Letter from the Director-2013-03

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March 2013 Dear mission partners, We give thanks to the Lord, who called upon people into the mission field and added to our COCM team young missionaries who are committed to serve Him in various locations. I am very happy to share that two of such young missionary trainees will be going into their designated mission field and start to serve with the local Chinese congregation from this March. For many years, Bristol is one of the key places the Mission has been committed to support. We also have a very close partnership with Bristol Chinese Christian Church. This city has a sizable Chinese population and a quality university attracting thousands of Chinese students each year. Starting in March, we are sending Patrice Li to serve with the church. She will be helping to develop the manda-­‐ rin ministry focusing on the Chinese students and new immigrants. At the same time, she will serve with the English ministry at the church to strengthen and encourage the second-­‐generation young people. These are also the three priority target groups that COCM is aiming to reach in the UK and Europe in the next decade. Canterbury, as a historical city located near the southeastern coast of UK, is a significant place not only because of its magnificent cathedral but also many universities and language schools seeing a large amount of Chinese students pouring in. Canterbury Chinese Christian Fellowship has been dedi-­‐ cated to reach out to the Chinese population, especially the Chinese students for the past 5 years. They have been in contact with COCM and together we have been praying for student worker to join in their student ministry. Starting from the first weekend in March, Min Yin will be sent to serve with the students through the fellowship. We are so happy to see that young people like Patrice and Min joining us as full-­‐time missionaries. We’ve always been praying for more young people to join our army in the UK to serve this genera-­‐ tion and they are God’s answered prayers. Although both of them are young, their energy and con-­‐ nection with the younger generation will be their strength. Both of them will need your prayers as well as financial support when they embark on this journey of faith. Please join me to pray that they will continue to build themselves up in God’s most holy faith and keep themselves in God’s love. If you want to support them financially, please click “Provision” under “How to Help” column on our website (http://www.cocm.org.uk/) or get in touch with us (cocm@cocm.org.uk) for further details. May our merciful and faithful Father protect our young workers and guide them as they begin this journey of service. Serving together in Christ, Rev. Henry Lu General Director

二零一三年三月 親愛的宣教夥伴們, 感謝主曾呼召很多宣教士進入到歐洲的宣教工場,祂如今也繼續呼召年輕的一代宣教士起 來加入我們歐洲宣教的行列。我在這裡很高興的向大家介紹新近加入我們宣教士行列的兩位年 輕同工──李苾琪姊妹和殷敏姊妹。從今年的三月開始,她們就將進入各自的宣教工場。 布里斯托是英國的一個重要宣教工場,在過去的很多年中,我們都致力於幫助當地華人教 會的各項事工,尤其是與布里斯托華人基督教會建立起了緊密的宣教夥伴關係。布里斯托華人 數量眾多,而布里斯托大學以其高質量的教學每年都吸引著成百上千的中國留學生。從三月開 始,我們差派李苾琪姊妹前往布里斯托華人基督教會,參與教會的服事,尤其是幫助教會發展 針對中國留學生和新移民的國語事工。同時,她也將兼顧教會英文部的一部分服事,鼓勵和建 造在那裡的第二代華裔青年人。而以上所提到的三個群體也正是差會在未來五到十年中優先佈 道和栽培的對象。 肯特伯利位於英國東南部沿海地區,是一座歷史悠久的古城。這座城市不僅擁有氣勢宏偉 的肯特伯利大教堂,更有多間大學和語言學校,擁有數量眾多的中國留學生在此求學。肯特伯 利華人基督徒團契創始於五年多以前,從創立之初就一直委身於向當地華人尤其是留學生傳福 音的事工中。團契的弟兄姊妹一直跟 COCM 保持著良好的關係,我們也一直在禱告中共同尋求 神的旨意,盼望神能興起一位學生事工的同工進入團契與他們同工。從三月的第一個週末開始, 差會就將差派殷敏姊妹前往團契,正式成為那裡學生事工的同工。 我們實在是滿心歡喜看到像苾琪和殷敏這樣的年輕人能加入我們的團隊,成為全時間服事 的宣教士。我們一直以來的禱告就是盼望看見有更多年輕人加入到我們的隊伍中,而神藉著她 們的委身回應了我們的禱告。儘管她們還年輕,但是她們充滿活力,同時也跟年輕的一代人更 能產生共鳴。當然,當她們踏上這條信心之路的時候,她們也十分需要大家用禱告托住她們的 服事,並在經濟上支持她們事工的需要。請跟我一起為她們禱告,願神幫助她們在至聖的真道 上造就自己,並保守自己常在神的愛中。若你有感動,想在經濟上支持她們,請訪問我們的網 站 (http://www.cocm.org.uk/) 中“支持我們”一欄並點擊“奉獻支持”獲取奉獻詳情或與我們 聯繫 (cocm@cocm.org.uk) 獲得進一步的資訊。願慈悲信實的天父保守和帶領這些年輕宣教士 今後將要走上的服事道路。 在主裡與你們同工的, 呂子峰牧師 總幹事

