August 2012 Dear mission partners,
The eyes of the world are turning to London this summer for the 2012 London Olympic Games. This is a great year for London to shine on the world stage and to have this privilege to call upon the youth of the world to assemble and compete according to the Olympic motto ‘Faster, Higher, Stronger’. On the evening of 27th July, the opening ceremony ‘Isles of Wonder’ amazed millions of people by its Britishness and creativity. The climax of the ceremony was definitely the cauldron light-‐ ing. British rowing legend Sir Steve Redgrave carried the torch into the stadium and later handed it over to seven teenager athletes, who were nominated by himself and other successful British Olym-‐ pians. These young people finally ignited copper ‘petals’ on the ground in the middle of the stadium. I am personally impressed with this scene of older generation passing over the flame to the younger one, which also symbolizes the main theme of London 2012 – to inspire a generation of young peo-‐ ple to achieve the higher goals. As the youth of the world compete for the Olympic glory in the next 2 weeks in London, the staff workers at COCM are also busy preparing our annual PHAT camp on 6-‐10 August. It aims to gather the second-‐generation Chinese youth from all over the country to worship, to learn about God and to encounter Him in a personal way. The themes of the last three years were History Makers, Moving Forward, and Taking Ground, and this year’s theme Higher Height is the fourth down this line. We hope and pray that through this camp, a generation of young Christians, who were born and raised in this country will rise up to live for Christ, be bold enough to share the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, and to strive for eternal glory of God’s Kingdom. Once again, we were blessed to have a very dedicated local team led by Dr Wesley Lai, the youngest COCM council member, and supported by Josh Shek, the youngest missionary trainee. It is also our privilege to have Pastor Ian Ma from USA to speak and to minister among the youth. What Wesley shared in one of his emails best summed up our vision for this camp, “We know that we have already reached a higher height in PHAT this year, because we have the biggest camp size, with the biggest leadership team, in one of the biggest exclusive venues. But higher height is way beyond that. I pray that God will even take us to His height, to soar on wings with Him, to rise above our own struggles in life, and to see a much bigger and wider vision of His kingdom and glory.” COCM, as a mission, is ready to reach out to these second-‐generation youth in the UK and committed to support the local organising team. “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like ea-‐ gles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:30-‐31) Let's put our hope in the Lord and bring this vision to the second generation.
