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Your Essential Weekly Read Tuesday, October 7th 2014 - Edition 552
Torrevieja To GeT iTs new Dual CarriaGeway aT lasT! THREE and a half years since the previously notorious N332 became a pleasure to drive on with the stretch between Guardamar and Torrevieja completed with a dual-carriageway, the Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolon, is delighted to announce the news that part of the State Budget for the city will include 15 million euro for the necessary road extension on the Torrevieja “bypass”. Specifically, there is 1 million available in the 2015 agreement, 5 million in 2016, a further 5 million for 2017 and the remaining 4 million in 2018. Every time there has been a serious or fatal accident on the single lane stretch of road between north of La Mata and the exit for Torrevieja Hospital; the last of which being the tragedy that cost the life of a British woman and her two-year-old daughter, questions have been asked as to when it was going to get the vital upgrading. The blame for the delay in this project has often been laid firmly at the door of the previous PSOE Government in Madrid who, even though land was made available to widen the section of the N332, announced
that they simply didn’t have the funds. Torrevieja’s governing PP team said at the start of 2014 that the original negotiations to arrange this welcome state funding from Madrid began in November 2011 when Mariano Rajoy became Prime Minister, and after years of alleged neglect by the previous Socialist government. There’s also an extra 12 million euro from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, for part of the Land Restitution Plan developed during the building of the desalination plant close to the hospital. Like the budget for the road widening project, the cash will be split with 4 million next year and 8 million in 2016. Mayor Dolon also announced that 409,000 euro will be invested in 2015 towards a new road from the CV-95, bypassing the N-332 near the Torrevieja Hospital. In total, Torrevieja will receive 28 million euro from central Government between 2015 and 2018, and those hoping for the long awaited National Police Station and a train line into the city are going to have to wait at least another 4 years!
DouBle Torrevieja TraFFiC TraGeDies averTeD Two local tragedies were averted on Thursday night in Torrevieja. The date of October 2nd is significant in the Catholic Church as it’s the Feast of the Guardian Angels – the Patron of Torrevieja’s Local Police and for one person at least, the Angels were certainly on hand to help and save a life. According to witnesses, a man drove his car into the sea off the cliff at Cala de la Higuera and had to be rescued by police who, once arriving on the scene after the alarm was raised, showed no hesitation in jumping into the sea having carefully navigated their way down the treacherous terrain. The brave rescue was hampered by the stormy weather conditions and the rough seas at the time. Sources said a 67 year old man was
rushed to hospital and admitted with symptoms of half drowning, multiple bruises, breathing difficulties and hypothermia. While all this was going on, in another part of the city, another man drunkenly drove his car into 11 parked vehicles located in Calles Del Mar, Ulpiano, Patricio Zammit and Pedro Lorca, as well as destroying the furniture on a bar terrace. He was detained by passers-by until the police arrived. One witness who helped restrain the man and was visibly shaken up said “It was a miracle no one was killed.” Police sources said it happened near the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Centre and that the driver was a young man who was under arrest in Torrevieja Hospital.
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IT’S EVEN EASIER TO SIGN ON...THE PADRON! The Town Hall of Torrevieja, having suffered a drop of almost 5,000 residents in September, is particularly keen to ensure that foreign residents are encouraged to renew their inscription Padron (the electoral roll), and are therefore offering an extra service in order to make this easier and quicker. Existing services at the International Residents Office (OARI), have been complemented as of last Wednesday by a dedicated Padron renewals desk on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 0900 and 1100. This service is offered by the OARI in the municipal Tourist office on the Paseo Vista Alegre. It has to be stressed that foreign nationals registering or renewing on the Torrevieja Padron are not only helping out the Town Hall, but also gaining benefits for themselves, since being on the Padron brings many
advantages to local residents in terms of healthcare, social services and discounts, for example in municipal schools, social clubs and on town buses. It’s also very important for Torrevieja
as a municipality to keep its population levels above the 100,000 mark as it not only loses valuable funding for public services, such as hospitals, schools, roads and public areas, it also loses councillors!
A judge in Almeria has awarded €135,000 damages in a landmark decision to three British families who bought illegal homes a decade ago in Albox, in a case which might open the door for similar suits around Spain. Thousands of British people bought properties in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Many of them found out only too late that their homes would never be legal. The homeowners bought in “good faith” and deserved compensation for living with the possibility of losing their home, the judge ruled. It ordered the developers to pay "moral damages" of between €40,000 and €50,000 to three families for the suffering and anxiety they have faced over the last 10 years. They must also pay a fourth British family, whose property was never completed, €7,800 in damages to cover their rental costs. Two developers received one-year prison sentences for planning offences. The court also ruled that if the developers do not pay then the local council must. The judge decided that the council’s poor controls and
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performance made it seem that the properties were legal, despite knowing the land could not be built on, and further ruled that no demolition could be carried out on these properties, believing that there is a chance they may yet be legalised. It took a decade for this case to be heard and it may be the first time a court has awarded moral damages to owners of illegally-built properties. The developers and the town hall have the right to appeal, so it may be years before the owners receive any payment. But their victory is still an important step, according to their attorney, Gerardo Vázquez. “I think there is increasing social awareness of the travesty of demolishing the homes of people who bought in good faith, who would lose their savings and their home,” he told reporters. There are some 300,000 illegal homes in Andalusia alone, and the regional government last month indicated laws could be changed to recognise the properties built on non-urban land.
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My name is Thomas Walter Wrulich and I am making this statement as the only administrator of COASTRIDER SLU, the newspaper that I have owned since it was formed in 2003. I am the only person that is entitled to use and to work under the name of The CoastRider. The reason for this statement is to reassure both loyal advertising clients and readers, and to clarify many rumours that may have been spread by ex employees of my company and following on from the printed statement in the last edition of The CoastRider (Edition 550), Page 2. I can inform you that the newspaper continues to operate under the same trading name of The CoastRider and from the same premises in Torrevieja at Buzon 31, C/Bautista Bertomeu Sober, 1-3-5 Poligono Industrial Casa Grande, Parcela
10, 11 & 12, Local 31, First Floor, 03183 TORREVIEJA (Alicante). As part of the restructuring of my company, I have to inform you that Claire Louise Worland has no authorisation whatsoever to represent COASTRIDER SLU in any form, and has been suspended pending legal investigations since September 17th 2014 due to a breach of loyalty and trust. I can also inform you that in respect of the statement made by Mrs Worland on Page 2 of Edition 550 of The CoastRider, she is NOT the owner of the newspaper and has never been. She has never bought the newspaper from me. She was only employed by me as a Senior Sales Manager. I reiterate and assure you once again that I am the sole owner of COASTRIDER SLU – the company that has produced The CoastRider for the past 11
years – and this is something that Mrs Worland does not accept. This matter is in the hands of solicitors! I regret that her actions have affected and involved you, our valued clients and customers, in this unpleasant and private matter. At this moment in time, I can also assure you that the ONLY people in my company who are authorised to collect any form of payment connected with advertising in The CoastRider SL are Cliff Roberts (still known as The Sherriff), and, of course, myself. I anticipate that everything will be back to normal within a very short time. Please feel free to contact me at any time as you’ve always been able to do over the past 11 years by mobile on 673 19 64 55, or via my e-mail address at thomas@coastridersl.com
WATT! ANOTHER ELECTRICITY IT’S BACK! THE 100% MORTGAGE RETURNS PRICE HIKE Just as many ex-pats are getting used to having the extra euro or two in their pockets benefitting from the best exchange rates in 3 years, the phrase of easy come-easy go will once again be used. Electricity bills are set to increase AGAIN on top of an inflation busting 11% this summer. The reason? Wholesale energy suppliers saw the highest prices of the year in September since December 2013. As from September 30th, the price per megawatt per hour (MWh) stands at 66.98 euros, meaning the average monthly figure is 58.90 euros. In August, the rate was much lower at 49.91 euros and in July, 48.21 euros. This means the average for the third quarter is 52.34 euros per MWh, some 31% higher than the 39.93 euros for the months of April, May and June and 102% higher than the typical 25.80 euros seen in February. Prices were considerably lower in the first few months of the year due to heavy
rainfall in parts of Spain and high winds allowing power supply wholesalers to produce a greater amount of wind-farm and hydraulic energy. The amount of an electricity bill that relates to actual consumption is only 37.48%, whilst 21.38% relates to taxes and 41.14% for standing charges. This means the rocketing cost of the energy itself translates to a rise of 11% per bill. Wholesaler OMIP forecasts a reduction in price of around 4.2% in the final
quarter of 2014, bringing the average down to 50.10 euros per MWh, being 52.10 euros in October, 48.60 euros in November and 49.60 euros in December. The forecast for this year as a whole was for average prices per MWh to be in region of 42 euros, a fall of 4.8% on last year's 44.16 euros which translates to a reduction in bills of 1.7%. But in practice, electricity bills have only come down by around 0.8% because the standing charges went up by 0.9% in January!
Wednesday 1st October was a redletter day for dog owners in Barcelona! A new law came into force in the Catalan capital which started allowing dogs to travel on the city’s underground train system provided their owners respected a set of criteria. Whereas previously only small dogs were allowed on the metro, dogs of all sizes will now be able to accompany their owners at most times of the day. Only during the peak travelling hours from 7.0am to 9.0am and 5.0pm to
7.0pm are no-go times for dogs. The animals will also have to wear a muzzle and be microchiped. The law also states that there is a restriction of one dog per person and that the under 16s cannot travel with those recognised as dangerous breeds. Legislation also covers other areas of the treatment and well-being of dogs. There is a ban on those potential harmful spiked collars, and it is not against the law to leave an animal home alone for
more than three days (12 hours if it’s a dog). Depending on the severity of the offence, fines of between 300 and 900 euros could be levied. Dog owners in Barcelona are delighted with the news as they’re now able to get around town without having to rely on the car. The reaction of metro passengers about the new rules was positive. One said, “The problem, if any, is not the dogs but the owners and the ability to train them (the dogs…that is!)”.
Before the property crisis hit Spain, 100% mortgages were more than easy to come by. Some commentators would say that this underlying greed on the part of both lender and borrower contributed to the downfall of many business ventures left with negative equity. They soon became a long-distant memory as banks themselves also veered on the verge of collapse. Only a couple of years back, customers were lucky to be granted 60 or even 70% of the finance they required to purchase a property. It’s no secret – and all the recent figures do point to the fact that banks are lending again, although nowhere near the same extent as before. The current norm seems to be a maximum of 80% of the value of the property although there are strict conditions imposed such as higher interest rates – unless, of course,
the customer is extremely solvent and without risk. However, some banks have relaxed their terms and conditions and are now even finding time to compete against each other to gain new clients. This has resulted in new and interesting offers being launched into the market at a pretty rapid rate. It was probably only a matter of time that a minority of banks brought back the 100% mortgage.
