August 2013 Dear mission partners,
The Isle of Skye is famous for its dramatic mountainous scenery and picturesque harbour. Last time I went up to Scotland, I missed it! This time, I visited with two COCM volunteers and I finally set foot on this island in northern Scotland with much anticipation. After a weekend of intensive ministry amongst the people of Glasgow Chinese Christian Church, it was refreshing to be embraced by na-‐ ture and to feel close to God. Along the way, we passed the wonderful scenery of the Scottish High-‐ lands and, after a long drive, finally reached Skye late in the afternoon. We were immediately drawn to the large and broad landscape and were completely immersed into the beautiful creation that God had presented us. Upon seeing the famous Cuillins Mountain on the island, one of the volunteers traveling with me nonchalantly commented, “Wow, that mountain over there is placed in a perfect location!” Yes, it is perfect because it is the work of God. When I saw the purple heather growing in the field and white seagulls flying across the sky, I could not help but praise God for His wonderful creation. It was only a one-‐day trip and we spent most of our time driving along the narrow and winding roads, but we thoroughly enjoyed our time. My mind was filled with praise and my whole being shouted out for God’s glory. As the psalmist exclaims in Psalm 8: “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.” These verses echoed our own experience on this trip. In ministry we can be so focused on our work that we can sometimes develop a tunnel vision. It can prevent us from seeing the bigger picture. My prayer is that God will send a team of workers who will not lose their focus on the day-‐to-‐day ministry and yet still see the bigger picture of God’s Kingdom. I was glad to take these two volunteers with me, just as the Apostle Paul always travelled with young people on his journeys. In the way that Paul was glad to include Timothy and Mark in his ministry, it was a privilege for me to have these volunteers accompany me on my visit to Glasgow and the High-‐ lands. This gave us a chance to serve the church and enjoy God’s creation together. In the first weekend of August we will have more than 50 young second-‐generation leaders coming to our mission centre to get ready for the upcoming PHAT Camp. The theme of this year’s conference is Lifted Up, drawing from the prophet Isaiah’s call for the Israelite people to lift their praise to God (Isaiah 40:9). We are hoping this ministry will point this group of young people to their purpose in life; encouraging them to whole-‐heartedly serve God and submit more of their lives to him. I’m pleased to see that our PHAT Camp team is led by Ian, Wesley and Josh, with many churches and fel-‐ lowships supporting this year’s event. Please continue to pray for this ministry, and for God to raise more Second Gen workers to serve him in Europe.