Serving together in Christ, Rev. Henry Lu General Director
二零一二年八月 親愛的宣教夥伴們, 世界的目光都在這個夏天聚焦於在倫敦舉行的 2012 夏季奧林匹克運動會。這是倫敦在世 界舞台上光芒四射的一年,也是倫敦招聚世界各地運動健兒齊聚一堂,共襄盛舉的一年。7 月 27 日晚間的奧運會開幕式使全球數億觀眾欣賞到了純正的英倫風情以及英國人無限的創意。 開幕式的高潮當數奧運聖火點燃的那一刻。五屆奧運金牌得主雷德格雷夫爵士手持奧運火炬跑 入主體育場,隨後就將火炬傳遞給七位青年運動員,並由這七位青年人最後點燃會場中心的奧 運聖火。這七位運動員就是由雷德格雷夫爵士本人以及其他幾位英國著名奧運獎牌得主共同推 選而出,這一幕也代表了此次奧運會的一個重要主題,那就是“激勵下一代的年輕人去取得更 高的成就”。 當這些奧運健兒們在賽場上為著奧林匹克的榮譽征戰之際,COCM 的眾同工們也正忙碌預 備一年一度的“齊來頌讚祂”(PHAT)營會,本次營會將於 8 月 6 日至 10 日舉行,旨在招聚英 國本地講本土語言的第二代華裔青年人一同來敬拜神,一同來學習神的話語,並跟神建立親密 的個人關係。過去三年營會的主題分別是 History Maker、Moving Forward 以及 Taking Ground, 今年的主題 Higher Height 是這一系列的第四個主題。我們盼望並禱告,神能藉著這個營會興起 在英國出生成長的新一代年輕基督徒,為神而活,勇敢見證神復活的大能,並要得著神國那永 不朽壞的榮耀冠冕。 今年營會的籌備小組成員全部由來自英國本地的年輕人組成,並再一次由我們 COCM 最年 輕的董事黎瑋(Wesley Lai)醫生領銜,COCM 最年輕的見習宣教士石建基弟兄全力協助。我們 也很榮幸請到了由美國前來的馬益安(Ian Ma)牧師為此次營會的講員。黎瑋醫生在他的分享 中詮釋了我們這項事工的目標和異象。他說道:今年的 PHAT 營會,我們又到達了一個更高的 高度,參與的人數是歷屆最多,領袖團隊是歷屆最強,租用的場地也是歷屆最大。但是更高的 高度遠遠不止這些。我禱告神能帶領我們去到祂所在的高處,與祂一同展翅翱翔,飛越所有艱 難和風暴,看到一幅更廣闊的神國藍圖。 作為一個宣教機構,COCM已經整裝待發,要將這福音帶給更多生活在英國的第二代華裔 青年人,並願意全力支持參與服事的年輕人團隊。就是少年人也要疲乏困倦;強壯的也必全然 跌倒。但那等候耶和華的必從新得力。他們必如鷹展翅上騰;他們奔跑卻不困倦,行走卻不疲 乏。(以賽亞書四十章30-31節)讓我們一同耐心等候耶和華,然後起來將這異象傳遞給第二 代的年輕人們! 在主裡與你們同工的, 呂子峰牧師 總幹事
二零一二年八月 亲爱的宣教伙伴们, 世界的目光都在这个夏天聚焦于在伦敦举行的2012夏季奥林匹克运动会。这是伦敦在世界 舞台上光芒四射的一年,也是伦敦招聚世界各地运动健儿齐聚一堂,共襄盛举的一年。7月27 日晚间的奥运会开幕式使全球数亿观众欣赏到了纯正的英伦风情以及英国人无限的创意。开幕 式的高潮当数奥运圣火点燃的那一刻。五届奥运金牌得主雷德格雷夫爵士手持奥运火炬跑入主 体育场,随后就将火炬传递给七位青年运动员,并由这七位青年人最终点燃会场中心的奥运圣 火。这七位运动员就是由雷德格雷夫爵士本人以及其他几位英国著名奥运奖牌得主共同推选而 出,这一幕也代表了这此次奥运会的一个重要主题,那就是“激励下一代的年轻人去取得更高 的成就”。 当这些奥运健儿们在赛场上为着奥林匹克的荣誉征战之际,COCM的众同工们也正忙碌预 备一年一度的“齐来颂赞祂”(PHAT)营会,本次营会将於8月6日至10日举行,旨在招聚英国本 地讲本土语言的第二代华裔青年人一同来敬拜神,一同来学习神的话语,并跟神建立亲密的个 人关系。过去三年营会的主题分别是History Maker丶Moving Forward以及Taking Ground,今年 的主题Higher Height是这一系列的第四个主题。我们盼望并祷告,神能藉着这个营会兴起在英 国出生成长的新一代年轻基督徒,为神而活,勇敢见证神复活的大能,并要得着神国那永不朽 坏的荣耀冠冕。 今年营会的筹备小组成员全部由来自英国本地的年轻人组成,并再一次由我们COCM最年 轻的董事黎玮(Wesley Lai)医生领衔,COCM最年轻的见习宣教士石建基弟兄全力协助。我们 也很荣幸请到了由美国前来的马益安(Ian Ma)牧师为此次营会的讲员。黎玮医生在他的分享 中诠释了我们这项事工的目标和异象。他说道:今年的PHAT营会,我们又到达了一个更高的高 度,参与的人数是历届最多,领袖团队是历届最强,租用的场地也是历届最大。但是更高的高 度远远不止这些。我祷告神能带领我们去到祂所在的高处,与祂一同展翅翱翔,飞越所有艰难 和风暴,看到一幅更广阔的神国蓝图。 作为一个宣教机构,COCM已经整装待发,要将这福音带给更多生活在英国的第二代华裔 青年人,并愿意全力支持参与服事的年轻人团队。就是少年人也要疲乏困倦;强壮的也必全然 跌倒。但那等候耶和华的必从新得力。他们必如鹰展翅上腾;他们奔跑却不困倦,行走却不疲 乏。(以赛亚书四十章30-31节)让我们一同耐心等候耶和华,然后起来将这异象传递给第二 代的年轻人们! 在主里与你们同工的, 吕子峰牧师 总干事
The logo of PHAT Camp 2012 – Higher Height “齊來頌讚祂”營會主題會標
Henry (right) and Josh wearing PHAT T-‐shirt 呂牧師和Josh穿上了此次營會的主題T恤衫
Wesley and Josh 黎瑋醫生和石建基弟兄