NEW ROYAL STAMPS The first stamps to feature the royal couple will be launched on October 12 – Spainish National Day. The Post Office has announced 300,000 sheets of the stamps, printed by the National Stamp and Coin Factory, have been produced. The stamps reproduce the official photos taken in 2010, when they were still the Prince and Princess of Asturias, by the photographer Dany Virgili. The series is entitled, ‘His Majesty Don Felipe, King of Spain’ and contains two 1 € stamps, one of the King and one of the couple. The Post Office explained the ink used to highlight ‘Felipe VI rey de España’ is metal, and this brings a shine to the King’s name!
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CoastRider - Edition 470 - March7th2014 5th 2013 www.coastridersl.com www.coastrider.net CoastRider - Edition 552 - October
WOULD YOU CREDIT IT. THEY’RE ALL AT IT..... A massive expenses scandal totalling over 15 million euros has been uncovered involving dozens of directors and consultants of the now-defunct bank Caja Madrid which, along with Bancaja, now forms part of the State-owned entity Bankia thanks to a multi-million EU bail-out. Of the 86 directors of the high-street bank – most of whom are politicians – only three have been cleared of any wrongdoing. They were all in possession of corporate credit cards to be used for work-related expenses – a common practice in large firms worldwide - so that staff don’t have to fork out for hotels, transport tickets or petrol out of their own pockets when travelling and wait for a refund from their companies. Expenses incurred in the course of business can be legitimately offset against income tax, and the IVA part against the firm's or the self-employed worker's own IVA returns. But the 83 directors and consultants at Caja Madrid found to be involved in the scandal were using them for their own, personal spending – for holidays, shopping, entertainment and leisure – with these amounts paid off out of company funds and offset against taxes. Many of them spent in excess of 30,000 or up to 50,000 euros each on themselves in goods and services totally unrelated to their work with Caja
Madrid, and a few even did so after they ceased to be directors of the firm. A total of 26 politicians on the PP party who were on the board – 23 men and three women, one of whom shelled out 287,900 euros and has since died – spent between 8,000 euros and 255,400 euros on their cards. Of the 15 socialist politicians on the board, of whom 14 are men, the most 'thrifty' spent 19,800 euros on non-work-related goods and services, whilst at the top of the list there was a spend of 252,000 euros. Four members of Izquierda Unida (United Left, or IU) spent between 20,100 euros and 456,500 euros. Spain's two largest unions, the labourers' commission (CCOO) and general workers' union (UGT) also had six and four men on the board respectively and each of them spent between 20,400 and 266,400 euros on their expenses cards.
THEY KEEP TAKING THE TABLETS.... BUT LESS OF ‘EM! The controversial new prescriptions system, whereby patients pay a small contribution to their prescription charges depending on their status, income and age, has been a success from the point of view of the finances of Spain’s National Health Service (SMS). In the twelve months between August 2013 and July 2014, the amount billed to the SMS for prescriptions was €864.5 million, a fall of 11.2% compared to the total in the previous two years, just before the new system was brought into operation. It’s been put down to the demand for prescriptions having fallen as a result of the new part payment system. There are interesting social points to be made in amongst
these statistics, as while it could be argued that the public are simply not asking for prescriptions now that they have to pay for them, and there is less waste (as rather than just taking something because it’s free, more care is being taken to use up existing medication), there are situations such as that cited by a local expat charity association recently, who said that some patients are unable to pay out for expensive drugs and then want to claim back their money as they simply don’t have it in the first place. It’s also worth pointing out that health authorities have been prescribing generic drugs rather than their more pricy brand counter parts in a bid to cut back on costs and block
OK, WE’VE HAD ENOUGH Wherever they are in the world, the British always need to talk about the weather. And when our part of Spain has experienced all the seasons in one go, there’s certainly been plenty to talk about recently. Here’s some more facts and figures for you to discuss over your café con leche and tostadas! September 2014 was the warmest month since 1911 in some parts of the coast of Valencia, like Castelló, and although rainfall has been average, there have been 29 storms in 30 days and twice the usual amount of lightning strikes. According to the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), September had an average temperature of 22.4 degrees, 1.7 degrees above normal , and the average of the region has been the warmest September since the year 1987. However, coastal observatories have said it’s the hottest month for that time of the year in Valencia since 1869 and in Castelló, since 1911. The warmest day of the month was September 2, when it exceeded 38 degrees in the southern part of Valencia (Jalance, 39.7, and Ontinyent with 38.2), and in the northern inland of Alicante (Alcoy, 38.4 degrees) .
buying to also cut down expenditure. The most significant reductions were in the regions of the Basque Country (16.8%) and the Comunidad Valenciana (14.4%), while at the other end of the scale the costs only dropped by 4.9% in the Canaries. Much of the wide differences among regions can be put down to demographic trends: in some areas the population is falling, while in others it is rising, and the number of elderly inhabitants and young babies has an effect on the figures too, but the underlying trend behind the statistics seems to be that there are now fewer people asking for prescriptions which they don’t really need.
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HMS ASTUTE SURFACES Objections have been raised by the spokesman of the Spanish conservation group VERDEMAR towards the visit by the British nuclear-powered submarine HMS Astute that docked last week in Gibraltar. It’s not the first time that it’s visited the rock, as it made a scheduled stop in March this year. According to official sources, the submarine, one of the most modern in the British Navy, only
planned to stay for a couple of days. VERDEMAR denounced the presence of this type of submarine because it is a ‘time bomb’ for the people of Gibraltar and the Costa Del Sol. To back up the groups’ concerns over safety, they pointed out that HMS Astute hit the headlines back in 2010 when it famously ran aground off the isle of Skye. There has always been opposition to this kind of vessel among ecologists, particularly since the scare that involved HMS Tireless in 2000. HMS Astute is a very impressive piece of marine engineering measuring some 97 metres in length, reaches a top speed of 30 knots (about 55kph), can circumnavigate the globe without surfacing (although food for the crew has to be brought on board every three months), is armed with Tomahawk missiles with a range of 1,000 kilometres, and features a “Dry Dock Shelter” which allows a mini-submarine to be launched on special missions. Some experts have compared the technology on board to that of the space shuttle. The nuclear reactor which powers HMS Astute supplies enough energy to
serve a city of 250,000 people (the size of Alicante) and isn’t expected to run out of power during its lifetime. The arrival of the submarine has been welcomed in some quarters, particularly by the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Fabian Picardo. He spoke with the UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond at last weeks’ Conservative Party Conference and was keen to highlight the role of Gibraltar as a
strategic base for UK and NATO operations, Mr Picardo said that he’s also anticipating in the not too distant future to “seeing the welcome sight of aircraft carriers HMS Elizabeth II and HMS Prince Of Wales sailing in to the Bay of Gibraltar and our safe harbour very soon indeed”.
MEANWHILE, AT THE CONSERVATIVE CONFERENCE… In his address to the Gibraltar Reception at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham, the Chief Minister said the UK Government has been upfront in its commitment and defence of Gibraltar. Mr Picardo also made clear that Gibraltar had always, and continued to reciprocate whenever it was called upon. While in the UK, the Chief Minister also had a meeting with the new Foreign Secretary discussing topical Gibraltar issues – including the thorny subject of border controls. Mr Picardo said he enjoyed seeing Phillip Hammond again, having worked closely with him in his previous role as Defence Secretary, and showed that he was very much “pro-Gibraltar”.
CoastRider - Edition 470 - March7th2014 5th 2013 www.coastridersl.com www.coastrider.net CoastRider - Edition 552 - October
THE BITE AFTER THE STORM! Late September, and now into early October are the months in Spain – especially in The CoastRider area – where a “perfect storm” for mosquitoes is created. They always arrive after stormy weather and with the following muggy conditions, the sometimes overpowering lemony smell of various deterrents is detectable in houses, gardens and bars everywhere. Do they work? Some do, some don’t and some probably just “scratch” the surface. If you’ve exhausted your options and run out of “After Bite”, what about using the world of technology? Believe it or not, but the latest hightech weapon in the battle against the bloodsuckers doesn’t come in the form of a spray or clip; instead it’s a free app on your Smartphone. This is not April 1st! Anti-mosquito apps emit ultrasonic frequencies designed to frighten the mosquitoes away. The app works by either mimicking the sounds
of mosquito predators, such as dragonflies and bats, or by using the sound made by the wings of male insects. Once a female mosquito has mated, she is said to actively avoid contact with males, so by playing this sound, the females stay away...and it’s well-known that it’s only the female of the species – the mosquito, that is – that bites! The most popular app is called the Anti Mosquito Sonic Repeller. Its developers claim that the pitch of the sound it produces is so high, most humans don’t notice it. It also comes with various frequencies in order to target different mosquito species within specific locations. Although, the app does not guarantee 100 per cent protection, because ‘there
are more than 3,500 known mosquito species in the world and they all react slightly different to the repellent’. Other apps that play ‘mosquito sounds’ are designed to annoy people, rather than repel mosquitoes but have been found to serve that purpose by accident!
LESS PRICE....MORE SPEED! The drug ‘Speed’ is proving more popular in Spain as its price falls! Last July the National Police arrested eight people and recovered 144 kilos of Speed, the largest amount ever seen in Spain; the drug had come from Holland. A gram of speed now costs 29 euro, half the price of cocaine, and the Head of the Central Narcotics Brigade of the Spanish National Police said it’s become one of the most consumed synthetic drugs in the country. The State security forces currently have sixty open cases against the drug, according to the Interior Ministry, which adds that it shows how important this drug has become, especially in the young. Spain has confiscated 6% of the drug in Europe, well behind the two leading countries, Britain and Germany. Speed is also sniffed and can have some of the similar effects connected with cocaine, such as euphoria, excitement, continually awake, the sensation of strength and the capacity for concentration. Most consumers tend to be revellers going to nightclubs and who also use other designer drugs, although it is feared workers and
students who take speed may be on the rise as it helps them keep going when they are flagging. According to the Ministry for Health, youngsters start to use Speed at 15 years old, the same as cocaine. 1.7% of secondary school pupils – the 14 to 18 year olds – also used Speed. As at the year 2009, a total of 3.7% of the Spanish population had tried amphetamine sulphate, compared to 2.9% in 2001. More recent figures are not yet available, although EU statistics showed that in 2011, a total of 1.4% of Spaniards aged between 15 and 34 were habitual consumers. Whereas cocaine costs 33,500 a kilo or 58 euros for a gram, speed – which is easier to transport across international borders – currently sells on the street at just under 15,000 euros a kilo, or 29 euros a gram. In other words, it works out at around 1.70 euros a day if taken once daily when buying by the gram, since this amount typically makes around 17 doses, meaning it is worryingly affordable when considering the daily cost to a regular
user is between a third and a half the price of a packet of cigarettes. Speed is not manufactured in Spain since the chemicals that form its main ingredients need permission from the interior ministry to be brought into the country, a process which is also subject to more stringent checks and a long trail of paperwork. However, users should beware, say police, since 62% of samples tested in a laboratory were found to have been cut with another ingredient or several -such as paracetamol, talcum powder or even pet-worming tablets - to bulk it out and increase dealers' profits.
