeonWiegand LaneinBethanyBeachin2009.Back then,thestreetonlyfloodedacouple timesayear.Now,thereisstanding water20to30percentofthetimefrom LoopCanalstormsurgecausedbyall thedevelopmentaroundtheSaltPond andthecanalsilting-in,andfrom pondingstormwaterthatcannotdrain

Forme,itisnotaboutbeingrightor somesortofintellectualcompetition. It’saboutscienceandfactsandplanning to protectourcommunities,naturaland culturalresources,andpeople.Touse misinformationtolullpeopleintoa falsesenseofsecurityisirresponsible.

Sororitygrateful forsupport


ThePreceptorOmegaChapterof BetaSigmaPhisororitywouldliketo extendourheartfeltthankstoSoDel Conceptsforsupportingourgroup’s communityserviceefforts,byhostinga

dine-and-donateatCottageCaféin BethanyBeach,onApril24. WesoappreciatethegenerousdonationfromSoDelConcepts,aswellas thewarmandenthusiasticwelcomeextendedtousbymanagerRickHaney andtheentireCottageCaféstaff.And specialthanksaswelltoallofthediners whocameoutthatdaytoenjoyThe Cottage’sgreatfoodanddrink!

Alltheproceedswereceivedfrom thedine-and-donateandour50/50rafflewillbeinvestedrightbackintoour localcommunity,throughourscholarshipfundandotherformsofdirectassistance So,thanksonceagaintoSoDelConceptsforyourgenerosity,andtoeveryonewhocameouttosupportour efforts!

SistersofPreceptorChapter BetaSigmaPhi OceanView

20 CoastalPoint May10,2024 . C J ——INTE YEA E 100 COTT ONN S — FURNITURE & FINE ERIORS ANNIVER N R T —— RY Y SA S SAL Up to 50% LE % off 1953 p Chair Lee Indstries Hickory Chair - Hickor y - Hickor n Histor Moder Interiors .,ehoboth35R CamelotDrr.,R 302-227-1850 ff Chaddock Ce u y - Lillian A - - Centur ic y Chair - Highland House - EJV r Beach,DE19971 ugust - Chelsea House - MT Compan oodbrid ctor - Summer Classics - W Woodbridge - Baker Fineni Fur 6chSt.,Selb EastChur 302-436-8205 xington y - Le pan dge iture byville,DE19975 8205 Pollinator Plants Organic Herbs House Plants/Succulents Organic Soil Amendments
Cut Flowers
Decor/Gifts/Pottery Local Art
Plants Local Honey/Jam Workshops/Classes Gift Cards 302-539-1839 38320 Muddy Neck Road (2 miles from Bethany Beach) Open Mon-Sat 9-5pm/ Sun 10-3pm GARDEN


Ayoungfinwhalethatbeacheditself SundayjustnorthoftheIndianRiver InletdiedlateSundaynightandhas sincebeenburiedinDelawareSeashore StatePark,accordingtothedirectorof theMERRInstitute,amarinerehabilitationandeducationcenterinLewes.

ThewhalewasburiedMondayby stateparkstafffollowinganecropsy, whichisasurgicalexaminationofits bodytodeterminewhyitdied.

MERRExecutiveDirectorSuzanne ThurmansaidWednesdaymorningthat samples ofthewhale’stissueswillbeexaminedbyalaboratorytohelpdeterminethecauseofdeath.Shesaidshe wasabletoruleouttwothings:There wasnosignofbluntforcetraumaor parasitesonthewhale’sbody.

Thewhale,estimatedtobeabout45 feetlong,wasveryemaciated,whichindicatedthatithadbeensufferingsome sortofillnessforalongperiod,Thurmansaid.

Asvolunteers,officialsandbystandersgatheredonthebeachonSunday,manywerehopingthattheanimal couldberescued.ButThurmansaidthe creaturewasalreadypastthepoint whereitcouldbesaved.

Thewhale,ThurmansaidearlySundayevening,appeared“tobemostlyunconscious.Wearejustwaitingfor naturetotakeitscourse,whichisso hard,”shesaid.

MERRpersonnelandvolunteershad beenatthesitesincemid-morningon Sunday.Crowdsarrivingtoseethegiant animal—whichwasvisiblefromthe nearbybridge—werekeptseveralhundredfeetsouthofwhereitlayinthe surf.

TheLewes-basedMERRInstitute assistswitheducation,researchandrehabilitationofmarineanimals,includingmarinemammalsandseaturtles.

Finwhales,whicharethesecond largestwhalespeciesontheplanet,can

May10,2024 CoastalPoint 21 CEDAR SWAMP FARM & GREENHOUSES 9211 Morris Road • Bishopville, MD 21813 Phone 410.352.5370 You’ll be pleasantly surprised by our prices. 1 Acre • Family Owned • Greenhouse Open to the Public Directions from Selbyville: Turn on Hosier St. Ext. (Next to Arby’s). Follow to stop sign, turn right on Morris Rd. Greenhouses approximately 3/4 mile on right. NEW SPRING HOURS Tues–Fri 8:30–5:00 • Sat 8:30–3 CLOSED Sunday & Monday 1 mile west of Rt. 113 on the MD/DE line near Selbyville 1000's of Annuals, Perennials, Vegetables & Herbs Hanging Baskets, Containers & More Family Owned & Operated since 1985 Come see our New Pop-Up Shop LOCAL ART • VINTAGE UNUSUAL • ANTIQUE ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE 302.927.0049 On the corner, south of the stoplight 33034 Main St., Dagsboro Call or Follow us on Facebook and Instagram or email: OPEN Fri-Sun 10–4pm Old Town Thrift & Gift TheLittleStoreon theShorewithMore 302-436-6101 79W.ChurchSt.,Selbyville Wed-Sat,10am-4pm Sun,11am-3pm Closed Mon & Tues Happy Mother’s Day! 15% Off All Jewelry May 10th-12th HONESTY, DEPENDABILITY, PROFESSIONALISM, PRIDE, QUALITY All too often business will use words like these in order to gain the trust of their customers. We would like to elaborate... PHILOSOPHY We believe that strong ethical and moral principals are essential for the success and growth of any organization. You will realize this the minute you walk through our door. GOAL Our Goal is to provide you with the personalized service you deserve at a fair price. We will listen to your needs and tailor our services to meet them. INVITATION If you desire moral and ethical customer service, coupled with professionalism and quality, we encourage you to call on us! CALL TODAY to schedule your FREE Estimate Ocean Bay Plaza, Fenwick Island, De 1-800-298-9470 • 302-537-1899 HOURS: Monday – Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-4 • Closed Sundays “We Measure Each Job With A Golden Rule” CUSTOM quartz countertops! CUSTOM kitchen cabinets! CUSTOM backsplashes! CUSTOM window treatments! IN STOCK 20 MIL WATERPROOF Luxury Vinyl Plank! ARE YOU READY FOR THE SEASON? Is Ready For You! WE ARE YOUR ONE STOP SHOP! MIKE'S PROJECT MANAGERS ARE AT YOUR SERVICE! Mike’s Flooring & Design Center, FENWICK ISLAND DE. HUGE SELECTION of Floor Coverings! Up To 24 Month 0% Financing
CoastalPoint•ShaunM.Lambert OnlookersgatheredaroundthewhaleonSunday,May5. SeeWHALEpage24


Familiesinthecommunitycametogethertocelebratedifferencesand sharedhumanityatDiversityNightat SussexCentralHighSchoolonMondayevening,April29.Comingduring thefinaldaysofApril’sDiversity Month,theeventincludedLatinand Asianfoodoptions,NativeAmerican dance,andartsandcraftsrepresenting variousculturesintheIndianRiver SchoolDistrict.

“Itisreallygreattoseeallofthe familiestogethertonight,withtheparents andtheirchildrenoutforfun,”said MarisaHockman,anEnglishlanguageartsliteracycoachwithinthedistrict curriculumdepartment.“SinceAprilis DiversityMonth,it’sawonderfulway forustocelebrateallofourmanyculturesthatcompriseourregion.”

“TheUniversityofDelawareelementaryeducationprogramstudentsare heretodosomereadingsandaregiving awaychildren’sbooks,”notedHockman. “Sothatwasaniceadditiontothediversityprogramthisyear.”

“ Wearedelightedtobeableto spendtimewithourcommunity,”said JudithA.Brittingham,SCHSprincipal

Delaware Botanic Gardens

22 CoastalPoint May10,2024
Join Us As Thousands of Spring Blooms Emerge Throughout the Garden
To reserve tickets, 30220 Piney Neck Road | Dagsboro, DE 19939 Open Thurs - Sun • 9am - 4pm Adults $15 Children 16 & Under - Free Guided Tours Available Additional $10 Make Reservations Online
Photo by Stephen Pryce Lea Photo by Stephen Pryce Lea
Invasive Plants Invasives in Your Home Landscape Thursday, May 16th | 11:30 - 12:30 Register Online | $10/Person + Admission Mother's Day Event Sunday, May 12th | 9:00 - 4:00 Free admission with Food Donation for Food Bank of Delaware
Photo by Stephen Pryce Lea
CoastalPoint•MikeSmith UniversityofDelawareelementaryeducationprogramstudentsattendedIRSD’sDiversityNightatSussexCentralHighSchool. SeeDIVERSITYpage23

andformerlytheIRSD’sdirectorof specialeducationservices.“Itisveryrelaxedthisevening,andwecancometogetherinanon-stressfuldiversity program.”

“Everyschoolinthedistrictistaking onadifferentcountryrepresented withintheIRSD,andtheyaredoing somethingrelatedtoit,”saidBrittinghamoftheevent.“Wewillhostperformancesinthecafeteriahere,and therearethingsforpeopleofallagesto doinourgym.”

Shesaidthattheorganizersmade thehostingdutiessimplework.

“ Wehadateamofpeoplefromour SCHSadministrationworkingclosely withthedistrictoffice,withcurriculum teammembersJenniferLovelletteand MarisaHockmantakingthelead.Jen andMarisahavebeenamazing,and everyonehelped.Eachschoolbrought itsowncraftmaterials.”

Lovellettehadservedasamath teacherwithinthedistrictbeforejoining thecurriculumteaminEnglish-languagelearning(ELL),whichfocuseson studentsgainingmoreproficiencyin English.

“Soit’sonebigcommunityatDiversityNight,insteadofeachofusoperatingasseparateschools,”Brittingham said.

TheUniversityofDelawarebrought morethanadozenofitsstudentstothe eventtoteachliteracy.WillAnthonyis asophomoreatUD,majoringinelementaryeducation.

“Weareallteachersin‘Beginning Literacy’trainingatUD.Weusuallygo intotheelementaryschoolsforabout 30minutesatatimetoreadandtostudent-teach,”saidAnthony,whoattendedCaesarRodneyHighSchool beforecollege.“Wehavespentourfirst twoyearsjustobservingandhelpingin theclassroom,soit’sgreatforustobe abletoactuallystarttoteach.”

“Itisnew,andalsofunforus,asstudents,togetbackintotheclassroom,” saidAnthony.

TheUDvolunteersatDiversity Nightplannedtoreadtoearlylearners andnewreaders,topromoteliteracy skills.

Margarita Bar & Grille

Lunch & Dinner Specials

• Pricing & Specials subject to change without notice
Pork Burrito Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl Chicken Salad Sliders House Salad with Shrimp Steak Quesadilla Taco Salad Carne Asada Burrito Cobb Salad Crunchy Chicken Mac 'n Cheese Crab Balls Cajun Shrimp Alfredo Blacken Chicken Sandwich 12 items for $12 each, includes a beverage (coffee, tea, pepsi products) Please no shared plates • Menu Changes Weekly ~ Available for carry-out! 10 items for $20 each Crab Cake Sliders Triple Burrito Spanish Paella Shrimp & Crab Quesadilla Chicken Chesapeake Carne Asada & Shrimp Tacos Shrimp & Grits Chorizo Stuffed Pablano Peppers Twin Crab Cakes (4oz) Trifecta Live Entertainment Minutes Away from Rehoboth Beach & Ocean City Fri 5/10 Sat 5/11 Sun 5/12 • • • 5-8pm 5-8pm 4-7pm-Jack Bannon String Theory Low Country 302-537-7373 • 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville HappyHourEntertainment ON THE PATIO Fri 5/10 Sat 5/11 • • 8-11pm 8-11pmPistol Whipped Randy Lee Ashcraft & the Saltwater Cowboys LiveBands $12 5/14 $20 11:30 - 4:00 5/9 - 5/15 Please no shared plates • Menu Changes Weekly ~ Available for carry-out! NEW May10,2024 CoastalPoint 23 Diversity Continuedfrompage22 CoastalPoint•MikeSmith LatinAmericanfoodwasavailableduringDiversityNightatSCHS.
Sun-Thurs 11:30–10pm • Fri & Sat 11:30–12am

reach80feetinlength,Thurmansaid. Theyrangefrom1,500to2,000pounds perfootoflengthwhenhealthy,she said.Theyareanendangeredspecies.

Becauseofthewhale’ssizeandthe incomingtideintheafternoon,the MERRteamdecideditwouldbetoo dangeroustotrytointervene—atthat pointwiththegoalofeuthanizingit, Thurmansaid.

“Anylittlething”withananimalthat largeandthevagariesoftherollingsurf, “couldkillus,”shesaid.

itselfneartheIndianRiverInleton SundaydiedearlyMondaymorning. About20marinemedicalstaffwere on-siteonMondayatnoontoper-

Euthanizingananimalthatlarge, Thurmansaid,“wouldtakehourstoadministerthesolution,”andtheteamhad awindowofonlyabout15minutesduringthedaySundaywhentheyfeltthey mightbeabletoapproachitsafely.

“Wewouldhavetakenitifwecould have,tohelp,”shesaidoftheriskinvolved,whichwasdeemedtoohighfor themtodoanythingtohelpthestrugglingwhale,whosetailcouldoccasionallybeseenrisinghighabovethesurf. Sprayfromthewhale’sblowholeindicatedthroughoutthedaythatitwas stillbreathing,butitwasclearitwas veryillasthetidecameinlateSunday.


formanecropsyontheanimal.While theinitialcauseofdeathisbelievedto benaturalcausesandalong-termillness,whaleresearchersandmarine

couldn’tusealong-distancemethod, suchasadart,toeuthanizethewhale becausewhenwhalesareindistress, particularly,theygointo“divemode” andalloftheirbloodisdirectedfrom theirextremitiestoorganssuchastheir hearts,whichmakesitdifficulttoreach a“goodvein”toadministerthemedicationnecessarytoenditslife.

“It’sjustasituationthat’svery,very difficult,”Thurmansaid.

Someofthedozensofonlookers whogatheredonthebeachonSunday couldbeheardtalkingaboutwhalesand potentialdamagefromsonartesting beingdonebywind-farmcompanies.




liketoaddressthosecommentsdirectly, “becauseit’sbecomesopoliticizedthatI don’tliketospeaktothataspectofit,” finwhalesandthreeotherwhalespecies, includinghumpbackwhales,havebeen “declaredunderanunusualmortality event”since2016becauseofthehigher numbersthatwerenotedtobedying.

“It ’sstillongoingthismanyyears later,”Thurmansaid.

NorthAtlanticrightwhalesand minkewhaleswerealsodeclaredunder thatnotification,“wheremanymoreanimalsaredyinginashorterperiodof time.Nobodyseemedtopaythatmuch attentionotherthanus,”shesaid. “They’vebeendyingforalongtime,not justrecently.

“There’scertainlyconcernwithanything thatgoesintotheoceanthatproducesunderwaternoise,thatproduces anythinglikeradiationfromcablesor affects[naturallyoccurring]electromagneticfields…anythingthatgoesinto theoceanthathaspotentialtohavean adverseimpactontheseanimalsisof concerntous,”Thurmansaid.

However,shesaid,“Withthisanimal,that’snotwhatwe’reseeing…externally.”Shesaidshehopedthe necropsywouldprovideamoredefinitivecauseofdeath.“She’ssothinyou canseeherbones.Sothat’scausedby, usually,anunderlyingconditionthat’s beengoingonforalengthyperiodof time—notsomethingacute,likegettinghitbyaship,orbeinganykindof sonic…anyblasting,anythinglike that,”shesaid.

Althoughtherewerevisiblewounds onthewhale,Thurmansaidtheyappearedtobeabrasionsfromrubbingon thesand,ratherthancuts.

“We’lllookforeverything,”shesaid. “Wealwaysarelookingforthefacts.” By about6p.m.onSunday,volunteersmadetheirwaytothewhalealong therapidlydisappearingbeach,forthe final“shift”oftheday.Thurmansaid theteamwouldbebackatfirstlighton Mondaytoassessthesituation,hoping thatthewhale’sstrugglewouldhave endedbythen.Stateparkpersonnel wouldcontinuetomonitorthewhale duringthenight,shenoted.

“Wehopethatshewillhavepassed duringthenight,”Thurmansaid. Andithad.

Usingheavyequipment,thewhale wasthenmovedtoanareawherethe beachisbroaderthanattheinlet,where theMERRperformedthenecropsyto helpdeterminewhytheanimaldied.

Someresultswouldlikelybeavailablequickly,Thurmansaid,whileothers willhavetobeanalyzedinalabsetting. Followingthenecropsy,thewhalewas burieddeepunderthesandnearby.

24 CoastalPoint May10,2024 Stop By & See Our New Location!! Call Today to Book Your Treatment 302.537.8318 W e ’ v e M o v e d ! 32412 Dukes Drive, Millville, DE Botox | Dermal Fillers|ZO Skin Care Products Laser Hair Removal Treatment|IPL|Facials|Dermaplane Hydrafacials & Microneedling|Medical Skin Checks|Biopsies We Treat Rosacea, Acne & Other Skin Condition Morpheus (Radio Frequency) Microneedling with PRP for Skin Tightening Amanda Donaway MSN, APRN, FNP-BC Whale Continuedfrompage21 Necropsytodeterminecauseofwhale’sdeath


Researcherswereundertightdeadlinestoperformtheprocedureinbetweenlowandhightides,accordingto oneofthenaturalistsonsight.The whale’sremainsweremovedabout 100feethigherontothebeach,just northoftheIndianRiverInlet Bridge.

Aburialspacehadalreadybeen dugintotheDelawareSeashoreState Parksandclosetothedunelinesby DNRECstaff,usingalargebackhoe. Deadwhalesmaydecomposenaturallyonabeachoveraperiodof monthsandwillbefullydecomposed, exceptforthebones,withinoneyear.

“DNRECstaffhavebeenonsite monitoringthesituationsincethe youngfinwhalebeachedyesterday morningsouthoftheIndianRiver Life-SavingStationinDelaware SeashoreStatePark,”officialsnoted onMonday.“DNREC’smarinemammalresponsepartner,theMarineEducation,Research&Rehabilitation Institute(MERR),attendedthe strickenwhaleinconsultwiththeNationalOceanic&AtmosphericAdministration(NOAA).

“Marinemammalrespondersand scientistsreportedlateSundaynight

thatthewhalewasintheprocessof dying.Unfortunately,itdidnotsurvive,andanecropsywasbeingperformedonthewhaleintothelate afternoonandeveningtoday,”said MichaelGlobetti,DNRECpublicrelationsmanager,onMonday.

AccordingtoMERRInstitutestaff andvolunteersonthescene,theywere neverabletogainenoughaccessto themammaltoadministerasedative tohelpeaseitsdistress,duetoitslocationinthebreakingwaves.

TheMERRInstituteconfirmed thatabackhoeandcraneswereused topullthebeachupabout100yards higherontotheshorewhenresearchersfounditunresponsiveat dawnMonday,sothatthemarinescientistscouldperformthenecropsy procedure.

Thefinwhalewasmorethan50 feetlongandmayhaveweighedupto 50tons,ormorethan110,000 pounds.Forcomparison,astandard tractortrailervanis53feetlong.

Thepresenceofthebeachedwhale resultedintrafficconcernsattheinlet, andNaturalResourcespolicespent aboutthreehourserectingtraffic conesformorethanamilenorthof thebridgetoavoidhavingpeopleillegallyparkonRoute1.

Inaddition,manycuriousonlookerscrossedovererosion-sensitive dunestogetalookatthemassive creature.

Outdoor Bar & Patio

Open Every Day

Corn Hole, Jenga, Ring Game, Trash Can Pong

$12 Lunch Specials

Pork Burrito

Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl

Chicken Salad Sliders

House Salad with Shrimp

Steak Quesadilla

Taco Salad

Carne Asada Burrito

Cobb Salad

Crunchy Chicken Mac 'n Cheese Crab Balls

Cajun Shrimp Alfredo

Blacken Chicken Sandwich 12 items for $12 each, includes a beverage (coffee, tea, pepsi products) Please no shared plates ~ Available for carry-out!

$20 Tuesday Dinner Specials

Crab Cake Sliders

Triple Burrito

Spanish Paella

Shrimp & Crab Quesadilla

Chicken Chesapeake

Carne Asada & Shrimp Tacos

Shrimp & Grits

Chorizo Stuffed Pablano Peppers

Twin Crab Cakes (4oz)


10 items for $20 each

Please no shared plates ~ Available for carry-out!


Tuesdays @ 7pm 5/14 • “Marvel Movies” *$25 Salted Rim Gift Card Best Costume* Daily lunch, dinner and happy hour specials NEW


& the Saltwater Cowboys LiveBands

May10,2024 CoastalPoint 25 Paul
Young 35101 Wright Way Plantation Lakes Millsboro, DE 19966 3 BD 2 FULL BA, 2 HALF BA $365,000 38756 Skipjack Village Rd. Unit 11 - Salt Pond Bethany Beach, DE 19930 4 BD 3.5 BA $649,000 39078 Bayfront Dr. Quillens Point Ocean View, DE 19970 4 BD 3.5 BA $799,000 UNDERCONTRACT PLANTATIONLAKES OPENHOUSE SAT,5/1110-12 302-537-7373 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville Sun-Thurs 11:30–10pm • Fri & Sat 11:30–12am Pricing & Specials subject to change without notice
Sicari, Jenn Jones, Rich Meadows & Joanne
changes weekly Wed – T-R-I-V-I-A – 7pm GameNigh Mon – B-I-N-G-O – 6pm Thu – M-I-N-G-O – 7pm
Entertainment Tues-
11:30 - 4:00pm • *AVAILABLETO GO* Menu
4 - 9pm • *AVAILABLETO GO* Menu changes weekly
NEW...ThemedTrivia-7pm “MarvelMovies”-5/14
5/11 Sun 5/12 • •
5-8pm 5-8pm 4-7pm-Jack Bannon String Theory Low Country Happy Hour Entertainment ON TH E PATIO Fri 5/10 Sat 5/11 • • 8-11pm 8-11pmPistol Whipped Randy Lee Ashcraft


Aloveletterto coastalliving

Editor’snote:Thisisthefirstinaseriesof previewsofthehomesthatwillbeondisplay duringthe32ndBeach&BayCottageTour,to beheldvirtuallyJuly14throughAug.4and,for sixpreselectedhomes,in-persononJuly24and July25.

Theownersofthishomelovethepeacefulenergyofacoastline,whetheritbein California,FloridaorDelaware.Astheyexplained,“Thecoastjustfeelslikeaplaceyou canexhaleandenjoythesimplethingsin life.”

In2019,theychoseBethanyBeachas theircoastlineandboughtalotwithinwalkingdistancetotownandoneblockfromthe ocean.Thehomeonthelotwasbeyondrepairandhadtoberazed.Thenewbeach house,completedin2021,isaloveletterto coastallivingingeneral.

Theownersdescribetheiruncluttered aestheticascoastalwith“abitofabohofeel.” Thehomefeelsorganic,inthateachroom andopenspacewasdesignedindependently basedonlightingandcomfortbutunifiedby clean,simplelines.Onthefirstlevel,ensuite bedroomswithample-sizedclosetsand bathroomsencouragefamilyandfriendsto enjoyaspecialtimeatthebeach.Afront patio,uniquetothearea,allowstheowners toheartheoceanwhiletheymeetneighbors andofferpetswaterandtreats.

Onthesecondlevel,aninvertedfloor plantakesfulladvantageoftallceilingsand architecturaldetailstogiveanairyfeeltothe mainlivingareaandprimarybedroom.In thefamilyroom,asmalldogdoorhidden behindasofaallowstheirbelovedpetto enjoyacozy,comfortableporchwheneverhe wants.Thisspaceisalsoperfectforthe owners,theirchildren,grandchildrenand dearfriendstoenjoytheseabreezeand


Thishomeoffersamasterclassinhow besttousemirrorsasafinishingdesignelementtoadddimensionstoaspaceandcomplementexistingdecor.

Asoneofthehomeownersmentioned,“I lovemirrorsbecausetheyreflectlightina roomandofferadifferentviewofwhatever itisreflecting.”

Inaddition,large-scaleartworkthroughoutthehomedepictingfavoritebeachspots andfloraonbothcoastsissupplementedby theowners’outdoorphotography.Theocean isneverfarawayinthishome.

Thisisjustoneofthepropertiesthatwill beviewedbythosewhopurchaseticketsfor the32ndBeach&BayCottageTour.This week’shomeisoneofthesixhomesonthe 32ndTourthatwillbeavailableforin-persontoursbyholdersofCombotickets.And, likeall10homesonthe2024tour,this homewillalsobeavailabletobeseenvirtuallybyholdersofbothComboandVirtual tickets.

Eachofthe10homeswillfeatureaprofessionallyproducedvideothatwilloffer Tourpatronsanopportunitytovieweach homeasoftenastheywant,fromanywhere, duringthethree-weekvirtualtourperiod. Specialfeaturesincludebird’s-eyedrone videofootageandtheabilitytoviewthetour onanyinternet-enableddevice.

The32ndBeach&BayCottageTouris beingpresentedbyLeslieKoppandThe LeslieKoppGroup.

Comboticketscost$50,andVirtual-only ticketscost$35.Comboticketsarestrictly limitedto1,000ticketsandmaybeusedeitherdayofthetour,withasingleentrypermittedtoeachhome.Topurchaseticketsor formoreinformation,visittheCottage Tour’swebsiteat TourisproducedbytheFriendsoftheSouth CoastalLibrary.Allnetproceedsdirectly benefitthelibrary’soperations.

26 CoastalPoint May10,2024 Don’t just go to the movies. Go to the... A family friendly, historic movie theatre experience just minutes from the beach Delaware’s ONLY Classic Single-Screen Theatre! OPEN 7 NIGHTS A WEEK! Evenings at 7:00 PM Fri, Sat & Sun Matinee at 3:00 PM Open Caption Matinee Wed., 05/15 at 3 PM Advance Tickets for all shows available at: Same Day Tickets available at the Box Office 30 Mins. before showtime Box Office: (302) 732-3744 33246 Main St. Dagsboro, DE 19939 Check Our Website or Call for Current Hours 33119 Main Street Dagsboro, Delaware 19939 (302) 927-0601 Order Online @piecesonmain A Carefully Curated Mix of Old & New Furniture • Antiques Home and Kitchen Gifts • Local Art Vintage Finds Now Carrying Debi’s Design Diary DIY Furniture Paint
CoastalPoint•Submitted Thisoutdoorshowerofthistourhome featuresarepurposedsurfboard.


MicheleSalisbury—schoolnurse, innkeeperandcookinginstructor—can nowaddonemoretitletohergrowing list:cookbookauthor.

Salisbury—owneroftheSalisbury HouseatBethanyBeach,alongwithher husband,Robin—haspublishedherfirst cookbook,whichincludesabout40vegan recipes.

(Theirname,bytheway,isnotpronouncedlikethenearbyMarylandtown. It’sSALS-berry,notSAWLS-berry.)

Asaveganherself,Salisburyhasspent thepast16yearsperfectingtheartof vegancookingandnowservesagourmet, three-coursebreakfastforherguestseach morning.

“Peoplearealwaysaskingme,‘CanI havethisrecipe?’‘CanIhavethatrecipe?’” shesaidofherguestsandcookingclass participants.

So,itseemedlikethenextlogicalthing todowastomakeacookbookofherown.

“It’salotofwork!”Salisburysaid, addingthatittookheraboutayeartoput thecookbooktogether.Shepublishedthe bookherself,throughKindleDirectPublishing.

Manyoftherecipesareonesshedevelopedforthebed-and-breakfast,shesaid, admittingthatthewholeprocessofcompilingthemwasnotexactlylinear,because,well,shehadaninntorun.

“Ifinallytookallofmyscribblesand allofmywritingandtypeditup.I’mlike, ‘Oh,thisisgood.IthinkIcoulddoa book,’”shesaid.

Sunday, May 19 - 4-8pm $25PerPerson,TicketRequired

Tastings - Charcuterie Board

CoastalPoint•KerinMagill MicheleSalisburyhaspublishedacookbookfeaturingveganrecipesusingegg substitutes.

NotonlydidSalisburytestandcompilealloftherecipesinthebook,shealso tookallofthephotos.Thethemeforthe bookiseggsubstitutes.Salisburyhasperfectedtheartofusingthingslikepotatoes insteadofeggsforadeviled-eggdish,and tofuforafaux“egg”salad.Sheusesthickenerssuchaschiaseedsinpuddings,insteadofdairyproductsandotherproteins.

“Inmybakedgoods,Iusethreetablespoonsofwatertoonetablespoonof groundflaxseed,”whichproducesagelatinoussubstancethatactsasabinder,she


May10,2024 CoastalPoint 27
Chicken Shack is B ack May 1 8! Purchase Your Tickets Today! WINE TASTING with Salted Vines
½ He lp Wanted! LookingforKitchenHelp-20-25hrs. CallthePostandAskforJohnFrye,CanteenManager
MAY Events
Entertainment by David Crites


Tofuisacommoneggsubstitute, whichSalisburysaidsheusesinatofu scramble,aswellasher“eggsalad.”

Notonetorestonherlentils,Salisburysaidshehasalreadystartedworking onhernextcookbook.

“Thenextoneisgoingtobeabout snacks,”shesaid,“becausemyfriends andIlovesnacks.Whodoesn’tlovea snack?”

EachguestattheSalisburyHouse— aTuscan-stylevillasetinthewoodsnear BethanyBeach—receivesacharcuterie board“welcome”whentheyarrive,along withthethree-coursebreakfasteach morningoftheirstay.

Salisburysaidsheenjoyscomingup withthemesforherbreakfasts.Asanexample,asouth-of-the-borderbreakfast mightincludemangochiapuddingwith huevosrancherosandtresleches.

MuchoftheproduceSalisburyserves comesfromherowngarden.

“It’sjuststartingtowakeupnow,”she saidofher“kitchengarden,”whichincludesmainstayssuchastomatoesand herbs.Anothergardenincludesmore “fallharvest”typesofvegetables.

Salisburyandherhusbandboughtthe 6.5-acrepropertyin2017,builtthelarge homeandthenwereapprovedtooperate thethree-bedroominntherein2019. Theirfirstguestswerewelcomedin 2022.

Shealsoholdscookingclasses,open tosixto10peopleperclass.

“Wecook,weeat,wehavefun,we laugh.It’sablast,”shesaid.

Theinnisalsoapprovedforevents with50orfewerguests.Shesaidshehas hostedseveralretreatsforareabusinesses, andhopestohostweddingsandother eventsinthefuture.

Shesaidrecently,asshepreparedfora book-signingeventattheinn,thatshe embracedtheveganlifestylein2008 mostlyforitshealthbenefits.

“IdiscoveredthatIwaslactose-intolerant,”shesaid.Shealsodiscoveredthat “whenI’meatingmeat,Ireallydon’thave alotofenergy,”andasshecutbackon meats,“Istartedfeelingsomuchbetter. And,”shesaid.“Iloveanimalstoomuch.”

Tomakeupfornutrientsvegansdon’t getfrommeatsanddairy,Salisburysaid addsnutritionalyeastto“everything.It’s inmyeggsalad.Isprinkleitonsalads.I putitinmysoups.Iputitinmychili,” shesaid.

ButSalisburysaidshedoesn’tjudge otherswhodoeatmeat.

“Ifyoueatmeatanditworksforyou, that’sgreat,”shesaid.

Salisbury’sbook,“TheSalisbury HouseatBethanyBeach:Gourmet VeganRecipesMadewithEggSubstitutes,”isavailableatAmazon.comfor $20andcanbefoundbysearchingfor “MicheleSalisbury”and“theSalisbury House.”Formoreinformation,call MicheleSalisburyattheSalisbury Houseat(302)829-8080.

28 CoastalPoint May10,2024
• • • • • • • • Professional Service at the standard you deserve. Home • Auto • Farm • Flood • Boat & RV Renters • Commercial • Liability Over 50 Years Experience 302.539.9052 • 800.252.9052 1100 N. Pennsylvania Avenue & Coastal Highway • Bethany Beach, Delaware 19930
Salisbury Continuedfrompage27


Amongthe68talentedmenand womenwhowilldisplayandsellitems attheArtisans’FairinOceanViewon Saturday,May25,willbeBillMcGloinofMillsboro,aretiredengineer whospecializesintables,benches, charcuterieboards,wallart,winebottleholders,woodclocksandepoxyornaments.

TheArtisans’Fairwillbeheld from9a.m.to3p.m.inthecafeteria andgymatLordBaltimoreElementarySchool.Anoutdoorfarmers’marketwillbeopenfrom9a.m.to1p.m. thatday,andMcGloin—anativeof LongIsland,N.Y.,whohaslivedin Millsboroforfouryears—willbe outdoorsaswell.

Afterretiringasacockpitdesigner forNorthropGrumman,McGloinbecameinterestedinwoodworking, thinkingtohimself,hesaid,“Ihaveto dosomethingotherthanplayingsoftballandpickleballandallthatstuff.”

