December 2012 Dear mission partners, The fourth Thursday of November is the Thanksgiving Day in America. This year, I spent my Thanksgiving weekend back home at the Amherst Chinese Christian Church. It was the first time in 5 years that I had a chance to celebrate Thanksgiving with brothers and sisters who sent us off to the mission field in Europe. Amherst Chinese Christian Church is a small church in many aspects. The congregation consists of a few families, some elderly members, many children of different ages, and a sizable group of university students. They have been through many challenges over the years. But God has placed faithful leaders and dedicated co-‐workers in this tiny church to bless those that made a stop at this small town on their life journeys. Indeed ACCC is a channel of God’s blessing to so many who were once part of this church family. For the past 5 years, they have given my family their strong support through pray-‐ ers, participation in short-‐term missions to COCM, and in financial provision. When I think of them, I am reminded of what Apostle Paul said about the Macedonian churches, “For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the Lord’s people.”(2 Corinthians 8:3-‐4). Two weeks ago, I received a note from a brother who had stayed in Amherst for a few years when he was a gradu-‐ ate student at the university. Just before he graduated, he joined the STM team from New England to come to COCM to support our year-‐end gospel camp. I still have vivid memory of the story he told about how he made 4 different journeys travelling to 3 different countries just to obtain a visitor’s visa to the UK so he could support the mission of COCM in Europe by his participation. Though he is a man of few words, his testimony of how God had blessed him in the process touched many hearts in the UK. He is now working in a city in Midwestern United States. He and his wife have three young children and they are by no means rich. His note was written in plain language, but it warmed my heart more than the fancy letter of a thousand words: “Dear brother, how are you? ACCC brothers and sisters have been on our mind. Please send our greetings to them. Here is $2000 in support of COCM STM. I heard that brother Zhang would be going to COCM with the STM team. Here is a separate $200 money order for him.” The mission field in Europe is large and the