THE TRAIN NOW STANDING….IS GOING BANKSY COPYCATS CAUGHT! NOWHERE! Yet another breakdown has occured on the high-speed train line between Alicante and Madrid – the sixth in the past 4 months! The latest incident saw 260 passengers transferred to other trains. The passengers were stranded in the train for an hour with no light, air conditioning or information. Sources at train operator RENFE explained the train could not reach Alicante Station because a technical error was limiting some of the train’s functions and for safety reasons and to avoid a possible breakdown into the journey, the train was stopped. In addition to this delay, a group of travelers had earlier complained about a dozen or so standing passengers who had boarded the train at Madrid but without seats. RENFE clarified the situation by saying that in such circumstances, they try to find seats or direct them to the buffet car where
standing is permitted. After the incident, RENFE issued a statement which stated that the line to Alicante does in fact have a 97% punctuality rate – one of the highest on the AVE network. Much of the blame for the earlier incidents (those in June & July) were connected with some bad weather en route. The good news for the 260 delayed and understandably frustrated passengers was a total refund of their ticket price which is in accordance with RENFE’s punctuality policy
After three years of investigation, Spanish police announced last week that they’ve smashed the operation of a graffiti gang causing damage and disruption to Spanish trains. The ten people detained, aged between 21 and 27, were arrested on suspicion of belonging to a gang which has allegedly caused over 600,000 Euro of damage to an estimated 168 train carriages. They were charged with 110 offences of both public disorder and
WORTH THE WAIT SPAIN’S manufacturing sector was the fastest growing of the big four Eurozone nations, according to survey data released last Thursday. The purchasing managers’ index published by Markit was 52.6 for Spanish manufacturing which means the sector is growing at a respectable rate. Spain’s manufacturing PMI has now grown for 10 consecutive months. Meanwhile, the economy grew 0.6 per cent from April to June. It grew 0.4 per
cent in the three months before and now seems impervious to the troubles plaguing the rest of the currency union. Economist Andrew Harker from Markit said, “The Spanish manufacturing sector continued to tick along nicely in September, completing another solid quarter. Growth continues to be driven by inflows of new business, which supported a further expansion of workforce numbers.”
damage to property. Their technique would be to stop trains by pulling security levers and paint up to 50 square metres (538 square feet) of carriage in just a few minutes, a police statement said. "This action produces a sudden and violent braking of the train, generating the risk of falls and injuries to public transport users, and it disrupts the normal circulation of trains, causing delays and service cuts”.
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Gardening News
Gardening Health Issues
Night EatiNg SyNdromE
This is a serious disorder, a result of upsets in hormones that regulate sleep, hunger and stress. People with night eating syndrome usually have no desire to eat until the afternoon, then eat most of their calories during the evening and at night, often waking up for high-calorie snacks.
They need food to help them sleep. Feeling stressed and depressed is common. Research suggests it affects 1,5% of all adults and around 10% of obese people. If you think you may have a problem with nighttime eating, get professional help from your doctor.
PoSitiVE dEVELoPmENtS iN trEatiNg thE NEgatiVES Professional oncologists at the Quiron Hospital in Torrevieja are developing a project to personalize chemotherapy for patients suffering from triple negative cancer – one of the most aggressive forms that exists. This is achieved with the microarray technique, which allows, through an analysis of molecular biology of ribonucleic acid (RNA), identify needed chemotherapy for each case. The triple negative breast cancer is characterized as the most aggressive, has a high rate of recurrence and a poor prognosis, in addition to generate rapid metastasis that spread to other parts of the body such as the lungs and brain. In addition, up to 20 percent of all such tumours diagnosed in Spain occurs most often in young women under 50. Despite its aggressiveness, the bases of surgery and radiotherapy are the same as the treatment of other varieties of breast cancer, so the development of this new personalized treatment through the microarray technique is particularly important. Unlike other cancers where youth can be a favourable factor for a complete cure in these cases, this is not the case following a diagnosis of the triple negative variety as the body’s defences are not yet developed to fight it. One of the medics involved in this project, Dr José Farré Alegre, went on to explain that, "In a woman under age 50, breast cancer is more difficult to treat and has a higher risk of returning later in life.". He added, "There is no preventive treatment of cancer, so early detection is what can improve the treatment and eventual outcome.” He went on to stress
the importance of early detection of cancer and has urged all women to undergo a mammogram from the age of 40 For now, the new technique has only been applied to certain cancers that have reached an advanced stage, although the goal is to begin to apply it to newly discovered tumours as part of the everyday treatment of the disease. All of these developments and studies were discussed at a meeting at the hospital on Friday at the Hospital Quiron which hosted the 8th International Session of Diagnosis of Treatment of Breast Cancer, completely dedicated to the cases of the triple negative cancer and was organised by the European Cancer Institute of Milan.
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WorLd hEart day - 2014 Did you know that for the past 14 years, September 29th has been designated as World Heart Day? To acknowledge this years’ event, Spanish researchers have produced a pill that lowers the risk of a heart attack. Called Trinomia, it was developed by the National Cardiovascular Centre in conjunction with Ferrer International, based in Barcelona, and it prevents heart attacks in patients who have already had their first heart attack. Its main advantage is with this one pill it replaces three which patients have had to take until now. The drug will be on sale in Spain at the end of this year. Cardiovascular illnesses are the main cause of death in the world, and
on World Heart Day, the experts took the opportunity to remind the public on their habits which alone can save many deaths: some 17 million people worldwide die from heart problems. World Heart Day was founded in 2000 to inform people around the globe that heart disease and stroke are
the world’s leading causes of death. It’s an annual event and each year’s celebrations have a different theme, reflecting key issues and topics relating to heart health. The theme for 2014 is creating hearthealthy environments. Together with World Heart Federation members, World Heart Day spreads the news that at least 80% of premature deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD) could be avoided if four main risk factors – tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol – are controlled. The success of World Heart Day depends on organizations from around the world being pro-active to help spread awareness of CVD, the world’s number one killer.
A GLASS OF RED + CLEARER SKIN = SMILES ALL ROUND It’s the bane of adolescence and often follows many sufferers into adulthood. But a new study has suggested that red wine could help combat acne. However it was the combination of both the resveratrol and benzoyl peroxide (found in creams and gels) that was found to have the best effect. Aside from its spot-fighting abilities, red wine has an abundance of other health benefits… Resveratrol is one of the most powerful antioxidants, which can help reduce the saturated fat accumulated in the arteries. The flavonoids and saponins in red wine can also help protect you against cardiovascular diseases. PEARLY GNASHERS Red wine hardens the enamel in your
teeth, helping to prevent tooth decay and the growth of bacteria. Polyphenols, something which is found in red wine, can reduce gum inflammation and prevent gum diseases. The melatonin in red wine can help you hit the hay after a stressful day in the office (although you should consult a doctor if you have trouble sleeping regularly). BEATS LURGY A US study found that participants who drank red wine had 40 per cent less colds than those who didn’t. GLOWING SKIN Red wine can slow aging and help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, as its antioxidants can help sop up the free radicals that damage skin. They say, ‘A
glass a day and your skin will glow.’ STRONG BONES An Australian study attributed strong bone health to red wine and women who drank a moderate amount (one or two glasses a day) were less likely to develop osteoporosis. The antioxidant resveratrol has been found to prevent the growth of cancerous cells, while studies have also found a reduced risk of breast and lung cancer. LIVE LONGER Scientists have found red wine drinkers live longer – while it can also protect you from dementia and Alzheimer’s. A WORD OF WARNING: Red wine should be enjoyed in moderation (150 ml glass is the ideal serving).
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Gardening News
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Gardening News
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BENIDORM WELCOMES FIRST TIME CRUISERS! Tourism chiefs and Town Hall officials are delighted that a German cruise ship is including Benidorm as a port of call on day 19 of an end of summer cruise. The MS Amadea, with approximately 600 passengers and 260 crew will arrive at 7.0am on Monday 13th October for a six hour stay. This stop is part of a cruise that begins in Bremerhaven and takes in France, Morocco, Madeira, The Azores, and Ireland before finally docking in England. It’s not just Benidorm that will see the splendor of the cruise ship anchored of its shores, as Barcelona, Denia and Almeria benefit from the passengers too. Because there are no port facilities in Benidorm, the ship will anchor off the famous Peacock Island and the passengers will
be transported back and forth by launches. This particular cruise on the MS Amadea is aimed totally at the German tourists – everything on board ship is in German – and there is a worry that the Levante beach could well be full of towels on the sun loungers some hours before the rest of the tourists and locals rise from their late night revelling! It was agreed in April of this year by the local government to allow cruise ships to anchor in the Benidorm bay and decided to waive any fees in an effort to compete with other ports, mainly Alicante. Benidorm sees this as an excellent opportunity to
open up a new tourist market previously untapped and attract people with high purchasing power. If this first visit is successful, then there’s no reason why other companies wouldn’t choose this option as part of a ships itinerary.
Carrefour, one of the biggest businesses and one of the best known names in Spain, has expanded its plans to help young people between 18 & 30, those over 65 and, large families, with a discount on more than 4,000 lines of fresh produce! These groups of people will also have other additional advantages such as discounts on mobile phone packages, travel and petrol, among others that were announced by Carrefour last week. These measures apply to all establishments of the Carrefour brand. Specifically, from last week, 6.2 million young people across Spain have access to a discount equivalent to the VAT being removed on 4,000 products in all the
food departments. They can obtain a 10% discount rate from taking a mobile phone contract with Carrefour and 8% at the filling stations. Additionally, for example, there are discounts of up to 20 euro per person, per night for adventure weekends, and short trips to Europe – 299 euro for 4 night’s hotel accommodation including flights. Carrefour’s Secretary General, Agustin Ramos, explained the policy. “The plans help Carrefour target specific groups and aims to reach young people to improve their purchasing power with savings that can reach an average of 230 euro per year.”