“SoIstartedmakingfeedingstationsfordogs,withaheadandtail andbowl.That’showIstarted.Imade quiteafewofthose,”hesaid,“thenI gotintotablesaboutthreeyearsago, andIhavebeenmakingtablesever since.Imakefoyertables.Theyaretablestousewhenyoucomeinthe door,littletablestoputpictureson,to putyourkeysdown,letterstobe mailed,”the68-year-oldsaid.

“Attheshowlastyear,Isoldalot ofcoffeetablesmadeoutof,mostly, redcedarandblackwalnut.Thatis predominantlygoodwoodtomaketablesfrom.Ilikeitbecauseit’snota job.Ijustgooutinthegarage.Ihave atwo-cargaragethatneverseescars. It’smyworkshop.Iputmusicon,and Imaketables.Ispendabout20hours aweekdoingit.IgooutthereandI listento’70srock’ n’rollandIjustget lostinit,”McGloinsaid.

Hesaidheenjoysparticipatingin theArtisans’Fairbecausehighschool studentshelpartistsunpacktheircars.

“Thatisreallycool.AndIlike doingmystuffoutside,becausetables takeupalotofspace.Iamoutside withthefoodvendorsandthefarmers’ marketstands.Everybodywasvery friendlythatwasorganizingthat show,”hesaid.

McGloin’stablesrangeinprice from$80to$400.

Often,hiswife,Paula,seesatable he’smadeandtellshimhecan’tsellit becauseshewantsit.

“Andthensheseesoneshelikes betterandsays,‘Youcantakethisold one.Ilikethisnewonebetter,’”he said.

Thecouplehasthreedaughtersand fourgrandchildren.


tablesandsellingthem,andIwant peopletobehappywiththemandto comeback,”hesaid,addingthathe sellstablesonFacebookMarketplace usingthename“bigleswood”—areferencetohischildhoodnickname.

Otherworksofartthatwillbefor saleattheshowincludeoilandwatercolorpaintings,acrylicandmixed mediaworks,photography,metalart objects,handcraftedjewelry,pottery, glass,textilesandhomedécor.Produce,foodsandgoodsforpetswillbe forsaleatthefarmers’market.

Newthisyearwillbemusicduring theevent,providedbyTheWave DragonsBand,aduoofPatrice Scully-MurrayandMichaelDrew, whowillperformfrom10a.m.to1 p.m.

“TheArtisans’Fairaccomplishes severalgoals,”ChairwomanIdaCrist said.

“Itprovidesavenueforregionalartisanstodisplayandselltheircreations.Itoffersthecommunityan opportunitytogatherforafunevent, anditraisesmoneytofurthertheeducationofareayouth.It’ssomething everyoneinthecommunitywho’s beentoitbeforeissoexcitedtosee return.

“Lastyear,whenitreturnedaftera three-yearabsenceduringCOVID,we gottremendousfeedbackabouthow wonderfulitwastohaveitbackagain. Thereissomethingforeveryone, whethertheyarelookingforjewelry orlookingforagifttogivesomeone, orifyou’relookingforsomethingto

decorateyourhousewith.Allofthe exhibitors—thishastobetheiroriginalwork,”shesaid.

Alsoplannedisanauctionthatwill allowgueststobuyraffleticketsto winworksdonatedbytheexhibitors. Homemadebakedgoods,madeby volunteersfromthe350-member AARPchapter,willalsobeforsale. TicketsforagolfpackagefromBear TrapDunesGolfClubanda50/50 cashrafflewillbeoffered.

CucinaVelocefoodtruckwillbe onthegroundsofferingfreshpasta, salads,sandwichesandbeverages. Admissionandparkingwillbefree. Seewww.southcoastalaarp.orgfor moreinformation.

Visit ourwebsiteatcoastalpoint.comto see anexampleofMcGloin’swork.


Bethany Beach Books, 1st Choice Properties, Nicola Pizza, Scott & Shuman, PA, Lefty’s Alley & Eats, Rip Tide Restoration

May10,2024 CoastalPoint 29 For Information Call: 302-542-4033 & “ ” ACommunityFundraiser tobenefitSpecialOlympicsofDE Suggested $5Donation PerPerson *ALLCASHEVENT
Lord Baltimore Elementary School • 120 Atlantic Ave., Ocean View, DE “Fit & Fun” Field Day Sponsors: Quiet Resorts Charitable Foundation, Inc., Atlantic Community Thrift Shop, Tidepool Toys & Games, Rehoboth Breeze, Pohanka of Salisbury, Coastal Point, Joe Loughran, Realtor – Long & Foster, WBOC TV, Town of Ocean View, Lord Baltimore Elementary School, Ocean View Police Dept.
Pony Donuts, Kristie Van Zee Photography, Wilgus Associates, Elizabeth Kilroy Coldwell Banker Realty Michael Orhelein Photography, Treasure Island Fashions, Layton Bussing, Bear Trap Dunes, Parsons & Robinson, PA, Keller Williams Realty, Laurie McFaul – The Seaside Seven Team of Long and Foster Realty, CustomFit360, Coastal Tented Events, Water Boyz In atables LLC, DJ Scott Mayhugh, Doug Purcell, David and Kathy Green, Premier Community Assoc. Management Bishop’s Landing Ladies Luncheon Group



Dr.R.WayneCarmean,84, passedawaysuddenlyinhishomein FenwickIslandonthemorningof May1,2024.BorninWilmington, Del.,onMay17,1939,hegrewup innearbyMontchaninwithhisparents,RaymondCarmeanandMabel JonesCarmean,whoinstilledinhim theimportanceofhardworkand education,aswellasadeepcommitmentto“God,Country,andFamily.” Thosebecamethebasisforhisfuturedirectionsinlife.

Twoearlyeventsalsoremained importanttohimthroughoutthe years:FirstwasamemoryofkneelingwithhisparentsandsisterAnne astheyprayedandlistenedto GabrielHeatter’sWorldWarII radiobroadcastsabouttheworldwidethreatthatendangeredthe livesofhisolderbrothers,Virgiland James,andbrother-in-lawJoeFarren,whoservedinthemilitary.

Theothereventheoftenrecalled washowunhappyhewaswhenhe firstlefthometostartschoolinthe formerAlexisI.DuPontsystem.A concernedteacherpredictedthathe wouldprobably“nevercompletehis education.”Heeventuallyovercame hisseparationanxietyand,ironically,

remainedinoneclassroomoranotheruntilhewasalmost80,sharinghisloveofknowledgeandthe learningprocess.

Foraslongashecouldremember, Carmeanalwaysenjoyedbeinginvolvedwithathletics,bothasanactiveparticipantandfan.Duringhis senioryearatA.I.Dupont,hewas selectedtobebothcaptainforthe Tigerfootballteamandaplayeron Delaware’s1957North(Blue)AllStarteam.Recruitedbyseveralcollegestoplayfootball,hechoseto becomeaBlueHenattheUniversityofDelaware,wherehewasa memberofthe1959Delawarefootballteamthatwasthefirsttowin theLambertCupunderthedirectionoflegendarycoachesDavyNelsonandTubbyRaymond,bothof whomheidolized.Intheoff-season, heenjoyedplayinglacrosse—a sportthatallthreeofhisgrandsons playeddecadeslater.

Asmuchasheappreciated classes,sportsandsociallifeatthe UniversityofDelaware,wheneverhe wasaskedaboutthe“mostsignificantevent”duringthoseyears,he wouldstatewithabigsmilethat thatoccurredwhenhemetthegreat loveofhislife,Vicki.Withinafew

shortmonths,shebecamehisSigma PhiEpsilonSweetheart,andshe wouldremainathissideduring62 yearsofmarriage.

Followinggraduationin1961, withabachelor’sdegreeandan ROTCcommissionasasecond lieutenant,Carmeanproudlyserved forseveralyearsonactivedutyin Germany,andlaterintheU.S.Army Reserves.WhilestationedinGermany,heandVickitouredEurope, includingamemorabletripinto EastGermanyandtheRussianguardedBerlinWall.

Afterhisactive-dutydischarge,a shortstintasasubstituteattheformerGunningBedfordHighSchool convincedhimtostayonasaU.S. historyteacher,aswellasacoach forfootballandbasketball.His proudestmomentasacoachcame whenhisdeterminedGunningBedfordplayerswonthe1968FlightB BasketballChampionship.During summers,healsoworkedasalifeguardandswimminginstructorfor childrenwithmobilitychallenges.

Somehow,betweensportsseasons andsummers,Carmeanearneda master’sdegreeandmaster’s-plus30attheUniversityofDelaware.In 1970,hemadethedifficultdecision

toleaveclassroominstructiontoacceptapositionasanassistantprincipalandthenprincipalatSeaford HighSchool.Whilelivingin Seaford,theCarmeansboughtpropertyinFenwickIsland,wherethey spentensuingyearsbuildingahouse bythebay.

Shortlyafterheearnedhisdoctorateineducationin1980, CarmeanmovedhisfamilytoCecil County,Md.,whereheservedasthe assistantsuperintendentofinstructionandactingsuperintendentuntil retirementin2000.Inaddition,he continuedteachinggraduate-level schoollawandprincipalshipclasses forbothLoyolaUniversityinMarylandandWilmingtonUniversity, untilhedecidedtoretireagainat 79.

WhenCarmeanandhiswife movedfulltimetoFenwickin2001, heinvolvedhimselfwithnewadventuresthatincludedremodeling theoldbeachhouse,playingsenior golf,traveling,watchingDukebasketballandspendingtimewiththeir grandchildren.Foreightdecades,he continuedasaloyalfanofboththe PhilliesandEaglesteams,regardless SeeOBITSpage57

30 CoastalPoint May10,2024 Looking Forward To Seeing You! 18 Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach 302.539.6992 Open Friday - Sunday • 11- 4 Beautiful, Unique Jewelry Open Daily 11 - 4pm • Fri & Sat until 5pm 302-539-2311 16 Pennsylvania Ave | Bethany Beach Habitat Prairie Cotton Tribal Dress Addict Jag • Charlie B Sushi Sets Windchimes Origami Jewelry Pottery Gifts & More! HELLO KITTY's 50th ANNIVERSARY! 25% Off 1 Spring Clothing Item to Celebrate Amazing You! Expires 5/23/24 Keeping Bethany in Style for Over 35 Years! Factory 2nds, Discontinued Items, Etc. By Appt. Only 877-323-TEAK 32951 Lighthouse Road Selbyville, DE 19975 ~ WINDSOR TEAK Warehouse Discount Outlet 29P Atlantic Ave. • Ocean View, DE 302.616.2604 • Ocean Vayu Yoga New Student Special 30 Days for $79 Take the Time to Make Your Soul Happy ~ Join Us! Sound Healing May 19, 4pm Yoga Teacher Training registration open
May10,2024 CoastalPoint 31
Page32 May10,2024 TownofOceanViewhostsannualSpringFlingatJohnWestPark Community CoastalPointphotos•DarinMcCann TheTownofOceanViewhelditsannualSpringFlinginJohnWestParkonSaturday,May4.VendorslineduptocreateaMother’sDayMarket,musicfromCharlieandtheCoolTonesfilledtheair andvisitorsofallagesenjoyedgoodfoodandfun.

Beeberesidencyprogram selectedforproject

BeebeHealthcare’sR.Randall RollinsCenterforMedicalEducation announcedrecentlythatitsFamily MedicineResidencyprogramisoneof just25acrossthecountrythathasbeen selectedtoparticipateinaspecialpilot projectfacilitatedbytheSocietyfor TeachersofFamilyMedicine(STFM).

Theprojectisdesignedtoelevatethe importanceofcompetency-basedmedicaleducationwhileintegratingamore individualizedandpersonalizedapproachtolearningformedicalresidents.

“ Thereissomuchbenefitindevelopingindividualizedlearningplansfor ourresidents,withconsiderationfor eachperson’sspecialneeds,strengths, andgoals,”saidDr.JoyceRobert,MD, FAAFP,programdirector.“Weareincrediblyexcitedtobepartofthisproject,andtohavetheopportunitytolead thewayandsetanexampleforother residencyprogramstofollow.”

Inadditiontoimplementingnew hands-onapproachesintheclinical trainingenvironment,theSTFMprogramwillputnewtechnologiesinthe handsofresidencyprogramleaders, whowillbespendingmoretimeondirectobservationastheyareworking withclinicalresidents.Thegoalisto allowforreal-timeassessmentsinmedicaltrainingenvironments.

Additionally,theprogrampromotes theimportanceofcommunication, teamworkandleadershipfromaprofessionaldevelopmentstandpoint,and work/lifebalanceandwellnessonapersonallevel.

“ Thisprojectencouragesustolook atwhatwearedoingthroughadifferent lensandtakeamoreholisticapproach aswegrowourpeople,andtherefore ourprogram,”saidRobert.“It’sachance tobeattheforefrontofpositivechange, andweareexcitedtobepartofit.”

Beebe’sFamilyMedicineResidency programwelcomeditsinauguralcohort ofresidentsinthesummerof2023and recentlyannouncedthesecondgroupof residents,whowillcomeonboardthis July.TheprogramisledbyRobertand Associate ProgramDirectorDr.Miri Shlomi,MD,bothofwhomwillparticipateinaseriesofconferencessponsoredbySTFMasBeebeadoptsand implementsitscompetency-basedmedicaleducationcurriculum.

Theyandtheircolleagueswillhave opportunitiesinthefuturetosharetheir experiencesandlearnedbestpractices

throughtheiractivismintheDelaware AcademyofFamilyPhysicians(DAFP).

Recently,Robertwasinductedas DAFP’spresident-elect,andRyan Arias,DO,primary-carephysicianand facultymemberwithinBeebe’sFamily MedicineResidencyprogram,was namedDAFPTeacheroftheYear.

“Wehavecomealongwayinashort periodoftime,”saidRobert.“Somany wonderfulthingsarehappeningbecause ourteamismadeupofagroupofpeoplewhoarepassionateaboutthework, dedicatedtodoingthingstherightway, andcommittedtogrowinginawaythat positionsBeebeasapremierplaceto comeforfamily-medicineresidency training.”

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Cassatsetto graduatefrom UniversityofGeorgia

PatrickThomasCassatisamong themorethan8,000candidatesfor graduationintheUniversityof Georgia’sClassof2024whowillbe celebratedduringcommencement exercisesthisweek.

Cassat,aresidentofSelbyville,isa candidateforabachelor’sdegreein communicationstudies.

“Weareexcitedtocelebratethe achievementsofourUniversityof GeorgiastudentsintheClassof 2024,”saidPresidentJereW.Morehead.“Commencementoffersstudents,friendsandfamiliesan opportunitytorecognizetheextraordinarydedicationUGAstudents haveshownduringtheirtimeon campus.Welookforwardtoallthe waysthesestudentswillpositively impacttheircommunitiesandorganizationsasalumnioftheUniversity ofGeorgia.”

ThespringundergraduateceremonywilltakeplaceFriday,May10, inSanfordStadium.



AllisonSchmitt,oneofthemost decoratedAmericanathletesofall timeandaUniversityofGeorgia alumna,willdeliverthespringundergraduatecommencementaddress. JennaJambeck,the2024SECProfessoroftheYearandGeorgiaAthleticAssociationDistinguished ProfessorofEnvironmentalEngineeringatUGA,willdeliverthe graduatecommencementaddress.


Givenspresents duringannual AcademicSymposium atMcDanielCollege

RoxyGivensofFrankfordwasselectedtopresentduringtheannual AcademicSymposiumheldApril29 atMcDanielCollegeinWestminster, Md.Givensisasophomorecriminal justicemajor.

Givenspresentedduring“The RomanDinnerParty:You’reInvited.”

McDanielCollege’sAcademic Symposiumshowcasedtheoriginal research,scholarship,andcreative achievementsofMcDanielstudents, facultyandstaff.Thedaylongevent includedaprogramofpresentations selectedasinnovativeandinspiring, anddesignedtoshowcasetheliberal artsinaction.


34 CoastalPoint May10,2024 S
ACROSS 1 Letters and such 5 S. Korean gaming spot 11 Boxing __ 15 Manager 19 Patron saint of sailors 20 Responsible (for) 21 Pay (up) 22 Doozy 23 Toys that may improve dexterity 24 Zombie armada? 27 Make grooves in 30 Winged figure in Christian art 31 Bad press? 38 Marsh plant 40 Salivation stimuli 41 Book after Joel 42 Rhubarb dessert 43 Object of veneration 44 New York Dolls genre 49 Scary place? 55 Ultradevoted fans 57 Fetch 58 Like a fashionable arrival 60 Shred 61 Grandmother, affectionately 62 Elk 65 Get in the way of 66 Mandible 69 Square dance halls? 72 Lounging spot 73 Good for growing 76 Elite groups 77 Disney queen whose powers are similar to Jack annoyance 81 Actress Jessica 82 Stay active 86 Implore 88 Faulty method? 92 Discombobulate 93 Bryn __: first U.S. college to offer graduate degrees to women 95 Lhasa __ 96 Many a noir hero 97 Top spot in Formula One 98 Says “hi” to 100 Word with rock or space 102 Instruction for putting away fishing tackle? 108 Tres plus cuatro 109 Irish actor Stephen 110 Color of corroded iron 113 Wash gardening clothes? 120 Capital of Fiji 121 “Bridgerton” actor __-Jean Page 122 Like a class presentation 123 Evening affair 124 Place to tie up 125 C in C 126 Yard border, perhaps 127 Hit on the green 128 Sister of King Charles III DOWN 1 Squad whose colors match the New York City flag 2 Scads 3 Like jumping without looking 4 On the wrong end of the score 5 Subject of a 2006 demotion 6 Movie theater 7 “Totally gnarly!” 8 Honor for David and Victoria Beckham: Abbr. 9 Iberian “Hello” 10 Rx order 11 Monopolized a conversation 12 With everything counted 13 Higher power? 14 “Golly!” 15 Mel who voiced Bugs Bunny 16 Intake opposite 17 Idle computer state 18 Belligerent 25 Finishes with buttercream, perhaps 26 __ and means 28 Hotshot 32 Exchange value 34 “Break a leg!” preceder 35 Milk sweetener 36 Elicit an “OMG!” 37 “Gladiator” setting 38 Prod 39 German “a” 44 Free 45 Resell quickly 46 Ran with ease 47 Many a musical composition by Czerny 48 Colorado town near Snowmass 50 Bald eagle, e.g. 51 Coastal inlet 52 Happening place? 53 Actor Peters of the “X-Men” franchise 54 “Silas Marner” author 56 Humerus locale 59 Malleable metal 62 Wright brother 63 Like many drones 64 Sleepover duds, for short 65 British __ 66 Sour from experience 67 Big 52-Down 68 Strauss piece 70 Actor Holbrook 71 Got ready to drive 74 Minimal 75 Strong alkaline solution 78 Job for many an action hero 79 Situp muscles 81 In the least 82 Elements in live edge wood slabs 83 Complete devastation 84 Soothsayer 85 Village People song covered by the Minions 87 Wild and crazy 89 First name in the freezer aisle 90 Perform first 91 Not new 94 “Straight Outta Lynwood” singer 97 Ballad penner 98 Gym closet contents 99 “Yes __!” 100 Gives the go-ahead 101 Poodle pampering place 102 Grab power 103 NFLer supported by Sourdough Sam 104 Yard border, perhaps 105 Natives of the Central Plains 106 Sam of “Jurassic Park” 107 Microwaved 112 Show gumption 114 “Please explain” 115 Time often named for a leader 116 Baking soda amt. 117 “__ do __” 118 Bon mot deliverer 119 Morsel


Noteverypatienthasaccessto makeittoanofficeforphysicaltherapytreatment.Now,AquacarePT Pluscandeliverphysicaltherapyin person,atthepatient’shome,work, gymorlocalpool.

WithAquacarePTPlus,patients willreceiveprivateone-on-onetreatmentswiththeirtherapistinthe comfortoftheirhomeenvironment.


•Patientswhodonotwantto traveltoahealthcarefacilityorwho areworriedaboutgettingCOVID, RSVorotherillnesses;

•Patientswhodonotdriveor whodonothaveaccesstotransportationbutwhoneedphysical therapy(nothomehealthcare);and

•Patientswhoworkfromhome andwanttheconvenienceofhaving physicaltherapybroughttothemin theirhomeorcommunity.

“OurAquacarePTPlusHome Visitprogramrepresentsapioneeringapproachtooutpatientphysical therapy,extendingourservicesbeyondtheconfinesoftraditional clinicsettings,”saidAmandaAdkins, chiefstrategyofficerforAquacare PhysicalTherapy.“Withthisinnovativeinitiative,we’rededicatedto meetingpatientswheretheyare, whetherit’sinthecomfortoftheir homes,theirworkplaces,oreven theirfavoriterecreationalspots.By

Surygraduates fromEast StroudsburgUniversity

Atotalof1,194studentswereset toreceivedegreesfromEastStroudsburgUniversityofPennsylvaniaduringthreecommencementexercises onMay3andMay4.Atotalof941 bachelor’sdegrees,237master’sdegreesand16doctoraldegreeswillbe awarded.


EastStroudsburgUniversity,a memberofthePennsylvaniaState SystemofHigherEducation,opened in1893asEastStroudsburgNormal School.Today,ESUisacomprehensiveuniversityinnortheasternPennsylvaniaoffering58undergraduate programs,21master’sprogramsand twodoctoralprograms.Morethan 5,000studentsareenrolled.

offeringthesameexceptionallevelof careandexpertisethatAquacarePT hasbeenknownforoverthepast26 years,we’reensuringthatourpatientsreceivethesupporttheyneed, convenientlyandeffectively.”

Patientsdonotneedtobeconfinedtotheirhometoqualifyfor theseservices.Aslongasthereisa medicalnecessityfortreatment,they maybecoveredbyMedicarePartB andotherprivateinsurances.

SharonBaxley,PTA,recently joinedtheAquacarePTPlusteam. SheisoriginallyfromColumbia, Md.,andhasmorethan30yearsof PTAexperience.Sheisacertifiedkinesiotapingpractitioner,acertified healthandwellnesscoach,andhas experienceworkingwithavarietyof

orthopedicandwomen’shealthconditions.Sheearnedherassociatedegreeasaphysicaltherapistassistant fromNorthernVirginiaCommunity College.Shelovestotravel,go campingwithherfamilyandexplore theoutdoors.

“IamexcitedtojoinAquacarePT Plusandtobeabletogiveone-ononecaretomypatientswhilemaking theservicesrelevanttothepatient’s needsandgoals,”Baxleysaid.“Itis nicetoseepatientsintheirownenvironmentandtobeabletotailora specificroutinearoundtheobstacles theyarefacing.”

AquacarePhysicalTherapyis women-ownedandphysicaltherapist-owned.Theyhavebeenprovidingphysicaltherapyservicesto


Specialtiesprovidedinclude:orthopedicsportsinjuries,post-surgical therapy,pre-habbeforejointreplacement,fallriskmanagement,ADL training,communityre-integration, lymphedemamanagement,pelvic floortherapyforincontinence (bowel/urinary),aquatictherapyat home(atahomepooloracommunitypool),balance/vestibularrehab, neurorehab,lowback/spinal/chronic pain,driverriskassessment,golffitness(TPI-certified)andreturn-tosportstraining.

Calltoscheduleanappointment at(443)359-0562.Learnmoreat -plus.

We’re “What To Do” at the Beach! Quality UsedBooks RecordsCDs ComicsUkeleles Art Classes Daily & Private Events Co ee La esChais TeasMatchas FreshPastries Toys Games Collectibles Fitness Classes Personal Training Food Trucks Coming RetroFashion Jewelry HomeDecor 117 Atlantic Ave., Ocean View, DE on Route 26 across from Lord Baltimore Elementary year-round destination shopping for the whole family in three huge historic feed sheds THE SHOPS AT HENEGHAN’S RUN May10,2024 CoastalPoint 35


Springisagoodtimeoftheyearfor Delawareanstogetoutdoorsandenjoy thestate’sbackroadsandtrails.Read AloudDelawarewantstohelpsomeone enjoytheseasononanewSunRetro Cruiserbicycle.

DonatedbyBrianandMeganKellman,ownersofLewesCycleSportsin Lewes,thecruiserisbeingraffledoffto supportReadAloudDelaware’smission tocreatealifelongimpactthroughearly childhoodliteracy.

Participantsinthefundraiserwillbe helpingeverychildinDelawarehavethe foundationalliteracyskillstosucceedin schoolandlife.

TheSunRetroisdescribedas“arefreshoftheclassiccruiserdesign,staying truetothespiritofsimplicitywhile addingmoderndesign,”andisvaluedat $399.99.

The18.5-inchbicyclefeaturesasingle-speeddrivetrainandKTcoaster brake.The26-inchcruisertiresare mountedonalloyrimswithsteelspokes.

Chancesonthecruisercanbepurchasedonlineat Entriesareavailableat10for$25,25for $50,50for$75and100for$100.

Thewinnerwillbeselectedatalive onlinedrawingonMay24atnoon.

ASunRetroCruiserisbeingofferedviarafflebyReadAloudDelawaretohelpsupportitsmissiontocreatealifelongimpact throughearlychildhoodliteracy.ThebikewasdonatedbyBrianandMeganKellman,ownersofLewesCycleSports.

36 CoastalPoint May10,2024 RAIN DATE JUNE 30
June 29 | 6-9:30PM MILLSBORO LITTLE LEAGUE FIELDS Food Trucks Live Music Fireworks Learn more about becoming a vendor or sponsoring the event by emailing FREE&OPEN TOTHEPUBLIC BEASPONSOR OFTHEEVENT Shopping with a Purpose 302.251.8830 100 Garfield Pkwy, Bethany Beach (In the Bethany Town Center) Open Thurs-Sat • 9am-4pm Sun • 9am-2pm Home Decor & Gifts This month, help us support Bethany Beach Volunteer Fire Co. HAPPY MOTHER’SDAY!


TheIndianRiverSchoolDistrict TeacheroftheYearceremonyon Thursday,May9,willhonorTeacherof theYearwinnersfromeachofthedistrict’s15schools.Itwillconcludewith theannouncementofthedistrict’soverallTeacheroftheYearfor2024-2025. Schoolwinnersare:

•KatherineBennett,PhillipC. ShowellElementarySchool;

•ChristinaHensler,IndianRiver HighSchool;


•OliviaKortvelesy,LordBaltimore ElementarySchool;

• CourtneyMacchione,North GeorgetownElementarySchool;



•StacyPorter,IRSDEarlyLearning Center;

•JustinRevel,SussexCentralHigh School;

•JessicaSchumann,JohnM.Clayton ElementarySchool;


•DanieleSquillante,Southern DelawareSchooloftheArts;


•ChelinaTingle,SelbyvilleMiddle School;

•DeborahTreherne,HowardT. EnnisSchool;and.

•TravisWaller,MillsboroMiddle School.


Magic,Music&Entertainment! Tickets on sale now at 31810 Good Earth Lane Ocean View, DE *All Performances Subject to Change DennyCorby May 10 & 11 Forget the outside world, have a good laugh with strangers & friends, and feel a genuine connection to a guy on stage who you haven’t even met. Enjoy allowing your brain to wander and wonder, while you feel like a kid again. There’s Excitement. There’s mystery. Also, there’s magic. BTW, He was also on Penn & Tellers Fool Us!! Mother’sDay JazzBrunchBuffet Sunday, May 12 Join us for a relaxing live Jazz Brunch Buffet in the Dickens Parlour Dining room! Mouth-watering food prepared by the Good Earth Chef will make for a perfect Sunday while enjoying the sounds of live jazz. DanGaffney’sMindMysteries Friday, May 17 Dan is a lifelong performer and host of his own award winning radio show. He has amazed crowds while hanging from a crane above a city square duplicating Houdini’s famous straight jacket escape. His live “Mind Mysteries” shows attempt feats that cannot be rehearsed or practiced in advance…because…he doesn’t have YOUR mind in front of him…yet! May10,2024 CoastalPoint 37 Coffee • Ice Cream Sundaes Açaí Bowls • Tasty Treats! 33103 Main Street, Dagsboro (302) 321-5351 Convenient to Routes 26 & 113 Open 7 Days! 7am-6pm Visit Our Second Toy Location Myriads @ 30305 Vines Creek Rd! Unique Toys & Games You Won’t Find Anywhere Else! Bring Mom In For Mother’s Day 12 NO INTEREST NO PAYMENTS M H Call for Your FREE Design Consultation (844) 538-5547 *Limit one er per household. Must purchase 6+ Classic/Designer Pull-Out Shelves. EXP 6/30/24. Independently owned and operated franchise. ©2024 ShelfGenie SPV LLC. All rights Reserved. Custom Pull-Out Shelves for your existing cabinets and pantry. 50% OFF INSTALL!*
Fillinthegridsothateveryrow,everycolumnandevery 3x3 gridcontainsthedigits1through9.Thatmeansthat no numberisrepeatedinanyrow,columnorbox.

Love Offerings Accepted


Gov.JohnCarneyhasproclaimed MayasMotorcycleAwareness Month,andtheDelawareDivision ofMotorVehicles(DMV)along withtheDelawareOfficeofHighwaySafety(OHS)arereminding motorcyclistsanddriverstoride smartandridesafe.

“Drivers,doyourpartandgive motorcyclistsextraroomtostopand maneuver.Alwayslookoutformotorcyclistswhenturning,changing lanes,andatintersections.

“Motorcyclists,makeyourselves visiblebyalwaysusingyourheadlights.Wearprotectiveclothingand dressforacrash,notjusttheride, andnevertravelinavehicle’sblindsight.”

Lookingtoperfectthoseriding skills?EveryyearfromMarch throughNovember,theDMVoffers sixmotorcyclesafetycoursesforvariousskilllevels,includinganinstructor-levelcourseforthoseinterested inbecomingacertifiedMotorcycle SafetyFoundation(MSF)RiderCoach.

Coursebenefitsincludeprofessionaltrainingandupto15percent offmotorcycleliabilityinsurance. Plus,uponcoursecompletion,graduatesareexemptfromtakingDMV

motorcycleendorsementknowledge androadtestingforuptosix months.

“Mostfatalmotorcyclecrashesinvolveavehicle,”saidSecretaryof TransportationNicoleMajeski. “Makingourroadssaferforallwho traveltheminvolveseveryonedoing theirpart.Driversneedtounderstandmotorcyclesaresmallerand moredifficulttosee,andmotorcyclistsneedtodoeverythingtheycan tomaketheirpresenceknown.Togetherwecanreducethenumberof fatalitiesandseriouscrashesonour roadways,”continuedMajeski.

“DuringMotorcycleAwareness Monthandthroughouttheyear, DMVgivesresidentstheopportunitytobecomebetterridersthrough ourDMVMotorcycleSafety Courses,”saidDelawareDivisionof MotorVehiclesDirectorAmyAnthony.“Ridersofallskilllevelscan takeadvantageofthecombinationof formalclassroomandon-cycletrainingtoperfecttheirskills,gainconfidence,andultimatelybecomesafer riders,”saidAnthony.

Foralistofavailablecoursesor enrollmentdetails,visit,call(302) 744-2658oremailmotorcycle-

Lastyear,15motorcyclistswere killedonDelawareroadways.Asof Friday,May3,fivemotorcyclistshad beenkilled.

“Alwaysusecautionwhileoperatingavehicleormotorcycle.Look twiceatintersections,don’ttailgate, andeliminatedistractions.”

Formoremotorcyclesafetytips forbothridersandmotorists,visit

Wanttodoyourpartinmaking ourroadwayssafer?

•BecomeaHEROtowardszero deathsandsignthesafetypledgeat

•Helptoreachthegoalofzero fatalitiesonDelawareroadsandall roadsacrossthenation.

•Educatepeopleofallages,races anddemographicsontheimportance ofdriverawarenessandtakingresponsibilityforallmodesoftransportation.

•Reinforcetheimportanceof beinganawareandresponsiblecommuterandtheconsequencesofwhen oneisnot.

•Organizeprogramstocreatea communitypromotingsafety throughoutthestateandultimately thenation.

38 CoastalPoint May10,2024
1000 Coastal Highway Fenwick Island, DE Sunday, May 19 8:30am 10:45am Full Concert 6pm ETERNALVISION.NET
St. Matthew’s By The Sea



HistoryandFun— KarenJessee,aprofessionalspeakerandvisitingscholar,willcombinehumor,historyandfuninapresentation atPrinceGeorge’sChapelat5p.m.Shewill speakof200yearsofinfluencesinfemale fashionsandtrends.Thisisfreeofcharge, andsponsoredbyMorseRoofing&Siding. Lightrefreshmentswillbeserved,courtesy ofFriendsofPrinceGeorge’sChapel.

FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)hostsaweeklytwo-hour FreeWrit esessionattheSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30a.m.Participantsages18or olderofallskilllevelswillpracticecreative writinginafriendlyandnurturingatmosphere(in-personparticipationonly).Attendanceisfree.Registerat (302)858-5518.

EmergencyPreparedness,Part2— Joinus atSouthCoastalLibraryforafour-part emergencyanddisasterpreparednessseries (Part3and4,datesTBA).Youmayattendall 4ses sions,orpickandchoosewithsessions youwishtoattend.Part2,at2p.m.,will focusoncommunicationbefore,during,and afteranemergencyordisasteroccurs.Pat Heineman,MS(UniversityofDelawareCenterforDisabilitiesStudiesandDEMApartner)andPatYoung(LibraryAssistant,Milton PublicLibraryandChair,DelawareLibraries andDisastersInitiative)willteachyouabout SMART911andDENS(DEEmergencyNotificationSystem,)aswellasthebestsource s forinformationwhenemergenciesanddisastersarenear.Youwilllearnhowtopreparecommunicationtoolswellaheadoftime tocommunicatewithfamily,friends,neighbors,andfirstresponders.Free,registration isrequiredandavailableat, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 NARFELuncheon— NARFECoastalSussex CountyChapter1690willholditsmonthly lu ncheonatnoonatthe1776Steakhouse inMidwayCenter.Thespeakerwillbe TrinidadNavarro,DelawareInsurance

Commissioner.Thedeadlineforreservationsis5p.m.onThursday,May2.The costoftheluncheonis$19perperson, whichincludesgratuities,andpaymentis madeuponarrival.Toreserveaseatand entreeselection,emailWarrenorJanie Fulleratluncheon@narfe-de-org.

