Letter from the Director-2012-09

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September 2012 Dear mission partners,

The incarnation ministry of Jesus has inspired generations of missionaries. From the very beginning of the mission of COCM, our missionaries endeavored to take root in Europe and to live among the Chinese diaspora they intended to reach out and to share life with. This is long-­‐term mission work. Most of the time, we don’t get fruitful results immediately. We just need to remember that our job is to plant seeds in people’s hearts and it is God who will make the seeds grow over the years. In 1979, COCM missionary Frank Cheung was the first to sow seeds of the gospel among a small number of Chinese restaurant workers and students living in Dublin. Back then, there was no Chinese fellowship in Dublin. Through the hard work of both COCM and other Christian workers, the popula-­‐ tion of Chinese Christians in Dublin has increased over the past few decades and the Chinese church has now matured. I participated in the celebration of 20th anniversary of Chinese Gospel Church in Dublin on 12th August. It was so encouraging to see that the church growing into maturity and start-­‐ ing multi-­‐linguistic services to reach the Chinese and beyond. God has also blessed them with a church premise in the city centre and Lucan Centre, a large modern worship hall with multi-­‐purpose facilities. They have witnessed how God is working among us and through us. During the August Bank Holiday break, I spoke at an annual retreat organized by Hull Chinese Chris-­‐ tian Church. Our missionary couple Rev. Kam Ho and Mi Ting have been pioneer workers in Hull and surrounding areas, including Lincoln, Scunthorpe and Grimsby. Although the church is still in its de-­‐ veloping stage, I am excited to see how God is going to lead Christians in Hull and the surrounding areas as they continue to grow and mature in Christ. During the three days, we worshiped and shared our lives together. I am glad to see more and more brothers and sisters committing them-­‐ selves to be rooted in God’s Word and grow in Christ. This is the fruitful result of long-­‐term mission after many years of labor. Looking ahead, we see new opportunities popping up everywhere. In September, we are going to welcome many more Chinese students coming to study in UK and continental Europe. Most of them come with hopes, dreams and an open mind. Seeing this opportunity, we as a mission are actively engaging the new students and encouraging local churches to partner with us to meet this new chal-­‐ lenge. On 29th August, the COCM Gospel Team went to Northampton to host a gospel event, partner-­‐ ing with university chaplaincy and the local Chinese church. Many students came and heard the gos-­‐ pel for the first time. Some of them committed their lives to Christ and many others were interested in knowing more about our faith. Please pray for our long-­‐term mission development as well as how we should take advantage of these new opportunities in such a time as this!

Serving together in Christ, Rev. Henry Lu General Director

二零一二年九月 親愛的宣教夥伴們, 耶穌道成肉身,謙卑服事的榜樣激勵了一代又一代的宣教士們。從 COCM 創始以來,我們 的宣教士就開始致力於植根歐洲,生活在當地的華僑中間,向他們傳福音。這是一種長期宣教 的模式。絕大多數時候,我們不能立即看到成果,但我們始終記得神托付給我們的使命就是要 在人們的心中撒下福音的種子,而惟有神才能使這些種子發芽成長。 1979 年,COCM 的張堯勳宣教士帶著福音的種子前往都柏林,在當時為數不多的餐館從 業者和學生中播撒這些種子。那時,都柏林還沒有任何一個華人團契。在過去的幾十年時間中, 藉著 COCM 和其他宣教機構的不懈努力,都柏林的華人基督徒人數飛速增長,那裡的華人教 會也日趨成熟。我於八月十二日參加了都柏林中華福音堂建堂二十週年慶典。看到教會不斷壯 大成熟,令我感到鼓舞,同時教會也開始了三語崇拜,為要得著華人的生命,並使更多人蒙福。 神也祝福教會,使他們不僅在都柏林市中心擁有一處堂址,教會最近也新建了 Lucan 中心,是 一處規模較大且設施現代化的聚會場所。都柏林中華福音堂的發展歷程見證了神在我們當中的 工作。 在八月的最後一個公眾假日週末,我前往豪城華人基督教會所舉行的退修會並擔任講員。 何錦洪牧師和美婷師母是我們差會差往豪城及其周邊地區包括林肯、Scunthorpe 和 Grimsby 開 荒植堂的宣教士夫婦。儘管豪城教會還處於發展階段,但是我仍然欣喜地看到神是如何信實地 帶領在豪城和周邊地區的基督徒不斷在基督裡成長成熟。在三天的退修會中,我們一同敬拜, 一同分享,我在其中看到越來越多的弟兄姊妹願意獻上自己並在神的話語中扎根成長。這也是 我們在當地長期宣教所結出的美好果子。 當我們展望未來的時候,也看到在歐洲各地不斷湧現出新的宣教機遇。這個九月,我們將 迎來又一批前來英國和歐洲大陸求學的華人留學生。這些年輕人懷揣著希望和夢想,並有一個 開放的心態。看到這樣的機會,我們差會正在積極抓住機遇並投入學生事工中,同時也鼓勵各 地的教會與我們合作,共同迎接這新的挑戰。8 月 29 日,COCM 佈道隊與北安普敦大學校牧 以及當地的華人教會合作,舉辦了一場迎新佈道會,很多來參加的學生都是第一次聽見福音。 會後,一些人決志信主,還有不少人對我們的信仰有濃厚的興趣。請大家在禱告中記念我們長 期宣教發展的需要,同時也禱告我們能抓住現今的機會,將福音帶給更多的人。 在主裡與你們同工的, 呂子峰牧師 總幹事

