April 2011 Dear mission partners, Ever since I joined COCM, I have had the burden of challenging young Christians from this generation to rise up and serve in the mission field. I have always been encouraged by the stories of those early mis-‐ sionaries, Hudson Taylor, James Fraser and the Cambridge Seven, who dedicated themselves to serve the Lord and went to the mission field when they were very young. As COCM is reaching out to the students and young professionals, we need their peers to join our mission force. Connie Yu, our young missionary, is their peer. She was born and brought up in Mainland China and was led to Christ by Christian teachers from the USA. Like many young people, she came to study in the UK after she finished her undergraduate degree. It was through her local English church in Worcester that she first heard the call to serve as a full-‐ time worker, and later went to Redcliffe College for a 3-‐year mission training. In 2009, she joined COCM as a missionary trainee, and a year later became our full-‐time missionary staff. I am very pleased to tell you that we had a commissioning service for Connie last weekend at her home church, St. Paul’s in Worcester. It is encouraging to see that the young people readily and willingly put aside their earthly am-‐ bitions and commit themselves to follow Jesus Christ. Connie is the exact type of young missionary we need in this generation. Please join me to pray for Connie as she is going to face many challenges, such as adapting to the changing mission field, serving independently and raising support. It is also an honor for us to have St Paul’s, a local English-‐speaking church, to be Connie’s sending church and to support her in prayers as well as financially. It is a model of mission partnership between COCM and the local English-‐speaking churches. Over the past decades, there is a rapid increase in the number of mainland Chinese students coming to the UK. Many of the English-‐speaking churches have already real-‐ ized the importance of reaching out to this group of people and have opened up their arms to welcome them. But at the same time, they are also challenged by the difficulties in understanding the Chinese lan-‐ guage and cultural complexities. This mission partnership with St Paul’s put our strength together. In ad-‐ dition to sending British missionaries to China, local English-‐speaking churches are now sending manda-‐ rin-‐speaking missionaries to serve the Chinese diaspora in this country. What a wonderful mission part-‐ nership in this new era! The mission field of China is now at our doorsteps. This Easter season in April will be a very busy time for COCM staff workers. They will all be engaged in the ministry of serving Chinese students, new immigrants and the local-‐language speaking second generation. COCM helps to host and support many camps. Among these camps, South England Easter Conference (SEEC) and Midland Easter Conference (MEC) are targeting for Cantonese and English-‐speaking Chinese students while Mandarin Easter Conference (MEC) is for the mainland Chinese students. This year is the first time for us to have this Mandarin-‐speaking conference held in our