BabyBees— FrankfordPublicLibraryhostsa BabyBeesstorytimeforchildrenupto24 mon thsoldeveryThursdayat11a.m.Come listentostoriesandsongs,andengagewith otherbabies.Registrationisrequired.You bycalling(302)732-9351.

AdultGames— FrankfordPublicLibrary hosts“Let’sPlayGames:forAdults!”at1 p.m.Joinagrowinggroupofpatronstoplay gamesintheCommunityroom.Games mightincludedominoes,Scrabbleandcard games.

LifeCoaching— FrankfordPublicLibrary hostsLifeCoachAndrewSch ubauerat5 p.m.foracraftingexperiencebuildinga WheelofLifetounderstandmoreaboutlife andbalance.Youcanregisterbycalling (302)


SouthCoastalGenealogyGroup— This monthlygroupmeetingatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:15a.m.isforgenealogyenthusiastsofallskilllevels.Learngenealogy resources,tricks,andmethodsfromeach otherinawelcomingenvironmentwhile meetingothersandconversingaboutcurre nt projects.Themeetingissetupasadiscussion,however,selectgenealogyresources arealsoshown/demonstratedbymeetingfacilitator.Meetingsareheldeveryother monthonselectFridaysat10:15a.m.(no meetingsinSummer).Free,forages18and older,noregistrationneeded.Hostedbythe SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930302-858-5518

BeginningWatercolorClass— Joinagroup attheSouthCoasta lLibraryat3:30p.m.for afree,introductorywatercolorclasswith localinstructorandentrepreneurTiffanywith

SorellaAmoreLLCinMillville.Learnthebasicsofwatercolorwhilecreatingasmallcat paintinginhonorofNationalPetWeek.All materialsprovided.Registrationislimited andrequired,andavailablebeginningat10 orbycalling302-858-5518.(Onlineregistrationrecommended.)HostedbytheSouth Co astalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930

FeelingsRock— FrankfordPublicLibrary andMs.Taylorarehostinga30-minute musicandmovementclassforchildrenages birth-5at12:15p.m.Registrationisrequired, bycalling(302)732-9351.

YardSale— TheRoxanaCHEERSeniorCenterisholdingayardandbakesaletobenefit themembersoftheCenter.Thesalewillrun from10a.m.to2p.m.,andwillfeaturemultiplevend ors,withfoodandbakedgoods available.Thesaleislocatedintheleftside oftheparkinglotatthePylehealth&Social ServicesCenter,34314PyleCenterRd., Roxana.


SafeBoating— TheUnitedStatesCoast GuardAuxiliarywillteachaDelawareBoatingSafetyClassattheDNRECLewesField Officefrom8a.m.to4p.m.Thosewhosuccessfullycompletethiscoursewillreceivea DelawareSafeBoatingCertificatebymail (thisisrequiredforboatersbornonorafter Jan .1,1978).Allmaterialsfortheclasswill beprovidedatregistration.Thecostis$20 perperson,or$50forafamilywithchildren under18yearsold.Sign-instartsat7:30 a.m.Pre-registrationisrequired.Call(302) Pop-UpBookSale— StopbySouthCoastal Libraryat10a.m.foratwo-hourpop-up booksale!Findgreatbooksforgreatprices! Previousbestsellers,cookbooks,beach reads,children'smaterials&more!Sponso redbytheFriendsoftheSouthCoastalLibrary.Helpsupportyourlocallibrary!South


May10,2024 CoastalPoint 39 302.500.1013 Right Next to Inland Bays Garden Center Salt Room • Korean Facials Massages • Reiki & More! Revitalize Your Body Refresh Your Mind Renew Your Spirit



MarinesMeet— TheFirstStateDetachment oftheMarineCorpsLeaguemeetsonthe fourthWednesdayofeachmonthatthe OceanCity(Md.)AmericanLegionPost166 on23rdStreetatnoon.AnyMarinesand NavyCorpsmenwhohaveservedinthe Corps,livinginWorcesterorSussexCounties,arewelcometojointomeettheirfellowveteransandconsiderjoiningthe organization.Theirmissioniscommunity servicethroughcamaraderieandvolunteerism.Form oreinformation,call(410)

CommunityClub— TheSelbyvilleCommunity Clubiswelcomingnewmembers,andmeets onthesecondThursdayofeachmonthat SalemMethodistChurchat1p.m.,withasocialhourfromnoonto1p.m.Formoreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.orgor

IntheGenes— SponsoredbytheLewesHistoricalSocietyandtheSussexCountyGenealog icalSociety,theGenealogistin ResidenceprogramisonthefirstSaturdayof eachmonthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.inthe ReadingRoomattheLewesHistoryMuseum. MembersoftheSocietywillbeavailableto helpanyonewhohasquestionsabouttheir familytree.TheLewesHistoricalSociety ArchivesFamilyFileswillbeavailableforresearch.Formoreinformation,visitthemat

VIPMeets— VIPisasocialgroupforvisuallyimpairedpe rsons,andmeetsthefirstand thirdWednesdayofeachmonthattheMastersoncenteratSt.AnnChurchfrom1to3 p.m.Newmembersarewelcome.Formore information,call/text/leaveamessageat (240)315-4361.

GeorgetownBridgeClub— TheGeorgetown PublicLibraryhostsBridgeClubevery Wednesdayfrom1to3p.m.Allexperience

levelsarewelcome.Formoreinformation, call(302)856-7958, PineSt.,Geor getown.

Women’sCivicClub— TheWomen’sCivic ClubofBethanyBeachmeetsonthesecond ThursdayofthemonthatCripplecreek CountryClubat10a.m.Theorganizationhas expandedthroughoutSussexCounty,andhas beenservingthecommunityfor98years. TheClubisanon-profitorganization,formed infriendshipanddedicatedtocivicandcharitablepurposesandtheeducationofits members.Formoreinformation,orifyouare interestedinattending,sendanemailto the

LordBaltimoreLionsClub— TheLordBaltimoreLionsClubmeetsthefirstandthird WednesdayofeachmonthatMac’sCatering inMillville.Thisisaserviceorganizationthat performsprojectsintheSussexcountyarea. Formoreinformation,visitthemonFace-

book,atLordbaltimorelionsclub.orgorby phoneat(301)543-0329.

RotaryMeets— SouthernSussexRotary meetsweeklyatDoyle’sRestaurantinSelbyvilleeveryThursdayat8a.m.Form oreinformation,callBrendanCrottyat(302)

LordBaltimoreWomen’sClub— Organized in1934,LordBaltimoreWomen’sClub (LBWC)iscelebratingits90thanniversary ofservicetoSussexCounty.LBWCisa non-profitorganizationwhichmeetsthe thirdMondayofeverymonth(September throughJune)at11a.m.atCrippleCreek Golf&CountryClubnearDagsboro.Dedicatedtohelpingthelocalcommunity,LBWC raisesfundsfore ducationprojectsinlocal schools,scholarshipsforhighschoolstudents,veteran’sprogramsandothercharitableorganizations.Italsoprovidessocial opportunitiestofosterfriendship,camaraderieandindividualenrichmentamongits members.TolearnmoreaboutLBWC,visit

BonsaiClub— TheSouthCountyBonsaiClub meetsthefirstWednesdayofeachmonth from10a.m.tonoonatInlandBaysGarden Center.


WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBethanyBeachbandstandeveryWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,law enforcementandfirefighterswhoserveand protect.Allarewelcome.

AdultTime— AdultscanstopintheSouth CoastalLibraryanytimethey’reopentowork onjigsawpuzzles,playcheckersorcolor. Thisisfree,andallmaterialsareprovided.

BookDonations— SouthCoastalLibraryonly a cceptsbookdonationsfrom2to4p.m.on Tuesdays.Thereisalistontheirwebsite,,ofwhattheydoor don’taccept.

BeachSingles— BeachSingles,55-Plus, meetseveryThursdayforHappyHourfrom4 to6p.m.atHarpoonHanna’sonRoute54. Formoreinformation,call(302)436-9577.

SoupandSandwiches— TheOceanView ChurchofChristisholdingaSoup&SandwichministryonthesecondWednesdayof eachmonth,fromOctoberthroughMarch, from11:30a. m.to1p.m.Allarewelcome. TeleserviceNavigators— TheGeorgetown PublicLibraryhostsTeleserviceNavigators everyMondayfrom10a.m.to3p.m.and everyTuesdayfrom10a.m.to2p.m.Get helpwithvirtualresources,suchastelehealthappointments,appointmentswith lawyersandsocialserviceappointments usingthenewTelehealthKiosk.ANavigator willbeatthelibrarytohelpsetupvirtualappointments.Formoreinformation,call(302) 856-7958,email georg,Georgetown. LaEsperanzaintheLibrary/Biblioteca— TheGeorgetownPublicLibraryhostsLaEsperanzaintheLibrary/Bibliotecaevery Wednesdayfrom3:30to6p.m.Déjenos ayudarlea:completarsuspapeles,interpretarsuscartas,inscribirseenlaescuela,renovarsusdocumentos,crearunavidamajor,y muchomás.LaEsperanza:(302)854-9262.

40 CoastalPoint May10,2024 php i hooray Mother D ’ s OnTh hi lBa! y ay! Open W d eBea Wednesday-Su Wednesday-Sunday 1 u fti u 1:30 a.m unday m.-9 p.m. ast S F S Entree Sundaay For Special e Menu appy 1:30 a.mThrou Drink y Hou -5 p.m. Daily ughout! k & Food 54 ed Open W Wednesday-Sunday • Fenwick Island • U.S.A. • 302-436-2305 dnesday-Sunday F Spe Fenwick Island • U ecials .S.A. • 302-436-2305 5

PawsforPeoplereadingtime— The GeorgetownPublicLibraryhostsPawsfor PeopleonthefirstandthirdThursdaysof everymonthfrom4to5p.m.Readaloudto afurry,friendlytherapycompaniontohelp inspirealoveofreading.OfferedbyPawsfor People.Readersofallagesandstagesare welcome.

ElementaryHomeschoolersProgram— The GeorgetownPublicLibraryhostsitsHomeschoolProgramonthethirdTuesdayofevery monthat1p.m.Everymonth,theyoffera differentac tivityforelementary-school-aged children.

SocratesCafé— SocratesCaféisagroupof individualsfromdifferentbackgroundsthat discussphilosophicalideas.Meetingsarethe firstTuesdayofeachmonth,from2to3:30 p.m.attheBethanyBeachChristianChurch. Everyoneiswelcome.Formoreinformation, callBonnieat537-9440,orsendanemailto

FlipFive— AmericanLegionPost24inDagsboroishostingFlipFivegamesonWednesdaynigh tsfrom6-8p.m.Members,guests andthegeneralpublicareallinvitedtoplay. Justsignthebookandwrite“FlipFive”next toyourname.

WingNight— AmericanLegionPost24in DagsboroishostingWingNighteveryThursdayat6:30p.m.Members,guestsandthe generalpublicareallinvitedtoplay.

SeafoodNight— AmericanLegionPost24in DagsboroishostingSeafoodNighteveryFridayfrom4:30to7:30p.m.Karaokefollows from7to11p.m.Members,guestsandthe generalpub licareallinvitedtoplay.

DinnerNight— AmericanLegionPost24in DagsboroishostingdinnereverySaturday from4:30to7:30p.m.DJ/Karaokewillperformfrom7to11p.m.Members,guestsand thegeneralpublicareallinvitedtoplay.

CommunityLuncheon— TheMariners Bethel’sHopeCenterishostinglunchevery Tuesdayfrom11:30a.m.to1p.m.They serveachoiceofhomemadesoups,fresh sandwichesandhomemadedesserts.Carryoutisalsoavailable.

BeachSingles— Bea chSingles55-Plusis hostingaMeet&GreetonThursdaysat Nick’sinOceanCity,Md.,from4to6p.m.



DemsMeet— The41stDemocratRDmeets thethirdThursdayofeverymonthatPizza KingRestaurantinMillsboroat6p.m.Thisis opentoanyDemocrats.Formoreinformation,callAlLiebeskindat(410)530-0064.

ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocratsmeets attheDenatBearTrapDunesclubhouse from11a.m.to1:30p.m.onthethird Wed nesdayofthemonth.Thisisasocial organizationthateducates,informsand createscamaraderieamongtheirmembers throughmonthlylunchmeetingsthatfeatureengagingspeakers.Formoreinformation,

RepublicansMeet— The38thDistrictRepublicanClubmeetsthefourthMondayof themonth.Socialhoursbeginat6p.m.,and themeetingstartspromptlyat6:30p.m.Informationontheclubandmeetingscanbe,orthr oughemailat

DemocratsMeet— TheDemocraticParty’s 38thRepresentativeDistrictCommittee meetsthefirstWednesdayofeverymonthat 5p.m.Formoreinformation,updateson speakersandmeetinglocations,call(302) 364-5830,orvisithttps://deldems38.orgor theirFacebookpageat

SussexRepublicansMeet— TheSussex CountyRepublicanCommitteemeetsthe secondMondayofeverymonthattheMillsborofirehall.Meet ingsstartpromptlyat6:30 p.m.andallarewelcome.Informationon monthlyguestspeakers,legislativeupdates


TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel GMChosts“TuningUptheTemple”on Mondays,WednesdaysandFridays,from 8:30to9:45a.m.atTheHopeCenter.The classesaresession-based,notdrop-in,so contactCarolLynchat(302)745-8237or cklynch02@gmail.comformoredetails.

YogaClasses— MarinersBethelGMChosts yogaclassesat5p.m.onWednesdaysin theArmorRoom,upstairsinthechurch building,withHeatherMurphy.Additionally, thereisalsoaclassonSaturdays,from

9:30to10:30a.m.,withinstructors HeatherMurphyandMicoleLinehan.There isa$5drop-infeeforeitherclass.Classes areopentothecommunityandallarewelcome.

ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelChurchis holdingazumbaexerciseclassintheHope CentergymeveryMonday,Wednesdaya nd Fridayat10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee. Noregistrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.Formoreinformation,sendanemailto

MultipleMyelomaSupport— TheDelaware MultipleMyelomaSupportGroupmeetsthe thirdSaturdayofeverymonthviaZoomfrom 1to3p.m.Formoreinformation,contact SueIwahashiat

LineDancing— CapeHenlopenSeniorCenter ishostingline-dancingclassesonMondays. Beginnersclasse stakeplaceat10a.m.,and Improversareat11a.m.Formoreinformation,call(302)227-2055.

Al-Anon Al-Anonisasupportgroupforthe familiesandfriendsofalcoholics.Meetingsare heldeveryTuesday,from7to8:30p.m.,at OceanViewPresbyterianChurch.Formoreinformation,

ArgentineTango— TheLewesSeniorActivity CenterishostingArgentineTangoDancingon Tuesdays,from7to9p.m.Adultsofallages arewelcome,andnoexperienceorpartneris required. Thereisa$5fee,butthefirstvisitis free.Enterthroughthebackdoorofthefacility. Formoreinformation,visitthegrouponlineat

GeorgetownWalkers— TheGeorgetown PublicLibraryhostGPLWalkerseveryMondayat9a.m.ThewalkingclubgoestoSand-

May10,2024 CoastalPoint 41 Bethany Open Daily 10-5pm • Rehoboth Open Fri-Sun 10-5pm • Fenwick Open Sat & Sun 10-5pm Check Out Our New Rehoboth Store - 129 Rehoboth Ave Fenwick Island 302-581-0241 100 Coastal Hwy. (next to Fenwick Crabhouse) Bethany Beach 302-539-TOYS (8697) On the boardwalk in the Blue Surf Condominiums & Shops GREAT GIFTS, GAMES, PUZZLES & TOYS! Courtesy of Erin Leigh Photography StoryTime withMissCookie Fridaysat11am A family dining tradition! “Let our family serve yours.” Here We Go Again! Opening for our 64th Season! SERVINGBREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER CARRYOUT & OUTSIDEDININGAVAILABLE Reservations for parties of 8 or more on Mother’s Day onlyDinner starting at noon! Fri., May 10th 4:30pm (dinner only) • Sat., May 11th 8am • Sun., May 12th 8am LookingForAGreat GRADUATIONGIFT? GiveAnOceanAviation DiscoveryFlightGiftCertificate. Make This The Year You Learn To Fly. Flight Academy 2 LOCATIONS: Ocean City Municipal Airport Ocean City, MD • 410-213-8400 Delaware Coastal Airport Georgetown, DE • 302-515-1177 RESERVE YOUR DISCOVERY FLIGHT TODAY JUST $279.95 Great for Birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, & Holidays Too Your Discovery Flight is a chance to actually fly a Cessna aircraft under the guidance of an FAA certified flight instructor. A full hour flight lesson includes 35 minutes of hands on flying! Must Be a US citizen - Must Have Passport or Birth Certificate at time of Flight Events Continuedfrompage40 SeeEVENTSpage44

CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930


Mother’sDayCelebration— Delaware BotanicGardensisofferingfreeadmissionif youbringafooddonationfortheFoodBank ofDelaware.Reservationsfortheguided Tourat10a.m.canbemadebygoingtothe website 30220PineyNeckRoad,Dagsboro,DE 19939.


GentleYogaFlow— JoinSarahSchaber, RYT-500certifiedyogainstructor,forafree, one-hourGentleFlowYogaclassatSouth CoastalLibraryat10:15a.m.Idealforbeginners,seniors,andanyonelookingfora

slowerflowpractice.Wewilllearnbreathing techniques,postures,andexercisestopromoteflexibilityandstrength,balance,and relaxation.Pleasebringayogamatortowel fromhome.Theinstructoralsorecommends 4-inch-deepfoamyogablocks.Ifyouare unabletogetontotheflooreasily,donot worry,wewillprovidechairs.T hereareoptionsforall!Registrationisavailableat (302)858-5518.(Onlineregistrationrecommended!)Walk-insonlyacceptedifspaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 Lights,Camera,Crime!— Truecrimeenthusiastsandmovieloversalikearewelcometo joinSouthCoastalLibraryat3:30p.m.fora movienightsogooditshouldbecriminal! Eachmoviescreeningwil lfeatureamovie basedonatruecrimeorwillbeatruecrime documentary.Lightsnacksprovided.Free, forages18andolder.Registration&film titleareavailableat 302-858-5518.Walk-insareacceptedif spaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE


StorytimeonParsonsFarm— Frankford PublicLibrarywillholditsStorytimesessioninthepavilionatParsonsFarmat11 a.m.Th isisweather-permitting,andany cancellationswillbepostedonthelibrary’sFacebookpage.Formoreinformation, 732-9351.

WalkingClub— FrankfordPublicLibrary hostsawalkingclubeveryMondayat noonforathree-lapwalkaroundthe FrankfordTownPark.Youcanwalkatany pace,listentomusicorwalkwithothers inthegroup.Formoreinformation,visit

HooksandNeedles— Fra nkfordPublicLibrarywelcomesalllevelsofknittersand crocheterstoenjoysomequalityhobby timeat1p.m.Formoreinformation,visit


DiversityBookClub— TheCoastalGeorgetownAAUWDiversityBookClubismeeting attheLeweslibraryfrom10a.m.tonoon. TheywilldiscussRichardReeves’“OfBoys andMen:WhytheModernMaleIsStruggling,WhyitMatters,andWhatToDoAbout It.”

GoldenYearGuide— TheOceanViewC HEER Centerwillhostaneventatnoonteaching peoplehowtotakechargeoftheirhealthcareandgettherightresourcesattheright

time.Communitymembers,neighbors,caregiversandfriendsareallwelcometoattend. MeetYouriPad/iPhone— Gettoknowyour iPadand/oryouriPhoneinthisVERYBASIC introductoryclasstaughtbyexpertTomKinsellaatSouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m.Be suretobringyourfully-chargedandregistereddeviceandyourAppleID&password. Beforeregistering,thinkaboutwhatyou'd liketolearntodoonyourdevice.Pleasebe specificaboutwhatyou'dliketolearnand telluswhichdeviceyouwanttolearniton whenyouregister.Thiswillhelpyougetthe mostoutoftheclass.(In-persononly2-hr. class.)Free,registrationisrequiredand availableat bycalling302-858-5518.Hostedbythe SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930

PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogs&ownersprovideasupportiveandfun wayforkidstogainconfidenceinreading aloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4p.m. Childrenreadfor15minutesandmaybring theirownbookiftheywish.Ages5and older.Mustcall(302)858-5518toregister. HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43Kent Avenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 DungeonsandDragons— FrankfordPublicLibraryinvitesDungeons&Dragons playerstotheirTa bletopRPGClubat5

42 CoastalPoint May10,2024 our donation helps provide food, clothing, hope. Y Your R , CK U TR , AR C YOUR ATE DON OF MD LUTHERAN MISSION SOCIETY Y V R 7 D MINISTRIES 410-228-843 licensed #1044 A MVVA . ax deductible T Tax 4102288437 (302) 470-3613 100 Gar eld Pkwy, Store #6, Bethany Beach Spring Hours: Fri 10-4, Sat 10-6, Sun 10-4 Everything You Need to Wear Out On the Boat or a Nice Day Outside! Calendar Continuedfrompage39 SeeCALENDARpage43

p.m.Newplayersaremorethanwelcome, sojoinatanytime.Allcampaignsare structuredarounddrop-in/drop-outplay, sonostringsareattached,buttheydo playeveryweek.Thisissuitableforages 10andolder.Formoreinformation,visit


Women’sBibleStudy— AWomen’sBible StudywillbeheldatMariner’sBethelChurch everyWednesdayfromApril10throughMay 15.Therearetwotimes:10to11:30a.m.or eveningsfrom7to 8:30p.m.Thegroupwill discussLisaHarper’s“PerfectLove.”Toregister,call539-9510,stopinorvisitthesite

StoryTime— SouthCoastalLibraryisexcited topartnerwithStoryHillFarmforanoutdoor storytimeexperienceat10:30a.m.This eventisforagesBirth–Age5andwillbe heldat34645WindingRd.,Frankford,DE 19945.Pleasebringablankettositon. Free,registrationisrequiredandavailableat https://southcoas 302-858-5518.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930

HappyBookersBookClub— JoinRachel atSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.fortheir nextHappyBookersmeeting!Thegroup meetsonselectmonthstodiscussachosenbook.Booksselectedareworksoffictionfromvariousgenresandauthors.This bookclubisnolongerofferedvirtually,insteadwehopetoseeyouin-person!This monthwewillbediscussingTh eLastStory ofMinaLeebyNancyJooyounKim.Registrationisrequiredandavailableat at302-858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,BethanyBeach,DE CrimeSolvers— Areyouatruecrimelover oranaspiringdetective?JoinSouthCoastal Libraryat5p.m.fora105-minutetabletop gamewhereweexamineevidence,witness statements,etc.tocooperativelysolvefictionalmurders.Forages14andolder.Free, allmater ialsprovided.Registrationisavailableat calling302-858-5518HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930

BingoFundraiser— TheSelbyvilleCommunityClubushostingaCharityBingoand BasketAuctionatTheSterlingTavernin Berlin,Md.,from6to9p.m.Fivegamescan beplayedona$2card.Sponsoredbythe SelbyvilleCommunityClub.

Learn&PlayMahjong— Thethirdclassof FrankfordPublicLib rary’snewMahjongsessionwillbeat1p.m.Thefirstsixweeksof thesessionwillbeguidedinstructionfollowedbycoachedplayintheweeksthatfollow.Registrationisrequired.Youcansignup Call302-732-9351.FindusonFB@FrankfordPublicLibraryandInstagram@frankfordlibrary.

LearntoKnit— JoinFrankfordPublicLibrary at5:30p.m.forathree-weekseriesonbeginningknitting.Signupforthree"Learn to Knit"classonWednesdaysMay1,8and15. Registrationisrequired.Maxiseight.Supplieswillbeprovided.Youcansignuponline

May10,2024 CoastalPoint 43
Calendar Continuedfrompage42 SeeCALENDARpage44



BuildingRelationships— AAUWishosting “BuildingRelationshipswiththeCommunity”atBigFishGrillRehobothfrom11



hillFieldsfora30-to40-minutewalk, weatherpermitting.Thetrailbeginsatthe Murray’sLaneParkinglot,109-199Murrays Lane.Formoreinformation,call(302)8567958, visitthelibraryat123WPineSt.,Georgetown.

Tai-ChiClasses— BethelMethodistChurchis hostingfreeTai-ChiclassesonTuesdaysand

a.m.to1:30p.m.ThespeakerisLisaVelasco,withatravelpresentationonAfrica. FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)hostsaweeklytwo-hour FreeWritesessionattheSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30a.m.Participantsages18or olderof allskilllevelswillpracticecreative writinginafriendlyandnurturingatmosphere(in-personparticipationonly).Attendanceisfree.Registerat (302)858-5518. CookbookClub— Callingallchefsingrades

Thursdaysfrom10to11a.m.Thisisopento thepublic,andallarewelcome.Organizersdecribedtheclassesas“easy,”andcasualattireis suggested. Formoreinformation,call(302) 519-2984.

StrokeSupport— Astrokesupportgroupmeets atPAMHealthRehabilitationHospitalof GeorgetownonthethirdTuesdayofevery monthat3:30p.m.Reservationsarerecommended,butwalk-insarewelcome.Formore information,call(302)440-4866.

3-5!SouthCoastalLibraryisworkingitsway throughsection641.5oftheDeweyDecimal system(that'sourcookbooksection!)We'll learnkitchenbasicsasweindividually choosearecipetocreateandbringtothe n extsession(wemeetthe3rdThursdayof eachmonthat5p.m.).Aswelookaheadto tastingotherstudent'sdishes,we'lllearn howtheymadethemaswellaswhatthey learnedfromtheirexperiencecookingat home.Todaywewillbepresentinglunch foodsandintroducingdinner&dessert recipes.Registrationisrequiredandavail-


NeedlepointGuild— Delaware’sSeashore ChapterofTheAmericanNeedlepointGuild meetsonthefirstMondayofthemonthfrom 10a.m.to2 p.m.attheGeorgetownPublic Library.Bringingaboxlunchisencouraged. Newmembersarealwayswelcome.Fordetails, CoffeeandCarsCruiseIn— St.George’s UnitedMethodistChurchandtheGhostRydersCarClubarehostingacruise-inatthe

ableat phoneat302-858-5518.Hostedbythe SouthCoastalLibrary,BethanyBeach,DE. Eco-ClubInvasives— DelawareBotanicGardensishostingaclassat11:30a.m.:EcoClubInvasivesinYourHomeLandscape.The costofclassis$10formembersandnonmembers.Membersareadmittedfreeand non-memberspaya$15admissionfee. Children16andunderareadmittedFreeto thegardens,whenaccompaniedbyanadult.


churchthesecondandfourthFridayof eachmonth,beginningMay2.Thereisno fee,andtherewillbecoffee,donutsand fellowship.Formoreinformatio n,callMike Stramellaat(410)419-1843.

RadioOperators— AnyHamradiooperator wantingtomeetandgreetotherscangettogetherattheMillsboroPizzaKingonThursdaysfrom8to10a.m.TheARRLSection Managerusuallyattends.Formoreinformation,contactJackMagarat

PenPalProgram— Thankstoapartnership betweenSouthCoastalLibrary,KentCounty LibraryandWellingtonCityLibraries,youcan nowcommunicatebyletterwithaNew Zealande r.Thisisafunwaytolearnabout anothercountryandmakeanewfriend.All internationalpostageishandled,andyoucan bringinandpickupyourlettersatthelibrary. Formoreinformationandregistration,visit themat orcall(302)858-5518.

Bookdiscussion— TheGeorgetownPublic LibraryhostsitsWednesdayMorningBook DiscussiononthefourthWednesdayofevery monthat10:15a.m.InNovemberandDecember,howeve r,theywillmeetonthethird Wednesday.Booksareavailableforpickup eachmonthatthelibrary.


MusicJam— St.MatthewsBytheSeaUnited MethodistChurchishostingaMusicJamon thefirstandthirdFridaysofthemonthat4 p.m.Alllevelsarewelcome.


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:s needed ument and ood Hmit,FeroodP,Fionta ic a , InsurenseicsLs,Busineeta fic

RailroadMuseum— TheDelawareSeaside RailroadClubhouseisaninteractivemuseum ofmodelrailroading,andislocatedat36668 DuPontBoulevard,inSelbyville.Theyare opentothepubliceveryWed nesdayfrom5 to7p.m.,andeverySaturday,from10a.m. to3p.m.Admissionisfree.Formoreinformation,

Dinker-IrvinMuseum— TheBethanyBeach MuseumatDinker-IrvinCottageisopentothe publiconSaturdaysfrom11a.m.to1p.m.Privatetoursareavailablebyappointment.Interestedgroupsof10-15maycall(302) 539-8725.Admissiontothemuseumisfree, andparkingisavailableinfrontofthemuseum. Themuseumisnothandicap-accessible.For more information,,andclickunder“Residents/History/TownMuseum.”



GraceUnited MethodistChurchinMillsboroishostinga BibleStudythisfallonWednesdaymornings,startingonSept.6, noon.Formoreinformation,andtoregister,

44 CoastalPoint May10,2024 Disco ou o s ur y L se L OO e IN O e t y an . Our aim is t tsionas iduals pa v or indi f EN! e a OK OUR nd a pr heir s t o w t o or gr ar o st ood t e about f ! r c a Meet L ce ish t ss e y: rotS ha of te Of Jazz sa A T et I o ense he . Join us and beco y suc g Sus H o w t Ho S ed in joinin steerInt ev our and disco or a tus f .yne y jour ulinar our c y o ulinar ed f e pr y cc lopm In o s t ar k er ho r : isit UsV ussexki s ou x C se wno t. I k s ’. And ito t a w I co.Nul pf uipm ent eqenrv om c chende. t hen city Kunt s me evorgitubaInc
o cook when I e te a placv I ha y alleh is r,whicsenueovlose t c and -edsehundrtaan accommod ” ment if I need it.
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Calendar Continuedfrompage43

• 5kRunand2mileWalk • BothEventsChip-Timed • Finisher’sMedalsforAll


• Awesome5kAwardsforOverall, MastersandAgeGroupers

• •
STARTYOURFUNDRAISINGTEAMNOW! GetYourNameon Presents REGISTER May10,2024 CoastalPoint 45

Reservationsfortheclasscanbemadeby goingtothewebsite Road,Dagsboro,DE19939.

AdultGames— FrankfordPublicLibrary hosts“Let’sPlayGames:forAdults!”at1 p.m.Joinagrowinggroupofpatronstoplay gamesintheCommunityroom.Games mightincludedominoes,Scrabbleandcard games.

Anime/MangaClubHangOut— Frankford PublicLibraryhostsanopportunityat5p.m. forpeopletohangout,readsomeMa nga, watchsomeAnimeandchill.Registrationis notrequired,andthisisforages12and older.


Ferries&Bridges— HistorianMikeDixon willpresentaone-hourlectureatSouth CoastalLibraryat2p.m.onthehistoryof ferries&bridgesinDelawareandthesur-

roundingDelmarvaregions,withanemphasisontheDelawareRiver.Free, calling302-858-5518.Walk-insaccepted ifspaceallows.HostedbytheSouth Coastal Library,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930


ChickenShack— TheVFWChickenShack isupandrunningeverySaturdaythrough LaborDayweekend,attheNationalGuard 3p.m.,rainorshine.Themenuisonehalf BBQchickenwithabagofpotatochipsfor $10,withassortedsoftdrinksandbottled wateravailablefor$1each.

IntheGenes— TheSussexCountyGenealogicalSocietywillmeetattheLewes libraryat10a.m.,withaZoomopti on available,aswell.Thetopicis“Locating VitalRecordsinPolandOnline,presented byJulieRobertsSzcepankiewicz.Sheisa genealogist,writerandspeaker,with nearly30yearsexperienceresearching herownfamily’soriginsinPoland,ger-

many,theU.S.andCanada.Ifyouwould likeaZoominvite,

CraftFair— EastSussexMooseChapter 2204isholdingacraftfairat35993Zion ChurchRd.,inFrankford, 3p.m.


EternalVision— EternalVisionwillperformatSt.MatthewsBytheSeaforthree shows—8:30and10:45a.m.,and6 p.m.Thereisnocharge,butaloveofferingwillbereceived.


