Letter from the Director-2011-02

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February 2011 Dear mission partners, Mission organizations need to partner with churches to be effective. Ever since COCM started, we have been endeavoring to establish Chinese churches throughout the UK and Europe. As the churches grow, some of them in turn have become our mission supporters. In January, I was privileged to visit and shared in Bristol Chinese Christian Church, Milton Keynes Chinese Christian Church, Chinese Church in London, Cardiff Chinese Christian Church, Cambridge Chinese Christian Church and Chinese Evangelical Church in Edinburgh. We praise God that COCM has made contributions in starting, supporting and encouraging the growth of these churches in the past years. On 16th January, I attended the 60th Anniversary of Chinese Church in London (CCiL). Sixty years ago on the se-­‐ cond Sunday in January, the founder of COCM, Pastor Stephen Wang and a small group of Christians started their first Sunday service in London. Since then, the church has been actively reaching out to the Chinese dias-­‐ pora in London and beyond. The church started with few dozen people and now they have more than one thousand worshipping the Lord in ten congregations in various locations of London. We pray that CCiL will con-­‐ tinue to be the shining light among the Chinese to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. We also praise the Lord that CCiL has been our mission partners for many years supporting our mission throughout the UK and Europe. In this coming year, again we will partner in sharing the gospel to the students in the Midlands as well as the new immigrants in Europe through COCM arranged short-­‐term mission trips. The following Saturday, I celebrated with Cardiff Chinese Christian Church (CCCC) for the dedication of their new church centre. The church started with a humble beginning and gathered every week at a borrowed place. In their early days, we sent our missionaries to support them. Today we see that the church owns three different buildings at two premises so that they can worship in three different languages simultaneously. God’s amazing providence is truly wonderful. We pray that CCCC will continue to be a witness of God’s bless-­‐ ing in the Southwest. People are always a vital part in mission. I just came back from Chinese Evangelical Church in Edinburgh (CECE) and we had a wonderful commissioning service for our youngest missionary staff – Yutian Li. Yutian grew up in a Christian family in China. While he was studying in Edinburgh, he attended CECE, which is his home church away from home. The church is generously supporting him as our mission partner by being his sending church. They do this not because they are big in number, nor are they strong in finance, but because they have a heart for mission; they give as much as they are able, and even beyond their ability, just like the church in Macedo-­‐ nia. We thank God for this partnership and pray that we will have more partners like them in the future. It is also my joy to share with you another addition to our missionary family -­‐ Tzyy Terng Su and his wife May Wu. They grew up in Taiwan and had been serving in various roles in the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) for many years. In recent years, they came to the UK for further study and did some voluntary work in Scot-­‐ land. Over the past two years, Tzyy Terng and May have been helping COCM in many areas of support-­‐ ing ministry. We thank God for our new partnership with the PCT in Taiwan and we pray that more churches would see the great needs in Europe and would come join us in the mission frontline. May the Lord continue to bless and strengthen our partnership with many like-­‐minded churches and organiza-­‐ tions in the Gospel, so together we will glorify His name in Europe! Serving together in Christ, Rev. Henry Lu General Director

二零一一年二月 親愛的宣教夥伴們, 宣教機構必須與教會建立合作夥伴關係才能有效地進行宣教。自從 COCM 成立以來,我們 就一直致力於在英國和歐洲大陸建立華人教會,當這些教會慢慢成長之時,他們其中的一些就 成為了我們的宣教夥伴。今年一月,我有幸拜訪並在一些教會中分享。這些教會包括布里斯托 華人基督教會、米頓堅華人基督教會、倫敦中華基督教會 (CCiL)、卡迪夫華人基督教會、劍橋 華人基督教會以及愛丁堡華人福音教會。 1 月 16 日,我參加了倫敦中華基督教會六十週年感恩崇拜。正是六十年前一月的第二個星 期日,COCM 與 CCiL 共同的創始人王又得牧師在倫敦和一小群基督徒一起開始了華人主日崇拜。 從那時開始,教會就開始積極向身處海外的華人傳福音,從開始時只有十幾個人聚會,到如今 已經發展成有上千會友,十堂崇拜的教會。我們禱告 CCiL 能繼續在伦敦的華人和当地人群體中 分享耶穌基督的大好消息,成為明亮的燈台。我們也感謝主,在過去的日子中,COCM 與 CCiL 建立了相當緊密的宣教夥伴關係,CCiL 在英國和歐洲大陸的各項福音事工上都給與我們極大的 支持。今年,我們仍將通過短宣繼續在英格蘭中部的學生福音事工和歐洲大陸的新移民福音事 工上一同合作。 1 月 22 日,我前往卡迪夫華人基督教會,與那裡的弟兄姊妹一同慶賀教會擴建新堂。早年, COCM 通過差派宣教士幫助卡迪夫教會的建立和發展。卡迪夫教會最開始只是在租借的地點聚 會,如今,我們看到他們已經成為了一個擁有兩處堂址三幢建築的教會。每個主日,教會三種 不同語言的崇拜可以同時在不同的地方進行。神的供應實在是奇妙豐富!我們禱告卡迪夫教會 能帶著神的祝福,在英國的西南部與更多人分享福音。 人力資源是宣教最關鍵的因素之一。我剛剛從愛丁堡華人福音教會回來,在那裡舉行了我 們差會最年輕的宣教士李雨天弟兄的差遣禮。雨天成長在中國大陸的一個基督徒家庭,他在愛 丁堡大學求學期間參加愛丁堡華人福音教會的聚會,於是這個教會也成了他在異鄉的母會,並 成為他的差派教會。即使愛丁堡華人福音教會在人力和財力上都還處在發展階段,但是因著他 們有宣教的熱誠,就願意像當年的馬其頓教會那樣,竭盡所能支持宣教。我們也繼續禱告主能 興起更多像這樣的宣教夥伴。 同時,我也很高興向大家宣布,今年我們又有一對新的宣教士蘇子騰和伍于美夫婦加入我 們的行列。他們都成長在台灣並在高雄的長老教會系统里參與各項服事。幾年前,他們來到英 國繼續深造並在蘇格蘭各地參與了很多義工服務。同時,子騰和于美也在過去的兩年中在 COCM 義務服事,主要從事後勤事工和圖像設計。他們將作為台灣長老教會差派和支持的宣教 士加入我們的團隊。我們感謝主讓我們與台灣的長老教會建立這樣的宣教夥伴關係。我們也禱 告更多的教會能看到歐洲福音的需要,並加入歐洲宣教的第一線。 願神繼續祝福和鞏固我們與志同道合的教會和福音機構之間的宣教夥伴關係,藉此我們能 一同興旺福音,讓神的名在歐洲得著高舉! 在主裡與你們同工的, 呂子峰牧師 總幹事