The Young Card, Carrefour expands its direct aid plan assuming the cost of the measure. Aid plans for people over 65 years and many families already benefiting 2.8 million people in Spain. Specifically, there are 1.6 million beneficiaries of the 'Plan 65 +' and 1.2 million plan 'Superfamilies'.
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News and Events Local Gardening
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ORIHUELA TAPAS TRAIL SLOW DOWN IN TOWN! The city of Orihuela has announced its 2nd Tapas Trail following the success of the 2013 contest in which 35 establishments took part over two weekends. This years’ event promises to be even bigger with 91 bars and 10 cafes already indicating their desire to take part over the weekend of Saturday & Sunday, 1st and 2nd November!
Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolon announced on Thursday that the speed limit for the town centre will be reduced to just 30 kilometres per hour (KPH). The new limits will begin during early 2015 and accompanied by a new set of road signs. Sñr Dolon said that this measure, something that had already worked in many cities in Spain, resulted in much improved road safety, noise and CO2 emissions. The present speed limit is 40 KPH and a reduction of just 10 KPH will have a significant effect on the reaction times of drivers.
Around 300 residents of Guardamar del Segura gathered outside the Town Hall last Saturday to protest at what they see as the unnecessarily cruel treatment of stray cats in the town. It was announced in July that the Town Hall would be enforcing local by-laws more strictly regarding the feeding of animals, including cats and pigeons, but it seems that in doing so they have angered some of the residents. Those protesting demanded that rather than putting down the animals captured, the Town Hall ought either to castrate and spray them and relocate them to the outskirts of the town, According to the demonstrators the Town Hall is exterminating the feline population as if they
were a plague of insects or rats, and the company contracted to remove the animals from the streets is making no effort to spare the cat’s lives. Those who gathered at the Town Hall are also angry that as part of the crusade against cats the council is fining people who give them food up to 200 euros. This, they claim, shows a total lack of respect for animals, and is in line with the refusal on the part of the local administration to consider devoting a small part of the 11 kilometre coast to a dog-friendly beach. Proposals for an off-leash park for dogs have also failed to progress in Guardamar del Segura and it seems that at least part of the local population would rather live in a more animalfriendly municipality!
Fancy yourself as the next Mo Farah or Paula Radcliffe? Perhaps your jogging vest and shorts have been in the drawer for a long time and need an airing? No excuses that you need to train…you’ve got a couple of months to plan for this one! It’s the 2nd “Popular Cross Nocturno – La Purisima” to be held on Saturday December 13th at 7.30pm starting and finishing at the Plaza De la Constitution in Torrevieja. Organised by the Torrevieja Athletics Club, it’s open to anyone – able bodied, disabled and there’s a separate children’s race too beginning at 5pm. The distance? Only 7.2km! It costs just 8 euro to enter (1 euro for children) and registration can be made via the website at www.chiplevante.net/2014CPP URISIMA with a closing date of December 10th.
TORREVIEJA CULTURE PROGRAMME FOR AUTUMN ANNOUNCED Councillor for Culture, Luis Maria Pizana, accompanied by the Culture coordinator, Manuel Esteban Moreno, have presented the Torrevieja Cultural Programme for Autumn 2014. It features a very impressive 167 events costing 42,000 euros. Throughout October, November and December you can enjoy 60 concerts, 15 various styles of workshops, 14 parades, 10 lectures, 10 theatre productions, 7 exhibitions, 5 dance contests, 4 musicals, 3 specialist courses, 2 film screenings and to round things off, an opera! Keep a look out for one of the 15,000 programmes that have been produced giving full details of all the events. Some of the highlights for October and November are below. Sunday 19th October: Torrevieja Municipal Theatre – Charity Music Gala featuring the Unidad de Música de la Academia General del Aire y la Unión Musical Torrevejense (UMT). Wednesday 5th November: Torrevieja Municipal Theatre - "Don Giovanni" by Mozart. Friday 7th November: International Music Auditorium - Paloma San Basilio, with her show "Hasta Siemprel". Friday 21st November: Palacio De La Musica – Shani Ormiston.
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Gardening Bars and Restaurants
Lentil, sweet potato & pancetta soup One of the healthiest foods around, lentils are low in fat and very versatile - perfect for salads, soups and sides. Packed with veggies, this hearty lentil soup wins for taste and budget. Ingredients 750ml (3 cups) boiling water 1 teaspoon Chicken Stock Powder 2 teaspoons olive oil 1 large red onion, finely chopped 2 celery sticks, trimmed, finely
chopped 50g pancetta, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 500g sweet potato (kumara), peeled, cut into 1cm pieces 400g can no-added-salt lentils, rinsed, drained 400g can no-added-salt diced tomatoes 250g broccoli, cut into small florets Chopped fresh continental parsley, to serve
Method 1. Combine the water and stock powder in a large heatproof jug. 2. Heat oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook the onion, celery, pancetta and garlic, stirring, for 6 minutes or until soft. Add the sweet potato. Cook, stirring, for 1 minute or until combined. 3. Add the stock mixture, lentils
Courgette & feta slice cheddar, grated) 1/4 cup olive oil 10 fresh mint leaves, finely sliced, optional
If you are new to cooking and think making a quiche is daunting, have a go at this zucchini and feta slice. An oldie but a goodie Ingredients 5 eggs 1 cup self-raising flour 1 tsp salt and grinds of black pepper 500g (5 medium) courgette, coarsely grated 2 spring onions, finely sliced 4 rashers streaky bacon, diced 150g feta cheese, crumbled (or
Method 1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Use a little butter or oil to grease base and sides of a 30cm x 20cm shallow baking dish or sponge roll tin. 2. Whisk eggs in a large bowl. Add flour, salt and pepper and whisk until smooth. Place grated zucchini in a clean cloth, twist the top and squeeze over the sink to remove excess liquid (this stops slice from being heavy
and wet). Add zucchini to flour-and-egg mixture, along with spring onion, bacon, cheese, oil and optional mint leaves. Stir until evenly combined. 3. Pour into prepared dish and bake in oven for 40 minutes or until golden, when mixture bounces back when lightly pressed. Stand for at least 10 minutes before slicing. HEALTH BENEFITS OF COURGETTE It has a tender texture with a slightly sweet flavor and, at just 21 calories per cup, it makes a welcome addition to a calorie-controlled diet. Courgette boasts a rich nutritional profile, and it offers health benefits thanks to its phytonutrients, mineral and vitamin content. Courgette serves as a good source of vitamin C. A cup of chopped courgette contains 22 milligrams of vitamin C, which is 24 percent of the recommended daily intake for men and 29 percent for women. Courgette also provides you with lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein and zeaxanthin promote healthy eyesight. A cup of chopped courgette provides 2.6 milligrams of lutein and zeaxanthin, or 43 percent of this intake goal.
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and tomato. Increase heat to medium-high and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer, partially covered, for 15-20 minutes or until sweet potato is tender. Add broccoli. Simmer for 3-4 minutes or until broccoli is tender crisp. 4. Divide the soup among serving bowls and top with parsley. HEALTH BENEFITS OF LENTILS Lentils, a small but nutritionally mighty member of the legume family, are a very good source of
cholesterol-lowering fiber. Not only do lentils help lower cholesterol, they are of special benefit in managing blood-sugar disorders since their high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from rising rapidly after a meal. But this is far from all lentils have to offer. Lentils also provide good to excellent amounts of seven important minerals, our B-vitamins, and protein—all with virtually no fat. The calorie cost of all this nutrition? Just 230 calories for a whole cup of cooked lentils. This tiny nutritional giant fills you up—not out.
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Bars and Restaurants Gardening
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Puzzle Page Gardening
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LOGIC PUZZLE Logic puzzles require the solver to deduce the relationships between different people, places and things based on a limited numbered of clues given in the puzzle
1. Angling action (4) 5. Prepare to transplant (5) 10. Dross (4) 14. Stew (4) 15. "The Divine ___" (5) 16. Fir fruit (4) 17. Sculpted site of four U.S. presidents (10) 19. Food item served in a basket (4) 20. Chocolate syrup brand (5) 21. "In my view..." (8) 23. Date with a D.D.S., e.g. (4) 26. Bed covers (6) 27. He won an Oscar for his role in "The Paper Chase" (12) 32. Bon ___ (Comet rival) (3) 33. Lancasters' rivals (5) 34. Hives (5) 38. Bread spoiler (4) 40. Porridge type (5) 42. Posterior (4) 43. Like oxfords (5) 45. Floor: Fr. (5) 47. Mel of baseball (3) 48. 6-5000 lead-in, in a song (12) 51. Rid of parasites, as a pooch (6) 54. King's land in a Broadway musical (4) 55. Quaking (8) 58. Enchilada covering (5) 62. Gondola, e.g. (4) 63. Giving a boost (10) 66. Hathaway of "Ella Enchanted" (4) 67. Room for linens, pitchers, etc. (5) 68. As a twosome, musically (4) 69. Sounds of reproof (4) 70. Buddhist angels (5) 71. Heads, in slang (4)
Down 1. Hair untangler (4) 2. Voice above a tenor (4) 3. Titles for knights (4) 4. Big-billed bird (6) 5. Work at Three Rivers, say (3) 6. Where Forrest Gump met Lieutenant Dan (3) 7. Malay sail canoe (4)
Remember: every item on the board belongs to one and only one person, no item will ever be shared. Using only the clues provided and simple deductive logic and reasoning, fill in the grid with Xs and Os to determine the solution.