二零一二年九月 亲爱的宣教伙伴们, 耶稣道成肉身,谦卑服事的榜样激励了一代又一代的宣教士们。从 COCM 创始以来,我们 的宣教士就开始致力于植根欧洲,生活在当地的华侨中间,向他们传福音。这是一种长期宣教 的模式。绝大多数时候,我们不能立即看到成果,但我们始终记得神托付给我们的使命就是要 在人们的心中撒下福音的种子,而惟有神才能使这些种子发芽成长。 1979 年,COCM 的张尧勋宣教士带着福音的种子前往都柏林,在当时为数不多的餐馆从业 者和学生中播撒这些种子。那时,都柏林还没有任何一个华人团契。在过去的几十年时间中, 藉着 COCM 和其他宣教机构的不懈努力,都柏林的华人基督徒人数飞速增长,那裡的华人教会 也日趋成熟。我于八月十二日参加了都柏林中华福音堂建堂二十周年庆典。看到教会不断壮大 成熟,令我感到鼓舞,同时教会也开始了三语崇拜,为要得着华人的生命,并使更多人蒙福。 神也祝福教会,使他们不仅在都柏林市中心拥有一处堂址,教会最近也新建了 Lucan 中心,是 一处规模较大且设施现代化的聚会场所。都柏林中华福音堂的发展历程见证了神在我们当中的 工作。 在八月的最后一个公众假日周末,我前往豪城华人基督教会所举行的退修会并担任讲员。 何锦洪牧师和美婷师母是我们差会差往豪城及其周边地区包括林肯、Scunthorpe 和 Grimsby 开 荒植堂的宣教士夫妇。尽管豪城教会还处于发展阶段,但是我仍然欣喜地看到神是如何信实地 带领在豪城和周边地区的基督徒不断在基督里成长成熟。在三天的退修会中,我们一同敬拜, 一同分享,我在其中看到越来越多的弟兄姊妹愿意献上自己并在神的话语中扎根成长。这也是 我们在当地长期宣教所结出的美好果子。 当我们展望未来的时候,也看到在欧洲各地不断涌现出新的宣教机遇。这个九月,我们将 迎来又一批前来英国和欧洲大陆求学的华人留学生。这些年轻人怀揣着希望和梦想,并有一个 开放的心态。看到这样的机会,我们差会正在积极抓住机遇并投入学生事工中,同时也鼓励各 地的教会与我们合作,共同迎接这新的挑战。8 月 29 日,COCM 布道队与北安普敦大学校牧以 及当地的华人教会合作,举办了一场迎新布道会,很多来参加的学生都是第一次听见福音。会 后,一些人决志信主,还有不少人对我们的信仰有浓厚的兴趣。请大家在祷告中记念我们长期 宣教发展的需要,同时也祷告我们能抓住现今的机会,将福音带给更多的人。 在主里与你们同工的, 吕子峰牧师 总干事

Rev. Frank Cheung who pioneered the Dublin ministry 開拓都柏林事工的張堯勳牧師

Our missionary couple Rev. Kam Ho and Mrs Mi Ting Ho COCM派駐在豪城的宣教士夫婦何牧師師母

Newly built Lucan worship centre of Chinese Gospel Church in Dublin 都柏林中華福音堂新建的Lucan敬拜中心

Small sharing group of Hull CCC retreat 在豪城退修會中的一個小組

The smiling faces from the gospel meeting at The University of Northampton 在北安普敦舉行的佈道會中所展現的一張張笑臉

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