October 2013 Dear mission partners, This month, we mourn the loss of an important figure in COCM ministry. Rev. David Cheung passed away on 16th of September in St. Louis, USA. It was with great sorrow that we received this news but we also took comfort as we read words from his wife Margie that he “quietly and oh so PEACEFULLY departed from this world and straight into the safe arms of Jesus.” Rev. Cheung had been our former COCM Field Director from 1991-‐1999. Many of our younger staff members may not have had a chance to meet him personally, but through photos and printed words we still get to know him as a good and faithful servant of the Lord. He was instrumental in many key areas of COCM development and he had been a supportive friend to many staff even after he returned to USA. We trust that his wonderful example of trailblazing in the mission field of Europe will continue to be an encourage-‐ ment to our next generation of missionary workers at COCM. Also in this month, we welcomed six young people into COCM as MIPs (Missionary in Preparation). They come from different walks of life but all of them first sensed God’s call through COCM’s ministry in the UK. They will start their theological training this October and later join COCM as full-‐time mis-‐ sionary workers. Joe and May, in the height of their professional careers, gave up everything in the USA and came to Europe with a special burden for sharing the love of God with the students. Cen, an undergraduate student in the States, first came to COCM as a short-‐term mission team member and later as a volunteer while she confirmed God’s call to serve in Europe. Tim, born and raised in a Chris-‐ tian home in Mainland China, came to Glasgow to do his masters degree 2 years ago. He responded to God’s call into full-‐time ministry while he was serving with the Glasgow Chinese Christian Church. Melody, also from Mainland China, became a Christian through COCM’s year-‐end student camp and decided to do mission training while she was volunteering with us. Josh, a British-‐born Chinese and our missionary trainee to the Second Generation in the past 1.5 years, will receive the formal training in order to walk further for God. When my family and I came to serve in the European mission field 7 years ago, our prayer was that God would raise up an army of missionaries from this new generation to continue the race of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. I am so encouraged and excited to see that God faithfully answered our prayer by calling out these 6 young people. Please join me to pray for these young people as they get equipped and mentored over the next few years. May God who began a good work in them carry it on to completion. October is coming and we will enter into a busy season of welcoming all the new and returning stu-‐ dents. Our missionary staff stationed throughout Europe and COCM Gospel Team are in high gear of reaching out to them. Please pray for our team as we expand the kingdom of God in Europe. May God’s spirit protect us so that we may serve God in unity and with perseverance. Serving together in Christ, Rev. Henry Lu General Director