GentleYogaFlow— JoinSarahSchaber, RYT-500certifiedyogainstructor,forafree, one-hourGentleFlowYogaclassatSouth CoastalLibraryat10:15a.m.Idealforbeginners,seniors,andanyonelookingfora slowerflowpractice.Wewilllearnbreathing techniques,postures,andexercise stopromoteflexibilityandstrength,balance,and relaxation.Pleasebringayogamatortowel

fromhome.Theinstructoralsorecommends 4-inch-deepfoamyogablocks.Ifyouare unabletogetontotheflooreasily,donot worry,wewillprovidechairs.Thereareoptionsforall!Registrationisavailableat (302)858-5518.(Onlineregistrationrecommended!)Walk-insonlyacceptedifspaceallows.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 U.S.VicePresidents— Dr.BillGudelunas presents“SecondinCommand,”athreepartlectureseriesontheUnitedStates vicepresidentsovertheyears,heldat SouthCoastalLibraryat3p.m.Inpartone (May20),wewilllookattheU.S.vice presidentsupuntiltheCivilWar.Inthe secondlecture(May22),wewilllearn abouttheU.S.vicepresidentspost-Civil WarthroughWWII.Thefinalsession(May 24)willcovervic epresidentssinceWWII upthroughourcurrentvicepresident.We willhearfunfactsabouteach,alittle abouttheirpoliticalcontributions,and moreinthisinterestinghistoricallecture series.Free,registrationisencouraged andavailableat 302-858-5518.Walk-insacceptedif spaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach, DE19930

WalkingClub— FrankfordPublicLibrary hostsawalk ingclubeveryMondayat noonforathree-lapwalkaroundthe FrankfordTownPark.Youcanwalkatany pace,listentomusicorwalkwithothers inthegroup.Formoreinformation,visit

HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibrarywelcomesalllevelsofknittersand crocheterstoenjoysomequalityhobby timeat1p.m.Formoreinformation,visit

FreeHearingClinic— ShoreHearingwil l beatFrankfordPublicLibraryatnoonfor freehearingtests,consultations,OtoscopicEvaluations,andcleanings.Appointmentsarerequired.Call(757) 787-2311tosetupanappointment.


iPad&AppleUsersGroup— iPad,iPhone andotherAppledeviceusersofallskill levelsarewelcometoattendthissupport groupatSouthCoastalLibraryat11a.m. Usersmeettodiscussnewfeatures,share tips,andaskquestions.Attendinperson orviaZoom.Registrationisr equiredand availableat orbyphoneat302-858-5518.Hostedby theSouthCoastalLibrary,BethanyBeach, DE

PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogs&ownersprovideasupportiveandfun wayforkidstogainconfidenceinreading aloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4p.m. Childrenreadfor15minutesandmaybring theirownbookiftheywish.Ages5and older.Mustcall(302)858-5518toregister. HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43Kent Avenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 DungeonsandDragons— FrankfordPublicLibraryinvitesDungeons&Dragons playerstotheirTabletopRPGClubat5 p.m.Newplayersaremorethanwelcome, sojoinatanytime.Allcampaignsare structuredarounddrop-in/drop-outplay, sonostringsareattached,buttheydo

46 CoastalPoint May10,2024 Mother’sD Fenw Of The ayIn ickIsland! E Sunday Last st L Menu SpeMenu Entr cialpM $2900 All Bott Throughout! 4-6 p.m. Daily Happy Hours S! $10 Wino W l Sunday da Laasst ast ! M HEER OF FE M IN THE — 302-53 ednesday-Sunday • Open W Wednesday-Sunday Reservations Recommended CHEERSERS! For y or! r! M s s ISLAND — commended u tled Wines Off 000 Wednesdays F Fond or! ENWICK I 39-2607 • Reservations Rec Calendar Continuedfrompage43 SeeCALENDARpage51




Please contact one of our experienced agents for your real estate needs! Vickie Binsted 302-542-6253 Nicole Frank 610-842-4521 Sondra Connor 302-245-1435 Kathy Cramer 302-236-5630 Rupert Smith Congratulations on Your Retirement! Linda Mueller 302-245-0741 Martha Smith 302-249-0464 OPEN HOUSE - SAT, 5/11 11-1 35855 E Crane Rd, Selbyville Nestled by a serene pond, this remarkable contemporary home boasts an expansive layout adorned with soaring cathedral ceilings. Offers elegant formal living and dining areas, inviting open kitchen with breakfast bar, cozy family room with gas fireplace, primary bedroom suite plus 3 additional bedrooms, four-season room, spacious laundry room, deck and oversized garage with circular driveway. Set on .75 acre homesite with modest HOA dues. Located near Freeman Stage, Fenwick Island and Ocean City beaches and attractions. MLS DESU2059938 $899,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457 MAJOR REDUCTION Point Farm, Dagsboro Beautiful waterfront living within the esteemed Point Farm community! This extraordinary home with breathtaking water views and abundant wildlife is one of the area's most affordable waterfront properties. Custom-built home on spacious lot offers single level living, open living area with fireplace and kitchen with island, formal dining and flex room for office or additional sleeping. Split floor plan for privacy features an oversized primary with en suite bath plus 2 guest rooms and full bath. Screen porch, expansive rear deck and 2 car garage. MLS DESU2059312 $799,990 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457 MUST SEE White Creek at Bethany, Ocean View Beautiful water views through the trees! Awesome home in impeccable condition with abundant living space on an oversized corner homesite and inverted floor plan to maximize the views. Main level offers open floor plan with living room, office, gourmet kitchen with breakfast bar, formal dining, office, powder room and primary bedroom with beautiful ensuite bath. Lower level offers game room, 3 BR, 2BA, flex room, and laundry. Supersized 2-car garage and patio. Community pool, clubhouse, day dock & more. MLS DESU2057726 $849,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457 LIKE-NEW Preserve @ Jefferson Creek, Near Bethany Truly special like-new home offers stunning 2-story living room with gas fireplace, gorgeous gourmet kitchen with island, breakfast area or study, flex room for library, office, or formal dining, and first floor primary bedroom and bath with walk-in shower. Upstairs is a loft area, 3 guest bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. Plus a private backyard, patio, screened porch and 2 car garage. Small community with pool. Great location close to Bethany Beach and all its attractions. MLS DESU2042788 $689,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Creekside, Millville Tastefully furnished 4BR/3.5BA townhome offers the largest floor plan available. First-floor BR/rec room with full bath and access to private rear yard. Main level offers living room, powder room, large country kitchen, dining area, sunroom and spacious deck. Upstairs is an oversized primary bedroom with private balcony and luxurious bath with a separate shower/garden tub, 2 guest bedrooms and guest bath. Plus one car garage. Community pool & boat ramp. Located near medical, shopping and restaurants and only short drive to beach. MLS DESU2054804 $579,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Hunters Run, Ocean View RARE OPPORTUNITY to own in conveniently located community of Hunter’s Run! Enjoy one level living in this 3 BR, 2 BA well maintained home featuring an open plan living, dining and kitchen area, large primary bedroom with walk-in closets and generous bath, and spacious family room with stunning pond views. Covered front porch and large back deck with retractable awnings plus 2 car garage with walk-up attic. Encapsulated crawl space. Community pool and tennis. Just a short distance to Bethany Beach and state parks, shopping and restaurants. MLS DESU2055070 $589,900 Call Martha Smith 302-249-0464 NEW PRICE Swann Keys, Selbyville Spectacular views from this canal front home with fresh paint and new carpet. The 3rd lot from the wetlands with amazing views of the Little Assawoman Bay and wetlands. Floor plan offers a great living area with vaulted ceilings, large primary bedroom with en suite bath, 2 guest bedrooms, hall bath and screened porch. Park your boat in the driveway, swim at the community pool and only a short drive to the beach. Very low HOA fees and county taxes. Sold As-Is. MLS DESU2054064 $479,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457 MANY
Coventry At Barrington Park, Millville Impressive home offers an upgraded kitchen with quartz countertops, island and breakfast bar, formal dining room, living room with gas fireplace, sunroom, primary bedroom and bathroom with a tiled walk-in shower and soaking tub, 2 guest rooms, guest bathroom and 2 car garage. Plus, a fenced rear yard, trex deck with awning and a beautiful hardscape patio with firepit. Numerous upgrades! Small community with low HOA fees and pool. Short drive to Bethany Beach and all its attractions. MLS DESU2055064 $479,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Avon Park, Ocean View A luxurious end unit villa with numerous custom upgrades. This home offers over 2300 sq feet of living space with a dramatic 2story living room with lots of windows and 2-sided fireplace, dining area, upgraded eat-in kitchen with access to the rear deck and fenced yard, and first-floor primary bedroom with an upgraded bathroom and a large walk-in shower. Upstairs, you will find 2 large bedrooms, a loft area and full bathroom. Plus, a one-car garage. Wonderful location in the heart of Ocean View. Great rental potential.MLS DESU2054532 $429,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457 OPEN HOUSE - SAT, 5/11 11-1 OPEN HOUSE - SUN, 5/12 11-1 30413 Cedar Neck Rd #303, Ocean View Luxurious top-floor spacious condo with western exposure for beautiful sunsets. Amazing condo with custom paint throughout, 9 ft ceilings, newer HVAC, appliances, plank flooring, and so much more. Offers open kitchen with white cabinetry and appliances, breakfast bar, living/dining room combo, primary bedroom with 2 walk-in closets and ensuite bath plus 2 guest rooms, full bath, laundry room, flex room for office or extra sleeping area and parking garage. Located near parks, great restaurants, golf, shopping, and the beach is less than 3 miles away. Weekly and long-term rentals are allowed. MLS DESU2056822 $329,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457 LOT FOR SALE Lot #2 Holts Landing Rd, Dagsboro Tranquil Pond Views: Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature with uninterrupted vistas of shimmering waters, creating a serene backdrop for your daily retreat. Great opportunity to build your own home. This .75 acre is only several miles from the beach and is around the corner from Cripple Creek Golf and Country Club. MLS DESU2056904 $124,900 Call Kathy Cramer 302.236.5630 9 N Primrose Ln, Ocean View Experience coastal living in this 3-bed, 2-bath, just 3 miles from the ocean. Enjoy community amenities such as pool, pickleball, and tennis for only $300 annually. Home upgrades include a new roof, windows, HVAC, and flooring. You could have a 4th bedroom. Seize the opportunity—schedule your showing today or come by the Open House this weekend. MLS DESU2058054 Only $399,900 Call Kathy Cramer 302.236.5630 SALEPENDING SALEPENDING BE
SALEPENDING May10,2024 CoastalPoint 47

IndianRiverHighSchoolProm 2024

48 CoastalPoint May10,2024

SpecialtotheCoastalPointphotos•ButchComegys IndianRiverHighSchoolPromwasheldatSeed& SaplinginFrankfordonSaturday,May4.Theyearly celebrationhadcornhole,dancingandfunforthe students.

May10,2024 CoastalPoint 49

RaySander,presidentofthe DelawareBotanicGardens(DBG), thisweekannouncedthaton Mother’sDay,Sunday,May12,nonmemberadultswillbegivenfreeadmissioniftheybringa non-perishablefooddonationforthe FoodBankofDelaware.Members andchildren16oryoungerarealways admittedfreeofchargebutarebeing urgedtobringafooddonationfor theevent.

Sandernoted,“DBGiscommitted tothoseintheSussexcommunity whoareexperiencingfoodinsecurity. LastyearourgenerousMother’sDay guestsdonatedoveratonoffoodin exchangeforfreeadmissiontothe DBGgardens.Itisagreatwayto celebrateMother’sDaybysupporting theFoodBankofDelawarewith neededfooddonationsonSunday May12th.Comejoinus.”

DBGExecutiveDirectorSheryl Swedsaid,“Surpriseyourmothernot justwithaflowerbouquetbutwitha Mother’sDayvisittotheDelaware BotanicGardens,andlethercelebrateallyearlongwithagiftmembership—youandshewillbe notifiedinseparateemails,andyour motherwillreceiveaGardensmembershipcardinthemail.Availableat”

DBGDeputyExecutiveDirector StephenPr yceLea,said,“May bloomsinviteyoutoexperiencethe greatoutdoors,unfurlingfernsand

delicateflowers.Enjoyacolor-filled paletteoflatespringperennialsin ourPietOudolfMeadow,adelight forourguestsenjoyingthecoastal climateoftheshorelinegardenwith familyandfriendsattheDelaware BotanicGardens.DBGplantsfor saleinMayincludeannualsand perennialsfrom$7,allgrownby DBGhorticulturalteam.”

Thelistofneededfooditemsfor thedonationeventincludeapplesauce,cranberrysauce,oatmeal,cold cereals,puddingmix,cannedpumpkin,grahamcrackerpiecrust,canned gravy,rice,macaroni-and-cheese, mashedpotatoes,stuffing,hearty

soups,cornmuffinmix,cannedsweet potatoesandyams,cannedpeasand greenbeans,100percentfruitjuice, hotchocolate,coffeeandtea,and evaporatedmilk.

TheDelawareBotanicGardens areopentothepublicThursday throughSundayfrom9a.m.to4p.m. andarelocatedat30220PineyNeck Road,Dagsboro.Go towww.delawaregardens.orgformore information.Themissionofthe DelawareBotanicGardensis“tocreateaworld-class,inspirational,educational,andsustainablepublic botanicgardeninsouthernDelaware forthebenefitandenjoymentofall.”

50 CoastalPoint May10,2024 ew dwell O Th Col Banke C i B Vi & Vi Ocean of Realty ker . time that during Bank Blood the to ed donat- be will sales all of portion A 11:30-7pm from Bank Blood the for Donate & Dine a host will Brewing View *Ocean -shirt. 19970 DE View, Ocean Ave Atlantic 89 Where: 1pm-6pm Time: 2024. 23, May Thursday blood donate and come to you invite o. ng rew ew cean e or here Click QR the scan to code you schedule appointment on d r DON’S TREE FARM 6396 Hickman Road, Greenwood, DE 19950 302-349-0555 • Get more Tree for your Dollar! 45 mins. from the beach & Bay Bridge Evergreens for Privacy Deciduous for Shade Ornamentals for Beauty Fruit Trees for Taste Christmas Trees for Xmas Delivery Available TREES FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS Drive a Little, Save a Lot! Open Saturday & Sunday 10 to 2 Weekdays by Appointment CoastalPoint•Submitted DronePhotoof2-acrePietOudolfMeadow.

playeveryweek.Thisissuitableforages 10andolder.Formoreinformation,visit


StoryTime:SensorySeashore— Jointhe folksforStoryTimeatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30a.m.Thisisagreatopportunitytoengageyourchild(infant–5)in earlyliteracypracticesaswellasgetto knowotherfamiliesinthearea.JohnTyler oftheDESeashoreStateParkwillbeintroducingchildrentotheworldofscientificinquiry throughobservationwiththe senses.Registrationnotrequired,butparentsmustaccompanychildren.Hostedby theSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930

U.S.VicePresidents— Dr.BillGudelunas presents“SecondinCommand,”athreepartlectureseriesontheUnitedStates vicepresidentsovertheyears,heldat SouthCoastalLibraryat3p.m.Inpartone (May20),wewilllookattheU.S.vice presidentsupuntiltheCivilWar.Inthe secondlectur e(May22),wewilllearn abouttheU.S.vicepresidentspost-Civil WarthroughWWII.Thefinalsession(May 24)willcovervicepresidentssinceWWII upthroughourcurrentvicepresident.We willhearfunfactsabouteach,alittle abouttheirpoliticalcontributions,and moreinthisinterestinghistoricallecture series.Free,registrationisencouraged andavailableat

302-858-5518.Walk-insacceptedif spaceallows.Hos tedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach, DE19930

Learn&PlayMahjong— Thefourthclassof FrankfordPublicLibrary’snewMahjongsessionwillbeat1p.m.Thefirstsixweeksof thesessionwillbeguidedinstructionfollowedbycoachedplayintheweeksthatfollow.Registrationisrequired.Youcansignup Call302-732-9351.FindusonFB@FrankfordPublicLibraryandInstagram@frankfordlibr ary.

VideoGameNight— FrankfordPublicLibrary invitedkids12andoldertocomebyat5 p.m.toplayvideogames.TheyhavePS5,a NintendoSwitchandRetroConsoles.Parentsarewelcometoplay,aswell.Registrationisrequired,andcanbemadebycalling (302)


FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)hostsaweeklytwo-hour FreeWritesessionattheSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30a.m.Participantsages18or olderof allskilllevelswillpracticecreative writinginafriendlyandnurturingatmosphere(in-personparticipationonly).Attendanceisfree.Registerat (302)858-5518.

EdiblePlantsClass— DelawareBotanicGardensishostingEdiblePlants—IdenitificationClassat11:30a.m.Thecostofclassis $10formembersandnon-members.Membersareadmittedfreeandnon-members paya$15admissionfee.Children16and underare admittedFreetothegardens,

whenaccompaniedbyanadult.Reservations fortheclasscanbemadebygoingtothe website 30220PineyNeckRoad,Dagsboro,DE 19939.

AdultGames— FrankfordPublicLibrary hosts“Let’sPlayGames:forAdults!”at1 p.m.Joinagrowinggroupofpatronstoplay gamesintheCommunityroom.Games mightincludedominoes,Scrabbleandcard games.

LifeCoaching— FrankfordPublicLibrary hostsLifeCoachA ndrewSchubauerat5 p.m.foracraftingexperiencebuildinga WheelofLifetounderstandmoreaboutlife andbalance.Youcanregisterbycalling (302)

BloodDrive— ColdwellBankerRealtyof OceanViewandtheOceanViewBrewingCo. arehostingBloodforBrew24from1to6 p.m.Thisisablooddrive,andallwhodonatewillreceivethisyear’sBloodforBrewtshirt.Therewillalsobeadineanddonate effortattherestaurantfrom11:30a.m. to7 p.m.,whereaportionofsaleswillbedonatedtotheBloodBankofDelmarva.


U.S.VicePresidents— Dr.BillGudelunas presents“SecondinCommand,”athreepartlectureseriesontheUnitedStates vicepresidentsovertheyears,heldat SouthCoastalLibraryat3p.m.Inpartone (May20),wewilllookattheU.S.vice presidentsupuntiltheCivilWar.Inthe secondlecture(May22),wewilllearn abouttheU.S.vicepresidentspost-Civil

See CALENDARpage52

May10,2024 CoastalPoint 51 f Trusted Advisor e tner and r part o r to philanthr source .opists g profe to hey’ve been they’ve been eci essional advisors ganiza n most helpful with net e whenever we’ve needed guidance. n ther ougho ia a .ors tworking and collabor e out the ye maximize tax adv sional adv profes e C At the Delawar Wilm community imp and vantages e savvy decisions ab isors mak we h oundation, ommunity F Osbu pact. bout charitable giving to help donors and their mington, md vice o le T 302.335.6933 or g ipaolo@delcf.or esident for Southern Delawar e pr , aolo e DiP Mik contact e, arn mor e delcf.or 933 t , a e war org/daf Donations will be accepted in the library on Tuesdays from 2—4 pm. Please note that some of our programs have limited in-person seating. Visit our website or call the library to register & learn more about our events! Monday, May 13 Lights, Camera, Crime! 3:30—5:00 pm Join us for a movie night so fun it should be criminal! Each month, we’ll be screening a different true crime documentary or movie based on a true crime. Tuesday, May 14 & Thursday, May 16 The library will now be opening late @ 12 pm due to scheduled maintenance & repairs. The parking lot will also be unavailable during this time, including access to the book drop. The children's room may be unavailable for periods of time. Tuesday, May 14 PAWS for Reading 4—5:00 pm Children read to a team of well-trained dogs to build confidence & improve their reading skills! Wednesday, May 15 Happy Bookers Book Club 2—3:00 pm Read new books & meet others in your community! This month, we’ll be discussing The Last Story of Mina Lee by Nancy Jooyoun Kim. Crime Solvers! 5—6:45 pm Join us for a tabletop game where we use clues to solve fictional murders. Thursday, May 16 Dewey Dining 5—6:30 pm Kids grades 3rd—5th will learn kitchen basics in this fun, free program! Friday, May 17 From Here to There 2—3:00 pm Join us at South Coastal Library for a 1-hour free lecture on the history of ferries & bridges in Delaware & the surrounding Delmarva regions. 302–858-5518 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach South Coastal Library Enrich. Inspire. Educate. The South Coastal Library invites teens ages 12-18 to submit their original 2D & 3D artwork for the Teen Art Show! Entries are due before 3 pm on Sat. July 6, 2024. See Website for details.
Calendar Continuedfrompage46

WarthroughWWII.Thefinalsession(May 24)willcovervicepresidentssinceWWII upthroughourcurrentvicepresident.We willhearfunfactsabouteach,alittle abouttheirpoliticalcontributions,and moreinthisinterestinghistoricallecture series.Free,registrationisencouraged andavailableat 302-858-5518.Walk-insacceptedif spaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach, DE 19930


ChickenShack— TheVFWChickenShack isupandrunningeverySaturdaythrough LaborDayweekend,attheNationalGuard 3p.m.,rainorshine.Themenuisonehalf BBQchickenwithabagofpotatochipsfor $10,withassortedsoftdrinksandbottled wateravailablefor$1each.

MUMCBakeSale— TheMillvilleUnited WomeninFaithishostingitssummer BakeSaleintheWesleyHall,nexttoMillvilleUnitedMethodistChurch,from8t o 10:30-isha.m.Thiswillfeaturehomemadecookies,cakes,piesandsweet treats.Allproceedsgotosupportlocal missionprojects.

EngineerEarlySTEMKits— TheSouth CoastalLibraryisproudtoofferGrab&Go STEMKitsforchildrenandtweenscourtesyofEngineerEarly.Featuringaunique themeeachmonth,May’skitfocuseson butterflies.Learnaboutthediverseworld ofbutterfliesandexperimentwiththeir habitats,dietandlifecycle.Kitsarefree andavailabl eforpick-upatthecirculation deskwhilesupplieslast.Hostedbythe SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930www.south-


StorytimeonParsonsFarm— Frankford PublicLibrarywillholditsStorytimesessioninthepavilionatParsonsFarmat11 a.m.Thisisweather-permitting,andany cancellationswillbepostedonthelibrary’sFacebookpage.Formoreinformation, 02) 732-9351.


DungeonsandDragons— FrankfordPublicLibraryinvitesDungeons&Dragons playerstotheirTabletopRPGClubat5 p.m.Newplayersaremorethanwelcome, sojoinatanytime.Allcampaignsare structuredarounddrop-in/drop-outplay, sonostringsareattached,buttheydo playeveryweek.Thisissuitableforages 10andolder.Formoreinformation,visit


StoryTimeatJamesFarm— SouthCoastal Libraryisexcitedtobebackatthenature preserveforanotheroutdoorstorytime.We willmeetintheparkinglotpromptlyat 10:30amandwalktothebaytogetherfor ourstorytime.Thiseventisbestsuitedfor ages2–4,howeverwealwayswelcome olderandyoungersiblings.Free,registration isrequiredandavailableat, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 CookingDemo:NewEn gland— JoinChef CharlesOppmanforafun,freecooking demonstrationseriesfeaturingfoodsfrom eachregionoftherU.S.Hewilldemohowto make3–6regionalinspireddishes.Hand-


52 CoastalPoint May10,2024 CEILING FANS INSTALLED Fast Professional Service Services Include: No Job Too Small! 41 years’experience Tommy Thompson Licensed Electrician 302.228.0038 Free Estimates Owner Operated Ceiling Fan Installation Light Fixtures Additional Outlets Service Calls Security Lighting Electrical Repairs

outswillbeavailabledigitallyonourwebsite.(May29isourfinalsessioninthisseries.)Registrationisencouragedand availableat bycalling302-858-5518.Walk-insareacceptedifspaceallows.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930.

SpotlightDelaware— JoinSouthCoastalLibraryat5:30p.m.foraSpotlightDelaware ListeningSession.SpotlightDelawareisa projectoftheLocalJo urnalismInitiative,a nonprofitorganizationdedicatedtostrengtheningdemocracyandcommunitiesby strengtheninglocaljournalisminDelaware. SpotlightDEwantstobuildthefutureof localnewstoserveallDelawarecommunities.Theyarestartingwith“listeningsessions”—where/whatarethestoriesyou careabout,whyaretheyimportant,howare theyshared—andhowcanwemakean impacttogether?Pleasejointhegroupfora veryspecialroundtablediscussi ontohave localinputaspartofthisstatewideproject. ThisisinpartnershipwithDelawareLibraries.Participantsreceiveagiftcardasa thank-you.Free,forages18-plus,registrationisrequiredandavailableat 302-858-5518.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930

Learn&PlayMahjong— Thefourthclassof FrankfordPublicLibrary’snewMahjongsessionwillbeat1p.m.Thefir stsixweeksof thesessionwillbeguidedinstructionfollowedbycoachedplayintheweeksthatfol-

low.Registrationisrequired.Youcansignup Call302-732-9351.FindthemonFB @FrankfordPublicLibraryandInstagram @frankfordlibrary.

FinancialPlanningDuringRetirement— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostinga5:30 p.m.eventfilledwithlearninghowtonavigatefinancialplanningduringretirement. Topicst hatwillbecoveredincludesocialsecurityplanning,taxesinretirementandcash flowplanning.FindthemonFB@FrankfordPublicLibraryandInstagram@frankfordlibrary.


FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guild(RBWG)hostsaweeklytwo-hour FreeWritesessionattheSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30a.m.Participantsages18or olderofallskilllevelswillpracticecreative writinginafriendlyandnurturingatmosphere(in-personparticipationonl y).Attendanceisfree.Registerat (302)858-5518.

BabyBees— FrankfordPublicLibraryhostsa BabyBeesstorytimeforchildrenupto24 monthsoldeveryThursdayat11a.m.Come listentostoriesandsongs,andengagewith otherbabies.Registrationisrequired.You bycalling(302)732-9351.

AdultGames— FrankfordPublicLibrary hosts“Let’sPlayGames:forAdults!”at1 p.m.Joina growinggroupofpatronstoplay gamesintheCommunityroom.Games mightincludedominoes,Scrabbleandcard games.

LegoClub— FrankfordPublicLibraryhosts whereparticipantscanengagetheirimaginationandbuildtheirlatestLegocreation. Thisisforages6andolder.


GentleYogaFlow— JoinSarahSchaber, RYT-500certifiedyogainstructor,forafree, one-hourGentleFlowYogaclassatSouth CoastalLibraryat10:15a .m.Idealforbeginners,seniors,andanyonelookingfora slowerflowpractice.Wewilllearnbreathing techniques,postures,andexercisestopromoteflexibilityandstrength,balance,and relaxation.Pleasebringayogamatortowel fromhome.Theinstructoralsorecommends 4-inch-deepfoamyogablocks.Ifyouare unabletogetontotheflooreasily,donot worry,wewillprovidechairs.Thereareoptionsforall!Registrationisavailableat https://southcoasta (302)858-5518.(Onlineregistrationrecommended!)Walk-insonlyacceptedifspaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 BuildingRelationshipsWithFuture Leaders— AAUWishosting“Building RelationshipswithFutureLeaders”atThe Peninsulafrom11a.m.to1:30p.m.They willalsoannouncethe2024AAUW-CG ScholarshipWinners.

SummerPlanters— TheDelawareBotanic Gardensishostingan11 :30a.m.class, presentedbyStephenPryceLead,onsummerplanters.Thecostoftheclassis$10 formembersandnon-members.Members areadmittedfreeandnon-memberspaya $15admissionfee.Children16andunder



ealth ommunity H

eam at the FREE C e T Team the FREE C are ebe C eet your B M eorgetown. enter in G ommunity C air located at the CHEER C F ed by eenings, have your questions answer njoy health scr E ganizations, and ofessionals and community or e pr healthcar esentatives on a epr om knowledgeable r gather information fr e topics. variety of healthcar by ed o er esentations eebe team members B on a variety of health topics : SCREENINGS THH EAL : ATIONS PRESENTATIONS

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ADMISSION FREE to all attendees :H EN W 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. on 24y 18, 20a,Mydaatur S :H ERE W o

eorrgetown, G

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May10,2024 CoastalPoint 53
ovided. is Our lty aip ec S XESSUS YTNUCO
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lunch will also
Calendar Continuedfrompage52

areadmittedfreetothegardens,whenaccompaniedbyanadult.Reservationsfor theclasscanbemadebygoingto PineyNeckRoad,Dagsboro,DE19939. LateSpringMeadowTour— Stephen PryceLea,theDirectorofHorticultureat DelawareBotanicGarden,ishostinga LateSpringMeadowTourat2p.m.The costofthetouris$10fornon-members andfreeformembers.Membersareadmittedtogardensforfreeandnon-memberspaya$15admis sionfee.Children 16andunderareadmittedfreetothe gardens,whenaccompaniedbyanadult. Reservationsforthetourcanbemadeby goingonlinetotheirwebsiteat PineyNeckRoad,Dagsboro,DE19939.


ChickenShack— TheVFWChickenShack isupandrunningeverySaturdaythrough LaborDayweekend,attheNationalGuard 3p.m.,rainorshine.Themenuisonehalf BBQchickenwithabagofpo tatochipsfor $10,withassortedsoftdrinksandbottled wateravailablefor$1each.

SafeBoating— TheUnitedStatesCoast GuardAuxiliarywillteachaDelawareBoatingSafetyClassatGull’sWayCampground from8a.m.to4p.m.Thosewhosuccessfullycompletethiscoursewillreceivea DelawareSafeBoatingCertificatebymail (thisisrequiredforboatersbornonorafter

Jan.1,1978).Allmaterialsfortheclasswill beprovidedatregistration.Thecostis$20 perpers on,or$50forafamilywithchildren under18yearsold.Sign-instartsat7:30 a.m.Pre-registrationisrequired.Call(302)


DemocratsMeet— The38thRepresentativeDistrictDemocraticCommitteewill holditsmonthlymeetingatBigFishGrill inOceanViewat5p.m.ThisisaDutchtreatdinner,followedbyaspeakerand businessmeeting.


NotableBooks— TheCoastalGeorgetown AAUWALANotableBookClubwillmeetat theLeweslibraryfrom10a.m.tonoonto discussLucyCooke’s“Bitch:OntheFemale oftheSpecies.”


ChickenShack— TheVFWChickenShack isupandrunningeverySaturdaythrough LaborDayweekend,attheNationalGuard 3p.m.,rainorshine.Themenuisonehalf BBQchickenwithabagofpotatochipsfor $10,withassortedsoftdrinksandbottled wateravailablefor$1each.


HarpEnsemble— ExpressionsofJoyHarp EnsemblewillperformatSt.MatthewsBy theSeaat6p.m.Thereisnocharge,but aloveofferingwillbereceived.

54 CoastalPoint May10,2024 Call 443-256-4871 Today for more information or to schedule a visit to our on-site showroom. 443-256-4871 Our Staff is Regularly Tested for Covid-19 24 Hour Awake Staff All Private Rooms & Baths Three Home-Cooked Meals a Day! All Inclusive Pricing In-House Doctor Visits VA and MAC Subsidy Approved Respite Care and Hospice Care
Calendar Continuedfrompage53

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RBFSseekingoriginal artworksubmissions

TheRehobothBeachFilmSociety (RBFS)isseekingoriginalartworksubmissionsforconsiderationforthesociety’saward-winningRehobothBeach IndependentFilmFestival(RBIFF)and its26thanniversary.

Asalong-standingtradition,the societyselectsoneartist’suniquework toserveastheofficialbrandand themeoftheannualIndependentFilm Festival.

TheRBIFFisafive-dayfestival confirmedforNov.6-10thisyear.Patronscanexpect25to30originaldocumentaries,features,shortsand internationaltitles.TheCinemaArt Theaterwillhosttheannualconfab alongwithtwoadditionalco-venue sites.

Theselectedartworkwillreceivevisibilityandbeusedinthecreationofall festivalpromotionalassets(printand online)thatincludeplaybillposters,the coveroftheofficialfestivalprogramand merchandise.Thecontestwinner’swork willbeusedforthesolepurposeofcelebratingandpromotingthe26thRehobothBeachIndependentFilm Festival.


hisorherbiowillappearinthefestival programandotherearnedmediaspots.

Thefinalartworkwillbeauctioned atthefestivalinNovember,with100 percentofproceedstobenefittheRehobothBeachFilmSociety,a501(c)(3) nonprofitinDelaware.

“We’reexcitedtoexpandthisyear’s RBIFFbyaddingathirdvenuepartner asaco-hostoftheprogram.Thiswill guaranteethattheonlyCinemaArt HouseandIndependentFilmFestival inSussexCountyreachesmoreaudienceswestofCoastalHighway.”said HelenChamberlin,thesociety’sexecutivedirector.

Interestedartistsshouldvisitthefilm society’swebsiteat criteriaandpastfestivalartwork,or sendanemailto info@rehobothfilm.comtorequestdetails.Thedeadlineforartist’ssubmissionsis5p.m.onFriday,July26,atthe CinemaArtTheater.

PastfestivalartistswinnershaveincludedAmySalganik,DanBartasavich, JenniferZezenski,K.E.Jiminez,Steve DrumandClaudiaRatne.

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Itwasduringtheseyearsthat Carmeanalsobecameinvolvedwith the38thDistrictRepublicanClub, servingasitsco-chairandpresident, aswellasadelegatetothestate convention.Asaformermilitaryofficerandhistoryteacher,heremainedpassionateaboutsupporting goodgovernmentandleadership.

AlthoughCarmeanlovedhisexperiencesineducationandasa communityvolunteer,hewasforemostadevotedhusband,fatherand grandfatherwhoalwaysmade“family”apriority.“Papa”washappiest beinginthemiddleoffamilygatherings:Hisgrandchildrenhavefond memoriesofhisvoicecheering themonfromthesidelinesor,better yet,laughingaboutsomefamilyadventure.

Carmeanissurvivedbyhiswife, Vicki;aswellashisthreechildren andtheirspouses,NatalieandSteve MagdeburgerofFenwickIsland; KristinandTroyHeinerofFlorida; andMarkandErikaCarmeanof Maryland;andgrandchildrenDr. JessicaMagdeburgerTrangand DanielTrang;DavidandSara Magdeburger;KayleighHeinerand MatthewHeiner;andPaige CarmeanandNicholasCarmean. His“adopted”AFSdaughter,Lien DeLaet,livesinBelgium.

Amemorialserviceisscheduled forMay17,2024,atSt.Matthews BytheSeaMethodistChurchin FenwickIsland,withvisitationbeginningat10a.m.andtheserviceat 11a.m.,whichwillbefollowedbya receptionatthechurch.Inlieuof flowers,donationscanbemadein Carmean’shonortoSt.Matthews BytheSeaMethodistChurch,1000 CoastalHighway,FenwickIsland, DE19944.

LindaBernice (Purnell)Collins,75

LindaBernice(Purnell)Collins, 75,wascalledhometobewiththe LordonApril20,2024.Collins, daughterofthelateClarenceand LeattaTingle,wasbornonFeb.20, 1949,inWhaleyville,Md.

