Letter from the Director-2013-04

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April 2013 Dear mission partners, Praise the Lord for a busy but fruitful March. We were richly blessed by God’s amazing grace working through us. In early March, we organized our first B.E.S.T. (Biblical Enrichment Short Training) training camp in this year. It was designed to equip the brothers and sisters who have a burden to share the Good News with others. We aimed to help them discover their spiritual gifts so that they can serve more effectively at local churches and fellowships. Those who came to the camp enjoyed the training and we also had good fellowship with these young people. Easter came early this year. Most COCM workers were involved in four Easter Camps across the UK. Many people, young and old, were blessed through these camps by joining our Lord’s journey to Calvary, remembering His suffering on the Cross and celebrating His glorious Res-­‐ urrection on the third day. We were reminded once again that the cost of our sins has been paid by our Lord once for all and the love He has freely lavished upon us is abundant. By His wounds we are healed and by His grace we are empowered to be different. During the camps, many gave their broken and contrite hearts to the Lord and some of them even committed themselves to serve the Lord wholeheartedly. In our Mandarin Easter Camp held in the mission centre, 8 out of 11 seekers made the most important decisions in their lives to follow Jesus. I was also excited to witness that more than 10 people stood up responding to God’s calling into full-­‐time service in the future. While we were happy to see many lives being touched and transformed by God’s power, we sensed that the devils were also busy at work. Even before the kick off of these camps, our staff workers had already experienced the spiritual warfare, but we thank God that He sus-­‐ tained us all the way through. This is an ongoing spiritual battle. As we are moving forward, there are many challenges lying ahead. God has opened many doors for our ministry. We earnestly covet your prayers. May God always lead us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him (2 Corinthians 2: 14). Serving together in Christ,

Rev. Henry Lu General Director

二零一三年四月 親愛的宣教夥伴們, 感謝主我們不僅渡過了繁忙的三月,祂還藉著在我們身上的工作,讓我們眾人領受 祂豐盛的恩典。三月總共有五場營會,COCM 主辦或是參與了這幾場營會。三月初,在 我們的宣教中心舉辦了今年的第一場 B.E.S.T. (Biblical Enrichment Short Training) 訓練營, 這次的營會旨在幫助有心志服事的弟兄姊妹學習如何更有效地傳福音,同時發掘自身的 屬靈恩賜從而能更好地服事教會和團契。前來參加的弟兄姊妹都在學習中受益匪淺,我 們也很享受與這些年輕人在一起的時光。 今年的復活節來地特別早。三月底,我們大多數的同工就開始忙碌於英國各地的四 場營會中。很多前來參加營會的人都藉著這些營會重溫耶穌的十架苦路,再一次紀念祂 十架捨身的大愛,並歡慶祂第三日榮耀的復活。我們再一次回想耶穌為我們的罪而付上 的代價,祂的愛就這樣白白地給我們,因著祂的鞭傷我們得醫治,因著祂的恩典我們可 以不再一樣。在這個特殊的節日中,很多人向主獻上了憂傷痛悔的心,其中的一些人更 立志要全心服事主。雖然在我們宣教中心舉行的復活節國語營會是培靈性質的,可是仍 然有八位慕道友決志信主。我也很高興看到有十幾位弟兄姊妹起立回應神全職服事的呼 召。 我們一方面為著很多生命被主觸摸,被主改變而歡欣鼓舞,但是同時撒旦也不放過 任何一個破壞我們工作的機會。就在營會開始前的一段時間中,我們的同工都經歷了各 類屬靈的爭戰,但是感謝神,祂保守我們安然渡過,並揀選我們這些不配的人成為祂祝 福的管道。 這是一場持久的屬靈戰鬥。當我們繼續向前邁進的時候,前方還有很多的挑戰等著 我們。神為我們的事工打開了很多大門,因此我們也就更需要你的代禱和支持。願那常 率領我們在基督裡誇勝的神,能藉著我們在各處顯揚那因認識基督而有的香氣(哥林多 後書二章 14 節)。 在主裡與你們同工的,

呂子峰牧師 總幹事

二零一三年四月 亲爱的宣教伙伴们, 感谢主我们不仅渡过了繁忙的三月,祂还藉着在我们身上的工作,让我们众人领受 祂丰盛的恩典。三月总共有五场营会,COCM 主办或是参与了这几场营会。三月初,在 我们的宣教中心举办了今年的第一场 B.E.S.T. (Biblical Enrichment Short Training)训练营, 这次的营会旨在帮助有心志服事的弟兄姊妹学习如何更有效地传福音,同时发掘自身的 属灵恩赐从而能更好地服事教会和团契。前来参加的弟兄姊妹都在学习中受益匪浅,我 们也很享受与这些年轻人在一起的时光。 今年的复活节来地特别早。三月底,我们大多数的同工就开始忙碌于英国各地的四 场营会中。很多前来参加营会的人都藉着这些营会重温耶稣的十架苦路,再一次纪念祂 十架捨身的大爱,并欢庆祂第三日荣耀的复活。我们再一次回想耶稣为我们的罪而付上 的代价,祂的爱就这样白白地给我们,因着祂的鞭伤我们得医治,因着祂的恩典我们可 以不再一样。在这个特殊的节日中,很多人向主献上了忧伤痛悔的心,其中的一些人更 立志要全心服事主。虽然在我们宣教中心举行的复活节国语营会是培灵性质的,可是仍 然有八位慕道友决志信主。我也很高兴看到有十几位弟兄姊妹起立回应神全职服事的呼 召。 我们一方面为着很多生命被主触摸,被主改变而欢欣鼓舞,但是同时撒旦也不放过 任何一个破坏我们工作的机会。就在营会开始前的一段时间中,我们的同工都经历了各 类属灵的争战,但是感谢神,祂保守我们安然渡过,并拣选我们这些不配的人成为祂祝 福的管道。 这是一场持久的属灵战斗。当我们继续向前迈进的时候,前方还有很多的挑战等着 我们。神为我们的事工打开了很多大门,因此我们也就更需要你的代祷和支持。愿那常 率领我们在基督里夸胜的神,能藉着我们在各处显扬那因认识基督而有的香气(哥林多 后书二章 14 节)。 在主里与你们同工的,

吕子峰牧师 总干事

A new-­‐born Christian were hugged by many others. 一位剛剛信主的弟兄接受來自組員的擁抱。

Dear Lord, we look up to you and may your face shine upon us. 親愛的主,我們抬頭仰望,願你用臉光照我們。

The candle lights represent the commitment of these young people 年輕人們在燭光中立志全心擺上

8 young people made the most important decisions in their lives 八位年輕人做出了他們人生中最重要的決定

Breathless – South England Easter Conferece Breathless - 南英倫復活節營會

Unchanging God – Midland Easter Conference 昔在今在永在的神──英國中部復活節營會

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