8. Rowing pair (4) 9. Belief system (6) 10. Talk show worker (8) 11. Australian cry (5) 12. Pitch-black (5) 13. Cheese treats (5) 18. Philo's conclusion (5) 22. Robert of "Jaws" (4) 24. Palindromic ship deck (4) 25. Soup-serving dish (6) 27. Pickles (4) 28. Melville's Tahiti story (4) 29. Bunker ___ (4) 30. 32-card games (5) 31. Short literary works (6) 35. Long measure of time (4) 36. Sequential notes (4) 37. Span. miss (4) 39. Gradually uses up
QUICK QUIZ 1. What is the name of the
which country?
ship in the novel ‘Treasure
5. Which fruit is used in
Island’ by Robert Louis
making Melba sauce?
resources (8) 41. He, to Rocco (4) 44. Reckon (4) 46. Enlarging gradually, as a chimney. (5) 49. Arrested (6) 50. Cat chaser (6) 51. Touch lightly, as the corner of one's eye (5) 52. Some short jackets (5) 53. Ol' Blue Eyes (5) 56. "The West Wing" actor (4) 57. Atlas stat.(4) 59. Island near Venice (4) 60. Rudely overlook (4) 61. Grows older (4) 64. Sp. lady (3) 65. Baseball's Wigginton and TV's Pennington (3)
Last weeks Crossword Solution
Stevenson? 2. What is the only English word to end with the letters
Quick Quiz Answers
‘mt’? 3. Who was the father of ward VI? 4. Durango, Veracruz and Campeche are all states in 1. Norman had the espresso. 2. Of the diner who ordered the parfait and the one who had the cappuccino, one paid $9.99 and the other was Addie. 3. The one who had the earl grey tea paid less than the diner who ordered the parfait. 4. The one who had the espresso paid 2 dollars more than the diner who ordered the souffle. 5. Neither the person who paid $6.99 nor the person who paid
$8.99 was the diner who ordered the tiramisu. 6. The person who paid $8.99 was either the one who had the cappuccino or the diner who ordered the creme brulee. 7. Linda paid $9.99. 8. Tim paid $5.99. 9. Tim had the cafe americano. 10. The diner who ordered the tiramisu paid 2 dollars less than the one who had the cappuccino.
Sudoku Solution
1.Hispaniola 2. Dreamt 3.Henry VIII 4.Mexico 5.Raspberries
British monarch King Ed-
Solution for Logic Puzzle
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CoastRider - Edition 552 - October 7th2014
CARTAGENA We begin out journey along the Cartagena to Alicante bus route with the southern most terminus at Cartagena; itself based in one of the most recognisable buildings in the city with its tall, imposing lighthouse shaped clock tower that dominates the skyline and can be seen as you approach the city from the motorway. Let’s investigate it a little more....
the La Manga strip to the Bay of Mazarron. Within this coastline are two significant ports, The Cabo De Palos and Cabo Tiñoso. The inland area is known as the Campo de Cartagena and indicates the significant agricultural activity of this municipality. Thanks to the amount of annual hours of sun, the warm temperatures and the fertile soil, this plain is the most productive in the
Like the city of Rome, Cartagena is surrounded by hills. Through the centuries, different civilisations built their cities upon the others within the peninsula limited by the five hills in the Cartagena Port. Cartagena is the second most populated city within the Murcia region with a population of 200,000 inhabitants – a number that is far exceeded during the summer season. The municipality of Cartagena has 65 kilometres of coast, beginning at
whole of Europe. A great part of the water used for the irrigation of this area comes from the Tajo-Segura system and produces an abundance of lettuce, broccoli, artichokes, melons, water melons, and numerous lemon and orange trees. The city of Cartagena has grown around its strategic port which has been inhabited by numerous civilisations. It was founded by the Carthaginian General Asdrubal in the year 229 B.C. remaining under
Carthaginian control until conquered by the general Cornelio Escorpion. Under Roman control, Cartagena became an important city and enjoyed many years of wealth and prosperity. It was called Cartago-Nova (New Carthage) by the Romans. Inhabited by the Visigoths and Byzantines, it was conquered by the Muslims and reconquered by Alfonso X in 1242. In the 18th century it was named the capital of the Spanish Navy’s Maritime Department and the city was heavily fortified with numerous military constructions like the Arsenal, the Muralla Del Mar (Sea Wall) and the castles and barracks to protect its port. At the end of the 19th century, Cartagena became one of the richest cities of Spain thanks to its mining industry. Cartagena is a city full of monuments, with many archaeological sites and outstanding buildings of historical interest, together with the charm of the sea and the typical bustle of a port city. Dirty and very polluted in the past (due to the nearby Refinery), the new redevelopments (like the initiative "Cartagena, Port of Culture") and restorations have turned it into a major tourist destination, and is a frequent disembarkation point for numerous cruises as the port is the third deepest in the world. Cartagena is a charming, compact, coastal city with so many things to see, with over 12 museums, 10 buildings of interest, 4 noteworthy churches and a whole host of monuments not to mention the archaeological sites. You can take the very informative Tourist Bus or perhaps sail out to sea on the Tourist Boat. You can explore the narrow streets of the old town that are jam packed full of character or relax at
one of the bars, cafes and restaurants on the waterfront. The main places of interest are as follows: MUSEUMS National Museum of Underwater Archaeology ARQUA: large collection of artifacts from shipwrecks which mainly detail the history of trade. Naval Museum CIM: impressive collection of models of ships, maps and a room dedicated to Isaac Peral. Roman Theatre Museum: discovered by chance in 1987, the theatre has been impressively restored. Military Museum: located inside the artillery headquarters it houses the largest collection of artillery in Spain. Centre for the Interpretation of the Punic Rampart Museum: showing remains of the Punic city wall dating back to 200BC. The House of Fortune Museum: the former home of a prosperous Roman merchant makes up part of the underground city. Augusteum Museum: remains of two public buildings used as meeting place for the priest of the cult of Emperor Augustus part of the underground city. Decumanus Museum: the site of the main thoroughfare through the city during Roman times. Centre of Interpretation of the History of Cartagena: situated on top of Conception hill, displays info about the history of the city including a good video, great views from here over the city. Civil War Shelter Museum: tunnels into Conception hill completed at the end of the civil wall, now houses displays and information about the war. Municipal Archaeological Museum: base for all archaeological activity in the city, the museum is situated on a Roman necropolis. Aguirre House: this intriguing
building houses the regional museum of modern art. Christmas Fort: building that occupies an imposing location at the mouth of the bay. Autopsy Theatre: this fascinating building is a museum of medicine and chronicles the history throughout time in Cartagena. Carmen Conde Antonio Oliver Museum: housed in 'the Ramón Alonso Luzzy' Cultural Centre is furniture and equipment from the former living room and office, as well as the invaluable archives-library of this local writer. CHURCHES Church of Santo Domingo: recently restored it has a stunning alter piece of multi coloured wood. Church Santa Maria de Gracia: started in the 18thcentury the façade is still unfinished. Church of El Carmen: home to the order of barefoot Carmelites. Caridad Church: the former church of the Caridad hospital, it has an impressive interior with several sculptures by Salzillo. BUILDINGS City Hall, Campus Muralla del Mar, Midshipman’s Barracks, Arsenal Gate, Naval Headquarters Palace, Railway Station, Maestre house, Clares House, Cervantes House, Casino, Llagostera House, Grand Hotel, Pedreno House, Dorda House, Zapata House, Urban Expansion Company House, Regional Assembly. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES Hill of Molinete, Byzantine Rampart, Roman Colonnade and Torreciega. STATUES & MONUMENTS Pearl Submarine, Carlos II Rampart, Heros de Santiago de Cuba and Cavite. Enjoy the trip! Next week, we visit La Union.
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CoastRider - Edition 552 - October 7th2014
How many times since you’ve lived here have you seen reports AFTER THE EVENT of a great live concert performance by some of the best names in the business and you’ve wished you’d know about it and have enjoyed it for yourself? The CoastRider will regularly let you know in advance when and where a selection of these artistes and groups are appearing. The majority are in Madrid or Barcelona, and held midweek, so it’s worth considering making a longer trip and taking in some of the local sights at the same time. KYLIE MINOGUE – Monday 13th October – BARCLAYCARD CENTRE,
WE’RE YOU CLEVER ENOUGH TO SPOT THE NEW EGGHEAD? The opening titles of the very popular BBC2 quiz show Eggheads had a different look to it from last Monday...and it was difficult at first to work out what. Someone close to me pointed out that they were certain their eyes didn’t deceive them and they’d seen a new girl with long brown hair among the regular swots, list studiers, encyclopaedia sifters and overall clever-clogs with simply good memories. Loyal viewers had to wait until Friday’s episode to see for the first time a mum from Leeds take her place on the prestigious panel of brainboxes! Lisa Thiel, 34, of Crossgates, Leeds, was talent-spotted by producers after appearing as a contestant on the shortlived spin-off series Revenge of the Egghead, the show that painted C J De Mooi in an even worse light than previously thought. The day after filming her programme, Lisa was in the middle of her weekly food shop when she got the call from the show’s production company 12 Yard to ask if she would be interested in the job. She said: “I had to scrape my jaw up off the floor. I apologised to the checkout assistant, who said ‘don’t worry, it happens all the time’. I wanted to say ‘not like this it doesn’t mate, trust me!’ “This was a pipedream – a ‘wouldn’t it be great if...’ I’d noticed that there weren’t enough women on these teams and not many doing it professionally. So for someone to ring me up and say that it’s happening. It’s incredible.” She added: “Someone pays me to get up and go quizzing all day with seven of the nicest people you could meet. Who could ask for more?” Lisa lives with husband Nathan and 16-month-old daughter Clara and has a ‘proper’ job as bid manager for a skills and employability company in Sheffield. But her interest in facts began at an early age – when she preferred to read the index of books rather than the main story. Lisa built up her quizzing pedigree from the age of 10, with appearances on school and college quiz teams. Lisa said: “I’ve always been a quiz fan. Some of my earliest memories are watching Blockbusters when I was seven or eight and University Challenge. I’ve always had a bit of a fascination with
accruing facts and general knowledge.” After reading Modern History and English at Oxford University, Lisa appeared on The Weakest Link at the age of 21 and has also since appeared on ITV’s The Chase. She now joins fellow Leeds superbrain Barry Simmons, of Roundhay, on the Eggheads panel. Lisa said: “He’s been really helpful, and kindly met up with me beforehand to let me in on a few trade secrets. He couldn’t have been nicer, but I was still braced for a bit of ‘who does she think she is’ from the rest of the team when I turned up.” She need not have worried. “We met up the evening before filming started for dinner, so when I walked into the bar all the rest of the Eggheads were there already. Dave turned round from the bar, gave me his great big smile and said: ‘Hello, Dave Rainford, lovely to meet you’. I stood there thinking ‘Oh my God, imagine YOU introducing yourself to ME!’ They are all lovely, lovely people.” Lisa was asked how she would be dealing with the fame of being part of a regular daytime TV show with a growing audience. “Eggheads is a bit like the BBC’s answer to Countdown – much beloved of those with the leisure time to watch it; usually students and the retired. I can’t really see myself getting recognised or anything, but if it does happen then I’m going to make myself a bingo card with all the responses that the other Eggheads have got when they’ve been stopped in the street, which include ‘Ooh, my Nan loves you’, ‘How did you not know “X” question?’, and ‘Is CJ as horrible as he seems?’ Eggheads can be seen on BBC2, Monday to Friday at 1900 (CET). For more details, look in this weeks’ edition of the TV CHOICE MAGAZINE – as recommended by The CoastRider.