SheattendedWilliamC.Jason HighSchoolinGeorgetown,Del., andwasmarriedtothelateCharles CollinsJr.for23years.Sheenjoyed travelingandtakingroadtripswith herbelovedhusband.Sheloved familyandhadabigandcaring heartforpeople.Sheenjoyedentertainingfriendsandwouldalways leavepeoplelaughingatherfunny wordsandactions.

CollinswasknownforherunwaveringloyaltytothePhiladelphia Eagles.Herenthusiasmfortheteam wasinfectious,andshebroughtjoy

tocountlessfriendsandfamily membersthroughherpassionfor sports.

Shededicatedmanyyearsofher lifecaringforothers.ShewasemployedbyStockleyCenterinMillsboro,Del.,andlaterasan independentcaregiver,leavinga legacyofcompassionandkindness.

Collinswillbelovinglyrememberedbyherson,MichaelPurnellof Millsboro,Del.;twobrothers,James Purnell(andGeorgeAnna)of Frankford,Del.,andWilbertPitts ofBerlin,Md.;asister,MargotTingleWise(andRobert)ofWilmington,Del.;anuncle,RobertPurnell ofBerlin;twoaunts,KathleenPurnellofMillsboroandNaomiWestcottofFrankford;andahostof cousins,nieces,nephewsandextendedfamilymembersandfriends.

Afuneralservicewillbeheldat 11a.m.onFriday,May10,2024,at theWatsonFuneralHome,211S. WashingtonSt.,Millsboro,Del., wheretheviewingwillbeheldfrom 10to11a.m.thatday.Interment willfollowatDelawareVeterans MemorialCemetery.Collins’life


Randall“Jay”Cowen,63,passed awaypeacefullyonMay2,2024, leavingbehindcherishedmemories

andalegacyoflove.Thebeloved sonofJamesRandallCowenand MaryElaine(Radish)Cowen,he wasborninSeaford,Del.,onDec.3, 1960.

Cowenfoundjoyinthesimple pleasuresoflife.Hehadadeepappreciationforcountrymusic,finding solaceandconnectioninits melodies.HisloveforwatchingTV broughthimcountlesshoursofentertainmentandrelaxation.But aboveall,hetreasuredmoments spentwithfamily,eagerlyattending everygatheringandeventwitha warmsmileonhisface.

Hisaffectionextendedbeyond humans—hehadaspecialplacein hisheartforhisbelovedpitbulls, whobroughthimcompanionship andunconditionallovethroughout theyears.

Cowenwasprecededindeathby hisparentsandasister,butheleaves behindalovingfamilywhowillforevercherishhismemory.Heissurvivedbyhissister,ShirleyClass (andSteve);nephew,RyanClass (andKarlie);nieces,AsheleyClass (andDerrick),BriannaDickerson (andAdam)andLoraHitchens (andRaymond);alongwithnumerousgrandniecesandgrandnephews.

Afuneralservicetohonorand celebrateCowen’slifewastobeheld onWednesday,May8,2024,at3 p.m.atWatsonFuneralHomein

Millsboro,Del.Aviewingwasto takeplacefrom2to3p.m.priorto thestartoftheservice.Cowen’slife



AnnaRuth“Ann”(Parsons)Doutt passedawayinherhomeinLong Neck,Del.,onMay5,2024.Shewas bornin1937tothelateHoward ParsonsandLaura(Truitt)Parsons inWilmington,Del.

ShespentherchildhoodinNew CastleCounty,Del.,andgraduated fromNewarkHighSchool,inthe Classof1955.Shebeganhercareer attheUniversityofDelawareIBM Centerasapunch-cardoperatorand retiredin1991,after32years,as manageroftheUDComputing Center.

Duringherworkingyearsin Newark,Douttandherhusband, Donald,wereseason-ticketholders forUDfootball,andenjoyedtailgatingandtimewithfriendsatElks Lodge2281.Shewasalsoamember oftheNewarkUnitedMethodist Church.

Inretirement,thecoupledivided theirtimebetweentheirhomesin LongNeckandinClearwater,Fla. Theyalsoenjoyedmanycruises.


May10,2024 CoastalPoint 57 Obits Continuedfrompage30

Afterhispassingin2009,shecontinuedherwintersinFlorida.In Delaware,shewasamemberofIndianRiverYachtClubandLong NeckMethodistChurch.

Untilherillness,Doutttookdaily speedwalksineitherLongNeckor ontheCausewayTrailinClearwater. Shelovedtimewithfamilyand friends.Sheenjoyedsunshine,poolsideoronthebeach.Shelikedflipflops,agoodbook,ahappy-hour glassofpinotgrigio,andacolorful sunsettophotographandsharewith friends.

Cherishinghermemoryareher family:son,DennisSmith(and Linda);stepsonsGrantDoutt(and Kathy)andDennisDoutt(and Ruth);FrancesBradway(and Robert)andEllenDoutt(whomshe calledher“specialdaughters”); grandchildrenNickalusSmith(and Jessica),DavidDoutt(andTiffani) andMatthewDoutt(andfiancée Melissa);brother,RichardParsons; sister,VirginiaWalls;niece,Leann Coulborne;andnephewsHoward Parsons,BarryWalls,RichardWalls andRobertWalls.

Doutthadlovinghospicecarein herhomefromVirginia,Francesand Jessica.

Perherpriorarrangements,there willbenoviewingforDoutt,and serviceswillbeprivate.Memorial giftsmaybemadetotheLongNeck MethodistChurchortoafavorite


DianeElizabethGirton,75,of OceanView,Del.,andformerlyof BethanyBeach,Del.,andEdgewater, Md.,passedawaypeacefullyonSunday,March17,2024,atTidalHealth PeninsulaRegionalMedicalCenter inSalisbury,Md.Shewasbornin Washington,D. C.,onJune3,1948, daughterofthelateWalterWilliam GirtonandDorothyElizabeth (Travis)GirtonRogers.

Girtonworkedasahairdresserfor severalyears,mostrecentlywiththe HairSnipperyinOceanView,Del., formorethan30years.

Shewillberememberedforher creativityandherloveofherfamily. Sheenjoyedknitting,crochetingand quilt-making.Shealsolikedgoing shoppingandtheoccasionaltripto thecasino.

Inadditiontoherparents,Girton wasprecededindeathbyabrother, BobbyGirton;asister,Peggy McGinn;abrother-in-law,Paul McGinn;andtwonephews,Michael “Mickey”McGinnandKevinFox.

Sheissurvivedbyhertwosons, AllenSmallwoodandJasonSmallwood(andJennifer);agrandson, CashSmallwood;twosisters,Pat Zook(andHorace)andTrudyFox (andGery);sixnieces,Kathleen Barnes,PattyMcCarthy,Terry Wright,StaceyRuberti,BethAnne FoubleandAndreaBerman;two nephews,PeteFoxandRobFox;and severalbelovedgrea-niecesand great-nephews.

AcelebrationofGirton’slifewill beheldfrom4:30to6p.m.on Wednesday,June5,2024,atthe OceanViewChapelofMelsonFuneralServices,38040MuddyNeck Road,OceanView,Del.,withareceptionimmediatelyfollowingatthe BigFishGrill,30415CedarNeck Road,OceanView.Inlieuofflowers, thefamilysuggestedmemorialcontributionsinGirton’snametothe Alzheimer’sAssociationbyvisiting


EvelynIreneSmith,96,ofLewes, Del.,passedawayonSaturday,April 27,2024.ShewasborninEndicott, N.Y.,onFeb.1,1928.Shewasthe daughterofthelateFloydW.Walker andthelateLillian(Brearley) Walker.


Smith,ownedandoperatedBrick BarnAntiquesinHarbeson,Del.,for 16years.Shewasadedicatedvolunteerathospitalsandlibraries throughoutheradultlife,andwas belovedbysomanywithwhomher pathcrossed.

Inadditiontoherparents,Smith wasprecededindeathbyherhusband,WilliamSmith;son,Kerry Smith;andsiblingsDouglasWalker andhiswife,Ruth,andPatricia Walker.Sheissurvivedbyher brotherBrianWalkerandhiswife, Willie;adevotedson,Kenneth Smithandhiswife,Nora;daughterin-lawDeborahSmith;fourgrandchildren,RobertSmith,Amy Schuylerandherhusband,Jim,JenniferBullockandherhusband,Tony, andTaraGreeneandherhusband, Michael.Shewasalsotheproud great-grandmotherofsevengreatgrandchildren:JustinSmith,Rebecca Smith,PaigeSmith,JakeSchuyler, MeganSchuyler,AvangelineBullock andRowanBullock;andagreatgreat-granddaughter,PaulaBrownwell.

Aprivateserviceforherfamily willbeheldatCoolspringPresbyterianCemetery.Condolencesmaybe

58 CoastalPoint May10,2024


U.S.Sen.TomCarper(D-Del.),a 23-yearveteranoftheU.S.Navyand thelastVietnamveteranservinginthe Senate,thisweekannouncedthathis officeisacceptingapplicationsfrom studentsinterestedinanominationtoa U.S.ServiceAcademy.

Eachyear,membersofCongress nominateyoungconstituentsforthe opportunitytobeappointedtoaU.S. ServiceAcademy.Thedeadlineforapplicationstobesubmittedthisyear isOct.15,at11:59p.m.Theapplicationcanbefoundbygoing


“Theacademiesseekthosewho havegoodmoralcharacter,acommendableacademicrecord,thedesire toserve,andthemotivationto lead,”saidCarper.“Mytimeserving intheUnitedStatesNavymademe theleaderIamtoday.ThatiswhyI taketheopportunitytonominate Delawarestudentstoournation’s serviceacademiesseriously.Iencouragethosewhopossessthesequalities andareinterestedinbuildingleader-

shipqualitiestolookintoapplyingto aserviceacademy.”

Tobe consideredforanappointment toaU.S.ServiceAcademy,students musthaveanomination.Inordertobe consideredforacongressionalnomination,itisnecessarythatstudentsmeet allofthegeneralrequirementsofthe academyofchoiceandcompleteanonlineapplication.


•Citizenship—U.S.citizenship,or havingobtaineditbygraduationfrom high school;

•Residency—Onlylegalresidents ofDelawaremayapply;

•Age—Atleast17yearsold,but notolderthan23byJuly1oftheirenteringyear;

•Maritalstatus—Unmarriedwith nodependents;

•Academic—Mustcompletethe SAT;

•Physical—MustmeettheAcademyphysicalrequirementandthe DODMERBmedicalexamination. Formoreinformation,callCarper’s Wilmingtonofficeat(302)573-6291.

May10,2024 CoastalPoint 59


Ocean View


9:30 AM

Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970 PC(USA) 302-539-3455

67 Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970 PC(USA) 302-539-3455

Pastor Terry Dougherty

Pastor Terry Dougherty

60 CoastalPoint May10,2024 ReligiousServices ST.
God is Love and those who live in love, live in God, and God lives in them. 1John 4:16 SUNDAY BOOK STUDY 9-9:45 am in the parish hall with Reverend Ria 302.539.7444 The Rev. Victoria Pretti, Rector 117 Maplewood Street; Bethany Beach Visit our website to sign up for our twice-weekly news and Saturday Inspiration emails. We offer Bible Study, adult education courses, and more! SUNDAY HOLY EUCHARIST 8:00am 10:00 am with music and on YouTube St. Andrew e Apostle Orthodox Church Fr. Herman Acker, Pastor 33384 Mackenzie Way - Lewes, 19958 302.645.5791 Saturday Vespers Sunday Orthros Sunday Liturgy Visitors Always Welcome! 6:00 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am
Sunday Worship at 9:30 am - or - join via ZOOM (call the office for info) Like us on Facebook! Grounded in God’s Grace Moving in Christ’s Love across from Millville Town Hall Pastor Wendy Butterworth 302.539.9077 FENWICK ISLAND BAPTIST CHURCH 36806 Lighthouse Rd., next to Float-ors SUNDAYS SundaySchool-allages-9a.m. Worship&Celebration-10a.m.
C hapter by Chapter, Verse by Verse Approach to Scripture
EveningBibleStudy-5p.m. WEDNESDAYS InteractiveBibleStudy-6p.m.
am live on Facebook & YouTube Where the Word and the Spirit agree Pastor Bill Lorman 302.436.4522 28574 Cypress Road Selbyville Sunday Worship 10 am KidsPort Kids Church 10 am on Facebook at groups/PCChurch Welcome Home! 29 W. Church St. | Selbyville | 302.436.8412 SUNDAY 8:30 Informal Service 9:45 Contemporary Service 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Traditional Worship Salem Church Pastor Blair Hall Saturday 6 pm Sunday 9 & 11 am River Kids Sat. 6 pm & Sun.9 am Friday 6-8 pm Momentum, a group for Teens Wellsprings International a healing & deliverance ministry for more information: 35175 Roxana Rd. Frankford, 19945 RiverOnline.Church Lead Pastor Bryan Sells Join us on Sundays 9 am Praise & Worship Service 9 am Kids’ Church 11 am Traditional Worship Service Nursery available for both services Live-streamed on Facebook & YouTube Pastor Becky Collison Pastor Leo Park 302.539.9510 81 Central Avenue, Ocean View Seaside Jewish Community Shabbat Services Religious Leader Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan Visit our website to sign up for our email newsletter for noti cation of events and worship services. Adult and youth education programs, activities, social events, discussion groups, religious school An egalitarian unaf liated congregation 18790 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach Celebrating 25 Years (302) 226 8977 Ocean View Church of Christ Sunday 10 am Preacher Ethan Magee • 302.539.7468• 55 West Ave., Ocean View In-Person LIVE broadcast on: Wednesday 6:30 pm In Person Bible Study
ReligiousServices Need to get the Word out? 302.539.1788 CC Delaware Coast A Calvary Chapel Fellowship Spirit-Filled, Verse by Verse Teaching 48 N. Main Street, Selbyville or join us on Facebook - click link on Sunday Worship10 am For more information, contact Pastor Rob LoRusso 302.500.1774 BETHANY BEACH CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) SUNDAY SERVICE 9:30 am In-Person & Live-Streaming on YouTube Celebrating 25 years of full-time ministry Serving • Inclusive • Open-Minded • Open Communion 302.539.4118 7 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Bethany Beach ST. MARTIN’S IN THE FIELD EPISCOPAL CHURCH The beautiful church with a small congregation and a Big, Welcoming Heart! Sunday Service at 10 a.m. Get-acquainted coffee hour after the service The Rev. Glenn Duffy 75 West Church St.; Selbyville Parking: Front or Back 302.436.8921 • Frankford Presbyterian Church A welcoming church family committted to serving a God known for Unconditional Love and Acceptance. 302.537.5944 Pastor P. G. Maurer Main Street, at the foot of Thatcher Street in Frankford Nearly New Thift Shop Fri., 9-5 & Sat., 9-1 10 am Sunday Worship in-person Helping others help themselves BLACKWATER FELLOWSHIP CHURCH All Are Welcome! Traditional Services • Traditional Values • Traditional Church Sunday Services Pastor Dennis Bradford 410.430.7104 34478 Roxana Rd.; Frankford, 19945 Wed. Bible Study 6:30 pm Fellowship Sunday School Morning Worship 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am May 12, 6 pm PRAISE & WORSHIP! Sharing the Truth of God’s Word, Verse by Verse Sundays 9 am Christian Conference Center Octagonal Building 211 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach THE BEACH FELLOWSHIP St. Matthews by the Sea United Methodist Church 1000 Coastal Hwy., Fenwick Island Sundays: 8:30 & 10:45 am Rev. Jake Macklin, Pastor • 302.537.1402 You are welcome here! SOUND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH “Loving & Living so that Others see Jesus in us” Pastor John Schutt 302.436.4011 37890 Sound Church Road, Selbyville 19975 Established in 1779 In-Person & Live-Streamed every Sunday, 8:30 a.m. mCo eht th iv vi reS th eMdeti Un e G .St e S a ay dnuS em oclew er re au oY Yo y 6181 ce ynis t ty inum ch h g Ctsido ’s e’s or secivr !suniojot oreMo AJ Pastor 9 91,dr fo kfo kf narF,.dRramO73343 M UsegroeGtS 302.259.1740 TS CAfotsewtsuj-54 gro.C May10,2024 CoastalPoint 61 EVERY SINGLE WEEK. FRESH NEWS

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$1,350,000 2BR/2BACondo JaneBaxter|KellerWilliamsRealty Fri/Sat,5/10-1110-1
$959,900 4BR/3.5BAHouse NancyeVermillion|KellerWilliamsRealty Sat.,5/1110-12
$575,000 3BR/3.5BAHouse JoeLoughran|Long&FosterRealEstate Sat.,5/1110-1
$649,990 3BR/2BAHouse GregSmith|Long&FosterRealEstate Sat.,5/1110-5
$399,990 3BR/2BAHouse KathyCramer|VickieYorkattheBeachRealty Sat.,5/1111-1
$899,000 5BR/3BAHouse ChrisyTingle|KellerWilliamsRealty Sat.,5/1111-1
$469,900 2BR/2BATownhome ChrisyTingle|KellerWilliamsRealty Sat.,5/1111-1
VickieYork|VickieYorkattheBeachRealty Sat.,5/1111-1
ChristineSpringer|Long&FosterRealEstate Sat.,5/1111-1
$349,000 3BR/4BATownhome MaryhelenGarst|NorthropRealty Sat.,5/1111-2
JudyMitchellShaw|KellerWilliamsRealty Sat.,5/1111-2
AshleyBrosnahan|Long&FosterRealEstate Sat.,5/1112-2
MichelePetrillo|Long&FosterRealEstate Sat.,5/111-4
ChrisyTingle|KellerWilliamsRealty Sat.,5/112-4
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ChrisyTingle|KellerWilliamsRealty Sat.,5/112-4
$390,000 4BR/3.5BATownhome JoeLoughran|Long&FosterRealEstate Sat.,5/112-5
$329,900 3BR/2BACondo VickieYork|VickieYorkattheBeachRealty Sun.,5/1211-1
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MILLSBORO 28422 DuPont Boulevard 302-934-3970 1-888-934-3970 LEWES 1240 Kings Highway 302-645-2207 1-800-331-4241 REHOBOTH 246 Rehoboth Avenue 302-227-3883 1-800-345-3469 #1 Loca y Owned Real Estate Company in Sussex County for 2023* * AS PER INFORMATION FROM BRIGHT MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM Enjoy stunning ocean views from this 4 BR, 3 BA contemporary home w/vaulted ceilings, spacious kitchen, ocean front deck, & situated on a 80 x 165 lot! Cotton Patch Hills offers a private beach, bayside amenities, 2 tennis courts (lined for pickle ball), boat ramp, & dock slips. $4,995,000 Call Allison Bateman 302-381-3661 (Cell) #4777L 3 BR, 2.5 BA home offering an open kitchen w/island, FF primary BR, newer roof, inground pool, 2 story pool house w/half BA, energy ef cient HVAC, easy access to shopping, restaurants, medical facilities, and a short drive to Lewes and Rehoboth. $389,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) 4866TM OCEAN FRONT - NORTH BETHANY GEORGETOWN Low maintenance living w/convenience in this meticulously maintained 4 BR, 3.5 BA move in ready home. Built in 2023 with tasteful nishes, open concept oor plan, & 2,523 heated SF! Condo style living with the privacy of a singlefamily home. $769,900 Call the Lingo/Tull Team 302-226-6417 (Direct) #4818M STINGRAY HARBOR ONE-OF-A-KIND PROPERTY! 3 BR, 2 BA home on 13.6 acres just outside the town limits of Georgetown, offering walkout basement & walk-up attic, 2 car attached garage, 4 season SR, FF primary BR, open oor plan, pole barn, & irrigation system. Across from Del Tech, w/proximity to shopping & town amenities. $650,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4883OM BLACKWATER VILLAGE Well maintained 3 BR, 2 BA home with a new roof, updated appliances, & screened porch. Conveniently located near restaurants, shopping and 5 miles from Bethany Beach. $349,000 Call Bea Maggio 443-789-1480 (Cell) #4519VM Lovely 4 BR, 3.5 BA home w/an open oor plan, two gas FP, gourmet kitchen, HW oors, loft area, oversized primary suite, 2-car garage, sprinkler system, covered screened porch, two porches, & woodland views. $627,500 Call Zane Jones 302-470-7669 (Cell) #4735V THE PENINSULA THE PENINSULA Top oor 3 BR, 2 BA corner condo offering 9’ ceilings, FP, LVP, kitchen w/breakfast bar, granite countertops, sunroom, views of trees & golfcourse, screened-in balcony, & community amenities. $440,000 Call Tif ni Anderson 703-628-6293 (Cell) #4863V CUSTOM HOME This 2,656 SF, 4 BR, 2 BA home is situated on 2.69 acres w/30 x 40 pole barn, 2 car garage, of ce, attic, built-ins, granite counter tops, vaulted ceiling, double sky lights, wood burning FP, primary suite, loft, LVP ooring, covered patio, & conditioned crawlspace. $625,000 Call Merritt of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-562-7954 (Cell) #4811TL WATERFRONT COMMUNITY 4 BR, 3 Full and 2 half BA home located in Bayside Hamlet, featuring 2,400 SF, open oor plan, kitchen w/granite counters, rear deck, sunroom, large balcony, & paved driveway. The community offers water access, boat slips, low HOA & is located close to Bethany, Fenwick, Ocean City Md. Good rental history. $645,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4888MM PENINSULA LAKES Move-in ready 3 BR, 2 BA home offering simplicity & functionality. The well-designed oor plan features an eat-in kitchen w/SS appliances, & quartz counters, spacious primary BR w/dual walk-in closets & ensuite bath, and rear covered porch. Amenity-rich community. $589,000 Call the Lingo/Tull Team 302-226-6417 (Direct) #4894T

Best Bets


Beetlejuice (60) AMC 8 p.m.

In this Tim Burton classic, a recently deceased couple, Adam (Alec Baldwin) and Barbara (Geena Davis) attempt to scare off a new family that has moved into their home. Being new to haunting, they get help from a deranged ghost (Michael Keaton).

Jeopardy! Masters (7) WMDT 8 p.m.

Mensa will be missing a few members as six of the highest-ranked current “Jeopardy!” contestants battle it out in two games over this onehour episode. James Holzhauer, Matt Amodio, Mattea Roach, Yogesh Raut, Victoria Groce and others compete.


Full Court Press (7) WMDT 1 p.m.

It was a women’s college basketball season for the ages. From Caitlin Clark’s record-breaking run to South Carolina’s unbeaten season, the popularity is off the charts. This four-part series follows Clark, Kamilla Cardoso and Kiki Rice.

ABBA: Against the Odds (3) CW 8 p.m.

This film commemorates the 50th anniversary of the iconic Swedish supergroup ABBA winning the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest, launching the careers of one of the most popular music groups of all time and overcoming critical backlash and marital strife.


The Masters Agility Championship at Westminster (5) FOX (69) WTXF 2 p.m.

When it comes to agility, it seems four legs are better than two as the world’s top dogs visit Westminster Kennel Club to compete for the agility championship. The top 50 dogs go head-to-head for best of class honors through tunnels, jumps and more.

2024 NBA Draft Lottery

(7) WMDT 3 p.m.

Being one of the worst teams in the NBA gives you the best chance to land the most talented young basketball players on the planet. Mock drafts have 18-year-old French star Alexandre Sarr as the top pick, possibly going to the hapless Detroit Pistons.


FRIDAYEVENING MAY 10, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Penn & Teller: Fool Us100 Days to Indy WMDT NewsTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N)(Live) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) S.W.A.T. "Allegiance"(N) Fire Country (N) Blue Bloods (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) WMDTN World News FamFeud (N) FamFeud (N) Jeopardy! "Games 7 & 8"(N) 20/20 (N) Delmarva (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood Password Dateline NBC (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) State (N) Artworks Midsomer (:45) Midsomer MurdersGreat Performances "Hamlet"(N) (19) TNT (4:45) <++ The Meg ('18) NHL on TNT NHL Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) NHL Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) (21) FX Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family GuyFamily GuyFamily GuyFamily GuyFamily GuyFamily Guy Family GuyFamily Guy (22) LIFE Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Anatomy "Jump Into the Fog" Grey's Anatomy (:05) Grey's Anatomy (:05) Anatomy "Reunited" (23) A&E First 48 "A Murder in Mobile" The First 48 The First 48 "The Abnormals" The First 48 "I Killed" The First 48 "The Dark Trail" (:05) The First 48 "Last Rap" (24) TRUTV TNT SportsTNT SportsNHL on TNT NHL Hockey Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA(N)(Live) NHL Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) NBA (N) Courtside (N) /(:40) NBA Basketball Playoffs: Teams TBA(N)(Live) Basketball Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA(N)(Live) (29) ESPN2 Update (N) Softball SEC Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA NFL Live RedemptionUFC Live College Softball (33) GOLF Golf Central (N) (Live) LPGA Golf Cognizant Founders Cup, Second Round(N) PGA Tour Golf Wells Fargo Championship, Second Round (41) HGTV Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeHunters (N) Zillow (N) Dream HomeDream Home (43) FOOD Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, DriveBest Bite "Tulsa"(N) Diners, DriveDiners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, Drive (44) DISC Gold Rush "$70,000 Nugget" Gold Rush: White Water Gold Rush: White Water (N) Gold Rush "Young Guns" Mysteries of (N) Mysteries (45) HIST The UnXplained The UnXplained UnXplained "Are We Alone?" The UnXplained (N) (:05) The UnXplained (:05) The UnXplained (46) ANPL Tanked Tanked "NBA Wizardry" Tanked "Nigiri and the NBA" Tanked "Tank This" Tanked Tanked "Tricks and Trees" (48) DISN Bluey Big City Big City Big City <+++ Raya and the Last Dragon ('21) (:50) Monsters (:15) Monsters (:40) Monsters (:05) MonstersMonsters (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC <++ Sixteen Candles ('84) Molly Ringwald. <+++ Beetlejuice ('88)Alec Baldwin,Michael Keaton. <+++ The Lost Boys ('87) Corey Haim,Jason Patric. (61) BRAV Below Deck "Max Tension" Below Deck Mediterranean Below Deck MediterraneanBelow Deck MediterraneanBelow Deck "Ciao for Now" Below Deck "Dirty Laundry" (69) WTXF The Six (N) Special Extra (N) TMZ (N) WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N)(Live) News (N) Special (N) News (N) Phantastic Bethany SATURDAYEVENING MAY 11, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW Burgers Burgers Good Dr "The Family" ABBA: Against the Odds (N) WMDT NewsTMZ (N) Movie (5) FOX (4:00) UFL Football MLB Baseball St. Louis Cardinals at Milwaukee Brewers(N)(Live) WBOC NewsFriends We Are Family "Sister Act" (6) WBOC Inside Ed. (N) CBS News News (N) Outdoors S.W.A.T. "Good for Nothing" 48 Hours 48 Hours (N) News (N) Outdoors (7) WMDT WMDT NewsWorld News Wise Money Family Feud NBA (N) NBA Basketball Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA(N)(Live) WMDT News (:35) Outdoors (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Access Hollywood (N) The Wall "Melissa and Liz" Weakest Link Saturday Night LiveNews (N) SNL (N) (12) WCPB Rosendo Samantha Bonsai (N) Sara's Real Crown Big Ben Restored L'Opéra Austin "Brandi Carlile" (19) TNT (4:45) < Godzilla vs. Kong NHL on TNT NHL Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) NHL Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) (21) FX (4:30) <++ Eternals ('21) Angelina Jolie. <+++ Guardians of the Galaxy ('14)Zoe Saldana,Chris Pratt. <+++ Guardians of the Galaxy ('14) (22) LIFE < Bad Romance: The Vicky White Story ('23) < Mommy Meanest ('24)Briana Skye,Lisa Rinna.(P) (:05) < Girl in the Basement ('21) Stefanie Scott. (23) A&E The First 48 "Heartless" The First 48 "M.I.A." First 48 "Unforgotten: Darrin" The First 48 The First 48 "The Grudge" (:05) The First 48 (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers NHL on TNT NHL Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) NHL Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) (28) ESPN (4:00) UFC Prelims (N) (Live) UFC Fight Night: Lewis vs. Nascimento (N)(Live) Boxing Top Rank Boxing (N) (Live) (29) ESPN2 (5:00) College Softball College Softball Big 12 Tournament, Championship: Teams TBA(N)(Live) Softball Pac-12 Tournament, Championship: Teams TBA (33) GOLF (5:00) Tradition Third Round Golf Central (N) LPGA Tour Golf Cognizant Founders Cup, Third Round(N) PGA Tour Golf Wells Fargo Championship, Third Round (41) HGTV Fixer to Fabulous Hunters Hunters HuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHunt Intl (N) Hunters HuntersHunters (43) FOOD Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive Best Bite "Clarksville" (44) DISC Afraid XL "Legendary Fail" Afraid XL "Legendary Fail" Naked and Afraid XL "Careful What You Fish For" Naked and Afraid XL "You Left Us to Rot" (45) HIST UnBelievbl "Superhumans" UnBelievbl "Strange Places" UnBelievable UnBelievbl "Weird Weapons" (:05) UnBelievable (:05) UnBelievable (46) ANPL North Woods "Off Roadin'" North-Law "Gun Country" North-Law "Circle of Life" North-Law "On the Loose" North Woods Law North Woods Law (48) DISN Big City Big City Big City Big City <+++ Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who! (:35) KiffKiff Kiff Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It! (50) TVLND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond SeinfeldSeinfeld (60) AMC (5:00) <++++ Goodfellas ('90) Ray Liotta, Robert De Niro. <+++ My Cousin Vinny ('92)Marisa Tomei,Ralph Macchio,Joe Pesci. <+++ The Departed ('06) (61) BRAV Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck (69) WTXF (4:00) UFL Football MLB Baseball St. Louis Cardinals at Milwaukee Brewers(N)(Live) The 10 O'Clock News (N) We Are Family "Sister Act" Bethany SUNDAYEVENING MAY 12, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW Family Guy Family Guy <++ Mamma Mia! ('08) Pierce Brosnan,Colin Firth,Meryl Streep. The ConnersWMDT NewsThe Hill Sunday With (N) WOW (N) (5) FOX (4:30) MLS Soccer Next Level Chef Simpsons (N) KrapopolisThe-North (N) GrimsburgWBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News 60 Minutes (N) Equalizer "The Big Take"(N) Tracker "Off the Books"(N) CSI: Vegas (N) News at 11TheRookie (7) WMDT WMDT NewsWorld News Funniest Home Videos (N) American Idol "717 (Disney Night)"(N)(Live) TIME100-Influential (N) WMDT News (:35) FamFeud (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News American Ninja Warrior ANW Women's Championship American Ninja Warrior Women's Championship(N) News (N) 11 News (N) (12) WCPB Celebrity Trip Doc Martin "Equilibrium" Edward VIII MaryLand-Mast (N) Guilt
High"(N) Doc Martin "Equilibrium"
TNT Movie Tip-Off (N) NBA Basketball Conference
Teams TBA(N)(Live)
the NBA
Rich & Shameless Rich (21) FX (5:30) <+++ Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle ('17) <++ Jumanji: The Next Level ('19)Kevin Hart,Jack Black,The Rock. <+++ Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (22) LIFE (5:00) <+++ Pretty Woman ('90) Richard Gere. < Blood, Sweat and Cheer ('23)Tammin Sursok.(P) (:05) < Mommy Meanest ('24) Briana Skye,L sa Rinna. (23) A&E WWE Rivals WWE vs. WCW WWE Rivals WWE Rivals WWE's Most Wanted (N) Secrets-Hells (N) (:05) WWE Rivals (24) TRUTV NHL Pregam NHL Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA (N) (Live) NHL Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) (28) ESPN Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at New York MetsFrom Citi Field in Flushing, N.Y.(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (29) ESPN2 Full Court Press (N) NCAA Softball (N) (Live) 7Innings Live (N)(Live) World Axe & Knife Throwing Championship (N) Surfing (33) GOLF (5:00) Tradition Final Round Golf Central (N) (Live) LPGA Tour Golf Cognizant Founders Cup, Final Round(N) PGA Tour Golf Wells Fargo Championship, Final Round (41) HGTV Home Town Home Town HomeTown "Mother's Day" Home Town (N) Hunt Intl (N) Hunters Int'l HuntersHunters (43) FOOD Guy's Grocery Games Guy's Grocery Games 24 in 24: Last (N) Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby Beat BobbyBeat Bobby (44) DISC Naked and Afraid "Death by Crocodile" Naked and Afraid XL "Enter the Proving Grounds"(N) (:05) Expedition From Hell "It Just Keeps Getting Worse"(N) (45) HIST Built America Mega-Brands Mega-Brands Brands "Easy Money"(N) (:05) How Disney (N) (:05) Built America (46) ANPL Lone Star "Finding a Felon" Lone Star "Saving the Herd" Lone Star "Owl Gone Bad" Lone Star "Back in the Wild" Lone Star "Bucks and Bows" Lone Star Law (48) DISN Big City Big City Big City Big City <+++ Incredibles 2 ('18)Craig T. Nelson. (:05) BlueyBlueyBlueyBluey (50) TVLND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Two Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half Men SeinfeldSeinfeld (60) AMC <++ National Treasure: Book of Secrets ('07) Jon Voight, Harvey Keitel,Nicolas Cage. Inter.-Vampire (N)(SP) (:15) Interview With the Vampire (:25) Vampire (61) BRAV Below Deck Housewives of NJ Housewives of NJ (N) Summer House (N) Watch WhatHousewives "The Icing on the Brain Cake" (69) WTXF (4:30) MLS Soccer Next Level Chef Simpsons (N) KrapopolisThe-North (N) GrimsburgThe 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Extra (N) Bethany MONDAYEVENING MAY 13, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) All Amer "Passin' Me By"(N) Whose LineWhose LineWMDT NewsTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang MasterChef So You Think WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) SheldonSheldonNCIS "The Plan" NCIS "License to Thrill" News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) WMDTN World News FamFeud (N) FamFeud (N) Jeopardy! Masters (N) Celebrity Wheel (N)(SF) Press Your Luck "Royalty!!!" WMDT News (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood The Voice "Live Semi-Final Performances"(N)(Live) Deal or No Deal Island (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Connection Collectibles Antiques Roadshow (N) Torchbearers < Photographic Justice: Cor Amanpour (N) (19) TNT (5:00) <+ Big Daddy ('99) Tip-Off (N) NBA Basketball Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA(N)(Live) Basketball Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA(N)(Live) (21) FX (5:30) <++ Jumanji: The Next Level ('19) The Rock. <++ The Proposal ('09)Ryan Reynolds,Sandra Bullock. <++ The Proposal ('09)Sandra Bullock. (22) LIFE Grey's Anatomy Anatomy "Testing 1-2-3" Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy (:05) Grey's Anatomy (:05) Grey's Anatomy (23) A&E The First 48 "Kiss of Death" The First 48 "Broad Daylight" Intervention "Shannon"(N) Quarter Ton Teen "Cecelia"(N) (:05) The First 48 (24) TRUTV TNT SportsTNT SportsTip-Off (N) NBA Basketball Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA(N)(Live) Basketball Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA(N)(Live) (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) NHL Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) NHL Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA (N) (Live) (29) ESPN2 The Point (N) (Live) Full Court Press Full Court Press Full Court Press Full Court Press SportsCenter (N)(Live) (33) GOLF (2:30) PGA Tour Golf Live From the PGA Championship (N)(Live) Live From the PGA Championship PGA TOURPGA TOUR (41) HGTV Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream HomeUgliestUgliest (N) HuntersHuntersHunters HuntersHunters (43) FOOD Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Summer Baking Champ. (N) Next Baking (N) Chopped "Claws Out!" Chopped (44) DISC Contraband: Seized Contraband: Seized Contraband: SeizedContraband: Seized (N) Contraband "The Hitman" Contraband: Seized (45) HIST The UnXplained UnXplain "Defying Death" The UnXplained UnXplain "Beyond Earth"(N) (:05) Proof Is There (N) (:05) Proof Is There (46) ANPL Finding Bigfoot Finding Bigfoot Bigfoot "Lonestar Squatch" Bigfoot "'Bama Bigfoot" Finding Bigfoot Bigfoot "Best Evidence Yet" (48) DISN Bluey Big City Hailey's on It! Hailey's on It! Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Jessie "Jessie's Big Break" Jessie (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:00) <+++ Die Hard With a Vengeance ('95) Bruce Willis. <+++ Tombstone ('93)Val Kilmer,Michael Biehn,Kurt Russell. <+++ The Fifth Element (61) BRAV Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck (N) Below Deck "We'll Always Have Paris"(N) Love Undercover (N) BelowDeck (69) WTXF The Six (N) The Pulse (N) Extra (N) TMZ (N) MasterChef So You Think The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic May10,2024 CoastalPoint 63 the best of the beach. in ink and online. every friday.

Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA(N)(Live)

Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live)


Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA(N)(Live)

Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live)

Indiana Fever at Connecticut Sun(N)(Live) WNBA (N) Basketball Phoenix Mercury at Las Vegas

Best Bets


Intervention (23) A&E 8 p.m.

Devoted animal rescuer Shannon is prepared to help everyone but herself. Meanwhile, her nervous family attempts to convince her that a life filled with abuse, assault and addiction is a dead end, and will destroy her relationship with her three-year-old.

Next Baking Master: Paris (43) FOOD 9 p.m.

This time, the bakers utilize sugar, spice and everything nice, as they create iconic petit fours (small cakes). After a lesson in caramel from “Monsieur Caramel” himself, the bakers apply what they’ve learned to a twist on a classic, ooey-gooey treat.

Photographic Justice: The Corky Lee Story (12) WCPB 10 p.m.

Famed Chinese American photographer Corky Lee has an archive of about 1 million photos, spanning his career as an activist and chronicler of life in the Asian American community. From celebrations to the challenges of daily life, his camera caught it all.


The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: 10th Anniversary Special (11) WBAL 9 p.m.

From “Saturday Night Live,” to “Late Night,” to “The Tonight Show,” Jimmy Fallon has dazzled NBC for the last decade with his signature brand of humor and an unforgettable laugh. Celebrate his 10 years on air with this two-hour anniversary show.

The Express Way With Dulé Hill (12) WCPB 9 p.m.

In this season finale, Dulé Hill visits Chicago to explore the life-changing power of the arts. There, he participates in a casting session at the Andre Theatre Collective before speaking with the director of Red Clay Dance Company, Vershawn Sanders-Ward.

Lap of Legends (60) AMC 10 p.m.

During this special, Formula 1 driver Logan Sargeant faces off in a race against virtual avatars of Williams Racing legends, including Mario Andretti, Nigel Mansell, Jacques Villeneuve and more, in a one-of-a-kind, half-real, half-virtual race


Walker (3) CW 8 p.m.

This time, Detective Luna (Justin Johnson Cortez) joins Trey (Jeff Pierre), Cassie (Ashley Reyes) and Walker (Jared Padalecki) as they explore more leads in the case, and Walker finds himself becoming more and more invested in what’s to come.

The Amazing Race (6) WBOC 9:30 p.m.

After what has felt like a million miles and a number of overhead bin issues, it’s the final leg for the remaining racers. From Argentina to Uruguay, Chile to Colombia, the teams have worked hard to keep pace and find Phil, hoping for $1 million.

Pompeii: The New Dig (12) WCPB 10 p.m.

It was a fateful day back in 79 A.D. when Mount Vesuvius erupted, covering the Italian city of Pompeii in volcanic ash. This series premiere follows as an entire city block is excavated by experts, revealing stunning frescos, artworks, bodies and pizza.


Young Sheldon (6) WBOC 8 p.m.

This two-part series finale ends the tale of Sheldon Cooper (Iain Armitage), a young genius in advanced mathematics and science living in a Texas town more interested in football and church. Jim Parsons and Mayim Bialik reprise their roles for the finale.

Grey’s Anatomy (7) WMDT 9 p.m.

There is never a day of peace for the doctors at Grey Sloan Memorial. With complicated, often unique surgical cases to solve, interns to train and personal drama to unravel, the hospital’s attendants do their best to keep calm in an allnew episode.

Law & Order: Organized Crime (11) WBAL 10 p.m.

It’s a time for lamenting, as Det. Elliot Stabler (Christopher Meloni) reckons with

in this latest episode. Having returned to the

following the death of his wife, Stabler now fights against organized crime in honor of her memory.

64 CoastalPoint May10,2024
3 x 3” ad Bethany TUESDAYEVENING MAY 14, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Police "Close Shave"(N) Hostage Rescue (N)(P) WMDT NewsTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang The Cleaning Lady (N) Alert: Missing (N) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) FBI (N) FBI: International (N) FBI-Wanted "Derby Day" (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) WMDTN World News FamFeud (N) FamFeud (N) Will Trent (N) The Rookie (N) Good Dr "Unconditional" (N) WMDT News (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC NewsInside Ed. (N) Hollywood The Voice (N) Best of the Tonight Show Special (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Farm-Harvest Outdoors Roots "Hold the Laughter" Express "Chicago"(N)(SF) Frontline (N) Amanpour (19) TNT (5:00) < Ace Ventura: When N Tip-Off (N) NBA Basketball Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA(N)(Live) Basketball Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA(N)(Live) (21) FX (4:30) < The Incredible Hulk <+++ Black Widow ('21) Florence Pugh,David Harbour,Scarlett Johansson. <+++ Black Widow ('21) Scarlett Johansson. (22) LIFE Castle "The Fifth Bullet" Castle "A Rose for Everafter" Castle Sucker Punch" Castle
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RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (4:30) <+++ The Departed ('06) Leonardo DiCaprio. <+++ Die Hard
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(61) BRAV Housewives of NJ Housewives of NJ Top Chef "Restaurant Wars" Top Chef (N) WatchWhat (:45) Below Deck BelowDeck (69) WTXF The Six (N) ClassH Extra (N) TMZ (N) The Masked Singer (N) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic Bethany THURSDAYEVENING MAY 16, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Patti Stanger (N) Lovers and Liars (N) WMDT NewsTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang I Can See Your Voice (N) Farmer (N)(SF) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) Sheldon (N) Sheldon (F) So Help Me Todd (N)(F) Elsbeth News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) WMDTN World News FamFeud (N) FamFeud (N) 9-1-1 "Step Nine"(N) Grey's Anatomy (N) Station 19 (N) WMDT News (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood Law "In Harm's Way"(N) Law-SVU "Escalation"(N) Law & Order (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Context To Dine For JerusalemJerusalemDoc Martin Paris "Just Before Oblivion" Farm-HarvestConnection (19) TNT (4:00) < Hobbit: Battle of the F NHL on TNT NHL Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) NHL Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) (21) FX <+++ Avengers: Endgame ('19) Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr.. Welcome to Risky Business Welcome to Wrexham (22) LIFE Castle "The Late Shaft" Castle "Den of Thieves" Castle "Food to Die For" Castle "Overkill" (:05) Castle "A Deadly Game" (:05) Castle "A Deadly Affair" (23) A&E The First 48 The First 48 First "Ringside Seat"(N) Accused: Guilty (N) Interrogation Raw (N) (:05) The First 48 (24) TRUTV TNT SportsTNT SportsNHL on TNT NHL Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) NHL Hockey Second Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) (28) ESPN (12:00) PGA Champ. NBA (N) Courtside (N) /(:40) Basketball Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA(N) Basketball Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA(N)(Live) (29) ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Baseball Teams TBA (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (33) GOLF Lessons Lessons Live From the PGA Championship (N)(Live) Live From the PGA Championship (41) HGTV Hunters Hunters Hunters Ugliest UgliestUgliestUgliestUgliestHunt Intl (N) Hunters Int'l HuntersHunters (43) FOOD Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Selena + R Selena + R Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby Beat BobbyBeat Bobby (44) DISC Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught!Caught!Caught! (N) Caught! (N) Expedition From Hell (N) Expedition From Hell (N) (45) HIST Pickers "Kiddie Car Heaven" Swamp "Relentless Pursuit" Swamp People "All In" Swamp "Gator Gauntlet"(N) (:05) Swamp "Swamp Jaws" (:05) Swamp "Boom or Bust" (46) ANPL Catch "Blood in the Morning" Deadliest Catch Catch "Falling Down" Catch "Lost at Sea" Deadliest Catch Catch "Cornelia Marie Blue" (48) DISN Bluey Big City Hailey's on It! Hailey's on It! Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Miraculous World (:05) JessieJessie (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:00) <+++ Die Hard 2 ('90) Bruce Willis. <++ The Hitman's Bodyguard ('17)Samuel L. Jackson,Ryan Reynolds. (:15) <+ The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard ('21) (61) BRAV Vanderpump Rules Summer House Summer House Summer House (N) Watch WhatSummer House Summer (69) WTXF The Six (N) Kelly (N) Extra (N) TMZ (N) I Can See Your Voice (N) Farmer (N)(SF) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic Guide The ENJOY THE CLASSICS AGAIN
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TheIndianRiverHighSchool girls’soccerteamstruggledontheattackinits2-0setbacktovisiting HenlopenConferencerivalPolytech onSeniorRecognitionDayonTuesday,May7.ItwasIR’sthirdshutout lossofthecampaign.

ThePanthers(9-1-2overalland 7-1-1inconferenceplay)established theirownproficiencyontheattack rightfromtheopeningkickoffand

SpeciatotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys IndianRiver’s#15LillianMerrick,middle,smileswhilecongratulatedbyteammate#3GabriellaRagone,left,afterMerrickscoredagoalvs.ASPIRACharteronThursday.

tooka1-0leadinthegame’ssecond minutewhentheylaunchedashot thatricochetedoffanIRdefensive playerandintothenet.

Panthers’sophomoremidfielder SierraHenryputtheverdictonice withagoalinthe77thminute. Henrywasamajorforcethroughout thematch,dribblingtheballthrough midfieldandcreatingoffensiveopportunitiesforPolytech,whoseonly lossthisseasonwastoSussexAcademy.Shehittheleftpostwitha15yardblastinthe25thminute.


Davidsonkeptherteamcloseby making14saves,includingseveral spectacularstops.


SeniormidfielderMadelaineClass registeredthefirsttwo-goalperformanceofhercareertoleadIndian RiverHightoa5-1non-conference victoryovervisitingASPIRAon Thursday,May2.

Classhighlightedafive-goalIndians’explosionduringthegame’sfirst 18minutes.Sophomoreforward KamdynShockleycontributedher

fourthgoaloftheseasonandassisted onsophomoreforwardEllaPeterson’steam-leadingseventhgoal.JuniorforwardLillyannMerrickadded hersecondmarkeroftheseason.

SeniorgoalkeeperAlexDavidson playedthefirst20minutesofthe matchbeforefreshmanCatherine Buntinghandledtheshot-stopping responsibilitiesforthefinal60minutes,tohelpIRHSimproveitsseasonrecordto7-3-1.

FreshmanforwardAlyssaVasquez scoredfortheWolveslateinthefirst half.

May10,2024 Page65


Theyhavefacedsomegoodcompetitionduringthefinaltwoweeksofthe season,andthatcompetitionshould helppreparethemforthepostseason, whichstartsthiscomingweekend.The IndianRiverHighSchoolboys’tennis team wrappedupits2024regularseasonastheHenlopenAthleticConferenceSouthDivisionchampionsonce again.

Duringtheirfinaltwomatches— bothontheroad—theIndianssplit thepairwithPolytechandSmyrna.IR wasedgedoutbythePanthers,3-2,on Wednesday,May1,beforerallyingfora 3-2decisionovertheEaglesonFriday, May3.

InthewinoverSmyrna,seniors EvanSprucebankandCalebRodgers bothwerevictoriousinstraightsets, withSprucebankpostinga6-0,6-2decisionoverKevinLin,whileRodgers won6-2,6-4overWestenSchreckengost.

Thewinningpointforthematch cameatseconddoubles,wheretheIR duoofAlanPhomsouvanhandKyle Bennetchwentthreesetstooutlast Smyrna’sLukeRyderandDavidStewart,6-0,1-6,6-3.




loss,”versusPolytech,“weneededabig reboundagainstatalentedandseniorheavySmyrnateamattheirhome

court,”saidIRheadcoachNeilBeahan. “Iwassoimpressedaboutthelevelof calmandfocustheteamshowedin



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66 CoastalPoint May10,2024
Nowacceptingnewpatients! 302-703-3393 MEDICALGROUP is Our Specialty SUSSEX COUNTY BeebeAllergy 18947JohnJ.WilliamsHighway,Suite201,RehobothBeach,DE who su er from s, asthma, food BeebeHealthcareisproudtowelcomeAllergyandImmunology specialist, AmulyaAmirneni,MD,toBeebeMedicalGroup. Dr.Amirneniiscommittedtoimprovingpatients’qualityoflifebyworking inunisonwiththeotherspecialtydepartmentsatBeebeHealthcare,witha sharedvisiontoexpandallergycareandresourcesacrossSussexCounty.


Sheneverrealizedhowfulfillingthe gamecouldbe.

Whenshepickedupatennisracket forthefirsttimethreeyearsago,the then-15-year-oldcompetitorimmensely enjoyedthechallengeofracingfromthe baselinetothenetandbackagain.

LexxineZulloalsoquicklylearned howtoeffectivelycovertherouteto eachsidelineandback.

Sheespeciallylovedthegratification ofwinningmatcheswithwell-placed shots.

“Ihadneverknownhowmuchtennis wouldmeantomeuntilIpickedup aracquetandjoinedtheIndianRiver Highgirls’tennisteam,”saidZullo,now 18andaseniorsinglesstandoutforthe Indians.“OnceIstartedplaying,itfelt likeIcouldn’tstop.Istartedoutinexhibition,orscrimmage,duringmysophomoreyear.Watchingthefirstsingles girlsplaytheirheartsoutduringtheir matchesinspiredme.

“Iwantedtobeinthatpositionand feeltherushofwinningawell-earned competition,”sheadded.“Withthehelp

of myteammates—aswellasmany tennislessons—Ipushedmyselfand earnedmypositionasthefirstsingles playerthisyearasasenior.”

IndianRivergirls’tenniscoachGreg Hockmansaidheisproudofhowhard Zulloworkedandthewillshedisplayed inordertoimprove.

“Shewasbrandnewtotennisasa 10th-grader,anddecidedthatshe wantedtoputintheworkandtimeto improvehertennisgame,”saidHockman.“Withacombinationoftennis lessonsandclinicsatSeaColonyResort,countlesshoursontheIndian RiverHighcourtsafterschool,onher own,inalltypesofweather,sheearned theNo.1singlespositionthisyear.Itis ademandingposition,sincesheplayed thebestperformerfromtheotherteam ateverymatch.Lexxineacceptedthe challengeandneverbackeddown.”


Zullohascompileda6-5won-lost recordasoneofthe2024team’sleaders, bringinghercareermarkto15-8asa two-yearvarsitystandout.


myplaceasateamleader,whetherthat wasplayingtennisinmyownfreetime forhoursonend,aswellastryingtobe someonewhomeveryonecandepend on,”saidtheresidentofDagsboro.“I shareasmuchknowledgeasIcanwith myteammatestohelpthem.Iwant everyonetofeelimportantandapartof theteam.IalsowantthemtoenjoytennisasmuchasIdo.”

Zullohasbeenpreparingforthe HenlopenConferencechampionship tournamenthostedbyCaesarRodney High SchoolinCamdenthatbegins Thursday,May9,(afterCoastalPoint presstime)andcontinuesonSaturday, May11.

Shesaidsheisextremelythankfulfor themanychallengesthatthegameof tennishaspresentedtoher.

“Ihavehadtolearnhowtowinthe mentalbattleeveryonegoesthroughon thetenniscourt,andIcontinuetolearn fromthat,”saidthe5-foot-5Zullo. “ThematchesthatIhavelosthavealso taughtmetennisskillsIneverwould havelearnedotherwise.Ican’tdescribe howhappyandfulfillingtennishas

Senior/Girls’ Soccer

The senior midfielder registered the first two-goal performance of her career to help the Indian River girls’ soccer team defeat visiting ASPIRA, 5-1 in a non conference match on Tuesday, April 30. Class connected in the 12th minute to give IR a 2-0 lead, and again in the 15th minute that extended the Indians’ lead to 4-0. Maddy’s magnificence enabled the Green & Gold to improve its record to 7-3-1.

Brought to you by: Reese Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. Billy Reese, Agent/Owner 16 W Church Street Selbyville, DE 19975 (302) 436-8032
May10,2024 CoastalPoint 67
Photo Courtesy of Missy Carney
FirstsinglesstandoutZullogratifiedbywell-placedshotsandtennisvictories CoastalPoint•Submitted LexxineZulloposesforaphoto. SeeSENIORpage74



SeniorKylieHarrisnettedseven goalsina17-11winovervisiting OdessaonTuesday,May7,astheIndianRiverHighSchoolgirls’lacrosse teamplayeditsfinalgameof2024on TheReservation.Harriswasoneofjust fourseniors—theothersbeingLilly Anthony,AlexandraGutierrez,and ClaireJohnson—whowerehonored priortothegame,onSeniorRecognitionDay.

AnthonyscoredtwiceonMay7, with Johnsonrecordinganassistforthe winners.FreshmanChloeHarriswas creditedwithtwogoalsandthreeassists inthevictoryforIR.Thetwogoalsfor theyoungerHarrisbringherseason totalto35,whichbreaksheroldersister Kylie’sfreshmanrecordforgoalsina season(34).

KylieHarrisnowhas226goalsfor hercareer,withjustonegameremaining,ontheroadatMilfordonThursday, May9,afterCoastalPointpresstime. ThewinimprovedtheIndians’recordto 6-8 ontheseason.

JuniorLaurenStoddardscoredtwice, asdidsophomoresKacieKirschnerand JasmineGutierrez.KylieHarrisand Anthonyeachalsohadanassist.Junior goalieChloeMegeemadesixsavesto earnthewinbetweenthepipes.


Lydic’smatch-best35 notenoughforIndians


SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys IndianRiverseniorgolferSarahLydicfollowsthroughonateeshotagainstSussexCentralonThursday,May2,atBearTrap Dunes GolfClubinOceanView.

Schoolgolfteam,earningmedalisthonorsonSeniorRecognitionDayatBear TrapDunesonThursday,May2.It wasn’tenoughfortheIndians,though, astheylosttoSussexCentral,154-198.

TheGoldenKnightswereledtovictorybyapairoffreshmen,TrevorClark andJakeHollerback,whoshot42and 43,respectively.Athirdfreshman, JosephNeumann,wasthirdwitha48.

Boys’lacrosse IndiansfalltoMilford

TheIndianRiverHighSchoolboys’ lacrosseteamsawitsthree-gamewinningstreaksnappedwitha22-10lossto MilfordonMonday,May6.Noadditionalinformationwasmadeavailable


IR(6-6)wassettohostSussex AcademyonWednesday,May8,(after CoastalPointpresstime),beforehitting theroadforagameattheGunston SchoolofMarylandonMonday,May 13.Theirfinalregular-seasongameis scheduledforTuesday,May14,when theywillhostPolytechonSenior RecognitionNight.

68 CoastalPoint May10,2024 302-226-8220 39401 Inlet Rd. North Indian River Marina, Rehoboth, DE 19971 34444 Coastal Hwy. York Beach Mall Bethany, DE 19971 302-539-6243 www.hookemcookem Open Daily BAIT • TACKLE • TOWELS CHAIRS • ICE • UMBRELLAS BEACH TOYS • HUNTING SUPPLIES AMMUNITION Come in and see our full line of Salt Life & Guy Harvey Clothing…and more! Beac G ds Now Available SUPPLIES FOR INSHORE, OFFSHORE & JETTY FISHING Tackle Store Now Open Weekends Bai , Tackl & Seaf d Seafood Available via Emails Only (sign up at



SophomorepitcherDylanGrise struckoutninebattersandhurled hisfirstcareerno-hitterastheIndiansbaseballteamdominatedOdessa, 13-0inanon-conferencebaseball gameonTuesday,May7.

Griseearnedhisteam-leading thirdvictoryoftheseasonwithasixinningcompletegameatDanielS. FrawleyStadiuminWilmington.

Therighthander,whoissuedtwo walks,alsorippedadoubleanda tripletoleada15-hitattack.Junior shortstopChaseRuley,sophomore catcherRickyWiggins,senioroutfielderTreyHill,freshmanoutfielder LandonFielsandsophomorethirdbasemanKaydenVaughtalso smackedtwosafeties,whileFiels knockedinacareer-highfourruns. Grise,VaughtandRuleyeachchased homeapairofruns.

ThevictorysnappedtheIndians’ four-gamelosingstreakandevened theiroverallrecordat8-8.

Middletown18, IndianRiver6(6innings)

TheIndiansdroppedtheirfourth straightgame,18-6,tovisitingMiddletowninanon-conferencebaseball matchuponThursday,May2.

TheCavsexplodedfor18runson 19hitsasseniorCarterBoydwent five-for-five,includingadoubleand atwo-runhomertoknockineight runs.SeniorJarrettMayesdrovein fourrunswhileseniorBrandonBoyd tripledanddroveinthreemore.

IndianRiverfreshmanfirst-basemanTyWebercontinuedhistorrid hittingwithapairofsafetiesand droveintworuns,whileseniorcenterfielderTreyHillcontributeda double.

CoastalPoint•Filephoto DylanGrisesendsapitchtowards homeplateduringagameearlierthis season.

May10,2024 CoastalPoint 69


TheIndianRiverHighSchoolboys’ volleyballteamsnappedafour-game losingstreakwitha3-1triumphover visitingHenlopenConferencerival DoveronTuesday,May7.

TheIndianswonforthefirsttime sincetheirApril24outingagainstDelmarvaChristian,capturingthefirst, thirdandfourthsetsbyscoresof25-14, 25-16and25-21,respectively.Theyimprovedto7-6overalland4-5inconferenceplayaftersweepingthetwo-game seasonseriesagainstDover.

The Senators,whofellto4-10overalland2-7inconferenceaction,won thesecondsetbyascoreof26-24.


TheIndianshaddroppedtheir fourthstraightcompetitionatMOT

CoastalPoint•Submitted LuigiDotoliandSaulAlarconLopezcelebrate.


ThehostMustangsimprovedto103overallafterwinningthefirst,third andfourthsetsbyscoresof25-18,2516and25-22,respectively.

TheIndiansfellto6-6overallafter winningthesecondsetbyascoreof2510.

CapeHenlopen3, IndianRiver1

TheIndianshaddroppedtheirthird straightverdicttovisitingCapeHenlopenonWednesday,May1.

ThedefendingDIAAstatechampionVikingsimprovedto10-1overall and7-0inconferenceplayafterwinningthefirst,thirdandfourthsetsby scoresof26-24,25-13and25-19,respectively.

SophomoresetterZachHirncontributed17assistsandeightdigs,while juniordefensivespecialistSaulLopez added14digsandsevenassists.Sophomoreright-sidehitterAmorTownsend recorded10digsandsevenkills,and junioroutsidehitterLuigiDotoliadded eightassistsandsixkills.

TheIndiansfellto6-5overalland26inconferenceplayafterwinningthe secondsetbyascoreof25-23.

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Sheputonanothergirls’softball pitchingclinic.

SeniorrighthanderMeganDaisey struckoutacareer-high18battersand pitchedintothe10thinning.

UnfortunatelyfortheIndianRiver HighSchoolgirls’softballteam,that wasn’tenoughtodeliveravictory.

TheIndiansdroppedahard-fought 3-2non-conferenceverdictatMiddletownonTuesday,May7.

TheCavaliersscoredthedeciding runonaone-outbases-loadedfielder’s choicegrounderinthehome10th frame.

Daiseyrecordedher10thsinglegamedouble-digitstrikeoutperformanceandincreasedherseasontotalto 159.Shescatteredthreehitsandissued threewalks.

TheIndians,whofellto9-6overall onthecampaign,tooka1-0leadinthe thirdinningonanRBIgroundoutby juniorJillianCoulburnthatsentjunior GracieHobanacrosshomeplate.The Cavs(6-6overall)scoredtwiceinthe homethirdonsuccessivewildpitches, totakea2-1lead.

IRHStiedthescore2-2inthefifth frameonawildpitchthatenabledseniorMacyBladestocrosstheplate.

SeniorOliviaHitchensandHoban eachsmackedtwosafetiestoleadthe Indians’eight-hitattack.

IndianRiver1, EarlyCollegeatDSU0(forfeit)

TheIndianswereawardedaforfeit victoryfortheirscheduledMay2game againstEarlyCollegeatDSU.

TheHornetsgirls’softballsquad ceasedoperationsfollowinga42-29setbackagainstSeafordonTuesday,April 30.

TheverdictimprovedIRHS’srecord to 9-5overalland8-3intheHenlopen Conference.

Vacation Rentals • 302-539-7511 Bethany Beach & Lewes Locations Locally family Owned Since 1945 Let Our Family Assist Your Family We Can List, Sell, Rent, Insure and Manage Your Property Specializing in Condo & Home Owners’ Association Management Commercial Property Management Maintenance Services Email for free quotes 36734 Red Cedar Loop, Ocean View Welcome to the tranquil community of Windmill Woods. Located just over 3 miles from Bethany Beach, this gently used home checks all the boxes! 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, pond-front on a corner lot with beautiful sunset and fountain views. The open floor plan home features vaulted ceilings in the great room, a beautiful kitchen with granite counter tops, center island, recessed lighting, and a lovely rear covered patio that overlooks a large community pond. Community pool, tennis, pickleball and fitness center are included! This could be your best summer yet, living the beach-life in this beautiful home! $475,000 Professional Photography Packages Virtual Tour Options • Aerial Drone Photography Real Estate Insurance We Can Insure It All! Let Us Quote Your Homeowners, Auto, Flood and Business Insurance Vacation Rentals Year Round Rentals: See Classified Section Community Management May10,2024 CoastalPoint 71 Daiseyfanscareer-high18,butIRgirls’softballfallsin10innings CoastalPoint•MikeStern IndianRiverjuniorGracieHoban smackedtwooftheIndians’eighthits intheirgameatMiddletownHigh.


TheOldeTymersSoftballLeague openedits2024seasonwithWeek1 gamesinvolvingathletes60orolder. GameswereplayedonTuesday, April30,Wednesday,May1,and Thursday,May2,ontheChurchof Godfieldsneartheintersectionof Route113andRoute26inDagsboro.

InactiononTuesday,April30, theseweretheresults:

•AmericanLegionPost2815, LogoMotive8

JimMcCabehadfourhitsforthe winners,whileFrankEdwards,Guy BurdandRobGerbinocombinedto drivein10runs.Logo’sMikeMcClatcheyhadtwoRBIs,andGeorge Fitchrippedthreehits.


•CommunityBankDelaware13, Diamondblade12(8innings)

Thewinnersprevailedinabackand-forthgame,andWarrenLloyd madeaspectacularcatchinleftcenterfield.JoeRoysterstolethehighlightshowbyrippingapairofhome runsforDiamondblade.

•TownofSelbyville17,B&E Tire13

MikeMullaneywentthreefor three,whileGarryManaraze,Mike WaldnerandRussBoweneach rippedthreehitsinfourat-bats. B&E’sJimLeonardandMikeLuke eachdrilledthreehits,whileTom

Pirringsmackedtwohits,including adouble.

•EdwardJones8,TheOriginal GreeneTurtle5

MarkPotter,GregWard.Mike KreigandBruceBerardallhadmultiplehitsforthewinners.TOGTgot fourrunsinthebottomoftheseventhinningtomakethingscloseas RichBurke,JoeHerrandKen Placekeachhadmultiplehits.

•AmericanLegionPost2410, CoastalChiropractic4

TheLegion’sMickWolfeand DaveCollinswentthreeforthree, andJimmyCheseroniandChuck Rineharteachcontributedapairof hits.


ML’swinningpitcher,EdGivens, hurledamasterpieceinwindy weather,whileBradSnellandRoy Carpentereachhadtwohits.John Smartwasthehard-lucklosing pitcherforWS,whoseoffensewas ledbyMiguelIzquierdo’stwohits, includingalongtriple.


•AmericanLegionPost2817, GiantofMillville9

FrankEdwardssmackedthree hitsandscoredfourruns,whileBrad GeistandJimMcCabeeachhad addedthreesafetiesanddrovein threeruns.Giant’sKevinWevodau drilledthreehitsanddroveinfive

runs,andPaulGillinhadthreehits andscoredthreeruns.

•BeachDetailing17,Coastal Chiropractic13

BD’soffensewasledbyLarry ReddingandCraigConover.Coastal madeastrongcomebackintheseventhinningledbyDaveLovelace, LouFedericoandBobDavis.

•AtlanticOrthopaedics11, AmericanlegionPost244 LouFererico,KrisKellerandSky Bradyeachrippedthreehitsforthe winners.

•Warren’sStation10,Touchof Italy7

Warren’sStationupendeddefendingchampionTouchofItalythanks tokeyhitsbyFrankMuinos,Bill McGloinandSteveCarey,sound defensefromMiguelIzquierdo,and JohnSmart’scraftypitching.TOI’s SteveColenhadthreehits,includingadoubleandatriple.

•CommunityBankDelaware6, B&ETire4

KevinMcCabepitchedagreat gamefortheBankandmadenumerousplaysonlinedrivesrippedback throughthebox.B&E’sKenPlacek andLeoKahleachwentthree-forthreewhilepitcherRickDuncan alsomadeimpressivedefensiveplays.


•GiantofMillville15,Atlantic Orthopaedics14


thankstoadramaticwalk-offdouble byNormNeedleinthebottomof theseventhinning.JackKowalski contributedfourhits,whileKris Keller,KevinWevodau,BillMcGloin,BobDeCataldo,FrankEmig andNormNeedleeachcontributed twohits.


JoeHerrledtheTurtleswith threehits,andfiveofhisteammates eachrippedtwohitstogivepitcher DonHillockthewin.Diamondblade’sJoeyRoystersmackedthree hits.

•BeachDetailing9,Millsboro Lanes6

DaveLovelacedrilledatwo-run singleintheseventhinningtodrive intworuns,includingthegamewinnerforBD

• TownofSelbyville24,Touchof Italy9

BarryMederrick’sthree-run homerledTOI,whileDrewSheftz sparkledondefense.

•LogoMotive13,EdwardJones 2

LM’sBillMooreandFrank Kearnssuppliedgreatdefense,while TimReddingandJohnPolubjak providedtheoffense.GregWardand MikeCavallinibothplayedwellfor EJ.

Foradditionalinformation,visit theleague’swebsiteat /118816.

Aquacareto hostpickleball clinicinLewes

AquacarePhysicalTherapyatKing StreetRowinLeweswillhostafreepickleballclinicforthoseinterestedinstarting toplaypickleball,thosewhoarealready players,andanyoneinterestedinlearning aboutinjuryprevention,properwarm-ups andcool-downexercises.

Theycanjoinexpertphysicaltherapists andpickleballplayersforthisfunandeducationalseminarat4:30p.m.onWednesday,May15,atAquacareLewesatKing StreetRow.

Theeventisfree;however,seatingis limited,sopeoplearebeingencouragedto registerinadvance.Byregistering,they willbeenteredintoadrawingforafree one-on-onephysicaltherapyconsultation andevaluation.

Registeronlineat callingtheLewesofficeat(302)2009920.

AquacareLewes—KingStreetRowis at34434KingStreetRow,Suite1,Lewes. Formoreinformationortoschedulea pickleballclinicatacommunityorsports club,emailRachelMavityat

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SeaColonythisweekannounced thatitwillhostits11thAnnualVacasa ProWomen’sOpen,a$25KUSTAPro Circuitevent,takingplacefromMay13 toMay19.