二零一一年二月 亲爱的宣教伙伴们, 宣教机构必须与教会建立合作伙伴关系才能有效地进行宣教。自从COCM成立以来,我们 就一直致力于在英国和欧洲大陆建立华人教会,当这些教会慢慢成长之时,他们其中地一些就 成为了我们的宣教伙伴。今年一月,我有幸拜访并在一些教会中分享,这些教会包括布里斯托 华人基督教会、米顿坚华人基督教会、伦敦中华基督教会 (CCiL)、卡迪夫华人基督教会、剑桥 华人基督教会以及爱丁堡华人福音教会。 1月16日,我参加了伦敦中华基督教会六十周年感恩崇拜。正是六十年前一月的第二个星 期日,COCM与CCiL共同的创始人王又得牧师在伦敦和一小群基督徒一起开始了华人主日崇拜。 从那时开始,教会就开始积极向身处海外的华人传福音,从开始时只有十几个人聚会,到如今 已经发展成有上千会友,十堂崇拜的教会。我们祷告CCiL能继续在伦敦的华人和当地人群体中 分享耶稣基督的大好消息,成为明亮的灯台。我们也感谢主,在过去的日子中,COCM与CCiL建 立了相当紧密的宣教伙伴关系,CCiL在英国和欧洲大陆的各项福音事工上都给与我们极大的支 持。今年,我们仍将通过短宣继续在英格兰中部的学生福音事工和欧洲大陆的新移民福音事工 上一同合作。 1月22日,我前往卡迪夫华人基督教会,与那里的弟兄姊妹一同庆贺教会扩建新堂。早年, COCM通过差派宣教士帮助卡迪夫教会的建立和发展。卡迪夫教会最开始只是在租借的地点聚 会,如今,我们看到他们已经成为了一个拥有两处堂址三幢建筑的教会。每个主日,教会三种 不同语言的崇拜可以同时在不同的地方进行。神的供应实在是奇妙丰富!我们祷告卡迪夫教会 能带着神的祝福,在英国的西南部与更多人分享福音。 人力资源是宣教最关键的因素之一。我刚刚从爱丁堡华人福音教会回来,在那里举行了我 们差会最年轻的宣教士李雨天弟兄的差遣礼。雨天成长在中国大陆的一个基督徒家庭,他在爱 丁堡大学求学期间参加爱丁堡华人福音教会的聚会,于是这个教会也成了他在异乡的母会,并 成为他的差派教会。即使爱丁堡华人福音教会在人力和财力上都还处在发展阶段,但是因着有 宣教的热诚,而愿意像当年的马其顿教会那样,竭尽所能支持宣教。我们也继续祷告主能兴起 更多像这样的宣教伙伴。 同时,我也很高兴向大家宣布,今年我们又有一对新的宣教士苏子腾和伍于美夫妇加入我 们的行列。他们都成长在台湾并在高雄的长老教会系统里参与各项服事。几年前,他们来到英 国继续深造并在苏格兰各地参与了很多义工服务。同时,子腾和于美也在过去一段日子中在 COCM义务服事,主要从事后勤事工和图像设计。他们将作为台湾长老教会差派和支持的宣教 士加入我们的团队。我们感谢主让我们与台湾的长老教会建立这样的宣教伙伴关系。我们也祷 告更多的教会能看到欧洲福音的需要,并加入欧洲宣教的第一线。 愿神继续祝福和巩固我们与志同道合的教会和福音机构之间的宣教伙伴关系,借此我们能 一同兴旺福音,让神的名在欧洲得着高举! 在主里与你们同工的, 吕子峰牧师 总干事

倫敦中華基督教會六十週年慶典主題──邁進中的教會 th Church on the Move – the theme of CCiL 60 Anniversary

倫敦中華基督教會六十週年感恩慶典現場座無虛席 th The hall was filled with people at CCiL 60 Anniversary service

卡迪夫華人教會全新的教會中心 The brand new church centre of Cardiff Chinese Christian Church

卡迪夫的弟兄姊妹低頭禱告感恩神豐富的供應 Brothers and sisters at Cardiff Church thank God for His providence

蘇子騰、伍于美夫婦在台灣高雄新興長老教會的差遣禮 The commissioning service of Tzyy Terng Su and May Wu at KSS church in Kaohsiung

COCM新加入的宣教士蘇子騰、伍于美夫婦 COCM new missionary couple – Tzyy Terng Su & his wife May Wu

李雨天在愛丁堡華人福音教會的差遣禮,牧師們為他禱告 Pastors praying for Yutian at his commissioning service at CECE

李雨天分享他對神呼召的回應 Yutian sharing his response to God’s calling

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