From the General Director
In the Old Testament time, it was customary to set up a memorial at the site of God’s Great is Thy Faithfulness, miraculous intervention. According to the Book of Joshua, twelve stones taken out of the O God my Father… bed of the Jordan River were set up at Gilgal as a permanent memorial for the people of ~Ernest Kong Israel. The purpose of this memorial was so that the Israelites could teach their children about the great things God had done in their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. A Lifelong Commitment to These stones served as a sign and a testimony to show that God had been faithful and He God’s Call was able to bring to pass what He began. ~Margaret Hodgkinson The 3rd of May 2013 marked the 10th anniversary of the dedication of our Mission Centre in Milton Keynes. I saw the brand new Mission Centre on my first short-term mission trip to COCM in June 2003. At first, my attention was drawn to the beautiful Cooking for the Love of God design of the building. But as I learned about the story of God’s faithfulness behind it, I ~Joe and Jessie Ong was awestruck by the powerful testimony it signified. It was here as a sign to show that God had been at work through the mission of COCM. For this issue of Link, we invited COCM Finance Ernest Kong, husband of our President Emeritus Mary Wang, to share with us how God ~James Lo had made wonderful provision from the start to the finish of the Mission Centre Building Project. We need to remember the great things God has done in the past so we can trust God for the greater works that He will do in the future. As a younger generation enters into the mission field of Europe, it is important for us to learn the stories that bear witness to God’s faithfulness to our older generation of workers, so we will have a point of contact with God’s work through the years and recognize that the mission of “Reaching the Chinese to reach Europe” began long before our time. At the COCM staff retreat in May, our workers spent a day remembering when we heard God’s call and followed Him on the journey to the European mission field. We interviewed some old timers to learn from their past experiences. It was such a privilege to hear the personal accounts of God’s servants who walked ahead of us and set great examples for us to follow. We asked Margaret Hodgkinson to share her life lessons with our readers and to encourage those of you who are still sorting out your calling. Looking back through the history of COCM, we see a generation of faithful friends and supporters who responded to God's call to be our partners in the ministry of the gospel in Europe. They often gave sacrificially, without fanfare, and some of them even continued to give to our Mission after they went to be with the Lord, through their legacy. They are indeed the heroes behind the scenes and we give thanks to the Lord for all their fragrant offerings. With the passing of the older generation, we pray that God will bring to us a new generation of friends and mission partners who share the same vision God entrusted to COCM. As we look to God in time of need, let us remember that the signs and testimonies among us also have a greater purpose for the world, “He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful and so that you might always fear the Lord your God.” (Joshua 4:24)
Rev. Henry Lu
神恩澤僑胞 福音遍全歐
Reaching the Chinese to Reach Europe