INSIDE THIS ISSUE: • A breakdown of a sample bill • Exciting new savings announcement! • Scheduled payments are here • Attend our free solar energy seminar at the Safety Village
Smart Choice Same Power. Different Hour.
Cobb EMC passed along a new credit to bring overall savings and help lower summer bills for our members! In July, a 1.6 cents credit in the Wholesale Power Adjustment (WPA) was applied to members’ electric bills.
PAY ATTENTION TO PEAK CONSERVATION HOURS Peak conservation hours are here. They could take place any day during the months of June through September between 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. when we are experiencing high peak energy use. This is the time to conserve energy and money. View our recorded peak conservation hours by visiting www.cobbemc.com/peakhours. Know your alerts! We want to make it easy for you to know when we are experiencing peak conservation hours. You will see these colored clock icons on GA our30060 website, social media and 1000 EMC Parkway, Marietta, email alerts to let you know when it’s time to save energy.
For an average household using 1,000 kilowatt hours, Cobb EMC residential members could see a total savings of $16! Now, that’s the power of membership!
Don’t miss our alerts! When you make smart choices during peak conservation hours, you can better control your electric bill and save. Stay informed and receive alerts about peak conservation hours this summer! Sign up for Cobb EMC electronic newsletters. Visit www.cobbemc.com /smartalerts.
Member care: 770-429-2100 or www.cobbemc.com Pay by Phone: 1-855-730-8714 Go paperless! www.cobbemc.com/paperless
Peak conservation hours are not in effect
Bill Date: 09/07/2016 Account Number: 0123456 Service Address: 1000 EMC Parkway
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Marietta GA 30060
1000 EMC Parkway, Marietta, GA 30060
Due date:
Account Summary
$117.00 $-117.00 $77.00 $77.00
Previous Balance Payments Received Current Charges Amount Due
5 1348 C-4 P-7
Late payment notice: If payment is not made by the due date, a late payment charge of $10 or 1.5%, whichever is greater, will be added.
Service period: Aug 6, 2016 - Sep 6, 2016 Days of Service: 31 Rate: Smart Choice Current Charges Service Charge Peak Service Charge 3.0 @ $0.00 Peak Service Charge 5.0 @ $5.55 Energy Charge 1231 @ $0.06657 Residential WPA @ $-0.005 per kWh State and Local Taxes Operation Round Up Program Total Current Charges
Sep 28, 2016
Amount due:
Member care: 770-429-2100 or www.cobbemc.com Pay by Phone: 1-855-730-8714 Go paperless! www.cobbemc.com/paperless
1348 1 AV 0.388 JOHN DOE 1000 EMC PARKWAY MARIETTA GA 30060-7908
$28.00 $0.00 $27.75 $81.95 $-6.16 $7.90 $0.56 $140.00
Current electricity usage -
Meter #: 01234567 Start reading: 59187 End Reading: 60418
Peak Service kWh/hr Monthly Peak Billed
Meter multiplier: Metered kWh
1 1231
8.0 8.0 - 08/17/2016 6:00 PM
2500 2250 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0
Daily Average (kWh) 44 0
Important Information Beat the peak: It’s a hot week! Help your co-op save by keeping your peak energy usage low. Tips to lower your peak usage: www.cobbemc.com/savewatts Stay updated: Sign up for Cobb EMC’s newsletter to stay informed about peak notification days. And don’t forget to download the SmartHub app today. www.cobbemc.com/smartchoice
Monthly Total (kWh) 1231 0
Win a $25 bill credit! Account Number: 0123456
Please pay by: Return this portion with your payment. Make checks/money orders payable to Cobb EMC. Please include your account number. JOHN DOE 1000 EMC Parkway Marietta GA 30060-7908
Amount due
Sep 28, 2016 $77.00
Peak conservation hours are in effect from 2-7 p.m.
The energy you use during peak conservation hours Service period: Aug 6, 2016 - Sep 6, 2016 Current electricity usag affects peak Meter at #: a 01234567 M Days ofyour Service: 31service charge. Take a look snapshot of Choice a sample Smart Choice bill: Start reading: 59187 M Rate: Smart End Reading:
Current Charges Peak Service kWh/hr Service Charge $28.00 Monthly Peak Peak Service Charge 3.0 @ $0.00 $0.00 Billed Peak Service Charge 5.0 @ $5.55 $27.75 Energy Charge 1231 @ $0.06657 $81.95 Residential WPA @ $-0.005 per kWh $-6.16 2500 2250 2000 State and Local Taxes $7.90 1750 The peak Round service highest kWh Operation Upcharge Program is determined $0.56by the1500 1250 1000 750 You have Total Current Charges $140.00 period. per hour used during a peak notification 500 250
Change phone number/email Turn over for details. 12
0 09282016 0 00010000000 0 0000000030000 0 0000000000000 0 0
Peak conservation hours are anticipated
5 1348 C-4 P-7
Why are peak conservation hours important?
Sep 2016 Sep 2015
Take a short quiz about the Smart Choice Rate and you could win!
1348 1 AV 0.388 JOHN DOE 1000 EMC PARKWAY MARIETTA GA 30060-7908
0 the opportunity to control this charge by lowering your S O N D J F 2015 energy use during peak conservation hours. The peak Dail service charge that you set during these hours will affect Average your bill for up to the next 12 months. Sep 2016 44
Sep 2015
Tell us what you think! Take a quick survey and let us know about your experience with peak conservation hour notifications. www.cobbemc.com/givefeedback