“Thiseventpromisestodeliver world-classtennisrighthereinourown backyard,showcasingtoptalentfrom aroundtheglobe,”organizerssaid.

Thetournamentwillfeatureboth singlesanddoublesmatches,withfemaletennisplayerscompetingfora shareofthe$25,000prizepool.

TournamentDirectorThomasJohnstonexpressedexcitementabouthosting suchasignificantevent,saying,“Sea


careofbusinessveryquickly,winning theirsinglesmatchesinstraightsets.

“Seconddoublesstartedfast,”witha 6-0wininthefirstset,“butseemed confusedbytheSmyrnateam’sadjustmentsinlosingthesecondset.But,true toform,AlanandKylereallystartedto nailtheirgroundstrokesconsistently andtookthethirdsetforus.”

Atfirstdoubles,XavierHernandez SandovalandBraydenBennetchstarted strongagainstaone-lossSmyrnaduoof KevinChristensenandJackRiley.The IRtandemwonthefirstset(7-5)but couldn’tgetanotherone,droppingthe secondandthirdsets,3-6,2-6,respectively.

“IthinkXavierandBraydenshocked [Smyrna]withthatfirst-setcomefrom-behindwin,”addedBeahan.But, headded,Smyrna“showeditspoiseand experiencebywinningthefinaltwosets byplayingsmart.”

ThewinallowedtheIndianstowrap uptheregularseasonwithanimpressive 8-3overallmark.Nowtheywillturn theirfocustothepostseason,whichgets under waythisweekendwiththeHenlopenAthleticConferenceChampionshipshostedatCapeHenlopenHigh School.

TheIndianscanbeexpectedtofare verywell,consideringhowwellthey playedduringtheregularseason.PerennialpowersincludingCaesarRodney andCapeHenlopenfiguretobethefavoritesoverall.TheIndiansdefeated CapebackonApril22byascoreof32.

“Overall,I’mverypleasedwithour consistencyofgroundstrokesandimprovedvolleying,”Beahansaid.“Asthe HenlopenConferenceChampionships approaches,wewillworkformoreconsistentserving—especiallyfirstserves —andmovingouropponentsaround thecourttosetupput-aways.Theboys haveworkedhardtoachievetheirpotential,andweexpecttoendtheseason expandingthatpotential.Whatagreat groupofyoungmen.”

Colonyisthrilledtowelcomeplayers andfansaliketoourbeautifulvenuefor whatpromisestobeanunforgettable weekoftennis.Wearehonoredtocontinueourtraditionofhostingtop-tier competitionsandlookforwardtoshowcasingtheincredibletalentondisplay.”

PasteditionsoftheVacasaPro Women’sOpenhaveseenparticipation fromplayerssuchasJessicaPegula, DanielleCollins,LindsayLee-Waters, AlyciaParksandGraceMin.Additionally,LivHovde,thechampionofthe 2022Wimbledongirls’singles,isamong therisingstarsexpectedtocompetein thisyear’stournament.


AgainstthePanthers,theIndiansgot winsatsecondsinglesfromRodgers,as wellasatseconddoublesfromKyle BennetchandPhomsouvanh.Rodgers woninstraightsetsat6-1,6-2,while thedoublesteamalsowoninstraight setsat6-2,6-3.

“Tome,thehighlightofthematch wastheobviouscamaraderiebetween theteams,”saidBeahanofthematch againstPolytech.“Theplayersforboth teamsaretobecommendedforthat highlevelofsportsmanship.”


Thetournamentnotonlyprovides anopportunityforfanstowitnesstennisbutalsoservesasaplatformfor playerstohonetheirskillsandadvance theircareersontheprofessionalcircuit.


Aspartoftheexcitement,aKids DaywillbeheldonMay15from4:30 to 6p.m.Childrenarebeinginvitedto jointhefunalongsideworld-ranked tennisplayersandSeaColonypros. Theycanengageingamesdesignedto enhanceskillsandfosterapassionfor tennis.

ownagainstwhatBeahancalleda“buzzsaw”inPoly’sElliottMiller,whoisa four-yearfirstsinglesstarter.

“Evan,inhisfirstyearplayingsingles,playedwell,butElliott’sground strokesweredead-on,”notedBeahan. “I’mproudthatEvanmadesomeadjustmentsandwillusethoseifthey meetagaininconferences.”

IR’sLandonArauzdroppedaheartbreakertoPoly’sGabrielWiley,3-6,7-6 (7-4),2-6,atthirdsingles.Bothplayers keptcounteringtheother,butWiley wasabletolandthefinalpunchforthe win.

Atfirstdoubles,itwasquitepossibly the matchoftheday,evenifitdidn’tgo


Admissiontothe11thAnnualVacasaProWomen’sOpenisfreeforspectators,providingtennisenthusiastswith theopportunitytowitnesstheexcitementfirsthand.Finalsmatcheswillbe playedonSaturday,May18,andSunday,May19.

FormoreinformationabouttheVacasaProWomen’sOpenatSeaColony, includingtournamentscheduleandto viewtheearly-acceptanceplayerslist,

intheIndians’favor.BraydenBennetch andXavierHernandezSandovalbattled tooth-and-nailwithPolytech’sTristan JonesandTrentLawson.TheIRduo droppedtiebreakersetsinthefirstand third,sandwichedaroundtheirwinin thesecondset.Thescoresforthematch were6-7(5-7),6-4,6-7(5-7).

“Calebjustworedownhisopponent early,”saidBeahan.“Heissoconsistent andneverseemsfazed.Landonplayed hisbesttennistodateatthirdsinglesin forcingathirdset.I’mveryexcitedto seewhatthosetwocandocomingup.




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May10,2024 CoastalPoint 73

mademe,andhowfulfillingitistobea partofthisteam.”

Shehasemergedasoneofthearea’s mostintensecompetitors,creditingthe journeytoherconstantworkloadof dailypractices,aswellasmatches againsttoughenedopponents.

“ThefeedbackIgetfromCoach Hockmanhashelpedmakeahugecontributiontomysuccess,”shesaid.“He hasmadethebiggestimpactinboth tennisandinmyjourneytowardcollege.



setsbutlosttwoheartbreakingtiebreakerstolosethematch.Iftheycan cutdownontheirunforcederrors,they willbejustfine.KyleandAlanwere steadyasarockintakingcareofmatters instraightsets.”

Ialsoowemostofmyprogresstothe manytennislessonsthatIhavebeen fortunateenoughtohavehad,aswellas thehoursofself-practice.

“IbegantakinglessonsatSea ColonyinBethanyBeachalmostevery dayoftheweekafterschool.Andwhen Iwasn’ttakinglessons,Iwashitting tennisballsoffofthegaragedooror playingagainstfriends.Icontinueto carryoutthiscycletothisday.”

“SheleavesIRasoneofthehardestworkingtennisplayerstocomethrough theprogram,”Hockmansaid enthusiastically.“I’mconfidentshewill putforththesameeffortinallofher futureendeavors!”



SeniorIsabellWisniewskiwasthe lonewinnerfortheIndianRiverHigh Schoolgirls’tennisteamina4-1lossto SmyrnaonFriday,May3,towrapup the regularseason.Wisniewskiwonin straightsets,6-1,6-4.TheIndiansfinishedtheir2024campaignwitha5-6 record.

InthematchprioragainstPolytech, theIndianswerevictoriousina5-0

Gainingknowledge aboutthegame

Zulloalsoinsiststhatagreatdealof herknowledgeaboutthegameistheresultoffeedbackshe’sheardfromher mother,EllenZullo,andfather,Brad Zullo.

“IknowIwouldnothavegottenthis farwithouttheirsupportthatmademe sodeterminedtopushmyself,”shesaid. “Theyattendeveryoneofmytennis matches,hitballswithmeonthecourt, andtheylistentomelamentabouthow

sweeponSeniorRecognitionDay. SeniorLexxineZullotookathreesetwinatfirstsinglesoverPoly’sEmma Craneafterdroppingthefirstset,3-6, 6-4,11-9.Atsecondsingles,fellowseniorKylieCourtneymadequickworkof thePanthers’OliviaLasherwitha6-1, 6-1 win.Then,atthirdsingles,WisnieskimatchedCourtney’seffortwitha 6-1,6-1winoverPoly’sSabrina Weaver.

Overonthedoublesside,theduoof AlisonSwartzandGraceDealerecoveredforathree-setwinafterdropping

Icould’vewonthatmatchifIdidthis or thatdifferently.Theygivemeadvice andsupportthatnooneelsecangive, andithasalldefinitelyhelpedmegrow asaplayer.AndImustadmitIwouldn’t havegottenmostofmylessonsifit weren’tformyparents.

ZullowillattendtheUniversityof Delawarebeginningthisfall.

“IwanttocompletetheSEEDprogram,aStudentExcellenceEqualsDegreescholarshipinitiative,and determinewhetherIwanttostayon campusfortheschool’smusicandarts programs,ortransfertoanartsschool topursuethatcareerpath.”

theirfirstsettoPoly’sHaleyHoldermanandEricaMorales,1-6,6-4,6-3,at firstdoubles.IR’sSaraDeeryand EmeliaWelchpickedupa6-2,6-2 straight-setswinoverthePanthers’AriannaJonesandAbigailJonesatsecond doubles.

The Indianswillnowheadintothe HenlopenAthleticConferenceChampionshipsthisweekendatCaesarRodney,wheretheywilllooktoqualifyas manyastheycanfortheDIAAState Championships.

74 CoastalPoint May10,2024 A r e y o u t i r e d o f d r i v i n g i n w a t e r , m u d & p o t h o l e s ? W e c a n h e l p ! Blacktop • Tar & Chip • Road Millings • Sealcoating Can’t afford asphalt prices? Ask about tar & chip, our maintenance free driveways. 302-945-7131 • 410-480-0178 Serving Delmarva For 60 Years Call Today for a Free Estimate! We Accept H a n d l i n g A l l o f Y o u r C o m m e r c i a l & R e s i d e n t i a l P a v i n g N e e d s M e n t i o n T h i s A d t o R e c e i v e $ 1 0 0 O f f A n y S e r v i c e $ 1 0 0 0 o r M o r e V A L I D T H R O U G H 5 / 3 1 / 2 4
Senior Continuedfrompage67

CentreIceRinklaunchesnew playerdevelopmentprogram

TheCentreIceRinkatthe DelawareStateFairthisweekannouncedthelaunchofaplayer-developmentin-houseprogram,“The Generals.”Designedtonurturethe nextgenerationoficehockeytalent intheregion,theprogramisintendedtoofferacomprehensive trainingcurriculumaimedatplayers ofallskilllevels.

TheGeneralsprogramaimstoredefineplayerdevelopmentbyprovidingparticipantswithtop-tier coaching,state-of-the-artfacilities andasupportiveenvironment,representativessaid.

“Whetherplayersarejuststarting theirhockeyjourneyoraimingto taketheirskillstothenextlevel,The Generalspreparesyouthwiththeexperiencetheyneedtoadvanceto scholasticteams,travelteamsorstay withintherecreationalenvironment.”


•Convenientandcosteffective— Thein-houseprogramwascreated asadevelopmentaltrainingtoolto giveourcommunityaprogramthat isnotonlyaffordable,butlesscommitmentthanatravelprogram.The CentreRinkmanagementishoping tohelpaccommodateanyparents’ schedulewhileextendingopportunitiestoyouthinterestedinbuilding theiricehockeyskills.

•Expertcoaching—TheCentre IceRinkprovidesanexperienced coachingstaff,dedicatedtofostering thegrowthanddevelopmentofeach individualplayer.Withafocuson skill-building,strategyandsportsmanship,coacheswillbecommitted tohelpingplayersreachtheirfull potential.

•Comprehensivetraining— Fromfundamentaldrillstoadvanced techniques,TheGeneralsprogram willcoverallaspectsofthegame. Playerswillhaveaccesstospecializedtrainingsessions,including powerskating,stickhandling,shooting,gametactics,videoreviewand dry-landconditioning.

•Inclusivecommunity—The Generalswillbewelcomingyouth withawiderangeofagesandabilities,fosteringadiverseandinclusive communityofyounghockeyenthusiasts.Unlikeothericehockeyprograms,theysaid,“TheGenerals deliversastate-of-the-artcurriculum withoutthetimeconstraintorfinancialburdenformanyfamilies.Ifyour child’sdreamistoparticipateata competitivelevelorsimplyenjoythe gameofhockey,TheGeneralswill betheultimateprogramcuratedfor everyone.”


Generals’toprovideaspiringhockey playersinourcommunitywithan unparalleledopportunitytodevelop theirhockeyskills,”saidWayne Evans,rinkmanagerattheCentre IceRink.“Ourgoalistosupport playergrowthanddevelopment;givingyouththeopportunitytolearn, progress,andultimatelyhaverefined abilitiestocontinuetheirpassion withthesport.

RegistrationforTheGeneralsis nowopenforthe2024-2025season. Tolearnmoreandsignup,visit at(302)398-7024formoreinformation.

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To Whom it May Concern:

This is to advise that Michael Joseph Schmith of 37401 Hill Cut Drive, Selbyville, of Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for a License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the laws of the State of Delaware.

CP 20240510 1T


By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 21st day of May, 2024

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:334-5.00-1146.00


Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 6/21/24subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of RUSSELL VERTICELLI & SUSAN M. LITWIN (14) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20240510 2T


The Board of Adjustment of the Town of Bethany Beach will hold a public meeting on Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 2:00 pm in the Bethany Beach Town Hall, 214 Garfield Parkway in Bethany Beach, Delaware.

The purpose of the hearing is to consider the following:

An application for a variance, filed by property owners Michael and Ann O’Reilly, for the property identified as Block RH31, Lot 10, addressed as 619 Holly Court. The applicants are seeking a variance from Chapter 425, Attachment 3, Appendix 3, Table of Dimensional Requirements for an existing encroachment of 1.9 feet into the required side yard setback.

The application may be inspected in the office of the Building Inspector, 214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, Delaware, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except scheduled Holidays.

All interested persons are hereby notified to be present and to attend this hearing where said Board may make a determination on the application, said Board without further notice may adjourn such hearing from time to time.

The Board may recess for good reason on the announced day and reconvene on another day to continue the hearing; in such a case, the announcement of the date and time of reconvening will constitute sufficient public notice.

CP 20240510 1T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 21st day of May, 2024 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:334-13.00-929.00

Property Address: 12 KINGS CREEK DRIVE, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 6/17/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 6/21/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of JOHN P. ALBERTA (21) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20240510 2T
May10,2024 CoastalPoint 77



By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 21st day of May, 2024

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:234-23.00-674.00

Property Address: RIVER BREEZE, LOT 35, 26449 SANDPIPER DRIVE, Millsboro, DE 19966

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 21st day of May, 2024

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:433-6.00-19.00

Property Address: 28672 GUM TREE ROAD, Frankford, DE 19945

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 6/17/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 6/21/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of ESTATE OF FREDERICK E. POOLE, SR. C/O TONYA Y. POOLE, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE; FREDERICK E. POOLE, JR., HEIR & TONYA Y. POOLE, HEIR (25) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 6/21/24subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of DEBORAH A. GILBERT & NANCY J. GILBERT (3) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 21st day of May, 2024

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:133-21.05-19.00

Property Address: 333 GRACE STREET, Millsboro, DE 19966

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 6/17/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 6/21/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of BARBARA P. WOOD, EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH H. WOOD A/K/A JOSEPH HAROLD WOOD & BRIAN BARNES (23) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

78 CoastalPoint May10,2024
CP 20240510 2T
CP 20240510 2T
CP 20240510 2T





CP 20240510 1T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 21st day of May, 2024

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:134-12.00-3890.00

Property Address: 31407 VALLEY GREEN ROAD, Millville, DE 19967

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 6/17/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 6/21/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of DENNIS J. DELANEY (22) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 21st day of May, 2024

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:134-12.00-1161.00

Property Address: 36372 OLD MILL ROAD, Ocean View, DE 19970

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 6/17/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 6/21/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of BRITTNEY MITCHELL (20) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 21st day of May, 2024

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:134-2.00-3.00-UNIT-B-2

Property Address: 19 MARINA VIEW COURT, Bethany Beach, DE 19930

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 6/17/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 6/21/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of GLORIA B. HERNDON (27) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20240510 2T
CP 20240510 2T
20240510 2T
May10,2024 CoastalPoint 79






CP 20240510 1T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 21st day of May, 2024 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:533-16.15-74.00

Property Address: 27 DUKE STREET, Selbyville, DE 19975

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 6/17/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 6/21/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of JAMIE D. BURKE & JUDITH HARBIN BURKE (31) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


The Town of Millville will receive sealed bids at the Town Hall, 36404 Club House Rd., Millville, DE 19967, until 2:00 p.m., June 13, 2024, at which time they will be publicly opened for the following project:

Bid No. 25-01

Evans Park Pickleball Court Hardscape 32517 Dukes Drive; Millville, DE 19967

The Town is seeking responsible bidders with professional landscaping/hardscape knowledge for the construction of approximately 500 lf of wall pavers around the pickleball court, located in Evans Park.

Prospective bidders may pick up the Bidding Plans and Specifications at Millville Town Hall or by contacting the Code and Building Department at 302-539-0449 for an electronic copy.

Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and shall be marked clearly as follows: Sealed Bid - Proposal for Town of Millville, Evans Park Pickleball Court Hardscape, Bid Number 25-01.

The Town reserves the right to waive irregularities and to reject any nonresponsive or all bids. The Town reserves the right to require that the successful bidder sign a contract embodying these and standard terms.

CP 20240510 2T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 21st day of May, 2024

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:234-33.00-46.02

Property Address: 30500 SYLVIA DRIVE, Millsboro, DE 19966

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 6/17/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 6/21/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of TANYA MORRIS STREET & THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (36) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

80 CoastalPoint May10,2024
CP 20240510 2T
CP 20240510 2T



PO BOX 743; GEORGETOWN, DE 19947 (302)855-7875

Estate of Gail Patricia Beynon, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Gail Patricia Beynon who departed this life on March 10, 2024, late of Ocean View, DE were duly granted unto Gregory James Golden on April 22, 2024 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before November 10, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.


Gregory James Golden 31765 Mill Run Drive Ocean View, DE 19970

Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills


Manaen S. Robinson, IV, ESQ. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401 Ocean View, DE 19970

CP 20240503 3T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 21st day of May, 2024 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:533-13.00-205.00

Property Address: 37575 JANICE CIRCLE, Selbyville, DE 19975

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 6/17/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 6/21/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of MARY L. KARLA & BALBIR S. KALRA (28) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


Estate of Gerald Jacynski, Deceased.

Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Gerald Jacynski who departed this life on April 17, 2024, late of Ocean View, DE were duly granted unto Elizabeth Baker on April 26, 2024 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before December 17, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.

Executor: Elizabeth Baker 36416 Smith Drive Ocean View, DE 19970


Parsons & Robinson, P.A. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401 Ocean View, DE 19970

Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills CP 202405010 3T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 21st day of May, 2024 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:133-6.00-141.00

Property Address: 24923 BETHESDA ROAD, Georgetown, DE 19947

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 6/17/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 6/21/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of SCOTT E. BRADLEY, SR. (30) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20240510 2T
CP 20240510 2T
May10,2024 CoastalPoint 81

We are pleased to present this year's Annual Water Quality Report (Consumer Confidence Report) as required by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). This report is designed to provide details about where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to standards set by regulatory agencies. This report is a snapshot of last year's water quality. We are committed to providing you with this information because informed customers are our best allies.

Spanish (Espanol): Este informe contiene informacion muy importante sobre la calidad de su agua beber. Traduscalo o hable con alguien que lo entienda bien.

Do I need to take special precautions?

Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. EPA/Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Water Drinking Hotline (800-4264791).

Where does my water come from?

Your water is groundwater that comes from the unconfined Columbia Group – Pocomoke aquifer.

Source water assessment and availability

Our source water assessment is available through:

The Source Water Assessment’s Summary of Our System’s Susceptibility to Contamination Selbyville Water Department is exceedingly susceptible to petroleum hydrocarbons and metals. It has very high susceptibility to nutrients and a high susceptibility to pathogens, pesticides, PCBs, other organic compounds, and other inorganic compounds.

Why are there contaminants in my drinking water?

Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that


2024 Water Quality Report


6 Railroad Avenue, Selbyville, DE 19975

PWS ID# DE0000654

April 22, 2024

water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Safe Drinking Water Hotline, 800-426-4791.

The sources of drinking water, both tap water and bottled water, include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity. In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, EPA prescribes regulations that limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. Food and Drug Administration regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water which must provide the same protection for public health.

Contaminants that may be present in source water include:

• Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife.

• Inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally occurring or result from urban stormwater runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining, or farming.

• Pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, urban stormwater runoff, and residential uses.

• Organic chemical contaminants, including synthetic and volatile organic chemicals, which are byproducts of industrial processes and petroleum production, and can also come from gas stations, urban stormwater runoff, and septic systems.

• Radioactive contaminants, which can be naturally-occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities.

How can I get involved?

If you have any questions about this report or concerning your water utility, please call (302) 8530855. We hold regularly scheduled monthly meetings the first Monday of each month at the Selbyville Town Hall, 1 W. Church St., Selbyville, DE 19975. We want our valued customers to be informed about their water utility.

Continued on page 83

Additional information about lead

If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. Selbyville Water Department is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline or at:

For more information, contact: Kevin Murray 1 W. Church St. Selbyville, DE 19975 (302) 853-0855

Water Quality Data Tables

In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, EPA prescribes regulations which limit the amount of contaminants in water provided by public water systems. The table below lists all of the drinking water contaminants that we detected during the calendar year of this report. Although many more contaminants were tested, only those substances listed below were found in your water. All sources of drinking water contain some naturally occurring contaminants. At low levels, these substances are generally not harmful in our drinking water. Removing all contaminants would be extremely expensive, and in most cases, would not provide increased protection of public health. A few naturally occurring minerals may actually improve the taste of drinking water and have nutritional value at low levels. Unless otherwise noted, the data presented in this table is from testing done in the calendar year of the report. The EPA or the State requires us to monitor for certain contaminants less than once per year because the concentrations of these contaminants do not vary significantly from year to year, or the system is not considered vulnerable to this type of contamination. As such, some of our data, though representative, may be more than one year old. In this table you will find terms and abbreviations that might not be familiar to you. To help you better understand these terms, we have provided the definitions in the tables below.

82 CoastalPoint May10,2024

Continued from page 82


Important Drinking Water Definitions

MCLG: Maximum Contaminant Level Goal: The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety.

MCL: Maximum Contaminant Level: The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment technology.

SMCL: Suggested Maximum Contaminant Level for aesthetic contaminants.

TT: Treatment Technique: A required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water.

Unit Descriptions

ppm parts per million, or milligrams per liter (mg/L)

ppb parts per billion, or micrograms per liter (ug/L)

NA not applicable

ND not detected

NR Monitoring not required, but recommended

AL: Action Level: The concentration of a contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirements which a water system must follow.

MRDLG: Maximum residual disinfection level goal. The level of a drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MRDLGs do not reflect the benefits of the use of disinfectants to control microbial contaminants.

MRDL: Maximum residual disinfectant level. The highest level of a disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of a disinfectant is necessary for control of microbial contaminants.

Delaware Secondary Drinking Water Standards

Table of Regulated Contaminants Utilizing 2023 Test Results

We, at the Town of Selbyville, work around the clock to provide top quality water to every tap. We ask that all our customers help us protect our water sources which are the heart of our community, our way of life, and our children’s future.

This CCR Report was prepared in collaboration with Delaware Rural Water Association and Town of Selbyville.

ContaminantsUnitsStateSMCLAverageRange Alkalinity ppm n/a 66 66 Chloride ppm 250 32 23-57 Sodium ppm n/a 46 46 Sulfate ppm 250 19 3-31
Term Definition
CP 20240510 1T
Lead and Copper UnitsMCLGAL 90th Percentil e #Sites over AL Sample Date ViolationTypical Source of Contamination Leadppb0151 02021No Corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of natural deposits Copper ppm 2021No Erosion of natural deposits; leaching from wood preservatives; corrosion of household plumbing system. Regulated Contaminants UnitsMCLG MCL Highest Level Range Sample Date ViolationTypical Source of Contamination Haloacetic acids (HAA5) ppbn/a6033 5-41 2023No By-product of drinking water chlorination Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM) ppbn/a805435-802023No By-product of drinking water disinfection Chlorine ppm MRDLG 4MRDL 4 1.58 .57-1.58 2023No Water additive to control microbes Fluoride ppm 22 2.2 .4-2.2 2023No Erosion of natural deposits; water additive which promotes strong teeth; discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories Nitrate (measured as Nitrogen) ppm 1010 3 0-3 2023No Runoff from fertilizer use; Leaching from septic tanks, sewage; Erosion of natural deposits
May10,2024 CoastalPoint 83
84 CoastalPoint May10,2024


TheLordBaltimoreWomen’sClubis celebrating90yearsofservicethisyear,and thegroupwashonoredwithavisittoLegislativeHallinDoveronTuesday,April16, toreceivetributesfromstateSen.Gerald HockerandRep.RonaldGray,commendingthemanydonatedhoursofsupportand financialassistancetobenefitthecommunity.

TheLordBaltimoreWomen’sClubwas foundedonApril14,1934.For90years, thenon-profitgrouphasservedSussex Countyinlinewiththeclubmotto“Be largeinthought,wordanddeed.”The22 founders,ledbythefirstpresidentMattie TownsendandfirstsecretaryClaraMcCabe,alllivedintheBaltimoreHundred —OceanView,BethanyBeachandMillville.TheymetatLordBaltimoreSchool. Clubmembershavedonateduntold hoursandfinancialsupportoverthepast 90years—fromdonating$6.39for213 bottlesofmilkfor“poorchildren”in1936 andhostingair-raidsurvivalpracticesduringWorldWarII,toestablishingthe SoutheasternSussexCountyTeenCanteen,whichoperatedfrom1956untilthe early1960s.

Today,theclubsupportseducationina majorway,fromgivingupto$10,000in scholarshipsforhighschoolstudentsto supportingLordBaltimoreElementary School,ClaytonElementarySchool, PhillipShowellElementarySchooland


SelbyvilleMiddleSchoolthroughschool visits,mentorshipandcontinuingfinancial supportforeducationalprogramsandma-

terials.Theclubhassupportedalocalfood bankeverymonthformorethan30years andgivesmoneytovariousotherorganiza-

tions,includingvolunteerfirecompanies, thewmilitaryandlocallibraries.

Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Shore Home Improvements, LLC Design • Build • Remodel 302.537.5988 Established 1989 • Licensed & Insured Additions CASH FOR CARS! 302-249-3444 38531 DuPont Blvd., Selbyville We Will Buy Your Car Even if You Don’t Buy One of Ours! Auto Buying Service APPLIANCE MASTER Prompt, Quality Repairs at A ordable Prices Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers Ranges • Disposals • Refrigerators Call Phil: 302.278.1441 Serving the Rt. 54 area with 50 years’ experience of honest work Appliance Service BEACH VALET Your Personalized Ride Service Airports - Train Stations Washington - Baltimore - Philadelphia 301.602.3741 Airports & Train Station Auto Detailing May10,2024 CoastalPoint 85
86 CoastalPoint May10,2024 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Expert Bathroom Remodeling Professional Bath-to-Shower Conversion Prompt, Quality Work by Father/Son Team Offering Senior & Veteran Discounts 302.542.1162 Serving Sussex Co. for over 30 years Licensed Insured Bathrooms Cleaning Services F abian’s CarpetCare 302-745-7547 Water Damage • Restoration • Mold & Mildew Carpet Cleaning - 2 rooms: $79; 4 rooms: $125 With Ad Residential & Commercial Carpet & Upholstery Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates • 25+ Years’ Experience Carpet Cleaning appliances furniture cars boats box of junk stu in the garage exercise equipment toys TVs GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY HOUSE! BIG or small, I’ll haul it all! 302.236.2670 PASTURE-RAISED CHICKEN EGGS FOR SALE • POWER WASHING Also Cleaning Services Computer Sales –Service –Support Servicing PC & MAC • Walk-In & On-Site Services 302-539-6421 35583 Atlantic Avenue • Millville Computer Service & Support CONCRETECONTRACTOR 570-617-6358 CONCRETE FLOORS SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS CONCRETE FLOORS SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS Concrete Services Serving the Delmarva, PA, and NJ Areas Medical - Legal - Real Estate - Airlines - Cargo - Packages When professionalism, dependability, on-time delivery, reliability, and security matter 908.342.3880 Courier Services call Al Lewis 302.462.8614 AtlanticDiversified Construction,Inc. For Quality and Experience, Additions • Decks • New Construction Making your dream home a reality Siding, Windows, Baths, Kitchens, Outside Showers, Property & Storm Management and much more! Construction GOT STUFF? Call Mike: 302.344.0169 WE WILL MOVE OR REMOVE Downsizing • Garage Clean-outs Rubbish • Yard Waste Appliances • Furniture Unwanted Items A little or a lot TELL US WHAT YOU’VE GOT! Cleaning Services EXECUTIVE CLEANING SERVICES LLC PRIVATE RESIDENCES Personalized. Honest. Professional. LISA RICHARDSON Owner - Operator 302-542-5766 Licensed & Insured Cleaning Services Quality Service by Certified Technicians Since 1983 302.436.5652 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning Oriental Rug Cleaning & Repair Carpet Cleaning DRIVING MISS MAISEY Call Mike: 302.344.0169 Where do you want to go? Driving Services Doctor Appointments • Errands • Shopping Hair Appointments & More Cruzing t Sh e With Pitty Patricia Newman | 410.708.8812 Local Driving Services 8am-5pm 7 days/week Licensed Insured Driving Services Residential/Rentals One-Time/Move-Outs Spring & Deep Cleans Licensed Insured Driving Services Pro Home Services P lumbing & Electric Handyman Service | Licensed DE Contractor Expert Tile & Countertops Bath to Shower Conversions | Bath & Kitchen Remodeling Ted Gelinas | 443.513.0538 | Bathrooms
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices THE HANDY BEACHMAN Exterior Home Repairs “WE DO IT ALL” Licensed • Bonded • Insured • MHIC 17433 “A Family Tradition Since 1935” 410-893-9707 • Roofing Repairs • Roof Cleaning • Gutter Cleaning & Powerwashing • • Deck Repairs • • Rain Gutters • Gutter Guards • Screening • Painting • Staining • Caulking P A R R I S H Handyman HAPPY TO BE HANDY I’ll Economically Repair, Replace, or Build New Call Rob for All Your Jobs! Trim Work Cabinets Custom Shelving Drywall - Install & Repair Painting Siding & Roo ng Repairs Windows & Doors Screen Porches Decks - New & Repair Ceramic Tile Minor Plumbing & Electrical 302.858.3024 Licensed & Insured Handyman Repairs Decks Tile Work Kitchens Baths Power Washing Stone Work Drywall Screen Repairs Minor Plumbing Masonry Work Window Washing Call Gus: 302.245.4852 Licensed & Insured Handyman PS Handyman Services 302.259.4457 Timely and Reliable Service for your Home and Boat Licensed & Insured Spring Planting | Painting Electrical | Plumbing Custom Woodworking Handyman Remodels | Installs | Decks | Carpentry | Railings | TV Mounting Screened Porches | Outdoor Pet Houses | Furniture Assembly Flooring | Drywall Repair/Installation | And More! 302.524.2252 • Licensed Insured DELMARVALOUS HANDYMAN Local, Small Job Specialist Handyman Reliable, expert problem-solver with experience in electrical, plumbing, drywall, and household repairs at reasonable pricing! Drywall Repair - Cabinet Repair - TV Mounting - Lighting Fixtures Ceiling Fan Installation - Pantry/Closet Shelving Faucets/Drain Replacement/Repair - Picture/Mirror Hanging Handicap Safety Equipment Installation, and more ... ROB’S HANDYMAN SERVICES Call or Text: 443.618.4972 Handyman THE SCREEN GUY & HANDYMAN SCREEN REPAIR PRESSURE WASHING 443.301.5994 Handyman 302.519.8954 Randy Perkins Millsboro Full Service Garage Door Company New Doors - Repairs - Openers Residential - Commercial Garage Doors KEVERTIN FLOORING ENTERPRISES, LLC Flooring the Shore since ‘74! 443.496.1941 Licensed & Insured * Luxury Vinyl Flooring * Staircases * Finishing * Installation * Refinishing * Repairs * Docks & Decks Flooring DIFEBO HARDWOOD FLOOR CO. Floors Sanded & Laid 302.462.5415 302.539.4550 Robert DiFebo 789 GARFIELD PKWY.; BETHANY BEACH Flooring LH Excavating, Inc. Specializing in Drainage Solutions Stormwater Maintenance & Pipe Replacements Ponds • Ditching • Demolition DE & MD Stormwater Certified 3 0 2 . 7 3 2 . 3 0 7 2 Licensed & Insured Excavating “Let 38 years of experience go to work for you.” MASTER ELECTRICIAN “The homeowner’s friend.” Dennis W. Marvel o: 302.436.5008 | c: 302.258.7147 Residential | Commercial Selbyville, DELicensed in DE & MD Electric 38205 Dupont Blvd., Selbyville Call Will Powell! 443.523.2476 DRIVEWAY SEALCOATING FPS Hand Brushed Don’t Pay to Spray! Driveway Services Driveway Maintenance May10,2024 CoastalPoint 87
88 CoastalPoint May10,2024 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices SYNERGY HOME SERVICES 302-344-7629 Lic. & Ins. | References Available | 40 Years’ Exp. Affordable. Sensible. On Time. Remodeling Home Repair Construction Property Management & Maintenance PaintingDecksAdditions & Everything in Between! Handyman RELIABLE Happy to be HANDY CONSTRUCTION 302.858.3024 Licensed & Insured Call Rob for All Your Jobs! Composite & Treated Decks | Attic Bonus Rooms Deck & Siding Replacement| Additions Window & Door Replacement| Screen Porch Sunroom| Kitchens| Baths| Luxury Vinyl Flooring Home Improvements NICK DEMOPOULOS 302.604.3971 LICENSED/INSUREDNCDREMODELING@GMAIL COM BATHROOMS & KITCHENS AND OTHER HOME INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Home Improvements Contractor Bill Smith 302.228.5668 • 302.846.0446 References • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured The smallest things make the biggest difference Custom Cabinets & Shelving Tile, Hardwood & Laminate Flooring Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Interior Trim & Shiplap Sunrooms, Decks, & Porches Home Improvements AN AFFORDABLE NEW BATH STARTS HERE! Making Y r Dream Bath C e True F 20 Ye s! Specializing in Bathroom Remodels Contact Garth for FREE Estimate! 410-641-8439 MHIC #94614 Licensed Insured Tub to Shower Conversions Custom Tile Work Home Improvements HVAC • Overseeding • Tree Trimming • Snow Plowing • Aerating • Landscape Planting & Maintenance • Yard Cleanup • Lawn Care • Mowing • Mulching • Weeding Residential Commercial licensed insured 302.448.1643 Landscaping Seasonal Clean-up • Junk Hauling • Shrubs Pruned Mulch & Pine Needles Delivered & Installed Chipper Services • Grass Cutting • Trees Removed Small Trees Trimmed or Removed Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Grading • Bush-Hogging Driveway Stone Delivered & Installed EMERGENCY TREE REMOVAL DEPENDABLE SERVICES 302.539.5664 • C: 302.228.5190 Edgar Simpler Licensed & Insured Landscaping olish M lihPo 2 2) 206-630 (30 AWARE DEL GROUT SIR tonearble/St bl/S h estoration tti hower R h ull S ll F Floors Showers Countertops Stone rout ile & G T com SirGroutDelaware Home Improvements • Spring Clean-up • Landscaping • Mulching • Gravel/Dirt/Topsoil • Sod Installation • Lawn Mowing • Tree Care • Handyman Licensed Veteran-Owned • Local Insured Landscaping Handyman 302.542.1335 302.537.1144 Bobcat & Backhoe Services ~ Bush-hogging Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Landscaping A CUT ABOVE LAWNS STARTING AT $25 Landscaping & Snowplowing Call Charlie 302.569.0240 Lawn Maintenance & Sod Mulch & Stone Handyman Service Power Washing Spring & Fall Clean-Up Licensed & Insured Landscaping Landscaping RRD LAWN & LANDSCAPING INC 302.249.9986
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices 302.519.8444 Receive a FREE 1-day pass & Treats with enrollment Overnight Boarding Fresh Air • Furry Friends • Fitness 2.5 acre West Fenwick Farm Pick up/Drop off Services available Doggie Daycare, LLC Pet Services Water Heaters • Comfort Height Toilets Custom Tile Showers Quality Work by Father/Son Team Offering Senior & Veteran Discounts 302.542.1162 Serving Sussex Co. for over 30 years Licensed Insured Plumbing c b m ,aus f• fin rd wC .co n65 os6 iss tnes aefitn iorse rkh oark o.da cu t ocu S 5 it3 il 53 b25 o9.2 M 2 c 2.2 n2 a0 l 30 a3 B fo or bal f for balanc a y M Tentat Te lnWel We Priv On Now 32 ent sat s t65om rdkho www ab c ty 24 e • al 302.2492535 ncC du s gth y ri v F e nd uen c ndoan F dy ng ti en l str b l siall xl r aeer le d• an e atior lo io o stability, y, mobility, y, e, l lanc e d 2535 Available Av ces 15 ay May Opening ive Studio Fitness & ess Health, eniorS ate r, Premier, Only & e each’sB ethanyB 19930 Beach Bethany 6 Unit Un y. Hwy. oastalC 892 tedLimite ty apyerap al ysicalhysPhy Enduranc re anc • l al enth xi ll r and endur e nd o ed rtiCert AED ramsrograPro ed rtiert ellness Fitness, nior gt DarkHorseFitne DarkHorseFitness6 302.249. ferenRefe • Insured Fully vailabiliAva Av ssionSessPost- • Sessions atevatPriva an h th Stren allver-alOve & CPR Advanced Nutrition-C & Coaching W & h, g Healt Se in h Specializin Personal Trainer Derickson’s Wallcovering, LLC 302.537.5787 • 410.726.3145 Serving the Shore since 1990 Licensed & Insured in DE & MD MHIC 73031 Professional, Quality Service Wallpaper Installation/Removal Interior Painting Painting & Wallpaper McKinney Brothers Pete McKinney 443.449.9647 High-end Custom, Quality Painting MB Licensed Insured Painting 302.249.9027 TWO OLD GUYS that PAINT & POWERWASH AND do HOME REPAIRS & HANDYMAN SERVICES AND... do it ALL well! Quality Work, at a Fair Price 41 Years of Experience Free Estimates Kevin M. Donovan, BPI Certified Building Analyst Licensed & Insured SPRING SPECIAL 10% OFF ALL EXTERIOR PAINTING! Painting BENNETT BROS. PAINTING 302.569.7578 35 years of experience Licensed Insured INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Single Room - Entire Home Minor Drywall Repair - Powerwashing Painting Zimmerman & Son LLC • CUSTOM PAINTING • DRYWALL REPAIRS • WALLPAPER REMOVED • DECK & HOUSE STAINING • ALWAYS PROMPT SERVICE Free Estimates 10% Discount with this ad. Bill Zimmermancell 443-373-4539 NOW ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS! Painting & Powerwashing Interior & Exterior Serving Delmarva for Over 35 Years Licensed & Insured Painting 302-745-3912 Kevin Coviello QualityWorkmanship INTERIOR EXTERIOR Licensed & Insured with 27 Years’ Experience Painting The Area’s #1 Moving Company BUDGET MOVERS 40+ Years in Business Licensed & Insured LOCAL • ENTIRE EAST COAST Residential or Office or Commercial Packing or Loading or Unloading or Complete Move Single Item or Certain Items or Full Home Call Maria: 443-664-5797 Female Owned & Operated Moving Services Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Need HELP with household chores? Got Chores? • Landscaping • Irrigation • Hardscaping Free Estimates Full Yearly Maintenance Contracts Available 443.783.2224 Landscaping Down to Earth 302-381-5051 302-381-5051 Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured Serving Bethany Beach & the surrounding areas Landscape & Mowing Contracts Irrigation Installation/Maintenance Fertilization - Turf & Ornamental Bed Maintenance & Pruning Lawn & Landscape LLC Landscaping Complete Landscaping & Lawn Care Irrigation Installation & Repair 302.344.4883 302.344.1441 Locally Owned Licensed & Insured Bethany Blooms Landscaping, LLC Available Now SPRINGCLEAN-UPS Landscaping May10,2024 CoastalPoint 89
90 CoastalPoint May10,2024 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Bethany 302-539-5700 Georgetown 302-856-9210 STI Landscape Center 302-645-6262 Serving the local community for over 30 years Mention this ad. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons. Not valid on previous quotes or committents. Some exclusions apply. $10% off From grass roots to tree tops, we have all of your tree and landscaping needs covered. Tree Service 302.542.0921 MA-4360B Pest & Disease Treatments Tree & Shrub Fertilization Tick/Mosquito Treatments Hazard Tree Assessments Invasive Species Management Tree Pruning & Removal HOA Master Planning & Tree Inventories Home of the PennDel Arborist of the Year Tree Service Property Management Tree Trimming • Tree Removals • Tree Pruning Stump Grinding Lot Clearing 24 Hour Emergency • Senior & Military Discounts New Number: 443.735.3696 Tree Service HOME - AUTO - MARINE 302.236.2670 TOP WERKS UPHOLSTERY Professional Service New - Repairs - Alterations Farm Fresh Eggs for Sale! Call for an appointment: Upholstery Free In-Home Consultation! Window Treatments Millville across from the Dollar General, approx. 1/2 mile on the left on Whites Neck Rd. Jeremy Smith • 302.423.2601 Yard Waste Recycling & Retail Material Mulch • Top Soil • Mushroom Soil (Nutrient Rich) Soil Amendment Pine Needles Accepting tree limbs, leaves and plant material. Pick-up available. DELIVERY AVAILABLE • MON-FRI 9-4 Yard Waste FREE In-Home Consultation Professional Measuring and Installation Shutters, Roman Shades, Draperies, Top Treatments Woven Woods, Honeycombs, Roller Shades, Solar Shades Window Film, Awnings, Wood & Faux Wood Blinds, & more... 302.856.6799 Window Treatments Locally owned/operated since 2000 For a FREE In-Home Consultation, call our showroom: 302.537.9407 Plantation Shutters Custom-made locally! • Roman, Honeycomb, & Roller Shades • Faux Wood Blinds • Vertical Woven Draperies Custom Window Treatments Window Treatments 6394 228 302 s Available Financing Easy 100% Estimates Written FREE Warrantie Wa Lifetime ed Certi GAF vice Ser Quality Prompt, Honest, 8. . u s n I & d e s n ec i L g n i f o o R E D x e s s u S ng SussexRoo d er m o c . l i a m g @ Roofing Roofing POWERWASHING allservicesw/thisad! Atlantic Coast Powerwashing Services Yearround services w/yearly& seasonal rates Hot Water, Powerwashing & Soft Wash Systems • Deck Staining • Decks • Docks • Houses • Restaurants • Shopping Centers • Roofs • & More MHIC 97081 Ocean City 34629 • Delaware 2004 222 381 Licensed & Insured 410-603-3400 Joe Beran/Owner Operator Commercial & Residential • Complete Exterior Cleaning Atlantic Coast Powerwashing Services Powerwashing/Soft Wash CREATIVE DRAPERY • Draperies • Slip Covers • Blinds and Shades • Indoor/Outdoor Cushion Covers CUSTOM Call Bonnie Johnson, owner 717.235.7800 Insured with over 50 years’ experience Window Treatments


Line ads: $8.50 for 20 words, 25¢ per add’l word. Display ads: $9.00 per column inch.

Non-commercial ads for items $1,000 or less are free up to 20 words. Yard Sales are $9.00

Classi eds

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Experienced, full time FURNITURE RETAIL SALESPERSON needed. If you havetheHOP (happy, optimistic, and positive)attitude, please send yourresumeto

Now hiring for the re-opening of our newly expanded and renovated Selbyville location


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OceanAviation FlightAcademy seeks OfficeManager

GrowingFlightAcademywithcampusesinBerlinMaryland andGeorgetown,Delawareseeksofficemanagerforour GeorgetownCampus.Professionalfriendlyenvironment. F/TYearAroundPosition.Responsibilitiesincludestudent interaction,dispatch,check-inofflights,recordkeeping, filingretailsalesandkeepingofficesneatandclean. Mustbeprofessional,customerorientedandproficientin dataentryandhavegoodcomputerskills. Previous officeoreducationalexperiencenecessary. Wepreferinitialcontactbethroughe-mailonly.Qualified applicantswillbecontactedforin-personinterviews.

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Moveboatswithforklift, shrinkwrap,pressure-wash, bottompaint,&prepboats fortravel. WillTrain.


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Classified Deadlineis Tuesday at 4pm | Ads accepted from 9am –4pm, Monday - Friday.
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2-seater recliner sofa. Beige. Excellent condition, rarely used. REDUCED $275. 302436-9133

LAWN ROLLER Craftsman water ll. Man or tow. Good shape. $25 302-8298399

LAWN SPREADER Seed, Lime, any lawn treatment. Pull with mower. Good shape - shed kept. $40 302-829-8399

K-SERIES FIRE extinguisher for commercial kitchen. All stainless. Like new. REDUCED! $50 302-897-4914

OREK XL PRO 13” FLOOR scrubber. REDUCED! $175 rm. 302-897-4914

PARAGON ARCTIC BLAST snow cone machine with top-mount ice shaver. REDUCED! $200 OBO 302-8974914

BRUSHED NICKEL chandelier. Fixture 18”h x 24”w with 24” chain and wire. Photo available. $20 Call 302-648-6480

4-DIGIT DELAWARE LIVE trailer tags. All good dates. T5522, T4997, T7394. Starting at $600 302-5429500


ELI TERRY JR & Co. 30 hour modi ed pillar scroll, wooden movement clock. Weight driven, circa 1830. Runs great, professional tune-up. $475 410259-2300

SUSSEX COUNTY HABITAT for Humanity ReStore accepts donations of working appliances 10 years old or less for families in need. 302-855-1156

KENMORE MINI UPRIGHT freezer, white. 21”w x 23”d x 33”h. $70 410-939-7714

BLACK & DECKER freestanding portable A/C & heater on rollers. For 350sq ft room. BTU 12,000 pd $375 asking $225. Used ! season. 301-367-5785

2017 CHEVROLET MALIBU all-weather front oor liners. Fit 2017-2020. Like new. $50 914-275-8938


LE3 tires 225/60 R/17 set of 4. Brand new. Retails for $816, asking $650. 315-737-8247


Brand new, in box. Cost $600; asking $150 302436-9133

DONATE YOUR CAR/ truck/ RV. Lutheran Mission Society of MD. Compassion Place Ministries help local families with food, clothing, counseling. Tax deductible. MVA licensed #W1044. 410228-8437

16 Ft 20005 KEY LARGO Center Console with 50 HP Yamaha 2 stroke with 2005 Venture Trailer. Garage kept. Hummingbird sh nder, Bimini top, new Motorguide X-3 trolling motor. Asking $4k. Call or text 240-688-2415

DK GREEN CANVAS Bimini top.36w x 42h x 24L. Excellent Cond, $120 443-3731550

CRAB POTS 24 x 24 VINYL coated, turtle guard, oats, rope included. Starting at $25. 302-542-9500

BOAT PROPELLOR Michigan 4-blade stainless righthand. 14 3/8 x 18 Apollo XHS #993204. Fits most 115-300 hp. Like new. REDUCED! $300 302-5429500

LEAD SINKERS BANK 3/8, 3 & 4 oz.; Egg/Slide 5, 6, 7 oz. .25¢/ounce, mix and match. 302-542-9500


Portable, choice of ttings. Moeller. $40 302-5429500

(1)27” SHARP TV: $30 (1) Sanyo (no remote): $20. All in excellent condition. 757-810-8782

USED FURNITURE Good condition in Ocean View. Call for more info. 301816-0503

BEAUTIFUL GRAY upholstered queen headboard. Tufted buttons, silver nail heads surround headboard; + 2 matching lamps with silver base, gray shades. $150 takes all. 302-541-0675

(2) STICKLEY CHAIRS, light beige. Originally $1,800 each. Good condition; 1 arm worn, extra fabri. $450 OBO for both. 302539-9656

LA-Z-BOY RECLINER Black, leather. 38”h x 27”w. Seat: 23” x 19”. Great for small areas. Back removable for easy moving. $175 302537-5148

HAILO L/100 PRO ALUM. Stepladder 8ft New in Box. Reg $279 Now $175302539-4367

TROY-BILT 4-CYCLE WEED whacker. Good condition. $35 302-229-7898

RACCOON TRAP Safeguard. REDUCED! $40 302-8974914

5’ x 8’ LANDSCAPE trailer with 22” mesh sides and ramp gate. Excellent condition. REDUCED! $795 302-236-6215

GREEN WORKS 20” electric lawn mower, model 25022. Excellent condition. $130 914-275-8938


Walker. Metal wheel with seat. New, Never used. $100 302-539-4367

SAMSONITE hard suitcase 26x20. Rollers & combo lock $60 443-373-1550

QUEEEN-SIZE MATTRESS and box spring. Beautyrest. 2.5 years old, barely used. Originally $800; asking $300. Text only to: 302-2583741

FOLDING MASSAGE TABLE with travel bag. $55 410939-7714

TUPPERWARE - VINTAGE & new. Over 100 pieces - all for $45. 410-939-7714

SNOWBABY MUSIC BOX new in box, Christmas Miniature Tea Set, new in box. $25 for both. Call or text for pictures: 610-468-4004

HOME DEPOT MED moving and TV boxes, 36 & 39 inches, and bubble wrap. $15 Text: 443-824-5400

NEW, BIG BUTTON amplifying phone. $15 410-3106633

GET BOOST INFINITE Unlimited talk, text and data for just $25/month. The power of 3 5G networks, one low price. Call today and get the latest iPhone every year on us. 855-977-5719

PREPARE FOR POWER outages today with a Generac home standby generator. $0 money down + low monthly payment options. Request a free quote. Call now before the next power outage. 855-993-0969

LOCAL BASS PLAYER specializing in cover songs from 60s - 90s, looking to join a group. 443-935-0950

DRUM HEADS: (2) 13” Evans Reso & EC; (2) 13” Hydraulic & Emperor-coated;


Pet Mate Deluxe, plastic. Airline certified. 70-90 lb dog. 40”l x 27”w x 30”h. $70 302-542-9500

MOREY BOOGIE MACH 10 vintage. Very good condition. $50. Churchill

nslarge. Excellent condition. $30 Call 302.569.2464 LADIES SCHWINN Hybrid 7 - Speed low step through bike. Like new, ridden 10 times, kept inside. $385 443.926.4174 ADULT BIKE HELMETS $10 each. 443-373-1550 ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES APPLIANCES AUTOMOTIVE BOATING & FISHING ELECTRONICS & TVS FURNITURE LAWN & GARDEN MISCELLANEOUS MUSIC PETS & SUPPLIES SPORTS & EXERCISE APPLIANCES AUTOMOTIVE BOATING & FISHING GROUNDSKEEPER Walk Mow Greens, Tees, & Trim Work F/T (6 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.) P/T (6 a.m. - 10 a.m.) Seasonal or Year-Round Students & Retirees welcome! * Golfing privileges *Uniforms * $15/hour Cripple Creek Golf and Country Club 302.539.8882 EXPERIENCED SERVICE TECH Submit resume at: HVAC company with over 20 years’ experience is seeking an We offer Vacation Health Insurance 401K Sales Commission All States Construction is now hiring Excellent Pay & Competitive Bene ts Package Available Give us a call for more info: 410.352.9800 Full-Time Positions Experience Preferred Tools, Transportation, Valid Driver’s License are a Plus WAREHOUSE DELIVERY DRIVER • PAINTERS • STUCCO & EIFS MECHANICS • LABORER • CONCRETE WORK • CARPENTER INDIVIDUALS WITH GOOD DRIVING record & insurance can make money for a growing transportation company. Summer & clients are endless! Driving Miss Maisey Call Mike 302.344.0169 Position descriptions at To apply, email cover letter and resume to: SCHFH is an Equal Opportunity Employer Join a team that builds Homes, Communities, and Hope! HOMEOWNER SERVICES COORDINATOR VOLUNTEER SERVICES COORDINATOR PUBLIC RELATIONS/MARKETING MANAGER GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR CLEANERS WANTED O ering competitive pay. Must have transportation Call Anne: 302.296.7694 Year-Round, Part-Time MOVING HELP Sussex County Call Mike: 302.344.0169 • Line Cooks • Hostess • Bussers • Food Runners • Servers 302-539-2607 Apply In Person. Fenwick Island


W Church St., Millsboro: 2BR/1BA cottage. $1,300/month + utilities.

Sea Edge, Millville: 3BR/2.5BA 2-story townhome with garage. $2,200 per month + utilities + 2% rental tax.

Taramino Place, The Villas of Lewes: 3BR/2.5BA unfurnished townhome. $2,300 per month + utilities.

Saltwater Landing, Selbyville: 4BR/2.5BA single-family home with garage. $2,500 per month + utilities.

Bishops Landing, Millville: 3+BR/2.5BA end-unit villa with 2-car garage. Furnished; will consider unfurnished with a 2-year lease. $2,700 per month + utilities + 2% rental tax.


(pk & blk) $100. NEW Golf Forever Training System

$150. Sun Mtn & Bag Boy - 3 wheel push carts $70 ea. Bag Boy 4 wheel push cart

$80. Schwinn Trailway 21 spd (just serviced) $125. 410-703-5172


Brand New- never used. 26” Blue Comfort Cruiser Beach Cruiser w/36V, 17.5AH Battery. $1,000 cash. (retail$2,795) Selbyville/Fenwick area. For info and pics call: 302-540-5548

All units are N/S, N/P unless otherwise noted. Credit application and security deposit required.

Stonewater Creek, Millsboro: 2BR/2BA with office or 3rd BR. Single-level home with 2-car garage. $2,500 per month + utilities.

Milo’s Haven, Frankford: Brand new 4BR/3.5BA end-unit villa. $2,695 per month + utilities.

Bayside at Bethany Lakes, Ocean View: 3BR/2.5BA 2-story townhome with garage. $2,800 per month + utilities.

Fairway Village, Ocean View: 5BR/3BA 2-story home with 2-car garage. Pets considered. $2,800 per month + utilities + 5% sales tax.



End Unit, Furnished BR with 1 and a half bath. Full House priveleges. Amenities Included, 2miles to the beach. $900/month util Included. 302-727-9199



3BR/2.5BA unfurnished townhouse. Community pool, tennis. Bike to beach. No pets. Good credit.


Call Glenn at Surf Realty, LIL 3 02-682-7765


❏ FRIDAY, May 10 10-2

Yard & Bake Sale to benefit the members of the Roxana CHEER Senior Center Pyle Health & Social Services Center. Multiple vendors, food & baked goods available.

34314 Pyle Center Road, Roxana, 19945; in the parking lot, on the left side.

❏ Sat., May 11 8 - 2


Bethany Preserve Community. Furniture, bikes, parrot and hamster cages, luggage, miscellneous household items, handbags, clothing, jewelry, golf equipment.

30930 Fresh Pond Drive, Ocean View, 19970.

❏ Sat., May 11 9 - 12

Street Strider - Furniture, Jewelry, Clothes, Etc. 38163 Martins Way, Ocean View, 19970.

❏ Sat., May 11 8 - 12


Men’s. Western Flyer Beach Cruiser girls’ bike. Both have some rust; REDUCED! $40 each. 302-897-4914


Re ectors, horn, wire basket. No rust, good condition. $199 302-448-9057

TREK 20” MEN’S BIKE Vintage 1990s. Single track Eleven 81. New tires, recent tune-up. $100 Pics available. 302-353-8128 Leave message.

SNORKEL & MASK SET $10 410-310-6633

SEEKING UTILITY TRAILER with gate. Black, 6’ x 9’. 302344-0169

DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - not just a discount plan. Do not wait. Call now. Get your free dental information kit with all the details. 855-337-5228 MDDC#6258



10’ x 30’ storage units with 10’x10’ garage doors. $235/month. Contact Glenn at 302-682-7765



One-Time/Move-Outs Spring & Deep Cleans



Victoria Forest community. Clothing, children’s items, household goods, furniture, books, tools, purses, Longaberger, Pampered Chef, and lots more!

Selbyville, 19975. Next to Selbyville Middle. GPS: 12 Ronzetti Ave.

❏ Sat., May 11 8 - 1


Beer taps, beer advertising, household items, kitchen supplies, wall art, pool supplies, and so much more!

36132 White Oak Drive, Frankford, 19945

❏ Sat., May 11 9 - 12 RAIN DATE: 5/18

Village of Bear Trap Dunes Community.

Ocean View, 19970. GPS: 1 October Glory Avenue.

❏ Sat., May 11 9 - 1


Scrapbooking & Craft Supplies. Admission is $2/person.

34314 Pyle Center Road, Roxana, 19945.

❏ Sat., May 11 7-2

Yard & Bake Sale fundraiser for The Little Starfish Children’s Home. Lunch 10-2 at the Community Church of Oak Orchard across from the Fire Hall. Accepting gently used items. Call or text 844.369.2943 for more info.

32615 Oak Orchard Road, Millsboro, 19966.


❏ Sat., May 18 8 - 12


Batson Creek Estates annual community sale. Frankford, 19945. Bayard Road, off Rt. 20. GPS: 36042 Blackfin Drive.

❏ Sat., May 18 8 - 12


Seabrook Community Yard & Bake Sale. Household & Holiday Items. Furniture, Clothing, Books, Accent Pieces & Crafts. 28018 Alderwood Loop, Millsboro 19966.

❏ Sat., May 18 8-12

RAIN OR SHINE Keenwick Sound Community. Selbyville, 19975. GPS: 37547 River Run.

❏ Sat., May 18 8-2

RAIN OR SHINE Moving Sale - power tools, hand tools, garden tools, miscellaneous garden items, Kitchen Aid stand mixer, new Bissel carpet cleaner, antiques, 100 year-old books, beach decor and more. 609 6th Street; Bethany Beach, 19930.

Owners: For problem-free management, list your properties with us! Call Kim for more information: 302.539.7511 x 3030 or 800.441.8118 32904 Coastal Hwy., Bethany Beach, DE 19930 Wilgus Associates Property Management Division For a complete list of rentals, visit: WALK TO THE BOARDWALK! 4BR furnished apartmment in Bethany. Seeking 1 person only for 1-year lease. No pets. $1,250/month, includes utilities. Seashore4rent@ 2013 35ft KEYSTONE PASSPORT ULTRA - LITE 31 RE Excellent Condition. Serious Inquiries only. $16,500 Call Bill 302.462.5607 May10,2024 CoastalPoint 93
94 CoastalPoint May10,2024 The Coastal Point Newspaper Is Published Every Week. By Us. For You. FREE

The Original Crossword Puzzle for Kids and Their Favorite Adults

1. Wintertime rhyme: They're the pair kids wear so their hands stay warm while they make their way through a erce snowstorm

4. A police o cer (or her partner)

6. Olympic skaters pair up on this icy surface

7. A person can swim faster with a pair of these on his feet (but he can't keep up with a sh, who was born with a pair on its sides)

10. If you stick a pair of ____ holders in the ends of a cob, it will be a lot easier to hold

11. Spotted cubes a Monopoly player tosses on the board

12. They make sense: A person ____ better once she puts on her glasses

13. Runners tie our laces before they run their races. What are we?

15. Power pair: Together, Batman

and ___ are the Dynamic Duo

17. This "seldom seen" synonym rhymes with "pair"

19. Homonym ahead: It's the type of metal container that may contain pears

21. Smooth boards under the feet of a person who is speeding down a snowy slope

23. A pair of people

24. Happy Birthday x2!: They're a 23A of kids with the same mom who were born on the same day

25. Clogs, heels, sandals and 13A

Parents Down

1. Shake well: Pair of instruments that brings the syncopation to Cinco de Mayo

2. Barbeque chef's giant tweezers

3. Windshield's rain sweepers (and hapless insect's undoing)

5. Any pair of treasured trousers

8. Single pair that can cut a single sheet of paper in two (Fun fact: Linguists call words like this "plurale tantum," meaning that they are always plural and never singular)

9. Sommelier's pairing recommendation for the salmon

14. Personal listening device temporarily tethered to a smartphone

16. Halfway between the ears, it's the resting place for a pair of glasses

17. Tiny morsel targeted by a person using a pair of chopsticks

18. Cool move: These cubes can get a lift from 2D

20. It always comes between the pairs playing doubles tennis

22. In poker, a pair is two of a

May10,2024 CoastalPoint 95
This Week’s Solution ™ ™ The across clues are for kids and the down clues are for grown-ups! A Perfect Pair
Kids Across KAPD ebooks now available on 5/5/24 © 2024 KAPD, LLC ANSWER (HOLD UP TO MIRROR) Jumbles: Answer: bow rang work fell “Owl-gebra” THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME! ® By David L. Hoyt and
The letters of these crazy words are all mixed up. To play the game, put them back into the right order so that they make real words you can find in your dictionary. Write the letters of each real word under each crazy word, but only one letter to a square. you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer. Getthefree JUSTJUMBLE @PlayJumble OBW ANGR ©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Answer here: ”“
Jeff Knurek


BETHANY BEACH NEW LISTING in the Villas of Bethany West- only 1 mile to downtown Bethany. Beautiful waterfront 2 Bed 2 Bath townhome- backing to Nature not neighborsprivate peaceful views of just water and wildlife. Getting to beach is simple- use your Bethany Beach parking permit, ride the trolley or walk/bike. This serene property has never been rented but would make an amazing one!

Asking $469,900 (DESU2061758)

Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159


31726 LAKE VIEW DR. #101B

SELBYVILLE 3 BD, 3 BA end-unit condo has upclose golf course views of the 18th hole, lake & fountain! This is in the amenity-rich, soughtafter, award-winning community of Bayside! Listen to the Freeman Arts Pavilion performances from the screened balcony or take a quick stroll to the venue. 2-car garage w/ storage and NEW in 2024: freshly painted, LVP ooring throughout except tiled areas, pendant lighting & chandelier in kitchen/DR, ceiling fans in LR & BDs. $650,000 (DESU2057508)

Danny Taglienti (c) 410-430-2721


Furnished, 5 balconies, 3 beds/2.5 baths

Sweeping bay views from every room.

$745,000 (MDWO2013316)

Call Sandra Erbe (c) 443-848-3004


Charming 3 bed, 2.5 bath over 2500 sq ft open concept rst oor living home located on a private lot in Sandy Branch. Offers a 2 car garage, marble replace, crown moulding, plantation shutters, front porch, sunroom leading to sundeck with awning,a private back yard and even a

96 CoastalPoint May10,2024 For a con dential interview about starting your Real Estate Career call us today! Mary Niles (c) 302-228-5143 • Email: 31252 American Pkwy. Selbyville, DE 105 High St. Seaford, DE 37169 Rehoboth Ave. #11 Rehoboth Beach, DE 39682 Sunrise Ct. Bethany Beach, DE 11424 W. SAND COVE RD, SELBYVILLE Live Bayside & Live The Vacation! *LOCATION ALERT* This 3BR/2.5BA endof-group townhome is coming to you mostly furnished, freshly painted and turnkey ready for Summer Fun in the Delaware Beach's #1 Resort Community of Bayside! $599,000 (DESU2057548) Call Eddie Rohe (c) 410-908-9137 Each of ce is independently owned & operated. 607 OLD POST CT, BETHANY BEACH This new custom home was developed, designed and built to cater to the most discerning buyer. Gourmet kitchen that includes custom cabinetry, quartz surfaces, a wine & beverage cooler. Hardwood oors, cabinetry surprises, home automation and spacious rooms abound throughout this 3,500 sq ft home. The complete landscaping package delights with color and de nes the hardscape for the driveway and pathway to the built-in shed, outdoor shower and deck. Neighborhood amenities include a community center, exercise gym, 2 pools (one heated), a playground, tennis and pickleball courts, kayak storage/canal access and fun activities. $2,450,000 (DESU2045282) Call Sandy Greene (c) 302-745-2382 NEW MOVEINREADY 36901 HASTINGS ROAD Lot Cleared √. Footer poured √ Sewer Impact Fee paid √ House Plan available √ No Builder Tie in √ Stop dreaming and start building! No lot rent and stick built, modular or double wide allowed. Centrally located near Bethany and Fenwick beaches, this is the perfect opportunity to own just a few short miles to the beach and enjoy the sand and surf! Agent is owner. $149,900 (DESU2061088) Call Brad Absher (c) 302-214-LAND
33333 LONE CEDAR LNDG, MILLVILLE Welcome to this 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath villa in the desirable Bishops Landing community. Sold furnished. An abundance of amenities await including 3 pools, tness center, walking and hiking trails, dog park and a shuttle to Bethany Beach (just 4 miles away). Open House Sat 12:00-2:00pm $489,900 (DESU2058928) Call Betsy Perry (c) 301-938-1472
121 81ST STREET, #310
28961 TWIN PONDS LN Located in the resort style community of The Estuary- Well appointed customized 5 bed, 3 bath 3400+ sq ft rst oor living home with an open concept oor plan and upgrades galore located on a large premium lot backing to Nature not neighbors. Appreciate dual pond views from both the front porch and 20 x 20 back paved patio, 2 stacked stone replaces (1 in primary bedroom), gourmet kitchen,wood ooring. Asking $899,000 (DESU2061160) Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159 BAYSIDE
huge Rec room upstairs (could be 4th bed/bunkroom) Asking $499,900 (DESU2060850) Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159 403 N. EDGEWATER HOUSE, BETHANY BEACH BROKERS OPEN HOUSE: FRI,
has renovated kitchen & new ooring. This building has direct access to the Oceanfront promenade. Sea Colony has 13 Pools, 36 Tennis Courts, 24/7/365 hour security.
(DESU2057138) Call Jane Baxter-Miller (c) 302-245-8831
OPENHOUSE SAT,5/1110-1 NEWLISTING OPENHOUSE SAT,5/112-4 PRICE ADJUSTMENT BISHOP’SLANDING NEWLISTING OPENHOUSE SAT,5/1111-1 LOGAN BURKE Call Today! (c) 443-797-9217 NEWLISTING OPENHOUSE SAT,5/1111-1 38175 KEENWIK ROAD 4 br, 3-1/2 ba, 2,583 sf Canal front home with private dock and boat lift! Waterfront living in Keen-Wik on the bay, just 2-1/2 miles from the beach. Wellmaintained custom-built home features a bright sunroom that spans the width of the house downstairs and a huge deck upstairs to enjoy the view! Solar panels and dual HVAC systems make this property energy ef cient, and HOA dues are just $55 per year. Call for a tour of this special home and all of its fantastic features today! $959,900 (DESU2054672) Call Nancye Vermillion (c) 302-500-9255 NEWPRICE WATERFRONT
5/10 - 10-1
5/11 - 10-1 Exciting 2 BR Oceanfront Condominium in the most sought after Building in Sea Colony. Offering gorgeous eastern Sunrise exposure of the Atlantic Ocean. Beautifully appointed 2 BR, 2 bath Condo

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