JUNE The news you need this month
BEAT THE PEAK AND SAVE Do the dishes later – shift your chores to save energy
BEAT THE PEAK AND HIGH ENERGY COSTS Electricity is in highest demand during hot summer months. Shift or lower your energy use to beat the peak and save this summer! When you save during peak hours, you help your co-op save and, in turn, help keep rates low.
When do peak hours occur? Peak hours take place on certain days in the months of June through September between 2-7 p.m., when Cobb EMC’s demand peaks.
Ways to save during peak hours:
Set your thermostat to 80º or higher.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR Open board meeting Cobb EMC holds monthly board meetings open to members. See all upcoming meeting dates: www.cobbemc.com/events Where: 1000 EMC Parkway Marietta, GA 30060 Time: 4 p.m., unless otherwise noted on our website
Wash clothes in cold water.
RSVP required: You can RSVP by calling 678-355-3225 or visiting www.cobbemc.com/boardmeeting. Upcoming board meetings:
Use the oven, dishwasher, dryer and other appliances during off-peak periods.
Learn more cobbemc.com/beatthepeak
Use LED bulbs and turn off unnecessary lights.
HOLIDAY HOURS Unplug unnecessary appliances and electronics.
CELEBRATE LOW RATES! According to the 2016 Georgia Public Service Commission Summer Residential Rate survey, your rates are the lowest in the state of Georgia! As your electric cooperative, we are committed to safely delivering reliable, competitively priced electricity to you and your family.
In observance of the Fourth of July, our offices will be closed Tuesday, July 4. • Our crews are always standing by for emergencies. Call 770-429-2100 to report outages 24/7 or visit our outage center. www.cobbemc.com/outagecenter • Pay your bill online 24/7 through our online account management system or through our app. www.cobbemc.com/app