二零一三年三月 亲爱的宣教伙伴们, 感谢主曾呼召很多宣教士进入到欧洲的宣教工场,祂如今也继续呼召年轻的一代宣教士起 来加入我们欧洲宣教的行列。我在这里很高兴的向大家介绍新近加入我们宣教士行列的两位年 轻同工——李苾琪姊妹和殷敏姊妹。从今年的三月开始,她们就将进入各自的宣教工场。 布里斯托是英国的一个重要宣教工场,在过去的很多年中,我们都致力于帮助当地华人教 会的各项事工,尤其是与布里斯托华人基督教会建立起了紧密的宣教伙伴关系。布里斯托华人 数量众多,而布里斯托大学以其高质量的教学每年都吸引着成百上千的中国留学生。从三月开 始,我们差派李苾琪姊妹前往布里斯托华人基督教会,参与教会的服事,尤其是帮助教会发展 针对中国留学生和新移民的国语事工。同时,她也将兼顾教会英文部的一部分服事,鼓励和建 造在那里的第二代华裔青年人。而以上所提到的三个群体也正是差会在未来五到十年中优先佈 道和栽培的对象。 肯特伯利位于英国东南部沿海地区,是一座历史悠久的古城。这座城市不仅拥有气势宏伟 的肯特伯利大教堂,更有多间大学和语言学校,拥有数量众多的中国留学生在此求学。肯特伯 利华人基督徒团契创始于五年多以前,从创立之初就一直委身于向当地华人尤其是留学生传福 音的事工中。团契的弟兄姊妹一直跟 COCM 保持着良好的关系,我们也一直在祷告中共同寻求 神的旨意,盼望神能兴起一位学生事工同工进入团契与他们同工。从三月的第一个周末开始, 差会就将差派殷敏姊妹前往团契,正式成为那里学生事工的同工。 我们实在是满心欢喜看到像苾琪和殷敏这样的年轻人能加入我们的团队,成为全时间服事 的宣教士。我们一直以来的祷告就是盼望看见有更多年轻人加入到我们的队伍中,而神藉着她 们的委身回应了我们的祷告。尽管她们还年轻,但是她们充满活力,同时也跟年轻的一代人更 能产生共鸣。当然,当她们踏上这条信心之路的时候,她们也十分需要大家用祷告托住她们的 服事,并在经济上支持她们事工的需要。请跟我一起为她们祷告,愿神帮助她们在至圣的真道 上造就自己,并保守自己常在神的爱中。若你有感动,想在经济上支持她们,请访问我们的网 站 (http://www.cocm.org.uk/) 中“支持我们”一栏并点击“奉献支持”获取奉献详情或与我们 联系 (cocm@cocm.org.uk) 获得进一步的资讯。愿慈悲信实的天父保守和带领这些年轻宣教士 今后将要走上的服事道路。 在主里与你们同工的, 吕子峰牧师 总干事

COCM staff workers and volunteers were praying for Patrice before she went off to Bristol. 在苾琪前往布里斯托前,COCM 眾同工和義工們為她禱告祝福。

The brothers and sisters at Min’s church were laying hands on her at the commissioning service. 在殷敏的差遣禮上,差派教會的弟兄姊妹為她按手禱告。

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