INSIDE THIS ISSUE: • Exciting new savings announcement! • Scheduled payments are here
• Sign up for the Smart Choice Rate • Attend our free solar energy seminar at the Safety Village
SAVINGS PASSED ALONG TO MEMBERS Cobb EMC passed along yet another credit to bring overall savings and help lower summer bills for our members! In July, a 1.6 cents credit in the Wholesale Power Adjustment (WPA) was applied to members’ electric bills. For an average household using 1,000 kilowatt hours, Cobb EMC residential members could see a total savings of $16! Now, that’s the power of membership!
Beat the peak for even more savings! By lowering your energy use during peak conservation hours you can help your co-op reduce how much it pays for electricity and, in turn, help keep rates low. Peak conservation hours take place on certain days in the months of June through September from 2 to 7 p.m. when Cobb EMC’s demand peaks. This usually occurs on weekdays when we experience high weather temperatures across the region. How will you know when to beat the peak? We’ll notify you when we’re experiencing peak conservation hours.
A new, easy way to pay: Schedule payments with SmartHub! SmartHub®, our online and mobile application now allows you to schedule one or more payments in advance on your billing account.
Learn more about SmartHub: www.cobbemc.com/aboutsmarthub
Effective July 5, new walk-in and drive-through hours will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Effective July 9, the member care center will be closed on Saturdays and will remain closed on Sundays. You may still call our automated system to report an outage or make a payment at (770) 429-2100. Did you know? You have 24/7 access to your account when you visit www.cobbemc.com/smarthub.
ALERT PHONE LINE (770) 429-2223
Sign up to receive email notifications at www.cobbemc.com/peakhours and learn ways to save by visiting www.cobbemc.com/beatthepeak.
Sign up for SmartHub: www.cobbemc.com/smarthub
New payment center and member care hours
Mark your calendar Open board meeting Where: 1000 EMC Parkway JUL Marietta, GA 30060 26 When: July 26 at 4 p.m. RSVP: (678) 355-3225 www.cobbemc.com/boardmeeting