CO/AULETTA – IL TAPETTO ROSSO With every headline we have attached a core sentence from the program to make sure we maintain focus on the key objectives.
assignment structure _who _why_ _what _perspectives __________________________________________________________________________ _presenting who / the team / “those that include members with diverse skill sets, which should be reflected in the proposals themselves." Our team consists of two architects, a philosopher, a historian- and an engineer to be. _defining why / project motive / “to rehabilitate trust in the concept of contest procedure in the Italian context(…)the development of local tourism is a potential solution to the economic problems” We are not only driven to participate in the competition of co/auletta because of its visionary and interesting character. Our commitment is a mixture of both professional and private aspirations. We have our origins in Taranto and thus almost all our vacations have included Italy. This cultural affiliation ensures an innate concern in the development of Italy’s well being. Not only do we offer a professional engagement but also a personal commitment for this project. Our life-long Italian relation has broadened our realm of understanding, which refrain us from entering the competition with a narrow Nordic approach/premade urban model. On this basis we recognize the need to preserve the local history and memory while at the same time infusing our own ideas. The needs of Auletta are the basis on which our innovative ideas grow. _unfolding what / the idea / “you need to start by putting our ruins to good use(…)history and memory, environment and contemporary design" ‘IL TAPPETO ROSSO’ an urban catalyst PREFACE – VISION - IDEA ’along il tappeto rosso’ The intention is to establish our selected course as a democratic stem from which new and old districts will flourish into desirable areas. We have carefully selected five buildings to act
as catalyst. What characterizes our buildings is the diverse reuse of the ruins, this way preserving the beauty of decay in modern, secure and solid structure. Frame of thought: ‘act local – think global’. The selected course is the key element in the urban renewal that will not only generate local life but also infuse the city with far-reaching global aspirations. A widespread sense of community is the motive force behind developing business and social life. Our goal is to create a framework where the inhabitants are able to orchestrate and develop their ideas. Providing them the means to put their ideas into practice. Our only overriding demand is a committed involvement in the development of urban life. Achieving synergy between the diverse professions and town districts eventually forming a strong sense of belonging. Thus strengthening a local identity by its versatility. THE GAME: The proposal “il tappeto rosso” puts a democratic game in motion. Few rules, multiple moves. - everybody may participate - the site plan is the game board - the basic module is the piece - collaboration is the condition - the ground floor is the precondition - the narrow economy is the challenge _sustainability / environmental, social, economic, business plan / "integrates culture, sustainability, and management capacity, all enhanced by the enormous potential of the local human resources." Sustainability is a core element in our ideas and suggestions for the development of Auletta and its environs. The term not only covers the environmental impact but is also a principle used to describe the economical and social perspective. To attain a sustainable development we will propose different initiatives that might be effectuated in an effort towards becoming a sustainable community. One of the most used phrases in environmental planning is “Think global, act local” which will encapsulate our proposals. environmental To assess and mend the environmental impact one must first attain knowledge of the town’s current environmental situation; how is water used and what amount is used in the common household? What type of water supply is currently used? What is the water quality? How are the buildings heated and cooled? How much electricity (and from what source) is used? How much waste is generated (from households, agriculture etc.) and how is it handled? Where does the citizens work and how do they get there?
This information is necessary to move towards more specific environmental sustainable practices. Instead of mending and straightening out a few dents and cracks one has to visualize a greater vision for all areas of Auletta in order to conduct a more thorough and continued transformation. A way to get a head start is by implementing and using the newest and most environmental friendly methods during the town planning, construction or restoration of buildings. Amongst these could be: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
Reuse of grey waste water Use of water saving appliances Separation of urine and faeces and reuse the nutrients Natural heating and cooling of the buildings
Other initiatives that could easily be implemented: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
Utilization of residues from the agricultural production (oil, cheese, animals) as fertilizers or as a source of biogas (long term) Collection of rainwater to be used for irrigation Collection and separation of organic waste from households and industries (to be used as fertilizers) Ban the use of single-use plastics Introduce organic kitchen/vegetable gardens as an educational tool in the local schools as a method to teach the children their agricultural heritance, how man interacts with the environment and how to live healthy and green. This way the abandoned agricultural a areas can once again flourish
In the building and restoration process the use of durable, environmental friendly and locally accessible materials has a high priority – both as a way to profit on local know-how, ingenuity and skills, but also as a way to ensure a high material quality and a design founded on the local building history and traditions. A return to old deeds in a modern frame. An environmental conscious transformation necessitates the need of an environmental method of transportation – here public transport has proven to be one of the most successful methods. Unfortunately it is only possible to reach Auletta with “trasporto su gomma” – cars, busses (and bicycles). Therefore, in transition process, it is necessary to reactivate the abandoned railway-system as a way to transport people, goods etc. This may be a farfetched idea since the railway-station itself is located almost 4 km from the city centre but a solution to that problem could be a shuttle bus, extensive carpooling or available bicycles. Introducing the initiatives in the five carefully chosen areas, these will on a short-term basis act as catalysts for transformation of the remaining parts of Auletta. In the longer run, proven itself applicable, the restoration will inspire other parts of Italy. Consequently consolidating Auletta as a pioneer of sustainable practices.