mission centre with the support of a short-‐term mission team from the USA during the Easter. The goal of this camp is to strengthen the faith of the students who came to know the Lord in the past year or so, and build them up into maturity. Please pray for the preparation work, the messages of the speakers and the hearts of the participants. May all of us be reminded again in this Easter that it is through Lord Jesus’ death and resurrection that we may have this new life of hope! Serving together in Christ, Rev. Henry Lu General Director
二零一一年四月 親愛的宣教夥伴們, 從我第一天加入 COCM 開始,我就有這樣一個負擔,那就是鼓勵更多年輕人起來獻身宣教。 很多早期的宣教士,如戴德生、富能仁和劍橋七傑,都是在他們很年輕的時候就已經踏上了宣 教工場。在這個世代,COCM 主要的宣教對象是在歐洲的年輕學生和專業人士,因此我們需要 他們的同齡人來加入我們的宣教隊伍。我們差會年輕的宣教士于小玉就是他們的同齡人。小玉 出生在中國大陸,讀大學時由一群從美國來的基督徒老師帶領信主。就像很多年輕人一樣,她 在大學畢業後來到英國求學,並在伍斯特(Worcester)的一間英文教會聚會,正是在那裡,她 第一次領受從神而來的呼召進入全時間服事,隨後在 Redcliffe 神學院接受了三年的宣教學訓練。 2009 年,她加入 COCM 成為實習宣教士,一年後成為我們正式的全職同工。上個星期日,小 玉在伍斯特的母會聖保羅(St Paul’s)教會為她舉行了差遣禮,我在興奮之餘,也看到神正在 興起越來越多的年輕人願意放下他們屬世的追求,委身與宣教的使命。小玉正是我們所需要的 年輕宣教士,今後她還將要面對諸多挑戰,比如適應不同的宣教工場,獨當一面地事奉以及募 款等等,請大家也跟我一起來為她今後的事奉道路禱告。 同時,我也很榮幸地看到伍斯特的這間英文教會能成為于小玉宣教士的差派教會。這也是 COCM 和本地英文教會可以形成宣教夥伴關係的途徑之一。在過去的十幾年中,中國大陸留學 生在英國求學的數量激增,很多本地的英文教會也已經看到中國大陸留學生福音工作的重要性 並打開大門歡迎他們的到來。但是與此同時,不同的語言和文化背景使得這些英國的弟兄姊妹 在向中國學生傳福音上面臨很多困難。這次我們 COCM 與聖保羅教會的宣教合作讓我們雙方可 以取長補短,由英文教會作為差派教會,差遣中國大陸宣教士在英國本地來做中國留學生和移 民的福音工作。如今宣教工場已經來到了我們家門口了。 在四月,我們將紀念耶穌的受難和復活,COCM 在不同地方的同工也將忙碌地參與各項不 同的事工,服事在英國和歐洲各地的華人學生和移民。COCM 將主辦和支持多場營會,其中南 英倫復活節營會(SEEC)和英國中部復活節營會(MEC)主要是針對講廣東話和講英語的學生, 同時,將在 COCM 宣教中心舉辦的國語復活節營會是我們今年第一次於復活節期間舉辦比較大 規模的國語學生營會,主要針對講普通話的中國大陸學生,並由從美國來的短宣隊幫助我們一 起開展營會的各項事工。這個營會的目的是堅固那些初信弟兄姊妹在主裡的信心,並更多願意 追求在主裡的成長。請為我們這些營會的準備工作和講員的信息禱告,同時也求神預備來參加 營會的各位弟兄姊妹和朋友的心,讓我們在這段特殊的日子中,再一次思想耶穌基督為我們所 成就的,因著耶穌的死和復活,我們才得著這充滿盼望的新生命! 在主裡與你們同工的, 呂子峰牧師 總幹事
二零一一年四月 亲爱的宣教伙伴们, 从我第一天加入COCM开始,我就有这样一个负担,那就是鼓励更多年轻人起来献身宣教。 很多早期的宣教士,如戴德生丶富能仁和剑桥七杰,都是在他们很年轻的时候就已经踏上了宣 教工场。在这个世代,COCM主要的宣教对象是在欧洲的年轻学生和专业人士,因此我们需要 他们的同龄人来加入我们的宣教队伍。我们差会年轻的宣教士于小玉就是他们的同龄人。小玉 出生在中国大陆,读大学时由一群从美国来的基督徒老师带领信主。就像很多年轻人一样,她 在大学毕业後来到英国求学,并在伍斯特(Worcester)的一间英文教会聚会,正是在那里,她 第一次领受从神而来的呼召进入全时间服事,随後在Redcliffe神学院接受了三年的宣教学训练。 2009年,她加入COCM成为实习宣教士,一年後成为我们正式的全职同工。上个星期日,小玉 在伍斯特的母会圣保罗(St Paul’s)教会为她举行了差遣礼,我在兴奋之余,也看到神正在兴 起越来越多的年轻人愿意放下他们属世的追求,委身与宣教的使命。小玉正是我们所需要的年 轻宣教士,今后她还将要面对诸多挑战,比如适应不同的宣教工场,独当一面地事奉以及募款 等等,请大家也跟我一起来为她今後的事奉道路祷告。 同时,我也很荣幸地看到伍斯特的这间英文教会能成为于小玉宣教士的差派教会。这也是 COCM和本地英文教会可以形成宣教伙伴关系的途径之一。在过去的十几年中,中国大陆留学 生在英国求学的数量激增,很多本地的英文教会也已经看到中国大陆留学生福音工作的重要性 并打开大门欢迎他们的到来。但是与此同时,不同的语言和文化背景使得这些英国的弟兄姊妹 在向中国学生传福音上面临很多困难。这次我们COCM与圣保罗教会的宣教合作让我们双方可 以取长补短,由英文教会作为差派教会,差遣中国大陆宣教士在英国本地来做中国留学生和移 民的福音工作。如今宣教工场已经来到了我们家门口了。 在四月,我们将纪念耶稣的受难和复活,COCM在不同地方的同工也将忙碌地参与各项不 同的事工,服事在英国和欧洲各地的华人学生和移民。COCM将主办和支持多场营会,其中南 英伦复活节营会(SEEC)和英国中部复活节营会(MEC)主要是针对讲广东话和讲英语的学生, 同时,将在COCM宣教中心举办的国语复活节营会是我们今年第一次于复活节期间举办比较大 规模的国语学生营会,主要针对讲普通话的中国大陆学生,并由从美国来的短宣队帮助我们一 起开展营会的各项事工。这个营会的目的是坚固那些初信弟兄姊妹在主里的信心,并更多愿意 追求在主里的成长。请为我们这些营会的准备工作和讲员的信息祷告,同时也求神预备来参加 营会的各位弟兄姊妹和朋友的心,让我们在这段特殊的日子中,再一次思想耶稣基督为我们所 成就的,因着耶稣的死和复活,我们才得着这充满盼望的新生命! 在主里与你们同工的, 吕子峰牧师 总干事
聖保羅教會和COCM的領袖為小玉按手禱告 The leaders from the church and COCM laying hands on Connie and praying for her
小玉在差遣禮上分享個人見證 Connie sharing her testimony at the commissioning service
小玉與教會弟兄姊妹和COCM同工們合影 Connie with brothers and sisters from the church and COCM