COBB EMC LOVES LINEMEN At Cobb EMC, we love our linemen and appreciate them for all of their hard work. In the past year, they’ve braved the extreme cold and snow. And they traveled to south Georgia to help restore power when Hurricane Irma left thousands in the dark. No matter the conditions, our linemen always give their all. In the month of April, Georgia’s electric cooperatives celebrate Lineman Appreciation Month. We, along with utility companies across the state, honor the men and women who put their lives on the line to keep our lights on.
#ThankALineman for brightening our communities
Cobb EMC members SAVE BIG on energy costs On average, Cobb EMC members pay $18.26 less than the average electric utility customer in Georgia. According to the 2018 Georgia Public Service Commission’s Winter Residential survey, your rates are among the most affordable in the state. The Georgia PSC winter survey ranks electric providers on rates effective for the month of January. *Monthly bill comparison. The Georgia Public Service Commission winter survey ranks electric providers on rates in effect for the month of January, based on total electric bill amounts of 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 kWh. For more information or to view complete surveys, visit the Georgia Public Service Commission’s website at www.psc.state.ga.us/electric/surveys/residentialrs.asp. All numbers above assume 1000 kWh use and only apply to Cobb EMC members who pay bills on time.
Cobb EMC members pay less than the average Georgia resident! $124.95* $106.69*
Cobb EMC
To see upcoming events and board meetings, go to cobbemc.com/events.
Average Georgia electric customer