ARE BACK Since it was first premiered on ATV on 30th September 1965, the original series of Thunderbirds seemed to be continually repeated over the next 25 years. Everyone had their favourite episodes and characters and it didn’t matter whether you were 6 or 96 – it came from a time when family entertainment was the norm, even if the concept was aimed at the younger end of the audience. My favourite character was Parker; and I never realised until researching this piece that his character Christian name was Aloysius! Yes, one of the same middle names from an equally famous character of that era –Tony Hancock! ‘Yus, M’Lady’ came part of everyday language for many (it still is), and who could ever forget the line of the 32 episode series uttered by the loyal chauffeur himself as Parker brings Lady Penelope’s “tea on the lawn” and he enquires if he might have the h’afternoon off to “take Cook out for a punt.” It still brings the slightest of innuendo giggles for the line that’s worthy of any Carry On... script! Filmed between 1964 and 1966, it was the brainchild of Gerry Anderson, and spawned 2 spin off films, “Thunderbirds Are Go” and “Thunderbird 6”. The up-todate remake in 2004 was a great disappointment and was a flop at the box office. It cost $57,000,000 to make but only took just under half of that figure worldwide. During development, creator Gerry Anderson was invited to act as creative consultant, but was left
out when the studio felt there were enough employees on the payroll acting as part of the creative team. The studio offered him $750,000 (£432,000) to attend the premiere but Anderson could not accept money from people he had not worked for. He eventually saw the film on DVD and was disappointed, declaring ‘It was disgraceful that such a huge amount of money was spent with people who had no idea what Thunderbirds was about and what made it tick.’ He also said that it was ‘the biggest load of crap I have ever seen in my entire life.’ The only success story from the film was the theme song by Busted made No1 in the UK Charts and was named as Record Of The Year for 2004. Gerry Anderson died in December 2012 at the age of 83, and the idea for a remake was being considered at that time. In fact, the new series was formally announced by ITV in February 2013. And now the time is almost here, as next Saturday (11th) sees the world premiere of “Thunderbirds Are Go” at the MIPJunior in Cannes. MIPJunior is the leading showcase for kids programming, uniting the world’s most influential buyers, sellers and producers. Over two days these influential players, along with publishers and licensing executives present, discover and screen the very latest content. The new series of 26 x 30 minute episodes begins on ITV and CITV in the Spring of 2015 – 50 years since it was first shown. The producer of the series – Giles Ridge – said that given that the brand celebrates its 50th anniversary next year, it felt right that they return to the wonderful collection of work and give Thunderbirds
a go in the market, noting the show, aimed at ages six to eight but hoping for a wider audience, will retain its original Barry Gray arranged theme. ‘We were very mindful of not wanting to mess too much with the original. It’s lasted 50 years because it is very special.’ he added. Traditionalists will be disappointed that there are no marionettes in this remake, but are sure to be impressed by the superb quality of the CGI techniques mixed in with live-action miniature sets. However, one of the characters voices will be immediately recognisable from the cult series..... David Graham has been persuaded to voice Parker. ‘I am triple chuffed to be on board for the new series of Thunderbirds Are Go and reprising my role of dear old Parker with such a distinguished cast. My driving skills are in good nick and I am delighted to be behind the wheel again with M’Lady. Cheerio!” Another name from the past, although not from Thunderbirds, is Sandra Dickinson, famous for being cast as a dumb blonde in Hitch-Hikers Guide To The Galaxy and was married to former Dr Who and Tristan Farnon actor Peter Davison for 16 years. She’s voicing Grandma!
OH NO! HONESTLY... The award-winning singer-songwriter Lynsey De Paul, has died at the age of 64. She had complained of headaches and is thought to have suffered a brain haemorrhage. Her biggest hit Sugar Me reached number five in the charts in 1972, and other top 20 hits included the theme tune for the ITV sitcom No Honestly which starred John Alderton & Pauline Collins. Her 1977 Eurovision
appearance at Wembley Conference Centre saw her come second with Rock Bottom. In recent years she had been on TV programmes such as Cash In The Attic and Come Dine With Me, as well as appearing in Stephen Fry's Kingdom. De Paul never married but was romantically linked with Hollywood stars Dudley Moore and James Coburn.
NO NEED TO CHANGE THESE PARTNERS! There aren't many people who would say "no" to singing a duet with the legendary Barbra Streisand. And that appears obvious because her latest duets album is littered with some of the biggest names in music ... not including her, of course. Being such a legendary singer, actress, producer, writer, director and activist it’s a surprise that Babs can find time for anything, but she has rounded up some impressive names for her new project. “PARTNERS”, which features an all-male line-up on the album includes Andrea Bocelli, Michael Bublé, Kenneth ‘Babyface’ Edmonds, Billy Joel, John Legend, John Mayer, Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder and her own son Jason Gould, was released on September 16th and has already broken records. With this release, Barbra Streisand has become the first artist to have a No. 1 album on the Billboard 200
chart in each of the last six decades, and also marks Streisand's 10th No. 1 album. Barbra Streisand is, without any doubt, a living legend, and she proves her status here in her new album, reinventing classic songs of hers along with new additions to her catalogue. But fans of Streisand shouldn't fear, these aren't the same old songs we've heard countless times before - new life has been breathed into these favourites, with a whole different meaning and sound - you'll be surprised at how new these songs sound. Whether an old fan who’s loved Streisand for years, or someone interested in her this is the album to get to know Barbra and fall in love with her for the first time or be reminded why you fell in love with her in the first place. Be prepared for many goose-bump moments on this album, but none more so than her stunning partnership with Josh Groban
and their version of the West Side Story classic, “Somewhere”! This album proves – if indeed it were needed, that Streisand can do anything R&B, Big Band, Classical/Opera, Rock, Pop, Country - nothing is too challenging, and Barbra conquers them all, showing again why many of these Streisand classics were so popular then, and why they still are today. This is the most diverse album Barbra Streisand has released in many, many years, and her voice is simply breathtaking and touching. Although it has deepened over the years, her phrasing, vocal capacity, power and the meaning she conveys in her songs are still unchallenged and unchanged - she can still belt with the best and outdo the rest (including her duet partners, some over half her age). Her voice, like the proverbial vintage wine, has certainly matured with age.
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CoastRider - Edition 552 - October 7th 2014
Cindy, sexy blonde lady. the most passionate Venezuelan. Every service. La Zenia 607 735 745 (550)
Attractive high class English escort, available for discerning gentlemen. Please phone Anita for appointment 693 930 545 (553) Torrevieja. Beautiful Russian lady, Mature, Sexy, Elegant, Exotic, Massage, More. Totally discreet Tel: 666 761 548 (552)Torrevieja. Diana. Greek lady 37 years. Slim body. Long brunette hair, blue eyes. Massage. Private apartment. Park of Nations area. Huerto Street. Discreet. 648 040 769 (552)
BALLROOM DANCING Ballroom & Latin dance. La Monte Hotel. Pilar de Horradada.(N332). Beginners and Improvers. Mondays and Thursdays 11.30am-1.00pm. New season starts 8th September. For further information contact Marilyn 966 762 262 (549) La Bambas - Ballroom/Latin/Sequence Dancing. Rosales Restaurant, Guardamar CV895 (near Lemon Tree Sunday Market). Monday - Social Dance - 8.30-10.30pm. (Sequence Class 7.30-8.30pm, Friday - Social Dance 7.30-10.30pm. Wednesday - New beginners class (Starting 3rd September 2014) 2-3pm. Intermediate class 3pm - 4pm. Intermediate Plus Class 4-5pm. For more Information contact Andrea and Brian 616 478 157 (548)
BUILDERS All types of construction works undertaken. Quality and fare prices. guaranteed. Free quotation available. Tel: 677 091 240 Carl (556)
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Quesada, lease for sale on bar restaurant, currently trading, 50 plus covers inside, 30 plus covers outside, fully fitted kitchen, all licenced with local Town Hall, turn key and go? Assistance given in take over, priced at 25,000 euros. Further details telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours or 672 366 275 anytime. Serious enquiries only please. (SS) (547) Quesada, lease for sale on well established restaurant wine bar, currently trading, 40 covers inside, and approx. 40 covers out side. Fully fitted commercial kitchen, 3 phase electrics, all licenced and legal with Town Hall, price 70,000 euros. Further details telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours, or 672 366 275 anytime. (SS) (547) Quesada, Bar Restaurant for Lease. Uncle Sams American Diner - voted in the last three for Best Newcomer, by the Coastrider Culinary Awards judges. Lease sadly for sale, 38 covers inside, 50 plus outside, full stainless steel kitchen, all kitted out in Americana style, complete with American sign written car, large basement for additional storage, very large outside terrace for the summer with ample space for entertainers etc etc. All fully licenced through Rojales Town Hall. Rent 1,000 euros per month, lease available at 20,000 euros, Further details telephone 672 366 275. Summer is now here, so you need to be quick. (SS) (547) PLAYA FLAMENCA. Corner office/shop in top location in commercial center Flamenca Beach. Please call for further info. 609 620 457 (547) (HF)
Very cheap rent in Playa de Los Locos. Previously a supermarket, now empty. 58mtrs2. Ideal for storage or a variety of busninesses. Situated in a square with other bars and restaurants. Undernesth a block of apartments. 50mtrs from the beach. Would possibly sell. 250€ pcm . Tel 676 587 502 (548)
DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS ELECTRONIC SERVICE CENTRE. Repairs to mixers, PA, karaoke players, Microphones, leads, connectors supplied. Repairs to LCD TV, DVD, Audio, Videom Car stereo decoding and repairs. TRANS EUROPA ELECTRONICS S.L. Fully Legal Company. Established 1994. Torrevieja 966 785 625/629 640 893 (T)
)I BUY Motorcycles and Scooters. Must be in good condition. Tel 632 297 756 (552)
LEGAL SERVICES One Way Services. Wills €80. Residents annual tax declaration €45. Driving licences (incl. medical) €130. NIE + Residencia. €50. Call 966 716 540 or 650 130 853. C/-Blanca 1, Cuidad Quesada (on the Main Square) (549)