harvest is plentiful. God has given COCM a vision to reach the Chinese to reach Europe. Over the past few years, our ministry has been expanding rapidly and God has added more staff members to our team to enable us to seize many exciting ministry opportunities. As a result, we need to increase our financial support in proportion to carry out the task at hand. In early November, I learned that COCM had an operating deficit of £100,000 for the first 9 months of 2012. This figure is the largest we have had in many years. Certainly the weak economy worldwide has affected us negatively and I know many charity and mission organisations are in the same difficult position. But for COCM to continue our ministry at the current level, we do rely on the sacrificial giving of our supporters around the world. As God opens more doors for us in the coming months, we trust that He will also raise people to provide us the support and re-‐ sources to sustain our ministry expansion in Europe. Let me take this opportunity to urge you to prayerfully consid-‐ er donating to COCM before the end of 2012 so we may recover from our current deficit. In this season of thanksgiving, let us remember what our Lord has done for us and respond to His call to bring the Gospel to more people. “What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.” (Psalm 116:12-‐13) Serving together in Christ, Rev. Henry Lu General Director
二零一二年十二月 親愛的宣教夥伴們, 十一月的第四個星期四是美國的感恩節。今年的這個感恩節假期,我回到了我的母會安城華人 基督教會。五年前,我和妻子鐘凌離開美國安城來到英國的宣教工場,這也是五年中我第一次有機 會跟母會的弟兄姊妹共度感恩節。安城教會是一間很小的教會,會友中包括幾個家庭,一些老人, 很多不同年齡段的孩子,同時也有一群大學生在我們當中。教會在過去的幾年中經歷了很多挑戰, 但是神卻將忠心的領袖和願意委身的弟兄姊妹帶領到這間小小的教會中,使得來到教會的人大大蒙 福。 安城教會也因此成了神祝福的管道。在過去的五年中,教會的弟兄姊妹是我們全家在英國宣 教前線最強大的後盾,不僅在禱告上紀念我們的需要,也藉著參與短宣和經濟上的奉獻來支持我們 的事工。每次想到他們的時候,就記起使徒保羅對馬其頓教會所說的,“我可以證明:他們是按著 力量,而且也過了力量,自己甘心樂意地捐助,再三地求我們,準他們在這供給聖徒的恩情上有 份。”(哥林多後書八章 3-‐4 節)。 就在兩個星期前,我還從一位以前在安城教會的弟兄那裡收到一張卡片。這位弟兄曾經是一位 在安城讀書的學生,就在他畢業之前,他參加了 COCM 舉行的辭舊迎新學生營會。我仍然清楚地 記得他在見證中說,他來回跑了四趟並輾轉了三個不同的國家才拿到去英國的簽證,為的就是要參 加英國的短宣並支持在歐洲的宣教事工。儘管他是個不善言辭的弟兄,但是他的見證卻打動了很多 學生的心。如今,這位弟兄在美國中西部的一個城市工作,他們夫婦有三個孩子,家境並不富裕, 就像很多剛剛出來工作的學生一樣,他也面對很多挑戰。儘管他的卡片中沒有任何華麗的詞藻,但 卻勝過千言萬語,深深溫暖了我的心。 他寫道:“親愛的弟兄姊妹,你們好!我們很想念在安城的弟兄姊妹們,代我們向他們問好。 這裡的$2000 元是支持 COCM 的短宣事工;$200 money order 是給張佑輝弟兄的(聽說他要去短 宣)。” 歐洲的宣教工場廣大,很多莊稼也已經成熟。因此神將 “神恩澤僑胞,福音遍全歐”的異象賜 給 COCM。在過去的幾年中,我們的事工有很大程度的擴展,神也帶領很多有不同恩賜的同工加入 我們的宣教隊伍,藉此我們就能抓住這個傳福音的大好機會。與此同時,我們在奉獻上也需要有相 應的增長以維持我們在宣教隊伍上的壯大。 