Serving together in Christ, Rev. Henry Lu General Director
二零一三年八月 親愛的宣教夥伴們, 位於蘇格蘭的天空島(Isle of Skye)以其蜿蜒的丘陵風光以及景色如畫的港口聞名於世。 上一次我去蘇格蘭的時候,沒時間去那裡,所以這次我帶着COCM的兩位年輕義工一起駕車前 往,最終踏上了這坐北部的島嶼。之前的一個週末,我在格拉斯哥華人教會的弟兄姊妹中間分 享信息,經過這一段忙碌的時間,能進入大自然中與神親近令我的精神煥然一新。沿途,我們 欣賞到了蘇格蘭高地的美景,經過長途跋涉,最終在傍晚到達天空島。我們立即被島上壯闊的 景色所吸引,完全沉浸在神的奇妙創造中。當我們看到島上著名的庫林(Cuillins)丘陵的時候 ,其中的一位義工不經意間說:“哇,那座山擺地不錯!”確實,因為這就是神所擺設的。 看到那在野地生長的紫色石南花以及在天空翱翔的白色海鷗,我就不禁讚嘆神的創造。雖 然我們只在那裡逗留了一天,大部份的時間,我們只是開車經過那些蜿蜒曲折的小路,但是我 們都十分享受這樣的時光。我的心中充滿讚美,我的全人要來呼喊神的榮耀。正如詩人在詩篇 第八章中所說的:“我觀看你指頭所造的天,並你所陳設的月亮星宿,便說:人算什麼,你竟 顧念他!世人算什麼,你竟眷顧他!你叫他比天使微小一點,並賜他榮耀尊貴為冠冕。”這些 經文正道出了我們的心聲!有時在我們的事工中,我們那麼專注於我們手頭的工作,容易變地 視野狹窄,這常常也妨礙我們看到更大的圖畫。我禱告神能為我們興起一個團隊,不僅能專注 於我們日常的事工,同時也能看到神國的遠景。 很高興,這次我有機會帶着兩個年輕的義工跟我同行,就如同使徒保羅在他傳福音的旅途 中也常常帶着年輕人同行。如同保羅帶着提摩太和馬可,我也有幸帶着這兩個義工,一起在格 拉斯哥服事教會,一同去天空島欣賞神的創造。 八月的第一個週末,COCM的宣教中心將會迎來更多年輕人,有超過五十位第二代事工的 年輕領袖將參與培訓,並預備服事接下來的“齊來頌讚祂”(PHAT)營會。今年營會的主題是 Lifted Up,靈感來自於以賽亞書四十章9節中先知以賽亞呼籲以色列民要揚聲,將讚美敬拜獻上 給神。我們盼望COCM的第二代事工能將這些年輕人帶到神的面前,讓他們明白生命的意義, 鼓勵他們全心服事並將生命擺上。我很高興看到今年我們的PHAT營會由馬益安牧師、黎瑋醫生 以及石建基弟兄三位統籌帶領,很多教會和團契也積極參與支持。請繼續為COCM的第二代事 工禱告,願神興起更多第二代事工的工人,為神在歐洲服事! 在主裡與你們同工的, 呂子峰牧師 總幹事
二零一三年八月 亲爱的宣教伙伴们, 位于苏格兰的天空岛(Isle of Skye)以其蜿蜒的丘陵风光以及景色如画的港口闻名于世。 上一次我去苏格兰的时候,没时间去,所以这次我带着 COCM 的两位年轻义工一起驾车前往, 最终踏上了这坐北部的岛屿。之前的一个周末,我在格拉斯哥华人教会的弟兄姊妹中间分享信 息,经过这一段忙碌的时间,能进入大自然中与神亲近令我的精神焕然一新。沿途,我们欣赏 到了苏格兰高地的美景,经过长途跋涉,最终在傍晚到达天空岛。我们立即被岛上壮阔的景色 所吸引,完全沉浸在神的奇妙创造中。当我们看到岛上著名的库林(Cuillins)丘陵的时候,其 中的一位义工不经意间说:“哇,那座山摆地不错!”确实,因为这就是神所摆设的。 看到那在野地生长的紫色石南花以及在天空翱翔的白色海鸥,我就不禁赞叹神的创造。虽 然我们只在那里逗留了一天,大部份的时间,我们只是开车经过那些蜿蜒曲折的小路,但是我 们都十分享受这样的时光。我的心中充满赞美,我的全人要来呼喊神的荣耀。正如诗人在诗篇 第八章中所说的:“我观看你指头所造的天,并你所陈设的月亮星宿,便说:人算什么,你竟 顾念他!世人算什么,你竟眷顾他!你叫他比天使微小一点,并赐他荣耀尊贵为冠冕。”这些 经文正道出了我们的心声!有时在我们的事工中,我们那么专注于我们手头的工作,容易变地 视野狭窄,这常常也妨碍我们看到更大的图画。我祷告神能为我们兴起一个团队,不仅能专注 于我们日常的事工,同时也能看到神国的远景。 很高兴,这次我有机会带着两个年轻的义工跟我同行,就如同使徒保罗在他传福音的旅途 中也常常带着年轻人同行。如同保罗带着提摩太和马可,我也有幸带着这两个义工,一起在格 拉斯哥服事教会,一同去天空岛欣赏神的创造。 八月的第一个周末,COCM 的宣教中心将会迎来更多年轻人,有超过五十位第二代事工的 年轻领袖将参与培训,并预备服事接下来的“齐来颂赞祂”(PHAT)营会。今年营会的主题是 Lifted Up,灵感来自于以赛亚书四十章 9 节中先知以赛亚呼吁以色列民要扬声,将赞美敬拜献 上给神。我们盼望 COCM 的第二代事工能将这些年轻人带到神的面前,让他们明白生命的意义 ,鼓励他们全心服事并将生命摆上。我很高兴看到今年我们的 PHAT 营会由马益安牧师、黎玮 医生以及石建基弟兄三位统筹带领,很多教会和团契也积极参与支持。请继续为 COCM 的第二 代事工祷告,愿神兴起更多第二代事工的工人,为神在欧洲服事! 在主里与你们同工的,
吕子峰牧师 总干事
The Isle of Skye is famous for its picturesque harbor. 天空島以風景如畫的港口聞名於世。
With two young volunteers 與兩位年輕的義工同行
The mountain was placed in a perfect location. 這座山擺地不錯!