September 2016 - Bill Insert

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE: • Cobb EMC rates are the lowest in the state. • $2 million has been invested in our local community. • Bringing power to Costa Rica. • Are you ready in the case of an emergency?

COBB EMC RATES ARE THE LOWEST IN THE STATE! Cobb EMC ranks first when it comes to our rates. According to the 2016 PSC summer ranking, our rates are the lowest in the state among all 94 electric utilities in Georgia. That means Cobb EMC members save approximately $31.66 per month on their summer bills compared to the average electric utility customer.

$91.69* Win a $25 bill credit



Electric utility average

Georgia Power

*Monthly bill comparison. The Georgia Public Service Commission summer survey ranks electric providers on rates in effect for the month of July, based on total electric bill amounts of 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 kWh. For more information or to view complete surveys, visit the Georgia Public Service Commission’s website at All numbers above assume 1000 kWh use and only apply to Cobb EMC members who pay bills on time.

$2 million poured back into our community Thanks to the generosity of our members, the Cobb EMC Community Foundation has invested more than $2 million back into our local communities through Operation Round Up®. See some of the areas and local organizations where you, as a member, have had a direct impact in supporting our community.

EDUCATION • Reinhardt University

• Kennesaw State University • Chattahoochee Tech Foundation


CIVIC • Cobb County Fire Explorers

• Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 13 • United Military Care Inc.

• South Cobb Arts Alliance

• Marietta/Cobb Museum of Art • Booth Western Art Museum

Your feedback is very important to us. Help us improve our service by taking a quick survey and you will be entered into a drawing to win one of ten $25 bill credits on your next electric bill. See this month’s survey insert and return the page to us with your payment. You can also take the survey online at

Mark your calendar Open board meeting Where: 1000 EMC Parkway SEP Marietta, GA 30060 20 When: September 20 at 4 p.m. RSVP: (678) 355-3225 You can also RSVP at:

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