十一月早些時候,我剛剛獲悉 COCM 在今年前三個財政季度的赤字(不敷)達到十萬英鎊。 這是我們差會在近幾年遇到的最大一筆赤字額度。其中一部分原因就是全球經濟惡化,很多其他的 宣教機構和慈善組織也面臨相似的窘境。但是 COCM 若想在今後繼續開展同等規模的事工,我們 就需要全世界各地的宣教夥伴願意在奉獻上繼續支持我們。當神在歐洲的宣教工場上為我們打開更 多福音大門的時候,我們也堅信神必定會興起更多弟兄姊妹在經濟上支持我們事工的擴展。我就藉 此機會呼籲你能在禱告中求問神是否也感動你藉著奉獻來支持我們,讓我們能渡過這一次的財政危 機。 在這個感恩的季節中,讓我們一起紀念我們的主為我們所擺上的,也願意起來回應主的呼召, 就是要將這福音與更多人來分享。“我拿甚麼報答耶和華向我所賜的一切厚恩?我要舉起救恩的杯, 稱揚耶和華的名。”(詩篇一百十六章 12-‐13 節) 在主裡與你們同工的, 呂子峰牧師 總幹事
二零一二年十二月 亲爱的宣教伙伴们, 十一月的第四个星期四是美国的感恩节。今年的这个感恩节假期,我回到了我的母会安城华人 基督教会。五年前,我和妻子钟凌离开美国安城来到英国的宣教工场,这也是五年中我第一次有机 会跟母会的弟兄姊妹共度感恩节。安城教会是一间很小的教会,会友中包括几个家庭,一些老人, 很多不同年龄段的孩子,同时也有一群大学生在我们当中。教会在过去的几年中经历了很多挑战, 但是神却将忠心的领袖和愿意委身的弟兄姊妹带领到这间小小的教会中,使得来到教会的人大大蒙 福。安城教会也因此成了神祝福的管道。在过去的五年中,教会的弟兄姊妹是我们全家在英国宣教 前线最强大的后盾,不仅在祷告上纪念我们的需要,也藉着参与短宣和经济上的奉献来支持我们的 事工。每次想到他们时,就记起使徒保罗对马其顿教会所说的,“我可以证明:他们是按着力量, 而且也过了力量,自己甘心乐意地捐助,再三地求我们,准他们在这供给圣徒的恩情上有份。” (哥林多后书八章 3-‐4 节)。 就在两个星期前,我还从一位以前在安城教会的弟兄那里收到一张卡片。这位弟兄曾经是一位 在安城读书的学生,就在他毕业之前,他参加了 COCM 举行的辞旧迎新学生营会。我仍然清楚地 记得他在见证中说,他来回跑了四趟并辗转了三个不同的国家才拿到去英国的签证,为的就是要参 加英国的短宣并支持在欧洲的宣教事工。尽管他是个不善言辞的弟兄,但是他的见证却打动了很多 学生的心。如今,这位弟兄在美国中西部的一个城市工作,他们夫妇有三个孩子,家境并不富裕, 就像很多刚刚出来工作的学生一样,他也面对很多挑战。尽管他的卡片中没有任何华丽的词藻,但 却胜过千言万语,深深温暖了我的心。 他在卡片中写道:“亲爱的弟兄姊妹,你们好!我们很想念在安城的弟兄姊妹们,代我们向他 们问好。这里的$2000 元是支持 COCM 的短宣事工;$200 money order 是给张佑辉弟兄的(听说他 要去短宣)。” 欧洲的宣教工场广大,很多庄稼也已经成熟。因此神将 “神恩泽侨胞,福音遍全欧”的异象赐 给 COCM。在过去的几年中,我们的事工有很大程度的扩展,神也带领很多有不同恩赐的同工加入 我们的宣教队伍,藉此我们就能抓住这个传福音的大好机会。与此同时,我们在奉献上也需要有相 应的增长以维持我们在宣教队伍上的壮大。 十一月早些时候,我刚刚获悉 COCM 在今年前三个财政季度的赤字(不敷)达到十万英镑。 这是我们差会在近几年遇到的最大一笔赤字额度。其中一部分原因就是全球经济恶化,很多其他的 宣教机构和慈善组织也面临相似的窘境。但是 COCM 若想在今后继续开展同等规模的事工,我们 就需要全世界各地的宣教伙伴愿意在奉献上继续支持我们。当神在欧洲的宣教工场上为我们打开更 多福音大门的时候,我们也坚信神必定会兴起更多弟兄姊妹在经济上支持我们事工的扩展。我就藉 此机会呼吁你能在祷告中求问神是否也感动你藉着奉献来支持我们,让我们能渡过这一次的财政危 机。 在这个感恩的季节中,让我们一起纪念我们的主为我们所摆上的,也愿意起来回应主的呼召, 就是要将福音与更多人来分享。“我拿什么报答耶和华向我所赐的一切厚恩?我要举起救恩的杯, 称扬耶和华的名。”(诗篇一百十六章 12-‐13 节) 在主里与你们同工的,
吕子峰牧师 总干事
A snapshot of Henry's family in July 2007, right after some COCM USA Board members and ACCC brothers and sisters dropped them off at Boston airport for their flight to London to begin their missionary journey. The boy in the poster on their right raised his arm as if to cheer them on. 這張照片攝於 2007 年七月我們全家即將離開美國前來英國之時。當時,安城教會和 COCM 美國委員會的弟兄姊 妹將我們送到波士頓機場,我們正巧經過一幅廣告,上面的小男孩彷彿舉起他的手臂擺出一個“加油”的動作。
Photo of Henry with some ACCC brothers and sisters at a Thanksgiving gathering in 2012. They were all raising their arms to show their commitment to cheer and support their missionaries. 這張照片攝於剛剛過去的這個感恩節,安城教會的弟兄姊妹也都擺出了“加油”的動作來鼓勵和支持我們這些在 歐洲的宣教士。