LOCKSMITHS Experienced Locksmith 24 hours seguridad union. No call out fee. Covering all Costa Blanca. Tel 607 493 118 (M) (548)
MOBILE HOMES Nail Technician required for busy salon in Via Park III, Los Altos ASAP! Call 680 468 640 (548)
GARDENING Gardener with more than 25 years experience on the Costa. English & Spanish spoken, private & community gardens. Free quote. Tel 699 682 630 or email billthegardner@hotmail.es (M) (548)
HEALTH & BEAUTy Experienced mobile hairdresser. Good price and service. City & Guilds qualified. Tel. 663 173 385 (M) (548)
HOME IMPROVEMENTS Home improvements. Quality Solutions. Contact Jason 672 578 492. Call Us! Free quotations and advice. homeimprovements.torrevieja@gmail.com (548) First class handyman available for plumbing, roller shutter blinds repair and renew. Tel 646 236 291/664 027 298 (549)
ITEMS WANTED Turn your unwanted furniture, electrical, household goods, bric-a-brac, clothing, antiques and collectables into cash. Anything! Anywhere! 965 319 220/663 012 541 (549) Bicycles bought, sold + repaired. Part exchange welcome parts and accessories available wheels straightened. Phone 966 844 713/638 062 866 (549
Hymer Motorhome 2.5 Diesel. 4 berth, good condition, new fridge, cooker , tyres €4995. Tel 680 184 454 (549)
PERSONAL SERVICES Torrevieja Centro, young oriental girl gives complete massage, 24 hrs in your house or mine. C/Patricio Zammit 36 No 1A. Tel: 698 280 842 (563)
New Rentals Required Urgently Tel: 966 707 074 Rent-2-go - Further Choices at office – Calle Diana, Torrevieja – www.sell-2-go.com (548) Cash buyer, looking for a building plot/parcel of 500-1000 square metres square in Quesada area. Contact Matrin 693 452 914 (548)
SECURITy RESPONSE YALE AEI ALARMS Supplied and serviced. MAS and DLS ALARMS REPAIRED. TRANS EUROPA ELECTRONICS S.L. Fully Legal Company. Established 1994. Torrevieja 966 785 625/629 640 893 (T)
PROPERTy FOR RENT House for Rent Montebello, detached villa, solarium, glazed porch in quite street – fully furnished 3 beds – 2 bathrooms – a/c - ceiling fans – Alarmed – UK Tv – Long Term Let 450€ pcm + Bills Tel 965 724 183 Mobile 616883 103 (552) Pinada Beach, Guardamar: 2 Bed T/hse. Terrace back & front. Balcony, Solarium. Com. Pool 425€ pcm, contract incl. Ref:171. Holiday rates also. Tel: 966 707 074
SITUATIONS VACANT Chef Required – Busy Restaurant in Blue Lagoon Tel 966 845 639 (552) Estate Agents require experienced telesales staff, ideal candidate will have experience of working within call centres or telemarketing, NO COLD CALLING Basic Wage and Bonuses Call Nicola 602 617 263 info@phoenixrepossesions.com (552)
La Zenia: 3 bed T/House. F/F, Outside terrace, kitchen, lounge, dining. F/tiled bathrooms, Solarium. 475€ pcm long term contract incl. Ref:202. Tel: 966 707 074
Full time position available for a professional boat cleaner. Must be able to work Saturdays, ideally speak Spanish and must have means of transport. Interested parties should contact Mark or Suzanna for an informal chat. 672 468 672 suzanna@sealinecostablanca.com
Torrevieja Nth.: 2 Bed T/House. Outside terrace, rear terrace, lge. lounge/diner, kitchen. Com. Pool. 470€ pcm, contract incl. Ref: 198. Tel: 966 707 074
Cleaner required. 2 Bed 2 Bath apartment in Cabo Roig, near the Saud. Must speak English. Call 679 679 161 (552)
Guardamar: 3 Bed/3 Bath duplex. G/F, outside terrace, lge. lounge/diner, kitchen. Com. Pool. 500€ pcm, contract incl. Ref: 20. Holiday rates also. Tel: 966 707 074 Torrevieja Centre: 3 Bed/2 Bath Apt. 1st Flr., balcony, lounge/diner, kitchen. 2 mins. shops/beach. 375€ pcm, contract incl. Ref: 76. Tel: 966 707 074
Thai Lady for massage and lots of pleasure. Tel 605 292 304 Cabo Roig (551) Torrevieja Janine, German lady 47, breasted, sexy curved body! Easy to find, parking, 619 466 300/www.janine-spain. jimdo.com (548)
Torrevieja Casa Angela. Discreet and private deluxe chalet offers you exotic girls from South America, call us, come and enjoy 24 hrs, easy to find, easy parking, free drinkalso escort service 609 573 468/639 832 118. Address: Avd. Asociacion Victimas Del Terrorismo (557) Torrevieja Calle La Loma 72. Beautiful Spanish lady. Feminine, sexy body, big breasts. All fantasies + massage, discreet. Also escort. 611 25 19 75(551) Playa Flamenca (near new Carrefour before La Florida) Original Spanish lady 35 very attractive offers complete service & erotic massages, private house, very discreet with parking has medical cert. 680 735 412 (547) Ladies enjoy a spanking and get paid. The headmaster visits you at your home. headmaster@live.co.uk (548) Torrevieja. Shirley. Brazilian, tanned sexy beauty, 33 years old. Large breats. I greet you alone in my apartment - Torrevieja Central 675 156 415 (549) Natacha. Complete massage. Total discretion. San Policarpo 87 1st floor no.17 Bell 2008B. Tel 677 676 554 (552)
| email: office@coastridersl.com or visit our website: www.coastridersl.com
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CoastRider - Edition 552 - October 7th 2014
VALENCIA 3 PAR DEW DEUX! SWANSEA 2 ATLETICO MADRID 1 NEWCASTLE 2 Valencia proved their top-four credentials by inflicting a first La Liga defeat of the season on champions Atletico Madrid in a 3-1 win, took them to the top of the league...albeit only until Barcelona kicked off later on Saturday.
Miguel Angel Moya ran out to claim the ball. Atletico were still reeling from the opener when the home side doubled their lead a minute later. Andre Gomes, who has earned rave reviews since his close-season arrival
The visitors twice came from behind at the Liberty Stadium but managed to grab a vital point thanks to another double from their Senegal striker. Two goals from Papiss Cisse gave Newcastle United a valuable point at Swansea City and relieved some of the pressure on beleaguered manager Alan Pardew. The Senegal striker was recalled to the Newcastle starting XI in place of Emmanuel Riviere and delivered once again with a fine double. Cisse had come off the bench and netted twice to salvage a 2-2 draw with Hull City a fortnight ago, and replicated the feat with two clever finishes at the Liberty
Stadium on Saturday. Wilfried Bony who came in to Swansea's team at the expense of Bafetimbi Gomis opened the scoring in the 17th minute for the hosts. Cisse levelled shortly before half-time, but Wayne Routledge looked to have condemned his former club to another defeat when he restored Swansea's lead. However, Newcastle refused to accept their fate and Cisse proved their saviour, stealing in 15 minutes from time to seal
a share of the spoils and perhaps ease some of the pressure on Pardew in front of watching owner Mike Ashley. Newcastle remain without a Premier League win this season, while Swansea have now gone four top-flight games without victory after winning their first three in the 2014-15 campaign.
CHELSEA - 2 ARSENAL - 0 Diego Simeone's men found themselves fighting an uphill battle right from the start on Saturday, as Valencia went three goals ahead inside 13 minutes and ultimately continued their unbeaten start to life under coach Nuno Espirito Santo. Miranda went into the match as Atletico's top scorer with three goals in La Liga, but he put past his own goalkeeper to give Valencia the lead and their second arrived swiftly courtesy of Andre Gomes. Although Nicolas Otamendi opened up a three-goal lead, Atletico should have been right back in the contest at half-time as Mario Mandzukic netted from close range, before Guilherme Siqueira saw his penalty saved. In denying the spot-kick, Diego Alves became the second goalkeeper behind former Valencia hero Santiago Canizares' to save 13 Liga penalties. Atletico enjoyed more of the possession in the second half as they desperately sought a draw, but their hopes were well and truly dashed in the final stages as Alessio Cerci received a second yellow card for handball and Valencia's unbeaten start to the campaign rumbled on. Simeone backed Valencia as certainties for a topfour finish pre-match and the hosts showed why as they produced a fine display of relentless football in the opening stages. It took Valencia just six minutes to break the deadlock as Miranda could only nod Antonio Barragan's deep delivery past his own goalkeeper as
from Benfica, skipped past a couple of challenges on the edge of the area, before confidently smashing low past Moya. The champions' chances were crumbling before their eyes and they found themselves 3-0 down in the 13th minute. Valencia goalkeeper Alves highlighted Atletico's set-piece prowess before the clash, but they failed to impress when defending them, as Otamendi capitalised on poor marking to nod in Pablo Piatti's corner. Simeone's men appeared to have given themselves hope as Mandzukic headed in a rebound in the 29th minute, before Jose Gaya conceded a penalty for clumsily handling the ball. But, Siqueira saw his spot-kick easily kept out by Alves, diving low to his right to comfortably hold the ball. Atletico's control on proceedings continued to grow as the second half progressed. But they struggled to create clear-cut chances, with their only opportunities coming from outside of the area. With Atletico throwing men forward in an attempt to salvage something, Valencia nearly notched a fourth on the counter, Rodrigo almost capping a week which saw him called up by Spain in by handing Sofiane Feghouli a goal, but the Algerian could not connect. That mishap would go unpunished, though, as Cerci picked up a second yellow card for handball while attempting to score and Valencia held on for a deserved triumph, extending their unbeaten start in La Liga.
WILL GARETH BALE OUT THE RED DEVILS? After continuous rumors surrounding Cristiano Ronaldo's possible re-signing with Manchester United, apparently things could take an unexpected turn. Sources indicate that, despite all the love shown by CR7 regarding his previous team, Louis Van Gaal's crew would be more interested in signing Welsh star Gareth Bale. After going through a detailed analysis, United's counselors would have proposed to make a bid for Real Madrid's Number 11 rather than making one for Cristiano Ronaldo, since the cost of the operation would be significantly lower. It is unclear right now if Real Madrid would agree to sell either one of them, but United's interest may be high, since one of their star signings this summer,
Diego Costa scored his ninth goal in six Premier League games to give Chelsea a comfortable win over Arsenal and take them 5 points clear of reigning champions Manchester City. Chelsea took the lead in the first half at Stamford Bridge when Eden Hazard converted from the penalty spot after he’d brought down Laurent Koscielny. Spain striker Costa added a second after the break when he latched on to long pass from Cesc Fabregas and lifted the ball over Wojciech Szczesny. Arsenal had a penalty appeal turned down, but otherwise rarely threatened, although Jose Mourinho himself was
feeling more than threatened by his Arsenal counterpart Arsene Venger as they had another touchline spat. The Gunners boss reacted badly to Garry Cahill’s awful challenge on Alexis Sanchez right in front of the dug out, when he clashed with Mourinho and ended up pushing the Chelsea coach twice in the chest!
TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR - 1 SOUTHAMPTON - 0 Tottenham beat Southampton to end a run of four league games without a victory and give manager Mauricio Pochettino a win against his former club. The home side took the lead when Christian Eriksen latched on to a Nacer Chadli lay-off and arrowed in a shot.
Chadli almost added to the lead only for his shot to come back off the post. Southampton increased the urgency in search of an equaliser but saw Sadio Mane fail to convert a Ryan Bertrand cross when he shot wide from six yards. The visitors had also gone close when midfielder Victor Wanyama had a shot
excellently saved by Hugo Lloris. The defeat ended Southampton's run of six straight wins in all competitions at the hands of the man who led them to an impressive eighth last season, although they remain in the Premier League's top four.
KP – THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY Cricket fans don’t have much longer to wait for the much anticipated release of the latest tome from controversial former England cricketer Kevin Pietersen. Simply called ‘KP – The Autobiography’, it promises to be a nohold barred story of an England career that begun during that superb series of 2005 when The Ashes were regained after 19 long years. Originally from South Africa, Pietersen was dropped from the England squad in February, despite being the leading run scorer across the unsuccessful Ashes tour of
2013-14 and remaining the country's highest run scorer of all time across all formats of the game. More than a handful of his recent dressing room colleagues aren’t looking forward to reading the volume when it’s published on Thursday (9th). Current England captain Alastair Cook, paceman Jimmy Anderson, wicket keeper Matt Prior and spinner Graeme Swann will be first on the list for KP’s opinions, and would imagine management in the guise of Andy Flower and Peter Moores will be following close behind.
Adam Strange, publishing director for Sphere said: "I doubt anyone would dispute that KP is one of the most captivating cricketers ever to have played for England. So I'm delighted that readers are finally going to be able to experience his life from his perspective – both on the pitch and off it." Pietersen himself said: "Im really excited about the book. So much has been written about my cricketing life and I'm delighted that I now have the chance to tell my own story."
CITY LOOKING TO SPEND BIG TOO? Argentinian Angel Di Maria, has proven quite an asset for the Old Trafford club. Manchester United was one of the most active sides during this summer's transfer period, signing such players as Radamel Falcao, Daley Blind and Luke Shaw, among others.
Gossip corner says Manchester City are lining up a big money move for Real Madrid defender Sergio Ramos. The Etihad Stadium side are ready to offer the 28 year old a massive £7.7m a year contract, which works out at around £150k a week, and boss Manuel Pellegrini is keen to reunite with his former Bernabeu charge. Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho is also keen on Ramos, whose contract expires in 2017, with the player’s agent claiming
that an unnamed English side had made an official offer for his client over the summer. Pellegrini’s side invested £32m in French youngster Eliaqium Mangala in the summer and will look to the former FC Porto man to partner Vincent Kompany as his central defensive unit so one wonders quite where Ramos might fit in. Ramos can also play at right-back but that’s an area Man City are well and truly covered in with Pablo Zabaleta battling
Bacary Sagna for a starting berth. Real Madrid signed Ramos from Sevilla in the summer of 2005, spending £22m on the then teenager, and has since gone on to make 413 appearances for the Spanish giants.
CoastRider - Edition 552 - October 7th 2014
ALVES OFF TO THE U.K. In an interview given to Brazilian daily 'O'Globo', Dani Alves confirmed he will be leaving FC Barcelona at the end of the season. "Next year I'm moving to England. I'm going to play where the game began. This will be my last season at Barça," he said. The Brazilian wing-back has been called into question following his recent performances and will say goodbye to 'La Liga' after thirteen years of playing in Spain: six seasons at Sevilla and seven in Barcelona.
WILL PIQUE FIT IN AGAIN? Mascherano to the former World Cup winner, and with Manchester United having more defensive problems than ever before, he would surely walk into Louis van Gaal’s first team line-up. United would have to dig deep into their pockets as Pique is contracted until 2019, but they’ve shown enough times in the summer that spending money is not a problem for them, even though many of their loyal supporters are wondering when that value for money is going to be shown on the field of play and reflected in the consistency of results that they’ve come to expect.
Manchester United are said to be considering a January transfer window move for former Old Trafford defender Gerard Pique, and have been offered encouragement by the players current club. Barcelona left Pique out of the side once again during their Champions League clash with Paris Saint-Germain, and the Spaniard looks far from settled at the Nou Camp. He’s also been receiving stick from the Spanish press for his poor attitude when warming up on the sidelines – showing his rebellious side by leaving his shoelaces undone. Barca manager Luis Enrique seems to prefer Javier
CLOSE SHAVE FOR BARCA FUTURE SCOTTISH STARS THANK Spanish football giants Barcelona have announced a three year deal in the Latin American market with male grooming product firm Gillette. The razor manufacturer will become the club's Official Shaver in the continent until 2017, the Catalonian club confirmed in a statement. The Proctor & Gamble owned firm has already released a Barcelona-themed
limited edition shaver in honour of the deal, which will feature the famous red and blue Barca colours. As part of the deal, Barcelona will also launch a football clinic dubbed FCBEscola that will help the people of Latin America with their game and coaching. The club claims that it has some 70 million fans in Latin America. The deal was made all the more smooth due to the fact that Barca superstar Lionel Messi, who was at the launch event, is already a global brand ambassador for Gillette.
Being trained by world-class coaches is something that every sports fan dreams and hopes for. And for a group of Forfar Academy pupils, these dreams became reality during a recent trip to Valencia, Spain. This fantastic opportunity gave a group of the academy’s football and basketball players the chance to hone their sporting talents in world-class training facilities with top coaches. The pupils who were involved have called it a “fantastic experience” part of which involved taking on a local team to experience their unique style of play. It was a gripping match ending in a 4-4 draw with the away side coming back from a 3-1 deficit to draw the game. The pick of the eight goals scored on the
afternoon was a stunning free-kick from Morgan Evans which sent the on looking crowd into a state of joy. Another of the trip’s many highlights was attending a La Liga fixture between Valaencia C.F. and Espanyol, during which the pupils had the chance to see the professionals using the same skills they had been taught After their
return, two of the pupils involved, Mark Smith and Robbie Gooderham, hailed the experience as “a brilliant opportunity to improve our football skills.” “Throughout the training exercises we learned a new style of play with intensity and improved our fundamental skills as players.”
HELLO SAILORS! AROUND THE WORLD FROM ALICANTE For the many thousands of yachting fans, the wait is almost over as the 201415 Volvo Ocean Race is about to launch again, and once more the chosen venue is our own neighbouring city of Alicante. It’s the third time in a row that Alicante has proudly hosted the event, previously in 2008-09 and again 201112. Preparations are well under way and the race proper begins this Saturday, 11th October. The Volvo Ocean Race (formerly the Whitbread Round the World Race) is a yacht race around the world, held every three years. Though the route is changed to accommodate various ports
of call, the race typically departs Europe in October, and in recent editions has had either 9 or 10 legs, with in-port races at many of the stopover cities. The route for the 2008-2009 race was altered from previous years to include stopovers in India and Asia for the first time. The 2008-09 route covered nearly 39,000 nautical miles (NMI) (72,000 km), took over nine months to complete, and reached a cumulative TV audience of 2 billion people worldwide.[3] During the nine months of the 2011– 12 Volvo Ocean Race, which also started and concluded in Galway, Ireland, in July 2012, the teams were scheduled to
sail over 39,000 NMI (72,000 km) of the world’s most treacherous seas via Cape Town, Abu Dhabi, Sanya, Auckland, around Cape Horn to Itajaí, Miami, Lisbon, and Lorient. The 2014-2015 race is set to last 39,379 NMI, which is the longest route in its history. Each of the entries has a sailing team of 9 professional crew who race day and night for more than 20 days at a time on some of the legs. They each have different jobs on board the boat, and on top of these sailing roles, there are two sailors that have had medical training, as well as a sailmaker, an engineer and a dedicated media crew member. No fresh food is taken on board, so the crew lives off freeze-dried fare; they will experience temperature variations from -5 to +40 degrees Celsius and will normally only take one change of clothes. 7 yachts and 167crew started the first race of 27,500 NMI (50,900 km), which began from Portsmouth on September 8th 1973. Approximately 3000 spectator boats set out to witness the historic start. The original course was designed to follow the route of the square riggers, which had carried cargo around the world during the 19th Century From 2001 the ownership of the race was taken over by Volvo and Volvo Cars and the race was renamed the ‘Volvo Ocean Race’. Stopover ports were added in Germany, France, and Sweden being Volvo's three biggest car markets in Europe. Winning the race does not attract a cash prize, as the feat of competing is presented as sufficient reward. The city of Alicante is already
prepared for the start of the Volvo Ocean Race. This year’s new and spectacular edition adds two new harbours to the race: Auckland, New Zealand, and Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. The regatta, which covers almost 40.000 nautical miles, started on Saturday October 4th , with the first test, the In Port Race. Saturday coming, the 11th, and the best sailors in the world will set sail from Alicante towards Cape Town, the first stop in the regatta, and will end in Gothenburg, Sweden on June 27th 2015. Countries visited will include Brazil, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, China, New Zealand, the United States of America, Portugal, France and the Netherlands. The worst weather conditions are usually encountered in the Southern Ocean where waves sometimes top 100 feet (30 m) and winds can reach 60 knots (110 km/h). The capital of the Costa Blanca is the only Mediterranean city that has had
the privilege of hosting the start of this race three times, mainly due to the fact that Alicante is the central headquarters of the organization, where the Volvo Ocean Race Museum is located, and where the regatta has a solid base, owing to the successful previous staging of the global event. An added extra attraction this year is the chance to view a replica of one of the yachts made entirely from Lego! Two employees of Lego and Volvo have built it using 100,000 bricks from the Danish toy company. Taking 1,200 hours to complete and built on a scale of 1:10 the yacht has a height of 3.5 meters, 2.3 meters long and 0.6 meters wide. This Lego model can be after the start of the race on Saturday in the reception area of the Volvo Ocean Race Museum. The replica of the ship will then remain in Alicante throughout the autumn, and then moved to Gothenburg (Sweden) where the race ends.
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CoastRider - Edition 552 - October 7th 2014 www.coastridersl.com