Working for you
At Cobb EMC we are doing everything possible to keep you informed about rates while balancing your expectation of reliable, safe service and keeping the business financially strong on behalf of all members.
In fact, we’re ranked 1st in the nation for restoring outages quickly and 2nd in the nation for providing reliable power, according to the IEEE. Our rates have been among the five lowest in the state since 2014, compared to 94 utilities for households using 1,000 kWh according to the Public Service Commission.
Scholarship Information Sessions
We proudly offer 14 scholarships through the Cobb EMC Foundation Scholarship program in the amount of $5,000 each. Eligible students must reside in Cobb EMC service area.
Join us for one of two virtual information sessions to learn more about the scholarship and application process. The application deadline is Feb. 24.
Information Sessions:
Jan. 10 at 5:30 P.M. Feb. 9 at 5:30 P.M.
Literacy week was created to encourage students’ love of reading and creative writing. In 2022, Cobb EMC and Gas South continued their partnership to host Literacy Week together from October 24 through the 28. The program reached over 26,000 students through in-person events at 50 schools in the Atlanta metro area.
“Literacy supports STEM [science, technology, engineering, and mathematics], and reading is crucial to a successful education, Literacy Week promotes lifelong reading habits and is designed to inspire thousands of local students in our five-county service area.”
- Mark Justice, Director of Education and Community Relations at Cobb EMC,
After the 13th successful year, Literacy Week has impacted more than 185,000 students in schools throughout Cobb, Paulding, Cherokee, Bartow, and Fulton counties. Gas South, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Cobb EMC, joined the program in 2015 as a co-sponsor. New York Times Best Selling Authors
Brian Lies, Carmen Agra Deedy, and Jennifer A. Nielsen all participated in the Literacy Week program. Brian Lies has been part of the program since its inception.

“Cobb EMC is such a strong supporter of education in the communities we both serve, We believe that communities can only be well when children and families thrive. Education plays a huge part, so it makes sense to combine resources and collaborate on Literacy Week to bring this initiative to as many students as possible.”
- Carley Stephens, Manager of Community Affairs at Gas South.
Literacy Week is held each year during the last week of October and includes 15 authors that share their books and illustrations with students. The program is offered to students from kindergarten through 12th grade.
The Official Newsletter of Cobb Electric Membership Corporation |NEW YEARS ENERGY RESOLUTION
The new year is a good time to evaluate your energy use and how you can save. Join our Energy Network to learn about saving energy while earning incentives at The Energy Network is a member engagement initiative offered by Cobb EMC. Members receive an incentive to help with the purchase and installation costs of an energy improvement for their home. Here are a few DIY steps you can take for more energy savings now and in the future. Combine these tips with Energy Network to save even more.
Now: Heating accounts for 40% - 50% of your winter bill on average. Set your thermostat to 68 degrees to save energy during the winter. Heating costs increase about 3% for each degree above 68.

Later: Make the switch to a smart thermostat. A programmable thermostat will help conserve energy and keep your bill low.

Now: On average, water heating accounts for 15% of your energy bill. Set the temperature to 120 degrees for energy efficiency.
Later: Shop for a new ENERGY STAR® rated water heater with a ten year warranty.
Now: The dryer is a major energy load in your home. Filling it too much will take longer to dry. Loads that are too small can also waste energy. Use the right load size to be energy efficient.

Later: Shop for an ENERGY STAR® rated dryer that uses 20% less than the conventional models.


David Tennant, Chairman
Rudy Underwood, Vice Chairman
Tripper Sharp, Secretary-Treasurer
Kelly Bodner
Bryan Boyd
Eric Broadwell
Edward Crowell
David McClellan
Malcolm Swanson
Phone: 770.429.2100
Pay by phone: 1.855.730.8714 Web:

As your electric provider, part of offering excellent service is keeping that service secure and reliable. In the same way vehicles require regular oil changes and inspections, the electric grid also requires regular maintenance and protection. We’re working for you to ensure a resilient grid so you have the power you can rely on. Cobb EMC is ranked 1st in the nation for restoring outages quickly and 2nd in the nation for providing reliable power, according to the IEEE. We’re keeping the lights on for you so you can focus on the things that matter the most to you. Here are seven ways we’re focused on continual improvements that benefit our members and our future.

Reliability. Every day, we work around-the-clock to power your homes and businesses with the most advanced technology – all while keeping your rates as affordable as possible. We regularly monitor and inspect more than 9,000 miles of power lines across our five-county service areas of Bartow, Cherokee, Cobb, Fulton, and Paulding. This can include maintaining the right of way, changing old poles, building new substations, or replacing aging underground cables. We also inspect, repair or upgrade equipment to withstand storms and severe weather. We can’t stop a storm or predict every possible disruption, but we do everything in our power to keep the lights on.
Cybersecurity. Our top priority is to keep your information secure and your lights on. We work together with co-ops across the country to pool resources, share knowledge, and use technology that can help us keep our system secure and protect your information against cybersecurity threats.
Account security. We’re improving the security of your account by offering two-factor authentication to add an extra level of security to your account. To manage your security preferences, log in to your account and click My Profile.
Smart grid. To provide the most efficient service possible, we power our homes and businesses through a smart grid — a fiber-optic network for fast and secure communications from the field to the office and a technologically advanced power control system. This smart technology is made up of more than 200 distribution circuits tied in with others so that power can be delivered from an adjoining circuit. Our technology allows more outages to be restored faster and helps keep your lights on, even when a problem arises.
Outage communications. Our innovative outage map provides real-time updates about local power outages. Outage data is visible to members in a similar way to our Power Control technicians, who help route linemen to restore power to your home or business. Our new outage map is found online through the app or website
Training. Cobb EMC employees work together annually to simulate realistic disaster issues and practice responding through a series of cross-departmental drills and scenarios.
Events. We offer free safety and solar webinars and other events where members can learn about electrical safety, cybersecurity and how to avoid rooftop solar scams.
Cobb EMC organized and donated new coats to local organizations with children in need. Operation Warmth Cobb provides warmth, confidence, and hope through basic need programs that connect underserved kids to community resources in order to thrive. This is one way we give back to our community

Learn more at
The Cobb EMC Foundation awarded $70,000 to high school seniors in our community. The award can be applied to any accredited two- or four-year university, college or vocationaltechnical school. A total of fourteen students were selected to each receive a $5,000 scholarship.

Learn more at
In October 2022, Cobb EMC helped collect more than 100,000 diapers for local organizations in need. Cobb Diaper Day was formed to raise awareness of the need and expense of diapers for families in need. Since its inception, Cobb Diaper Day has supplied more than one million diapers to the Cobb community,

Learn more at