二零一三年十月 親愛的宣教夥伴們, 九月,我們失去了在COCM歷史上非常重要的一位人物。張子江牧師於9月16在美國聖路易 斯安息主懷。我們得知這個消息,心情十分沉重。但當我們讀到張師母的來信說:“張牧師離 世歸天之時,平靜安詳”,我們的心中就得到極大的安慰。張牧師在1991至1999年間曾擔任 COCM的工場主任,如今我們中間的很多年輕同工可能都從沒見過他,但是藉著照片和文字, 我們知道張牧師是神所重用的一位僕人。張牧師在很多COCM的事工發展中都佔有舉足輕重的 地位,他也曾支持鼓勵了很多COCM的同工,甚至在他回到美國後,仍然繼續關心他們的需要。 我們相信他在歐洲辛勤耕耘的服事榜樣會繼續激勵COCM新一批的宣教士勇往向前。 也是在這個月,我們還迎來了COCM新一批的預備宣教士(Missionary in Preparation)。他 們都來自不同的背景,但共同點是,他們都藉著COCM在英國的事工領受從神而來的呼召。從 今年十月開始,他們就將接受全時間的神學裝備,並在之後加入COCM成為全時間同工。饒友 恩和祝裕倫夫婦來自美國,他們在各自事業的最高峰放下工作,回應呼召來到歐洲服事,特別 是對這裡的學生工作很有負擔。張涔之前在美國攻讀本科學位,藉著短宣和做義工來到英國, 認識COCM的事工,期間回應呼召前來歐洲服事。李哲出生成長在大陸一個基督徒家庭,兩年 前來到英國的格拉斯哥攻讀碩士學位,在格拉斯哥華人基督教會服事中決定走上全職服事的道 路。張雪卉,同樣來自中國大陸,在COCM舉辦的年底學生營會上信主,之後在COCM做義工期 間決定要接受神學裝備。石建基是一位在英國出生成長的華裔第二代,在過去的一年半中是 COCM參與第二代事工的見習宣教士,如今他決定要接受正規神學訓練,並在將來要為神走更 遠的路。 當我和我的家人在七年前踏上歐洲宣教工場的時候,我們就在禱告中求神在新一代的年輕 人中興起一批宣教士,接過在歐洲傳福音的接力棒。當我看到這六位年輕人願意為神走出來, 我心中滿懷感恩,又充滿興奮。請你跟我一起為這些年輕人禱告,求神在接下來的幾年中藉著 學習和服事讓他們有更多的成長。願那在他們心中動了善工的神,必要親自成全這工。 十月,我們進入了迎接新生的季節,我們駐紮在歐洲各地的宣教士以及COCM佈道隊都正 全力以赴來進行外展傳福音的工作。請為我們在歐洲的這些宣教士團隊禱告,求神的靈護庇我 們,讓我們同心合意在這裡拓展神的國度。 在主裡與你們同工的, 呂子峰牧師 總幹事
二零一三年十月 亲爱的宣教伙伴们, 九月,我们失去了在 COCM 历史上非常重要的一位人物。张子江牧师于 9 月 16 在美国圣 路易斯安息主怀。我们得知这个消息,心情十分沉重。但当我们读到张师母的来信说:“张牧 师离世归天之时,平静安详”,我们的心中就得到极大的安慰。张牧师在 1991 至 1999 年间曾 担任 COCM 的工场主任,如今我们中间的很多年轻同工可能都从没见过他,但是藉着照片和文 字,我们知道张牧师是神所重用的一位仆人。张牧师在很多 COCM 的事工发展中都占有举足轻 重的地位,他也曾支持鼓励了很多 COCM 的同工,甚至在他回到美国后,仍然继续关心他们的 需要。我们相信他在欧洲辛勤耕耘的服事榜样会继续激励 COCM 新一批的宣教士勇往向前。 也是在这个月,我们还迎来了 COCM 新一批的预备宣教士(Missionary in Preparation)。 他们都来自不同的背景,但共同点是,他们都藉着 COCM 在英国的各项事工领受从神而来的呼 召。从今年十月开始,他们将接受全时间的神学装备,并在之后加入 COCM 成为全时间同工。 饶友恩和祝裕伦夫妇来自美国,他们在各自事业的最高峰放下工作,回应呼召来到欧洲服事, 特别是对这里的学生工作很有负担。张涔之前在美国攻读本科学位,藉着短宣和做义工来到英 国,认识 COCM 的事工,期间回应呼召前来欧洲服事。李哲出生成长在大陆一个基督徒家庭, 两年前来到英国的格拉斯哥攻读硕士学位,并在格拉斯哥华人基督教会服事中决定走上全职服 事的道路。张雪卉,同样来自中国大陆,在 COCM 举办的年底学生营会上信主,之后在 COCM 做义工期间决定要接受神学装备。石建基是一位在英国出生成长的华裔第二代,在过去的一年 半中是 COCM 参与第二代事工的见习宣教士,如今他决定要接受正规神学训练,并在将来为神 走更远的路。 当我们全家在七年前踏上欧洲宣教工场的时候,我们就在祷告中求神在这新一代的年轻人 中兴起一批宣教士,接过在欧洲传福音的接力棒。当我看到这六位年轻人愿意为神走出来,我 心中满怀感恩,又充满兴奋。请你跟我一起为这些年轻人祷告,求神在接下来的几年中藉着学 习和服事让他们有更多的成长。愿那在他们心中动了善工的神,必要亲自成全这工。 十月,我们进入了迎接新生的季节,我们驻扎在欧洲各地的宣教士以及 COCM 布道队都正 全力以赴来进行外展传福音的工作。请为我们在欧洲的这些宣教士团队祷告,求神的灵护庇我 们,让我们同心合意在这里拓展神的国度。 在主里与你们同工的,
吕子峰牧师 总干事
Josh Shek Tim Li Cen Zhang Melody Zhang Joe & May Rao 石建基 李哲 張涔 張雪卉 饒友恩、祝裕倫
Staff and volunteers at COCM farewell the MIPs Rev. & Mrs David and Margie Cheung COCM的同工和義工們為這些預備宣教士踐行 張子江牧師、師母
COCM Gospel Team at Swansea COCM佈道隊的隊員們在史雲思