social To create a sustainable social development and a living community we propose that the different functions of the town are mixed, in this way the different offers and functions are decentralized thus spreading the different activities over a greater area (e. g. The ground floors along the tapetto rosso are activated and used for commercial purposes while the remaining floors can be utilized as residences). The purpose of the mixing is to ensure that any given spot in the town will contain some degree of life; the buildings are utilized during the day as a commercial and industrial area and during the night as a residential area. This principle also concerns the “Albergo Diffuso” that will be sprinkled all over town instead of being an aggregated domicile situated in only one spot. These initiatives will promote a commute on foot – thusly letting life flow through the narrow streets as the inhabitants and turists have to walk from a to z. As a way to extend and develop the social activities and interactions the abandon agricultural areas surrounding the town can be used as community gardens providing fresh and healthy vegetables to the citizens as well as strengthening the local identity as the citizens have to cooperate in order to take properly care of the gardens. The produce can also be sold at local Farmers Market etc. (the point of reference being – an English initiative garnering tremendous support in the local communities). The proposed project has attract attention from the local communities and universities – this attention has to be retained and transformed in to a form of exhibition on how to successfully restore and transform an earthquake-stricken town to a living, vibrant and eco-friendly community. Research and teaching collaborations between MIdA and the universities and technical universities in the vicinity should be instigated after the completion of the process thus allowing the experiences made and knowledge attained can be shared and evolve. economic The main source of industry is woodwork and carpentry, an industry which has slowly, but surely, deteriorated in the aftermaths of the 1980-earthquake. This tendency somehow has to be stopped. One of the methods is involving local craftsmen and constructors in the building and restoration process as this would be a boost to the local economy and furthermore generate local goodwill. The general idea is to create a solid and sound foundation for the new professions of Auletta to ensure sustained and sustainable economic growth. We believe in the importance of a long-term plan to make sure that the seeds planted in the five catalyst zones will continue to grow and eventually embody the whole city of Auletta. business plan Selected buildings on the ground floor are offered free of cost for a maximum of two years. This way lack of revenues won't be devastating for the businesses. This reliefs the economic pressure from the entrepreneurs and provides them the space, time and possibility to prosper.
Not only is this an advantage to the self-employed individuals but also to the city. This practice provides the continuity needed for a new area/business to settle and expand. In case the businesses generate profit, a certain percentages of the profit are donated to a foundation that assures the continuation of sustainable development in Auletta. The foundation decides which types of businesses are then given the two-year expense-free treatment. And so on. This keeps the wheel keeps turning. _perspectives / identifying the needs, an analysis of the local population / “the contest derives first and foremost from the needs of the area” How the locals use public areas for social interaction and how they wish to use the public space. Questions to be answered: Who are the primary users (typology)? What are their needs and wishes for the public space? How can they participate in the development of the community? methodology ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
A quantitative analysis of the population in the local community (primary users): Variables: gender, age, educational level and field of study, employment ratio, immigration etc. A qualitative analysis (focus interview) to identify the wishes and needs of the primary users. Expert interviews (local politicians, researchers, contractors) Setting up an advisory board
The goal of the analysis is to gain useful knowledge about the population, i.e. the primary users and to develop social engagement and user-driven innovation. The success criteria of the analysis is to ensure a tight connection between the suggested catalysts in our project (the cinema, the info point, the gelateria, the bellavista and the albergo) and the wishes and needs among the locals.